What Should Be Our Legacy?

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What Should Be Our Legacy? MAGAZINE the capital punishment debate what should be our legacy? VOLUME 83 • NUMBER 1 • SPRING 2002 VOLUME 83 • NO.. 1 • SPRING 2002 MAGAZINE FEATURES 12 Change of Command For many, command of a nuclear submarine represents the pinnacle of a naval career. Alumnus Clarence Earl Carter has just transferred his command of the USS Scranton to a new generation. 18 A Question of Justice Some argue the question of capital punishment is really one of morality and values, not rights. If killing a criminal is the appropriate legal consequence, does that mean we should do it? 12 27 Are Civil Liberties at Risk? Law Professor Don Hall poses some serious questions about the new Patriot Act legislation. Kenneth Schexnayder, Editor GayNelle Doll, Assistant Editor Victor Judge, BS’77, MS’79, Assistant Editor 30 18 Donna DeVore Pritchett, Art Director American Terrorism Nelson Bryan, BA’73, Class Notes Editor Historian Sam McSeveney suggests Joanne Lamphere Beckham, BA’62 · Bonnie Arant that while the September 11 attacks Ertelt, BS’81 · Lew Harris, BA’68 · Beth Matter · on the U.S. were unprecedented in Phillip B. Tucker · Skip Anderson · David F. Salisbury U.S. history, they are not a new Contributors phenomenon. Anthony J. Spence, E’75, Executive Director of Communications and Publications 34 Vanderbilt Magazine is published quarterly by Vanderbilt Assaulting the Mosquito’s University from editorial and business offices at 110 21st Avenue South, Suite 1000, Nashville, TN 37203. Sense of Smell The editor welcomes letters and comments from readers Sometimes called nature’s most effective regarding articles published in Vanderbilt Magazine. bioterrorist, the end of the mosquito’s DEPARTMENTS Readers may correspond via U.S. mail to: Vanderbilt reign of terror might be in sight. Magazine, VU Station B 357703, 2301 Vanderbilt Place, Nashville, TN 37235-7703. Phone: 615/322-3988. Fax: 2 On Campus 615/343-8547. E-mail: [email protected]. 36 10 Sports Send address corrections to Gift Records Office, Vanderbilt The Fine Art of Doing Stuff University, VU Station B 357727, 2301 Vanderbilt Place, 41 Alumni News Nashville, TN 37235-7727. Vanderbilt University is commit- Performance artist? Sculptor? For retiring ted to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. fine arts professor Don Evans, art should 43 Class Notes Copyright © 2002 Vanderbilt University invite participation. Cover: illustration, Andy Warhol, “Little Electric Chair,” 1965 Artist Rashida Marijani Browne, MTS’99, created the linoleum block print titled The Minister as Theologian for the cover of the © 2002 Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts/ARS, winter 2002 issue of Vanderbilt Divinity School’s The Spire magazine. The Divinity School alumna currently teaches drawing and New York photography in the studio art department at Montgomery Bell Academy, a college preparatory school for young men, in Nashville. Browne’s piece, Electric Chair Quilt, can be seen on page 18 of this magazine. New Teachers Learn fr om the Pros L E T T E R S ■ Every yea r , abo u t 9 percent of ne w tea ch- ON CAM PU S ers in metropolitan Nas h vill e , overwhel m e d An Influence On and Off the Court by cl a s s room re s pon s i bi l i ti e s , pre s su res to I just received my Vanderbilt Magazine.As a librarian,I knew upon perusal that I needed to im p rove stud ent performa n ce , and bure a u - save the article on the brain for our school vertical file. As I looked more closely, I discovered the Stroop article.I attended David Lipscomb 1969-1973,and one of my roommates was Bioweapons Experts Hot Licks cra t ic red tape ,c a ll it qui t s . Some tou g h it out for the ac ademic year and then find other Catherine Stroop, granddaughter of J. Ridley Stroop. Of course,his home, to which you refer Seek Position; in the article,was in the shadow of the Lipscomb ■“M usic is like a big jigsa w puzzle,”said gui- j ob s ; o t h ers are gone after the first week or Willing to Relocate campus.I was privileged to visit in that home tar legend Ma rk Kn opf l er, who open ed the even the first day. numerous times. Also several of my buddies and ■ A Va n derbilt re s e a rch er is Blair Scho ol of Mus i c ’s Conversa ti o ns Serie s Pea b ody educ a t ors say it does n ’t have to I had the opportunity to play tennis with Dr. on Februa r y 1.