

Chino Reconslructs Soong Ching L-ing in the kindergarten of the Yunn:rn Frovince C)igarette Plant in 1955 H irEM0RY 0F $00ilG GlililG LttG Distributed with September 1981 Regulor lssue


The Great Life of Soong Ching Ling Released bA Xir,hun Neus Agency 2 o Salute to Soong Ching Ling U Call Me 'Comrade Ching Ling' l2 Tribute anci Farewell 74 Press Statement by Soong Ching Ling's Relatives 16 "Great, Honest and Sincere" - Recollections by Family Members 16 From Soong Ching Ling's Articles in " Reconstructs" 18 To Comrade Soong Ching Ling Frorn a Poem by Xino San (Emi Si,ao) 19 Poets should Sing Your Praises - To Soong Ching Ling during Her Illness 20 The last Da5r of Her Life Paul T. K. ,n 2T Great Figure, Warm Friend (Dr. George Hatem) 23 Recollections and Thoughts Reui Alleg 2B The Great and Glorious Life ofi Soong Ching Ling (Pictorial) 29 Honorary President Soong Ching Ling's Home (Pictorial) 42 Great Internationalist Fighter Qian Junrui 45 Heroic Battler for Democracy Ch,en Han-seng 47 So Great Yet So Simple Shen Cuizhen 49 Soong Ching Ling and Our Magazine lsrael Epstein 52, Stood for the ?radition of Truth Li Boti 54 Recalling Work at Her Side Zhang Jue 56 An Outstanding Woman of Our Time 57 Under Her Leadership in the China Institute Weibo 58 She Is Unforgettable Trudy Rosenberg 60 Advancer of Dr. Sun Yat-ry3]s Cause 62 '64 Defending the People's Righ'ts Shi, Liang Freed with Soong Ching Ling's Aid Deheng 67 Devotion to Women and Children 68 HeIp As Time1y As Coal in Midwinter Shen Qizhen 70 Fostered by Her Concern 77 Front Cover: Honorary President Soong Ching Ling Back Cover: Honorary President Soong's residence at Houhai in

Editoriol Office: Wdi Wen 8uildihg, Beijing p7t, Chirc, Coble:l ..CHiRECON'" Eeiiing, Generql Distributbr: GUOJI SHUDIAN, P,O. Bbx 399, Beijing, Chino. The Great Life of Soong Ching Ling

qOONG Ching Ling, Honorary of the Chinese revolution, thus In 1924 at the 's \-, President of the People's beginning her revolutionary First National Congress she Republic of China and Vice- career. helped promote the.Three Major Chairman of the National Pee On October 25, 1915, she Policies introduced by Sun Yat- ple's Congress Standing Com- married Dr. Sun Yat-sen. In sen (alliance with Soviet Rus- mittee, died on May 29, 1981, at the following years she accom- sia, co-operation with the Chi- the age of 90 according to the panied him on trips between nese and as- traditional Chinese way of cal- Sh4nghai and (Can- sistance to the peasants and culating age. She was known ton), in order to promote the workers). In the manifesto of throughout the worid as a great revolutionary cause. During the congress they were incor- patriotic, democratic, interna- the May 4th Movement in 1919 porated into the original Three tionalist and communist fighter. she worked hard to help those People's Principles, which after students who had been arrested that were known as the new in Beijing. Three People's Principies. Co-Fighter with Sun Yat-sen In May 1921, Dr. Sun Yat-sen In November \924, Soong While her family came from took office as the Extraordinary Ching Ling accompanied her Wenchang County, President of the Republic of husband north to Beijing at the Island, Provihce, China. In the early hours of invitation of and polit- Soong Ching Ling herself was June 16, 1922, warlord Chen ical leaders there to solve the born on January 27, 1893 in Jiongming turned against the problems of China's reunifica- . She received her revolution and surrounded and tion and construction. Sun Yat- bombarded the president's office early education at the McTyeire sen died on March 12, 1925, in in Guangzhou. Soong Ching School for girls in Shanghai and Beijing. After his death Soong went to the at Ling insisted that Dr. Sun Yat- Ching Ling made known to sen she the age of 15 to study at Wesle- leave immediately, but China and the world Dr. Sun herself yan College for women in did not leave until I Yat-sen's political will and o'clock morning. Escorted Macon, Georgia, where she ob- that dedicated herself to the great by two bodyguards and an aide- tained her Bachelor of Arts de- revolu.tion of the Chinese de-camp, she broke through the gree in 1913. While there, she people. of received the new national flag, encirclement and was out danger on the following eve- which her father had sent Upholding the Three Policies ning. By that time she was in a her after success of the state of exhaustion, her health After the May 30th Incident the , and seriously impaired. in Lg25 in Shanghai, Soong immediately away threw In August 1922, Sun Yat-sen Ching Ling issued a press state- the dragon flag of the began a major overhaul of the ment sternly protesting the to hail the htuth Kuomintang leadership in atrocities of two powers, Bri- of the republic. During her Shhnghai. Soong Ching 'Ling tain and Japan. She deem- senior year she wrote an article worked very effectively in the incident as a sup- journal ed the for the college entitled consultations on co-operation pression of the revolutiorr-ary "The Greatest Event of the 20th between Dr. Sun Yat-sen and spirit of the Chinese people and Century," hailing the victory of the representatives of the encour,aged the Chinese citieens China's 1911 Revolution. The and to shoulder the task of saving article statdd that the 1911 Rev- during his conversations with the country bf uniting to resist' olution signified the liberation the special envoys sent by the violence of the Pritish of 400 million people froin mon- Lenin. police. archic slavery, under wlich In 1923, those troops loyal to During the Second National people had been deprived of Sun Yat-sen expelled Chen Congress of the Kuomintapg in life, freedorn and the pur- Jiongming from Guangzhou, January 1926, Soong Ching.Ling suit of hbppiness. Upon her and Dr. Sun and Soong Ching resolutely upheld Dr. Sun Yat- returrr to Ch.ina in 1913, she Ling returned to the city, sen's Three Major Policies and became the secretapy of Dr, Suh where they continued the work worked in close co-operation Yat-sen, the great forerunner of overhauling the Kuomintang. with the Communist Party. to

