Väsen i Chronopia Creatures of Chronopia

Konstruktör: Johan Sjöberg Översättning: Redigering: Chronopia: Bill King, Michael Stenmark, Nils Gulliksson, Henrik Strandberg Formgivning: Original: Marcus Thorell Omslag: Adrian Smith Grafisk Form: Illustrationer: Adrian Smith, Alvaro Tapia Koncept: Stefan Ljungqvist, Johan Sjöberg Kartor: Övriga Bidrag: Filip Alexanderson, Hanners Kristoferson, Fredrik Malmberg, Henrik Strandberg, Nils Gulliksson, Sami Sinerva, Jonas Mases, Patric Backlund, Cees Kwadijk Baksida: Paolo Parente Projektledning: Stefan Ljungqvist

So you want to learn something about the chronopian people? Forsa the sabranska mysteries, get to know the secrets that made brundusierna so rich, understand marajiputternas brutal fanaticism and unconditional surrender to the black tobacco, nattländarnas desperate escape and ice barbarians worship of Snow Witch. Then I have the book for you my friend. Just look up Melkastors "The chronopian peoples", which delivers the wise man and adventurer all the wisdom you need. If he is still alive? No. When the book arrived, he was executed for blasphemy by the emperor. Read - and maybe you will understand why.

Human ethnicities

During my many long and intense years as a guest in the brutal, multifaceted and legendary chronopian reality, I had the dubious pleasure to encounter the most varied gallery of the known world has to offer, bump into high and low, exchange experiences with sabranska desert knights, brundusiska trade princes and blue skinned isbarbarer with frosty mustache. I have engaged in telepathy with charibiska hexbarons, given boozed Red Corsairs on the nut, fled howling marajiputtiska fanatics and young and inexperienced taken refuge in faltrakiernas false bosom and sold as a slave to the salt mines. In short - I have experienced everything and then some, and this is all I had meant to share with you in this modest essay on the chronopian the people that I authored my humble chamber, shielded from the disturbing chronopian yell, alienated from the width-filled streets with ferocity. Do not think I got everything in my book - the written word may be powerful, but my strength is not even near bookmages, and therefore I have chosen to omit both the one and the other. For example, I have decided not to concern myself with Black Bloods dirty underbelly, the obstinate elves fisförnämiteter and square beard elf - that Dwarves - history. The sagas, there are others who can tell much better. Instead, my goal is to offer such a rich and interesting as possible drawing of the human race spread and effect in the wonderful city of Chronopia. Brundusier

Each country Brundus is for me, as for many others, something of a mystery. Brundusierna itself does not seem to have much trouble finding home when they leave Chronopia to visit the few friends they may have left in Brundus, or to make a call on the utter Pasha who under the confused explorer Loboritus shall dwell in a palace built of ivory and ebony lying on a beach of gold - a task one should take with a grain of salt. The brundusier I myself come in contact with, and it's been everything from trade princes and weeping mistresses to the inviolability of pashas and gödmästare, maintains strongly that Loboritus just rambling, that he had drunk too much tokjuice and smoked too much black tobacco in his day. "The know anyone that we do not have any giants in Brundus, let alone black trees and beaches of gold," they say, adding, "you are hearing the actual how insane it sounds." And I am prepared to agree with them, it sounds crazy. But in this world is never the fact that something sounds crazy prevented it from being true. Rather, that the more incredible something seems, the more likely it is that it is actually true. Therefore, I am quite convinced that the utter pasha live in a built of gold, with the towers of the giant mammoth grazing - much like the Academy of Sciences, resting on a beach of stones bordering a sea of liquid silver. Am I correct I understand that they do not want any visitors, and who can blame them? If the news would travel across the seas, they would soon have all Chronopia's misers - and they are as numerous as the city's inhabitants - crawling on beaches with sharp blades in his mouth and large bags in their hands, ready to take what they want. But let us leave the mythical Brundus behind us and throw us out of the chronopian uproar.


Here in Chronopia belong brundusierna, along with marajiputterna and Sabra are, what is popularly called the demons' people. This is because brundusierna when they first came to Chronopia found themselves immensely attracted by the enormous potency, the brutality, ferocity and bridled, nedbundna suffering that permeates the chronopian demonic existence. Many of brundusierna chose to settle near or Demon town, others chose to build a brundusisk neighborhood elsewhere in the city, not too far from what would later become Smoke Town. Brundusiernas district is simply called Little Brundus, but no major ambitions to live up to the legends told about Brundus, but is nevertheless a grand neighborhood, filled with a neck breaker end of the beautiful architecture, hundreds of meters tall columns lining the parade the streets and main squares and dressed, overfed brundusiska pashas who stroll the streets carried or pulled by his faithful servants. If one of Chronopia want to enjoy the beautiful sights, eat enough of ögonfägnad, enjoy the wonderful scents and purchase expensive oils, perfumes, combs, fabrics and incense, it is advisable to seek out the Little Brundus - has only a well-filled purse money (or coffin) will definitely not be disappointed in what you get home. Unlike most other chronopian brundusierna peoples are not particularly martial off. They are almost never the cause of some of the major riot like earthquakes or time storms daily shakes the city, but they try to on good terms with everyone, and no major ambitions to intrude on others' territories. This obviously not all. It's not particularly unusual - I hope not to you of my presentation given to you that it would be - that brundusiska pashas or trade princes move from Little Brundus to break into the prevalent houses in other neighborhoods, very often mixed neighborhoods , crucibles, where all people Chronopia's mixed. An example of such a pasha is the immensely fat brundusiern Imbar, a resident of Tabari, but with a large palace also in the South Harbour. He has made a fortune on rat breeding - elves completely adore the fat, juicy flesh from his hairless rats. CULTURE

Brundusierna is in many respects amazing people over the years I studied them and their behavior never ceased to amaze me, and in this section, I had intended to share some of the more basic features of the brundusiska culture and explain how their hierarchical system built.

For brundusierna there are two virtues over others - chastity and obesity. Chastity is reflected in the almost all male brundusier engaged in a complete abstinence, even if married, which is common. The main brundusiska warriors let themselves additionally deprived of his manhood, through a minor intervention, (they get to keep it in a small jar) and then called for eunuchs. The eunuch is known for its känslokallhet, its brutality in battle and almost steely wrote (something that led many to surprising effect solve dirty tricks). They regard armor that fully redundant and always goes around in a bar, oiled torso. Friend of order - not because it directly teeming with those in Chronopia - ask now of course, how on earth it brundusiska species can survive (it would be sekudorna that come with the children is a myth that my very good friend Brualidius do måsmos of its eminent book "Myth, science and reality", where he also explains why the moon is a flat, round the world and its core of black ice). The answer is as obvious as simple - you stick with breeders, male concubines as they brundusiska women can use themselves off whenever they want, and the extent to which, both too clean, pink uninhibited pleasure and propagation.

Some argue that this practice has made the brundusiska women to mind more, more ecstatic than Degas Elves beings, and I'm almost inclined to agree, although they brundusiska women are more discreet than the exhibitionist Degas Elves.

Obesity is what determines who you are for what - all brundusier who are not chosen to not turn on the violence brutal way, or indulge in beauty care, do all to fatten their body, cause it to swell over all widths, become a unmanageable exuberant fat lump rocking a mountain of pure pork (chariberna hate brundusiskt meat). If one were to succeed in the art of shaking hands with a brundusisk Pasha, or get so close that you can hit him in the stomach, reproduce shakes in the raised pork as the waves after a fryvisk galley. Their bodies are really, as the Dwarvish chef Dubir of clan Bodrin once said, sea of flesh. The brundusiska hunt for obesity is not only a manifestation of their vanity, but also a status symbol. In Chronopia say that money is power and power is money. Brundusierna says that obesity is power, power is obese - and it's true. This for the simple reason that it is the pasha that weighs most have the most to say - no one dares normally go against the fattest paschans words, even if the chronopian climate have blurred the concepts a bit. To determine who is the fattest perform each year during the ceremony an official weighing, surrounded by grand ceremonies, including - unsurprisingly - a matorgie intended to complete the event. The enormous prestige located in obesity has meant that all brundusier with self-respect and great ambitions employ gödmästare, for them to take in just the right food, the food that makes them very fattest and most exuberant overfed.


When I first seriously became acquainted with the painted chariberna from Cannibal Islands was in anything but pleasant circumstances. I was with a bunch of highly by vile excrement stinking luspudlar to underground fighters for a few days paddling and mapped my way through the chronopian the underworld in search of some burial chambers where, according to a reliable source would be enormous wealth (when I later learned that the safe source was a sneaky faltrakier, who also had been paid for his information, I understood that it was not surprising that we were so inaccurate as we did when we deluded ourselves into the city of the dead, charibernas resident of Chronopia). After that, thanks to the incompetent sewer crabs fumbling, had managed to get stuck in one of charibernas ingenious net traps, we were caught up by some of their red- painted warrior and was taken in tow after their battle canoe. We had heard rumors of their somewhat bizarre habits, but thought it was more grandstanding - which is very Chronopia - than the actual truth. But such luck we had not, but soon we found ourselves in a pot filled with water, excellent vegetables and plenty of exquisite spices. The fire under us began to slowly heat the iron in the huge cauldron, which in turn warmed the water up to temperatures far above the pleasant. I had just resigned myself to the idea that well-cooked torn to pieces in order to become someone's dinner, when the whole thing was interrupted by a completely painted white person with back stitched mouth, dim eyes, long hose coat and a huge, wide-brimmed top hat strode forward pot and pointed at me. Imagine my surprise when the fire was extinguished and we lifted from the pan. Later I learned that we had been spared because I had a faint resemblance to one of häxbaronens ancestors (how it can be possible, I still have not understood). The others I do not know how it happened, but myself, I stayed for a few weeks to get to know the charibiska culture and some of the lessons I learned then, I had intended to try to share with you now.

Meat Eating

Chariberna is the least of their infamy, in certain people's eyes, everything for extreme eating habits - that their homeland has been named Cannibal Islands by explorers from famous all over the world is anything but a coincidence. The dislike they called cannibals, they mean that they eat other people just like elves eat gobliner and that there would be nothing particularly strange about it. Moreover, it is good for the population, and I can agree with. It just makes Chronopia plenty of one or other con artists, well met mercenaries or crestfallen marajiputt flambé, sweetbreads served, cooked or browned - there are just too good for them anyway. When we had been spared from becoming the main attraction Communion, I found out that the cooking we had gone through the ritual and not particularly useful if you wanted food would taste good. Normally cut up to people in the bite-sized pot pieces, so that they can be cooked along with vegetables, but vegetables for that matter should have to lose its elasticity. Whoever told me was the exalted of the chef, slaughter champion as he also called. The slaughter champions who have responsibility for all cuts of meat so that it shall be clean from example spirits and vitality - you want as far as possible avoid being possessed by a malevolent spirit that lingered in the body after death. Chariberna have a great respect for the spirit world and worship their dead ancestors.


Another interesting peculiarity of the charibiska the people are who said their worship of ancestors spirits of their fathers and fathers' fathers spirits wandering around who just lost souls in the underground labyrinth, and that can only be soothed with some fragrant meal a day, and other small offerings . For a person who does not come from Chronopia seems it might just be old superstitious and irrational superstitions, such as in some other parts of the country is classified as follies, but for those who lived a short time in Chronopia seems not at all unreasonable - there are people who devote considerably, nastier and more mysterious things. Chronopia's learned, however, has long wondered how chariberna can be sure that it really is their ancestral spirits and not any other, malevolent, avaricious spirits looking up chariberna to exploit their guest- friendliness. Many believe that it is actually not at all charibernas ancestors spirits as they sacrifice to without the old anxious, angry spirits from Chronopia's dawn escape from their ancient tombs and after millennia of infernal boredom need some to mess with, no tricking, spoofing and drive to insanity. One of the reasons that you think this is that the spirits so very rarely seem satisfied with what they get, even though chariberna effort to the utmost to satisfy them. Spirits seem to never get enough and usually have the habit of turning up and down on serious events, shake the Dead parade, paint the walls with festive meals and howling go back and forth through the air and make unpleasant, unspeakably ugly faces to show their dissatisfaction with his imperfect descendants. A few times, representatives of the Academy of Sciences presented their theories chariberna, and even offered them the use of ground exorcists, but they have responded with a shrug and eaten the messenger, delicately flavored with parsley and a pinch of garlic and sent back "soup bones" to its rightful owner.


Chariberna is really a hungry rather than warlike people - killing for eating, not for the sake of killing as barbaric Black Blood, brutal Highlander, the stinking Dedicated or overly enthusiastic Black Guards. Although it has skilled warriors - warriors painted red - or trappers, as they are also called because they also represent charibernas hunters, even in Chronopia is a shortage of butchers selling human flesh. When the Poles their way through the underground tunnels in search of suitable prey, they have painted themselves in red - the color of meat - to get hunting. Armed with spears narrow and broad leaf blades makes the Chronopia's ports to unsafe waters. Silently they paddle out between the big boats, sneaks on board, cut the throat of any suitable roasts and drags them back into the canoes. If one disappears without a trace in any of Chronopia's ports usually often called the chariberna took one - and they've done it, you are probably no longer anything but smelly dung bobbing through the stinking chronopian sewers.

Chronopia's People

Here are some of the races that stand out from the usual chronopian dregs, which have a different specificity than brutality, decadence and arrogance and not yet fully allowed themselves to be assimilated, melted down into the bubbling and seething cauldron of the legendary city of Chronopia is without is still unique, interesting and exciting. If anyone would like to play, for example, a brundusier or isbarbar, just follow the rules are the basic rules, but instead of the usual human description, use the values stated below.

Tybärr we can of space reasons not present unique professions of the different peoples, menmed leadership of Melkastors text and a bit of imagination, it would be some great difficulty to create a slave trader, a ring adorned warrior or a blue skinned cripple. Some nations are also more detailed in second Chronopia modules. Marajiputterna described in Swords and sorcery, chariberna in Dark Guardians and Sabra are weapons and armor and sword and sorcery.



A good friend of mine once said that faltrakierna the known world nastiest people, black blood and Devout included, but before I properly got to know the faltrakiska culture, I was not sure if he was telling the truth or engaged in slander - which we chronopier so often do. Now I know that he was right, disagreeable, more economic, snotty and vresigare peoples than faltrakierna have never set foot on the chronopian soil. And not only that they are unpleasant, they are incomparable unreliable, so unreliable that there is a chronopian saying that goes: "The surest way for a faltrakier to be sure that no one believes he is telling the truth." In this chapter I intend to tell a little about these unpleasant sake uncrowned kings.


In the faltrakiska culture, which to some extent spread to the chronopian, unpleasantness is a virtue. When discussing with his friends (even if faltrakierna not strictly have any friends at all) when you flirt with a lady or when negotiating with a customer on a good price on a party slaves from Fryvien be insults hammered out with a frenzy worthy the most howling Dwarvish steam turbine. By belittling his friend's intelligence, power and skill to show their own superiority - and the superior is always right. "You stinking son of a plague sewer rat", "Your mother is a orchisk harlot" or "You are with the sewer dung for brains" is milder insults that usually go through the air early in a conversation, or faltrakierna throws around them when they go down Chronopia's streets. When things heat up really, they can blurt harangues as "You stinking goblin, degas infected, dung-eating, dyngfyllda neutralized sekudahjärna with such välborrad lobe to the imperial trollsanatorerna would be jealous if they saw it" or other unnamables. Addressing a faltrak is asking to be insulted. But faltrakierna is not only unpleasant, brusque and generally harsh - they are snotty översittartyper who, without any real reason, consider themselves to be more than any other and not even consider an educative tone from a Black Guard with the naked emperor blade be enough to earn their attention. And if someone unnecessarily intrusive, it happens very often that roars up - they have a fiery temperament, nowhere near as calm as the chronopian patterns citizens trolls. When they do not hesitate for a moment to pull the knife and plunged over the headstrong to cut him in - in all cases seen by charibiska eyes - bite-sized pieces. In Chronopia have their brutal behavior rather been a disadvantage for them, because they are not as great warriors that they are traitors (I shall return to that later), and the number faltrakier who had their skulls smashed and limbs severed and stomachs ripped to followed by his moodiness is large, but strangely has not changed their behavior - rather the contrary. Now faltrakierna argsintare and more irritable than they have ever been. They spin around with drawn knife if you step on their shadow is not uncommon.

The faltrakiska treacherous of their God-given dishonesty, is almost legendary. It is not for nothing that it's called "Just as surely as a faltrak lying" about the obvious, "Lie in Faltrakien" about the obvious and "He runs like a faltrak a lying" about the fleet-footed gladiators. Their notorious dishonesty and their amazing ability to never having so much as a tone or a glance incrimination makes them extremely unpredictable, so common chronopian people normally reluctant to do business with faltrakier. Each faltrakisk ruler or prince maintains a liar, an unusually overbearing and unpleasant faltrakier who spend their time weaving the web of lies, each more intricate than the other, and the ruler's request retell the mendacious stories he cobbled together in his chambers.


In faltrakiernas homeland rages, then the great and ruthless tyrannical king Eridan died without leaving an heir, a brutal and merciless civil war between autocratic rulers, savage clans, religious fanatics, crazy magician and aspiring commanders. The country is torn apart by powerful, intense combat that draws up across the country like the waves of a stormy sea. Everywhere looted villages, towns burned to the ground, cornfields sticks on fire and go up in smoke, women and children captured and shipped to Chronopia to be sold to finance the crazy rulers senseless war. One can not travel one day to walk without seeing columns of smoke rising on the horizon, feel the sweet pungent smell of burning flesh in the nose, pedaling through the mass graves and hear the sound from the ongoing battles. Faltrakien of today is lacerated, raped and impoverished country that can not provide their inhabitants anything, not even food for the day, and faltrakierna is an insane people, who have not been in a better mood to see his country fall to pieces (sometimes it almost as if I feel a bit sorry for them, even if a good chronopier not engage in such nonsense). Despite this faltrakierna not those who flee, turning their backs on anything they think is worth fighting for and in the name of consistency, they continue because its civil war here in Chronopia. Here they burn each other's ships in ports, over the falls each other in the streets, mutilate each other's merchandise and selling each other into slavery, which is the next topic in our description of faltrakierna.


Despite, or perhaps because of, the faltrakierna is nasty, brutal, scheming and murderous - the kind of scum that cut the throats of the people as soon as they turn their back - they are the known world's most skilled and prolific slave traders. Nearly all imperial slave's licenses issued have been issued to faltrakier. They have an eye for the human body, discovers inevitably tooth decay, osteoporosis, weakness in the immune system and defects in the construction, in the mentality of the commodity - a good slave must be able to obey, must accept unconditional surrender. The slave trade is the one that gets the impoverished country's wheels to spin passably, that generate the money needed to keep the all-consuming Civil War started. Faltrakierna is careful not unnecessarily hurt his resale - a slave with an arm is not worth half as much as a two - an arm is not worthy of the reasons that you are actually trying to avoid killing their enemies, they are worth more live (even if it sells meat to chariberna), and that the enemies who are at risk of being seized by faltrakier often mutilate themselves in the hope that faltrakierna should leave them in peace. More wrong, they could hardly have. Faltrakierna loathe cripples - so they reached an intense conflict with isbarbarerna - and plagues these inferior beings to death without enjoying significantly it. One of faltrakiernas primary merchandise is right - faltrakier. It sells without any scruples each other to the highest bidder. The prisoners taken in the Civil War shipped off to Chronopia and other large cities where they are offered on the slave markets, alongside humiliated Highlander, molokna brundusier, uncomprehending gobliner sullen and the dwarfs. Faltrakier usually additionally engage in to duel against each other, not to death but to the first drop of blood. The winner may sell the loser, or at least some of the loser's slaves. Say what you want about faltrakierna, but they are good businessmen - and in any case when it comes to dealing with meat unmatched in the known world.


Fryvierna are the ten oceans skilled subduer, the premier boat builders, navigators and water magicians who sailed under the name World star spheres. They are known the world's most ambitious explorers, and with its sleek boats sailed lap after lap around the world-ROM, visited long forgotten cultures, sailed under the ashen skies, soaked in black stinging rain, hounded by bizarre sea monsters and got the sails and hulls torn by outraged storm demons. They sail from port to port always ready for new experiences, make new contacts, make trade agreements and to make peaceful, as well as ofredliga, forays. In short - fryvierna is both an open and adventurous people.


The first time I saw fryvierna was on one of Chronopia's countless harbor bazaars where they offered their goods, smiled and told me candidly bragging about all they had been through for all who would listen. Their talks ability was almost magical and soon had hundreds of people gathered and listened attentively, jostling with each other, jostled and shunted to hear the fryviska merchants tell their colorful tales, legends and stories from countries so exotic that even occasional chronopier raised his eyebrows and pursed his ears a little extra. When the story was over, they started to sell their goods, and I do not think there was anyone - not even the little rubbed Goblins that had become so enthralled that they forgot to ease the crowd purses - that did not buy anything from the fryviska merchants. Fryviernås secret is their artless candor, their ability to after only a brief conversation give a feeling that you have known each other a lifetime. They speak to the same friendly way as talking to a good friend, a father or mother, sister or brother (even if the sibling relationships in Chronopia for some reason tend to be quite complicated). They joke, telling personal anecdotes, asking for opinions, putting direct personal questions in a way that even the most rough-barked mercenaries or the most storm-whipped sea water pirate forces a smile and a few warm words. Therefore it is not strange that they say that the whole world is their home and they have sisters and brothers in every port, for even though they may not have the family of flesh and blood all over the world, they have friends and they have no friends so they acquire soon. There is a saying that goes: "When a fryvier comes to town, he is to the mayor before the sun goes down", and it is as true as it is said. The fryvier is not that is not a miracle of exuberant friendship and benevolence.

