New Generation Transport
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New Generation Transport Sub Mode Options Investigation January 2014 Metro New Generation Transport 312694 EST YHE RPT53 B http://pims01/pims/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=1532839839&objAction=brow se 28 January 2014 Sub Mode Options Investigation New Generation Transport Sub Mode Options Investigation January 2014 Metro Wellington House 40 – 50 Wellington Street Leeds LS1 2DE Mott MacDonald, 2nd Floor, 2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street, Leeds LS10 1JR, United Kingdom T +44 (0)113 394 6700 F +44 (0)113 394 6701 W New Generation Transport Sub Mode Options Investigation Issue and revision record Revision Date Originator Checker Approver Description Secure A 13/12/13 Mike Payne An drew Norman Callum Gibson Draft for comment B1 13/01/14 Mike Payne Andrew Norman Callum Gibson Revised draft B2 17/01/14 Mike Payne Andrew Norman Callum Gibson Revised draft B3 24/01/14 Mike Payne Andrew Norman Callum Gibson Final Draft C 28/01/14 Mike Payne Andrew Norman Callum Gibson Final This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this for specific purposes connected with the above-captioned project document being relied upon by any other party, or being used only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission any other purpose. which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it.. 312694/EST/YHE/RPT53/B 28 January 2014 http://pims01/pims/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=1532839839&objAction=browse New Generation Transport Sub Mode Options Investigation Contents Chapter Title Page Executive Summary i Glossary i 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Context _____________________________________________________________ 1 1.2 Purpose of Report __________________________________________________________________ 1 1.3 Objectives and Outputs ______________________________________________________________ 1 1.4 Key Assumptions ___________________________________________________________________ 2 1.5 Sub Modes for Consideration __________________________________________________________ 2 1.6 Report Structure ____________________________________________________________________ 3 2 Alternative Sub Mode Technologies 4 2.1 Introduction ________________________________________________________________________ 4 2.2 Electric Vehicle Technology ___________________________________________________________ 4 2.3 Fuel Cell Vehicle Technology _________________________________________________________ 16 2.4 Natural Gas Vehicle Technology ______________________________________________________ 20 2.5 Hybrid Vehicle Technology ___________________________________________________________ 25 2.6 Plug-in Hybrid Technology ___________________________________________________________ 28 2.7 Converging Technology _____________________________________________________________ 30 3 Comparison of Sub Modes 32 3.1 Vehicle Characteristics ______________________________________________________________ 32 3.2 Operations _______________________________________________________________________ 41 3.3 Power Usage and Efficiency __________________________________________________________ 43 3.4 Infrastructure Requirements __________________________________________________________ 47 3.5 Depot Requirements________________________________________________________________ 54 4 Whole Life Cost Assessment 62 4.1 Capital Costs (Capex) – Vehicle Costs __________________________________________________ 62 4.2 Capital Costs (Capex) – System Costs _________________________________________________ 63 4.3 Operational Costs (Opex) ____________________________________________________________ 65 4.4 Maintenance ______________________________________________________________________ 68 4.5 Renewals ________________________________________________________________________ 69 4.6 Sensitivity for Staff Wages and Future Power / Fuel Costs __________________________________ 71 5 Environmental Comparison of Sub Modes 72 5.1 Approach ________________________________________________________________________ 72 5.2 Appraisal ________________________________________________________________________ 75 5.3 Summary of Key Environmental Differentiators ___________________________________________ 76 5.4 Summary of Key Health Differentiators _________________________________________________ 77 5.5 Environmental and Health Impact Summary _____________________________________________ 78 312694/EST/YHE/RPT53/B 28 January 2014 http://pims01/pims/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=1532839839&objAction=browse New Generation Transport Sub Mode Options Investigation 6 Conclusions 79 6.1 Fuel Cell Hybrid Bus ________________________________________________________________ 79 6.2 Battery Electric Bus ________________________________________________________________ 79 6.3 Gas Bus powered by biomethane from waste ____________________________________________ 80 6.4 Standard Hybrid Bus _______________________________________________________________ 81 6.5 Plug-in Hybrid Bus _________________________________________________________________ 81 6.6 Trolleybus ________________________________________________________________________ 82 6.7 Technology Risk ___________________________________________________________________ 83 6.8 Summary and Recommendations _____________________________________________________ 83 7 References 87 Appendices 89 Appendix A. Case Studies _____________________________________________________________________ 90 A.1 Operation of Modern Articulated Trolleybuses in Zürich, Switzerland __________________________ 90 A.2 Partial catenary free operation of trolleybus with traction battery and super-capacitors in Eberswalde, Germany _________________________________________________________________________ 92 A.3 Operation of Optare Versa EV battery electric bus in Coventry, UK ____________________________ 94 A.4 Operation of fuel cell-hybrid articulated buses in the Rhineland, Germany ______________________ 95 A.5 Replacement of diesel bus fleet by CNG buses, Frankfurt Oder, Germany ______________________ 95 A.6 Operation of MAN CNG buses in Norfolk and Suffolk, UK ___________________________________ 96 A.7 Introduction of a fleet of diesel hybrid articulated buses in Flanders, Belgium ____________________ 96 Appendix B. Vehicle Characteristics ______________________________________________________________ 98 B.1 Trolleybus ________________________________________________________________________ 98 B.2 Diesel Hybrid Bus __________________________________________________________________ 99 B.3 Plug-in Hybrid Bus ________________________________________________________________ 100 B.4 CNG Bus _______________________________________________________________________ 101 B.5 Fuel Cell Hybrid Bus _______________________________________________________________ 102 B.6 Battery Electric Bus _______________________________________________________________ 103 312694/EST/YHE/RPT53/B 28 January 2014 http://pims01/pims/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=1532839839&objAction=browse New Generation Transport Sub Mode Options Investigation Executive Summary The choice of vehicle mode for the Leeds New Generation Transport (NGT) system is crucial to delivering a successful project and meeting the objectives of the scheme. A previous study in 2009 considered a number of different transport modes and their suitability for use in the Leeds context, identifying a short list of three transit modes: a tram, a trolleybus or a high-specification bus. Subsequent work confirmed that a tram was not affordable within the funding envelope and thus not deliverable. Since 2009 there have been significant developments in bus propulsion technology. These include a widespread uptake of hybrid buses, the deployment of small numbers of battery electric buses and projects to demonstrate more novel technologies such as fuel cell buses. There has also been a trend of technology convergence leading to developments such as fast charging ‘plug-in’ hybrid buses which can operate for some distance on battery power and electric buses which can recharge inductively or from short sections of overhead line equipment (OLE). The purpose of this investigation is to update the previous work and fully assess these emerging technologies to ensure that the sub mode selected for the NGT project is suitable and meets the scheme objectives. The assessment considers capital costs, life cycle costs, environmental, sustainability and health impacts. The key output of the study is a new shortlist of sub modes from a technical perspective, with supporting evidence. The conclusions of this report feed into the assessment of Alternative options for the NGT scheme, which has been undertaken by Steer Davies Gleave. The sub modes investigated in this study are: ° Trolleybus (with OLE); ° Catenary Free Electric Bus; ° Standard diesel hybrid; ° Plug-in diesel hybrid; ° Fuel cell hybrid; ° Battery electric; and ° Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) bus powered by biomethane from waste. Conclusions The study concludes that fuel cell hybrid, battery electric and CNG buses should be rejected as sub mode options for NGT on the following grounds: ° Fuel cell hybrid - cost and technology risk; ° Battery electric - insufficient range and capacity of the current generation