2 carry on the struggle against been leading the revolution have leaders of the world anti-fascist the Right wing of the Kuomin- strayed." movement, tang. At the congress, she was On August 7, 1927, Comrade After returning to China in elected a member of the Execu- Soong Ching Ling, Comrade 1931, she enthusiastically sup- tive Committee of the Kuomin- and 20 other per- ported the Chinese Communist tang. In November of the same sons issued a declaration ex- Party's proposal to end the civil year, the Northern Expedition- posing the betrayal of Chiang war and form a national anti- ary Army captured in Kai-shek and . Japanese and re- and the national She supported the solutely opposed the capitula- government in Guangzhou pr€: Armed Uprising launched by tionist policy of Chiang Kai- pared to move there. Soong the Chinese Communist Party shek. In an article published in Ching Ling therefore went to on the same day. A revolu- Shanghai on December 19, 1931, Wuhan and was included in the tionary committee composed of she exposed the reactionarY membership of a united com- and 24 others elected nature and the capitulationist mittee, which was formed by Soong Ching Ling to a seven- activities of Chiang Kai-shek's members of the Executive Com- member presidium, although she Kuomintang government. She mittee of the Kuomintang and was not in Nanchang during the wrote: "Only a revolution based of the national government in uprising. on the masses and serving Wuhan following a meeting on Soong Ching Ling left for them can smash the power of December 13. Moscow in late August to seek the warlords and politicians, During the first six rnonths of a road for the Chinese revolu- shake off the yoke of imperial- 1927, she'ran a women's insti- tion. Upon her departure she ism and realize ." tute of political training in issued a public statement, again On January 28,7932, the Jap- invaded Hankou, Provinee. When expounding Sun Yat-sen's Three anese militarists Chiang Kai-shek, leader of the Major Policies. She said, "The Shanghai and the Kuomintang's Kuomintang Right wing, reactionary forces led by the 19th' counterat- launched a counter-revolution- fake leaders of the Kuomintang tacked. Soong Ching Ling raised ary coup in Shanghai on April who have betrayed the revolu- money and set up a 300-bed 12 of that year, Soong Ching tion endanger the Three Major hospital lor the lvounded patrio- Ling and many members of the Policies"; "they are bound to tic soldiers. She told corespond- Kuomintang's Left wing as well fail, as they are taking the road ents at that time that she as Mao Zedong, , Yun of those who attempted to rule would fight the Japanese in- Daiying, , the people in the same way." vaders to the end. She declared and other Chinese Communists She returned to China by way that setting up a, hospital was paying issued an open message de- of Berlin in-May 1929 to attend only her way of respect nouncing Chiang Kai-shek. On the state funeral of Sun Yat-sen and giving thanks to the revolu- 1gth July 14, 1927, on the eve of the in . On the eve her tionary fighters of thb "of vanguard of open betrayal of the revolution return to China, she issued a Route Arrrqr, the by the Kuomintang government statement saying: "I cannot the anti-imperialist revolu- in Wuhan headed by Wang participate directly or indirect: tionary. armed forces who were Jingwei, Soong Ching Ling ly in the work of the Kuomin- fighting under very difficult issued a statement in which she tang until. its policies are in conditions. In December of the declared: "Some rriembers of completq conformity with the same year, with , the Executive Committee of the basic priFciples of the late Dr. Yuanpei and Yang Xingfo, she Kuomintang are doing violence Sun Yat-sen." organized the China League for to Sun Yat-sen's ideas and Civit Rights to oppose Chiang ideals." Therefore, she expressed Kai-shek's fascist massacres. In Vs. Irnperialism and F ascism the view that she would no elaborating the task of the longer participate in executing During her stay in the Soviet league, she said, "Either the rev- the new policies of the Kuomin- Union and Europe from 1927 to olution will triumph ih China; tang. She stated with supreme 1929 and 1930 to 1.931, Soong or will conquer and confidence in spite of the serious Ching Ling took an activs part dismember China. There is r.-.o crisis in the revolution: "Sun in the international movement alternative. Believing'in the Yat-sen's Three People's Prin- against imperialisrn and in de- final victory of the masses in ciples will eventually succeed; fence of peace. She was elected China, I am sure that the:evo- the revolution in China is inevi- honorary chairman at two con- iution will establish its owh table." She also said, "There ferences irf the Anti-Imperialist right, establish the unity, inde- is no despair ,in my heart for I.eague held in Belgium in De- pendence and integrity of Cfrina, the revolution. My dishearten- cember 19?7, and in Germany and the right of the masles to ment is only for the path along in August 1929. She subsequent- govern themselves. And, mY' which some of those who had ly became one of the principal conception of the China Icbgue