TRADE Their openness and their friendly ways, their good knowledge of the customs and traditions of different peoples and their cautious approach, at least in one respect made them mankind wongoser, they are, as I said not nearly as uncomfortable pushy and suffocating pushy as the more short-adult people . Shake hands with a fryvier can be sure that you simultaneously buy anything from him, even though you might not think about it. If all the dwarfs are warrior, so are all fryvier merchants. I sat once and discussed with a fryvier on an unusually decent port brawn, we emptied a few cups dwarfish beard beer and philosophizing about the world and its inhabitants stinking. We sat and talked not longer than half an hour, but when we got up to go away, I had hands so full of knick-knacks that I could not pay the beer. It is fortunate that fryvierna not dishonest, because in that case he probably sold me both the inn and the table we sat at. Trade is fryviernas livelihood, trade for trade's sake. They make absolutely no goods themselves, except the boats they sail. They have no blacksmiths, no big farmers, tanners no, no builder, no cobblers, they only buy things cheap in one place and sell it expensive elsewhere, the difference is that made them rich. Some argue that it is a dishonest way to create a fortune, to become rich and wealthy without any proper sense contribute to a better world order. It is very possible that I may somewhat be prepared to stick with fryviernas critics, but it can never escape the fact that they are great merchants, with a huge range.


Fryvierna is not only great merchants, open-minded and adventurous - they are also fanatical worshipers of the wet element, the water, which is natural considering how much of their lives they spend at sea. If you succeed as a seaman keep in with the water, the risk in order to survive much larger than in other cases, drowning is the by far the most common of the oceans subduer. They do not worship, like many others, any specific deity, demon or other higher beings, they are satisfied with their prayers and rites of courting the water as such, make it calm down, not to unleash his rage in all its horrific bloom, curb its violent overthrow lakes, crushing tidal waves and swirling whirlpools. Their skillful water magicians, wave masters command the water, forcing it into submission, while not prayers force sufficient to appease the higher powers - the rumored even to donate water drowning victims to appease it, to satisfy its ravenous appetite, but the truth of the data is highly questionable, no one really knows where they come from. It is the same with the rumors that fryvierna plan to drown the world in a deluge, lowering Chronopia to the bottom of the world ocean, and let all the world the disc's inhabitants suffer death by drowning - it sounds too unbelievable to be true even Chronopia. Can not properly appearances deceive so terrible, or perhaps it can be? How it is with that thing should get time will tell.

Ice Barbarian

The Ice barbarian is abnormal even in a city like Chronopia. With his bulk, blue skin and off white or deep dark blue hair, they differ from the rest. Although the amount is made up of dedicated lousy with nekrologi, drooling troll berserker or shady, hungry members of the Blood Cult is easy to see who is isbarbarer - there is simply no mistaking the same way that one can mistake a narrow brundusier for marajiputt or sabran, or an unusually pale chronopier for nattländare. And isbarbarerna not only look different - they are different, even if they are just as many of the city Chronopia's inhabitants are both brutal, short in tone and always ready for a good fight. In this chapter I intend to tell a little bit about the myths from their home country, if the cold and Snow Witch - their inviolable mistress. TUNDRA

I myself have never visited isbarbarernas homeland Tundra, located beyond the northern highlands where the highlands trying to defend himself from the attacks the Devout in the holy war. But I have heard the most amazing stories of frozen wilderness from which they come. The legends tell that the whole Tundra was once a rolling sea, one of the ten world's oceans, the oceans full of thriving island cultures, just as the Southern Islands. Since swooped from nowhere, a thousand cold storms bottom of the sea and froze its surface, and everyone who lived on the islands were also frozen - they stood as if isstoder regarded with empty eyes what had once been their home. If you have ever tried to cool you down - perhaps as well-paid guinea pig at one of Incantation Masterss experiments, you know that the cold makes you blue lips, a blueness which gradually spreads over the entire body. Isbarbarerna are those who survived the cooling and slowly thawed in a few years became gentler times, but they never completely thawed, but has for generation after generation kept their cool. That is why they are the world's only known blåhudingar. It is said that it was Snow Witch thawed them and that is why they worship her as a goddess (I will tell you more about that later), but I myself am not so sure that's the case. The Tundra still live scores of isbarbarer, it is their natural home areas where they feel really comfortable and fit, Chronopia is really too hot for them. I have heard that there is frost bears and ispantrar the streets of their towns and villages, the sun never sets without constantly shines on the snow-covered expanses, and it's so cold that as a mere mortal would have to amputate both feet if you was stupid enough to walk around without substantial fur boots. I do not know what is true, but whatever it is Tundra most certainly a magical and enchanting country, like so many other countries in Chronopia's monstrous world.


Here in the excellent city Chronopia isbarbarerna has come to gather in a neighborhood located in the city's western outskirts, in the immediate vicinity of Snow Witch towers, so that they could be close to that which they regard as his mistress. Their house has meter thick walls, solid shutters and are painted white, everything to keep the heat at bay - and they have certainly succeeded. To walk into the winter city is like traveling to another continent - where it is colder than anywhere else in Chronopia, with the possible exception Snow Witch towers. It is not unusual that it snows in winter city, when it falls a warm, pouring summer rain in other parts of the city and the rains of sulfur in the swamp. Where the cold comes from, no one knows, but they say that it is all of these cold-blooded blue skinners in one place at the same opportunity that do. All isbarbarer exudes namely an intense cold. Others would argue that it is isbarbarernas magician who has enchanted area. Which is true only know it themselves - probably there is a bit of truth in both theories.

But what then does the isbarbarer who come here, and why will they? Some of them are wanderers - holy seekers after truth - that have come to Chronopia on pilgrimage, to view the consummate icemaiden tower and her laces Valkyries, and then come to be enthralled by the dark force and extreme exoticism that pervades Chronopia. Isbarbarernas wanderers are some of the most brutal warriors ever seen, and can with a few simple steps turn upside down on a frost bear running amok, while the tears off his jaws, but they are also loners and speaks almost never other than cripples, isbarbarernas spiritual and secular leader. Other isbarbarer have come here to seek happiness, to test their skill with iskroken can render them much success in mercenaring market or arena. To see if someone has the refrigeration required to defeat a frostbitten blåhuding from the north. At this writing, none of them achieved some major successes, but they are generally regarded as capable warriors and gladiators. And in both blades' Alliance and the Arena Library annals there are many vivid descriptions of how isbarbarerna with their giant iskrokar rips his opponents to pieces, dislodge limbs from their mounts and down easily intestinal pull a fallen opponent.

Many of them are also skilled hunters and has decided to support themselves by chasing hardened criminals, bundle license solve magicians and tracking down enemies of enemies who only has to die! Admittedly Chronopia a much more difficult and dangerous place to hunt on than the Tundra, but they have still managed relatively well, including those located on witch hunters stone top list of successful catches in relation to licenses issued.

Rulers and mistresses

Isbarbarernas untouchable and inviolable mistress is obviously Snow Witch, the unique sorceress who according to the legends must have created their people. The only problem is that she rarely shows much interest in blåhudingarna from the north, even less, she helps them in this world, but instead sends her every time she experiences isbarbarernas sometimes fanatical chanting as irritants, their Valkyries to demean and humiliate them . Valkyries sweeps down over winter city on their giant eagles, let them hit the claws of some about litter consuming isbarbarer, destroys some houses with his powerful magic and then returns to Snow hoping to have discouraged them from further worship, but each time they are punished, their believe only stronger and they become more and more anxious to make his mistress satisfied. They fall on their knees, asking for forgiveness, promising repentance and intensify their victims (usually including the sprinkling Snow Witch tower with fallen enemies' guts something not appreciated by the proprietor of the tower).

Snow Witch's not one of the blue people, she is but its cause, and every people must have leaders who are trying to control it, set limits, and it leads in difficult times, times of anxiety and confusion. Isbarbarernas rulers are cripples, blåhudingar born without arms and legs, but with impressive magical powers, powers that would impress even on a mossy Incantation Master. When a cripple born designated a carrier, often a strong, brutal and sustained warriors, as the rest of his life and krymplingens will carry the cripple in a specially built by isbjörk knapsack on his back. From the back of the wearer rule the roost since the cripple. He domderar officers and protest loudly whenever reasons given and the barbaric Community self-written rulers. In the communities - such as our exaggerated wonderful city Chronopia - where there are more than a cripple parts of the handlebars in a council where one has the right to vote according to degree of disability and age, the older and more deformed, the more the liar to say in . At his side cripples ice maiden, frosthyade women - according barbaric tradition Snow Witch daughters - who do not really do anything but that by their skin color enjoy a range of privileges that cripple DEVICES consorts.


Kaderna is one of the known world's most mysterious and deviant people. They have no homeland, no one knows where they come from, but they have at all times traveled from country to country in their wagon train, drawn by themselves or by mangy horses, and never have been accepted, but always for some time been drawing up their tent poles, tearing down the tent and continue on, over the known world expanses. In this chapter, I thought to try to dispel some of the mystique that surrounds it kadiska people, even if it is as tight as a sealed door of Eternity Palace, and create if not an understanding, then at least the insight into their lifestyle, and even in a city that Chronopia, any deviant behavior.


Kaderna is a nation of wanderers, of men and women without a homeland, without a ruler, without laws and regulations, without ideals and role models, without illusions and broken hopes. It is a nation consisting of deviant and misfits, the people who could not live up to the usual norm of the escaped convicts exiled and banished virrhjärnor killer. Where the will is there, as I said, no one knows, but the pundits of the Academy of Sciences says that kaderna are a people created by refugees and outsiders from all the known nations of the world, really where it all must have started is not known, but that sick, twisted and mysterious individuals from all nations have joined them during their journey from country to country and made kaderna to what they have become, no one doubts. Originally kaderna not so many, but as they traveled around the world record, the people have grown. Although they always had to leave the places they visited, when host people started to simmer prejudice, anger and hatred and eventually chased away kaderna by force, always has some joined their caravan, some who felt that they did not fit into the usual pattern, which is known to have been outside the social structure. Rootlessness and the world's hatred has made kaderna suspicious. They shut out the outside world, curious scientists and explorers, doing their best to scare the intimate observer of your mind, just to be left alone and is extremely careful to keep all unauthorized persons outside the kadiska Community, for fear of infiltration by malicious sabraner, sneaky Imperial officials and curious fryvier. Although it happens every now and then to take up new members in the inner circle, but it is extremely rare.


Kaderna are world famous for their obscenity, their obscenity, their carnal debauchery and his unbridled brutality. They are more unpalatable in their daily current than the most decadent Degas Elf is when he will overshoot the most in the eagle's house insanely perverted orgies and they have got to make it their hallmark, what separates them from the rest of the known world unpleasant , treacherous and false population. The kadiska wagon trains rolling horrors, a living odyssey of malformations, self-mutilation and offensive groteskerier. Here are all of the famous horror writer Strikibas books might contain, and much, much more. There are many ways in which kaderna choose to distinguish themselves from the rest of the world, but a common feature is the food that would make even the hungriest trolls second thoughts. It feasting on rotten fish, maggoty meat and dung smelling vegetables. Some of them also choose to tattoo their bodies into abstract patterns, complicated puzzles or stomach turning descriptions of hell. Other distort their facial features through questionable surgical procedures - a broader smile, a lost eye, a scalped head or corroded face. Still others choose to mutilate himself, chopping off a few fingers, an ear or nose and sew a couple orc fingers, pig ears or witch noses. Some baste the second severed body parts in the body. An additional main in the stomach area, or an extra pair of arms in the hand is not unusual to see. As a cadre must also learn to enjoy the pain - by adding it to themselves and suffer during the plagues. Therefore, they drive needles through their cheeks, arms and legs, crucify each other during the wagons and cuts all over the body to create high impact scars. They have contests to see who can endure the greatest pain of the nails, on the rack or caressed by glowing tongs and take pride in being able to laugh at the wound that is less than an inch deep. The stories also tells us that far from all cadre really are people, their ranks will be made up of the most fascinating kind, those who would get himself wife Koth envy.


Someone said, sometime to kaderna is like a worn patchwork boiled a cauldron and it is certainly something in it. In Chronopia, the world's most famous bubbling and seething cauldron - as it is commonly called, has kaderna become a vortex in the vortex. It does not fit in anywhere, and therefore it has been spread all over the city where the crazy självplågarna because no one really interested in their services have come to settle in to the path of crime. Although admittedly traveling around the city and appear with their varitéer with fakirs who lets himself be pierced by the sword, and run over by a horse and carriage, bizarre performances with the most atrociously disfigured freaks and small workshops in torture noble and wonderful art of well-established scenes the streets and squares, and indeed deserve a proper hack on it - even though they live in the world's most perverted city seems Chronopia's inhabitants never get enough of bisarriteter - the major part of the income from illegal night work. When darkness falls on giving one of, perpetuate sinewy, snake-like people, whose agility according to the stories because they received tendons in the legs severed, big brutal overfed meat ice, hardened fakirs and disfigured maniacs, to make Chronopia's streets uncertain than what they already is. Contortionists take up the walls and ceiling as easily as they Weightless, the exuberant meat ice - some of them are more disgusting than the brundusiska pashas - guard and robbing innocent chronopier who happens to pass by, fakirs expose themselves to unnecessary dangers and maniacs running street up and down the streets and howling like obsessed. Man breaks into house, mugs, murdering, burning, torture, mutilate and maim without reflection and with a burning hatred of the world that once pushed them away. In this way it has been in Chronopia made himself an enemy with far more than they should, and made himself impossible even in the city in the known world, where it had the greatest potential to be accepted.


The first time I seriously clashed with marajiputterna was during one of their annual crusade - as familiar as they leave at least once a year in a large fanatical horde Smoke Town, their neighborhood here in Chronopia, with their scimitars at the ready for the rat and brutal violence to force the world to face their perfection - and it was an experience I will never forget. I was at the time quite young and was sitting with some of my friends outside the Blue boar, a fairly decent restaurant, and emptied a few cups while we discussed the time storm that according to the time the men constantly equally ominous prophecy was coming. Suddenly the ground began to vibrate and the air was filled with foul-smelling black smoke and desperate cries for help mixed with marajiputternas fanatical chanting, which like a brölet from a horde tusenhövdad rutting giants. We got to her feet faster than a goblin says the sewer and would just give us the order to do that which was in our power to have time to get to shelter in Incantation Masters' tower - we were all convinced that a time storm was upon us - when marajiputterna came storming into the square with bloody scimitars, murderous glances and black smoke billowing from his nostrils. On some weapons hung from body parts mutilated bodies and for this mixer scimitar dangling corpse of a sabransk Desert Knights, but he still wielded the sword as if it really like sabranen not been more than a wongos. Even today I find it hard to understand how I managed to live out the giant killing machine that the religious fanatics marajiputtiska constituted. Everything that came near them was ground down as ruthlessly as in a charibisk meat grinder and it was only my friends and not me who got swept up and thrown into the sewer rats were when amok running horde had left the square, I thank my lucky stars. In this chapter, I had intended to dedicate a few lines for some of marajiputternas more unknown sides - their religious fanaticism and their broken skulls are smoked substances ältats too much in the city learned circles. What I had in mind was closest to their terrible black artists and their mysterious and beautiful women.


Each marajiputtisk bosses with any dignity will of course with at least one black artist can manipulate the magic flow of power to his benefit and to ensure that no unauthorized astral travelers get inside the palace walls and cause a lot of problems. The marajiputtiska black artists belong to the same school as the Devout necromancer, sabransk shadow masters and charibernas dark magicians. The use of the dark side of dear ones, exploiting the black energy flows to manipulate the chronopian reality. In the religious field the trains they walk side by side with bahadurer and dervascher, and propels the brutal beasts from his opponent unconscious, the sweeps in Chronopia's streets a impermeable darkness, distort the bodies beyond recognition, let veiled cloud of poisonous black smoke decrease over their enemies and hurl cascades of annihilating dark lightning. The exterior resembles marajiputternas black art about both elemancers dark magic that the Devout necromancy, but what it really is, not many people know. Very few have any idea what they marajputtiska black artists doing when they are in their shady laboratories Smoke Towns land surface, what is going on behind the scenes of polished marble that separates them from their environment, but I have actually at one point had it dubious pleasure of being a "guest" at one of these laboratories. How I got there is immaterial but what I experienced made me say the least worried Chronopia's future (I hope not too many vengeful marajiputter read these lines). This city is - as anyone who has lived here at least for a short time can hardly avoid noticing - lousy with bizarre religious sects who do not want anything other than world domination and infinite power, but it goes without saying that not everyone can have something to when put against the Black Guard treading armored descended to the streets to clean up. Marajiputterna engaged in their laboratories for experimenting with the mind, the human mind and how easy it is to manipulate it, especially with the help of loved ones dark side. Strapped on a stone gurney, I suffered the most humiliating intrusion into my own psyche, they twisted my mind, made me lose hope, to believe again, to sink into the deepest spiritual abysses I've ever seen to slowly but surely fight me up again, to suffer from depression severe blows in the face and then through the One regain my confidence. With their black arts will marajiputterna to convert people by the people, just as the Devout do until the world falls to the floor to pray five times a day. Marajiputternas black artists are the mänksliga senses champion, they can get us to see, hear and believe just what they want - whether we like it or not - and that's what scares me.

DE veiled Next to the black art is marajiputternas women their best-kept secret. No mortal man has ever got anywhere near them, even visiting Smoke Town see them just pass briefly on the street, inside the backyards or carelessly closed shutters. They always wear veils to hide their looks to outsiders, only marajiputterna said to behold their countenance. Why this is so, no one knows, but it is told many different stories, it presented many learned theories and hypotheses about why this is so, of which I now had intended to recount a few. One theory is that the marajiputtiska women would be exquisitely beautiful, more beautiful than the most beautiful Degas Elf (that men exercise a certain attraction to the opposite sex's familiar to everyone), and that marajiputterna therefore want to protect them from the crazed, homicidal fan who could get in order to abduct them. Others say the same thing, but that the men let them wear veils of envy. Some argue with the utmost certainty that they marajiputtiska women are uglier than a troll children dipped in sulfuric acid, but the theory is considering easy, because the men in such cases reasonably would not be as "handsome" and "exciting" as they now apparently. It in my eyes the most interesting theory is undoubtedly that of the marajiputtiska women would be the actual rulers, who control the entire Smoke Town, without wanting to make a big deal out of it, as for his own safety, hiding behind veils and house walls and allows the exhibitionist marajiputtiska men bathing in an insane abundance and thus expose themselves to danger as best. Some argue that they are demons, which would not at all surprise me, and then they just have an even greater reason to stay away from the barbaric chronopian the mob and the Emperor's demon hunter by hiding in Smoke Town.


Although Chronopia is a town filled with an eclectic mix of dubious individuals of all kinds, some of them you have already been acquainted with in my book, I do not think that there are some that make me so pensive, thoughtful and amazed than refugees Night countries. They will never cease to enthrall me with its mystery, to fascinate me with their secrets, sorrows and curses. In this chapter, I had thought that you would get an opportunity to get acquainted with nattländarna - children of the night and the sun's enemies.


Night countries located far to the east, seen from Chronopia, anywhere in the world the disc's outskirts, and was once an ordinary land, a land any of the known world. Since the country was hit by a terrible curse, why or how it happened does not tell the legends, but one day the whole country was plunged in the blackest darkness blacker than the darkness that dwells in the deepest chronopian sewers, and borders with the outside world had been sealed with huge darkness barriers, barriers that not even the country's most powerful mages and the bravest and most daring warriors could break through. Night countries, what they were called before the curse, no one remembers, had been sealed, separated from the outside world and for thousands of years, no one knew what proceeded behind the walls of darkness that surrounded the country. But for a few hundred years ago was broken for the first time since the curse of silence Night countries when a small group of daredevils managed to break through the barrier. The excitement was unheard of in the rest of the world and all the gray-haired old men of Sciences boiling with anticipation. What would be revealed? What really had happened that night after the dark night never left the States? Did the sky fall down upon their heads, they had been attacked by dark demons or had their gods punished them? But they were disappointed. The small splinter group refused to talk about Night countries, and did their best to assimilate in the chronopian society, elsewhere they were not welcome, and tried to erase their national identity. A few years after the secession was first opened a gate in the dark barrier and started to allow trade delegations to come there to exchange goods, particularly sought after were the exquisitely beautiful jewels Night countries jewel smiths made, and a few years later began large amounts nattländare to leave their former homeland . No one knows who reigns Night countries or what is causing the curse, but it is nevertheless agreed that most of the nattländare coming to Chronopia is far from the Emperor's best children. Most of them are criminals who have been deported or reckless adventurers who do not think Night countries is a big enough playground for them. Night countries is no place to which nattländare leave unnecessarily, because just to stay outside the protective darkness Night countries represents an incredible danger to the poor shady nattländarna.


The thousands of years of eternal darkness has made nattländarna to even with chronopian standards sickly pale people, paler than vitpudrade courtesans who stroll the street of a Thousand Delights. Paleness is not only a part of their appearance, but it is also a big problem for them - they are just as sensitive to light as a furry armor buffalo or grey wolf is fire. The sun's rays drain on their skin and meat just like the alchemists of Emperor water corrodes all it touches. Therefore nattländarna keep away from sunlight and turns rarely out on Chronopia's streets during the day other than sneaking in the shadows dressed in swaddling clothes and dark, wide ankle-length robes. Something that has done that in Chronopia happy engages them with Blood Cult, scavengers, and other shady individuals. But it is not only direct sunlight that damages nattländarna, but just staying in a country where there is eternal and irreversible darkness makes them weak and sick, putting a strain on their forces and their flesh and give them a rot which in many respects resembles Leprosy. Peeling of skin, the fragile located in squamous layer and only a light touch can tear away large chunks of skin and skin with adhering rotting meat. The only way to reverse or at least stop, the process is by drinking a bizarre, blood-like mixture consisting of both the one and the other of the imperial agents blacklisted mixtures - see where further explain why people like to believe that they sympathize with blood cult.

