CASS CITY CHRONICLE VOLUME 35, NUMBER 13. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1940. EIGHT PAGES. New TurbineWill New Rotary President Keppen Appoints Schiestel-Wheeler Youth Start Will Marry Alma 23 Takes Office July 1 Nuptials Tuesday Graduate June 28 Teachers f0r 1 m St. Ignatius Catholic Church at[ Effect Saving" Rotary Groups Summer Fun at i!)~!!!!!i~iii~!i!~?~ii!~!~i~i~!i~ii~iii!~i~i~!i~ii~i~i~!iiiii!~iii!:ii~i~!~!~i~!~ii!~i~!~ii~i!~i!i~i~ii~!ii~i!i~i~i~i!i!~iii~Local Sch001 ty wedding Tuesday morning, june[ 18, when Miss Marie Schiestel, l Pumping Costs for ComingYear daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clemen] iunicipal Park Sign C0ntracts Schies,tel, of Tyro, became the I bride of Vern Wheeler of Shover. Vfl]a~e Council Adopted 1940 Newly Elected Officers Take The Roy. Fr. Joseph Dudek read Two Free Periods Each Week the service at 9:30 otcIock before Six New Instructors Are Their Positions in Club Budget Monday; Tax Rate a gathering of fifty relatives and Day Finds Many Chil- Included in Next on July 1. friends. The church was lovely Is Set at 12 Mills. with ferns and bouquets of peonies dren Swimming. Year's Staff. and iris. The bride wore a gown of white Village Engineer Cecil U. Brown Robert L. Keppen, recently elect- silk lace over satin with floor "Hi, Skinny, we're going down ed president of the Cass City At a meeting of the board of told members of the village council length circular veil and carried a to `the pool!" Rotary Club, who assumes the education of the Cass City Public in session Monday evening that ,the shower bouquet of white roses tied This expression and many like Schools on May 13, contracts were Peerless deep well turbine at the duties of this office on: July 1, on with tulle and white satin ribbons. it are heard every day in Cass City Tuesday announced the appoint- voted for six new instructors for munieipM water works plant on Miss Marjorie Peters of Tyro, among the younger generation merits Rotary committees the coming year. All of .these which the installation was com- of for the bride's only attendant, wore a since the warm sure,her period the coming year: They are: have accepted the positions and pleted on May 27, was saving the floor length dress of pink lace over Was ushered in the past week. The Aims and Objects Committee-- now all of the 23 positions on the village an estimated $30 per month pink taffeta with pink taffeta jack- Cass City Municipal Swimming teaching staff are filled• on the cost of pumping water. L. I. W:ood, Fred Pinney, Walt et and a coronet of pink carnations Pool is again the center of attrac- Mann, Leslie Townsend, Frank The following i~s the list of in- During the three weeks it had in her hair. She carried an arm"tmn and is" patromzed" by many • I l structors for the coming year: been in operation it had raised Reid, Robert Keppen, F. A. Bige- bouauet of nink Carnations and While youngsters were admitted t Robert Keppen low. t J. I. Nierganth, superintendent. 1,300,800 gallons of water, con- whi£e roses " for short periods Thursday and ] Willis Campbell, principal and suming 1,265 kilowatt hours of Vocational Service Committee~ Hudson McPhail of Tyre assisted Saturday afternoons, the pool was l who was elected president of the Frank Reid, chairman; M. C. Mc- agriculture. electrical energy. The pumpjifted Cass City Rotary Club several ___.Mr ...... Wheeler a~ best .....officiMly opened on Saturday, the I ~Miss Phyllis Ann Koepfgen Verda Zuschnitt, commerce. Lellan, H. Doerr. r day after school closed One hun 1,000 gallons of water at a cost of weeks ago, enters into his ~ew Follow'ng the wedding a b oak- " -] Mr and Mrs L,,le A Ko ~ .... Orion Cardew, industrial arts. ninety-one one hundredths kilowatt International Service--Fred Pin- fast was served to fort-- ~ues*s in Idred fifteen of school age enjoyed~ ~ .~" .~.. ;. ~ • ~s~, duties on July 1, the beginning of ney, chair~man; H. F. Lenzner, J. ~ ~ ~ I...... l oI ~ass tn~y nave announced ~he Arthur Holmberg, science. hour. The new pump has an effi- the home the bride• , s parents, ~ne pmasures o~ u~e pore aurmg a~nroachln~• marr; .... ~ the club year. He has announced I. Niergarth. of +~;~ Daniel Kroll, literature and ciency of 65% whereas that of the the members of the club;s commit- About 300 attended a receotion•, t the free periods Monday and at i~fuaugn~er, ~ ,. %.l-'nylllS.... %~~nn, ~and . ~ £v~r. speech. Community Service~W. L. ~[ann, least 100 were present on Tuesday old equipment was 42%. tees, a list of them appearing in in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler - " William Dunnette Jr of ~r~-d J. Wesley Dunn, mathematics. chairman. Boys' Work W. L. held that evenin~ in the Ar~--let As the season advances the at ...... ' "' ....'~ ~'" The new pump is located 50 feet this number of the Chronicle. Mann, Curtis Hunt, E. L. Sehwad- g~ . . ~apms. rne ceremony wm ,e per- Lester Ross, government and below the surface of the street, ~r, tendance wilt naturally increase ...... coach. erer. Rural Acquaintance--A. Raw- ~t~*- I_ _ .;- . ~ ,,~ ,, xorme(~ m ~ne gamen o~ ~ne ~oep~- Js operated by a 15 horse power Mr. and Mrs Wheeler wilt make i ~as~ season, ~ne largess zree ~en farm home ~n ~r~a~,. ~, ~ Charles Keen, music. son, G. A. TindMe. Crippled Chil- their home in Cumber. havine- tak-tattendance came on June 28 when 9~ verticM electric motor and delivers Saginaw Bay dren-=W. Campbell, Dr. H. T. Don- Verna Bailey, home economics. 270 gMlons of water a minute to en over the management of the I:0 children were ~n the l~..ol dur- - Miss Koepfgen was graduated Edith Carlin, history and French. ahue. Playground--R. Keppen, E. , g ~ne morning ana az~ernoon the village water system. The Bible Conference B. Sehwaderer, E. L. Schwaderer, Cumber GenerM Store. " from the Cass City High School in Eleanor Cotton, English 10 and Miss Marjorie Peters ente~ained hours. 1938. She has just completed her Latin. turbine pumps water from an A. T. Barnes. eight-inch well on the north side of at a miscellaneous shower in honor The hours of operation this sea- Marjory Wallingford, English 9 Meets July 8°22 Club Service--L. I. Wood, chair- son are from 9:00 a. m to ±z:uu~ ^~ :sophomore• _ year m Alma College the street from the power house of Miss Schiestel Friday evening...... " . and !s a member of the Kappa Iota and biology° man. Membership and Attendance m., Irom z:uu ~o ~:uu p. m., ana,Sorori t Sh ~ il .... and will be enclosed in a brick A rally in interest of the Sagi- ~L. I. Wood, M. B. Auten, J. A. • y. e v I com:inue nor Mary Holcomb, junior high prin- cipal. building 10 by 11½ feet in size. naw Bay Bible Conference will be Sandham. Musie~George Dillman. fdrym 7~0 ~Oun~20tPe m~o~ns week studies at Alma College next year. The foundation walls for the new held in the First Baptist Church Rotary Information~Otto Pries- - ..... ~, v- v William Dunnette, son of Mr • Elizabeth Coons, bookkeeping building have been poured. and mathematics. of Cass City on Friday, June 21, korn. Three Highway ~r~ii~Te~n ~°~2~tPt'e~ ado or I and Mrs. William Dunnette, Sr., of Dave A ckerman, 6,th grade. The electrical pump and the re- at 7:30 p. m. Club Programs--Fred Bigelow, _ _ ~. gr~ i Grand Rapids, was graduated from high school are admi~ea Iree on Alma Colle e last ear n ~ "s Richards, 5th grade. serve pump operated by a gasoline The Rev. Arthur H. Hottel, as- chairman. Ruth week days from9:00a, m. to 12:001era lo e- g " " y- a¢t 1 Ella Price, 4th grade. engine which have supplied the sistant pastor of the Calvary Bap- Sergeant-at-Arms--Leslie Town- Im and from 2"00 +~ 4"00 -, --~ A+ P y u as acnemistby the Mid- Projects in the May Belle Clara, 3rd grade. water system in the past will be tist Church of Hazel Park, will send. l aa.:' omer.; ~nes.. "an '~aamlssmn : .~"~¢" cnarge ~ West Refineries, , ~, in ...... Alrfia. He is connected ,to two six-inch wells . . a memoer oI ~ne rm rm Alpha Florence Rosenow, 2nd grade. conduct the song service and also Officers of the Rotary Club are: tot 10 cents ~s made for each child, fraternit which were drilled in 1913 but have play on his piano accordion. The Caroline Garety, 1st and 2nd President, Robert Keppen; vice T he admission price for an adult Y' grades. not been in use since 1925 when the speaker of ,the evening will be the Turn to page 8, please. • Thumbof Nch. I lis 20 cents at all times. Season ~ ~ Zora Day, 1st grade. first electrical pump was installed. Roy. W. S. Colgrove, pastor of the lmemberships are obtainable for ~Tha~,~ tc~,~ t~,~,r The connections wilt be completed Ruth Schenck, kindergarten and First Baptist Church, Rochester. both adults and children. this week for these reserve units. al%. The Saginaw Bay Bible Confer- New Bridge on M-85 S~a~te Highway Dept. An- Turn to page 8, please. The growth of the list of water !once will hold its sixth annual Teachers Will Spend In the list of new instructors are. Charles Keen, Eleanor Co~ton, patrons and the consequent in- ~conference, July 8 to 22, at the Bay Across Cass River nounces Low Bids on Jobs creased demand for water rendered Shore conference grounds at So- Soil Conservation Summer Vacations Marjory Wallingford, Dave Acker- the old system inadequate for bewaing. Many nationally known in Four Counties. man, Caroline Garety and May Construction of a new bridge Belle Clara. l~resent day needs. The Peerless and outstanding preachers and Tour of Tuscola Co. J. L Niergarth, Willis Campbell, deep well turbine has doubled the teachers will be the speakers dur- across the Cass River on Highway Mr. Keen; music instructor, is Arthur Holmberg, Orion Cardew, from Newton, N.J. He graduated 9umping capacity at the water- ing this interesting two-week con- M-85 in the village of Caro, Tffs- The Michigan State Highway Farmers Organized Arthur Hesburn, Mrs. C. W. Price, from the University of Michigan works plant for both fire protec- terence, among whom are Will H. cola County, is included among Department :~pened bids last week on 16 highway const~action proj- m Mrs, Eva Marble, Mrs. Mary ~ot- with a B. M. degree, has taught in tion and domestic use. Houghton, president Moody Bible projects which the State Highway Department has programmed for ects on the state highway system. Tuscola County farmers interest- comb, Mrs. Zora Day and Lester Kingsley, Michigan, and expects to At Monday night's session of Institute; Earl G. Griffith, Johnson Ross will spend most of ,the time City, N. Y.; W. S. Hottel, Detroit; this year, it is announced. Cost of Of these ,three are located in the ed in soil erosion control, AAA Turn to page 8, please. the council, a proposed budget was in Cass City. A number are plan- H. ~ H. Savage, Pontiac; Vance the new bridge and abo~t half a Thumb of Michigam These three committeemen, township supervi- adopted. It calls for an expendi- ning short ~rips. Havner, Charleston, S. C.; John E. mile of concrete pavement ap- projects and the low bidders are: sors, soils conservation service ,ture of $17,121 for the coming Miss Elizabeth Coons will be at Zoller, Detroit; and William Head- proaches is estimated at $130,000. Huron County--0.796 miles of technicians from the Kingston year. Other items outside of the Ironwood, Miss Doris Boersma and Osteopaths Met Here ley, Gary, Indiana. The music will "The'project is one of more than grading and drainage structures CCC Camp, will leave the Tuseola new waterworks pump which call 50~ estimated to cost a total of and water bound macadam on M- County Court House a.t 7:00 a. m., Miss Ruth Schenck at Mr. Pleasant, for the larger amounts of expendi- be under the direction of Edmund on Thursday Night Keith, Bay City. $5,556,688, on which we plan to 25 and M-32 in the Village of Thursday, June 27, to begin their and Miss Florence Rosenow at her ture are light and power, water- proceed this year," State Highway Sebewaing, Taylor Bros., Inc., !trip to the Howell Erosion Control home in Ludington• Daniel Kroll works labor and supplies, bonds Commissioner Murray D. VanWag- Birmingham, $13,832. Area. will attend the University of Members of the Eastern Osteo- and interest, improving village oner said. "These projects will be Lapeer and Tuscola Counties~ Ten townships in Tuseola County Michigan at Ann Arbor and J. pathic Association of Michigan and streets with black top and village Pretty Wedding their wives comprised a group who financed by Federal Aid and gas 16.493 miles of oil aggregate sur- are subject to a considerable de- Wesley Dunn, Columbia University engineer's sMary. tax funds." facing on M.24, north of Mayville, gree of water erosion. Farmers in New York City. were served a supper in .the dining at Kinnaird Home room of the Presbyterian Church Under the estimated receipts are The present bridg~ on M-85 at Oxford Asphalt and Equipment operating rolling farms in any of Miss Edith Carlin will spend the in Cass City Thursday evening~ $3,360.83 from Horton Act funds Caro is an old, high truss, narrow Company, Oxford, $75,287. these townships should be partic~u - summer at Warren, Pa•, and will from the state which must be used In a pretty wedding at noon laxly interested in ,this tour, says take a trip to Washington, D. C. June 20. Wednesday, June 19, in the home a ff mr"" on bad alignment. The new Sanilac County~Bridge of spe- exclusively in retiring highway bridge will be located east of the cial twin 10-ft. by 12-ft. box type County Agricultural Agent Norris Miss Verna Bailey and Miss Verda Dr. Boyd Shertzer of Howell bonds and paying their interest of Mr. and Mrs. Audley Kinnaird W. Wilber. Arbela, Millington, Zuschnitt will spend a part of the addressed members of the associa -~ on West Main Street, Cass City, old one where the road can be structure on US-25, north of Port and in maintaining and improving straightened out. Sanilac, J. H. Baker & Son, Port Watertown, Fremont, D a y t o n, summer in Cass City. With Miss tion on the subject of "Undulant: village streets. As the second last Miss Mary Ellen Kastraba was Koylton, Kingston, Elkland, Elting- Janet Davidson of Deckerville and Fever." united in marriage with Grant W. Highway planning surveys in Huron, $15,796. village paving bond will be paid in Michigan show 201 trunkline ton and Almer Townships are the Miss Pauline Reed of Indiana, they 1940, this will leave a neat s~m Hutchinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. ones most seriously affected. will leave July 15 for Yellowstone Frank Hutchinson, of ,this place. bridges less than the minimum Miss McCon',b and from Horton funds to be expended safe width of 20 feet. Proper crop rotations which pro- Park and other places of interest in l~ev. Henry G. Bushong, pastor Two Drown in on village s,treets this year, and Construction by the State High- vide an abundance of legume and the West. Miss Marion Deabler will of the Methodist Church, officiated Clayton Parrott Wed after 1941, with no bonds to be paid way Department in Michigan this sod crops and the retirement of spend the summer at Woodland, at the ceremony in the presence of Cass River near Caro from this fund, the amounts for year is of vital character• It in- land to permanent meadow which Marcellus and at Naperville, Il- Miss Leone McComb, daughter street improvements will undoubt- the immediate families. cludes the elimination of many is too hilly for cultivation will be linois. within Three Hours of Mr. and Mrs. David MeComb, of edly be larger. For this reason, The bride was very pretty in a existing highway inadequacies and observed on the tour. Pasture Cass City, and Mr. Clayton Par- the village council plans for a street length, tailor made jacket hazards. mixtures of alfalfa and smooth program of blacl~topping village dress of white ,sharkskin, trimmed A nine-year-old boy of Caro and brome grass is also being success- X-Ray Clinic at i rott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest streets over a period of several in blue, and buttoned down the a young man patient of the Caro fully used in the district. Strip- Parrott, of Shabbona, were united years and starting work this sum- front. She wore white acces- Four from Tuscola State Hospital for Epileptics were cropping, contour farming and Vassar High School in marriage at Napoleon, Ohio, on mer. sories and carried an arm bou- drowned in .the Cass River Friday terracing are also in practice in the Monday, June 17. They were at- tended by George McComb, brother The amount to be raised by di- quet of white peonies. Co. Get Degrees within three hours of one another. Howell area. on Monday, June 24 James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ano,ther interesting feature of of the bride, and Eleanor Glasgow, rect tax this year is $9,205.80. This of Miss Anna Kastraba Cass City Thomas Coekerell, waded into the the tour will be the observation of A Tuberculin test is Urged for sister of the groom. wilt necessitate a tax rate of 12 was her sister's maid of honor and from the U. of M. mills, the same as that of 1938, and river at ,the rear of the Michigan the soil run-off plots near Fenton. Tuscola County residents before After spending-a few days with wore a street length dress of brown Sugar Company's factory and was Here the actual amounts of soil the X-Ray clinic is held at the Mrs. Parrott's sister, Mrs. J. "C. two mills higher than last year. and white Bemberg sheer with Of the more than 2,100 students swept into 12 feet of water. His and water lost by erosion per inch Vassar High School on June 24, Blades, in Detroit, Mr. and Mfrs. The following is the proposed white collar and white accessories. who received degrees at the Uni- younger brother, William, eight of rainfall is measured. It is in- from 9:00 to 12:00 a. m., according Parrott will reside in Shabbona Turn to page 4, please. Louis MeGrath, also of Cass versity of Michigan's 96th annum years of age, was hauled from the teresting and significant note to :Clarence Cole, field representa- where the groom is in business City, attended Mr. Hutchinson as commencement exercises on June to river by Adam Schnur. .that after a 2-inch rainfall which tive from the Michigan Tubercu- with his father. best man. 15, four are from Tuseola County. Schnnr saw the older boy occurred in one day last summer losis Association. All persons may A luncheon followed the wed- They are: Two Farmers Dead drown~ '. as Schnur was crossing there was 1,800 times as much obtain the test from their family ding, Carol Holler and Frances Caro~Paul R. Park, Bachelor of the sugar factory ,tramway over soil lost on a 7% slope with a crop doctors. Just a Little Late Cranick serving. • The Kinnaird Arts; Elizabeth G. French, Bache- Following Strokes the river and hurried to the rescue of corn, rows running up and down Positive reactors to ,the tubercu- home was very pretty with baskets lor of Science in Education. of the younger lad. the slope, as was lost on the same lin test will be X-rayed by the for the 1940 Census of cut flowers. Cass City--Phyllis M.'Lenzner, Grappling irons failed to secure slope planted to Mfalfa-brome association on June 24, Mr. Cole John Highstreet of Wisner Town- Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson left to Master of Arts. ;he body of James Cockerell be- grass meadow. announced. This test is used to ship, who lived Mone, was found spend a few days in the Upper Mayville--Fleming A. Barbour, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGrath cause the lad was unclothed. The Norris W• Wilber is in charge of indicate whether or not the person are the proud parents of a son • dead in his home Saturday noon. [Peninsula and will then make their Master of Science. body was 'recovered by Gordon He had been working in the field the tour until ~he party arrives at has ever harbored tuberculosis born Thursday, June 13, at their home in .the apartment on the sec- Dudley, factory chemist, who dived Friday morning and had taken his Howell where S. B. Thomas, coun- germs in his body. An X-ray then home, northwest of Cass City: He ond floor of the Kerbyson house, into the stream. Artificial respira- team to the barn at noon, leaving corner of Leach and Church ty agricultural agent of Livingston determines whether or not any has been named Robert John. Mrs. Unanimous Call tion was applied for more than an the harness on his horses. He was Streets. County, will take over. damage has been done £o lung" tis- Fred Seeley is caring for mother hour without success. The boy Anyone interested in this tour sues. evidently the victim of a stroke. The bride is a member of the and son. for Return of Local leaves besides his parents, four is invited to go. Julius Kreger, 47, was drawing Class of '39 to graduate from Cass Because tuberculosis is Spread Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lorentzen hay