3 for Civil Rights is that it is one In 1935, as the Chinese peo- ment, asked the court to impri- of the instruments which will ple's efforts to resist Japan and son her as well for the "grime move us towards this goal," The save the nation surged in the of patriotism." league protected and rescued face of increasing Japanese ag- When Kuomintang generals many Communists and patriotic gression, Soong Ching Ling Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hu- democrats by struggling against fought unceasingly for the for- cheng, who thought China the Kuomintang reactionaries mdtion of an anti-Japanese na- should be resisting Japanese ag- and made extraordinary eontri- tional united front and for the gression, arrested Chiang Kai- butions to the revolutionary protection of the people's demo- shek in the famous Xian Inci- cause. cratic rights. dent of December t2, 1936, On April t of 1933, Soong On of 1935, the Soong Ching Ling was among Ching Ling published a message Central Committee of the those who advocated that to the Chinese people, opposing Chinese Communist Party is- Chiang Kai-shek be released on the Chiang Kai-shek govern- sued a declaration calling on the the condition that he agreed to ment's persecution of patriots people of the entire nation to end the and oppose who opposed imperialism and unite to end the civil war and Japanese aggression. resisted Japanese aggression, resist Japanese aggression. Along with , and the illegal arrest of the Soong Ching Ling, He Xiang- and others, Soong Communists Luo Dengxian, ning, Liu Yazi, Jing Hengyi, Ching Ling proposed at the Liao Chengzhi and . Chen Shuren as well as Yu Third Plenary Session of the She called on the Chinese people Youren and responded Kuomintang Central Committee to rise up in struggle to protect immediately, exerting a tremen- in February 1937 that Dr. Sun the arrested revolutionaries. dous influence. Yat-sen's Three Major Policies In an article entitled "Ifnite, , Zot Taofen and of alliance with Soviet Russia, Chinese Workets" published in other democrats established the co-operation with the Chinese Shanghai in May 1933, Soong All-China Federation of Na- Communist Party and assistance Ching Ling pointed out: "The tional Salvation Associations in to the peasants and workers be Chiang Kai-shek government Shanghai in May 1936, demand- restored. She delivered a speech cannot unify China, cannot lead ing that the Kuomintang gov- at the meeting, asking the Kuo- the armed people in a national ernment stop the civil war, mintang governrnent to end the revolutionary war against J.aP release political prisoners, ne- civil war and mobilize all forces, anese imperialism and cannot gotiate peace with the including the Communist PartY, give the peasants land." She Army and establish a unified to defend China's territorial in- called on the people of the government of resistance tegrity. In November of the whole country to "unite, get against Japan. Soong Ching same year, she issued a state- organized, and struggle for Ling was a member of the ex- ment supporting the formation China's liberation, unification ecutive coinmittee of the federa- of an anti-Japanese national and territorial integrity." tion. When the Kuomintang united front. In September 1933 she con- government arrested Shen Soong Ching Ling initiated vened the Far East Conference Junru, , Li Gongpu, and organized the China De- of the World Committee Against Sha Qianli, , Zhang fence League in June 1938 to Imperialist War in Shanghai and Naiqi and Wang Zaoshi of the publicize the anti-JaPanese a speech in which she federation in November of that delivered movement among PeoPle year, Sodng Ching Ling issued said, "The present era marks the abroad and collect medical a statement on November 26 birth of a new social system and other supplies from around - protesting the arrest of the socialism"; "reactionary armed the world. To provide first aid confronted onlY seven champions of democracy. forces can be to:wounded soldiers, the league revolutionary armed She declared that the illegal with rnedical teams against im- arrest was the result of Japanese introduced forces"; "We are foreign friends to perialist war, but for a national influence which wiruld "further organized by areas set revolutionary war waged by the arouse the wrath and patriotic the anti-Japanese base ArmY peopie who take up arms." indignation"of the people against up by the Eighth Route them [the Japanese]," She and the New Fourth ArmY. The people team led by the Canadian To Save the Nation thought that the of the entire nation would not forgive surgeon Dr. In 1934 a Six-Point Program- the Kuomintang government's was one of these. me for Resisting Japan and criminal illegal arrests of these After the Southern In- Saving the Nation put forward patriots. During the trial of cident in the spring of 1941, by the Chinese Communist ,these seven leaders of the de- Soong Ching Ling, He Xiang- Party was circulated by Soong mocratic movement, she went ning and others sent a joint mes- Ching Ling and other democrats to the higher court in sage denouncing Chiang Kai- over their signatures. and, following their impri.son- shek and demanding that he

4 "stop using armed force to at- tack the Communist Party." AJter the Japanese militarists launched the in December 1941, Soong Ching Ling arrived in from Hongkong and immediately re- sumed the activities of the China Defence League" During this period, she worked in contact with George Hatem, Agnes Smedley, , and other foreign friends for the Chinese people's cause of resisting Japanese aggression.