Nightlife in CHRONOPIA

In Chronopia dwells nattländarna unsurprisingly Night in The City, the part of Chronopia that better than anyone really comes to life when night falls. It's called the Chronopia never sleeps, but the night the city sleeps really - on the day. As long as the sun is up, it is not a man on the night city streets, everyone stays indoors in dark basements and secret tomb passages. When night falls on the lights to move up to the upper floors to take in the anything but healthy chronopian air and embark on a nocturnal adventure. Night The city is like a black spot in Chronopia's otherwise of the Dwarvish gas lanterns well-lit night landscape. Because the Night countries have excellent night vision, they see no reason why they would be so incorrigible stupid to waste thousands of doubloons to arrange gaslight, especially as even bright light, whether sunlight or not, can be annoying for their red, light sensitive eyes. Since nattländarna is a nocturnal people, they devote themselves to a lot of moonlight business in the form of illegality. The killing, and stealing, robbers and spies, intrigue and inform, disseminate messages and worry about the city's remaining population with their unexpected nocturnal visits and flirt less scrupulous or more twisted chronopier and they are skilled at what they do. Some of them have brought some of Night countries more or less well preserved magical secrets that made them excellent thieves, night demands sponsored, in the same way as the sabra shadow art makes them excellent assassin.

Red corsairs

One of my oldest friends, the somewhat legendary Benni Hook, claiming At times with certainty that the Red Corsairs are the most vile pack ever lowered a boat, yes, that ever trod chronopian land. When he says that he exaggerates, of course - in fact, he thinks, for example, much worse of the Devout than the Red Corsairs - but there's a grain of truth in what he says. The Red Corsairs are vile, brutal, temperamental and extremely unpleasant in every way it whatsoever imaginable. When they come marching down the streets with their broadleaved serrated sword in the hands you see to get out of the way as quickly as possible - end up in the way of their depredations is about as nice as to lie in front of a dvärgisk steel turtle. For Chronopia they have come from the great plains of the interior, where they normally are nomads who live their lives on horseback and take out their aggressions on the horses and their crosses brothers. Holm Paths, contrary to the broad-bladed knife, sniping at live targets, arm wrestling over well-sharpened daggers, bull thump up and headbutt competitions are some of the niceties they engage in campfires when camping out in the deep blue, starry celestial spheres, while driving their cattle herds to pastures new. If I say that the red corsair are brutal so I am not exaggerating, and now I'm going to reveal why you should stay away from them when they roam the streets Chronopia's. Nothing is so important that it can not wait half an hour while you take a detour to avoid the Red Corsairs engines.


The Red Corsairs coming to Chronopia have tired of their eyes too uneventful life on the plains and come to our city to seek excitement and resistance to its brutal games, games that anyone can participate, even those who eagerly swears they are not the least interested in hitting the first blow, do the first blow or deliver the first, no. In addition, fighting the terrible oschysst, so oschysst that even people in such an excessively violent, brutalized and moral decline town Chronopia react. One time when I and Atraxes, the Highlander adventurer who at the time was very young and had not yet won its first victory in the arena, walked down one of the city's countless imperial streets - just this is located right on the border between Arena City and Meledith became we witness how the Red Corsairs were harassed a group of hired hosts from the blades' alliance, which indicates that they are really making an effort to j bred and mess with everyone without considering what it can lead to consequences. Crosses were obviously wanted to challenge the fledgling area of knife throwing against live targets, and a stripling were accepted, to his friends' dismay, however, with the condition that he had to throw the first knife. So his friends clung to the red corsair breaker against the wall, as is customary in such cases, but when the knife left the young man's hand and sped off towards its goal tore the red corsair button away and used one of the stripling 'heads as a shield - very effectively - and then hammered into the dagger against the wall until the head up as a burst belisarisk flower bud. As Keridos sang: "it hurts when buds burst," the statement specifically for this type of buds. I will never forget mien of the young boy and his friends face when the Red Corsairs were grabbed hold of him and pinned him to the wall of the house with its broadleaf knives, one in each hand and one by each bet. He was bleeding like a blasted sekuda when they started throwing knives. I remember that one of the stripling were pulled sword - something he would not have done. It was when his head bounced down on the chronopian cobbles that we and the rest of the young men rushed away in wild panic, afraid to be bleeding extras in the Red Corsairs the least violent games.


The Red Corsairs are not only brutal, sadistic maniacs through a dvärgisk persistence and a keen taste for blood, plagues and guts. They also have an equal temperament combustible gas as black or oil soaked goblinking on a barbecue Elvish. There is nothing that can not annoy a red corsair, making him absolutely furious and force him to his broadleaf knife and his eager comrades help dismember one in bite-sized pieces for a charibisk feast. If you so much as Chuck be eyeing - and then not even literally, but figuratively - for some red korsarers elsewhere, they see it as a good reason to like rampaging wild dogs pounce on the poor guy and tear him to pieces. Their abysmal temperament, they can not accept that someone appeals to them with the wrong tone of voice, either let one of wimpy, the arrogant, the challenging, the subservient or mischievous, and their great fondness for violent problem solving has come to make them a terror to Chronopia's restaurateurs. Some, like Baira on Black Lotus in the stadium's underground, manage because they can afford to stick with a small legion of brutal guards with large, dangerous weapons, but the restaurateur who can only afford to stay with a couple expelling trolls will all sooner or later exposed to the red whirlwind. I myself have experienced the whole thing a few times, none of them more fun than the other. It always starts with one of the crosses are going up to the landlord to order something that he absolutely does not ( "A plum packed Black Guard with chrysanthemums spiced Chronomancer") and then start tearing the place in anger at the establishment's abysmal service, cleaving the bar and a few tables with his sword and then pounce on the guests, accompanied by his comrades loudly trumpeted generating "huh daaamn gloooowering you on." When they leave the place, of course, not until they pricked on all beer kegs and remained under them and sörplat in the water of life, the devastation is usually so great that one chooses to call in a car-free company to clean up. Had the house more floors, it has most likely fallen.

The Red Corsairs the temperament might have been bearable if it had not been for their unswerving loyalty, their strong community, their cohesion surpasses the commitment it finds even the Black Guard and the Black sisters. A red corsair folds never from a fallen friend's side, he never hesitates to set up, throw themselves happily in the most breakneck absurdities of his bloodthirsty and violent brothers can find. Therefore, it is extremely unfortunate to defend against a red corsair. Master Moleros, the famous fencing master, once said that attack is the best defense. That may be, but not when you are fighting against the Red Corsairs are - then run the only option. If you stay there and fight, it is the risk of damaging or - Emperor forbid - even killing some of them and then they have their entire people for the rest of their lives. A not directly enviable seat.

DE beringed

The Red Corsairs are a people which we have noticed stands out in a city that Chronopia by a brutal and almost uncomfortable tangibly embody the chronopian spirit, the chronopian atmosphere and drive it to its utmost. But it is not just their actions to run to the extreme, there are other things too. The Red Corsairs are a people who, in contrast to what one might expect, is extremely vain and therefore adorn their bodies with pendants. They are not restricted to the ears as saltwater pirates, or to their noses as they slobbering orcs, but they adorn the entire bodies with pendants, charms, large and small chains, rods and talismans of various kinds. The cheeks, nipples, navel, belly, the back and the head, the eyebrows, between fingers and toes, tongue, eyelids and through the more private parts. A true red corsair is so lousy with pendants of various kinds that he looks like he has robbed any of Chronopia's better jewelers, which in itself is far from incredible that he has. But the jewelry is not just a cosmetic feature, they help to link together and grow various power centers in the body, getting the life energy to grow and Red Corsairs were to be even more terrible warrior. Jewellery shines and shimmers, shines faintly in the darkness and give - not wrongly - a magical impression. The Red Corsairs who devoted his life to forge pendants and learn the secrets piercing called ring champion. Ring Masters is the next spiritual leader crosses were come, they worship no other god than the God that their bodies harboring and as the ring masters sitting inside with the key to their hidden internal forces, honored their brethren. Before I close the chapter on the Red Corsairs are I will give you one last piece of advice. Do not think that the easiest way to defeat a red corsair is to wear rings and chains of the body on him. The holes are hardened, as durable as any ring armor anywhere, and it's not easy to get so close to a red corsair that one has the opportunity to deprive him of his pride. It would actually be in place with a chronopian saying, so that you have something to think about: "Sprinkle salt on gargoyles beak and he's yours."


The Sabra Islands is one of the known world's oldest and most mysterious peoples, and one of the men who first set foot on the chronopian land, towed to the site of the powerful magical energy that flows out of the earth, the air, oozing like black gas out of the cracks in the bedrock. From their homeland, they sabranska desert countries, has been traveling across the desolate expanses of large caravans down to the Promised town Chronopia to where to lay the foundation for another empire. Sabra engines is, like the devotees and the föraktansvärda kaderna, not a single people, but many small states which enslaved during the time of the events in the nights Sabranska agreed during a mighty great sultan.


In Chronopia told many tales about and from the Sabranska desert countries. The most popular part of a story collection called Sabranska nights and is something of a history of the Empire sabranska first centuries. In Sabranska night told of proud heroes, treacherous gods, seductive goddesses, malevolent spirits and the brutal and ruthless power struggle between the different peoples of Sabra, the vast area that is now called the sabranska desert countries. The most famous story is that of the sabranska heroes Basalri and Timor and their journey across the ten oceans, during which they experience countless adventures, their quest for the magical urn that will make the owner of the most powerful and the happiest man on earth. They visit the endless sea depths king, falls in love with old age and held captive in Tabra underground.

In addition to being an invaluable fabulous treasure is Sabranska nights the historical documents that form the basis for the extremely heavily regulated hierarchical system sabra are applied. All the families that inhabit the sabranska desert countries are in some way related to the kings and sultans who Sabranska nights struggling for supremacy in the Sabra and depending on the sultan or king man's ancestor has a definite place in the hierarchy, a place that must be managed with pride and whose limitations not violated and whose obligations on no account be neglected. Those who belong to ruling family, Sultan Rashid's sons; Desert Knights, Sultan Urvids sons; assassins, Sultan Irivids sons; and mystics, Sultan Narvaris sons, are all darker skinned than those from the lower stalls - Rashid's sons has almost ivory coloured complexion.


A large and extremely important part of the cultural heritage sabranska the sabranska mystique, which since time immemorial has permeated the atmosphere in the area around Sabra, which has always been a natural part of the everyday sabranska. Here are the vicious storm spirits, the jinn swirling, the confused spooks and enjoyable hiking lights. Only in Chronopia there are as many cooing and beaming ley lines sabranska as in the desert lands. And nowhere, except perhaps in Chronopia's sabranska neighborhoods and Magicians The city is magic as obvious as it is in the Sabra homeland.

There are many different types sabransk mystery. Shadow Masters are mystics in one respect, they use the dark forces of magic to achieve their own worldly purposes. They manipulate power flows to themselves become more perfect than what they already are, able to control his murderous arts to perfection. Desert Knights are also mystics in that they possess the forces needed to be able to control themselves and others, although the faculties are not fully developed at all. But those who embody the mystique that drives it to its utmost for its own sake is the true mystics, who spend their time exploring its interior to be able to control his exterior, enjoying the jinn and fire creatures proximity and who themselves transformed into sweeping winds and hover over the vast desert expanses to let themselves be enchanted by the amazing colors, and visit the mysterious places that are buried under the desert sands sabranska. Some of the mystics choose to stay in the cities, while others move away from people and live in seclusion outside in the great wilderness, without talking with other than the winds and the demons. Incredible as it may seem, let's also in Chronopia, where they engaged in introspective meditation during all hours and collecting spirits and ghouls around him, like a magician attracts leylingar. There are those who say they have ways sabranska mystics wrap themselves in their silk hoods to go up in smoke, seen them grow and change just like the spirits in Sabranska nights, have seen their souls leave bodies as empty shells and tear their enemies to pieces without themselves taking the slightest injury, not even the obituary devotees genomic demo weapons. There are those who say that in fact they are actually spirits, spooks after killing sabraner with a new chance in life - got a young, unworn body to take possession. I myself am quite convinced that it is true, the sabranska mystics are body ogres, and when a body grown too old change simply to another. Therefore, they can be almost how old any time, and also how powerful any time. I have actually heard a proud sabransk father telling his son had been chosen to be the "host" of one of the largest sabranska mystics who ever lived, Ez Kazam. And, says Sabra themselves there, you get almost allowed to believe that it is true.


The sabranska proximity to the mystery, the supernatural, and in certain people's eyes inexplicable, have done that when they arrived at Chronopia come to be regarded as supernatural, demonic or divine, of chronopiern in general. It stands as an aura of sparkling colorful magic energy even around a young Sabran, his eyes shining a little, and even in Chronopia is something that makes people look twice. But the sabranska mystical influence on sabra themselves also means that they want to work away from the usual streets, towards the regions of Chronopia who are uncertain even with chronopian standards, towards Demo city, the neighborhood where the other demonic peoples, brundusierna and marajiputterna, also seek, in search of insight. Many sabraner choose to leave the usual way to search into the demo mystical mysteries. They is not concerned with the kind of magic that demon morphers engaged, nor are they interested to submit to any of the demo rulers to be endowed with demonologists gifts, but rather try to understand the demons, trying to live side by side with them on their own conditions, something that is anything but simple. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon to sabranska demo mystics choose to move into the Demo town, where they roam and enjoy almost the same rights as the demons themselves.

But it is not only the sabraner who go to Demo city regarded as demonic people. As my friend Yuri once said "all sabraner have a little demon in itself," and I think he's right. You see it on them, on their way to be, to speak and in their superiority, their unpleasant awareness that they are more than the other scoundrels who trample the chronopian the ground, they are more than the unpolished dregs that make streets uncertain and it also gives them the right to treat anyone annoying insects. In that respect, those elves, which we all know with certainty stems from demonic ancestors.

Is there anything a Sabran never do so is to allow itself to look shabby out. The exterior reflects the soul, they say, and a man with a dirty soul is not a man, he's a dog, and dogs must be under sabransk tradition die, because they once betrayed a sabransk hero sultans. Not even a ride in the chronopian sewer is an acceptable excuse for a Sabran not have to comb your hair and wear dirty smelly clothes. At that point, they are absolutely uncompromising and cleaves all unworthy trying to convince them with their powerful månsablar.


Before I start telling you about the strange solfolket, I just want to make one thing clear to you. Things are as you know, are not always as they seem - especially the overbearing faltrakierna and in certain people's eyes sanctimonious fryvierna - but solfolket is all I will tell you, and much more, they is not engaged in any grandstanding. They are at least as unpleasant as they seem. Solfolket is, like cannibals chariberna people, a people originally from the southern archipelago, at least before one of the world the disc more fantastic elements. There, they lived in a flourishing high culture as alleged by some to be older than the Elves, or at least could have been there if it had not been devastated by the devotees, a devastation that firmly denied both the dedicated and solfolket. The latter are too proud to admit that the defeated and the former are anxious not to worsen its already tarnished rumors, and would of course still solicit believer to the trail, something not even the Chronopia necessarily succeed if trumpeting that to burn the whole world, including Chronopia, and then march out into the multiverse. But the explorers from the house Ventura, unbrushed pirates from Cannibal Islands and handelmän from Fryvien all tell the same stories of the enslaved and putting down people who no longer have to control his country but controlled by others. And the steady stream of refugees of Sunset islands that runs an Chronopia's ports also speaks for itself. Another one of humanity's strongholds have fallen for the devotees and their demonic hordes.


Solfolkets almost frustrating pride stems from that according to them have been placed in this reality of a higher power to rule over the nations, a task every true chronopier would envy them. Therefore solfolket always seen themselves as being more than others, like elves and Sabra were they stood over the other nations, but they have also distanced themselves from them, did not consider the other peoples worthy of staying in their vicinity, and in accordance with the isolation of Sunset on the islands with the exception of a few annual trading trips to it in their eyes anything but interesting and stimulating city Chronopia. Now that many of them have had to leave their homeland and Chronopia has become a natural sanctuary, as the world's largest refugee city is, their pride has become one of the few signs of their superiority over other nations. The pride is imprinted in their steely, cold eyes, in their disparaging glances, in their austere stance and their disdainful sniffing for the inferior creatures that revels around in the chronopian dung. It is also solfolkets stolhet who made that they refuse to accept gifts (which makes sense in a city like Chronopia), refuses to adopt interesting specials (which is unwise in a city that Chronopia) and refuses to make contacts outside their own circle (which is dangerous in a city that Chronopia). Now they live in a neighborhood that they built using only what they could get in from of Sunset islands and what they are able to buy or manipulate to the city's merchants. It is small and constantly in danger of being swallowed up by the surrounding neighborhoods, but every time some careless builder with apprentices stepped in to solfolkets streets with measuring devices and binoculars, they stopped as ingredients in some of the interesting rituals they engage.

Life extension

In their worship of the sun disk solfolket have gone far, but they have gone even further in their worship of themselves and their quest to become the most perfect people who ever walked the world record or sailed over the ten oceans. Solfolket have found a way to defy death, to prolong life, just like the pesky elves live forever, but for the sake of becoming an undead, a wandering ghost or an unblessed spirit. Every year solfolket to terrible rituals which extracts the life force out of the helpless prisoners. At the time when it was still their own rulers had been able to do it openly, now that you have come to Chronopia is it something more discreet with their human sacrifices, despite the fact they are not prohibited by law, and carry them in secret temples, guarded their holy warrior. The ceremonies led by a master of ceremonies, who donned the victims' hides, which removed from their bodies by the holy skin bustle hire.

The Master of Ceremonies linking victims with hooked kejdor of enchanted links, which is buried deep in the exposed flesh, and let the powerful impulses of magical energy run through kejdorna and forcing the helpless victims to vomit out his life energy in specially designed containers which are then distributed fairly among the needy and among those deserving of a longer life. Those who always gets the biggest part of life, those who must live on for not solfolket be divisive race and go under the solsönerna, solfolkets leaders and rulers, even to the unholy city Chronopia. TECHNOLOGY

The Devout have their nekrologi, orcs its primitive mechanics and solfolket its dazzling, fascinating and dangerous technology. In place of the devotees deadly demonic parasites and dead tissue, and orcs dirty, rusty screws and oil fittings has developed a technology which forges the great improvements of the most amazing kind of shiny metal. Designing helmets that changes shape, which gives the wearer night vision, magical sannsyn and sharper eyes than the hawk. You build armor themselves slipping out of the body of water being poured on a stone, and given command of slipping back again into the minimal breast plate from which they once were. There are gauntlets powerful armored fists that can trap, or rather grow out brutal knife blades and thin fine glove that can turn into brutal predator shiny claws of the hardest metal. Other armor can precipitate giant, gleaming wings for gliding between Chronopia's towers and bridges. I have never seen any one of men and women from solfolket use their amazing technology and I'm far from sure it's possible, but it's really not that interesting. What is interesting - and terrible - is that a people who have such an amazing technology can lose to the devotees. I would not say that solfolket is more than us, but they are certainly not closer Goblins than any other chronopier, rather the opposite.

Side Note: Descriptions of Breeds

Brundusier (20 BC)

Brundusierna is a nation of skilled tradesmen, competent grocer and professional eater with a vanity so great that even a Degas Elf would raise the eyebrow. Those who do not have time or money to constantly engage its appearance, its fragrance and its scope dedicated instead to the others and become gardeners, hairdressers, masseurs and perfumers. Their brown skin and long dark hair, both men and women wear in advanced sets, are constantly smeared with oil, for it to retain its shine. In Chronopia feed brundusier usually as buying and tradesmen, but sometimes they show up at the blades' Alliance, or Arena.

Charib (25 BC)

Chariber is cannibal Islands peoples names themselves. They are tall dark-skinned warriors, with - as their homeland name suggests - a fondness for meat, happy human one. They speak not unnecessarily with strangers, rejects all attempts to overtures from other nations and live isolated in a dead city, a place where few non-chariber seek voluntary. Those who leave the city becomes the adventurer, mercenaries, assassins and thieves, while the others living as pirates and parasites on their neighbors demons.

- Chanberna has an unpleasant, penetrating gaze that gets the creeps crawling along the spine of even the most seasoned sword pig owners. They can by overcoming his opponent PSY with his own resistance table to get him to refrain from any hostile acts and moreover get -3 CL in everything he does until the next sleep period. -Simma Is a primary skill chariber.

Faltrakier (15 BP) Faltrakierna is a pale skinned people, with bushy eyebrows and fake smiles on the man but tell lies could say - and say - that they would sell their mothers for a pittance. They are nasty, treacherous, overbearing, cunning and tongues as well sharpened as a sabransk knight's saber. Their deep-set eyes, cheeks and insjunka goblin slender limbs gossiping about their meanness and the abysmal conditions that prevail in their civil war-torn homeland. Faltrakier usually become merchants (the worst kind), or assassin.

Fryvier (20 BC)

One of Chronopia's most beautiful and hospitable, openhearted people (how much it now might say) is fryvvierna, second only to the aquatic elves the Southern Ocean top sailors. They are honest, faithful, loyal, loving and almost unviable short take, something that can penalize themselves in such a brutal city Chronopia, but also make them highly skilled merchants. Some argue that their frankness is as false as the devotees, and hides a dark secret that could become Chronopia's destruction. Fryvier usually become merchants or craftsmen, but they can also be Warriors, learned men or monks. -Simma Is a primary skill fryvier. -Fryvier Get free +5 their FV each, and Bargaining when created. In return, stealing items, Muta and Bluffing secondary skills for them.


The blue skinned isbarbarerna comes from the Tundra, the famous world's northernmost and coldest deserts. With his tattooed body and his long, bushy white or dark blue hair is extreme, even in a city like Chronopia. Wherever they go they radiate the northern Viddernas cooling, steam and rain freezes into snow and falls to the ground to become water again and disappear down along the dirty streets chronopian. Isbarbarerna is moderately peaceful, have powerful jaws and biting please his enemies, something they have learned from their friends the black-eyed polar bears. In Chronopia support themselves isbarbarerna usually mercenaries, gladiators, head hunters, craftsmen or - in exceptional stables - magicians.

