advancing science, serving society 2004 Annual Report The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is the world’s largest general scientific society, and publisher of the journal,

Science ( AAAS was founded in 1848, and serves some 262 affiliated societies and academies of science, reaching 10 million individuals. Science has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general science journal in the world, with an estimated total readership of one million. The non-profit AAAS ( is open to all and fulfills its mission to “advance science and serve society” through initiatives in science policy; international programs; science education; and more.

For the latest research news, log onto EurekAlert!,, the premier science-news Web site, a service of AAAS. Table of Contents

4. Welcome Letter 6. Science Education and Careers 8. Science and Policy 10. AAAS Worldwide 12. Science Breakthroughs 13. A Look at the Golden Fund 14. A Voice for Science 16. Read Science Everywhere — Join AAAS 18. AAAS Awards 19. The Philip Hauge Abelson Legacy 20 AAAS Fellows 22. Acknowledgment of Contributors 26. Financial Statements 31. AAAS Board of Directors, Officers, and Information

3 Welcome

From the Chair, Mary Ellen Avery, and the CEO, Alan I. Leshner

In the early years of the 21st century, science and technology are confronted by a set of global challenges: Solving the riddles of disease, checking the proliferation of weapons, and addressing the threat of global warming. Even while engaged in these historic pursuits, we are called to assure that our schools and universities prepare young people for careers of innovation and leadership in science and engineering.

These are critical demands, but at AAAS, we see this as a time of remarkable possibility. Throughout 2004, our staff and members rose to the challenges with energy and commitment, making a daily impact in the cause of advancing science and serving society.

Our Annual Meeting in Seattle set the tone for the year. We saw the debut of a new format, mary ellen avery, chair adding the popular Family Science Days and a town hall meeting on ocean and marine issues. And we used the Presidential Address to call for better access to health care and a sustainable environment, urging the audience to imagine — and build — the kind of world that we want our children to inherit.

We returned to such themes continually in 2004. Science published the world’s first papers detailing the discovery of evidence that water was long ago plentiful on Mars. Deputy News Editor Leslie Roberts produced a compelling feature on the effort to eradicate polio. After a rare visit to North Korea, European News Editor Richard Stone detailed how a country at the center of diplomatic conflict is reaching out to the world’s S&T community.

Stone’s work characterized AAAS’s engagement of national security issues. The Center for Science, Technology, and Security Policy opened its doors under the direction of Norman Neureiter, an accomplished scientist, businessman, and diplomat. Kei Koizumi continued to document how defense and security concerns are shaping the federal budget alan i. leshner, ceo for research and development. And as the AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships program began its fourth decade, fellows Alex Dehgan and Krista Donaldson, along with recent fellow Peter Smallwood, were dispatched by the U.S. State Department to work with Iraqi scientists and engineers.

Indeed, our international profile continues to grow. We had a strong presence at the first-ever EuroScience Open Forum in Stockholm and at the Science and Technology in Society World Forum in Kyoto. In November, then-Secretary of State Colin Powell named AAAS to help represent S&T interests on the new U.S. National Commission for UNESCO.

4 Throughout the year, Science and AAAS continued to provide a stage for some of the nation’s leading scientists and policy experts. Our forum on climate change generated extensive news coverage. A forum on voting technology produced a framework for future research and reform. And people are still talking about our spirited 2004 election debate between proxies for President George W. Bush and U.S. Sen. John Kerry.

Education, of course, remains one of our chief concerns, and the year was marked by important progress. We opened the Center for Advancing Science and Engineering Capacity and, under the direction of Project 2061, the Center for Curriculum Materials in Science. We assumed management of the Graduate Scholars Program, a vital effort to identify and support the brightest young scientists and engineers to emerge from historically black colleges and universities.

We were profoundly saddened in 2004 by the passing of Philip Hauge Abelson, the iconic scientist and former editor of Science. Phil was a friend and mentor to many of us. In his life and work, he embodied the AAAS ideal of advancing science and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people. We will miss him, and as we confront challenges and pursue progress in the years ahead, we will be inspired by his legacy.

Mary Ellen Avery Alan I. Leshner

5 Science Education and Careers

Increasing science literacy and After-School Science Clubs Go Kinetic public understanding of the impor- Kinetic City, the Association’s popular online science-learning game for children, turned up in another 49 after-school clubs in 2004, thanks to an agreement with the U.S. Air Force Service tance of science and technology in Agency. Nationwide, the AAAS game — a fun, interactive way for students in kindergarten everyday life are keys to improving through sixth grade to learn basic scientific principles — is being played in some 130 clubs. human welfare. AAAS strives to It also recently won a prestigious Codie Award, presented by the Software and Information advance science education through Industry Association. Go to two program areas: Education and Human Resources, and Project 2061. Inquiry Methods Engage More Students During 2004, AAAS education Engineering enrollment at Itasca Community College has jumped from four to 130 students since 1983. First-generation students, many from blue-collar Minnesota families, are programs made strong strides in benefiting from one of many innovative, inquiry-based efforts showcased in a new report promoting the highest possible from the National Science Foundation and AAAS, Invention and Impact: Building Excellence science standards in schools, while in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education. The book, based on a 2004 conference on NSF’s Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement also working to boost the science (CCLI) program, “is the first truly comprehensive volume on undergraduate educational reform and technology workforce. efforts across all the STEM fields,” said Yolanda George, deputy director of Education and Human Resources at AAAS. See

Standing Our Ground for Diversity In 2004, more than a year after the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the value of diversity in higher education but struck down points-based approaches to undergraduate admissions, a new report helped clear up confusion created by the dual rulings. Standing Our Ground: A Guidebook for STEM Educators in the Post-Michigan Era, released by AAAS and NACME, the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, clarifies legally defensible options for protecting diversity in science and engineering programs. The report emerged from a conference sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. See

Advancing Science and Engineering Capacity The new Center for Advancing Science and Engineering Capacity, headed by Daryl Chubin, works to boost the ranks of U.S. scientists and engineers. Established in 2004 with a $400,000 grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Center consults with colleges and universities to increase science and engineering participation by all students — especially women and minorities. Chubin’s group also works with the Center for Careers in Science and Technology (CCST), where Director Shirley Malcom emphasizes training, mentoring, and resources. She helps support the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA), too. The NPA was launched under a Sloan grant with support from AAAS and Science’s Next Wave career site. Read more at

6 Fixing U.S. Voter Technology Top election-technology experts — convened by AAAS for a high-level conference — warned that the U.S. voting system is broadly vulnerable to error and abuse. They called for reforms to make results more reliable and to promote better access by voters, especially those who have experienced roadblocks to exercising their right to vote. “Within the roots of the system, there may be a connection to disempowerment and disenfranchisement,” said Shirley Malcom, AAAS’s director of Education and Human Resources, who co-organized the panel, with AAAS Science and Policy colleagues Mark Frankel and Stephen Nelson. See

