THE PACIFIC 3 IMEIMIAL ADVERTISER, JmnI Every Maralas;, at 8I rrrrrcrtr: ADrnsTtrras att3 -- per TfciyaMe la Astvaaa. toOklliailsa, laaniel tortsask sal sa" aer-e- a k.ea.e ! far totonded only to beneat aa todirkluar tm. jia m, m s aU. J i fomuM to foreign caantriee will a $7 par unn, a advertiaemeata. m , I toe American postage and the expense of fonrard-- Ailfatsnssssa dLspayad la sargwr type tbaasJ, sat-- the flW of poAUeatton.- - Allapenfcr Amniesa jeot to asavter ai gi'B. t i . -- i - - I ports, will have American portage stamps oa them, . C7 Subscription for the Oniiarlfil AAvertkar sa4 Aiver- prevent any American portage being collected n amenta are payable dvabiablt ib asvabcs. r. Foreign sal ati Intra, was prrf-- r It, ean hare their ' TTNo trauateat advertiaaenU win h iaaerted, SBLBM PBS arded through the Hawaiian mails, ami will be requir--e sans..- - v '-- j ... i ' --" t Hlaod pnstare of SI 04 at the Honolulu post office, V .CT Csmspsndsnei teats all saHSattbs Passi via always a the afcors charge $7. t . ;.. . .rvvrj'acoepUble, ,i .n AT waica AavmrrusKssrs wiu aa niwis. 4t tt advertismeut (first insertion) per line 10 ets-- f COMUlICIALPnJNTING OFFICC. (Kach subsequent do. ; eta. ' . i '. .' u ' . VAsTCT nut exceeding t . lines) per annual $S 00. FLAHi AJr fW v hi L.l.litwl Un SOeta. . - ' BOOK AND JOB PH INTINO m- -r PmraMe alwava in advance, -- exceeding 10 lines space) ftinsertion $1 00. L (not tret BOOK8, '. ., - BILLS OF aXCT VQR,. taCH luna lU"ii UMmcxmM w cw. CATAIXMtrRS. S.1LL8 CV LALiivA, . will be charged at the following rates r . ,,1 ' BILL HBADS, - " ' - - CtNtCLAR t LA NO Iitutoiu..Kl ml the end of eaeb Quarter: CIRCULAR, - RaAA.CaVr JJR,. :i twenrv line) per anarter - " 15 00 L. : ; s... AUCTIONBILLS, HA DULLS. ,a . - ih of a column per quarter - - - $1200 iff- i: PAMPHLETS, I OHIUi . 'ui ' erf a column per quarter $20 0O XT TTSTTINO, BCSINU, ANT ADDaJ CARDS column per quarter - .... - $37 M pnnted on a 'Yankee Card araa," ia tbe Ugaaw, un ef tas art.-- ' ' i v:: ... - .1 V :.."ril r a t

1 '; ' -- PUBLISHED WEEKLT BT- i jimcrcial Advertiser. UaC.XRV M. SIX DOL.LARS PEE AJTNCM. WUIIXEI,- : HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, NOVEMBER 11, 185S. VOL. Ill, Na. 0. WHOLE Bfa. IB 4, Fareiga Saassaary. gusintss Carts. gasinss jtf., to . Carta. cto3, MIing5, Jtt. Seal fstale for alt. Iiama - whirh. wan tamorl-- -- h jpriut:m w I7ruiur.- v j "COMMISSION MERCHANT, . 1 MAAmnin9 in a ntnna ' : - - H HaecaVPsacej IIjsTbssi A, P. EVERETT, AGENT FOR THE TO LET. ,1 . ! 8ATIIER St CHURCH, . Ten Sale Banker. lOa-S- York necs, Mr.' Broeek's American New C Talaable Real Estate for ' XT RiAiMuoe to W. L. Osaaa, HoacaUa, S. L m' Tark Bears Uaaerwrlters. THE . COMMODIOUS STORE AND CORNER CLAY AXD BATTERY STREETS, woo the Cbesterfiehl handicap against The undersigned by- - Mr. ylo $3-l-y take leave to notify Merchant, Ship Masters, Dwelling, recently occupied Peatt, on Nuuaou -. Hooolulu, Oahu, H. I. Beretania streets. THE RESIDENCE OF R. V. SPEI- EXCHANGE AT seven competitor. ftc, that he baa been duly appointed as Agent for the street, between Hotel and The House DEN, situated on Waikiki Road, two miles outa 1 BILLS OF SIGHt New York Board of Underwriters. baa been tbosoughly repaired. Apply to the DRAW to suit, as follows . saea coffee drinker, aa M-l- of Honolulu. The premise eontaln about - - - AND Vnch are not many J. F. COLBURN, . y " ALEX. J. CARTWRIOnT. ABRAHAM BOLSTER, FOCRA OB - .' rAYABLB AT COU3S22aON F02WAIU;a UZZCZAiTB, of well fenced Land, Dwelling House, all ne- - -- ose ACRES and other New York, : , . American Krrihange Bant. . poee. The Uoited State eight or nine 123-- tf Comer Richard and Merchant sts. ;. CaJieWsadi, . v:; .v., . UOTIOKTEI3 cessary There is also a great variety of fruit trees Boston, - - Shoe and Leather Dealers' Bank Jaieaa. bach as France. Kaahumana street, Honolulu, ; - Peaches, Apples, Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine, Mulberry, Mango. ' ' Kinds of Fresh Prevhaai SMp's Oeha. AGENT FOR THE i . , ' Philadelphia, - - Drexd ft Co firaaai ahm, TO LET. ', variety of uative Cocoanuts, There ' Sluw Caandiery, ' . Timet asks the nation to bestow a - Quince, and a fruit, etc are Baltimore. - - - Johnston, Bros, ft Oa ALL aad at smmuui tesOBB. nlon Liverpool Underwriter's Association. tl-l- ponds on containing 20,000 . y. Tbe FOLLOWING ROOMS AND OF five fish the premiss, about fish, of Cincinnati, - . - ' - A. J. Wheeler, Rsq Wbalemen'a Drafts taken, ft. , 1 the officers and crew of the Jlgamemnon. A. P. EVERETT, undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners, BRICK and Ship the FIRE PROOF BUILDING, corner of which one fourth are fit for ase. The ponds are supplied by a St. Louis, - - . Haskell k Co., Exchange Bank COMMISSION ..' musters, that be has reeerred the appointment of MTHE and Qneen streets, vis t ...... never failing stream of mountain water. The land Is all In good V steamers from New York to Califor-- MERCHANT, AGENT at these Islands foe the LIVERPOOL UNDRR ' Pittaburf, R.D. Jones, Cashier T7X2. 13. , three anion's new block, Queen The second floor, at present occupied by D. C Waterman ft Oo. cultivation, and bounded with shade Trees of every description Loubvtlte, - - A. D.Hunt ft Co CICIisLIf J street, Honolulu, U, I. WRITER'S ASSOCIATION. ' . a v . . . r The third floor, over the office of Messrs. C. A. ft H. F. Poor, adapted to this climate. Persons desirous of purchasing, would . . f va !VificrcNirAw rrm t l- - 1 . 1--tf - Charleston, -.... H. W. Connor ft Ce taAAljVnA . V 1 .. . UbflliOAIi , July ROBERT C.JANION. : directly over WMittlailWI wnu arc vvuuu The office on tbe second floor, tbe Saving Bank. do well to call and examine thne premises. N . - , - Shaw Oe - ; of metropolis, wooiiy REFERENCES. Orleans, - Beaotot, .r . . that above building, capable of storage 1600 fee simple . TAHITI, .: x River. - Sampsox The Cellar of the of Term easy. Title :,.- ' Messrs. k Tappas, - Boston. "AGENT FOR LLOYD'S ' barrels. For particulars, inquire of R. V. 8PETDEN, KXCHANOS ON Wmsaroly asups wah swlstona.fte- -. and adi K. I). Brirham Co- -, . M - - .. tarsss Caitod StakH seen by Capt. Brown, of the ' Pomeaaon given immediately. Terms moderate. Apply to - On the premise t '; mrwabis ior bias oa the AM ip of Islands - Tbe undersigned begs to notify to Merchants, Ship owners London, ' " Karrs Hiu- and ll-t- Ben, k - . Shipmasters, that be has received the sppointment ot f CHAS. BREWER, 2d. Or A. J.' CART WRIGHT, Hooolulu, July 1, 1S67. M-t- f . 114-- . ,ai are on the charts published by E. & O. AGENT at these Islands for LLOYD'S LONDON. tf . Honolulu. July tf . . TO LET. Ship Ixscbb Tbbastbs, under open policies. In the follow- cuas. a. sisbop. ROBERT C. J ANION. abd wk.' a. alobici. WELL-FINISH- ED ing named offices in New Vork s Atlantic Mutual Insuranos Co. CUSTOM HOUS3 St COMMIZION AGBST .-T-WO NEW, NEAT. Coflee Plantation Sale! ; lor dc Cottages, outbuildings complete, the " Ban Mutual Insurance Co.; Union Mutual Insurance Co.j Pa- MAX0OKLI, NEW EXALAKBv : letter says: "The meeting between the BISHOP CO., HAMBURGH-BREME- N with near Methodist ' - . CELEBRATED v "P mJLmm(7t J. THE cific Mutual Insurance Co. Pcbcbabb CaaririCATBS or Daroa--rr Vn Princess Frederick William, Bankers. Ofllee In the east corner of u MaAee'a Block," on Episcopal Church. Apply to XT Shi opto; toppM en the ssoat rniiswlili torssa tat.' and the Banking Bast lTJ-SA- l-- 100-- tf . J. T. WATERHOCSE. MTITCOMB COFFEE PLANTATION, asd otbbb bxcbabub, and transact a general . ly Chter, was very aflectinje. The Princess Kaahumanu street, Hotrriulu. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ness. P. BATHER, ' , Will reoeire depos.ta, diacoont first-cla- ss business paper, and AT HANALEI, KAUAI, 102-6- m K. W. railway carriage t her royal mother, 112-- A genu of the shore CHCRCH.' the attend to collecting, etc tf UNDERSIGNED, TO LET, ofTered sale. ' The Land of the Plantation comprises up- io remained clasped in each other's. arms THE are prepared to Insure risks against fire In and I for SAnisa c :l about Honolulu. .. COTTAGE AND PREMISES IN ward of lOSO Acres, and has upon it 50.000 CesTee T7cor:auFa?, ' ' occupied by Dr. White. The building y me unable to speak." C. A. fc II. F. POOR, For particulars apply the office. THE recently Trees. The land la well adapted to the cultivation of sugar SINGER'S FIRST PRESIIUSI ANDLER, aTOIXEKT3PaC& AND at Is B0 with In front and rear, and pantry, will be Fee SHIPCH AQENT.Ooe4 bought and soMoaeom-Harto- a, IMPORT ER3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MELCHER3 CO. 22 by feet, verandah cane. The estate la anencumbered, and sold by - Ec&ops Chiba A . 4 house, cook bouse, bath house, and other outbuildings. Simple full terms of sale, Inquire of Gold Medal Sewing- Machines I Ship and Family Store pat up at the ahortast notice. Cable tro to Hono'ulu, Oct. 11, 1867. S8-- tf servants' Title. For particulars and Great la tele-Conn- ' ect grape Corner of QcbssI Boas and PoTtiswaa rnunrr, says that a project for an electric HOXOLCHT, OAHU, SANDWICH ISLANDS. On the premises are several very superior vines in full 109-- ur B. W. FIELD. ITea.lieag jtr bearing. Apply to 3. T. WATERH0U8K, nonolulu, Refer to TboBas SrsBcsa, A. CABrwaroarr, Earope with China, was in prepar-ih- at REFER TO MACHINES took the Gold Mbdal at the XT J. J. C. 100-- tf 1L DICKINSON, T1HESE - 104-- ly ' Gboecb F. Pbasopb, Esq., Philadelphia. Fire Insurance Notice. Or to Lahaina. FOR SALE OR RENT. Exhibition In competition with all the machines arAAStse. Bonotoln, geadwirttlslsfa. city, and woo Id be presented to the of Kcaors and Amsbica, including u Wheeler ft Wilwrn's" aad fen usi4 ILuira, l'q., - - New Bedford. ' THE CORAL STORE ON THE COR. his return to Paris. Messrs. Rbad, Cbudwick Dkxtba, . Boston.. THE XORTHERX ASSURANCE CO. TO LET. ill ner of Merchant and Kaahumanu streets, occuptea oy k Orover ft Baker's," and the French Government paid Singer k. Co - , New UNDERSIGNED begs to notify to those IlilL Dr. McKibbin. Possession given on tbe first of August ft Co. 600,000 francs for the use of the patents. In addition to is noderstood to be Waldo, Babbt York. THE FOLLOWING OFFICES AND seven 5sn QtMktznis. Waks rather a - 60 we have the rrasr premium at State Fairs, and ince of AaiaMrrBT. Clabk Jt Co- -, . . . San Francisco. THE hare insured in this offloe wooden- buildings or ROOMS, in the brick building, corner of Queen and next. The premise are 30 by feet, and will be enclosed if this, taken imtfcto conse-sequen- needs verdict of Hooolulu jury where g man, who gives some trouble to his highly Baockb & Ijsdbsssjiokb, - . San Francisco. their contents within the precincts of Honolulu, that in ce EtillL Kaahumanu streets, generally known a the Makee ft desired, and the house put in good order. If sold, the terms and it hardly the a 90-- . of the continued erection of large high : will be made easy. Iaquire of Sewing Machines are scarcely known to determine its position ' pu-ent- This was to be expected, and tf and wooden Anthon building, via. b. sr 1. O. MBBBU.L ie buildings close together in narrow streets, no mere risks on tim- Tbe second present occupied by Dan. C. Waterman, Honolulu, July 28, 1868. 109-- tf ASnER B. BATES. as the best machine for all practical purposes in use All wbo c are. nappen even me nest floor, at say none will sometimes in C. I BICHABM. H. W. SSVBBABCB. ber constructions in the town will be taken, ami those already Esq. have used the different machines will so, and other families. will be on are competent judge. Address ' (royal) - taken not renewed the expiration of their terms. The third floor over Messrs. AUrich ft Bishop, suitable for FOR SALE. C. L. RICHARDS oc CO., ROBERT C. JANI0N, storage. THE DWELLING. PREMISES formerly JNO. H. BUNNELL, Agent, - . , COMMISSION ME21CHANT3. funeral was held at Lowell lately over 2--tf Agent 122-3- 161 Sacramento Street. . kaal Ship Chandlers, Coramiasion Merchants, and dealers m General 6 for the Northern Assurance Co. The office on the second floor, (lately occupied by J. Malue, belonging to Robert G. Davis, situated beSkreen Dr. ABB i " ' ' Ins of J. B. Smith. Miss Emma Houston Merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu. Sandwich Islands. Esq.) Wood's and Charles Bishop's residences. ind the de-i-d Smith spoke through her. The REFER TO NORTHERN ASSURANCE The cellar of the above building, capable of storage for 1,600 Terms easy. Apply to California Preserved Meats, &e. rrx ; , . a Apply to 67-- tf ASHER B. BATES. AUOTiorjnn unity of the deceased, instead on Messrs. C. A. Williams Jt Co., . . Honolulu. THE (established 1836.). For Fire and Life Assurance at barrels. f of putting borne and abroad. 65-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. PRES'D MEATS, SOUPS, I). U. . - - flALIFOrtXIA lesoed in white, with white shawls, and bon-im- el Watbmuas, " GO, ac, put up irum me wn Auieritui lucaw, j RegBlar Dlaaateli Llaeaf Ilaaalala Paeketa. B. F. Sow, - Capital 1,250,7 Strrllag. FOR SALE. D. R. PROVOST ft CO. . with white. Tbe undersigned ha been appointed Agent for tlie Sandwich TO ., , .-- THE Viluaxs a Havbs,...- New London. LET, HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED ON San Francisco, California. Particular sskKtioa paid to furwardteg and transhipment of Islands. ROBERT CHESHIRE J ANION, fjTjl Waikiki Plains, at present occupied by the undersigned. merchandise, sal of whalemen's and other exchange, in- Thomas Fitch, " f. "" WITH POSSESSION FROM THE bill, Go ed City. From the Annual , at Honolulu. resi-liU- L Apply Office, or to hit vol Williams ft Babxk, - " or uctooer proximo mile e.iu tviTAUE,tne lf ii Terms liberal. at this Co. have constantly on hand, a general assort surance of merchandise and specie under open poficiaa, supply- ... ji" . 90-t- D. R. P. ft Controller Flagz, of New York city, we San Frandsoo. deuce of G. H. Luce. The house contains parlor, sitting f . JOHN LORD. ing whaleships, chartering ship, eto. Mokuas, Sroia ft Co., - " ment of kt the cost of governing that city for the past JIcRrsa ft MaaaiLL, - E. UOFFSCIILAEGER tt STAPENUORST, mom. three bed rooms, dining room, cook house, bath house. 7 Kngtish Oilman's Stores. - - - 47 aaa) 40 Caltiarala atreet. 130--tf carriage house, stable, fowl bouse, and every convenience for a FOR SALE. ' ' ' 1 17,QU,'JIXJ. being about Tor each Asa T. Lawtos, - - Agents Tar the DAIRY FARM Domestic Pickles. - BBTBBvOl ' $ - - New Bedtord. family. Water from the government pipe carried to every part AT KAWAIHAE-Sn- 4 ' -- -- T. ft A. R. Nrt, PARIS DAIRY FARM . Preserves. J' , , 'j, Captain D. man. and child within the corporation. ' AND BORDEAUX BOARDS OF UNDER ,THE seven from port of Kawaihae, Captain James Makee, Honolulat C. Waterman Edward C. as, . - . of the house. L'KA. Hawaii, miles the Jos " Fiuits, Henolului Messrs. Gluaan ft Ca, lahaina. . . . UO-- tf t We-h- of this sum was derived from taxes. 8. Gairrrra Moroas, - " WRITERS. Also About one acre of excellent praiing land, with a never JkiMWith 600 acres of enclosed land. For particulars inquire Nuts, ftc ' fte- - - , ftc. lo:ber half from pier rents, interests on bonds. failing stream of water running through the same. -- Of JAMES A. LAW, In Honolulu, which they offer for sale In quaa tities to suit the parchaser. auIpublic. 117-tf Apply to G. LUCE 102--tf Or L. B. LINCOLN, on the premises. s. OBirrrrrs moboab. C. S. BATBAWAT. a. r. stobb n w,ruiUTable proportion of this immense sum avis it lJ3-6i- n. stolen indirectly through D. C. WATKBMAS. JOB P. POPS. Les Soassignes, ayant etc nomines Agents pour les MORGAN, STONS & CO., krarw, fraudulent CO., Assureors maritimes de et de Bordeaux, TO LET. LAND FOR SALE OR LEASE. Tie Gothamitea are surely a patient and D. C. WATERMAN Jt Paris THE FOWLER FARM.' situated in Pa ROPE WALK AKD OAKIJI Commission and Torwarding BLsehaats, Saa Franclaeo, Oat ENCLOSED forty-seve- n - COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . pre vien cent le pnblio en general et les Capi- - ALL THOSE WELL PRE-- loio Valley, enclosed and containing acres. . . Reference. T. 8. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. 4t A. R. Nye, kg people. occupied by U. W. Macy a a private - mises heretofore Terms low. Inquire of ... r FACTORY. Especial attention paid to the ioteresta of the Whaling: Fleet, by . taines de uavires marchands francais, qui visitent residence, adjoining Mr. Montgomery's cnrdeif, on Smith ft Swift ft Perry, New Bedford, Massrs. Orinaetl Mlntura ft DK. SMITH, Dentist, Co., New York, M. Forbes Kan., Boston, Messrs. Per- Sebastopol. We learn from a letter re-- the furoiauinic of funds, purchase and sale of Exchanee, Oil, les ports de ce royaume, en particulier, que dans eight minutes' of the wharf. Tbe bouses con- " John Bridge, and walk April 28, 1857. . Kwqi - Bone, General Merchandise, and tbe procuring of Freight. splendid view of Nuuan'u Valley, a nouoluiu, OF EVER1 SIIK MAHtFAO kins ft Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Uoo- th'u city, dated Sebastojiol July 8, that tous les cas d'avaries, qui auraient lieu dans ces sist of a large parlor, with a CiORDAGE !-- .- house well. to order Constantly on hand, a large as. otahx. - Jwry i, Sabmarine Company have already raised REFERENCES. parages, ils devront, lire constater et verifier dining room, four good bed rooms, pantry, cook and : t f garden is well ntrcked with fruit tree, and the situation is VALUABLE PREMISES. of AND HEMP ROPE, (aU aiaes). Bale sixteen-gu- n Messrs. TIowlavd, J a., ft Co New Bedford. ' Tbe SALE LEASE for a term of years. aortment MANILA t harbor of sebastopol tbe vemel W. O. . Popb, do. les ftuts devant eax pour legaliser leurs recla cool, picturesque and salubrious. A family will And it a most FOR OR for sale by TUBB8 ft CO., : 1 . 1. . . : 11. Esq, the Store Premises now occupied by the undersigned. Rope, Tow Line, Oakum, ftc, BARRY & PATTEN, A uc con re les dits assureurs. Inquire of JOHN MONTGOMERY. - at SIM iuv .war ciniuci uran Mnmn, Srnxa ft Co., Ban Francisco. nations t desirable residence. 6-- tf v - is. r. BJUV. 80-l-y 139, Front street, van rrascjaco . ' -. 117-- 61-- tf HOFFSCHLAEGER STA EX UORST. 117-- tf , . Me reliant street. DCATJCRS was in a good condition, and was not worm- McRtrsa ft Mubill, do. tf ED. ft r i IkTPOKTKBS, WBOLESAUC AND RETAIL Ilf few portion scept a rails and upper of buL " : FOR SALE OR TO LET, WINES, LIQUORS, DEMIJOHNS, Tbey are now employea upon THOMAS SPENCER, FLORENS STAPENUORST, TO LET. a SEVERAL. .ELIGIBLE - BUILDINGS anotber V. -- All average . WELL-KNOW- N and hmv Inta. situated on difterunt carta of Mauna Kea . i . 1 asu, Seta So--ly which will snon be 1. Ship Chandler, Ttealer in General Merchandise, and Commission Agent for the Bremen board of Cnderwriters. claim Til PREMISES - a a aa IB Maatsjasaery FeaassaBB. raie Honolulu, keeps on hand against said Underwriters, occurring in or almut this near the corner of King and Manna Kea streets, formerly XaaXstreet, 'Honolulu. Terms very moderate. For informa- i Merchant, Oahu,S. I, constantly the 108-- r-n--c RuauAta act in an exceedingly honorable 1-- tf J W. BIARSII. n erery description of goods re-- Kingdom, will liare to be certified before him. July tf oorunied bv C. W. Vincent, as a carpenter's shop and lum tion, etc., apply to J. Oi L extensire awortment of inDun . and are disposed to allow them to make a quired by whaleships others. '" ber yard, and mora recently by Messrs. H. C Leonard ft Co., ..n. .WCCSTGII & CO. and - IMPORTERS AXD DEALERS tie thing of it. Heretofore much time has Shippins; fnraUbed with ail kinds of rrneeries, prorisions, JtC, two good buildiuirs being on said premises, fit fur a carpenter's ' : IS j KRULI. Sc MOLL, storage punnse. For terms apply to IS . . . kroted to preparation, but notwithstanding . at the shortest notice, at the very lowest market prices. ... trade or J s MIT n xr xs. cl. X aa , ., X m , XT Money adranced for whalers' bills at the lowest rates. Agent of the Hamburg and Lubeck Cnderwriterft, Honolulu, . . , J. WM. PFLCGER, 23 a o W n o insurmountable &3-- Co.'s Maker, of an almost character, . - tf Oahu, U. I. July 1, lS&o-- tf H6-t- f H. Hackfeld ft Undertaker and Cabinet merica is bound to succeed. Boston Trav - TO The Building lately occupied by Vincent BEGS LEAVE TO NOTIFV THE liiqaort of every Description. D. N, FLITXER, LET. publio that he ia now prepared to furnish all kinds 101 HONOLULU MEDICAL HALL, fZ$ (Irenier, on Nuuanu Street, directly opposite Merchan, . v FRONT STREET, new In Makee's new of COFFINS, and superintend Funerals, at the short- ' Continues his old business at the store fire DOCTOR McKIBBIN", Surgeon, ' Street. The lower part is fitted with counter, shelves Between Washington and Merchant IAOC 07 THC SCLTAS S DArOHTEBS. The . recently occupied Ac, est notice.' From tbe imiz experience he has had in proof buihlins:, at the stand by Ir. tc. i upper part fine sleepiug moms, and fine cellar under same. who 116 tf SAN FRAStlSCO has daughters away soar- - corner Queen streets. Ha renioreil to the Store Utely occupied by Dr. Lathrop, In - the business, he trusts that he may give satisfaction to those given twe of his in Hoffmann, nf and Kaahumanu AL?0 ;'; Queen 'where will he regularly supplied with will favor him with a call. Ready made pine coffins always on v ... T .- .- Tal- Chronometers rated by ciaerratior. of the sun and stars", Street, he One-ha- lf of Loft In large Stone Warehouse he expenses of this double marriage are - of best quality. TO LET the to $10 cherry and koa do., varnished, $10 and accurately aljuste I to the Medicines, Perfumery, etc., the one-ha-lf Cellar same. hand, from 1 1,OX),000 with a transit instrument on Marine Street ; and of the under on hand and francs. It is the custom on such Family Medicines tnil Prescriptions car fully prepared.. - $25 ; koa do, polished, $25 and $10. Koa Lumber meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to ftoe CT Apply to- - ' (31-t- O A. P. EVERETT. Vis . the Seamen's for the Sulran to keep open tuble for all his watch repairing-- Sextant and quadrant glasses sUvernd rr Medicine Chesu examined andreBtted on reasonable terms. fur sale at his shop, King street, nearly opposite subjects for firteen days. must not be and adjusted. Charts and nautical instruments constantly Attenlance at the oflice from 8 A. M. till 6 r. M., on week Bethel. a. Wn It days, from 8 a."bi. on Sundays. At other times FIRE PROOF STORE TO LET. N. B.r-- URN ITURE made, repaired and varnished, with f. nnoivia, 4M.t and toll F CAL- -. VI for on hand and f sale. FIRS 118-- tf 06 RATTES.T STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, that these banquets are distinguished his resilience. Union street. ; lll-t- LARGE AND COMMODIOUS neatness and dispatch. Li- - L I 1 : i 1 . I at f THE ncrua ui aneepi .i Proof Store on Kahumanu street, laieiy vrcupicu vy ... DESCRIPTION ruestcji urviieu runcr AMOS, COOKB. OF EVERT SAM L. S. CAJfTLB. a : Krull Moll. Terms moderate. Possession - s IMPORTER Caps, and Tab). nee, raw cucumbers, compove bill . M. , Messrs. ft ..JAMES LOCKWOOD, Pistols, Percussion Pocket and tbe oi Sc COOKE, CHAS. F. GUILLOU, D Immediately Apple to Fans, and S gen- CASTLE given Or. Cutlery, Plated Ware. Brushes, Combs, Soap, red by the greatest potentate of the East to Surgeon United States Navy, Consular Physician to sick . rTT.a iDVirrn Copper Smith, Whit-Bb- t, Importers and Wholesale and Retail dealers In General Mer- Late v. Tin and ' eral assortment of FANCY GOODS. Rcers to it M. seamen general No. 107 Clay street, Saa Francisco, 104-S- m iVcfi. In the present state of the Turkish chandise, at the old stand, earner of the King and School American and practitioner. jJ . LAHAINA, MAUI. . Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. . Office, and Merchant streets, residence COM this expenditure of 14,000,000 francs for the streets, near the Urge Stone Church. Alo at the Store corner Kaahumanu and TO LET. XT All work In his line will be executed with promptness, and FOR SALE A FULL AND, - King oppo- at Dr. Wood's Mansion, Hotel street. 110-- tf OFFER of desirable ' formerly occupied by !. II. Nidmfeon, In street, Hot- . in a workmanlike manner. , N c it a ragged crowd betrays great penetration. Dr. Medi- Medical and Surgical advice iu English, French Spanish, and A COMMODIOUS COTTAGE ON Dr. Is. I. Crapliay'ii site the Seamans ChapeL Agents fur Jayne' street, directly opposite the residence of Captain B. F. - DRUGS AND MEDICINES. 1, 185o--tf Italian. el ltQLISH RaILKOAO TO TBX PjlCITIC- - WSS cines. July 1118-- tf R. GILLILAND. from country, and GRAND MEDICAL AND SURGICAL It Office hour from 11 A. M. to S r.M-- j at other hours inquire at Snow. Apply to M". IX. llarYey, R. ft CO. respectfully solicit orders the tf guarantee satisfaction In every particular to those who favor ht Washington, on the most reliable author-- his residence. J will INSTITUTE, , , j HOUSE, SHIP, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTEB, custom. 6o-6- m tbe British Government have bad an over- - E. O. IIAIL TO LET, them with their ' mU, e, HONOLULU. Sacra saeata kelaw Meg.ssryt possessions mporter and Dealer In Hardwt.-- Dry Goods, Paints, Oils, and PREMISES, Kiaa STREET, NEAR FORT, te from their in the corner Fort King streets. DR. FORD'S THE DUCORRON IN THE Opposite Pacific Mail 8teamsblp CoTnparrjs Oflioe, general Merchamlise, of and Street, opposite Makee's best of repair, with half an acre of ground, enclosed, KINDS OF WORK IN HIS LINE TEnAMA aovsa, oantains to a point in Canada, by Office and Drug Store, Kaahumanu &'"! In-lrT- to .;V.V- certain Consulate, oo Beretania street. of ALL be executed with dispatch, and in a style second 8T8--, .r :'' . SAN - btoele. refitted, and prescription Joining the British 103-- OF CALIFORNIA AND 8AN90ME FRANCISCO, CAL.. ey will be able to over Ship's Medicine chests H- tf CORNER construct a railroad Sc lll-- Ul - W. McCOUGUTRY. none. ... UTAI AHEE, carefully permanent cure all iwtvat Vo territory on this continent, uniting tbe prepared. S C a I . Established In ISM, for tbe of and AreaU Ihr tbe Sugar Plantations of Aiko, at Papakna, and Iwo, XT Hot, cold, vapor, shower and medicated Baths, at all hours s. JonNsoN, an Fraacisco, chronic diseases, and the supprsanon of quackery. nth the Atlantic , The proposed route is at Pulo, Hilot Importers and Wholesale and Retail Deal- Mr TO LET, Attending sad Resident Physician, L. i. CzArBAT, M. D., lata rter thsn that of our Government; and as ers in China Gools : have on hand, for sale, at their estab-men- ta THE BOARDING HOUSE IN THE HOUSE CARPENTER, Ac, la the Hungarian Revolutionary War, Chief Physician to the King street, Honolulu, and at Lahaina, Jlfaui, Horse who i-- 20th Regiment of Houveds, Chief Surgeea to the Military kUh Government secure . on HOFFMANN, rear of the " htte iioiei," icp" NEARLY OPPOSITE THE BETHEL, stands ready to a Coffee, and a large and E. Inquire on the premises, lll-t- KINO STREET, Hospital of Pesth, Hungary, and late oa diseases oj Surar, Molasses, Syrup, Tea, Surgeon, office in new drug store, adjoining rooms, all furnished. f xed rate of interest to all who may ehuose to - -- Physician and the INTIMATES THAT women children. Commanioatiana strictly eonfldential. varied assortment of general merchandise n. - and the store of 11. AiacKieia a ueen-ei- - RESPECTFULLY any work in the above line, and otherwise,, this great enterprise, feasibility is beyond Honolulu, August 12, 1857. j 10a-- ConruitaUons by letter or free. AddrcasL.J its . .... patronage. tf T0-8- I, TO LEASE, hopes to merit a har of pubic eat, M. D Ban Franoisos, Caltforfis. m I hate this information from the highest AT PRE-- 1 f a -- 17. FIRE PROOF STORE H. WOOD, r.lf4MRERl.AIIf. eiTIIEoccupied by Messrs. Krull ft Moll. Possession - J. aent HONOLULU : - erery . Attorney Law. Office corner of Kaahumanu and Merchant STIaNCIL PLATCS. pro Otntm axd Paorrrs or the- Lo.xdox Marmtactcrrr, Importer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes of at iiLgtven on 1st next month. Apply AMBROTYPE & DAGUERREAN GALLERY! "' descrlptioa. Shoe Flndines, Pump, Sole, Rigging, Harness, A. pararraph now going the usual news-ao- d, Calf, Goat, Hog, and Bock 8klns and Patent Leathers. O Y E S. WELL-KNOW- BOXES, BAGS, itc'. CUT s.179 that John Walter, Ji. P. for the Talisea, Sparring Glorea, Foita, and Masks, Black , AGUERREOTYPES, 1MBR T P N AND POPULAR TCXR MARKING Trunks, J. W. AUSTIN, TO LET. and PHOTOGRAPHS. TH. W. FROEBB, THIS offers superior inducement to tbe Traveling IT to Order, at the lowest ratoa, by BURKE A CO, 1 5B of mg. Brushes, Hosiery, ftc. Brick Shoe store, eorner of D - Masse Cop- Nottingham, ia principal proprietor of tbe c HONO- - 106-t- . btangenwain. I Fbabobkio.- eat in I-- Successor of H. quiet home. situated la Also Honolulu. H. July tf attorney; AND COUNSELOR LAW. lTHE CELLAR UNDER THE f Public, and to those wishing a It Jacksob stbbbt.Sab Fort and Merchant sts.. I. at I one of most convenient in town capa- - to conducted clothes, books, etc., with inoekhn Jnk. Times newspaper, be holding nineteen shares Office. lulu House the convenient proximity to the business center, and per, for marking Office (n nonolulu House, over the Post dW"' lljij storing 400 Inquire of patron tbe choice of obtaining B. Orders left with the publisher of this paper, will al he twenty-(bu- ble of shout ton. BOOKBINDING on European Plan, giving ia N. a r into which that valuable pub tbe . ea 1Mvav-- , 106-- H. M. boose, or else- : C. BREWER 2d, . tf WUiratl. their meals at the restaurant connected with tbe nriNDranpUCRCIUoi. is divided. The publisher, wbo is responsi- - IN A VARIETY OF STYLES suggest. ' ' General Commission Merchant, nonohtln, Oahu, S. I. Money - PITMAN, ' substantially, and on fair terms. Law Books, where, as their convenience may I libels. has one share. Mrs. Carden, on B. FOR SALE OR TO LET, DONEand ha been engaged In this boose atoe 4c. a tranced on favorable terms lor bills of Exchange the In General Merchandise, Walakea Bay, Music, Newspapers, Ac, bound to order. Portfolios, Scrap The Proprietor, who LAWRENCE & HOUSEWORTH, Sir Robert Lord Mayor Ship Chandler and dealer ON KING made to 1862, solicits continuance ef tbe patronage of his many rriend, f Carden, the present U. 8 England and France. . THE FORETOP PREMISES -- Books, Herbariums, Drawing Books, and Blank Books, a BIL.O, HAWAII. street. Terms liberal. Apply to Log which, as heretofore, he will endeavor to merit bystrict atten- CLAT STREET. SAW has three shares. It is estimated tnat Keeps constantly on hand an extensive assortment of every ftTf order, officers of ship can have their Navigation and XlaJL 100-- tf C. W. VINCENT, Fort street, Honolulu. Mission Office, tion to their wants and comfort. G. W. PRINK, OPTICIANS. and Batail Dealer In and Importers of Ac he whale shiis and others. Books, and Charts, bound and repaired, st the - - prieury share is woith over $10,000 a year. RITSON HART, imi , Proprietor. Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical Instrwatents, have for Vegetables, and all kinds of Kawaiahao. Old Books rebound at short notice. 664a i the sum from $2G0,OWJ per nenry Robinson, Wholesale Wine and Spirit Shipping furnished with fresh beef, Rook sale the largest assortment of Spectacles and Eye Olames on the of $240,000 to Successors to Mr. SALE OR TO LET. may be left ostra-meu- Auction Room of A. urocenes, anu rronsiona ac a uk FOR Orders also at H. M. WHITNEY'S Pacific Coast. Also, Opera Olawea. Telescopes. Drawing I ts. at of all tbe shares. Mr. Walter's individual Merchant. Honohilo, H. L, under the on Merchant street, store, Honolulu. SAMUEL RUSSELL EXCHANGE. House. COTTAGES ' ' " ' AKIERICAN Spectacle Thermometers, Hydrometer, Magnetic P. Ererett, Auctioneer, nearly opposite the Custom TWO NEAT - ' - ' Case. from this source may be averaged at some Best facilities for storage of from 3 to 6000 barrels, being near convenient for email families, and bandy to the business July 1, EXCHANGE,) machines, Galvanic Batteries, Msgto Lantern, etc Z2-- a CJ -- (FORMERLY WILSON'S a year. the landing, ana tree rrom inatcucu ouuuun Ja-- part of the town. For sale cheap, or to rent low. Title Messrs. L. ft II. pay particular attention to tbe Spaetaol which money - Wanted, Whalers bills on the U. 8. or Europe, for eesimule. A DDI V to MISS B3I1AM. THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS. UP TO THE GRADE, branch of tlie business, having years of experience, and a parmot 6c GRINBAU3I, 8-- Blacksmith. I IS pesias Gaixastbt. The Barnstable Patriot A. S. 5f. 8. will be adranced on reasonable terms. tf UNDERSIGNED now prepared to repair or knowledge of tbe art of adJusUng and fitting the propsr giaase Clothing, Caps port offers tbe safest and most commodious ancnor-- aU of machinery, mill gearing, wind assisting and restoring slgtt. Importers and Dealers In Fashionable Ht If. B. This LET-Ap- ply THE kinds Sansome at., opposite American Theatre, to the eye, and the Clentlemen'i Superior age of any port in tbe Hawaiian group. Jiere you can gi'o ROOMS AND HOUSE TO to ship forgings and smith work. ' distance wishing a pair of Spectacles, by eendms; Boots and Shoes, aid erery rarielyrf JOHNSON, Carpenter, bus gearing, SAN, FRANCISCO. Persona at a I at Hyannis . Store, eoraer of Fort and Merchant sts, seamen their liberty without danger of losing tbeta by de 8. Cart boxes, forge backs, anvil ftc on band and mad to a glass from tbe old pair ia a tetter, or stating their age and tbs Furnishing Goods. 2-- tf 82-- ' Royal Hotel . to be sold Jy tf Merchant street, near the aaay procure Hosouxr, S. I. May 81, I808. Honolulu, Oahu. aertion. No ardent spirits allowed order. aBt. hait.V SARGENT. XV distance from tbe eye tbey can read small mint, Iron and and beat quality of smith's coal for sale. M Proprietor of the American Exchange, 0U Wil-- I irora as a pw w to ww, w um " Wasixt A. Beabsb, Htashis, Mass.: OR LEASE. . sugar miU with copper train I'JI I w. k- -. 1 IK Travel- - W. N. LADD, Sc FOR SALE Also one excellent small sized pull . mtjvtitmtv, to inform - AJb ber in person to select tbom. When the John Land sailed hence, in GILMAN CO., TO complete, adapted to either horse or water power. hbw undertaken the personal charge ef Dealer in Habdwabb, Ccnm, PREMISES BELONGING C.T. ing community, that be ha Wr such was our confidence in the ability Importer and street, nono.. Ship Chandlers and Dealer In General Merchandise, Esq., comer of King and Maunakea streets. D. M. WESTON. He baa made extensive alteration and improve- lat, Implbmbsts, Fort ' jf that bouse. and Acbictltcbal - MTHE passage, Toots ' LAHAINA, MAUI, H. I. possession can be given If required. For ments, and has renovated the house throughout, making It the hatband to make a cracking that . . . ' axAi-ajiiiua- mlu. . 