L ._ _ _ G ïïL 0 -, N A T I O N S

SUBJECT LI 3 T No. 1 3 6



D U rt Jl r. G

ù Jj C t ^ B E R 19 31

(Prepared by the Distribution Branch)

Note: Part I contains reference to documents distributed to all -..embers of the League. Part II contains reference to documents distributed to the -.embers of the Council only. The Numbers in parenthesis in Part I are inserted in order to indicate the existence of Council documents to which reference will be found in Part II. § Distributed previously

Key to Abbreviations

L . $ Assembly A. and A.P. Allied and Associated Powers Add, .addendum, Addenda A d d it * Addition al A d v. Advisory A g r t . agreement Ann o Annex App. Append ix Arb.arjd Se c. G t tee. Arbitration and Security Committee A r r g t . Arrange me nt Ar t . Ar t ic le Ass . Assembly Aug. August C .0é Council C h a p t. Chapter C l . Counc il C .L. 0 Circular Letter C.M, 0 Council and Members Comm. Commission Conf . Conference C o n s u lt. Consultative Conv » Convent ion C . P . J . I . 0 Permanent Court of In te mations! Jus tice Cttee . Committee Deo . December D e l. Delegat ion D is c . Discus s ion D i s t . Distribution and Distributed Doc- Docurre nt Eng. 00 English E r r . Erratum, Err at a E x t r a o r d . Extra or dinar y F e b . ü'fc bru ary Pr . 00 Pren ch G o vt, Gove rnne n t I.L.O. International Labour Office Int .Lab.Conf. International Labour Conferen ce In t „Lab .Or g. International Labour Orgatiieation Intell.Co-op.ctte Intellectual Co-operation Committee Intell.Co-op.Institute Intellectual Co-operation Institnte Jan. January L . o f . League of Nations Memo, Memornndum Mtg 0 Meeting M in . Minutes Nov . Move mo er Ob s er v . Observation O c t. Octob er Ot J. Official Journal Or g. Organisation P-- Page PoA. and A.P. Principal Allied and Associated Powers Para. Paragraph Per m. Per man en t Pet. Petition Plen.Mtgs, Plenary Me 1 1 in gs

numbering only, language only Kl y to Abbreviations (cont.)

Pi1 elim „ Preliminary Prep. Preparatory Pr e s » Presi dent Pr ov . Provisional Pt. Part Eec omm. Eecommen dation Eedist. Ee distributed Eep . Eeport Eepres „ Eepresentat ive Ee s ol. Ees olut ion Sec , -Gen . Secre tar y-Gencral Secre t. Secretariat Sent. Section Sep t. Sep te mb er Sess. Session Spec. Speci al Supp, Supplement Te chn. Technical Tel. Tel egram Temp. Temporary U «S.A. of America U.S.S.B. Union of Soviet Socialist Eepublics Vol. Volume (1)



jnf., Int. ,Feb. 1932, Geneva

Convocation cf

representation cf women

Memo.Nov.22,1931 by Sec.Gen...... C.L.297.1931,IV,Ann.0 Note D e c .3,1931 by Sec.Gen... C.L.297.1931,IV.

press Review on

Letter Dec.35,19 51 from Sec.Gen...... n 505.1931.

Position cf armaments in the various countries

Letters (2) 3 els .17 ,1931 from Sec.Gen. (C.L. 13 and 23(a) 1931;IX)

Replies from the following countries

Hungary.. >914. -.4-80.1931.1 .. . .. ,S-.4 . . 33.1931.IX. Liberia.. ,930. . 485 .19 31.1 3. Portugal .650, X) Err.to.. . 6 5G 3.6 2.19 31 .IX. Err. ...... C .933 . .488.1931.IX . United Status of Ameri C .413* .1C 9 .19 31.1 M 0 . ,3.11,No .8,p .1552 v and 0.413. .1"9.1931.13. Ann. Yugoslavia...... - . . • < ■'i rr <-z .561.19 31.1:

Truce, Armament s

Letter Oct.2,19 31 from Sec.Gen...... • L • . oV * 1 6 3 1 • JL a ô • SIS . .<-94.IS31.IX, Replies from the followin’-, countries

Albania ...... C .760., .358.1931.IX§ C .919. .484.1931.1X00 Argentine...... 787 . . 01.1931 .IX§ C.919. .,484.1931 .IX ...... C.787 .381.193l;IX§ C.919 . .484,.19 31.IX. .C .777 ..-.37 2.1931 .IX§ C.919. . 484.19 31 ; IXj/0 Belgium...... C.777 . . 37 2.19 31. IX§ C .919 *.4 84 .19-31.IXjtf0 ...... C.790.384,1931.IX § C . 919 . .484.19 31.1X00 ...... ,0.777. .37 2.1931.IX § C.919 .. .484.1931.1X00 hi le .0.777. .373.1951.IX§ 0 .£19 . .484.1931.1X00 .0.837. .417 .1931 .IX § C.919.. .484.19 31.IX Colombia...... C.915.1 .481.1931.IX § C.919.3 .484.1931. jne °py only distributed to each r..;.mber^ of the Le; gue xtract only. X XENTS,REDUCTION OF ( cont. )

Truce, Armaments (cont.)

Letter Oct.2,1^31 from the Sec.Gen (C.L.?57.1931.IX)(cont.)

Replies from the fallowing countries(cont.)