“You begin to rea l i z e that it all one of the first in the cou n t ry be that way. Th ey are lending their ex pert- Stroop. He beat us easily! f rom a priva te insti tuti on to conn e cts , and then all the different kinds of ise to the Va n derbilt Men toring Progra m , I really enjoyed reading about how his work become invol ved with eff orts music begin to influen c e your writi n g .”Kno pfl e r whi c h tea ches ment ors how to use their own had a long-lasting impact on his field of study. to help tra n s i ti on form er and his tou r ing band, whi c h includ es some ex peri en ce as a basis for helping newcom- I might add that I found copies of his other Sovi et Un i on bi owe a pon s of Na s hvi ll e’s best session players , dem on- ers to the cla s s r oom. works in a library in Vienna, Austria, where I res e a r che rs to more con- s tra ted this con n ectivi ty and more to a ca- “The goal is to retain new tea che rs by pro- worked last summer. What a delight to know st ruc tive ent erpris e s . pac i t y crowd in the Blair Schoo l ’ s new Ing ram viding the sup port they need to become suc - our influence can linger after we are gone. D r.Yi - Wei Ta n g, Hall . The program fea tu r ed an in-depth dis- ces s f u l , ”sa ys Mar ga r et Smi t h e y,sen i o r lectur er Thank you! assistant profes s o r of cu s s i o n of his work as a guitari s t ,s on g writ er, in educ a ti on . Over the past nine yea rs , Smi t h e y Anne Johnson Ridinger, MLS me dicine and pathology and compo s e r for film and includ ed exa m - and Caro l yn Everts on , profes s o r of educ a ti o n Vanderbilt/Peabody 1980 and director of the Mol - ples of s on g wri ting co ll a bora ti on and in- and assistant to the provo s t ,h ave develo ped Florence, Alabama ecular Inf ectious Dis - s tru m ental vi rtu o s i ty cen tered aro u n d and evalu a t ed works h o ps to help new tea ch- Pass It Around eases Lab, recen t ly Kn opf l er ’s disti n ctive guitar licks and deep ers develo p. To date ,m ore than 3,000 tea ch- return e d from a trip to the State Res e a r ch In- s ome of the worl d ’s most ex peri en ced ba ri t one . ers in Haw a i i , Ill i n oi s ,O h i o, and Ten n e s s ee Vanderbilt Magazineis regularly outstanding, and I mean by comparison with alumnus s ti tute for Vi ro l ogy and Bi o tech n o l ogy Re- bio wea p ons exp erts . The conc ern is that some ha ve been trai n e d throu g h the program . magazines of other universities.I especially enjoyed “Invasion of the Brain Scientists” and se a r ch in Novos i bi rs k , also known as VE C TO R . m ay now be em p l oyed by rogue nati ons to Now, ap proxi m a t ely 100 seasone d tea ch- “The Possibility of Progress” in the fall 2001 issue. These articles are so good that I would like to be able to send copies to three individuals who are not Vanderbilt graduates but who I His visit was in conju n c tio n with a pro- develo p or perfect bio l o gic wea p ons program s . ers from several Na s hvi lle sch ools have un- believe will appreciate both the quality of the publication and in particular one or both of gram funded by the U.S . Depa r tme nt of De- VE C T OR is the onl y other faci l i t y in the derg one training des i gn e d to help them help these excellent featured articles. fense and the Dep a rtm ent of Health and world bes i d es the Cent ers for Disease Con- ne w tea che rs .E ach is paired with no more than Oscar C.
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