96-- tf J rujHEiXB Pacific coast There ha been added to the Coady made a bet one hundred dollar) 8hfp supplied with recruits. Good facilities f storage. Cash terms apply to HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, first Hotel on the of ' 1 Home a very line John home SPALDING, rurmsnea ior oius wi V ' BT Y Land making a quicker passage J. C. TO LET. SITTING ROOM AND DINING HALL, - . ' Ays than any other vessel sailing from' tbe Commission Merchant, and Importer, - THE TWO STORES RECENTLY W. RAWLINS Sc CO., i ""'"V1'0'" Wb-rigm- ' King and Merchant sts. J. and all the convetrieac BUIs of Exchange on the . 8. ana "urope CO., ' erected m Fort atreet, between Newly furnished. In point of comfort at that period. This bet being duly gained Wanted, I . BOLLES i'1! 1 lease can have them fitted to suit by THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, keeping have rendered tssential. tbe from abroad promptly attended to. WP-- Merchants and Dealer In, parties wishing to are prepared, with their present improvement, to which modern hotel we you i--a BhlD Chandlers and Commission please to ARE ved, have pleasure in handing here. exchange tor goods, . . r 1Lf- -I early application. For terms, apply . dace of ail kinds taken in jy . Wlt.lMP. fnrailhM w okiatw merchants and families with bard and soft soap also. toned our sight draft upon Swift & Allen, uenerai aercwueiiBc, ul.k.!.. a, x bww upply AMERICAN EXCHANGE, with recruits at the shortest notice, in exchange for goods DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER ON WO0D. -- Bravrra A ner-fAn- d for tallow, slash, and any Atlantic Hotels. The lrord, for gdQ, in ' Mara sTbaY - Y T.A&OB AXD always ready to buy or trade compare favorably with of the accordance with eur ALDRICII, or tf - r sx tTU sU SL - a a- mshs wil W. A. bill. Jl 9V n grease. QA--IJ employed In the various departments, and to your much respected husband ; and with . Merchandise commodious residence in Nuuanu Valley, about a mue all kinds of kitchen jj best talent haa been INFORMS General A Pai-- Importer and Dealer in tram'f' . - f .nt. the proprietor will set the sbst tabls the market afford. BOTD RESPECTFULLT svary diwenp I wishes, we remain. Madam. ient for the rale of MoUm and Coffey and WATERIIOUSE, and a hall rrom town. ini mwrac. customers that be designs end ragravae 8or. THOMAS 1-- CSS TO 8ITT TH TIMES. TC. Con JOHN tf W. L. GREEN. Wares, hr very oVt. servants, R. Coadt' Co. IsUod Produce. Agent Uses Honoluln. July 1. CABINET-MAKIN- G. Exchange Coach ia always in readiness to con- tion of Advertising Cote, Vkrws of BBaajl. oals. k Preduee sobclted. Orders and Retail Dealer m General Merchandise, The American Labea, Maawa. tallov and , signment of all kinds ef Island Importer, Wholesale The front Office over the Post vey passengers to and from the Honse to the Landings, or to any Paten Articles. Portraits, to. FFICE TO LET wwn Seals, Notary naouo aaa vosaw aaa, v-- " or Gseat Beitaist. A Blue promptly attend el - uj Mr. B. Smltii baa tics Book,, . for Merchandise o' Enquire of ia-- xi. ju. mviva writeis now pre-- part of the city, for $1 Baggage free. P. office. nniiji. . 1 ad the services of an experienced Upholsterer, SB--ly Kill Head Viwnettea. NewanaasV ng King- o 1 Coach. , the finance account of the United - . : ... . a U.I , -Pnti, .fill 11. v Mat--- charge of the Book llrustratioos. of every kiaS ivalaaeop-- " ' - - ecsr .btsbbs. ' . parea to mai&e w wia n.. etc Stabf ppliea some useful statistics, of which tbe foU er.c.AWs.-- ' 8. HOFFMEYER. Spring Lounges, ftc. Ok! Sofas, Lounges, Ottomans and per, bras or wood, - tresses, stbsbt, -' ' "? afsa A s a cursory survey. The total income for . . MELCIIERS fc CO.,- Commbaion Merchant, dealer in Ship Chandlery, andjQeneral , Chair repaired and on reasonable terms. Furniture DISSOLUTION. OF COPARTNERSHIP. aaasa lis NEW COOPERAGE. - HAM. Chandlers, Honolulu, Oahu, uw, of aU kinds made to order. - N. R All orders from the Islands, seat amounteil to $339,405,000, and the total . Omission Merchant and Ship Merchandise, lanaina, constantly loS-l- y corner of Kaahumanu and Merchant su Whalers Bills wanted on the V. 8. and Europe. Koa, black walnut, pine and lead Coffins ea hand WHlxHSI, csq ttonortuo, wiu ne pnmrpuj 8. I. . Stone store recruits. - . lS6ft-t- Cabinet-make- r, HERETOFORE iry expenditure to $340,640,000. The net " ' Sterage. July 1, f a 2NT, and made to order. CHAS. W. FOX, COPARTNERSHIP fc WAL- Money adranced on favorable terms isrc near corner of Fort. THE under the name and style of EDWARDS "was , lW-t-f xs 76-- tf Stewart's Old Stand, Hotel St., of the Excise revenoe $80,050,000; of torope-.- - , . , - Uy A. The i .1 J ' - COOPERS, TON, I thi day dissolved, having expired bj Umitatioo. 937,350.000. The Post Office revenue was" WORTH, , Arm will be liquidated by A, 8. EDWARDS, J. ' Corner King and Bethel Streets, " affair of tbe late 0. I- Ship supplied ,0T0. rerenue-,'80.00- S.'N.-EJfERSO- tv - General Merchandise, HUo, Hawaii. HENRY ALLEN, continue tbe Baariaesa, The income tax yielded a net i . . smMwiSl who will Wbaleaale ' t? - am aaaannahla friends, under tbe nameLiarand style of A. S. UNDEaRIGNED HATTTa EtlN &&, General Merchandise, Country Pro with recruits at mo anw would Inform their lOO street, sal tbe The interest, of the public Waialoa. Oahu, Dealer bl , July 1, SUBSCRIBERS AUD BTJILDEII, at T,appointed agaat for fb and has . exchange wanted. niHE A. KDWDS, BuUer, Egga, Bills ot l,',",, M. shipmastera, and the public generally, that they will be CAIIPEIITEII EDWARDS CO. , ...... ,f j is $117,865,000. The value all exports duc-s- ca as Com, Beams, Banana, street. onDOsite the store of Samsing ft Co. r - of the cf happy, at all times, to greet them at their New Shop on cor- Fort ITaikahalala Lots I - W kinglom was they may Roe done with dispatch and at the in 1857 $020,972,655, sod VINCENT. ' ner of Bethel and King streets. All order with which ' A LL WORK in hi baga to csJI tbe attestloa of Mercb riflRI.ES W. be thankfully received and promptly a ttended to. lowest possioie rates. r.; . . - undersigned 'respectfully cafl your attenttoito Osrir fun (MS noery (the imports, $681,075,000 (official.) . - be favored.will Xa. The Others to susawa wo mm The , . SNOW, undersigned would " ' UteJy sod 7 declared , B. F. rONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. The ATTENTION PAID TO GUAGlNG. Jobbing done at short notice. . . and varied stock of and Ltejaara, which has redaced rate sad ea Bbtsai sod ewrreblee value of the produce and nurnufac- -' Oahu, PARTICULAR i "i Wifles fered bilots at Importer" Merchandise, Honolulu, ,k.t h has" Aaken and XT ' see.. t- from Europe and theEaat. od JVaier In General i. ' ' ! h. XT' Call and t '" been replenUhed by recent arrivals form nis B.-T- j:y,, f the United Kingdom exported last year is up nunpremises on Fort street, opposite C. Brewer N. erm moderate. . VaMEs' iI' LEWIsI States, which will be afforded at lowest market prices. ' "pbms'asay be seen and aS particular tearatt ty wfcatkm fitted the . ern and ed SHOP, and would soHcH that, . .... i ii r Tirof trs. at $6103O,U00. 2045 new' vessels of aa a CARPENTER ' ' GEORGE W. fiOKTON. HONOLULTJ .COFFEE-HOI- f SB. i CLnht Janbm'a air, f I so liberally bestowed. All orders in ogf q CO. at ahonld --V lots; . tons were CO, heretofore a ' .rmllatVn b. Baa. built last year, and there were II, IIACKFELD St mt Specification V..." . Ire'. ' inebrious branches of Building, Plana, and W V a7 Honolulu, - mmw srT aTW scb O T V Ta XtV.fl - TO t "I at the end of year 37,014 vessels, of Commi-i- on and Ship CWUers WW W-- aaww- - LRAVE- A.M Ji the General Agent, to with promptness and dispatch IU J IEsaaAVia; Agent for Sab of 'Ar: a Lef ' ' Jnlyl,18aa-t- f v a. AaSvr.iiKtl ttssaR'" K Kft nutmtlM hifl Ct tb - pi tons, employing 284,135 men; The easels Oahu, 8. 1. . .. tooincu.w: CHARLES W. VINCENT. nouiv nu incntw ir A. 9. EDWAKD3 CO., tl i ' COOPER AND 6 AUGER...:, rtablUliment on King ttreet, otar th Bethel, where he lwyi HorKJura,fM.,lSa8 nut in the foreign 27,000 -- AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' rl trade include about 3--t having recenUy prcbased the IMPORTERS "i - constantly on hand and tor sale. , OVERSIGNED will be reaay to accominou "J " ' " " ai a "'A 2d,- taini'ng to house building, m - KCHLMAN. land Irish, and 23,000 foreign bottoms. CIIAH. BREWER, THEperage formerly occupied by C. H. Butler, corner of meal. - lll-3- ' J. IlS-- with ; XVine liqnoM, t;1 ' AttTICLT iSXTT fT.TrtVm BREWER PLANTATION. Honolaiu. ' Queen and Fort streets, is now prepared to execute dirteh and A "STEaiOTX I Agsnt for the . . fTASBIMOTOir, (iperschr "Flying Dart," Evousa Mao. Bocts to A ua. In ; GEORGE C.S1DERS, all order that he may be favored with at the above named place FRONT STREET, CORNER OF JX lna csta 1 BOARDING HOUSE ; 106 family use, and at a reasonab -- Copper ware, Royal Hotet" , IECATIC, CHEAP Prio. Jon with the movement in Great: Britain for, C. JANION, Manalacturer and dealer to Tin, Sheet Iron, and or at hi Old Stand, opposite the " Baa VMi )ing a -, "ROBERT Kaahumana street, opposite J. C. SpaMing's Honolulu, H. Ship Agents and Master are respectfully Invited to call and FORMERLY, HO--. semimonthly mail to Anatralia.rt- Agent, Honolulu, Oahu, 8. 1. 1 Pumps, Bathing assortment of Casks. Barrels, KAAHUMANU. STREET, IN FRONT STITRUS. W.JTONES, OI al-- Merchant and Commission 3f Summer Bakers, Tla and Copper Tub. examine his large and desirable , . I tk. ahitM f NIL UM ISSianl imus of Panama, Jto with V ' gear--- - ' ' fTts VniWir-lri- f Itaatanrana. rr alternate that Shower Baths, Tin and nc Roofing, and a ' Tab,rc- v; ' 'V . fuiiy oM friends, sod wig ...PAT? fol--; - Foot and - most -- aolicits order from .m operation by Sues, the TB. c. asccK ware. Ship work erecuted with oa band and for al on the- - - . - - htaWwl OAT3. tbe Isthmus of MD assortment of Tir N. 1V4000 barrels casks Breakrastat . aU erisatoas inreawais, CALIFORNIA S eral purchase of of rTHW r-- et B--rfcst, 1-- W-- - ... A,, tf tf - ; . :..-- 'f Nooa. e to the bS equal to Jast , ? duly if warranted to Us Ipartiealars circle course or i and dispatch. ; . . reasonable terms. . , Danerat . i S""r .."rT?1. 1$ and baal of the "great Toh nOLT&IIEIICK, neatness -, - rate ef eonanuMion. , t -- - Supper at ,. 9r:3t- t route from to are- interest- -' Honoluln. Oahu. 8. t. Jl-t-f ; ' Sydney Panama Oeoeral Commission Merchanta. " lv'-e- r W 1la36. & LOUIADA, : .S --f . Week. ire 1ey were furnished by Captain David D. HAMMOND I. alEIwfLTlT SMITH WTermsl'ser I ' J. ix n NOTICE. . fc 4 :Js , formerly steamship- - GoUem Age, to A Shipment Foreiga Seamen, over the store of BLACKSMITH, - of the :- CARTWBIIiUT, Agent for tbe at SinTSMTTH AND GENERAL . 5 . . , ' 4.u-- ALEX. , m Men supplied at the . SHIPPING OFFICE. t. UNDERSIGNED iablcb, Panama Bailroad J. Honolulu, n omn atreet. of perrcnHINGBCNand property of WILLIAM ?cnoifo, eoucn ai oolong the Preaileat of the and General Shipping AffeM, ' Offloehoars from 8 A. - HIS THANKS FOR THE Qaardians the rso ct-s-se ' Merchant 1 siort'est notice. Patronage solicited. srwrOPLD RETURN oppo- "undersigned hAving son Charles Kanaiua. of Honolulu, hereby per "Yankee." . y. , i; ' ' Cavaiai. - - U7-3- m rmer patronage received while at his old shop, .hphe "Sailors' Home," Willtakenprocure C. LUNALILO, of In, JTJ2f n.k. it. I. M. tiU4r.3U , .: . , f Shipmanters I Ihe Offlee attached to tbe give persens indebted aim to asalm haSsedlat rkw. y sale by ,.. : tm--j ; 7 t- - or shortest route sitetfthe' Custom House, and at the same time notify Man for whaling and other vessels, at short notice, notice to all "great circle aoarse." ' Ocers and - ho baa taken the atand adjoining who may favor him pVvment and aU perawa saving ebagatost saaaare f'loey Kermadic .-:. ,. , . BBCAMB MOLL. and thepwoocgeoeraUT.tnat nd will emleavor to give afastlon to LSATrr-j- f, to Panasaa, ia through the . , FISCHER, Kxx-ca- , shipwrights, formerly occupied by requested to preent tbe same to J W. AC8TIN, He RIGCING W. Messrs. Bnrta ft with their business. .t T w- hereby r to Otaheite; rroot Use latter place, strike 100 KRTTLL Je MOLL, , French Polisher, Hotel Street, oppostt. the. Captain Brown, where lie Is prepared to execute all kinds of Licensed Shipping" Agent.- - HAND, AKJ TO r Cabinet Maker and P01"- ; i f ARMSTRONG)," -- fi - Ma sTJBaaswc, - . on meat reasonable terms, in a workman- IM-- B. " HA' ro,w v aes gsajaaB f weat longitode then tank- "Cocus. Commission Merchants, Kashmrnnn aftjet fOVfl laDirv rork la his line the Bonoiultt,8ei..l,lSM. r ' ' - and ' -- Imp.trr V. 7ft- -t Iwb.S2,lSS. -; .'j O. KANAIVA. J Ms-t-f ; . and from that point steer to tbe entrance of kea's Mock. . July like manner, and with dispatch. IWf'r.- . -- ' : ; i r , or. 1 i ; A vtO : tl i to C; H LEWEBSf . iA :'t.. ' 'V 'Bay. The shortest distance oa this route STATELY. , rl . .., , ac cii; u I-- - :'. pi - tf "GOLDEN to - GODFREY RHODES, and building asaUriala,Fort St. Hooplala., Jy j EX NOTICE. oo Sydney ia 8.315 miles, and from Tahiti Lambar TnOiTaPSOI & IVEVlXaLE, AnnifC , tVnJer in Whjes and PpirttA, Ale and Porter.neer ENTIRE CARGO OF LUMBER UNDISIGNTSp,GfJABDIA7Tl CT nrs cls.boarly to 4.460; Nothing could WboJesale J ' con andTroperty WILLIAM O. LCAALILO, UVr e'ctoa;isaie j (toUl, 7,775 mile) s 1 by above schooner from Humboldt, person of ' - ' &c. ; - THE arrived the THE Ofllee, Ilonohria; 44f CHAMPAGNE, BLACKSMITHS, - am A by . The the Pit SUPERIOR ;"; ' " n w ina nt BmMiL hmbw Ssrbid sanT trast-- going out of the .way f Tahiti. ' sisting m part as rhiows:. arsa , mmiA ar. fl awaMt . ; I eirele." it is true, rune 180 miles south of - CHAMPAGNE, rCH, OPPOSITE THK CUSTOM HOUSE . 4 JI l.lBch Northwest.;''Boards; a. 9f a' ALCOGOIo aH fEtt CCS O . - F. . SUPERIOR etawt J. W AIT HOWE, sherry, bock, al,T 1-I- aebtaooaAractoA by bias. i. GEORGE G. Co.?" pale nek li t Fooeher ft f o; ARV-.IAC-- iaai. but by shaping the coarse froas the, M IXeslwood .3, yard corner erf Queen and Naoana streets an v A HAYING PURCHASED ' '5 - R. - . Xerchaot, THE. BOTE is iMV-- S7- -f C. KANA1KA. LaUoda diatanea would be tne same 1-- tf p occupied by M ScantUaff, assort e IwKsilSSS. i the ' Punchard prem toes. July . the premise formerly M. M. Haithtym, 3T Q. HOWX. UC-t-f o tbe to execute Ship, Carriage and Cart , . ...;... T For sal by Ota aiis or two. To get a good ,aepanurw are now prepared a4f 8A.ACS. notice and most reasonable '- ngh the Society group in the night, (whieh V QEOR6B - t0tr Work, on the bortest - ; CLARKi i ienas, and bofM by ariot attention to business to merit a share . ' 'FtOOEINO. - TTDST par ToantOra," 7 the GaUcm. Jfret it will be necessary to Goods, street between t0-- U RECniVITD. and Fancy Hotel - of public patronage heretoore so liberally bestowed. - - ' f- Dry ' the 1- -4, T- tor by Mai atlAU- "r-- i'uctJiCaw-- - '-''' WHITE SHIRI S. 1 ayHUCTB - e and . nAi v.-fc- V Ml ..-'- - Vhiti. though Islands. of Othettroa and' unu"m. Mannakea streets. Hooolulu. S. L . 11 tf FINE T7TELLOW PINE AND si t the and aod Faring, " bLB I A, waaj O l.r. : lie gxosd f. (known aa .the ' Austral Llanda"J Bartons rtTtKwmEsntg&.tstBXaaa JftaBBl fVaLtliUL Li4T the " sraal siraU." and wouUi be cvod 1IAWA1UK FLOUR COMPAUT, JUmK Sottas. gr 'j depatamtw. A. P. EVERETT,

1? JU

faults of a fcirt. At the port of E..T remember the sad loss of lbs m ' Insulin . .wl . m awAffVlsa funlihr fnr The well earned and wnwu iJi ' Hawaii, mmmYt 1 : Hath. 'Hawaiian Theateb. of t.:.U Mr . I may ere long receive ir, their quiet depths r the Ince came off ehooner Prince t .ovwt nt one of wiuw - ati jj MEMORANDA. THE PACIFIC wen deserved benefit to Miss Annette ago off Niihau. Anng boat of twelve tons, continuation of the earth's girdle, which .Puck must have been months and a sail whiel. ... oonunaoiAL. at this house on Tuesday evening. It persons then dwwiwi.wB.o-- -- oadeavoring ; realized not. We may yet live to i - WIAW the in perfect order and in readiness for iJ!j tJT Bark JfeamosU reports la July, while Commercial Advertiser. boasted of but lady, as well as to " VT" WMnittSDAT zmrttno, jror. is, deep-se-a pleasing to the tno. a small charging coasters touching at C?! is. to keep dear of drifting lot ia Potter's Bay.gTouaded andlay8f see the Pacific telegraph cable laid. This dress circle the heart WM that having in of beauty in the i j rr a. remote, - tide letting the vessel off without tns . Judge from this fact how long it would Wa alaadaa briefly I wak to Uss faiportjaioii a hlp atorea hours ashore, the next 11. water is excessively salt, as clear as crystal, responiegUen worth ever has in bum"""1" Sa fcl t Left Ochotsk on the 36th Sept. . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER to her talent, and v.". Cram Sew Bedford, bat the importance mt a r(;rht aodcnUadinx serious damage. the surface Honolulu such Oiaonargv mtij vi miw tcbbwib in the kl. left San Francisco oo the 17th. In passing awairo that an " over- but destitute of the bitter taste of the before to witness in . ' -R- ewteriDewh-k-MJi'Ka. ship-own- ers Ship Warhawk, Oca'reHders are already fortune of the ntbjcc on tha put of leads us to add afcw IXn our ' Wlw' lMom reaa I have been informed by good authority 1 away main Bed-fo- encountered a gale which carried soundings from the Coast were quite occas.oa. ."... ahip-owne- ra nt through the heads, and water.. The graced this words. It to bow arrvrml yeara roc ia New land mail" from Saint . Louis ia. Missouri, a brilliant display as (rh soothe thy pal", j yard anchure.1 oo the bar to repair diunare. The can lay ctoiin, ' te can measure, bag and deliver one hnJ! aad New LootVr rommenced the pUn of sending oat topgallant been uniform, indicating a level plain or plateau, of Pacific Islands to So . . :,- . . itti Cutting, boating .out Memphis m'Tetmeeeee, to San Francisco has metropolitan city of the bid the tor-dr- oi Caso ' f t - i whato-Asber- y, same day the American ship Ceaeraf Nor - $ potatoes vi muj auip tOUChjji.(t ' far Otdr ship m the North radfte awdl as beef, midway, of - pos,r sm thee i- - - wsoiu three miles, until near to titl. ;the - .nnOM missed stays, carried away aeveral of her establiehedf States goverrimcnt. . the depth of a spectacle, the ", pork, towttnaa, floor, bread, slope, whaling gear, etc, and the with the Warkmxk, bj the United soh BalU- - WheanaajnipuB.,yr plies in one hour. spars, and was carried broadside on to Fort Point, where she - when the depth gradually decreased for a mile, - -- nnall with her of the jatea haa, bo doubt, worked to their advantage, aa it to atill These matta'areto be carried through in twent'- Should any of your, friends anxm, - lUD grain for Austra- - were admirably to Tola ftUl we hare had became a total wreck. fche had a earjfo of on this side as gradually increased to the The plays performed eeaUraed aad yearly oo the locreaae. mostly four days. and leave each' end of the route once a and more girls." wish to ascertain this fact,, almost lia. Place leaving Saa Francisco, have had light winds, onenuaa ThisBible'was fleet pfej the Harriet Jessie. Qladiotor loaded already arrived, each of same' depth as before, which was maintained to the suited to her powers, being James while from the southward. v - . V week. Two mails had which them to call at Kawalhae, where they ? entirely with arfcahawn'i stores, the Mountain Wo' ' - Tale Mantua, in he to San Francisco, Oct 14, whale bark If. S. Perkina, islands. .' play of Tk, Wife, or a of to her lover as proportion goods. WhUe it Arrived at bringing advices from all parts of the eU-w- get cargo rmlalisnl a larre of soch them by a n aauaiy wcmsctvcB, supply bf fc to be Kibbling, of New London, 16 days from Arctic Ocean, with 100 opinion of the officers ofthe Cooper that she enacted Marianna, supported "de of seafaring life, and the -- all wefl aaoagb to aand oat sweat articles as are difficult Union and Europe some days later than the ocean It is the boarus potatoes, Deer ana a general variety shipowners brls wh, and 3000 bone. Mr. Tokelcy, (whose presence on the sweetest and i hrre, It to certainly a ataUer of sorpriaa that islands rise very abruptly from deep water, amateur, lines are theVTZ' i'r- these the spoke, going into Victoria, mails. the aus- H shoald la sending oat to thia port large svppfies of each Schooner Page, of San Francisco, absence of four years, was hailed as can conceive. We are unaoie to ""fl" fsrslat Hooolulu. The Lucas had a mail service and that a depth of two miles will be found after an man heart article as floor, aagar and snalaaara, when tbejr ought to ship Luc, Daggett, 25 days from The establishment of this overland events,) who played the part may have channels picious omen of coming ownership of the gift; it Mb. Editor Sib, : At this season I knew, If Uey do mot, that better and cheaper eaa be plentifully cargo of live stock and produce is as great importance to the within a short distance of Hawaii. The in the some one a bow-hea- ds justly regarded of Mr. L. F. Beatty schooner, or ed : token nine and by little Jo, many pf us from ' iaUnd-cure- d, Capt Merritt, of the Oumoto, reports Has of Julian SL Pierre, those lost on that when so arrive oar eoM , whfaiaed hers. One salt beef aso, has beea coast, and will have a ten- between the islands, too, have the appearance of of of the season took all tn S. W. and Shunter Bays. interests of the Pacific -- The acting of both these among the icy waters by ahipmaatera who hara this them of Leonardo. found his grave voyages, and , wish to refresh eeuat ta tkt kest Eastern " very deep. No opportunity was afforded character who ourgel,,, - named The weather waa good and whale plenty, but shy. Oct. 4th, dency to bring'the two' sections of the country being to the audi- onlyone of d takaw It ea thrtr crnlata. These mppUea which we bare ' gentlemen appeared to give satisfaction North. The prayer, however, is Ju-san- Brother Damon on Sunday, although ! Indeed are spoke the Arctic, Beedman, of F. H--, cruising for right whales. more im- to obtain soundings about our group before com--i personae' ran always he proenred here in any quantity, and into closer union. But it will have a and remai nder of the " dramatis which follow the roving sailor in full," still we them-selre-s, All spoken have been prevWusly reported. Sept. ence, the find the house have alwa Jl articles of T""t-r- rt export. We have it from Captains the other ships ' ing into port; but it is intended to obtain them1 ""."""J' ce influence will break tip the Kowe, character of only rise from K--. tail end of a portant than this. It cast. ,Mr. in the which can who are posted op in regard to the east of their supplies, 16, in lat. 47 N., long. 172 experienced the ' were judiciously over the sea, and modated. Last Sunday a friend of " when the vessel proceeds to sea. The Cooper will of ten twenty per from the 8. K, which veered to the eastward. In which, wilderness that intervenes, and tend to people it, everybody. In the upper walks that these articies ean be had here at from to Lorenzo, suited of woman's heart. sumed that in the house of Cod he a,jf;..I per-- however, experienced no damage Since then, have bad light mail remain here two or three weeks, and will proceed party as- ' aatil c than ttir ssmn tan trr "f exoeptkig, scattering settlements along the line of the we look for that merit which the - seated beside Ltdv. (cri,.v,. I it the drama nffonse.w be a af days from the latitude 4 r Polynesian, in acunowt- w ma aavuijg a - floor, which is held at about the'tsame price it can be landed whds and pleasant weather. Wss 15 undertak- westward on the usual route of vessels bound to minor characters :i.v. ih. - - 100- - routes and pave the way for that great claims, but in the uur SO to that of the Islands, and has been nine days within suming the cast uBur standing.) got frozen by a look from for, say $11 per barrel. The reputation of our Island suppUea s conti- China, touching at Guam and Japan, and thence excellencies. To this gentle- banks of 4 . ? which cannot now be very distant we are apt to overlook f?5?- him of the mm is yearly improving with whalemen, and wa can confidently miles of Oahu, i ' t i i i ' ing u-.- - A. th w reminded " which has given tne chills ever tU,, Corey, reports s Arrived In the ' to Hong Kong. : f .. vr - versatility of talent w t have receivea a assert that no better floor, sugar, aaolasars or beef to produced Cant of the Parachute, nental railway. . man are we indebted for that dark fiowine Roanoke. spoiled his devotion for that da April. All hi ."":;. lack the Would we could tainly f . - Ochotsk 12 1 took his first bowhead on the 29th to make up the gentleman that anywhere la the world than hero. ; . Although we at these islands will not feel these which enabled the management bae from the same . as house is called whaling was done in the SaghaOen andTosvisk Gulfs. Sept zu, j. t,i i.if in l&mruaze Editor, this the 8eo,5 Am regards eoflea, we hara nothing to say: it has almost eeased on NOTES OF THE WEEK. females, and during the season "he has always been soar away ana. cnuu" " ,r f. -- - Left the sea changes to such an extent as those residing the of :n aav to oir. which we all contribute our ill r- - - spoke ship Walter Scott, Collins, 1 right whale Imnnr: to mite, tni tl In sailil is "tiTi . winds was The afterpiece of Tom Cringle's equauy: Vurtnrhi on acer-- j to from the Oct 1, and thence to arrival at Honolulu bad light Pacific coast, yet we are not beyond their influence. Wreck or " CoMmacs" or N. L. We up in his parts. - also the short time we are in port miri,, tions our reipwtthaasuch theoaseis the keener, tub Base Mrs. Lambert Oudinot, tne language before getting In. April as Elizaleth'.md thank you. that our eoflba stands second to none In the world as regarda 13 days within 400 miles of Honolulu "We wholly dependent on San Francisco for have received from Capt. Edwards, the following Log, with Miss Ince not similar, occasion, "I tolerated to approach within rifle fact m are tain, if jwj away topgallant mast aud Hying ! enter- quality, and a Che insects would only permit the production of it 3, in a squall, carried fore as Fanny Foxglove, concluded the evening's on our American and European news, which is statement bf this disaster. ' On the 12th July the ice rrvcnu . , . being repulsed with such a glance at djt - f few years, regarded as the before entering the Ochotsk, On the 6lh Oct, died L. Beatty is man wouia say . to become extensive It would In a be . We understand that Mr. F. WeH, ! As the razor strop Roratonga. has also been heretofore at San came down on the vessel while lajring off Potter's Bay tainment. there got, ana irom wmcn no is sun saaeruit, 5 farorite in the sexkma consuming markets of the Pacific The board, of consumption, a native of received, as it evening next week, on same sort, gentleman. fore-fo-ot. on some of the got most semi-month- have a benefit more left CapC too, of the Hudson, from Arctic Ocean, of ly this and carried away half of the , August 1st,' to A lew some seats be set aside forla4iei,J present high prices of coffee here may, perhaps, Justify shipment liars Francisco, in instalments. In dramatized we received, in let ' Cape Lisburne, in UU 70 9 40 S. play of the Jeice, AVe to extol the bags (ram home, t 1 ."..."- - his whales to the northward of while anchored in Shantar Bay in the fog, the ice which occasion the shan't attempt son of the ocean, aodtSd,) out respect there will be a great change. Just as high-falat- in contact of a Up to 14th Sept. weather was fine, after that a succession of Ivanhoe," Is to be sentiments of our The southerly winds aad calms which hare prevailed for a the the came down and stove in a plank on the starboard from Sir Waltor Scott's novel " the " dark flowing Roanoke" back part of the house of contrary gales and calms. Was 16 days making fire degrees soon a the overland mail becomes so regulated as of to eats in the wL,, weak or saorc, hara kept back a targa number of whalers and ,' which he will play the character the Polynesian, not .aspire company the ava, 1200, Mary bow, and pressed another plank in, by the one above performed, in neighbor, refreshed after our seagoing labors merchantmen which are fully due, but probably unable to make of latitude Left tV sea in with J to be certain in its movements, and gains public Rebecca. We Victoria, but will wi4rf Lahaina). and below two inches for six feet in length. Sup- Isaac of York to Miss Annette Ince's borrow the modest language of the port. The ship Wathawk arrired on the 4th from 300, and Helen Mar (arrived at of letters and newspa- it, ing preaching of our good Brother Wat. weather ex- confidence, large quantities to the beneficiere,, will vernacular and say to the was hnrnedlately chartered to load oO for Capt. Wood, of bark Faith, reports : Found the posed the timbers "were stove in. Tipped the ship trust the pecuniary result " descend to our humble Saa rraadseo, aad . n J Ochotsk the season a great many pers will be sent and received by it. Instead then one on Tuesday must wish we lived next oo0f He Bedford. The TT.&. surreying schooner F armors Cooper tremely foggy in the all and made temporary repairs by nailing tar. canvas be as " satisfactory" as the donor. aloha nui," and only . . l semi-monthl- y, from New Bedford, whales have been lost on account of that and the ice, the alterna of our news coming only weshall charming' worthy object. . are grown. zL last (roca rranetoea, and the ship Gladiator, and boat boards over it, which mostly stopped the have been to its and t door neighbor to where such specimens Mtait Veraam Fami, being either to cut from the whale, or lose the boat and crew. - ; with a cargo of lumber and whalemen's stores, hare also arrived. tive receive our American , and European news by f Left Bow head Island Oct 4. Beports the following ships on the leak. On the 10th August, while laying at the head old. we have Mb. EwToa: It is supposed then v During the week, we hare had but nine whaleships arrired nearly every arrival from San Francisco. A Shipmaster's Fahewell. Many of the Southerly Wisds. For the last ten days same number windward ports, of October .Italy, Baboock, 800 5 CUas. Phelps, Kldridge, of Shantar Bay in a North Easter, the tide running announcing nearly $200 had at this port, and about the at -. familiar faces" which we have for the past two or light airs from the southward, in that J 1700lt ; Merrimac, Long, 20C0. This change in the long established mode of re- vessel had a continuance of showing but a sight variation from the arerare riven lait week. 6trong to windward, daring lulls, the rode to on their annual or the nights, the " Mt Vernon in Honolulu, now Capt. Landers, of bark Of ear, from the Ochotsk, reports the news San three years welcomed to Honolulu with occasional showers of rain during tuna" The first air wind WiB probably bring la a huge number ceiving and announcing eastern in windward of her anchor, aud when squalls struck W0 semi-annu- leave of only is known to be In the h&ndi f same weather during the season as mentioned in the other re al visits are thia fall taking their been extremely hot and sultry. 9100 fully doe.' Francisco will result soon in a change in the cont her she would shoot ahead and bring the chain while the days have ai o in sea. 1st, in going into Tavisk Bay, interested in its collection. general business there to not-s- much doing as the season ports of cruisers that June us, and some, as they say, will never return this from Lahaina to Honolulu and vice , In ot, Vessels bound foot making a hole about duct of the newspapers of that city, and have across the fore-fo- carrying the balance of i' of the year would Justify us la expecting. Money is becoming got stove by the ice one under water, side of Cape Horn.. Not that they dislike us or our and more the usual time re- Twenty-fiv- e dollars has been contribute: I long. Hauled up alongside a cake of ice, and repair more which versa hava been double to to buy, and auctions are six Inches a tendency to give to the leading city papers away. It then foaled with the copper bolts r more plenty, but there no disposition islands front that but fortune has smiled upon-thei- while the same causes have resident and now at Hilo, Hawaii, and lost also good deal of copper and sheathing. Sept. 3d, in fore-fo- far quired on those passages, . stosply man of slaughter. ed ; a of a metropolitan cast.' Indeed it would appear fastened the ct and the stem, aad worked them seaman B&med exertions, and they proceed to take a long fare- in the neighbor- tlous are expected from the other isluj.b, working of exchange appear to hare disappointed Shanter Bay, by the upsetting of a boat, lost a witboutdoubt kept in "thedoldrums" f The time has nearly arrived when the intro- loose so as to eanse her to leak 4000 strokes a day, " amount held James Tyler, of Abington, Conn. Sept 220, in Shauter Bay, lost that the of whales and whaling, for they're homeward Ochotsk fleet which hoped Oahu will furnish its due property J many this year, aad we think that a considsrable to August, to well hood of the islands, many of the a and chain during a moderate gale from S. m . On duction into San Francisco of a " fast press" and which gradually increased up the loth - been obtained win now, larre anchor very successful , be any American . . for Im i is i isl at higher rates than hare bound. Among others who have been have not yet arrived. Capt. Marston, of the Hudson It cannot that ladj, current quotations. the 18th October, experienced a severe gale, veering from S.E. several the leading daily pa- 6000 strokes, and fearing the chain had cut through de- with difficulty, find investment at the a consolidation of of during their career as shipmasters (and none more last, reports that he was fifty-tw-o of American parentage would refuse u f exchange season, at this port, to N.W., in tot. 43 8 30 long. 164 W. The strength of the stem into the wood ends, concluded to' haul her arrived on Monday The extreme rata of whalers this pers, accompanied with a reduction in the eul the Allen, of the., bark On stockholdor in the former home and bills were token at gale lasted about 24 hours. Since that time the ship has leaked servedly so) is Capt. James getting to the islands from the Ochotsk. Inri baa been 5 per cent- -' The iSrrrimac,s 7, ashore and examine her. Hauled on the beach in days in I some from 3000 to 3500 strokes a day. scription price, would immediately make such a Josephine, of New Bedford, who, after an absence south to the east George Washington. or a little orer. and possibly there may hare been little Felixstoff harbor and found it bad not cut through Monday the wind shifted from the Capt. Bompus, of bark Vernon, reports very foggy weather speedy issue to weather-wis- outside transactions at the Utter rate. At the windward ports, paper, by increased facilities for of twenty-eig- ht months from home, took his depart- trades; but the e 'Any contributions for the " Fund" my I 1st of Sept. the stein, but the principal leak was caused by the and tried to blow the the rat haa beea about TJ. r in the Ochotsk did not hare a clear day tin the city and country subscribers, and by the general ure on Monday last on the return voyage, having is a bad sign, Mrs. Capt Paty or Mrs. E. O. 0. Bates, Left sea Sept. 2S. Lat. 42 N., long. 173 3 E., spoke the and twisting them untP say that for the wind to take that turn W find some difficulty in presenting quotations this week in the re- chains fouling with the bolts be reported, but comprehensiveness of its news, as well as by a taken since leaving New Bedford, July 15, 1856, a souther " hanging dertake to see them forwarded and credit?: ' staples. There to no change to note. Hibernia, Andrews, steering wished to they had made a large hole, causing the leak. and indicates foul weather or " did not learn what she had. From the lat. of 30 9 V. to the duced subscription price, almost the sole medium 3,200 bbls. whale, 95 bbls. sperm, and 30,000 lbs. ties making the contributions, if they rZ I COFFEE The stock is small, and Jobbing at 15c G 18c went on with the work, unci would have finished in about. --" s some huge transact inns on pri- islands had experienced light S.W. winds ; was eight days with- pres- bone, worth New Bedford at last quotations $90,-00- 0. this names and residence. Asuei 1 j UTHBIJt There hara beea of eastern news, instead of dividing (as at one more tide, which we should have had to wait in Uhfocsded Rumor. During the first part of I Job- in a few hours sail of port. Four days since, a native of Oahu vate terms, understood to be low we hear of no change in with the 100,000 New York and Boston pa- Previous to embarking on board his vessel, was current on Queen street that Broockside, Nov. 9, 1858. S lumb- died of consumption. ent) for nntil the next day, as the next tide came in at week a rumor bing rates. The market is well stocked with most kinds of 3 pers now distributed through California by each Capt Allen met a large number of shipmasters" and had been received via nilo of the loss of the 1 er-- midnight. About the time the tide turned discovered tidings C4 Native" Correspondence of the Com. other personal friends at the store of T. Spencer, Upon inquiry of kirk SALMON The stock to running short ; we quote Sacramento . steamer mail. Such a paper will soon be called the ship breaking down, and on examination found ship Condor in the Ochotsk Sea. ZsAT2.A.Ijm-.A.- Esq., where in a neat speech he took a last hearty sources, we at $13 $15, Jobbing rate. PORT OF for by the wants of the Pacific coast public, and that her floor timber had broken and plankshear also the azents of the ship and from other I1UAVUU, .0T. OATS Stock sun heavy ; sales at Sc B 2Jc shake of the hand and a feeling farewell of many of that there is the least foundation for the. Ma. Editor: If you have any reji-- Csir if ably managed and edited would be liberally on the waist. To make a long story short the ship cannot learn BRZAD The stock to ample fcr present purposes, with a ARRIVALS. companions, with whom he had "gammed" do d sustained. was bilged." his old report, and, moreover, the vessel which it was said eternal fitness of things." change 1000 brls, 18,401 bone and ciuised" in company from the time he first no't accounts paper. Mr. Aleck Selkirk, wbe. a& bills ha been ia adranee Nov. 3 Omega, Sanborn, from Arctic, ' had brought the news to HHo had at last your If XXCHAXOB The for whalers' King, from OchoUk, 600 wh, 10,000 bone San Francisco daily and weekly papers will receded 3 Tenedos, Sjiockisg A5D AccinEirr. On Saturday poised an iron till now, when in the prime and vigor posed to utter on Juan Fernandei of the demand fcr money, and the rate of discount haa ' 4 Xavy. Wood, from Och, 600 wh, 9000 boue then be sought for throughout the Pacific, as the Fatal arrived at that port. bom hut week's quotatioaa. Ship Chandlers are adraocing funds utelope, from Ucn, Ml wn, sou none last, while a salute was being fired from Punchbowl of manhood he retires from the hardships and dan- I'd rather dwell In the midst of alarm New York weeklies now are, and will be the A has Than reign In thia deaoi&tc idaee," at t per c, but at the same time it is diflScultto procure bills at Battery in return to one from II. B. M.'s ship Cal- gers of his profession, "a successful whaling master." Hard Times on thk Beach. new oil truck medium of all news interesting to residents be set 1 or even 3 per cent. DEPARTURES. in ypso, a sad accident occurred, by the premature dis- His remarks were greeted with three hearty cheers, just been landed from the Gladiator and will of the world. There is no to-da- y. and these isles, through the expression ir this part of the mistaking charge of one of the cannons. The soldier who was and responded to in a very appropriate manner by up The services of Captains Walker la SsTeatler. Nov. --Helen Mar, Worth, for coast of Peru. San Francisco is destined to secured, absence of other heyes !" how quick he'd wished himself i Mms'i P at Halala, -- Lark, Perkins, for Margarita Bay. one great fact, that engaged in loading it received the contents of the Consul Pratt. Long may he live to enjoy the fruits Spencer have been in the estab- Friday and his goats. Now, look at it l St. h. m. I dr. b. m. become the great center of trade and general news piece in his face and neck, horribly mutilating him, of his labors. . . On the same afternoon Captains employment, at two dollars a day, to drive the New Moon.... 34.3M. I Full Moon.. ..SO 4 0.8 M. may be looked for after the ment I am a peace abiding man. My rs . Tust Quarter .13 10 Laat Quarter.. 37 7 10.3 M. poet aiisO, a. i. for this ocean, and we rejoice in every new move- and blowing him some ways down the precipice. Diman, of the Japan, and Haydon.of the Mercury, lishment, and some fun of blubber-grease- ests are centered in these islands. I am r ment that places her nearer to the commercial Surgeons were immediately sent for, but, though they also took their departure for a cruise and home. wheels are d. Wa ject of my king and what do I get in rett EATEST DATES, recelweel m tbila Oaiec. ARRIVALS. centers of the Old World, for the same opening found him still alive, no hope of his recovery re- Breakers Ahead ! (Correspondence of the Pacific Ctanmerciol Advertiser.) practice of these three essential requisita f Simms, Hawes, from Ochotsk, 35 wh. brings us nearer to them also. These islands mained, and he expired shortly after. His face and I Aug. 24 Oct. 38 Rebecca press of for this week, of Saa Franeieeo...... Oct. 17 Paris. .'. Oregon. Tooey, from Och, 600 wh, 7000 bone By the matter alarm for the safety of myself and famil; 1 1 30 Sf Hongkong 25 were entirely to and presented ble ffinama, N. O. .. Oct July Richmond, fm ch, 225 wh, 3000 bn. have their sphere, which is to build up and serve throat blown pieces, foreign, marine and other intelli- Mb. : In my last communication I made a I Aug. 27 30 L. U. Hathaway, Editor ernment makes a treaty with a first rate Hew Tore ...... JxT- - 20 Sletboume, Vic fm Och, wh, 9U00 sigh ta is necessarily obliged to defer the publi- ....eVpe Aug. 17 30 Navy, Wood, 600 bone the whaling interests of this ocean, and the nearer one of the most shocking imaginable. It but gence, we are few remarks about coasters ; permit me to continue the lTahiU Och, 500 wh, 5000 bone. small-arm- s, a first rate clause in which, is, that i 31 Lagoda, Willard, fm a few months since we recorded a similar accident oc- cation of several editorial besides two or 700 we are placed communication with Atlantic business between and-so-forth- 31 Dover. Jeffrey, fm Och, wh, 10,000 bone in communicated pieces of a bigger calibre. Poly- subject a little further. The carrying brandy and the at two - . Ship Malle. curring on that Battery, which resulted in the am- three i cities, the more will our prosperity and commer- nesian. Honolulu and Maui is done in suitable vessels and gallon, (that is, it promises to do so, in t morning, Nov 16. putation of a limb, aud was caused, like this, solely Business men-an- Far 8s Faisosco per Tanker, Tuesday IMPORTS. cial interests become enhanced. The whole world was put in an awful suspense last by competent masters, as it should be. d some time last month ;) a terrible row For Labaixa per Kamui, oa Saturday. from carelessness. It is lamentable to see such sacri- can find no with them. Up Fob MtrsosM per PfleL about the 15th. Saturday morning, by the above announcement " by the Advertiser fault it ; 103 guns are fired (by mistake,) in From Nsw Bsdvobd per Gladiator, Nov casks flour, fice of humanity to mere show. In the use of firearms however, are very different. The 449 An Iatereatiaar Exw-rdi- t iaw. authority." One of the pieces of bigger calibre," here, matters the good sense of my king and hi cabk 200 bria do, 25 half do do, 200 casks bread, 14 easka molasses, the nawaiians are mere children, and always will be. according to XXOX70I.TJX.TJ. IX. 14 do butter, U65 pkgs beef and pork, 3 bxs sugar, 3 brls do, on Punchbowl, went off according to the official pro- coasters seem not to be common carriers, being upheld ; and after the warlike uJ POUT Or I. 25i do do, 3 ca yellow metal, 20 csks heads and hoops, 102 bdis The schooner Fenhnore Cooper, which arriv- We understand that the officer who had charge of They scout the charge gramme, and unfortunately resulted in the death of the strict sense of the word. lead-e- n, once more sink into traa,'. hooks, 8 boxes preserved meats, 130 coils cordage, 1 bale sails 20th salute has been arrested, will be for things 1 box whaling gnns and bomb lances, 6 whaleboats, 1 ed on Tuesday, left San Francisco on the the and, tried another column of being responsible for the fulfilment of any job they , , ARRIVALS. and craft, the person loading it, as announced in But what's up now ? Going to church chart, 6 casks clothing, 4 eases whaling craft, 335 oars, 43 casks September, having been sent out by order of the manslaughter. i to-da- ys email arms" undertake unless is an easy and what they call a - rJ mea am tow lime, 25 bris pitch, 60 ch spirits turpentine, 40 bndls oakum, of paper. What the " editorial it ing with Mrs. Hawaii and the two link- Tmr fall report af Whaleaki?, list th fga. kegs Poisoned ! One evening last week, the police and 75 49 bxs tobacco, 81 pkgs cordage, 41 kegs Iron spikes, 3 United States Navy Department, to survey the do when they go off, or whether they will result paying one. They meet your objections to pay for an or. 4 Bark Monmouth. Onnsby, of CoMspring, 1st season, composition spikes, 4 cables, 4 anchors, 3,031 ft yellow will the hand, my ears are sainted with ". 12,000 bone. chan route to from San Francisco. Her officers those who happened to be walking in the neighbor- to execute with ' sp, 8M wh. pine heading, 8,998 feet white pine boards, 1293 yellow pine China in a similar fatality to the attendants, nobody can unfinished job which they promised case his belly and other hard word, 4 Ship Bowdhrh, Martin, 2d season, 800 wh, 10,000 bo. spruce 57 kegs nails, hood of Nuuanu street, were startled by the an- " 2d season, 400 wh, boards, liOvi ft boards, 15 sticks timber, are Lieut. Commanding John M. Brooke, Lieut. however, will be ac- Oh you'r meaner than . Object to pay a tri- 4 Ship Timor, White, of Sag Harbor, 1 horse rear, 2 carriages, 6 bxs qooks, A cambooses, 1 casks S conjecture; it is thought, that it tell me (being versed only in the lacguv 61 nouncement by a breathless sailor shipmate of mO bone. 1 1 1 that a fling freight ? only brought it to oblige you," Ac. days fm San bxs hardware, cs engravings and frames, case china, cask Charles E. Thorburn, and Mr. Kern, draughts- companied by a repetition of such phenomena as I our native schools by competent Amerial 4 An dipver ship Warhawk. ISuumons, 16 stores, 2 bris hams, 20.454 spruce 6 bxs 1 trunk his was in a house near by, in the lost agonies of - ship ft boards, fact there lanrwoa. ia haUast chartered to ioed oU. man. Lieut. Brooke will be remembered by our have occurred when the same catastrophe has before Everything is done to "oblige you" in means big and little guns " a Lovetc, from and Keoni Ana, from 3 casks mdse, I cask tea and coffee having taken poison. The humane bystanders ore,) " pi 4 Srh LihoOho, liiks duep-eu- a death, to no obligation the matter, except that readers as the inventor of the sounding place namely, fits of indigestion and sick seems be in to Only tk-o- immediately rushed to where the frantic "jack" taken no way to put s stop this i C II. B. M-- ship Calypso, Montresor, from a cruise means which tele- among sundry officials, and a geometrical you pay full freight money, which they never forget to jrr-- -- IXTER-ISLAX- D apparatus, through the of the headache my friends, and nearly related aj r si snul the TRADE. directed them, and found a man, at first sight, in a been lawfully earned or not. Bark VTavHrt. rvaia, but fmea HUo, 750 wh. graph plateau" across the Atlantic was mapped demonstration how small a hole a mouse can creep to exact, whether it has tillerist in our King's service, got Lkae. Am ship Gladiator. Lace, 144 days from New Bedford, dreadful state. An emetic had been prescribed and owner captain about e 5 bags In an altereatlon with an and to-da- via, 3d From Ka.cii tier Keoni Ana. Nov 4 brls molasses, 10 out by Lieut. Maury, a knowledge of which has through. and was buried y. Some one tulii ft tfhip Iladson. Mantoo, from Arctic Tahsina, brls sweet potatoes, S0U0 oranges, 3 kegs butter, 3 huracsa, administered by some thoughtful policeman, and he gen- seasuo. 1050 wh, XJX bone. flour, 5 Taxes, In the last Polynesian freight money, the writer, pushing that obliging hogs, dns chickens, 41 deck passengers. led to the successful laying of the Atlantic tele- vil-lano- FiREJtEs's aoais. tend their I don't knov U Pen Kamehameha IT from Kohala. 2 1 " was laboring under the effects of that and some us didn't vent" For per or O 1U.UUU snmgies, -- oral saa Tax Collector tleman beyond his usual set phrases of " to oblige' II- I- bark Uambia, Merrkt, fm Ochotsk, 550 wh, 7500 Laaarxs Maria, a graph. Lieut. Thorburn was a member of the appears a correspondence between the in the military service ; but they say-- not t prorisiuoa, 25 pkgs mdse liquor which be had drank, but more especi- accommodate," for reasons in order to gain per Mary, Nov sheep, 150 brls beef, and the Minister of Finance, and between the latter and " to the Mary. Berrill, from Kawaihae. From KawalBss 920 commission which surveyed the overland route is no question the give vent to your passions in ftgch 30 brls potatoes, 60 hides, 10 bullocks, 2 kegs butter, 6 bogs. ally the latter. There but that now his fee, actually plead that " he did not run his ves- L". 8. surveying arhooner Fenjmore Cooper, Brooke, and the Chief Justice, in regard to the taxes for will blow you all to pieces if yoa ii between San Antonio and San Diego in which poor fellow believed himself poisoned, as did his ship- money, only for amusement. He was it levied on firemen. The reply of the Chief Justice, sel to make but Suppose things should come to the vsrt 9 Ship Parachute. Corey, 3d season, from Ochotsk, 70 su, PASSENGERS. he acquired a high reputation as a scientific off- mates, who were supporting his head and who enough to without doing Just as IJsO wh, 14000 bone which is the highest legal authority, covers all the rich live that." sheriff is captain of the Honolulu E3e, 9 flip liUiman, Litde, from Lshaina sailed same day icer. Mr. Kern accompanied Fremont in his cel- would'nt mere than half suspect the truth of it ? It ' reasonable are said or done every visit they points in the case, and is clear and reasonable. The things places at & fcr a cruise south, roanoa. ebrated journey to California over the Rocky may be added that next morning he was ready f.T ubiauitous. nor can be in two a Haw ark Fsth, sTood, from Ochotsk, 150 wh, 2000 ba. Nov 9 Thos Eorenson. sums up his opinion in the following honor us with. aoMler i From Nsw Baroas per Gladiator, hia pre- Chief Justice pose, I say, that corps of citizen For Fasxisc's Islsxb per Advance, Nov 10 Mrs English Mountains, in which the party suffered so much. duty on board ship, though in regard to the - Not long since one of these accommodations was 9 Bark Superior, Wood, from Ihalns, off and on, and paragraph : out, and be takes command, and a sut 'S. - aad 3 children. Mm Bent. , cise nature of his feelinks" there might be some ' - sailed same day to cruise. . Kern River was discovered by this gentleman, " exempts approaching my landing with a signal set. I boarded OOASTw-ciK- M am clearly of opinion that the provision which oar ' 10 Bark Vernon, Bumpus, fta Ochotsk, 700 wh. 8000 bone, I rested" who's sheriff?" Or, if if and subsequently received his name. question. firemen from all peraooal Uxet except the school tax, doea not him in a canoe and requested the captain to land my Barks Hercules and Pnnlnit, from Lshaina, off and on. Tor Laujuxi per Maria, Nov 9 Hon. Jno Ii, Mr. Needbam, lan-cm- ee 10 A Japanese. On board the surveying schooner extend to and exempt och firemen frcra animal taxes. The leave his duties, (as an Officer of His 14 Schrs Warwick and Kamoi, from Iahsina. Capt AUen, J M Byram, and 40 deck pasncnpers. the present is to prove manifest intention of the Legislature as ne agreea to uo. reiusea, tnougn I telegraphed bound v uco The object of expedition of the statute and the things tie it who commands the corp i Thursday nwrmuir four whalns are in. From KjtwsiBas per Mary, Kir ueo siau, tiotmes, F. Cooper, we met an intelligent young Japanese, construction. I m fully anstained in thia opinion civil service,) " H Sawyer, 3 on deck. or disprove the dangers which have for years been forbids thia was as smooth as a mill pond at the landing, saying named Heeco, who accompanies expedi- by the late Chief Justice Lee, a per hi note to Prince Kajueha-- these terrible bickerings be lea to the i DEPARTURES. Joseph the Finance, In 1S5." he was running a race with the Liholiho and represented on the charts as existing on the route meha, Acting Minister of that " a Chamber of Commerce " It is mi tion as an under officer, and also to act as interpreter could not stop.". The things were landed ten miles Kov. 4 Haw brig Victoria, Fish, for California Coast. . BIRTH. between San Francisco and China, with a view to Some change in the present law will doubtless be English work commerce rules the - 4 Fr wh ship Mancbe, Lemercier. to cruise. in Japan. Heeco informs us that he was picked up that " to Legislature at its next session, or off, and the captain was paid full freight. . One might ! Sch Moianki, Hall, for Kahului, and Keoni Ana, for - the establishment, at no distant day, of a line of ves- submitted the always rules straight J In Honolulu, Oct. 31, Mas. William C. Pases a daughter. some five years since in a junk by an American these owners or masters were millionaires and it Kauai. steamers to from embraced in the New Code. think ' ii 1 6 Bark Mary ft Susan, Stewart, frTalrahaano and cruise. the farthest west," the present sel and taken to California. He has been well I only ask for information ' indulged in coasting yachts just to play jokes on 6 Sch MarU, King, for l.ihsina, and Kaiama, for Kawai-ha- c western emporium of American commerce, in con- quence as hear a friend of mice : DIED. ' educated while in America and for some years past Sailors Home. A meeting of the Trustees of the country folks. Withal, they seem to be seized with ;" I Ihman, to cruise and home. nection with that stupendous- - undertaking, the States day. Yours, 8 Ship Japan, has been under the care of Dr. Gwin, United Home was held on Monday evening, at which the an- the prevailing mania among natives? in regard to 'I 3 Ship Josephiar, ADen, to cruise aad borne Ia the C 8. Hospital. Honolulu, Nov 8, of heart, Ms, Pacific Railroad, the accomplishment of which He speaks English fluently I 8 Ship B. F. Mason, Smith, to cruise on New Zealand. GooomaS Bobkbts, aged 23, first officer of ship Benj. Morgan Senator from California. niversary of the Society was appointed for Thursday horses, namely, to holo. No other quality being 3 Bert Mercury, IUyden, for New Zealand and home. of New London, Conn-- , where his wile Bvee Uis remains were the people of the United States are now deter- and appears to have acquired a good deal of informa- evening, the 25th inst. The names of twelve persons Foreign "ews 3 Sch Kinoolc, for Kooa. llawaiL taken to the Seamen's Bethel, from whence, after the appropriate deemed necessary. I always pray fervently that the and travels : 1 Vs. Thunpaon, Childs, to cruise. ceremonies, they were conveyed to Nuuanu cemetery for inter-O- n mined upon. It is proposed by this expedition to tion during his sojourn through the were proposed, from whom six trustees were to be v. By the clipper ship IFor Hju. avl j W Ulis, to cruise. Wo gentry may never break their necks. Perhaps ' " examine carefully throughout, not only United States. He is very anxious now to get back meeting, to fill the places of received San 10 Timor. White, to cruise board bark Antelope March SO, In Japan Sea, Bsxjautx the track elected at the annual the no amount of talking or lawing would effect a change Capt Simmons, we have Ptw. Ksbioo, aged v by sodden fit, Isl- to Jeddo, where, from his superior scholarship, he " 30 boatsteerer. Ileath caused a for one terminus, but through the Ladrone six retiring members, as per notice of the Secretary one, sufficiently ac- to Oct 17, and New York news toStff and tolling from aloft lived but 40 minutes after striking the for the better. For I am not VESSELS IX PORT. XOVEM BER lO. will doubtless be promoted to some important office ' to s- deck. Was a native of Talcahuano, and much regretted by ail ands and among the islands to the southward of in another column. A proposition was also brought quainted with the law in regard to' the liabilities of mail was sent by the Reynard, - oa board. Empire. Kurydice, Picncal . Japan. Tho Yenimore Cooper lias examined the in the forward to invite the Honolulu Musical Society to common carriers to know whether they are bound to alt for this port U. B. M.'s stssp Ualypso. Montresor. On the 20th Aug., ia the Ochotsk Sea, by the capsixing of a - boat while fast to a whale, Axross Snsma. belonging to ship islands and shoals on give a vocal entertainment for the benefit of the Side. Am surrey Feahnore- Cooper, Brooke. reputed dangers the . Chakgk or Masters. Capt. A. Miller late of the deliver your freight where they agreed to or not, or Califerai sb Gotten Earle, Bardiasr, up for N. Bedford. Minerva, Crowell. has a small debt remaining on Pes Johsjtu Am dipper On board ship Hudson, of Fairhaven, 14, very suddenly, route between San Francisco and Honolulu, and Home, which it, and ! whether they may pocket with impunity a package Assist or Geobae - Uolmea, up 9iew Leodoo. June Gen. Williams, comes out to take charge of the bark of AmefawerahruK- F.Wkieta, 4r tn (rood Johnston, who killed Senator icrrx Am etipper aliiw lark, toUaasbee. up for Kew Bnsfted. while apparent health, David Shits, 2d omcer of the finds re- we understand that the proposal has been favorably money to their, for delivery. f ship, aged 52 years, of Connecticut. CapC that none of them exist. The great depth TVarren, late Huntley, now undergoing slight intrusted care There was . vealeniav afternotn, Xm cfipperahip West Wind. Baxter, up for Jirw HeUford. a native Marston received. The announcement of a concert will be re- arrested Simmons, keaiing oil fcr X. Bedford. thinks be had disease of the heart. of water in the vicinity where shoals have and Capt. Phillips, formerly of the Syrtn are no decisions of our courts on. the subject that I board vessel he returned infresl Am etiiper ship Warhawk, board same ship, Sept pairs; the - Ob 14, rconsumption, after aa illcess with pleasure by all who have been entertained to Am bark Yankee, Smith. ex- ceived am experi--me- nt He immediately himseif 12 of Buffalo, N. Y- -. aged been reported precludes the possibility of their is to command the Arctic, (now daily aware of, and perhaps it would be a risky surrendered ef months. Matthsw Ktax, about 22. Queen & ' Drowned, by the capsixing of a boat belonging to the by them on former occasions. " - Marin countv. and was taken to Am ship Mountaia Wave, Hardy, loading oil for New Bedford. Oscar, as in place of Beedman. We notice that it to get one. .. r . -- August existence. The spot represented on the charts pected) Capt held Am ship Harriet Jsasie, tiray. la tost. Jambs Trut, J'ft""ith, supposed to bekmg to county seat ef Marin, and was it t Springfield, Mass. for shipmasters believe Collector General - Am twrk Ahrxaader, Bush. Cooper's Island was repeatedly sailed over, and is latterly getting to be quite common We would I if the could alter his S3,XX) to appear answer w In Honolulu, June 12, Mrs. Jrua Ass Redwood, aged 15 Evexixo Sals or Books asd Pictckes sum of in Mr. Henry three miles to relieve one another by the overland route. system of granting licenses to coasters so to eon-- man a duel. Tteuh BMrraaat hark Candace, Schau, up for Bremea. years, wife of Redwood. 4th officer of Tjre. each sounding gave depth of water. call attention to the sale advertised for Saturday eve- si killing s in Aug. 23d, in 8. W. Bay, killed by a whale. Joss GaAOO," WtU fine them to certain and 1 Mr. Johnston is the United States C& Breaa prig Tewtacsa, BuIUag. We may here mention that Lieut. Brooke is fur- Among those who came down by the Wind, books and pictures, &c, at F. Colburn's rrrats mrmtttin ia aiIm Haw brig Advaaca, Bagush. btaaiuirtr of bark . ning of J. ana or w n well-know- Tattle formerly of the to run there without license, would , tnis ciry, iters: ine brig Beaaett. Ia Japan Sea. April IS. tot 33 40 N, Catt. CaaaPLnt. of nished with seventeen chronometers, by n some time since, was Capt Auction Booms. A large number of pictures and it result in good Baw team, bark iloreace, of Warren ; Uie complaint was general oehtiity, Alia, Oct. 14.. WHALERS. ordi- Charles Carroll, whose character as an experienced Eng- to all parties concerned. . I notice that men ace as-- . makers, and he not only rates them in the engravings, from paintings by eminent French, ' SmpwaxcK. The shin Gen. Ass ship Bead. Etssoa Am ship Tioryanl, CaswtB second to none. . tomed to to ports leeward isl- Memo, and successful whaling master stands American will be offered, we an-- 1 sail oa the side of.the -' asbora Fort Pointf" Am ship Majwstir. Chesasr Am ship KutasotL Wins; PLACES OF nary manner, but, in accordance with a plan, lish and artists and for SvdneY. nt at WORSHIP. We whether he comes out under an - ands only, are little better than notless when to beating . 1 Am ship Brutus, tlenry Am sh Sorthern Ueht, Chapel which we believe he was the first to put in prac- have not learned ticipate a spirited bidding from connoisseurs. They wind will be a total loaav While "Am shi sVsakBrietta,l)rew Am ship Adeline, Taker engagement, but not, our island ship owners would ward. It is owing to their look of experience in sea-- stays and drifted br:adside on the ru - SEAMEN'S BETHEL Rev. 8. C. Damoa Chaptoia King if had better call and Bee before the sale. Am ship Trident, Tabrr Am bk Warren, Miller tice, the effect of a change of temperature is J Joremaet we Am ship Basis ii it. Week Ambit Fmtaue. Anderson street, near the Sadors' Home Preaching oa Sundays at do well to secure him. ntanahip generally ; still, with all their awkwardness, ateiy SJier striking, the Am ship Jirafc rwry, Cuaawa Am bk Owcar, lenders , 11 A. u. and H p. w-- Seats free Sabbath School after strictly marked upon each of these seventeen the main and mizen masts were the r' Harmony, the aborning serviees. Explanation. We heard question if they were confined to one route they would learn heavy ' Am sttip Kaiily Mrraa, Chase Am bk Austin This, we are told, amounts to as Thx Mtsstkkls have removed to the old circus the asked in ease her. there beuur a very Ass ship SoeftVeU. Greea Am bk Sharon, Kina: FORT STREET CHURCH Corner of Fort and Beretania sts., ia time to work more to the aatinfactinn of all parties.. the bk Hotel, where two or three places yesterday, why it is that the She was loaded with grain for Aa.rwj Am ship Ail dls us, Umsts Am BobC MorrisoawTDtoa Bev. K. Corwin, Pastor. Preaching on Sundays at 11 A. a. much as a difference in the rate of two seconds or lot opposite Macfarlane's Commercial This Lighters dispatched"! Am ship Gov. Trowa, Miltoa Am bark lUncuaher, Palmer aad 7i p. a. Sabbath School meets at 10 a. a. Cooper does not salute the Hawaiian flag. It running hither and thither and doing " nothing were immediate v Cocgeshall more to difference they have pitched a tent, in which we learn they will F. tW 1 Am ship Sasssa, ManWk Am bk BiTr Cloud. according the of temperature, ' -- the carco. Hopes are entertained METHODIST CHURCH Nusana avenue, earner of Tutui is not probably known' by all, that vessels of all na- nowhere is poor speculation on both sides. Our Amah G. Quwtaod, Wi&mm Am bark Monmouth, Ormsby Bev. John MCtoy, Paster. Preaching oa Sundays perform this evening. We should not be surprised it will be saved, but the ship will be Am ship Baraamhie. Ftober Am bark Waveset, Swam street at which every navigator knows raost render this an whole wretched system comes from every 11 A---, tions engaged on scientific duty are exempt from energetic Am ahrp sWah, dwifk Am bark Teraon, Thanius at and 7i pjs. Mae, who is always overflowing with gas, should S. F. Herald, Oct. 14. . . Wry. important subject of scientific inquiry. if sovereign jumping Into the trade, whose An snis Miasj ia. CroweB Am brig Agate, Las-ton- KINCS CHAPEL King street, above the Pilars K. W. neighborhood. W general naval rules, and in time of war enjoy an im- whole stock Mexico. The news from Mexico is Ctork Pastor. Services, ba Hawaiian every Sunday at brilliantly illuminate the whole ' Am ship Misia, Maaefaester Haw bark Gambia. Merritx Lieut. Brooke, aa we before remarked, made a of knowledge in regard to seamanship ; Overland J" a. a. and 3 p. received a munity from molestation. and coasting pated by the arrival of the Am ship TyW. Freessaa Haw bark Faith, Wood 9t a. a learn, however, that the Minstrel have V ww number deep-se- sounding? on from consists few comments front As SJa& A im-- 1 imh Haw brig Waitaa, Lass CMXTirS CHURCH Beretania street, near Xauana street-R- ev. of the way in knowing how much Mr. so and so made at join a editorial valuable accession to their number in the shape of a ' Oarfc I ship T. Piekaana, PUskett Haw brig Ouho, Fealbrr Lowell Smith Pastor. Services, ia HawaEan, every San Francisco to Honolulu, not only in the usual Ice Cbxax Saloon. Mr. Wn. Hoddy has opened it sometime or other. A license is granted at the Herald of the 20ih September. i aaipC. W. Mcrraa, rahcr Haw brig Kaeai. Mammea Monday at 10 a. a. aad 3i P. au new violinist whose performances on that instrument published in the city of Mexico, 1 i .HaJatck,-- Haa? brig AatiBa, Mome and straightest route, often going oa ice cream saloon on the corner of Xonanu and Custom House on demand no que lions CATHOUC CUI JtCH Fort street, near Beretania under the but far out of decided talent. The seats in the atktd life place recerttly occupied by the - Haw be Hawaa. SrJissetsmiag charge Bt. Bev. Btshop Mairret, assisted by are aaid to show Chaplain streets, where pleasant rooms and gentle- Ship Hudson, Haw sch of Abra his way to examine the fabulous shoals and isl- and property are intrusted to the new adventurer, which journal was suppressed, save Mantua Pnet,Pamtoliirg JWodcste Servioes every Sunday at 14 A. a. aad 3 P a. Pavillion will be cool and comfortable and the prices "j ship rsrarfiats, Lrey ands referred to, and the least water found was manly attendance greet the lady and gentlemen visi- and lucky is the owner or friend who bears from bearing datoof September 11th, battXTj are reduced. ' 50 whalers ToTit, 08. tors. A good ice cream is a luxury which our either again. Just count np the wrecks, Mr. Editor. news. The Jfew York Herald J:r Capttbsd The Oovernment two miles in depth. This, Lieut. Brooke thinks, We have been requested by a Director of the are Boa..? j Tax Slates. has ST townsfolk are beginning to appreciate, and Mr. Rud- Over forty, since my Our refarkms with Mexico with is an elevation or submarine ridge tubttan-ti- al remembrance, on the island of concluded a treaty the American Colonization of mountain, Hawaiian Missionary Society to acknowledge dy is well prepared to supply Mr. Forsyth will return home ai J in- them, either at their Kauai With proper Society, by which the latter acrees to rabsiat and about midway between these islands and the Coast. manifested by Capt. Dannels-ber- g, alone.; seamanship. I'll venture hag of the yellow fever, now prerail'X acts of kindness residences or at his saloon. , B Flaw tons to everdaa. struct the captured Africans for one year, after their to say, not one need have occurred, will permit him to take hu fsu7 The deposit brought np by the sounding tube was of the Pfid, towards the Missionaries in Mi- ', to Aae from Tahiti, arrival in Liberia, having a doe regard for their the thoughtful ponder coasting pises with safety. A&ce earth-colo- r, Bev. H. Bingham, Oiorrsrs. By a recent arrival, let this business a an looked health and com fort. For this aerrice, somewhat leas of a dark andwhen examined through cronesia, and especially towards the Aa an omnibus It iS impossible to conjecture little, and, when all the mmbnlasxees are bought, paid rr--6rJ"i than fifty thousand dollar which was the gam a microscope, proved to be composed of innumer- Jr., and fanuly. at Apian. CapC D. arrived there came to town, and we learn that Mr. Webster of the result of this rapture of friel for and rotted out of the way from among our mi h" originally proposed by the society is to be paid. able infusoria, or microscopic animals. To the war, and did all ia his power to livery Stable purposes to run it np the valley, three-time-s the two countries, for Mexico From la was from the Ochotsk. shortly after the Am B. L. ApcrfTA, Oa., 8ep4. 17. The celebrated individ- and eoaciliate their a day, to suit not only pleasure seekers, terial playthings, and the state ofgovernment finances rules of logical consequence, and : brig Here is now due from Hongkong, with a cargo naked eye it resembles the mad deposited by an quiet the natives, promote order but J ual Dred Scott" died at his residence in this city wHl admit, it will be well to threw a little the past is no guide for the future is favor the new miwionarie. Capt. D. those whose residences are la the suburbs, so M real light the Feater. jMeare, wig be da aa Moramber from on Friday morning last, after an illness of some overflow of a river. minds ia of ing to her asairs. It is said that U r. on the subject in spots where needed. 1 I next, the 15th, for Micronesia. they can be brought from breakfast and to mist " weeks. Soon after the decision of the U. S. Supreme The apparatus for sounding (which is one sails again on Monday taken - ment has beea quite as decide! Aav" 333 Btadley, sailed kwm 9ew Bed- - of Hino. wreFAagmvaa, km, Court in his case, be was manamitted by his owner, aawaaawawaaw-a- dinner a la Boston or New York. Ain't we pro- condemning the unjustifiable proceed a fcr the most ingenious contrivances, and yet quite Creed Am. axSMOBsr Maatb. riaaaTViw. sailed from Sew Loodoa the Hon. Mr. Chaffee, M. C from Miss., and Dred very interesting ease of nationality, that of gressing? : ; comprehension when explained) not HP A Rcratitaw BO a II July 1. died a free man. -- simple to the (referrad Ton Mail. We shall issue WhaJrea a katinnsJ kamk V, kTS ama ef H. A. (VrovH Lmee rackets, the French seaman shipped on the JVassa; the either an extra or WTt tKat th aa. MsTwsea, ' only brings a rpecrmcn of the substance of -- himmIm it k Bssusa fcr Hsawmwa, TaJUaV August 3. JaJge BowIIn, the Government CbmmisskmeW is' op before Supreme our regular paper on Tuesday next, to WAMBA, Oct 27r 1858. left via to in our last paper) ns been the contain the .'4 e- I TWilftasr akp Syrea, Oieem. MB tons, aaSed tram Boawm to aoooaipany the expedition to Paraguay. He has which the bottom is composed, but there is found Ms. : Aneneaa auamer was penecuj Sept. 3C ISO several days. The decision of the Chief latest marine aad local news, to go forward by the Edit I notice some remarks made fa i want May 33. consigned as C. Brewer 3d, daa been instructed to demand, first, ample apology r some water. Court for in the top of the tube of the h, to-d-ay mail, which your paper of the 21st ultimo tfeodkad--vanta- ge 1 ? the indignity offered to the American ftajr; second, Justice wHl probably be given or Friday. We Yankee' t will probably leave on Tuesday relative te and wavelets, far one hundrea ' " . . . which or gaescaua, ss o m 1 fall indemnity to the Soath American Navigation stanaut utbomi publish our next isaueL - or Wednesday next. coasters about the islands labor under tne jownee tns shall it in ' u t EXPORTS. Company; and, third, a ratification of the treaty from the bottom of the Pacific, protects those at the windward ports in getting their frei;hts on w vjocicu iruia ose ouurv. formerly nerotiated by Messrs. Pendleton and influence The U. S. mah by the Reynard, is probably Ottstde. Oa first page will be found some foreign is - minute civatures from the of the upper beard. It certainly true that at many places about eoantry, ,r? saa per- Adaae. Sow 1030,000 faB ' Bchenok. (Swa the nfaml of cither of these de jy longer news, and on the fifth page The condition ef the b avasyatsw cnwapmiHaB and storms, r Man's inquisitive search twenty days out, and may be twenty days ia a graphic awFint of this island there are nothing but canoes and leaky ' depk 14431 Kl da. Bkadaacar mands. Com. Shabricx will be caSed apoo to enforce rurrenu corrateondence, b said to be J Da toeaccav 14S3 ft asasaer. 3 war aamuJe. - reachnig us, if thia weather eeotinrjesi I Queen, Victoria's vaat to Cherbourg. . whale boats, condemn fcreww produce, fVSKt M. has at length found out their1 abode,1 and "they bat joa nrast not all for the

