Troy D. Davis Curriculum Vitae Professor and Chair Department of History Stephen F. Austin State University Nacogdoches, Texas 75962 (936) 468-3802 E-mail:
[email protected] Education: Doctor of Philosophy in Modern European History, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Emphasis: Irish History. Degree awarded December 1992. Degree required demonstration of competency in five fields through written and oral examinations, plus dissertation. Passed examinations in April 1990. Five fields were: Modern Europe, 1648-1815; Modern Europe, 1815-1919; Modern Europe, 1919-present; United States, 1900-present; and European intellectual history, 1648-present. Dissertation topic: Irish-American diplomacy, 1945-52. Defended dissertation November 24, 1992. One year of graduate study in history at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, October 1986-May 1987. Attended classes on Irish history and politics. Performed independent research relevant to dissertation. Master of Arts in Modern European History, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Degree awarded May 1986. Degree required demonstration of competency in four fields through written and oral examinations, plus masters essay. Four fields were: Modern Europe, 1815-1919; Modern Europe, 1919- present; United States, 1900-present; and Historical Methods. Masters essay topic: The Blueshirt movement in Ireland in the 1930s. Bachelor of Arts in History, Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth, Texas. Degree awarded summa cum laude, with University and Departmental Honors in May 1984. Teaching Experience: