SOUTH PACIFIC LIST OF ESSENTIAL DRUGS First Edition, 1979 Adopted by the WHO/SPEC MEETING ON TECHNICAL COOPERATION AMONG SOUTH PACIFIC COUNTRIES/AREAS IN PHARMACEUTICAL SUPPLIES Suva, Fiji q-8 Dece_ber 1978 Sponsored by the World Health Organization Regional Orfice for the Western Pacific and the South Pacific Bureau for Econo.ic Cooperation Not for Sale Printed and Distributed by the Regional Office for the Western Pacific of the World Health Organization Hanila, Philippines - i - NOTE BY THE SECRETARIAT At the WHO/SPEC meeting in Suva, 4-8 December 1978, it was agreed that the South Pacific List of Essential Drugs, as adopted, be published and disseminated. There was substantial discussion at the meeting, based on a combined list of drugs being used in five South Pacific countries, viz. Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Tonga. The list adopted by the meeting - included a substantial number of the drugs of the WHO model list of essential drugs contained in WHO Technical Report Series No. 615; excluded the remainder of the drugs of the WHO model list of essential drugs, because the demand for them in the South Pacific countries/areas is either non-existent or insignificant; included a number of drugs not currently included in the WHO model list of essential drugs: these inclusions and the reasons for their inclusion are set out below; excluded a number of drugs not currently included in the WHO model list of essential drugs and which are being used in one or more of the South PaCific countries/areas, but which the meeting considered were not essential, not required or where the need for the drug can be more appropriately met by one of the drugs included in the South Pacific List of Essential Drugs. General reasons for inclusion of drugs which are not in the WHO model list of essential drugs are: A: current practice in one or more of the South Pacific countries/areas; B: less expensive than other drugs used for the same purpose. ANAESTHETICS General anaesth!tics ketamine hydrochloride: A ANALGESICS, ANTIPYRETICS, NONSTEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS AND ANTI GOUT DRUGS codeine compound tablets (BP): limited use, for cases where simple analgesics, e.g. acetylsalicylic acid and/or paracetamol, are ineffective phenylbutazone: A, B probenicid: A and also being included for adjunct treatment with penicillins (see Antibacterial drugs) - 11 - ANALGESICS, NARCOTICS AND NARCOTIC ANTAGONISTS nalorph1ne hydroohlor1de: A, B, to be superseded when the pr1ce of naloxone 1s substant1ally reduoed ANTIALLERGICS Ant1histamines promethazine hydr~ohlor1de: B, an alternative antihistamine ANTIDOTES, CHELATING AGENTS, ETC. deferoxamine mesilate: used in the treatment of acute iron poisoning Fuller's earth: treatment of paraquat pOisoning ipecaouanha: A, emetic ANTIEPILEPTICS paraldehyde: also used for non-epileptic oonvulsions sodium valproate: an ant1epilept1c which oan be efreotive in patients who do not raspond to other ant1ep11ept1c drugs ANTI INFECTIVE DRUGS Antibacter1al drugS amox1c1111n: an alternative to ampioillin clindamyc1n hydroohloride: A, used to treat osteomyelitis nitrofurantoin: A, B, treataent of ur1nary tract infections which do not respond to other therapy oxytetraoyoline hydroohloride: A, an alternative to tetraoyoline probeneoid: adjunct treatment with penioillins sulfa.ethlzo1el A, 8, an alternative drua for the treatmant of urinary traot infections Antiprotozoal druss !n!1!a!a!i~l~ dapsone with pyriaethamine: ourrently reoommended for prophylaxis of chloroquine-resistant malarias sulfadox1ne with pyrimethamine: currently reco.. ended for prophylaxis and treatment of chloroquine-resistant malarias - iii - Systemic antifungal drugs nystatin: A ANTINEOPLASTIC DRUGS calcium folinate: chlorambucil: A, drugs used in oncology mercaptopurine: BLOOD AND HAEHATOPOIETIC SYSTEM DRUGS Antianaemia drugs ferric ammonimum citrate: B, iron preparation for children Plasma substitutes polygeline (Haemaccel): useful for emergencies Plasma fractions for specific uses albumin, normal human serum: antihaemophilic concentrate (dried): fibrinogen (dried): A plasma protein, stable solution: P.P.S.B. (coagulation factors II, VII, IX, X, concentrate): CARDIOSVASCULAR DRUGS Antihypertensive drugs pentolinium tartrate: A sodium nitropruseide: A, an effective agent for hypertensive crisis Drugs used in shock metaraminol bitartrate: A DERMATOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS Topical Antiinfective benzoin compound tincture: A, inexpensive wound dressing cetrimonium bromide: A, for preparation of antiseptic cream, solution, etc. - iv - chlorhexidine gluconate: A, antiseptic cream chlorhexidine gluconate with cetrimide: A, antiseptic solution for topical use crystal violet: A, aqueous solution to treat skin infections hydrogen peroxide: A, mild disinfectant for topical use potassium