Costa-Rica...... C .915.i\i.481.1931 .IX § C.919 .11.484.1931.IX 0 ...... C.915.X.481.1931.IX.§ C.919 .1. .484 .1931, IX . Czechoslovakia...... C .774.Ivi.369 .1931. IX § C.919 .--.434.1931.IX 0 ...... C .777 .11.372.1931 .IX § C.919.1..484.1931.IX 0 ...... C .915 .r.:.481.1931.IX § C.919.M.484.1931.IX 0 Egyjt...... • .C.767 .1 1 .363.1931.IX § C.919 .ivl. 484.19 31. IX 0 Estonia ...... C .787 .M.381.1931.IX § C.919 .,,1.4^4.19 31. IX 0 Finland...... C.787.X.381.1931.IX § C.919 .484.1931.IX 0 ...... C .787 .X.381.1931 .IX § C .919.X.484.1931.IX 0 ...... C .787 .X. 381.1931 .IX § C .919.M.484.1931.IX 0 Great Britain...... C . 787 ■ .381.1931 .IX § C.919 ....484.1931.IX 0 ...... C .853.X.431.1931 .IX § C .919 .M.484.19 31.IX 0 Haiti...... C.973.X. 536 .1931 .IX C.919.::.484.1931.1X0 Hedjaz...... -...... C .924.X.489.1931.IX C.919.X.484.1931. IX ...... C.780.M.375.1931.IX § C.919....484.1931.IX 0 India...... C.777.X.372.1931.IX § C.919.X.484.1931.IX 0 Irish Free State...... C .777 .X. 372.1931.IX § C .919.X.484.1931.IX 0 ...... C .787 ..1.381.1931.IX § C.919.X.484.1931.IX 0 Jar an...... C .772. .,..367 .1931. IX § C.919.X.484.1931.IX. Latvia...... C .773.X.368.1931 .IX § C.919 .ik. 484.1931. IX 0 Liberia . . . .C .973.L.536 .1931 .IX. C.919.X.484.1931.IX. Lithuania...... C .787 .... 381.1931 .IX § C.919.X.484.1931.IX 0 Luxemburg...... C . 7 58 . 356 .19 31. IX § C.919.X.484.1931.IX. 0 ...... C .779 .X.374.19 31 .IX § C.919 .Ai.484 .1931 .IX 0

~ t only - 3 -

ARivLâlvŒiT'TS ^REDUCTION OF ( cont . )

Truce, Armaments (cent. )

Letter Oct.2,1931 from the Sec. Gen.(C L. 257 .1931.IX) (cont.)

Replies from the following countries(cont.)

New Zealand.* »... ,C .778 .373 .1931 .IX § C.919 .484 .19 31 .IX 0 IN i car cl ^ua .0.915 .481 .19 31 • IX £ C.919 .484 .19 31 .IX 0 ...... 4 . .. n r? rm .19 31 .IX § C.919 .4 84 .19 31 .IX 0 . .0,915 .481 .19 31 . -L-iL-pr .OÔ C .919 .484 .19 31 .IX Persia. ,0.837 M .417 .19 31 -ibl9 M . 484 .IV 31 .IX 0 P eru... .C.hC7 M.417 .19 31 .IX § C.919 M .484 .19 31 .IX , ,C.787 ..1.381 .1931 .IX § C.919 M.484 .1931 .IX p Portugal .0.790 1 .384 .19 31 .IX § C .919 .484 .1931 .ix i Kcumania...... 0.777 . "7 2 .19 31 .IX § C.919 .494 .1931 .IX p Siam...... 0.775 A. 370 .1931 .IX.§ C.919 : 1.48 4 .1931 .IX 0 South Africa... .0.790 .384 .19 31 .IX § C.919 M.484 .19 31 .IX 0 ...... ,0.787 . "81 .1931 .IX § c • u 19 . .484 .1931 .IX ...... p nrjn .372 .1931 .IX § 0.119 .484 .1931 .IX 0 .... .0 .771 ; .3ee .19 31 .IX § C .919 . . £ 84 .19 31 .IX 0 ...... ,0.908 .47 6 .19 31 .IX à 0 .919 --.484 .15 31 .IX 0 Uruguay...... 0.796 ....390 .11 31 .IX § C.919 iù.484 *19 31 .IX .0 .781 ...376 .1931 .IX § 0 .919 .".484 .1931 .IX 0 U.E .0.748 i .547 .19 31 t TY-LA Rif 0 .919 .484 .19 31 .IX ...... 0.9 24 . 489 .1931 .IX C.919 . - .464 .1931 .IX 0 Yugoslavia...... C 7 77 ~,r o .19 31 0 .919 . 8- .15 31 X 0 L.. Letter Nev.1931 from Sec.Gen... , C /29 3 1931.IX § C.919 . .484.1931.IX

( Rep.Sept.1931 by the Spanish Repres. (>i.Lerroux) adopted Sept.30,1931 by C l...... «...... 0.639(1)1931.IX § C.L.257.1931.IX,Ann.I § C.915. .484.1931. IX

0 Extract only - 4 -


65th Sess.(Pt.Ill) Nov.16-Dec.20,1131, Paris

vins. cf meetings held

Nov. 1C ...« ...... v/65th Sess ./P «V .17 (1)/ Nov. 21...... -...... - .... .0/ ” " " 18(1)0 Dec.9 ...... C/ " " " 16(1 Dec . 2u...... 0/ " " ” 20(1)

66th Sess.,Jan.19 32,Geneva

Agenda for

Texts of

Dec. 28,1931...... C .983 .M.538.1931.


(3-7) War vessels, Polish in

Access to and anchorage in Port of Danzig of

Adv.opinion Dec.11,1931 of Perm. Court of Int,Justice...... C .P . J.I.,Series A/B ,No . 4"

Note Dec,18,1931 by Sec.Gen...... C .990 .,1.550.1931 .V.


