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KVENING BULLETIN ATLANTIC FLEET EDITION H" scenery. The cool, limpid waters of thp .loch lapping the palm studded bench nnd a glorious sunset with Its Steady Breezes and Summer Seas fptlpscrlbablo effects spreading a Record Trips In Pacific maglcTi splendor over all. Comfortnbto cottages nnd bungalows, nestling nmongst (he palms and nlgnrobaa, glvo tho place an inviting and hoard-tabl- o For Yachtsmen the Year Round look. As nt Honolulu harbor, Of Ship? of All Nations lofty mountains furnish n background of grandeur nnd strength. A landing is soon mado at tho wharf (By CHARLES R. FRAZIER) nud an end has coma to tho oxhllor-ntln- g outing. Everybody delighted RECORD TRIP8 BETWEEN NOTABLE TRIP8 OF PACIFIC OCEAN .STEAMERS. ' that's always tho way. Sailing Is ono ArVD DISTANT PORTS. Trip. Miles. Steamer. Dalo. D. II. M. of Hawaii's greatest recreations. Kan Frnnclsco to Honolulu, 2100 China Aug., 1899 5 9 55 Snn Francisco to Honolulu, 2100 1903 4 22 15 Is one ot the most scene Is constantly chnnglng with fully you are likely to be bumping To or from Honolulu unlets otherwise Korea Jan., San Francisco to Honolulu, 2100 Aug., 1905 1 19 20 pastlmcg of kaleidoscopic rapidity. Willi such hslplessly on tho Jagged coral. Siberia stated. Honolulu to San Francisco, 2100 Mnilposn May, 1898 r 22 l) YACHTINO over the entrancing beauty to look back upon Heretofore you have had n fair WHEN SAILING SHIPS 1846 Am. schr. Knmchamcha III, 11C Honolulu lo Snn Frnnclsco, 2100 China Nov., 1902 fi 2 10 Its nlwnys Bum- Is It strange that for tho nonce you wind. Nov. you must tack up tho days from . Honolulu to Snn Francisco, 2100 Nlp'n 1900 5 2 21 mer hero when the fresh, forget that the boat Is traveling at an channel, The lacking Is exciting, too, Marti Jnn., 1852 Am. sh. K. D. Foibos, 99 days Honolulu lo 8nn Frnnclsco, 2100 Tcnyo Marti Jun. 190S 4 21 licalth-gUIii- trade winds blow over exciting clip over the rolling sea. She for the boat careens well oer on her RULED PACIFIC SEAS from lloslon. San Frnnclsco In Yokohama, 47G1 1903 9 I 17 the and furnish a steady Is cutting tho water gracefully under sides until tho water comes up to Iho China Oct., mountains 1853 Am. sh. R. 11. Forbes, 17 days Yokohama to San Frnnclsco, 4537 Korea Sept., 1905 10 11 motive power. Is a recreation tinsut-passe- the propelling Influence of the steady cockpit, to Hongkong. Yokohama lo San Frnnclico, 4537 Siberia Oct., 1905 10 10 28 In any clime. The trades niu trade and leaves behind n well de- wind-mil- l Tho old and dilapidated 1853 Am. sh. Sovereign of tho Seas, Yokohama to Honolulu, 3400 China Dec, 1897 8 (i 15 so dependable no sudden squalls to fined vake. Tho rudder hums under you houses aro rapidly approaching S3 days to New York. Yokohama to Honolulu, 3400 Coptic Feb., 1902 9 2 17 endanger the safety of craft-- no the stress and 'the sail bellies nnd was Passages between Coast and jour aro landmarks of Puuloa. This 1853 litis, wh. bk. Suoml, 13 days Snn Frnnclsco to Sydney, 7297 Alameda Dec, 1895 21 10 0 calms lo liave sou drifting strains In eagerness. What sport can n Isl- Island Ports. sudden unco tho residence of wealthy from Sitka. Auckland to Sydney, 12SG Sonoma JniL, 1902 3 8 40 on a ocean. bo so exhlleiatlng as this? Nature's breathless ander; but now tho place has been 1834 Am. sh. , lOO.dnys Auckland to Honolulu, 3810 Mariposa April, 1882 11 10 0 pure ozone, undellled, to breitho nud 1852 Challcngo, 8 Ono of tho most pleasurable excur- turned Into n salt works. Sec that Ship days from to Now Dcdford. Auckland to Honolulu, 3S10 July, 1897 11 10 35 orlvo you on No of gisollnp; to Honolulu. Alameda sions for the yachtsman Is a sail, with odor nlmost clicular cnclosuro San Francisco 1854 Am. sh. Skylark, 104 days to Sydney to Auckland, 1280 Zealandl.i Dec, 1890 3 20 CI no chug chug of an engine; but the 1859 Ship Hawk, 9 days n fair wind, to Pearl Harbor. A In the water, formed by a continuous ninck and New Ucdford, Honolulu to Samoa, 2279 Mariposa Jan., 1886 fi 7 45 "shark-pen.