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11-22-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-22-1914 Journal Publishing Company

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Dully ljr Currier or Mall Hi II YEA U N1EXIC0,"si)Nf)AY, ONE-P-agcs 1 THIUTV-KIXT- TWELVE PAGES. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW NOVEMBER 22, 19H, SECTION to 8. Month. hlngle Oiple, 60.


WORNIN JOUftNAl irtCtAk LlAltD .Mont Mutt ,!) of the Oai.Hts ul lie I UK iw. Arm., Nov. 2 1. I lend New York. Nov. 21. A Cnnfld'm In lllkl' till' llolllllul. Hint It K llllM'l (il..Koui foii-i- are oncentiatlnt; BY FIRING Oil: RT STAFJDSTIU tha financial position IS: h and businc. thai not mil' nil th.'-- o who nri All tweiilv miles from Mexuo City nd thi- - Tin- - o V'Y.'Y. W'.-.- X..VYMV.' i'IVJ'.M -- 1) Mtv.vft. ...lit.!-- , W h. '.' v !,'., during Week. quick regular on.,'i n,"-- ' :VVI'.V1V. .VWSiW.VW'. .V,VsA.V." itM .!, WW ... reversal of the decision to open the tCIM'tlCrs M II llol i.'i.iuoi men mobill.i'd to defend the capital stock exchange today fur regulated Will tut III t1"' .lotlinill (. I flic dull atainst attack. FROM IV F AT HP R ami I t TO FRIGHTENED was in TENNESSEE IS dealings In listed bunds, a git the mcr frit if Tills Informal ion contained carried hi t1 e , TI,U In- I while tin nn' u. teleurnm from iMiieKou to tlcneral IIWIH II l warning of liquidation In. Voluiur. mum l . III So- vitation is cmcmI. il in nil Hill, arrani-- as coinmander Sharp declines In the li'i't'Ktilur tnur-- ) lot lulu i of tin' New I 1. Itln nera iibliKoii sas he Is Well kets suggested the hazard iif liquid,!- - POSITIONS' CHllolllll 'H Hllloll. DUNKIRK ciiiip'id for ,1 c.impalMii In the 'old STATEMENTMADEi AND EXHAUSTION tiun In a fret' market. opening to NEW Ittiiil tin' Journal ever) imirii-In- PEOPLE rcsioiiH of Mexico. All laudable arms a 111 " n it bet n subscriptions Jn London for without 1 iM. and in mil have collcitcil Grot by his s, lie said, all ol 1 coniiiianilci l'lltuln'a huge war limn of $ . 7 o whom have siumficd their luteiillou of might uld to pressure on flxhtiiiK tor I'nrrauiM as Iouk us he , ithc Ni w York mm ki t. Thai cx- - remains In halne of (lie executive Unofficial Explanations Exon- ii.' Villa Occupies With- ARRANGEMENTSAREMADE Many Languages Spoken by Desultory Fighting LOIUinUGS change Ik dolcrinini d to iv.-ii'i- busi Queretar'p power of the republic under the plan ness, In purt, ut u ii curly tluti", is Motley Tlnong in of (iUadalupc. erate of Any Hostile but No More Desperate As out Meeting Resistance FOR RELEASE OF MINERS City on hoi ni' out. however, hv the fact lhiil The repot ted imprisonment of OU'c Kun Is denied in this tclcKiitin. whiill Intent in Incident in Harbor ' saults and Counter Assaults 'another to w he sub- - From Forces of Alleged Channel Where Allies ibn i. It M.IMMIN IOH ANAL BPtCIAl. liaaau ttlAII uld that lii'iicral l.ticio r.laucu hud Indited to thi' governors cully In the I'oit Siniih, Ark., .Nov. After Against Kaiser Gather, not been within rem Ii of the capital of Smyrna, i . ,. First Chief, rl. Arc Reported, , i I I t i .'I coining i llll lor lllluclillM of hond for woks, as he hail been commis- Signs of improved Investment de had bcci KI1H1U1I by 1'idelal JudKo sioned by ticneral OMcKon lo gather y iiuund wore manifest, th opening of Flunk Youmans, iiiiihiH" nn ills iirac-ticull- nil available troops und send Hu m to WERE iTlftMAl PADITnl were e.'IHili It d l today for DEPRESSED BELGIANS Solium aid SHOTS WARNING EYES OF WORLD NOW the federal reserve bunks, offering N A I lUNAL UArl I AL ite lo tleueiul lllll the release of the MX miners urresled much , encouragement. , Miuhange j ARE OF CLOSING OF PORT ON EASTERN FIELD MAY BE ISOLATED oil Indblmeiiltt IoiiihI In connection SEEN EVERYWHERE rut en were also held down to near witli the recent labor troubles hi the CALLS SCANDINAVIAN heavy exports of war valley. in the majority of normal mid , Hartford TO cases bond wa,s educed from .",0(M) to RESERVISTS COLORS materials, kept Up supplies in thut King Albeit Is With His Peo- Ambassador Morgcntliau Con Duke and Evacuation of Vera Cruz to 3,(KMl. Grand Nicholas market. - 11 w ;ot fiii.i"i 111. ii nii.'in.-- i inin.u- MOKNItt JOUSSAl. veys Voluntary Ai-p- i no statement of thu" local ,, - ple on Filing Line in Spile ltll. Assurances mlt Proccecf Without Interrup- - mem ,.f mdiete.1 n,. wo,.bi unM- Nov. 21. - Danish.! German Commander clearing house under the new bunk- - Ottawa, Hilt., and rroin file niiiun.' rcviou ioiiikui ami army living In Ot- of luws Was unsatisfactory, tn of All Effoits to Keep Him Sucdlsh restrvists Turkish Government pf With rather tion; Funston to Be Judge of thai iimmwi iih uIh would l.c made to tawa, called tit newspaper ol flees to- Opposing Each Other failed, In Hh uhlnev luted form, that it eo or their Imiiibi, day and staled that they have receiv- Friendly Feeling. to disclose uny IncreaHcH or contrac-IIoii- Who Shall Occupy City, From Exposure, Millions of Men Engaged, . A ed report duty at the in detailed account, while linouncenieiit ,is made here to orders to for the day that the Western Coal and Mining earliest possible moment. The orders cxcexH rcHerves reucheU the record by m company had shut down three of Its leached them mall this lining. IRt HORNIN breuklnK e of $17,83t,HO, ( wu Ulrlf ( JOURNAL. RPICIAl LIAlia RI JUUNAL LtAalO KIM! In vicinity Iiennlm;, Hit-- 1 t'rut uriMiHimlrnrf.) Many thousand reservists of the tmr morninq journal apt oai lcamd wirii due largely to reduced rcnerve re CI WMIU fCIAt mine the of Washington, Nov. 21. Turkey hai WuiiiliiHtoii, Nov. 21. Kvacuiitl.,11 to Mai vallev I Huiikirk, . Nov. 11. ''o French, Itelulun, Russian and lUitl-.- li 21 p. m. quIrementR. Jncent the tlord fields. voluntarily explained to the United Loudon, Nov. (9:20 'Mi people of llunkii'K beard the otlvr by of .Mexico City by t'lirranxu troopH w ill forclnu: iibout men out employ ...... 1. . 1. . . . armies have been sent forward of i.. -- Htatis novernment through Ambassa- ex- .., i rokl Weather and the be completed tomorrow noun, m cord- - TI... ,..,,.ull.,i, v.- .a In. ""I KHIHIU the Canadian government. The state- ment Il staff Dad either annihilation or dor Mom. Mil hau that the shots flrtd haustion of the troops engaged have WHEAT AND FLOUR im; to official dispatches today to hJ volvi d. it was slated ment that Danish and Swedish reser- toward thn launch of thu American iiio-iu-. ste;e in store for them as a part of to virtually liroiiRht the buttle In Flan- iieucraiH io,'koi, vists have been called colors has cruiser Teiinesse last Monday wnrfl CONTRIBUTED BY KANSAS ami Ulano,oei In ommand tl.ere. have thn campaign kkhIiimI Calais. How- mused much snrpiiso here. ders and France to a standstill. A ' ever, the p.'oplo were b Intended merely as the customary -- . liiKsured the Uraslllun mlnhiter and leus.mired r- , j whleii warning that the port of Smyrna desultory urtillery duel continued at Hllllmnu, repi eHcnliliir I'resldcnt the sixht of the Kmrlinh tleet, ,., .ou-N- .. 