Track Record Marine / Offshore Projects & Operations
TRACK RECORD MARINE / OFFSHORE PROJECTS & OPERATIONS 18MAR20 / Rev 02 OFIC_RE052 Updated: April 22, 2020 VESSEL PROJECT LOCATION CLIENT START / END PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOGO / PICTURE Survey Geotechnical & Owned by ACSM OSS Nautilus is meant for supply Noth Sea, January OSV NAUTILUS Geophisical, SUBCOM, REE Ongoing support works including Survey, ROV, Trenching Canaries 2019 submarine cable and Cable operations PLIB, UXO, ROV DPV Oil rig supply for DEEP OCEAN Oil rig supply DP2 Operations, pipeline Survey, Gulf Of Mexico April 2003 Ongoing ARBOL GRANDE Diavaz AS ROV operations Antilles ANX cable installation, 2006 Bahamas BDNSI installation, 2006 OHM survey, Atlantic, 2006-07 LINCE installation, Med, 2006 SAM-1 cable repair, Atlantic, 2007 SEACOM cable network RC / PLIB / PLSE, East Africa, 2009 MAIN ONE PLGR/PLSE, W Africa, 2009 EIG submarine cable PLSE, Indian Ocean, 2009 MENA cable PLGR/PLSE, Med, 2010 EIG cable PLIB / PLSE, Med, 2010 Worlwide: MAIN ONE cable PLSE, Atlantic, 2010 Submarine cable Atlantic, Pacific, SEACOM installation, Med 2010 TYCO January lay and repair Mediterranean, Ongoing CS TENEO TE-SUBCOM 2006 operations East & West GBICS & TATA Gulf Cable System installation, Africa Arab Gulf, 2011-12 Cable Maintenance Standby, Arab Gulf, 2012 TECSUA, Standby for Cable Maintenance, Lavrion, 2012 APMA, Cable Maintenance Standby, Willestad, Curacao, 2013-15 AAE-1 Submarine Cable installation, PLGR/PLIB, Mediterranean Sea, 2016 MAREA, cable PLIB/PLSE, Atlantic, 2017 TEMAPM, Cable Maintenance agreement Standby, Willestad, Curacao,
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