Contested Governance in Japan

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Contested Governance in Japan Contested Governance in Japan Contested Governance in Japan extends the analysis of governance in contemporary Japan by exploring both the sites and issues of governance above and below the state as well as within it. All contributors share a common perspective on governance as taking place in different sites of activity, and as involving a range of issues related to the norms and rules for the management, coordination and regulation of order, whether within Japan or on the regional or global levels. This volume discusses the contested nature of governance in Japan and the ways in which a range of actors is involved in different sites and issues of governance at home, in the region and the globe. Including chapters on global governance, local policymaking, democracy, environmental governance, the Japanese financial system, corruption, corporate governance and the family, this collection will be of interest to anyone studying Japanese politics and governance. Glenn D. Hook is Director of the Graduate School of East Asian Studies and Professor of Japanese Studies at the University of Sheffield, UK. Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/ RoutledgeCurzon Series Series Editor: Glenn D. Hook Professor of Japanese Studies, University of Sheffield This series, published by RoutledgeCurzon in association with the Centre for Japanese Studies at the University of Sheffield, both makes available original research on a wide range of subjects dealing with Japan and provides introductory overviews of key topics in Japanese Studies. The Internationalization of Japan Edited by Glenn D. Hook and Michael Weiner Race and Migration in Imperial Japan Michael Weiner Japan and the Pacific Free Trade Area Pekka Korhonen Greater China and Japan Prospects of an economic partnership? Robert Taylor The Steel Industry in Japan A comparison with the UK Hasegawa Harukiyo Race, Resistance and the Ainu of Japan Richard Siddle Japan’s Minorities The illusion of homogeneity Edited by Michael Weiner Japanese Business Management Restructuring for low growth and globalization Edited by Hasegawa Harukiyo and Glenn D. Hook Japan and Asia Pacific Integration Pacific romances 1968–1996 Pekka Korhonen Japan’s Economic Power and Security Japan and North Korea Christopher W. Hughes Japan’s Contested Constitution Documents and analysis Glenn D. Hook and Gavan McCormack Japan’s International Relations Politics, economics and security Glenn D. Hook, Julie Gilson, Christopher W. Hughes and Hugo Dobson Japanese Education Reform Nakasone’s legacy Christopher P. Hood The Political Economy of Japanese Globalization Edited by Glenn D. Hook and Hasegawa Harukiyo Japan and Okinawa Structure and subjectivity Edited by Glenn D. Hook and Richard Siddle Japan and Britain in the Contemporary World Responses to common issues Edited by Hugo Dobson and Glenn D. Hook Japan and United Nations Peacekeeping New pressures, new responses Hugo Dobson Japanese Capitalism and Modernity in a Global Era Re-fabricating lifetime employment relations Peter C. D. Matanle Nikkeiren and Japanese Capitalism John Crump Production Networks in Asia and Europe Skill formation and technology transfer in the automobile industry Edited by Rogier Busser and Yuri Sadoi Japan and the G7/8 1975–2002 Hugo Dobson The Political Economy of Reproduction in Japan Between nation-state and everyday life Takeda Hiroko Grassroots Pacifism in Post-War Japan The rebirth of a nation Mari Yamamoto Japanese Interfirm Networks Adapting to survive in the global electronics industry Ralph Paprzycki Globalisation and Women in the Japanese Workforce Beverley Bishop Contested Governance in Japan Sites and issues Edited by Glenn D. Hook Contested Governance in Japan Sites and issues Edited by Glenn D. Hook I~ ~~o~f!;n~~;up LONDON AND NEW YORK First published 2005 by RoutledgeCurzon Published 2017 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business Copyright © 2005 Glenn D. Hook editorial matter and selection; individual chapters © the individual contributors Typeset in Baskerville by Keystroke, Jacaranda Lodge, Wolverhampton The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution- Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN 978-0-415-36419-5 (hbk) ISBN 978-0-415-36498-0 (pbk) Contents List of illustrations ix Notes on contributors xi Preface and acknowledgements xv Note on the text xvii List of abbreviations xix Glossary xxiii Introduction Contested governance in Japan: modes, sites and issues 1 GLENN D. HOOK PART I Sites of governance 15 1 Global governance, the G7/8 summit and Japan 17 HUGO DOBSON 2 Japan’s role in emerging East Asian governance: regional and national implications 36 GLENN D. HOOK 3 Governance, democracy and the political economy of the Japanese state 54 J. A. A. STOCKWIN 4 Local governance: the role of referenda and the rise of independent governors 71 LAM PENG ER viii Contents 5 Governance, globalization and the Japanese financial system: resistance or restructuring? 