
Minutes of Chadlington Parish Council meeting

held at the Memorial Hall Monday 14 January 2013 7:30pm

Present: Martin Chapman (Chair), Liz Woolcock, Zoe Townsend, Monty Phillips, Brian Hamblin. Also 2 members of the public attended.

Council Business. 1. Apologies None received Action: Clerk to ensure Neil Owen is notified of future Council meeting dates. 2. Parish Clerk Appointment of Fil Stocker approved, subject to terms and conditions, and contract agreement. Action: Brian to co-ordinate agreement of contract etc, and sort out security for Council filing cabinet. 3. Minutes of previous meeting Approved as accurate record & signed by Chair

Matters arising & review of action points 4. Proposed tip at Greystones, Ongoing negotiations between Chipping Norton Town Council (CNTC) and West District Council (WODC) over financial arrangements. CNTC is keen to generate funding through recycling element of the tip in order to help offset reduction in its funding, including its annual salting allowance for roads. It is also seeking £5,000 as annual fee from WODC for the use of a ransom strip of land, whilst offering 2 years rent free. Currently, there are no plans to provide a landfill bin which Councillors agreed should be a priority and which they had been advised by Neil Owen previously would be included. A significant number of other Parish Councils must also be affected by the lengthy journey to a landfill and recycling centre since closure of Dean Pit. There may be benefit in n collaborating with other councils in lobbying for a speedy resolution and establishment of a CNTC tip. Action: Clerk to write to Cllr Neil Owen to get confirmation of plans to include landfill bin. Clerk to write to WODC & CNTC, urging them to resolve this matter speedily and to ensure that a landfill bin is included in the plans. Clerk to identify and contact other Parish Council clerks to see if there is interest in undertaking joint lobbying effort about the tip and other possible common interests. 5. Slit traps at Brook End These were originally meant to be emptied every 5 years but this has not happened. Brian Hamblin contacted Highways who are responsible for trap clearance. Highways said that 3-4 meters beyond the bridge needs to be cleared first in order to gain any benefit from subsequent silt removal. This is land owned by Helen Hoffman and Claude Betts. C Betts riverbank side is cemented so nothing can be done there and H Hoffman has previously said access would be given to clear stream if needed Action: Clerk to write to Claude Betts & Helen Hoffman to inform them of Highways advice. Brian Hamblin to email H Hoffman to investigate her land and then contact Highways to meet with the landowners. 6. Planning issue re removal of agricultural tie from Simon Strong’s house: WODC appear to have given tentative agreement to the transfer of the tie from the house to the barn. Councillors are unhappy that they aren’t aware of WODC compliance with H4 Policy & the need to prove the need for agricultural tie no longer exists as well as whether this would set an alarming precedent. 3 letters from WODC don’t fully answer the concerns raised by the Council. Action: Clerk to check with Ian Morrow at WODC to clarify position and if this is a new policy or setting a precedent. 7. Speeding: concerns over speeding in village. sign felt to be effective. Action: Clerk to investigate costs of range of signage. 8. Declaration of interests None declared

Open Forum 9. Traffic calming - becoming more of an issue and felt that about the risks to pedestrians and people in wheelchairs was increasing. 10.Memorial hall chairs – it was pointed out that there were approx 20 chairs that have been damaged, due to the inadequacy of their current storage space in under-stage cupboard. This is an

2013-01-14-pcm-minutes.doc 1 of 3 issue for the Memorial Hall Committee. Action: New Council representative to raise issue at next Memorial Hall committee meeting.

Other Items 11.Sports Club refurbishment update – Phase 1 Roof refurbishment completed in December & Phase 2 (showers, boiler, changing rooms) contract commences 4 February. Phase 3 (decoration) is Sports Club members responsibility. Brian attested to quality of work & confirmed appropriate certificate has been received. Invoice wording needs to reflect Council taking on duties as specified in novation deed to comply with Sports funding terms. VAT reclaiming now possible by Council. VAT reclaim application form to be completed: Zoe proposed, Liz seconded. Action: Martin to email Paul Duester on invoice wording and to ensure invoice reflects new Clerk details. Monty to complete HMRC VAT reclaim form. 12.Processes & procedures – Martin sought and obtained agreement of all Councillors to adopt a more professional approach and to do things in accordance to the agreed processes & procedures. 13.Playground wall state – Brian has assessed bulging area and advised it doesn’t appear to have worsened but freezing conditions may change this. Action: Brian to continue to monitor as Council is responsible for wall. 14.Speaker for Annual Parish Council Meeting – 10 minute slot for speaker who will be of interest to local residents & encourage attendance by the public. Short list in order of priority agreed: (1); Chipping Norton energy saving trust (2); Dan Weeks Footpath Officer WODC & Tony Gilbert Cotswold Warden (3). Action: Clerk to explore availability and arrange invitation