Building a New China Soong Ching Ling returned to Shanghai in 1945 after the victory in the anti-Japanese war. Late that year she set up the China Welfare Fund, a suc- cessor to the China Defence League established in - kong during the war. It con- tinued to support progressive organizations and democratic forces and under extremely difficult conditions completed projects which were beneficial ,"-@ to the Labouring masses. Dur- ing the Liberation War, the Fund provided substantial ma- terial assistance to the Chinese Communist Party and the Chi- Soong Ching Ling, late Honorary President of the People's Repubtlc of China. nese People's Liberation Army under the Party's leadership" Ling was named its Honorary Conference. She delivered an At a time when Chiang Kai- Chairman. impassioned speech at the ses- shek was continuing his anti- On July 1, 1949, Soong Ching sion, stating, "l€t's get down to Communist and anti-popular Ling published an article in work right now and build an civil war with the assistance of Shanghai, "Salute'the Chinese independent, democratic, peace- U.S. imperialism, Soong Ching Communist Party," rejoicing ful, strong and prosperous Ling issued a state'ment in that the people's victory was new China, and unite with the Shanghai on , 1946, call- already in sight. She wrote, people of the world to bring ing for the formation of a coa- "'Welcome our leader the lea- about lasting world peace." On lition government and urging der who was born in -Shanghai, Septernber 30, she was elgcted the American people to stop. the ' grew up in the mountains of a Vice-Chairman of the Centrai U.S. Government from giving Province, was ternper- People's Governrnent. From military assistaoce to"the Kuo- ed in repeated struggles unrler that time onward, Soong Ching mintang. This statement pro- harsh conditions during the Ling engaged in numero!-ts duced wide repercussions 25,000-li and ma- state activities as a major state around the world. tured in the rural areas. Salute leader, and Mao Ze- In 1948 a number of Kuomin- the Chinese Communist Party!" dong, Zhou Enlai and tiu Shao- tang members who had broken In September 1949, at the in- qi often exchanged views with away from that organiTation,- vitation of the Chinese Com- her'on major domestic and in- including , He Xiang- munist Party Central Com- ternational issues. ning anp Feng Yuxiang, set up mittee, Soong Ching Ling came In October 1950, Soong Ching the Revolutionary Committee to Beijing to atiend the First T,ing made an inspection tour of of the Chinese Kuomintang'in Plenary Sessiop of the Chinese , and Heilong- Hongkong, and Soong Ching People's Political Consultative jiang Provinces in where she visited facte Soong Ching Ling led the Chi- possible." "f am convinced that ries, rural areas and army units, nese delegation to that confer- in the future, socialism and She was very glad to see that ence, which was held in Bei- will ultimately be- the construction of the country jing in October of that year, come the social system practis- had begun quickly after the and was elected Chairman of ed throughout the world." founding of the People's Re- the Peace Liaison Committee of "Such a social system can only public and that frontier de- the Asian and Pacific Regions. be realized under the leadership fence had been strengthened. She headed a Chinese of the Communist Party and it She encouraged people to con- delegation to the World Peace will certainly be realiied." tinue to make progress. Congress in Vienna in Decem- On April 27, 1959, Soong ber 1952. Ching Ling was re-elected a On the World Scenc From December 16, 1955, to Vice-Chairman of the People's February 4, 1956, Soong Ching Republic of China at the First As an official representative Ling visited , Burma and Session of the Second National Ling of China, Soong Ching Pakistan, and in August 1956 People's Congress. frequently took part in interna- she visited Indonesia. Al1 On November L2, 1962, Soong tional activities, making out- these visits were successful Ching Ling's article "Sun Yat- standing contributions to the During her visit to Pa- sen and His Co-operation With fostering of friendship among kistan, of the Chinese Communist Party" promotion pro- the University peoples, the of Dacca confered on her an was published. In the article gressive culture and the Honorary Doctorate of Laws. she pointed out, "For 40 years defence world peace. of In November 1957, Comrade Sun Yat-sen engaged in politi- She was elected a member of Soong Ching Ling accompanied cal struggle for the Chinese the Executive Bureau of the Comrade Mao Zedong to the nation and the Chinese peo- World Peace Council at that Moscow Meeting of B,epresenta- ple, which reachqd its zenith organization's Second Congress tives Communist and Work- in his late years, culminat- November of in Warsaw on ers'Parties. ing in his decision to co- 23, 1950. In the capacity of Vice-Chair- operate with the Chinese Com- On September 18, 1951, she man of the People's Republic munist Party to carry out the was awarded the Stalin Peace China, Soong Ching Ling Chinese revolution together." Prize for: 1950. She donated of visited Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) On January 3, 1965, she was the entire 100,000 roubles to along with Prremier Zhou Enlai re+lected a Vice-Chairman of welfare institutions for Chinese the People's Republic of China women and children. and Vice-Premier in February 1964. at the First Session of the Third Early in 1952, in order to tell National People's Congress. the world about the real condi- Respected National Leader On November 12, 1966, at a tions of the Chinese people who ceremony held in the capital were struggling to build a new Soong Ching Ling was a re- solemnly commemorating the life so as to enhance the friend- spected and beloved leader of all centenary of the birth of Dr. understanding be- ship and Sun Yat-sen, Soong Ching Ling people China and the nationalities of China. In tween the of delivered speech entitled other countries, she suggested September 1954, she was elect- a "Sun Yat-sen A Staunch, In- that a new magazine, China Re- ed Vice-Chairman of the domitable Revolutionary,"- des- constructs, be started. For 30 Standing Committee of the revolutionary life years she gave it clear directives National People's Congress at cribing the Sun She said, on editorial principles, the con- the First Session of the First of Yat-sen. "We years un- tent and the launching of new National People's Congress. are proud of his 40 of In December 1954, she was tiring struggle. His behest that language editions. In addition, fWe she was concerned with the elected Vice-Chairman of the must arouse the masses ol Iivelihood of the magazine's National Committee of the Chi- the people and unite . . . with world staff . She personally wrote nese People's Political Consult- those nations of the more than 30 articles for China ative Conference at the First which treat us as equals' sounds Reconstructs, which began with Session of the Second Natienal correct even to this da.te." only one English edition. Now Committee of the C.P.P.C.C. "With unwavering determina- it is published in seven lan- In September 1956, at the in- tion in our objectives, with guages and is circulated in rnore vitation of the Party Central staunch faith in - than 140 countries and regions Committee, Soong Ching Ling -M ao Zedong Thought, in the world. attended the Eighth National with unbounded confidence in On March 21, 1952, Soong Congress of the Chinese Com- our ability to win, we join Ching Ling, and munist Party. Addressing the hands to struggle with all who others initiated the convocation congress, she said, "Without strive for a world without ex- of the Peace Conference for the the Party's leadership, our ploitation of man by man, Asian and Pacific regions. victory would have been im- wjthout national oppression

6 and without racial discrimina- wishing the meeting success been unable to defeat the strong tion." and explaining that she could will of 900 million people and On January 17, 1975, at the not attend because of illness. it is impossible for them to do First Session of the Fourth Na- In the letter she said: "Though so. Moreover, all these cafeer- tional People's Congress and I am unable to attend the meet- ists and conspirators were again on March 5, 1978, at the ing, my heart beats together badly battered before the iron First Session of the Fifth Na- with yours in love and concern will of the people. This has aI- tional People's Congress, Soong for our children." ways been the case in the past Ching Ling was re-elected Soong Ching Ling was in and will remain so in future. I Vice-Chairman of the National charge of the work of the Peo- am confident that the peogile's People's Congress Standing ple's Relief Administration of will is invincible." She added, Committee. China and the Red Cross "Today, I am already over 80 Society of China for many years old. When I see the ex- For the Women and Children years, She was elected Execu- cellent international and do- tive Chairman of the adminis- mestic situation and the ship of An outstanding leader of the tration at the First Plenary new China sailing ahead women of China, Soong Ching Session of the Executors and through stormy winds and Ling was always concerned Supervisors held after the waves after overcoming the with the women's work of new organizhtion was founded on danger of being capsized, I am 1953, she China. On April 25, April 29, 1950. In August of the exuberant. Once again I see the was elected HonorarY President same year, in the capacity of new brightness of our mother- of the AII-China Women's Fe- the founder and sponsor of the land. I sincerely hope that the deration at the First Session of China Welfare Fund, she de- great people of our country, un- the Second Executive Com- clared that after August 15, the der the guidance of Marxisrn- mittee of the All-China Wo- China Welfare Fund would be Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, men's Federation. Later, at the called the China Welfare Insti- will eonstantiy enhance their Exe- First Session of the Third tute. She had been the chairman unity and march towards a federa- cutive Committee of the of this organization since its brighter future. I shall be tion held in 1957 and at the founding. happy to march forward shoul- Fourth National Congress of der to shoulder with everyone Chinese Women held in For Unification and Progress involved in this great and 19?8, she was re-elected heroic cause." Honorary President of the Soong Ching Ling aiways On May 8, 1981, Soong Ching All-China Women's Eedera- concerned herself with those Ling received an Honorary tion. Addressing the closing who had followed Dr. Sun Yat- Doctorate of Laws from Victo- ceremony of the Fourth Na- .she sen in earlier years and with ria University, Canada. At the tional Congress, stressed: the future of , and she awarding ceremony, Howard "Bringing up our children as sincerely expected that peace Petch, President of Victoria the reliable successors to the talks between the Kuomintang University, said that Soong revolution with metieulous care and the Comrnunist Party Ching Ling was one of the is a strategic task of the Party would be conducted at an ear- foremost public servants and and the state and a noble duty lier date, so as to accomplish the social leaders of the 20th women the new period." of in reunification of the motherland. century and that her unswerv- Soong Ching Ling showed She made valuable contribu- ing devotion to the well-being great concern for the healthy tions cause. of the Chinese people had won growth of the children of China to this 1979, her a special place in the hearts affectionate On September 29, and was their published of admirers around the worId. grandmother. She was Chair- Soong Ching Ling an On May 15, 1981, the Political man Chiness People's article in celebration' of the of the Bureau C.P.C. Central National Committee in Defence 30th anniversary of the found- of the of Children from its founding ing of the People's Republic of Committee accepted Soong Ching Ling as a mennber of on November 26, 1951. She China, entitled "The People's full 'wrote articles and inscriptions Will Is Invincible." The article the Communist Party of China. on many occasions, hoping that said, "We have taken gred-b On , 1981, the 18th the children would grow into a strides along the bright road of meeting of the Standing Com- healthy new generation with socialism over the past 30 years. mittee of the Fifth National rich cultural and scientific under the leadership of the People's Congress con-ferred on knowledge and socialist Chinese Communist Party. The Comrade Soong Ching Ling the consciousness. 900 million people have been title, Honorary President of the A" forum in honor of Interna- unswervingly following this People's Republic of China. tr tional Children's Day (June 1) road. Although the road has was held on May 14, 1981. been hard and tortuous, ca- Released bg Xinhua Neu:s Earlier she had written a letter reerists' and conspirators have Agency. Subheads are ours. $alute to Gomrade $oong Chimg ling