Improving Science Curriculum Helping all K-12 students achieve science literacy — regardless of culture, language, gender, interests, or learning styles — is a core mission of the “It’s all back. The fact that [learning Center for Curriculum Materials in Science (CCMS), part of AAAS’s Project 2061. benchmarks on evolution] are in the With collaborating institutions such as Northwestern University, Michigan State standards is a very important first step, University, and the University of Michigan, the Center helps K-12 teachers improve and Georgia should be proud of that. science curriculum materials. In 2004, more than 60 science-curriculum experts This is a very powerful set of convened for a Knowledge Sharing Institute, sponsored by CCMS at Northwestern. standards.” For background, go to — Jo Ellen Roseman, director of Project 2061 at AAAS, commenting in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution on Georgia’s decision to reinsert Are Benchmarks Being Met? evolution into state science standards Set forth in 1993, Project 2061’s Benchmarks for Science Literacy continue to guide science education in every state in the nation. But how can teachers be sure that K-12 students are truly learning the benchmarks? With funding from the National Science Foundation, AAAS’s Project 2061 launched a five-year effort to develop better tools for assessing science and mathematics learning at the middle and “With the U.S. facing an unprecedented early high-school levels. Go to shortage of physical scientists, it’s no longer possible to ignore what physicist of the American High Blood Pressure — Demystified Association for the Advancement of The latest free, consumer-friendly health booklet from AAAS, The Science Inside: Science (AAAS) calls the ‘underrepre- High Blood Pressure, explains in plain language what health professionals know sented majority’: women, African about high blood pressure, or hypertension, a leading cause of heart disease and Americans and Latinos as well as stroke. The booklet is part of AAAS’s Healthy People Library Project, which provides nontraditional white males. ‘Who will general consumers, including minority groups, with easy access to current, reliable be the next generation of scientists information on selected health topics. Previous titles include Diabetes and Having and engineers?’ she asked. ‘How can Healthy Babies. See we even discuss preparing for human exploration to the moon and Mars without discussing who will do the Online Career Resources science to get us there?’ For now, it’s a ‘silent crisis,’ she said.” Looking to find or fill a science and technology position? Log onto ScienceCareers at For job advice and support, go to Science’s Next Wave, — K.C. Cole, reporting in the Los Angeles Times Look for the Minority Scientists Network, too.

7 Science and Policy

Science and technology help shape Enhancing Science and Security our world. They can enhance our If policy-makers have questions about the security of liquefied natural gas, the feasibility of the hafnium isomer bomb, vaccine production, or other technical issues, they can get lives, our safety, and the environ- answers from the AAAS Center for Science, Technology, and Security Policy. Launched with ment. But used irresponsibly, a $2.25 million grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Center research can pose serious ethical provides policy-makers with objective information on issues ranging from nuclear waste to dilemmas, too. AAAS long has pulsed fast-neutron analysis. Directed by Norman Neureiter, former top science adviser to the U.S. State Department, the Center has held various private and public briefings, such as a promoted the responsible use of tutorial on lasers that was requested by the office of U.S. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.). science and technology by providing policy-makers and others with S&T Fellows Make Their Mark sound scientific information and In 1973, AAAS Treasurer Emeritus William T. Golden bought the Science and Technology Policy access to informed specialists. Fellowships program its “first tank of gas” and pushed for its creation. Since then, more than 1,500 scientists and engineers have competed fiercely for the Fellowships to fill positions throughout the U.S. government. The program’s 30th anniversary in 2004 was marked with a symposium, “Vision 2033: Linking Science and Policy for Tomorrow’s World,” featuring the Honorable Sam Nunn, co-chair of the Nuclear Threat Initiative. Each year, the program places some 60 Ph.D. scientists in policy roles.

An Open Forum on S&T Contrasting views from U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) and U.S. Presidential Science Adviser John H. Marburger III enlivened the 2004 Forum on Science and Technology Policy. “We stand at a pivotal moment,” a front-page New York Times article quoted Daschle as telling Forum attendees. “For all our past successes, there are disturbing signs that America’s dominant position in the scientific world is being shaken.” Daschle accused the Administration of short-changing science. Marburger rejected the charge, citing President George W. Bush’s science and technology accomplishments. Shirley Ann Jackson, head of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and then AAAS president, warned that the aging S&T workforce, U.S. students’ waning interest in science, and a drop in foreign students all bode poorly for future U.S. competitiveness. See

8 Climate Change Qs & AAAs Top climate-change experts convened by AAAS and Science in 2004 urged immediate, nonpartisan action to reduce global warming caused by human activities such as fossil-fuel burning. While some still dispute the risk, experts said the science is clear: The world is significantly warmer today — and getting warmer. Without action, U.K. Chief Scientific Adviser Sir David King warned in Science, we must prepare for coastal flooding, reduced crop yields, and more climate-related illness. In response, with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Conference Board, AAAS organized an all-star panel to participate in congressional staff briefings as well as a free, public event at AAAS and an international news conference.

Leading the Way in Washington The well-regarded AAAS Center for Science, Technology, and Congress (CSTC) serves as a voice of scientific leadership on a broad range of issues — from the dangers of genetic discrimination and visa bottlenecks affecting foreign students, to the importance of independent peer review. Like the AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program, which prepares authoritative analyses to inform fiscal planning, CSTC offers timely, nonpartisan information on current S&T issues. The Center was established in 1994, thanks to a grant from the Burroughs-Wellcome Fund.

Science and U.S. Politics During the campaign season, AAAS organized a nonpartisan forum where representa- “Perhaps the best measure of the tives of the two primary U.S. candidates for president shared views on a range of program’s success is the ubiquity of science and technology issues. In a front-page New York Times article, AAAS Science former fellows inside the Beltway today. and Policy Director Albert Teich explained that during a U.S. presidential campaign, Ten of about 50 staff members on the “It’s essential that policy-makers and taxpayers understand the impacts of any House Science Committee — including federal budget changes,” especially those with implications for the pace of the committee’s deputy chief of staff — scientific discovery. A second, post-election event, plus a voter-technology are former fellows, as is one member workshop, co-organized by AAAS’s Education and Human Resources staff, of Congress.” kept the Association at the forefront of science policy issues in 2004. See —Rick Weiss, reporting in The Washington Post on the 30th anniversary of the AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships

“The AAAS Forum is the gold-standard event for anyone who needs to keep a finger on the pulse of R&D spending trends or political issues affecting the scientific community.”

—Prof. Neal Lane of Rice University, former science adviser to the Clinton Administration

9 AAAS Worldwide

Science is a global enterprise. AAAS Event Marks U.S. Return to UNESCO With members on every continent, AAAS is playing a central role in rebuilding ties between the and UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Former U.S. Secretary including Antarctica, AAAS works of State Colin Powell named AAAS to help represent science and technology interests on the to strengthen the role of scientists new U.S. National Commission for UNESCO. His request followed a conference organized and engineers worldwide. Our by AAAS in UNESCO’s Paris headquarters where officials discussed how best to improve International Initiatives support science education worldwide. UNESCO Director General Koïchiro Matsuura — seated between U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO Louise Oliver and then AAAS President-Elect Gilbert S. Omenn — three key goals, which promote described the gathering as a watershed in U.S.-UNESCO relations. international scientific cooperation, S&T workforce and capacity devel- Youth Science Cuts Across Boundaries opment, and science and innovation When 900 student-scientists and 350 teachers gathered in Beijing for the Asia-Pacific for sustainable development. Economic Cooperation Association’s Third Youth Science Festival, AAAS was there. Progress toward these goals is now With support from the National Science Foundation, AAAS organized a delegation of 19 top U.S. science students and four high-school science teachers. Three of the students being achieved throughout AAAS as won top prizes. The event was hosted by China’s Ministry of Science and Technology and a result of team efforts coordinated Ministry of Education, the China Association for Science and Technology, the Central by the Chief International Officer. Committee of the Chinese Youth League, and the city government of Beijing. Yet another example of AAAS efforts to build S&T workforce capacity happened in July 2004 when outstanding U.S. high-school students spent two unforgettable weeks at South Korea’s Pohang University of Science and Technology. “No matter where you come from,” remarked student Jeffrey Chang of Glenview, Illinois, “a lot of people have the same interests.” Read more:

Euroscience Opens New Doors More than 250 guests joined AAAS and Science staff for a gala reception at Stockholm’s Vasa Museum during the first-ever EuroScience Open Forum. “We have 13,000 European members who play a critical role in helping AAAS to serve as a voice for the advancement of science around the world,” the AAAS CEO explained as he co-hosted the event with Andrew Sugden, international managing editor for Science in Cambridge, U.K. Other AAAS highlights included sessions on women in science and engineering, science communi- cations, and science policy. Shirley Malcom, director of Education and Human Resources at AAAS, offered a plenary lecture on science literacy. “Much of what we are doing on both sides of the Atlantic is falling short of our ambitions in terms of reaching the public, grabbing their attention, and providing them with quality information,” Malcom warned.