Survival is a primary skill for isbarbarer. -Isbarbarer Radiates a constant cold, wherever they are in the air temperature decreases by 5-10 degrees within a radius of one meter. -Isbarbarer Take half damage from cold and frost magic, but double damage by fire and fire magic.


Kaderna is a wandering people without a homeland or ruler, consisting of outcasts freak, brutal murderous bandits, veritable madmen and self-inflicted loners who banded together in a community to protect itself from the outside world jeers, scorn and derision. They look atrociously ugly out with tattoos all over his body, sewn-on body parts, lasting scars after deep burns and scalped vertices, and is more unpleasant than it seems at first sight, Wherever they come - even in Chronopia - you can see them with slepsis, but despite this, some of them managed to predict into the arena, where they have become famous for their immense pain resistance and the pleasure they get from tormenting and tormented. In Chronopia become kaderna gladiators, jester, warriors, assassins and thieves.

-Kader Not adversely affected by any damage they incur in battle until the KP in the current health points reaches zero. This will make it unusable in the normal manner.


Marajiputterna is tall dark-skinned warriors from the country were beyond the Great deserts, beyond the Sabranska desert countries. They show impressive strength when wielding its giant scimitars as if they were made of wood, but they obviously can not compete with the Highlanders, neither in terms of strength or endurance. They are known for their great sexual attraction to women of other races - they are perceived as fiery and exotic, even though they often are destroyed by the black tobacco smoke. Marajiputter usually become warriors in any of the bosses service or looking out into Chronopia mercenaries or seducer of young, wealthy women chronopian.

-Marajiputter Get +5 on all kinds where they try to charm, to persuade or seduce someone of the opposite sex (not marajiputt).

Nattländare (15 BP)

From the cursed Night countries in the mysterious East, the pale, shadowy refugees in the Tight swaddling and airy, dark swaths which at night can be seen walking along the city Chronopia's alleys. They are secretive and ties are rarely any friendships outside the exclusive circle of compatriots on the run who populate it in Chronopia called Night city, because during the daytime are far more lifeless than the average chronopian graveyard. In Chronopia support themselves nattländarna to go other matters on the other hand, the imperial pale of the law and is not infrequently assassin, mage, messenger, swindlers, thieves, or fence.

• Nattländare damaged by sunlight, 1T6 each hour they are exposed to direct solar houses. The damage can be reduced by wearing thick, comprehensive clothes. - If nattländare not at least once a week would detract from a special similar blood decoction (available at unscrupulous alchemists, drug makers and countrymen) they suffer sun rot, enabling them to take double damage from all physical violence. -All Nattländare has night vision.


If one is to believe the legendary mercenary Benni Hook is the red the most vile pack ever lowered a boat, and despite the fact that they are not really a sailing people. The Red Corsairs are tall, noisy, red-haired (hence the name) and excessive freckled nomadic barbarians from the continent's interior with as many rings and other bizarre pendants that they seem to have been surprised by a squadron of the Emperor's archers. In Chronopia makes the Red Corsairs are rarely anything other than to cause trouble - they are simply professional troublemakers and drunks.

- All Red Corsairs get free 5 FV extra in the fight when they are created. SABRAN (25 BC)

Sabra are a desert people, derived from the major sabranska desert countries, in the beginning of time known as Sabra. They have tanned complexion, strongly marked features and thick dark hair as they conceal in their colorful sweeps of the highest sabranska silk. They are known for their sincerity - they say what they think, which is not always completely healthy - for their shiny, demonic eyes and for its clever gas weapon. In Chronopia gets almost all the time mercenaries, gladiator, assassin or magicians.

- A Sabran can survive for three days without food or water without becoming noticeably affected, either physically or mentally. After the third day deteriorates their health at the same rate as an ordinary person. - Mesmerising is a primary skill sabraner.


The sunset from the islands will solfolket, sun discs selected rulers, all noble to really approach what they disdainfully call the known world's biggest dustbin: Chronopia. Even so seek out these tanned, platinum blonde, iced green eyed sun-sons occasionally to barbarian paradise in this reality to force, or replace, to some of the city's countless riches to further embellish their homeland in the southern archipelago, or moving to with their magic to manipulate and distort the chronopian heads to create its own little kingdom in this city of cities.

- Solfolket are magically gifted and therefore do not succeed at something magic stroke to learn magic schools that extra professional skills.



Oh, you are from the country? Nice. And there you have many fine exotic animals, I understand? Cut Goat? Dairy cows? Chicken? Cats and dogs? No, but it was the worst. Do I sound impressed? It's probably just because I'm so extraordinary actor. I can disguise myself in a fully satisfactory way in most situations. No, you're the guy, the farm unromantic flora and fauna is not enough for such as you and me - I hope you have a bit of an adventurer in you. Look up this book by one of the house's main Lysanders best men you shall see the stuff. What it's called? "Chronopia's beast".

During my years as the best master of Lysanders service I have encountered together with creatures and monsters, wild beasts, so wonderful, so magnificent that they did not think they were. But the chronopian reality surprises an ever with amazing new wonders, creations of the gods that makes it go around the head of the pleasure of an old connaiseur as myself. I really enjoy to be face to face with the great new discoveries made by our eminent hunters led by my extremely competent colleagues. In this small publication, I had intended to say something about the terrible beasts, brutal beasts and angry monsters you can bump into when you throw out the chronopian reality or into the arena sand to win fame and fortune. Please see this book partly as a zoological guidance for the interested scholar or graven chronopier and as a guide for you that was going to stand eye to eye with the beasts I talk about, to show that your sword is as good as any other sword anywhere. I have chosen to make the division into two chapters, one dealing with the beasts originate from the city Chronopia and the surroundings and unique to our chronopian lives and treating more exotic beasts from foreign and distant countries of the East steamy jungles and the sabranska desert countries vast deserts.

The city Beasts

Although Chronopia most is a city, in fact it is the city of cities which all chronopier are well aware, it has since time immemorial been developed bizarre and ignoble races in, under and just outside the city. Beings who become the Chronopia's dark influence, affected by the powerful magical currents that permeate the city and certainly in some cases come to change under the influence of the city's insane and more experimental factions of magicians, cestoditer and other random people who do not understand to respect that nature takes its course without prompt will involve magic as soon as it ever goes, because everything will be better so. (Their reasoning reminds me of a chef we had employed as always spiced everything with a pinch of sekudaträck, because it was better so, an opinion not shared by us who ate the food. The good chef himself became a real blowout for a couple of our black tigers.) Here I will outline some of the creatures you might encounter during a trip down the chronopian streets.

Sekudan, the flying cow, is notoriously one of our city's most popular riding. It has a cousin, or should we say, a close relative, a little unimaginative may seem, going by the name giant sekuda or combat sekuda, and in relation to its smaller relative is a much more combative flying mounts. Combat sekudan simply looks like one a couple of times greater sekuda, has a slightly flatter head, thicker and rougher skin and slightly more pendant wings. Its carrying capacity and endurance are quite impressive and it is used by the house Lysander in his air brigade, and so even in Drakgardet, which has allowed staff them with a shooter and a rider. They are extremely effective in air combat. As if the Dragon Guard enough fearsome themselves, they also battle the beasts - slightly dog-like killing machines with teeth sharper than well-sharpened knives, completely hairless bodies and skin thicker than leather - for its service, while fulfilling important missions, guarding of the house dignitaries. Battle beasts are terrible, and very difficult to control, even for someone who knows what he is doing and why they go Dragon Guard who will be fighting beast attendant a shorter training with us before they get to go out on the streets in battle beasts in thick kejdekoppel.

Then we have the rödhövdade dirt vulture, one of the city's less popular and more brutal elements. The rödhövdade dirt vulture has a nasty habit of always showing up in places where people have been killed or wounded so severely that they are unable to resist when the vultures plummet down towards them and rip out their guts with their sharp claws. Some particularly nasty orcs and more bestial hired sword uses the trapped dirt vultures to which torture letting them peck on their prisoners.

Another nasty and brutish elements of the chronopian streets are the ferocious likätande dwarf bears, small, easily angered predators that move in packs of garbage mounds and burial farms in search of pieces of rotting meat. A dwarf bear, they are usually dirty gray-brown in color ochmäter no more than just over one foot above the ground, but is nevertheless worrying strong. Sometimes they attack live prey and drag them into any alley, where they can lie and rot any week during all household waste before they are ripe to-ordinated on.

In Chronopia there are two or three places that offer a more interesting fauna than the rest of the city. These are the earth's lakes, sewers and the city's fire and brimstone swamp. As for the fauna of the sewer, I would highly recommend the excellent book "The largest cesspool book" containing all the wisdom of a sewer traveler might need, the other two, I intend to explain himself.

The marsh is an excellent place for new creatures to be shaped, for this unique species to cultivate their individuality - it simply offers the fascination and change, with its sometimes strong iridescent colors, which only a few moments can turn into one of certain people's eyes not exaggerated arousing green brown Murr. Here you will find, apart the Ogre's Swamp City, a number of unique species, as we many times, with great pleasure, has been captured and brought to the arena and Draktornets basements where they have trained for during our, best men, whips and scourges.

We have swamp foxes, small malevolent predators, as with an amazing speed of moving their constantly muddy red-brown body smoothly through the trees. Foxes is a popular hunting prey for Ogre aristocracy, but we at the house Lysander use them in our test of manhood. They go to so that you should keep an angry sumpräv inside his coat against her bare skin. The longer bear claws to tear the skin, the needle-sharp teeth buried in the flesh, the more manly you are. Slam Crawlers are mysterious scaly amphibians in all colors of the rainbow are often seen lying just at the shore where they were enjoying the sun shone. From their mountain makes one often boots, but it is not nearly as easy to hunt them down as you think. Although they look bad, so you can sneak up close them without them noticing, but they happen to meet with its bite you sit firmly as a dwarfish vise. They will not release your grip, even when they die, and have teeth buried themselves deep in the flesh, perhaps down to bone, it becomes often necessary to amputate - if you do not know an excellent dvarven Medicus. So we have the singing crooked beaks, big purple birds that appear to be stuck with the bill in a orchish vise. When you first see them, you can not understand that they can eat. They are extremely popular as pet birds. How many we caught up to the house nobles, for their own use and to give away to competitors and business associates, I can not for the life care to remember. In the swamp pop also another relative of sekudan up. Here live the brown dwarf sekudan, a small flying cow flitting between the trees until sadly drooping branches and sweeping just above the water to try to capture some of the wide-eyed iridescent fish that tend to lie in the sun just at the water's edge. And so we have the infernal buzzing insects that spread the most fascinating fevers, the bloodthirsty svaveliglarna which clings to the bone as soon as you step into the water and actually, at least in my eyes, is much worse than the giant leeches as it is full of in the sewers. They secrete namely a corrosive substance that makes the meat rots, if you do not get them most urgently. On a visit to the swamp, just as in the sewers, recommended high boots, very high boots. Last but not least, deserve the chronopian swamp crocodile to be mentioned as it undoubtedly tend to make a lot of noise. Particularly fond is in their jaws bite the smaller boats, come silently swim through the steaming swamp water to take a good bite out of the rail and offer travelers a refreshing and life- final swim. They are long, golden yellow, reminiscent of strong sunlight a bit like the Dragon Guard's golden armor, and merciless predators. They are known to regularly straying into the sewers to feast on unwary gobliner. The Underground's lakes, was the second place I mentioned as particularly interesting, and that's it really. It is from the lightless depths of the water subduer embarks in the chronopian channels and ports, and into the winding aqueducts on the hunt for some meat to sink your teeth into (constantly eating dwarf is no further varied diet).

The ever-hungry, ruthless and bloodthirsty pale sharks are known to always be on the lookout. They attack anything they come up with, as well as other smaller fish pale sharks and fishing boats. Their pale, pitted dorsal fin that appears above water before they go on the attack has given it its name and is a fearsome sight for both Dwarvish fishermen, hardened city pirates and battle canoe warriors from Cannibal Islands.

The white devil Stingrays is also a renowned water resident. Dressed in the color of death travels through the thousand underground lakes and sometimes even in the chronopian ports, although it is unusual. Many are fishermen surprised by the giant creature that came flying out of the darkness, broken their boat and then continued on as if nothing had happened. We have on some occasions been able to catch a manta ray for the piquant element in any of naval battles, but it has every time the lift out of the water and floated up among the crowd where a heavy blow smashed a few dozen uvudsvålar as if they were decayed chicken eggs.

Cutter is smaller predators, constantly on the lookout for new meat to sink your teeth into, and far more grateful to use the stadium where they happily tuck into unwary gladiators who lets himself be pushed overboard. They occur shoals of up to ten fish, and they become hungry enough they do not hesitate to tuck into its own species. They are often found in the underground as well as the chronopian ports where they feast on fish guts and fatalities båtvakter located and flows with the viscera scattered over the surface.

Water snakes are the underground lakes and some of Chronopia's most mythical animals. They occur frequently in the amazing fish stories as told by harbor hands, the tales that wins races vidsjöbusarnas lying species of the documents and the chronopian fairytale tradition that is passed on to the new age murderous barbarians at bedtime. Even himself Lift Breeds, the Dwarvish fairy monster, said to be a water snake of gigantic proportions. They are long, colorless, snake-like predators and are said to be terribly long take. They never forget an injustice and can pursue a skipper and his family for generations, since they seem to be almost as seglevande we elves.

Wilderness Beasts

We in the house Lysander has always taken pride in finding the most spectacular resistors are for the arena's gladiators, to offer the curious visitors in the Beast halls a shattering experience of the most outstanding quality. We want to shock, amaze, excite, enchant and confuse our spectators and our bestial opponents and for that purpose it is absolutely necessary to look outside Chronopia's walls. Although Chronopia is a great city, the most amazing of the known world in my eyes, it may nevertheless not offer the same excellent environment for wild beasts like the frozen wastes of the north, the steamy jungles of the east and the great deserts of the sabranska desert countries. That's where we are looking for us with our expeditions, with our team of hunters, scouts and the best men to capture the wilderness soul and bring it back to the fabulous city Chronopia to more than gild the chronopian existence. Here I had meant to tell you about some of the amazing creatures and skarptandade beasts, difficult tamed monsters and brutal beasts we encountered the and brought back to the fabulous city Chronopia to honor our master, Prince Rodilio Lysander, and our perfect ruler, the man in eternity Palace, the emperor.

From the great deserts fiery outskirts of the willful firebears. Huge, red firebeasts with big frames as large adults rough-barked hired sword and jaws large enough to swallow a troll head, a careless wongos or an annoying goblin (in the latter case, churned out soon enough booty). They are terrible opponents, both in the wilderness on the arena, and their reputation is very large, so large that it is almost only death dancer who dare to go up against them in the arena.

Rumor has it that the now deceased Prince Lysander the elder tried to create a bear equestrian company, but it must have failed, precisely because of firebears are so strong individuals who refuse to submit to any order other than their own.

It frakiska mountain lion is one of the Sars class popular hunting trophies among the chronopian of the upper class, and is housed in the mountains and on the great plains that stretch out between the rock massif and jungles in the east. Its head and fold adorn many an aristocratic salon, but there are very few chronopier who dare to tarnish the lion, but even when it is felled, it is treated with the utmost respect - they fear the wild not lejongudens curse which must have affected the entire faltrakiske merchant Itars hunting party after that they spit on the dead lion. A week after they had returned to Chronopia, found they all, apart scratching take beyond recognition in their beds. Mountain Lion has a dark brown coat and a black man the strong sales framing its majestic countenance. Females have lighter markings and lacks.

From the snow-covered, frozen wastes of the blue skinned ice barbarian homeland Tundra comes the terrible frost bears. They may be slightly smaller than firebears, but they are stronger and equally terrible opponents, if not more terrible when they are in their proper environment, where they feel the land as well as a goblin sewers and knows how to use his knowledge to his advantage. It is rumored that it wanders frost bears on the streets of Tundra, but I can tell you is nothing more than tall tales. Ice Barbarians fear frost bears as much as we do.

A mysterious race, whose origin I do not know, but that has come to be harnessed and tamed by orcs, these unusually clumsy sluggish brains, the pubescent armor Buffalo. It's wild, it's crazy, and shut down tighter than a runaway mammoth, so hard that there is magic in the whole Chronopia standing up after being hit in the stomach by a galloping armor buffalo. Mastodon groups are besides also an amazing animal, and I do not mean the devotees night black, perverted monster without the original, real mammoth engines. Large stately animals, with huge tusks and a stately border again. From Tundras expanses, the hairy mammoth engines, which are seen more often in Chronopia and from the slave empires of the east, they småörade giants which are often used in the free the companies because they are excellent battle animals. Outside the stadium, we usually once a year to have the mastodon rushes, where we baited mammoth engines so to the point that they become insane and runs amok down the streets. According chronoian tradition rushing a number of brave and foolhardy men and women in front of the runaway mammoth horde to have something to brag about to their friends.

Then we have the stately pair ostriches. Large, powerful poultry from the Crystal uninhabited islands with a black plumage, except for the tail feathers that are bright red. Their beaks are as sharp as sharp and pecking through the thickest magic skull as well as a nysmidd dwarf helmet. They were discovered by an expedition from the house Ventura, but we have been through violence and unusually honest negotiations forced to the right to capture, breed and sell them.

The black tiger dwells in the East steamy jungles where it lurking among the overgrown temples of bygone civilizations. It is undisputed rulers of their country, cold and calculating in a completely different way than other predators (humans and elves possibly excepted). In recent years, many excessively wealthy nobles - which this city has unusually ample - acquired black tigers as guard dogs. They are definitely worth the high price they command the best auctions house sometimes organizes the Grand Bazaar.

The gray wolf is the animal from which the Devout use until their indulgences terrible, and föraktansvärda, malformed creatures that they have the nerve to call, wolves, which runs alongside the sworn warriors during battle trumpets sound effect. It is big, strong and fierce, but not nearly as intensely barbaric as their magically bred cousin, but instead precious, in a way that is completely foreign to anyone who has ever been in Chronopia.

On the icy tundra plains wanders the white ice Panther, also called plain and simple white panther or panther ice. It is a fine limb food, purposeful, smooth and extremely fast animals that easily catches up with even the fastest prey, but it has in its pursuit competition of the brutal frost bear, and, his speed despite sometimes allow themselves to be surprised when it is with the teeth of a prey. It is said that snow witch's tower guarded by countless ice panthers, sneaking around without chains or men, but just waiting to pounce on the unwary intruders.

It was all I had to tell you about the amazing city Chronopia's beasts, but if you make a visit with me in Beast halls of Dragon tower, open every day between sunrise and sunset, and I will show you all the beasts that you are now reading if. Although this book is eminently pictorial, I can promise you, dear reader, you will be amazed and extremely impressed by what you see.

White ice panther Likätande dwarf bear Firebear pair Ostrich bloodthirsty paleshark Watersnakes Frakiskt mountain lion Armoured Buffalo Black tiger Grey wolf


Kastor sewer guide

Chronopia's underground is almost as big as the parts of Chronopia sticking up above ground, some say it is even larger than that. To the numerous catacombs, mile-long sewer passages, secret pits and the wandering tunnels hidden beneath the city's surface is larger than most known countries, there are countless forgotten and hidden worlds down there just waiting to be discovered. Want to know more? Then I have the book for you. "Kastor sewer Guide" takes you on a tour of the chronopian sewer fauna, so that you know what you give in to, when you opens the manhole cover.

Dear friends, familiar and unfamiliar readers! I welcome you to my odyssey through the chronopian the sewers, where you will have the opportunity to become acquainted with the creatures, beasts and strange fellows hiding for solskivans light in the sewers the protective darkness. This is to provide an adequate introduction to the amazing world hidden beneath the chronopian streets and just waiting to be discovered by you and your adventurous and reckless friends. During my years as an underground warrior, I have learned that one should never take anything for granted, not in the sewers anyway, other than that everything is not excrement flowing and sewers are dark - anything can happen! I had intended to start my presentation with some short advice to prospective sewer visitors then as I said, continue to account for some of the more or less bizarre elements that one can bump into if you are not too have a row to descend into the eternal darkness, smelling Chronopia's unwashed linen in darkness and give residents a real death match.

Kastor tip

One can never be too well equipped to venture down into the sewers, once said my old master Tharid, and he is absolutely right. There are many things you definitely need to be able to feel reasonably safe, and there are a lot of mistakes that you should avoid doing. To begin with, one can in good conscience leave the nice clothes at home. The polished leather boots replaced with sewer shoes of horse fish, the big puffaderna and ruffles shirt is exchanged for suitable water- resistant clothing, preferably treated with sekudafett. Make sure to have long, thick waterproof gloves on his hands, because even more barbaric bandits can experience it as scary, or just clean out nasty run down his arms in the sludge that flows through sewers or pick up the sticky objects from the ground. Things that can be found in the sewers, you never know where they've been and what they are infected with the fever of bizarre diseases. A helmet of some kind can be extremely convenient, because it is very easy to slip and entering, and there is more dignified way to end his cesspool stay than drowning in shit because you slipped. That things are slippery when wet is a known phenomenon chronopian and excrement sludge available at every turn in Chronopia's sewers are smoother than sekudafett. This is about the appropriate attire. For the sensitive also recommended something to attach the nose, to avoid unpleasant reflux and potency debilitating nausea. There is no sewer beast who cares much about it vomits them. They just continue to calmly tear you apart without you unable to defend yourself. Ignominious end, to say the least. Because the sewers tend to be dark and damp it is advisable to carry a lantern or two, and possibly jailed fire elementar (lighters makes buying for a pittance at the Gallery or any other market in the Magicians town), so you do not encounter to tinder or fire stickorna become damp and refuses to illuminate the situation when you are half a kilometer below the surface surrounded by snarling wild dogs. A gas mask and tjutare may also be appropriate if you had planned to head to the excursion towards Stubb Town, as the number of gas leaks in the section of the sewer is huge. To explode in the air, as the poet sang Lotos Litus, a highly overrated pleasure. This is about the simple details that equipment, but how should one behave in the sewer - what is, what we call tunnel warriors, common sewers wit. First, it is important to always keep your eyes open, look carefully about where to go, to avoid stepping through any rotten planks or go goblinska traps. A visit to the sewers is no walk in the large park - it's much worse than that. The opponent also look always to memorize how he passed, that he should be able to find your way back. Never use cords, gravel or other to select which way you knallat way through the underworld. First, your enemies find you cinch follow your tracks and additionally makes it that are not quite so attentive to how to proceed as it should be. If someone were to add the track (which, for example, malicious gobliner and wisecracking tunnel warrior that I am very keen to do), you will not have any opportunity to get back, but you become a passing virrvarrare that, with a little luck, you can get to live the rest of your life in the underworld. Something else that may be worth keeping in mind is the current directions and how strong the currents are. In some places the water rapids in the sewers up as if they were whipped on by insane Incantation Master, and fall to the bottom of such a power, it may be difficult to get up again. Moreover, one can, if one is skilled, by reading the currents, a guess at where there are inlets, outlets and where it can arise everywhere guzzling whirlpools. Yes, it may be enough if the sewer wit for this book. For those who are interested can be added that I was planning a second book in this series, which until further goes by the name "Largest sewer book" where all I know about the world's finest and filthiest sewers, although it is very much, hopefully fit. One could, if one is in the mood, to say that this paper is a taste of things to come.


