[email protected] FADE IN: EXT. BEACH - SUNSET An orange glow on the ocean. Two young lovers, CHLOE and ANTONIO, hold each other tenderly in their arms. CHLOE But Antonio, I never want you to leave! ANTONIO I must! I’ve killed my brother. His blood is on my hands. Antonio steps back, holds his hands up. They’re literally covered in blood. CHLOE Oh, Antonio, kiss me one last time! The two share a long, passionate kiss as the wind blows through their hair. INT. BOJACK’S HOUSE - DAY BOJACK and HOLLYHOCK sit on the sofa, BEATRICE on the armchair, all watching the soap opera on TV. Hollyhock and Beatrice look enamored, BoJack looks disgusted. BOJACK So she’s just going to make out with a murderer and not question it? HOLLYHOCK They’re in love, BoJack. It doesn’t matter who he killed. BOJACK Well, I’m glad to see these kind of shows are teaching you strong moral values. A KNOCK on the front door. BoJack heads over, as he opens the door... 2. BOJACK (CONT'D) Yes, this is the house of the incredibly famous and handsome BoJack Horseman. Autographs will cost... He notices no one is standing there. He looks down, sees a package. BOJACK (CONT'D) Oh. He takes the package inside, rips it open, takes out the papers, looks them over. Hollyhock comes over to him. HOLLYHOCK What’s that? BOJACK Your birth certificate results. HOLLYHOCK And? BoJack shakes his head “no.” HOLLYHOCK (CONT'D) Oh.