10 Protecting Science and Human Rights When New York Times reporter Claudia Dreifus profiled forensic anthropologist Fredy A. Peccerelli, her popular column also highlighted the long-term results of AAAS’s Science and Human Rights program. AAAS long ago helped train the first forensic anthropology team to exhume and examine thousands of Guatemalans who were killed during a bloody civil war. Since then, scientists like Peccerelli, executive director of the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation, have braved death threats to piece together the stories of victims’ lives. Through the Human Rights Network, AAAS helps protect the human rights of scientists worldwide, while also monitoring state compliance with international human rights standards. “Alan I. Leshner, chief executive of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, said his group was Sustaining Fragile Ecosystems alarmed by the government’s opposition Biodiversity champion Peter Raven applauded our efforts when AAAS became an Affiliate of to [medical and scientific collaboration the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment — one of the largest, most ambitious international with Cuba], as well as by its recent ban ecosystem-change studies ever undertaken. “Protecting the planet’s fragile ecosystems is on the editing of papers submitted by essential for human well-being and prosperity,” said Raven, director of the Missouri Botanical people in countries facing sanctions and Garden and a past president of AAAS. Providing input into the Assessment was one activity of by restrictions on study by foreign stu- AAAS’s Center for Science, Innovation, and Sustainability. “Connecting S&T with decisions and dents in the United States. ‘Their actions now is essential for improving future prospects as our population swells, our natural actions to restrict open communication resources shrink, and our wastes linger,” said Sherburne Abbott, the Center’s director. in science work against our national interest,’ he said.” Toward that end, the Center teamed up with other AAAS colleagues to host a UNESCO meeting on the role of engineering in poverty alleviation; forged a cooperative agreement with Karen W. Arenson, reporting in the U.N. Environment Program, which was inaugurated by a review of intellectual property, The New York Times trade, and the environment; and began a National Science Foundation-supported evaluation of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research.

Speaking Up for Science “It is time to begin a critical worldwide Wherever the scientific enterprise is threatened, AAAS helps to give the scientific community examination of the systems for teaching a voice. When Thamir Abdul Latif, director of Iraq’s ministry of science, and civil servant Ikhlas science and technology. … It is the Ghalib were shot to death on their way to work, AAAS prepared an op-ed on the crisis of Iraqi scientists and engineers of the world science. “An attack on science is a war within the war for the future of Iraq. Since the fall of who must take the lead; scientific Baghdad, scientists and engineers have been targeted by assassins with fierce regularity,” societies and associations must emulate AAAS wrote in the Globe and the Daily Star of Lebanon. “With every new killing, the AAAS in seeking to find out what the chance of achieving a positive outcome in Iraq falls further into jeopardy.” works in creating a scientifically literate society, and in making sure that everyone, from parents to politicians, understands what is at stake.”

Nobel laureates Leon Lederman and Georges Charpak in an opinion piece published by the International Herald Tribune after the June 2004 UNESCO-AAAS conference on improving science education worldwide

11 Science Breakthroughs

Science history happened at the Other research highlights in 2004 included 2004 AAAS Annual Meeting when these and many other exciting papers: the journal Science released U.K. Wildlife and Mass Extinctions — South Korean researcher Woo Suk Two studies in the United Kingdom offered Hwang’s startling description of some of the first comprehensive evidence versatile human embryonic stem that the world is experiencing the sixth major extinction event in the history of life. cells from a cloned human blasto- cyst. Then again, 1 million print and Mars Exploration Rovers — Two special online readers expect weekly break- issues of Science included dazzling images of the Red Planet’s extraordinary landscape, throughs from Science. Published plus the most persuasive evidence yet that by AAAS, the journal’s rigorous Mars was once a wet, life-friendly place. peer-review process and award- North Korean Exclusive — Science journalist winning news team have established Richard Stone visited some of the premier Science as a premier source of labs in North Korea to provide readers with groundbreaking, unbiased scientific an exclusive glimpse inside this isolated scientific community. information. Great-Great Grand-Ape? — Archaeologists in Spain described fossils from a previously unknown ape species that may have been close to the last common ancestor to all living great apes, including humans. Enhancing Science Online

Science in the Real World — An essay Science Online,, series, “Beyond the Ivory Tower,” investi- received more than 23 million article-down- gated the interactions between scientists load visits in 2004, and it’s no wonder: and society, focusing on the real-world Users access powerful databases for applications of scientific advances. searching Science and other journals, enhanced citations, related Web links, and HIV Transmission — In research on supplementary materials. Meanwhile, the monkeys, scientists identified an experi- daily online news service, ScienceNOW, mental drug that may show promise for covers research breakthroughs as well as blocking vaginal HIV transmission, science-policy and funding issues. News, possibly providing an HIV prevention reviews, databases, and other tools on strategy that women could control. specialized topics can be found at SAGE KE (the Science of Aging Knowledge Environ- ment) and STKE (the Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment). And, Science’s Next Wave site, together with ScienceCareers, provides career-development resources and a searchable database of job listings.

12 A Look at the Golden Fund

An extremely generous, historic gift Mr. Golden’s vision and gift have made STKE Enhancements from William T. Golden, AAAS’s possible the following innovative AAAS and Science’s Signal Transduction new programs: Knowledge Environment (STKE) teamed up treasurer emeritus, stimulates with a technical provider to advance the programmatic innovation by funding Connections Map to the next level. activities not normally supported by Science Policy Portal the general budget. AAAS is assembling a wealth of in-depth resources for this new science and Nanotechnology Talk “I have great respect for AAAS, policy site. Moderated discussions on EurekAlert! drew reporters, scientists, and others. Go to as well as great affection and admiration for it, and I believe that Disease in Developing World Portal the organization can become even Log onto EurekAlert! for news, experts, and other resources related to diseases that Science Reporting for a more useful to society,” Mr. Golden disproportionately impact the developing Young Audience has explained. “With this gift, I am world. Go to EurekAlert! is reaching out to reporters who encouraging AAAS to seek creativity create science-news content for children. See on the part of its staff people and Fellowships for Reporters from others. They will be called upon to Developing Regions propose ideas and to seek approval Outstanding young science reporters from Symposium on Scientific developing regions can win fellowships to Cooperation with North Korea from the Chief Executive Officer for cover the AAAS Annual Meeting. Scientists from North Korea, Europe, new initiatives.” North America, and Asia will explore whether common ground exists for launching Fellowships for Minority Reporters scientific cooperation programs. New summer internships introduced minority undergraduate students to Science’s award- winning news operation. S&T Leadership Seminar Participants in this course learned how the U.S. science and technology policy Developing-Country Scientists at system works. the Annual Meeting Ten women scientists from developing countries will compete to participate in the 2006 AAAS Annual Meeting.

