2018 Imp IATO Atlas and Lafreri 18 Maggio 2018 LR.Pdf

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2018 Imp IATO Atlas and Lafreri 18 Maggio 2018 LR.Pdf IATO Atlases and Lafreri The Roman Connection Edited by Wouter Bracke CONTENTS Ad limen, Wouter Bracke, Academia Belgica 7 Bibliography and Abbreviations 11 Introduction, Wouter Bracke 27 Spunti e osservazioni sulle raccolte cartografiche italiane del Cinquecento, Vladimiro Valerio 35 Giacomo Gastaldi nell’ambiente geografico veneziano, Daria Perocco 53 Roman Atlases and Lafreri Prints, Wouter Bracke 67 Raccolte Lafreriane alla Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma: una tipologia, Maria Antonietta Conti 87 The Huguenots in the Italian News Print, Karen De Coene 97 Raccolta di carte geografiche incisa nella seconda metà del secolo XVI, posseduta dalla Biblioteca Alessandrina di Roma, Stefano Bifolco 107 L’Atlante della Biblioteca Corsiniana, Vladimiro Valerio 127 IATO 16th-Century Italian Composite Atlases in the Royal Geographical Society-IBG Collections: The ‘Peckover’ (1905) and ‘Wyld’ (1929) ‘Lafreri’, Francis Herbert 145 Illustrations (Figs 2-41) 177 Index of proper names 239 AD LIMEN Wouter Bracke, Academia Belgica This thematic issue contains some of the presentations delivered at the four-day meeting of members of the Brussels Map Circle with its Italian sister organization called Associazione Almagià in 2016. From 4 to 7 May map specialists from Belgium, Italy and Great Britain met at the Academia Belgica to exchange ideas on the so-called IATO atlases, otherwise known as Lafreri atlases.1 The meeting alternated visits to Roman libraries where copies of such atlases are kept (Biblioteca Corsiniana, Biblioteca Casanatense and Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma), conferences on the subject and visits to map galleries of the 16th century where the influence of the IATO atlases is clearly visible (Galleria delle mappe geografiche and the Terza loggia in the Vatican, the mural paintings of Caprarola). During the discussions following the presentations and the attentive study of different copies of IATO atlases during the library visits new findings have emerged. We offer some of them in the following pages. The idea of the conference goes back to January 17-18, 2013 when Jean- Marc Besse and Angelo Cattaneo organized a round table meeting on Lafreri and his atlases in the framework of a larger research project coordinated by Besse at the Ecole française de Rome: Les atlas dans les cultures scientifiques et artistiques modernes et contemporaines: représenter, organiser, conserver les connaissances et les objets (2012- 2016). The first part of this project concerned the subject of our conference, a research into the origins of the IATO atlases composed between 1560 and the end of the century. One of the premises of the meeting constituted the idea that the atlases by Lafreri were the result of negotiation, of a commercial agreement between publisher and client. As a 1 Antonio Lafreri, from Orgelet (France), was a print publisher active in Rome, in the rione Parione, from at least 1542 to 1577, the year of his death. He was the most successful Roman print dealer of his time. For a first biography see Roland, Un Franc-comtois éditeur. For his print production see now Rubach, Ant. Lafreri formis Romae; also Pagani, “The Dispersal”. 7 result of this agreement between both parties the atlas necessarily represented a unique product that reflects the client’s taste, and offers today the possibility of exploring the origins of this particular form of archiving, organizing and presenting geographical information. During the meeting representatives of the major European collections offered an interesting overview of what their institutes possess on the subject, of what had been realized and above all of what still had to be done in the field. At the end of 2014 the Mercator Museum in Sint-Niklaas, with the collaboration of the Brussels Map Circle, mounted an exhibition on the Lafreri atlas which the Society of Antiquaries of the Land van Waas (Koninklijke Oudheidkundige Kring van het Land van Waas, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, or KOKW) acquired some 150 years ago and which was recognized in 2012 as one of Flanders’s masterpieces (14.11.2014- 19.07.2015).2 Finally, April 15th of 2016 the Associazione Almagià opened two exhibitions on the subject in Bergamo, Quando l’Italia disegnava il mondo, tesori cartografici del Rinascimento and Un Tesoro riscoperto. L’atlante della biblioteca civica Angelo Mai.3 The focus of the following contributions is thus not just Lafreri nor the Lafreri atlases, a term which came into use in the late 1800s, but the material study of IATO atlases in general.4 Special attention will be given to some of the copies which are kept today in the historic libraries of Rome. Additionally, copies held elsewhere will also be discussed, especially those of the Royal Geographical Society (London) and of the Society of Antiquaries of the Land van Waas. At the beginning of the volume the Venetian context in which these atlases saw the light will be addressed with regard to its most important representative, Giacomo Gastaldi, because, as Heawood already stated in 1929: «It is (…) somewhat difficult to determine the relative importance of the two centres 2 De Coene et al., eds, Lafreri. 