The SCBWI Tokyo Newsletter Spring/Summer 2010 Carp Tales is the bi-annual newsletter of the Tokyo chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). The newsletter includes SCBWI Tokyo chapter and member news, upcoming events, a bulletin board of announcements related to writing and illustrating for children in Japan, reports of past events, information on industry trends, interviews with authors and illustrators, and other articles related to children’s literature. To submit inquiries or learn how to contribute to Carp Tales, contact
[email protected]. The submission deadline is May 1 for the spring issue and November 1 for the fall issue. All articles and illustrations in Carp Tales are © SCBWI Tokyo and the contributing writers and illustrators. For more information about SCBWI Tokyo, see The Carp Tales logo is © Naomi Kojima. From the Editors Contents included a broad range of events for SCBWI Tokyo. Patrick Gannon led the From the Editors ................................1 From cut-paper art to children’s book translation, the first half of 2010 by planning and preparations for the March Bologna Children’s Book Fair, SCBWI Tokyo Event Wrap-Ups ..........2 wherefirst workshop Yoko Yoshizawa, of the year our in Assistant cut-paper Regional illustration. Advisor February and Illustrator was consumed Moribito II Named Coordinator, represented SCBWI Tokyo. April brought a visit from author Jane Kurtz who gave a vivid presentation on the importance of using details Batchelder Honor Book .....................4 in writing. May brought a long-awaited visit from Simon & Schuster art Batchelder, Marsh Awards director Laurent Linn, for a full day devoted to children’s book illustration, including a morning master class for illustrators.