Death cf Ll.Loucheur

Tribute D ec.9,1931 by Cl. to memory of A.Loucheur...... - 0 .J/No.12, 19th M t g ., Din. 2962 XII, Death of K.Salandra

Tribute Dec.9,1931 by Cl. to memory of i..*,Salandra...... U . J/No.12, 19th A t g . . i n . 2961 XII, CHINA DISPUTE SDT’vSEN/iJSTD

Comm.of Enquiry on

Decision Dec.10,1931 by Cl. on the proposal of its Pres,(A. Briand)...... 0 . J. ,XII ,Nc .12, 2C"th italsg. ,Min.29 65 Declaration Dec.9,1931 by Pres. of Cl. ( ..Briand)...... C .965.. .53^' .1931 .VII. 0 . J . ,XII ,No .12,19 th Atg.Iin. 296.4 Resol.(draft) submitted/TDec.9,1^31 ey Pres .cf C l .. (.-.Briand)...... 0 .964.. ..529 .1931 .VII. -p. O.j.,XII ,Nc .12 ,19 th Ht g .Min . 21 64 ^indexed in detail in Nov. Subject list vv adopted Dec.10,1931 by Cl., see decision cf that d te - 5 - gigPUTS BiT'l^EN G7INA ilîD J.JF.. JST( cont. )

Communications from the parties

Communications from China on the following dv.tes

x.OV . 27,It 31 (Letter)...... C .9 5. .490. 1Ç31 .VII, Nov . 28,It 31 (Letter)...... C .937._ .502. 19 31 .VII Nov .28,It 31 (Letter)...... C .9 38 .. .503. 1931 .VII Nov . SU , IV 31 (3 Letters)...... C .944.11.50V .19 31 .VII , Nov .30, IV 31 (Letter) ...... C .945 .ii.51019 31 . .VII Dec .1,1931 'Letter)...... C .948.; ,.513. 19 31 .VII Dec .2,1931 [Letter)...... C .9 51.Ie.516 .19 31 .VII Dec .6 ,1931 .Letter)...... = .... C .9 59 .1.. 524. 1931 .VII . Dec .6,1931 ^Letter)...... C .960 .1.1.525 .19 31 .VII Dec .7,1931 [Letter)...... C .962.il.52719 31 .VII . Dec .9,1V31 [2 Letters ) ...... C .9 66 .vi.531.19 31 .VII, Dec .10,IV31 (Letter)...... C .9 691931 .vl.533. .VII, Dec .14,19 31 i...... G .97 4 ... . 537 »1931 .VII Dec .19 ,19 31 ...... C .998.119 31 .554..VII, Dec .24,19 31 (Letter)...... C .1009 .1,. 561.19 31. VII Dec .25 ,19 31 (Letter)...... C .l o l l . 5 6 3 .19 31 .VII Dec .29,19 31 (Letter) ...... C .1014.11.566.19 31 .VII

Communications from Japan cn the following dates

N o v .2b, 19 31 (Letter) .940 .1,. 505. 1931.VII. Dec. 3.1931 (Letter .952. .517 .19 1)1. Vxl. Dec. 3.1931 (Letter .9 5f ... .519 . 1931.VII. Dec. 5.1931 (Letter .C .936.11.521. 1931.VII. Dec . 6.19 31 (Summary cf tels. .C • t 61.1 .526.1931 jVII. Dec. 7.1931 (Tel.) .0 .V63.xe.528. 19 31. VII. Dec. 11.1931 .9 71 .,,,.534. 1931.VII. Dec. 14.1931 (Letter)...... 984. . 53V . 1931.V I I . Dec. It , It 31 (Summary cf Tels .997 .±v,. o53 • 1931.VII. Dec . 21.19 31 . 1007.1.1. 559 .1931.VII Dec. 26,It 31 (Summary of Tels .1013.' .565 .1931.VII Dec.27.19 31 (Declaration)... .1012.-..564 .1931.VII ■tJ ti C p28, It 31 (Summ. ry of Tels .1016 .1.,. 568 .1931.VII

Communications from Pres, of Cl. to parties

Nov. 29 ,1931 (letter)...... C .941.11.506 .1931 .VII.

Communications from the following Govts.


Nov.28,1931 (Letter)...... C .9 36.. . 501.19 31 .VII. Dec .1,19 31 ( .emo)...... C.9 6.. . 511.1931 .VII. Dec .1,It 31 (Letter)...... C .9 49 .1 .514.IV31.¥11. pec.2,IV31 (..emo)...... C.9 53.11.518.1931.VII. Dec.2,1931 (Letter)...... C .953., . 518.1931 .VII. Dec.6,1931...... C .9 57 .L.522.1931 .VII.

Great Britain

Nov. 29 ,19 31...... C.9 3V ..1.504 .19 31 .VII. Nov.30 ,1931 („v,emo.)...... C .9 42.1:.507 .1931.VII. Nov.30 ,1931...... C .943.1,.508.19 31 .VII . Dec . 1,1931 (luemo . ) ...... C .9< 7 .i, .512.19 31 .VII. - 6 - j l S r ü T E ïT'îEEN CHINa . -UD J3 P-’JNT ( cont. ) Communications from the following Govts.(cont.)

Great Britain (cont.)

