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NOMADS and NATIVES BEYOND the DANUBE and the BLACK SEA: 700–900 CE Ii 300 i NOMADS AND NATIVES BEYOND THE DANUBE AND THE BLACK SEA: 700–900 CE ii BEYOND MEDIEVAL EUROPE Beyond Medieval Europe publishes monographs and edited volumes that evoke medieval Europe’s geographic, cultural, and religious diversity, while highlighting the interconnectivity of the entire region, understood in the broadest sense—from Dublin to Constantinople, Novgorod to Toledo. The indi- viduals who inhabited this expansive territory built cities, cultures, kingdoms, and religions that impacted their locality and the world around them in mani- fold ways. The series is particularly keen to include studies on traditionally underrepresented subjects in Anglophone scholarship (such as medieval eastern Europe) and to consider submissions from scholars not natively writing in English in an effort to increase the diversity of Anglophone publishing on the greater medieval European world. Series Editor Christian Raffensperger, Wittenberg University, Ohio Editorial Board Kurt Villads Jensen, Stockholms Universitet Balázs Nagy, Central European University, Budapest Leonora Neville, University of Wisconsin, Madison iii NOMADS AND NATIVES BEYOND THE DANUBE AND THE BLACK SEA: 700–900 CE ̆ SERGIU MUSTEA Ţ A iv British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. © 2018, Arc Humanities Press, Leeds Permission to use brief excerpts from this work in scholarly and educational works is hereby granted pro- vided that the source is acknowledged. Any use of material in this work that is an exception or limitation covered by Article 5 of the European Union’s Copyright Directive (2001/ 29/ EC) or would be determined to be “fair use” under Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act September 2010 Page 2 or that satisies the cond itions speciied in Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act (17 USC §108, as revised by P.L. 94– 553) does not require the Publisher’s permission . ISBN (print): 9781942401520 eISBN (PDF): 9781942401537 Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY v CONTENTS List of Illustrations . vi List of Abbreviations . viii Acknowledgements . xviii Introduction . 1 Chapter 1. Sources . 7 Chapter 2. Habitation . .17 Chapter 3. Economy . 67 Chapter 4. Spiritual Life . .166 Chapter 5. Society . 191 Conclusions . 236 Bibliography . 244 Index . 301 vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Tables Table 1. A r chaeological records from Carpathian-Danubian region (eighth– ninth centuries). 271 Table 2. F uneral data records from Carpathian- Danubian region (eighth– ninth centuries). 271 Table 3. The number of cemeteries based on funerary rites. 271 Table 4. The number of the graves from biritual cemeteries by regions and rites. 272 Table 5. The number of the graves from incineration cemeteries according to regions and rites. 274 Table 6. R ecorded coins and hoards from Carpathian- Danubian region (eighth– ninth centuries). .275 Table 7. Record of the Arabic coins (eighth– ninth centuries). .276 Table 8. The Byzantine coinage from Carpathian- Danubian region (eighth– ninth centuries). .279 Table 9. The structure of Hoard Cleja, Bac ă u county, Rom a nia. 280 Table 10. Distribution of Byzantine coins according to place of discovery, nominal, mint, and emperor. 281 Charts Chart 1. Distribution of archaeological sites from the eighth– ninth centuries. .285 Chart 2. Distribution of funerary records (sites) from the eighth– ninth centuries. 285 Chart 3. The number of cemeteries according to rites. 286 Chart 4. Distribution of the coins according to origins. .286 Chart 5. Distribution of the Byzantine coins according to emperors. 287 Chart 6. Distribution of the Western European coins according to rulers. 288 Chart 7. Distribution of the Byzantine coins from the Cleja Hoard. 288 Maps Map 1. The research area. 289 Map 2. Map of the eighth– ninth- century sites. 290 Map 3. Settlements from the eighth– ninth centuries. 291 Map 4. & 4a. Hillforts from the eighth– ninth centuries. 292 Map 5. General map of funerary records from the eighth– ninth centuries. 294 vii vii Map 6. Map of cemeteries records form the eighth– ninth centuries. 295 Map 7. General map of isolated coins and hoards from the eighth– ninth centuries. 296 Map 8. Map of Byzantine coins from the eighth– ninth centuries. 297 Map 9. Map of Arabic coins and hoards from the eighth–ni nth centuries. 298 Map 10. Map of the Western European coins from the eighth– ninth centuries. 