Bibliographical Index

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Bibliographical Index Bibliographical Index Bibliographical Access to This Volume A construção do Brasil, 1500 –1825. Exhibition catalog. Lisbon: Two modes of access to bibliographical information are used in this CNCDP, 2000. 1028, 1029 De natvra novi orbis libri duo. volume: the footnotes and the Bibliographical Index. Acosta, José de. Salamanca: Guillel- The footnotes provide the full form of a reference the first time it is mum Foquel, 1589. 632 Das Gold des Kondors: Berichte aus der Neuen Welt, 1590. cited in each chapter; on subsequent citations, the author’s last name ———. and a short title are used. Some citations have chapter-specific abbrevi- Ed. Rudolf Kroboth and Peter H. Meurer. Stuttgart: Erdmann, ations listed in a first, unnumbered, footnote. 1991. 1235 Acts of the Privy Council of England: Vol. VII, A.D. 1558–1570. The Bibliographical Index constitutes a complete list of published works cited in the footnotes, tables, appendixes, and figure and plate London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1893. 1626 Acts of the Privy Council of England: Vol. X, A.D. 1577–1578. legends. Numbers in bold type indicate the page(s) in this volume on Ed. which the references are cited. John Roche Dasent. London: For Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, For dictionaries, lexicons, biographical dictionaries, and similar 1895. 1760 Relaciones geográficas del siglo XVI. works, citations may be found under the author’s name or the entry ti- Acuña, René, ed. 10 vols. Mex- tle, depending on the work. Articles in multiauthored books will be ico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de In- found only under the author’s name, regardless of whether the Biblio- vestigaciones Antropológicas, 1982–88. 1145 graphical Index contains a general entry for the book under the volume Adam, Paul. “Navigation primitive et navigation astronomique.” In Les aspects internationaux de la découverte océanique aux XVe et editor’s name. Publishers’ names are not standardized but are rendered XVIe siècles: Actes du Cinquième Colloque International d’His- as they appear on the title page or in standard cataloging; cities of pub- toire Maritime, lication are given in their common English forms. 91–111. Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1966. 747 Adams, George. Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, 450 Jahre Copernicus “De revolutionibus”: Astronomische und mathe- Considered in It’s [sic] Present State of Improvement: Describing, in a Familiar and Easy Manner, the Principal Phenomena of Na- matische Bücher aus Schweinfurter Bibliotheken. Exhibition cata- ture; and Shewing, That They All Co-operate in Displaying the log. Schweinfurt: Stadtarchiv, 1993. 1209 XVII Exposição Europeia de Arte, Ciência e Cultura: Os descobri- Goodness, Wisdom, and Power of God. 5 vols. London: R. Hind- mentos portugueses e a Europa do Renascimento. Lisbon: marsh, 1794. 158, 159 Adams, Ian H. “Large-Scale Manuscript Plans in Scotland.” Journal Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, 1984. 976 IX Congresso di Storia della Corona d’Aragona, Napoli, 11–15 aprile of the Society of Archivists 3 (1967): 286 –90. 714 1973, sul tema La Corona d’Aragona e il Mediterraneo: Aspetti e ———. “Economic Progress and the Scottish Land Surveyor.” Imago problemi comuni, da Alfonso il Magnanimo a Ferdinando il Cat- Mundi 27 (1975): 13–18. 714 The Making of the tolico (1416 –1516). 4 vols. Naples: Società Napoletana di Storia ———. “The Agents of Agricultural Change.” In Scottish Countryside, ed. M. L. Parry and T. R. Slater, 155–75. Patria, 1978–84. 941 Aakjær, Svend. “Villages, cadastres et plans parcellaires au Dane- London: Croom Helm, 1980. 714 Curriculum Vitae mark.” Annales d’Histoire Économique et Sociale 1 (1929): 562– Adams, Nicholas. “The of Jacomo Fontana, Archi- tect and Chief Gunner.” In Architectural Studies in Memory of 75. 705, 710 Richard Krautheimer, Abel, Wilhelm. Agricultural Fluctuations in Europe from the Thir- ed. Cecil L. Striker, 7–11. Mainz: Philipp teenth to the Twentieth Centuries. Trans. Olive Ordish. London: von Zabern, 1996. 686, 700 Adams, Robert. Expeditionis Hispanorum in Angliam vera descriptio. Methuen, 1980. 712, 716 Abu¯Mashar. Introductorium in astronomiam. Trans. Hermannus London: [Augustine Ryther], 1590. 1703 Adams, Simon. “The Papers of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester III: Dalmata. Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 1489. 83 Archives Acevado Latorre, Eduardo, comp. Atlas de mapas antiguos de Colom- The Countess of Leicester’s Collection.” 22, no. 94 (1996): 1–26. bia: Siglos XVI a XIX. Bogotá: Litografía Arco, [1971?]. 1144 1613 Household Accounts and Disbursement Books of Robert Ackerman, James S. The Cortile del Belvedere. Vatican City: Biblio- ———, ed. Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1558–1561, 1584 –1586. Cambridge: teca Apostolica Vaticana, 1954. 