Deborah McCann and Alvania Tejada Twenty-Third Publications Sample

cut mary proofed, ready for design.indd 1 4/13/17 11:39 AM Twenty-Third Publications 1 Montauk Avenue, Suite 200, New London, CT 06320 (860) 437-3012 ◆ (800) 321-0411 www.twentythirdpublications.com

© Copyright 2017 Deborah McCann and Alvania Tejada. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of the publisher. Write to the Permissions Editor. Twenty-ThirdCover art: Alta Gracia by Michael O'Neill McGrath, OSFS / bromickeymcgrath.com

ISBN: 978-1-62785-263-0Publications Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2017939945 Printed in the U.S.A. Sample

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he human race has never had a more powerful patron than our Blessed Mother (in fact, one of her titles is Patron of Human Activity). Mary has always been an accessible Tfigure, whether seen as a pregnant unmarried teenag- er, as a confident mother sure of her son’s obedience, or as the wisdom figure for the apostles in the early days of the Church. It’s no wonder that Mary has become a favorite source of devotion all over the world. She is our advocate, our intermediary, our mother, and our friend. Twenty-ThirdHere, from the top of North America to the tip of South America, and among two recent immigrant groups (Philippines and Vietnam) from outside the Americas,Publications are thirty of the titles and “faces” of Mary as she is celebrated by the different countries and ethnic groups ofSample this hemisphere. Mary, mother of us all, we praise you!


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Virgen de Luján (our lady of luján)

The story goes that in 1630, a settler in Argentina ordered a terra-cotta image of the Blessed Mother to be sent to him from Brazil, in order to reenergize the faith of the people in his region. However, as the ox cart made the journey from , it stopped in the area of Luján, and the oxen refused to move any farther. When the carton containing the image was removed, the oxen began to move. Local residents took this as a sign that the Blessed Mother wished to remain there, and so she has, Twenty-Thirdever since. Her feast day is May 8. Publications Sample


cut mary proofed, ready for design.indd 4 4/13/17 11:39 AM prayer

Blessed Virgin of Luján, in your journeys you always seem to know where to rest— where people need you most. Be with all those who journey, especially those who are seeking new homes in new countries. Help them to know when and where to rest, and inspire those they meet to offer a warm and ready welcome. Together with our brothers and sisters in Argentina, we thank you for always being with us. Twenty-ThirdGuide us with your serenity and peace. Amen.Publications Sample


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Virgen de Copacabana (our lady of copacabana)

Copacabana is a small town on the shores of Lake Titicaca, high in the Andes mountains. In 1581, Tito Yupanqui, an Incan man, wanted to replicate the image of the Blessed Mother that he had seen in a dream. He was not a sculptor, and his first efforts were both humbling and challenging. But he learned to sculpt and finally fashioned an image of an indigenous woman and her baby. All who saw the image were awed by her beauty and sense of gentle motherhood. Many miracles were said to occur through her intervention, and she became a favorite saint among Twenty-Thirdthe Incas. In the mid 1600s a large shrine was built to house Yupanqui’s statue. Her feast day is February 2, the Feast of the Purification of Mary, which gives this patron herPublications other title of Our Lady of Candelaria (for Day).Sample


cut mary proofed, ready for design.indd 6 4/13/17 11:39 AM prayer

Blessed Virgin of Copacabana, Yupanqui’s image of you speaks of perseverance, of the challenge always to improve, and not to rest with just the good when the better is within reach. Help us all to continue to strive always to do our best at whatever we do, so that our efforts may be worthy of your trust. Together with our brothers and sisters in Bolivia, we thank you for always being with us. Guide us with your gentleness and strength. Twenty-ThirdAmen. Publications Sample


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Virgen de Aparecida (our lady of aparecida)

In 1717, three fishermen were having very little luck catching fish on the Paraiba River. They decided to pray to Mary for her help as they cast their nets again. They did not catch fish, but the nets brought up a headless statue of the Blessed Mother. They cast their nets again and brought up the statue’s head. Suddenly their nets were so full of fish that their boats nearly sank. They brought their catch back to port, and the statue rapidly became known as “She Who Appeared.” Her feast day is October 12. Twenty-Third Publications Sample


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