299 viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AAC A cta Archaeologica Carpathica, Cracovia, Polonia, I, 1958, sqq . AAH A cta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Budapesta, Hungary, I 1951, sqq . AARMSI Analele Academiei Rom â ne, Memoriile Sec ţ iunii Istorice, Bucureş ti. AB Analele Banatului. Muzeul Banatului, Timi ş oara, Romania, I (1981)— Serie Nou ă , Arheologie- Istorie, I, 1991, sqq . ABr Analele Br ă ilei, Muzeul Br ă ilei, Romania, I, 1929–XII, 1940, S.N., I, 1994, sqq . ACTA A cta, Muzeul Na ţ ional Secuiesc, Sf. Gheorghe, Rom a nia, I 1995, sqq . AD Analele Dobrogei, Constan ţ a, Rom a nia, S.N., I, 1995, sqq . ADU Аr cheol о gi čni Doslid ž enija nа Uк r а ini, К iev, Ukraine, I, 1967, sqq . AE A r chaeologiai É rtes í tő , Budapesta, Hungary, I, 1866, sqq. AH A r chaeologia Hungarica, Budapesta, Hungary (serie monograii), 1– 3, 1926– 1928. AHNMNH Annales historico- naturales Musei nationalis hungarici, Budapesta. AI A r chaeologia Iugoslavica, Belgrad, I, 1954, sqq . AIA AŞ U A r h i v a Institutului de Arheologie al Academiei de Ş tiin ţ e a Ucrainei, Kiev. AIA RM A r h i v a Institutului de Arheologie din Republica Moldova, Chi ş in ău, Moldova. AIIA “A.D. Xenopol” Anuarul Institutului de Istorie ş i Arheologie “A.D.Xenopol,” Ia şi, Rom â nia, I, 1964, sqq . AIIC Anuarul Institutului de Istorie din Cluj, Rom â nia, I– II, 1958– 1959, sqq. AIM A r cheologi č eskie Issledovanija v Moldavii, Ki š inev, 1968– 1969 (1972)– 1986 (1992). А ISPDPM A r cheologi č eskie Issledovanija Srednevekovych Pamjatnikov Dnestrovsko- Prutskogo Me ž dure č ’ja, Ki š inev. А IU A r cheologi č eskie Issledovanija na Ukraine, К iev, Ukraine, I (1967)– IV (1972). AKM A r cheologi č eskaja Karta Moldavii, Ki š inev, 1 (1973)– 8 (1976). Aluta Aluta. Anuarul Muzeului Jude ţ ean Covasna, Sf. Gheorghe, Rom a nia, I, 1969, sqq . ix ix AM A r heologia Moldovei. Academia Româ n ă , Filiala Ia ş i, Institutul de Arheologie Ia ş i, Bucure ş ti, Rom ania, I, 1961, sqq . AMIAP Anuarul Muzeului de Istorie ş i Arheologie Prahova, Ploie ş ti, Roma nia, I (9), 1991, sqq . AMM A cta Moldaviae Meridionalis. Anuarul Muzeului Jude ţ ean “ Ş tefan cel Mare,” Vaslui, Roma nia, I, 1979, sqq . AMN A cta Musei Napocensis. Publica ţ ia Muzeului de Istorie a Transilvaniei, Cluj- Napoca, Roma nia, I, 1964, sqq . AMNIM Anuarul Muzeului Na ţ ional de Istorie a Moldovei, Chiş in ă u, Moldova, I (1992), II (1995), din 1995 Tyragetia, III, sqq . AMP A cta Musei Porolissensis. Anuarul Muzeului de Istorie ş i Art ă Zal ă u, Rom a nia, I, 1977, sqq . AMV A cta Musei Varnaensis, Varna, Bulgaria, I, 2000, sqq . Analele ANTIM Analele Asocia ţ iei Na ţ ionale a Tinerilor Istorici din Moldova, Chi ş in ă u, Moldova, I, 2000, sqq . Angustia Angustia. Revista Muzeului Carpa ţ ilor R ă s ă riteni, Sf. Gheorghe, Rom a nia, I, 1996, sqq . AnH Anthropologia Hungarica, Budapesta, Hungary. ANSMN The American Numismatic Society, Museum Notes, 1– 33, 1946– 1988. Antaeus Antaeus, Communicationes ex Instituto Archaeologico Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Budapesta, I, 1958, sqq . AO A r cheologi č eskie Otkrytija, Moscova, Rusia (URSS), I– II, 1949, sqq . AOlt A r h i v ele Olteniei. Academia Rom â n ă , Institutul de Cercet ă ri Socio- Umane “C.S. Nicol ă escu- Plopş or” Craiova, Rom a nia, S.N. I, 1981, sqq . AP A r chaeologia Polona, Var şovia, Polonia, I, 1958, sqq . AP URSR A r cheologi č ni Pam’jatki URSR, Kiev, Ukraine, I– II (1949)– XIII (1963). APOO A r cheologi č eskie pamjatniki О desskoj о blasti (spravo č nik), Odessa, Ukraine. Apulum Apulum, Acta Mvsei Apvlensis, Muzeul Naţ ional al Unirii, Alba Iulia, Rom a nia, I, 1939– 1942, sqq . AR A r cheologick é Rozhledy, Praga, Cehia. AR A r cheologick é Rozhledy, Academia de Ş tiinţ e a Cehoslavaciei, Praga, Cehia, I, 1949, sqq . Arch A r cheologija, Institutul ş i Muzeul de Arheologie a Academiei de Ş tiin ţe din Bulgaria, Soia, I, 1959, sqq . А rcheologija A r cheologija, Institutul de Arheologie al Academiei de Ş tiinţ e din Ukraine, Kiev, I, 1947, sqq . x x Archeologija SSSR A r cheologija SSSR, Moscova, URSS, 1– 5 (1964)– 1–27 (1983). ArchP A r cheološ ki Pregled, Belgrad, Serbia, I, 1959, sqq . Argesis A r gesis. Studii ş i comunic ă ri. Muzeul Jude ţ ean Arge ş , Pite ş ti, Roma nia, sqq . ArhB A r chaeologia Bulgarica, Soia, Bulgaria. Arhiva MC Baza de date Monumentele Arheologice din Republica Moldova, Arhiva Ministerului Culturii al Republicii Moldova. ArhM A r heologie Medieval ă , Roma nia, I, 1996, sqq . AS A r cheologi č eskij Sbornik. Gosudarstvennyj Ermita ž, Sankt- Petersburg (Leningrad), I, 1959, sqq . A Ş UI Analele Ş tiin ţ iice ale Universit ă ţ ii “Al. I. Cuza” din Ia ş i, Rom a nia. ATS A cta Terrae Septemcastrensis, Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” Sibiu, Institutul pentru cercetarea ş i valoriicarea patrimoniului cultural transilv ă nean î n context european, Rom a nia, I, 2002, sqq . AUO SIA Analele Universit ă ţ ii Oradea, Seria Istorie- Arheologie, Oradea, Roma nia.
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