'John COURT MARTIAL In MAY mined nnd closed to navigation. Home points along the wide front and o.H,.. .. Wi ,h , left plain view from the lieiulus uroiuol PARIS THEATERS 21 h ty flir,.uui le town, was sweeping; Although thn explanation was in- hus be.'ii occasional New York Nov. to preserve the the tlermau the an jnfunlry order. Nleu-pnr- t. formal and Htnlea govern- :Hnd barrels of wheat and flour from ,. . positions In the duiieH behind NOW BE REOPENED tho I'nlted 'VinB Is a for- attack but for the UiHt three dayi the 'Kansas, conMltutluK the first blKhlp - f"''" ''' i ! ment still awsltltiK reply to '"'' s teui- - ...... iV... ih.,, Vu- i- in.. r..hV,f 1'antwnrd to Orizaba. Cnrruiizu rnDiinfi nrn nni T7 On street, by a mal representations which Ambassa- fighting hus been mild compured with the freak of ihstlnv. Y KOSNINS iOUSMAl CIA(. fr porary rapltal. , Morgenthnii was ..f II. .1..!.... n,.n.,..,nilill.i.l1a-I lid a saibii-- dor Instructed to of which for more Ul ICI(,lllll IIWII- ...... III. ... l... ; the slaiuo of great French (3:10 m.) !! the fierceness that 1 "-l- Xl.l. - 2J h. The It 1.. I.., I li..i.mlu.l, u,.,.r, lo a "on I'J ,HA.V V..- ... ruiiiUiiiuuiuuLiz. Jean Hart, a merciless enemy to Fust- - Paris. No. make to the Turkish foreign offlcr, than a month preceded it. bvvn revealed. l, French government has authorised was generally Whlts i,rum,l here todav bv the r"t land, holds In his bror..e arms the admitted at the The Gcrmuns, It Is evident, have (juerelaro. the reopening of theulers and concert House, state .and navy departments1 iAuierlcan commission for relief In; standard of Albion. part of V balls on condition that the that all danger of serious complica- sent their best troopg to the eastern in.ii-iui- from former Governor (icilcl'al Ilia occupied yueretaio, llolK!iin refuges going soiitlv j receipts be (leVoted to thu aid of the tions ever had beon re- front and even In biis sung the allies K. tttuhhs. head of the Kansas sol without resistance. This fact ha THOUGHT LIKELY with a meluncliolv air the almost the incident - soldiers uiu! to relieve distress. The moved. 11. v.. n-- e 10 in- ,11 sternly of appear to have the otvantaBe owr committee on reiiei woik. onixisiou ouo i.u file ambulances from the 'programs and audiences will be I'.xplnnalloiis. the, com- -' nere Ijulck ver. London chairman of ipiarters mat tils entrance inio front. plc-Itu- re them. There are no sIkhs, however, , I.,. strictly supervised, only moving Ambassador Morgenthau reported mlttee, in a teluram to Stubbs, said: Mvl,v. f.(..,, ...... iut,l II Speak In llicr-.- c Tongues. of an offensive on a large scale tin Is houses and certain concert halls that two niemuers of tho Ottoman The Jlclnian people themselves believed possible, however, that the In sin II c rowds the I'lemlsh Ian open. the part of the, allies, who doubtless can a withdrawal of the tarrunza forces heretofore hav been cabinet, the ministers of Interior and !ur,.u thut if ihcv have ration SMan Who Posed in Albunucr - pr' but in the file of! The time for closing the restaur- war, had fully explained occur 1, day per a striteKlc maneuver and thut lien Ii f- - the are as badly In need of rest us their;,,i n ounces of the flour a rtolilicrH with whir tlu exodus of r ants bus been extended from 8:30 rence to him ami high opponents. In fuct. It is stated that can, with such root veae- - erai i.,oreKon win endeavor 10 cm ugees Is confused, lit times one hears: officials' heft capita, thev - que as1 German Baron Is o'clock In the evening to 10 o'clock. said hi message was filed thu ' u v. ' Villa's communications wllh the north- Kngllsh, before the officers and men who have burn ui.i.. n niam in th couiitt keen French, Flemish, Arab, tho Instructions sent from Washington to cm states, while the forces under n... , the lirunt of the tiKhtuiK In the uuj mti, ionelher, Held in London; Suspected vu,i,t ,; nn.i discuss the, subject officially with tho trenches are belm? Kivun a short leave. General Jesus t'urranza und other , ., ,' lliniloostanee. JhoMHliou. under mil-- 1 Kenerals loyal to the chief nt-- ; Is nil grand vixler could huve been received Allies' Safe first as bpy tor Kaiser, llary xuurd, lull of soldiers of by Morgenthau. Wil- tempi to strike his columns witli Ori- - arms, races, fighting BUTTE JUSTICE Mr. President This, toKctlier with the cancellation of all that are son and his cabinet regard tho infor- of of ship- - zaba us a base. the allies. The others wntoli cu- the order for the removal AMERICANS SEEK ' lor mal explanation as a certain precur plii(- - from Dunkirk, lri taken to Indi- Wire communication between Mex-- ; riously while the Knglisli rusll to the III MOANINS JOUSNAl. ariCIAL LtA.lO HIKIt sor of a satisfactory formal explana- cate that the allies consider their po-- j Ico City and Vera Cruz is uncertain locomotive of un Incoming train and j London, Nov, 21 4: Oil p. The1 tion nuarjntces pro- I iiind officials would not be sui piist d 't m.) beg from the engineer tn and that for the sitions safe for the pres:nt and that intense public in ihu case of hot water SEVERELY tection of Americans and their Inter- they do not contemplate any Imrne 'they lost lelcurruphic communication interist order to prepare their f, o'ebek tea. DEALS ''arl Hans lidy, the Merman Hpy re-- ; ests will also he forthcoming f run. diale uttempt movement, j with American Consul Sillimun when 'Iho Trivgi'd.v of Itelgliini, at a forward REFUGE UNDER Cently executed In the Tower of Lon- the Turkish government. For this reason and because the re- tomorrow's evacuation of the .Mexican As the danger of nn attack by llu Morgenthau, g don, is being paralleled In The me.isage from Mr. a Important beur-in- capital Is completed, less degree. tiermniiH seems to beeome more re- sult will have most by the intention of the trial of a man dutcd November 11, hut delayed en war, is still cen- j de- mote, ciiriiflty has triumphed over on the Interest Officials at the state und war (who be Taylor! route, relieved a delicate situation. U In . A?! claims to lirlilinnan anxiety and great crowds rutdi to til WITH tered on the battles partments declared tonight there wis J In ' 'if HI Te.- s, n UoW Kti ! arrived lattt thn atlTnoon and after when J the ' el streets around the station to hus been the ease "heretofore WARSHIP S S no change in the plan of evacuation 'police trtilay prisoner, nnd Ml t di ciphered was discussed at a , the who, r :, the ronglonieration of rnees. srs event by contt-renu- tunt wt uf Vera Cruz the American forces lias un passport In name tonight between the, presi- liitio In coming either from l'.er-- : Holiday. American of, All thu tragedy of Itelglum the liewi next Piidgman Taylor, Moot In ml ' dent, Heorrtary Daniels and Acltnii Hit to operations. ' - ' hut who maximum sulfcriug. the Ihiilt 01 i'etrosrad us the It was said officially the ijiiestlon Is of moral Secretary Lansing of the stuto de- fi-- e- Yard Insists ,'lorsl Von Dor iloltx, of physical set to be Vis. It is known, however, that the 'of which faction or force would was endurance ins McDonald and Bradley, Who partment. re reslsta nee ,. , remanded for a further heating.; Idle in the grave expressions of iiiuim d of feting stubborn reive possession iff Vera Crux had is Intimated lb., m vl hi'iirinir the, After the conference the following in Pros-- 1 PaillC PfeVailS 111 OrUZ 111 it tbut who have been making a to the Russian advance Kail Vela been left to lleneral Funston for tie- - U,m i,n I,,,,,,.. ,.-- ,. soldiers Instituted Reign of Terror in statement was issued at tho Wlillti ' ,inii,. ,.,,,.i .;, com- i 11 stand for the last corner of their; sla. (ieneral Von Ilindenbui A C O 1 tlT HI nil t 0 It is understood ho House: troops, urd nlinlnntlnn f In n II willa)lv couttmurllal. country. The depressed tecling that) mander of the Herman MIIUUpcUIUII Ul'.uaiiuii oellvcr the city to whichever force Is - Mining City, Given Pen Ktalciiiciit Issued. commander-in- - The only charge ugriinsl the prison- I lies,. tactM was iiu't'easeil when . tlrand Duke Nicholas, I In de dacto control of the immediate lnsnire "Dispatches concerning tho (Smyrna two ol lh' of City by Forces UHUU er as yet is that he Is not registered the other day u flic of neatly 400 field chief of the Russians, i vicinity of the port. No (iuestlon of Sentences, Incident have Just been received from greatest the war tun pio as an alien. It is alleged, however. irons u:i. ilrairued Ibniuiil, bv horses stnitecists recoRiiltlon, it was said, was involved. me case Ambassador Morgenthau, which wero duced, are maneuvering for positions General Funston, trim circumstances of the are thut looked as weary and melancholy com- Toih'Iich AinerlcMii, Rights. similar to those of l.ody The sent before, ho had received any between and the Warta - the trial. as their riders. These wci. tho guns the Vistula The state department received to- MOHNINQ RtILIAL munication from the. state depart- and a battle is in progress on the prisoner arrived in London on No- - thut had defended Antwerp as well as lV JOURNAL LRAUK government bin day from the Inillsh vice consul' in yernher Vccording to stamps lloulder, Mont., Nov. 21. Michael ment, llu informs the Cracow-L'enslocho- line between MORNtNQ JOURNAL tPICIAt tIABCO WISH - the they could. For lack of aiiimnniiion, on tmt cliarge, of American interests at hii- on IHh iiiiNSiiMi l !"Muoklo" McDonald, that on the evening of the dsy Austro-Uerma- n forces. ho hail Just come bought from the Krupps for deliveiy president of the n and Vera Crus, Nov. 21. When the senuiia, i oi which the Incident occurred (on Mon- s i.ower uinnrnia. fri)In r.ermnny. He is said to have In June, but delivery of which was de- Hullo Miners' union at tho time of Llltlo News t'onn-- ThroiiKh. I American forces evueuate Vera CruK uy a p- - day last), tho minister of comnu; uccrecs issucn Avuies, viiias i,11(ltl,j of (iermanv's gieat prowess, they were obliged to us" jthe miners' riols lu Unite, was found Ottoman tlu An unofficial dispatch Monday, majority of Ameri-U'a- ti point,-.- , re- - ferred, him the, com- ;next the us governor of the slate, HM,kl, llw,V'ln (irI Hlj to 'guilty tonight of kidnaping by a interior informed that through Rome says that the Russians will be in lllan French shells that wci'c not filled lale of at- I'esldtnts uiiartered the (lulling all prop.'ity owners to make w,. h(, Fnglish language It Jury hen and tils punishment fixed mander the Tennessee had repulsed two attacks before Cracow, the consulate, which is conne,- the them, and which consequently lore tempted to vMIt Smyrna in his steam -- district about new registry of th ir lands in l( wjU) fl ,.,,,.,., cut, guns were going jut a term of three years In Iho Deer but beyond the Russian official stut only away from (he water prop- - aci iho rifle out. The launch, pussing through tho luino par- a block tion with a new census of real ,(lh,r m.f!ls J(t ,(il0, Hl whi(.,, to heap, - Lodge penitentiary, mulit that the Russians have hud ifro'nt. only protection, other erty. the scrao and the horses at xono, contrary to tho Turkish govern- Their Another decree re.ndres the ,.,.KiM, my ,,,Ht ,hl. ,,, ,, lei- being will draw bad Joseph Hrudlcy, vice president of success of Lodz, tin re , I rested, boat tial northwest than that which the Mexicans have payment f es tor .shli.K ; .,. , ment's regulations and thut tho various hul ho wutt ,.(,ri, Amrlcn. tbrce-lne- li Held guns their the union, also was convicted of kid Is nothing- to indicate, how things arc promised, will be the warships com-- j nghls in Lower California. French in hud been stopped by warning shots going. jthitt his mother was a Oernmii and! places. naping- anil his punishment was mantled by Rear Admiral McLean, liiet tired towards her. in Copenhagen, j father an American. I'poti the! Dirdiciirlc ncil Refugee. fixeil by Iho jury nt five yeura in Ihu gen- In socialist qua tiers j now with- 1 1( "Ho added that tho governor whose llugship is anchored CIT , socialists ,Ml;ICt I'R.Vt AI.Ll death of his father, he said, he was! tin procession worn-ou- t penitentiary, which tire in touch with the in harbor. The battleship After of eral lifter Iho Incident had offered tu 7.0UO,miO ne u the inner Alt TO ZAPATA jtakcn by liis to ( l.rmatiy, Joseph Shannon, executive mem- of Berlin, it Is said Unit outside the harbor and .M0i;i molher Kiiiih, cu mo nmro refugee who were , take tho officer overland in tils au- I Texas is Just ber, wus by tin-- are engaged in the butties on he easy call. whei e be was educated pcrhups the nmsl disheartened of acquitted jury. tomobile. Tho minister of war later idle gunbonl Pclrel is within i I work-fr- s frontiers, :S,llt0,Ul on I be induce, Mexico City, Nov. 21. Thc Mexican The prisoner Is aliotil ',: M ars old, those, wilt, have passed through. Soma The cases of the bl ue luino communicated with the ambussadvie. An effort Is being minlo to arcgulurpo-lic- o out- Atistro-C.ennu- n I.IKHl.OiiO capital is tonight without tail and iilhltili', conspicuously ilay wife combined anil were tho side and Admiral to declare the and of Ihcni were ut Furnes tlm other fully Informing .him of the Incident Hear Mclean force. The national palace in de- He was penniless when whi n a in fighting guve growth of the deportation of miners A.ussjaiis, . f.,,...i brief lull the and requested that the Tennessee, linen oisiiiii tt. ""tn. suve an occusioiiul attend- find belonging to Woslcrn nt i t in u Fi, serted, for arrested and apparently was without the tired troops u needed D ims)', the Federation which was then ut Vourlah, soma dis- loo ituiLiin lu ease of fighting between me Mexi- (!cr-mti- jevo is described from Nislv as a stra-- 1 ant guarding halls und doorways. friends In London. when the report came that tho of Miners who hud refused lo Join the tance from the harbor of Smyrna, can factions. e, but the loss of guin At the headquarters of (lenernl wure r tiring from before mini workers, un oigtinlzutlim made be withdrawn. Ship's tiiins. ( should fiW I'mlcr ibrcgon, the council of war was held the soldiers were lolling in the up of miners breaking uwuy from thu Orriclnlly and prisoners is admitted. All dav Americans living ill the - Port tioseil. - tonight to decide on whether the coin- warm sunshine tn the stie.ts and the fold of the federation. "The embassy had sometime ago cntral hotels and in houses some dls 1)(ito f.VH(..lU,)Il f th). n,.red The deported were given u have been ,.y officers calmly taking their afternoon miners been officially iiifornu d that tho port tance from the water front by t;,.n,.r.