The Sewage men they are often called by us underground warriors. Others call them mask men, or decay champion. Whatever name you choose to give them the - cestoditerna - the true ruler of the chronopian sewers. From his living tower in the northeast of the magicians city, they send out their groping tentacles slowly but purposefully seek their way through sewer ducts and spread their dark influence, strengthens the smelly, disgusting and perverterande chronopian influence that trickles down from that so far lyckligtivs sealed, deepest underworld where - at least according to some of my religious friends - the greatest evil the known world has ever seen resting while waiting for the right moment. Sewers are cestoditernas kingdom, through which they accompanied by their brutal beasts wandering and enjoying his subjects' total submission. The fact that the emperor's team, no matter how long arms that may have, very rarely do any major efforts to extend down into the sewers, has made cestoditerna have been able to run wild and spread its message, its dark control without being hindered by the Black Guard, Black sisters or agents. Incantation Masters is also too proud to crawl in shit and instead have relied on us, underground fighters, to be able to keep them in check (something you do not quite understand considering that we have problems even trying to fight goblin problem, and cestoditerna is much more unpleasant to have to deal with than those in the comparison harmless Goblins). For every day that passes include more and more of the sewer the residents and temporary visitors to the sewer Cestods brand, a brand that will not wash away with the most concentrated and irascible Emperor corrosive water as the city's fire and brimstone alchemists can shake up. There are several goblin tribes, perverted street gangs and enslaved pirate gangs who live under cestoditernas domination, running their errands and craps down their already dirty linen further. But it is not only careless people, cross-eyed gobliner, adventurous dwarves and decadent elves caught in the cestoditiska influence, but they also rules over the earth more beastly inhabitants - underworld creature, which I had thought to give a more vivid description of this. During Earth's creatures are many, it is said that there are more sewer rats than people in Chronopia. Is it true and one tenth of them are cestoditernas obedient servant of the threat from the underworld defintivt a reality, a problem that must be taken seriously and that we can not afford to ignore the etiquette reasons. Many of the vile creatures, bizarre insect-like drooling monsters and horrors that live in the sewers is not only cestoditernas servants, they are also their creation. An example is bitaren which is a large flat black beetle with constantly rattling jaws. The chasing all sorts of small animals in the shelter of the darkness of the sewers and venture sometimes on the streets to make Chronopia's shady alleys to unsafe hangout for unwary drunkards. Giant leeches thrive in sewers under Chronopia's where they swim in the water or clings to the ceiling, waiting for the blood-loving victim they should get entrenched in their small, sharp teeth and suck the blood away until they are full and satisfied. For some reason uses dwarfs them in medical experiments, so for me is a mystery. In Chronopia cockroaches are larger and more unpleasant than anywhere else in the known world. It is almost impossible to kill them because they have an armor shell as thick as dvärgbankad metal plate. They may be best known, most hated and at the same time most appreciated by the sewer the bizarre creatures are sewer rats, the naked-tailed as well as the red-eyed. Sewer rats are not too uncommon sight on Chronopia's streets where they feed on garbage. They are very angry and irritable and give not infrequently the unwary scavengers, beggars or fools who disturb them in their work. Moreover, they are known for their good meat and eaten, and are raised by elves - but not let them go on any sopdiet. Those in my eyes by far the most disgusting of cestoditernas creations is tooth worms. They are great white caterpillar-like worms that with her hungry mouth come get symbolize cestoditernas authoritarianism. When cestoditernas enslaved, spineless, voiceless chanting preachers go out on the streets Chronopia's they do it with big tooth worms in the ligaments. Chronopia's wild dogs are afraid of the city's inhabitants. Mangy, wild-eyed and drooling they pull around in large flocks on city streets and found horror even in noisy troublemakers. One of the worst I have throughout my career that the tunnel warriors come up with was one of cestoditernas influence perverted wild dog that had jaws like a frakiskt mountain lion, anger as a teased berserk from clan Žodan and a thirst for blood in excess Blodkultens. The Wildcats are large, smooth and very vicious. They are some of the city's cleverest and most cunning predators - far more quick-witted than many hired host, headhunters, pack handlers and other trash and appreciated because of the elves. It is not at all unusual that they caught and trained by Lysanders best men. So, we have of course the brutal sewer beasts, magical creatures created in the shapeless, stinking matter that there are so plentiful in the chronopian sewers. They are veritable beast that can measure several meters at the withers, walking on his hind legs and with a simple operation (if you can call it their hands) turn a sewer canoe to a high välspäntade sticks, excellent lighting häxbål with.


Some of the city Chronopia's far the most infamous sewer-dwellers are probably Goblins. I do not think there is a single chronopier who do not think of gobliner as soon as he hears the word sewer and vice versa, and this of course depends not only on Lykastors eminent piece "Kung Sewage" but that Goblins are a feature of the chronopian everyday life that are not even the bllindaste beggars (especially not those!) can ignore. What Goblins tell about themselves is irrelevant, since they are known as the city's biggest liar (and that in itself is a feat). How their culture works is really not what I want to tell you about, because it is so complex that it will be dedicated several chapters of "Largest sewer book". No, I will tell you how to make best embarks with gobliner and fights them on their home turf. However, note that these tips and instructions in no way guarantees success in the goblin fight. The author of the law all liability for any damage to both practitioners as victims incurred in connection with the method practiced.

The first basic rule that all costs should be trying is to never, whatever the situation, angering a goblin. He becomes only harder, ettrigare and stubborn opponents. Excites not him, maybe he is content to fuck a little bit with you, throw dung and excrement fire and brimstone on you. Irritant to stand up to him, he just as surely as the Emperor of Eternity Palace off and pick up their next hook mates. See the reason in addition to any rebuke him properly with the first blow, gladly so tightly that he did not survive the treatment. A dead goblin is a good goblin, my friend Restorius once said, a living goblin can get help and a dozen gobliner are guaranteed a harder resistance than a single cross-eyed little fellow.

The second basic rule is to keep calm and cautious when entering the goblin territory. You usually know that you're approaching when suddenly hanging rocks and dangling in the ceiling, the walls are covered with well-formulated hidden threats such as "Doooo not go here, then you diiiiiiie!" "The Dragon Cave", "The rioters curse affects everyone surprisingly quick" and "Imperial mark. Enter at your own risk. (Signed Black Guard) "and that it actually smells different in the goblin's parts of the sewers than elsewhere. In addition, the goblins are, in spite of their lack of understanding, non-oscillating strikers, and therefore there are slides, bullets, tripods with associated bells, rat cages and tugboats in the most surprising places, which makes sure you watch your steps carefully unless you wants to be a sewage chronopian skitgub.

The third basic rule is: do not lose your cool! Do not tease the fiery goblin the taunts, their fiery attitude, their accurate shit watches and their nasal battle cry. Roars you up, lose control, start to foam at the mouth and go berserk, you will surely get caught in any of the goblin the net, dragged down under the dung surface and drown in the chronopian faeces (which admittedly is better than more dung, but still).

Can you stick to these three, at least seemingly simple rules, you've come a long way - but you are not there yet. To become a decent goblin exterminator you need to learn what bites as angry pair of ostriches on them. Goblins are easily fooled, think about it and exploit it. For example, there nothing that can scare them on the run, make them panic as a seemingly dead warriors rise up and run a chrono blade through the stomach of their leaders. Moreover, they are greedy, which means they can be lured into traps and ambushes by laying out a trail of copper coins they receive follow and then waits behind a sewer corner with wooden club at the ready. Just as the orcs, they are also superstitious, something that those who get to know their culture can exploit. Are you also the right size, you can definitely benefit from a magic false beards or two. A goblin knows namely again a magical false beard when he sees it, and because they assume that they are the only ones using magic false beards will be quickly accepted as one of the tribe, especially if you every morning anoints himself with goblin essence, which is to get in some specialist shops for tunnel warriors. One tip is to try the Fisherman Rökblomsters store in the Blades' Alliance - he used to have what is needed for a proper goblin clearance, as it is called when some madmen give themselves down into the sewers to wring gobliner for fun. Honorable pleasure encouraged by imperial bureaucrats and voice when it promotes the chronopian atmosphere. Visitörerna

All dwelling in the sewers is not really, like Goblins, meant for a life in the smelly underground, but they have come to escape life on the noisy chronopian the streets and made their way down into the dark underworld where feces slowly and gracefully bobbing up accompanied of sewage water noise. Some of them are not even there to stay, but - I - temporarily visiting. Therefore they are called in tunnel warrior speakers for visitörer, visitors who are not really should be where they are. Visitörerna are many and various, almost as confusing motley crew that the sad souls who roam above ground, but here I have unfortunately not able to tell you everything about everyone (it will be me who said to do in the "Largest sewer book") but will to present some of the most talked visitörerna.

That it is not easy to find in the sewers has attracted the attention of those we call tunnel warriors came off negotiations, careless visitörer whose visit to the sewers become involuntarily extended because they strayed so far down that they simply do not find out. They can be of the most varied kinds, ranging from foolhardy brats and smågalna banging balls into angry, adventurous hired sword and now depressed, formerly proud, Highland order warriors, but all have the same excuse: "I was supposed to just ..." When we find them deep down, where they might literally sitting in the shit, they tend to be extremely thankful, in a very unchronopian way, and be prepared to pay whatever it takes to go out with us. It is not without there being a certain, I can admit sadistic, pleasure in letting them stay in the underworld ...

Some who however are keen to make it easier to find in the sewers are the imperial cartographers traveling in sewers, assisted by imperial bureaucrats and guarded by the Black Guards who brought shame to themselves and the emperor and therefore had saddled on the sewer service. They draw maps for tables of whirlpools, sketches of statistical charts of the sewer extension and tries to simultaneously estimate the sewer the population. Although the emperor is a most exalted one, I dare say that the survey of the sewers is nothing more than a vain attempt to control something that can not be checked - the imperial cartographers will never achieve what they (or at least their rulers) provided it. If you encounter an imperial map-making patrol in the sewers so the best thing you can do to escape. The disgraced Black Guards fact is keen to restore his reputation and his honor that they stand their two-handed sword in everything that gets in their way.

The visitörer as I previously reported on have all been relatively clean behind the ears in terms of sewer visit, but there are also visitörer who know what they are doing and whose task is not completely meaningless. One example is the Dwarves' sewer warrior, proud, strong, insolent and brilliant fighting to ensure that no uninvited guests from entering the Chairman Stan through the sewers and they are indeed a tough job to protect himself against the goblin tribes that want to increase their pickpocketing territory. There are several examples of the Goblins have tried to get past the sentries dressed in armor from some warriors they defeated and magically false beard and if it were not for that at least one sewer warrior in every patrol is equipped with magical eye glass that reveals the bearer of false beard would probably several attempts have succeeded, which would have been far from good, the goblin hose stump of the old men.

Then there is of course the wild, daredevil, death-defying and never self-denial sewer travellers, who walk through the sewers and try to push things to the extreme limit, beyond the permissible and possible. Most of those who enter the sewers travel is old thrill seeker who worked with tightrope walking between the tall towers, thrown out into drakflyg from bridges, chased out of the races on the arena and challenged countless opponents in duels just for the thrill of it. Now they have simply thrown out into the sewers and paddles in the insane pace of their sewer canoes past the swirling whirlpools, jumps over bottomless chasms and tears flying down the goblin fine-mesh nets. They dare everything and has nothing to gain, but they can certainly surprise you. It is not only once it has happened that there came a howling sewer traveler still while I myself tried to hide from a group of bloodthirsty gobliner.

Among visitörerna are also some highly feared and reviled individuals who feed on meddling in other people's garbage piles, raiding the chronopian grave farms in search of welcome nutritional supplement and as with their catch hooks pull into the swollen corpses of fatalities sewer visitors to feast on their rotting flesh . Colloquially known as the scavengers and they are a secret sect, according to themselves a chosen people, in any case, a most unpleasant things that like stinking sneaks up in the chronopian the shadows of old was oozing from the corners of the mouth.

Last and definitely not least - quite the biggest - we have colleagues underground warriors, these great men and women who actually, as you can not say about many other chronopier, helps make Chronopia to a better city. For Chronopia's inhabitants (and gold shiny doubloons, of course) they dare every day life, giving himself down in the stinky underworld to clear out the parasitic obscenities hidden in the darkness of the sewers. Tunnel Warriors are hardliners, brutal, ruthless, but fair. They are honest, but smell, not to say bad, different, something that wrong measurement will frustrated the other the companies at the blades' Alliance to such an extent that they were excluded. I want to conclude this brief petition by saying: Without tunnel warriors, no Chronopia.


A small book about Sword Swingers

Sword Swingers? Yes, there are plenty of in Chronopia. Here are almost all armed, even infants have a dagger or two tucked in their swaddling clothes, if need would require that they defended themselves. Had you intended to give you a violent career, put people in place with the targeted iron fists and fast drawn swords blades? Think about, or see anyway that you know what you are getting yourself into. I have a little book here, which I think would suit you just fine. What it's called? "A small book about the sword swingers" ...

Dear reader! I had this book, which unfortunately is far too thin to be called tome, much less gracious, supposed to collect some of my reflections on the contemporary chronopian swords, and its pig owners. During my years at the city's arenas, especially the arena, at different companies at the blades' Alliance, in the service of sabranska sultans and brundusiska pashas, at the different sword schools, among both masterpieces Moleros that Meriel and purposeful head and witch hunter in Chronopia's all the blocks, dirty clean, noble as föraktansvärda, high and low, and brilliant towering as moloket overdue, I have acquired a lot of unique skills, skills that perhaps no other than I have, and thinking a lot of things and the council order, concerns that I this was going to share with you. I hope that the book will prepare you a settle host moment of reading and that you can learn from my experiences without necessarily having to make the same mistake as myself At times done. The book is divided into long sections dealing with different kinds of swords pig owners. I have found the appropriate division as it makes it easier for you as a reader find the right chronopian in the jungle.


Chronopia there are frivolous and serious fighters, there are men and women who wields the sword of a more noble purpose, perhaps swords wield its own sake, and there are men and women (in all honesty, preferably male) who wields the sword without further reflection, that spends its already wasted life by asking to mischief, and without thinking of engaging in the most degrading barbarism ties that would make even a red corsair obediently pull towards ostracized. The latter are the ones I have chosen to call troublemakers. They are merely noisy machines, bearded skin cheat with less sense than a newly hatched goblin and broader spending than Eternity palace gates and can be found on almost every tavern, every little tavern, every little sleazy pirate hangout throughout the blessed city Chronopia. But troublemakers is not a completely undifferentiated genus, but their ranks are variations to be found, which now I was going to relate to you.

Bråkstakarnas troublemakers, I have chosen to call the troublemakers. The gruffar for gruffandets sake, seeking brawl and scuffle that they otherwise might, and to show that they are not as impotent as the deluge of defaults wisdom spiced with a dash of monosyllabic grunts could fool you into thinking that they are actually real Karla men worthy of the imperial distinction whatsoever (unfortunately most of them are not even aware of the Emperor's existence). They are recognizable by their bulging arm muscles, the wide leather bracelets, the low forehead, the lank hair and they (even with chronopian standards) excessively oversized weapons where they sit, walk and stand on city streets, taverns and arenas, utterly convinced that they are the world's inhabitants rulers.

There is also something more purposeful troublemakers, such as the orcs and the other motley black bloods and somewhat truncated part. There we find both buffalo horsemen, orcs bizarre warrior who rides up on Chronopia's streets on their hairy backs armoured buffalos and from there do their best to mess with those who come in their way and their anger. Orcs also agitators, those troublemakers who have made it their mission in life to start riots, to initiate senseless riots and to ensure that the paving stones are awash with rage bubbling blood while the Black Guard honk in their battle trumpets and clean the house - smooths the home stretch with the land without mercy. The wild trolls've got their härjare, but they've At least one purpose, to rid the Chronopia from the imperial bullying (a position I myself obviously do not share, the emperor is perfect).

Some who because of their uppnosighet and unpolished attitude often (sometimes undeserved) associated with the troublemakers are the bodyguards, the hired protectors of all sorts of rich scum. They tend to be unjustifiably cocky and complacent after receiving socialize in the finer circuits for a while. Two weeks inside the walls of a palace chronopian seem to distort the mind of anyone - and I mean anyone. I once had a friend - we had served together in the Alliance - who took the service of a brundusisk trade prince. When I met him a few months later, down at one of the bazaars, where he was with his prince, he looked not even in my direction, but pushed me away as if I were the smelly goblin anywhere. Two steps later, he hit a witch hunter who came within his reach in the face without thinking of which earned him a rightful punishment. Some punishes emperor immediately.


Chronopia's largest industry, the business has a turnover far the highest number of doubloons, the armed industry and of its elements are the gladiators second only rented values and the freedom of the companies those in the highest degree, the chronopian the economy's sluggish wheels to spin. Nowhere else in the wonderful city of justice Chronopia competition is just as merciless as hard as the sand of the arena, the gladiators of the agencies competitions and gladiator training school halls. The rules are simple - the dying die, those who do not die will live, but die probably another time. For a newcomer to the city with a mediocre sword wings talent, the selection of gladiators agency be the last thing he does in his short life in chronopia. Here in Chronopia there is a lot that can be useful to know about gladiators, so you do not hit with any unnecessary by asking stupid and uninformed questions.

Each gladiator agency has an owner, every school gladiator a patron that enables the fire souls driving school to continue training young, hopeful gladiator substances. Some of the agencies have their own schools, but it is usually in the pure gladiator schools that have been able to make some good finds among the fresh sword wings meat from the backwoods, because the agencies are busy keeping their gladiators in shape, both physically and mentally, and do not have time to engage in untested steel. Both the schools and the agencies it uses a mentoring system where older, perhaps reclusive, gladiators help rävungarna, as they are called, to come to terms. They also monitor rävungarnas exercise, ensuring that they get to practice different operations unarmed combat, whirlwind, blade dance and concentration of different masters and do their best to inform rävungarna the wisdom they have brought with them from the time they are still colored arena's sand red with the blood of their enemies.

The main gladiators called, after a figment of the brute Prince Lysander, death dancer and given the extremely amazing benefits. Moreover, accompanied by large flocks of eager admirers who are willing to give their life for their models, which death dancers course with good chronopian tons utilize fully scrupulously. Even in death the dancers crowd is there in our days some that are more than the other, which like brilliant fixed stars light up Chronopia's heroes 'heaven whenever night falls and reminds us that we live in a heroes' age, although it can be difficult to think of it when looking at the world around them. Some of those would be worthy of mention in this book is Cowslip, it completely ruthless troll, who, although he failed to bring his team Trållisarna any major victories is undeniably one of the arena's most spectacular performers as he ruthlessly tear their enemies in pieces or swallow them whole if their size permits and gladiator agent Iron canine golden calf Sheebar, the divige drakoniten as if he had ever come down from their high terosaurer and struggled Chronopia's kites almost certainly would have won them their first league title. Other legendary heroes in this context is the slender shredder and the mad orchen Vele Fractional Nose reputedly Chronopia's most irritable person (and that includes allergic gobliner well as gastroenteritis Red Corsairs). Personally, I would for their own account also like to mention it in my eyes underestimated sabranske desert knight El Beri who dazzled with his scimitar arts have spent the most varied resistance to his knees.

Hired Sword If you talk about Chronopia out there in the big wide world, which, incidentally, is not much to hang in the bell towers if compared with just Chronopia, mentions almost always Chronopia's hired sword, all of which - just like the less noble assassins - is the drummer in death, destruction and annihilation. In Chronopia are no free sword, all hired swording is of the same ilk - they make you pay for them, neither more nor less. But there is, after all, a few with something resembling morality, a variety with something like a code and a multitude of fixed principles (for example, "no blood before liquor", "ax never a dwarf - use the sword!" And "Death for all! ") that they never depart from - not until they are stopped by a battle axe which cut their scalp with a cozy crackling. Before settling in the tubing (conversation on leased hosting hose) with some swarthy barbarians from the desert countries, yellow-eyed orcs from the docklands or newly awakened apostates from blood cult, be sure that you know what you're getting into, that you know what you're looking for . Otherwise, it's easy for things going wrong - very wrong. I have now, however, no intention of floating in some meaningless statements about how best to treat a hired sword (because it is hired sword it yourself colliding always proves to be the exception that proves the rule) but rather write a few lines about in my eyes the most noteworthy and interesting free companies that are connected to temporary host guild - mowing blade alliance.