13 A Voice for Science

Long respected for programs to AAAS Annual Meeting Draws 10,000 increase public understanding of The world’s largest general scientific conference just got bigger: The 2004 AAAS Annual science and technology, AAAS also Meeting in Seattle drew an astounding 10,235 participants — including 4,434 members of the runs a powerhouse media center, scientific community, 4,765 children and parents who attended free Family Science Days, and 1,036 press registrants. Three cloned mules were a main attraction on the exhibition floor, including the Science Press Package where families took part in fun, child-friendly, educational activities. With the Pacific Science and EurekAlert!, the premier, Center and the Institute for Systems Biology, AAAS arranged for free shuttle buses to bring editorially independent science- families to the Meeting from key community sites. More than 225 Meeting attendees also took part in the first AAAS town hall meeting, “Oceans for Everyone.” A similarly large group of news Web site for reporters. Now, reporters covered the historic announcement, published in Science, by South Korean scientists these strengths are being leveraged who developed human embryonic stem cells from a cloned human blastocyst. and expanded by a new AAAS Center for Public Engagement with Science Science. It’s Everywhere. and Technology. Through press and Ads for a national public awareness initiative — in both English and Spanish — have appeared public outreach involving every in magazines such as Parents and National Geographic, and on Fox News and other TV channels in Austin, Texas, Chicago, Los Angeles, and . The messages behind the programmatic and service unit at campaign, “Science. It’s Everywhere,” part of AAAS’s Partnership for Science Literacy, are that AAAS, the Center is helping to science is all around us. It’s fun; it’s for every child; and parents and other caregivers can help. give the public a voice in framing Web-based resources introduce families to easy science activities that can be enjoyed at future research agendas. home. See

EurekAlert! Sets the Pace Some 5,000 reporters from 50 countries receive breaking science news from EurekAlert!, a popular online site launched by AAAS in 1996. More than 540,000 public visitors browse the site each month, and EurekAlert!-sponsored science communications events typically draw 200 participants. Moderated online discussions about nanotechnology have engaged reporters from The Economist and the Washington Post, and EurekAlert!’s public portals showcase kids’ news, marine science, multi-language news, and more. Sponsors appreciate EurekAlert!, too: The William T. Golden Endowment Fund for Program Innovation; the David and Lucile Packard Foundation; the Ambrose Monnell Foundation; the New York Times Foundation and many other groups now support the site. Go to

14 The Wonderful Wouk Brothers During AAAS’s first salon-style, public-engagement event, more than 100 guests were spell-bound and charmed by the experiences and insights of brothers Herman Wouk, a popular novelist once hailed by The New York Times as “a modern Charles Dickens” and the late Victor Wouk, a visionary scientist and engineer. The evening conversation explored the different ways that two accomplished brothers have channeled their interest in discovery and cross-pollinated ideas for each other. For example, Herman Wouk’s new novel, A Hole in Texas, is dedicated to Victor Wouk, a pioneer in the development of hybrid and electric cars, in recognition of his inspiration and technical guidance.

Press and Public Engagement Under the AAAS’s new public-engagement mandate, the phrase “all hands on deck” is taking on new meaning. Whether the goal is ©Chris Ewels to bring elite U.S. and U.K. reporters together for a climate-change conference, or to publicize Standing Our Ground, a guidebook on protecting campus diversity, experts throughout AAAS and Science must help pull the wagon. In 2004, team efforts included press outreach to support a successful conference on voter technologies, co-organized by Education and Human Resources and Science and Policy Programs; plus two nonpartisan forums on the U.S. Presidential election. A forum featuring candidates’ representatives drew more than 200 participants to AAAS. Web-casting made the event accessible to another 600 Web-site watchers. Background:

“EurekAlert! is the Swiss Army Knife of science Web sites, offering instant access to new research from an impressive range of influential, peer- reviewed journals. As a journalist who covers science and technology issues, I find EurekAlert! an indispensable aid in ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of my work — and the reading public benefits immeasurably as a result.”

—Robert Lee Hotz, Los Angeles Times

15 Read Science Everywhere—Join AAAS

Where do you read your Science?

From Colorado to the Kuala Belalong Field Studies Center, AAAS members are finding favorite reading spots in hot tubs and paddle boats, and on a rock wall 1,500 feet above

Yosemite Valley.

Why not join the international family of science and pick your own favorite spot? Your membership dues help to strengthen the role of science throughout the world by supporting science education, public understanding of and engagement with “ science, and scientific freedom and responsibility. All this, and a great journal, too. Go to

I bring my back issues of Science to the classroom. When students finish assignments or exams early,

I give them a copy to read. It’s interesting and accessible, and as a recent ad campaign says, you can’t start young enough.

“ Brendan Curran, physics teacher and AAAS member “

I am always thrilled to receive my personal edition of Science, which I consider to be one of the best scien- tific magazines on Earth. I read it undisturbed and absorbed at home. Thank you, Science, for being so informative, knowledgeable, and abreast of times, and for giving me the intellectual stimulation I crave. “ Fioretta Benedetto Mattia at home in Milano, Italy

16 Read more member stories: “

Science is essential reading on the way to the top. It takes several days to reach the top in big wall climbing, so you can only carry the bare essentials. When you calculate the information content to weight ratio, is there any more concentrated reading source than Science?

AAAS member R. Douglas Fields, senior scientist, “ developmental neuroscience Douglas Fields’ son Dylan takes a break on the way up

Raising the Science Profile

From Boston, Massachusetts to Berkeley, California, and from Washington, D.C. to Cambridge, U.K., the iconic “baby genius” advertisements are raising the profile of AAAS and Science, which helps us boost the visibility of science in society, too. As the world’s largest general scientific organiza- tion, AAAS strives to raise public awareness of science and the scientists who work to advance it worldwide.

For your personal subscription to Science and other membership benefits, go to

In the United States, call (202) 326-6417, or internationally, +44 (0) 1223-326-515.

17 AAAS Awards The AAAS Awards celebrate the achievements of extraordinary scientists, engineers, and journalists. We congratulate each of our distinguished Award winners.

AAAS Awards Highlights

Philip Hauge Abelson Prize The coveted Abelson Prize honors a public servant for exceptional contributions to advancing science, or a scientist or engineer for a distinguished career of scientific achievement and service to the community. Dr. Maxine Frank Singer, president emeritus, Carnegie Institution, and scientist emeritus, National Cancer Institute, was honored for her scientific accomplishments, leadership in the establishment of scientific policy, substantial contributions to the improvement of math and science education, efforts to raise awareness and understanding in matters of science globally and to increase the presence of women and minorities in the scientific community.

Award for Public Understanding of Science and Technology The award recognizes working scientists and engineers who make outstanding contributions to the popularization of science. Dr. Eric S. Lander, founding director of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard; professor of biology at MIT; professor of systems biology at ; and Whitehead Institute member, “has helped to tell the stories of genomics research to a broad cross-section of the general public in a consistently compelling and meaningful way,” AAAS reported.

Award for International Scientific Cooperation The award recognizes extraordinary contributions to furthering international cooperation in science and engineering. Dr. Michael Jeffrey Balick, philecology curator and director of the New York Botanical Garden’s Institute of Economic Botany and vice president for research and training, was honored for his tireless efforts to promote scientific collaboration within the field of ethnobotany — the study of the relationship between plants and people across cultures.

Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award The award honors scientists and engineers whose exemplary actions, often taken at significant personal cost, have served to foster scientific freedom and responsibility. The Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) of the U.S. National Institutes of Health was honored “for 30 years of providing leadership that has allowed society to proceed respon- sibly with recombinant DNA research” and gene therapy.

Mentor Award The award honors early or mid-career members who have mentored and guided significant numbers of underrepresented students toward a Ph.D. degree in the sciences, as well as scholarship, activism, and community-building for underrepresented groups. Dr. Jagannathan Sankar, professor of mechanical and chemical engineering and director of the Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures and the Center for Nanoscience and Nanomaterials at North Carolina A&T State University, was recognized for facilitating or mentoring 46 Ph.D. students, including 22 underrepresented minorities.