(1 Carranzu should be com- - War Bulletins. Ida. bursting of a shell In u hy McDonald, who wos culled to war- - - when thu "trial" of Smyrna wus closed alike ; engaging rooms wnere ine sun. nm ,,nw- AH generals three-stor- y disturb; AJ tick open Summary of War' were wtl, the with tliei building on Ihe "King it," on an lot in ships end merehunt vest els. The am- .can .protect them. Mexicans ; ,.xr ptlon of Oenertil Jilanco attended Nov square opposite Iho city hull, brought I'iutlo und then escorted to this city OuptaHl li,ii,r I'unu In t ,ol,u C!:H u. m.) bassador therefore requested most as numerous as aun ,th(, confenmi e He declared, In a jTlu upe Town them back to the reali.ation tliaOthey limits of Rut to and told not to comu he, of course, News of Yesterday uesom . m, iirrKHiiiiliiit of llu '1 Decker to withdraw and the crowd wnicn uif.,,,.,! statement, that he would not iVIeiiiam com puny still W'-r- neur th front. back. so, proceeding to tho Islund of inquire as to the best means Renter has that did Htilate to ,j(,H(r ,hl) c.,ppu nrj leave It to the two sous or (i)'ii. ( I Work of Powerful Shell. Judge W, A. Clark said that Brad- and - protection or transporta-- lhcl, the Ciiols. The latest report from France of securing- niarau(jirlK bands of Zapata adherents rclM'l lender, liavc Kiirreiulercd lo n The stone front of the building fell ley, In his opinion, "was tho brains "Owing to tho extreme difficulty of Flunders Indicate that the opposing tion abroad. who occupy the surrounding suburbs magistrate In 'npe Town. Into a pile lu the street. A crowd of tho whole outfit, that ho was con- communicating with Constantinople, Antllla of the ward' fly- armies, exeent at isolated points The steamer j towrlM Kevcrul of OiMicial lli'Vlct'H chief gathered to look for tho German vinced that McDonald was Influenced no further advice have yet bca re- hy i Wiui i , !" has been Aa,. ()f S0IJtl (!on. officers, together nioM of his ing machine which was supposed to by Bradley." ceived. Instruction; had already been resting, oossiblv because the winter u, hu f.litl with i.enerai r uosioi. ""-," :g.r..i i,,niM. ordered his men to take siipptM'ti'i-- ) lo I In west of the rail- have done tho. damage, but other The case went to tho Jury at 8:30 sent to tho ambussmtor1. We aro weatiier lias liueriereu who "'"" wur dcpai tmentand on tnissnipine.e, ..t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,! way shells fi ll In the outskirts of the town. o'clock tonight, a verdict was re- awaiting reply t ' " police Ilni. surrendered nt Urn snint still the ambassador's operations. will sail such refugees as the niieil '. ". Then the steady fire of an urtillery exactly at midnight. lo obliga- - station and','.has appointed Colonel lime. turned those Instructions." Tin- - Vretii-- war office reports s States considius Itself under Samuel Vusqiuz, chief of police, the duel was heard from all along tho The jury recommended leniency In The fact that tho governor sellers! The joined In very cutlet day at all points except In) 'wIM Z former chief having abandoned the! IVtrogriui, Nov. 21. An lclal front. Tho Jirltlsh fleet the sculi'iiclng of Mucklo because of of Smyrna had offered to take Cap- . ( imiu - Hi'inUng; In Its projectiles over tha secre- -, til la s list city and Kuiie to Cananza'H headquar- - ji ommunioalloii Issiictl from general his youth, Bradley was also tain D"Ckur of the Tennessee: hy uuiv the Woevre district, where nM - been league--o- , poiieemcil aim uuirio ' .icjiiliiuurli-r-- i t town, liilo the German lines. The ref. tary of the propaganda tha mobllw to tho American consulate at ks en - ters, loiilglit, uys: mans, who made five aim noy,,,- ,y Americans, and ! ugees passes pI the ex- - 'tin. Ilghiing' iM lHii-- (he Vlsl uiu waiting- for their tu ine industrial Workers of the World. Smyrna, officials here declared, Ind- massy were nuns, The diplomatic corps, after an . ... . obliged in two hours, comPR ltl' ,,1'iests and - . ,).., ri,ii-i,- n a nil on rwow-Coiis- - station were to turn further icated dourly thu friendliness of tlei . - ,.1, n,,...ll.,.. thiiu waila anil thu 1.1,1. . .1... Of' U.- .- tu i south, accompanied by some of the 'I'm-II- lIi ..Ifl.-li.l--- Ch.. j.f ci cuecKeu ny tne lire oi me tiunu c. m'li.iiiii with tisiii-wi- front t'onliuiii. TRY TO REVOLT n here off all relations the Carranzu j CAUSE VTIlOIll''...Lilt-- iMMUl' ml l "In J'.'ast Pi'iissht ycstcrilay, only Inhabitants of Furnes, though most of Ilgerent to mine Us poits and to tillery. . ... ,..7 ser-- 1 government. vvuy ,i,.0,.,h of Mexican desultory lliiiig; In tlm latter stuck to their homes, neutral mcrchiintmeii us Wall Great are under '( curs occurred. eastern AMONG EGYPTIANS battles ui;. tonight, almost all the servants Hundreds of loaded wilhj Oallcla lh Hiiiwlnn troo are still The Belgian soldiers, who, after tho us warships Is rrcugnlxed in Interna- tween the Vistula and the Warta n:jlavn ,lft tiieir positions witli the (freight of all descriptions, troops and advuiifing." retreat from Antwerp, were, to b tional law und the only ground on . - - Russian with General Vim! thll. .,.,,. fnnred to re- munitions of war remain in the rall- given a long lest, wire once again ItCf MORNIN9 JOURNAL RPACIAL LRARBO ttrlfttl which Ihe su t'juot Probably will bo - , af- - way yards while out of this confused fighting. Jlindenburg Grand Duke Nicho- Uri thtt .iploy of Americans i.omioY. Nov. 22 (2:.V a. in.) drawn into the thick of the Rome, , Nov, 11. Dispatches further discussed will bo to elicit from mass spc a trains emerge Hour y 1n of tho defi- laa as the opposing commanders and t(,r ,ne had gone. f(,,(W.lltf AwMrtHH 0rti ll slate-- King Albert, spite efforts from Syria ami I'alesllne to tho Dal- the Ottoman government some civil employes of the -I keep him of on Cracow-Chcnstocho- front. Th(lt Villa's supporters here jcarryins mcnt, lv, n Vienna, Ini-- of his ministers to out ian newspapers say Ihe Turks and Ihe nite guruntces respecting the safety tho oeneral - out In has fir- l'elroi-ra- d reuorts merely that offl.r armed resistance io in- ij. mm ol B"""":'- - - vnnli - t)i I 'Iclcgram com- - danger, was with Ills men on tho Germans are making great efforts to of Americana und their Interests so con-- . ;ior tenter's energy fightinir continues, but from Vienna"'.,trn,,ns flf General Carranza was Every niembi of the cabinet, ex - emu. hv uuv ing line, Thev found renewed urousn the population of JOgypt to re-- ; that It will not be necessary for Amer- omes UKeiy louay. Adherents ic,.,)t j,jKe i.,.ynoZo, minister of finance, iiimii tin. main in his example anil fought wllh the M against Brlllsli aiilhoiity. With ican warships to visit Turkish ports, an official statement inai !Midered less "Our mi Un,laii Liege few Austrian attack on the Russian army;,,, General Villa admitted tnai men man left the city. He declared he same fury as before for tha this object In view, Il is reported the .May OuJi Turkish Wnters. j Belgian territory thai in progressing too weak to be successful, would remain to guard the funds In In imrtlicu-- of Ccn- - j "luaro miles of Turks are spreading" tho story that the! Secretary Daniels announced today the latter district is ;forces were front. the battle t by enemy. voiing and that to the northeast .of wire Service Rail. (his care until such time us he can two Russian hauaHoiiK! remained unoccupied tho kheilive is on his way from CoiiMtuntl-uopl- e that bis order to tho commanders of Czenstoehowa two Kussian battalions j oorvlee between Arera Crux deliver them to a responsible govern-hav- e huve surrendered." to Fgjpt to assume command of the Tennessee und North Carolina, 'Mexico City remains interrupt I'd tnt-tht- . i MANAGER OF the Kgyptimi troops. suspending the navy regulations which surrendered. land L iGENERAL which wore oth-ar- ordinarily give wide discretion, The socialists in Copcnhifgen whojHll( since the cable lines, A)) pu(),. buildings, banks and o Paris, N)v. Ul (I0:l;i ii. m,) The The Turks also have announced, the them - j nom would be hi only pres. socialists in Her- wormg through to lialveston (1(. i,1iUtutions as well us the schools following i oiiiniiinlculioii Issued f FAILED FIRM SUICIDES advices said, that F.sssd Pasha, the effect until the in touch with the ,o, nt cut Incident was explained. Tomor- Jin estimate