nr institution, and Ecbmakjkb come an established eren Cable to Cuba. An article ia the ! !." -- .'A I live- gtiriKrtistnrtitls. anient seems to have no other mode of - Havana Diariadt la Marina. shorn the feelinr x 9 trtisrmfirfs. w:..u - - r r-- : . . Siijtrtistnixnts. .he ease of Mr. Eacaodon exemplifies gun In vmviu Misut iu V;uuivv iu uiiur oi layiDK a BUOmaTine degree. lie was imprisoned because he eaoie to rlorida, and explaining different com- -' s hie the ! - ') b lend the GoTerament a sum of money on panies that are applying for an exclusive privilege JUST RECEIVED! T REGULAR LINE OF PACKETS by the priests. His libera- ' wore. AND JUS EE CEIVED! ! by p cbi.rstiiin. nf hand eiren - ior periorming tut ' i ruK SAN RA CISCO. . x John iTected by his friends paying the Some tims since we announced, says JVete amoant the - " HrEWSaODS For Sale by Undersigned, ' ' - ' THE FAST &AILIKG CUPPEB. BARK I consent, and then the official journals - York Herald, that Mr. Samnel Kennedy gone the ' . AT THE s3 J lis had IK DAVIS' BLOCK, FORT '"' Havana, to TB.2 3-A.- James i for his great enterprise and "pub lie spirit. to in order perfect arrangements with the AIJ15 doors above King street : PIIATJOISCO 22 Yankee, Smith, Master, limited ' hooks, steel do, i, Safl J seem, from the tenor of our letters from joint stock company, under the style of A. M. r J'ruchst da crochet cotton, - v Win for the above port osor - Of Bosks, Stsllasery an early change is expected there, Mora & Co., which had applied some two years Knitting cotton, embroidery cotton, . - ! tzi Phfcrcs. l that since Knitting needles, worsted needles, CLOTHING- EMPORTIJLI ur For freight pst of the general prostration, three or four tuis privilege. r e now learn tnat dir. Kennedy Berlin wool, assorted colore, crochet pattern books, COR. MERCHANT AND FORT STREETS, or passage, apply to . SATURDAY BTETO, 1 , sU T sclwek. - Nw. ' B TJlOtlinjr w has returned here, having been well received in Berlin wool patterns, purse silk, assorted colors. 124--lt C. A. WILLIAMS tt CO., Agents. - - - sales room, be ' ' i tow ipva.. 1 wnr, vaiV laere, - At sO soU ' C Havana, Narrow fringe linen, thread laces and Insertions, THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF ' no nance success. XiOOKing It is stated that the full stock $800,000 . - ; be ior tueir v a, A new and ckoies ssiictiaw )" Valeiennes laces and iiuM-rtio- Smyrna edge do Insertions FOR tt vemeuts from aa outside point of view, has been subscribed, and ten per cent-- paid in. NEW BEDFORD DIRECT I BOOKS, ' -- " Malta lace, crochet lace, do insertion, . CLOTHING, -- 1 FRAMED PICTURXS, XXaiATIXOS, i r IT! I o - - - 31 now r. Kennedy obtained SLATI0NK&T, . wo u uuun, at cnn iiuui having charters from the While silk blood and edging, white bland quilting, with edge. THE A 1 - o, . v . uu ' HATS AND CAPS, CLIPPER SHIP kc iuld effect a junction with Deeouado. who States of Georgia and Florida, is now about to pro- Muslin and cambric edging and insertion, Just received per "Harriet 4 Jessie" aod lasliator. two ceed South purpose Muslin and cambric collars, crochet collars, in the West, ana the should really for- the of definitely locating the BOOTS AND SHOES, Hawk! CT Wesss to be punctual. . . lace . War 1 1 an Thread collars, Maltese do, Florentine do, efforts, they will soon lead their forces to Mint connections oi tne line, t wo routes are now Dimity do, bands ' LEMUEL B. SIMMONS,. Master, do, small steel beads, '. ; - . AND Mexico. At present, tdo&rn seems to under consideration one from Macon. Georcria. to Embroidery silk, assorted colors, floss silk, do do, - ': Win have immediate dispatch tor the above pert. ; v chance of winning. 8L Marks, in Florida, by way of Americus, Albany,' Trimming frinifts, colored and black moire antique trimmings For freight or passage apply to ' y:' Ut ' Fancy Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods ! ; 4 linen buttons, silk buttons for dresses, lat-t-f - CO. WEDMXSDAT, Allaalie Side. auu Aaitaaassee; tne outer is irom isavann&h to Glass buttons, cords a A. WILLIAMS k NOV. IT, at 10aVlsshA.M. Casi l Tr . i . and tassels, assorted colors, . Sales TELEGRAPH. papers contain xv eyes, crossing tne Aitaman luver and Dass-- Assorted velvet ribbons, bobbin edging, EVER IMPORTED INTO TILLS MARKET. lNTJbJSVV" At Room, win be sold. w- ... the Swr1 a T Muslin FOR NEW BEDFORD f Dry Goods, Groceries, tnrougn and cambric bands, ladies' bells, do gauntlets, ' , f i DIRECT little information aoout the Telegraph iug xrunswicn, uanen. and ernandina. ... t .1 OOODS ' i Children's plain and open-work- ed socks, PER r Hoots, V Jevl of confidence inis company nas a privilege for lavintr a cable to GOODS HAVE ALL SEL-- THE A 1 CLIPPER SHIP - & west entertained, Ladies' plain and open-work- ed stockings, BEEN 1 Clothing, - .. would be able to Cuba, granted by the Junta de Fomento Ladies' dress caps, THESE the Senior- - Partner of the firm, with s perfect Fancv Artless. Waur Hairhes surmount there. white and black, Victoria plaid, knowledge of the wants of the Honolulu public and the whaling IX following which only requires the sanction of the Queen. - We Linen serpentine braid, assorted colors, mohair ' l' Mountain WaTe, " ; L A T E A B I V A L 8 . And a great va.fety of articles too nmnsrous to particularise itScalties. The paragraphs tend y do do, fleet, and bavins been purchased at LOW FIGURES, will be C APT aim HARDY. learn that the Captain General given hite and colored woolen socks, infant's woolen shoes. I our already expressed views on this inter. has it strong - Children's kid sold at MUCH LOWER RATES than have ruled in this market Will load OO and Bone, having slippers, assorted cslors and sixes, in past years. Citizens Strangers are respectfully invited and part of her cargo engaged, - Mr. Field writes to the New York assurances or bis support ior obtaining this. ' Ladies head dresses, UrtetonsI and to W- - white, pink and blue call and see for themselves. A. S. & M. B. GRINBAUM. will have immediate dispatch. ForSde at Azttlzii. ; of September 8th, as follows : w hits and black illusion, tnouair.mitts, Jer date Honolulu, Sept. 8, 1858. llfr-- tf . . For freight or passage, having excellent - W hite. blue and Dink t'n-nr-- mri, L'm.k ' . accommodations, ap ON MONDAY. NOVEMBS3. tB. ALL New Foundland a dispatch informing; . t. piece Wired ply to that of LAND situated en northwest aide bus i pri bonnets, . (1SM1) A. CARTWRIGHT. the of inattUtwa of tbe ocean cable remains per Byuthl Stotirts. mde richly trnumod, J. niTEiin tae sane runnlnsr frota Klaw to iaeh the "orse-oa- ir Onm amss and - oonnets, large sixes, emb'd handkerchiefs, I L7 nime over it for several days. 8Uk ! ! ON HAND, AT HIS WHOLESALE opposite the cocoed by Robe K. Wake- - ku 8erpentine braids, different , . t REGULAR LINE Iakmtita. formal eolora, HAS FIRE-PROO- i dipalch that I received from England was Neapolitan Ice RETAIL F EMPORIUM, corner man, maq, ana lalterly by John Smithies, Esq. jkrph Vim black of Oaths kadis SAILORS II OM The Annual Meeting of the TW crape collars, black lace do, T a good white Queen and Kaahumanu streets, the Utsntlsl wooden house, eoocalaina thsws nmtmm . cessation do not know, olulu Sailors' Home Society fbr htmrinK reporta, election of " 1ck:,biue pink, greeB and straw colored crape, Jnst Received For San Fran s oral calhousn and well water. " s I be toe came of the I bat I Tru: Coates' cotton, best quality, white cisco ef For ' aimiw U the change of the hare end at Valentia, teea, Jtc win be held the Bethel oo THURSDAY and ass'd colors ribbon, GBO. CLAH HmmmmkZlL mm. W it at KVKXLMG, Klack bonnet ruches, white do do, pink do do, blue do do, PER " MOUNTAIN WAVE !' THE CLIPPER BARK Best and Most Extensive Stock for ike jinJormed was about to be male. Needle ioui mat. f pointed pins, infant's white cashmere hoods. . V September 8, Ctscs W. Fists. Infant's TONS FRESH POND BOSTON ICE, V Island Trade Ever Offered Here I : lsi. The six retiring are Thomas Spencer, J. T Water woolen hoods, 19 patent oniannia ice ntcners. Frances Palmer, exchanges, the following para- - L P. Coates' best sewing thread, 400 Buver Ace XT And invites Country Storekeepers to inspect sod order. Boston M. M. a ntcners, Wm. J bur house, IL Whitney, O. Kobertaoo. riateu ' Carr. STOTT. H. J. II. HoMaworth, e Misses woolen capes, plaid ' twelve persons do shawls, ladies' do do. 18 chest ltefrigerators, assorted sixes, This favorite packet now having lars: II. llackfcld, and the nominated according to the Infant's embroidered bodices, large black Uhantilly do- - do is Important Improvements TERitXS ! fnrivate from London by the Tanderbut, veils. 12 Upright, 'do, QUICK i ALE PO LITER I adrices provuiona of the Charter, from whom six may be M Chain stitch handkerchiefs, cambric do, . (tor Hotels.) made to her cabin accommodations, and will have quick dis- ISA - - - elected, are ' 10 Tank do that lTKewr iiuguu - Broad white silk bloud lace, - Ice Cream or 8th inst., oo which a. Akincn, w. Uoodale, J. M. Smith, J. W. Borden, Geo. Clark, 2 doxen Patent Freezers, ass'd sizes, patch fbr the above port. 50 CASES OF NEW PRINTS (work tbe cable on about the Fine white blue and pink French flannel, fine lines diaper, coolers, di-- t patch special YT. Aititin, Thos. Spencer, 19 water j For freight or passage apply to Captain on board, or to NOW LANDING Ixnue Company expected to a J. J. T. Waterbouue, H. M. Whitney. Small patterns brilliants, fine white Swiss muslin, 24 Ice Cream Moulds. the OF UNSURPASSED PATTERNS! EX tinity Bay with oueof Profmsor Uuxhestaasutants U. 11. 122-2- t . D. M. Koberstaon. J. H. IluUsworth. and II nafkfnM Fine printed lawn, fashionable patterns, - . The above Ice and assortment of sundries calculated for the C. WATERMAN k. CO. ! hope to see the cable in complete Consisting of 4 99 c may therefore BAKTLETT, 8. ."ortf4 'raw trimmings, black and gray straw bonnets, use of Ice. have Just been received by the above ship, and are 1 I. Sec II. Society. I . . ; shout tne sin mat. rao . Misses' fashionable hatx, boys' do, r i . i i .i Dnvnii'inTPHPil FOR NEW LONDON DIRECT I H - ' r, Ilonolulura, Nov. 9, 1858. . 134-- 2t Chocolate and Red," a, Been anoroeu nis uuii-Iha- t Ked black . have iwraaiaM, and check plaidx, patent corsets, 113-- tf C. H. LEWERS, Proprietor. ' ' .And for Sale by the TJadenigmed 7 is be can transmit intelli pence through the cable White Marseilles, white linen fringes, THE A 1 CLIPPER SHIP Pink and Yellow, continuously, at the rale U from three to six words FAREWELL White cords and 320 dosen AIaLSOPP'S ALE, IN QUARTS, t LECTl'RES OF D. FRICK. tassels, mohair caps and head dresses. Lilac . LL. D. Dr. Trick begs to inform the many friend Vest button, linen tapes, . . and Red, 1 that have ! Elizabeth F. Willetts, , " 120 dewen do. I. Warren's best --eyed needles. ! ! . f do. IN PINTS.. Vt letter rrom Biaita iu too dooe him the honor of aabacribing to his former lectures, that the oral SALT HOLMES, Master, . Canarr and Red, loduoo. MRS. PEARSON. SALT SALT 300 doxen MARZETTE'S ALE, yinting Telegraph machines were placed new course which he proposes to open as soon aa he will havs Will have immediate dispatch for the above port. Ridinw Dress Prints, '7 IN QUARTS, ' MANUFACTURED AT THE . line of tbe i.ltctnc leiegrap a company obtained one hundred subscribers, will be his last farewell appeal IVEW GOODS ! For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, ap Purple, 15 dozen do. do. IN PINTS. L' 119-- tf ,n,lon Liverpool, and had greatly to the sympathy of the public of ply to C. A. WILLIAMS k CO. . and this community, having resolved OA Black, - 80 doxen BARCLAY k PERKINS' PORTER, 1 the telezraph managers, operators, &c. to escape the lonsr exile to which he haa bara unitxtlv Ei " Portena," from Liverpool. PUUIi SALTWORKS! n. AT LAIIAINA FOR NEW BEDFORD. Orange fc IN QUARTS. - Wonderful performances, working with the uemneu. SALE, AT VERY Green, MODERATE P Many of the Patterns which are entirely set : thirty-fiv-e to FOR at tbe STORE OF GEORGE CLARK, Hotel : rpiIE UNDERSIGNED IS READY TO FI'R- - of New, sod welt. , Set regularity at the rate of street 1 uish to Butchers ana rocKers, in tne largest quantities, THE Al CLIPPER SHIP and' two cities, Babies' white Embroidered Merino Hoods, 20 bales Brown Sheetings and Prills: .' b minute, between the not rublAEMAS KSOAMPMEXT, Xo. 1, Do do Woolen a very superior article, kqcal to ths best impostkd salt, and 20 bales Denims; - . - 200 dosen BASS' CELEBRATED PYRAMID rr O. O. V. lioods, r terms, to ing a heavy rain which had lasted for two L Under the jurisdiction of the K. V G. ll-- e of the Do Embroidered Cambric Robes. " at a price to DJiJf CUMFJSTlTlUN ror apply Anglo Saxon, TOO pairs Blankets, scarlet, blue and white, various sixes, and BRAND, IN QUARTS. ; . other instruments. The first United States. Tbe regular meeting of this Kwaniouicut are Do do do .Waists - HENRT MANTER, . COMMANDER, the HEAVIEST IS TUB MA REST. diasMing all 115-6- m Salt Works. f Ladies' Embroidered Cambric Collars, . Puuioa Will load oil and bone for New Bedford 1000 docen SHIRTS various styles, consisting of Gentlemen's ,: RITSON 4t Ker the Atlantic cable from Trinity Bay was held on the 1st and 3d FRIDAY EVENINGS of each montli. ' latest fashion, dibbct, HAIIT. Dimity various styles 119-- nne white, mncy colored hickory Under- Resident and visiting members are respectfully to Rands, and qualities, tf . , OILMAN A CO. and stripes, and tough to London by tbe Hughes machines. invited attend. Crochet Collars, black lace. Falls, assorted qualities. skirts. per cent, greater Per order. White AVater and Koofs. Cases Plain Turkey Red, 1 GOODS I TCETsV GOODS ! U about three hundred CP. Ruches for bonnets, mohair caps, Warren's Fireproof FROM LAIIAINA I ' IEW 12-- Black colored Cases Figured Turkey Red. - Ensr'.iih machines, which do not record the Honolulu, Nov. 10, 1853. tf and Silk Velvet Trimming; plain and fancfy. JUST RECEIVED Misses' white Cotton Hose, plain and oen worked, SIYOW, 600 cases HANDKERCHIEFS, coos(suns of Silk. linen, and Children's Open-work- ed white Cotton B. F. W A F ic A. M. Ls Pkogbrs L'Ociixm Looce, No. Socks, New ! Muslin, various qualities, and Cotton Handkerchiefs. word in plain, clear, capital letters. e ts Babies' White and Colored Berlin Wool Boots, assorted quaL A GENT FOR THE NEW ENGLAND BOQF- - For Bedford Direct Boaton n p From under the jurouicUun of Supreme 20 eases Silk and Cotton wheel-to- UMBRELLAS. Slreot utified to learn from the same source that in, the Council of the Black and Colored Silk and Mohair Fringes, great variety. Xm. IXG COMPANY Has received an invoice of AND NOW FOR SALE. Grand Central Lodge of France, working in the ancient Scotch Colored Silk Braid, for Dress Trimming, THE FIRST CLASS CLIPPER SHIP Cases Furniture Prints, a have been opened by the Atlantic Corn-- Hoofing Materials per "Young Greek," Cases Blue Sheeting, BARRELS CAROLINA RICKt f Kite, holds Us regular meetings on Wednesday Serpentine Braid, assorted colors. 1 bale cloves; , in to a purchase or tbe patent of the the nearest XT And is now prepared to supply those desiring to purchase. Cases English Saddles, 10 the full moon each Broad Worsted Braid, assorted colors. Yorick, 6 bags peppert of month, at the old Lodge Boom, in King 119--tr Cases American Saddles, bent ion, with tbe view to tbe immediate Black and Colored Silk Ribbon Gimps, . 1287 Tons, commanded by captain E. C. SOULE, will load Oil ' 1 keg nutmegst street. isiuns; brethren resnectfullr invited to attend. Ladies' White and Colored Corsets, Cases Blue Cotton, 10 boxes 1 je machines upon the Atlantic cable the various styles. and Bone for the above port. Cases Pilot Coals, earn starch v .. August 13. fto-t- Belting Ribbons, Sash Ribbons, kegs frofespor being willing f II. SEA, Secretary. and Bonnet Ribbons, Sugar and Molasses, - 60 split peas; Hughes to guaranty Linen and Cotton Tapes, Brass Hoops For freight apply to 8. HOFFMETER. Cases Pilot Pants, for Skirts, Cases 10 half bbls currants; machines will transmit intelligence two HONOLULU A. Under Dispen Ladies' Kid Gauntlets, T1ROM THE BREWER PLANTATION Lahalna, Sept. 25, 1853. 118-- tf Moleskin, 100 half boxes raisins; , R. CHAPTER For by CUAS. BREWER, 2d, Canes Moleskin pants, Wrcent. foster, and with more acciyacy sation from the General Grand Chapter of United And a great variety of Goods too numerous to mention. 122-- t M sale 100 quarter boxes raisins; the States of 119--tf Agent. Bales Ticking, t ' I be done by any other system. In fact, America, will hold its Regular Meetings on FOR NEW BEDFORD DIRECT I Figured 100 boxes Winchester's 8. W. soap; the Third Thursday of THE GOLDEN FLEECE I Cases Orleans, 10 boxes saleratus, (1 & papers;) - ' ." llluzhes confidently expects to be able to every month, at the llall of the Lodge "La Pbogbss dk L'Ocb- - THE CLIPPER Cases Plain Alpacca, 600 quarter boxes For Sale on Board Ship "Sheffield.") SHIP Cases White Sheeting, sardines; uve 163-t- fI Upton's" a toe caoie at iue rate oi lruni to ten asis." Per Order: IL P. Fine Wool Merino Ranis for Sale ! Cases "St. Cair" and " tobaeeo 8H. 100 Ihs aaeh. White Shirting, rmwrm w . minute. Professor YYb.iteb.oase, who is CASKS,CUT-- Cases Madapoiams, ct. viaugcviTcauiwi" souaoooAVV BS SaCn; A SELEC- OIL. DRY AND WATER West Wind, tobacco--OOfl- VERY FIXE - oases Emmet's "Sweet Orange" M cable, claims to be able to work the CLAM Notice is hereby given that the tion can now Falls, W haling Craft, 1071 Tons, Captain ALLEN BAXTER, will have despatch for Cases Charcoal oaveadish aa, le at E PSrS V." be made at Louzada, Spen- ting Irons, 30 half boxes double refined loaf sugar; ' icnt one word per roinnte, but the great next Regular Meeting of this Order will be held on next Monday cer c Co.'s, Lihue,' Hawaii, forty of Boat Davits and Cranes complete. , Cases Tobacco, Two seccn Whale Boats. r NEW BEDFORD. 60 half bbls do do crushed sugar; Evening, at 8 o'clock, at the over Dr. McKibbin's Drug men are got ny tne matchless ram Cases Blue Drills, 6 No. whalemen's cam booses, with copper ' I: k f controlling his peculiarly constructed llall, Store, 122-I- GREEN. For freight or passage, apply to 4 extra flxtures ; VAarsRO," whose sire, "Lyibruinska," stands unrivaled In the f For particulars, apply to Caft. U. J. Nests camphor Chests S fc-- on Queen 10 No. favorite pattern "Roger WuUssbs stoves, oomplete, i. ii3 the loss of a great portion of each street. Resident and transient Brothers are respectfully great wool growing 118-- tf R. COADY CO. Nests plain Australias, his fleece weighing in the grass, k trunks with pipe and fixtures the best pattern ever Imported into iju.-ting-." pro- invited to attend. Per order N. G. 124-- lt but moderately case superior Brown SACKS, The Hughes machine will - II. clean, sixteen pounds of the finest quality. '1 Honolulu fbr family use. Over 400 stoves have been u Lyibruinska" was purchased by Esq for 230. Cases Muslins, sold at upon the caoie line in septemter. James Aitkin, To Whalemen. FOR NEW BEDFORD DIRECT! by the subscriber, and In no eass has any sismilshil been E CLAMPSUS A Special Meeting will take place " Vaqckbo" was shorn iu Honolulu un ler two years old, his Cases Victoria Lawns. V. fleece UNDERSIGNED, AT KEALA- - Blade. this over Dr. 7 weighing thirteen pounds. His present fleece challenges THE THE A 1 CLIPPER SHIP 10 No. 4 stoves of sam pattern. evening, at the Hall McKibbin's, at o'clock, pre. competition. kekua Bay, Hawaii, is prepared to furnish Ships with the 124-l- t, Sheep, Poultry. (2 dosen 3 lb tins oysters best, put ap sxprsssty br Honolulu, yiciu cisely. Per Order. Ac having just received per Salt and Fresh Beef, Uoats, Irish and Superfine Clothing!: liititrtistintnls. Louzada, Spencer Co. . from tbe shell within ten order from Germany, some pure Sweet Potatoes, etc., etc., equal to any on the Sandwich Islands. Skylark, coHsisrrsa or taken day of sailinf of Byron.' Saxons, can now dispose of part 20 das 1 lb tins oysters; , M FOLLANSBEE, Master, ' H of their imported pure blood stud Merinos, bred by the greatest Ob ..... Kealakekua, Oct. 185S. 1214m Frocks, Paletwts. Paats. Vesta, Neck Ties, 20 dos 1 tins green corn; . The Undersigned Australian breeder, James Aitkin, Esq.. and having made ar- Will have immediate dispatch for the above named port. 30 dos 1 tb tins fresh clams; ' ! rangements to import the purest animals regardless Hata, Caps, Aio, Acc. . TltE TO WHALEMEN of expense, For freight or passage, having elegant accommodations, apply 40 dos 2 Bk tins do do; t It parties will do well to give grow Golden I TO CALL PARTICULAR their orders and tbe Stable. to 117--tf A. J. CARTWRIGHT. ALSO 20 dos I tb tins lobsters; (Ladrone Islands) BEGS Stock I19-3- m. Livery . OVERXOR OF GUAM, to the of Fleece. ' 80 doa 3 !h tins preserved meats; late 21 March, has appointed -- IN- T-T ! THE UNDERGSINED BEGS TO - FOR BREMEN "WILLOW CARRIAGES AND CHAIRS, 48 tins smoked aerrtngi i bakships visiting that Island must pay the port 2POHTE1T. r public be ed DIRECT. best ! form his frionds and the that has 10 dos cans (1 lb) raspberry Jam; , ! Of the qualities, that be has andlately received. He would also They Arc Town Bret puce where they may anchor, but nothing In in of Mauna - recommend an importation of his Livery Stable at theOLD STAND, corner Danish" clipper WOODEN WARE, 10 dos cans do strawberries, preserrsd; , for one season, and also nothing l( they do not DUFF GORDON' streets, near the steam Mill, where the bark S II fc. R , now on hand and for sule by him, as one of the AND CAN BE SEEN AT THE Kea and Marine 4 dos preserved peaches, (2 K cans); Ri to reasonable .T CORNER OF FORT AND HOTEL will be found bkst or saddle hobscs let at A. Schau, Master, BOOTS AND SHOES, dos apple pulp, . will be permitted to every native who may like nnet n uies ever introduce! Into the country. ths Candace, variocs, do; ! v A superior kit of prices. patrons others are respectiuuy invuea to . 2.C-- 4, I&jS. lZi-2t- a Parisian Sl'RI His old and ' ' SO dos Verdale olives; ad destination Captains may coo Honolulu, UODFREY RHODES. 1 I Will have quick dispatch for the above port. Advances made that the tract. SEAT SADDLES, and the workman it call. US-t-f r. mahiji. AXES, 60 dos 1 Xt cans assorted soups; xvurity or restrictions. ship has been executed by the most skillful no pains ruAa on Consignments. For freight and particulars apply to - accepted artists, 30 dos 1 means soup and boulke; ' 1I surer coin of tbe United States shall be having been spared to make them what they really are. In every llft-- t MJKLCHER3 & CO. SUNDRY HARDWARE, ? 10 dos 2tb cans ehicken; its full value, without discount, in same Ice Cream ! Ice Cream ! ! I r tbe n sense of the word as basv rioiso saddle. Views of Honolulu ' - 10 dos 3 lb cans turkey; BAiush, and Stuh and Central American coins. Also New styles of LADIES' SADDLES, WHIPS, etc., be- FREIGHT FOR NEW VERY NICE CHILDREN'S SOCKS, ' 20 dos 2 tb cans assorted broths; kud Uovemor has sent to Thomas Spencer, Uono- - PROPRIETOR OP THE IIOXOLC-- A L.I. PERSONS VISITING OH RESIDING BEDFORD. " in milESL LL CKKAM SALOUN, to public sides a large stock of English, American and Spanish Saddles; i A bbls vinegar; . . deposited ICE wishes inform tbe on these Islands, should not faU to send a set of G. II. ctder of Lxchanse that laptams had in the he has opened the above named Saloon, on corner of Harness, double and single; Collars and H times; Carpet Bags A 1 CUTLERY, 60 tins each of butter, wins, soda, oyster Lud security of shipped in 1866 that the Burxeim'J. Views Hoaolala to their friends abroad, TnE CLIPPER SHIP and t natives and 57. A vuanu and Chaplain streets, where he will be happy to fur and Leather Valises; Sole, Pump and Rigging Leather. convey ef idea of the Scenery, Habits, sugar cracxers. se of distributing to every Captain, and to cancel as they will by far a better SATINS AND SILKS, r r nish them with the awr Ice Cream that can be made, and with Ii2 tf B. H. ROBINSON. Customs, etc., of this place, than any works or prints ever pub various. 60 dos denim pants; i. reasonable notice will furnish Parties and Families with atten or Golden Eagle, 13 dos red flannel shirts; " remor also intends, for the benefit of Captains, to I lished. To be bad a. jtnuui 1120 tons Register, Captain E. HARDING, will sail for New SCARLET tion and dispatch. WM. II. HL'DUY, FEATHERS! FEATHERS HS-- Shop, on King street, near Fort. BALES BLUE, AND GRET UNDERSHIRTS, 10 dos Una do do; tsklence, daring tbe present year, to the A gat Bay, tf Paint Bedford with Captain experienced 123-B- Proprietor. EM MA" A: SMALL LOT OF su-- dispatch. Harding is an t dos grey do do; part of the Apra Port, and no more distant from it PER Bonnet Feathers, of various kinds and eolors. whaling captain, and Shippers of Oil may rely upon the best of SALTWATER AND ENGLISH SOAP, 23 dos each linen drul (rocks and pants; The said Bay Is a very rood place lor anchorage Also, Fancy NOTICE ! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ribbons. At wholesale, bv TAX COLLECTOR'S being bestowed on such as may be shipped ship is 28 dos angola gents' half hose; t-- can 121-- tf care Tbe CASES THREAD, NEEDLES, ETC., - 's assistance. Boats land and take water, GUILLOU having been appointed Administrator C. A. k n. P. POOR. A LL PARTIES WHO HAVE NOT PAID 32 dos do ribbed do; vply necessary to tne vessels. P. upon by undersigned, or vho provided with a force pump and hose to wet oil. 4-- 4 on the Lstate of J. 8. Lievi, late of Honolulu, deceased. their taxes when railed tbe ENAMELED DUCK FOR CARRIAGE TOPS, eases Uxbridge whits sfcsrtmgsi (Signed) V. D. CORTE. c. , 4--4 U all persons havt g any demands against the said estate are re- NAVIGATION. have had tax notices left at their residences, or places of business, This ship will be followed by the Ships ANGLO SAXON, 6 bales Western 8tats brown do; Sarch, 1S6S. 124-3- m quested to pasa their accounts to the undersigned ; and all per are hereby informed that the undersigned will be at his oihee on and SUNDRY FITTINGS, COACH TRIMMINGS, ETC., . 6 bales BuSnik extra heavy denims: OF INSTRUMENTS. LUNAR Emma Street. 2d door from Beretania Street, to receive their GLADIATOR. 6 cases Bhetucket blue sons indebted to the decease are requested to make immediate USE and every branch necessary for an accomplished For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board, or to drills; ! payment. V. V. 11AIIK13, Navigator, taught in the most thorough aud practical manner, taxes every Saturday from 9 o'clock A.M. to 6 o'clock P.M., CROCKERY WARE, ETC., HOLLOW . WARE, ETC. i S bales Pepperel Bro do; riant Sale Real Estate WM. WEBSTER, Honolulu, July 22, 1858. 108-- tf D. C. WATERMAN CO. . of liU-l- m , Attorney for Administrator. by DANIEL until further notice. k 6 rains Merrimac two blue pttntst . . SMITH, v ', '. ; 119-- 3 m Residence, Kukui street, opposite Mr. Lewers. Tax Collector, Kona District, Oahu. . .'And , SbeJesTborndyketlcks; To be sold by Auction, on Honolulu, Oct. 27, 1858. 1231 an( 3 bales Imperial royal blue flannels. too Nnmerons to T AT. 11th DAT OF DEC'R NEXT, ROWLAND'S SANDWICH ISLAND Assortment Trouble the 63 pairs heavy blankets all wool; PRESERVED VEGETABLES. COPARTNERSHIP. 42 PACKETS. Readers. 2 eases extra finetsatin jeans; O'Cloek. A. 3L, the Prensisra. PRESERVED VEGETABLES, TEC. ONLY REGULAR LINE FROM THE U. S. V AJIBROTYPE GALLEU1. CASES APPLY TO THB UNDERSIGNED. 1 "dof, valuaMe Property of HENRT S. SWISTOS, Esq. " Meats, milE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED 2VT f I-- Brandy expected to M. a Copartnership for transacting of a General Commis that Lot of Land in Kawanahoa. Nau- - m of Fruits, daily arrive per clipper the FIRST CLASS SHIPS T. WATERHOUSE. 100 riding saddles, (onaipsets); r ' i in UNDERSIGNED would call the irrcmoi ship ",' by Business, tne Una ana style or 11. U. Vr ATU1UIAJI J. kbereno the bnre and eonunodinaa Mansion. milEJL of his Friends and the Pulilic t his Kooms, over the For sale sion under Wui be despatched quarterly from Commercial Wharf, VTT Saleaaid Jah Lata far the assal 10 dos charcoal Irons; 119--tf C11A8. BREWER, 2d. A CO. Boston, in the months of May I Apply to Msrssaiu 36 dos heavy handled axas " UDderhursn; , We especially solicit any business connected with the interests March, or Jane, saeieiy talaaaa. r.-- bounded Uie 121-- tf JOHN T. WATERHOUSE. 20 bbls Wilmington pitch; by avenue leading from the public Post Office) where he is taking l'ictores which, tut elegance of Whaling In consignment September aaa ueeeiuber. : : , , of the Home Fleet, the of supplies, fur particulars see special advertisements daily 60 nests Hinghaia boxes; MuMiniw triereon. style and softness of tone, cannot be excelled. .BREAD gen- for further in Uiat Lot nishing cf funds, sales, or purchase of exchange, oil, bone, papers of the above months. - so aests covered oacsets cf Land on the makai sale of said avenue, Being in constant receipt of New Stock, Chemicals. Ac, he is EXPECTED per ?yren,n procuring freight, etc. ! i on tbe reed, being one of choicest buikling HOURLY Bread, eral merchandise, and the of For freight or passage to, or drafts on Honolulu, apply to NEW GOODS NEW GOODS ! 10 dos painted paOs; the lots prepared to take Pictures with all the latest improvements. in whalemen's casks, V. U. ami enapief-r- sencea ' 100 BHs Bread, . '. . . nAlCHUAK, HENRT A. PIERCE, , . 16 nests (8 in nest) do pails; and substantially in. Sbr Pictures taken on Glass. Paper, Patent Leather, India 117-3- m JOHN F. POPK. those three Kalo Patches lying in the rear of No. 1. Jtuoher, sc., and warranted to give entire satisfaction. 100 Cans Wafer Bread, a new and superior article ' Sandwich Island Packet Office, ' rwHE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIVED 20 bags shot; svua sue ut san avenue or lane. '. B. The Public are invited to call and examine specimens. For sale by 61 Commercial Wharf, Boston. M. from Boston, by the YOUNO GREEK, aa addition to his 6 eases stout brogans; 119-- 400 10, IT and 18 feet oars; . , uve several Patches on the manks side of said 119-t- T W. F. HOWLAD, Artist. tf CHAS. BREWER, 2i. NOTICE. AGENTS. large and aesiraoie stocs or . - . - Honolulu. 