18 Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement The award honors members who, for more than 25 years, have Dr. Philip Hauge Abelson mentored and guided significant numbers of underrepresented Legacy students toward a Ph.D. degree in the sciences, as well as scholar- ship, activism, and community-building for underrepresented groups. Philip Hauge Dr. Rhonda J. Hughes, the Helen Herrmann Professor of Abelson, Ph.D., Mathematics at Bryn Mawr College, has helped 57 women and accomplished minority students earn graduate degrees in mathematics, including scientist and 17 at the doctoral level. former Science editor, died on 1 August 2004 Science Journalism Awards at Suburban The awards recognize outstanding reporting for a general audience and honor individual Hospital in reporters for their coverage of the sciences, engineering, and mathematics. The independently Bethesda, Maryland. judged competition is sponsored by Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & He was 91. His work and contributions Development, L.L.C. spanned more than 40 years with the American Association for the • Large Newspaper — Amy Ellis Nutt of The Star-Ledger Advancement of Science. His positions • Small Newspaper — Melinda Burns of Santa Barbara News-Press of leadership and his service on many • Magazine — W. Wayt Gibbs of Scientific American national advisory committees enabled • Television — Mark Davis of WGBH-NOVA him to shape national science and tech- • Radio — Cynthia Graber, with Christopher Ballman, National Public Radio’s “Living on Earth” nology policy. • Online — Carl Zimmer of “Dr. Abelson, a true icon in the scien- tific community, took the journal Science to a new level of quality and Co-Sponsored AAAS Prizes prominence during his 22-year tenure,” AAAS said in a statement. “After he stepped down as editor in 1984, The Young Scientists Award Supported by GE Healthcare he remained an active contributor The prize recognizes outstanding Ph.D. thesis work in molecular to the journal and adviser to AAAS, biology worldwide. pursuing his passion for science and Grand prize winner: Saba Valadkhan was honored for correctly research, often at the forefront of scien- identifying “a relic from the RNA world” (spliceosome) and proving tific discovery. A mentor and friend to its catalytic potential. many of us, Dr. Abelson sought creative ways to overcome any barrier in the Regional winners: • North America — Benjamin P. Tu path to progress. One of his favorite • Europe — Christian Haering • Japan — Kunihiko Nishino sayings was, ‘Tough times don’t last, • All Other Countries — Suvendra Bhattacharyya but tough people do’.”

Dr. Abelson’s legacy will live on Newcomb Cleveland Prize Supported by Affymetrix through the work of AAAS. View a The prize acknowledges an outstanding paper published in the Research Articles or Reports short video celebrating the life sections of Science. and legacy of Dr. Abelson: Brian Kuhlman, Gautman Dantas, Gregory C. Ireton, Gabrielle Varani, Barry L. Stoddard, and David Baker were acknowledged for their article, “Design of a Novel Globular Protein Fold with Atomic-Level Accuracy,” published in Science, 21 November 2003.

19 AAAS Fellows

AAAS Fellows are elected annually Agriculture, Food and Tzen-Yuh Chiang C. Richard Tracy Renewable Resources by the AAAS Council for meritorious George W. Cox John T. Trumble James C. Carrington Jeffery L. Dangl John Charles Walker efforts to advance science Jorge Dubcovsky Richard H. Ebright Linda L. Walling or its applications. Fellows have Kenneth E. Hammel Elliot L. Elson Altaf A. Wani Susan L. Forsburg Caroline C. Whitacre made significant contributions in Pamela G. Marrone Susan R. McCouch Claire M. Fraser Kenneth H. Wolfe areas such as research, teaching, Albert G. Medvitz Gayle J. Fritz Chung-I Wu technology, services to professional James D. Murray Candace E. Galen Grace Wyngaard Marion Nestle Barry Ganetzky Shozo Yokoyama societies, and communicating Ralph L. Obendorf Patricia A. Gowaty Jian-Kang Zhu Yusof Awni Hannun science to the public. Charles W. Rice Chemistry Ismail Serageldin Joseph Heitman The following were elected Fellows Catherine E. Woteki Charles Russell Hille Vartkess Ara Apkarian David A. Zuberer Tuan-Hua David Ho Jeffrey Aubé in 2004. AAAS would like to congrat- Erin Irish Robert Bittman Anthropology ulate them and thank them for their Steven E. Jacobsen Weston Thatcher Borden Ajay K. Bose services to science and technology. C. Owen Lovejoy Robert L. Jeanne Robert D. Martin Elizabeth A. Kellogg Cynthia J. Burrows Jane E. Phillips-Conroy Linda M. Kohn Walter J. Chazin Richard Potts Robert Landick Barry S. Cooperman Ian Tattersall Harris A. Lewin James K. Coward Bernard A. Wood Emmanuel Liscum III Michael A. Duncan Patricia Chapple Wright Curtis M. Lively Cecil R. Dybowski Andrew G. Ewing Astronomy Timothy M. Lohman William John Lucas Anthony L. Fink Timothy Ferris Paul M. MacDonald Bruce C. Garrett Stamatios M. Krimigis Gregory B. Martin Rainer E. Glaser Carey Michael Lisse Joel W. Martin Robert J. Hamers Richard McCray Lawrence E. Mathes Andrew D. Hamilton C. Matt Mountain Richard L. Mayden Joel M. Harris Atmospheric and John F. McDonald Rigoberto Hernandez Hydrospheric Sciences Lina Marie Obeid Nancy B. Jackson Michael C. Ostrowski William M. Jackson Paul J. Crutzen Massimo Pigliucci Arthur E. Johnson A. Russell Flegal Peter H. Quail Anne Myers Kelley Michael J. Prather David C. Queller Bruce E. Koel Eugene M. Rasmusson Hershel Raff Nenad M. Kostic Jorge L. Sarmiento Marjorie L. Reaka-Kudla Gregory J. Kubas Gerald M. Stokes Benjavan Rerkasem Branka M. Ladanyi Norbert Untersteiner Eric J. Richards David S. Lawrence Carl Wunsch Amy Rossman Richard A. Lerner Biological Sciences Steven L. Salzberg Stephen F. Martin Henry I. Mosberg Sankar L. Adhya Daniel R. Schoenberg Gilbert M. Nathanson Bonnie L. Bassler David W. Severson James E. Penner-Hahn Philip N. Benfey Thomas J. Silhavy Virgil Percec Joy M. Bergelson Christopher Roland Somerville Gregory A. Petsko Robert E. Blankenship Victoria L. Sork Douglas J. Raber Elizabeth L. Brainerd Roger M. Spanswick J. W. Rogers, Jr. Ronald R. Breaker Steven Spiker Eric A. Rohlfing David Ray Burgess David B. Stern Gary B. Schuster Joann M. Burkholder Joan E. Strassmann