90 PHILIP G. CERNY 6 Koizumi’s ‘robust policy’: governance, the Japanese welfare employment regime and comparative gender studies 111 OSAWA MARI PART II Issues of governance 131 7 Japan and global environmental governance 133 MIRANDA A. SCHREURS 8 Governance, Asian migrants and the role of civil society 152 ¯ HATSUSE RYUHEI 9 Corruption and governance in Japan 174 J. BABB 10 Whose problem? Japan’s homeless people as an issue of local and central governance 192 TOM GILL 11 The political economy of Japanese ‘corporate governance’: a metaphor for capitalist rationalization 211 HASEGAWA HARUKIYO 12 Governance through the family: the political function of the domestic in Japan 233 TAKEDA HIROKO Index 253 Illustrations Figures 8.1 Governance of immigration and residence 153 10.1 The ‘Tokyo System’ of homeless governance 206 11.1 Degree of corporate reforms by industrial sector 218 Tables 4.1 Referendum and local governments 86 4.2 Roles of referenda 86 4.3 Public works as percentage of GDP 87 8.1 The number of new arrivals from selected Asian countries 157 8.2 The estimated number of overstayers, by nationality (selected) and sex (1990–2002) 158 8.3 The number of Asian and South American residents from selected countries, legally registered, in Japan (at the end of each year) 163 8.4 (a) Visa status of Brazilian and Peruvian residents in Japan; (b) Visa status of newly-arrived Brazilians and Peruvians in Japan 164 9.1 Postwar prosecutions for corruption involving MPs (1945–2003) 179 9.2 Postwar allegations of corruption involving MPs (no prosecution) (1945–2003) 180 9.3 Postwar prosecutions for tax evasion involving MPs (1945–2003) 180 10.1 Statistics on homelessness in Japan 194 10.2 National budget for homeless support measures (2000–2004) 195 10.3 Homeless support budget breakdown, FY2002 and FY2003 196 10.4 SSCs and ETSs operating and planned as of June 2004 198 11.1 Governance in enterprise: types, actors, objective, methods and relations 214 11.2 Economic growth, ‘corporate governance’ and paradigm of technology 216 x Illustrations 11.3 Reforms designed to enhance the function of the board 217 11.4 Specific reforms carried out by companies who responded ‘reforms already made’ 218 11.5 Recent changes in ownership of listed companies (per cent) 220 11.6 Reforms for ‘corporate governance’ of major companies 229 Notes on contributors J. Babb is Lecturer in Japanese politics at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Prior to going to Newcastle, he worked in Japan as both a part-time lecturer at Tokyo Metropolitian University and as a consultant to the National Institute for Research Advancement managed by the Economic Planning Agency of the Japanese government. He holds an MA and PhD from Stanford University, and a Certificate from the Inter-University Center for Japanese Studies in Tokyo. His major publications include Business and Politics in Japan (University of Manchester Press, 2001) and Tanaka: the making of postwar Japan (Longman, 2000). Philip G. Cerny is Professor of Global Political Economy in the Center for Global Change and Governance, Rutgers University-Newark. His publications include The Changing Architecture of Politics: structure, agency and the future of the state (Sage, 1990), Finance and World Politics: markets, regimes and states in the post-hegemonic era (editor, Edward Elgar, 1993), Internalizing Globalization: the rise of neoliberalism and the erosion of national models of capitalism (co-editor, Palgrave, forthcoming 2005) and numerous other works including articles in International Organization, the European Journal of International Relations and the Review of International Studies. Hugo Dobson is Lecturer in the International Relations of Japan in the School of East Asian Studies, the University of Sheffield. In addition to a number of articles and book chapters, his publications include Japan’s International Relations: politics, economics and security (co-author, Routledge, 2001), Japan and United Nations Peacekeeping: new pressures, new responses (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004), and Japan and the G7/8: 1975 to 2002 (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004). Tom Gill is Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at the Department of International
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