60 bolts eottoo dock, Nas 1 Is 10f fjt rear of Xo. 2, newly planted with 7"--T and THE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE B. F. Snow, , "' , ! BLANKETS, & I undersiirned, carrying on business at Kawaihae, under the Sutton k Co. - - - New York. Hardware and Cutlery 100 kegs nails. that TkrU called " Kalui." lying In the rear of Flour ex 3Iountain Ware firm of D. K. VIDA A CO- -, is this day dissolved by mutual con- - Cook k Snow, - New Bedford. Comprising the following articles t Folding barrows, oast steel Wlars mm Salrlta. and PTtrnding back to, and bounded by the BLANKETS. Shirts, to arrive per clipper ship sect. All claims will be settled by Jl. ft. vida, at Kawalnae. 64-- tt D handled garden spades, long handled do, cast steel shovels, 60 kegs stoaongahula whisky; 4 river. W71IFTV BBLS. RICHMOND SUPERFINE, -- D. R. m. JL' ini quarter and eighth sacks. For sale in quantities to suit Syren," For sale by VIDA, square and round point; potato diggers, bog hoes, glue, whiting, so Kegs . ram; I rj 119--tf WYHAN STILES. kegs Americaa brandy; Jnt Pastore Farm lying on the Ewa side of said by (122-t- B. F. SNOW. CHAS. BREWER, 2d. &. Co's garden shears, bush books, steel sledge hammers, charcoal irons, 60 Freeman ; uininc abuut31 acres, as conveyed Mr. Swinton iron rakes. 10 eases Baker's bitters; 1 to & k nief Lee. PAINT, lie. The business of the above will be carried on as usual solely by TREASURE, FREIGHT, PACKAGE LETTER . Cutlery. 60 cases champagne eider; that Lot on side of King Just Received per Yankee! WYMAN SXILddS. 60 dos pints Albany ale; ,,!''. Hem the makai street. PROOF PAINT, . 2SsZ , ; - IE A large assortment of pocket knives, cocoa handle knives, so FIRE Fire Sand, Kawaihae, August 14, 1853. 116-2- m 23 m. 31 ' 6to 60 das do do porter. ,'.-n.'- vBich Ur. bwtntoo resides, with all buildings LIND CAKES, FRESH APPLES S SMonth.' 12 inches; knives and forks. JENNT For sale by C. L. RICHARDS A CO. Kaolin, 10 brla of each, On the 5th and 20th of each ailjointna: to arrive per clipper ship " Syren," for sale by :lut nxi Lot Xo. 7. with the larse and 122-- tf ! ! TO ALL PARTS OF THE Tools, dec. Eat Ware.' 119-- tf CHAS. Lumber Lumber Monntla wrllui Utereoo. BREWER. 2d. - - - liue ' Cross-o- ut saws, wood saws with frames oomplete, blacksmith's ;, y-- A T OLD LUMBER YARD Just re Uaited States, Saath America, Septembers ; ig- seversl luu may he seen at the office of John THE screw plates, dowclling bits, gouges, plumbs levels, black- ! SUGARS. ceived, ex Fortuna, the best assortment of Eastern Lnm and . 800 gallons best boiled ofl; r C. C. Harris. Solicitors. Honolulu, where ail re-- Notice Casaaai and Enrspe, smith's vises, wooden bench screws, bodkins, scratch bar ever imported, consisting of AMERICAJf-ECaoPSA- awls, rWing saddles auoa to reutiqa to them may be had. BOXES E. BOSTON No. 1 CRUSH-e- d COSHUCTlHa IH SBW TOKK WITH TUB ir XX 76 Tenisee eompkls; UNDERSIGNED HEREBT FOR--1 jo.ouv feet assorted wbite oalc pianK, ior Ship Carpenters1 cooper's chisels, grindstones of assorted weights, awl and plane 2000 lbs navy bread; ; - p A. P. KVCKKTT, FfMIEM. HALF Susar, rasss COMPAST TO blbopc and compasses, bids all persons harboring or trusting his wife Kapipi, as be Half boxes Eait Boston Oranulated Sugar. and n heelwnghts' use. handles, brass dividers boxwood rules, eoppering 60 half bbls crushed sugar; J. COLBL'RN. punches, box chisels, mallets, flies and rasps of superior - - L t. will pay no debts of her contracting alter this date. " Loaf Sugar, hourly expected to arrive per clipper 20.000 feet white pine sheathing boards, I inch thick. quality, .35 half boxes loaf de; 'U ,4 $ Auctioneers. 12&-3- t FERGURSON. DUST, COIN AND BULLION nencn Honolulu, Oct. 2d, 1853. I. ship Syren," for sale by 15.000 feet yellow pine H to 1 j inch plank, fur heading and GOLD and Insured on Open Policies, held from the beat naicneis. , 36 eighth casks Americaa brandy. , il 119-t- - steps. f CHAS. BREWER, 2d. Insurance Companies in New York and London. Cords and Twines. : JUST - boards, cotton do, cot- '" " RECEIVED I ! Cream ! 20,000 feet Pennsylvania white pine parallel widths, Packages, Parcels and Letters forwarded y, via Hemp and Manila cords and lines, seine twine, Ex Yonns;Greek. ' Ice Cream Ice planed on one side. ton linen wrapping twines, fish lines, ail sixes and qualities. Panama and Nicaragua, in charge of Special Messengers. and 18 feet ears ; elebrated Adelnhi Biscuits ! PUB- - YELLOW METAL.COMPOSITION NAILS. 5,000 feet fennsylvania wnite pine soeiving, pianea on Dottt 150 16, H and INFORMS ' by us Callao, Limn, . TOE RODERICK THE assorted sixes; A Special Express is made up for Panama, Builder's Hardware. ' 3 ooiU ea. Manila rope, U, 1J, X, U, 24,3 In lic that he will be prepareil to serve out Ice Cream on CASES YELLOW METAL, sides. Valparaiso, principal ports of the west coast of South 1, 3. ITIG OF THE FOLLOWING AS-- J Rooms Pf 80 boxes composition nails; to 2 inch. and all the Fine lath nails, Heavy hinges, - 80 bales cotton doclc. Nos 3.X, 4, 6, 6,7,6, ft. , THIS (TUCRSDA11 EVENIN3, Oct. 28. Private for 43,000 feet assorted dimension plank, H ' ' : promptly forwarded by English Steamers I . Atxrnethy, Cracknel, Cabin, Soil JJ America, which is the . ' assorted Picnic Tea, ya-- n to kegs do do. Square bolts, - 34 kegs nails; . Ladies. 100.000 best Arnostuk shaved cedar shingles. leaving Panama en the 14th and 29th of each month. Pressed nails, Abn.Maekie'o Kdiabarsh Biacalla. 119-- tf For sale by CHAS. BREWER, 2d. 25,000 best laths. Wrought nails, Picture knobs. ;; 40 lbs Prussian blue paint; k!ebine, Queen, ginger, psenic and Windsor. Also, fCT Collections made, and all orders pertaining to a legitimate 10 lbs chrome yellow do; , . And a variety of building materials. Cut tacks, Improved gate hinges, '" CLOTHING, See. Express business, attended to with dispatch. . orsrrrie.1 lork bams, ngbsh cheese, Caro- - SULKIES. C. U. LEWERS, Lumber Merchant. forwarding and Improved blind butts, Window springs. ... 60 lbs chrome green do; ioa rice, mat and crushed codfish, raisins. X YANKEE CASES BEST GRAY Store door Upright rim locks, 10 lbs Vermillion; 4 nnr. EXTRA LIGHT FANCY SULKIES, 67 Fort street. - locks. ' 1 PeH. shelled almonds, over do. hickory niVE . O Preach naint sniin eanllM. E flannel shirts, heavy shuts, for sale by (HS-- tf ) CHAS. BREWER, 2d. Principal faces. Wardrobe hooks, Door latches, 10 tbs bias; Sees, I- on- - ' . sardines. H - Baker's oysters, California - Cases satinet pants, do. wmte oiaoKeia, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ; A. P. EVERETT, - - - - Honolulu. Brass hooks, Night baches, 2 to keys, 00 charcoal irons; . Coostantlv on hand a reneral sasrs tnifiil of Cases India rubber boots, ' SHEATHING FELT. Brass hinges, Brass and iron pdH:kt. ' 6 No. 4 stoves " Bogey WHBaiat; black case HAVING 124 Montgomery .. San Francisco. bales Cases men's hats, FELT, UNDERSIGNED BEE ' street, 6 hops, Ih Groond Coffee 1 PCl ROLLS SUPERIOR SHEATHING with the will annexed, of 3-- - constantly on hand. Cases children's fancy hats. a new article, for sale by THE Administrator, the tf Sundries. 3 eases taps, 1 lb papers; 122-- C. A F. POOR. Jt tale of Stephen Reynolds, late of Honolulu, deceased, hereby MU9&MAN SON. tf a n. 119--tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. Colt's revolvers, extra nipples for Colt's revolvers. India rub 100 bbls extra prime pork; gives notice to all persons having demands against said estate, ber curry combs, large and small paint brushes, powder flasks, 300 bbls Oallego flour; present same ; all persons indebted to same, Strawberry Ice Cream. GROCERIES. HOPS to the and the art WELLS, FARGO & CO.'S measuring tapes, bottling wire, hatter and trace chains, emery. 11,000 lbs pilot bread; . hereby requested to moke immediate ayment. alba-t- , J best quality, to soon per cloth and paper; roller buckl s, breeching rings, traps, a 23,000 tbs nary bmd; YANKEE CASES HAMBLIS TN SMALL BALES, arrive . VI. rt . RODERICK'S, THIS DAY AND do. bottles, u JAlltS AISIIK, spoons, charcoal furnaces, gridirons, washboards, bed screws, 100 tins assorted craeksn; I EX oysters, saleratus in JL clipper ship Syren,'' for sale by Honolulu, January 22, 1S58. ' 83-- tf Administrator. 124-- lt .. EXPRESS, wrapping paper, petticoat lamps, tinned spurs, waffle Irons, etc. , 90 half bbls new Ooshea battsr; . Cases Jenny Lind cakes, 119-- U CHAS. BREWER, 2d. - 118--St - , .. new Boxes English white soap. !'- w. . LAPP. 25 half bbls apples; NOTICE ! Boxes assorted stick . IRON, sVc WILLIAM MANN, BAKER, BY THE REGULAR PACKETS BETWEEN HONOLULU i 118 small cheeses, In tins; candies. AND 100 whole boxes raisins; PURPOSE OP CLOSIVfS DT Boxes assorted seeds, do. do. drops, for sale, to arrive . AND SAN FRANCISCO, ENGLISH AMERICAN PAPERS IE T noiLER AND SHEET IRON LEA VETO INFORM HIS FRIENDS : 200 half so axt) ) inee of our stock of Oata, we wiU offerthetn st a Boxes peppermint braid, MB shortly per "Syren," by BEGSthe public, that he has lately opened a BAKERY in For the speedy and safe conveyance of Merchandise, Coin, Let- ' g. i k- I). TInea. AND MAGAZINES. 100 boxes W. soap; no sucn opportunity wm occur again. rKu . - iLJnnir ta Imtm T. 119--tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. King street, next door to the Center Market, nearly opposite POOR- - ters and valuable parcels, to all parts of the 6 casks Xante caiimots; U-- ' r k . C A. k H. F. POOR. 122-- tf C. A. k H. F. the BetheL where may be had at all times, FRESH BREAD, - PASTRY and CAKES. He will also keep an assortment of CXDERSIONED is Agent to rroeiye 26 kiU No. 1 mackerel; COOPERS PUNCHING MACHINES. UNITED STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE. throughout kingdom for any of tbe following 8 oases (20 lbs) bars tabto salt; : T Groceries. All that he sells will be of the best quality that can " THE this stoves for sale: ENGLISH STATIONERY. PUNCHING MACHINES, procurec ' The Agents at Honolulu sell Bills of Exchange in sums to suit publications. Subscribers will receive them punctually on the 16 eases Dixon's aaa fl tobacas) . have on hand a few COOPERS Hoops, hourly expected per clipper ship ' be in the market. champagne ciders IDEKSIuXED Rtov. has just received per "Pori 111-t- ra on Wells, Fargo Co., San Francisco or New York. Also arrival of each mail from the United States, when paid fbr In 60 boxes vvn mHE UNDERSIGNED .. N. B. Ship Bread dried and repacked. k patterns, wftfc farnttore van -- eemplte. at a tens,"1 from-- Liverpool, a nice assortment or superior 8vrn," - FoTsaleby Wells, Fargo Co.'s franked V. S. Government envelopes, advance. . The fuliowiug prices cover the Hawaiian. American, , 60 boxes porter pints 100 dos; U--- sl k tr c. A. H. F. POOR. 119-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. k Enrtish Stationery. . 1 1 which pass free over the California and coast routes, aud over and British postages : .' I whlskyi ' ; ROBERT C. JANION. ' T " ' CHAIRS CHAIRS from San Francisco to New York. 10 lOHraUon kecs prime Bourboa . . " the Atlantic route - ' PUMPS. "JUST RECEIVED per " Young Greek," from Boston, Commissions and collections promptly attended to. r, " aaasusw. 30 kegs do do do; ItlCTAiir Xc TTTvORCE PUMPS, assorted sizes, latest patterns, with an or U consisting ' Per kegs saperior and txtra 0Maky' WATE Co. assortment hairs, Oct. 1.1856-t- f. R. COADY k CO.. Agents Harper's Monthly Magasihe the IT M T OYSTERS. JL? hose and Hxtures complete, hourly expected per clipper Bay office, Ladies' Dining, Wood Seat office, ntpu ultra brandy; . A State of Haraxinea) - - f' lOoetaves "KiriarrV Offer' Sale : - hip "Syren," For sate by Baltimore Cane, lAfayette do, 10 do " Ptoet Castmon 4t Co." brandy; for V BEST BRANDS OP CHESAPKARK w - Atlantic Mootlily Magasine, - - - IIH600 ' constantly on hand, vis : Hamblix, Baksb k Go's 119-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. Ball Top Grecian Gold Stripe, do do do Curl Maple, WHIFFLETREES, CHAINS, . i ' Soaartercasks "DasTOordoa' P sherry L8. EXTRA MESS BEEF. THE Top Grecian Bird Eye, Godey's Lady's " i - 600 bafes gunny bags; M prime - r and LaBsrs'g. LeBrun's are warranted superior to any In toe Cane Back Rocking, Ball A CHAINS, , 26 pork, , RAVEN'S DUCK, Sec Rocking, ETS SUP. WHIFFLETREES Graham's Illustrated - " 6 00 . 181-t- fJ W. rwa,. Cane Back Nurse, Wood Seat, Children's ! -- 44 dos t?ey flsrusd shirts; . uauego flunr, superane, . j market. For sale by C A. II. Kxtra sized Uarrnws. Leslie's Magasine of Fashion, w - - . 00 : , ,. IlaxaU ; AND HEAVY RAVEN'S DUCK, Children's Peg Arm Dining, do do Hole, &c, Ac, Ac, Alanu iHiumon, Magaxine, 1 . 00 des soartet da aa; t d do, Hunt's Merchants' 6 . ill Made to order by LIGHT Cotton Duck, For sale by Seed Planters, - -- 4 doa blue do do; bhls BUfTfn. Smr iMinL. . SPRING BED: Knickerbocker. - - , 6 00 niTEWT ; U. Pilot Duck, For sale by 119-- tf A. P. EVERETT. - Mdoadeaim pants; pxad. nilflC. madinm . MT CHAS. W. FOX, Cabinet Maker, 8. Ox Yokes, Kdectie - 10 00 carv and 119-- CHAS. BREWER, " ... dos denim frocks; . tf 2d. 32 IbOis 79-- tf Hotel street. , Iron Plows, Littel's Living Age, (weekly) -- 700 crushed sugar, ... 13 bales shsettags4-- 4 htosm; . ! ! , For sale by . Amoskraf w wBier, - - f; SHIRTS SHIRTS ' ' Blackwood's Afagasins,English) - 600 . SHARPENERS, LATHS, fce. 119-t- , . . CHAS. BREWER, 3d. ' 6 basvs do drills , . , ev Bedibrd towUnes, ' . PATENT PENCIL f Blackwood and the 4 Englisb Quarterlies, . 16 00 ' ' f ; AND PINE LATHS, FANNY - - 10 bales Otis denims; x pies navy - RECEIVED PER MAJOR of English - i 1 oakum. ' AS AS SPRUCE Boards, For sate by JUST New York, Either the 4 " f.t .t 400 . 7 Cordis ' CONSIDERED IXD1SPEASABLE from the ManuIScturer in a small invoice :., hales drills 44 brvvai - . WHALE LINE, Ac United States Illustrated Magasine, - . 400 rtch, AV a pocket knUe. For sale by 119-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. of Da vies celebrated patented shoulder seam and three 1 case lancaster stripes; . , . k Jones . -- m North American Review, (quarterly) 400 -- Mtobaeeo, lOft-Z- H. M. WnTTNET. . we TXTHALE UNE. mot-.i- i i " ply collar shirts They are selected so that can fit almost : leaseAaehor. i t . . RatHn, De Bow's Review, (monthly). 600 ' - r 'ptrits of turpentine, CUTTING FALLS. any sise, and afford to sell them 20 per cent less than former 6 laalf hide inisoa. ' i Si roo epunyarn, Dickens' Household Words, - . - -- 600 bta boot. PITCH AND TAR. 5 1- -4 CUTTING FALLS, to arrive prices. wants but a trial to convince any one of their superi fXT For sale to arrive, on liberal ssnaa. by Manila Kt a i m t a mHREE It f . Marline, Hutchlng's California Msgaxine, - . , 00 MrtM of each, to arrive per clipper ship JL per clipper ship Syren." for sale by ority in every respect over any others in the market at present. " 10S-- tf BARRELS- Ior sale by PAxono. Syren," For sale by 119-- tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. 119-t- CHAS. BREWER, 2n i i ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS. thread, . 110-- tf CHAS. f t thrnd and 12 thread, 30 BREWER, 2d. 100-- tf Tailors, cor. King k Fort St. TOBACCO. ' aa cordage, 7, Inch sliroudinr, v OIL CLOTH. London Illustrated News, (weekly) - -- $14 00 . . ! (tri-wee- A K3, 2i, Jaadltinch. - UOOP IRON, sVc aCJIX CASES SUP. OIL CLOTH, asssorted widths, ..... SHOES Evening Mail of the London FRESH SUPPLY, PEZ "iTAESr," - 4 OAK PLANK, fce. , ' JULsoai prising "Knickerbocker,'' favorite svao4,Mipsey . 11 and 15 thread, seising, hamber-hn- a, hourly expected per clipper ship "Syren, for saw oy J Times) - - 36 00 a IRON, SMALL SIZES; . . RECEIVED, "EH "MISLITA," . g For sale by rnundins; and hMueUne, IJOOPRivets, small 119--tf CHAS. BREWER, 2d. PLANK, JUST Invoice of Shoes, as follows : Punch, (weekly) - - . KJI OAK Hard Pine Plank, - -- 123-t- f C. A. A H. F. POOR 'bies and anchors, 119-- tf For sale by CHAS. BREWER, Xo. Patent leather; glove top, congress uaiiers, Despatch, - - - - 1400 - Spruce Deck - iron spikes, 4 and ft mch, COZZENS' PALE SHERRY. Plank, Knameled Congress Gaiters, "Bell's Lis: in London, -- 14 00 r Hard Pine Rails, ' -- "whoo, efanptete, Nos. . Goat Brogans, London Weekly Times, . s - - - 10 00 2 sod 3. EUROPE. The finest wine ever - C ' A -- JDST RECEIVED FROM PALE SHERRY For sale by t Brogans. l Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper ' ; -- 10 00 JINA HATTinG COZZENS sate . Knameled for by ? . EST"- COLOGNE 119--tf .' CHAB. BRXWKR, So. Torsateby- - C. A. A H. P. POOR. French Courier des Etats Unis, 760 A NEW LOT PER. BAEUX TAkZH OF ENTINE FARINA WATER . 114-- tf TT . C. L. RICHARDS CO. 107 tf best quality China white For sale by (104--tf K. HOFFMANN. tat t whU G v. . .: FANCY GOODS. AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS J I wide. L ' pine boards. . HOCBLT EXPECTED, PER "SIBEM." 122-t- W. room. SUGARS. TS-T- f oi s H. GOODS, EX BADUOA" ... i BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. UliUTH, t New York Herald, (weekly) . - $6 00 . . i 1 BOXES CRUSHED SUGAR,., Ladies' shawls. ENAMELED ' " - TT owbaanla. or w Sugar, . V' ' C18ES and Pussrt Leather, " Tribune, " 400 l ' has tor sale a lot viaezsmua Half bbla. Crushed il Ladies' lace mantillas. - Soaring boards. rrvll E SUBSCR IBER ' uaos, . Times, - - - NEW SALCCrr. M. Tools, suitable tor plantations sacn as adtus, immnti 50 Half bbls. Coffee Crushed Suear. . ' Ladies' black lace Children's " " .... 400 M mitts; Children's Carriages, various patterns, for sale by Leslie's TlliistraW Newspaper, (weekly) - 0 00 Tir Ac at reduced pooes. - - ' , From the Sua Francisco Sugar Refinery, per Yankee for sale Plush seat side saddles, TrTaSwivr PACKED SACOAKSTTO sAL ,.v 119-- tf - ' CHAS. BRBWER, 2o. . . 6 , 1 7 ' Ballou's Boston PMoriaL 00 LxssrvTsakee,! ! by llS-t- f C L. RICHARDS k CO. Gothic alarm docks, f ...... iM awaviasariwaad Notice San Francisco Herald, - - - M rssssry; . .A, m U. M, IWfc Lawn and rnbe dresses. PICKLED PEACHES. . Bulletin, " . - 'm OM if w lW -- OAK BOATS, 117-- tf C. A. A SWEET SPICED - - IELD ATTAR OF ROSES. Ac At wholesale by H. J. POOR. m AKa California, - ' - ' - vsuora--, 7 urnvuv n.vrs wnnro oo to U sa. - - 400 uoop bicends to leave Hoaotora at aa early date, and A SMALL GENUINE VST BE" TtaJESTS OF OAK BOATS liana, and arrive, SPICED PIClfcLS m Town Talk, - - - - 9 LOT OF J For sale by .. gtUMT, eeived low by ' .-- '. NEW HOOP referred his COMMISSION BUSINESS sad and for sale 11 grape quince Jelliesjn small glass Jars. Boston Journal, (weekly) 400 ErTOSDa-y- 119 CHAS. BREWER, 2d. Currant, apple, plum, and '.' - BUNDLES par sr satp "oyrea," 114-- tf A n. F. POOR. tf daily C. A. SAFES!. SAFES! preserveu miau vumo. Willis' Home Journal, . . . 4 00 also, Runpim , -- sv;s-air;- i AND sale by New York Independent, (weekly) r . . 400 i u. C-- UPERIOR FIRE THIEF PROOF A small Invoice of the above per " Raduga'foc j, AA li HIDE POISON. sates, by Roberts, Boston. For - IMMf fi' made Messrs. Demo A sale 7-- C. L. RICHARDS A CO. Philadelphia Eveaing Post, - :, ;.. - 40O wm CALIFORNIA WHITE WINE. of 21 gallons each,' for sale by s Hledl KEGS, A. EVERETT. j be attended to by Mr. Saow, - P. Harper's Weekly Journal, . - , 4 00 -. : ' - CHAB. BREWER, SOAP. CM K. CASES CALIFORNIA "WHITE WINE lliMf t o I Lit Illustrated, (a weekly family tourns!) , - . 4 00 Ami per Yankee," for sale bv 20 CLAPBOARDS AND LATHS. f tW - . HAXALL FLOUR. t The Country Oeotieman, do - 4 00 boxes, w-ivEAcn,nr3i 104-- tf C. L. RICHARDS A CO. . BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS.. . N ' (ft ' - ijSmrZJ, svssasssSAS-lsatrS- i Va! E ET DBESSEB VliAfBUAKPS,,v New Bedford Afercury, 4 00 BEST.' FLOUR, u w v" - . - 7MB CO. ION ED ,m . bvee sisa, to BRLS. HAXALL ML Pine Laths, per Mountain are. J.U1 ill Itfa thtmAm BELLOWS, , it Ship List, - i Hi4f . daily expected per clipper ship " SPRING DRAT. BLACKSMITHS War sale by 8jren," US-- tf H. LKWER8. Port street. '.'''i' "'00 COMMISSION MERCHANT at this ptaeo. - DRAY, i 250 For sale by Cntiivster Magasine, (moathly, en taming) 1 z- -- - KE SUPERIOR N..Y. SPRING CHAS. BREWER, 2a. NAILS. B. W. Dy U!U, 119-- : SNOW. O with ILvness complete, tur sale .T tf . , r CHAS. BREWER, 2d. - I X The above Bst comprise, the cream of British and I s lis - . t.u; " 119-- tf " v4An. SasWEa, periodical and will as snppued to subscribers here CirCASKJ,!AAAAi - ..... ' SHOT. BARRELS MESS BEEF, to PW bteratara, at jSj B. F. SNOW. : t, v the- - rases eaca pen ruins I I S HOOKS. A ASSORT-- 1 won. ' "Syren," roraaieDy annexed to Taess )on Merchant, Bair. v-'- ROP AND BUCK FULL and to arrive, per periodicals HonoAila, Oaaa, oy HAND, 119-- tf , CHAS. BREWER, 2d. wSl be aBowed Hheral discoonU , SHOOKS, to arrive meot of sixes, per Aounsjureea, ; 250 J72-'-- WOOD. BARRELS OIL - O: iSais reoned iron, v are regularly received (sail from United States, FIRE per dipper ship " Syren," M- sale tvy - W. N. LAUD. . . . hyeadl the WassV Une JlMt Buaales Hail Baas, . . A aasa tVs ssH6s siaiTnt nf Bostoa IOOO - ; J CHAS.-BREWE- 2p. ONIONS..., . . can be suooued on svplicstion. . The andssvened will also CO"Dr and 119-- tf fc : - - Iron, f s.-w.- r r- LAWCE ' by niaflany papmn to I ths Titcoab POLES. TATSttTjU. theahovelistfortfywlmd -- , --sr to srrtve par 8yrsa,tor sale vorsassoyr liri tXFdRNlA ONIONS, PER . AW.m. r.. . DtiSb S mmmtA-- m. TTB BOSTON FANNING MILlWor sale sy ivric POLES. vi2d. JVriateby (120t) C. I RICHARDS ,OO.f AH. - B A A CHAS. BEE CHA8.ISJIYXR, " stssnng CSsspsjsy. .J m TV BMJSm0mM a 4

a ' ' ; ' 7- - a ' l 'i O. fV AV V IV: 9 4

1 I Rprmrm . from i vessels An. . 1 1 mm - li 1 T i asra PaO j f lt"lA ItPa unv UflrT .f . Advertiser, i repora, " " Commercial " T 1 wHr,r in their - M. ; - jtni A. o ' ? 1' purchasers, at Soutlv-racui- e, , , - PEERS FOR SALE. In lota to suK (T- T- Rifrht WhalesWDi cruising in tne North f amvinir off Sandwiclt isianaa sru.t. m merchandise -- " taa loveat prices, tbs foUosrtnf . . .. . i ?of ZumZbi-- " ) O I ' n ii Mercnani- w " " . . I . t " . . t OlvTiP. Dry G 1rlrsed to tne IMDLlsner, win niway l. ..irihk.'ir-- asss . . weaaon i . Grey saerlno shirts, Corah Bandkerchfefs, r.' Damaak table eorers, White and grey merino draw 'rs Be straight as any flag-stal- f, only nineteen years old; " a Brosra eottoa drawers, Check linen shirts, SHIP .CMAN DLERS, Wn Bone. Tor toeruias,lhe wide W left hie wp dear, j 1 White -- Calico J r J - - - Mlt 1 13000 Arr at Honolulu. Oct And ay heart it is a enet 1 because ae Isn't here. Bed Sannel - White L B shirts. LAHAINA, ":l'r ' rJS 3 . I L taw n I " , - in : Och'k i J 1000 si tn S.I. - 1 I .'...II Brown drill, Blue flannel shirts, Mam me u, oo A r a ma 1060 16000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 26 . Zealand Kauai. (Bre) low'"N Och'k xjjoi w Hi rl they hounded him, mil for la be a carpenter, Women's white cotton hoae, Brown cotton. : . j ia Near Palmer J1856 B. 400 8000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct SI pi fats : 52 1" .; ?.'? 80 460 460s 4000 Arrat Honolulu Oct VT Kingfisher 1865! " Och'k 70 Bmbroidered under-sleeve- a, Black and brown felt hats. '.' Slocum . 1857N B (Och'k .... i;j Wing . I'. i - But aring life ha did very match prefer; .:!;. Abram Barker Bonolulu Oct lir -- Kutusoff OILMAN tt CO. ARE 60 1760 .... 700 10000 Arr at eruiae t in Guayaquil bata. White blankets. - Addison Lawrence .1856K o Arctic Oct S "P".eld Oot ato was fierce to behold, ( K wen- 60 1750 Arrived at Honolulu his spirit tremendous and now receiving V Arctic Talis ; tat Bilk reives, Adeline Olbbs Withington. 1857 B 60,.... Oct 1 360 260 8000 Art at Ins, Oct 28 slM Ko f old. j w m. m we 470 19000 Arr at Honolulu ' L .Kod'k ...! ' Tor a young Baa bred a carpenter, only nineteen yean caps, wit oil silk cotcts, White linen handkerchiefs. a brig Lawton . 1847 N L Arctic - " ' '187:N 600 MOO Arr at Hilo, Oct 81 . Navy Agate, Sept 27, 600 f Perkins ( 1260 SOU 1000 . Ochotsk, Zealand Lark.bk N B 65 - bk NeweU 1865 N B I... Sept 14 for Hew ; 1856 M000 Arr at lahaina, Oct 31 L mm Wfcaten. ' A. Praaier, Sept 7; aid Lagoda Wdlard . 90 Ob, ay bososa tne ti d, just like the raging sea. Baxa ; N B Arctic 16W 350 ... 3601 6000 Arr Lahaina 1857, N B lOchTt .i. it CIimI Calf Cooirresa boots, PER SHIPS America Bryant ,1857 so: Nov " Starbuck Jernegan 2d 226 226 899 Art at Hilo. Oct 30 f. hl lilliis. 400 60 800 Arr at Lahaina, Levi ; Och'k 36 For sear that hie anee-i- sns donl still pint to j ' n"md leather Congress boots. Antelope Potter !1S55N P Arctic sTd same day for N Hathaway 1867 B ucnotsx, cept 1, 7 Ml ' Ladies' boDtrea. , i 460' 4600 Arr at Honolulu Oct I81 I L C Richmond 90! 120 told, bfv Harriet fc Jessie, Sarvent ,1866 N B Arctio 150,3000 OchoUk, Bept 600 For a toreyar ha sad get la each port, I am ' yS,saSr WBnstaB AmoldA sooi 76 Lexington Fisher 900 l, : ' Beedman ,1866 P H ... 1 lata, Monataia Wave, Arctic, j - Hatneway 1866N Xapadaly fcm young Baa only aineUen years aid. ' Lemon irrtip, Assorted pickle, half P Kod'k low 100 ... 100 700 wsaianoj Louisa - - Arab 1857 H 15? sailed Oot fcr New ..-- xVasata catsup, GherWna.half fata, Yobbc Greek, IKodlc ,130016000 Honolnln Sent hus-bi-e- "f Pish 1857 N L 1300... 1.1 " Lahaina, Oct IT my dear be Derer will be, cot tobacco, tn tin foa.' Architect, bark 6001 Honolulu, Oct 81 . .' -- 160 1600 Arret 25; And jlo. 1 soap, blacking, cloves. Pine Major, iOchTt 8000 Arret " ' Arctic Fauar Adeline Tabor 1856 N B laooi. 1867 CMi CerCaVIl Arr at Hilo Sent a, ,S.?Lrv . . ,. 7000 Honolulu, Oct $1 mmm M C. Bet lay a eoid ccapua la the bottom of the sea,. Tern. . Arctic 300, Arr at Manche (Pr) Arctio " s Saiawrior Black nud. Syren, Aotilla , Molde 1853 Bono - ; " ' Mmehater.1867.N a OchoUk, Sept L 4 whales ISO 1000...... Ochotsk, Sept 27, 250 ' j Martha 100 760 Ob. the weeds af a widow, so frightful to heboid, and butter crackers, Soda, oyster and sugar crackers, Amason Sldridge 1866 P H ' ' 1090 Lahaina, Oct 2 1 sld fm Water ' TOR SALE ON AS TAYORABLE 200! 2000 Hilo, Oct 2 FraxicT Rounds 160 Hon. : ' WHICH THIT OfPER " Arr at ' Mary Arctic 48 2100 t' old. k ;7 ' S Peas 1867EdgarlOch'k Jl865NB Aug 16, would wear for aaOenr boy, only nineteen year . I . American whale ' - 1 Arctk, 2 whales """Hf I aiy t . I XsnraJ t OK ISLANDS. a wf .1. Arctfe, July 20, 1 Marengo Skinner SSOj Store. TERMS AS AXY EST ABLI8HME5T THE Augusta Tabor :i857 3 B .1. , . ,1 '1866 Edgar 100 16 - cordage, aaeorted sisea, Jenks 160 2000 Arr at Honolulu Oct Chain cables, Russia Mary (Arctic a 4te-- J e and Rs oh far say loreyer I grievs and repine, '1657 N B 000 s VVs 1 aTTJ a wbale Una. Manila cordage, assorted sixes. A targe assortment of Shim Caaaalery, - . - Majestic Chester 120 900 AIU'CU 28 . J1857 N B Arctic 160, 600 Arrived at Honolulu rw 19. ...T Ftr fcar that this young Ban will barer be Mine; needkra, Cot nails, lanterns, ; , Presh Groceries, Provisions, Clothing, ' - 452O0O . 820 3600 Arr at Honolulu, Oct Marcia BUlings 909 10000 Sail ' Fisher 1855 N B N B Och'k 30 900 1 In-di--es, sflr-y-- er tji Barnstable OclHJUk, Sept, 69 - OAs, Boots and Shoes, , .1857 . AM tha wwtfn of the to and fold, Paint oil, tnrpentine, Composition nails, ( i Paints, 18551 u 200lilM . LataVuTSc tor borne Mary A Susan Stewart .... r Copper boat nails. Crockery, Cordage. BalUc,bk, Bronson 400, 2000 lr? 15 , rt'd fm Hca Kejl Coop 187 N B Ocbotak, June, 2 whales jenly tusarteenyearaeld.' rure and extra whits lead. BnnJ Barber .1856W B Arctio ....2200 . and home Maria Theresa 11857 N B aeefSsyssdWhby, , K Tucker 'd Nov S, far Hazard OchoUk, Aug 20, 8 whales j . , American, Califoroian and Hawaiian Plour, Benjamin Rush 1866 War'n llOi 400 . Odk6ept 1,260, Manuel Ortea 140 900 Saasslrle. Wyatt ' '400! lionolulo Oct 17 Chalfleld 11866 Nankt'. Ocbotak, Sept 1, 400 ; - New Bedford Bread, In short cask; N L : Kod'k ?0;1500. 2000 Arr kt Massachusetts Boiler iron, s Verdigris, . t BenJ. Mergaa Sisson 1866 20. 260 wh Greene 1856 601600 OchoUk, Oct. L, 2000 Rice, assorted Crackerst -- lool 675 . Aitie. Aur Massachusetts ad Saaaata. Tablespoons, . . Black Warrior Brown '1867 Bono .... 1BVT X B ... "eOOO ran Ibt Urocers' acalea, Beef, Hawaiian packed Beef, WAUimo ) 4O170O 30 800 10000 Arr at Honolulu, nov Long "ioi Arr at Honolulu Oct 1: 1 Prencb bedstead, American Mess Martin .1866 War'n - Merrimae JiBSTN B ' Arctic 60. 200 ilHn.. Iron bedsteads, Honolulu, Oct 22 Arrived at Bonolulu . Americaa Mesa aad Prime Pork, a superior lot of Hams. 1866 War'n Och'k 60 3700 . ; 1700 20000 Arr at Metacom Binds 100 1000 Oct 12 ; sTd coUtdrnied has latel given lamps. Office docks. Brutus Henry . . a- sld Sent 24 for New Zealand Bono Arctic O English physician BoUrside sugar. N L Kod'k 130; BOO .. 350 4000 -. unnininRett4t Metropolis, bk Comstoek .1866 Ochotsk, Ang 20, 600 wh "!i j . Cherry boards, No. 1 brown sugar. Crushed Brooklyn Rose 1856 home N 260'"" Leather trunks, 821 6000 Honolulu Oct 16 al'd Nor 3 for ; . il887 B AA the folio wing evidence before the House of Uai-- No. 2 brown sugar, Loaf sugar, Bragansa ' Jackson 11864 N B Arctic 2800. i. 600 Arr at Hidas . Tailman Arctic 960 1660 1000 1000 Arr a iiuaiiia, Crowbars, Jute mats. SOOi Ochotsk, Sept, 16, 800 Sowle .1865 N B 8000 Art Bonolulu, Oct 29 Boxes - Dartm 700 ... 660 at mon on physical uses of the Sabbath . Wrapping paper. Syrup, salt, Brigbtes , Tucker ,1866 Milo B 101160 the Pocket knives. . : - BbU vinegar. Crowell 1856.N 1100 11000 Arr at lahaina, Oct SO j great Rasps, Lamp chimneys, . Molasses, ' I Minerva 11861 14 Och'k 66 0000 have, Seen in the habit,, during a tea, Boxes raisins, Milton Hataey 00 SOO 1890 Arr at lahaina Oct 16 Cork Screws, Hammers, Chests 1000 Honolulu Oct 4 ; sld Oot 23 M cruae X B ,Kod'k ,60: 800 f 'comiderir the iwj of the Sab--' Pine oolong tea, Chocolate Caroline GIfford ISMS B Och'k 2601 850 . 100 Arrived at Tinker .1857 .... clean Arr at lahaina Oct 16 aany'je f Curry combs. Pad Locks Coffee, . 600 6600 Arrived Bonolula Aug 22 1 ssiKd Sept 2toruise Sowle jl867 N B Arcac 'jahues. The abuses chieflj Kos 1 aad 2 solar lamp chimneys Split peas, Caroline Pontius :1857 Grnpt.a-oaT- t 670 gone Mew Zealand Montreal 110 2000 bath,1 aad its are Drab office chairs. aploea, AC 20) 600 . Arctic Aug 22, 4 whales; to French 1864 S H Ocbotak, Sept 16, 600 I Coach wrenches, Sheath knives, Aaeorted Caravan Bragg 11866 B Moutaok !l867 I atanisiwtad labor and dissipation.' The' use . Ochotsk, Sept 20 .600 e o'e wnaung 1 ia i N 1800 ; - Homan a Bpmn B - walnut cane seat chairs, RtiMihi and belts. Boiled linseed oil, SpiriU turpentine, Condor WhiUlde ;1856 rvi a..... AAA - ' ' Mooteauma 11866 X Bt 250 1660 of day of rest. In blue bunting, Carolina 25 125 . Morning Light Norton 409 8000 Art at Honolulu, Oct 29 - medically speaking, is that a Bingham buckets, Bed, white and Extra white lead, Black paint, . Sept au nn iianoiiuaiui 650 640 Caulaincourt. P Labaste, . 1856 Havre Arctic 201580 . 200 2000 Arr at Lahaina 3; stores Manchester 1856. 860 12000 Arr at UoooJulu, Nov 4 k a theological sense it Is a holy rest, providing for mm Pure white lead. Putty, chalk, :chotsk,OcU 1,1700 1867.S H 75; 860 76 Spcraa Oil. ke. fcr. Eldridge N L 60 4400 . . Ormsby " Pslr Gaiai mmd Prussianbtoe, Bbls coal tar, Chas. Phelps 1853 Lahainal Sept , sld Sept 16 for New Zealand Monmoutb fostructfon; ofTiew' and sublime ideas In the 1 Ilrswa's Wkaliag Coffin Edgar Arctic 801000 dean; the Ira. . Chrome yellow, Paint brushes, , Champion .1856 mt 1 ; N B Ochtk, Sept, 600 . 800 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 27 mind oi man, preparing him for his future etate. Iadim Uae lack Chrome green. Pencil brushes, Chandler Price Holcomb 1857 Br Arctis 125 1800 12000 Rikkr nd Ih, B 1901 Ochotsk, Sept 22, 1200 Murdock 1856 B Loot in Arctic, Msy. 18S8 Hawe Pipe . Rosin. China Thompson 1856 N ...... 840. Nassau ' the Ab day of rest, t view it as a day of compensa- Brass Pip Pitch, . 600 6000 Arr at Lahaina Oct 18 ; SI a worn iionanuu ',1866; Havre 99 1190 ; a la1 3-- tf Chris. Mitchell Manchester 1856 661050 f LT1. Moved oo '9000 Arr st Hilo. Oct 80 Lahaina. Kati fce. An assortment of OchoUk, Sept 1. 600 Napoleon (1866 Och'k 210 2400 Ate. ,... . : . restorative power of the 1856Stngtn 400 ' Wood wn tion for the inadequate ;, Cincinnati WUliams Sept, 400 '.., Navy:. . Stnetn, 900 vnHwi, wuiy, iiw f 300) Ochotsk, 120( r excitement. fresli Preserved Meats. Cicero Courtney 1IS66N B j 145. 460 bbla Newbnryport Crandall iaJt c Arr Lahaina, Oct Z; aid rron Boocta body under continued labor and If W. K. Lewi A Bros 15 Spoken August 1, entering Bberiag'a Sta, , 1857 Ornpt BrBay to!. Aug suaal Prrasas laterratesl la Contest Ludlow 11856 s ' 2000. Meva Hand Bristol Bay. IS. clean V view the Ts the Owstts, Roasted and boiled beef, mutton. (.icbotak. Sept, 160 N A, I !".i"i8o ' I show yon, from the physiological of Covington Newman 1S58 War'n' 40, 300 . England Hempstead 18S7 "ioo "aioo at iionoiuiu uct Out c Assorted soups, tripe, chicken, . r Ochotsk, Sept 25, 900 New Arctic 160 460 Atnm 4; ild - question, that there are provisions in the law of the Pacific Ocean. Cow per Dean 1855 N B 701100 . Grandsaine 1866 Havre OchoUk, Sept 27, 600 : Whaleships in Clams, com, beets, ass'd pickles. Och'k 2301730 HO, 800 11000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct zv wil(Fr) 11867: X B 40.... Morgan ! i Howes San Francisco, Oct 14, with the divine com- - syrups, C. W. Fisher .1856' " - ' . Nimrod Arr at let sia' rtatnre which correspond Lemon syrup, assorted ; 100 Ochotsk, Sept 1, 700 1867 N B ....I 75 Corea Fish - , 1865 N L 1600 1. N Kiblen 18000 Arr at Hilo, Oct 24 1 Uonolca,0tiB I Kail-Ros- b Cowrasr, Ketchup, fresh herbs. S Perkins 25 8009 1409 . . yoa will see from the analogy that Omcs or PaxaaA mustard, 1 Folger - 1855 600 120.. iioojiioou Chapel .1865 P H mandmentv tbs Jnl 20. 1H&T. C Sbars. Columbia, i Nankt Bonolulu Eept 4 ; Oct 14 for Cal'nia Coast V,.f Baals aad Sherman . 1867 Houo " .... 1500 Arr at aid Hon. lulu, Oct 24 "! Sabbath was made for man, as a necessary Rail-Ro- Thick sea boots, calf sewed boots, Cynthia 850 4000 Arr at the Panama ad Company takes this method Lost in the Ochotek in August 11857 Hon Arctic The brogans, buff brogans, Columbus Edwards 11856 N L 100 600 OahU Pehlber Ochotsk. Sept 27. 600 T . A physician is anxious to preserve Informing tboae interested in the Whaling bnsi Kip .1 ! B 180 700 appointment. of Baker il856;N "iio ioo Honolulu, Sept 12; sld from Kami - re-- advantages offered by the Railroad Heavy brogana, boys' brofrans. Ocean Wave 32, 160 kr tne balance of circulation as necessary to the nesa, of th ladies Ocmulgee Green .1857 Edgar Arctic Ocbouk Sept 24, 600 t v! -- i An sssortment of and 900-- .