Engaging with the community 15.Website - options discussed, using WordPress as free and easy: stand-alone website for Council; taking on Chadlington.com (offered by owner, Mike Smith); and collaborative community website (more complex, requiring databases) which could be used by organisations like the WI & History Society & the public able to post items of interest. Monty felt website was a good example and that the Council should offer some funding to help local businesses, community engagement and discussion forum. Liz concerned about set-up and ongoing maintenance costs of agreed to investigate costings of website design and maintenance.MC felt there may be possible income generation from local businesses in Chadlington and surrounding area through low cost advertising/sponsors. Action: Clerk to research and identify possible web designers to discuss options and costings. Monty to contact Charlbury website and Black Dog Media to discuss options and costings. Target launch date - Dec 2013 16.Parish Magazine article - Martin happy to write but seeks suggestions from other Councillors on content to make it more collaborative. It should include dates of all meetings and contact details of Councillors and Clerk Action: Article suggestions from Councillors to Martin, article written by Martin. 17.Clerk’s surgery – Liz asked clerk if she would be willing to offer a monthly surgery in the village hall (whilst undertaking other clerking duties) on a trial basis to assess demand. Clerk happy to consider. Liz asked Clerk to give feedback of any contact made by the public at next meeting. Action: To be on agenda at next Council meeting.

Communication 18.Planning applications – 1 Harvey’s Corner (conservatory at rear) approved; St. Christopher’s, Horseshoe Lane (change of land use to domestic cartilage & erection of ancillary building as garage/games room)part retrospective proposed; Stable Cottage, College Farm (2 story extension at rear & new door and canopy at front proposed. 19.Playground – ROSPA annual inspection needed. Action: Clerk to check process and organise 20.Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Chipping Norton Funding – seeking funding. Brian declared an interest. Action: To add to agenda for next meeting.

2013-01-14-pcm-minutes.doc 2 of 3 21.Public Liability Insurance – Covers Council for liability related to playground, public benches and other responsibilities. Annual renewal due 21 January 2013 but did not receive renewal letter. Action: Clerk to investigate and arrange payment 22.Use of Drop Box by Council – Martin advised that he has put a large number of Council documents into Drop Box which are accessible to Councillors and Clerk but not the public. Intended that email is used to communicate and Drop Box for filing. Discussion over safety and suitability as filing system, and is there a back-up as this is cloud-based storage. Also would be helpful if it could flag up if new mail as difficult for Councillors to know when to look. Liz wanted to ensure that it works for the Clerk. Action: Review of Drop Box to be on next agenda. Clerk to maintain back-up of e-filing system. 23.Memorial Hall Committee representative – Brian is unable to attend these meetings on Monday evenings. Liz agreed to take on role. Action: Clerk to write to Susan Myatt to advise that Brian is standing down and Liz is taking over role, & to request dates of meetings for Liz.

Land items 24. Cemetery requirements –Simon Strong had made a verbal, possible offer of a plot of land up by ‘green lane’ at July 2012 Council meeting re extension of cemetery. Mark Abrey informed Zoe informally before Christmas that the offer was unacceptable but that, due to infilling around footpath areas, he now estimates that he has 10 more years left. He was asked to put this in writing to the Parish Council but no letter has yet been received. Zoe advised Mark that WODC can compulsorily purchase the land if needed. Councillors concerned that cemetery space is a complex issue which could take years to resolve and agreed they should continue to investigate options. Action: Zoe to contact Mark asking for written confirmation that new land not currently needed. Council to continue to explore options.

Finance 25.Playground grounds maintenance & Clerk’s salary - Payment cheques signed for Stuart Silman £320 (contract to mow playground, terms not known) & Chris Goodwin £201.10 (Clerk’s salary for Sept. and October). Agreed clarification on terms of playground contract needed as well as presentation of invoices before cheques can be paid to payees. Action: Clerk to clarify playground contract terms, obtain invoices and then pass on signed cheques accordingly. 26.Salt bin purchase – Brian to be reimbursed £80 for new salt bin for other side of The Tite. 2 bags of salt have been delivered & Gerald Cooper has agreed to fill the village salt bins. Action: Clerk to arrange payment for Brian.

27. Any Other Business Parish Clerk contract – Action: Clerk to email Brian her list of queries that need addressing in the contract or terms and conditions. Councillors to agree a draft contract & terms and conditions, to offer to Fil by 25 January.

28. Date of next Council meeting 11 March 2013 7:30

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