- " Hono- spirit of the wind nbout you and tho wall Is tho 9 hours Francisco, 1854-185- -- brcezo Is always ready In of rocks? That from San 1- Am. sh. N. II. Palmer, 81 days Honolulu to Victoria, , 2312 Wiurlmoo July, 1890 fi 22 19 feel of Its pulse as It comes with In- At high It Is entirely sub- 1SC1 Ship Fair Wind, 8 days nnd lulu harbor during the season of tliu tide I'M to New York. Honolulu to Victoria, 2342 Manuka June, 1904 B 14 50 creasing and dlminlshlni: force. Ono for tho warn- hours from San Frnnclsco. trades. And the enjoyment begins merged nnd wen' It not Am. schr. Lady Jane, 26 days Victoria to Honolulu, 2360. Wnrrlmoo Jan., 1896 7 1 9 cannot get away from tho Idea that black buoy edge tho 1SG1 Ilark , 10 days 19 hours with the start of the Journey. What ing marking Its from cnllao. Victoria" (o Honolulu, 2360 Mahcno Aug., 190(1 C 12 o tho boat is a lUIng creature. of running from lo Fran- Is more Interesting than the water sailor would bo in danger Honolulu San 1854 Am. schr. Sovereign (Ka Mol), Vnncouvcr to Sydney, 6999 Wnrrlmoo Nov., 1895 20 15 17 upon n cisco. Tront of a busy city Steamers and The course Is close to tho shore his craft It. There Is wharf 120, days from Now London. Honolulu to Sydney, iSGG Manuka July, 1904 13 16 DGt s 1SC2 King. 9 days 9 from all parts of the reef that ghes warning of Its presence right along side the pen and there Ship Storm and 1854 Am. sh. , 83 days Sydney to Honolulu, Mlowera Aug., 1906 II 0 30 world meet on common ground at this by n lace-lik- e fringe of breakers dash- Is a good sized steamer nt tho wharf. hours from San Francisco. to New London. Sydney to Honolulu, 480.3 July, 1905 14 17 12t 1863 9 13 hours Manuka cross-road- of the Pacific. ing ngalnst It. Tho colors of tho This is only ono illustration of tho Dark Yankee, days 1857 Ur. sh. Kamehamchn IV, 116 Sydney to Honolulu, 4863 Mnhcno April, 1906 13 22 50f from to Hono After passing out of tho haibor en- water aro simply glorious, A light deceptive appearance of Pearl Harbor San Francisco days from Liverpool. Sydney to Vancouver, 6070 Warrlmo April, 1906 21 4 23 ' trance between two sentinel lines of green near tho reef blends into a deep- waters and tho many hazards that lulu. 1S5S Am. sh. John Land, 97 days to Best record trips. flncludlng nil stops. 1S79- - SprccHcls, 9V4 red and black buoys, tho yacht Is er, more luminous green farther out, beset tho navigator. Unless you havo Schooner Clans Now Dcdford. headed toward Barber's Point, which which in turn ends abruptly in a deep learned the course yon would not caro days from San Frunclsco to i. 1858 Am. brg. Josephine. 103 days Is also the direction of Pearl Harbor. Indigo. Glancing downward you o to venture up a channel so full of from New York. 1871 Am. bk. Agate, 31 days from days from New York. You do not sail to the point, however, that tho water seems very shal- perils. Von must know tho location 1880 Schooner Jesslo Nlckerson, 10 1858 Am. schr. Vnquero, 90 days from . 1898 Am. bktn. Ottorspool, 109 dajs ba seen of every Jagged point that is lying in days from Honolulu to Hum- us tho buoys marking Pearl Harbor low. The bottom can plainly Melbourne. 1873 Am. sh. Puritan, 16 days from from Liverpool. you along Bhows wait for tho novitiate. boldt 103 channel are sighted long before tho as Rklm and curious 1859 Am. brg, Josephine, fi days 13 Portland Oio. 1S99 Ger. sh. Mario Hackfeld, point Is reached As you draw away nnd surprising coral formations. No To tho left is tho cntranco to tho 1881 Urgtno. W. 0. Irwin, 8 days nnd bonis to Jarvts Island. days from Hamburg. 17 1873 Am. bktn. Juno A. Fnlkenbcrg, from Honolulu nnd the vista broadens glass bottomed boat Is necessary here, West Loch and straight ahead Is tho hours from S. F. to Knhiilul. 