The New Audio Study Reaching the Spoti Listener in Indonesia

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The New Audio Study Reaching the Spoti Listener in Indonesia The New Audio Study Reaching the Spoti listener in Indonesia Study compares Spoti 15+ Major Radio Networks 1,000+ Respondents users with radio listeners After being in the For 15-64YO listeners, Spoti delivers market for one year... % Spoti provides signicant weekly incremental 19.5 incremental reach to all radio stations in Indonesia unique weekly reach* Prambors FM 36.9% 14.4% 9.9% Gen FM 27.2% 11.6% 12.7% Jak FM 22.5% 9.7% 14.5% Delta FM 18.9% 6.4% 17.9% Hard Rock FM 18.5% 6.6% 17.7% I-radio 14.3% 5.1% 19.2% Fe Male Radio 11.2% 3.6% 20.7% Unique reach station Duplication t Others 4.3% 4.0% 22.5% Unique reach Spoti t Figures are an average across Virgin Radio Jakarta, Ardan Radio, RDI - Radio Dangdut Indonesia, Rama FM, Brava Radio, Smooth, KLCBS Radio, Radio Dahlia - Bandung N=1003 interviews For 15-24YO listeners, Spoti is the 3rd largest “radio station”, providing 25.8% incremental weekly reach 53% 41% 31% 30% 17% 16% 14% 13% Prambors FM Gen FM Spoti Jak FM Hard Rock Delta FM Virgin Radio I-radio FM Jakarta The following stations were not featured in the study above – Ardan Radio, RDI - Radio Dangut Indonesia, Rama FM, Brava Radio, Smooth, KLCBS Radio, Radio Dahlia - Bandung N=197 interviews Spoti & Kantar TNS research [email protected] for Brands How do Spoti users dier from radio listeners? Spoti users stream Spoti users stream throughout music during key the day, while radio listeners tune moments of the day in during commute hours Chill / Relaxing 43% Surng the net 41% Focus / Working 33% Driving 31% Commuting 21% Before 6am 10am 12pm 2pm 4pm 6pm 8pm After Housekeeping 21% 6am Midnight Working out 18% Spoti Users Radio Listeners N=320 interviews with Spotify users N=319 interviews with Spoti users N=861 interviews with radio listeners Spoti users are digitally Spoti users are 10% savvy and are more likely to more likely to shop for … make purchase decisions based on online feedback Spotify users are % 49% ELECTRONIC CLOTHING SPEAKERS . HH APPLIANCES 195 41% more likely to seek advice from social networks or forums when making product & service decisions GAMING ONLINE HEADPHONES CONSOLES GAMES Spoti Radio Users Listeners N=250 interviews with Spoti users N=247 interviews with Spoti users N=832 interviews with radio listeners N=849 interviews with radio listeners Spoti & Kantar TNS research [email protected] for Brands .
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