Lee. 2,19 31 (. emo .C.9 50.M .515.Ik 31.VII. Dec. 5, It 7,1 (,-emo .C .9 55.M.52u.19 31. VII. Dec.6,19 31 (nemo .C.9 3b .M. 523.19»31. VII. Dec.17,19 31 .... . C . 916 . Ivi. 548 .19 31 . VII. Dec.29,19 31 .... . C. 1015 .jv. 567.19 31. VII

Decision D e c .10,19 31 by Cl. on proposal of its Pres. (-..Briand.) ...... 0 . J/. .No .12, 20th Etg.’.ïin.2965 Declaration Dec.9,1931 by Pres, of ^11 Cl. (....Briand)...... C .965.1 . 530.1931.VII. 0 . J. ,XII ,No .12, 19 th - tgv in. 19 6y,

Finances for

Rep. Dec.1931 by the Guatemalian Repres. (H.Iiatos) adopted Dec . 10,1931 by Cl ...... C.9 66.1931.X. 0 . J.,XII,No .12, 20th ritg,Ain.2966

Resol.(Draft) submitted^Dec.9, 1921 by Pres, of Cl. (H.Briand)...... C.964. ■.529 .1931. VII. u .J.,XII,No .12,19th .tg,.in . 29 64


Pacific settlement of

i-.ct,General, adopted Sept. 26 ,19 28 by Xss . on ( C . 5 37 . L. 16 .19 28 nd Err.)

Accession of to

Reservation Nov.21,1931 by the Govt .of Peru...... C .L. 302.1931 .VII.

Note Dec.It,1931 from the Sec. Gen...... C .L. 302.1931.VII.


Bills of exchange, Promissory notes and cheques

Conf., Int. on

2nd Sess., Febxi.arch 1931,Geneva

meetings, Plenary, of

. in/s .of (C .2#4 .i-.137 . iv 31.II.B)

.rirr. to . C . 294- .12.137 .1931.II.B ,Err , Index and Ann.

^ -«'Opted Sept. 10,1931 by Cl., see decision of that date - 7 -

CONOlvJCS AND FINANCE ( c o n t . )

Bills cf Exchange, Promissory Notes and cheques (cont-)

Ccnf.,Int., on (cont.)

2nd Sess . , Fe"b-&iarch 1931,Geneva (cont-)

meetings, Plenary, of (cont.)

Mins. of (cont.)

Index to...... 0 . 294....137 .It31 .II .B. Err. Index and Ann. Records cf (C .294.a . 137 .1931 .II .B)

A nn. to...... C . 39 4... 137 .19 31.11. B. E r r . Index and Ann.. E rr. to...... C . 294.ïj..137 .It 31.11.3 . E r r . Index and Ann. Index to ...... C . *'9 4.A.137 .1931.11.B . Er r . Index and Ann.

Customs formalities

Cards, Identity, for commercial travellers

Authorities competent to issue such cards

Authorities in the foil*wing country

Switzerland...... C .tl3 .j. .479 .19 31. II .3.

List(No.3) Nrv.16,It31 by Secret.og...0.tl3.H.47t.1931.II.B,

Letter ..ay 4,19 31 from Sec.Gen. (C.L. 6b.1931.II. 3.)

Replies from the following countries

Australia 0 ...... \ Austria 0 ...... ) Belgium 0 ...... ) Bulgaria 0 ...... ; China0...... ) Czechoslovakia. 0 ...... j Denmark 0 ...... - ' Egy>t 0 ...... Estonia / ...... Finland 0 ..... ) France 0 ...... ) C .913... .479 .1931 .II .B Germany 0 ...... j Great Britain 0 ...... J Hungary 0 ...... 1 India 0 ...... ) Italy 0 ...... ) Luxemburg 0 ..... } lorocco,FrenchProtectorate 0 ...... ) Netherlands 0 ...... j 0 ...... t NDrviay 0 ...... ) Roumania 0 ...... ) Siam 0 ...... ) -- South Africa 0 ...... ) P Summary only - 8 -

Ct'Nu 1 3 ; _JNII) - 11LiTGL ( c o n t. )

Customs f'orrik lltles (cont.)

Curds,Identity, for commerci-1 travellers(cont.)

Letter - ay 4, IV-31 ( cont. )

Replies from the followin • countries (cont.)

Su- e en / ...... ) Switzerland 0 ...... )C.vl3. . :ni, . I t 31 .II .B Tunis 0 ..... ) ugoslavia $ ......

St. tes which require production of this c.'.rds and States which do not require it

Lists ( 3) Nov .16,19 31 by Secret...... ,..C.913. .479.1931.11.B

Conv., Int., concluded Nov.3,11-S.3 Geneva, on simplification of (C . ■. 7,L ( 1 ) B 1 (1)


authorities recognised as competent to issue cards provided for in par .6 of

See: BCuîîuiïICS ÀND " IN.B3CE

Customs formalities

Cards ,Identi ty, for commercial travellers

Authorities competent to issue such cards

Protocol concluded -..arch It ,19 31 between 3-era ny and Austria for establishment of a customs union (u . J . ,BBI, Bo . 7 ,p ,116v , Ann.1263(a)

Adv.Opinion Sept .5,1.-.31 by Perm.Court of Int.Justice

.^cts and docs ...... ?eries C,No U

Note Bee. 10,1931 by Sec. Sen...... C.979. . 5-; 4.It 31. V.

urder ay .':7 ,lt 31 by Pres.of Court C .F .J.l., Series 0 ,Bo. • , D . 7 5f Bote Bec.l0,l93l by Sec.Gen...... C . 979 .m . b-’ <; . 19 o} . V . b Summary only Including an inüex .CuNO. 10S . I 1.:. NO..: ( c o n t. )

Goods , .'Worthless ,Protection of foreign Duyers ci.i48.inst

.leans, Direct and indirect tc ascertain quality cf gocds

Summary nug.lv28 by Secretariat of such means in the various countries ( C . C ?A 246 .It 30 .II and Err.1)

Err.II to...... 0.6' • .... " 6.It30.II } Err.II. Pact of economic non-ag ression

0ttee,Spec.cf Cttee.of Enquiry for European Union to study

1st Sess., Nov.It31,Geneva

lins.o f ...... 0.910. .. 17&.1931. VII

2nd Sess. , lan.It 3 I, lieneva

Convocation of

Letter Dec.31,It 31 from th Sec.Gen...... L


Bulletin, xonthly, of

Numbers issued It31

N o v ...... l e n t hiy Bulletin of Statistics, Vo 1 .Eli ,1"iO .11 (10 ) EEELTH OR G...NI :> ,TIUN



Numbers , , .onthly, issued It31

uct .15...... R . .155 . (10th Year,No. 10)

l a b o u r (■:, g n . s^t i o n , international

Oonf.,Int., of

13 th Sess , ay-June It lit,Geneva

Ccnvs . ( 2) and Recoirmis . (n) adopted by ( C . L. 2 :8.19 It . Ann. )

Ratification by Great Britain for Colonies protectorates,Protected States and . and. ted Territories of one of these Convs.