on his farm near MayvilIe sisters and two brothers. only fromperson to person, anyone are rejoicing over a son born Mon- City High School and made her Nazarene Minister Eugene Cyran, 21, a patient at when he suffered a stroke. He was home with the Kirmairds for some who has ever come in contact with day morning, June 17, at .their the state hospital, climbed through Fewer Farms in found by his wife lying on ,the time. The last year she has been tuberculosis is urged to obtain a home. He will answer to the narne ground Saturday afternoon. A~t a meeting of members of the a fence, walked into the river and tuberculin test. It is sometimes of Donald Eugene. Mr. Lorent- employed in the home of Mr. Ma- fell in four feet of water. Because 3 Thumb Counties quire at Grosse Pointe Woods. Mr. Nazarene Church in Cass City on dangerous for such "contacts" to zen's mother, Mrs. John Lorentzen, Saturday night, Stanton Marsh of his weakened condition, he could wait until they are no,t feeling well is caring for them. Hutchinson is also a graduate of not arise. His body was recov- than Five Years Ago Farmer, Sitting on Cass :City High School of the Class was elected Sunday School super- to have a check-up, for there are Mr. and Mrs. Judso~ Bigelow of intendent; Mrs. George Bugbee, eredea half hour later by Dr. W. no symptoms in early tuberculosis. Akron are the happy parents of a of 1938 and is employed at the W. Dickerson, assistant superin- The" 1940 agricultural census in Porch, Hit by Truck West Welding and Machine Shop. young people's president; and Miss Yet the patient, who discovers he baby boy, James Perry, born on Florence Coulter, superintendent of tendent of the hospital, about a the three Upper Thumb counties has tuberculosis in the early stages Tuesday night, June 18, in Pleasant cradle roll. Reports showed the quarter of a mile down stream. reveals there are 494 fewer farms can be cured in a much shorter Home Hospital. The young lad When Socono Jiminez 14, turned in that grea than five years ago. membership of the school had period of .time, and at a great sa;¢- weighs 7½ pounds. The other into the driveway of the Louis Cis- Leg Broken in Fall tripled. Miss Joanna M.cRae, who has The 1940 number, however, i,s" ing of money over the person who member of the family is an adopt- news farm, 7½ miles northwest of The pastor, Rev. George D. Bug- been employed in Detroit for sev- greater by 603 than the 1930 total. does not begin treatment until he ed daughter, Harriett. The Bige- Fairgrove, on June 13, he attempt- Here are the figures of 1940 just from Motorcycle bee, received a unanimous call ,to eral months, returned to her home is seriously ill. lows are former residents of Cass ed to turn the truck in front of the return for the coming year. Dur- in Ca~ss City Saturday. released by Paul S. BMdwin, super- All phases of the Michigan Tu- City. house, bat losing control of the Harve Klinkman had the mis- ing his brief ministry here, the visor of census, and the totals of berculosis Association's health pro- machine, it ~struck Mr. Cisnews, 1935 and 1930. fortune to fall from a motorcycle, church has been remodeled and grams are financed by the sale of Notice to Tax Payers. breaking one of his legs. He was breaking the left leg between the seats replaced. Office Closed Ttmrsday Afternoons. 1940 1935 1930 tuberculosis Christmas Seals. I will collect village taxes at taken to a Bay City Hospital for~, ankle and knee. He was taken to A dedicatory service will be held Tuscola ...... 4,648 4,867 4,459 Dr. P. A. Scheack's dental office HurOn ...... 4,175 4,393 4,155 the Bigelow Hardware every Tues- treatment. Mr. Cisnews was sit-! Pleasar~t Home Hospital but ex- Sunday, June 30, with Rev. R. V. will be closed on Thursday after- Sanilac....:...:. 4,983 5,040 4,589 Wolverine Work Shoes day and Friday of each week. A. ing on the edge of the porch when pects to go home the last of the Starr, district superintendent, pre- noons during the summer months. at Prieskorn's at $2.39 a pair.~ N. Bigelow, Village Treasurer.-- the accident occurred, t week. siding. --Advertisement-ft. Total ...... 13,806 14,300 13,203 Advertisement. Advertisement at. Cass City, Michigam PAGE TWO. CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1940. ing a month at the home of his Alva MacAlpine on Father's Day" NOVESTA. GREENLEAF. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neff McCal- were their parents, Mr. and Mrs. lum. MalcoDn is on a leave of ab- Duncan MacAlplne and Mr. and Combating Fifth Column Death of Walfred Wernis-- Dr. and Mrs. Tripp and son, sence on account of illness. Mrs. Charles E. Hartsell. Bobble, of Detroit were Saturday WMfred Wernis, a sufferer from Mrs. Sullivan Miss Caroline Gar- The Ladies' Aid will meet Thurs- Novesta Church of Christ, Cass night visitors at the McKay farm. ulcers, passed away at the Morris ety and Miss Pauline Shier will day afternoon in the church base- City--All B. J axman, Minister. On the Fourth Hospital in Cass City on Mon4ay, Bobble, who is a student at the leave Sunday for Mr. Pleasaat Cranbrook School near Pontiac, re- ment for dinner and work. Sunday, June 23: June 17. He had been in ill health where they will attend summer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley MacAlpine, Bible School, 10:00 to 11:00. for two years and was quite sick mained to spend the summer with school. his aunt, Mrs. Brown. spent Saturday afternoon in Har- Lesson: "Malachi Demands Hon- at the home of his parents for two Mr. and Mrs. Charles King of bor Beach where they called on esty toward God." Malachi. weeks. Charles Roblin, who has been Pontiac spen,t the week-end with Mrs. MacAlpine's cousin, Donald Morning worship, 11:00 to 12:00. l attending school in Lansing, is , (.12 ~, ...... ~ ,.:,:,/J~' ~ ~ ...... Funeral services were held in St. Mr. and Mrs. H. Willis. Abbe, who is very ill there. . Christian Endeavor, 7:30 to 8:30. Pancratius Church in Cuss City on home for the summer. The Greenleaf Store is sponsor- Callers at ,the Alva MacAlpine Evening worship, 8:30 to 9:30. TDarsday morning conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sinclair were ing a free show at New Greenleaf home Sunday afternoon and eve- Mid-week prayer meeting every Fr,. Worm. Burial was in Elkland dinner ~uests a.t the Thorpe home every Friday night. Have you nin~ were Mr. and Mrs. Art Pardon ff'i~ursaay at, ~:00 p. mo ~ ~h~: pu.z~ Cen~eteryo Su~dayo beer there 7 and .Gilbert Farden of Royal Oak, sonage. Born July 14, 1912, in Riventon, The Ladies' Aid of the Fraser Miss e Jan Wallace, Miss Euleta A general meeting of this church Illinois, Mr. Wernis lived for sev- Church will meet at the home of Heron and Jack Leach. will be held at the church at 8:00 eral years in Detroit where he Mrs. Charles Bond on Thursday, BEAULEY. A miscellaneous shower will be p. m. Monday, July 1, to consider followed the trade of machinist. June 27. given Friday evening at the home ca~ling a minister for the ensuing He was united in marriage with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hartsell were of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ellieott year. Helen Little, Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Karr axe Miss Lucile Tatoris on Nay 5, back from their wedding trip and Sunday dinner gues.ts of Mr. and for Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Endersbe, 1934. are now settled in their home in Mrs. George Hartsell June 9. who were recently married. Besides his widow, he leaves a Mennonite Brethrer~ in Christ-- Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. son, 5, and ,two daughters, one 3 Donald Lester and son cMled at E. M. Gibson, Pastor. Sunday, Quite a number from this com- drove to Gladwin Sunday. Their June 23: years of age, and the other two daughter, Mrs. Donald Lester, and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude weeks; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. munity and also from Ubly attend- Riverside ~Church~Preaching ser- little son, Gary, returned home Hinnman Sunday evening. Joseph WernSs; a sister, Mrs. Jo- ed the barn dance in ,the new Pierce ,!' vice, 10:00 a. m. Sunday School, Sunday sephine l~arcum, of Ferndale; and barn on the old BMlard place Fri- with them evening. 11:00 a. m. The place of the day night. Nanley Fay furnished Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader were Value of Fishery Products prayer meeting will be announced an aunt, Mrs. Della Urbmn, of De- troit. the music callers in Kingston Friday after- The value of fishery products in~ ]ater. Malcolm McCallum, who has noon. the United States last year was Mizpah Church-Sunday School, been employed in Detroit, is spend- 1 Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. $100,845,000. 10:30 a. m. Preaching service, The IH-- 11:30 a.m. Prayer meeting at the Mrs. Margaret Bridges was ad- Wilford Caister home, at eight mitted to the Pleasar~t Home Hos- .*. ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,..*. ~ .*.~ ~ ~ .*. ~ ~ .*. o'clock, ~Wednesday evening. pital on Saturday for observation. You are cordially invited to at- She was able to return home on k tend'these services. Monday. k Complying with a ruling of our Word was received Sunday that k last annum Conference, we shall Joseph FAce, 12-year-old son of CARLOAD OF k now use our full church name on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kloc, Sr., is our announcements, literature and in a serious condition in an Ann advertising, with the exeelation of Arbor hospital as the result of an o k our bulletins which are already injury received while playing foot- printed. ball. The boy has been in the | hospital the pas,t two weeks. Cass City Methodist Church--=[ Fencing and Services will beheld as usual next I Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver, Sunday in the Cass City Methodist 1 daughter, Lois, son, Paul, and Mrs. Church. Arthur Holmberg will t Mary Lemon of Detroit visited preach at the morning'-worship at! Sunday at the home of 2g[r. and !0 o'clock on the topl.e, "Painting One year ago, on July 4, 1939, the Reading (Pa.) Times came out wit.~ Mrs. John Pringle. a Picture of God." The choir will an edition tha~ was "censored" as i~ would be if published under a Mr. and Mrs. Park Wagg of ~ Steel Posts .sing a special number and other totalitarian gevernmen¢. The above is ~ reproduction of *he front page. Pontiac visited Friday at the home :~: features of the morning service Nearly everything on the page had to be "crossed" out. The edition of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Henderson. 1~'~ will be carried out. The Church showed graphically wha~ would be prohibited on ~he Fourth of July in Mr. and Mrs. George NcArthur ,~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ . SchooI will meet at 11:15 a. m. any newspaper published under Communism, Fascism, or Nazism. ~n the returned to Pontiac With Mr. andl*} We are ame ~o make a very ~ooa omce aue and although several of the young language of today, the Fourth of July edition was aimed at Fifth column Mrs. Wagg to spend the week-end 1:$~ people will be attending the youth activities. with relatives there. [:~ rally at First Methodist Church, George Funk, who is employed tO the fact that there have been several Pontiac, on Sunday evening, the in Detroit, spent ,the week-end at I~ ...... Epworth Leag~ae meeting will be Strawberry Crop from Hammond, La. He made studies and observations of the his farmhome here. i~ advances xn fencing since this carload was held at 7:00 p. m. with different Bud Peasley of Pontiac visited I;*~ ones taking the leadership. Value 2 Millions southern berries while on" loan from the college and in a month ob- Friday at the home of his parents, l:~ ~'~ ~~o¢~'~ Mr. and Mrs. Claud Peasley. t~ ~JL~x~,~.~.o'~,,~. Michigan's strawberry c p, served the handling of 3,054 ear- Bethel l~ethodist Church--At- r o which last year was worth in ex- lots. H. D. Hootman, extension Miss Maxine Homer returned ;~; tention Bethel Folk, because this is cess of two million dollars, already specialist in horticulture, has been home Friday evening; after spend-!~: ~~~ ~~~ ~,~~~~ ~~~~~~ conference Sunday, you are invited is two weeks later in starting" this helping Upper Peninsula truck ing twoweeks with her sister and!;~ ~]~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~2~ to attend .the morning worship ser- year but appears in condition to growers plan berry production for brother, Yr. and Mrs. Paul Weth.-[~z~ vice at Ca ss City Methodist Church total more berries of better quality the profitable midsummer and ho- or% m Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. and l~,u ~A,%q C,~ . or some other meeting as you vnay in 1940. tel trade. M~s. Wethers and little daughterlY? ~ ...... ~ choose. The following Sunday and Reports gathered by the federal- aceompaa~ied Miss Homer here and ] :~: :~: throughout the summer, ~services state crop statistician's office in sper~t Fmday mght and Saturday ...... ~ ~ .. •. •. • ..... • • • * *, * * r~ ¢.~ * ~ ~o.*o.*o*.~..*~..*o.*...*o~* ~*o.*~.~.~ will be held at Bethel as follows: Lansing indicate acreage is 14,700 Northwest Elmwood wlgn ±vzr. anct ±vzrs. J~oDert morner. Church School, 10:30; worship ser- this year as compared with 13,000 Mrs. Earl NcKellop and Mr. and vice, i! :30. in 1939. Frequent rains have de- Bach defeated Bad Axe Sunday, Mrs. Horteller of Pontiac were posited sufficient moisture to carry 5 to 4, the game going !0 innings, gaests of Mrs. Brooks Satur- N ER Bff0RE NAYE Evangelical Church--R. N. Hol- the crop along even if additional Mrs. Frank Kurkie and Mrs. day. Sunday g-nests were Mr. and saple, Minister. Week beginning rains are not so plentiful. Arm Gerou of Detroit sper~t the I Mrs. Norris O'Connor and family OFFERED SU(H FNE June 23: In the meantime, three men at week-end at the home of Mr. and tand Mr. and Mrs. Forest Tyo and Next Sunday morning, the Sun- Michigan State College are con- Mrs. Joseph Grappan. l family, all of Cass City. day School will meet and study the tinuing to play a part in service .to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gerou of t Mr. and Mrs. Neff Hicks and lesson, "Honesty towaxd God." Ed strawberry culture as a phase of Port Huron° spent the week-end t two daughters of Flint visited at Helwig is the superintendent and Michigan agriculture. visiting relatives in this comma-~the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud there are good classes and teach- R. E. Loree, specialist in fruit nity. 'Peasley Sunday. ors. culture, cites the principal prob- Marl and Vern LaFave attended Mr. and Mrs. Willia~n Collins of At eleven the morning worship Avoea called at the home of Mr. /#SLID lems in marketing. One of these, the Detroit-WashinWcon game on will be held and the pastor will necessarily prominent b e c a u s e Sunday. and Mrs. Charles Cunningham on preach on the subject, "The Secret strawberries must be picked by Saturday. of a Stable Life." hand, is that of uniform£ty of size Mr. and Mrs. La~u'ence Lowell At seven in the evening" the .In- and ripeness. There is a need for Hyacinth Legend and daughter of Milling~on visited te~m~ediate and Senior Leagues of speed in handling to get the ber- In Greek mythology the hyacinth Saturday night and Sunday at the Christian Endeavor will meet, and ries to the market while they are is said to have sprung from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Atkin. blood of the beautiful Spartan youth, at eight, Dr. Hotsaple wilt preach still in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Henderson Hyacinthus, the friend of Apollo. on "Boiling Over." Insulated trucks with refrigera- and Mrs. A. J. Pratt and sons &T SUCH Zephyrus, jealous because Hyacin- Next Tuesday evenLug: the Young tion are helping, but even more of visited Sunday at the home of Mr. thus favored Apollo, caused ~he lat- People's Missionary Circle will these could take berries ,to more and Mrs. Arthur Henderson in ter's quoit to strike and kill the meet for the regular monthly busi- distant markets, says Loree. When Kingston. youth while the two were at play. ness and social session at the the Chicago wholesale markets get Mr. and Mrs. Clark Zinneeker Grief-stricken, Apollo caused a pur- Anthes home, southeast of Case more berries than consumers de- and Mrs. John Pringle went to ple flower to spring from the drops sire, then more distant cities might City. of blood that fell from the brow of Detroit Tuesday to spend a few prove more profitable. Hyacinthus. days with relatives and friends First Baptist Church--Fr~ B. Another man who has played a there. Smith, Pastor. Sunday, June 23: part in strawberry handling is H. A. Cardinell, recently returned 10:00 a. m., Sunday School. A Advm~ise it in the Chronicle. Ships of Stone fine class for you. At Oland, an isle off the coast of 11:00 a. m., worship. Sweden, may be seen prehistoric 6:15 p. m., young people. Stone age remains, huge rocks 7:30 p. m., evangelistic service. [MIC. AN RIBS WIT. CREAM] carved in the form of Viking ships replete with benches for the rowers. ..¢ 1936 Free Methodist Church--F~ H. North Carolina Peaks 1935 Orchard, Pastor. One hundred and twenty-five Wilmot--Preaehing service at mountain peaks in North Carolina !i~ i~ 10:00. Sunday School, 11:00. Eve- are over 5,000 feet high; 43 of these Pickup Ford Tudor ning service, 7:45. are above 6.000 feet. Prayer meetings at the different All new tires, license, large with trunk and heater. Tires homes as announced from pulpit. carrying capacity. Interior in good condition. Painted Evergreen--Sunday School at U. S. S. R. Population in good shape. Just the thing" black with green wheels. 10:30. Preaching, 11:30. The latest estimate of the popula- for farm use and for our Upholstery clean and in good Let us worship the Lord £ogether. tion of the Union of Soviet Socialist price you can't afford not to See our line-up shape. New Hastings rings Republics is 170,000,000. have it for in .this one and we'll g~aaran- tee it for Church of filae Nazarene---George What 100 Years Have Done $169.0{} before you D. Bugbee, Pastor. Sunday, June for Your Feet. $245.00 23: 10:00, Sunday School Everyone Dr. Joseph Lelyvelt, director of welcome. We are having r~11y day, the National Foot Health Council, buy June 30. Our goal is over 100. tells of the torture caused by fallen 1936 Chevrolet 1936 Buick ii :00, preaching. arches, bunions, and other foot aft- 2:30, choir practice. memts, but how one now can be or we both Jose 7:00, N. Y. P. S. hbur. The foot-happy, if he follows the rules. Coupe young people really have a good Read the article about feet in The Town Sedan American Weekly, the world's dough program. equipped with trunk. Black The smoothest running job greatest weekly magazine, with the 8:00, evangelistic service. with really excellent rubber ...... ~...... in our extensive collection. ]June 23 issue of The Detroit Sun- Friday, 8:00 p. m., everybody's and clean inside for it had U. S. Royal Master tires, like I day Times.--Advertisemer/t. prayer meeting at home of Mrs. seat covers all its life. Hat LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN new. A 'glamour boy' who Haley, near the church• water heater and fan de- really wants to. cut a swath froster. All steel top and couldnt do better for Buick g ".. --All reconditioned, repriced prestige is world-wide. If First Presbyterian Church--Sun- ] i WANTED-- :.: hydItaulie brakes. Backed by day, June 23: our guarantee for and. guaranteed, you try it--you'll buy it for Holy Communion at 10:30. '! A NEW DRESS i Wednesday, 7:80 p. m., prayer $295.00 Take a *second look through $255.00 meeting. Thursday, 7:30 p. m., adult choir your wardrobe and pick out; rehearsal. :-" ~the gowns that are not so hope- -~ | less! Send them to us .... . Bulen Chevrolet Sales Time to Sell Rubies - you'll marvel at the wonders we ~-& in Burma, where the best rubies ; work in putting new life in the ~ -- - 2_-__" •¸ ' are found, they are sold only be- e Two weeks later than •usual but promising an excellent crop, the colors and fabrics, i tween nine a. m. and three p. m. Michigan harvest of strawberries will provide work for pickers, on clear days because they can be cash for growers and variety for consumers. Above is a typical dish i!ii~ judged best by sunlight. Fine rubies of Michigan berries ~receiving some Michigan cream. Growers, sa~ ! Robinson's Laundry' of four or more carats are worth Michigan State College fruit specialists, will get better prices if they, two to five times as much as dia- package uniformly sized and uniformly ripened fruit for the whole- i and Dry Cleamng -.:. i))ii monds of the same size; ~,~: ~ . sale and retail trade. :®..,~,~..~.~.,~..o..~.®..,..~.~.~.~N.~..o..,:

iiii! iiii~ Cass City, Michigan. H .~ ' . CASS CITY C RONICLE---FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1940. PAGE THREE/

Sunday guests at the Nelson[ Miss Betty Stirton returned Jim Milligan and Albert Leslie I Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Dupuis and Stamp It Out! Harrison home were Elmer Atwell I [ GAGETOWN ] Friday from Mr. Pleasant where spent Monday and Tuesday near Mrs. Hugh Munro visited relatives and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frutchey[ she has been a student at Central Toronto, Ontario. at Standish Sunday. of Saginaw and Mr. and Mrs. Bus- State Teachers' College. Mr. and Mrs. John Fournier had sell Atwell and son, Joe, of Wind- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keenoy Miss Helen Doerr of Flint spent Park Zinnecker 'of Flint visited as their guests on Father's Day, sor. and Shirley Surprenamt spent the the week-end with her parents, Mr. :Miss Genevieve Boisvert ,and Clar- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William week-end in Detroit. and Mrs. Herman Doerr. Bey. and Mrs. R. N. Holsaple Zinnecker, Saturday afternoon and ence Dunkelberger of Ypsilanti, Mrs. A. D. Gillies, who is making Mr. and Mrs. John Keeaoy of Mrs. Marie Thomas and daughter, were among the 45 present Monday Sunday. when the Thumb Evangelic~tl mini- her home with her son, Blake Gil- Detroit spent Saturday at the Shirley, and Jess Howe of Ann Mr. and Mrs. Clayton' Fader and lies, at Plymouth, is spending the home of Thomas Keenoy. Arbor, Miss Myrtle Fournier of sters and their families metat Bay, son of Detroit visited at the home week in Cass City. Detroit, Miss Emma Lou Smith of Shore Park for a steak fry andlo f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ward on Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kettlewell potluck dinner. After a ,two weeks' visit at the and family visited relatives in Caro, Miss Allison Milligan of i Wednesday. Cass City, Mr. and Mrs. Burton home of her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Croswell Sunday afternoon. Milligan was aHm visitor roster,, in fordMr were-nd Mrs. O. J. Boat of Ox. EdgertOn, at Clio, Mrs. !. A. Fritz Miss Elizabeth and Miss France~ Both, and sons, Preston and Lyn- Mr.James Pleasant Friday. " " " ~ Sunday ~uests of Mrs. 52i~ 5.farjvric Biiiiig'an. who ar~-iBoat's sisters, i~iiss Ann and Miss Shirley Thomas remained to spend ~~ v~¢~...... n Thursday ~/.llJ~]J~-~...... IIUUil. tends Central State Teachers' Col- Elizabeth Kleinschmidt. ~ober~ rl. 1~rown of Selfridge the summer with her grandparents. lege, retrained home with him for Field, Mr. Clemens, spent Saturday Little Miss Patricia Grace Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Butler have the summer vacation. Mrs. Fred Mater entertained a afternoon and Sunday with his shall of Yale is spending the week announced the engagement of their number of friends Friday after- mother, Mrs. Robert Brown. with her aunt, Mrs. John Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lee attended eldest daughter, Miss May, ,to Lyle noon in her home, on Third Street, Mrs. H. O. Greenleaf of Milling- the funeral services of Mrs. Alice Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown and Dubbs of Tawas City. The mar- from three to five o'clock. Aso- ton spent a few days the first of Warren, better known to the older daughter, Ruth, of Detroit were riage ceremony will take place cial time and luncheon was en- the week with relatives and friends settlers as Alice Allwood, Wednes- joyed. week-end guests in the home of June 22, at the home of ,the bride- Mr. Brown's sister, Mrs. A. E. here. day, June 19, at the home of her Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Turner and elect's parents. Wednesday ,after- Goodall. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison Moore of daughter, Mrs. Gus Meyer, at Mon- daughters, Miss Esther and Miss noon at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Mrs. Paul O'Steen returned to Detroit are spending the week as roe. Donna, spent Sunday in Detroit. Butler a bunco party and shower her home in Detroit after spending guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Dr. H. T. Donahue, a gTaduate Miss Esther remained to take up was given in her honor. There some time with her parents, Mr. Mary M. Moore. were 65 ladies present. Ice eream from Caro High School in 1923, at- her work in the J. L. Hudson and Mrs. Ivan Vader, because of Mrs. Robert Milligan was a de- and assorted cakes were served by Don't th~ow that lighted cigaret out of your car window! Maybe, if ,tended the annual alumni reunion Store. you do. another fire will be pegged on the chart at conservation depart. illness. lightful hostess Thursday when the hostess. and dance of Caro High School held Joseph Gast of Flint spent ment headquarters. There have been too many fires, already, in 1940: Friday evening in the school audi- Saturday afternoon and Sunday she entertained the members of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weather- 11,263 acres burned ov.r in 542 fires in the first seven weeks of the Wednesday night and Thursday in the Malfem Club in her home for torium. Dr. Donahue extended the Cass City. Mrs. Gast, who had guests at the home of Mr.' and head of Kilmanagh has purchased forest fire season! If you are careless, you may destroy something Mrs. PIarve Klinkman were Mr. a social afternoon and luncheon. welcome from the alumni to the spent a few days with her.paremts, of Mrs. Heber Howell her resi- whleh t)elo:~gs ~o you The state forests DO belong to you! Klinkman's aunts, Mrs. Morton Class of 1940. Mr. and Mrs. Fred White, returned Mrs. Aline Ballard and daughter, dence on East Main Street and Emerson, of Pomona, California, Mrs. Howell has purchased the Leonard Damm has purchased to her home with Mr. Gast Thurs- Nancy, of .Chicago and Mrs. Rich- Mrs. Jesse Segel and daughter, small residence on Cleaver Street California and from there will take the residence on the corner of" day afternoon. ardson of Athens, Ohio, came Fri- a steamer for Porto Rico where he Frances, of Jackson; Dorus and day to spend some time in Cass of John Pournier. Mr. Weather- Seeger and Third Streets from the Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Clark and will spend his summer vacation. James Klinkman of Detroit. City. Mrs. Ballard and Mrs. Rich- head will be one of the teachers in J. Henry Smith Estate. Me and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Clark, all of the public sehooI next year and ] Miss Evelyn MeHenry of ~t. Mrs. Datum and .their two children Miss Johanna Sandham and ardson are daughters of the late Port Huron, visited Sherman Archie Vallier, both of Detroit,, Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Smith. Mrs. Weatherhead will operate a I St. Joseph, Ohio, is spending a few Norris Stafford and Miss Bertha expect to move here from Saginaw Clark's mother, Mrs. Sarah Clark, beauty shop in her new home. i weeks with her parents, Mr. and Goldamer, both of Reed City, spent in July to occupy their newly-pur- were guests of the former's par- Jack Fritz, son of Mr. and Mrs. in the home of her daughter, Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sandham, Possession by both parties will be I Mrs. Claude MeHenry. Wednesday night and Thursday as chased residence. Fred White, Sunday afternoon. A. G. Fritz, was graduated with from Saturday until Tuesday. Miss honors from the Visitation High given immediately. Mrs. Ralph Claza and son, Paul, guests of Mr. Stafford's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holsapte The party were on their way home returned Sunday from a week's Mrs. Roy Stafford. of Akron, Ohio, were Sunday after- Johanna remained and is spending School in Detroit recerLtly, in a Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Thiel and from a trip through the North. the week here. On Sunday, Mr. visit with relatives in Detroit. .noon ~sif.ors at the home of the class of 74. Mrs. Fritz before her family and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miss Ethel Campling and James Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler and Mrs. Roy Briggs of Bad Axe, l marriage was Miss Golda Hoag- Downing and family attended the Iformer's parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. Kenneth Deneen, having spent Harfst of Detroit spent the week- spent from Thursday until Monday Mr. Vallier and Miss Sandham land and spent her girlhood days county normal graduating exer- No Holsapleo Neil Holsaple, who the school year with his uncle, end with Rev. and Mrs. Frank B. night at the home of their daugh- spent the day at Caseville. ,at Cass City. , cises in Caro last Thursday eve- Fred Dorsch, wiI1 v~sit his father, had spent two weeks with his ter, ~Irs. R. H. Orr, in Pigeon while nnig. Miss Marie Thiel and Miss Elmer Deneen, in Pontiac this sum- grandparents here, returned home Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colwell Mr. and Mrs. Orr visited Mrs. Orr's Gene~deve Downing were among mer. with his parents Sunday afternoon. brother, Rev. Roy Striffler, in Ge- the graduates. left Sunday to spend the week with Mrs. Lueh Dosser Smith and ,their sons, Roy and Ray Colwell, in Wal.ter Anthes, daughters, Miss neva, Ohio. From Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Rebecca Hurd went to Miss Meadie Karr will attend sum- Saginaw. Lucile and Miss Alice, and son, Mrs. 0rr visited their son, Robert Berkley Wednesday .to visit with I mer school at the Ypsilanti Nor- Paul, and Miss Irene Hall, spent 0rr, at Butler, Pa., where he has 1Vh°. and Mrs. Stephen Hurd for I real. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Buckley, Mrs. Sunday in Pontiac and Greenfield been employed, and accompanied Irene Kennedy and Jean Levan, all two weeks. Mrs. Hurd received Rudolph Witzke, Harry Wood, Village. Mrs. John Race, who had him to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he of Detroit, and Angus McDonald word Tuesday of the death of her Pearl and Ardis Wood were Sunday spent a few days at the Anthes will attend school. 4aughter, Mrs. Ed Greene, of callers at the home of Mr. and of Sheridan spent Sunday at the home and attended the graduation Mr. and Mrs. Audley llinnMrd Pharr, Texas. Mrs. Greene was Mr£ Harold Parker of Grindstone home of Sarah McDonald. exercises of Cass .City High School, entertained at a delightful dinner ENJOY AUTOMATIC HOT WAT,~R well known here. City. Lester Bailey spent Sunday at returned to her home in Pontiac Sunday in their home, on West 3{r. and Mrs. G. W. Purdy spent the home of his daughter, Mrs. with them. Main Street, in honor of the 81st :Sunday at their cottage at Rose George Ranck, at Coleman. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Harrison birthday of Mrs. Kinnaird's father, Island. Tuesday Mrs. Purdy en- RESCUE. Bailey, who had spent a few days spent Saturday night and Sunday R. S. Proctor. A beautiful birth- tertained the Euchre Club of which there, returned home with him on with relatives and friends in De- day cake with lighted tapers, made Sunday evening. :Mrs. Lawrence McDonald was cap- Miss Ina Moore was the leader troit and on Sunday morning at- by a niece, Mrs. J. Harold Omsted, rain at the cottage. Potluck din- of the League on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Asher were tended the sunrise service at Belle centered the table. Guests were ner was served. callers in Mr. Pleasant Friday, Isle.- From Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor and Mrs. The Ladies' Aid met at the Miss Dolores Secoir of Edenville, bringing back their daughter, Miss Harrison drove to Ypsilanti for Martha Horn of Cass :City; Mr. and church basement Thursday of this their daughter, Miss Margaret, Mrs. James Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. who spent the past week with Miss week. Glenna Asher, a student at Central Christine Laurie, returned home State Teachers' College, who will who has been attending Michigan Robert Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Donald McComb, spend the summer vacation at her State Normal there. She returned ford Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. Secoir, Who visited friends Milton, Norris and and Perry Mel- home here. home with them Sunday evening: Harold Omsted, all of Flint. Miss lendor~ were callers in Caseville here for the day. • Mr~s. Beulah Calley and daugh- Miss Harrison left Wednesday for May Beckman of BadAxe was an Sunday 'afternoon. Detroit where she has emplo:~ment Miss Florence MeKinnon of De- ter, Miss Wilma, of Detroit spent afternoon visitor at the Kinnaird for the summer. ,' tr0it is spending two weeks with A large crowd attended the Chil- Saturday night and Sunday as home. dren's Day exercises at the L. D. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nell iS" guests in the home of Mrs. Calley's lV~eKinnon. ]t Mrs.ChurchDeEtte°nSundayj. MMlendorfeVening" and sister, Mrs. J. H. Bohnsack. Miss Wilma was returning home after Mrs. Josephine King of Pontiaelson and grandson were callers in attending Central State Teachers' andwereMiSSlastMargaretweekguestsKing OfofDetroitMrs. l Cass City Saturday. College in Mt Pleasant. Buy the Champion Anna High and daughter, Helen. I There will be no services at the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Croft were Mrs. Anna Benninger left Friday Grant Church next Sunday morn- callers in Alma Thursday. Their ing. Epworth League %0 visit Mr. and Mrs. John Freud- will meet daughter, Miss Marjorie Croft, a next Sunday evening. 0'Clock enmuth in Midland and Mr. and student at Alma College, returned C ffee Mrs. Michael Fournier in Mortice. A miscellaneous shower will be home with them to spend the sum- held on Friday evening for the new- mer vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gertrude Giroux of Detroit ly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton En- Croft and Marjorie were visitors as a week-end guest of her parents, dersbe, at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Montreuil, and~ at the A. J. Callan home in Mid- Mrs. Witlard Ellicott. land on their way home. Mrs. Cal- attended the graduating exercises lan is a sister of Mrs. Croft. at Bad Axe. Her daughter was Jefferson Darling .spent the among the graduates. week-end in Pontiac visiting rela- Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martus Iona Tomatoes or tives. were in Burnside Saturday morn- Mrs. John Mailing of Pasadena, ing to attend the marriage of Mr. California, was a guest last week Charles Eshmore, who works at Corn large Marius' great niece, Miss Norrine at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don the George Severn store in Cass Marius, and Harland Ford. The Wilson and of her father, Robert J. City, spent Sunday at his parental l Wills. home here. ceremony was performed in St. Mary's Church. Fonty-ene rela- 4 25e l Gian~ package, 57c ! James Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. A large number attended the - at the turn ef f utet.m shower for Mr. and Mrs. Donald tives were seated at the wedding Robert Wilson and f~mily spent dinner. A reception was held at Sunday at North Star at the home McComb at the Roland Hartsell hame Saturday evening. the home of the bride's parents Wax Paper, Queen Anne ...... 125 ft. roll 10c of Bey. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and Saturday evening. Through the hot summer months, plenty of family and attended camp ,meeting Paper Napkins, Cello ...... pkg. 05c hot water is a necessity. On the farm, as Miss Phyllis Koepfgen, local / while there. 'Wes~rn' Author's Memorinl student attending Alma College, wMI as in the city, ELECTRIC water heating Mrs. Leo Karner of Detroit .spent In honor of Owen Wister, whose Kellogg's Corn Flakes lgeo pkg ..... 2 for 19c has been elected social chairman is the ideal method--safe, economicab the first of the week with her novels of Wes~rn life widely ad- of the Kappa Iota literary society Ann Page Salad Dressing ...... quart jar 27c mother, Mrs. Delphine Goslin. vertised the grandeur of~he region, on the campus for the first semes- clean, dependable° Mrs. Joseph Freeman and Mrs. a major peak in the G~and Teton ter of the 1940-41 school year. A Ketchup, 14 ounce bottle ...... _...... 3 for 25c National park, in Wyoming, has Willard Cornell were Bay City sophomore this year, she has been An electric water heater gives you a definite ~ been officially designated Mount callers Friday. a member of the campus chapter Nectar Tea, O. P, ...... ½ lb. pkg. 29c Wister by the United States board supply of automatic hot water, ready at all of YWCA~ A Capella choir, and the The Methodist Missionary So- on geographical names. Mount Mustard=_:_ ...... quart jar 10c Nines to serve you in many.ways. Farm ciety met Wednesday with Mrs. kiltie band. She is the daughter Wister, 11,480 feet in elevation, lies families find it a great help in the milk '~ George Bicker of Owendale. two miles to the south of the well- of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Koepfgen, Doughnuts ...... dozen 10c Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Butler and known landmark the Sout h Teton. and was graduated from the local house for quick cleaning of dairy equip- Mrs. Charles Beach visited in Mr. Wister, who died in Jtdy, ~-938, high school in 1938. ment, in the barns, in the home and wherever ~' Prescott Sunday. at the age of 78 years, was a native IONA PURE hot water is needed. And, after a hot day's of Philadelphia and a grandson of Miss Florence Smith, a teacher work, you can enioy a refreshing, invigorat- ~...... in the River Rouge schools, will the celebrated English actress, Fan- FLOUR LARD spend her vacation at her farm ny Kemble, who retired from the 24 ½ lb. ing bath, without waiting. No stairs to climb, home here. stage upon her marriage to Pierce bag lbs. no fires to start. Butler, a Georgia Planter. 63¢ Rev. and Mrs. W. Dafoe left All Purpose Flour 25¢ Wednesday to spend until Sunday install an electric water heater now and at the Methodist conference in Pineapple Cheese have plenty of hot water without lifting a Pontiac. Pineapple cheese, which:~:,is said to have had its ° origin Lux Flakes ...... ~...... lge. pkg. 23c finger to heat it. Stop in at our office and Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Karr were in Litchfield we will gladly tell you more about this week-end guests of the Iatter's county, Connecticut, about 1845, is Lifebuoy Soap__ ...... cake 6c brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- so named from the fruit whose modern automatic water heating service. " Eachin, of Pontiac. shape it bears. It is a hard, rennet Lux Toilet Soap ...... cake 6c cheese made from the whole milk Lyle Deneen visited this week of cows and rather highly colored. Spry, lb. can 18c ...... 3 lb. can 47c with Freddie Profit at the Clair The curd is pressed into the desired THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY Profit home. shape and the cheese is. then dipped Northern Tissue ...... 5 rolls 21c F. D. Hemerick left last week for a few minutes in water at 120 Wednesday with the Ford dealers' degrees Fahrenheit and then for 24 Pole's Pineapple, Sliced ...... 15 oz. can 11c group to visit the World's Fair as hours is put into a net which gives guests of Henry Ford. it the diamond-shaped corrugations. Ann Page Beans, 16 oz. can ...... 4 for 21c Harry P. Densmore spent a few It requires several months to ripen, A. & P. Peas, No. 2 Can ...... 2 for 27c days last week in Kentucky and during which time the surface is Tennessee to secure help for the rubbed with oil. Heat your water raising beets in ,this vicini- RING or LARGE FANCY SLAB Grand Coulee Cement the same way light your heuse Mr. and Mrs. Menley Helleck of Enough cement was put into the BOLOGNA BACON Port Austin called on friends here Grand Coulee dam in one month re- Sunday. cently to cover a football field to a I}. &. Kr g Mr. and Mrs. Glen Deneen and depth of 265 feet, 25 stories high. The builders averaged 15,000 cubic family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phone 205R2 .... __~ _ - McHenry of Pontiac over the week- yards a day, setting a world's rec- end. ord. Cass City, Mich. J. L. Purdy and D. G. Wilson Bananas o • lb. 50 transacted business at Turner on Skillful Peiping Chefs Friday. Chefs in Peiping maintain their .. June---National Dairy Month--Buy Dairy Products.. world-wide reputation for skill while * for us little us $I 98 u memh Melvin Fischer, son of Mr. and spurning all modern cooking meth- Mrs. Julius Fischer and teacher ods. On an ancient coal stove with for several years in an Owosso a single burner they prepare elabo- school, left Satfirday by motor for rate banquets for a dozen people.