Black Bolt's ax is a ferocious company with plenty of well-known strip-haired fighters in its ranks, most of them tangent limit to what I previously referred to as troublemakers. This makes them not less terrible than what they already are and Bolts, the drelegoknektarna and they free the companies, glande beard bear from Usus, management is the downright emperor-pardoned brutal, ferocious whirlwinds that can be recognized by their large axes in black steel the splash of foam that hit innocent bystanders wherever they pull ahead.

Some a little more sophisticated types are the sekuda-borne pike are that, somewhat unimaginative, calls itself the air Avengers (as taken from a bedtime story for unusually fun- loving chrono children). Dressed in minimal armor of taut leather straps fitted with small metal plates, long and narrow helmets and rough eye glasses plunges the way through the chronopian airspace and making sure the sky. They usually frequent escort blimps from foreign nations to ensure their safety when they start approaching air ports. Then there is the really tough boys, they both exhibit a välslipat intellect, well-sharpened weapons and well-sharpened weapons techniques - Frost Giants. They are all exceptionally välvuxna isbarbarer who decided to capitalize on his murderous talent. They are led by the loquacious cripple Oberis said to have been taken by Snow Witch's Valkyries for a visit to her tower and returned, but whether it is true or not, I have no idea about. In any case, they are extremely reliable warrior who does a very good job. A company that I think is worth mentioning is the heterodox Highlander company, a company consisting solely of words Highland warrior who for some reason banished by his words and shifted out of the Highland Community. They have been stripped of their honor sword, but not her rage, her mountain given strength and their swords wings talents. They can make short work of most of the city Chronopia's unwary upstarts and let themselves often engaged by devotees decoys, just to show for their former brethren, the words that you have to pay with blood if you humiliate a Highlander.

Warrior Monks

That there along the mountain Silvertopps one side there is a place called the Temple slopes, can hardly have escaped anyone's notice that at no time set foot in the marvelous city Chronopia. Notes to the temple of the slopes so take note also inevitably all the intense holy war (not to be confused with Highlander Holy War), which flares up faster than a goblin ullörad have time to squeeze a whistling fish. They burn down each other's temples, blast neighboring temple to blame others, giving themselves to each other's distant relatives or kindred to set an example, in other words, in an eternal cycle. I had this (as a minor brackets) meant to tell you very briefly about some of the monastic orders involved in bringing together about life.

The most famous, and at least in their own eyes the most peaceful of all monastic orders would be the honorable white cloud brothers, who never hurt a living soul, except in self-defense. They walk - with chronopian standards - quietly around the city streets in their white tunics and polished shaved heads and pray for everyone and everything. No one is too unworthy to deserve a blessing before beating him to death with an accurate magic, something they do whenever they feel threatened, because in their eyes is self-defense. Many are the children crestfallen found themselves crushed against a wall after being pulled in a cloud brother's coat or have laughed unnecessarily high (they usually defend themselves by saying that "in Chronopia things are not always what they seem," which undeniably true). A word that is not as white cloud brothers try to make the impression that they are peaceful is Kalkus holy warriors, which is the fastest growing and one of the most brutal monastic orders in the entire Temple Hill. Because their doctrine enjoins them to socialize with people outside of the words only in warlike purposes, and a large part of their learning time is spent creating a need for other people than the friars in their vicinity, it will - in no way unsought - so that they embark on Chronopia's streets, squares and taverns to search contacts, contacts that they will not break with his master must necessarily kill. No wonder they have trouble making lasting friendships. The holy warriors dressed in pretty ordinary chronopian clothes but wearing black bandages on both arms and legs and the Order's symbol, a wheel with five spokes, burned into his forehead. Not forgetting, of course, the Claw Demon fraternity consisting of a large number of fanatical lunatics who dresses up in the demon worms and binds the claw-like crowds at his hands and then sneak out of the chronopian night to cut the throats of their enemies during the ritual grunting reminiscent of an underground tunnel dvärgisk farm pig. Of course there are many other interesting monastic orders that would merit a mention, order of Vakteri, Jumping getabockens brotherhood, Howling leap frogs and noisy bandit hypocritical sons, but unfortunately the ink runs low and I have time to write a few lines about Chronopia's weapons master also.

Weapon Master

In the crowded and in many respects quite amazing fascinating city Chronopia there are some dedicated (but rarely the Devout) people who dedicate their lives to the sword swinging dets noble art in a different way, a long-haired skin thugs the blades' Alliance believes that a major weapon is a dangerous weapon and one two trolls broad spending is a sign of bravery and courage. They called for the weapons master and spends all his time to refine and improve their weapons techniques, to drive them towards the consummate perfection where nothing more is necessary. Often opens the sword schools or academies weapons as the skinny guys at the Academy of Sciences calls them, where they teach their wisdom and their lethal weapons technologies to the students who can afford to pay for their tuition.

At sword schools is usually the teaching of two major groups, one external and one internal group. The external group consists of all the hopeful adventurer, angry hired sword and vengeful fighters who want to learn some lethal techniques to periodically Chronopia with the ground, in order to cut the black Guards to the goblin feed and make short work of curious city guards and intrusive troublemakers. There one can find everything from sabranska desert knights and nobles to the Elvish ferocious headhunters and hopeful, brundusiska cockerels. But it is not of them we are interested, we should concern ourselves with the internal education, where pupils grow up, live and develop at the sword school taught. When the first, usually as young talents as weapons master himself picked up from the street, going to school, they are for several years, and novices can keep busy with daily chores, hard training and sleeping. Those of the young novices promising, demonstrates to have a talent for cold blood, but aesthetically killing may remain at the school and eventually become adepts, sword school's weapon in the battle for power in Chronopia. Adept's sword school's standing army, its face, its flaming blade in battle and the ablest adepts must honor of leading school teaching under the supervision of the school's weapons master, some of them perhaps even themselves will be true weapons master with its own schools. It is extremely common for swords schools located in bloody feud with each other, because of differences of opinion between their masters. They insult each other, disparage each other's techniques and call each other crippled gobliner. Each school sitting, just like every temple, possession of the true knowledge of how a sword to be wielded, how a chest should be drilled and how the head shall be separated from the neck and body, and who deny the doctrine has been guilty of blasphemy in Chronopia's sword wings circuits, like Sorn monks frequently blasphemes each other's teachings on Temples slopes.

The now dethroned weaponmaster king in Chronopia's Master Moleros and has his sword school at the Great Park, in a large palace-like house built for him by the venerable princely Belisarius as thanks for that he departed from his principles, and devoted two years of time rose guard train housing. The school is extremely well-respected and those who participated in teaching is usually very successful hired sword, head hunters and formants duel. Master Moleros itself is extremely reclusive and allows most of the teaching managed by its adepts, which has allowed students who previously sought to Moleriska Sword school now often choose Meriels school for the fine arts, where it is currently by far the most popular and much spoken weapons master, elf woman Meriel, shows what she can. She has never participated in any kind of sword training, but joined Higher Learning and practicing their skills first against gobliner, then against tougher opposition as orcs, city guards, flamboyanter, hired sword and noisy troublemaker. A place at the top of Chronopia is very challenging to stick to, and it is rumored that masterpiece Moleros along with other factions in the city is planning a major attack on Meriel. In the recent past, her mentees often attacked on the streets Chronopia's (it can certainly happen to anyone). Some argue that it is an omen of things to come, but Meriel itself does not seem very upset, and who would be there if they survived unscathed from a battle with Lord Lialin, best DEVICES commander, the cerianska ulvarnas champion, and one of the most feared weapons champions across the known world, known for its uncompromising brutality and their sense of style pure obscenity. They must have met at the stadium during one of the famous hero struggles, where all Chronopia's heroes lining up to no imitations have the opportunity to kill the clouds in the sky without which one's own star will shine stronger, but have reached a settlement after a two-day battle, whilst they defended themselves from the cowardly attacks by the other combatants. It is not without letting themselves be impressed by the relatively young alvkvinnans dazzling skill.

--- Chp V Chronopia's Shadows

Illegal? No, not like that, I work with. If it is safe / Clear that it is safe, do you think I could stand here and lie to you, right? Thought so. But you, by the way ... I have a little book that you might read if you are interested in that stuff. If it is mine? Not anymore because now it is yours. Take it, it contains everything you need to know about the villains and bandits, cabin switches and bakers, unruly robbers, hideous vessel-like con artists and other pesky rascals that constitute Chronopia's underworld.

In this little book I had that old, now reclusive master thief, thought to offer a striking and as comprehensive as possible a description of the true Chronopia, what some regarded as the city's dark side, but in my eyes it is Chronopia opening for those who see clearly let the illusions crumble and the blinding fog disperse. "In Chronopia's shadows - a journey into the true reality" is dedicated to all new switches of the imperial law that need to familiarize themselves with the conditions, flora and fauna of the chronopian darkness before the death-defying throws himself headlong into the most amazing of the lower worlds this continent has ever seen. My writing is divided into a number of shorter sections that all but one describes different types of offenders and how they work in a city that Chronopia, where it constantly is the neighbor of death, where there is such a thing as an easy target because everyone goes around with large, dangerous swords and axes or protected by beefy bodyguards and where the offenders caught with the greatest safety decapitated, hanged or cut to grill meat even before he was in desperation had time to yell, "I'm innocent," which he obviously is not. In Chronopia is no innocent, to quote Black Sisters motto. (However, in some cases I decided to change the names to protect the guilty.)

Street Gang

Chronopia's underworld, as well as its top (the question is whether there really is any difference, I mean - people like people), is divided into a number of factions with different specialties astonishing. Street gangs and the gangs is such a fraction of all his power trying to usurp power. They are big groups of offenders who have come together to become more powerful, to be able to compete with merchants' houses, the princes and the free the companies. Some claim that the street gangs supported by the big houses and trade princes, and that is why they have been able to grow sufficiently, which I am convinced is true. I have seen the nominees for both Belisarius, Degas, Lighthouse Alliance, Taurus and Aramas make substantial deliveries of what is on the upper tongue called for campaign funds ", ie money to engage in unlawful activities and brutal harassment of their competitors. Street gangs unbrushed members engaged in racketeering and extortion, open as well as veiled threats and destruction. Typical quote is "beautiful wife you have, sad if she would go broke," "you wanted to speak with my chrono blade?" "It hurts when buds burst ..." and "How old did you say you wanted to be, did you? '. They pronounced happy while abundantly clear, for example, by tearing the house next to his or ax down some passers youths, making clear to the accused that it is not about a bad joke, but deadly serious.

There are a number of major street gangs in Chronopia all of which are more or less unpleasant (usually more) to have to deal with. Most of them have some kind of tasteless and exaggerated criteria for admission and also participating to the chronopian segregation that most of them are very particular about what race or what tribes you belong to when seeking membership. It also applies to choosing the right street gangs, that it is not fooled into a small street gang members simply because they know that soon will have to bite the teeth bloody on chronopian street gravel, or a gang who are simply people that they can do away with, that there is no greater loss to them if they lose the battle or the city guard. I had thought that in this petition to tell you about three of the major street gangs, which I find interesting, but even so, omit larger and in some cases more established names like Grinning gholorna, Hawks and Spefåglarna.

One of the single most brutal and heinous insane street gangs are undoubtedly levers, originally a group of orcs who pushed These acts at their absolute best (who is familiar with the orcs culture knows that they engaged mutilation to get supernatural forces). They mutilate themselves stympandets sake and also refuse to use the mechanical improvements orchiska veterans usually tend to be lousy with. Instead, they limp around on their benstumpar and two-toed feet, pulls up in his unlicensed tiggarlådor with battle axes across the back, wielding swords with fingerless hands and staring angry and terrifying, with its lonely eyes. Besides, it has recently begun to allow road warriors from other races and nations joining the gang and helping them to come to the knowledge of the mutilation do they get to know their body better and gives them a more genuine rage, a brutal and wilder sight on life. The levers are extremely respected and many other street gangs avoid conflicts with them precisely because of their spectacular appearance, many of them look like walking corpse infested by hungry scavengers. If they find it difficult to convince a shopkeeper or a rival gang about their superiority, they usually casually cut one or two of their own fingers with a broad-bladed, rusty knife, just to show that pain for them is something incredibly bearable. It may not need to be said that most writing on.

The second street gang, I was going to tell about the safety area, insane thrill-seekers in their quest for the ultimate experience is wilder than the wildest sewer traveler. For safety, there are no boundaries that should not be and must be stretched to the limit. They fly with drakflyg between Chronopia's high towers, allow themselves hunted by Lysanders sekuda guard makes burglary of Snow Witch, taking into Stubb Town and shaves sleeping dwarfs their beards, climb the walls of the devotees Cathedral, all to show their capabilities, but without injuring or killing someone - an unusual trait for a chronopian street gangs. Usually the knowledge that they are able to penetrate everywhere do to protect the fees paid. Estate are made up of cockerels, who dressed in distinctive clothing, short pants, tight shirts and jewelry made of precious conquests, bushy cut short kalufser and small, light weapons, which they never wear open. The times they come into conflict with rival gangs, they prefer that spefåglarna, driving opponents to distraction and allow them to hurt themselves. The fights often end with the safety area is completely unharmed and the other lies exhausted on the cobblestones, bloody after interest rates head against the wall and pounded it against cobbles too many times.

Finally, I want to present a little known, but for Chronopia's underworld, very important street gangs: princes. The gang consists exclusively of criminal actors left the theater behind and dressed in royal clothes make their living on under false pretenses to trick you into as much money as possible in the form of bribery, racketeering charges and local taxes. After each successful scam, every successful performance, they leave behind a sealed envelope containing a small greeting "princes thank you for your participation in this first-class fraud. We wish you all the luck in the future." But princes are not only con artists (for further discussion see below), but they are also skilled aesthetes with an eye for the definitive assault and is often embark on defenseless victims (which admittedly is very scarce in Chronopia) and vocals and glam beat them senseless.


"To be deceived is to live", the fraudster skelögde Oniman Betsur from Brundus gold coasts, have once said, something that fits in quite a number of Chronopia's residents, especially those who live and work in teams outskirts. There are many different kinds of con artists in Chronopia, but all they deserve in any way their living by pushing the boundaries of truth so much that it actually is a lie becomes the reality that the city's inhabitants live in (it is said that this is exactly what the emperor have done - forced us to live in a lie - but I think what I like about).

The most common con artists are the ones who fooled the fool's sake, let appearances deceive because it will give them some benefits. They simply called for fraudsters and engaged in selling counterfeit documents, pretending to be the imperial envoys or sabranska sultans, or the owner of the beautiful airships and beautiful Elvish women. A good friend of mine, we can call him Ish, managed to once again sell Snow Witch's tower to a marajiputtisk bosses for not föraktansvärt number melodious doubloons. Fraudsters are encountered everywhere in the city, just looking around adds to the eyes of at least a dozen. All are obviously not as sophisticated, but they say they are sure to be something they are not.

Of the betrayers kind is also the counterfeiters and the Counterfeiters. In a city that Chronopia, where the right piece of paper can be the difference between life and death, where the number of authorizations, licenses and paid-up you have to have in order to live a move thoroughly lives is incalculable and in which respect for the written word is as great as that of an Highland hired sword, fakes an extremely lucrative craft for the driven. Counterfeit proxies for manhunt and magic performers and paid-up and hired letters from various street gangs, steel companies and trade princes and letters of recommendation from dwarf princes and Elvish nobles are all in high regard, even if you are aware that you are taking a huge risk when using forged documents. A street gang that detects a forged vested usually do not put any fingers, other than the unfortunate among cobbles and wagon wheel, and the same applies to the rest of the brutal city Chronopia's inhabitants. The penalty for counterfeiting imperial document is obviously death in unbearable pain - for example, nailed to the to the träskmyrornas agonizing marchers get flesh scorched by solskivans rays hitting one's naked body through a volcanic eyepiece of dvärgisk manufacturing. The same punishment affects obviously the one that characterizes false imperial doubloons, but this type of counterfeiting is not really the most common (although many devote themselves to cover blypengar with gold leaf), but instead is devoted time and energy to "file" coins. Reduce their weight as much as you can, and casting jewelry and other oddities of the leftover metal, something that ultimately does not even affect the forger breaker but the wretch who happen to have the coin in his possession when the imperial coin inspection comes to visit.

Others who are completely devoted to cheat, or at least mostly the cheating, the players are popping up everywhere. Both the larger-night racket clubs and taverns, where they quickly ported unless they have a well-sharpened dagger against the owner castanets, which the smaller private events in the salons and Hinge boss dirty basements. A true player has a face carved in marble Elvish, nerves of dwarf-forged steel and a look as sharp and penetrating as a team grävares picks. He can stare out a drakonit, get a Black Guard cold sweat and the winner to leave from their profits by rapidly changing the rules of the game in their own favor. But there are players who are only good at cheating, and when it comes down to is the real cowards, like legs instead of resolutely pounding his fist on the table, explain how things are at the same time as the sprättar up his opponents from head to toe.

The smuggler has in common with the player that he takes chances, he dares to win, while he - just like the impostor and forger - trying to get things seem to be something other than they actually are. He tries to explain away obituary improvements which garden ornaments, illegal toxins from of Sunset islands that perfumes, the sound of ferocious monsters that howl from the bilge as the magsjuke mate's loud moans and a shipload brundusiskt ivory as one of the customs- exempt wedding gift to his deceased mother. Some smugglers are actually traders and sets out on long trips over the ten world's oceans, but many of them are anchored a few mil outside Chronopia, where ships are afraid of being scanned tranship, and then take the smugglers into the load for a reasonable number dublon-stuffed chests.

An unusually helpful fraudsters, who usually assist street gangs who want to justify vendettas, a burglar who wants to gain an alibi for a highly successful robbery, trade princes who want to start brutal war and misers who want to sue their competitors on the skyrocketing amount (something that can actually be done also in a city that Chronopia where the Dwarvish lawyers ever get the opportunity to prove to the stiff challenge in the courts), is the good bone cracker, a slightly muted Medicus as with some highly targeted kind can provide spectacular, but relatively harmless injuries. I myself have passed me out several times by after breaking me out of some noble fish krösusar have let break my bones with bone cracker and explained that they had been broken long before the robbery took place. And believe it or not, but sometimes it is not the imperial justice blind, but accept such an excuse (though it obviously has happened to the imprisoned both lame and crippled for the most bizarre crimes, including the Arena fire for a couple of decades ago everyone knows was built by Belisarius - even in Chronopia needed scapegoats).


In the thousand gods blessed city Chronopia work Death constantly high pressure. People turned to death with spiked wooden clubs, falls from high bridges, drowning in the harbor, super death on tawdry brawn, for drinking on soma, get heart attack when they store a ferocious concubine of the Street of a Thousand Delights, rattling together for a malignant lung rot or get his skull crushed in a stationary bar fight - but above all, they are murdered every conceivable way. As a layman, it is difficult to imagine how many different ways you can kill a human, dwarf, orc or elf. As chronopian layman it is somewhat easier, but still difficult. In the city Chronopia there are more assassins, skilled professionals whose livelihood to kill people as unobtrusive as possible, in all cases, but that they themselves imprisoned for it, than in any other city in the known world. Although it would At least as many to be employed to take life to the chronopier either deserve to die, or that someone feels they can afford to pay to get killed. The chronopian assassins specializing, become true artists in their murders and if you come as new to the city is not the first thing you should do is contact the Hidden Dagger guild in hopes of a membership (if you do not have very bloody references ). Wherever you move in the city Chronopia, on the Temple slopes, the Magicians city, in Meledith or Docklands is a great risk that you will witness an assassination, get involved in it, or himself become a victim of it, sometimes perhaps without noticing the. For many of the chronopian assassins is no longer the only efficiency that counts, subtlety is also high in the course. It is not uncommon for ordinary street walkers unwittingly turned into horrible murder weapon gasladdningar, bizarre poisons or hosting malicious, murderous animals.

Assassination Operations checked therefore ultimately of the Hidden Dagger guild, but within the organization, there are rows of bizarre, ferocious and experimentation spirit killer who all have their own maximum sectarian manners. Most famous is perhaps the Red snare restrictor who enjoy bringing their victims for life with a noose. It is said that they have a connection to Belisarius, which actually would not surprise me in the least. Then we have the engineers, or rigs as they are called of us who know how to behave in the pot. They consist among other things of renegade dwarves who take honor in being rather passive in their murders. Instead of cutting the throats of their victims, they use clever, devilishly complicated machines and makapärer, builds ingenious traps and rigs mördarmanicker the victims' bedrooms. Their constructions range from blades that tear the bed as well as victims, and under axes falling when going through doors, remotely controlled cranial drills and exploding gas bombs. The dwarves themselves take away from their business and for that reason they hired rare often the dwarves' enemies who see an extraordinary opportunity to acquire good allies. Another thread is the Flaming torches, a bunch of crazed arsonists consisting exclusively of virrhjärnor of the Southern archipelago that burn their victims to death. Either through an outright arson, where all the exits are blocked, the house is soaked in oil and other flammable liquids, and the bonfire tuttas on through a small bonfire in which the victim symbolically burned to death. Chariberna do not eat so rarely the victims, they think it's a waste of good meat to let them char. Married Masters, or the murderous madam engines as they are called in the assassination circuits, a number of skilled assassins, or mördarinnor as they prefer to be called, which takes the lives of his victims exclusively with poison. It can be noted over the skin, supplied by arrow, transmitted by a kiss, gaseous window the way, an irascible woggitt or raltider, or in the form of exquisite pastries. Not even Ikki is able to produce such exquisite poisons the murderous madam engines. If you want the assassination to look like an accident should turn to the awkward, to ensure that the victim is killed in an at least somewhat credible manner (ie not crushed to death under her own bed or suffocated to death in her linen cupboard). Whatever one thinks of their craft (some assassins do not think there is any point to murder if it does not seem that there is a murder) has to say that they are inventive. People do not just fall from the bridge, squeezed to death in carts, hit by falling gobliner and flowerpots or overthrow sekudor but they squeezed to death in his vice, drowned in their soup bowls, sticking with the scarf on a passing expressdroskas spokes, springs down by rampant marajiputter, suffocate the dot surely exhausted sekudaträck or get in the way of a duel between some angry Incantation Master and raving mad demon. Finally, I will say a few words about the phrase "Give me his head on a platter," continually harsh nobles or revenge-hungry trade princes throw around. Not all assassins offers, as you may already understand the reading, the service, it is - let me say - the exception rather than the rule. But of course there are those who do. Among other things, the notorious Kotknäckarna, which although cut up the rest of the victim, too, but supplies the head with the barrel, may be slightly damaged condition, but still.