1859 Am. sh. Kiln & Eliza, 14 days 1901 Haw. bk. Fooling Suey, 100 days 1834 9 13V4 days from Astoria. you have a flno view of tho city and for tho sea Is clear us crystal. Tho Mlddto Loch. Tho channel, following Schooner Emma Claudlnc, from Paget Sound. from Now Yoik. Its beautiful background of mountains. Uvldncss Is almost too startling for Its sinuous Intent, affords no view, at days nnd 20 hours from Illlo I860 Am. bk. Dchrlng, 89 days to 1875 Am. bkln. Jnno A. Fnlkonberg, 1902 Am. h. Ersklno M. Phelps, 97 Tho waterfront and shipping now one expects to feel tho boat crash this point, of cither body of water. to S. P. Now Dedfotd. 16 days from Portland, nnd days from Norfolk, Vn. 1884 fndlng rapidly, form a delightfully ngalnst the bottom at miy moment as After n few more tacks Ford's Island, Schooner Hosarlo, 10 days from 1860 Am. schr. Nettle Merrill, 118 again In 1878. 1905 Ger. sh. Hcrrogln Sophia Char- San picturesque foreground, Behind tho It falls Into n trough of tho sea. Cloud Biigur-cnn- cocrcd, comes Into view; Knhutul to Frnnclsco. days from Now York. 1878 Am. lik. J. W. Scuvcr, 33 days lotte, 107 days from Droinen. 1884 nrgtne. 10 Char-lott- shipping solid business blocks suggest shadows are reflected on tho wutei nnd fnr beyond arc tho green expanses Consuelo, days from 1860 Am. sh. K: P. Wlllclts. 89.'j fiom Nowcastlo :la Tahiti. 1905 Ger. sh. Hcrzogln Sophia something of the com ""f" of th nnd tho clouds overhead add no little of some Onhu's largest and finest su- Honolulu to San Francisco. days from Lahalna to New Dcd- 1878 H. I. M. S. Crlstoforo Columbo, 27 days to Sydney. oily. Tho tops of can Im lo the charm of the hccncry. A fair gar plantations. 188C Dark Hcspcr, Si days from ford. 12 from 1903 Am. sh. John Kna, 22 days 22 residences y. days Tahiti. seen here and there mm through day In Hawaii Is never without Its To tho right is tho cntranco to the Honolulu to 1803 Dr. bIi. Jasper, 13 days from 1878 Dr. bk. Olcncc, 123 days from . hours from Shanghai to Hllo. 1893 Irmgard, 9 clays nnd 10 a green panoply of trf.is, ,lng the clouds. They Interccdo between the Kast Loch nnd branching from this Dktno. Victoria, D. C. Olosgow. 1900 Dr. sh. Star of Dcugal, 33 days Idea of cool, comf table, extensive sun nnd the nature-love- r at frequent channel, opposlto tho middle of Ford hours from San Francisco. 1864 Am. sh. Dreadnought, 82 days 1878 Dr. bk. Oicncoc, 123 days from from Newcastle. grounds around their.. Tho final enough Intervals to glvo him BUfllclcnt Island, la tho South East loch, the 1893-Uk- tno. S. 0. Wilder, 9 days and to Now Dcdford. Glasgow. 1906 Am. Bh.'john Kna, 99 days lo troll-lin- 14 San charm Is given h Jocnslonil groups protection from tho rays. A smallest of nil, on tho shores of which 'hours from Francisco. 1803 Haw. bk. IT. W. Wood, 113 days 1878 Dr. sh. Dcnlldl, 99 days from Delaware Drcakwatcr from of cocoanfct pilms holding aloft above Is trailing out far behind In the hope tho Federal government plans to con- 1898 Dark Ilhodcrlc Dim, 9 days from Dremen. London. Hllo. all other greenery, their plumed of catching an ulna. No fish yet; but struct Its great naval docks. front Hllo to San Francisco. 1865 Dr. sh. . 32 days 1878 nr. sh. City of Perth, 113 days 1907 Am. sh. L'rsklno M. Phelps,-10-1 heads. They bestow upon the scene 0u see several schools of lllug-fl-l- i Now. you are on tho last tack, with 1898 Ship S. P. Hitchcock, 9 days 7 from Hongkong. from Liverpool. days to Delaware Drcnkwnter. a tropical look and a grace that would as you speed along. tho course set for tho pavilion nt tho hours from San Trnnclsco. 1S60 Br. sh. Sailor's Home. 29 days 1879 Dr. bk. Rookh, 122 days 1907 Ger. sh. Hcrzogln Cecllle, 107 1898 Iilln be entirely lacking without them Now you can observe two dark ob- water's edge- - at Iho end of tho penin- Bark 8. C. Allen, !',4 days from 18'hours from Sanghal. from Glasgow. days from Lclth. Hack of nil this loveliness are tho jects at a distance. In tho water, sula. You aro In Pearl Harbor now San Francisco. 1867 Am. brg. Hesperian, 13 dnys 1880 Haw. schr. Kaulkoaoull, 13 days 1908 Am. sh. Krsklno M. Phelps, lo green covered mountains fluted with about midway opposlto tho long, In the Middle Loch ono of the finest 1902 DkUio. Lnhalna, 12V4 days from from Tahiti. 