MAYOR of TOWN and MUNICIPALITY of GRYFINO BMP.ROŚ.6131.95.2020.AJB Gryfino, 22 October 2020
MAYOR OF TOWN AND MUNICIPALITY OF GRYFINO BMP.ROŚ.6131.95.2020.AJB Gryfino, 22 October 2020 DECISION Pursuant to Article 83 (1)(1) and (2)(3), Article 83a (1), Article 83c (1), (3), (4), Article 83d (1), Article 86(1)(10) of the Nature Conservation Act of 16 April 2004 (Polish Journal of Law 2020, item 55, as amended), Articles 104, 107, and 130 of the Act of 14 June 1960 – the Code of Administrative Procedure (Polish Journal of Laws 2020, item 256, as amended), having considered the application submitted by Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie with its registered office at ul. Grzybowska 80/82, 00-844 Warszawa, Regional Water Management Board in Szczecin, ul. Tama Pomorzańska 13A, 70-030 Szczecin, represented by Mr. Jerzy Siwicki, Sweco Consulting Sp. z o.o. with its registered seat at ul. Łyskowskiego 16,71-641 Szczecin , I decide to Permit clearance of 4 tree specimens from Lot No. 35, Gryfino 3 cadastral district, namely: Ite Tree Tree species Tree circumference measured at the height of 130 cm m number 1. 1 European ash 208 cm 2. 2 European ash 180 cm 3. 3 European ash 187 cm 4. 4 European ash 164 cm 2. Exempt from the fee for removing trees listed in Section 1 of the Decision. 3. Oblige to: a) clear the trees referred to in Point 1 of the Decision by 31 December 2021, before or after bird breeding season, that lasts from the 1st March to the 15th of October in most of bird species, if trees have to be removed in that season, ornithological supervision is required to ensure birds are not nesting on the cleared trees and to obtain
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