No le Dec .-1-, It 31 from Sec.Gen..... 0 .L . 286 .19 31 .V . 10-


A mandates

- J_ C l: :3 , British mandate fer

rontier, "between. Syria anc

Comm.of enquiry into

Finances fer

Rep. Dec.IV31 by Yugoslav Key res. (- ..Fctitch )and resol .adopted Dec .v ,1V31 b y C l ...... G .580 (1) IV 31^ ~nd Add .,-nd

0 . J. ,.[II, Lvu .12, xt th -.tg,*-in . 2VK3

Rep .Dec .Iy-51 by the Y gcslav Repres.( .F'titch) and resol. adopted Dec.i ,1V31 by 0 1 ...... C. ^0(1)1^31.71 / r.nd A d d . and Err. (v ' • tj Te y —i i. jilU* ~ rI \ lo "I ^ j1 Xi O -l-V Jil X4- Vr . ,—, y - "illi i* n • ~- i- -J

...cp ...umuul, b y the British Govt.cn the administration durin; lv3o of ...... Oiiumbered dec . /)'I / y'/

ucservs .lîov. IV 31 b y P c m. _ nd tes ( ! ITT1"''’ P"j o 4- - ri c* •• r*r* i 1 H i ■ ■ 1 1 C X I V T ; T n P I 'v 'vliii-- • -V.J-»-) j - O \« y W Jex • ••*•;• s • c e • • vv * • • . • — 1• -x. • . _i_ j x xi. - 1 x • . -L. //•/ 15.ruination of mandate

Rop .Spec .7Tov .1V31 by Ferm.L-3.ndates Gommais t Sess.)...... C.W . IV -31. ' I,Ann.//;*V‘ C . 850 . . 11 . IV 31 . ,1 , .mi.. 25 Hi Syria and Lebanon, French an da te foi-

Frontier between Ira and


A ..undates

Iraq,British iLmdate for

.'rentier between Syria nd

B ilandates

Gx.meroons, .oritish Il^ndate for

Rep.,Annual, by British Govt.on the administration during IV30 of...... uaumbered document //' /'// r *r.Text see 0 .c U .lv5x.vI.

^ng.text only

!,;0/i V‘,.e copy only dist.to .-fi bers of the L..a ue with C.'-(-3. .351.

i/ i/ / / -^1 • v 1 . f'Xv/) doing G.P....1355(2) ,Proof. Oiu, copy cnly dist.o.. each .ember of Cl. and to each Gl.Repres. - 1 1 -

_j\tD--TE3( cont. )

3 Mandates (cont. )

Cameroons, B itish Mandate for(cont.)

Rep.Annual, by British Govt.on administration during lk30 of (cont.)

Observe .Nov. 19 31 by P o m , Mandates Co„._... \ 21st Sess . ) on . . . .C .830 .1-, .411.19 31 .VI,a a. 2

C.-.,meroons, French mandate for

Rep .Arumal, by French Govt.on the administration during 19 30 of. . , ...... Unumbered doe./i 00

uoservs.Nov.19 31 by P rm.H ndates Cuxnm. ( 21s^sess . ) ©£ ...... C .83u .T.411.1931 .IV,Aim. ï 10

Co,,jnents Nov.2d, 1931 by Aocredi- , ted Rrrpres . ot Fr._ _ch Govt G .830 .r 1.411.19 31 .VI, Ann. I

Ruanda Uïundi , B l--_,ian M. ndate for

Rcp.,A. nual, by Belgian Govt.oa t^e administration during 1930 of...... Unumbered doc. f 00

Observs. Nov.1931 by Perm. Mandates Comm.(21st Sess. ) on...... - . . . C . 83U .M.411.1931. VI , Ann. n0

Comments, Dec.2,1931 by Accredi- 0 ted Repres .of Belgian Govt... .C .830 .11.411.19 31 .VI, Ann. 21

Tanganyika, British Mandate for

Rep.,Annual, by British Govt.on the administration during 1930 of...... Unnumbered doc .0 000

Observs .Nov .19 31 »-y Perm? Mandates Comm.(21st Sess.) on...... -...... C .830 . 411.19 31 .VI, Ann. 210

Togoland, British Mandate for

Rep.,Annual, by British Govt.on the administration during 1^30 of...... Unnumbered doc .0 000

Observs.Nov.19 31 by Perm.mandates . Comm. ( 21st Sess . ) on...... C .830 .M.411.19 31 .VI, Ann. 21^

f One cojy only dist.to Members of the League with C .985.1 ", 531. 1931.VI. 00 Fr.Text only W Eng.text enly i.'^ND—TS 3(cent.)