the men engaged on tne Mexico City are not avanaoie '" iltJve tiecn closed. There, has been, by the war oflice tonight: , Albanian loader, s only waiting for o -- i Fgvpt put row be will that order aril JUusso-Germ- frontiers at 7,000,000 messages between here an me However, no serious o isomer anil "The day has cr niilcl. the Mussulmans In to rise to rescind ami to isolation i says There Is nolhliit- - of Interest to iRV MURNINtt JOURNAL RKGIAL LKA8KO WIRt) himself at their head anil march give thu captains of the two Ameri- of whom 3.000.000 are Germans t amounts virtual General i'lauco there fill be rcMrt Nov. l!l. ,i so as peopie ne.r iC except that In tlm Woevre In j New Vork, William against tho British. can warships the same latitude they Austriuns 4,000,000 are Russians. Mt.xi(.0 City, far none. district n and (ii-mai- i general manager of the hud previously enjoyed. The vessels dis-- j nne tl;c Kpiirges. live attacks; The Italian newspapers print concerned. Thrr Some friction exists between the brokerage firm of Frederick may to when the cable w ires were parties advocating the complete evac- were cxis'titcil In masoi In the ssice. not remain in Turkish territorial fro,,, svria and Pulestlne nu.nt here wer Probst & Co., met death today in a GERMAN OFFICERS waters but will stay within a half - noon but they of the city and who do-tl- re of two hours anil slopped uhruplly the effect that the' Turks and Ger- t.ut shortly beioie uation those fall of five stories from the firm's of- day's sail hi some of the islands now - w by lire of our urtillery." mans nr-- rr,., L ino- ctrpniious efforts to n nected ithin an riour. to remain for the purpose of turn the COURT MARTIALED was r fice in a downtown skyscraper. At bilonging to , ' re- - from this city ing-ove- government respon-- 1 of to local train , the to a indue the in mutation .11... I'l-- H(M-RA- I, tho tlnif of Mr. Bostlemun's death ac- Dinloiiiat Is Pleased. England, i upon near Tejira loonj. slble head, but nothing is ex-- 1 Nov. 'ii (via hel against authority of firp( serious af- IRV the - -- H wml-o- an- - countants Investigating the firm's MEiRNtN JOURNAL tCiAL LRARCD WIRRI Hesseln Hey, charge of the Turkish -- iiciui- l come ,m' Ih f fh lu ly p.., .,.-- oi chrlHiltin de.lrnln was earcnea pecte to of this, as General ex- - ." - j of its suspension last (2:S5 embassy here, issued x.u CUI18 Ol pto....rt,,,,,i Blanco commands all )iiiM sl .Unit the .ll,i- have iliscov- - fairs because Paris. Nov. 22 a. in.) F.lght a statement forces in the lowed to , the effective at tn adjoining gratification over govern- Wet. leader of the rebel a hfll, a Icriil a new rcvoliillonary plot In week, were work an German officers of the reserve med- pressing the ... i surren-- j .w. tin.. r forces here. -- nton of , nave ,., , wvi-rn- i r ro"m to that from which he fell. They ical corps charged with of ment's advices from Mr. Morgenthau. -- t'ordoba i - 4-- i iiii'iiiofr ii ii, Duma. the theft " It 1! ...,.li,.t it,tut- tjiiu-t v ill- - iott' ,,. al- dered to eeording to aisimnar m'" incun ir ii. ti " 1.,.. ri'-- ts were going over his books. orgy most have a mairistrate. V, ' ' number of m wine and coinniitllug- an at the "The cordial relations i,.nl ... i.nvi.iil ir.n u,,L,bn.l,l,. i Reuter dispatch Cape Town "' On Bostlemun's ilesj the coroner Lizv. on September 0, ways existed between the two govern-- from son Injured; i '" made. chateau of ' huiscr's within a week. General ObreRon will " envelope to Mrs. said, it is "1 V- - found an addressed where their ambulance wus Installed, meats," he "and tho desiru i London. Nov. tn:" j leave the capital early tomorrow William, r.mperor n- - Loudon. Nov. 21 p. in. The Hosllcman. The envelope contained have been convicted by a court mar- - of both the ottoman government and Prince August i morning. He set free all the political r $12 In son sustained a iraciuir Norwegian stcanii-- Tyr tutu been do. currency ami this note: tial sitting in Purls. the people that such relations should WEATHF-- FORECAST. C Mam's fourth prisoners today, being Gla-.jj-o- oi this his last ad j tallied at Hcciirtliiii; to dis "Goodbye, sweetheart. Kiss the ba- Tin chief German officer who is always be maintained. KIH1 contusion n -- a lh eh as cominaniier-l- chief. I secie motoring a-- patch lo the News, Isvau-- e bies and father. could not help It." charged with also failing properly tu "I should like to take this oppor- -- result of a Central "Wabhtngtou, Nov. 21. New me law A committee of Zapata forces, it Is I, OttO Is The hy which Bostloman was care 135 tunity to repudiate - while makinsT a tons of copint ore, which firm for wounded French, was certain statementa Mexico: Fair Sunday and Mon- dent understood, will come here tomorrow contraband of war, was illniivereil In employed failed last week for approx- sentenced to from six months to one which already have, appeared In thu a- Reuter s ".ITh day. i to confer with General Blanco. her hold. imately $1,000,0011. year Imprisonment. press Insinuating that rigorous and ill- - from Berlin. tv:3 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1914. (IBM PEOPLE FLAG IS BED ff: ENJOY LIFE 11,11111 ' T nr ii mo " II ur urn FORMALLY OPENS WELCOME j Associated Press Finds Every- Twenty-ninth- " ""Annual Session thing in Austrian Capital of New Mexico Educational li Goes on as Though No Dan- 'Association fs Inaugurated; ger Existed, Attendance Unprecedented. Mo YAtMH-lntr- fhrOM A I Mo CfifTeftMiidrBr.) o'clock yeMerday forenoon U E star ami tlf.; A Vienna, (). 80 Threis linht operaH, stripe were hoiiiled on t pole two dnimim, two mllltHry farce nnd teel In front of the new high school building, j two comedleit, Hplindid a signal that the New fall weather: Mexico F.ducntinnnl association hud i lurKe crowd on the lllnir nnd tho enlivened In twenty-nint- h annual ses- Kartnertru(me; tho announecmrnt sion. Ily noon, 471 member outside that tho Auctro-HunKHila- n hank had of Albuiueriiie hnd registered with ull materially reduced the rata Inter-- t fteerrtiry J. II. Wagner, breaking of previous record in respect, for Out loang rtatf-'iti- that When You Come Home Tired on all and an offlclul i the general sslon of the assoila-- j nt that on aiM'oulit nf the enemy')! tioii do not begin until Monday after- - Rocker that you can sink into Miperlorlty df number tho nllled noon. want a s we say welcome! As you filter the uiiiual meeting; of the ii That will be plenty of snap to Aoiin ui.ii re-pose- Hungarian trnopn had there YOU relax your m hole body. For real, this year' wa apparent obliKed to fall buck from Ivun-orn- d convention we' welcome. V'e sincerely wish right from the start, when the ed- - X. M. K. A. bid you each ami every one nothing so Oleiio wer featureo of lh" for rest after a tard day there's iiealloiial was called to nrd r j day on AMXoclntcd IVenn council visit city of health, prosiierity and happiness, hlch an by It president, Frank II. II. Hob. that Votir to AllnKiierque, 'the i orreMpondeni Vlcnn.1, lr. invitinz as nrrlved In every ei tlon, except that of the liound for thO I'nllhh or Clallclan ert, will he week of continuous pleasure with joy aliounding. Indian ( hnols, wits represented, and one front. only two of the thirty-tw- o speaker About xlx more of Oerman artll-I- i on the day' failed lo an- - rymen bin, eyed, well progium, second of our large blonde, blue liWer the roll coll, J If vou are tired, conie to our rest room on the floor net up Kiikoiih, pm'tn mi alipearanco. t