20 Phillip D. Szuromi Paul Jeffrey Fox William H. Hartmann Katharine Blodgett Gebbie Veronica Vaida Patricia H. Kelley Ravi V. Iyengar Dennis G. Hall Warren S. Warren Akhio Miyashiro James Larry Jameson Ralph B. James David R. Williams Paul Reitan Barbara R. Jasny Gabrielle G. Long Robert A. Wind Nicholas J. Shackleton Philip R. Johnson Luz J. Martinez-Miranda Curt Wittig Tjeerd H. Van Andel Bruce C. Kone Robert L. McCrory Chi-Huey Wong Michael O. Woodburne Michael E. Lamm Dale M. Meade Wayne I. Lencer Pierre Meystre Dentistry and History and Philosophy Oral Health Sciences of Science Mary Fisher Lipscomb Stephen J. Pennycook Yang Liu Herschel A. Rabitz Adele L. Boskey Brian Skyrms Stephen D. Miller Thomas F. Rosenbaum Robert A. Burne Jeffrey L. Sturchio Frank G. Moody Ned Robert Sauthoff Education Industrial Science and Neal Nathanson Gerald Jay Sussman Electra Diane Paskett Joe D. Thompson Sandra K. Abell Technology Charles M. Rice John H. Weaver Dale R. Baker W. Henry Lambright Bernard Roizman Edward L. Wright Bonnie J. Brunkhorst Oliver C. Mullins Raymond P. Roos George E. DeBoer Lura J. Powell Psychology Thomas J. Rosol Paul B. Kelter Information, Computing, Ruth M. Ruprecht Barbara L. Andersen Gregory P. Stefanich and Communication Alfred P. Sanfilippo Thomas J. Coates Virginia W. Stern Mark Allen Geyer Carl K. Chang Mario Stevenson Janet Shibley Hyde Engineering Richard A. Demillo Herbert W. Virgin J. A. Scott Kelso Harvey W. Blanch Bernardo Huberman Bruce D. Walker Jay S. Rosenblatt Jonathan S. Dordick Yi-Bing Lin Joel V. Weinstock Jenny Saffran Christos Georgakis Panos M. Pardalos Neuroscience George Georgiou Peter Pirolli Social, Economic and Constance W. Atwell Amit Goyal Andries Van Dam Political Sciences Tamas Bartfai Elias P. Gyftopoulos Benjamin W. Wah Gyorgy Buzsaki Peter J. Burke Eugene E. Haller Linguistics and Language Joseph T. Coyle Jonathan R. Cole Peter J. Hesketh Science Bernice Grafstein Scott Coltrane Ravi K. Jain Paul Greengard Gary King Jeffrey C. Kantor David W. Lightfoot Richard L. Huganir Ronald D. Lee Pradeep K. Khosla Mabel L. Rice Miguel A. L. Nicolelis Karl Ulrich Mayer James Underwood Lemke Mathematics Howard Schulman Joseph J. Molnar Bora B. Mikic John H. Ewing Morgan Sheng S. Noor Mohammad Societal Impacts of Carl Pomerance James G. Townsel Duncan T. Moore Science and Engineering De Witt L. Sumners Pharmaceutical Sciences Catherine Jay Didion General Interest in Medical Sciences C. K. Gunsalus Science and Engineering Donald R. Bennett Christie M. Ballantyne Ching-Shih Chen Wil Lepkowski Robert M. Cushman Enriqueta C. Bond Bruce J. Dolnick Claire Nader Donna Joyce Dean Stephen B. Calderwood Kenneth L. Dretchen Howard Ris Daniel A. Guthrie Wing-Chung Chan Joe D. Graedon Robert Lee Hotz Statistics Robert J. Desnick Madeleine Jacobs Physics Ibrahim A. Ahmad Raymond N. Dubois, Jr. L. Mark Berliner Geology and Geography Roselyn J. Eisenberg Michael J. Aziz Ravindra N. Bhatt James E. Gentle Asish R. Basu David Eric Elder S. R. J. Brueck Clark Glymour Kevin Burke David Y. Graham Donald L. Cook Rodney C. Ewing Warner Craig Greene Leonard C. Feldman Jonathan Fink Charles H. Halsted Joshua Frieman Daniel C. Fisher J. Marie Hardwick James G. Fujimoto

21 Thank You for Your Generous Support

The AAAS Board of Directors gratefully acknowledges the philanthropic support of the following individuals, foundations, corporations, and government agencies whose gifts, over and above membership dues, enabled AAAS to undertake new initiatives, supplement program funding, and address the issues and concerns of the scientific community.

We continue to be especially grateful for the support of our sustaining benefactors, Mr. William T. Golden and the late Dr. Philip Hauge Abelson.

Individuals Jean Porter Susan Trukawinski Victor W. Laurie John S. Reed Thomas E. Twitchell Charles A. Lawson Director’s Guild Bronwyn & Brian Scott Charles M. Weiss Olga F. Linares ($50,000 & above) Lewis G. Smith John P. Linderman David E. Shaw & Beth Kobliner Anthony Thompson Galileo Sphere Bill Linton Shaw ($250–$499) J. Howard Marshall Benjamin Franklin Society Ernest C. Adams Walter E. Massey Director’s Guild ($500–$999) Philip D. Aines Jose O. Morales ($10,000–$49,999) Heman P. Adams James H. Ard Robert A. Nilan Janet J. Asimov L. T. Aldrich Casper J. Aronson Joseph C. Parker J. Frances Allen Gladys E. Baker Director’s Guild Philip Y. Paterson Thomas D. Barrow Jean Beard ($5,000–$9,999) John F. Pelton Merton R. Barry Dennis M. Bier Alan I. & Agnes Leshner Richard M. Phelan Floyd E. Bloom Margaret B. Binette Gordon E. Moore Lawrence R. Pomeroy Nathaniel Chafee Herman Birch Pierre R. Schwob Milton F. Pravda Luther Christman C. John Blankley Jacob R. Raitt Director’s Guild Mary E. Clutter Benjamin P. Blasingame Robert W. Rasch ($2,500–$4,999) Edmund A. Crouch H. Kent Bowen Barbara Rice Phillip L. Blair James F. Crow Everett F. Britz Juan G. Roederer Jerome L. Bleiweis Hartvig Dahl Kenneth A. Burkholder Jarrow L. Rogovin Peter F. Drucker Frank K. Edmondson S. R. Burzynski Thomas P. Rohlen Rebecca Klemm Gregory S. Ferriss Edgar M. Chase Robert Rosenthal Shirley M. & Horace Malcom Robert C. Harriss Nirupa Chaudhari & S. Roper Murray Senkus Hans Hasche-Kluender Robin L. Dennis Roy W. Simonson Thomas Edison Alliance Russell M. Jaffe Paul Doty Linda C. Smith ($1,000 –$2,499) Elaine Kant S. Raymond Gambino William G. Sprague Anonymous (2) Joseph E. Kist James I. Garrels Peter F. Stevens Rick E. Borchelt Robert H. Lawrence R. H. Garstang Shepard B. Stone Jean B. Burnett James U. Lemke Adam P. Geballe C. E. Sunderlin Laura H. Colwin Michael M. May Walter Gerhard Marian E. Swendseid William H. Danforth John P. McCullough Robert N. Ginsburg Jack Townshend Donald P. Gaver Linda A. More Andrew M. Gleason Mary C. Wetzel Sarah B. Glickenhaus Peter B. Myers Edward J. Goetzl James R. Whitley Mary L. Good Steven Popok Marvin L. Goldberger Clayton A. Wiley Jeff Gore James L. Rathmann Albert E. Goss Helen K. Groves Edward K. Rice William C. Graustein James H. Heym Anna C. Roosevelt Cynthia O. Harris Copernicus Club Richard A. Meserve Beth Rosner Kenneth J. Hood ($100–$249) Edith D. Neimark Richard B. Setlow Joan M. Hutchins John P. Abbey Peter O’Donnell Jean’ne M. Shreeve Samson A. Jenekhe Ingrid Akerblom Ginger Pinholster & Nancy R. Stevenson Erik D. Johnson William F. Allen M. Otto Stahley H. Michael M. Kaback Robert W. Allington