3 . ...anlutes (cont. )

Togoland, French ;..andute for

Rep.Annual, by the French Govt. ■ in the administration curing lV 30 Cj Unnumbered d• ->e . /i f/'Z

uoservs . No v . lV: ol by P erm.- .ande.te s Comm. ' 21st Sess . ) or. . . . :y.1. iiimfn'i . o 1 / / ■/ ,

Comments Nov.25,I'd31 by Accredited Repres.of French Govt.... .0.630 . . ill. It 31. VI, Ann. 21 0 0

C . unr.at.es

Islands under Japanese ..and. te

R e?.,Annual, >y the Japanese Govt, on the administration during lv 30 o f ...... Unrmr.>ered doc .000 00

Ann. containing list of Laws and Regulations in force in Is30..... Unnumbered doc.000 0/) Obs ervs.Nov.IV 31 t y I erm. i.ixiates Comm. ( 21 tt Sess .} cn. . . .0 .630 .411.19 31 .VI, A nn,21 00 ,Nestern,New Zealand i..ndate for

Rep.,Annual, by the New Zealand Govt.cn the administration during the year ending ...arch 31, IV 31, of ... .Unnumbered doc.000 00 Observs.Nov.IV30 by the Perm. Mandatée Ccmrn. ( 21st Soss . )...... C .631; ..M.411.lv 31.VT , A n n .21 00 Comments Nov.25,lv 31 by Accredited Repres . of Nev< Zealand >ovt.... 0.6 30. .411.lt, 31. VI, Ann.21 00 Commi .P erm. on

Sess. , Annual., cf

Rep .INov.lV31 by Perm..-.andates Ccmrn

; 21st Seas.) - C • 0. 0 •> M • ‘1 LI » .1. u . v. Ann•21 30th Sees.,Jun® It31, Geneva

i-Lns r o . rv. _ f 1 ;uA p , / ^to ° • ■ •. .i./ir*.L^o^*vlj "» n £ "1 C 'X'1 N T \

t . LV

^ Pr.text cnly Tv une copy cnly dist.to embers of the Le : O.vte. .-51.lv3..VI. xJ/;M -xg. text only aUKüJTLS (cont.)

Ccinia.Perm.., on

21st, Sess., Uct.Nov.1931, Geneva

Mins .of...... C .830 Note Dec. 18,1931 "by the Sec.Gen.... .C.t85 .1 c 31 .VI hep.,General, Nov .19 31 c f ...... •C.830 .It 3 1 .VI jinn. Comments cf Accredited Repres. of mandatory Powers for follcting mandated territories

0 ameroons , ü renc h Ruanda-Urundi.... Samoa, »'Vestern. . . . ) 0 .83V ., .411,19 31 .VI jê Togolai d, £■ rench, .

he?.Sept.Nov.It 31 of

0 • 1 .._iLL'- lv ^ J

A Aand'..dbes

Iraa, British Mandate foj

Termination cf mandate

Convs Extenticn to territories under

Tables Oct.1,1931 by Secret...... C.r‘ ...Vi 0.19 31.71.

Pets.concerning administration of

Pets.examined Nov.lt31 oy Perm.—andIX Olt ~ Corfjin. (21st ) * > Hep .Nov. it31 by F*rm.Mandates Ccmm. m (21st Sess.)...... ,0.830, .411.1931.VI, LS-3Q.) m n . 'J ir IJM, TRAFx 1 0 IN

Comms.of Enquiry into certain ojium prnducing countri es

Comm.of enquiry ir. Ear East

Rep,Oct.16 , It 30 of (C.635.:..254, 1930.XI,Vol,I)

Vol.I hrr.


ii, Quarterly,of Information on work of

Numbers issued 1931

Cet,...... Quarterly Bulletin of Informs tion on the '/fork of International Organi- ? Vol. Ill, No ,-x f' Une copy only dist. to i-embers of the League with C.985.M.551.19 31 .VI PERIviaîENT COURT OF IKTLRV^T^ORAL JUSTICE

^àv.Chinions eS . „

Adv.Opinion Pec.11,1931


War vessels, Relish, in

Aceess te

Chamber for summary jroceiure

Composition of

Letter Dec.],£,1931 from Registrar .Uamnarskjoid)'...... *...... _C . v99 .m .555.1931.

Orcers given by

Uràar-:-,3ept <5, Ik51


Customs formalities .

Protoccl concluded .^rch 19,1931 between Germany and Austria etc.

22nd Sess., July -Sept. 1951, T»-^ Ragup

Tins. cf public meetings hele Tnl v Of) p^ p *? prz T/ T' ^ or on ou o u i . y ;z jU , j < o j j , jo < , i-.'V y %/ y 31, Aug.1,3,4 c .and Sept.5,1931 by....C.P.T.I.,Series C ,No.53 t

Note B rc .10 ,1931 fcy.Qec. gen...... 0.979 .1.544.1931. V.


Customs and fiscal duties 1er , newspapers and periodic :1s

Questionnaire Nov. 17,193.1 by , •Joint Cttee...... C .L. 5Ul.l931.VI II

Letter Iec .3,1951 from Sec.Gen C .L.301.1931.VIII

Rb i i c a t i c x s , l e a g u e ■t-40) lists lull jsqt (v.enthly) of does .dist. during 1931 to Aembers of Cl. and I- rs of League

Ne.125 (Sept.)....., ...... C .792.T.386 .1931. No.126 ( O c t ...... C -351... .42 G -481L

L deluding an index ^ T.J. (Joint Cttee) 2(1) O TRANSIT iuND CO..lUNICMTION

Gt tee . , A d v . and To elm.

ICth Sess., May-June 19 3-1- > ■ eneva

-.ins.of (C .417 .i . ,17 3 19 31 .VIII)

Note De c.1931 by Sec . Ûn . . . . 4

AT IV cl.vigation, i.iari time

Buoyage and lighting of coa sts

Proposals Nov.1931 by Bri tish 3

Bead Traffic Motor Traff ic

Taxation questions con cerning

C^nv. and Protocol concluded Mar c h 30,19 31 Geneva on taxation of for ci n motor vehicles (C ,235. M,100.1931.VIII)

Ratification by Denmark of

Note Deo.14,1931 from. tl:e Sec. Gen...... G.L.3C4 .VIII.