- acruM uic iiwiiuu. ' Morrison N B Ochotsk, Sept 18, 800 1SJ7;N B j .. storatig power of the body. The ordinary exer- sending out- . children's shoes. Daniel Wood 1866 Ohio Barrett w OcnoUk, bVs 1,1 waalea I Oil from the Pacific to the United States, and for Kenworthy 1857 N L 10O: 260 ... Ochotsk, Sept 1, 0U0 186& 301400 to Delaware 700 12000 Olymphs Ryan lOOO 18500 Arr at La&aina, Nor 8 tions of man run down the circulation every day fits and supplies from the Cnitol States Panama. Dover Jeffrey 1856 N L Och'k . ...laoo ... Arr at Hilo, Oct 31 Sanborn 18471 Edgar. Arctic ,...1026 and successful operation lor Ail assortment of New Bedford made Slop 1300 16000 aid Sept 25 for N B Omega 60 200 200 2000 Art at Hilo Sept 4; aid Sept 15 W by The Railroad has been in regular N B Kod'k 80 2700 ... Arr at Honolulu Sept 6; .;i857;F H Arctic : his life aad tha first general law of nature of Draper Sandford 1856 Omega Whakn 600 7000 Arr at Hilo, Oct 80 . 4f t more than two yars, and it capacity for the transportation Clothing;; do. of Super Gentlemen's Och'k 350 . 360; 4000 Arr at Lahaina, Oct 30 Och'k 120 600 f - &C--, Dromo Cole 1857 War'n ....I Oregon Tobey (1867 OchoUk, Sept 16, 6 whales which God (who is not only the giver, but also merchandise, including Oil, Provisions, i 30; Oct 18 , al'd Nor 4 for Califa Coast 76 . every description of Cnstom made Clothing. Dromo May 1856 N L Arctic 150 100.. Arr at Lahaina, !l867!N B A a UntuJiiln Ian OCA r ! The attention of several Captains of Orosimbo 600 600 80O0 'tha pteaviiu and sustainer of life) prevents man has been fuliy tested. Row Locks, Landers .1857,Mtpt whaleships has recently been turned to the subject of shipping A lot of the celebrated Toggle Irons, Boat's Ruffs Oscar himself, is the alternating of day Co. Dean Lahaina, Oct 22 '. from destroying oil from Panama to New York during the present season, and Harpoons, from Inirfee and .1857"W 603 830 830 8000 Art at their At Elisabeth (Pr) Dctamare 11856 Chal (Tahiti 800 " Steen B Arctic succeed action.- - Rail-Roa- arrangements Driggs, of New Bedford. Paulina 100 2000 Arr at Bonolulu. Oct 4 .and night, that repose may But and the Panama d Company has made R G Hono 'Och'k Ochotsk, Sept, 16 whales Arctic t for the accom- Cordage, k. u. rrost Spencer 1858 Danelsberg 1867 Hono 46 C&0 Arrived Bonolula July 30 ; sld Aw3,'" cir- afford every facility which may be rwjaired New Bedford made Towlioe, Manila N B ; ooo: . SD0 2000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 23; ;sailed Nar 8, to cruise Pfiel.sch Kod'k ...J 46 although, the night apparently equalizes the to R P Mason Smith 1857 Arctic 80: Lambert 1856 N B 12000 Oct 25 object. A 450 feet long, has Rattling stuff, I 600 Phoenix 1160 Arr at lahaina, plishment of this important Pirr, Hemp Cordage, Thomas 11857N B Ochotsk, Sept 1, wh G P Och'k 160 2660 . ,1 .T A f culation well, yet it does not sufficiently restore end of which Freight Oakum. Elixa Adams 16000 Sept 25 for borne Prudent Hamilton 1856 1280 13000 been built in the bay of Panama, to the Spunyara, Electra , brown 1857 N L Kod'k 250 iioo Arr at Honolulu Sept 15; sailed Corey 1856 N B ....2250 70 for of a ' long life. receive cargr from lighters or vessels lymg Ochotsk, Sept 800 Parachute its balance the attainment Cars are run to Empire Russell 11856 N B 85o:. 25, 11856: Nankt; 130 1050 , I'rovi-denc- alongside of vessels at Asp hundred and fiflf nest Ash Oara, Phoenix Handy "ioo 4000 Arr at Uonolola sept 18; ski Oct I fa!' seven, by the bounty e, alongside, and deliver the some Three Emerald Halleck .1855 8 II '1962200;. 600 8600 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 31 B Arctic 2551260 Hence, one day in of lie the Pier with whale boats, 14, 16, 17 and 18 feet. Polar Star Weeks .1857.N 1 Vessels of from 200 to 300 tons can at Selected for 1857 N a I as of compensation, to " Endeavor, bars Wilson Z Ochotsk, Sept 1, 25 wh is thrown in a day aafety, grounding to the mud at low water. . Yellow metal, P H I...1300. 800 14000 Arr at Lahaina Oct 2 ; sld fm Honlu Oct 14, for N !l856'N i. Erie Jernegan .1857 Arctic ." Rajah, bk Stewart B 300 Sept 27, 600 f: " animal I con- ann Imm Asprawau rc Sheathing metal, Ochotsk, Sept 23, 25U 10, Ocbouk, perfect by its repose the system. The. vessels to Espadon, (Pr.) Horn out U857 Havre 200,. 11856: X B 150 - ... :i o . .1 mnA PnmnanT is - ....! . West iioo sept - u-- u th- ' Rapid, 14000 Arr at Honolulu bept 1; sld by longing o uie t rm,Anr - - lre Sheet lead,marUn spikes. Heath 1857 N B Ochotsk, reported 1200 X B Kod'k 35 25501 Sb; sider that, in the bountiful provision made and deliver it in New lork Iron screws, Euphrates clean Oct sld for N Z Oct 8 Halsry .186, 200 2700 Arr at lionolulo, Oct 28 sl'd Set k. pared to reoeiv oil at Panama Copper and iron tackle, Copper and Europa Manter .'1857 Edgar LArctic 160. Arr at Honolulu 5; Willis :i85i u Och'k ....,1600 Almighty God for the preservation of human life, viimf at the rateofseven Assorted hammers, 850 10000 Arr at Hilo, Oct 26 Rambler 350 6000 Arret Hilo, Oct 28 under ibraagh Bills iadia gal- Caulking irons. Emerald Pierce S1S57 B 26. Uawes 1857; r Och'k has been cents per gallon, if received at the Pier, and eight cents per Assorted files. Rebecca Simms a "SO 800 12000 Arr at Hilo, Oct 23 the Sabbatical appointment is not, as it for Assorted hatchets. Ashley 11856 X B 2900 Oct lon if received in the harbor from ship's tackles, chanting Brass iron chert locka, Auger its. Reindeer 600 600 6000 Arr at Honolulu Sept 16; sld lit sometimes theologically viewed, simply a precept allowing wantage. For and N Z Ripple Chad wick .1857 X L Kod'k ,...1 11000 Nov 1 the capacity of the casks, without for Door locks, rimlets, compa sees, Screw drivers. Smith 1857 N B Arctic 220 130 130 100 1500 Honolulu, Sept 11; sld Sept 16 from Waimea for Och'k 75 700 700 Arr at Honolulu. -- Pabius Tilton il857,X B the nature of a political institution ; whalebone, one anu one-n- au yr i "" Western holm knives. 150 2000 Arr at Honolulu, Nov 0 Robs. Morrison .... clean Arrived at Hilo Sept 20 ; eTd Sept i' partaking of T Knives and forks, bark Wood 1858 Hono Och'k 11857) Kod'k 80 . . n. - w Vw Vnrlr In - Faith, 700' Ochotsk. Sept 26, 700 Robt. Edwards Wood " OchoUk, eept 25, 800 out is to be numbered amongst the natural covers every w(kmi irau Z Pocket knives, . nuv.ntr amves. Fanny, bk. Boodry 11856 N B "36 Devol 1855 X B ,...2200 1 that it is sent through tne Superintendent or Commercial Agent Rigging leather. 119-t- f 30 Arr at Honolulu Sept 22; aid Sept 23d for N Zealand Roman "60 Arr at Hilu, Oct 26 the oil Ship scrapers, Favorite, bark Smith .11857 F Arctio 30'.... Dehart 11857 X B Och'k ;. duties, the preservation of life be admitted to svan-iwu- - 700i 7000 Sept Sept 17 for New Zealand Roman 2d Arctic, 81, v. if of the ranama vuuHauj, Fish '1856 N Kod'k 30 2200 Hilo, 1; sld 185-j-X July clean iu. or in w ork Florida Rousseau Green B "ioo "iooo ftI4 Bcpt 10 fcr,:'." be and destruction of it a freighu may be made payable on the Isthmus i 11856 N .1IIOOI6OOO Arr at Honolulu, Oct 29 Kod'k ! 100, Arr at ULliaina fiepc 3; a duty, the premature Fortune Anderson Arctic ....1600, Rose Pool Fisher 1856 Edgar 400 at the option of the shipper. P. bk Drew 11855 N Kod'k 1700 18000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 22 suicidal act. This is said simply as a physician sau , CAPT. ROBERT BROAD'S Henrietta ....00, 6000 1, gonei nto the merchant service k Tha vessels ot tna itkummij GUN, BOMB LANCES Frances Palmer Green 1857N L Oc hk 6OOI6OO; 600 Arr at Honolulu Oct . and without reference at all to the theological the average passages to and from Aspinwall are about twenty to WHALING PATENT Chandleur 1R55 Havre ...... '...,'1400 "mo "iooo ; you consider further the proper tweniy-nv- e n AND GUN HARPOONS. Salamandre I 240 2180 40 Arr at Bonolula, Oot 28 question but if across the Isthmus, will be AKOo New Zealand Surah Swift l855 Matpt! 3 sTd Oct V' o.Oil, during its transit 1250; &Kn Arr at Honolulu Sept 2; sld Sept 20 for I 700 11000 Arrived Honolulu Oct t mind, four hours. sKVERAL YEARS LABOR AND Oay Head Lowen !l856N B Arctic 10 N B Arctic 80 1600 at effect ofreal Christianity namely, peace of covered with canvas, or conveyed in covered cars, and owners AFTER. upon whales, on the whaling ground, with t 6d0j 7500 Arr at Honolulu. Nov 9 Saratoga Slocum .1856 1000 11000 Arr at Honolulu Oct 11 J Bid Oct 28 fct Gambia Merritt 1858 Hono Loner .1655! Arctic I.. 12300 confiding trust in God, and good will to man may be assurea inai every win w his combined with the advantages ol being a practical N B 2lo6' 600: 6000 Arr Lahaina July 31 ; s'ld Aug 21 for N. Z. and home Sarah Sheaf, bk 25 2600 Arr at Hilo, Oct 28 conveyed Kew with Gen. Pike Russell 11856 Kod'k 130 George C Pease 1857iN B canoes have already been to kork wlialeiimiu the Patentee has been enabled to obtain an instru- Bereguux Havre Arctic 100 700 ...... clean Arr at Lahaina Oct 16 ; slM Nov 2 for Mew Zealand St J 900 I2OO0 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 26 . yoa will perceive in this source of renewed vigor himl Gen. Teste ; 31 New Scotland Weeks 1857! N B Och'k ....I 400 out tha slightest loss. ment la form of a Bomb Lance, which for utility and effective- 1856 1002200! 80 1100 12000 Arr at Lahaiua Oct 13 sl'd Oct for Zealand 900 10O00 Arr at Honolulu. Oct 21 the mind to consigned for transportation to the Super- Gn. D'Uautpool Parmandrit. Havre Arctic 10 Zealand Sheffield Green I1854 C 8 Och'k 80 4300 to the mind, and through the body, Oil or other goods ness cannot be excelled. Jones 1857 N B Arctic 187 750; 750, 7000 Honolulu, Oct 3; sailed Oct for New 115 300 4000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 31 ps George Susan King H 120 600 this of the Panama Rail Road Company, or to William attonlioti of Agents and Officers of whale-shi- is called a 350; 2500 Arr at Honolulu July 27; sld Aug 1 for New Zealand Sharon L. B. !l85'P 650 8000 Arr Honolulu, Nor 4 an additional spring of life imparted from intendent The Gen. llowland Pomeroy 1857 X B Kod'k .... 350, ...j 11856 N B Och'k" 120 1300 at . ! 18, Silver Cloud Coggeshall elasa. Commercial Ageni oi uie vunini to the following testimonials. George Silva 11857 X B ! 25 Arctic, July clean 751800 Ochotsk. Sept 27. 1700 higher use of the Sabbath as a holy rest. . greatest despatch. Norton (1866.F H t Vnv1' be received and forwarded with the FaAMCisco, January 10, 1856. '1S57 Wrhm Kod'k 70 110 ... 110 1000 Lahaina, Sept 25: sld Oct 5 for New Zealand . South Seaman Arc'kJ iooo ioooo IpvmI - ft. Itk .!M w : as wiVWtf 1 A tTtfkfit B TlnflA Sas G Washlcgton Brightman ...I B 115 2800 the Sabbatical rest as neces- l IT.La kaa kaan t Arr Honolulu, Oct 28 South America Gifford 1855.N I would point out Capt. R. Bbows Sir. I take this opportunity to inform Gid. llowland Williams ;i857 N B Och'k 801200; ... 750 10000 at F Arctic 160; 750 760 10000 Amveu at iionoiuiu uct a ! tUndiricb IiLsurit, and is prepared 10 furnish erery requisite 400 Arctic, July 18, clean Speedwell Gibbs 1857 H Ochotsk. Sept 1. 700 sary to man, and that the great enemies of the lain, you that we usod thos Bomb Lances we Imught of you, and Gipsev, bark Mantor !1857 N B ...... '....I Pierson 11858 C 8 800 f IntortAAOattosbippers. gteat neneDt In capturing whales amongst J1S56N B Och'k 300 2300 ...1000 10000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 23 Splendid 230 "3606 Arr at Lahaina, Oct 30; sld from liar-- ? Sabbath, and consequently the enemies of man, found them to be of Gov. Troup Milton ....1000) Superior, bk Wood, il867iX B the ice. Qustav (Fr.) Gillies 1855 Havre; f are all laborious exercise of the body or mind, IXaVTU, - on was killed 2001600. Arctic, Sept, 950 1100 10000 Arrived at Lahaina Sept 22 1 stdOctK fRismc I. 64-l2- what- t'tx we the Bomb Lance Aunt in 11856 Brem B. Co.. Honolulu 8. 1. m The first t n'ji Goethe Tahmaroo Robinson ISoOlF B jKodTtj 240,1900 Agent Panama B. went alonglde or the whale 11857 Russn! I Ochotsk, Sept 1, 600 wh . and dissipation, which force the circulation on in the following mant cr ttie boat Graefer Berg Knberg . Allen 1867! X A...... ; fired Bomb Into him acd then fastened to !l857 N L . Arctic, September. 6 whales Tempent (bk) 1000 14000 Arr at Lamuna, Oct 23 , that day on which it should repose ; whilst re- and the bonUsteerer a George A Mary Walker Three Brothers Cleveland 1854NanktiOch'k 175 6000 him with a gig iron : the Bomb was heard to explode, and the j 120 2000 1000 16000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 2S I SAILS! I I Dickason Plaskett 1856'X B life, en- SAILS! above-men-ti- Thos. 860 10000 laxation from the ordinary cares of the whale did not blow after the Bomb exploded. The Holley 1857 X B Och'k j 100; 900 1250 20000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 31 Thomas Nye 1200 j 16000 Honolulu, Oot 23 joyment this repose in the bosom of one's fam- SALE BT THE UNDERSIGNED, whale waa in the ice, and it Is our opinion that we should narmony Austin .11858 Hono Arctic ...1250 ... I1855X B Och'k I 2501150 Arr at of ...',..--!c'ea- n at Honolulu Sept 3; sld Sept 6 for New Zealand Trident Tiber 1100I18O00 following SAILS, suitable for a vessel of 250 to 300 got whale and many others we did get, if it C 1867 F U Kod'k Arr i Arr at Honolulu. Oot 29 FOR not have that that Harvest, bk harry Oct Tybee ,. Freeman , '1856 Stnirtu Arctic 85 1750 ily, with the religious studies and duties which your Bomb Lances, we fully recommend itchimelfc'ig 1858 Haw Och'k 400 6000 Arr at Honolulu, 30 . . 400 6000 Arr at HonoraJa, Oct 80 . tons vis: hid not been for and Hawaii, brig ...J Oct 23 Timor, bk White !1866'S H Och'k 150 1150 one ex- of those fitting whale thips. ; Nye -- 1867 N B Och'k 350 450 ... 450' 6000 Arr at Lahaina, 600 10000 Arr at Lahaltia, Not S the day enjoins, (not of which, if rightly . 1 new Topsail; them to the attention out I leien Snow, bk King 1866SX L I 20 1200 I Oct 23 ; sl'd Nor 4, for coast of Peru Tewedos ben- 1 new Foresail; Respectfully yours, Mar Worth :.1S56N B 'Arctic 4001000 ...! 850 12000 Arr at Lahaina, ercised, tends to abridge life,) constitute the ' lielen ...,1000.14000 Arr at Lahaina, uct Turku Soderblom 1857 Russn 1 new T. M. Studding Sail; Thomas Master bark George. Athearn Och'k 501000: t Wall. Hercules, bark ' Ochntst:, Sept 5, clean A, eficial and appropriate service of the day." 1 main Royal; Andrews 1857 N B ...... 260 Spoken Anrust 1 whale - Ho.voitxr, March 17, 1856. Hibernia 1 ; OchoUk, Sept 18, 600 Luce 1857'X B I Arctic, July 20, whale brls Cncas "2OO 2000 Arrived Honolulu Aug 17 Septl . 1 Spanker, 1 Jib, 1 Capt. Rovbbt Brow Afy dear Sir I used your Bomb Hihernia 2d Edwards 1857 N B Hedges 1857 3 II Kod'k 26 200 aid ' i 1121. 250 3000 Arr at LaU&uia, Oct 26 : sl'd fm Honolulu Nor 9 Colon 1 Pore Topmast Staysail, Little 1857 N B ;Och'k 212 I Near- l- MWa Lances in a whale, north, the past seasou, which made Hillroao 4O00 iOehotste Sept 25, 700 Spanker, I iH"f Merchant ilS66 Falm 1301000!. J 4001 ... .Och'k TOO 8000 4rr at Honolulu. Nov 10 bbls. of oil. We never could have taken him without said Hobmuok - Bumpus 1858 Hono 250 3150). 13000 Arr at. Honolulu, Nov 8 v Vernon, bk. rr lahaina, Oct SO .11 Top GaUantaail, J not get near enough to use com Hudson Marston 11855 F II Arctic 200 1050 1855iX B 400; 650 400 6000 at - ' Lances, as our boats could the Vigilant, bk. MH:ieave Arr Honolulu, Oct BO . . ALSO - ' H856' Och'k 1301900 90 600 7000 at moa hand Lance. - - ! Sept 30 tor Viiwyanl Caswell Edgar Cutting-i- n , t - 650 650 6000 Lahaina, Sept 18; sld from Honolulu homej ; I clean Arr at Honolulu, Oct I al'd Nov 4 V 1 set Iron strapped Blocks, with chain pendants, Yours Respectfully, Iris BoIIes (1856NL Kod'k 400 ' Fish 1857IHODO Arr tin 1500 .... It . SNOW. N 700 UcnotSK, ffepi 4, wu Victoria, brig Arctic, July 20, clean WOOL, complete-- (93-- tf B. P. Q. L. Cox, Master whale-shi- p Magnolia. ' Isabella, bk Lyon ' jl855 B 200 Guedoit 1856 100 Hono OchoUk,Oct. 1, 800 VUlc de Kenues IIosoLfLcj March 15, 1856. Italy, bk." llabcock 1957 J, HIDES, Islander Starbuck 1856,Nantk 250... Washington Purrington B ..... Capt. Rob mT Brows Dear Sir : I take this opportunity '756 Arr at niln, Oct 27 ? Honolulu. Nov I f : . B Och'k 270; 1250 8000 HAWAIIAN BEEF! to inform yon I used your Bombs on the voyage in the ship Wavelet Swain 1855'X OclivUk, Sept 20, 1 right whale GOAT SKIXS, that 18561 Edgar 100. 700 found them effective in taking whales, and would 400! 400' Keala. Oct 9; sl'd fm Hon. Nov 8 fr 8. de Puca Walter Scott Collins ....1 Oct 28 1 Utratd, and Jason (Pr) Hache 157 Havre Arctic 4000 Arr st J. 1855; X 80 3100 "706 i2000 Arr at Ilouolulu, UNDERSIGNED. AGENT recommend them to all whalemen, and especially around the ice. Arr Honolulu Oct 12 ; s'ld Oct 28 for home Warren, bk. Huntley B Arctic! Honolulu, Oct 24 I TAIXOW, THE Maury Curry 1855 X B Arctic 210 2200. 76013500 at 18581 Hono 400 6000 Arr at for the sale of used harpoon and got most of the whales by your Jas. 10000 Oct 12 ; sl'd Nov 8 to cruisealtand home Wailua brig Lass Oct sld Oct Mk AS HIGH-- Uiuwt spfatrr i I also the Dim an 1856 F II Arctic 300 3600;. 1000 Arr at Honlu 185;.F Arctic 130' 1 150 650 6000 Arrived at Lahaina nOUGHT BEFORE. iT THE and . Japan 1 Wm. ft Henry Grinnell II 17 ! R. C. Hawaiiaa Ouns apparatus. July 20, whide Aug 1 1 Ang ftr XST CASH MARKET PRICE, by Ct.s. . 1.Jaaiaas. ar--. .... ! V Till and Lawrence 11855 X B 600,..,. . Arrtic, 18661 B 30 2100 900 10000 Art llonoluln sld sw-b-n 4 r. h.nJ - - - Tours Respectfutlr, Java, bark August 25. 9 whales ' Wm. Wirt Oshorn . N Kod'k sl'd 43 KRtXL a MOLL. mvcavarei Java 21, bark Raynor J1867.N B Arctic Arctic 1857IN B ltui urui 1100 12000 Arr at Hnm4ulu, Oct 17 t Nntti BEXP of well known and approved brands, Master "770-- ! 1 fur Wm Thompson Childs Nov for sale the alve Isaac Alls, ship Herald. Hunting 1867,8 U Kod'k "50 7001 7000 A at Honolulu Sept 15; sld October i N Zealand 760 750 ?O00 Arr at Honolulu Oct 13 1 sl'd Ifr for sale the market rates. Jefferson ' W C Nve Soute 1857IX B Arctic!...! which he offers at - calling on 700:10000 at Honolulu. Oct 24 . ; .. " Honolulu Oct 8; sailed Waimea, Hawaii, at an eleva- Other testimonials can be seen by the undersigned. Jireh Perry Cannon 1856'X B Och'k 15017001. Arr ' Austin ' 1857S H Arctic 200 200 2000 Arrived at 0: Hides, P. 8. This Beef is packed at Ouns, Bomb Lances and Harpoons for N B Arctic, Aug 25, 6 whales' Wm Tell June. 80 bbls thousand feet above the level of the where Agents, who have the Jireh Swift, bk Earl 1867 ....!.. .A Wolga ('rowel 18551 F H 25 1250 Ochotsk. tion of several se. 1865 F H 120, 950: ...... Ochotsk, June, clean r .. 6 "2000 at l ahaina, Oct 23 fcr eoot wrH adapted to the purpose. is sale. Jno. Coggeshall Lambert Ellison B Arctic 200, 400 220 Arr Goat Skins, the climate and It 14-- A C0- -, OchoUk, Sept 27, 800 wh Wm Botch SALT, by tf R. COADT Honolulu. John Wells Wood bridge 1867 N B 160 .... packed in LIVKRPOOIj and TL'BKS ISLAND .1 to keep for 14 months ia J A Robb, bark Baker 1S57 F II 130 ... Tallow, packers, and ia warranted ' N B Och'k 95 2000 ...1200:13000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 22 ; sl'd Nor 8 for borne LaM report Newno"nd:4prillljJ ALEX. CART WRIGHT. Josephine Allen 1856 Tonnsr Pbienlx Shock 1357IX B 140:1600 .... 9600 at any euaaate. J. ! LeM--r 18661 N L Arctic 40 aOdH. ... 1200 14000 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 29 W Slash ! Honolulu, Aug 25, 114-Ua- nl To Whalemen Jno a Elisabeth DURCH18ED AT THE HIGHEST MAR. MACT would respectfully solicit the same pa. JL ket rates, by lia--tf CHAS. BREWER, to. TOWN BEEF MARKET. GW. heretofore enjoyed by the old firm of Macy A Law, at the established Depot for Whalemen's Supplies, at Ha- DAftipin HHALERS' LIST. r'nERSI6KED waii) ar, Hawaii, where will he fonnd at all times a good supply SPPRH rtlRopened above Stand for left Monganui, N. Z.; If Old lhavinc the and also the cele . tTTu- vpsrpIs of List. Letters addressed to him and at Copper, of Rrrf. Mallsa. Park. Paallry, , v -i w nf tn the Publisher- this the purpose or carrying u mm brated KAWAIIIAE POTATOES. Ly JAiasierS OI operm naiera oic icuucareu.a fn th.r I ' - f.A rrt Old Composition, ' inlml furnished lowest rates, ar.d will be forwarded by first conveyance. n. Mrr-- The above articles can be at the in Chile; Tahiti, Soc. Islands; Hongkong ; Hakodadi, Japan, and other ports, keeping their market supplied with the best Bssr, Pokk, quicker time than at any other port at the islands. All beef - . . .. Old Yellow Metal. CACsaaca, ana everywunis by me will be warranted to keep In any climate. ""WhoW j .ii- tos, pa"us continuation sold Whole i Business. Xnankful for past favors, they solicit a on inter-islan- d exchange. Whole 8 Amount. AT HIGHEST MAR- - ITT No charge made j Vessels' e Blsiui. nrRCUASED THE bestowed on them, and O- Vessels' Amount. RXMAKKS. Captain. M. ket rates, by 1119-- tf - CUA8. BKXWSK. 2d. ef the liberal patronage hitherto 73-- tf , - W. MAC V. Vessels' 2 Airfmnt. RsltABKS. Captain. Names. public to call and examitr the quality of the Captain. e Names. Bp. Wh. invite the Names. w I daily TOWN MARKET, Kino Bp. Wh. stock they offer for sale at the O ; Sp.Wh. ; Goat Skins, : Ilides, opposif jtnre Ocean, KJifford, N B '56 1000 ... Last report on New Zaaa t Wool, i. TWaterl'sanuah. TO CAPTAINS i report at New Zealand N B '66 1000 250 July, on off shore ground Gazelle, ..Baker, N B '57 60 ... .Last !Nan"651800j . May 6, sailed fm Talcaaw? Active, Wood, :iaggett, H '55 870 . . . .j Apru, 1S58, off Tombes Ocean Rover, Veeder, .. Late of Washington Market. A AF WHALESHIPS AND OTHER VES CroweU, Nan '66 860 ...lOn New Zealand .Gen. Scott, P Vincent, iN Bl'67 ... On New Zealand, deas Tallow, Composition, 11. B SELS. Wood of superior quality can be had at Koloa at Alpha, 1868 W P '67 350 ... .May, 1858, off Paita Oneida, Z--tt S. RATTY. F R '57 140 60 Sailed from Paita June 16, !N B '57: 160 27 Off Paita June, 158 per cord ; fresh beef at 4 cents per lb ; shep,at $3 per head ; A. Houghton, Robinson, iHowlaod N B '66 1360j 160 June 24, B lat. 80, W km. Osprey.bk, Btanton, f $s - Coffin, Nan '551000' ...iOn New Zealand Uolconda, Ill .ir.-- Old Copper. and goats at 1 60 head. Also at the port of Hanabti, wood and Alabama, Valparaiso July 8, to f Alta, bk. Lawrence N B '57 310 . . . Sailed from efkise ..'May JaptiI, beef can be had at the same rate. The Harbor of Uanalei is on Pacific Hero, 'Holly, Nan '56: 700!.. 21, sailed from Paita sailed froa h MARKET. Antelope, ' Potter, N P 65 330 ...iSouth - 16 Peru, bk, Easton, ' tSatilW 600 . . 1858, DURCHASBD AT THE HIGHEST RATES CITY the North West side of the island, and has safe and good an lOn Zealand Ueurv Taber, Kwrr, N B '65 1600! . .. . An- at Lahaina Oct ; sl'd Nov 1 ou rana JL by (61-t- f) C. 8PALDIXG. Amethyst, Jones, N B 64 1000 New Petrel, Fuller, jN Bi'57' 160 Anrii., , lHa., f J. MAXWELL, SALESMAX. 6 tn 10 fathoms of water. Wood beef may off-sho- iCash, N 2401 . March 20, at Talcahuano WILLIAM chorage in from and X B' lm sw ...jApril, 1858, ground ? Heraid, B'67i 729 HO Mar. 1868. of Paita same frui-- a Anaconda, Crenuer, . 1858, at Tomhea la Noye Uardner, F H'65 also be had at Nawiliwili at the rate as above. Also 16,1858 Hecla,bk, jSmalley, N B '56 1000; . ilav, e 1858 Apphia Maria,! Chase. Nan!'55 600 ...I At Paita May 1868 B '55. 900 ground, HAVING BOUGHT vegetables of various kinds can be procured at all the above Hector, jchase, N B'66i 750 .. .'Off Paita June. President, ...jOff-ahor- UNDERSIGNED and B. oo eou ... JAt Paita June 13, 185S " White Xead. k. Beatty, above es- Archer, Smith. &fi Ann) . report on New Zealand THE the interest cf Msxweil in the named ports. . . . jSailed from Tahiti July 17, for home j Hiawatha, iKIlis, , v n ...'Last e's 19 opi-o.- it Hater-hous- Awashonks, Tobev. Fal '641000 SUBSCRIBER CONSTANTLY on King street, T. always on beach in quantities to suit . 250 20 March 27, sailed from Talcahuano rmilE tablishment, situated J. rr Wood hand at the w oo aov is.iilet from Tahiti June 16 Hope, iGifford, N B'57l X '65! 800 630 June, 1858, st Tombts t receiving, traaa Ibe rmfactorcra direct, the beat qualities heretofore (M-tf- Aurora, Marshall, ri '6611060 Sappho, Seabory, B R New Store, hopes that the liberal patrontge purchasers. ) OEOROE CHARM AN. 120 . Kff Bonin Islands, July 15, 1 small Jwhale Bydaspe, "Taber, N B 350 June 12, 1868, at Paita zu, -- , dlrnb continued, as no pains or trouble will be Belle, bk, Brown P H '57 Sea Breeze, Jones, On Japan. July i bestowed may be March, 1858, at liaUvia 6COj Zeaiaui . ( r; i .' x; manager, Mr. Wm. Maxwell, In suiting the taste Belle, bk. Smith. Wr '5 875 J Sea Ranger, Davis, Nan 66 Last on New PaVi: spared by the NOTICE. Ben. Cumm'gs Jenkins, Dart '64 1200 .Uuly, 1858, off Paita Shell; Ware. Warl'68! 8001 Extra, Nan '56 . . . JAt GaUipagos Islands . Sea bk, oi au cuwiwnfc Islander,' Starbuck,: 180j N B '65j 700 April, 1858, sailed from W ft1 1 to selection of stock, to render the quality of ASTERS OP SHIPS VISITING THE (At Seconet, Cleveland Vifled EnrUah"X. ia Attention paid will Perry, X B '57 60 .. Paita April, 1858 26trt 1W. Kmj Wbftc lead. Toonit In tbe best oiL and an f port of Honolulu, in want of SEAM EN, find it to their Cachelot, . 65 450) 260 Hay , 1858, Talcahuano . Shepfa'dees.bk Watrons, Mys"6 that hMt ohtalnable. ivn. X B 57 100 .. Last report on New Zealand James Loper, 'Ramsdeil,'Nan at B'55,1300l .".'tOffFeejees, JuneCI,a tborhed t contract at rwer prbrea than the present market ..t advantage to call at tne onioeor ubaham a makb,uaji, Canton I'acket Allen, N '57 60 May 2, 1868, at Paita Soph.Thornt'n Nichols, N to. arvl delivered in any part of . m J. A. Parker. Swain, B .... Orders punctually attended where can be found whole crews at the shortest notice. Ap- Caroline, Bensson, Brit 6 280 .. .'Sailed from raita June Zealand Statira, bk, Luce. 35 56 300 . . . Sailed March, 1858, fm Tstea. to cruise Jas. Arnoid, Sullivan, N B '67 100 .... Last at New '. the city wlthtn two mites, iree oici!nyB. proved security' given for the amount advanced to seamen Catalpa, bk, snow, . X B HathawV N 70H 800,007 Paita, May 21 DOWSETT. Bragdon. Bates, IN B '57 136 1868, off PaiU , Stella, - ' SO-- July 1, ISM. 10 - '55 200 Sailed April, 1853, fm Tales, to cruise Jos. Uonolola. Jane B, tf Bonolultt, until outside of the reef. Prom past experience and strict atten Citiren, Cash, Nan 1350 ....jMarch, Superior, bk. Wood. IN Last at Tahiti P II 66 April, , " - Zealand tion to our business, wa hops to be able to give satisfaction. Clif. Wayne, Swain, Lafayette, !X B 100 25 May 29, at Paita Swift, Worth,- 200 On New JANES GRAHAM, Clarice, B own. X H 120 16'AtPnlta April, 18o'ls ' SUNDRIES. 'Off-sho- April, Scales. re grouud Letitia, StoweU, In b 200 20 at Paita 118-o- ; N 90 140 off m WILLIAM A. MARKBAM. Chile, Clark, B . . . . March, PiUta, clean Thos. Popei Reynard, 11601 bone 10, Palu RICE, March 28 Lagrange, jfaoklmg, N B at toff-sno- CAROLINA . . . . At Talcahuano re Pie Constitution, Winslow, Nan 120 ioo 60 Tombea - Triton, bk Uornin, oi . ground TrUIRBA3(Kr PATENT PLATFORM FRESH Knglish Fruit, N B 180; At Taloahuano April, 1858 Lancer, iuuier, :n b June, 1868, at SCALES; Sauces, assorted, SPUN YARN. : i Courier, Coffin, .... I B , English CORDAGE, 300; . Sailed fm Talca. April to cruise I ratrbankV Patent Counter fcaVs-- Spanish RUSSIA Sewing Stuff, Flag Lines, Bonks and Thimbles, Courser, Oifford, N B ... lt, Oliu, 050; 5C0 At Paita July, 1858 Oct 25 Fah-bank-a' Congaree, CblTHlge, X B '66 600 at Lahaina, Patent Orocra Ecalc. . , i . ; Macaroai and Tennicelli, - xoub!e and single Mocks, White Lead, Chrome Oreea, Mary, Brock, !Xan!'56; 400. April 12, at Bay of Islands Un. States, bk Woodw'd Art All atzea of tlm above fcr saie by in OUtss Jars, - Chrome Yellow, Prussian Blue, - - 4001 220, Off 1868 - Presb Prunes " Zealand Matilda Sears,: Wing, Dart '56 Paita June, - X B 65 650 Last report at New 11-- U X. SNOW. . - Gold Leaf. Besdemona, smith, B. , Brandy Peaches and Cherries, English boiled Linseed Oil, ....r Mary Wilder, Barker, :N B '67: 300 ....IMav 20. at GaUipagos 'a&lld - ' X B '66 400 i9Sft tnaV- ' Yankee,' for sale by - Porssleby 26. off and on at Paita Mermaid, bk, Howe, . ;r p '661250j.... March, 1868, sailed from Talcahuano Valparaiso, bk Taton, X B 475 Julv vu-gini-a, io sailed fnatW lS-t- L. RICHARDS CO. 62--tf , - B. HACKPELD A CO. Emily, bk. Luce, N B 4601 April, 1868, Yellow Xletal. , f - a . 700 Arr at Honolulu, Oct 26 Merlin, jllebtois. 'N B '66 850!.... jApril, sailed from Talcahuano bk. Paakes, Km. Morgan, Chase, X B ... iN Honolulu Oct 3 X B SOOi 60 A priL 1858, off Paita Mercury, Ileyden, B '66 400 ....'Arr at j al'd Nor 9 OYSTERS, CHAINS, Bdward. bk. Stanton, from Manila Morning 8tar,!Nortnn, NB'57, 250 'May, 1858, at Paita (rnea aaaaafactory nf Bros-- COVE OLIVE OIL, ANCHORS, CORDAGE. Ac - P II 660 ... July 25, 6 whales; last sailed Coopoaitian SatU, the Crocker, K. L. B.Jenny Marsh, - ground Wave, HUT, X B '66 16W March, 1869, Ira FRESH bams, Goshen butter, saleratus, 7 Coila Manilla, to 44 lacn. .'SO 165 At July, 1868 Minerva 2d, jSwain, ,N B '55. 800.... ;On New Zealand bk, For aalo by !!- - f B. W. SNOW. it Rope, to 7 K. A. Luce, Ripley, Edn Paita N aooj lOOi.Msy, 1858. off C, kegs for family use, cheese, sacks floor. 60 " Russia tarred 2, do., i Wm. Lee, Slocum. P '81 rtiu Corned beef in '.'h-rc- 10151. On New Zealand weighing from 1700 to 2000 Klisabeth. N Bi'66 Wm. N B '65 July 6, suited irna On band and for sale by 6 Anchors, lbs., '55 6001. iSailed from Tahiti July 18 L A Eliza, Crocker, COOKING ! A- p- - B. C. Cowdin, Eailey, Dart FAMILY STOVES 63-- tf -- J ' i ' - - EVERETT. 3 Chain Cables, U inch, 70 fathoms each, Nautilus, Swain, B'66: 80o 100 May, 1858, off Paita ' E. Corning, Rotch, W8'65 6o0 . . . . At TahiU July 20 :'. Jjaauary, 1868, South M UlDDS, nan oo 9u.....vijzi asrana Young Beotor,' Uager, M Bi '57 120 . SUPERIOR TO EVERT 90o!....'june M ., . '65 Last on New Zealand ALTOGETHER i BAY STATIC and GREEN SiOUX- - . 6 of best pattern Ships' Cabooses patent of 1S66, Norton, X B '66 10, at PaiU Nan 400,....' Noa. S, 1, 8, 4 , WHITE SHEETINGS. Falcon, TAKf STATK ST0VI9. 2. and by the cUpper for coal wood. N Bi'67 401 .... (March, at Paita ! IS Cabin Stoves, or UowUnd, f Pan Wave, for by 4- -4 BLEACHED SHEETINGS, Pranklyn2d Sept 11, 200 wh Norman, .Ray, . Nan 'SS4 600 Arr at Lahaina Oct 16 sl'd Zephyr, rrerrill, June, 1858, off atrip " Hrrcn' and Mountain aaie RAFTON r a A u w For sale low by (14-t-f) J. C. SPALDING Champlin War,'65. 200,...., Spoken in Ochotsk, 1 Sot I - . saw oy 4 Pan Florence, US--tf t O. BALL, f G lor '