T am not a poet, so cannot In Beijing in 1925 you walked, the revolution. They separated I devote a poem to you, and dressed in mourning, in the and isolated us for ten years, a not a writer, so cannot produce funeral procession for Dr. Sun. bitter and extraordinary decade" a polished essay. But admira- Through your black veil I saw At first you were forced into tion, love, respect and revolu- that you were not in tears but exile abroad. Then, returning tionary reverence for you have firmer than ever, full of inner to Shanghai, you repeatedly filled my heart for over half a strength. You passed the test and firmly refused to go to century, and now, as through a of dire sorrow. Nanjing to participate irr the floodgate, they rush out like a In January 1926, loyally acts 'of the Kuomintang re- torrent. carrying forward the new Three gime. I first led the life of the People's Principles of Dr. Sun, underground; then I went to the Image of a Young Woman you addressed the Second battlefronts of the revolutionary Revolutionary National Congress of the bases. Though we fought tr rernember the winter of Kuomintang in Guangzhou, and on different fronts, each persist- 1924 when you accompanied Dr. made a solemn, serene, ing in the revolution at her own Sun Yat-sen to on your powerful declaration. In a tone post and in a different way, our journey to the north. You came strong as justice, you appeal- aim was one" up on the ship's deck to face the ed to Kuomintang members to welcoming throng. I, standing implement the new Three Peo- Revolutionary Passion and among them, saw Dr. Sun, the ple's Principles incorporating IntegritY gr"eat revolutionary forerunner three major policies of alliance and ceaseless fighter for the with Russia, alliance with the From the outbreak of the overthrow of the Qing dynasty Chinese Communist PartY and anti-Japanese war, the national rnonarchy and for independence, support for the workers' and traitor Chiang Kai-shek retreat- freedom and democracy in peasants' rhovements. You ed step by step. Shanghai was China, standing straight and bravely condemned the right occupied by the enemy. For firrn, although age and illness wingers in the Kuomintang the sake of freedom to serve War Resistance, You already marked his face, warmly who were opposed to revolution. the of acknowledging the acclamations ln t927, when the Northern firmly refused to go to areas of the people. And on his right, Expedition was winning victorY controlled by Chiang but moved to Hongkong. There you did I saw you - erect, slim, grace- upon victory, I met you'again ful, young, beautiful, dignified, in Wuhan, then the revolu- immense and incessant work to tranquil, inspired by revolu- tion's capital. With He Xiang- help the Eighth Route ArmY tionary ideals. As an image of ning you were working to and provide for the needs a young woman revolutionary, encourage and help th> of the anti-JaPanese bases. you remained clearly in mY revolutionary fighters. But Because of your high interna- mind from then on. those brief, happy times tional prestige, with the resPect were soon ended by Chiang Kai- in which you were held bY DENG YINGCHAO is a member of prominent peoPle in many the Politlcal Bureau of tbe Chinese shek and Wang Jingwei, those Communist Party Central Oom- criminals against the nation who countries, everyone was eager mittee, vice-ChairmeD of the Stand- personal signature on ing Commitiee of the National Peo- were destroying revolutionarY for your ple's Congr€ss antl Honorary Chsir- unity, splitting the revolution- the receipts for contributions. man of the All-China Women's on Federation. ary united front and selling out You wore awaY the skin Your I