In such a wonderful fall, decadent and astoundingly rich city that Chronopia, which offers so many different opportunities for those who want to earn their living by stealing from others and give to himself, there is no chance whatsoever of surviving without the profile itself, acquire a specialty, a type of theft that you are better than anyone else. Can not believe that you can do by making a break here, a pickpocketing there and an outright robbery in a dark alley late night. Reasons to like that will inevitably go down in history as one of the most short-lived Chronopia's offenders because other offenders will break before a city guard or Black Guards have time to turn her claws into one. All thieves specialty areas are namely protected by the Thief Guild and allowing only a certain number of pickpockets, muggers, burglars, grave robbers and city pirates in an area (although town pirate activity ultimately checked by the black flag, pirate guild). So it is best to ensure that you stay on the right side of the borders Thief Guild drawn up, otherwise it's too easy to disappear without a trace to emerge a few weeks later Liquid's face down in the docklands.


To steal objects from people's pockets, purses on their belts, jeweled gold rings from their hands, pompous pendants from their necks, big guns from their side and gaudy clothes from their body has always been something that has occupied some unscrupulous individuals. So even in Chronopia. In this great city are pickpockets so skilled that within the space of less than ten seconds, the dress of a country boy so that he stands in his föd upholstery, without even being noticed. They usually do not react before the people start to point the finger and laugh, something that seldom engaged in this city (for fear of angering someone angry beast with a large sword). Pickpockets in Chronopia operate either alone or in gangs (a concept which we have already discussed in a previous section), and lasts significantly to the bazaars, the Arena, the theaters, the street of a Thousand Delights and in the docklands - in short, of all the places where the crush becomes so unbearable that you feel like a goblin in a dwarf my vice and do not have any authority over where to travel, but it is simply the carnal flow popularly known power. Some of the more well-known leagues are of street children, which has its headquarters in Rökstadens underground, table plains, an exclusively human league, which according to rumors works from the outskirts of Arenastaden and openers, a group Elvish nobles who, like their peers in the Klan, do it is solely for the thrill of it.


To break into a city like Chronopia where everyone monitors themselves and their excessively valuable properties with the most absurd traps, clever magical devices and murderous vaktbestar, is anything but a cakewalk - rather the opposite. You really have to be on their guard. We usually additionally be safe than sorry and to distinguish between thieves and burglars. Some burglars specialize in getting up along the walls of the inaccessible towers, glide over steep roofs and enter through the narrow window openings. Particularly skilled climber is facing the notorious weightless as using different paraphernalia reps lungs and gas balloons, can easily reach every than their assistance is desired. It is rumored that at some point must have struck at Snow Witch's tower on behalf of Blue magician. It must have been the only time ever that one of their discrete lines failed. Others prefer to stay on the ground, well aware of how unbelievably flat and well diffused to get rid of fall hundred floors down to the chronopian the stone pavement, and direct their burglary toward more modest goals. Then there is a third kind - those that come from below - Sewer recesses that some of us a tad nasty calls them. When it smells bad somewhere customary to say "Have you had a sewer Skipper in the house? Best to check family heirloom!". They get in through the sewers, digging, drilling or phasing magically their way through the building foundations, walls and enchantments reinforced sewer grate, and then fleeing the same way they came. Usually, the sewer recesses that are the easiest to get away, despite the great goblin danger is that nobody really expecting an attack from below, and is also the sewers even more confusing - and darker - jumble than Chronopia's streets, which means that they can easily shake off to any pursuer.


In Chronopia there is as I said very many different things you can indulge in stealing - there are those who specialize in stealing dvärgisk art, marajiputtiska hookahs, Elvish flower arrangements, Highland steeds, goblinska false beard (especially the magical has an outstanding high resale value ), sabranska proboscis slippers, magic laboratory equipment, formularies with red cover and the positively charged dust bunnies. Moreover, there is - even though the vast majority of Chronopia's dead people goes up in smoke in the huge imperial crematories - those who specialize in stealing bodies, and consequently they are called thieves body. Body Thieves reminds a little of grave robbers in their work, but they avoid dragging with it the knick-knacks that usually followed the venerable dying not in the grave, but only pick with him the parts of his body rotted easily as their clients demand. They sell in bulk to the front men devotees - the devotees recognize, of course, nothing, but I know, for some unscrupulous magician and chariberna when they had a less successful hunting season. But the body of the thieves are not only good at raiding tombs on their lifeless and queasiness-inducing content, but they are also extremely adept at stealing life living bodies, which have not the slightest desire to be abducted. They get into the heavily guarded bedroom ominous shadows, appears behind the street corners when the victims least expect it, frees itself from the crowd by evil spirits and tearing along the unfortunate. Precisely because they are extremely engaged in the trade war going on in the ever- changing city Chronopia. Everyone wants to kidnap each other so as to force themselves into a better negotiating position, something that made the body thieves constantly jacking up their prices.


Being a pirate in Chronopia is childish profitable, periodically I actually regret that I did not choose the path itself. People come here every day hundreds and hundreds of ships from foreign countries, rich and wealthy merchant princes of doing business, many of them with far too inadequate coverage. Half a dozen lightly armed guards is not enough to keep a city Chronopia on the bar. For the raw bark is like scratching the abdomen in an unconscious guinea pig. Before they know what happened are the stacks and floating in the harbor dirty water, wrapped in their own guts. The pirates are also organized into leagues, all of which are subject to the black flag, pirate guild who have their guild castle in the South Harbour. But it is not only the ports that the pirates make life unsafe for Chronopia's population, but the sails, paddles and stakes down the aqueducts, through the sewers - where they have been fierce and bloody competition of the crazy goblinska sewer pirates, and on the city's canals which runs at ground level (where now it may be). Just aqueducts are particularly excellent waters for a city pirate, when many of the city's unscrupulous Guide Agencies happy, for a minor share of the spoils, takes his clients on trips along the picturesque fairways and looks extremely surprising when their passengers and possibly hired mediocre abysmal rented worth discards . Cooperation between guide agencies and Pirate Guild is the result of several years of negotiation which finally rowed ashore by man in pirate circles finally agreed to give the merchant closed to the agencies patrons safe passage, something that has proven to be an extraordinarily accurate decisions.


For those who are not so overly original, you can always use the good old "give them what they can tolerate, some more and take their money" - method. In Chronopia are extremely ample trainees of more brutalized thievery, what ordinary people call robbery, but that some robbers prefer to call the crackdown, because it sounds nicer. Of the robber, or barbaric bandits like myself tend to call them (those of them who have more finesse than a drunk bouncer troll is can with simplicity counts on a raving mad orc fingers) that haunt Chronopia's streets, are only a few who are true specialists, who really feeds on their profession. Most are unsuccessful hired sword that tries to eke out buying food a little, gain a few extra doubloons for those tankard soma, or that beautiful girl degas on the street of a Thousand Delights. To be robbed in Chronopia is surprisingly simple. Show only that you have money, you let stalked by some swarthy brutalized types and then turn into an alley. Usually alley superfluous, so also the pursuit. In general it is sufficient to show that you have money, let a few doubloons shine to light from the gas lamps or the bright solar disk, to be the next second will have a broad-bladed knife against the throat, get a hard blow to the head or hear any less articulate machine with dry and osmort munläder croak out "money and, uh, die, hay". As you may understand my presentation, I have very little sympathy for the robbers, although there are some that are slightly more sophisticated, which silkworm, a man of unknown origin for himself as a true Elvish snob and invariably mug rich upper class ladies, who while he does his best to flirt. Or the white lady, in a beautiful, innocent woman wearing a nightgown covered with rattling skeletons, which finds an almost perverse pleasure in harassing overfed trade princes, especially if they are of brundusiskt origin. There were more like them, it would be a pleasure to be robbed in Chronopia, especially that one, if you do not have any money, nowadays most likely be killed by robbers because they become dissatisfied and unable to channel their anger.


Begging is already, by definition, a theft (you'll forgive me my somewhat exaggerated language, but the recent evidence account the Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Thief Guild organized lectures on the art of stealing has affected me very greatly, especially as it moved on very prestigious lectures ). Thus, as a beggar asks something but to be willing to reciprocate the gift can speak of a theft, even if the stolen given his permission. Begging was imitated by the wise Pektoralis during a burglary where the stolen unlocked the front door, chained it frakiska mountain lion that normally puts teeth in any intruders and then calmly watch as thieves carry off his possessions, perhaps he helps himself to carry away them (some argue that the parable has some weaknesses, I myself have not yet been able to find them). In any case, there is Chronopia a number of beggars who sit along the city streets exposing its defects while stretching out their imperial tiggarskålar to passersby. The beggars are in this city of two types - those that are begging to earn their living and to those otherwise can and those who beg to supplement the income they receive from the robbery, pickpocket, burglary, kidnapping and assault. You see them everywhere, on the streets, squares, stadium, bazaars, next to the market stalls, from the brothels of the street of a Thousand Delights and off the blades' Alliance, and most often it is nearly impossible to distinguish a needy beggars from one who would gladly trough a dagger through the back to you, but if you look them in the eye usually goes. The true beggars lacks the gloss, the spark that is visible in the eyes of the robbers. The beggars have in recent years been the subject of great debate in Thief Guild and the Hidden Dagger guild, because their activities infringe on several of the other professional groups activities. The beggars themselves insist on that because of their specificity should be able to do what they want without any other fisförnäma assholes lay in their work.


Shadows in Chronopia's

Who is the emperor really is?

Yes, say it. Knew it would probably not be alive excessively long - the emperor has a tendency to silence those who know too much. That was why the good Ubert Lawrence, author of this little unassuming scripture, ended his days tortured to death by the Black Guard, the most perverse violence lover, most zealous and brutalized plågo champion. What it is about? There is a small booklet about the emperor and his men. Any of the emperor skarpöda agents got hold of it and presented it to His Grace. He said it was too disclosure and issued a contract on the young Lawrence. Do you read? Go ahead, but you do so at your own risk and do not say I did not warn you!

In Chronopia, the city of cities and dyng hålornas dyng burrow, there is a man alone is more than any other, who is above all laws and regulations, which are Chronopia. He is known by far the world's most powerful man, its most legendary hero and ruler. He is the emperor of the world's largest known haunt of angry headhunters, ferocious barbarians, hopeful murderous adventurers and greedy, ruthless trade princes; Emperor of the most unstable, run-down, perverted and radiant city ever seen before under the starry spheres; Emperor of the city Chronopia. From its overwhelming abode in the impregnable Eternity palace on Mount Silver Top he sees out of his vibrant city, its disobedient, hopelessly decadent and routinely ruthless minions and their enormous wealth.

Chronopia is a veritable gasdurk, a bursting airship under fire with flaming arrows, which could at any time explode in a fiery sea of fire, turn into an uncontrollable chaos, when the city's factions, Guildmasters, the Devout, the Great Elf Houses, dwarves and blades' Alliance, all as powerful as smaller countries clash over some insignificant trifle. That requires a man of the Emperor's character using their skilled agents, their extraordinarily slow dilatory bureaucrats, his extraordinary city guard, their time magician and its excellent, world-famous Black Guard, can ensure that the final frontier never passed, the giant, fragile the house of cards collapses not that Chronopia remains an unstable city in a bizarre, wavering balance between doom and disaster, without ever falling into the bottomless pit.

This little book, I had intended to devote to make as detailed a description as possible of the emperor's eminent henchmen. It is intended as something of a tribute written - hope it is received as such by our venerable rulers. Agents

In order to control a city must know how it works, what to think and feel what, who wants what and who are capable to achieve the desire, who has power, who has been a thorn in the side to which and what as allied with each other. In addition, one must have the power to control who ally themselves with each other, who goes klinsch and which initiates protracted litigation. Through its agents have the Emperor gained the power. He possesses an unknown number of highly skilled agents, the one more secret than the others, and they are constantly trying to outdo each other in terms of integrity, discretion and efficiency. Within the Imperial Intelligence is ongoing a hidden power struggle between the agent teams, trying to show himself more than the others, outshine each other and give themselves without permission on each other's jurisdiction only to show their superiority. According to the rumors that I heard from nameless sources in the imperial intelligence apparatus, the climate is chilly to say the least, but what can you expect of the known world's leading and most well-functioning intelligence.


The agents are the intelligence body, the eminent, skilled and determined infantry, without which the organization would fall apart. They are everywhere in the chronopian the society in which they live their regular lives while they are studying the chronopian power structure. Each of them is simply one of the emperor's countless eyes through which he sees his creation. A number of months a year leaving the city Chronopia's streets to serve in the office of the catalog, and supplement the information that reaches the office by other agents, informants, undercover agents and other imperial minions. The office serves as an information bank from which all the other departments, committees and divisions to get the material. There are agents who are responsible for the gathering of information from the imperial communicators - gossip tubs, which some careless and unbelieving chronopians had the stupidity to call them.

Agere Imperator

Agere emperor is the name of the Imperial secret magic agents. Full Chronopia is their playground, but they are usually the areas around the town of Magicians and Demon town, this is where things are happening, that's where the dimensional barriers rages, it is there heretical apostates seeking refuge and it is there that heterodox magicians, criminals who threaten the imperial regime is hiding. They have a close cooperation with the Black Sisters (see magicians) and is among Chronopia's population known for their in certain people's eyes excessively brutal and unconventional working methods, which means that people harbor a large, fear mixed with respect for them. Agere imperator is the least popular of all instances of the imperial machine, and they are not liked by the other intelligence men, then they have got to get to be the imperial internal investigation, in which they sometimes, at least according to rumors, is assisted by time magic.


Carnifex are the emperor's main weapon in his struggle to control the unruly town Chronopia. They are not only some of the top assassins who ever extinguished the light of life in Chronopia, but they are also skilled actress and undercover agents, it is said that if there were more like them would infiltrators, or scribblers as they are also known to be redundant. They are deadly shadows, merciless executioners and consummate predator with an unlimited right to kill, destroy and destroy, the emperor legalized killer to clear away the virrhjärnor that threatens to upset the Emperor maintained the balance that exists in the chronopian disorder. Nothing can stop them, and no one has ever seen their face and survived. "Whoever sees a carnifex's face will die a terrible death," reads the chronopian saying - and it is true. If a Carnifex killed during a mission, he retrieved from his colleagues, which neither they know each other's real identities. Since they are looking unerringly up and kills anyone who has seen a carnifex's true face. It is said that it should be the emperor carnifex behind the biggest battles, the most disruptive and devastating battles during the last millennium. They are everywhere, wander - when they do not go their case as Masterman its rulers - the Chronopia's streets as ordinary men, and can not be separated from the surging mob.


Infiltrators, or scribblers, graves or traitors, as they are called by Emperor hostile barbarians, is an extremely important tool for the emperor to be able to maintain the dirty tricks he has taken on Chronopia. Their task is to infiltrate the entire chronopian society, infiltrate everywhere, become part of the most secret and most insane sects of the largest Elvish trading business, the devotees of the free the companies, the night black underworld of the assassins guild, the dwarves, of order of magic of guild masters and of all the chronopian peoples. From inside the Doctor, listen and communicate back to the Office all information they manage to get their hands on. Nor infiltrators know each other's identities, but there is data in the office archives, inaccessible to all but the few agents who collaborate with the Executive Committee.


In the imperial organization is not only imperial bureaucrats in one way or another are subject to the perfect man in Eternity Palace, but there are also people who are picked up from the street, caught in the imperial apparatus small-meshed nets and selling information to the emperor agents in exchange for immunity and, what they believe, comprehensive protection. They are not very popular among chronopians, because their existence helped to increase the sense of insecurity, to make the chronopian existence even more uncertain than it was previously, and has received nicknames like gossipers, golare and snitches. Less than ever before, we now know who to trust, nowhere you can go without the risk of bumping into someone walking Emperor cases. But it can not escape the fact that the information they supply the Emperor's men with at times is invaluable, and without these men and women who dare to choose sides, who dare to show who they believe, would probably Chronopia collapse as fragile house of cards now once is. To become an imperial officer's easier said than done, and the instructors are allowed absolutely no knowledge of anything of the emperor or his men to do. The hits do not even ever his contacts, but if they cooperate with the city guard.


The imperial officials belonging to the Executive Committee, is the emperor's official special forces, called in when the city guard is too unreliable and the Black Guard feels excessively large team, and is used to set an example to others who try to cross the emperor's path. They take care of the problem is large and comprehensive, conspiracies stretching over district boundaries, which lasts from Elysian Gate, via the Magician's City and the Pot down to the Beacon. They are tall, pale men with välfriserat hair and blank stare, as in their long black coats, with the imperial emblem neatly embroidered over the heart, the stomach turning inside out everyone who does not have nerves of dwarfish steel. They are the ominous knock force on the door in the middle of the night, they are the ultimate abduction and relentless rock face. On the streets, it is said that officials is worse than the Black Guard, the Black Guard at least enjoying the destruction, while officials are callous, equal to zero as a neutralized renegade, and do not have anything else to the idea than to complete his mission, and perform it well . On their rockars left sleeve bears the its motto: "... and the emperor will rule.", A motto that captures well the strong dedication and perfectionism inviolable they show in their work. They are not as blunt tools such as the Black Guard, not as rotten and run down as the city guard, not as murderous as carnifexes, but they have the unfailing clarity they need to pay a visit of Prince Lysander or one of his ilk a dark night.


The overseers are said to be a myth, a legend, a legend created by the Emperor to keep his men in check. It is said that the overseers are an extremely limited number of agents handpicked by the emperor's closest men, the foremost of the Office and the Executive Committee to keep the eyes of their friends, view their work and when they find something amiss, that seems ominous, see to get it fixed with the help of Agere imperator and their unfailing brutal methods. During my studies of the imperial organization, I have never found any evidence of their existence, but if they exist, they are a great creation of our brilliant rulers, the handsome Emperor of Chronopia.

The bureaucrats

Much of the chronopian existence surrounded by the rambling bureaucratic tangle as the Good Emperor has cleverly designed to control as much as possible of their subjects existence. All activities emperor wants to have a good understanding of, and some control, are controlled by the imperial powers of attorney and licenses, which must be able to show if one is caught when engaged, for example, magic, head hunting, the practice of religion or serving of soma and black tobacco. As the spiders in the intricate network Chronopia's administrative agency represents, sits the imperial bureaucrats ready in their gray coats roam up and down the hallways in this gigantic complex, whose offices are scattered Chronopia, like a goblin stuck with his nose in an exploding blimp, candidate for the right document, correct folder, right archive, right offices and the right century. Depending on the type of authorization, license or carte blanche to make a search head is made to various offices, sometimes you have to first go to an office to get a permit to seek a warrant, which you then have to have a special, time-limited license to carry. Everything is surrounded by a jumble of confusing tariffs, bizarre additional costs and mark-ups, treatment times, time tables indeterminate plants and hard of hearing wardens. The bureaucratic system in Chronopia frustrates large parts of the population. They call the imperial bureaucrats unfair for sleepwalkers, cobwebs covered relics, fossils of a bygone era and lame grårockar. "If you want to make sure to do everything within the law, to act right and proper, (which is normally no means worry this city's population, eds. Note.), May be forced to wait so long for all the permits and authorizations one needs that we had time to go in a different era, "as someone upset chronopian to have said. It may be happened, but that is precisely what is so ingenious in Chronopia, more than half of all acts performed daily are illegal. But as the city guard's resources, unfortunately, are not unlimited performed a lot of irregularities, known as the council of wasteful resources, documents are normally coated with proxy coercion, such as illegal hunting demons or assassination without a contract, which remains unpunished.


Everywhere in the city Chronopia is the administrative agency's office, ready to receive and process authorization applications, license purchases and paid-up forgery. They consist of endless corridors filled with smooth doors behind which lurks even more corridors, dusty workroom, dark archives, large, empty halls and the occasional desk behind which there is an imperial bureaucrat, ready to provide potential visitors with the appropriate forms. One of the most well-known agencies is the demonic activities located in Demo town, it used to be the southern city of magicians, and administered by the registrars, gnomic officials who are specifically chosen to devote themselves to demonic studies. There is usually a mess of that office since the malevolent madness of demons and infuriated fire demoner usually go through the corridors and in giant fire kvastar spew out its discontent archives. The Office of magic, which is located in the northeast of the magicians city, is one of the cornerstones of the Imperial Magic policy, where magic use is heavily regulated and also, together with the Office of the manhunt, located on the outskirts of Arenastaden, one of the more frequented in Chronopia.

Then we have the office of religious practice, the Office for Drugs, Office of blood revenge, Office of the carriage driving, the Office for racketeering, the Office for extortion, Office of begging, Office of airships performance, the Office for sekuda licenses, Office of taxation which kistmästarna literally bathed in riches, Office for imperial vested and Office of fortune-seeker information, which is so well tucked it under the imperial statistics only had two visitors the past hundred years.