3 Associazione “Roberto Almagià”, ed., Quando l’Italia disegnava il mondo. 4 Paternity of the term is claimed by Porena, “Schiarimenti”, 794. 8 in sixteenth-century cartography [Rome and Venice], though the great name of Gastaldi, so closely associated with Venice, in itself gives that city a certain claim to priority».5 5 Heawood, “An undescribed Lafreri Atlas”, 359. 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS CITED IN ABBREVIATION Akerman, James R. “From Books with Maps to Books as Maps: The Editor in the Creation of the Atlas Idea” in: Joan Winearls, ed. Editing Early and Historical Atlases. Papers given at the Twenty-ninth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 5-6 November 1993. Toronto; Buffalo; London: University of Toronto Press, 1995, 3-48. Alberti, Alessia. “Contributi per Antoine Lafréry. Un editore francese a Roma tra Rinascimento e Controriforma”. Annali di critica d’arte, 7 (2011), 75-116. –. “Le Tavole moderne di Geografia di Antonio Lafréry. Note sull’esempla- re della Raccolta Bertarelli”. Rassegna di Studi e di notizie, 37 (2010), 13-44. Almagià, Roberto. Monumenta Italiae Cartographica. Firenze: Istituto Geografico Militare, 1929. –. “Intorno alle carte e figurazioni annesse all’Isolario di Benedetto Bor- done”. Maso Finiguerra, 2 (1937), 279-294. –. “Intorno ad un grande mappamondo perduto di Giacomo Gastaldi (1561)”. La Bibliofilia, 41 (1939), 259-266. –. La carta dei paesi danubiani e delle regioni contermini di Giacomo Gastaldi (1546). Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1939. –. “Alcune stampe geografiche italiane dei secoli XVI e XVII oggi per- dute”. Maso Finiguerra, 5 (1940), 98-103. –. Monumenta Cartografica Vaticana. Carte geografiche a stampa di particolare pregio e rarità dei secoli XVI e XVII esistenti nella Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, vol. II. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Ro- mana, 1948. –. Documenti cartografici dello Stato Pontificio. Città del Vaticano: Bi- blioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1960. Associazione “Roberto Almagià”, ed. Quando l’Italia disegnava il mon- do. Tesori Cartografici del Rinascimento italiano. Roma: Associazione “Roberto Almagià”, 2016. Bagrow, Leo. “A Page from the History of the Distribution of Maps”. Imago Mundi, 5 (1948), 53-62. Baynton-Williams, Ashley. “The Lafreri-School of mapmakers and publishers: an introduction”. MapForum, 3 (2004), 30-34. 11 Beans, George H. Some Sixteenth Century Watermarks found in Maps Prevalent in the “IATO” Atlases. Jenkintown: George H. Beans Library, 1938. Bedon, Anna. “La collaborazione degli editori romani e veneziani nel Cinquecento”, in: Vladimiro Valerio, Santo Spagnolo, eds. Sicilia 1477- 1861. La collezione Spagnolo-Patermo in quattro secoli di cartografia. Napoli: Paparo edizioni, 2014, 51-60. Bembo, Pietro. Opere. Venezia: Hertzhauser, 1729. –. Lettere, ed. E. Travi. I- IV, Bologna: Commissione per i testi di lingua, 1987-1993. Benedict, Philip. Graphic History. The Wars, Massacres and Troubles of Tortorel and Perrissin. Geneva: Librairie Droz, 2007. –. “Shaping the memory of the French wars of religion. The first centuries” in: Erika Kuijpers, Judith Pollmann, Johannes Müller and Jasper van der Steen, eds. Memory before Modernity: Practices of Memory in Early Modern Europe. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2013, 111-126. Besse, Jean-Marc. “The Birth of the Modern Atlas – Rome, Lafreri, Ortelius” in: Jill Kraye and Maria Pia Donato, eds. Conflicting Duties. Science, Medicine and Religion in Rome, 1550-1750. London: The Warburg Institute, 2009, 63-86. Bèze, Théodore de. Correspondance (1562-1563), eds. H. Meylan, A. Dufour and A. Tripet. Genève: Droz, 1965. Bianchi, Silvia, ed. Valtellina Valchiavenna e Grigioni sotto la lente. Ivrea: Priuli & Verlucca, 2007. Biasutti, Renato, “Il ‘Disegno della Geografia moderna’ dell’Italia di Giacomo Gastaldi (1561)”. Memorie geografiche, 4 (1908), 3-66. Bifolco, Stefano and Ronca, Fabrizio. Cartografia Rara Italiana: XVI secolo. L’Italia e i suoi Territori. Catalogo ragionato delle carte a stampa. Roma: Ed. Antiquarius, 2014. Borea, Evelina. Lo specchio dell’arte italiana: stampe in cinque secoli. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2009. Borroni Salvadori, Fabia. Carte, piante e stampe storiche delle raccolte Lafreriane della Biblioteca nazionale di Firenze. Roma: Istituto Poligrafi- co e Zecca dello Stato, 1980. Bracke, Wouter. “Jacob van Deventer e l’atlante di città dei Paesi Bassi”
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