1 fingers writing. The funds and supplies you raised were sent to our Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army. How fi.rm was your stand, and clear your distinction between what to Iove and to detest" Your rev- olutionary passion and, un- wavering revolutionary inte* grity deeply encouragcd tire fighters and the people behinci the enemy lines. In August 1938. in order to strengthen the anti-Japanese national united front, the Party sent me to Hongkong to see you, He Xiangning and friends in various quarters. You heard from me what the Party was advoeating. Then ex- traordinary cireumstances arose, which aroused your special con- cern for me. You went ahead of me to Guangzhou and ied me in work there. These brief and huried encounters and joint activity with you, edu- cated ald helped me, and I shall always remember them. After the start of the Pacific War in December 1941, you broke out of Hongkong which was enveloped in the smoke of war and had to move to Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching Ling on board the ship that brought Chongqing to extreme thern from Guangzhou (Canton) l,o Tianjin via .Iapan in late 1924. - the uneasiness of Chiang Kai- shek. that diehard chieftail safety. Finally the brother mosi national independence and of anti-communism, who was concerned f or you amanged people'.s liberation. In those passive in national resistance your stay in a house situated five years, no obstruction or ir* but active in civil war. Feigning amid the ruins of enemy bomb- terference succeeded in severing hospitable concern. he urged you ing, and only then were you your contact with the party. fairly surveillance to stay in your elder sister's free of - The more the difficulties and house. but at the same time set within the confines of one dangers, the more you mani- up secret surveillance so you puilding" Ernen so. we and other fested your unity of views with rvould have no freedom to go progressive people had few op \ our party, your loyalty to the out or see friends. When, at portunities of seeing you, and people's cause, your wisdom last,. I received the eagerly were followed by secret agents and fearlessness in the face of expected notice to come and see when we did so.- we had to be violence and threats, and your you, you had to hint that there vigilant. quality as our Party's close and were people watching and I You towered over foggy completely trustworthy com- should take care. You were Chongqing like a mighty tree, rade-in-arms. surrounded by demons. We working with all your strength After the end of the anti- were alway-s worried about your for five whole yearc for Japanese war in 1945 you re- turned to Shanghai. Under Chiang ' Kai-shek's dictatorial control, it was difficult you even to get a place to live. TheY offered you only a low, small house. This injustice was denounced at the time by progressive newspapers. So they finally had to give you another place. stlll very inadequate. Such treatment of you, the companion and comrade of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, leader of the Kuomintang and great forerunner of the revolution, of you whose prestige was so high at home and abroad, aroused the ire of progressive opinion.

Always Among the People When Shanghai was liberated in 1949 you were overjoyed, you celebrated. You said to Sister Shi Liang, "We're liberated now." And rso you were, as were the people of all China. At that time, our Party sug- gested,the convocation of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. It sent tu€, bearing a letter in Chairman Mao's hand, to invite you to consult on major national matters and join in the Con- ference. You agreed immediate- ly and happily set off for Bei- Soong Ching Ling with (left) snd Deng Yingchao (center) in jing. July 1, 1949 was the 28th April, 1960, anniversary of the founding of the Party. At the grand celebration meeting of the ternational cemetery in Shang- ability gained fuller play in in- government, army and people in hai. This demonstrated the no- ternational affairs and in many Shanghai, you gave a speech bility of your thinking, your aspects of internal life. Your brimming with enthusiasm, rejection of any idea of elevating eminent eontributions to the lauding the contributions made yourself through your husband's state ahci the people will shine by the Party and the great position and fame, your placing in the rolls of history. victory won. yourself among the people. During the "cultural revoiu- On our way north, when we At the Chinese People's tion" you were filled with stopped briefly at Nanjing, I Political Consultative Con- foreboding for the country and asked you if you wished to take ference you were elected Vice". people. The Party and the people tirne to go to the Sun Yat-sen Chairman of the Central Peo- protected you, but you were Mausoleum, but you answered ple's Government. You also be-' still interfered with by the no, showing that the country's came Honorary Chairman of the counter-revolutionary clique of affairs and not personal feeling AII-China Women's Federation, Un Biao and , Your were most important to you. In Chairman

10 against the Party, much less your love, confidence and revolutionary proce-cs since the dissatisf action with it, and feeling toward the Farty. Revolul.ion of 19i1. You are a placed yourself entirely at its Deep in the night of May 14. radiant giant star" of revolution disposal. You never wavered in your condition suddenly that witl forever shine as an your strong wish to ioin the worsened. On the morning of exemplar for the generations .r.o Party. the 15th, Comrade come. and I went to see you. We told You have won the adnriration Heroine of PeoPle and Nation you that for several decades the and respect of all peace-loving Party had regarded you as a people in the world. the love of From your youth You devoted comrade, that we knew that to our ewn Party and people. You yourself to the revolution' With join the Party w,as your long- are truly worthy of being regard to your marrlage, you cherished desire, and that we a member of the great, glorious did not give waY to the oPPosi- would make a report to the Cen- and correct Chinese Comrnunist tion of your whole f amilY. tral Committee. You opened Party" Hor:orary President of in semi-feudaI, semi- your eyes, looked intently at us. our country, and one of tl:e colonial old China, surrounded and answered in a faint voice, founderc of ,new China. A by such kin, exPosed Ior long years to hostility and threats from the degenerated Kuomin- tang, you were able to fight on your own in the forefront of the battLe. Your unYielding will, ycur unbreakable strength, your noble quality of remaining unsoiled amid the mire, has made you a true heroine of the people, a true heroine among women. Great revolutionary fighter! You are purer than the Iotus, stronger than the Pine. Comrade Zhou Enlai called You "the gem of the nation," and he was right. Toward the end of March this year, the Party Central Com- mittee, extremely concerned about your illness, sent me to May 29, l98I: Deng Y ingc the medical atiend- see you on behalf of its Stand- ing Soong Ching Ling. ing Committee. You received me one afternoon and we had a heart-to-heart talk. I asked "Good." That afternoon the handful of highly-placed Kuo- you to patiently undergo Political Bureau met and agreed mintang diehards on that isolat- medical treatment, and wished unanimously to reeeive you as ed island, Taiwan, are franti- you a rapid recovery. I a regular member of the Party. cally spreading slander.s, which consulted you .on important Simultaneously, it proposed that is all they can do, to the disgust questions and secured your you be named Honorary Presi- of fair-minded people all over agreement. You said several dent of the People's Republic of the world. Their vicious propa- times, "Don't call me 'Vice- China. That day Comrade Deng ganda can only end in their con- Chairman'." I asked, "Shall I Xiaoping went to visit and reaping what they have sown, call you Comrade Ching Ling?" gratulate you. their own doom. It cannot i,rr You smiled and nodded happily. That the Chinese Communist the least mar your great image. In the manner of the old genera- Party should have in its ranks tion of revolutionaries, you such an outstanding states- , Esteemed Comrade Ching Ling. you great patriotic, kissed my hand like a loving woman, social activist and great are a democratic, internationalist and mother. With deep f eeling, I communist revolutionary f ighter kissed yours. When we partedo of world renown is the pride of comnrunist fighter, a tested van- I embraced you and kissed your our Party, our country, our guard in defence of world face. I recall all this with people of ail nationalities, and peace, the beloved grandmother unf ading emotion. Not only of all China's women. of all China's children and did it express the revolutionary Soong Ching Ling Your young people. 1 salute yclu with feeling between us. It reflected name symbolizes the -70-Year the utmost respect. tr

