Bojack Horseman Jump Jump Chain Compliant

Intro text intro text intro text ((Replica of Bojack's House after a massive party, expect Coordinator was the host and the guests are all passed out or hung over extradimension beings.))

Starting time: 1 month before the show starts

Race: Free Choice. Pick what you want. People are still people. Animals fall around 50 - 60% on the furry scale, with some being notably higher (fish and insects). Animal-people have at least some of the animal abilities of their namesake. Owls can see in the dark, most birds can fly, fish can breathe underwater, that kind of stuff. Some don't have any noticeable bonus.

Locations: 1. Sarah Lynn's House 2. Bojack's House 3. Under the sea 4. Maine 5. New Mexico 6. Hollywood Police Department (currently having a very spirited discussion about what kind of cop Meow Meow Fuzzy Face is) 7. The Giggleship 8. Free Choice

Backgrounds: Drop-In – Based on Todd mainly. Actor, Failed – Based on Bojack and Sarah Lynn. Basically a washed up actor who had a few successful projects roughly 20 years ago, but who has little going on for them right now. Writer – Based on Diane. Writer still early in their career, doing small time gigs for websites. Agent – Princess Caroline, Rutabaga Rabbitowitz, Vanessa Gecko, Beared assistant. What it sounds like, Jumper would start off as an established agent, currently between clients but that will change with a little work.

Perks: All Backgrounds get one of the 100 CP Perks for free and a discount on the others under that category.

Drop-In: (Meta Talents) 100 CP – Lovably Irritating – Can annoy your friends, they'll write it off as quirky or charming. 200 CP – “I'll only be here one night, I swear!” - Ultimate mooching ability. 400 CP – Accidental Genius – You're a lazy goof, but the few things you do attempt turn into gold no matter what. Write a bad rock opera? Everyone will trample each other to get tickets to see it. Start your own Disneyland? You'll somehow win the Cease and Desist lawsuit and thousands of people will attend to play on your wildly unsafe rides. The longer you are lazy between attempts at productivity, the wilder your successes will be when you actually try. 600 CP -

Actor, Failed: (Self-Improvement/Empowerment) 100 CP - “I'm not an actor” - Can fake your way through most conversations without really knowing what you're saying. 200 CP – One Random Act of Kindness – Underneath all the grime, you are still a good person... or at least you try to be. Sometimes all you need is a little push to be the person you really want to be. By making the world a little bit of a better place for a random person, you can push yourself to temporarily be a better person in general. (Maybe reword) 400 CP – “Am I a good person?” – Can momentarily strip away all the lies you tend to tell yourself and see who you really are. Partly terrifying, partly inspiring, the practical upshot of this is that in moments when your mind is controlled or on the verge of breaking you gain a sudden surge of willpower to pull you back from the brink. Won't work if used constantly. 600 CP – “It gets easier... – ... but you have to do it every day. The longer you work towards some personal goal, be it training a new skill, learning a new language, or even trying to work through your deep personal issues, it becomes less of an effort over time. Even better, your efforts slowly start paying better dividends over time. Simply put, your “training” gets easier and becomes twice as effective by the end of your first year of effort and levels off there. You may only “train” one thing at a time and should you skip a day, all your benefits evaporate and you have to start again.

Agent: (Companion Booster/Moral) 100 CP – Lifeguard – Determination booster, phrased that when people are struggling around you, it only makes you want to help that much more. 200 CP - “You've gotta get your shit together!” - Can give pep talks that actually work, even if the two of you hate each other. 400 CP – The Movie Star Speech – There will always be someone there to encourage you when you hit your low points. Sometimes it'll just be a phone call and a few kind words. Other times you'll find a shield suddenly guarding your back from an unlikely ally. 600 CP – Celebrity Wrangler – Ability to convince, threaten, and or badger even the most difficult of people into being useful.

Writer: (Self-Deception/Social Manipulation) 100 CP – Ghost Writer – You gain a boost to your writing ability, both in creativity and technical ability. 200 CP - “It's Never Too Late!” - Ability to figure out what people want to hear and give it to them, even if it's no where near the truth. Helps in pushing people in a certain direction, but only for a while. 400 CP – 600 CP – Making a Difference – You don't just think you're right, you know it. ((Force of personality booster))

Undiscounted Perks: Anchorman (100 CP) – Can always get an idea across in a few, short, easy to understand sentences. Comes with a free Newscaster voice upgrade.

300 CP – Do you want to hear a joke? - Can give out pretty insightful life advice, but only in the form of short, pointless stories you call “jokes”. Practical upshot is that you can make others realize a different way of looking at their issues that they hadn't thought of, making them more willing to face them.

“Obviously three kids in a trenchcoat” (??? CP) – Literally the Vincent Adultman perk. Makes you an all around better liar and allows you to fool people with “great” disguises.



Warts and All Biography (One Free to All): Everyone gets a personal biography of their past Jumps, written by the quite talented . This book will also continue to update itself as you continue on your journey, faithfully recording the decades and events contained within. It will always remain roughly the size of a coffee table book no matter how long it becomes and never grow any heavier as additional pages are added. Your biography can take one of two tones, decided right now, which you will be unable to change . Diane's Vision – This edition focuses less on the actual events as they happened and more on a cutting, in-depth look at the person behind the Jumper. You will still have a rough idea of how events unfolded, but the stories will be focused on smaller, more personal moments described in a way that is meant to reveal the underlying personality of the Jumper. Even the most heroic of Jumpers may be surprised to see the painful truths revealed within. Still, those who read this book will not only understand the Jumper better, but ultimately realize they are not so different after all. Actual Biography – A bit of a dry read, but this edition faithfully records every event of note, large or small. A lot of the sentences begin with the dreaded “And then,” phrase that makes people want to use it as a pillow. However, it can be counted on to be a faithful, unbiased account of your actions. Others may struggle to read the entire book, but you will always be able to reference it when your memory is lacking. You may occasionally find small details that prove to be of vital importance to what is currently going on in your life.

