

In Parliament.—Session 1906. 5. To empower the Company to supply gas for all public and private purposes to and within the MID- GAS. boroughs of and Woodstock, (•Alteration of Constitution of Mid-Oxfordshire the urban districts of and , and Gas Light and Ooke Company Limited; the parishes of StonesftVld, , West'tn, Additional Powers for Company ; Supply of , Islip*, Combe, Chesterton, MidHleton Gas to certain Parishes in County of 0*ford ; Stoney, Bampton, , Hailey, Hand- Purchase of Lands by Agreement; Acquisition borough, , (Dassington-on-Churwell, of Undertakings of Woodstock Gas Light, Coke Shipton-under-, Ascot, Milton-under- and Coal Company; Bicester Gas, Coke and Wy'chwood, , , , Coal Company; Chipping Norton Gas and En stone, , , Great , Coke Company and Witney Gas and Coke , and Dunthrop, Little Company Limited ; and other Gas Undertak- Rollright, , , , ings ; Confirmation of Agreements ; Confirma- , Curbridge, Hardwicke, , tion of Lease of Bicester Gasworks to E. S. , Ramsdeh, Begbrooke, , Prior ; Power for" Woodstock Corporation to Blenheim Park, , Hampton, Poyle, lease Land and Gasworks to Company ; Con- Thrupp, , Aston and .Cote Hamlets, struction and Maintenance of Gasworks ; Shipton-on-Churweli, Clanfield, and , Supply of Fittings; Breaking.-upof Streets, £c.; all in the county of , or some of them. Rates, Rents, and Charges; Supply of Gas in 6. To empower the Company to acquire, hold, bulk ; Residual Products; Patent Rights ; Pur- construct and maintain, and from time to time to chase, Sale, and Lease of Gasworks and other alter, enlarge, renew, pulldown, re-erect, extend and Properties; Working and other Agreements ; improve gasworks, retorts, gasholders, receivers, Amendment of Borrowing Powers ; Re- purifiers, meters, apparatus, and works for the arrangement and Limitation of Capital; Dissolu- manufacture, distribution and storage of gas, and tion and Re-incorporation of Company ; Appli- works connected therewith, and for the manufac- cation for Provisional Orders for Electrical ture, conversion, utilization, storage and distribu- •Supply; Incorporation and Amendment of tion of materials used in and about the manu- Acts.) facture of gas and of residual products resulting OTICE is hereby given, that application is or obtainable from such manufacture upon the N intended to be made to Parliament in the lands or some part or parts of the lands herein- ensuing Session for leave to bring in a Bill for after described (all of which are in the county of effecting the purposes or some of the purposes Oxford) (that is to say): — following (that is to say) • — Woodstock. 1. To alter the constitution of the Mid-Oxford- All that piece or parcel of land containing shire Gas Light and Coke Company Limited, and1 in admeasurement 1 rood and 3 perches, or to authorize that Company as now constituted or thereabouts, situate and being in the borcugh as reconstituted in manner provided by the Bill of Woodstock aforesaid,in a.certain place there, (hereinafter referred to as " the Company") to called Brook Hill, and now occupied by the exercise new and additional powers ; to regulate Woodstock Gas Light, Coke and Coal Com- the i.-sue of the capital of the Company and the pany, together with the messuage, gasworks, exercise of the borr< wing powers of the Company, and buildings now standing and being thereon, to empower the Company to issue debentures and with the appurtenances thereto respectively. debenture stock, and to prescribe the manner in Bicester. which the same may be secured, and to regulate All that piece or parcel of ground contain- the rights of the holders thereof ; to authorize and ing in admeasurement 2^ roods, or thereabouts, confirm the granting of fixed and floating securities situate and being in Bicester Market Knd, in charged-in part upon the whole Undertaking of the the parish and urban district of Bicester, and Company and in part upon certain sections of that now occupied by the Bicester Gas, Coke and Undertaking, or upon certain properties comprised Coal Company, with the messuage, cottage, therein, and to i-anction the execution of trust retort house, ccal house, lime house, forge, deeds for securing the rights of particular deben- shed, and other buildings and works thereon ture holders or particular classes of debenture or thereunder erected and constructed, and holders, and to regulate the issue of different series which said premises are bounded on the south- of debentures and debentuie stock upon different west by the main road-leading from Bicester to terms and conditions. Aylesbury, on the spnth-east by laud and 2. To enable the Company to apply their cor- cottages belonging to divers owners, and on poiate-funds and revenues for all or any of the the north-west by a close of land late in the purposes of the Bill, and to authorize the Company occupation of Robert Burge.iS Sandiland, and to raise additional capital by the creation of new now or late of Harry Bon tier as tenant thereof. shares or stock and by borrowing, and to attach to such shares or stock any guarantee preference or Wituey. priority of dividend or other advantages or rights All that piece or parcel of land or ground in as the Bill may define, and to make special provi- the parish of Witney together with the close sion with regaid to'the issue of such capital and and orchard .or garden adjoining thereto con- the rights of shareholders and consumers of gas taining in admeasurement 2 roods and S>0 therein. perches or thereabouts situate and being on.the 3. To make provision with respect to setting east side of the High-street in Witney aforesaid aside of reserve and insurance contingency behind certain messuages and appurtenances guarantee ai»d accident funds, the propetty of James Hunt, The Witney 4. To provide for tlie consolidation and con- Coffee Tavern Company and. others, which said version of .all or any class or classes of the piece or parcel of land, close, orchard or garden existing and/future share capital of the Company ground are now in the occupation .of. the Witney into one or more class or. classes of shares or stock, Gas and Coke Company Limited. and ;to fix and define the dividend-to which such, Chipping Nortcr* consolidated or converted hares or stock shall be- All that piece. or parcel of land formerly' entitled. part of a plot piece or parcel of meadow ground No. 27856. F