11 Gall ffie 'Comrade Ghing Ling'

A BOUT 6 p.m. on May 15, 1981, Congrees Standing Committee, leukemia seve,ral months ear- -fl' iust alter the decision to drove to her home to inform lier. Her condition worsened accept Soong Ching Ling as a her of the decision. despite meticulous medical full member of the Communist At Soong Ching Ling's bed- treatment. On rhc. evening of Party of China had been una- side, Liao Chengzhi, holding May 14. it .suddenly took a turn nimously adopted at a meeting her hands, said with feeling, for the worse. her temperature of the Political Bureau of the "I've brought you a piece of rising to 40.2 degrees centi- C.P.C. Central Committee, good . The Party Central grade. Thanks to emergency , Member of the Committee has decided to ac- treatment. her temperature Secretariat and Head of the cept you as a full member of dropped slightly but still hover- Organization Department of the Chinese Communist Party." ed between 39 and 39.4 degrees the Party Central Committee, Soong Ching Ling nodded and centigrade. Her condition con- and Liao Chengzhi, Vice-Chair- smiled, although she was tinued to be critical man of the National People's unable to speak. She was run- Since her youth, Soong Ching ning a high fever. Ling had devoted herself loyal- A report by the Xinhua News Soong Ching Ling had con- ly to the cause of the Chinese Agency. tracted chronic lymphocytic people's revolution. Through-

Soong Ching Ling, , Mao Zedong, and Zhou Enlai (from Ieft to right) at the first meeting of the Second National People's Congr*s 'in April, 1959. Soong Ching Ling was appointed Vice-Ctairman of thc Peo- ple's Bepublic of China at the meeting.

t2 out the protracted and arduous struggles of the Chinese revolu- tion, she had always stood firmly by the Chinese per:ple and the Chinese Communist Party. She had made glorious contributions to the people's democratic revolution in China, and to the country's socialist revolution and construction.

Long Desire

For a long time she had wanLed to join the Chinese Communist Party. The Party, for its part, had always looked on her as a respected Com- munist fighter. In 1957, the Party Central Committee de- cided that Soong Ching Ling, together with the noted writers Guo Moruo and Shen Yanbing, () should attend the Moscow Meeting of Repre- sentatives of Communist and

Workers' Parties as members of F# xg* the Chinese delegation headed by Mao Zedong. At the meet- _kw* w re#*ffiL ing, Chairman Mao told one of v the then Soviet Party leaders. "Although Soong Ching Ling, Guo Morou and Shen Yanbing are not members of our Party now, we regard them just like Mao Zedong and Soong Chins Ling al the signing ceremony lor Party comrades." the Manifesto adopted by the llleeting of the Oommunist and Workers, Soong Ching Ling formally Parties of the Socialist Countries helal in Moscow in November. 198?. tendered her application to join the Party in 1958 while Liu Shaoqi and Zhou Enlai was important matters of the Party garded you as one nf its leading paying her a visit in Shanghai. and the state and asked for her comrades." Soong Ching Ling ,,In Liu Shaoqi said to her, opinion. And she always set was movd. to tears and repeat- view of the current situation, strict demands on herself in ed her application for Party you can play a greater role in acconlance with the require- membership. the revolution if you stay out- ments for a Party member, Later, Comrade Deng Ying- side the Party for the time be- chao went to see her on behalf ing. Although you are not a of Standing Committee of Wish Fulfilled the member, we will keep you in- the Political Bureau. When formed of all major affairs of Recently, after learning that Deng Yingchao called her the Party and you may take she had developed leukemia, "Vice-Chairman Soong", Soong full part in them." Soong Peng Zhen, a member of Ching Ling said with emotion, Ching Ling said she understood the Political Bureau of the "Don't call me Vice-Chairman, the Party's considerations. C.P.C. Central Committee, call'rne Comrade Ching Ling." From then until the start of went to see Soong Ching At 3 p:m. on May 15, the the "" in Ling. Peng Zhen said to Political Bureau of the Central 1966 leading members of the her, "Although you are not a Committee held a meet- Central Committee always in- member of the Communist ing and unanimously agreed to formed her in advance of all Party, the Party has always re- admit her into the Party. tr

13 Trihute amd Farewell


fl T 20:18 hours on May 29, Jj. 1981, on an evening with few star-s visible in the and a dimmed rnoon, the heart of this great woman cea.sed to beat. For rnorc'than two weeks I had continuously kept watch at Soong Ching Ling's bedside or paced the