oCL____ PAGE FOUR. CASS CITY CHRONICLF_~'FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1940. Cuss City, Michigan._

CASS CITY CHRONICLE Gordon Thomas of Oxford was a , Mrs. George Ackerman enter- NEW TURBINE WILL Printing and advertising- 100.0{~ ,rained her ,two nieces; Mrs. Bea- Bonds and interest ...... 2,600.00 Published every Friday at I guest ir~ the H. F. Lenzner home EFFECT SAVING IN Cass City, Michigan. I ~" nda i trice Shotts and Miss Frances Library~1939 and 1940.. 300.00 The Tri-Couniy Chronicle established in] °ver ~u y. FEW CENTS EXTRA FOR PUMPING COSTS City Park ...... 500.00 1899 and the Cuss City Enterprise founded I ~/r~ ~I~IA^~ ~D~ ...... -~ ~,A ~Greer~wood, both of Saginaw, on in 1881, consolidated under t Friday. .¢/~~~ the name of the Cass City, Axe was ,a Cass City visitor Mon- $1%12!.00 [~7.~N~/~.d~.\ Chronicle on April 20 1906. I r]~r ~e÷,~,~,~ ' ~ ~,.~. ~vx~. I Mr. and Mrs. Alfred West and Concluded from first page. Receipts~ ~" I~[~'~ ~'} Entered as second class TIGHT WIHDOWFRAMES matter at the post office at l .... " son, Robert, of St. Clair visited the 'budget for 1940: Twelve mill tax...: ...... $ 9,205.80' ~~ Cuss City Michigan under MISS Eva Buskin of Detroit VlSi~t- Iformer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horton Act ...... 3,360.83 ~~+~ Act of March 8,~1879. 'ed friends in Cass City a few days Expenditures~ George West, and other relatives Sewer labor and supplies..$ 408.00 Water collections...... 4,008.59 • ~ Subscription Price -~. I nth e first of the week Liquor tax refund ...... 446.25 Tuscola, Huron ann ~animc tpoun~ies, here over the week-end. IS GOOD IHVESTMEJT Street labor and supplies 1,000.00 a year in advance. In other parts of Delinquer~t tax ...... 100.0O Michigan, $1.50 a year. In United States June Auslander is spending" the Black top ...... 1,500.00 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hoffman Sewer operation ...... 200.00 (qutside of Michigan) $2.00 a year. summer with her aunt, Mrs. An- !and family were among several $17,121.47 For information regarding newspaper drew Hem, in Flint. LEAKY JOINT Waterworks labor and advertising and commercial and ~ob print- guests, who enjoyed a Father's Day supplies ...... 1,500.00 ing, telephone No. 13R2. The Ellington Grange will meet dinner Sunday in the home of Mr. This is the of in- New pump ...... 2,000.09 Disappearing Islands H. F. Lenzner, Publisher. different window frame c~ns~ructi~n that is ased ~ ; -;l~ ~b,~r,-, "~ ~d ~, ~1 ~ ~f~ ...... ,on Friday evening, Jane 21. ~a~ ~"lail~ ....bull, in many new homes. It ,.g a~d marshals torts, ha1~way between Crete and Village dump ...... 150.00 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Little and l Henry tang and daughter, Miss results in drafts and dirty Athens, Greece, were worried re- I. LOCAL ITEMS Truck and grader, repair, cently Iest their island sink into the ...... i Bruce and Lois visited Thursday Dorothy, of Denver, Colorado, were walls around windows. Arrows point to where oil a~d gas ...... 450.00 sea as did a neighboring island afew evening at the home of Postmaster idinner guests Tuesday in the home Board of review and Mrs. Paul Conway of Shady cold air leaks in. weeks previously. When they looked Shores came Monday to spend the and Mrs. R. C. Jacoby in Caro. :of Mr. Lang's nephew, Milton Hoff- election board ...... 18.00 Insurance ...... 350,00 for the little island one morning it week with her mother, Mrs. Frank Orton H. Jones, engineer at the man. This is their first trip ,to was not to be seen and shortly after: Rennels, and other relatives here. Rent room, council room, CCC Camp at Kingston, has been Michigan. Youth's Center ...... 350.00 ward tiny islets disappeared. The Among the studer~ts planning to transferred to a similar camp at Miss Mary Belle Young, who was Health Officer...... 20.00 people of Santorin are anxious be- attend summer school at Mt. Pleas- Marion, Ohio, and left for that engaged to teach the Mitchell A,ssessor ...... 75.00 cause it is of volcanic origin, like ant are the Misses Ruth Schenck, place Wednesday. Mr. Kruger School in Gilford Tow~mhip the Clerk ...... : ...... 75.00 its neighbors, the volcano being on Mildred Karr and Maxine Homer: will succeed Mr. Jones at Kingston. coming year, has resigned to ac- Light and power ...... 2,600.00 their island but quiescent. The TIGHT JOINT m~ Fireman and supplies ...... 520.00 Sunday guests at the home of 'cel~t a position as instructor in a group was formed by volcanic ac- James Garety, Mrs. Marie Sul- Contractors call this. wide Telephone ...... 30.00 tion about 10 years ago. A great livan, Misses Caroline and Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Robert :Charl ton were~ rural school in O~kland County. blind stop construction. It Freight ' 50.00 C. U. Brown ...... 1,260.00 eruption of Santorin volean~ oc- Garety were Sunday dinner guests their daughter, Mrs. Norman Gil- Robert McKenzie of Port Huron cuts air leakage more than curred 4,000 years ago. at the Peter Garety home at Tjrre. lies, of croswell, their son, Ken-:spent from Wednesday until Sun- half around window Incidentals ...... 100.00 neth Charlton, of Unionville, and day as a guest in the Wa~ter An- frames. Costs just a few Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Smi~th and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parrott. of ithes home. Betty McKenzie, who cents extra per window. daughter, Janice Ruth, of Detroit Arrow points to wide blind ¢. 4* Cass City. [had been a guest there for two ¢. .:. were Sunday guests of Mrs. Smith's weeks, returned home with her stop. parents, Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Fritz. Mrs. Curtis Hu~t, Mrs. Edwin Fritz, Mrs. H. M. Bulen and Mrs. brother ~Sunday morning. Mrs. William Noble and son, Ed- C. Hamilton spent from Wednes- .:.,.':"¢+ ,.,-"¢* Vern Gable and his niece, Miss .:. ili)iiiii!!iiiiiii: iii, !iii!i, WQRN !!iii!ii!iillBELT ¢* die, of Lapeer came Monday eve- day until Sunday night at the use frames without it in order to ¢. ning" to spend a few days with her 1Rhth White, left Tuesday morning Don't overlook the importance of Bulen cottage at Indian River. i for Birmingham and Marshall. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Turner. the lowly window frame when you cut costs without regard to conse- ":" ~ ~i{::illili::iiii}iiiiiiiiiii;ii}})}:~i?!?~::iii::)::i::;i~iii~':...... i::iii::?::;::)::i::i::iii::)?i?i)i!!!!i!ii;ilili Mr. Hunt, Dr. Fritz, Mr. Buleffand t At the latter place, they were quences. This type of construction ~efr~er~@r ~f e Mrs. P. A. Schenck and Mrs. C. Mr. Hamilton also spent Saturday build your new house. It is the one !joined by Mrs. Rogers and the thing that permanently joins your costs about 30c to 50c more per N. Wallace entertained at a bridge night and Sunday there. party started on a motor trip of WasMn~ M~cM~e ¢** windows with the framework window opening than ordinary con- .~.~ i luncheon Tuesday afternoon in the Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Bigelow !several days to Northern Michigan. of Schenck home. Bridge was played your house. A window frame struction and it will quickly" pay ,..':° COSTS NON[Y .,* and Charles Bigelow were callers The mothers of the Cradle t~lt at nine t.ables, honors being" won properly for itself in heat saved and added 4* 4* m D~oz~ ,unday .... e~e t,~y department of the Baptist Church constructed keeps out dirt by Mrs. Mary Holeomb, Mrs. E. W. their sister, Miss Florence Bigelow, and drafts by making a weather- comfort. * When the belt on your * Douglas avfd Mrs. Clarence Burro !entertained their husbands and tight joint with the wall. A win- .,~ ~ refrigerator orwashing me- .:. of New York City, who returned to 'Children' at a 6:30 supper on t h e Window Frames Permanen~ Sunday guests at the Ben Kir'ton Cuss City with ,them and spend- dow frame indifferently constructed ":* chine wears and starts to e is lawn of the Elmer Bearss home on will allow as much as 174 cubic Remember window frames are a home were Mr. and Mrs. George ~ing a few weeks with her parents, Tuesday evening. Following the feet of air per hour to leak into permanent part of the wall in your ¢* slip, you are paying for ¢ Morin of Deckerville, Mr. and Mrs. :Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel Bigelow. ,supper, a short program was pre- your home, air tha~ is often loaded new home. To tear them out and .:. wasted power. ¢~ replace them is not only a mess ¢. Frank Kunze, St., Mr. and Mrs~ Mrs. Charles D. Keough of Tono- sented. with dust, to dirty up wails and A new belt will eliminate this waste. , Frank Kunze, Jr., a~d family. of but a big expense as well. The pah, Nevada, who underwent an cause drafts. g, Minden. Mrs. Morin and Mrs. Howard Taylor, who has been easiest way to avoid leaky window operation in Hurley Hospital at employed at Evanston, Illinois, frames in your new home is to buy Kunze, Sr., are sisters of Mrs. Kir- Good Construction Costs Little' ¢:~ A replacement for nearly every drive can be *¢, [Flint, is recovering nicely and is came Sunday to visit his parents, Wide blind stop construction in frames that make a weathertight ¢ ¢ ton. spending some time with her sis- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Taylor. How- window frames has been in use for wall joint and that means wide • made from our complete stocks of * Miss Carol Rosenow of Luding- te~, Mrs. A. C. Edgerton, at Clio. ard wilt begin work as resident many years, yet jerry builders will blind stop construction. ton was the guest of her sister, She expeets to visit her parents, maxmger of Wells Hall at Michi- 'Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Fritz, some • GATES YULCO B[LT$ for--- * Miss Florence Rosenow, at the Dr. gan State College, East Lansing, Miss Lura DeWitt and Mrs. John R. N. Holsaple home, from Wednes- time in the ~near future. Walter M.cIntyre has accepted ¢.':" Refrigerators Water Pumps .¢" on July 1. ,the agency of a Pontiac monument M. Reagh spent Thursday in Bay day until Sunday. Miss Florence Sunday guests at the Alex Henry ¢" Russell Cook and Mr. mud Mrs. I company. City. Washing Machines Wood WorMng an¢~ e Rosenow, a teacher in Cass City home included Mrs: Mary Shell and Ray Lowry and son, Donald, of ":" Stokers und Oil Burners Other Machines ¢" School, returned ,to Ludington with The Woman's Home Missionary I Dr. Burton Pearce of E~st Lan- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Porter and Plymouth were week-end guests of Society of the Methodist Church sing was a g~aest in the Milton 4. ¢* her sister Sunday. son, James, all of Eastwood, On- relatives and friends. Mrs. Cook tario, and Mr. and Ma7s s. Clare will meet o~ Thursday afternoon, i Hoffman home on Wednesday and Frank Striffler of Detroit has returned to her home in Plymouth bought the Dr. H. T. Donahue resi- Keeler and Mr. and l~rs. John June 27, with Mrs. Harriet Dodge. IThursday. with them after a week spent I The Woman's Christian Temper- dence, corner of West and Hough- Keeler, all of North Branch. Del- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Automobiles driven by C. D. bert Henry of Detroit visited his 'lance Union will meet with Mrs. ton Streets, and Mrs. Striffler's Fred White. Striffler and Harold Murphy col- .mother, Mrs. John Spangler, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Henry, Martin McKenzie on Friday, June -Miss Phyllis Lenzner of Wayne lided at the corner of Maple and Mr. Spangler of Detroit expect to over the week-end. 28, at 2:30 p. m. arrived in Cuss City Saturday eve- Pine Streets Wdnesday morning. move there in about two months. Miss Dora Krapf entertained Week-end guests at the home of thing to spend her summer vacation Cars were slightly damaged and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Auslander were several ladies at a one o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ma~shall of at the home of her parents, Mr. Mr. S£riffler received a few slight Kingston, Mrs. John Marshall, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. William Butts and cuts on his face. luncheon Wednesday .at her home, and Mrs. H. F. Lenzner. She will south of Wickware. Mrs. Levi Bardwell and Mr. and son of Barryton, Mr.. and Mrs. !return next fall for her third year Echo Chapter, O. E. S., will Andrew Hem and son and Miss Mrs. Arthur Little had as viM- Mrs. John Marshall, Jr., and son, l as an English teacher in entertain all the chapters of Tus- Dupuis° ° I , G e A, Store ho.e 149 Elaine Hyatt of Flint. Mrs. Butts the tors Wednesday her sister, Mrs. Roger William, spent Sunday with IWayne High School. cola County here next Wednesday John Marshall, ,son of Mr. and and Mrs. Hem are daughters of evening. Bethany Chapter of Un- Paul Craig, of Caro and their Mrs. Alex Marshall, at Port Hu- Mr and Mrs Hvatt Jean Aus-[ Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Staeb of Ann mother, Mrs. Anna Milner, of A1- Specials for June 21 and 22 1.~'dor ~.h,~ "1,~ ~nenf the last lArbor were guests at the home of ionville will confer the degTees of ron. ~ , ,, ~ ~ ~z-- ~ , . . mer. nt re t the }artier s s~ster, Mrs John Dill the order on four •candidates and SUNNY MORN Mr. and Mrs. Warn Jackson and month with her :sister in Fli , -. " • - receive the traveling gavel. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Withey turned home with them Saturday. Iman, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. moved Monday from their home on 3 can 39¢ daughter, Nancy, of Detroit came I Harriet Boyes and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sheldon Peterson enter- Friday to visit friends and rela- Roy. Frank B Smith, Guy W ..... East Main Street to the farm home " - .-~ooer~ tained a group of friends in her tives here. Mr. Jackson returned Landon, E. A. Wanner and Herber~ fat the Dunn of Detroit also visited of Mrs. Withey's daughter, Mrs. I. G. A. Breakfast Cereals ...... any 2 pkgs, 19c ' Dfllman home and other home at Bad Axe Wednesday eve- Ask about our Cut-N-Use Curtain Deal home Sunday evening and Mrs. Ludlow attended a Father-Son ...... ning in honor of the birthday of J. L. Taylor, at Novesta Corners. Jackson and Nancy remained to Danqueg..... in vne ~~ouvn -- Park Ba-tistP lIp~aces _ in wass- w~y ,~unaay. Forty farmers attended the poul- Grape Nuts ...... : ...... 2 pkgs. 25e - Among the teacners home for her husband. In the group were spend the week at t]ae G. A. Tin- Church in Port Huron MondeY eve- . . . try disease meeting on Wednesday ...... summer vacation are Miss Mildred three couples from Cass City, Mr. CERTO, dale h(~me. Saturday night and nmg when z.r. k~IlllLn Wgb ~t1~bb vr ~ .... T • and Mrs. John West, Mr..and Mrs. morning at the Charles VanHoost s "F ther I~arr, wno Will re~urn vo ~anslng per bottle.. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and speaker. His subject wa , a , . Albert Gallagher and Mr. and Mrs. farm near Unionville when Dr. E...... 19¢ the Boy's Example." Mr. Wanner in the fall and will attend summer daughter were guests of Mr. and Delbert Profit. S. Weisner, poultry pathologist of Mrs. Roy Briggs of Bad Axe at spoke briefly regarding the meet- school at Mt. Pleasant; Miss Ely- Jar Rings ...... pkg. 4c Fifteen guests assembled at the Michigan State College, autopsied the Sandham cottage at Caseville. ing of the Men's Brotherhood to be nora Corpron, who has been teach- a lot of birds, mostly yearlings Ball Mason Jar Caps,...... 1 doz. 23c mg in Owosso and will teach in home of Mrs. Fred Mater Wednes- Honoring Mrs. Lyle Bardwell on held at Forester Park in Septem- brought in which showed s~mptoms Lansing next year; Miss Marion day when she entertained • the PEANUT BUTTER, her birthday, a number of rela- ber. of fowl paralysis, a very serious Milligan, who will return in Sep- group in honor of Mrs. Glenn Folk- 12 ounce jar ...... 15~ tives and friends surprised her at Mrs. Chester M. Pulford of ailment difficult .to .control and the tember ,to Carsonvil!e for her sec- e~. The evening was passed in her home on Third Street Friday Burlingame Avenue, Detroit, has cause of which is unknown. He Ond year. a social way and a luncheon was L G. A. Spinach, No. 2 ½ Can ...... 2 cans 25c evening. Guests were Mr. and announced the engagement of her demnostrated the vaccination of In honor of the birthday of Miss served by ,the hostess. Mrs. Folk- Swift's Pork and Beans ...... 3 cans 25c Mrs. Sire Bardwell and daughter, niece, Alma Isabella Patterson, to err received a gift from her pullets for the prevention of fowl Ruth Schenck, a picnic dinner was T(~matoes, No 2 Can ...... 3 cans 23c Miss Theda, Mr. and Mrs. George Arthur Burgess Mowrey, of Birm- friends. The Folkert family expect pox. This method of prevention is held Sunday at the Monroe State quite necessary to control that dis- .... Seeger and sons, Don and Jerry, ingham, son of Mrs. Framk Edward to move to Bay City this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Champion and Mowrey, of .Outer Drive, and ,the Park on Lake Erie. Those attend- ease which is quite prevalent in The" Lee Adams family reunion PARD DOG 3 ,cans 25¢ son, Sammy, a~d Lawrence Cop- late Mr. Mowrey. The date of the ing were Mr. and Mrs.. Donald the northwestern part of Tuseola FOOD ...... ; ...... for was held Sunday, June 16, at Lake land, Jr. A potluck supper was wedding will be announced later. l Schenck and daughter of Monroe; County. Pleasant members served and Mrs. Bardwell ~eceived Miss Patterson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Striffler, .Dr. with forty Soap Grains, 24 Ounce ...... 2 31c present. The occasion was also in pkgs. a number of gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Berkeley Patterson and Mrs. Burke Arehart and Revenge-Seeking Insects Pastry Flour ...... 5 lb. bag 17c daughter, Burke, and Mr. and Mrs. celebration of the birthdays of the A delightful ,time was that of of Cass City. Chinese refrain from burning the Palmolive Soap ...... 