liange In Officer. , thiret The Vlcnncxn ihouijht they were (jimk! Thing hegan to happen at once. store. If you seek, music to gie rest to your tired mind, visit our to look upon, mid mi, and neted the Tho election of tho officer was pre- - eiitbiiHliiHin. world-renowne- d players, cntcrtainin"; part with olpltntod without liny preliminaries, j i'loor; you will meet all the singers and (if coi.rne, tho dentlnallnn of the ar- despite plea an election ut Howev- the that with friends meet them here. tillerymen rcninim unknown. thl time excluded not only the pies- - lor you csjiecially. Make appointments your to er, Home neventy of the name !po of ev- - cut officer from but Ask favors of us men went throuuh Vienna on the day cry member of the council whose, Our slorc will be your slow during your slay hrn any before, bound for Turkey to iiiatrin t term expires nt thl time, even though i it I i.iiim n iii'tlllii'lhlK, poHKlbly, man Yc are willing to devote our time to seeing and taking Comfort. In or he may be to the council, that you may desire. They are ilfsigmtl ami luiilt for 'Real Nome ot luikeya iun. lime, ean Frank In Incredibly short of needs. every detail they follow the lines and curves of the re- I'eiilHe l1ilii.pri'HM(l. Cnrroon, of the Normal university fit , care your It cunnot hi aald that the people Fast La Vega, wa unanimously i laxed laxly. And as tlio lines of comfort are always the of Vienna are iireatly linprcM.ed by elected president of Ihe council to ue- - j ami see the many special otlerings we have for vou, in lines of grace you will find theili pleasing to the eye a! the triiKdy of tho wur. The cafe and coed Mr. Frank Jl. II. Huberts, and Visit our store , theater are lea crowded than uniuiI. Mis Manette A. Myer of Hauta Fe, well as restful to the laxly. AmonK their patron ure many In Mute sunervlsor of Industrial educa- - new seasonable merciiamiise. valid from 'tho front, officer aiidltlnn, secretary, to succeed Rupert J; I Designed by an artist and wulplor of national reputa- men who limp a Utile or have iinnrm Astiluml. Rocker Specialists of over ninety yean Mil the llim or a baudnKed head. Ttut The council conslfit of lx member tion and built ly llhe eonvalewent one look hnpty elected by the hitato Kducatlonal usf(- - experience, Ta loi's Comfortable Rockers are puaranteec letioiiKh nnd efleetli ely dlacredit the elation, and three member chosen by ; clii I m that Auatro-lluiiKa- ry him had each aectlon, two being chosen c.icli service, and satisfaction. - tofcive lasting comfort tioubhi KottliiK It men to the front. year. Vpon It ha fallen tho real bur- j The determination to flht to the den and privilege of doing an Impor- - ! proverbial llnlKh may not be hi mini tant part of the work that rormeriy N. M. E. A. Special In Vienna an U In in Itcrlln, but it in fell upon the general sessions. Ab- there. sence of a member from the session prnfcHiilon-n- la to resig- 1 Is of nble l of the council equivalent I It AllJtO.VI There ho link VYEEK UK Will. I'W Fill MillT TO AW choice of a nuc-e- w IN MATH dlrecllon. All aorts ot InoculatloriH nation and meiiiiH the STVHo THE are employed aijiiliiHt a Kpreud of r. camp or other dlaeaw, audi it chol- - lVrllmlnnry ltcsirt, ra. it In ha Id here that this dread After the dlaciisslon outlined on STRONG BROS. l now well under control In tho program, the committee on reso- the. AuMtrlun VlKilunce F. Aspluml I I lne, but Inual lution through Itupert HOME 'ItMsttMtH inliKtuiilly lie exerclaed owIiik to the reiorted a preliminary set of resolu- 201 North Second rtul-en- Strong Mock tact ItiiMhlmi ami Herb prlHoller tions, ot them making l R0SENWAIB'S that several to Import acoureu. ehiinues. continue the , ( olif lib .il of Nuiti-sm- One of tho propositions Hint met u d ft VlemieHe mle- - uow n bo-Ite- " v Tho lire eonfliletlt of siuig, and wa voted unci I! II. j. ui-- V(UU(ii( 3 cckh. For thin rcuHon the overnmeiii I discussion, recommended to tho j J ''"wi; innto munner of I tukia the public Into lla ciinllili'Hre. legislating to change the i '' I J COALIGHILD'S TONGUE yulto frankly the (innounceintmt a. choosing county superintendents, CLEAN d iiiiuln yeNlerday that the (lernian-an- that duty upon the stale board iV AiiHtrlan-HutiKiii'ia- ii tionpa hud of education, the hoard of county been olilmed to "MilMWelchl'li"' fget commissioner to have the power or IS OUR out of Ihe way), of a Inrne JIuhhIiiii rejection or confirmation. It also rec- BECOMES COATED folia Which had clowned tho VlHtulu ommended that no person ahull be eli- SPECIALTY between Wartiaw and JvuuHorod. A gible to county superintendent unless nev "fcioiitiliin" would follow, Bit 1I 25 years of ug", ami holding a first the i in li mi i i i II. graile teacher certificate and having While the price of Hour udvuneed had five voura or experience, tfertnsatlS?3 AZTEC FUEL IF CONSTIPATED a little, the rnlHP h.m not been IiIkIi lliildlnir School Census. eiioimh lo liillui nee any but tho very Another startling Incident win me j COMPANY poorent huuneholdi'in. Motvover, the Intimation by Chief Clerk Itupert advance affeeta only wheal flour. The AsVlund, that tho school ceiisll by j For CI rip, Influenza, or- - , "IT Phone 251 pili e of wheat 1m tialil to lio thu Name counth s Is occasionally padded In When cross, feverish and sick, ua In fore the war. Nor la there a cen tier to obtain n disproportionate share CourIis Bore Throat tral Bcarcltv of work. Homo of the of the school fund. The mutter i give "California Syrup plaiita which Hliiit down have opened earno up over a proposed cnangn in iiHiiln; nearly all money la buck in the school tnx law, which recom- of In city school maximum of Figs." circulation and a reduction the mended that I tercut by tlui AUHtro-l- l unitarian bank levies bo reduced from twenty to fif- .TgW3XH3"3M.'wM; compulsory county COLDS turn made It ponnlble to obtulu loans teen mill and the to eight drug- - "fr.iilt iadvautai'OUHly. levy be Increased from three Two sizes, 'inc. and $1.00, at all Children love till 1xntiv." to city levy ' nothing else. the tender TvtfT Umpire mills. Tho clniiso a the gists or mailed. St nnd cletue 156 Street, New York. Ad- - Hlonrich, niul bowels so nicely. The. clone be wn stricken out. William Personal Attention liver military also voted flown a res- A child simply will not stop playing Auatro-llutiKai- y The. council tween and fRVorlng text book. to empty th bowel, nnd ths result I, good parallel In economic olution free l'KHSOXAI. .VnTlNTIOX fJIVUN TO ha a the Cliom-il- . TIIK CARF.ITJi, become tightly dogged with BHHlHtaiice Vleo ricsldeiit nients of that bill, and Jtesolvcd. that they cine empire give the other. .Ui i waste, liver gel sluggish, atnmnch All lnteroatn to war have Itcfore adjourning last cveninff. we endorse the efforts of the county Tin: l.NDivini ai fairs of i:.u ii stomfr has related the Tipton nms, then your llttlo one become been pooled. Following the advice of County upcrintciiilcnt K..8. superintendents to provide special ln- - iii:i:. iiARt.i LV isTRiMi:i h ix ;ixixti ion (( eat, wn elected vice presi- cross, half sick, feverish, don't tho I'ruHHlnn mlnlHtei of agriculture of Alamoordo, 1 l'ONITlOX WHICH (KJ-- In council. structors for the rubject of domestic THIS HANK TIIK XVIAItLi: IT coinfcTb Weep or net naturally, breath bad, tlmt u much land H poteilhle bp dent of ifie educational lue-sent- science, training and agricul svstem full of Cold. has soro throat, Riven over to the ralwInK of winter (larrctj. of