January 21, 1981, NIH Record, Vol. XXXIII, No. 2

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January 21, 1981, NIH Record, Vol. XXXIII, No. 2 The NIH Record U.S. Department January 21 National of Health 1981 Institutes and Vol. XXXIII of Human Services No. 2 Health 37 Senior Staff Members at NIH Receive Bonuses for Outstanding Performance Dr. Samuel Schwartz DRG A total of 37 Senior Executive Service staff Dr. Maxine Singer NCI at NIH have received bonuses ranging from Dr. Louis Sokoloff NIMH $3,000 to $10,000. Dr. George Todaro NCI Mr. William Weiss NINCDS HHS Secretary Patricia Roberts Harris an­ Dr. Marian Yarrow NIMH nounced on Jan. 2 that she had selected 100 Boards Make Recommendations members of the Department's Senior Executive Service to receive awards for Six NIH performance review boards outstanding performance. These are the provided NIH Director Dr. Donald S. first bonuses to be awarded by HHS under Fredrickson with their recommendations on the CiviI Service Reform Act of 1978. final performance appraisal ratings and nominations for bonuses. Awardees Listed Dr. Fredrickson reviewed these recom­ NIH staff members selected were: mendations, and submitted those nomina­ Dr. Christian Anfinsen NIAMDD tions to PHS and the Department's Execu­ Dr. Roscoe Brady NINCDS tive Resources Management Council. Dr. Robert Cohen NIMH Dr. Sheldon Cohen NIAID Selection Process Rigorous Dr. David Davies NIAMDD Dr. Igor Dawid NCI Secretary Harris emphasized that the Dr. Carl Douglass DRG Dr. Murray Eden DRS process for selection of award recipients Dr. Edward Evarts NIMH and determination of the dollar amount of U.S. Senator Richard S. Schweiker (R-Pa.) was Dr. Gary Felsenfeld NIAMDD Secretary-designate of the Department of Dr. Martin Gellert NIAMDD each award was extremely thorough and Health and Human Services as the Record went Dr. Clarence Gibbs NINCDS rigorous. to press.As ranking Republican on both the Dr. Eli Glatstein NCI Dr. Suzanne Hurd NHLBI Each SES member in the Department re­ Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee Mr. Howard Kettl cc and the Labor-Health and Human Services Ap­ Dr. Edward Korn NHLBI ceived an initial performance appraisal from propriations Subcommittee, he worked in Dr. Paul Kornblith NINCDS his or her supervisor based upon the objec­ Dr. Robert Levy NHLBI tives and standards spelled out in the indi­ sponsoring legislation to combat diabetes, Dr. Mort] mer Lipsett cc cancer, heart disease, sickle cell anemia, and Dr. George Martin NIDR vidual's performance plan. lead paint poisoning. Other major health con­ Mr. Joseph Naughton DCRT NIAID These appraisals were reviewed by per­ cerns include: health care reform, preventive Dr. Franklin Neva Dr. Marshall Nirenberg NHLBI formance review boards, which were com­ health care, and blood program reform. In tes­ Dr. Marie Nylen NIDR timony before the U.S. Senate Finance Com­ Dr. Joseph Perpich OD prised of top Department career scientists mittee, Senator Schweiker said, "Better health Dr. Karl Piez NIDR and executives. Dr. William Raub OD for all our citizens has also been one of my pri­ Dr. Robert Ringler NIA Secretary Harris made the final selections mary interests as a Senator.I intend to continue Dr. Griff Ross cc my efforts in health promotion and disease pre­ Dr. Kenneth Sell NIAID based upon the nominations submitted to vention within the Department ...." Dr. Stephen Schiaffino DRG her by the council. D Carter's Budget Request for NIH Frances Davis, 'Record' Editor, For Fiscal 1982 Totals $3.8 Billion Retires From NIH President Carter's fiscal year 1982 budget research community of a steady, substantial With this issue, Frances W. Davis, editor request for NIH is $3,848,689,000, a net in­ level of research project grant support. of The NIH Record for the past 13 years, is crease of $255 million above the 1981 level joining the record number of employees being recommended by the Administration. Renovation of the Clinical Center, begun in 1979, will continue in 1982 with $6.7 mil­ retiring from the Federal service. The 1982 request continues the stabiliza­ lion budgeted for this purpose. After reno­ Mrs. Davis, who received the NIH Direc­ tion effort begun in 1981 to provide 5,000 vations are completed in 1987, the CC will tor's award last year, has had 25 years of new and competing research project grants be fully integrated with the Ambulatory Government service. each year. In the past the number of such Care Research Facility, now nearing com­ "Mrs. Davis will be sorely missed," said grants has varied from year to year, ranging pletion. Storm Whaley, NIH Associate Director for from 3,464 in 1976 to 5,944 in 1979. Communications, OD. "She has been The request also includes $5.8 million to dedicated to the Record throughout her The continued emphasis on stabilization hire the 175 support personnel necessary to tenure. We all wish her well." in 1982 recognizes the importance to the (See BUDGET, Page 11) Published biweekly at Bethesda, Md., by the Editorial .Operations Branch, Division of Public Information, for the information of employees of the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, and circulated by request to writers and to researchers in biomedical and related fields. The content is reprintable without permission. Pictures may be available on request. The NIH Record reserves the right to make corrections, changes, or deletions in submitted copy in conformity with the policies of the paper and HHS. NIH Record Office Bldg. 31, Room 2B-03, Phone 496-2125 Edllor Frances W. Davis Staff Writers William A. Reinckens Joyce F. McCarthy Staff Correspondents CC, Barbara Smakula; DCRT, Mary Hodges; DPM, Judy Fouche; DRG, Sue Meadows; ORR, Barbara Menick; DRS, Ar­ thur F. Moore; FIC, Toby P. Levin; NCI, Patricia A. Newman; NEI, Marsha Corbett; NHLBI, Bill Sanders; NIA, Ann Dieffen­ bach; NIAID, Jeanne Winnick; NIAMDD, Linda Cross; NICHD, Pamela Driscoll; NIDR, Sally Wilberding; NIEHS, Hugh J. Lee; NIGMS, Wanda Warddell; NIMH, Betty Zubovic; NINCDS, A BASKET OF CHEER TURNS INTO A BASKET OF MONEY-The Patient Emergency Fund grew when Edith Messitte; NLM, Roger L. Gilkeson. a "basket of money" was turned over to Stanley Kissel, chief, CC Social Services Department, by R&W Gift Shop managers, who ran "a basket of cheer" raffle last month to raise money for this worthwhile cause. Over $900 was collected from employee customers. Winners of the Dec. 22 drawing were: Alene Staley, Financial Management, CC; Virginia Backora, OD, Bldg. 31; Isabel Fine, NLM, Bldg. 38A; and Dr. Earl Fisher, DRG, Westwood Bldg. In addition to the raffle money, Patient Emergency Fund $2,000 was donated in December from the Davis Plan-a long-time employee system of contribution where the amount that an employee would spend on Christmas cards is turned over to Needs Everyone's Help the Patient Emergency Fund-as well as from individual donations. The managers presented the The Patient Emergency Fund needs raffle proceeds to Mr. Kissel. L to r are: Judy Slight, Bldg. 38; Hiltraud James, Bldg. 31; Stanley Kissel, CC; Anne Orvas, Westwood Bldg., and Rosalie Efird, CC. everyone's support to continue the human­ itarian services it has provided over the last quarter of a century. The PEF pays the unusual and unforeseen Have Flu Symptoms? expenses of some Clinical Center patients CC Asks You To Stay Away Training Tips and their relatives. Each year the fund meets the ever-increasing costs of travel, Because this is the flu season, NIH visi­ Over 100 persons responded to an edito­ lodging, and subsistence for those who tors and employees with flu symptoms rial training needs survey which was an­ cannot meet these emergency needs by should refrain from entering the hospital as nounced in the Aug. 5 Record. The survey raising money through private contribu­ a health safeguard, according to the Clinical was developed to elicit data about specific tions. Center's Infection Control Office. skills and knowledge needed to perform The need for private assistance is essen­ "There is a high risk involved for many editorial work. As a result, the Training As­ tial because these items are not covered patients if they should get influenza," sistance Branch, DPM, is offering the fol­ under regular medical care. said Dr. David Henderson, CC epidemi­ lowing courses to be held on campus: Over the years, former NIH patients and ologist. "There is presently a flu epidemic local community organizations have con­ in the Washington area so we are asking Communication Course tributed to the PEF. Besides these sources that people take extra precautions." Skills Starts Deadline of income, NIH employees have contrib­ To minimize risk, the Infection Control Principles of Editing Feb. 2 Jan. 23 uted heavily through their Recreation & Office is asking that anyone with upper res­ Intermediate Editing Mar. 16 Feb. 23 Welfare Association. Even private citizens piratory problems-fever, cough, muscle Editing of Technical not connected with NIH have given to the aches, or a runny nose-stay away from the Manuscripts Apr. 7 Mar. 17 PEF. hospital. Dr. Henderson also requests that Writing workshop Feb. 23 Feb. 2 All fund donations are tax deductible. employees with those symptoms go to the They can be dropped off at the CC Social Occupational Medical Service. In addition, other courses are: Work Department, Bldg. 10, Rm. 7D-53; For further questions regarding influenza, sent to an employee's administrative offi­ contact Dr. Henderson, 496-2209. D Office Skills cer; or can be received at one of the R&W Memory Typewriter Feb. 2 Jan. 23 gift shops at NIH. (Application Seminar) For further information, call 496-2381. D Jan. 23 Limited Tax Return Aid Available Memory Typewriter Feb. 2 (User's Seminar) Sailing Club Meets Jan. 29 Beginning Feb. 5 Small Purchase Procedures Feb. 10 Jan. 28 The first meeting of the NIH Sailing Club Tax forms, tax information, and limited Time Management for will be held on Thursday, Jan.
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