The imperial bureaucracy's highest authorities are the councils, the associations of excessively skilled pundits, scouts and scientists, who decide on matters that are too unimportant for our glorious ruler, for the paltry that he will have to deal with them. They assist him also with well- considered advice, and devote themselves to evaluate the information that reaches them from the different offices, and even from the office, the secret heart. One of the most important areas in särsklass is diviners advice where a number of the finest diviner and even a few men sitting time, and provides our beloved Emperor with thoughtful, but sometimes difficult to interpret advice. The Diviner's Council's statements are interpreted ago by Interpreters advice, which reformulates diviners often cryptic and opaque formulations to clean chronos, may be ambiguous and confusing, yet. Imperial Council, called the advice that sifts the wheat from the chaff, and ensures that only the most important information reaches the ruler, but they never give any indication of what they think would be the appropriate action, but presents a completely objectively materials, from which then the Emperor himself makes the decision . (It must be said that it is impressive that our rulers can make as many correct decisions from such a strange decisions.) In addition to the councils are also a number of committees, including the Executive Committee, Elf Committee, Committee for rackets, Dwarf Committee and Tax Committee, where they engaged in exploratory activities, consults outsiders and make decisions that form the basis for the higher courts' actions. The committees also summarizes some extent their own decisions, decisions that most affect our chronopian everyday.


It is said that our proud and extremely venerable emperor is the known world's, perhaps even the multiverse's, most powerful magician, that he possesses powers as if he wished to obtain the land tremble, world record breaking and Chronopia escaping into Nothingness. That his Eternity Palace is the strongest and most magical building ever raised on any known continent. That he himself is mightier than both Snow Witches and Blue magicians. I am not exaggerating when I say that I humbly kneels before his big slain man and his rambling life's work. And as the world's most powerful mages he holds also a staff of skilled magician, even furthered skilled of the time, magic practitioners who possesses powers that must also be the main Incantation Masters to appear as a helpless novice. In this chapter of my modest tribute written, I had thought that the most modest possible way to describe my admiration for the imperial magicians and their prowess to portray the different emphases their magical practice can get.

Chronomancer Chronomancers holds a special place in the Chronopian hierarchy, as the Emperor's messenger, the future champions and regulation time flows, they have an immense power. It is said that they can be as old as time, they just like the Elves, not age, but that thanks to its intimate proximity to the future dimension stays forever young. It is rare to see chronomancers on Chronopia's streets, but almost all of their time they spend in the Eternity Palace, separated from the external reality, but in the process to ensure that the story, the time it should have, that the future will be like now once is. But the times they are forced out onto the streets, it is to make up with the Emperor's most dangerous enemies to fight side by side with the Black Guard and give them all the support they can, to open rifts in time, to let their enemies aging life in a moment, frozen to empty stare statues in a temporal vacuum and create pockets of time that allows the Black Guard to destroy the treacherous enemies with their necromantic demonic weapons.

Diviners The Emperor's diviners, masters of fortunetelling art, powerful magicians with exclusive knowledge of the future and the past, magicians who can reveal what will happen the next minute, who was behind Lysanders case, who will become the next Duke Belisarius, when the next time storm is coming and more mundane things like who will win the league, when the next rain will fall over the town and when they karakiska pomegranates will mature this year. The painting maps of tomorrow's ever-changing landscape, embarks on the future of troubled waters, beholding the future intricate weave and make skillful predictions of future ages. A council of eminent diviner gives the good emperor cryptic, but always extraordinarily good advice about how he should act, how he suited to govern their subjects. Diviners are also probing the future and the past when chronomancers should leave on time travel. Moreover, it is very common to diviners to cooperates with Agere imperator, the officials, the Black Guard and the Black Sisters, in their pursuit of imperial antagonists. It is not very hard to figure out that a group of emperor talented fighters with the support of a magician who can see into the future can be both hard to beat and difficult fooled - the offenders who receive them after him lose almost certainly, unless he too is time magician. Rumors say that there are apostates, time magician who has left the Eternity Palace and decided to go their own way, but the rumors are refuted certain of imperial information office.

Black Sisters Black Sisters is really magic practitioners, but I have chosen to deal with them under this heading anyway, as they are closely linked with the exuberant activities in the part of Chronopia known as the Old magicians city, but which now consists of both Northeast magicians city, the city academy (popularly known collectively as plain and simple Magicians city) and Demon city. They are a feared element of all the heretical magicians, brutal, demonic beasts and other infernal cattle turned loose on the streets Chronopia's after failed suicide magical experiments. With their large, heavy salvation blades clears the top of the more suspect, run-down neighborhoods of the Old City magicians, decapitate pushy nightmare beasts, stray demons and proxy solve apostates. Were it not for them would soon Magicians city is transformed into a gigantic hodgepodge filled with dimensional portals and running amok beast, torn apart by outright war between magic orders and monasteries. Black Sisters is completely immune to all forms of magic - not even time magic can hurt them - and it is told, the less reliable sources, however, that during his Instruction time, when including train guns art together with Black Guard veterans, should be the victim of a supernatural radiation, inductees from non Chronopian spheres, while their minds hardened by constant mental training in the time the men's house.

Time Magicians Some time magician is more powerful, more accomplished in their stunning than the other, more equilibristic in their pursuit of the indescribably powerful magic time. They speak both chronomancy, fortune-telling art and the dark magic of time, they are called time-lords and their thoughts control the world disc rhythm, the sun and the moons journey across the dark blue star spheres. It is time the gentlemen dressed in their eyes settle bright shining ornamental metal helmets, starry caps and long in the air floating robes wandering down Chronopia's streets, which measures the real time with the help of the town's clock tower, which takes place in the Black Guards conveyance palanquins, side by side with the giant battle bells, when the emperor's troops marching into battle, as the pace of bells visares inexorable ticking movement condemns enemies of the Emperor's death. It is time the gentlemen leading chronomancers and diviners, watchmakers and black sisters, black Guards and the Emperor's archers in the field. They are known the world's most perfect warlords, its most invincible warlords, strategic master with an inner eye that beholds a thousand times longer than any living man, with an intuition more than worthy of the name, and with the knowledge that makes the Academy of Sciences all members paler than death of envy and frustration. Never ever have time lords of power denied, no one, not even the Devout have been able to upset them, and given that the emperor is said to be the most powerful of all time men, mightier than them all together, there would not be any reason to doubt that he is a more potent than magic practitioner, possibly even more powerful than Charon.

Watchmakers Even in the Emperor's part, there are men and women who turn to the darker side of magic, that with pleasure let themselves be seduced by the incredible powers that hide in the pitch-black darkness beyond loved ones bright side. It is said that watchmakers found the key to the dark magic of time by being driven in the Forbidden research by his omnipotent ruler, and that it is their registered crimes against the imperial law that allowed them achieved the success they actually did. Watchmaker future use power in a different way than chronomancers and diviners, and their magic is brutal, aggressive, more focused on violent, violent attack than their school brothers. They hurl projectiles time, evokes the time storms, build manifestations walls, forming lethal weapons of radiant energy which time they then go down fighting against crowds of opponents. Watchmaker are those of time magic most often seen out on Chronopia's winding streets, often as part of efforts to increase the impact strength of the Black Guard task forces, or to assist the sometimes - unfortunately - paralyzed the city guard at the difficult interventions. Wherever they go they carry with them their fighting clocks the loading time of energy they extract from the switch of the imperial law. Just like the Black Guard, judges are not slow to impose the death penalty on the spot, especially if they're running out of time energy.

City Guard The Chronopian regime controlled and maintained by the imperial city guard, or as they prefer to call themselves: the guardians of law. The name alludes to their main task, to ensure that the imperial law and all the emperor's edicts and decrees are followed to the letter. The slightest deviation can render the sinner several years in the chronopian city deeper burrows, which are guaranteed to be anything but pleasant for the poor. It is said the most frightening stories about how the prisoners ate each other up to then in turn have gnawed away the flesh from their bones of rats the size of cats. Such is the everyday Chronopia's .

Newcomers tend to often find that the city guard is unnecessary heavily armed, but after a few hours on the streets understand the almost always in such a turbulent city that Chronopia, where violent winds rarely blow weaker than the storm, which virtually every citizen is armed, where conflicts between trading, gangs and free companies flares up at a much faster rate than they will go out and where death is always working flat out, there is only one way to maintain order: to put hard against hard!

The imperial city guard consists of rawbark warrior, often with a background in one of the free companies. They patrol the streets Chronopia's with one thought in his head: That at any price and without human compassion uphold the Emperor's law. Unfortunately, an often overlooked what your goals are, this is not meant to be any criticism of our prestigious Emperor, but corruption within the city guard has increased exponentially, not to mention time-storm-like, in recent years, and the organization has come to be filled with less scrupulous individuals of questionable character and a dubious past, going different organizations, such as Elven houses, trade princes and free companies, errands, taking bribes from crime syndicates, street gangs and freelance leagues. It is rumored that the Devout also have a large number of heretics and agents in the organization, which helps them to gradually increase their control over Chronopia.

The imperial city guard's jurisdiction is divided into ten major districts, which in turn is then broken down into several smaller districts: ports (port monitor), air ports (Air Brigade), Meledith (consisting mostly of gaudy careerists who are trying to get a foot in the fine salons), temple slopes (temple militia), stew (hell guard, where only the toughest veterans will), south Chronopia, aqueducts, eastern Chronopia, Arena City (excluding stadium) and northern Chronopia. Many of Chronopia's neighborhoods patrolled not by the imperial city guard. The areas have a reason or another have become so-called free zones, areas freed from imperial supremacy, which can be both good and bad, in some of the free zones maintained the order of the local city guards, such as the Stubb Town, where the Honour guard stands for safety , arena, where Lysanders Arena Guard keeps visitors under supervision or in the neighborhood where the Devout sworn patrolling the streets. At the other free zones, as Demon city, the city of the dead, and reached the city is no security guard, which is what even some chronopians would consider violent anarchy - the only teams to follow are the fittest (as it is indeed in large parts of Chronopia, but there is no one wants to admit it, and it is certainly not the revered emperor's fault).

Black Guard The Black Guard is the pride of the emperor, together with his army of magicians time, his main weapon in the battle for Chronopia. It consists exclusively of proud men from that distant land Latracia, all worship the emperor as a god, which he amply deserves, as the brilliant role model for Chronopia's people he is. It is the Black Guard, which guarantees the Chronopian people security, which ensures that put an end to brutal reprisals that maim others, to end the bloody vendettas that threaten to devastate entire neighborhoods and destroy the dictatorial maniacs who try to upset the Chronopian the balance of power. When it is blown to battle the Black Guard marching out of the mountain Silvertopps feet and marching with rhythmic, steel-toe steps down the streets to quell the rebellious tendencies, down to fight the struggling fighters and finish unrestrained riot of the carnage of suitable proportions.

Judges Black Guards judges are the most fearsome skipare of justice that ever set foot on Chronopia's streets - and probably also in the rest of the known world. With a firm grip on their sticks judges and the imperial law eternal word seek out unusually persistent offenders and give them their due punishment in place. The judges are provided where everyone else - even the usual black Guards - have failed, but despite that they do not really need, they appear now and then on his big black horse on city streets, prepared to act as judge, jury and Masterman in place. Especially great pleasure they seem set to venture into the pot, even if it is one of the most dangerous areas in the whole Chronopia, an area that is shunned as lung rot even by the usual black Guards (and this I said only to further glorify the judges courage, not detract Black Guard's greatness) in order to clean up the rarest unpleasant human garbage man at all can imagine. There will judge a proud evil nemesis who go forth as a grim Grim Reaper and harvesting of ripe grapes in the Elves hanging gardens. But they are not just terrible warriors, they are also outstanding lawyers, which is extremely well-read and knowledgeable. They can not only interpret the law word, their word is the law and when they appear in court Chronopia's shake even the most experienced Dwarvish war lawyers in their worn leather seats and starts biting nervously at his eye glasses. So great and enviable is the judges' power and glory. It is said that the Black Guards themselves living in a luxury worthy of the greatest of the Elves princes - the judges live (not undeservedly) in a luxury tenfold larger, and still value the one imprisoned criminals, an executed virrhjärna, a higher existence in Eternity Palace. They are wisdom and morality true champion should apply as a yardstick for the entire Chronopian people.

Warlords Black Guards warlords are skillful, persistent and determined black guardsmen who after many years of faithful service have been rewarded for their efforts by the emperor and elevated to the imperial warlords, the Black Guard commander. The warlords control with an iron fist Black Guards fair living and lead them on the battlefield, when the moment calls for more than just the Black Guard invincible brute force, when necessary skilled management and a deeper understanding of bataljens essence to put down the resistance offered. They are in the imperial army directly under the Time Lords, which - as we said earlier - is a sort of commander. The is the terrible warriors, and always wears white shoulder plates and a white hood over his black armor, to show his degree. If for some reason you would find yourself in the vicinity when a warlord coming down the street, it is just as well to run to the nearest street stalls for dimensional travel. You see, if a patrol Black Guards are ominous, is a patrol Black Guards led by a warlord disaster, then there is nothing anywhere in Chronopia gone wrong, terribly wrong.

Night Devils Black Guard is not what you would call a secret power, they always act in the open, even if their paths - just like their Extraordinary rulers - often highly inscrutable. But there are parts of the Black Guard whose roads are not just unfathomable, they are usually extremely secret, hidden from everyone except themselves and their divine rulers. Such a part of the Black Guard are the Night Devils, a small group of black guardsmen who have long trained with time magic, given the transparency of the dark magic and nedlusats to such an extent with the necromantic weapons and improvements that they are not the Devout Sworn champions for the brutality, ruthlessness and horror. (The Black Guard uses nekrologi is nothing unusual, but one Night Devil is nekrologi, which is a considerable difference.) Their bodies have gradually changed so that the mere sight of their face would get their latraciska mothers of turning in their graves. They are no longer people, they have become monsters, terrible nightmare creatures, animals taken from the chronopian the children's worst nightmares. Their data and their actions are so secret that I during my research began to ask me if they really existed, or if they were just malicious rumors, and if they were, if they knew what their mission here in Chronopia was. Self, I suspect that the emperor has created the Night Devils to have a weapon to meet the Devout infiltration, their underground onslaught with. Measure for Measure, fight fire with fire, as the poet Klingskakur once sang.

White Angels The most secret and most mysterious members of the Imperial forces, and of the Black Guard, for that matter, are the white angels, black guardsmen dressed in shining white armor, long surging robes of thin, almost transparent fabric, like angel wings are said to be. They never appeared on Chronopia's streets, they never leave the Eternity Palace to perform some task, to put down the Emperor's enemies, but they are - to my knowledge -just in two locations throughout Chronopia. Not only is it the white angels who watch over the emperor's mausoleum on Sanctum, the place where he once must rest, and on the other, they have been seen in the ruined city in the Great Park. It is also the White Angels because of their enormous mystery and secrecy become the subject of most mysterious stories, for most tall tales and urban legends. People tell us that they have seen them soar, fly over rooftops Chronopia's, turned into enormous white eagles, like the Snow Witch's Valkyries riding. Some even claim that the White Angels are not human. That they, like the Emperor's warriors who come to Chronopia from another plane in the Multiverse.


Chp. 7

Table of properties and values

Chronopia people Brunduiser breeders Eunuch Good Master Pasha Beauty careers

Chariber Crane Mort Hexbaron Taxidermist Red-painted warrior BUTCHER

Faltrakier Mourner Liar Pawnbroker SLAVER

Fryvier Merchant victim Priest Weigh more closely

Ice Barbarian ice maiden Hunter Cripple WANDERER

Cadre Fakir Madman Köttis Contortionist

Marajiputter Bahadur Dervasch Mogul smoked Skull nECROMANCER

Nightlander jewel Smith Night Crawler Scout

Red Corsairs Troublemaker Ring Master

Sabraner Demon Mystics Hermit shadow Master Sultan Desert Knight

Solfolket Master of ceremonies Holy warrior Skin flattering Sun son

Best in Chronopia

Pale Shark Brown dwarf sekuda dwarf Bear Fire bear frost Bear Frakist Mountain Lion Grey Wolf Cutter Luden Armoured Buffalo Mastodon pair Ostrich Red-headed dirt. mudskipper wrybill battle Beast Battle sekuda Sump fox Black tiger sulfur leeches wATER SNAKE White devil rock White ice panther swamps Crocodile The inhabitants of the sewer

Amoeba Scavenger bits may Cestodit ** Bat

** The profession and the magic of their underground are described in detail in the Magic of Chronopia.

Gobliner bubble blower Hunter Avenger Sewage Pirate Collector View-finder Urgoblin giant leech Cockroach Cartographer Sewage Beast Sewage Warrior Sewage Traveler Sewer Rat Teethed worm tunnel Warrior Wild dog Wildcat

Swordswingers in Chronopia

Troublemaker Buffalo Riders * gladiators Death Dancers ** Mentor PRIMROSE Sheebar shredder Many Nosebreakers Headhunters ** Härjare * Witchhunter *** Hired Sword ** Bolt black axes frost Giant Air avenger Order warriors ** Troll hunter

Warrior Monks ** Holy warrior Claw brother Cloud Brother Bodyguard Agitator

Weapons Master ** Novice Adept weapon Master Lord Lialin Meriel Master Moleros Warlock ***

* The profession is described in Black Blood ** The profession is described in Weapons and armor ***The profession is described in Magic in Chronopia

Shadow angels in Chronopia

Fraudsters * Safe crackers Counterfeiter Pickpocket Prison guard Forger street Gang Prince Grinande Ghol Hetsare mocker levers poison Master Grave robbers * Fencer

Ikki Dragonmaster * Dream Maker ** Extortionist * Tiger General Wiki ** body Thief informers

Assassins assassin Strangler Master Nemesis * Rigger Robber Mouser Smuggler Player City Pirate *** Beggar* Torture Master Weightless*

* The profession is described in Sword and Sorcery ** The profession is described in Black Blood *** The profession is described in Weapons and armor

Emperor men

Agere imperator * Bureaucrat Carnifex ** Chronomancer * Divinator * Infiltrator Emperor archer Coffin champion Clerk*** city guard Honour Guard city Guard Sergeant Commandant

Black Guard **** Veteran warlord Judge Devil's night White angel Sister Black * time Lord Clerk manager Troll Hunter ***** Watchmaker*** Supervisor

* The professions are described in detail in Magic in Chronopia, where also the magic of Contortism and Prediction is described. ** Carnifex is described in more detail in Sword and Sorcery *** The professions are described in Dark Guardians. It also describes the Dark time magician. **** The black guard is also described in Arms and Armor, where the profession of black guards is also described. Professional judges can be found in Sword and Sorcery. ***** The profession is described in Black Blood


Abbreviations in People of Chronopia

Ivar Else tables briefly describes all the interesting creatures, people, beasts and brutal monster that has been told in the various chapters scrolling texts with interesting games technical values. For space reasons, we have been forced to shorten the skill name and omit any equipment. Beings skill values and equipment can be supplemented by the SL line of body text in each chapter, and with the help of other Chronopia modules. Here is the abbreviations we have used the skills.


Förkortningar - Färdighet Abbreviations - Skills

An. - Animism Ad. - Administration Ak. - Akrobatik Al. - Alkemi As. - Astrologi Av. - Avväpna B. - Bett (alltid halv SB) Be. - Betar Bl. - Bluffa Bo. - Botanik Bu. - Buktala Bä. - Bärsärkagång Da. - Dans De. - Demonmagi (valfri skola) Dj. - Djurhelning Dt. - Djurträning Dr. - Dra vapen Dk. - Drogkunskap Dv. - Drakvägen****** El. - Elementarmagi Fi. - Finna dolda ting Ff. - Förfalskning Fk. - Förklädnad Fö. - Första hjälpen Fm. - Förfädernas magi* Ge. - Geografi Gf. - Glidflygning****** Gk. - Giftkunskap Gy. - Gyckelkonster Gö. - Gömma sig Ha. - Hantverk He. - Heraldik Hf. - Hantera fällor Hi. - Historia Ho. - Hoppa Hs. - Hasardspel Hy. - Hypnotisera Hä. - Häxbaronernas magi* In. - Interpretation ** K. - Kulturkännedom Ka. - Kanot Kl. - Klor Km. - Känna magi Kn. - Knopar KoD. - Kunskap om döda KoDe. - Kunskap om demoner KoN - Kunskap om nekrologi KoR. - Kunskap om religion KoT. - Kunskap om tid** KoU. - Kunskap om underjorden Kä. - Klättra Kö. - Köpslå L. - Lärdomsfärdighet Ly. - Lyssna Lå. - Låsdyrkning Lä. - Läkekonst Ma. - Massage Md. - Meditation ** Me. - Mentalism Mk. - Magisk kanalisering Mt. - Matlagning *** Mu. - Muta Na. - Navigation Nä. - Näbb Or. - Orientering Os. - Obeväpnad stridskonst Rf. - Rida flygande djur Ri. - Rida Rä. - Räkning Sa. - Stadskännedom Sb. - Schack och brädspel Se. - Spela instrument Sg. - Stampning Si. - Simma Sj. - Sjunga Sk. - Skådespeleri SI. - Slagsmål Sm. - Smyga Smö. - Strid i mörker***** Sp. - Spåra Sr. - Stridskonster St. - Stjäla föremål Sty. - Stympningens magi Sv. - Svanssnärt Så. - Stängning Su. - Sabransk skuggkonst****** Sö. - Sjökunnighet Te. - Teknologi Tv. - Två vapen U. - Upptäcka fara Um. - Underjordens magi** Uv. - Undre världen V. - Vapenfärdighet Vi. - Vingslag Vä. - Värdera Z. - Zoologi Ök. - Örtkunskap Öl. - Överlevnad Ov. - Övertala

* Färdigheten beskrivs i Mörkrets väktare. ** Färdigheten beskrivs i Magi i Chronopia. *** Färdigheten beskrivs i Dvärgar. **** Färdigheten beskrivs i Svartblod i Chronopia. ***** Färdigheten beskrivs i Vapen och rustningar. ****** Färdigheten beskrivs i Svärd och svartkonst

Utgivna kamapnjböcker i denna serie är: Published campaign books in this series are:

Vapen och Rustningar i Chronopia Magi i Chronopia Dvärgar i Chronopia Svärd och Svartkonst Alver i Chronopia Mörkrets Väktare Mörkrets Krigare Svartblod i Chronopia Väsen i Chronopia