permanganate: A, aqueous solution is a mild disinfectant silver sulfadiazine: A, cream is used to treat burns tetracycline hydrochloride: A, ointment is an alternative antibiotic topical preparation Antiinflammatory drugs ichthammol: A, used to treat chronic skin diseeses, including inflammatory conditions of ichthammol with glycerol: the external ear ichthammol ointment: Astringents calamine: A, mild skin astringent zinc oxide: A, mild skin astringent DIAGNOSTIC AGENTS Acetest: Albustix: Clinist1x: Clinitest: A, preparations for urine teeting Diastix: Labstix: Uristix: fluorescein sodium: A, for detection of corneal lesions or foreign bodies in the eye vasopressin tannate: A, renal function testing DIURETICS amiloride hydrochloride: potaaa1U11-sav1ng diuretic, alternative to tr1aJlterene oyclopenthiazide: alternat1ve thiazide diuretio to hydroohlorothiazide - v - EAR, NOSE, THROAT (ENT) spirit ear drops: A, B ephedrine hydrochloride nasal drops: A, B GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS Antacids magnesium trisilloate compound mixture/tablets: A, alternative to magnesium hydroxide preparations Antiemetics metoclopramide: effective antiemetic; for restrioted use (expensive) proohlorperazine (maleate, meailate): alternative antiemetic to promethazine AntispasllOdica belladonna tincture: A, for incluaion in liquid oral preparations propantheline bromide: A, also uaeful for chronic neurogenic incontinence of Urine Cathartics bisacodyl: A glycerol suppository: A magnesium sulfate powder: A sodium dioatyl sulfoeuacinate with danthron: A Diarrhoea kaolin: kaolin and morphine mixture: A kaolln aixture for inrants: I - vi - HORHON&'> Adrenal hormones and eynthetic aubstitutes methylprednisolone acetate: A, for intra-articular injection prednisone: alternative to prednisolone Contraceptives ethynodiol diacetate with mestranol: an alternative progestogen­ estrogen combination medroxyprogesterone aoetate: long-acting injectible contracceptive norethisterone with mestranol: alternative progestogen-eatrogen combinations norgeatrel with ethinyleatradiol: Estrosens diethylatilbestrol: used for the treatment of prostatic carCinoma Inaul1na insulin zinc suspension (amorphoua): insulin zinc suspenaion (cryatalline): A isophane insulin: protamine zinc inaulin: Thyroid hormone. and antasonist. oarb1mazole: A, alternative to propylthiouracil HYPOOLYCAEHIC DRUGS, ORAL chlorpropamide: A, B metformin: A, limited use tolbutamide: A, B IHHUI«lLOGICALS Sera and immunoslcbulins immunoglobulin, human antitetanua: A, preferred over tetanua antitoxin atone fish ant1vellOll: 1 - vii - Vaccines cholera vaccine: yellow fever vaocine: • travel requirement of some governments MUSCLE RELAXANTS (PERIPHERALLY ACTING) AND ANTAGONISTS pancuronium bromide: A OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS Topical Antl1nfective chloramphenicol: A oxytetracycline: alternative to tetracycline Antiinflammatory betamethasone sodium phosphete: A, alternatives to hydrooortisone prednisolone sodium phosphate: MioUoa physost1lmine: A MydrbUos atropine sulfate: A oyolopentolate hydroohloride: A phenylephrine hydroohloride: A PREPARATIONS CORRECTING WATER, ELECTROLYTE AND ACID-BASE DISTURBANCES Ilucose in 1/2-atrensth Darrow's solution: A potasaium ohloride tablet: A PSYCOOTIIERAPEUTIC DRUGS amobarbitel sodium: A chloral hydrate: A trifluoperazine hydroohloride: A, an alternative phenothiazine - viii - RESPIRATORY TRACT, DRUGS ACTING ON THE Antiasthmatio drugs beclometasone dlpropionate: non-systemio oorticosteroid prophylaxis of asthma attaoks cromoglicic acid: prophylaxis of asthma orciprenaline sulfate: an alternative to salbutamol theophylline with ephedrine hydrochloride and phenobarbital: A Antltuasives "cough mixture": A "cough mixture for infants": VITAHINS AND HINERALS vitamin B group with ascorbic acid injection: A, for use in malnutrition states MISCELLANEOUS DRUGS boric acid: to manufacture Eusol chlorinated lime: ood liver oil ointment: for treatment of burns dimeticone oream: for use by stoma tees emulSifying ointment: base for topical preparations formaldehyde solution: preserving agent lubricating jelly, surgical: A magnesium sulfate paste: A, topioal use methyl salicylate liniment: A, for muscular sprains monoethanolamine oleate injection: A, treatment of varicose veins oily cream (BP): base for topical preparations silver nitrate: for manufacture of silver sulfadiazine cream turpentine liniment: A, rubefacient for muscular conditions INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 1. ·The South Pacific List of Essential Drugs is based on the WHO model list of essential drugs contained in the WHO Technical Report Series No. 615, "The selection of essential drugs". In compiling the list, due consideration was given to local experience and practice. 2. A plus sign
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