SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia De Santa María November 1, 2020 / 1 De Noviembre De 2020 Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2020

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SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia De Santa María November 1, 2020 / 1 De Noviembre De 2020 Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2020 SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María November 1, 2020 / 1 de Noviembre de 2020 Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2020 CONGRATULATIONS CARDINAL KAMBANDA PLEASE PRAY FOR . Last Sunday, the Holy Father announced that he was creating 13 Brian, Jeffrey, Emily, Gary, Betty, Odette, Gene,, Joan, Ruth, new Cardinals. One of the men is Archbishop Antoine Kambanda Maureen, Laura, Charlie, all the sick and suffering. from Kigali Rwanda. Archbishop visited our parish a few years ago and celebrated the 1:00pm Sunday OFFERTORY Mass. Years ago he had lived at a Refugee Camp in Uganda. Archbishop Kambanda Thank you for your generous offering to our parish. was planning on returning to St. Mary’s The following was collected during all parish Masses. this past June to celebrate the Martyrs October 17/18 Feast and the parish confirmations. Of Offertory $6,014 course, the pandemic changed the plan. So #Worshippers 737 we are happy that this man and the Church in Rwanda is being honored. Let us hope that his trip to Waltham will be resched- uled as soon as possible. MASS INTENTIONS Please find the full Mass Schedule on page 6. EVIDENCE THAT WE NEED THE GRAND ANNUAL Saturday, October 31 Two Sundays ago, Fr. Joseph and I prepared the Church for the 4:00pm Donald Gustafson first Mass as we do every week. Fr. Joseph discovered a huge Sunday, November 1 mess on the sanctuary floor 9:00am Parish & Parishioners near the statue of the Monday, November 2 Blessed Mother and the 12:10pm Edith Kiggundu Baptismal font. A huge sec- Wednesday, November 4 tion of the crown molding 12:10pm Deacon Teodoro Camacho had broken off from the Saturday, November 7 wall! We now have to find a 4:00pm Edward & Eleanor Garrity way to determine if the rest Sunday, November 8 of the molding is in danger 9:00am Parish & Parishioners of falling. I pray not because I don’t want it to fall on the Blessed Mother. This area of the Church has been a challenge for many years. Periodically the roof and walls leaked. Every time we thought we found the leak we GRAND ANNUAL APPEAL were wrong. It took over The Grand Annual Appeal is ongoing. Many thanks to those who five years to finally get it have already donated. Please, we ask everyone to be as generous right. Now we have to find as your situation allows. This Appeal takes the place of the Octo- out if there is another leak ber Appeal which was taken up in past years. We highly encour- or if that cement molding age everyone to donate through the new online giving system finally separated from the available at our parish website. You can give a onetime gift or previous water damage. So pledge a larger amount that can be withdrawn monthly. For those thanks for making a gift to who use offertory envelopes, please feel free to use the envelope the Grand Annual. It will marked “ October Appeal” for the “Grand Annual”. For those allow us to make the repair. who do not use offertory envelopes or would rather not use online When this type of damage giving, please mail in your donation to the parish office or drop happens as it normally does with big old buildings, I am reminded your own envelope into the baskets at any Mass. We are grateful of how much I love being pastor of this parish and love this for all donations, no matter what method you use! Also, please church. Otherwise, I would be outta here. know that anyone who donates $500 or more will receive a 133 Club number for one year for as long as there are available num- A MESSAGE FROM BIRTHRIGHT bers. The number can be for you or used as a gift for someone. Birthright is grateful for your support during these challenging times. Due to COVID-19, this year we canceled our major annual DEVOTION TO THE HOLY FACE OF JESUS CHRIST fundraiser, the carnation drive. For the past several years, gener- Come join us every Tuesday after Mass from 12:45-2:00pm to ous donations by St. Mary’s parishioners have allowed us to con- make reparations to the Holy Face of Jesus for the sins of blas- tinue our mission of providing love and support to women facing phemy, desecration of Sundays & Holy Days, atheism, and com- unplanned pregnancies. Any donation would be gratefully appre- munism. Pope John Paul II dedicated this millennium (year 2000- ciated. Thank you for your support. Birthright of Framingham, 3000!) to the Holy Face. Hear about the power of this devotion to 79A Main St., Framingham, MA 01702 | Phone: (508) 620-0657. convert souls and society. 