4 bars 22c John Spangler, all of Detroit; Mr. twin sisters, Mrs. Joseph Fuleher remains of scorpions, centipedes or Wednesday evening when a sur- The next meeting of the Wom- 5 _ __ '_ _ _ and Mrs. William MeKenzie, Leon- and Mrs. Clarence Quiek,~ who are similar pests, fearing their dead spir- prise potluck supper was served an's Missionary Society of the ard and Miss Gertrude S.triffler 54 years of age. Two lovely, cakes in the h6me of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Presbyterian Church will be held its will hover over the household and Miss Ruth Sehenck, all of were brought by Mrs. Inze Van- and cause an invasion of revenge- Battle in honor of Mrs. Barge and one week early, and will be on Cass City. derwalker of Oxford. Guests came seeking insects. Mr. Bartle's father, George Battle, Thursday, June 27, with the fol- from Toledo, Detroit, Wayne, Or- q ,... ======...... +K'.j~ Harry Tiller and Mrs. H. O. both of their birthdays being June lowing program: Devotionals, Mrs. tonville, Oxford and Cass City. 11. 'Guests besides Mr. and Mrs. Pinney; "America .and the Refu- Greenleaf entertained at dinner on WEDNESDAY'S MARKET Rev. Henry G. Bushong and Mrs. EN#OI" OUR SUPgR/OR ,t EAr, g ! Bartle and were Mr. gees," Mrs. Taylor; "To and Fro Sunday in their home at Milling±on AT SANDUSKY YARDS Harve family Audley Rawson, representing the ,and Mrs. George Battle, Mr. and upon .the Land," Mrs. Kerr; "So- in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Methodist Church as a lay dele- Mrs. Herbert Battle, Mr. and Mrs. cial Service in Action," Mrs. Kil- Greenleaf's daughter, Mrs. Charles Good butcher steers gate, left here Wednesday to at- Lawrence Bartle, all of Cuss City; burne; response, "Courage." Host- Walmsley, of Cass City and the and heifers ..__...... 9.10 tend the annual Detroit Confer- and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ritter of esses are Mrs. A. S. Milligan and birthday of Mr. Tiller's son, Har- Fair to good butch -$ enee which will be in session in Bad Axe, Mrs. Smith. old Tiller, of Flint. Guests were er steers and heif- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tiller and Pontiac until Sunday night when ers ...... 8.25 @ 8.75 ' Miss Virginia Day of Wyandotte Mrs. Joseph A. Benkelman at- two daughters of Flint, Mr. and ministerial appointments ~will be Common ...... 6.75 @ 7.75 and John Day of Detroit spoilt the tended the wedding of Esther Mrs. James Greenleaf and family read. It is anticipated by Mr. Bu- Best beef cows ...... 6.75 @ 7.25 week-end with their mother, Mrs. Lowe and Mr. Charles MeCulloch of Deford, Mr. and Mrs. Edward shong and his congregations in Fair to good beef Zora Day. Miss Virginia remained in St. Benedict's Church in High- Greenleaf, Alex Greenleaf, Mr. and Cass City and Bethel that he will Cows ...... 6.00 @ 6.50 to spend a few weeks here and is }and Park Saturday morning and Mrs. Charles Walmsley and son, be returned as Methbdist pastor Cutters ...... 5.25 @ 5.75 planning to leave Cuss City July 8 a recelation at the home of the Frederick, and Miss Betty Olden- here. Canners ...... 4.50 @ 5.10 on a .trip to visit relatives and bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat- burg. Although weather reports prom- Medium weight bo- friends iq California. Miss Day rick Lowe, in the same city in the ised rain, fifteen members of the logna bulls ...... :... 6.50 @ 6.80 will make the trip by train and afterno6n. Mrs. Benkelman and Oscar 0'Kelly, octogenarian of choir and ushers of the Evangelical Light common bulls 6.00 @ 6..25 will go by way of the Grand Can- the bride's mother were girlhood Caro, and an early settler of Elk- Church started an all-day excursion Stock bulls ...... 17.50 @ 45.00 yen and return through Vancouver, friends. Mrs. Ben Schwegler and land Township, and Charles S. last Thursday. After a picnic din- Stockers and feeders 14.00 @ 46.00 British Columbia, visiting many !daughters, Mildred and Fern, and Seed, publisher of the Rochester ner at noon, they toured the Dairy cows ...... 38.00 @ 77.50 places of interest on the trip both Mrs. D. A. Krug accompanied Mrs. Clarion, son of Hugh Seed, Sr., one grounds at the zoo at Royal Oak. Best calves ...... 9.60 to and from California. She ex- [Benkelman to Detroit. The group of the earliest settlers in ,this com- Sunshine all day made the outing" Fair to good calves 8.75 @ 9.50 pects to be gone seven weeks. Miss l also called on friends during the munity, met in the .Chronicle office an especially happy one. Miss Seconds ...: ...... 7.75 @ 8.50 Day, who has been teaching in a I~tay, among whom were the Wil- recently and reminiscing was in Kathryn MeTavish of Pleasant Culls and commons 6.00 @ 7.50 Wyandotte school, has accepted a /liam Weldon and :Charles Kosanke order. Mr. O'Kelly's memory nat- Ridge, a former member of the Deacons ...... 3.25 @ 13.50 position in the sazne school for the /families, former residents of Cass urally encompassed earlier events choir, joined the group at the zoo Best mixed hogs, coming year. 1 City. than that of the publisher, Mr. O'Kelly being a much older man. and spent the day with them. Miss • 175 to 200 lbs...... 5.10 Charles Seed, many of the older Lena Joos remained in Dearborn, Best mixed hogs, residents will recall, was the com- where she expects to find work. 200 to 225 lbs ...... 5.10 munity's pioneer commercial milk Miss Thelma Hunt, an instructor Best mixed hogs, &-/ctU~ JO~.UWx±~.t .tovJ-x~- ~,xxvJd~ vx~ L,v£J, in the Roosevelt High School at 225 to 250 lbs...,.. 5.40 Brown pork chops on both sides in cover find coCK in a moderate oven Help the War Sufferers dealer here. He rang.a bell as he Best heavy hogs, a hot skillet. Put a layer of sliced (350 ° F.) for about an hour and approached a customer's house Ypsilanti, and Russell Hunt, a fifteen minutes, until both potatoes 250 to 270 lbs ...... 5.20 potatoes in a buttered baking dish, w~th his one-horse milk wagon. A teacher in the New Baltimore High sprinkle with flour and salt and pep- and chops are done. To The American Red Cross: member of the household, quite School, are spending .their summer Best heavy hogs, often the handsomest daughter, vacations at the home of their l 270 to 300 lbs ...... 4.85 Inclosed p~:ease find...... i ...... Dollars for the relief . of suffering :men, women and children, wounded or made home- tripped to the roadside with pail, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. t Best heavy hogs, Buy Tender, Delicious Cuts Here Hunt. Mis:s Catherine Hunt, an-~ 300 to 350 lbs: ...... 4.80 jug, pan or other container for the Cuts that linger in the memm-y, and leSsNAMEbY ,the :<:'~ar in Europe.. . day's." supply. Charles reached his other daughter, who is tgaching in~ Best light hogs, 170 pint dipper down into the large Trenton, expects to arrive in Cuss/ lbs. down ...... 5.05 call for more! milk ~can in the wagon .and ladled City next w e ok, All three young[ Roughs -...... 4.35 down ADDRESS ...... , ...... out the required amount. There people return to .the same positions l Good spring lambs.. 10.05 Send your contribution to Mrs. J. Ivan Niergarth, local were few, if any, of the customers next fall. Miss Betty Hunt, a stu-l Fair to good lambs 9.00 chairman, or leave it at either bank in Cuss City, or the Chron- of those early days that Charles dent at Michigan State College at[Sale every Wednesday at 2:00 p. m: Reed & Patterson icle Office. Seed couldn't call by their first I East Lansing, is also at her par-] Sandusky Live Stock Sales Co. TELEPttONE 52 Dealers in Livestock and Poultry ,names. entai home here. '--Advertisement...... , , Cass City, Michigan. CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1940. PAGE FIVE. f WANTED--Farms of all sizes. of Rochester and Mr. and Mrs. l WICKWARE. warrant their being called before Have ready cash buyers. See me DEFORD James Holeomb of Auburn Heights. maturity. Lo~ans on wheat stored at once. William F. Zemke, De- J A good time is reported from those in approved warehouses mature in Chronicle Liners ] [ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hartwick ford. 6-7-4 Miss Wentworth De- attending the reunion. eight months, or on April 30, 1941, ) Nor~ma of land son, Elwyn, spent the week- % troit and Mrs. Arthur Ashley, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ross of whichever is earlier. These loans PIGS, 6 WEEKS OLD, for sale. Flint were Sunday evening" guests lent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. are also on a demand basis. LOST~Nurse's gold hospital pin Clarence Wagner and son, John, RATES~Liner of 25 words or Also all-glass oak china cup- of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Lewis. I Elmer Ball of Lapeer, and on a with green lettering. Finder of Flint were callers Friday of less, 25 cents each insertion. board. Mrs. Lenard, 5 south, 2 Thirty-five relatives came Sun- Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ball and please leave same at Chronicle Mrs. G. A. Martin. JUSTICE COURT. Over 25 words, one cent a word east of Cass City. 6-21-1 day with well-filled basket.s to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hartwick Office. 6-21-1p for each insertion. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Martin spent celebrate Father's Day and the and son and Mr. and Mrs. John STRAWBERRIES for sale. Tele- the week-end with their daughters birthdays of George Spencer and IYoung and family spent the day Walter DeSute, 23; John DeSute, SECOND-HAND grain binder for FOR SALE~Port Huron separa- phone 57F3. Walter McIntyre. and families in Detroit. Their [at the I• M. A. Park at Potter's 28; and Peter DeSute, 21, all of tor and oil pull 20-40 tractor. son, Alvah Spencer. They received sale. John W. Ball, 3 east, ~/~ 6-21-1p. youngest daughter, Mrs. E. L. Ar- a number of lovely gifts. Among t Lake. IC~,ro, were arrested at the Van- south of Cass City. 6-21-1p All in good running condition. nold, came home with them for a I Mr. and Mrs• Harold Hendrick Winkle Tavern near:Caro Saturday Clair Profit, 1 east, 5 north of those present were two great DAY-OLD BREAD for sale. Fried visit. grandsons, Junior Siewert and land son of Wickware/who attended night, charged with beating up the BINGHAM School reunion on Sat- Cass City. 6-21-2p cakes, 7c and 8c a dozen. Razor Mr. and Mrs. Orlie ~Simmons and Mioh~o] Ra~omolr a~e Rsd AYo ~d l the Lee Adams reunion at Lake manager, Lee Hinton. Each ,man urday, ~une ~,°a w:'~h pu~iuck bla(ies. ~ packages i or Yb¢0 Tei e- iPie~sant Su~davo aiso cailed at -furnished bond~ of $100 each t~ LAWN MOWERS sharpened--3 idaugq~ter and Mr. and Mrs. John a grandniccc, Judy ~;loore, of Cass dinner at noon. Esther Werde- phone 57F3. Walter Mclntyre. Elley spent Sunday at the home the home of Mr." and Mrs. Elmer appear in justice court Friday• blade, 75c; 4 and 5 blade, $1.00. City. man, Secretary. 6-21-1p 6-21-ip. of Mrs. Mary Reid in Wayne• Ball of Lapeer Sunday evening. Floyd Siebert, 22, of Clifford We use a new Ideal grinding John Kline spent Saturday night Thomas Grove is very ill for and Sunday with his son, Harry. wa,s arrested at the Shay Lake FOR SALE or trade on cattle, a machine. Also new and used SPRAYERS and dusters, 15c and some weeks with diabetes, and also dance hall on Saturday on a dis- Belgian stallion, 7 years old and mowers for sale. Your old mow- up. Cass City Furniture Store. 1940 Grain Loan ~¥eight 1,900, and a good trailer. was the victim of a stroke so`me orderly charge. In Justice St. er taken in trade if you wish. 6-21-1. Mary's court, he was given his John Palmer, ½ mile west of West"s Welding and Machine time ago. He is now. at the home Elkland and Elmwood Rates Announced Argyle. 6-14-2p of his sister, Mrs. Babcock• choice of paying fine and costs of Shop• 5-10-tf FARMS FOR SALE--40 acres, Townline. $26.85, or serving a 90-day jaii Mrs. F. W. Towsley and Mr. and IIOLBROOK Community Club will $1,500; 80 acres, $3,200; 160 The Tuscola County basic wheat sentence. 20 ACRES of mixed hay to be acres, $4,500; 200 acres, $6,000; Mrs. Glenn Towsley and children l~an rate for farm storage of the hold i~s annual strawberry festi- Mr. and Mrs. George Walls On June 13, Ewald J. Schultz, taken' off on shares. See John 350 acres, $8,500; 400 acres, were Sunday guests of Mr. and of 1940 crop will be 71 cents per val Thursday night, June 27, Sunday 42, of Lansing was arrested in Morrison, 4 nonth, 3 east, ½ $8,000; 900 acres, $16,000. All Mrs. J. Budinger in Port Huron. East Dayton spent with bushel on Red Winter, Hard Win- starting serving at 7:00. 6-21-1 north of Cass City. 6-21-1p Mrs. R• Bearss. Reese on a drtmk and disorderly farms have buildings. For farm Chauncey Tallman and William ter, and Soft White Winter, grad- .charge. Justice Frank St. Ma~T Mr. and Mrs. George Dudenhof- EVERY MONDAY I haul farmers' bargains, see Dan Hobson, Clif- Roth each have a new tractor. ing No. 2, with a maximum mois- gave him a 30-day sentence. I0 ACRES of alfalfa hay for sale. for of Henderson visited relatives livestock ,to Marlette stockyards. ford, Michigan. 6-14-3p Kenneth Kelley made a business ture content of 14 per cent. Wheat Mike Worbel, 63, of Cuss ,City Mrs. ° Clara Mayor, 4 miles north and called on old friends in this I also do local trucking. Ben trip on Thursday to Detroit. loans will be available to wheat was arrested June 14 by Deputy and 3½ east of Cass City. 6-21-i WE BUY poultry, fresh clean vicinity over the week-end. McAlpine, R1, Gagetown. Seven Mrs. Ruth Sherman, daughter, producers who are in v~apliance Sheriff Wilson on a di,sorderly eggs and potatoes. Joe Susko, north, ~ east of Cass City. MR. FARMER--We are in the Mr. and Mrs. Preston Karr spent with their 1940 wheat acreage al- charge. In justice court, he was Deford. 6-14-2p Mabel, Mrs. Walter Thompson and 6-17-tf. market to buy all kinds of live- Mrs. VanAllen were at Pontiac on Sunday evening in Caro at the H. lotments under the AAA farm given a choice of paying $10.35 Meddaugh home. program. FOR S ALE~Good five-room one- stock. Call us before you sell. STOCK OF hay car t~rack, rope Friday. Mrs. Sherman and daugh- costs or seving 30 days. He paid. Robert and Jim Milligan. Phone ter; few in Mrs. Elmer Bearss, Mrs. W. Q. Thi.s is the report made this week story house suitable for moving. and pulleys; new kind of rope, Mabel, spent a days by John M• Reagh, chairman of No. 93-F41. 5-28- the city before returning. Rawson and Audley Rawson at- Clare B. Turner, first house west wet proof. G. L. Hitchcock. the Tuscola County Agricultural Latest Prospector Wrinkle 6-14-2. tended a family reunion Saturday of Elmwood Store, five miles FOR SALE--Two Goodyear used Walter Wilkin.son was elected as Conservation Committee. The sand beneath a newsstand[ at Dearborn. razed recently at Laketand, Fla~ ~est, 1 south of Cass City. tires in good shape. Size 6,00-18. a district delegate of the Town- The loan value on mixed wheat or DO YOU NEED glasses? The send Club, .to attend the convention Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ewald of yielded two youthful prospectors, e 6-21-Ip. Two blocks north of Elktand answer is "yes" if you axe both- wheat with a moisture content of to be held June 23 to July 4 in St. Pontiac spent the week-end with between 14 and 14½ per cent will boy and a girl, $5 in nickels, dimes LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old, for Roller Mitls and one block east. ered by constant headaches, Louis, Missouri. Mrs. L. Ewald and Mrs. George be two cents per bushel below the and quarters. The boy shoveled the sale. Ernest Beardsley, 4 west, 6-21-1p. burning eyes, easy fatigue. Mr• and Mrs. Leslie Drace were Seeley. sand and the girl sifted it through of 6-21-1 Glasses often cure nervousness. established rate, while ,the rate on ~ south Cass City. WHEN YOU have live stock for callers in Saginaw on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tracy of smutty and garlicky wheat will wire screen. sale, call Reed & Patterson. Save your sight! See Ao Ho Ferndaie and Mr. and Mrs. Harry SPECIAL MEETING of Echo Higgins, Optometrist. 6-14- Mrs. A. L. Bruce, Mrs. Malcolm Irange from three to six cents less Chapter, O. E. S., Wednesday Telephone 52, 3~ or 228. 4-21-tf and Mrs. K. Kelley were callers Habicht and daughter, Janet, of than the 71 Cent basic rate. CASS CITY MARKETS. FOR SALE 100 White Leghorn Milan spent the week-end :at the Rye and barley producers will evening, June 26, for the pur- RANGE for sa!e~ burns either on Monday in Saginaw° pullets, 11 weeks old; cow, due E. A. Livingston home. be etigi'ble for commodity loans on pose of initiation. 6-21-1 coal or wood. Enquire at James Mrs. Horace Murry,. accompany- June 29, 1940. in August; and one work horse. Mr. and Mrs. O~ Karr and these crops, ff they have planted Pothers farm, 3 west of Cass ing Mr. and Mrs. Murry of Akron, Buying price-- TRY KENNEY~S Ior some of youz Enquire Elkland Roller Mills. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. K. Profit within their 1940 total soil-deplet- First column~ price at farm; groceries, good staple goods and City. 6-21-2p attended the funeral of an aunt in and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. 6-21-2. Indianapolis, Indiana, this week. ing allotments u~der the AAA second column, price delivered at priced right. Kenney's Grocery CASH PAID for cream at Ken- Richard Karr spent Sunday at farm program. The rye loan will RESTAURANT sale, complete- Mrs. Julius Wentworth was a elevator. and Creamery. 10-7-tf ney's, Cass City. for Caseville. be available on farm-stored rye Grain. ly equipped, also six furnished visitor on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs• The Mother% gToup of the C~ss grading No. 2 or better, or grading Wheat, No. 2, mixed, bu. .79 .72 FOUND Auto license plate RX- sleeping rooms adjoining. Easy Charles Cunningham. ~FOR SALE~Silk and wool mohair City Baptist Church entertained No. 3 solely on the basis of test Oats, bushel ...... 29 .39 15-55. Call at Chronicle Office terms. Wells Home Care, .Caro, davenport. Can be opened into a Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. their families .at a potluck supper weight. The loan rate, as was the Barley, cwt ...... 87 .90 for same. 6-21-1 Michigan. 6-21-1p full size bed. Pad included. William Patch were Mr. and Mrs. at the Elmer Bearss home Tuesday case last year, will vary with the Rye, bushel ...... 33 .35 Price $10. Mrs. C. 5. Rocheleau, William Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. evening. STRAWBERRIES for sale. Call WANTED Girl or woman, ex- 1940 loan rate for 1940 Soft Winter Buckwheat, cwt ...... 