Letters(2) Doc.2,1931 from the Sec . G u n . .C.L.3U3.1931,VIII and U.L, 30 3 ; a) 19 ej.» v _L-lI .

treaties d n v n n t i o n m n d b l o ^ g m 3,i n i l r ::,„iioilj_.

Lists, .loathly by Suoret. (Lil y) of Quotations concerning Int.treaties egislative measures

Nov. 15,19 31...... ■nolorv cf Internationc Tr-.ati: s and j-iL Pl 1 B.i_;."b iVP . .'.vasures, Vol.II,No,11

VI.) y uiCnthly, X .'-v -L» U l i _ L j I y J.issued L3 O U. V-' V i —I— \J _-L_ by Seore of engagements and of adhesions, ratifications,denunciations etc registered with Loa. ue

Oct.(Treaties Nos.2852-3840) (-Hoelstration of Treaties Ti-Li J- I_)«I U TT-1.0 * "_i_ i"N" j ~*

Mu. :i strati ir. ryf1 r i ">1 : ■ f ’ p g u.iI -î oc* 4"v Ini,T r \■ » -i— Cj C- O j -r_.iv■ .11 Nov.(Treaties N e s .2841-5857) .. ."Be;- astration of Treaties List lïh#l2S

Texts of engagements registered with the Le;, gue durin ' the fellovvin.; r erieds

IvOV.l 2,19 30—Dec . 6 ,1,-30 (Treaties Nos . 35 -.4-2552) Tneatv Series, Vol.CIX,Nos. .,2,3 and 4 -16-


Texts nf engagemenl ,gistored with the League during the f ^llo -in ’iocs ( con

Dcc. % It30-Dec.30,1 9 30 rTi-r*Ci'- -M a Tir q ocr ^ rz p Rr (i 1 1 > Ce U 1 O' ù x 1 O « w iJ u o 1 l ~ J , Treaty 3o] _s_,Vnl.C-X 3 Vrs .-■ = ) nd 4 vfOi uLiN .i Ij-u

Collao'ration of women in work of the League

,.einn Nov. 32,19 31 by Gee.Gen...... C .L . 297 .It 31. IV,.am

Note, Bee.3,1931 by Sec.Gen .

cf Orti x Or ±1 jUii

’ts,, Selected, concerning

L i s t s o n t h l y , of

Numbers issued 19 31

L 1 / .-I--,.1 .e •• m th i.y List o Articles,Vol.Ill ,N^1

'ummary, - ,:;nthly, of

Numbers summarising -jork of the League d urine 1931

Oct '.nthl^ .ure ’V, Vo^ .Ai ,No F :RT I I


) Gnnf ., Int.., Feb .1933,Geneva

;^mo.Dcc.33,19 31 by Sec.Gcn...... C.994.1931.1]- A - 4

2 j Truc e , Armaments

Memo .Dec . 23,19 31 by Soc .Gen...... C • 9 94.19 31.IX»


Use nf pn-xt of Danzig by Poland

(3) Decision Oct. 2? , 19 31 by ' i ■ h Commi ssion or...... 0.9 91.1931.1.

(4) Appeal Dec .4 ,1931 by Danzi- Senate. . .C.992,1931.1 . (5) Appeal Deo.5,1931 by Polish Govt C.993.1931.1.

(5) Opinion April 16,19 31 by Cttee. 'f Jurists to : i^h 'J

(7) Note Deo. '3,19 51 from the Sec.Gen 0.986.1931.1,


Finances for

(8) Letter Dec .9 ,1931 from French Govt. (: ~:assigli) ...... C.967.1931.X (fe) Rep.^/Nov.1951 by Guc.temalian Repres. (. •• at vs)...... C.872.19 31.X.


Position of

- emo., -onthly, b y the S e c . Gen .L iv ing positi - >n as on following datuà

N v.30,1931...... C.904.1931.X. '*'*


a Landi.tos

Iraq,British nd'to for

T c nuination f mand : te

Rep.,Spuc.,Nov.1931 by Perm. ; end at ts

N-. te D > c . 1,19 51 b y S a c . Gen. . . . .C .90 2 .19 51 .VI. r it,text n ly. One copy only dist.t ’ ea.ch -irab;r f Cl.with G.988.19 31.1. ^/^-porsedod by Rep.of Dec .19 51, sac p urt I Condifential doc., .'.ne copy only to each Aember of the C! and "to each Cl. Rvpros. See Pt.I. _iT_ j n u r i i î :s ii: c a e c :ju s l c v .

Ainori ty, Hungarian

Go.se of i . .Ladislas Szanto .2) Pet.-ay 4,19 51 ^y .Korlath and .Hokky on behalf of the Federation cf Hungarian parties in Sut-Carpa­ thian (C.493.1931.1.)

