Prospects and Challenges for the Global Nuclear Future: After Fukushima Scott D
Spring_2012_COVER 4/23/2012 10:32 AM Page 3 american academy of arts & sciences spring 2012 Bulletin vol. lxv, no. 3 Prospects and Challenges for the Global Nuclear Future: After Fukushima Scott D. Sagan, Harald Müller, Noramly bin Muslim, Olli Heinonen, and Jayantha Dhanapala The Future of the American Military Karl W. Eikenberry, John L. Hennessy, James J. Sheehan, David M. Kennedy, and William J. Perry ALSO: Patrick C. Walsh, M.D., Awarded the Francis Amory Prize Humanities Indicators Track Signi½cant Changes in the Disciplines Strengthening Energy Policy through Social Science WikiLeaks and the First Amendment Upcoming Events Special Thanks to Donors APRIL ore than $5.2 million was raised in the ½scal year completed on March 31, 25th M 2012. The Academy’s Annual Fund sur- Project Brie½ng–Washington, D.C. passed the $1.6 million mark for the ½rst The Alternative Energy Future time. Additional gifts and grants totaled Speakers: Steven Koonin (Institute for over $3.6 million, with more than 1,200 in- Defense Analyses; formerly, U.S. Depart- dividuals, 14 foundations, and 54 University ment of Energy); Robert Fri (Resources Af½liates contributing to make these results for the Future); Michael Graetz (Colum- possible. “This was a very successful year,” bia Law School); Michael Greenstone said Alan Dachs, Development and Public (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Relations Committee Chair. “The Academy Brookings Institution); Kassia Yanosek is fortunate that so many Fellows support (Stanford University; Tana Energy the work we are doing.” Dachs expressed his Capital llc) deep appreciation to the members of the De- velopment Committee during the past year, MAY including Louise Bryson, Richard Cavanagh, 14th Jesse Choper, David Frohnmayer, Michael Reception–New York City Gellert, Matthew Santirocco, Stephen Reception in Honor of New York Area Fellows Stamas, Donald Stewart, Samuel Thier, and Nicholas Zervas, along with the continuing 16th involvement of Board Chair Louis Cabot.
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