396 ———. Distance Points: Essays in Theory and Renaissance Art and Cambridge University Press for the Royal Historical Society, 1995. Architecture. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991. 427 1611, 1613 En- Ackermann, Elfriede Marie. “Das Schlaraffenland in German Litera- Adams, Thomas Randolph, and David Watkin Waters, comps., glish Maritime Books Printed before 1801: Relating to Ships, Their ture and Folksong: Social Aspects of an Earthly Paradise, with an Construction and Their Operation at Sea. Inquiry into Its History in European Literature.” Ph.D. diss., Uni- Greenwich: National Maritime Museum, 1995. versity of Chicago, 1944. 441 1723, 1725, 1726 Rouen au XVIe siècle d’après le manuscrit de Jacques Ackermann, Silke, ed. Humphrey Cole: Mint, Measurement, and Adeline, Jules. Le Lieur (1525). Maps in Elizabethan England. London: British Museum, 1998. Rouen: A. Lestringant, 1892. 1530 1618 1907 1908 Bibliographical Index Adelung, F. “O drevnikh inostrannykh kartakh Rossii do 1700 g.” Ahlman, H. W:son [Hans Wilhelmsson], ed. Norden i text och kartor. Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnogo Prosveshcheniya 26 (1840), pt. Stockholm: Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt, 1976. 1782 2, 1–26 and 73–98. 1852 Ahmad, S. Maqbul. “Cartography of al-Sharı¯f al-Idrı¯sı¯.” In HC Adhémar, Jean. “Notes sur les plans de villes de France au XVIe siè- 2.1:156 –74. 35, 1852 cle.” In Urbanisme et architecture: Études écrites et publiées en Ailly, Antoine Everard d’. Catalogus van Amsterdamsche plattegron- l’honneur de Pierre Lavedan, 17–19. Paris: H. Laurens, 1954. den. Amsterdam: Maart, 1934. 690 1533 Ailly, Pierre d’. Imago mundi et tractatus alii. Louvain: Johann de ———. “La rue Montorgueil et la formation d’un groupe d’imagiers Paderborn, 1483. 59 parisiens au XVIe siècle.” Bulletin de la Société Archéologique, ———. Ymago mundi de Pierre d’Ailly Cardinal de Cambrai et Historique, et Artistique, Le Vieux Papier, facs. 167 (1954): 25– Chancelier de l’Université de Paris (1350–1420). 3 vols. Ed. and 34. 1572, 1572 trans. Edmond Buron. Paris: Maisonneuve Frères, 1930. 299, 300, Adorno, Rolena, and Patrick Charles Pautz. Álvar Núñez Cabeza de 301, 304, 329 Vaca. 3 vols. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1999. 472 Ailly, Pierre d’, Jean Gerson, and Christopher Columbus. Imago Adrichem, Christiaan van. Theatrum Terrae Sanctae et biblicarum his- Mundi. Trans. Antonio Ramírez de Verger. Madrid: Testimonio toriarum. Cologne, 1590. 587 Compañía Editorial, 1990. 982 Aertsen, Jan A., and Andreas Speer, eds. Raum und Raumvorstel- Airs, Malcolm. “‘Pomp or Glory’: The Influence of Theobalds.” In Pa- lungen im Mittelalter. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1998. 28 tronage, Culture and Power: The Early Cecils, ed. J. Pauline Croft, Afan de Rivera, Carlo. Della restituzione del nostro sistema di misure 2–19. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. 1630 pesi e monete alla sua antica perfezione. 2d ed. Naples: Dalla Akerman, James R. “On the Shoulders of Titan: Viewing the World of Stamperia e Cartiera del Fibreno, 1840. 944 the Past in Atlas Structure.” Ph.D. diss., Pennsylvania State Univer- ———. Tavole di riduzione de’ pesi e delle misure della Sicilia Cite- sity, 1991. 280, 652 riore in quelli statuiti dalla legge de’ 6 aprile del 1840. Naples: ———. “From Books with Maps to Books as Maps: The Editor in Dalla Stamperia e Cartiere del Fibreno, 1840. 944 the Creation of the Atlas Idea.” In Editing Early and Historical At- Afetinan, A. Life and Works of Piri Reis: The Oldest Map of America. lases, ed. Joan Winearls, 3– 48. Toronto: University of Toronto Trans. Leman Yolaç and Engin Uzmen. Ankara: Turkish Historical Press, 1995. 807 Association, 1975. 756 ———, ed. Cartography and Statecraft: Studies in Governmental Agas, Ralph. A Preparative to Platting of Landes and Tenements for Mapmaking in Modern Europe and Its Colonies. Monograph 52, Surueigh. London: Thomas Scarlet, 1596. 705, 1643, 1644 Cartographica 35, nos. 3 and 4 (1998). 60 Agas, Ralph, et al. Old Plans of Oxford. Oxford, 1899. 1655 Akerman, James R., and David Buisseret. Monarchs, Ministers, & Agee, Richard J. “The Privilege and Venetian Music Printing in the Maps: A Cartographic Exhibit at the Newberry Library. Exhibi- Sixteenth Century.” Ph.D. diss., Princeton University, 1982. 796 tion catalog. Chicago: Newberry Library, 1985. 729 Agnese, Battista. Atlante Nautico di Battista Agnese 1553. Ed. Gian- ———. “L’État comme patron invisible: Étude sur Les cartes domenico Romanelli and Marica Milanesi. Venice: Marsilio, 1990. générales de toutes les provinces de France par Christophe Tassin.” 1623 Unpublished manuscript presented to the Twelfth International ———. Portulan-Atlas München, Universitätsbibliothek, cim 18, Conference on the History of Cartography, Paris, 1987. 1495 Farbmikrofiche-Edition. With “Untersuchungen zu Problemen der Åkesson,
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