
The and the : ’s extraterritorial authoritarian rule.

Oscar Almén

In recent years, worried voices have been raised ’s rule? What are the security consequences against ’s growing influence in other states. of this policy changes for and the Part of this influence involves mobilising overseas countries in which they reside? Chinese in the host countries. The Chinese Commu- nist Party extends its authoritarian rule to its popu- The CCPs view of Chinese lation abroad as a way to gain support for its policies China does not recognise dual nationality. Conse- and control its opponents. A crucial aspect, with quently, Chinese who acquire foreign citizenship are profound security consequences, is the question of no longer Chinese nationals. However, the Chinese whom the Chinese party-state regards as Chinese leadership simultaneously uses ethnic and racial refe- and thus a legitimate target for its influence. rences when talking about the Chinese people and con- tinuously emphasises the importance of bloodline and The Chinese diaspora is diverse and includes citizens heritage. According to this view, all foreign nationals abroad as well as foreign nationals of Chinese descent. with Chinese heritage, no matter how many genera- The (CCP) regards the dias- tions back, can potentially be included in the Chinese pora as important actors for China’s development and nation. This perspective obscures the distinction bet- the so-called ‘great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation’ ween Chinese nationals abroad (huaqiao) and foreign launched under Xi Jinping’s leadership. Xi’s ambition is nationals of Chinese heritage (huaren). that China should take centre stage in global politics. The authoritarian nature of the regime allows little However, the Chinese government’s efforts to mobi- or no space for any other views than the official one, nor lise overseas Chinese in support of CCP policies as well for opposition to the Party. This intolerance towards as to pressure and threaten those who oppose the CCP dissenting views also includes the Chinese diaspora. have led to negative reactions from foreign governme- From Beijing’s perspective, support for China equals nts. In addition, not all members of the Chinese dias- support for the Party. While the combination of ethnic pora appreciate Beijing’s efforts to include them in the and an authoritarian system is not unique CCP-led rejuvenation project. The Chinese regime’s to China, China’s global influence, the size of the Chi- efforts to influence and control the Chinese diaspora nese diaspora, and the level of organization of the CCP’s abroad constitute extraterritorial activities that in many propaganda apparatus towards overseas Chinese make cases violate international law. One such case involves China stand out in comparison to other states. the abduction of Swedish national, Gui Minhai, in Thailand. In order to understand Chinese foreign policy Diaspora relations under Xi Jinping ambitions and extraterritorial activities, it is important Under Xi Jinping’s reign, China has moved towards to investigate the underlying views of the CCP leader- a more assertive foreign policy. The Chinese diaspora ship. has been declared an important part of the process of This briefing studies the CCP’s policy towards the rejuvenating the Chinese nation. The overseas Chinese Chinese diaspora by exploring the following questions: affairs work, led by the Department, has How does China’s current leadership view Chinese intensified its efforts to mobilize the Chinese diaspora, nationality? How has this perspective been reflected regardless of citizenship, for the CCP’s cause. There are in changes in policy towards overseas Chinese under several examples of how the Chinese government engages

FOI Memo 7052 Projektnummer: A112003 Godkänd av: Mike Winnerstig March 2020 in extraterritorial activities with the aim of extending its (4) Other citizens can be sanctioned by the Chinese rule to the Chinese diaspora. Party-state as a consequence of deteriorating bilateral Those members of the diaspora who the Party con- relations. One example is the China siders to be loyal are sometimes used as brokers in has used against Canada. order to influence a host country’s politics in favour of (5) Every extraterritorial act the Chinese government China’s national interests. Chinese actors with different performs in violation of international law calls its com- degrees of involvement with the CCP have been active mitment to it, and to the respect of principles of natio- in influencing politics in Western democracies such as nality, into question. When ethnicity and heritage are Australia. In , where the Chinese diaspora con- allowed to override principles of civic nationality based stitutes a substantial part of the population, Chinese on legal citizenship, China’s extraterritorial activities ambassadors have on several occasions been criticized threaten to undermine international law. for interfering in internal Malaysian affairs through (6) The abduction of British citizen Lee Bo in their statements in support of the Chinese community. Kong and the extradition of Taiwanese citizens from In contrast, members of the diaspora that the Party per- third countries show Beijing’s lack of respect for the ceives as its opponents risk being threatened or even judicial independence of and . Such abducted. The case of the abduction of Swedish citi- extraterritorial activities are manifestations of the Party’s zen Gui Minhai in 2015 is an example of a new form aim to increase its control over these territories. of extraterritorial act performed by the Chinese state in clear violation of international law. Similarly, since Countermeasures 2016, Taiwanese citizens susptected of telecom fraud It is important that the international community refu- in countries such as Kenya, and Spain have ses to accept the CCP narrative of the Party’s represen- been extradited to China. The extraditions constitute a ting all Chinese. On the contrary, other states should break from previous practice and have sparked strong make clear that the CCP’s efforts to use and pressure reactions from the Taiwanese government, who see the Chinese diaspora are at the core of the problem. them as extrajudicial abductions. Careful examination and mapping of the CCP’s relationship with the Chinese diaspora, including the Security consequences United Front’s activities abroad, are important, not The extraterritorial activities directed at the Chinese least in order to remove any suspicion against the majo- diaspora and analysed in the study may have the fol- rity of the Chinese diaspora, who are not working for lowing security consequences for other countries: the Party. (1) The CCP can directly influence domestic politics States affected by Chinese extraterritorial activities, and policymakers in other countries. In the event that such as Sweden, would do well to share their expe- the CCP’s interest contradicts the national interest of riences and coordinate action with other countries. the host country, such policymakers may undermine To deal with Chinese extraterritorial activities, the EU the country’s national security. could coordinate its policy among the member states. (2) States cannot guarantee that citizens of Chinese Attention may be given to examples of different pos- descent are secure from being sanctioned by the CCP. sible countermeasures, such as Australia’s 2018 Foreign These individuals cannot trust that their citizenship will Influence Transparency Scheme Bill.1 give them the same protection as other citizens of the same state enjoy. Oscar Almén (3) Citizens of Chinese descent can fall prey to anti- Chinese sentiments in society. Recent history, especially in , shows that this can turn into deadly violence. 1This briefing is a summary of a research report with the same title. It is based on open access academic and media sources, in English, Swedish, and Chinese, and textual analysis of Chinese documents and speeches.

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