1.12 1.15 % mile west of Gagetown. Leslie Taylor of Royal Oak. A. Anthes and crew are working at the Peter Kloc farm, 3 miles perienced in housework, capable Wheat. Similarly, the rye loan Shelled Corn, bushel ...... 62 .64 6-21-1p. at Po~t Sanilac. south of Cass City. 6-21-1p of planning and carrying out Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Collins and rate will be 22 cents less than the Beans. her work. Reply to Box SJ J, in Miss Stella Patch were Tuesday applicable 1940 wheat loan rate, l~Iichigan Navy Beans, cwt ..... 2.80 WANTED~Man to work on farm WANTED~150 old horses for fox care of Chronicle, giving qualifi- evening callers in Caseville. but not ~nore than 38 cents per Light Cranberries, cwt ...... 2.60 by the month• Fred Emigh. feed. Must be alive. Otto Montei, bushel. Fairgrove. Caro phone 954-R-5. cations and references, or leave Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor have Dark Cranberries, cwt ...... 2,00 Phone 154F21. 6-21-1p On barley, loan rates made on ll-8-tf. name at Chronicle Office. 6-21-1 pusch~sed the farm owned by Mrs. Light Red Kidney Beans, cwt. 3.60 Wallace Withey. Mr. and Mrs. the basis of farm storage will be: Dark Red Kidney Beans, c,wt. 5.55 WASHINGS and ironings wanted. No. 1 at 35 cents a bushel; No. 2 Work be done at my home. Withey will also make their home Produce. to at 34 corers; No. 3 at 32 cents; No. Butterfat, pound ...... 26 Reasonable prices. Mrs. Albert with them at the farm. 4 at 29 cents; and No. 5 at 25 Butter, pound ...... 26 Shaman, 4319 West Street. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Churchill CASH TALKS! FARHERS! cents. A discount of two cents a Eggs, dozen ...... 12 6-21-1p. were guesbs of their son and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Churchill, 0 For all you know you may be bushel will be made for mixed Livestock. We are paying" today for barley. Tough, stained, blighted, Cattle, pound ...... 05 .07 FOR SALE~Will accept bids on of Auburn Heights, and also of a genius. This test won't prove it Prices Down! prime poultry: t smutty, garlicky, weevily, ergoty Calves, pound ...... 081A the following described lands: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Howey, at Rose- one way or another. But just [or The N. % of the NW. ~ of or bleached barley will not be eli- Hogs, pound ...... 04½ ville. a little mental relaxatlon try it. Section 13 containing 80 acres Blue Sunoco Gas gible for loans. Poultry. Rock springers, 4 lbs. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evo, ac- and the NE. ~A of the SE. 1£ of Simply read the question, ind;~- Loans on all three commodities, Hens, pound ...... 09 .12 6 gals. for 99c over ...... 21c companied by Mr. a~d Mrs. Don SeCtion 14 containing 40 acres, cate your choice o/answer in the if in farm• storage, will mature 10 Stags, pound ...... 0~ Rock broilers, 2~ lbs. and Evo of Wahjamega, spent Sunday Township of Wells. E. J. Kre- space provided. Check ]or cor- months from their respective dates, Rock Broilers, 3 ½ lbs. and up .20 up ...... 18c at Detroit at the Wayne Evo and mer, Administrator, Estate of Car Wash, now 50c rectness, then tally your score. or may be called on a demand ba- Rock Broilers, under 31/~ lbs. .15 Lynn Taylor homes. Robert A. Curry, Deceased, Caro, Leghorn broilers .... 13c to 15c Chapman Cart is fa- sis, if the Commodity Credit Cot- Leghorn Broilers, 2 lbs. and up .13 Gale Mclntyre left Tuesday for (1) Carrie Michigan. 5-24-tf Grease Job, now 50c mous because: (a) the CCC camps poration decides world conditions Leghorn Broilers, under 2 lbs.' .12 Heavy hens ...... 13c Detroit where he will spend a were named in .her honor, (b) she PRIVATE SALE of furniture, con- shor~ time with his sister. New Oil, 15c ...... now, qt. 10c Leghorn hens ...... 11c founded the Red Cross, (c) she was si~ting of an upholstered suite, Wolf's Head,, qt. 31c Miss Vera Streeter of Caro is the first woman governor of Texas, tables, chairs, rugs, secretary, WE ALWAYS BUY POULTRY visiting at ,the Joe Susko home. (d) she was a noted china cupboard, bedsteads, Valvoline, 36c ...... now, qt. 31c Mr. and Mrs. Park Wagg of suffragist worker. springs and mattresses, dressers, Phone I45. LA 20c Grade Oil ...... now, (It. 15c Pontiac were visitors on Thursday lamps, rockers, door mirror, li- (2) Ceylon is: (a) type of beef- HORSE, RACES fat %he George McArthur home. brary tables, wardrobe, lawn 25c Sunoco Oil ...... now, qt. 21c steak, (b) British island in the In- Caro Poultry Plant ,M.r and Mrs. McArthur returned Davison, Michigan mower, health lamp and other dian ocean, (c) capital of French- to Pontiac with them and were articles. Mrs. G. C. Folkert, 1 TRADE AND SAVE Caro, Michigan Indo-China, (d) prin- guests in the city until Wednes- blo:ck north of Ford Garage. cipal city of Peru. [_J SUNDAY JUNE 23 2:00 O'Clock day. 6-21-1p. AT WILMOT. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Niles of 30 Pace or Trot ...... $100.00 Purses WILL HAVE strawberries for sale Detroit were Saturday visitors of 20 Pace or Trot ...... $100.00 Purses next week and red and black SUNOCO SERVICE Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur. raspberries in season. Frank 6-14-2. Mr. and Mrs. George Asheroft Guests on Sunday were Mr. and 15 Pace or Trot ...... $100.00 Purses McCaslin, 4 south~ 2 west of were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kitchen, Mrso Charles Henderson° Cass City. Telephone 150F21. STRAWBERRIES for sale. Ready Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Berg of Adults, 50c Children, 25c 6:-21-2p. for canning. Joseph Tesho, 2 and Mrs. J. D. Bissett and Mr. and Cadillac and Mr. and Mrs. Fay blocks north, ½ block east of Mrs. Walter Prossor of Wayne, HAUL iivestock to Marlette and Berg of Sebewaing visited at the Standard Oil Co. Station. 6-21-1 and Miss Vernitta Reamer of Caro. do all kinds of trucking. Phone Riley home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harmon 71R2. William Withey, locat- STRAWBERRIES for sale. Frank Mrs. Frank Benedict entertained and three daughters of Flint were ed in Ivan Vader's house, one Martinek, 6 miles west of Cass over the week-end her sister, Mrs. week-end guests at the home of block south and one-half block City. 6-21-2p Tucker, and a niece and nephew west of For d Garage, Cass CLty. Mrs. Harmon's parents, Mr. and of Detroit. Mrs. Benedict and 4-5-tf. FOR SALE--18 acres of alfalfa Mrs. Alex McArthur. Mrs. Tucker will spend this week (3) Surely you know that this state hay on the ground. See me Sat- Sunday callers at the home of with their brother, Will Ayers, at is: (a) Wyoming, (b) Idaho, (c) WANTED--Single man to work urda,y afternoon. Emory Louns- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schlunz were his cottage at Barn',s Lake. Utah, (d) Nevada;~ farm. Henry Cooklin, 4½ on bury. 6-21-1p Mr. and Mrs. Ed Truba of Roches- James Bruce of Fairview is (e) North Dakota. miles west, ½ sot~th of Deford. ter. spending this week with his sister, FOR SALE--Two cows, fresh, (4) 19th Amendment to the U. S. M calf oved 6-21-1p. Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. Sam Sherk. by side. Want one heifer. Constitution: (a) gives nation-wide fat Mr. and Mrs. Gebrge Ashcroft Clinton Bruce of Sterling was a IN THE strawberry business as Arthur Gerou, 7 miles west of suffrage to women, (b) authorizes were Mr. and Mrs. M. Randall and caller in town Monday. usual. Joy Smith, one block west Cass City. 6-21-1p federal income taxes, (c) abolishes To our new location in the Gordon Hartwick of Clawson of Grand Trunk depot. 6-21-1p daughter of Kingston and Mr. and child labor, (d) establishes the pe- and Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hartwick NOTICE-~-Double harness, cream Mrs. A1 Shimmers of DetroLt. tunia as the U. S. FOR SALE~25 acres hay on the of Porztiac were week-end guests separators, oil and gas ,stoves, Mr. and Mrs. William Lippowiths national flower. LJ Folkert building field; also trailer house for rent ranges, sewing machines, baby and daughter, Joan, were week-end at the Fred Hartwick home. by week or week-end" trips. (5) Mark this statement true or ]also: cab, good piano, radios and rug. guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hicks and "Older than the U. S. Constitu- Chauncey Tallman, 8 miles south, cab, good piano, radios and rugs. Mrs. George Kiteley. daughters, Donna and Della, of tion is New York's ½ mile east of Cass City. 6-21-1 Flint were Sunday visitors of Mr. First door west of Cass City Second Hand Store, East Main A birthday party was held on state constitution." and Mrs. Lloyd Hicks. LA Street. 6-21-1 Saturday night at the home of Mr. (6) Baseball's immortal George BINGHAM School Reunion--The Guests at ,the Howard Rether- and Mrs. George Ashcroft in honor Herman Ruth set a world's record State Bank o annual reunion of the Bingham SALE~H o u s e h o 1 d furnishings ford home during the week were of their daughter, Mrs. William for major league home runs in 1927 School will be held on Saturday, must be sold by Friday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Olin Gibbs of Wyan- Phillips, of Flint. Lunch was by clouting 4-base hits totaling: June 29, beginning at noon. An Wilton velvet rug, 9x12; Axmin- dotte, who came to visit their ,served with a large binthday cake. (a) 50, (b) 39, ~ interesting program has been: ster rug, 9x12; double deck coil grandmother~ Mrs. Bertha .Cooper, provided; both old-timers and bed springs, almost new; mat- A good time was had by all. (e) 60, (d) 56. L.A Mrs. Arthur Ashley and daughter, (7) Scientific names for the North- moderns will take part. Come tress, good condition; two a~m Mr. and Mrs. Louie Miller of Elva, of Flint and Norma Went- era Lights is: (a) blitzkrieg, (b) and visi,t with your old-time chairs; desk; bookcase; couch. Detroit were week-end guests at i worth of Detroit. Shirley Coleman cosmic nebulae, (c) au- .F3 friends and classmates. 'Tis good Several pieces of antique furni- the home of the latter's parents, of Pontiac is spending her vacation rora borealis, (d) H~O. L__] to relax a little. "A little non- ture, kitchen utensils, etc, Apply Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson. with her grandparents, Mr. and sense now and then is relished at the J. Henry Smith home, Mrs. Charles Ferguson is quite ill Mrs. Howard Retherford. Answers on page eight...... 1 by the best of men." Matters of corner of Third and Seeger and has been under a doctor's care Mrs. Alice Retheford and .son, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••||•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••|•••••••••••••IIIIUlIIlIIIIIIIlllllllllllllulllllll[llll|lllilllllllllllllllllllllllllilllll|llllllll JTnportance will be discussed con- Streets. 6-21-1p for the past few weeks• Philip, spent Sunday with Mr. and Cane Cutter Rabbits coming the future policy of the Mr. and Mrs. Orla Barrons of Mrs. John Princing and Mr. and Cane cutter rabbits, common tb reunion. We want the opinion~ WE SINCERELY wish to thank Kingson were Monday evening Mrs. Alvin Siedell of Saginaw. the southern gulf states, have ap- of all. A potluck dinner will Mr. Niergarth, Mr. Campbell callers a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Malcolm peared as far north as South Caro- be served, so don't forget to and all those who helped to make Joe Barrons. and little niece, Marla Ivory, of lina where generally only the cotton bring your bit. By order of the my four years of high school tail and common swamp rabbits are • Arthur Daily and frier/ds of Pon- Detroit spent the week-end at the Executive Committee. 6-21-1 possible. Dale Mc. and His Howard Malcolm home. Shirley found. TodayIsa 600d Day i Mother. 6-21-1p ~ac were Sunday callers at the i THREE Exclusive Features in home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley returned home with them. Notice of Hearing Claims Before Court--- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Polheber spent State of Michigan, the Probate Court =_= Sunday's Detroit News--A 16- CARD OF THANKS--We wish to Barrons, Sr. for the County of Tuscola. page Color Comic Book, This express our heartfelt thanks to Miss Violet Wood of Kingston is Saturday and Sunday in Detroit. In the matter of the Charles Kilgore and Simeon Estate of Ruth E. Lounslmry, to renew your subscription to The Cass City Week Colorgravure Magazine our many friends and neighbors the new clerk at the E. V. Evans Deceased. :and America Speaks are three for the flowers and many acts of store. Pratt visited Sunday with Mr. and Notice is hereby given that two months Mrs. Floyd Russell of Detroit. from the 21st day of June, A. D. 1940, = ...... Chronicle for another year, If not convenient features you get in Michigan kindness extended to us during Orla Moulton of Caro called on have been allowed for creditors to present = only in The Detroit Sunday the illness and death of Harry Mrs. Russell returned home with their claims against said deceased to said to do~o today, of course tomorrow or the next his parents, Mr. a~d Mrs. William them for a few weeks. court for examination and adjustment, News. In view of this being Dodge. Also to the ministers, Moulton, Saturday. and that all creditors of said deceased are election year, it will pay you to Rev. Mr. Sherk, Rev. Mr. Avery Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lester an- required to present their claims to said day is also a good time to do so. It all helps to Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts are court, at the probate office, in the Village = read America Speaks and hay8 and Rev. Mr. Orchard, the sing- nounce the arrival of an eight = spending an indefinite time visiting of Caro, in said county, .on or before the the facts on how the nation fee/s ors, Mr. and Mrs. Karr, the pall- pound girl Thursday, June 13. She 21st day of August, A. D. 1940, and that keep "the records straight." friends in Flint. will answer to the name of Deloris. said claims will be heard by said court on :about the candidates. Watch for bearers and Dr. H. T. Donahue. Friday, the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1940, _= this poll of public opinion next Mrs. Harry Dodge and Jimmie Joe Waxell of Detroit was a Among those who attended the at ten o'clock in the forenoon. week-end guest at the home of his Withey School reunion o~ Saturday Dated June lS, A. D. 1940. = == Sunday and every Sunday in and Mrs. Orth and Mrs. Secord. H. WALTER COOPER. Judge of Pro- The Detroit News. 6-21-1 6-21-1p. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Waxell. were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmateer bate. 6-21-a J|ll ~~|~|~||~||~|~|~1~j~u~|~i|~|~| ~|~ill~||[~|~|~|~i~|~H~bu~|~|~i~|||W~|~|~|~W~ PAGE SIX. CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1940. Cass City, Michigan. 'Marked Men' Doctor federal relief and national defense. G-Men i~ MichigarL WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS By Farnham F. Dudgeon The youths would not be trained Federal investigators of the de- Townsend with guns for military combat, but partment of justice have developed they would be given instruction in leads in Michigan "as challenging French Government Asks Peace bridge and road construction, cook- [ as th~se we received in Louisiana," Says ...... ing, first aid, radio, photography J so admitted O. John Rogge, assist- Aher Reynaud Cabinet Resigns; and mechanical work. The camps ant United State attorney genera% NEVER in may help to train young men for in Detroit. our history, not industrial employment in an effort The Louisiana inquiry consumed England Pledges We'll Fight On' even during the to break the present bottleneck due eleven months before the lid blew disastrous de- to lack of machines and skilled off. machinists. (EDITOR'S NOTE--When opinions are expressed in these columns, they pression years, The Associated Press intimated The NYA camp at Cgssidy Lake are those of ~he news analyst and not necessarily of this newspaper.) has real democ- that the federal grand jury was racy been so (between Ann Arbor and Jackson) Released by Western Newspaper Union ...... looking into charges of graft in . Lansin~Thh shadow of labor needed as in the is already trainin~ youn~ men in sritica! days to ivocati(mai fields such as a.v~a~io~ ,,.,uu.u.t~y ~ iiiess Michigan. come. True de- and automobile engineering. volving the sheriff, prosecuting i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i iiii ii iii i ii i ~!:i¢}.-..;~.- Coming at a crucial time when i i~!~!!!~!~!~!~;!~!~!~j~!~i~i!i~ii~!i!i~i!i~i~i~i~i~!;i~iiiiii~i!~!i!;ii!i!i!i~i!iiji~!i!i!!~!~i!i!~i!!iiii!~iii~iii?j?!i~ijiiiijjii~iii~iii~iiii[!~!~!~ii!iiji!ii~i~i~i~i~i~i~?~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~iiiii?!~i~ii~i~i~i8bi8~!~i~ mocracy is effec- Michigan national guardsmen attorney, and a couple score of ,~:s," ....v...... :.:..-~ "." "v.- +.'-'.'.'v...%. the United States government is tive only when will ,train this summer at Sparta, policemen, the prospect of a Louisi- ~iiH ii~i i!i ~ i ii i iii !:i !:i:!:i$~i~[i!:iiiij~!j~i~:~i~iJiijiij~:~[~!~ii:~i!!i!ii~!ii[!{ii?iij jii~i~ ?iiiiiiiii?[:i~!~{i~iH ~!~!i i ili~ ~i~ H!i~!!i ~[i i ! ! Hi !i! i ii i!? i i i i? i i i i{ii?~{i i i~ !! ii? !i ij~ !ill! !! ! i!iii!! i!!! ! i!! !~ii?i~ii!i ii!!!i leaning heavily upon our industrial the electorate is informed on Wisconsin, and at Grayling. The ana-style scandal being uncovered ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :i!: H i i i{: H i!HH H!iiiHi!i !H!!!i!~. [Hi [:i{~::{ [~ {i~:iiH:i:!iii!i!iii [~iH H iiHi ~i HH[![iHHiI~! H i{Yli:ii ~!Hii :'::iii i i [~ iiii H H i{~ [ H::':{ii:{ H plants for armament, a threat at ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... ~ ...... ",." ...... " :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.'...'..'; ..... $~:.2e ...... " ...... :::::::<::::::,.. • +..., ,...:...... ,.:¢::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .,...v...... ,...:..,::::.::::::::::" ...... ,. national and international affairs. CCC camps would "prove valuable in Michigan fairly takes your ...... ® ...... ::.:::::.:::+:.::.:.:.+::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:+:.:.:.:.:.:.:.+....~: ...... :. ..:..: ...... :...... • ...... :....:,:+...+:.,...:.,.:.f....:,.. ++.+:.:.:.:.:..,...:.:.:..:...... +. :+:.:.