Wheaton College Catalog 2003-2005 (Pdf)

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Wheaton College Catalog 2003-2005 (Pdf) 2003/2005 CATALOG WHEATON COLLEGE Norton, Massachusetts www.wheatoncollege.edu/Catalog College Calendar Fall Semester 2003–2004 Fall Semester 2004–2005 New Student Orientation Aug. 30–Sept. 2, 2003 New Student Orientation Aug. 28–Aug. 31, 2004 Labor Day September 1 Classes Begin September 1 Upperclasses Return September 1 Labor Day (no classes) September 6 Classes Begin September 3 October Break October 11–12 October Break October 13–14 Mid-Semester October 20 Mid-Semester October 22 Course Selection Nov. 18–13 Course Selection Nov. 10–15 Thanksgiving Recess Nov. 24–28 Thanksgiving Recess Nov. 26–30 Classes End December 13 Classes End December 12 Review Period Dec. 14–15 Review Period Dec. 13–14 Examination Period Dec. 16–20 Examination Period Dec. 15–20 Residence Halls Close Residence Halls Close (9:00 p.m.) December 20 (9:00 p.m.) December 20 Winter Break and Winter Break and Internship Period Dec. 20 – Jan. 25, 2005 Internship Period Dec. 20–Jan. 26, 2004 Spring Semester Spring Semester Residence Halls Open Residence Halls Open (9:00 a.m.) January 25 (9:00 a.m.) January 27, 2004 Classes Begin January 26 Classes Begin January 28 Mid–Semester March 11 Mid–Semester March 12 Spring Break March 14–18 Spring Break March 15–19 Course Selection April 11–15 Course Selection April 12–26 Classes End May 6 Classes End May 7 Review Period May 7–8 Review Period May 8–9 Examination Period May 9–14 Examination Period May 10–15 Commencement May 21 Commencement May 22 First Semester Deadlines, 2004–2005 First Semester Deadlines, 2003–2004 Course registration Course registration concludes September 9 concludes September 11 Last day to declare Last day to declare pass/fail registration September 24 pass/fail registration September 26 Mid-semester grades due Mid-semester grades due (Registrar’s Office) October 20 (Registrar’s Office) October 22 Last day to drop course Last day to drop course without record October 29 without record October 31 Registration deadline Registration deadline for spring courses for spring courses (Registrar’s Office) November 13 (Registrar’s Office) November 15 Spring Semester Deadlines, 2004–2005 Spring Semester Deadlines, 2003–2004 Course registration Course registration concludes concludes (Registrar’s Office) February 3 (Registrar’s Office) February 5 Last day to declare Last day to declare pass/fail registration February 18 pass/fail registration February 20 Mid-semester grades Mid-semester grades due (Registrar’s Office) March 11 due (Registrar’s Office) March 12 Last day to drop a Last day to drop a course without record April 1 course without record April 2 Registration deadline Registration deadline for fall courses, 2004 for fall courses, 2004 (Registrar’s Office) April 15 (Registrar’s Office) April 16 A current College Calendar is available on-line at: www.wheatoncollege.edu/Catalog Contents Learning for Life 5 Wheaton College Mission Statement 6 A Tradition of Innovation 7 The Wheaton Curriculum 13 Academic Resources 23 Academic Standards 29 The Wheaton Community 35 Admission 43 Financial Aid 47 Costs 55 Courses of Instruction 59 Selected Endowed and Other Named Funds 189 Trustees, Faculty, Officers, and Staff 205 Alumnae/i Association 219 Index 221 Where To Write 224 4 Learning for Life Wheaton College provides an excellent liberal The emphasis on forging connections in arts education in a residential, coeducational learning goes beyond the classroom, to community, enabling students to develop the include internships, research fellowships and knowledge and skills to define and reach their field experiences. With the support of the academic, professional and personal goals. Filene Center for Work and Learning, As members of a vigorous educational students undertake outside-the-classroom community, Wheaton’s students are commit- learning experiences such as an internship, ted to the highest standards of scholarship in volunteer activity, work-study job or campus all areas of the arts, humanities, sciences and leadership position. This initiative is unique in social sciences. And as intellectual activists, higher education and builds on more than a they are encouraged to pursue learning in and decade of pioneering work in linking work and beyond the classroom. Whether it be at our learning. Boston-area campus or in another part of the Being a responsible citizen of a world world, students seek links among their made smaller by technology and scarce academic explorations and the real-world resources means learning to appreciate settings of workplace and community. differences among people of other countries, Wheaton’s high-quality education begins within the U.S., and even on the college in the classroom, where collaborations with campus. To increase students’ awareness of professors challenge and transform students perspectives beyond their own, Wheaton has into lifelong learners, equipped with the skills made the study of cultural diversity and the to participate in shaping the multicultural non-Western world an integral part of its world of which they are a part. Wheaton curriculum, through