United States National Museum
? Lat. Capitol, .58:.^,5, N. lEBBf/^ Lonl 0: 0. l/BEiF) ]E/iEP^ cnLVv ,Ei^tS^ "tnnB EEC^ ^^ferjtiBt^ GEOKGEnnnnDco\\T 3Er^t> ^«r;j]p prac^ iSlilEEBiR up 13 0BSERT^\TI0]VS explanatory of the 1. lHE-f>csitto,isJ,rthc ili/jrrent Jiflifirc.,, m„7/h- //i several S^uairs cr. 4rca., ofdi^eni shxfts. as tha, an htd ^ rlvun,. utrejirst detcniuned vn t/„ „„^t ,uh„„tar^,,,s ,;n;„u/, ^ m„mar.dn,r^ ,Ar „„^r r.vh„st,rfirasfjrrfs, and du letter s,ucrphH^ >fsuc/, nuf„-r,rn,n,Ts. a., nt/.rr ase or ,.r„a,„n,l ,„a>, /.nra,ln^- 11. L.INi:S or. irrnues rfdirrct ronn,n„ar„tw„ /.mr Orrn dn, b> co„nrrr thr .,.,,„rnte „ud .„os, d,.,fan, oh,rrt. ,n,/, d,e pnnrn, and y,„.nr //„„,/, ,/,, ,,/,./. a rrri^, rr,,,,,.;:.,„J,j f,^,,i, ^^'''f'r'; /'^s /rrn^uf fo d,r/,a^^,,>; ,fr/u^., f„,,/,,,,:_ y„,^,„^.. ,„^^ moMJarcrohh r^,r,o<d /,:,y.n.,^rf and rrarr,an,rr. M.JfojtrB and Aon,/, l.nrs .nUrseCrd In, rtUrs n..,„.a, due Eas, a„d fn.r., hare f.rn so co,nhu,ed a, A, ».rr, a, crrUa,, .pj„f,..n„s ,,,7/ ,(,,.„ ^nnyral. i.r„ar... ,,o a., to on //>r A).„er., f,r,„ '//rst drf'r,„u,rdr ,/, SmmrfS cr. /rras. Scale of Poles, 6i<c -Prirs. f)' Iiirbrs. ''^ idCrrfk S .-^^pf the CITY o£^ ( of Coliunbia, ) ) r. / r "^n tKe TprrifoF>' "^^^^ ceded hv the States of ^^-^ Virgi:n^ia and Maryla:nd I '-'-ft a , i&s Cfimti0 5^tat<8 OF x!i\\\ix\tiK\ aiK^ ,7^I'll l/icin endNi.ilirfl <i.> llie Seat <?/ then tir/e/- r/if '//^///' md6cc.
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