17 hours from Port Townscnd. Dcluwnie Drcakwutcr from, Kn- Innumerable plcturesriuo valleys. It Ilaiber's Point. They aro tho harbors In tho world. Can you sco, EIcjIo, Kauai, to Pottland, Ore. 1868 Am. brg. Morning Star, ll',4 1881 Nor. bk. Dela, 113 days from hiilul, 99 days. 1903 Annlo 8 would bo surprising not to sec at least buoys that mark tho cntranco to Pearl u few years hence, a populous city Dark Johnson, days and days from Mnrqucsas. Drammcu to Mnalaea Day, , ono spanning a valley's en- Harbor and sou will bo obliged to pay around and several of Undo Sam's 18 hours from San Frnnclsco. 1868 Am. sh. , 103 days from Maul. Tho school system leads up' to High trance or limed agilnst a mountain particular attention to n number moro flno battleships riding at anchor on 1905 Dark n. P. Illthct. 8 days from Boston. 1S81 Dr. bk. Oheron, 109 days from schools, of grndo which fit directly for Bide, With this wonderful setting of them if jou would reach your des- the wnter? Ono cannot help but Honolulu to San Francisco, (In 1868 Haw. bk. IT. C. Wyllie, 115 days Liverpool. American colleges. Most of tho pres- - lights and shadows strive for effects tination In safety. The Pearl Harbor prophetlzo as he beholds this magnifi- March). from Dremen; nlso In' 1874. 1893-18C- -- Am. bk. Amy Turner, 109 days cnt generation speak, read nnd wrllo like vain peacocks displaying their channel Is tortuous nnd narrow. It cent haven. Hut. to return to tho Am. rh. Lorenzo, 19 days from from Now York. KnElish, plumage. mountains and winds around through submorged present, could any view bo moro en- In lOOtf" there were 21,458 pupils In Yokohama. 1893- - -- Am. bk. Fresno', X lay 1 Business may ho transacted In Kng- - fr. - valleys aro contrasted with reefs In n very confusing manner; and trancing, mora romantic, moro glori- tho schools, of whom 11,038 wcro 1871 Haw. bk. Ka Mol, 107 days from hours from Port Townscnd. lli In every section of tho nrchlpcla- - landscape and the wholo unless you follow tho route very' care ous than this bit ot l males, and 9,720 wcro females. London. , 1S9G- - Am. sh. Henry H. Hyde, 102 go. . , .

aftaaag.aiaja,fflfflg.ftaffl.iRg.ffl.ffl.gffl.s- isciss5SRS5es're'S wKr Territorial 8 fiws Messenger 0U WILL HAVE NEED OF A MESSENGER to carry your packages in Honolulu. Remember that this I is the only organization in Honolulu for such service. Our fleet-foote- d Mercuries are of the mod- Hawaiian Y ern kind; they ride on motorcycles and have a habit of getting there on time. iHMHiHi Souvenir We deliver par- This is the cels. If too most messenger serv- nW'-- large for boy a ice west of Chi- they are sent in cago. Our Boys Postals Sleep at Home; K our Special De- Not on the livery Wagon. Street, THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN

We are Honolulu representatives for the Hotel St. Francis in San Francisco and are in communica- Curios, tion with them by post and cable at all times. You can book here for rooms at your pleasure, and find the accommodations waiting you on your arrival in San Francisco. Hawaiian Enameled Jewelry, ISiisHsjr Island Views, etc. The Navy in a Nutshell Hotel Stt Francis San Francisco PACKAGES WRAPPED FOR MAILING

H. F. HILL. If you find yourself short of clothes and need the services of a laundercr, put it.up tools to help you I . out We are the only I Hi JflK Up-To- wn Agents for Sanitary Steam Laundry Opp. Post Office BfjE'ti''"6 the most complete laundry plant anywhere. Goods laundered and returned the day they are placed in our We will wfc hands. call for thera and return them to your apartments or to the ship. You are bound to have If satisfaction if you entrust your linen to our care. RATES SAME AS ON THE MAINLAND. &W15W1J vitmh CALL US ON PHONE 361

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'lsHfyufliHMiiHiBBKaK9NiliMiMHIHiMBIiiHMMBMl A . ,.,, - . r Ami lit- v J&$$piEktiikL3tdai)&-- . .tttjak 'iA-ji- u . " iii pim ii i.i.i.hiiiiimii in' ,iiii,;jM. .j. iij.il jlu iuw4!MmB3B&BtK9rmiemmmmm