Letter Dec.2,1931 from i inorities Cttee, .Gado; ,an,-.i.ussir:li and .1. Barreto) ...... 9 Of

Case cf xi.iO.ex Szende

Pet. .ay 14,19 31 from - .Alex Szende of Bratislava(C.492.1931.II)

Letter signed Nov.5,7 and 27,1931 "by x-incri ties Cttee. (. -.Barreto , .-.Beckett and ..-assigli)..... C .90' c 7,1 T


lin e r i ty,German

Case of . .Sehnke n ■ 0 05 ", c r-v t (/j Pet .Sept .9 ,19 31 iron. .... A .Behnke.... • • • • • • • e V » x v \ * • J-i- # /-

Observs.Dec.16,19 31 of Polish Govt • * # « « • V • V-r •i -1- ro^ V Z V- #i —o •- J-X_ • t-i- /

Case of -.ÏÏ.Hettich end .Rohde

Pet.Sept.12^1931 from . I I o 1 1 i c h and Rohd e .... C , 0.19 31.1 $

Observs.Dec.16,1931 of Polish Icvt ...... C .101U,IV

ase of xiine.Anna Aochir

Pet.and letter F eb « 2o and larch 9, 1931 ty v. me .Anna Jochim(C .490.1931.1)

Letter signed 1; ov .10 ,12 and It, 1931 by Minorities Cttee. (r..i.ztos,. .Grandi and . .Beckett)...... i ' , o q 7 2. c . I

v a s e o1 lilhelrn Kaldasch

Pet. Sept .6,19 31 f r ora .dasch aj anieznc...... 0.100, . 1931.1

Observs.Dec.15,1951 of the Polish Govt C.1004.1931.1 0

Case of Mme.Anna P naitz

Pet .Aug.7 ,19 31 from x.jxxv.Pan.;itz of Po orzela...... 00 5.19 31.1 p

Observs.Dec.15 19 _1 of the Polish Govt...... 0.100. .19 31.1 p

■text only MINORITIES IN POLi-Jflj$CuNT)

Linority, Ukrainian P e t .Oct.10,19 50 signe! by ii.Zavori" J> ani '.Pitgorodetsky from Fomecourt, Fran ce...... 0 .91.19 51.1 0 § C .741.1951/1 and Err. Observs. Jan. 20,19 51 bythe Polish Govt C .91.19* 51.1 ft § i] C .741.19 31,1. & Err

?i5\ p et.Oct.24,1950 from the"Conseil National ukrainien "Prague...... C .91.19 51.1 0 § C.741.1931.1 & Err. -f\ Observs .Jan. 2u ,1931 from Polish Govt. . .0 .91.19 51.1 0 § 1 C .741.19 31.1 & Err. Pels (3)Oct.25 and Nov.15 and 30,19 30 from Dr.Basile Paneykc..... <...... 0 .91.19 31.1 0 § • ‘ C .741.193 1.1 Sc Err. r,p) Observs. Jan.20,19 51 from the Polish "u/ aovt...... C.91.1931.1 0 § C .741.1931.1 & E r r . Pet .Dec .13,1930 f rem the "Unicn of Democratic Control"Lendon -...... C .91.1931.100 § C.741.1931.I & Err. 30) Observs .Jan. 20,19 51 from Polish Ge vt . . . C .91.19 31. iD 0 § C.741.1931.I & Err.

31) Pets.(3) Dec .31,19 50, Jan. 20 and F pTi . 13,19 31 from the Ukrainien deputies and Senators,from 4me.Rudnicka and r.v. ej ax* or s ki • • •••»♦•••- ...... • . C * ~ 1 « - - 9 _^_l .1 0 ^ C .741.19 51.1 Err . Observs.April 6,1931 from Polish Govt..0.197.1931.1 0 § C.741.1931.1 .St Err.

33) P e t ., Supplementary April 30 ,19 31 from Dr .Basile Pcneyke...... C.479 .1931.1 0 § '■ C .741.19 31.1 .& Err. (34) Observs .Aug. 2,19 31 from Polish Govt... .C .79 .19 31.1 0 § C.741.1931.I & Err.

. .incrity, "7h ite -Ru th enian

Pet. Aug. 21,19 31 from the"National White-Ruthenian Cttee .Abroad” ...... C. 905.19 31.1 0

36) Observs . Nov.28,1951 of Polish G«vt... .C .9 05 ,1951.1 0



) Pet .Aug.25,19 51 from xi.A.de Balogh and Dr .Pal Gabor...... C . 9 9 6 .19 31.1 0

Observs. Dec.16,1951 from Polish Govt..C.996.19 51.1 0


Lists , Subject (i',.chtffly) of docs . dist.during 1951 to - .enters of Cl.

J“! Novi25 (Sept. ) ...... • • ...... C . 79 5 .19 31. ' ( No .126 (uct} ) . . ____...... C. 651.19 51. I1-1 text only ^gl.text only REFUGIES

Er.i grail on , Voluntary, Greco -Bulgari an laid dov:n in Conv3of Nov.27 , 1 £19 of N eu 111 y - sur --S e 1 ne

Liquidation of property of emigrants

(41 ) Arrang. and Protocol Nov*11,1931 oetxveen Bulgarian aid Greek Govts. regarding application of the Hoover proposal to Bulgarian reparations and the execution of Lioloff-Caphandaris Agrt -,during the Hoover year...... 0 «911.1931.1 .

(42) Lcl-ter Nov» 11 , 1 9 3 1 from the Greek Govt .to. the.Bulgarian Govt...... C . 911 ,.19 31 . 1 . (43) Letter 17ov. 14^19 31 from the Greek Govt...... 0 »911.1931oI . (44) Letter Nov.23,1931 from Bulgarian Govt, ...... C .911.1931.1. (45) Letter Nov.23,1Ç31 from Bulgarian Govt, ...... C.911.1931.1, (46) Letter Nov,24,1931 from the Greek Govt. *o- Bulgarian. Gov*»...... C «987 . 1 9 3 1 »I. (47) Letter Dec «14,19 31 from the Greek Govt*...... C .987 .19 31.1.


Comm .Governing

Composition of

Substitute, Temporary, for Pres-. (Sir Ernest v.'ilton)

Note Dec.22,1931 from the Se^Gen. »,C,1006.1931.1.