1 ' . MOtASSESj CARD TO THE . PUBLIC. GROCERIES. KITSO. & IIART, FOR SALE SUGAR, STRI PS AND Doors, Window Sash, Blinds. . J USAI.SRS M ... I NO THAT THERE ARE' VANKEE AND JOHN LAKD By the Company. THE HEW CROP, FROM THE UNDERSTAND in this community of my having en- E3 Herrings in tins, Aent Hudson's Bay piOM TO ARRIVE. Le oysters, WINES AND SPIRITS, K J2.1 MA UI PUi.XTATIO.y. in and deavored to over-leas- a certain bouse in this town, now occu- Bran's , IRON a5sorted rises ; , , ST assorted sixes, with mould OL.D STORE, under A. 3. rniNMAIrS- WIRE. DOORS, - ft proclaim false base fab- Tomato ketchup, THE WINE fencing wire, unseed oil, white lead aw i (3-t- O H. BACKPELD A Co. QAA pied by snotherparty, I it to be and a Cartwright's, offer for : a. turpentine, ; saw VF . raised panel. , 1 sale far VP per-mtsst- Green peas, in lb tins, green J rication in proof of which 1 would respectfully refer, by ' Brandy in kegs and barrels - ntaca pauit, paint, etocknoun tar, pitch ' - SO Sash Daars. assorted sixes. j to Messrs. John Montgomery and T. C. Heuck, whs are Maccaronl, In cartons, . Groceries, perfumery, stationery ; AN (JT alsea. ' Brandy, MarteU's; COCO OIL.: SOO Sao a, assorted Codfish, (extra,) - ... Sheathing copper, able to negotiate the above premises. ' assorted sisea ; composition do ; pair U'iadaw the only parties for - Brandy, United Vineyard Proprietors; nails, PIRST-RAT- E SALE mm and without swivels, ass'd sixes. - t.m. .alt. in 20 fh bars. : Anchors and ARTICLE FOR tiO Blias,with KDWARD BCRGE3S. A POOR. Sazerac; chains, at Ike lawrst ssastrltet rates In quantities to suit, at for sale low by 114-- tf For sale by C. A. H. P, Brandy, . Iron, sixes A Selected expressly for this market, and Rum in kegs; ' , assarted ; hair brushes, blue cloth caps 10-- MCLEAN'S sU - - tf GEO. C. SIVHE. Suuanu 87-- tf OEOROE O. HOWE. At the request of Mr. K. Surges J, we hereby declare, that tha 4 ' " Assorted clothing, spunyarn, ratline ; . "' Jamaica Rum in cases; ' ecurse by In to above BUNGS ! BUNGS ! ' Assorted cordage, Manila ; i- punned him reference the matter bat been Genuine whisky, in 1 dos cases; tarred and : - . - ALE1 ALES old Scotch Stilton strictly Just honorable. JOHN MONTGOMERY, SIZES, , cheese, hams, Byass' sherry, port, brandy ; ; and CASK BUNGS, ASSORTED Monongahehv whisky, in barrels and kegs, . x ale. A ANCHORS AND CnAINS. 101-6- m FOX, . RECEIVED EX RADUCA. LOT t May 81, 1868. TH. C. HEL'CK. sbrateby CHAS. W. - ' . Geneva sauce, preserved meats and vegetables ; 5000 Fine old Monongahela whisky, tn one dos cases,- ' ' " ' ' JUST 2 doaen a caar for sale by Tf-T- , ALB, in pints, in ENGLISH ANCHORS, FROM lOOO Cabinet Maker and Turner, Hollands giu in cases; Abernethys biscuits, Lemann's biscuits. . . TBI 117 tf C. A. B. P. POUR. to 2200 pounds; I17-t- Bote street, near Fort. 11 , f Scbeidam gin in cases; A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SADDLERT, Kaw English Stud and Shackle Chain Cables, 1 to It inch, NOTICE., eelebrated Bitters, Jurt receireo P DE COLOGNE, ia chaos, bottles, do Wolfe's Scbeidam schnapps; i ; tncluding fittings and trimmings of all descriptions lor carriages I ' ; M--tf . For sale by. A. J. CARTWBIlHIT. TO CAPTAINS OF COASTERS AND OTHERS. for sale by (lOS-t- f) C. EAU bottles. Labia's extract, Pkaida Water, Lavender GUTTER. . Hoatetter's bitters; " ' ' . and harness.' Water, PnrnaCaaa, rtc, esc , : WORK- - ' Boker's bitters; '. i RUXXIXG FT.OF4xU - n a ws . r &c. GREEN, vnws a v . J7!)- r..r,'t ;."-- t Porsalaby PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTINE, VERDIGRIS. Pine Gutter for sale, ex " Elisa a Ella." Stoughtoo's bitters; EARTHENWARE AND GLASSWARsL nvss a arnV. - HACKPKLD. BRUNSWICK Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Venetian Red, IOOO ed Clarets of different rauij H. - 86-- C. B. LEWERS. brands; - Canvass of all Noa., huckabacks, stockings and hoae a"BEP"" ! IN TIN. PURE AVHITJC Prussian Blue, Spanish Brown, Cmber, 4 s . - sTkafk COIIJt HEW ZINC verdi- Hockheimer ; j ) Green, blue i FRENCH yellow ocbre in oil. black paint, -, and white Mankeu ; M. Line i BLANK EXCHANGE! . lead, Boiled Linseed Oil, Turpentine, White Lead, (extra pure,) '. : ku-k-ui '. . Sauterne; , ? Long jj Eathaoga gris, chrome and Paris green, Vaadyka brown, linseed and Zinc white. Lamp Black. Whits Yamish. CAND1. Cloth, various qualities ; snadapoUms 40 coils New York whale line; ail-w- Champagne, W ANT'S AND WHALER'S -- gold ar ' A piru and quarts, diflsrent braads( Brown cotton, sets; "TlERCIaBlanks, seta, for sale. $1 SO per dosen. oil. turpentine; coach, white and copal varnish, and To be had In quantities to suit, at v , , C. U. LEWERS, , ssr.a ASSORTED STICK AND FANCY Sherries, pale blue prints, mourning prints, mnalins , Whassuen'S Oars, in ' litJl la "Raduga," sals by- and brown; Crinoline, real cloth ; ' vr smp oiouiins;, , . JET. leaf, umber, Venetian red In oil. paint and sash brushes, 112-- tf .. - ,. - Fort street. Drops, Just received per odfet - thread of all kinds, eottoa drill nsjemen's ' 7Mf. , H. M. WHITS 1 , Fine old port;- s sale by 117-- tf O. A. A B. F. POOS. : Linen drill, cambric book Monkey and reaTniJ" glass and putty, on hand and to arrive, f " .A handerchiers, silk do, mussn i K- O- Byass' and other brands of ale; Sn-ip- td sains; " - - BALL. " Victrria hvwn. Jaconet, black , . flannel H3-- f - J, Orleans, do Alpaoca; . RED WOOD. Porter; .. . . , . . , -- NOTICE. -- BlarJc .- princeua, do lasting, silk cotton , U do - r Liqueurs, v . umbrellas, do .Gray A SUPERIOR LOT OPBOARDSaaslCLAP- - " notice: Allocs umbrellas, ribbons, black lace initts, black silk ; Striped flanssBdrswam RECEIVED! PERSONS HAVING DEMANDS ABOUT ; -- T 5 -. niARJ) for tal by i )ty JUST will please present them for Imme- UNDERSIGNED BEING TO Satis Stares, Jaty fYoe. hita silk, barege aearfs, brood cloth ' Ked Oannei oo p uA . 'it. ALL me. settlement offers for sale the premises now occu- C. H. LEffERS. diately and those indebted sra requested to call and settle, or TUB the kingdom, Bilk SjaMlea, new styles; cords and tassels . Hickory. nlrts; l SMALL QUANTITY OF PURE FINE pied by himself, known as tbs "Caasasereial Hatel," Wmlen plaid for children's caps aad BRAN UY, warranted superior to any to the market. their aocnasts wQl be left with an attorney for collectio- n- - dresses ; towels, lace falls ; s Rassia ?7j,i n SUGAR-CURE- D HAMS. A Including tha Stables adjoining. Also, all the natures of the EASTERN LUMBER. -VhRa vesting green, mod stickinrs,soe(1 ng white, blue amber lenos i Woolen i.ft Also Cases genuine Uostetter't bitters. Porsalaby S3" The subscriber hereby gtrea Bottos that be will nay no everything requsito for the successful At noUl, embracing "KXAtAT ELTjA, A' Blue flannel, printed and plain barege , .. Best yellow butter, In don" DAND, AND TO ARRIVE PER QStf , J. C. BPALDDiO. debu contracted without his written order. consisting of one superior Billiard SELVECTCP i f June aO.aJiitMchPioe Sugar Cured Bams, lor sale by of the hotel business, PER of eastern Lumber, consisting of , CWd lace, to Inch j combs. Ac., Aa.; Ac.; ' ' pork; ON ; H i Prime f .. MACFARLANE. , crAi-uin- H. Table, In first rate order, bar fixtures, etc Flooring, v. 96-- Yellow Pine Worked. V.T ',, CANDIjES I Sa--tf , - Manila cordage f .1 A. n- - V Hoooiula, April 20, 1858, . tf ... , v Spruce do.' do do. la (real asriaty. 'XITf m NOTICE. , -- it Dried apples; , -? --" htm on the corner of Nuuanu and Matched Ceiling, 'J RfZSXlCAN SADDLES r. The Iease af tha u Half Inch a superior article for House 'and Carolina ricet ." BEGS TO INFORM HIS Circus and the Lease of - -- 'A; . Beretaaia streets, known as the Lot," Cabin lining. . NOTICE : Beat English boiled linseed oil! TBVt GOOD MEXICAN SADDLES FOR SSAVIDGE protection, be will not deliver any NOTICE. - !' taw , . the "Nauanu Baths." White me worked Partition Boards. : j T r r sale at very frieca, by goods to Chume or Native servants, unless Uey either bring FTUIE trTDERSIGNEDWrLL..K6T RK ' ALSO UNDERSIGNED IS 'Best do white kd; - Wide Coffin Boards, Shingles, and' general ffUIE PREPARED TO - C. A. A H. P. POOt, , Af ay ' JL Beposirs Custom House Late, a assort- m. furnish to . paintt in-t-f tha money, a written order, or a passage book. 20, 100 t ceiva In the Vault, under existing with bottling apparatus P1??- - the Hooolulu public the following, on the bmss do buck ojite One Soda Machine, ment of BUILDER G MATERIALS, selected by the nndersigred-8-4- f , regulations, after this day. All articles on deposit at this , i MACFARLANE. rsreonabls terms . T"Z do sresn saint; - , . SAVEa... , - can remain It is convenient to remove JL ' C. H. LEWIS RH. - SplrRo Turpentine. .,ii- rJttO ir - until them. 05-- tf 11 ; ,. , . , NOTICE . Bonolulu. April 22, 1868. : VBW STTLE FIRE-PRO- OP ... W. G00DALK, CORAL STONE! M-t- f. GIVEN, that I haw appohrte Mr. pOo-t- In any onentitw, for buBdiog powder proof locks, received par Young Honolote, July 1, 1858. f CoL Genl of Customs . and other pesrposes, so ab' aa my Agent, wKh Power of Attorney, : ; ; FOR SALE OR HIRE I RAGS ! ! .. , saeh, at much OW-ot-J . tr. a. Lapa. FIIEREBT In the rough, or not squared, fcr foundation to build Oraek. - rOlITE UNDERSIGNED-I- S inc, ciT.K during my absence froin the Islands. SUPERIOR BIIWARD TABjLJES, PREPARED TO at so much per ox cart load. Steps and Door or Window fcUti a? unrT : CKLB-BRATR- D JL purchase Rags, in any " ' Hoootalu, Maica M, 1841. BOtf P. M. WESTON. WHITE OAK. Beds, and-- PHELAN'S quantity, ra (rode or for casa. Caps, with .11 AM JSAWVaODSarx.-- VBRY Stats V Wooden clean and picked white eotson rags, and smooth surface, cut out In any stxe to suit. " nnon UitJUSX O Q T COMBINATION CUSHIONS, all eoaaleta, Airoy For or Rnea S eeuU per GODFREY VBrfUaAkliiC PEKT IKCH, TO 90 FEET will be paid-- . For ootton t. A N ACSOaTsTMETrr W HEEI ;; AND MAGNOLIA WHISKY. g Cloth, Balls, Cuss, Wax, Pockets, AfcApjdJ U siiiirt colored sr liaea Lisa. Fire Wsed, VAuS ak Taang Creek, by "BOURBON On band, extra per pound. Xo rags will be purchased sntexs wallisv3cstseleaxMd , , , Dallawi Fwnrira sinrrn qnaliti N. 2174 Inch. 25 to 28 feet long, and far VeasaW Uli of varioas brandsaad W. LADD. BOURBON AND MAGNOLIA ' faet,li ' safrrhanuble. . Woolen rags not wanted. Persons residing oo CotdaaH bond 686 feet, 1 inch. 12 feet and opwards, - - Capagne, Cherry OLDin packages, in or duty paid, for sal. by the other Islands, can send rag bales to Honolulu by achoon J. L BOaCSt&f .c.' - Very ghsrriaai - Of New suparior US-- RICHARDS CO. Hampshire pasture oak, selected by a shipbuilder, and BREAD consigned to tf L a er, the subscriber, sad care will be taken of their Fine old porta ' . expsoud by "Mountain Waver" Sspteniber 29, a eafered tar . joa-7- Smim"L . . . . . 8 r M. M. . aa . psjcfcaae. ri by (Ua-t- LRWAvKS, Bort strsgt. NAYTj .BB.KAD WMiTMB. FOiVint AI,15t , , OM JaaaJeaslsas,aaupsrw-- sale f C. H. ' ' '- - - sals by -t FHHIE CAD.OO - " - ' TWENTY BASKETS MORE OF THAT 12,0001? 'a. , CIXCata. M OP THCCOIU4I IURB 100-- A. .11 UO :m . HaCEJELD tf r.'smax. rfrj Gasrifss," saasistiM of v fe j, 4 Cf. : CHAMPAGNE ! STCHAC.E. TTIMT ttECEIVKD A FEW SAO I sjl Ctocks. Poadasnsa CsoAfc. i MAHlE taas Steaaa Ceml 1 CO.--tlVs- at hsavy AVT DIXXa Jk. WQALEai BILLS Aao. Jsriat ratssrna. and la .' , ((DAilLCS nEIDSsXCS POR 40O TO BOO c j-i- y. FTIE2II StISUnkv-.- STOrtAGG TPJfl las ash by 4 .v p'i s , 1- -8 1- -4 , tLv Wlaa ev drank on these Islands. Tot sste by t'" ajWtln IN AND rOXXS slf&jkaT sWlBiT C. JaJflOTt C. A. A tU 9. P0OX : jLTAwaS llIvtH C. L. StCUAADS A CO. V . AVOKt Orbs' XJ. astrasss ipAJMf JIJL .ill! which had been tastefully. fitted up with crim isMisttmis: son drapery, and from thence witnessed a grand QWdistmtrds. llESPECTT. T: Commercial Advertiser. and effective display of fire-work- s." The whole VESSELS, UARBOna .1 the break-wate- r, - of Cherbourg in its enormous 1VEW GOODS ! GOODS ! , ni TTTp ' VIT - ! JEW Q." length, "is well as the forts thereon,- was lighted GOODS! A R R D POR11S OF TIIE VleiruB Recent Viall tm ' JUST IVE JUST KECEIVED o commercial IIA VVAIlAx ja) Fri ar iE RECEIVED np at short intervals ; the French men-of-w- JrST EX I WftU -- were" iilumina ted at the ports, appearing like 99 to our renders that the Z3azilsli 3?rom KE,SSELS AH RIVING OFf J " tnT Boston Direct ? JCntrr enormous chess in- -. barls. "Candao V to make the London Times, and th ;t ier organ of the transparent boards; rocket: A. SCHAU, MASTER, FROX HAMBURG ! ' AND NOW FOR SALE.T ; at the yore, ni.i " ih.! ; '' ' ' ' if they want a pilot. ? supposed sentiment numerable went rushing and through ' .' . "of Kngland, were screaming . The pilot will approach dcciJedljr FOR SALE BARRELS CiBOLINA RICEj vessels on the w. i opposed to the air from the Fort Centrale, with tourbillons, flVTIIE.UXDEBSlCXED, I bale cloves; ent the health certificate to be shrned k I Victoria's. ucccjtance of Louis .Napo- AXD in part follow : . 10 ' THE PROPRIETOR OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT pepper; , . Krf I free from contagion, the leon's invitation to visit gerbes, and every conceivable device of the py- prints, - ' canu l.r?Ir.f Cherbourg. .Yet the Fancy mourning ln, laiicy printed jitonoets, moarn!nr do. 1 keg nuunejrs: ') - : - .': '" otherwise be trill hoist the yellow n ft. J rotechnist's - Pup. white - a ... --r9 suHi r good sense of Victoria at once perceived the vat skill. , hirtinsr, llusnU crash, linen imperial, linen hdkfs. boxes ccn starch : .; HAVTNQ IN USE AN I Linen dhiiier, toweU do, bed tickinr, ritigham, Victoria .10 kegs importance The British merchant , up" dis- lawns. 60 split peas; The oommanding officer of any ' 1 of not declining bucIi an invitation. ships took the Moleskin, ranhair. k black aluarca. blac 10 half bbls currants; - is play, Be-ncr- es, . , Imperial after her arrival at either of the and " Press, As from yards Salsetle -- Power well said, the siee of the world uiiht the of the and Ulne and Mack hrund cloth, billiard cloth, haircloth, 100 half boxes raisins; Adams' Vtf depend upon hvr : as well as from the vessels of the Imnerial Velours d'l'trecht. fancy nrinteil co'Jon shirt, a ' 100 quarter boxes . . declination or acceptance. . THE BEST ASSORTED raisins; said TeMd has come to this port. furi.i.T,11 and royal mnil White ciKtoa hirt linen bom do, blue and red flannel ahlrtau 100 boxes Winchester's 8. W. ioapj ' pessengers. Napoleon lias Ikxji for months in condition service, blue lights and Roman Hickory wim1 . ' and deliver him. under uh . ,l4t., that shirta, cotton, and silk undershirts, kersey drawers. 10 boxes saleratas, (1 lb papers;) ' cargo of I candles were burned,, producing most Tlesino" Ponchos, bed qailts. white, blue. , , ' RUGGLES' CARD PRESS, manifest of the with which ,Jr,.'l irritation that he might have bern mortally a tink and 600 quarter boxes sardines; man .wvu. . . . ' II k. r lllue, rel ami while blankets, - I1V - ahall Aontntn in n offended by her refusal. His' vanity has lievn i nen more rockets ami more Bbowers of STOCK TOWN! 20 case "St. Cair" and I'pton's" tolaeeo 8's, 100 ibs each; ASSORTMENT OF marks, number, content M 1 Pilot cloth pantaloons, monkey AND HAVING AN EXTENSIVE and quantities, A . e i 1 do jackets, black cases skTii' lnimensely gratined, mm .lt: naro meit lurr--r anu men W iltnm ma TO BE SOLD REASONABLE, a " eweet orange ca vent! ish" tonaceo loo tbs each ; Importer or consignees. When anr and his speech at the royal tailing lrum aterproof Coats, silk and cloth coats, linen drill pniits, . 6 cases nrti - Emmet's "Sweet Orange" cavendish tobacco 20fbs eat - perform any or all of the acts above banquet shows that he in now in more a perfect storm of explosive substances, and then Moltwkiu pants, cotton and buckskin do. Iilu & black hmailrlnth. . AT THE, 20 - NEW AND ELEGANT TTPE AND OTHER Jrk i a placable half boxes double refined loaf sugar; . eight hours after arrival, be I Illne mixed cotton scckf. brown do. fancy do. wool iln. w " his shall b .,i,;r mood th he has been in many months. - Had rain more stars and rockets, and then a. trcmen Fire-pro- 60 half bbls do. do . crushed sucar: - ' . one thousand dollars. t Mle thread socks, liulies' cotton stockings, pearl white silk do, New of " ceedins lie shall 4k tho QrEEx, like doiis Cill colored fire, as though lUack stockings, Store on the 'Wharf, 6 No. 4 whalemen's cam booses, with extra coDner fixtures: aimve meni.liinMf. fielivM-- . itivW her obstinate grandire George of the skies were silk LUle thread do, children's do and socks, 10 No. 3 rlutizig Lasting favorite pattern " Roger Williams" stoves, complete, Material board the W gaiters, ladies' ami OPI'OSrTE at time of ber arrival, III., surlily refused the courtesies of a Napoleon,' raining drops of fire into the harbor. . For a mo- Keutlemen's slippers, MAKE AND AXTH02'S BLOCK. , with pipe under penaltr i French calf hoots, cotton and silk gnsjiendcrs, silk and fixtures the best pattern ever imported into. fine of one hundred dollars. , ' ment fire-lig- ht cravats, it would have been treasured up, until the day of there was a pause, and the new of hats Indies and pentiemeo. Ilonoiulu fir family use. Over 400 stoves have been sold Masters of whaling vessels thai enter silk aud cotton umbrellas, by subscriber, no ease their i i vengeance Capt. Fitzmaurice Ki.lderminster carpets, the and in has anv comnlaJnt been The Best Assortment Plain and Fancr lony-eig- ni should come around. Earl Cow illumed the whole of the masts tapestry do, mats and rugs, carpet bags, made. of lector oiucc wimiu noun afu u y, r lit, Hohbinet lace, - or porta amWwu-.Io- ladies' fall, children's hoods, either tue of entry, and previous to di-i- the Uritish is and rigging, and showed up clear as day. even the No. . ' at Paris, said to have thread Rloves for ladies gentlemen. - 10 4 stoves of the same nattem. Cards ever imported, ping any seamen, or taking off any "K. on tide and mnmm. 62 dozen 2 & oysters supplies been enftOTs yacht. tins best, put up the most iuetrumeutul in clearing away the tall masts of the rnval Ootton and linen thread, sewing silk, bonnet wire, crinoline, ji.t. expressly for Honolulu, penalty of not less than ten or more than . every While all else was spars Piping, stay binding, elastic belts, Coatos' spool taacu irom we sneu wiuitn leu days OI satluigol "gyren." IS NOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE They shall also, within time difficulty. After Victoria did accept the dark, the and of cotton,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERCHANT. : the above utM foTl ririnr Orochf-- t cotton, imperial pins, crochet needles, 20 dos 1 lb tins oysters; all wines and spirits no board as toj invitation, the vessel stood enectrai 1 ; stires, she had out in so ? the gtxxi sense to take with li?ht. different Sup. Sharj:' nceilles, gbus inksUndH, pen ' JUST RECEIVED. PER "MELITA," 20 doc lb tins green corn; J ., argo except U JT knives, rasors, - '. and freight, produce ol ,? from HAS . 20 1 their her, her eldert son the IVince of ales, the everrthinz el.e around that it miht almost Embroidery scissors, button hole do, jack knives, butcher do, and AMERICAN GOODS choice as dot tb tius fresh clams; oat fit, provisious and furniture of their - sortment. Also, per 40 Una " vessel' - have Powder flasks, bird cages, ivory combs, rings, late arrivals, a large quautity of dos 2 tb do do; all such heir to the crown, thus showing all the confidence been imagined that the Flying Dutchman curtain 1!0 " fbrtcitinfr stores, canro and f iuSt sin-in- c ; - dus tb tins lobsters; im;&fasm u Patent pencil erpierod Kir t IMS, cutters. nr,i urlilw 1 heap Sadllr, of stores or manifest, and a floe of one burning j.Vj' that she could in the honor had appeared. . in port. Suddenly rushed ' ' 80 dos 2 ib tinir preserved ' - ' of a Napoleon. The . . aoin ... Cotton, wool and silk fringes, con I and tassels, meats; - Before landing bagpage, permit for Chcaa Bridles, - . 44 tins smoked herring; a the ttarZi sovereign of a new dynasty, like that of Napo- iorin on ineir screaming course hundreds rock- tdies dress trimmines. mull collars and sliwea. rnna Hn tained from the collector, and no permit can cf I 10 doe (1 Thread lace, em ruidtTed hdkfs, napkiiu, toys, I - ' cans H) rasplwrry jam; beJj leon, would arpreciat such confidence ets, and then the whole front of the Fort Centrale velvet ribbons. -- r IN EVERT VARIETY OF TASTE' AND STTLE requisite passenger list has been furnished by the more , pieces. Parisian j dalerJ' ""ngs, including whole Hides, Enameled 10 dos cans do strawberries, preserved;' - cirn ill felt hats, for ladies, gentlemen and Leather, and - or vessels allowing oaggacv to lie Uo'. from stands J . 4 dos " ussier Uujj j a royal family to renowned as that of out in brilliant colors, showing in colossal childre in large variety, , Furniture for Carriages. , preserved peaches, (2 tb cans); - WITH NEATNESS pliance with - - . AND DISPATCH. r the laws, are subject to a Sneof . . - OH paintings, L . 8 dot apple pulp, firfhufcl England. , . dimensions and burning outline the royal and ladies' necessaires, printnl, cotton handkerchiefs. . Mlk mbrellas. Linen nandkerchieb, ' do; " The col; ector. his discretion, VMl.Wt.X.H.L.I, 1.. .tit 1.. ! " 20 dos Verdale - ' ' - ' ' at and at the als.) if.fK,-- f,4 iiiniiiiiuis, iwiies' summer cioaas. 20 caes blue Cottons, ' olives; . ACCTIOX BILLS,' ; may an officer tot It must be conceded Napoleon imperial arms of the two countries. juut 60 1 Jb " el, provide t present on that per- Another Kid gloves for btdies and gentlemen, silk do, riding gloves. Males heavy Denims, . dox cans assorted soups; - Blankets, "v " ' formed almost miracles to render grand bouqnet of les d'artifice which is Ladies' fuu, bufTUo combK, feather Hollow Ware, i v 0 doc 1 ib cans soup and bouilie; BILL HEADS. fitting honor to fcux it dusters, - other or greater of gam-rs- , , - 10 dos 21b amount merchandise be hoilt 2o.0(K)f. Tortoise shtll temp ladies reticules, . 36 cases Calf Brogaos, Kip Brogans, cans chicken; - - v the ivtxs or Exuland. Such salutes by artil- said cost and all was once more silent. cml, Boots, :'".- - SHOW BILLS. V . ", forth in Uie permit. . - , Blrick silk shawls and scarfs, Mac taffetas, colored do, ruche, A good variety of English Shirts, Blue Ehirta, 10 dos 2 tb cans turkey; ' lery were The familiar -- cwt fiavrng sfMritB, or any outer neter before offered to an earthly strains of our national anthem Artificial fl'iwetv, chenille, bonnet ribbon. , Ilrtls of various - , ... - 20 dos 2 lb cans assorted broths; CIRCULARS, . '. . : iikt, BwJ fl-a- t t styles, sabjci per . 5 bbls ; board, to a duty exceeding five eent7l sovereign. The welcome over the waters of the Blank Umka, fijolscap. paper, note ilo, envelopes. Prints, new patterns, cider viDegar; .' of 3,(X) guns was 8j ly, and Englishmen - ' - receiving such articles on board, are liable to J W rai4ng iper, sand ito, printinj da. genuine Lubin's ' Fteamhoat Irons, ColUns' Axes, - 80 tins each of butter, wine, soda, oyster and WAY BILLS, Uri thundering a welcome was know that Her Majesty is about to leave etinct. " - - -- board, who shall receive the sura of two dollars that it heard almost the e common r t'iHc sugar crackers. J "'" cotmnie, cio, laveml'-- water, uiacasiar oil, Handkerchiefs, colored and black, ' - LEGAL BLAXKS, per diem, also food lodcmg to the shores of England. The correspondent Brrtafjne. It is now the turn of the British ships. Klegant dinner and breaLf;ul sets, soap plates, Pilot Coats, fine Kersev Punta. 50 dm denim pants; CARDS, ' ...... and and at the extravrf.J of dinner plates, ' The following are only of tltfc Will Vegrtal'ledislies, tnreeus, iiitto.m.-- , bottles, White Linen 12 dos red flannel shirts ' . . the ports entry in kaj the London Times thus they tike no part in the waU'r tumblers, Pants, Moleskin Pants, .1.- -. 1 the welcome as display? We - CONSULAR for vessels of all rief?rf ntfon. If rmnlnhi llnhn M fill its' huitrrxs, wiuilow oniim'ii.giM mouldings, clnv pipes, Cheap Pants, Satinet Pants, Hickory 10 loi blue do do; BLANKS, Jegin to think economy feservieA , 8hirts, ' " " Hilo, Kawaihae, t Hawaii.) ami Victoria entered that in the hi . . Kealakeakuaand KTl the harbor of Trance: nu Gobleta, wine and chanipiKiie glaj-s- castors, lamp c!iiinn;-ys- . Hosiery, Drawers 3 dox grey do do; - and Undershirts. " PROGRAMMES,', and for whal.TS vessels war only, Hanak-i- , has really been "far. Swiss rhevse. split -- 25 dos. , and of (fc! carried too Even Mr. Wil peas, rock candies and drops, fruit bonbons, v.uuuii t moreuas, each linen drill frocks and pants ' N i, a mw are as I . The royal squadron, consisting liams, who is on board the Pe--a- . docs IVppemiint lozenges, vermicelli, stearine candles, Black Lace Falls. -- ' ' 2S dos angola gents' half hose;. PAMPHLETS, iw cnarTev ioiiows of the Royal not nhiwt liarl-.- v At Honolulu one dollar Per foot cadi , grits in demijohns, ot grits in do, jiearl saso in dii, Silk VeUet, Ribbons, black Silk Hdkfs, . 22 dos do ribbed do; - Pilotad Albert, 131, Rtnuicn, to a few squibs or crackers : hardly 4-- CAT A LOG fJES, pilotage no pilot is emiiloyed ; heeltb. . t0, Euryaius, 'A, Diatkm but he has rMifiIi, in.liu'o blue, loaf and crushed nirar, ardiii, raisins. Cambric Iluudkercluefa, 6 cases L'xbride 4 white shcHing); if crtiaeate '- eV- : 4-- " buoys, two ; hsrtKir master, ; Currants, "Bass' ' Three-hoo- p ' 6 bales Western 4 " dollars three dollar -. 32, Cumcoa, 31, and Racoon,. 22, had a six made up his mind as to the amount he will sanc Wej halia hams, pilot brea.L, ale, Tennent's da. . Pails, - - State brown do; - BOOKS, Ste ... for - ' apchoring vessel le, which PortiT, wine. cUret. sherrv. cot-im- rin. violin . lirown . 6 hales Suffolk extra heavy d'llar iilot a outii hours start of her Majesty, tion in the next estimates, when, ma-i- c- lrt airinn Cottons, brown Drills, blue Drills, denims; TTiH be executed La - and waited in two as if hv Tape and braids, and shot, matches, WUlow Wagons 5 cages Shetucket blue promptly, a superior manner, and at' reason ter the liartxir, ton dollars.- iwd.r beeswax, and Basket Ware, drills; - ' lines about six miles ff the western entrance. every British ship is lighted to its P lihed ciiarcoitl irons, 3 bales Peppercl Bro : ; able prices. , At Luhaina. Biarding oflScer, five dollars ; lie I tallt truck raven's duck. Russia cordage, spunyarn, fctoria Lawns, Sewing Cotton, Cutlery, do; ',' ( Marline, housing. . lar ; canal, (tf nsel,) two dollars ; ranne, one d ta I'p between thse vete!.s the lioyal yacht, at- with blue lights, and Diadem and Pent Coclme. loL'Hne. sail twine, oakum. And Merrimac two blue prints; Onler d j Stockholm tar. iitrh. mio. venctinn ml )v,(ll ii,..wi n;i a Tery Urge Variety mf Other CmH, 2 bales Thorndyke ticks; IT jDy mail or otherwise, wiU receive immediate atten-- At Hilo. Pilotage, heiilth certificate and cleuraoe. J tended by Osfnlme "and Ban-shr-- c, ng out most 107- -f '' ' the Wry, 'Elfin, conspicuously Knglish white JOHN . ' ' '' as If ouolula. .' 1 , i leml, Paris green, chrome green, Prussian blue, TH0MA3 WATERnOrPK. 2 bales Imperial royal blue...flannels, , tiolu '. , : at I . 'r t L paed rapidly, and at once entered rom tae deck ot tho royal yacht fireballs Bronze paint, tin plate, boon iron. Iinr iron. iel. m.1 ' 62 pairs heavy 7 lb blanket all wool; -- At Kealakeakna. Bnardior nnlfw. tb clnmn the t of ntt 7-- - Address Ilenry M. Whitney, Honolulu." Oahu. tf St. KuVrlll.uu ,i: . n.l .1 .,nu tV- -.' harbor, and, as we have said, rvevived paie oiue color etart upwanls Iron and brass wire, wire netting, sheet ainc, guiny bags, corks, CARGO FOR ' 2 cases extra fine satin jeaus; rr a salute and dance and full TJIE FALL SEASON. ' - iuegar iu demijohns, COALS, etc., etc. . - 6 Mils cotton twine, t a which might have from the with graceful motion, and shed aIiT,tsnR.f nn.l anl 7 th d5 ' All chargeskiui lor buoys boarding oflicer, English UACKFELD & CO. 4casesdo do, POPULAR BOOKS! ; ni and mutUn shore, so grand, s and s- suhtained wjw the Msiuiirui ttiat trie spectators are eestnei Honolulu, Sej. 6, 1S0S. J15-- tf J0O riilinc saddles, (complete); -- LATE collector's olfiee befrce laliiig. uuhiding or transliiftc. in ClIARIiKS - Suddenly BREWER, 2tl, 10 dox charcoal irons;. . ' ST RECEIVED PER BARKS "MEL.I- - go or passengers, slitppliiz or dlrcbargiug any crew, fire, for more than 20 the deck of JUf - u r minus's. Any one who the royal yacht is illumed iv CARGO '25 dox heavy handled axes and YANKEE" am' for sale cheap for cash : Hawaiian vtwu, wheUu-- Ucmse'I as coasters t W G OODST 1VCW ! U.i American ship THE OF " VnderhiliV; has seen and knows anything of the French fleet, wnn colored tires; there is rod at the bows. OOOD8 cliier 20 bbls Wilmington pitch; . Tlie American Naval Sketch Book 2 vols. in fureixn trade, are liable Jo tin s;une charf. o - as . knows that they always pride themselves upon white amidships and blue at thestern. The hues us R e c v . ' x-- , 60 nests Hiiighiim boxes; Peter Oott, the Cnpe. Ann Fisherman. t , strif ttons foreign vessels. J t ei c d y ' Kxpectl to arrive in Septetnler from BOSTON 50 nets covereil bucket. Boss' Accountant's Own Book. . Whale shir are allowel to land goods to frfie valuet of direct. Sales " ine style ana tllect ot the " tricolor" mix and blend, and Her Ta. to ' , dollars free - imposing their Kilating BUISTOIj BKICK, ASS'D XAILS, arrive will be made. 10 dos aint:d pail; lred a Tale ol Uie isinaj -- wnmp. i dred of duty, x.-s- . ' Prodm:ts 14 fire, and this sahito in particular had been closely jesry steps on hoard while the triple fires appear GfA'E. handled a charcoal irons, wrought spikes, . 15 nests (3 in pest) do pails; Waverly Novels IIIustrat!d 12 vols, complete. the whale fishery may he tr.inli!rwd f Dry ' - - tor rehearsed beforehand. Vet the actual terfoiin- - as though they would consume the ship. Ae handles, row lurks, whalers' spales, - Goods. 20 bacs shut; ' , Cheeyer's Sandwich Islands. charsre except entry ami permit. If sold r r Firmer chiseU, ' Bales . - - - - - , gougtn, files, planters' lus, bog hoes, denims, jMen's hose, i; 6 cases stout brogans; IrviDK's Complete Works ft vols. miv U'fJ u ' j . . ance expj-ctation- - uaj as much surpasseii as it defied tnce more cannons blaze forth from the ram- shot, chisel handles, knife . Bales ticking, 400 IS, 17 . "Alderbrook 2 vols. . ' cent, on valuu by .1 clejners, Men's flannel and IS feet oars; ' eniniate. -- shirts. -- s j S;rffty fuse, lead and moulding plane?, Cases light 60 bolu cotton Nos 1 to Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. Tlie itemilts CTiuitl t whalers do nut Include tlie s uescnprion. he liojoi vacht turned round the lurid plow of fire' lights flannel. Crass cloth and Uuen duck, 10; ' rart"t a'i their up . t - coats. positi'ai of spirituous liquors. j Carit-- hiimmprs, blind hiiigm, wrought Dail.v Bales heavy sheeting, . Bales 100 kegs nails. Cook's Voj'ii'es Kound the World 4 Vols. between the marine darkenrsl horizon blankets. - forts which murk the western with broad fi-- . Any sheets of red i:ie twine. L fr .rd's study hutips, h and chalk lines, -- Lifrf of CaptaLi (Viok, the. Discoverer 2 vols. mastfr tit a wlialihip who shall fall to pr1w AVinesi nud SpirilM. ' when called One entrance, Admiral Hamelin, in tho Brctogne,V2M, which come and go like flashes of light-fire- d (lan nipples, superior needles, shot bglts, . Boots, Shoes and Leather. 60 " Guranl, Lioti Killer.' - : ,K mit for, shall be liable to a of not Im Cases men's thick boots, .Cases kegs .Monongahcla whisky; te r more fifty lie j a single was j ninjr. From the whole Plateil castors, plated forks and spooua. men's drab Con?, boots 60 kegs "lowitt's Lawl of Lalxir and Gold." tlian dollars, to imposed by the c4 I gun. There a moment's pause line of French ships, the Plated do do oropui, , do do N. E. rum; . ' ' ' Before obtaining a clearance for dessert kuives. wire rat traps, horse rasps. Roat brogans, 10-all-in O'JIeara s Life of Napoleon. . a wwl, the tmn flames 60 kegs American brandy; . and then the salute began, not close, - followed each in do do do, enameled, Oak, rig-d- o, quireil to in irregu- other Pencil harness, . furnish onllector with of all I a quick succession, sharpeners, shin;Iing hatchets, coper russet and . : Family and hip Medicine Chest Companion, the a rtanlf t ti Ucks, - 10 cases Boker's bitters; ) fl do do sewed, . - tended to -- sub-s.'mi- Spirit ging - ' be exported, manifest of all stores h'l lar dropping cannonade, which sodisting'iisln-s- illuminating the harbor, lar levels, tea trays, horse brushes, and leather. Francis' Manifold tetter Writer. - a takea r-- and producing a cards. 60 cases champagne ' k " I do do lea. strap shoes. cider; - ' or hippixi Ox bows and ox yokes, shelters, grain . pat ' : Classical Dictionary, . . ;C traus from other vessels, a list of the ixnui r 4 honor th EnglisTi Hmely grand display. nTit cirn cradles, 60 dux pints Albany ale; . lmpre's ' fror. navy, hut gun . The firing had censed , House paper, " of all )iassengers who are to leave In hit assorted, pod a:id center hits, dox - - - A fTvnt variety of Juveniles. the kinird'iro iJ gun, j when some flitting Virtu-i- Groceries. . 50 do, do porter.- ' ' ' pay after running Al'n;gc:e!i tier like a train of lights on hoard the Kniuneled duck fnr carriaire tops, new saddles, Bbls herrinp, Cases English Spectator 0 vols. all local charges at ttie harbor master's oce iu j grinilstnn-- s. mustard, - ofjloe. v , 1 fire, till very tl.w list-j- s.i-i- t antf A Finished grindstone tixrures, Bids alewives O'liddon's Types of Mankind. ktor,s the fnm cf r lert attracted attention. The red, white , do black peper, ' ' T mr . u ' Lead pie, . . 1J, iih-h- Ex "Mountain Wave." i - G.isetteer of Mtilaln . vtfM.l .kull m..w - H, and Universal Literature. Kr shaken as if even the air Lim in it an,l re is still visible on the deck, i Kits mackerel. do sup. capers. dam sioole but there Dooplns piimi, 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6. guarded lunterna, ll:ilf kits toiumcs September. - Adventures of Don Quixote Illustrated. as a paweuger, any per.on to whom tlie pumpar. N. and sounds, cream, ' - 1 Boxes salad beration. nnw rushes from her midships a hundred Brass screw rin?, t- -t trunks, nail rods, lMxes 800 best B; Widow Bedott Pajiers. plies, who shall not be provided with a l- rockets. UUzpH li tlf codfish, do red currant Jvlly nllons boiled . Koit fni -- s:isli. Rxll). Ju.vlJ, Philosophy Mysterious iter of relations or cllect'jr of customs, thill, Hardly had t!.N cimnon.ide oinnicn. ed i ft their way falling in every 10x14. It! 'Is Carolina rice, do cranberry jam, 75 Tenissc ri.liup sailiUes complete; of Rapping and Reply to Beccher. (rign . person, and Minds, j. 1 inch and-l- j Bali-- s Skeptical . - . - . , such be liable to a fine of flay dollars, sol iiieli hoso. hops. 2000 tt navy bread; -- . The Era whvn all tlie ugly f.i--i ' 1 ibl" curve ; pamixiH. Caes honey, , ' - wiie! of th - ' .. debts passengers and castin" a rel- Hair cloth, hair, feather The Roving , and obl:gatians which such may Ur, curll pillow, Boxes t)acco, assorted qualit's do martinoes, 80 half bbls crushed sugar; . OiplomaUt by Wikoff. s ' iu kingdom, iiit'ifc part of the harbor, thr.5itvr.iiii; wit'i emil thj harbor. Thcpj gl;ise, bn.!i and gnis.s scythes, nsi-- 25 half boxes loaf . ' r The States and Territories of the Great West. paid this and the vessel shall be b , a thousand dinv tiTr arc foilowetl t raitns, do boiled beef, do; I Heavy l.ij: s - Common-plac- e '' ment an. sale to pay fourfiil-- iij i by chains, rteel picUs, B iskt-t- olive oil, i5 tighth casks Amcricju A Book of Thought, Memories and Fancies the same'.' ominous, l ucli i'.'lU a gmrefnl shower .f falling stars, everv c.t do do mutton, brandy. - ' of hue Sliding )cks, cni Is. , ' ol Fiunily Names. . - . Any vessel having carg.i on board intended fur fjf .... . - a t . mirace bm.s corks, Boxes ureen eas, f t .f and c e.T-o- t d'r ass'd. do assorted meats, cargo vr.i&. noor. iiv dur. the of which ih cxvH!infrlv louu-- : Caix-- s water " Life of Napoleon III. or (pints ia ortores, mny not touch at a place a f.iui i.rrf Tick Ilo-- , crackers, do cauliflowers. Ex Young olo,frit? ban jack mi Ihtng plunri, ' Greek. Life of Prince Tall . of entry, without a permit from a collector.: their niaiv?.i:is in t!!:.ts of i"t i.!ic'-- ' ti."d. Tho light from the now a:l do ovster do. Boxes soap, . - , ' " .yi and. Diahms st-x- l 15010. 17 and IS - ' oi't e Try and hand feet oars; Masters of vessels aro rfqwuttel leavn ;!id )ium. scres, Bal'orn Travels In Eon pe. to thHr d m; r.-hi- s do vine do, and as fast as c ! hj I ti.'rn.l on the which rrted, Half bbls dried apples, ea. 31 1 1 J 1 tS.y an th; imtHrial lrgi-- fecythe f. h sash fasts. coils anila. rope, K , , 2, 25, , 23, 3 Auecdotes of , board with the officer In mmtnand, for ttie guidaoct uf r. riai., cl.ut nails, o Kinder snaps, Bbls - 2i in.? the Aiueriraa Clery. Etnr-Torin- e vinegar, 20 u-- w nud-j if t tking, l hri;at;!ii:t tea Jk-I- bait, cotton duck, .Nos 4. wimenopc. or any H Jt 'r.t rarely su!i a tain ar and tho Kinfr-e-S- roos-- and Irike kettli, do brandy ches, 'Cases refined lard, 2,5, i 7,8, ft. InMeiiue. or the First D.y of Blood by Durons. nil, othtr artirle nierchandih.. ;lu-J- ' 94 , assorted . J'Rtwinv kiiivi s, Uiilot's i fces nails; of Housekeeper. transhipied without a ficrnill, is liable to s"izuir-aii- ever heard, and vw. v i; towards thft n1;orf 5. 4o4, randy jienrs,-Spani- h do Trials a oc:J .!! if r. t' .it bv. along Jinj of which preserved vegetables, ' ' ' s i liht CiLtaiu ring, p mder Basks, ivory I!e. . (o .40 lbs Prussian blue paint; Leaves from Tree Isdrasyl. ' . ien;ia lau.mig goo-i- ujKvn wmcii tne lurt-.- i knlvos, olives, Casks . the fivi.Ti Cor a puroty !.ivs th 4if Urau-rx- , hams. 10 lbs chrome J :t all f iit rlpjiling witters tho hurbor.'s cti, sitvr thimbles, lo; Kniplit of tha Golden Melice. paid, are liable to seizure ami confiscati'm. I r;t t , events, showed in : n-?.- V. to lil.ick IhuvisI axe hatih. ts, nx-s- ALSO 50 fbs chmroe creen do; Tbe In If any pers-- commit an on shore, it n n.'.tt fxt i;t All t'ds that tb. t "WTs was brilliantlv iilu- - b,ys' 10 Ulack.' fTie iM ea picture Lnolw, 2V) Mls IlaxaU . ll.s Vermillion; The , ' - board a vessel, it shall be the duty of frtif:-it- n-.i- . r r.;fcr stro; a:i.I razors, flour, Two Guardians. tlie cminuuiJiag r and number of i ns h 4Mx-- : yacht , 10 "" .... rv and nina'! in fcs blu?; f! cf craft the Zi.ic W:u!.linls. wheeibarro-s- l,y cutters, 0.