15 'oGreat, Honest amd IncerG" - Recollectfons by Fornily r}lembers Grandmother has carried out the behests of Grandfather Sun Yat-sen. Like his, her heart is with the Chinese people. All her life she has fought persistentlY ior them, the children, the country and people's happiness all over the worid. ROSE S. TCHANG: I feel the same way. Though Grandmother was very busy, she often played with us. She treated us Iike daughters rather tlan g'-and- daughters. A,round 1g:10 she w-rote my mother tel.ling h'er that they were of the same gen- eratian, and like sisters. In this way she made us feel very close. I left China in 1943 when I was quite began writ- Honorary President Soong's relatives, photoSTaphed with Llao Chengzhi oo small. I &[zy 22 when her condition seemed better. ing to her only about four years ago, and the first time did not know quite what to saY. She Soong Ching Ling were naughty she would pa- trYfHEN wrote a warm reply, saying that YV became seriously sev- ill, tiently say, "You shouldn't do seemed like only yesterdaY eral of her relatives came from it that, it's wrong." F-rom child- that I had left. abroad to see her. They included hood, wanted grow be I to up to PAUL T. K. LIN: She has Rose S. Pearl S. Lin and Iike my dear grandmother. strength, tenderness, revolu- Tchang from San Francisco, I came back to China in 1975 tionary compassion. She has daughters of the late Sun Fo, and again in 1979, I visited the friends, the son of Dr. Sun Yat-sen by never forgotten those birthplace of my grandfather, including foreign friends, who his first marriage, Dr. Paul Sun Yat-sen, in Cuihong village, T. K. Lin and his wife Eileen helped in the revolution 30 or 40 Guangdong, his old home in years Chen Lin from Canada, and ago. She even remembers Shanghai and his mausoleum. I trifling details about their lives. Walter Chee Kwon Chun and realize that the people's life has his wife Sau Chun Wong Chun On the other hand she has changed greatly from the past. always been uncompromising from Hongkong. They kept vigil They are happy and healthy, by her sickbed. Two days before toward bad people, oppressors properly dressed and housed. deatJr they shared some and their willing tools. If she her The great majority have work. memories of her with Chen found a friend had be"trayed the great progress, has Xiuzheng and Sun Yunshan, This is for it people she would stop contact with a representing China Recon- not been easy to achieve with him. She was the image of structs" population as vast as China's. I clarity as to what to love and PEARL S. LIN: When we lived am greatly moved to see every- what, to hate. Yet she could in Shanghai my parents often body working hard toward a unite a great many people in- took me and the other children common goal, and their concern cluding those who had commit- to our grandmother's to have tea and help for eaeh other. ted mistakes or had short- with her. She loved children Since coming here this time, comrngs. and sometimes gave us gifts. I've seen how rnuch everyone EILEEN LIN: Her greatness lies She would always consider around our grandmother - in her lifelong devotion to the carefully what to give, so that it secretaries, colleagues, house strengthening of China and the would be something each child staff and guards in her offieial well-being of the people. While woulil like. I remember trea- residence loves and respects remaining loyal to Dr. Sun Yat- suring a wooden doll from her. her. I think- it is because she sen's revolutionary cause, she I never saw her angry or heard has always been concerned lor was good at uniting all who her scold anyone. When we others. could be united when she lived

16 among Kuomintang officials" My father was one of them, but she could unite with hirn and make him one of her close friends. He respected her highly. In 1949 when I saw my father in Hongkong, he opened a drawer and took out a lighter and some small gifts and said, "These were glven rne by Madame Sun." In my father's heart she was the most honest and strongest person, the mo,st worthy of esteem. She showed loving concern for our whole family. When my oldest son died in an auto accident in Canada, she tried to comfort us with a letter Relatives express thanks to the doctors in whieh she said the best and nurses. way to overcome grief was to work and work. When of Dr. Sun, Madame Sun, Chair- I remember when I wirs in my second son got married she man Mao and Premiet Zhou- China in 1934, because she per- cabled congratulations. When and help build China into the sisted in standing for Dr. Sun my first granddaughter was prosperous, strong and happy Yat-sen's revolutionary ideals born, she expressed delight and country its people deserve. anyone who went to see her sent a beautiful little dress. We WALTE,R CHEE KWON CHUN: would be put on a blacklist" loved her from t}e bottom ot Dr. Sun Yat-sen lived for a Nevertheiess I always called on our' hearts. while in my native Hawaii, and her when we were in Shanghai Always far-sighted, she set Honolulu was one of the bases or Nanjing. Today, the times great store by the work of for his revolutionary activity. are different. bringing up the eountry's chil- Wherever I have gone, overseas After iiberation she threw her dren, the masters of the future. Chinese have reealled him and efforts into the construction of We are determined to educate asked mel to send their regards the new China. She lived our own second and third gen- to Soong Ching Ling. They see through the entire historical erations in her spirit - so that her as a center for the forces of period from'the old society to they may live up to the hopes international peace and progress. today. She was like a good ship in a storm, always managing to keep a straight course. She had a great ideal and never wavered in her fight to realize it" SAU CHUN WONG CHUN: I think Aunt Soong Ching Ung is one of the greatest. I first heard of her from my father who worked with Dr, Sun Yat-sen. Whenever she knew that my husband and I were in Beijing, she would invite us to tea. And she would always be sure to have my husband Walter's favorite foods spring rolls, fried noodles and- almond curd. At a lqss as to what to bring her, we were delighted when on one rare occasion she said, l'Bring me some dried mangoes if you can." It was the anniver- Faying last respects to Comrade Soong Ching Ling ou the evening of May sary of the China Insti- 29 are: P€ail S, Lin, Bose S. Tohang, Venus S. Kung Tai, Paul Kiakong Welfare Tchang, Paul T.K. Lin, Eileen Chen Lin {Chen Shu), ViTalter Chee Kwon tute and she wanted to give the Chun and Sau Chun Wong Chun. staff a taste of this fruit. n t7 trom $oong Ching Ling's f,rticles in 'China Reeomstruets'

HOPE IN TIIE LAND tarianism which means distrusting everyone outside your- own immediate group; and sub wrongs "We set to work to reverse all the jectivism which disregards reality." that had been done us and to build a new - Unitg ls Our Strength", political and social structure to serve "Our economic, September, 7957 the best interests of our people and all peop1es." "The First Fiue Years", January, 7955 "I-ooking back over the changes of these THE PEOPLE'S EPOCH proud, and five years, I feel exhilarated, and The twentieth century is the age when man be- humble. If others hold us in regard, it is is not only expected to know the world but to people. are cause of the deeds of our They change it. It is the age of a succession of rapid building a present incomparably better than breakthroughs in key scientific fields, and the the past. They are building a future immeas- intense application of science to production pro- urably better than the present." cesses. This has given man the power and "Fiue Years Ago-and Nons", Januarg, 7957 abitity to bend nature to his will, and to in- "The Chinese people had stood up in the crease production of the necessaries of life to world. We were moving ahead, building a new the point where the best in livelihood can be life for ourselves. The struggle was still ar- provided for all the peoples, without exception. duous; much work remained to be done; also The problem this age places before man, there- there was a great deal to learn. But there was fore, is: Through the appropriate changes in hope in every corner of the land." economic system (relations of production) to re- "A Tradition of Truth", January, 7962 lease all the creative energies of the people and bring about a tremendous productive effort for UNITE ALL FORCES the benefit of humanity in general, to be shared equally and absolutely without exploitation or "The construction of socialism in an im- discrimination of any kind. mense country such as China is a tremendous " Chi,na's Liberation Sino-Soui.et undertaking. It necessitates the pooling of Friendship - Great LeaP every resource, an