Cotton Candy Machine (50 CP) – Yep, that's right, a machine that makes delicious, fluffy cotton candy. As much of it as you want. Just flick a switch and it will crank out spun sugar in one of three different colors. Which three? Pink. All three colors are different shades of pink. At least you'll never have to refill it.

Apple Fritters (50 CP) – A simple box of apple fritters. Eternally warm, delicious, and never in danger of going stale. You get three boxes that refill each day. As an added bonus, I've removed half the calories from each of the pastries. No reason you can't indulge and keep your figure.

Box of Muffins (50 CP) – These muffins are, well, pretty standard as far as boxed muffins go. They don't taste especially delicious and eating the whole box at once may leave you feeling faintly sick. But at least Neal McBeal the Navy Seal won't get to enforce his dibs! Because his dibs were null and void! Includes an assortment of flavors and the box refills every day.

Drum of Nguyen Chum (50 CP) – Serious, what's wrong with you? Why would you buy this? Okay, sure, fine, have a blast. This standard 50 gallon metal drum contains the chummed remains of Diane Nguyen's father, including the clothes he was wearing at the time. The Nguyen family really is a special kind of stupid.

Bucket of Zima and New Coke (50 CP) – This is a simple red bucket filled with ice and twelve bottles of each Zima and New Coke. They will always be perfectly chilled, freshly carbonated, and “tasty”. A blast from the past that will never run out! That's right, each evening you will find the bucket refilled with ice and drinks. At least you could use the ice in better drinks.

George Takai Inspirational Tapes (100 CP) – These self-help tapes are just what you need to stop being the horrible Jumper that you are and get on the right track! You'll learn that everything is a metaphor, just waiting for you to see and conquer them. Conquering metaphors is key to being a better you and one of them many steps to being the best you possible. So get out there and visualize those metaphors! Practically, listening to these tapes can help you become a better person, if you want to be. If nothing else they make you feel like one for a little while. Comes as a set of 4 cassette tapes.

Phone brand Phone (200 CP) – Congratulations, you have just bought one of the latest Phone brand cell phones on the market. It does all the cool phone things kids like these days. You can download apps, take pictures, text, even call someone if you really want to be nostalgic. There does seem to be a small glitch in the programming however. It seems a little too... intelligent. Ask it a question and it will dig up the information from the local universe's internet in a surprisingly short amount of time, assuming it is available. Also, it will sometimes ask you a question that a basic phone AI should really not be thinking about. “What is love?” will be the most basic and it will only get weirder from there. Thankfully, there's a new software patch out that could solve the glitch at the push of a button.

Drawbacks: (No Drawback Limit)

= “It’s not Ibsen” - You tend to half-ass things, then justify the results to yourself so you can’t see how poorly you did. = Refused to Voice Yourself - For some reason, your voice is subtly wrong. As if an impersonator is doing your voice. This is accompanied by a wide streak of bad luck. = “What is this? A crossover episode?” - Mirror version of Jumper walking around. = “Damn it Randy!” - Randy is in your employ and you can’t fire him no matter what you try. He will continually ruin small things in your life. Spelling mistakes on your banner, messing up the coffee order, ect. = Crippling Substance Abuse: Alcohol, Drugs, Cotton Candy. Pick a poison and get used to needing a lot of it. = “Bender to end all Benders” (2 Tiers) - Random blackout that last random amounts of time. While blacked out, you act as the worst version of yourself. == Tier 1 - every 1d8 days for 1d8 hours. == Tier 2 - Every 3d8 hours for 1d8 days. = “This didn’t have to happen.” - Once per year, a friend, family member, or Companion will die. You will not remember taking this drawback but circumstances will always ensure you have a bond with them. You will always feel vaguely at fault and circumstances will ensure you have a reason. = No Filter - You always say what you’re really thinking. Always. = Scandal Magnet - You will be surrounded in a scandal and media circus on a weekly basis due to your bad decisions in life. = Horsin’ Around - You will start the Jump as one of the three kids on the t.v. show of the same name. Your powers are taken from you and if the show doesn’t reach 9 years on air, your chain will end. Bojack will make your life off camera miserable and certainly pork your mom. You still have to do the normal ten years here, but you will slowly recover your powers during that time. You can choose to continue your ten years right after Horsin’ Around ends, or time skip to the start of the show’s current events. = “People Don’t Change, Not Really.” - For the next ten years, you and your Companions will be unable to make even a single permanent, positive change in yourself, your situation, or your friends and/or family. Any that you do seem to make will inevitably backfire and you will be right back where you started, feeling worse than ever. = “Do you like that?” - You have no idea what you’re doing between the sheets. And you’ll never learn. = “By the time you realize you’re sinking, it’s already too late.” - The corruption begins slowly. A little jadeing, a little power abuse there. By the time you notice the sludge clinging to your mind and soul you will have ruined relationships, burned professional bridges, and soiled any fame you might have had. Perhaps you can dig yourself out of the tar, but it looks grim when you’re already over your head. = Abusive Childhood Drawback. = Fool Me Once: …shame on you but teach a man to fool me and I’ll be fooled for the rest of my ​ life. You are gullible and extremely naïve ensuring that at any given time you’re probably being taken advantage of in some way. = Sticky hands - Based on that one frog = Stupid Business ventures all the time - Mr. Peanut Butter, the Drawback. New Item: Zune full of Generic Music: All of the greatest hits like “Generic 80’s Song”, Generic 90’s Grunge Song, and Generic Millenial Song.