Ionu Ana county,, manual riFS IX. TIIK (OXITDKXCK OF TDK l'l Itl.lC. KVFR tsome other ture In the institutes, and that the ad- t li or diarrhoea. Listen, cerearti, Austrian government and a proposition that lCSTAhl-lSII.MFX- Ktomii' ache the school vance In the introduction of SIXt'K ITS THF lXTFRMSTS OF ITS Mother' rice If tongue In coiUed, then thut of have done likewise. pernon thun the cl.rli of the made Syr Hohetrila, Htand bo authorized to take tlif school these subject In our schools meets CTSTOMFRS IIAVi; 1SKKX I'l.ACKl) RFl'ORIO AXY give h leimiioonful of "California In and Moravia the board hearty approval, and bo t all tho of wheat and rye la exception- consus nd to collect the poll tax. It wltli our OTIIKR ('OXSIHF.RATIOX. ' up of Finn," and In a few hours winter legfalatlve com- - further Resolved that we favor Ihe bll umli-o- ut ally (rood. wa referred to the, tontloiml ei.rhlp tin Hip unit or constipated waste. Hour nnd ' continued , discussion, development VK IXXITK CHFCKIXG ACt (l XTS IX AXY K,,SJ'(I f"""",M of the system, Klmilar conditions are reported mltti'e, 1h ottoman authorities vim the cause f0"J ItCiolutlorkH. ... nnd extension of industrial, agricul- AMOFXT AND TRANSACT A IJt'S- - well, playful child from Hungary mid other parts of the The gui- t.KNFRAL F.AXK1XG - vocational training und of the unnecessary delay In the ex- . empire and It appears certain now resolution adopted are: tural and Tho present dance for both boys and girls in the ixkss. vi i 111 cnuicKiuuin imi'ii Millli n of mother give "Cullfornln that the soldiers of the two empire TliO council endorsca the believing bo by V- system ;cortificalion of school of this state, such tTurke nj.d the Cnlteil State. TIiIm Hemp ur Figs'" because It Is perfectly will not ooiHiuercd famine. general of have more encourage- ha been lenient with foreigner by mute authority. It has work should '(, Censorship ondtiubiedlv Iharmhws; children love It, nnd It never ienna teacher ment ami' financial support from na- i. lbt and in Vienna the French unci Kng-Hk- proved tit Inenleulnhla benefit to the U'NIkIh t, fain to net on tho nloniacli, liver anil tional, and local government In Turkey nt Ihe piefeiil In evi- in this a Well a state bowi'lrf . lunMiniKe are still much cause of education "Vocational In- It in recommend, how- nnd further that the .is' ibei other countries your drut;Kl"t for a bot- dence. There has been a rather close other states. We duration In congress providing with w Turkey nt the present In Ak provision made for Issu Hill" hum tle of "California H.vrnp of Fins," social and commercial Intercourse ever, thnt V for training of teacher to give nt war through which nios-l-tigc- s past, in- Of CCrilllcaiea, mot .... the mid the which Jin full directions for hable, with France in the and the ance Special scientific instruction in the elements hnve to tho delays. against Kngland I of too re- bo modified so a to tianiheiie lilldr n of nil nnd for grown-ui- terne present sysl'm of household economics, agriculture, In proof of thin 1 may mention that nf cent an origin to have penetrated allow for the difference in qualifica- sin-Hi- pliiiiilv printed on bottle. ele- vocational education nd the manual Glass-Pai- nt tilt embassy hitK Hot received il e the Ileware deeply. Bervia and are to the tion neeessnrv for teacher In roh-uin- e, tirts In rural has our cnhl) gram nearly a. of counterfeits Hold here, (let tho is to Ger- mentary school and for those In hlgn the schools for month. "i FlK AUHlrlans what Fnglaiid tho hearty and we urge Its Cement-Plaste- 1 made by the 'iillfornla bo permanent endorsement LUMBER r have no official Information, even mans, and a a high official put It. schools, thnt there Hyrui) Conn iinv." ltefune any other and Speedy enactment. of the existence of war between Tur- "1 urn sure the (lermnn and A astro-Hungari- form in the elementary series ns well k'nd with t or.teiniit. key and Hie utiles," governments could be in- as in the higher serleg of certificate. Albuquerque Lumber Company duced to give Franca the best possi We declare ourselves in favor of an - 51 IX. 423 North First ble term of peace." 1 adjustment of requirements ror ier- HOXT Street tlfloatlon so thnt the progressive City of Light unil Gnlty. to- Hud Focal nnd f3 'Ot Heiiltli Won't teacher may build upon any lower How to Fight Tuberculosis Vienna by night Is still a city of i during the life ol liT. gayety. ward a higher form light and former nnd we further urge thai v. According' mHiitsm4iir FenhVId the - human fternaeli st uals N n pnjM reltd tnwt yenr Infoio Uexnr foiiiHj Medlcnl to board "or ortucirtton be- givtm Tht. nuch there ure about "0 Americans left thstute iluise lint it return ' I llle necessary authority to revise niir v.'n't g'i.d I nnd i.i.hlUInd In imrl' In lit ".Mcllcl Austria-Hungar- Mr. t the lier in l'enlleld system In accordance with the health if yon Mve it bad fold. occupieil with tho trans- present you right you MANSION CAFE ITogre.," J. . nihnit, of Hun Antonio, Trxiw. diylcliin principally foregoing. If food should feci! Ir. mission of diplomatic correspondence ight, for prouar food ami a good 4 II We hereby express our eonftdenre 221 ur who li lciole.l mill limn to the Mudy of country to Ho 1 to Sonth First Street !!.. from one another. In done by the higher edu- mind tho jure toad health. . tho work 1 ...... I lw.pmo T., M V -. tliw-- broad is Held that he has become ns nt ttiliercutuK Mild: "Mimc lime-Mill- iiitUu(i fourth i.r his cational Institutions of tho state known as the "diplomatic corps" to present administered and respectfully .'(I about my :uith for J began lo t.oil.v, they muM lie sup. Aiistro-Hiinglirl- government, ailTer You May Eat II the ilinr xi(bmmcn f the liimmii the submit that, before any change is alter inch meal no mailer liowi representing as 'ho doc, nil the coun-tri- c organisa- little l uto. sayt a Denver worn in. - hi mineral pniwriilloiiM, or made In their control or If' If pllol In tin- fmKU or'iil.d AuHtro-llungar- y my l with whom is tion, there should be careful study "I lost al elite and tun very Chop Suey m-u- es iiiImti'mI.wIji nm ll. of food grew distmiefui witii naiui'Mr .n.rtuloM wlih hikcl." at war. nf the whole question of administer Ihcyght mm iui resuli th i'. 1 whs not riui.risli; d furtlwr cUlnml, nccordi.iK tt "Mi'dUnl li'ns;re!.s," May, IHl.t. ing state institutions in "no DEATHS AND FUNERALS. mute with full and open dis- iiu! sot weak and thin. and Noodles tulier-ttiUH- x other "My-- v "that the bl -- liroiid niul iiiK'lMi'ked reil of cussion, end that the final home cares were iy heavy, imitf lt) to th. per- or beside a Jurat, family of my own - effective and clUcas.- lamely to (he shall be I i:: anil other N due Funeral of Hoi-ne- Heatly. have also to h.ok out for ?n aged AT OIU PLACE OR WE PIT I years manent. mother, TImto wa.i no on lo (Iline-lKcUii- of multituilcH throuiihoiit the The body of Horace Hently, 80 urge, approaching state shouider THEM IT IX COXVEMEXT We the u. old, who died here November 14, will to Increase Ihe minimum householu ami come OYSTER PAILS FOR YOU TO Morld." on a pro- h t might, I I'.ust bear them, and chllUed lie shipped by Htrong Hrothers ichool term of five months T err- 10 morn- of :liis thnutrh .'le'iT'.' driivo vne ft'uni i,. TAKE HOME WITH YOl - Simla Fe train No. tomorrow vided by the constitution to a term Thu. from another mi tk.iri it till vv medicnl Miiirce come Junlirica- ing Marvel, Ark., where funeral Secondly, we further niii'ii J iiiiit in,, iivaim niitii to ioven months. 