courses and experiential teaches women and men to live and work as learning opportunities in the U.S. and abroad. equal partners by linking learning, work and With leadership from the Center for Global service in a community that values equally the Education, the college’s study abroad contributions of men and women. offerings now include more than 33 programs The college, in turn, takes students in 20 countries. Students also participate in seriously as important contributors to its internship programs in London, Paris, intellectual life. The Wheaton Foundation Moscow, Haifa and Sidney, and in summer fosters student scholarship through grants for fellowships at a language camp in Istanbul, independent research. Other funds support Turkey. Likewise, special opportunities exist collaborative faculty-student research projects for faculty to expand their overseas experi- and field-based learning experiences, which ence; many have gained new insights through may lead to academic credit. Wheaton work and study in countries such as Egypt, students may enroll in university courses Israel, Korea, Thailand and the Seychelles. thanks to a cross-registration program with This commitment to multiculturalism is also Brown University and other regional institu- reflected on campus, as the Wheaton tions. community respects and values the diversity The Wheaton Curriculum encourages of each of its members. students to explore their interests fully through Inside the classroom, Wheaton professors connected courses that examine related work to create a learning environment that topics from multiple perspectives. This promotes discussion and collaboration—an innovative educational program combines the environment that empowers and enriches breadth of the liberal arts with the opportunity every student. This approach is reflected in to develop a fully dimensional view of the the composition of Wheaton’s faculty, whose world. equal numbers of men and women make this 5 college unique among coeducational Learning for life, serving a diverse schools. Many of these professors were community, aspiring to academic excellence pioneers in creating the college’s gender- and personal fulfillment: Wheaton values balanced curriculum, in which courses these commitments as it prepares the next include the scholarship and achievements of generation to contribute to a complex and both sexes. Wheaton classrooms them- rapidly changing world. While characteristic selves have become important settings in of the contemporary Wheaton, these traits which to explore how the learning styles, are rooted in the college’s founding, in 1834, expectations and aspirations of men and as one of the earliest models of higher women may differ. A faculty-student ratio of education for women. It is this blend of 1-to-12 and discussion classes numbering tradition and innovation that has distin- from eight to eighteen students further guished Wheaton for more than 165 years, encourage intellectual discourse among and continues to guide the college in its professors and students. mission. Wheaton College Mission Statement The Mission of Wheaton College is to provide an excellent liberal arts education in a small, residential, coeducational learning community, enabling students to understand and participate in shaping the multicultural, interdependent world of which they are a part. Collaborations with faculty and staff challenge and transform students into lifelong learners with skills to become problem solvers committed to justice and the global community. Wheaton teaches men and women to live and work as equal partners by linking learning, work, and service in a community that values equally the contributions of men and women. 6 A Tradition of Innovation Institutions, like people, are shaped by the tion today numbers more than 14,000 experiences, people and events that fill their members worldwide. past. The forces that sparked the founding Educators of vision of Wheaton College began more than 165 years ago, with a father’s wish to memorial- Lucy Larcom, who taught writing, literature ize his recently deceased and much-loved and history from 1854-1862, may be the daughter. Rather than erect a marble best known of Wheaton’s 19th-century statue or another static structure, Judge faculty. She certainly characterized the Laban Wheaton, at the urging of his innovative teacher-scholars who would daughter-in-law, Eliza Baylies Chapin follow her as Wheaton faculty members. Wheaton, decided to create a living The founder of the student literary maga- monument. The Wheaton Female Seminary zine Rushlight (which still exists), Miss opened its doors on April 22, 1835, with Larcom also was the catalyst behind the three teachers and 50 pupils. creation of “Psyche,” an intellectual From its founding, Wheaton Seminary discussion group. In the classroom, she was a pioneering institution, offering young defied accepted methods of teaching women the means to pursue serious study history and English literature, eschewing at a time when women’s educational recitation and memorization in favor of options were few. In planning their school, discussing ideas.
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