22 Gordon W. Anderson Helen R. Churella Frank W. Fitch Richard N. Hurd Anonymous (6) Donald L. Clark Edith M. Flanigen Marion C. Hyson Rudi Ansbacher Morrel H. Cohen Margaret L. Fonda Richard J. Jaeger J. David Applegate Jared H. Ford Bernard W. Janicki Phipps Arabie Otto H. Coleman Richard M. Forester Stephen N. Jasperson Robert G. Arnold Heather L. Collins Arlington A. Forist John H. Jewell William Aron Dale K. Colyer Frank J. Fornoff Erling Johansen William C. Ashby James W. Conine William O. Foye George John Roger Atkinson Fernando J. Corbato William F. Fraccaro Julius Johnson David Atlas Michael F. Coscia Mark & Marlene Frankel Harold S. Johnston R. Clifton Bailey Eugene E. Covert Gail Frazar-Mele Irene M. Jones N. Addison Ball Robert C. Cowen Stephen E. Frazier Lucy W. K. Jones Thomas J. Bardos Richard H. Cox Robert F. Furchgott Elke Jordan William T. Battin John M. Crawford Horace W. Furumoto Arthur C. Josephs Laura P. Bautz Jack E. Crow Joseph G. Gall Marjorie M. Kade Henry F. Beechhold John C. Crowley Walter Gamble Herbert Kaizer Nicholas A. Begovich Aldo V. Da Rosa Rajesh R. Gandhi Isaac R. Kaplan Charles P. Benedict Robert Dahlgren David M. Gates Margaret Kasschau Leslie Z. Benet Bruce H. Dana Bernardino Ghetti Carl Kaysen Donald R. Bennett Herbert A. David Mark L. Gilberstadt Robert L. & Judith Ann Kellogg Leo L. Beranek Diane W. Davidson Neal C. Gillespie David R. Kelly Jerome R. Berman Duane G. Davis Roger Gilmont Charles F. Kennel Jay A. Berzofsky Harold A. Davis Edward W. Glazener George B. Kent Hans Albrecht Bethe Jay C. Davis James Glogowski Roger Ketcham Austin W. Betts Catherine D. DeAngelis Erwin Goldberg Robert F. Kingsbury John G. Bieri Kenneth A. DeGhetto Felicitas D. Goodman David L. Kirk Mary L. Bird William P. Deiss Joan W. Goodman Beth E. Kirkhart Charles W. Bishop Victor H. Denenberg John S. & Deborah Greenspan Agnes Kiss Donald Blumenthal Jeanette W. Dennis Melvin M. Grumbach Michael S. Klassen John G. Bordie Paul M. Densen Wilfred Guerra Miles V. Klein Adele L. Boskey Robert J. Desnick Helen M. Habermann Maribeth King & John A. Klobuchar Terry F. Bower Peter J. Di Benedetto Jack L. Haley Rita E. Knox Marilyn C. Bracken Bruce L. Dietrich Eugene E. Haller Leland S. Kollmorgen Eric Bradford Joseph R. DiPalma William J. Hanna Jerry J. Kollros Kevin B. Brink Theodore Donaldson George F. Hanson Igor L. Kosin Arnold R. Brody Shannon Dorsey Franklin M. Harold Ronya Kozmetsky Charles S. Brown M. W. Downey Pembroke J. Hart Stephen M. Krane David H. Brown Richard D. Drake Bernard G. Harvey Rodney Krich Kathleen O. Brown Horace F. Drury Robert H. Hasek Bernard M. Kulwicki Robert W. Bryant Louis Duenweg William H. Hatheway George W. Kunkel Dennis E. Buetow Gus Eckhardt Michael G. Hauser Michael E. Lamm Patricia A. Buffler Frances B. Edens Ruth Heimann George H. Lauff Robert W. Bundtzen William Elkins Barbara Hemmingsen Walter R. Lawson Drusilla Burns Robert Elsner Mary Henle Cecil E. Leith John E. Burris David W. Emerson Thomas L. Henson Larry F. Lemanski Verona D. Burton Edward L. Erickson Davis Hershey Louis L. Lerner Patrick G. Butler Edward W. Ernst John R. Hess Ann M. Lewicki Michael J. Calderwood Ronald W. Estabrook Melvin J. Hill David A. Liberman Ronald E. Cape Arthur T. Evans James Hillier Philip Lichtenberg Marvin Carmack Joann L. Evans Mahlon Hoagland William T. Lindsay, Jr. Luther J. Carter Emmanuel Farber David C. Hoaglin Christopher J. Lingle Shaun T. Case Alexander Farrell Donald E. Hoard John H. Litchfield Boris Catz Charles S. Faulkner Marcus Hobbs Lars Ljungdahl Joseph Cerny Robert H. Fennell Norman H. Horowitz Gwilym S. Lodwick James F. Cherry Gillian M. Fenton Raymond W. Houde Frederick Long Don B. Chesler Robert W. Field Estil V. Hoversten Norman W. Lord Tom D. Y. Chin Alison F. Fields Larry Howard James F. Lotspeich Pritindra Chowdhuri Richard Tresch Fienberg W. W. Howells Sara Elizabeth Lowe Robert W. Christy Roman O. Filipowicz Roy M. Huffington Barbara Lozar

23 Milton Lozoff Robert P. Rafuse H. Craig Sipe Stanley A. White R. Duncan Luce Stephen C. Ragatz Alan J. Smith Rich O. Whitten Ernest L. Lundelius, Jr. Yueh-Erh Rahman James C. Smith Oscar M. Wicken Arthur Lupia Waldo Rall James L. Smith Herman S. Wigodsky Mark P. Mack William E. Ramsden Stephanie S. Spangler Alfred Willcox Gladys F. Maley Paul F. Randel Thomas M. Spencer Clinton C. Williams Herbert Malin Edward R. Rang D. C. Spriestersbach Helen R. Winter Robert W. Mann Alan I. Rapoport Mary C. St. John Jeanette Winter Emanuel Margoliash Donald G. Rea David G. Stahl Joseph G. Wirth Herman H. Martens† James R. Redmond Donald Steiner George E. Woody Donald R. Mattison Robert P. Redwine Thomas W. Stern Andrew Wright Christopher A. Reed Reinhard Stettler William A. Wulf John R. Menke Jack W. Reed C. Ralph Stocking Robert E. Yager Thomas N. Metcalf Lester J. Reed James Stolzenbach Alfred Yankauer David Middleton Ernest B. Reeve Audrey L. Stone Charles W. Young Orlando J. Miller James C. Register, III William W. Stoner Mimi C. Yu Beatrice Mintz Malcolm M. Renfrew Carl F. Stover Charles Zegar Daniel B. Mirel Miles Richardson John Stringer Adrienne L. Zihlman Richard C. Mockler Eugene Roberts F. William Studier Fernando J. Zuniga-Rivero Robert L. Molinari Frank D. Roberts Joan C. Suit Corporations & Angelyn Moore Jean Roberts Sigmund R. Suskind Foundations David W. Moreland Maxine L. Rockoff Glenn W. Suter, II Robert A. Morse Theodore Rockwell Donald A. Swanson AARP Andrus Foundation J. Thomas Mortimer Elizabeth Roemer Andrew G. Szent-Gyorgyi Affymetrix, Inc Arno G. Motulsky Alan E. Rogers Marc Z. Talisman Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Patricia H. Moyer Robert J. Roggie Susan H. Tam The Ambrose Monell Foundation Peter K. Mueller Mark Rognstad Palmer Taylor Applied Science and Technology George Nancollas Hugh Rose Harold Teague Associates, Inc. John J. Neal, Jr. Kenneth L. Rose David C. Tiemeier Asia Foundation James W. Neel Jo Ellen Roseman Maury Tigner Baxter Healthcare Corporation Mary L. Nelson Eugene J. Rosenbaum David W. Tillay Burroughs Welcome Fund Walter L. Nelson Norman Rosenberg John G. Topliss Camille and Henry Dreyfus Owen J. Newlin Mark R. Rosenzweig John W. Townsend, Jr. Foundation Thomas W. Newton Donald A. Rowley Thomas K. Toyama Charlotte & Arthur Zitrin Charles Noback Laurens N. Ruben M. C. Trichel Foundation Richard C. Nolen-Hoeksema Herman Rubin A. Forrest Troyer Christopher Reynolds Foundation Christer E. Nordman James S. Ruhoff Amy O. Tsui The Commonwealth Fund Marie U. Nylen Joyce E. Rundhaug Gerard M. Turino Dana Foundation Judith K. Nyquist William B. Ryan M. K. Underwood David & Lucile Packard Foundation Robert A. O’Dell David T. Salant Ari van Tienhoven Delta Research & Education William A. Oliver, Jr. James S. Sandberg Charles Varsel Foundation Eric Olson Norbert P. Sarnow Carol M. Velsko Ellison Medical Foundation Walter A. Orenstein Howard K. Schachman Stanley Vickers Ewing Marion Kauffman Carolyn L. Orthner Roland W. Schmitt Alvin Volkman Foundation Robert Osserman John H. Schneider Charles A. Waldren ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc. Thomas B. Owen G. E. Schuh Charles P. Wales Fannie Mae Foundation Allison R. Palmer Robert C. Seamans, Jr. Frank W. Warner, III Ford Foundation Raymond L. Palmer Sheldon J. Segal Nancy E. Warner Forney Family Foundation Ara G. Paul Walter E. Sepp F. Morgan Warzel Foundation for Child Development Chin-Tzu Peng Andrew M. Sessler Marvin Wasserman Frank M. Berger 1997 Trust Frank A. Pepe Steven Shak Steven F. Watanabe GE Foundation Carolyn B. Peterson Alan H. Shapley Donald J. Waters Genentech, Inc. Donald G. Peterson Emma Shelton Gordon L. Watts The Gerald and Thelma Estrin George F. Pieper Nobumichi Shimizu Harrison Wein Living Trust Joseph M. Prospero Thomas E. Shipley I. Bernard Weinstein GlaxoSmithKline William M. Protheroe Duward F. Shriver John H. Weitz Golden Family Foundation Dan E. Purcifull Moras L. Shubert Irwin Welber Goldman Fund Peter Puster Donald H. Silberberg Milton W. Weller Greenwall Foundation Frank W. Putnam Donald M. Simons Irvin L. White