(K)0 lbs navy and piloOiread, in whalemen's casks Tauletowu Letters. . such veswl to surrender the susjiected or ciilprit paw i ot of Tanta ar.nind t'x; t-- n. njtrtror ai !tI in the fitsr.Iay ; the Tinned ?Hin, lianx-- loatlu r, lil ls navy bread, 00 charcoal irons; Addresses by Charles o:;icer or tne iwnne wtio his on tl .il t4wrd that yanls and -, Hcent 8)ecbes and Sumner. anan surrender 4 llam-s- 5 Rcg-.- . ; Japan, lirars auil silver Wafer bread, in cans, So. 4 stoves " Williams;' Gabriel Vane his Frii-nda- . non oi a tegai warrant. th .vti was a mere of f.r3 aud 5:iuikt-- but n'ziing of tho Ian; sidf wi re all inanuod, and niuated, 5 hops; ' Fortunes and ltnrjry l:ur.p, solar kunjs. ass.Tted, s..;ir wicks, 250 )L prime pork, tales Panorama of Life an I Literature of LitteU. All sailors found th?re at ahaina after the Kmij; one thoti-- h t:io ' 2 cases hops. 1 ft, pap-rs- ; that hked fr, this was far frm t.iat auiM roiir of oann.n and th:' soreuni of Brttaniiia lamps, shovels and tonr, 200 lAyla mess beef, - " The Hiawatha LegentU. arum, or at uonoiuia after the ringing of the lenu'tiua: b..-in- g - E:ctr u Hi-.i- Now 100 bids extra prime pork; r - ' subject all. The ring of rj sjeniwl not oidv to rockets were J:":ird the shouts and cheers l!n"-- handl. diw 2, Cas?s assorted sixes sheathing metal. Tables. . to aiiprehension and a fine of two dollais. of Flat Swede's 200 bM:; Uailesro Hour; embrace the town, to far Iisli and French rani'-n- . iron, Ken composition nails, assorted sixes, Twice Married. - tfiiipmastera must gi notice to the niat t but extend into the and the loud burrihs of an.1 8, 11,000 lbs pil it bread; soil-ir- s lr!w inch Mpiarv, Swede's Full . ertion of any of within i i iron, assortment cottou duck. , Hime Scenes and Home Ponnds. their furtyight country, among the ir-n- , 23,000 navy . . Ihv np little ravines where none ever excursion i.ts. ns thev witntn'l i. I, J inch ru!d n.ts buckets aud boxes, Its bread; Miem Mysteries Explained and Exposed. j penalty of one huiHlred d4:ari. ! 100 tins assorted '" - dreamed nsuallv successful display ..(T.tit-- a Siug.e aud double bedsteads. J Hard Ware and Naval Stores. crackers; Art and Industry of Palace. - Foreiirn seamen are nut allowed to be d;sc)iar'M at that runs. lav lurkinr?. on the ton- t.f i . - -- of tireworta. or- Bndls NB 6s iron hoops, the Crystal . r " . : i". . .. - . - . KWs kaolin. 20 half bids new Qnsheii butter; in Exile. ports of these Islands, except at Honolulu. Lahains , tn- lmy-eriec- t Nif.leon picturesque, eminences, wbere one only uriog vi guns, ana our Goods, Kegs rivets, 4 to 5s, Tower 25 bids new - fancied dtscription Drr &c. holts, half apples; Tin- Life and H(rn of Nicholas I. of Kussia. ami at these ports only with the written consent of i foro-nff-- n Iron wire. 116 villas and rural cottiges could exist ; amid thick oi a scene that can never be J.w thnm Extra skirts, rattans, Scotch diapers and napkins, I'pright Kicks, small cheeses, in tins; , ; Poetry Mystery of Breams. ',. master. Boxes charcoal irons, Closet locks, 100 whole and clumps trees who witnessed I'rinted jaconet muslins, fast colors, boxes raisins; The It- - .mance of History. Honolulu, ahaina and II do, are the only ports at V. of and flanking yellow corn fields, it, is at an end. Boxes copper j ' Turkey red prints, small figure, tacks. Mortice locks, 200 half do do; Old Haun, the Pawnbroker IUudtrated. - tive seamen ara allowed to be shipped and diacharat came the same dreadful uproar, seemed Fine Bars best refined Hat iron, Casks iron 100 boxes S. W. soap; - till it as XarOLEOX TAKES LEAVE OF TICTORU prints, white ground. ship spikes, thoee pLicea only before agent s-- l TnE ENGLISH Bmlls nail rods, Bbls 6 Literary Criticisms. the t shlppinr native if all Franca was djlng Lonor to the advent of tho Curtain cord, paper, cambric. pitch, casks Zante currants; Star Papers Ward Beecher. o spir or otber merchandise shall baent-i- ia ttotr 1XEET do Norway shapes. 1 . ' Quevn STANDS FOR OSBORXE. Ladies and genu' L. C. handkerchiefs, ao tar. 25 kits No. mackerel; Anderson's Course of Creation. tor consumption or at anr of the wirn of England. Bndls assorted so, refined ! do 8 cases 9 Child's and misses' white hose, iron. rosin. (20 lbs) bap table' salt; . Mechanics' on Science. c. kingdom except Honolulu, Laliaina and Hilo, aiid no tirl At o'clock this morning 5-- 6-- Ieiues the British and 4--. t, 4 and 11-- 4 sheeting, Bars do do do i do fire nroof naint. 15 cases Iixons half H tobacco; Yankee wines name to higher per cent. ExoRitors or Lino-o-Ivp- ! Enterprise Illustrated. a duty than five v stkivcth nra rosnriCATroxs. French vessels " dressed asimal 1'ruwn drillinc. lrown euttona. lirLinr Sheets boiler iron. do sndn ah. 50 boxes champatrne cider; Men halt he so entered Hilo. ! ur." Cases ' of Character bv Dourfas Jerrold THiiiratrl at After the landing Cherbourg, by the French Admiral, And a ereat variety of tioods, in store aud to arrive, for sale by alcohol. Boxes beeswax, 50 boxes porter pints 100 dor; ' Btray Leaves The rates on landed this iitfA at Qrtrx Victo- and Her Majesty walked Bbls bright 10 ok! ' from Fairy Lad. of duties merchandise in " U. 11 A 1 L. varnish, .Bbls chalk. bbls Bourbon whisky; The Youth as ioiiows ria was conducted by the Emperor and Empress for a short time on the deck the " 10 kegs of the Old Ootninion. of roval vacht. lOrallon pr'me Bourbon whisky; American Education by Mansfiekl. On brandy, gin, arrack, w'nes, ale, porter and t!t V ALSO 20 rs ' ' OTer the strongoet fortification. Fort Roule, observing the scene. At 11 o'clock the salutes do do -- do; Beeneg Adventures - ' tilled or frmented spirituous liquors of a;iy j TIIE UXDEKSIGXED OFFERS FOR SALE A full assortment of Manila cordage, from i inch to 6 inches 30 keps and in the Army. decrii. which is j from superior arid extra whisky; Tba I'pper Ten ceeamg oo per cent, nor leas 27 per cent, literally the stone and iron crown of the the western fjrts announced that the Em- -i ons wnaie line, nawsers, 7 inch. 10 octaves Thousand by C. Astor Bristed Illus'd. than tf "Kivierre" brandy: . My Ctairiia Nicholas by Author of dollars per gallon. Ilo. exceeding 65 per cent, of ijet impregnable roal?tcad of Cherbourg. The peror wns astir, and ia a short time the Jnst Arrived from Whale boats, 1000 oi ls oil shooks. 10 do Castillon the Ingoldsby Leenda. canopied Liverpool, "Plnet Co." brandyi' Choice --lories from Household Words, , dollars per gallon. Do. exceeding IS per cent, kcl tot writ j state, 5 quarter casks u Duff Gordon" '. ?: bargas were once more being towed in the Sundries. " pale sherry And about 1000 other volumes. ing 27 par cent, of alcohol, one dollar per gallon. Ihi. mci THE Bales rrunny bacs," Cases 25 ales punny bacs; - . lu7-- - : 19 per cent- - or n l F.rt I'oule. if one may jndje from its j direction the Victoria CARGO.OF THE BRITISH BARK oil cloth. tf HENRY M. WHITNEY. ing aiconoi, ve per cent. valorem external tf and AUrt, Waring their Blacksmith's bellows. Bales 44 dos prey flannel shirts; Ou sugars, -, imp-ri- al kassocks, molasses, tyrupe of sugars, aud tVr apct for, like all the rest of th." strorg t lacc i majesties to take Imve tjueen. Caks Cumberland coal, Boat 8 dos scarlet do do; . country of the davits. - of any with which Has government has at d Twitors Wliilj- - the sovereigns Kin sail twine, Whale boats. , 4 dos blue do do; ENGLISH AND treaty, as Mllows : - . at t herjurg, the of is striotlT two were on lwtir.i. th Iry Goods. SO doz AMERICAN PAPERS . l'uuchiir machines. Oak denim pant?; Two ceota per pound p--r fjuarJeJ eeenm to Ix ' knpcrial anJ roval Kn.- Wales fancy bales boats. on, sugars, ten ceats airst fine of no orrlinarv httndanls of Franco and - print, ma.iin. a complete assortment blankets: Cases stationery. lOfflc chairs. 32 doa denim fmcks; - AND MAGAZINES. lasses and syrups of suitaik. three ornts oer nounlni l I - - lIUTWrLillCe And pxtont sTti,n,-- Liml wn-- i Aliwccas, plai.l.. figured lusires. t.rleaps. l mrrwi- Box- - 13 Kales 4 It ir.l f.tln. t,. i llnmi solar lamps, Common chairs, Am'keag sheUngs Krown: . On aU other merchandise five per cent, ad tal rera. 9 ,ii Ca-- s 5 bales rtimmit eU--n 1 ? palm leaf hats. Settees, do drills do; On mercliatvUse iiierl one of a rook. mctlMn, i;v. of the roval vicht. Aflor - ...... , .- is Agent to receive suhscrtp-- tranhJi frn vet4 ti u , , , . : nhit Jr.,,.! lVt?!..r.,, luw,, uiiii'irim,,??i,;.tw.,,,r,,ut nmniriiu, i mnr nviu. Nests trunks, Cases saddlery. 10 bales Ot! ' tNIERSIGNEI : transit duty or one per cent, valorem. Fort 1 THE thronirhout kingdom for any ai Resent at,! vl lUIeil HalVO kerchiefs, 7 1--4 thia of the following Jerv. onlvmurh Dj another o artliLTT, the KmrTor VT"J haul cotton had kerchiefs, resatta shirts; Kinery cloth. do enameled bales drills brown; Any vessel taking away a iwisoner from IzUnk rancy shirts, whke shirts, superior J cloth. , 1 cass puldicatiocs. Subscribers will receive them punctually on the the and o completely ovprlonkin r.mprosw - white shirts, ian shirts: Bales mats, . do Lancaiter stripesr . to a fine five dullai ' with its pins rach an.i T.rotHlt.'tl on Ixmrd the limnm.- nettmp, felt an , children's caps, am'rrvl of each mail fim the United States, when paid for of hundred s. - i.oquito haw, assortment of clxhiiiL-- A:tc hosiery : Bill bowks. 1 case Anchor do; in il S do curled hair. Any captain or other otScer of t- tone of the town and d.cks that fj-- i at a tlie l.rltlKHi Shll-- had the steam- f.,r .mo i Linen threa.L cilb tl.rM.i i 5 bbls advance. The following prices cover the Hawaiian, American a - vesvl vi tne ' Iln IVrcussion caps. half hide poion. without complying wiUt ttie reriuirementa of Uie l i ' lav. arr elanee the purport of it construction. C'!Hr-Kiur- c; time, and sixm uftrwurds the sio-na- w:i J " pm-- coat ano irowsers, tincy drills; Cases lioys' hats, Signal bells. XT For sale to arrive, on Liberal terms, h- - ' juruotcuonui government, anv uuK, ..i waoi uc inu nnc linen AL-ISO. MAGAZINES, the for the squadron iif oriwn n4iam:s, camiirtc handkerchiefs; do CDihrellas, 103f J. C. . ttiereof, is liable to a fine ol fire hundred dollars. rrtcts Empror ns.;intall tht world, to pet under way. White dainak table covers, huckaback towclinc, white ! drills; Per annum. Rapid riduicrLl the street U prohibiled and La Rnoile protects the EmptT Chor-bour- jr. Almost immediately Royal" bhirtins,malap :lams,erf-- , Mapa-i- andira isk raoint the Albert , with its d'.inestics, fine aud good white calico. Lumber. SOAP. narper's Monthly ne the plut ultra The hour for landing sjoods ' .... v or other articles, an :M Ntt a do could hark or cit mew in yanls manned and dressed, moved away td.m-l- y - An assortment, consistinr of , 25 wi .tiaazinei1 ) - . . . $500 0'alock. A. M.. and 6 o'clock. P. on all dave.nxKi Sundries. E C" ENGLISH Atlantic -- il.. Cherbourg againut it ImooTiiil almost - 50 tons rice, Oak, hickory and ash plank, 3 O O w?J'SS""!'. Per J3'i aakee," f..r sale bv Monthly Magazine, v . - 5 00 . and national hitilydays.. master while iand imperceptibly from its 4 a anchorage, - intc pine boards. Godey's Lady's - , - "a?ks hwttled ale and . - . . ... v v. u. ' 600 Office boors at the eotom bwue and otLer ua!Ar pinner wis left in Fort Koule. The keeping the side Use rwtrr, 'I - tirahara's - -- afcent to starWrd of harbor. The Ilhls draUKlit ale. Spruce plank. Illustrated - soo : every day (except gumluys and natkmal holT rt, r: d ' . Lewie's tlie Fort is by a very 8t-- fr road cut in m.lid Rmmrn also pu-- slowly on Crates .. Clear pine clapboards. Mainudne of Fashion, - - i oo o'clock, A. tuitil 4 o'clock. P. M. the along the pirt eartl.enware, viir.s. Hont-Mercha- ted . SlajriEine, 3m1 winding zi-i- Cas; fancy biscuit. Bundles pine lath". CASKS, sixes, to arrive per "Syren," 6 00 rotk, in ir up wir- - track, every yard of her rigging 114-3- m crowded e Vftf) Knickerbocker rnyi with -- & j te , An ir.T..k-- Shaved cedar shingle For sale bv 00 . Mitiia. fioe. wojj hiif; t?i( : tar-- t i:iij!ish watrhea, 219-- tf Kclectic It wit! n.j alight difEcaltv and the giddy height ' . Ve 4 at of the trucks of 6 tons f. uciujr wire, . CIIA8. BREWER, 2d. - low arrivtnrr from fan Francisco, rr other is 1 Litters Lirinp horfi att.icne-- t th" tTTb?s inana",d to -- eacli iiiii.--t stood. und'isni:ivcd and Kv 5 small iron Ajte, (weekly) . 700 having a mail U Ilonrla'q, will hoist tlie nstwnat txi "?t WOOD7 T" Blackwood's -- to-- cfipyiiii; presses, ' The Undersigned FIRE 3aja7iiic, 00 the fore, if a pilot is wanted : but a tiilot is not waofci ? 1 'i if them up th imiamit, and tfcev utte anv line, one of the "daring A for pood Eire Blackwood i ' rly of the crew of -- . CORD Wood, on the Undine and the 4 English Quarterlies, -- 18 00 sel such a mail will eiisjrn ia.t A.rte.i li..p jou, FOR SALE. AT near the Custom House. havii; hoist the at tlie Etan. J Mown and exhur.te--i with t!w Kin- this TIIE LOWEST Apply to . Either of the Kngtki . gan OkkI eJf,rt. Tlie - smart shin. OFFERS Liree I S877-- 4 00 Messrs. Morgan, fe: Co are Asr.rtl and "inare iron; a assortment of Gooiis. recent v receir tf ' - - Francises h-- r t C. A. fc H. F. POOR t"nel States Illustrated Mapaiine, . . -- e.nduct'1 Majmtr into thy fort. th The rnOiidron g t umlor way In two lines So txixea IX tin plates, ed Sail Livrrpoal. Among them 4 00 ied 'mail ustaU for the Hawaiian Government an 1 f'TOT in - Erauricnl Korth American Review, 1- (quarterly) leaving; tnr -4 : sheet" rv . SHOOKS. 600 that port H un4ulu, are requested to intra M tonrt the Euipress; and the whole this order Bow's Review, (monthly) -- - whi:e le . 600 the time of their departure. .. , , Laciish lead, paints and oil. Homu-hol- rein.uned time on new !:-a- . GOODS. BARREMOIL, SHOOKS. to.rrive Dickens' Wonls, - 6 00 jurty s.iae tha r.::nriart, R"yal A tort, DRY 1 OOO per clipper ship "Syren." hy CWir.jmfa l:ia Brown cottons, sale " Magazine, . . . 6 00 IlstrWr infpectin the iii iniScent pmspoct lm, r.uryains, Also Iteceived via Snn - CUAS. wich liv JiaCO'HI. Tict.Tria aivl Francisco: ' . BRtWtR. to. - Veeb anchorlnt; outaMc of the reef off HtvWx l beneath them. w;w w!iic-- h Al'ert. f,nrp.1, 8--rir riiiteootttfis.sliirtiiurs. iS It one, indeed, mih"t l iaek and fUunelshirb. White cotton drill, nia.lap.iUm, ENGLISH NEWSPAPiHIS. their anchorage, when reqtKted to do au by thr harVv w J tb-i- r rrle, lainr Queen, Asorte.1 well commairl admiration, "is, ljlu.iee, clth. two-bl- W HITE London P.r the view Fairy. Coruli liandierchiefs. Fancy drill, printed cord, prints. CEDAR' SHING LES Illustrated News, (weekly) - $14 00 -- ly to be atrnired in tl plaee by U htirt Stf-- J of it kind, proimMy t!e in the world. Furniture irints, brown drllline, reg:itta shirt. i1-1- " MIAVEE l eniiifr Mail of the London deMnated Tlie OJome remained. "behind by Fnncy white WHITEa- - - hi asaiatant, and moved aa rme io --k, nt of shirt, shirts, linen fittinirs. hickorv shirts. l erlar thineles. tier ll,rri - Time) . . 28 00 fr Bnclnrse wt All Cherbourg il the L'her!xHir of a Jldj-st- y, On : White, Cmcy sic',' for sale by n-- tf Punch, (weekly) , puiK dmnuag II r as the Lirds of the Admiral ur were Hand and strineil cotton undershirts. lHtinr. C H. LEW EIL Fort st. - - . - 8 00 uirai, au rcen uawaiiau townsrople, hnt the. i'herliour LiriTjMiM ar.d tlie salt, Merino UiwlersfiirtA. children Sficks. white and ml n.,,,,1 " Despntcti, " i. . . Efty tona burthen, and vessels under ' of the ft ' B-.1- ' ' 14 00 ciml ansi ni to avail themselves of an !, P ... or ottioer parpone Emperor with j.p;rtunity of Liilish prx-ri--- pie fruits, pickles, W'hite blankets, larce assort of lineu drills. French pork i r" Life iu London, - - . . 14 f th of lenrlnz port, to quit tb i its iininen? extent of docks clos..-l- y d.K-ks- , 00 wi-V- inspecting more tltc arsenal La:iih brown .mp, Ihi and trowserit:gs, superBne broadcloth, medium do do, RIMB to , Lnmion Weekly Time,' . . . the wriaen pcrmiraion o the hurtir mHt.r. basins, and BAREIi,S PORK, arrive 10 00 , and harHurs, and, a!J, U HiknU-- r an-- - Eiu!nii.i.r.Hi Lliyd's Weekly ... -- The harbor pil-t- wti aWc triple fire alpacas, embroidered Orleans "syren," Newspaper, ... master or hii aasistarit, or any rw puhiie the' oii hric's, silk, poncho cloth, F.rsaiebr 10 buildings of town, the n.xjecfnrr ier-Diissi- 'r.MVfH9-t- 00' rnck-hni- . . f lr Imr vess.J f, of Certifications and lt mid-in- g Auction and rhiiius, - . oi wi.fvii .nj, uivuary ivusseu coru coata,. CnAS. BREWER, French Courier dea Etata Uuia, . a frum one anchoraire or uiuorui to natm battri?s, having Ixrcn jacsw, to. T60 p granteil by tho Emperor t Sad.llcrr. ttc. etc Tweed and other trowsers, women's shoes, assorted, make fast t i any otlier veno-- l or to any w.u-- or wharf 7 in all directions, lay henealh likj a pigan-ti- c - Li ren-i- their lordships. As soon as the squadnn had And a very varied asirtmeiit of TVy f! o.l and Sundries. Men's shoes, lailies' shoes, crae shawls,. MA XI A CORDiCE. ' ' T AilERICAN" NEWSPAPERS.. H""i in uie same, euUlnjt awar s plan. Almost evv-r- street in the turn could An tuvoice m OOOOS exnecte,! shortlv from Linen camb. hdkfs, silk m ckties, New York or fastaan?. is liable to Oir penalqr r.ted below, reached tlie outer r .t. is Pn , VS " tn Prder, daHy ex- - nerald, (weekly) - . . ' p.rt the roval Pi C.1 $5 00 vacht steamed aj 1 1 bo distinctly tnc--l ; the shape and 1'r.tnciscii. liu-- IIOBEBT C. JAX10X. Felt hau (anai-td)- cord, . f shipV," Syren," fur V . i iwiiwu-iur- 'I lafl T". ll V4S'1S .IJ - w place which between . c Ited i.jr sale bv . ' 4 00 hall, by- majestically the two fines and Duck trcrsei-s- liJ-t- ir . when so requested - the barimr master nr k 1 shooting on " Times, , each . . . - other fort was built to denominate, niiii J. 4 O0 their, - could ahead of the larger ships jqissed out to 6ca ; Ladies' riding hata, blue Hannel jackets, linen drill &c ' is Leslie's Tllustrafvt Newspaper, fweeUv) suck down stream e1es and other fsliii,- be seen gUnee, the iant. A ft. -- C 8 00 AU euteriittr tLa requ 1 at a while in the roadstead lay crews ATT OP ROSES." BailWs Bost.i Pictorial, . - . veilj sliall. if s of the squadron on the rigging hardware! rr 600 ty-a- checrinf A r-- ... harhtr master, or eitficr of - the piKs. in their j . S ieet ted English filen, GROCERIES. SMALL lAt op &n Francisco l!eral.l, - . ri? a HI, r GEXUiXE RE-- . 6 00 !!- uui.ii " Itooms. Tater , Her Majosty with such effect that it was hcurd hollow ware, KnIish pie fruirs, pickles, sauces. Nock W -- eived and for sale tiw by Bulletin, . 1 . awuiker and tor. their lower and t dg! in colors, and surronnde-- I by host Arted shenihlnjr nails, neDner. white nenner. . 6 la tweidr-- H a of tiny ; even amid Ginger, cinnamon, mace, - A lta 00. f air hoars after ancbTriuir within tie har' the roar of cannon which tiarlen chaini, hrunte hat stand, conk's ladles, doves, oatmeal, table salt, sardines, - A. II. F. POOR. California, - . 6 00 ' -- ... au cases attemplins; come f, a jachts, furling their white s:ii!3 like birds settling Han saw aeu, Caier, dried herbs, London malt vineear, ng!h brown soap, - i. wn Talk, 60Q t. alori"le t saf i from every ship and fort in asated corkscrews. - eitherr Hocks down upon tlie place. Table , ac-- , Boton Journal, (weekly) , the or wharves; ami L'p . the water, -- knives, . . or skimming about carver, and Steele c CALfFORXIA WHITE WXXE. ... 4 00 -- inside fna, tnppeil ojuil within i The French fket now cave finest ls M'iilin' Home -- twenty flair Ivnirt of their aa. its and its t lock, barrel bolta, try Joorual, . . the harbor in all directions. Xor was : , ,. "ft pamsanviU. . 400 bor, and until removin r V ar the view parting saluute, t CASEMCALIFORXIA-- New York Independent, fweeklv) - . . frn any wharf the farthest WHITE . "- redoubt and F per - WIXE 4 oo: No l- -art inland of a less striking less most Hoop --- laukee," for sale by Philadelphia Evening - pitch, tar, rewn or oil shall be bunted on or varied wide-spreadi- Iron, ' - ng iron, screw woo! prevs. 104-- " Pmt, ..' character. awted tf '.4 distant' fort- the massive - - L. - 00 el within the liarhor J all aorb emnbnstiMe arurWO F and lnm Garden roller, ir-- fiekl TO SEA3IEN AND C RICHARDS CO. Harper's Weekly Journal, -- . . ar near hills and vallevs, w!iich were haud gales, STRANGERS. . . 400 on lth-- sire wn 'casements Bat, ' beated shore, or In a sit, a at a rra - of Querq'ieville tier upon tierofheavv Burnihe.1 bha, sail needles. - Life Illustrated, (a weekly family journal) . . m rat over with their crowds : . . : ... ., . rZ rndersigned is prepared to receive mrueys, or vahiat SPRIVfS rR.V- 400 Inra any vrssri. I of ancient looking French it. J iuir.p electro-plate- d 'I'll The Country Gentleman, do UJIIWIM.IUUJ t.i tacks ware fjrfca, me I X. V. . ' uijuicu (ueir rotir wun tne chorus soona. 1 articles or small bulk, on denosit in his vault in the Pi iE SUPERIOR - 4 W Any person who shall Oiri w or r U.rr Tillages, fine old churches and ivv-To- a . with complete, siinivr: PHAT, New Bedford .Mercitry, . canse to square . ouw; once ttiulitintr. (turmerty occapied by Harness for aula v . . " 400 rtwr. t-- Vttt ng oi wie guns oi torts ana on AnraoM nun Utniai. the Hawaiian Goveromen. II9-t- or leave or eanse he left man h . ' towers, pe-pi- ships sea and f " " !ip List, ... i. were seen out from aia'ong - as the Treasury.) These considered fireproof; CHA8. BREW EH, ... . ! apni-hend- the - vaults are and are to. Cultivator Mavaziue, 300 ti'a.i animnv snail llaJilo to be i- at r IdlHl. LIQUORS. safrr than any other in Honolulu. Islamln. (mom!y, on farming) 2 00 tres, or lying snugly in the hollow of"some j 8lraners visitinr the Slowly rose the - ale ' ami seamen or officers potnir to sea, to The Any La charming valley, half hidden curtiin of thick smoke, rradu- (a firt rate article), braivly. pin, draught ale, rlarK. and winhiiir deposit coid. OYSTERS. above list comprise the cream of British and American vessel Win? en or disrharrinz baT v in the cool shade. Old un, .v. j- - ...... rHVWWrlv r krl ... umtt l A away r hock, erabapple cider, sherry i n uiuig wmriKT, will ... penodteal literature, and win be supi-lie- I amutllin lwl i- -. . laouig into mm wreatlimg vapor, rising wine, champapne, etc mhuw. iirn uul BEST BRAXDS to - ' " The only drawback iij . this an OP CHESAPEAKP snbscril.i; in the picturesque effect of t, irii it i tt f . . . n d.pi!t accommodation to them. When sums of money THE constaiHlvnn hand. vi.-- n. ,r tne rates annexed to each neriodiml. ..i.i - . I tallinr liuo the WatT. . '. th--s ; nigiier:i no tne nuns oi tne great ships could be are ren or or lonjter. periodicahj ,!L scenery was the prrv:tual forts. Scarcely SHIP CHANDLERY AND SUNDRIES. for a lerm iwrive monuis. t.'iev can be i and Le Bar,'. LeUrun's are warranted superior will be allowed a liberal dimirT.i an .v J For each violation of ri:Wrf the 1rxvrT4 a . seen A option depositor, to anv forrr ' slowlr steaminir out of harb r. ourn lit- - vested or not, at the of the and Interest on the market. For sale bv A are regularly reenved by each mad I Toatin is halde tn a fl not e nook, Fire bricks, blue aud while; saddles, - from the Cmted 8 P" lie, rr' i however ouiet, which was not .' hri.lles. belts, dairy fSlfli " ii- r. iue . tales, and i t 1 salt: aepneu secureo. ror sums applicrai-m- p-- t surmounted tie clearer, t-- receipt will be given all or valna rvVR. can be supplied on The If P"" a to uff the and the Emperor pickling saU, bes - nndersitmed will K edoet wiw! anrbwnce and Empress could ivcrpd I ptckinr salt, pipes; E - 1 I wun trie : . be nies aepostreo. M. E V Kyi t - mlu, scarped earthworks indicating batteries. ! .. Black, yellow and rreen paint, hemii , rr.A. Ii. WHITS i. TEXT SPRIXO BEDS Made to wj mtluu uiir payers I in me uwn timt t. rh.. tUw. and be n detained on board from the roi. Vnii il iiMJu'.u, Oct. 1S57. " ' 70--tf order r twraty-fiiu- r oers'J white no hamlet H"'"T osnabur?, roo wi.le balirlnr, wool PA W. FOX. r.K.-- - , - 31. WHITSEY. than finin, be is entitled ts . bags: " od $1 (or health eertiaonte, and If detairvd on bosir"J asnot to be? KlacksmiUi's cairiaire and other varnishes. . . ' Hotel . worth 1iaiitlre.J ' sr den.rinatin witlia. wards tlie fast recedin form of the mral ' cl, LIGHT GOODS. than twentr-foi- hours. u a ! nturos'v " cinnotui. it wan cannons, rsumons, cannons ..: - - . . Jrrht EARTHENWARE. . LATE ARRIVALS A SPLEXD1D PATENT PENCIL SnARPENERS. PoprLAR s7 ttfaoold vessel ituis aoOiored withiwt t rL0:! DER - nooll ". wun a iair winu. steamea tor Osborne. Trf-nw- ot Lurht Ciothine, : B "W BY JAMES "'rwartg enter, tbe anchorage fees abmre named '1 wherever turned. r JL assortment via I D J. JARTES joa They pouredorlopen you nappiofl, Ubie rhsmber seta, tea fk bovbt. maetAz .a awv.n ES. I mitted, rve a I v i . . .. . White linen duck and drill pants, , CXDERSIGXED has received by and the and hn!th es ni'.f from erery corner, they commanded flinru rstr wvlei ' i 1 mrk.tnifo C. ..I. aS THE the s,ln Eli- - The pilots pikr nuy every tam- do do do do . 108-- -- r EUa, from Boston, following shall lring the vewrls which they coats, ' n . ' rr-- . tho late rwMicatiaoa. one . n V by Mr. formerly - of felly within bn ing, till grew weary of the black Eiuwn do , do do panta,' . Jsrvea. of Honolulu - the harbor, (within the inner turj. d rrpetual ROBKBT C. 3AN10N. , - ny m - maxzlee, and could not help wondering do do do do coats, AXD ? "KIANA,.a nirajni me mm BMAter,) nd anctxw i what in Fancy plaid coata, : 'PITCn TAR. Talk of Hawaii. able aad convenient pla oe. . the of won-le- r they " This, work The vwnrfs. J, nui3 were meant to attack or Fawey chevk ooatc, , ' S . la fondedn oje of toe ancient traditions harbor master shall board all foreign defend. . STATIO.ITERV. Black Hawauans, and filostrates of the lao vemeU from f.ireiirn New Goods, aipacca coata. 119-t-f - their ancient cystoma wdhaWl port, as eooa as paiWiwl,r cx 4-- CHAS. Bark "Jlelita." rpiIE CXDEKSIOXED OFFERS FOR SAL tf At wholesale by ' C. A. Jt H. F POOR. J BREWXR, 2d. U dedicatodHy Anthor to H Majesty mred the harbor, direct them bere and bow la 2 All who the In per te - acdd mount which Roule JL -- LJ.A ELLA, frera Bosum, the.IH ine aple-n- Ssat, see that the ecmm;uidin officrr has the pric- J rtand?, 1 HOOP IRON, ARTnLNTS, ox KrchT. latMos. were struck with the marvelous reaem-blar.- ee CODFISH! K1TSXO. MACKEREL d.l ruacuxui fwiouery, siana noikt, nd Desk Fornitorr, PIANOS le. Architecttrk, Sctlpttre and receive a lut of passenger, Ui be deif- - Kits end viz PIANOS! PIANOS! IROX, axd eoSector general' ofBce which s BS. tmrsea. SMALL SIZES; uy ; J fnm that point of n'ew Cherbonr-bear- Cases lard, In tins, 10 - " - S, 4, 6 and 6 quire F THE CELEBRATED MANCFAC- - HOOP small sixes. ' ; J. j. Jarres. e -- !ts each, Journals, various bindings; -- "America has Drndncnl . lie is entitled to reflect Wt Sera-top- . - 119-- tf at last a rit Jw such aervices, ftei to ul. Corn - 6 ; ... If, instead of the break- meal, hi tins. S, 4, and 6 quire Ledgers, do do: o itRtaur For tale by CHAR. - eate her in art, guide her infant steps, three dollars in addition vi Oie amoant paid him fwW T exi-te- Oruaml rioe, in 3, 4, 5 6 D ' BRW,2l, water, a ridge of land d for tins. aud quire kecrd ooks; - CHICKERING & CO., fclU that surround the pilgrim of boata and warps in movfrig and makiag fust sorh J the north side, CamCna rice, ' -- JL ltZn , the likeness would be in bhir, , 3, 4. d and 6 quire Pay Books; JCST RECEIVED FROM EUROPE". PA SZ aeoeaaarily d'Gained ou board man than two bnori stf perfect; but Cherbourg Eustoa stmakal hams. 3. 4. 6 and 6 ooire Low Books: RAVEX, BACON & CO. SvG" AXD.FRESCll o receive at the rate of ene 'joHar suckr' Crushed ' axd LA:l PRDfCI-- per hour r from the sea i scarcely half as Ftron as tixe suar. . Aesorted cargo hooks; Asaurted tuck mem. hooks; . GEXUIXE FARIXA COLOCXE y tion 4 and Sir time that he may b called opoo 'rJ Itnaf sucar, . tuck NUNNS & CLAKK. . 104- -f - r nnsiV.vw " 1st and 24 series. rch uxine. great , however," strut- -, do diaries and almanacs, lor 18i8; JCZT . resei after having once toaornd ber pn periy.b mistm. 'it Water do wvitlup hooka, : The ndersigned can WllaeB crackers, with and wiihout enpir; fbrnish onerior toned Instruments of Parisian life and . 00 - - ui am ii"i enough, and may - inwanrc fairly take its rank araon the Kutter do, do cap ledger indices; assorted fetter books; the above makers, throtigh Messrs, Hmmger A BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, Any- pers-T- whoijshall throwik atones or other . Sorla reams - ITALIAX rutiiT gTeateet83 fjrtretes in the.worM , dn, . r 'JM leUer. cap and note paper; srrzrr, sou eairs tor te Paouc coast. Ue has fcr SIGIITS AND PAPAL PRLXcr: -- wn a vewl at anchor in the harbor of Hooota, w',i 1 m7F, ' le, lot of Black Crortlt, Ovitr . An, . 10 do bill and aeeoanl strmii r Plans and stytea can be seen at oar ofuoe. . Orders Boliot THESCBSCRIBER . n. smith's FLES with numerous to a fine of J100. tJibraltur and Malta for, like them, lOQ.Ouo 6- nvh !niiBrvt;,o t r J if properly Milk Usenrtn. buT and whhe eve)oD. of all - - C. A. A H. F. POOR. Yioea, fcc, rolnc-- prices. 8h Any ptyinc fa th - 2,(XiO at d Jarres. . - - Boat. txyt fw hi ecrt-Urno- J. defended, it Is totally impregnable from GinstTMuipa, parchment and nf U v-- u. - - - the rrh sirrs: - IiEXKT SMITH .v. Tb skelchew of which Hooiuia, whether emplov4 ia easrytng passeng j Fraat variety of Mank botes, drafts aad bills uf lading: ' XOTICE. this without being licensed, to liable frwIHture. - ' water against a world in arms. Iler 3I.Jety irited bat Informinr. T-- v me to --Tied appleau . Dowd itch's Navigator; Exicditious Calculator: SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY OP IICXTS C. S. .HANDLED frry. .!!f.r?0.on.,r very passenger hL ing a lioenaed -- shnre ii remained in the fort far a considerable IOT--tf Naatk-a- l f,- - - TIIE AXES. time, and At 8. SAYIDOJPS. Ahnanxt, lii- 100 gross steel pens; I' L fees his s.rrices ia the adjustment of acxxsrnta, collection of PER TOCXB carry with him 100 Iba. of Inggae or goods b"-- 1 then walked down the road to the town dis- Gctta percha pens.a aw artidr; copying brwabea; ' fins, etc .nortiragea, easea. Bills of Sale. Aereeo and RECEIVED , CREEK, AND eharget and for all extra loggage gnods, he shall "VPJ j a Assorted tape; lent, . UiMk) W. S. rADD. - Far or tance of more than a mile; but the . JUST KECEIVED. red red. fancy and black sealinc wax; other inatnsEenis, drawn with accuracy and dispatch, and on sale by .' H. M. HHlFJiRY. ding to agiemieiit with th owner of the boat. path wa w " Boxes assorted gummed seais; patent ink erasers; mod (Tale terms. Office at the " Bailors' Home." 'AU the bnata of hire for tn . "'" JCST RECEIVED" BT time ar entitled ehsf J steep that a carriage could only hare pi Lin SIDE LACE G A ITERS Patent petil sharpeners; patent traveling " ll-- tf OEO. WILLIAMS. "CAXDACE." tut tor acrom LADIES' to Fraacais ink Muds; ... A "Harpers Weekl?.' V pssi riiLt the find hour, one dollar ; and traj gaiter, Flat, round and : II MS, RAISIXS ey octaem rulers; tin cash travs; WESTPHALIA IV on ing hour fifty eeota. ed the at considerable duEcultr s ' and crea do velvet tipiiera, Fahr-r'- : . .. At - Uibtn's, and Ropea' lead pencils; tin wafer eups; - . . ll-t- All boata hired hy to chare tsw . ' . . do fa ry - , SHIPS ACCOCXTS, ' , f- diflanee ar enttUed risk: boskin, pmss red. Mne aad black Inksi aasorted copy ing inks; 8AM.' SATIDOR. eenu tor every paswnger tram any ship Y Mines' fancy gaiters, A ASTERS OF WHALESUIPS WHO notHJed C5ub to aod v WOR3 OX BOAKO TBS SUITS A3TD TOWX. snorted rwrtfoiuw, choice article ivory paper (oUers; DE that the Ust tor T ff the Inner harbor or boor, off sliin-var-d a nK u Infants'boota, pen ;ort i.TJL7f sire sisiiif new in making p of their, aoooanta. will OSAGE ORANGE will be forwarded Kew pea' h arc th ' - ; do hoiders, various pattemsf pen racks; letter clips; te SEEdT to lont on A Ca. fifty eeou to plaee withkl .1 fire-wor-ks Men's Oxford ties, pieaee call oa the nndendgned, who will give his fanaaediate at-- cripaVns bejr-.-n JlZ., in. October aa k. ami from say The were the mmt and . do . paper weights; Janaarr 1 t mt-L- expeosire, do pitent leather assorted Inkstands; tbenmraeters: tentioa to business entrnsted to htm. Office at the -- Sailors' i --srtr, that Is between the know nff it the J trailers, 7 da asotUed and pbin linen - JPrCEivED-Aar- for bv Rabiason A Co- j made the most display has oyer twine, IH. - - and abreaM the pufct of that . vac gijrgexs do I top GCO. WlLLIAJtS.- sle II I - fio do. I I . . m-t- . do slate, small toy and achoot: - "' . been pr--nte- d in any euuntry or on any occa- f- a. n. poor. do banker:' waUeta. fcr m mnA TOBACCO. I . . eerm. . - puoy am c r: fn-- - . iu m k ml V tx me last Wcvteriy point af ttie -- A lew groaa of pens; - CRACKERS. " r leT JZtJ viau d ts sion. They are thus describe- - bya corrcspondeiit md AibaU ladirasmaU sed etter paper; I' CASES --"KXICKERBOCKER" to remain tn all at th otat towh-- h 1 CAKES AND CRACKERS, Italian office desk booea; camel hair pencils, etc. X FRANCISCO BUTTER, Ptramnl " extra quality; far.w?. W f - S.-rl-.t- t not exceeding fifteen Lm ttmlf London : eto.. WATER, 117-- tf Tr'- of the Post - ' W SA Picnic aad Soda Crackers and Jenny Cakes, - A ' ' - -- . M. HTTNEY. Iiod C H. F. POOR. havtmr to us. .. . oase it should ha dctafaaad akionidc an ead at Vic-fcrL-v, TrST RECEIVED PER TAXKE- E- per ,. ge. ; vm-- ii At the concJasien of t!e hanqust, Queen Picnic crackers, ia tins; " aokee, for sale by e of ? e sr fifteen dmtea, thea the osraer Is entitled to sr . . - C. . RICUARDS A CO. more geoeraini ti fu L"r-- five cents every chF the Emptor, the Eiupr, and the Prince Water crackers, .doj . yOLUME II, REMOVAL. aasfieoo than any vtbtw, fa ilb' far fifteen manntes afsack dehtis Jenny Liad cakes, ia tins; XS XDERSIC XE D vhw numiua, aanary, laan. with royal pro-od-.! AJ-vr- ter HAVE REMOVED tha rest the party, L fire-jao- Conrt, of Jumbti-- i. - - TnE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL SARDINES. to Make A Anthon of t . Fiwsalebr OY bouod aod for sale Drk -- - - buikiuig, ap stairs, over. t"- -l , -d-dreso H. M. VBXTHKT. 8. A FOR estsr to the strn ry thf Bretagne, Jlt-- t. c. a. n. r. pfion.' ll.-- tf SUPERIOR LOT, IX HALF BOIES of Jf, A. Aklrira. H. M. WHrrSKY. I sasepy lJ0-t- f PUpB. m IL mo A. A H. W. POOR. -

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