L ._ _ _ G ïïL 0 -, N A T I O N S SUBJECT LI 3 T No. 1 3 6 V . DvC'LL. NTS DISTRIBUTED TU TEE. :^3LRS 03' TEL COUNCIL D U rt Jl r. G ù Jj C t ^ B E R 19 31 (Prepared by the Distribution Branch) Note: Part I contains reference to documents distributed to all -..embers of the League. Part II contains reference to documents distributed to the -.embers of the Council only. The Numbers in parenthesis in Part I are inserted in order to indicate the existence of Council documents to which reference will be found in Part II. § Distributed previously Key to Abbreviations L . $ Assembly A. and A.P. Allied and Associated Powers Add, .addendum, Addenda A d d it * Addition al A d v. Advisory A g r t . agreement Ann o Annex App. Append ix Arb.arjd Se c. G t tee. Arbitration and Security Committee A r r g t . Arrange me nt Ar t . Ar t ic le Ass . Assembly Aug. August C .0é Council C h a p t. Chapter C l . Counc il C .L. 0 Circular Letter C.M, 0 Council and Members Comm. Commission Conf . Conference C o n s u lt. Consultative Conv » Convent ion C . P . J . I . 0 Permanent Court of In te mations! Jus tice Cttee . Committee Deo . December D e l. Delegat ion D is c . Discus s ion D i s t . Distribution and Distributed Doc- Docurre nt Eng. 00 English E r r . Erratum, Err at a E x t r a o r d . Extra or dinar y F e b . ü'fc bru ary Pr . 00 Pren ch G o vt, Gove rnne n t I.L.O. International Labour Office Int .Lab.Conf. International Labour Conferen ce In t „Lab .Or g. International Labour Orgatiieation Intell.Co-op.ctte Intellectual Co-operation Committee Intell.Co-op.Institute Intellectual Co-operation Institnte Jan. January L . o f . League of Nations Memo, Memornndum Mtg 0 Meeting M in . Minutes Nov . Move mo er Ob s er v . Observation O c t. Octob er Ot J. Official Journal Or g. Organisation P-- Page PoA. and A.P. Principal Allied and Associated Powers Para. Paragraph Per m. Per man en t Pet. Petition Plen.Mtgs, Plenary Me 1 1 in gs numbering only, language only Kl y to Abbreviations (cont.) Pi1 elim „ Preliminary Prep. Preparatory Pr e s » Presi dent Pr ov . Provisional Pt. Part Eec omm. Eecommen dation Eedist. Ee distributed Eep . Eeport Eepres „ Eepresentat ive Ee s ol. Ees olut ion Sec , -Gen . Secre tar y-Gencral Secre t. Secretariat Sent. Section Sep t. Sep te mb er Sess. Session Spec. Speci al Supp, Supplement Te chn. Technical Tel. Tel egram Temp. Temporary U «S.A. United States of America U.S.S.B. Union of Soviet Socialist Eepublics Vol. Volume (1) 3aRT t .'.NTS, REDUCTION OF jnf., Int. ,Feb. 1932, Geneva Convocation cf representation cf women Memo.Nov.22,1931 by Sec.Gen...... C.L.297.1931,IV,Ann.0 Note D e c .3,1931 by Sec.Gen... C.L.297.1931,IV. press Review on Letter Dec.35,19 51 from Sec.Gen........ n 505.1931. Position cf armaments in the various countries Letters (2) 3 els .17 ,1931 from Sec.Gen. (C.L. 13 and 23(a) 1931;IX) Replies from the following countries Hungary.. >914. -.4-80.1931.1 .. India. .. ,S-.4 . 33.1931.IX. Liberia.. ,930. 485 .19 31.1 3. Portugal .650, X) Err.to.. 6 5G 3.6 2.19 31 .IX. Err. South Africa....... ......C .933 . .488.1931.IX . United Status of Ameri C .413* .1C 9 .19 31.1 M 0 . ,3.11,No .8,p .1552 v and 0.413. .1"9.1931.13. Ann. Yugoslavia. ......... - . • < ■'i rr <-z .561.19 31.1: Truce, Armament s Letter Oct.2,19 31 from Sec.Gen....... • L • . oV * 1 6 3 1 • JL a ô • SIS . .<-94.IS31.IX, Replies from the followin’-, countries Albania .......... ...... C .760., .358.1931.IX§ C .919. .484.1931.1X00 Argentine......... 787 . 01.1931 .IX§ C.919. .,484.1931 .IX Australia......................... C.787 .381.193l;IX§ C.919 . .484,.19 31.IX. Austria .C .777 ..-.37 2.1931 .IX§ C.919. 484.19 31 ; IXj/0 Belgium. ............ .C.777 . 37 2.19 31. IX§ C .919 *.4 84 .19-31.IXjtf0 Bulgaria.......................... C.790.384,1931.IX § C . 919 . .484.19 31.1X00 Canada........ ....................... ,0.777. .37 2.1931.IX § C.919 .. .484.1931.1X00 hi le .0.777. .373.1951.IX§ 0 .£19 . .484.1931.1X00 China .0.837. .417 .1931 .IX § C.919.. .484.19 31.IX Colombia................ C.915.1 .481.1931.IX § C.919.3 .484.1931. jne °py only distributed to each r..;.mber^ of the Le; gue xtract only. X XENTS,REDUCTION OF ( cont. ) Truce, Armaments (cont.) Letter Oct.2,1^31 from the Sec.Gen (C.L.?57.1931.IX)(cont.) Replies from the fallowing countries(cont.) Costa-Rica.......... ............... C .915.i\i.481.1931 .IX § C.919 .11.484.1931.IX 0 Cuba...... ..... ........ ..... C.915.X.481.1931.IX.§ C.919 .1. .484 .1931, IX . Czechoslovakia...................... C .774.Ivi.369 .1931. IX § C.919 .--.434.1931.IX 0 Denmark....... ......................C .777 .11.372.1931 .IX § C.919.1..484.1931.IX 0 Ecuador..... ........................C .915 .r.:.481.1931.IX § C.919.M.484.1931.IX 0 Egyjt........................ • .C.767 .1 1 .363.1931.IX § C.919 .ivl. 484.19 31. IX 0 Estonia ........................ .. .C .787 .M.381.1931.IX § C.919 .,,1.4^4.19 31. IX 0 Finland............................. C.787.X.381.1931.IX § C.919 .484.1931.IX 0 France.......... ....................C .787 .X.381.1931 .IX § C .919.X.484.1931.IX 0 Germany............................. C .787 .X. 381.1931 .IX § C .919.M.484.1931.IX 0 Great Britain....................... C . 787 ■ .381.1931 .IX § C.919 ....484.1931.IX 0 Greece.............................. C .853.X.431.1931 .IX § C .919 .M.484.19 31.IX 0 Haiti............................... C.973.X. 536 .1931 .IX C.919.::.484.1931.1X0 Hedjaz.............. -...... ..... C .924.X.489.1931.IX C.919.X.484.1931. IX Hungary............................. C.780.M.375.1931.IX § C.919....484.1931.IX 0 India...... .........................C.777.X.372.1931.IX § C.919.X.484.1931.IX 0 Irish Free State....................C .777 .X. 372.1931.IX § C .919.X.484.1931.IX 0 Italy.......... .....................C .787 ..1.381.1931.IX § C.919.X.484.1931.IX 0 Jar an............................... C .772. .,..367 .1931. IX § C.919.X.484.1931.IX. Latvia.............................. C .773.X.368.1931 .IX § C.919 .ik. 484.1931. IX 0 Liberia . .C .973.L.536 .1931 .IX. C.919.X.484.1931.IX. Lithuania........................... C .787 .... 381.1931 .IX § C.919.X.484.1931.IX 0 Luxemburg........................... C . 7 58 . 356 .19 31. IX § C.919.X.484.1931.IX. 0 Netherlands......................... C .779 .X.374.19 31 .IX § C.919 .Ai.484 .1931 .IX 0 ~ t only - 3 - ARivLâlvŒiT'TS ^REDUCTION OF ( cont . ) Truce, Armaments (cent. ) Letter Oct.2,1931 from the Sec. Gen.(C L. 257 .1931.IX) (cont.) Replies from the following countries(cont.) New Zealand.* »... ,C .778 .373 .1931 .IX § C.919 .484 .19 31 .IX 0 IN i car cl ^ua .0.915 .481 .19 31 • IX £ C.919 .484 .19 31 .IX 0 Norway...... 4 . .. n r? rm .19 31 .IX § C.919 .4 84 .19 31 .IX 0 Panama. .0,915 .481 .19 31 . -L-iL-pr .OÔ C .919 .484 .19 31 .IX Persia. ,0.837 M .417 .19 31 -ibl9 M . 484 .IV 31 .IX 0 P eru... .C.hC7 M.417 .19 31 .IX § C.919 M .484 .19 31 .IX Poland, ,C.787 ..1.381 .1931 .IX § C.919 M.484 .1931 .IX p Portugal .0.790 1 .384 .19 31 .IX § C .919 .484 .1931 .ix i Kcumania...... .0.777 . "7 2 .19 31 .IX § C.919 .494 .1931 .IX p Siam.......... .0.775 A. 370 .1931 .IX.§ C.919 : 1.48 4 .1931 .IX 0 South Africa... .0.790 .384 .19 31 .IX § C.919 M.484 .19 31 .IX 0 Spain......... ,0.787 . "81 .1931 .IX § c • u 19 . .484 .1931 .IX Sweden........ p nrjn .372 .1931 .IX § 0.119 .484 .1931 .IX 0 Switzerland.... .0 .771 ; .3ee .19 31 .IX § C .919 . £ 84 .19 31 .IX 0 Turkey........ ,0.908 .47 6 .19 31 .IX à 0 .919 --.484 .15 31 .IX 0 Uruguay....... .0.796 ....390 .11 31 .IX § C.919 iù.484 *19 31 .IX .0 .781 ...376 .1931 .IX § 0 .919 .".484 .1931 .IX 0 U.E .0.748 i .547 .19 31 t TY-LA Rif 0 .919 .484 .19 31 .IX Venezuela...... .0.9 24 . 489 .1931 .IX C.919 . - .464 .1931 .IX 0 Yugoslavia...... C 7 77 ~,r o .19 31 0 .919 . 8- .15 31 X 0 L.. Letter Nev.1931 from Sec.Gen... , C /29 3 1931.IX § C.919 . .484.1931.IX ( Rep.Sept.1931 by the Spanish Repres. (>i.Lerroux) adopted Sept.30,1931 by C l...............................................«................... .0.639(1)1931.IX § C.L.257.1931.IX,Ann.I § C.915. .484.1931. IX 0 Extract only - 4 - CüUNC IL ,LEj_GUE 65th Sess.(Pt.Ill) Nov.16-Dec.20,1131, Paris vins. cf meetings held Nov. 1C ...« . .................. v/65th Sess ./P «V .17 (1)/ Nov. 21...... -........ - .... .0/ ” " " 18(1)0 Dec.9 ........................ C/ " " " 16(1 Dec . 2u....................... 0/ " " ” 20(1) 66th Sess.,Jan.19 32,Geneva Agenda for Texts of Dec.
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