2 Solemnidad de Todos Los Santos 1 de Noviembre 2020 My brothers and sisters in Christ, NOVEMBER – MONTH OF THE DEAD Many thanks to everyone who has or is planning to contribute to We begin November with the celebration of All Saints and All the Grand Annual Appeal. Your response has been inspiring. If Souls Day. We make extra efforts to remember the faithful de- you have received multiple letters or requests to contribute to this parted. We mourn their absence. We pray for them because they fund please ignore them. We have been trying to reach out to eve- can no longer pray for themselves. We pray that they may enjoy ryone connected with the parish whether you are here regularly or the beatific vision – seeing the Lord who we hope in. Our custom just once in a while. There will certainly be duplicates and over- has been to write the names of deceased loved ones in the Book laps with appeal letters. Please consider making a donation if you of the Dead placed in front of the baptismal font and/or light vigil have not already done so. It would be great if everyone could join candles for the deceased and place them in front of the altar dur- in. Please remember that anyone who can donate $500 or more is ing those Holy Days. This year, we will continue these traditions, offered a 133-Thousand Club number for one year. This could but in a different way. We will visit the cemeteries and pray for also be used as a gift for someone. We will tell you how much is the dead buried at Calvary and Mt. Feake. The COVID re- raised from this collection in the coming weeks. We are also plan- strictions make everything difficult but they cannot stop us from ning on publishing the annual financial report in a few weeks. praying for the dead. The huge number of deaths in the past six Thanks for your support of the parish and all that each of you do months should lead us to do more of the corporal work of mercy. to witness to the faith. May you receive the great award promised 1. BOOK OF THE DEAD – Please provide the names of your to you on the day of your baptism. – Fr. Michael deceased loved ones to us in one of the following ways: ST. CHARLES FEAST DAY – NOVEMBER 4 a. Visit St. Mary’s website home page entitled REMEM- This week we celebrate the feast of one of our parish patrons. I BERING THE DEAD. Once you’ve entered the page, regularly pray to him for intercession because he understands the click THE BOOK OF THE DEAD. Click the pink plus challenges brought on by a plague. He didn’t let the plague stop symbol in the lower right corner to add names. him from bringing people to Jesus. He lived through times that were much worse than ours in so many ways. He knew what it b. Email or mail the names to us, or drop us a note in the was like to be part of a corrupt and dying Church structure. He offertory basket. was assigned Archbishop of Milan, a local church that had not Fr. Michael will record these names in the Book of the Dead had a sitting bishop for at least 75 years. St. Charles pray for us. and pray for them. The Book, filled with the names you’ve Please come to worship at St. Mary Church this Wednesday provided, will be placed near the baptismal font. at 12:10. His relic will be exposed and available for veneration after Mass. 2. CANDLES – By November 1, please provide the names of your deceased loved ones for whom you would like a candle ST. CHARLES CHAPEL lit. We will write the names on the candles and place them His feast day can’t help but make us think about the St. Charles in front of the altar from October 31 – November 2. We Chapel and the future. Normally we would be gathering at the ask for a donation of $10 for each candle (one candle may chapel to celebrate this day. Before the pandemic hit, a few pa- have multiple names). You may provide the names and dona- rishioners met a couple of times to discuss the chapel’s future. tion in one of the following ways: (The invitation was open to all parishioners of St. Mary’s but only a few came.) We discussed ideas such as replacing the large a. Visit St. Mary’s website home page entitled REMEMBER- church with an on-site parking lot for the chapel, or razing both ING THE DEAD. Once you’ve entered the page, click the chapel and church and replacing them with a new chapel and VIGIL CANDLES.
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