(%~..... ======::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~>~...+::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:..:.:...: ,:+:+:...:. ~i~..!:i~" " .'...:''-"'.'.'.".:...... ' production output Could easily be- Confusion4n the minds of the peo- assets in case of mobilization," it breath. ,s~:m:!:i:~:i:::::!:sisi::i:!si:!::!.-:s~::i:s.:::~:::~:i...... ::'i~{~{...... ~:::::~"::::~ ...... !...... ~" ~:i!~:!!i~:~ii~!!:~ ..... : come a national affair. ple may cause confusion among our was stated at Washington by Gen- ~i!~i~i~: :~i!{~i[ii: *iii!iiii!ii-: .iii!ii!ii;~i~ii::ihh~.~...... : ...... :...... ::::;i!ii~i~!i!:: :ii ~iiiii!iii:::::i The Washington probe may end The situation is something like representatives in Washington. eral George C. Marshall, army in indictments of a startling na- this: They must be able to act decisively chief of staff. ture. (1) The C. I. O. is fearful that according rio the wishes of the :'- .... i:~i~i~j~i~ii:~. ..:~i?:~i!i~ii~: ":"!!~i "":!~}~: Nj~i!~i:!~i:! A historic spot where A mer- industrialists may seize upon the citizens. ican doughboys ~ought in the preparedness issue as a pretext to Our national problems, which Argonne district ol France is deny them ~the ;'right" of higher have not been solved, must not be marked by this stone--it was wages~and the "right" to strike overshadowed by international con- "marked" in another ]ashion for them. ditions, and we should be able to in World V/ar H. A German (2) Industrialists recall the ac- cope with both situations equally aerial bomb scored a hit, ~vity of communists in the 1937 well. With this double task ahead Plumbing shattering the monument. sit-down strike, and they insist it behooves each citizen to be in- ~-...... -:...... ~:::::~: :: .'.'~:::: .... ,,...... :~ [~. - ...... "::~::,-~ :2:: .');2:-:...... :': :-:':':':-:':':: :,:.:.:~~:.:.:.v ...... ,~..: • ,that unions shall give a five-day formed on the serious problems of notice of strike only as a last re- ~?::h~:~:::~:::::~:~h:::~:~:~:::?~:~?~:??~8~:?~:?~:~:?~:~:~:~:~:~?~:~:~??~:>~8~2H~:~:~:~:~:~8~:>:?~:~h@~:~8~:~::::::~:::~:::~:~£:~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~::~: ::::::?~:~ government and to communicate :::::::::::::::::::::::::::B~:~s:::~,.:~:.* :$,>>:~~:::: :::::: ...... :~.".:::: ::::: ::: :::: :::: :: ::: :::: ::::::::::: . .:::::'.::::~::::::: a:: -%N...... :: ::::: :: ::::::: :::~:.~&*;~ :: :':- :'~ .%?.:...... :: ::!:!:::!:i:::~ ...... 8 :?: :i: :!:~:::~:i:!:iS!: 8 :!:i:i:i:i: :!:~:!:~~~:~...~ sor~ in negotiatin~ grievances. with representatives in l: ~J~s s.... :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::. :::::::::::::: ::s~,:: s:: :..'..:-s #~:..'.':::: ?.-: ::: ::: :: ::::::::::: :::::: :s:::: ~~L9;-.i¢'~ AGRICULTURE : often his '~.....:`%:.:.:~:.~..~2::.`:s:::.~:::~:~::~::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: ::::::::::::~: ::::::::::::::::::::#:z:::: ::::::::::: :::: :::::: :;.~ > :~:::::: ::: ~: :'::: ...... :::::':: :':::: :: :: ::'::a..-'.~::.:...?.~...... They want authority also to dis, t Washington. and Heating ~i£:.:..:.i..:.Ri.!.....~.!.~.~.~i~i.~LRi.Ri.~2/.i.!ii2`:i.~i~ii.~.~.~22::..iiiLiiLiLiki2:iiiii~::J::::~.:g :::2.,:i:~,iiiiiii.::ii:~.iii:ii:J.) ~::i)iiiiii)::~iii~i;iii{.i~iii~iiiii~iii@{iii::;ii::.:~i.'::;~~~ Record Reserve miss employees, alien or otherwise, [ Department of agriculture reports whom they believe to be involved I emergency~and signs already When Italy ~oined forces with Germany in the war agains~ France and Eavetroughing and Sheet Metal Work indicate that ever-normal granary in sabotage. . point that it has arrived--special England she had a good supply of armored tanks to aid in clearing the way reserve supplies of surplus farm (3) Commissioner O ~~.- Physician and Surgeon. ,~. ~ part U~t the ~l I/C-i.[l :111...... Ugh-- bered eight° for a go,tal of 19,410 X-Ray. Eyes Examined. fine. Many are trees. Phones: Office, 96; Residence, 69. not aware that Three wincipal uses are being K. I. Macl~AE, D. O. the fullness, filled by farmers utilizing these (~) 2qationai Wildlif¢ J~'cderati0a seedlings, says W. Ira Bull, exten- Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon pain or distress LTN The supply of Smallmouth Black on cottonseed meal and minnows, sup- sion forester at the college. Half block e~st of Chronicle Office. that comes on Wind and water erosion control Phone 226. two ~o three :Bass has dwindled in the past few plied by Uncle Sam. :Prom 2~Iay, when years, but the National Wildlife Fed- they hatch, until September, when is one purpose.- The others include hours after eating is due to a eventual timber or pulpwood pro- #o# : E. T. AITKEN, D. C. eration which uses this fellow on One they are seined out and distributed, ,2 duetion on non-agricultural land, CHIROPRACTOR. little erosion or break in the of its new 1940 Poster Stamps, assures the scrappy little tlsh live the life of use as windbreaks, and for an lining wall of the stomach or us that state and fede~l agencies are Reilly -- but then they must fend for Midwestern yaso..e- J"- fav.orite fiolds ~: Hours: ultimate Christmas ,tree crop. heeding anglers' complaints. themselves in their new homes, flow- 2 to 8 Tuesday and Saturday. intestine. They simply go on Special allotme~at of as much double lead over "runner-up" i Office in home of W. 2. Moore, West Virginia, the Bu- ever, as any fisherman will tell you, a "soft" or liquid diet for two At Leetown, as $30 a farm, earned by planting 4391 Seeger St., Cuss City reau of Fisheries conducts one of its the Smallmouth Black Bass is a tough When one brznd of gasoline leaves more than 100 " forest trees on farms, at the rate or three weeks, the ulcer most up-to-date hatcheries, ttere the tighter, so with government help, and DENTI.STRY. of $7.50 an acre, was an induce- others trailing... Man, that's news! "~r It tells you heals, and it remains healed bass spawn in specially constructed L A. FRITZ AND E. C. FRITZ. the protection of state laws, he is sent year from federal just one thing about that gasoline: It must be good! (a) when this the if they do two things: ~ests, and the fry sit up and likely to tempt the Izaak Waltons for Agricultural Soft Conservation pro- That's not surprising, either. Take RedCrown's Office over Mac & Scotty Drug ~ake a little nourishment they feed come. Store. We solicit your patronage Avoid rough fdods, and (b) many a year tO gram. This, says Forester Bull, famous high-strung power, plus its low cost per when in need of work. avoid emotionaldisturbances. had some effect in boosting ,the mile, and combine those qualities with its high anti- In the Mayo clinic number of the o@,.@-@,.oo.@-o,,o.,@..m,,@-@,.e-@-@,.e,.e..e,.@,q@..@-@..@..@,.@, recent planting to a 2,000,000 tree knock, and you'll see why Red Crown is mid- P. A. SCHENCK, ' D. D. S. Medical Clinics of North America, Outdoor Meals merease over the number of seed- western champion for :sweet-riding thrifty per- Dentist. Dr. Carl G. Morlock says: Require Balance lings sold from the college nursery formance. ~tr Try a tankful today. ~~" Graduate of the University of "It is now recognized that in deal- 25 AND 35 "fEARS a year ago. Michigan. Office in Sheridan Bldg., ing with an ulcer-bearing type of in- Some leading Based on latest available state tax and inspection data. Even when dinner or supper is of the counties in Cass City, Michigan. dividual who in many instances has stowed outdoor style or at a picnic, the 3,586,000 total of trees pur- STANDARD O|[ MAKES 3 F|NE GASOL|NE$ inherited this ulcer- This Was News chased were Muskeg'on with 701,- PRICED TO SUIT YOUR PURSE A. McPHAIL. Ago r , ! i . the meal requires balance, suggest bearing or ulcer- ,o.,$.,o,,@,o.,o..tJ.*t~.,@,,e*.o..e,,o.,o,,e,,o..o.,$,,$~,$..e,,$.,o.,~ 000 seedlings, Oceana with 260,000, Red Crown $olife StanoHnd ! !> Funeral Director. growing tendency. home economics staff members at Twenty-five Yeasts Ago. Michigan State College. Meeosta, 185,780, and VanBuren, regular-priced premlumqualify bargain--priced~ I[ " ', Lady assistant. Because of this pc: with 140,000. 5une 25, i9i5. Phone No. 182. Case el y. ~liar teficlency fo Despite summer temperatures i Price lists for reforestation stock the ~evelopment of Eighteen members of the senior one of the easiest methods is to be :sold fall and swing" E. W. DOUGLAS. to this next ulcer in some pa- .,lass of the Cass City High School plan the picnic meal around some will be available about Aug~ast 1. Funeral Director. tients one sees stom- were graduated las,t night. Mem- lhot dish. A vacuum jug vAli keep Landowners seeking supplies are Lady assistant. Ambulance service. ach ulcer occur in bers of the class are Dougald Du_n- food either hot or cold for hours. advised to write 'to the forestry Phone 188R3. the same stomach canson, Otis Stockmeyer, James If the family has such a jug, pre- department at the college for cost from which an ulcer Hamilton, Paul Fritz, Howard pare soup, stew, chili or other price lists and to place their orders has been previously Hoadley, Hazen Carson, Helen foods at home and serve hot at the early in .the fall before supplies of removed by sur- McGregory, Beatrice Koepfgen, picnic. If not~ take a covered cas- some of the species are exhausted° McGrath's Standard Dr. Barton gory, and one sees Mary Flynn, Alison Spence, Vina serole o~ scalloped potatoes, toma- CASH ulcers of the intes- McPhail, Helen Kolb, Mac BenkeL to0s, or mixed vegetables that will For Dead and Disabled .... Hind Legs First? tine in a patient who has had his man, Alma Mark, Lottie Hamilton, hold its heat for an hour or 'so. Service Hind feet of animals that bound, HORSES .... $1.00 stomach and intestinal ulcers re- Ruth Bittner, Ruth Fritz and The fireplaces in local, state, and "'- ~ EAST MAIN STREET, CASS CITY including the rabbit, track ahead of moved." Florence Bigelow. national parks make it easy to CATTLE .... $1.0(} the front feet. Regrewth Not Inevitable. cook at the picnic grounds. One Free service on small animals. Two hundred men participated However, the fact that the indi- in a road bee held in seven dis- can prepare meat and vegetables at Phone Colleet--Cass City 207 vidual had parents who grew ulcers tricts near Case CLty Tuesday and home, and then reheat them over DARLING & COMPANY or he has grown an ulcer himself they loaded, hauled and spread 541 the picnic fire. Canned foods can Successors to does not mean that he is bound to loads of gravel. Case City fur- be heated quickly at the picnic or Millenbach Brothers grow another. nished 60 men to shovel gravel, 93 steaks or hamburgers can be Co, "When an ulcer has healed, The Original Company to Pay farmers furnished teams and driv- broiled. duty to the patient is only half done. for Dead Stock ers, 18 men spread the gravel on Raw vegetables as a relish or He should be made to understand the highway and 30 more farmers salad should be included in the that he still has the tendency to grow or their helpers assisted in loading picnic menu. If greens are crisped an ulcer and that there will always in the gravel pits. On the basis of in the refrigerator they will stay remain the danger of the oId ulcer counting 10 feet of road improved quite fresh wrapped in waxed, pa- returning or a new ulcer starting. to every load of g~avel hauled, over per. Pack carrot or cucumber S ELL| G'$ Any infection--teeth, tonsils, gall a mile of highway was bettered sticks, celery, radishes, or green bladder--must be removed. The pa- Tuesday. onions into a covered glass jar. ttention tient must learn to eat slowly and Morley C. Wickware has pur- For the beverage, plan to have chew thoroughly., Salads, raw ap- milk for the children at least. If Dog ples, cabbage, nuts, vegetables, chased Stock in £he Montana State cheese, tough meats and new breads, Bank at Valier, Montana, and is in there is no way to keep the bottle alcohol, strong coffee, unripe fruit, ;.charge of that institution as cash- cold, ,the milk will keep best in a Owners vinegar, mustard, pepper, very hot ier. vacuum bottle. Readi-eooked and cold drinks should be avoided." Gagetown High School has one Fruit is ideal for the picnic des- :DOG FOOD Finally, keeping mind and body graduate this year, John Coots. sert. Apples, bananas, grapes, plums, fresh pineapple, melons or End your wom/es ~bout the health relaxed and trying to avoid anger or Owen Spencer has purchased the of your dog. Start feeding Snell- other "wearing" emotion is an im- auto repair business of M. A. other fruits, turnovers, or cup inN's DoN Food and never change. portant factor in preventing stom- Fordyce and has moved his shop cakes also make good desserts for lVlakes your dog healthy, sleek, and ach or intestinal ulcer. to the Doerr Garage on West Main the outdoor rneal. full of pep. One pound is equal in Street. food value to three cans of dog food. Ask your grocer for a sack. Heat Instrumental Thirty-five Years Ago. (Distributor) June 28, 1915. The Fruit House, Bay City, Mich. In Relieving Pain 401 Eleventh St. Phone 699 Two young men of this commu- HEN you are suffering severe nity were drowned while bathing W pain from rheumatism, arthri- Sunday. Fred Dilman, son of tis or neuralgia you are likely to James Dilman, lost his life in Case i ( reach for the strongest pain-killing ~iver near the Deming farm, while Automobile mileage in America i We Pay Top Market drug except morphine, which you bathing with a group of young is terrific. The mileage figures _= wisely refuse to use. Most physi- men. Arehie Duffield, son of Mr.' for 1940 will probably be approxi- cians believe searching that while and Mrs. John Duffield, of Green- ;surety 300 billion vehicle miles. i Prices for Dead for the cause Of your pain there is leaf Township, met his death in For 1960, experts are predicting less harm to the body by using a NEW FE& the "Dead Waters" of the Cuss 500 billion miles. Think of the pain-killing drug than tryin~ to with- { Animals River, nine miles northeast of Case traffic problem this will create stand a pain that wracks your mind B@ING ADDED City. He and several others young twenty years hence. and body. men were in bathing when he was We must train drivers now. All HORSES .... $i.00 In speaking of neuritis--the severe CONVENIENCE seized with cramps and was schoos, at least high schools, should rheumatic pain due to organisms or dreamed before assistance reached products manufactured by organ- be prepared to teach young people CATTLE ..... $I.00 him. AtE purpose automatic isms-Dr. Richard Kovacs, New the art of safe driving--not just The Mi~sses Hattie Malam and York, in New York State Journal of driving. I,t becomes the responsi- oven with 5 measured Mabelle Moss left this morning for Medicine, states that general heat bility of boards of education to their homes in Rockford and Mill- heats and interior lighL PROMPT SERVICE measures--electric cabinet baths, provide safe driving courses for ington, having completed the year's hot baths--should be used because high school students So that they 2 Three Select-a-Heat they speed up the body processes work as instructors in the public will not be confronted in years ,to Valley Chemical i and increase the rate at which the school here. come with a problem that is entire- Coifed units with 5 mea- poisons are removed. Berkeley Parrot'son and Louis ly unknown to them and so that Company i Usher, who have ~spent the past they will be entirely familiar with sured heats. Heating Action Twofold. few days with relatives here, left correct ways to drive. Call Collect Care 210 "Mild local heating is the main Wednesday mortaring, for King's It's smart to drive carefully! Five-Speed ThrFt Cooker, standby to give relief from pain. Come in and . = Park, Long Island, New YorK, •••••••••••••••••|•••••••••)••••|••••••••i••••••••••••••••••••••••1•••••••H•••••••lm•|•n|•l*Its action is twofold because it not where they have secured positions see this One piece top of stain- only brings about direct quieting of in a hospi~tM. CEDAR RUN. remarkable resistant enamel. the nerve endings but also relieves Governor Warner's reports from or relaxes the adjoinng muscles the cyclonezswept district in the Sir. and Mrs. Albert Neiman and rane'e value. AiJ porce|ain enamel which are in a state of spasm as Thumb of Michigan have been family, Mr. and Mrs. Orris Reid they try to protect the damaged part tabulated and they shove that the and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Stun- inside and out. (joints, tendons)." It is this con- following buildings have been ,de- Icy Hall and son of Detroit, and tinuous spasm or tenseness that stroyed: Forty-two houses includ- Mr. and Mrs. Barney Dolwick were helps to cause so much pain. ing those unroofed or damaged to visitors at the Bert Hendrick home In addition to heat other "phys- an extent requiring- rebuilding; Sunday. ical" measures used are massage t£hree schools valued at about $900 Hr. and Mrs. Orson Hendriek, TAe beautlful new ARISTOCRAT MODEL uses the truIy modern fueI--elev~rlcityo to improve the nutrition of the part each; two churches, valued at $960 (brings blood to part faster and re- Jr., of St. Louis were week-end and $1,100; 82 barns, not. including h moves wastes), to prevent thicken- guests of their parents, Mr. and F small outbuildings; 24 miles of rNOTPOINT~$ NEW CA LROD ing of the tissues affected and to Mrs. Orson Hendriek, Sr. fence,, about half wire and half prevent wasting of the muscles. Mr. and Mrs. Robotic Kilburn t$ FASTER, MORE EFF!CIENT, rail. Passive exercises (part is moved by were callers at the Thee Hendriek MORE DURABLE THAN EVER the attendant, not by the patient) to home Sunday. ~prevent deformity and shortening Government Employed Chemists Federal, state and municipal gov- Mr. and Mrs. Augusta Kronska New removable reflector and growing together of the ends of and Mr. and Mrs. George Schuek the joints; active exercise and hot ernments give employment to many persons trained in chemistry, ac- of Ashmore were callers at the applications to keep the mnpaxalyzed William Feagan home Saturday. muscles in good condition. cording to the American Chemical Miss Naomi Grace Wilson spent Heat in any form relieves pain. society. The majority of these chem- ists are engaged in research, con- the week-end with her grandpar- trol and inspection. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert South- Complete with hood and casing. QUESTION BOX Pipes and Registers ½ pzice; worth. SeI£ clea nln~ coils Can 75e washed ]ike a pie fin also BOILERS, STOKERS and Hospital System Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wilson PARTS. Q.--What would cause pain in the spent the week-end at Grand Rap- THE MEW CALROD OPERATES ON LESS CURRENT THEM EVER stomach immediately after eating? Since the population of New York INSTALLATIONS" I~,EASONABLE city is expected to reach a total of ids and Muskegon. Lowest Prices ~n ~ichigan A.--Eating hurriedly or when one 10,800,000 by 1960, the hospital sys- is tired might be the cause. If you tem must replace 24,300 beds and are losing weight it is advisable for How Many Good Ones? t)ook Furnace cb, provide 25,500 new beds within the TOWNSEND S-646~ you to see your physician. It is estimated that there are 2865 8 Mile,' Just East of Weoflwar~ next 25 years. Q.--Is there any cure for leu- 20,000 ways of earning a living and kemia? over 600 distinct vocations. Cass City Oil and Gas Co. A.--There is no known cure for U. S. High Buildings leukemia, or persistent,increase of There are said to be 400 buildings London's First Smoke Screen STANLEY A~HER, Manager / Telephone 25 THE - white corpuscles in the blood. Blood of 20 stories or more in the United The burning of coal was prohibit- [READ transfusions held teml~orarily. States, half of them in New York ed in London in 1306 because of the Along With the News city. smoke it produced. I ' • • • - i:


Annual Sheep KEPPEN 2~PPOINTS !2a TEACHERS FOR College and has had 10 years' ex+ ROTARY GROUPS LOCAL SCHOOL perience in teaching 6th, 7th and Dipping Program FOR COMING YEAR SIGN CONTRACTS 8th grade pupils in the FalrgTove Underway in County and Chesaning school+s. Concluded from first page. Concluded from page one. Miss Garety of Cass City is president, Fred A. Bigelow; secre- also a graduate of Central State Hundreds of the 15,000 sheep in receive his master's degree at the tary, William Miller; treasurer, A. Teachers' College and holds a life Tuscola County are being dipped University of Michigan in August C. Atwell. certificate. She has ~aught for 11 each week for Control of external [of next year. He is in Cass City +Members of the board of direc-tto serve as + instructor of the band years in the rural ~schools of Huron parasites during" the months of County. June and July, Norris W. Wilber, tots are F. A. Bigelow, A. C. At-Ithis summer. county agricultural agorot, an- well, William Miller, G. W. Landon, I Miss Cotton, who graduated with Miss Clara has taught for a nounced this week. H. Doerr, W. L. Mann, Frank Reid, I honors in English from Wheaten number of years in the primary • %! Several stationary concrete vats Robert Keppen. I College at Wheaten, Illinois, this department of the Pontiac schools. are available to county sheepmen B. H. McComb, county ceramist !spring, with an A. B. degree, will Her home is in Gaget0wn and she stoner of schools, was the soeakerlt~e~ F,n~l~b In ~ !,~t+~ ~r received a life certificate after c0m- her i fi~ is also at work in .~his county av at +:he Rotary Clu.b luncheon Tues- horse is in Volga, S. D. pletin s ~ud]e~ from+ Central day. He placed his audience in ithe present time. Two men operate Miss Wallingford of Fort Mitch- State Teachers' .College. good humor by telling ,some of the the outfit and can handle about ell, Kentucky, graduated in June queer answers to questions given 1,000 sheep per day. from Western College at Oxford, in the recent eighth grade examina- Sheep should be drenched for Ohio. In her ,senior year, she was~ tions, and then placed his listeners internal parasites just previous to elected to the presidency of the t in a more serious mood by relating ithe dipping operation. All sheep College :Government Association, 1 the remarkable intelligence ex- and lambs should be dipped an- the highest student office, i ---b2~';'+^+'~a+""~'~'+~*~:e;~""~+~'r'~*~?.'~:.+ ::,, .~: ~:,~ ,.. ,,,, ~>~: :~,. ~;~.,:,,.,,. ~+~ ~ :,,:;.~ ~, ~.:,..: ~, ,, ~. v, ..-.., +~ ...... :,.~',,,,.:., ...... :,.-..,-,: ..... in the examination. Mr. McComb uate from Central State Teachers' ...... ,+ + ...... +~" ...... • .... • .... , ...... ~ ...... • ~+,.++~..~ the county agent: ...... "~" ...... '.177.':""7.TZ~:".'.+'o'S'Za:Z(':~+:"~When-to-Dip: Annually, 1 to 2 explained the three outstanding" Cass ...... ~HE,".+8~ARr'''+~ANGLED'+'B~E~'+=':'++';':~'""+':"'" mouths after shearing is best. problem.s of education today--the "Pride of the Thumb" unequal financial loads of school Words by Francis Scott Key, Music b~ John StRfford Sm~h.. Enough wool should be present to : i+ Air Conditioned to Your retain powder in dipping solution. districts of the state, the qualifica- Comfort ! SOLOOZ QUAltTETo l~ . I tions of instructors and character . . . . L-.I-~ What-to-Use: Michigan sheep- Luxury! Comfort ! Beauty! men prefer arsenical powder dips training through the ~schools. In as only one dipping is necessary his remarks, he stressed the fine Fri.-Sat. June 21-22 ~g yearly. Eggs which hatch are work of the county normal in its Friday is Bank Night! |! 1...... say, can you see, by the dawn's ear. ly Iight, What so proud-ly we STtlAND! killed by powder retained in wool. one-year course in preparing stu- Smash Twin Bill! |! 2. On the shore dim - ly - seen thro' the mists of the deep, Wherethe foe's haugh-ty" dents ,to teach in rural schools. Thumb's Wonder Thea~re.~ ], Thumb Premier ! |~ 3. And... where is that band who so - ly swore Thatthe hay -" oe of Equipment: Special tanks or Mr. McComb's address was most CARe Phane 377 [! I~ 4. Oh.... thus be it ev er when free-men shall stand' Be - twcen their loved vats built for this purpose are best. It's posi,tively packed" with instructive and he held the close ~ I++ thrills galore ! Concrete vats are durable, con- Mechanically Air C~nditioned. I venient, and economical. attention of the club members. "The Ghost J. Ivan Niergarth served as . " " i~+-'i,~ t +..... ~ I ~- + " :. Procedure: Dip ewes first. Hold Fri.-Sat. June 21-22 !! song leader and Charles Keen, • " ? I Breakers" in solution until wool is thoroughly D~reet from ~ts world premier, l i soaked. Duck heads by placing music instructor in the local school's starring Bob Hope ax~ Paul- , ~ I~ I~ :. hand over nose and mouth. for the coming year, was piano ette Goddard I+]Z3ET, Lr+---T'------~----'--~+ + :T": ~"T'" ------T- "W~, :£T ~ ~ : =:, ~-~ accompanist. ! Cost Low: Based on number and Roy Rogers and .George treated. From 1 to 2 cents per +BREAKERS" i "Gabby" Hayes in ed the twi light s l st gl m Wnose~road s d br zht sta t " ++" head for material when 500 to YOUTH START with Bob Ho~e and Paulette [] "Days of Jesse I] host in dread st- fence re - po~ - es, What is that which the breeze, o'er the "~.: 1,000 are treated; this includes SUMME~ FUN AT Goddard James" !; i~i¸ [ war and the bat - lie's con • fu - stun A ...... homo and a eoun. try should - :: : drenching. MUNICIPAL PARK home and wild war's des . ~ . la ~ tion;Blest with vie - t~ry- and peace, may th~ ' .;, Drench your flock once each Giant Cash Night Friday ~. A s~ory of the most famous $285.0(} FREE ! outlaw that ever roamed the + +.. +..+ -. month. For best results use cop- Concluded from page one. per sulphate-nicotine sulphate pioneer West ! The water L~ this pool is circulat- Midnight Show Saturday and iiiill treatment. Sat+ Midnite - Sun. ~/Iatinee !ii i ed, filtered and chlorinated con-i Sun.-Mon. June 23-24 ?+ Jl + Important: Rotate pastures and Special Guest Feature! ,.". : tinuously while the pool is in oper- supply the flock with fresh water. Continuous Sunday from+ 3:00 Plans for concrete vats and in- ation. Samples of ,the water are Sun.-Mon. June 23-2~ ~~, ~ + ...... + , _~ ++ + .... ~ regularly submitted to the Michi- Thumb Premier ! formation on dipping and drench- Cont. Sunday from 3:00 ing may be secured from Norris gan State Department Of Health See inside Nazi Germany+. for testing purposes. [ Thumb Premier ! p, .... ._+_r_ + .+ . - . - W. Wilber. James Stewart, Margaret Sul- per - il - ous fight, O'er the ram . parts we watched, were so gal-lant - ly stream-ing~ One of the greatest dramas |I Arthur Holmberg, who managed lavan, Robert Young and tow o er * ing steep, As it fit * ful- ly blows, half con~ceals,half dis-clos-~ the pool last summer, is again in Frank Morgan in ever to reach the silver |l leaveV us no more? Them..* blood has washed• out thmr* foul foot-steps' pol t - lu - tm~+ Ag Man Tells Spray charge, and Don Kilbourn, who screen ! ~l heav'n.res, cued land Praisethe Pow'r that hath made and pro-servedus a na - tio~ : : served as life guard at the pool James Stewart and Margaret p ++,. ~ ~, + -+- .+ .~-,, ~ + "THE MORTAL to Use in Battling last season, is now on"duty. Sullivan in " iii Later in the summer, probably Tent:~ Caterpillars S OnM" "The Mortal !% '.+~? . ++ starting next month, it is planned No advance in admissions + to have one evening a week devoted COME EARLY ! Storm" "Tent caterpillars are usually to swimming races and other water with Robert Young II~~ ,'-'~' " ~"'~$~__ :j : ~ ': ~ : ~ ~ ~ ;--/ ...... ; ~ " bad one year out of three, and if stunts. Such a program was in- Tues.-Wed.-Thur. June 25-26-27 L . + - + ' i ' , : '~----ms-- +I - • '.. { ""~+ - +~ one may judge by the number of augurated last year and attracted Tuesday Only June 25 calls I have received from people large audiences. Exclusive Showing ! Giant Bank Nite Prize! ~nd th~ rock .ets' red glare, the bombs burst-ing in air, Gave... proof thro' th~ who want to do away with them, Two articles will be acceptable DON AMECHE and MARX Edgar Bergen and "Charlie It Now it catch-es the gleam of the morn-ihg% first beam, In full glo ' ry re- this is the 'bad' year," said Willis l as gifts if presented for use at the McCarthy" in ]j No...... ref -ugo could save the ...... hire - ling and slave From the ter - rot of BETH HUGHES in Campbell, agricultural instructor I pool. One is an old-fashioned I Th~n .... con- quer we must, when our cause it is ~ust, An~ .... this be our in the high school in Cass City. t wringer for removing water frGm "FOUR SONS" 'Charlie McCarthy "Tent caterpillars are destroyed /bathing suits and the other is a Don't miss this timely picture! Detectnre I~ ~ -,",~ It I I I- I- -~--~'-'l~--l.r----+.- :- r I ~" ~vP I~ ~ ~ -::I quite extensively in the so-called tradio. More particulars are avail- It's filled with real laughs! bad years by :parasites and the lable from Mr. Holmberg. next seasons the caterpillars Wed.-Thurs. June 26-27 i: " C~om+s. ' %+..` two },,i: probably wilt be here in lesser The biggest double bill ever _ , ":: ~ : - ~ = . ,, , . .... | ...... Largest Mammoth Tusk ' - ' + i numbers. They find .their best shpwn in any theatre ! : + ..... : , . -_, r~ _ , _+ ,~- , , , The American Museum of Natural ~.,~ ~~+ t5~ .... +,:: ' Wallace Beery in !iii!!?._.! Ifeeding °n trees'" History says the largest mammoth TEMPLE The best poisons for tent cater- !t~il .igh~ th~'a~ our" flag wasr still~" there."~" Ohl,,--..i,,..... say,- "does thati," tusk discovered in the United States Fri.-Sat-Sun. June 21-22-23 "Man from l pillars, according to Mr. Campbell, was one found by George Doughty |I flo~ - ed now shines on the stream: 'Tis the star- span - gled ban - nor, oh~ lure arsenic of lead, or paris green, II mg~ or the g!oo_m of the grave. And the star- span - gled ban +net i= of Post, Texas. It is 16½ feet long Two Hits--Thumb Premiers! Dakota" ]or any good poison stomach spray. |] mot - to: "In God "is ,our trustt" Andtho star- span - gled ban+n~r ia and 2 feet in circumference. Doughty The Jones Family in -- and -- For those who are interested in found it in sandy soft near his home. "Shop Around the |m,~, ,... ~ t-. ~ ~ ; ~ , , i t ~....__I----~ ~. "~ ~ _ , + i _ • --'qi :~ +:%+!.~ pruning spirea (bridal wreath), "ON THEIR OWN" • : Mr, Campbell recommends the and George O'Brien in ~ ~+ ~ I,,'. I. * "i ...... I.~.~~ :: ~-~ .... Corner" r ~ time immediately after the bush Agriculture's Variety More than 100 separate commodi- PRAIRIE LAW" with James Stewart and + +' has finished blossoming'. Margaret Sullivan _~._~___~ ~,_,_. +'+. ,_,~__ . & l ...... , I P' ~ .... , ...... +. ties are embraced in the industry $285.00 FREE FRIDAY! College Bequests generally referred to as agriculture. Women's. colleges suffered more ban • nor yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the bravo+ ,; ~an men's colleges from lack oI long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. bequests and gi~ts during depres- tri -umph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave+ sion years. tri - umph shall wave Orer the land of the free and the home of the brave. , tl~+ Worry as Fear @ Worry is Said to be a form of fear; to overcome it, search for and (WNU Service] ..... remove its cause. FOR ~" ~ ~ PERMANEPT• CONSTRUCTION ,A, i How well do you know "The Star Spangled Banner," America's national anthem? Here before ydu is your State Gasoline Taxes State gasoline taxes range from m opportunity to memorize the thrilling words, to sing the inspiring song, and to play its music. What day more @,, two to seven cents. ( fit than on Independence day to get better acquainted with the deep, inspiring Americanism Francis Scott Key Use put int~ his mas$eri~iece as "O'er the ramparts" he watched and saw the flag stiI~ proudly waving. m ~ H ODAY, as/rein the very ]oundation o~ our nation, Liberty is the American ideal, come down "GUESS AGAIN" ra-r ~g m+ Score Washed Sand, Gravel +and @+ T to us these many years purified by the blood o] martyrs. ANSWERS .ere m+ It is this great doctrine o~ Liberty which distinguishes Americans ]rom any who have not 1. (d) scores 15 pts ..... gg 2. (b) is worth 15 more .... m+ had our long tradition o] politica ! and human ]reedom. And were it preached by tongue most elo. 3. (b) again for 10 pts ...... 4. Shades of No. 1--(a), 15 pts. __ Ig Plastering quent, the philosophy o] repression and oppression, o] class against class, of creed against creed, and 5. If+ you guessed true--20 pts. Sand 6. (c) for 15 pts. m+ of human thralldom to a dictatorship, shall ever remain alien under the Stars and Stripes. 7. (c) again for 10 pts .... __ m+ Ig Never shall Americans exchange Liberty and Democracy ]or the slavery of authoritarian ideology. YOUR RATING: 90- ~g For inexpensive garages, houses, house and barn 100, excellent; 80.85. TOTAL me+ "'O'er the ramparts we watch," wrote Francis Scott Key. superior; 70-75, aver- "- age; 60 and below, you missed the boat• m+ walls, etc., use ~g "O'er the ramparts we watch" today, too. And as long as we hold to the American ideals of ]ree. im dos, we shal~ continue to see our flag "so gallantly streaming.'" + HOLBROOK. H., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hewitt and liamsburg; Miss Verda Zuschnitt, IT" 5ORB IS A (OM- Ig son, James, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Cass City. TENTED FEE:LINO TO Conc.rete Block Becket .and son, Robert. The old- and- Mr. and Mrs. James. Jackson of Born to Mr. and Mrs. Judson ml est one present was Redford Cav- N Wahjamega were guests of Mr Bigelow of Akron on June 18, a IlK I',~ ~ ~ I WtT~ A FOLL erly, who passed his 100th birthday and Mrs. William Lewis Tuesday. son. Mother and baby are still in N in M,arch. The youngest one pres- the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Nelin Richardson + ent was Robert Becker, 4 months Mrs. George Viet and Ray Lash- N m and son, Lyle, of Ubly were guests old. away of Kingston are still pa- N "Concrete .Brick H of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jackson tients in the hospital. Im Sunday. PLEASANT HOME HOSPITAL. A large crowd a~tended the dance We are now. using Medeusa WaterProof Cement Im MARRIAGE UCENSES. II Friday evening given by Mr. and Patients who were ,taken home for block and brick which greatly decreases water ab- Mrs. Verde Pierce in their new during the week include: Mrs. Stanley Lewi'ski, 24, Silverwood; m barn. All report having a good Olive Hess and Mrs. Martin Mur- Mary Blackmer, 18, Clifford. sorption in this type of building material. This cement is time. phy, Care; Frank Bullock and Mrs. Frank Bushong, 21, Cass City; Edna Whale, 20, Decker. Im Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ballentine Fred Brown, Snover; Mrs. Edwin more expensive but gives more desirable productS. Fulcher a~d baby, Argyle; Miss John Rozenatagel, Jr., 23, Un- m and son, Jimmie, visited relatives ionville; Mabel Sarow, 18, Union- Leah Meyer, Sebewaing; Mrs. Cbl- Im here the past week and returned to ville. ling, Unionville; Mrs. Donald Du- We also have a stock of concrete chimney blocks their home in Port Huron Sunday. Jack McKellar, 21, Care; Mar- Ford and Mrs. Margaret Bridges, H+ Albert Price went with ,them and garet Nagy, 20, Care. for sale. A chimney can be built in a day. Ig+ will visit his daughter, Mrs. Rus- Cass City. t Richard Avery, 21, Care; Lucille sell Sills, for some time. Patients admitted during ~the Birk, 17, Unionville. . H! Mr. and Mrs. William I. Moore week and still in the hospital are INVESTIGATE OUR LOCALLY MADE MATERIAL gt and the Souden twins of Cass City Mrs. Eli Patterson, Tyro; John Egyptian Eyes Z and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rienstra of Kennedy .and Mi~ss Mildred Clara, MOBILGAS The ancient Egyptians regarded BEFORE BUILDING. Argyle were dinner guests of Mr. Gagetown; Harvey Klinkman and Igl women's eyes as their principal gives performance second and Mrs. Imren Trathen Sunday. Mrs. George Holshoe, Cass City; beauty asset. A homely woman fell+ Myrtle Lorene Souden is spending Mrs. Russell Erb, Bad Axe; Mrs. with large, souIful eyes was consid- to none. Stanley Mitchell, Deckerville; Mrs. a few day~ with her cousin, Mrs. ered beautiful. A pretty girl with IRII Rienstra. Basil Heemer, Sandusky. unattractive eyes had-to have a fat Cass City Sand and Gravel Co. Wright & Murphy ~ +If Those attending the Caverly re- Tonsillectomy operations were dowry to arouse attention of union at Kingston Sunday were performed on the following: Rev. suitors, according to the Better Cass City Telephone 75 James Hewitt and grandson, John Mr. Rolland and +son, Tomvny, Wil- Vision Institute. IIIII1¸11'11 II II IIII r I

+ J