24 Herbert and Junia Doan Other Organizations National Aeronautics and Space Albert Hirschman Foundation Academy of Science of St. Louis Administration Irving and Alwyn Johnson Horizon Research, Inc. American Academy of Neurology National Institute of General Julius Z. Knapp Howard Hughes Medical Institute American Anthropological Medical Sciences Jeffrey L. Kodosky IBM Association National Institutes of Health Donald G. Lindsay The Irving S. & Alwyn N. Johnson American Association of Colleges National Oceanic and Atmospheric Joseph C. Logue Family Foundation of Pharmacy Administration John P. McGovern Jarrow Formulas, Inc. American Chemical Society Office of Naval Research Gilbert S. Omenn John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur American Dental Association Optical Society of America Paul B. Porter Foundation American Geological Institute Screenscope, Inc. Herbert E. Spiegel John Merck Fund American Geophysical Union Society for Industrial and Applied Warren B. Weisberg John P. McGovern Foundation, Inc. American Institute of Physics Mathematics Wei Young John Templeton Foundation American Mathematical Society Society of Research in Child Charlotte M. Zitrin Johnson & Johnson American Meteorological Society Development Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Soil Science Society of America American Neurological Association 1848 Society Research & Development, L.L.C. American Nuclear Society South Dakota State University Edgar J. Saltsman† Joseph and Esther Klingenstein American Physical Society SRI International Fund American Physiological Society Stifterverband für die Deutsche The Kodosky Foundation American Psychological Wissenschaft †Deceased Leland Fikes Foundation Association The Timothy Smith Network The Lounsberry Foundation American Society of Agronomy U.S. Agency for International Mary L. and William J. Osher American Society of Civil Engineers Development This report reflects gifts received Foundation American Society of Mechanical U.S. Army Research Office from 1 January 2004 through The Joy McCann Foundation Engineers U.S. Department of Agriculture 31 December 2004. MCI American Society of Microbiology U.S. Department of Defense The compilers have carefully Merck & Co., Inc. American Society of Plant U.S. Department of Homeland reviewed the names that appear. Merck Company Foundation Biologists Security However, errors and omissions Merck Institute for Aging & Health American Veterinary Medical U.S. Department of State may occasionally occur. If your Mertz Gilmore Foundation Association U.S. Environmental Protection name is listed incorrectly, please Michigan Economic Development Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Agency accept our apologies, and do Corporation Washington U.S. Food and Drug Administration not hesitate to bring the mistake Nathan & Lena Seiler Family Canadian Institutes for Health U.S. Institute of Peace to our attention by calling Foundation, Inc. Research UNESCO +1-202-326-6636. Thank you. National Science Foundation Canon U.S.A., Inc. United Nations Environment Neutrogena Corporation Carnegie Institution Programme The New York Times Company Child Neurology Society University of Alabama Foundation Crop Science Society of America University of Delaware Nuclear Threat Initiative University of Kansas D.C. State Education Office Special Thank You David and Lucile Packard Defense Advanced Research University of Maine Foundation Projects Agency University of Missouri In addition to those who Pfizer Matching Gift Center Defense Threat Reduction Agency University of New Mexico provided charitable gifts Rasmussen Foundation Ecological Society of America University of the Virgin Islands and grants to AAAS, over Rathmann Family Foundation Eppendorf AG University of Toronto and above membership Rockefeller Foundation Federation of Animal Science University of Vermont dues, we would also like Sasakawa Peace Foundation Societies University of Washington to recognize the generous Seattle Foundation Fresno Unified School District support of AAAS’s Patron SUBARU of America, Inc. GE Healthcare AAAS applauds the following members. Their higher level of University of Kentucky Research Geological Society of America individuals for their efforts in investment helped underwrite Foundation Institute of Electrical and initiating gifts from various the Association’s program- The V. Kann Rasmussen Electronic Engineers - United foundations and organizations: matic activities. Foundation States of America The Vaccine Fund The Institute of Navigation Frank M. Berger For a complete list of Patron Vira I. Heinz Endowment The International Society for Philip G. Berman members, and to learn more W. W. Grainger, Inc. Optical Engineering Herbert D. Doan about the benefits of this Walter and Elise Haas Fund Materials Research Society Gerald & Thelma Estrin special category of William and Flora Hewlett Michigan State University Robert C. Forney membership, please visit: Foundation Morgan State University William T. Golden Young’s Associates MRC/NSERC Deborah Greenspan m_categories/patrons.shtml. The National Academies Leo O. Harris

25 Board of Directors 2004–2005 Association Officers Association Information

Chair Chief Executive Officer and Executive Publisher Association Headquarters Mary Ellen Avery Alan I. Leshner American Association for Children’s Hospital, Boston the Advancement of Science Chief Financial and Administrative Officer 1200 New York Avenue, NW President Phillip Blair Washington DC 20005 USA Shirley Ann Jackson Tel: 202-326-6400 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Science Adviser Philip H. Abelson † AAAS Annual Meeting President – Elect Dates: 16–20 February 2006 Gilbert S. Omenn Executive Office Affairs Location: St. Louis, MO University of Michigan Health System Gretchen Seiler, Director Web:

Treasurer Education and Human Resources Electronic Resources David E. Shaw Shirley M. Malcom, Director AAAS D.E. Shaw & Co., Inc. International Initiatives Find breaking AAAS news and membership Treasurer Emeritus Sherburne Abbott, information. William T. Golden Chief International Officer Science Online AAAS Chief Executive Officer Science Editorial Alan I. Leshner Donald Kennedy, Editor-in-Chief Search the journal or find career advice Monica Bradford, Executive Editor and other resources. Other members Rosina M.Bierbaum Science News EurekAlert! University of Michigan Colin Norman, News Editor Read breaking research news in multiple John E. Burris Office of Human Resources languages. Beloit College Alison French, Director

John E. Dowling Office of Public Programs Harvard University Ginger Pinholster, Director

Karen A. Holbrook Office of Publishing and Member Services The Ohio State University Beth Rosner, Publisher

Richard A. Meserve Project 2061 Carnegie Institution of Washington Jo Ellen Roseman, Director

Norine E. Noonan Science and Policy College of Charleston Albert H. Teich, Director

Peter Stang University of Utah †Deceased Kathryn D. Sullivan COSI Columbus

Lydia Villa-Komaroff Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research


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