4 SPECIAL T(MAY ' tlon for of lime treat merit of Uibct-culoM- set Ices w ill he held. The parent re- maximum compulsory breaking down. j BILL REAHY TO SIJRVE. the ue the ,itge that the in side there. The widow, w ho was here go 14 years as now provld-,r- t "I read an article the naner limit of some one w Hiiice thix In one of the iny.redieutn of AHerathe, much at ihe time of dnth, will accompany by bo to the maximum ihout ith trouble like mine DIN.XER FASHION FOR FAMILY STYLE law being helped by Drape-Nu- t Tood J mice! Unit h.m idti lulcd the wilenpmid une of this remedy the of 16 year, miles the pupil hai ami'l of the ' I From ll':.l(i ii. m. to 8 p. in. PlanLeil Steak Willi Milunhle boilj sooner the work of the nrsi fi tllim oil (inn rmjK 91IOII I l.a.'l'A Coniilcto iJdubllemi Is due to the of thin null with other finished Srape-N- ut egetables 1', o, illtant .1. Trent. a trial. The Hist dish of PRICE 35 CENTS h'or $1.50; for way it easily usHimllable. As eight grades. foot! proved I 4, $2.fi0. (njjredielitx ill Mlrh us to render William Joseph Trent, M year okl. ttesolvod that we favor the increase his delicious that hail for dls- - right thing. Served With , comiMiunil'd for many year?, it seem to cause no ntumach died yiHitenlay morning. He famt of county three mill tax to eight s.truck tho Chicken I VIriixsi-o- Club SI vie; or the dis- "My uncomfortable .feelings in turbani uiid sllue it eoutaiii neither opiate, n.irvoth nor hubil- - here six weeks ag. accompanied by mills and the decrease of rural liisiiue of Corn SpiiiiR Cliickeii o lu Muiylaiid his wife. He horn In Virginia. maximum of fif- loniai h disappeared us if by magic Served With drugs, it is safe lo try. wa trict levle from a an incredibly space Goose Livers, Sauco dialing Dishes forming The body will be shipped tonight on to ten mill". md In short ef Tinvble Creole For 2, Jor 3, $1.75; for teen or 1 was again myself. $1.0; Kmitu Fe No. 7 by Strong Kroth-er- s We endorse "the establishment line ,ince then 4, $2.00. Eikman'K Aiteuitnv bus eftocied remarkable result in numetous train I gained IS F.anana Fritters uu Hum to The lit. Ilea, Ore., for burial. soifte Kvtrtem of libraries for the pub- have pounds in weigh' tubcri uloeis ) nnd allied through of Shrimp or Crnl) Xc- - caaea of pulmonary u chronic lic schools of New Mexico, and urge a summer hard Work and F.east Spring Chicken uu Cresson Meat a la provi- realize 1 am a very different woman, hurs Served With dialing affection of the throat and biunrhial passagi s. In many 1 oiiiih Ihire for ICxeoirtbm, noon our legislature to make due. to splendid food, lirape-Nuts.- " Mashed Potatoes Sweet Peas liiHlies 2. VUirk. establishment of such a ill the :For $1.00; for auch conditions, appurehtty, have yielded completely to It. Little Ark.. Nov. St. For sions for the by $1.00; 4, Ivoen tixod Name given Postum Co., Sliced Tomatoes for $1.73, the fourth time a dale has system. Creek, Mich. Fresh druggist is to order, di- Hodges, Revolved, passage of the tattle SiH-lm- r In case your out of it. usk him or snd for the neecutjon of Anhur that the Itoad to Wcllvillo," in pkgs. Hot Mince Roast Chicken Served aged 21. to provide for 'the "There's Pie Whole rect to i convicted of killing an act Wellville," in pkgs. With Chutlng- Dishes tSovernor Hayes today act the Bgriealtural extension work between Head to "There's Neapolitan Iee Cream With $1.20. Hodges was agricultural colleges in the severs: i Reason." date for Oocentbrr IS. tho SH-i'ia- l " today, but the Cnlted State depart- tAvr read fl.e tne letlcr. m-- ; Fancy Cuke Made Fresh Coffee-Co- ffee Ixkman laboratory Philadelphia lo have been executed th slate and tinip to time. They .Served state supreme court yesterday ruled ment of agriculture meeting with our lie HHi'in frm ' Cafe Nolr With Percolators genuine, true, and full of human For 2 or :i. 4, hla attorney have fifteen day to in- - hearty approval, we earnestly deir ir 20c; for' 25c. require- - interest. stltiile a sanity tnvetigalion. that our legislature meet the ... ' ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL, MORNING SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1914. it.....: Great Convention of New Mexico Educators Is Now Fully Under Way tion directed to tho fact that they will best serve their that the French CunadiaiiH are the HIOKEY URGES incresls in the future, most part ns Individuals nnd ns a nennlc. bv np.i COUfJCIL GIVES LEGISLATION TO BOMB backward of the Canadian EXPLODED population tena-Icloiij- AS cepliig in the fullest sense the fait of! because they cling CIS American lllzenship as distinguished to their language, (in ihe other hand l lie Scotch gained rrom the name, anil I ssy in all kind- have possession of practically every well-payin- g ness anil In Spanish-A- all sincerity that the - PEOPLE TO merica post in ill.- Hriiish empire, be- USE' n people tie ! IMPROVE cannot true MUGHTHQUGHTTQ SYSTEM BY ROBERTS IN cause they so readily gave up MS American clt Incus nf this slate and their Oil umber longiic. If the Spanish-Anier-Mean- s 105 country until they have learned Its language and accepted an are in make headway on this education eoiiilueni i hey which must be American It, all must follow' lUe SCHQQ L that I lie HEHI6H wo understand nn American education MATTEROFBOOKS IS CQMSIDERED SPEECH of Scojch. to be." Judge llauna advocated the Rupert P. .phind pointed out that' 0 t I pincii. ally every SEWS opening of nil-li- schools so that the thoughtful person older generation, the fathers ami 'in New Mexico believes that Spanish mothers of today, might enjoy the ad di In. nl, t he taught in il(.. public schools. vantages denied them In youth. It is merely the method that Is In Business Argument Is Ad- "I y. It greatest Subject of All Par- Hofcr and Mcrsfelder in Wants Spanish Taught 'controvert Some of, the r; I consider of the Imnniiuri.c Interest to Lead in i;, Chief Clerk of. Department. vanced by President of thnt all our Spnniah-speakin- g citizens! expression, he said, would lull be taught, ents in New Mexico Is Aired Discussion of Greatest In- Some Schools and Not in tile inil'ilile woild that Vevv Mexico is and without delay, the! ' taxation Outlines Consis- Board; Scholarly Address Is Knglish language. After morel a state is divide, against ilself, terest; Bishop Par- Lively thai It an I ' than a decade of experience In the ad- at Session Held Yesterday Wants Others; Discussions bad leioenl that wishes lo tent Plan; Much Discussion segregate ilself. It is people I hem- - i Made by Judge ministration of Justice in the courts the ' Hanna. Afternoon, ents Punished, ; on Topic of Vital Interest, selves who ask be1 of this slate nnd former territory, I l that their children follows, ; feel conslrnlned to say that the proper .taught Knglish and llils must be done' Hie l ien,, II Is ii.lmttilHlriil Inn nf' iIia l.i u him, 'in ulary grades for New "Nn business man would invest '' eeri Mexico's poiui, most of the administration, of precise subjects "v. lglsla-Improv- e There was dynamite In dancer that in a building Justice The qmstlon of text books was The of ceded rnoiiifh the Chief Clerk Itupert P. Asphtnd.ftC JU'Mr.9.4.1 and plant - its children leave school before or at can never bo In New l tlon," anil paper read by Dr. attained Mexico thoroughly rdue-t-tlona- "How to the Prank H. Rob- the dl'Plirtmrtlt Of ertll, Stlon and then use It only five hours a (lay, Spanish-America- n aired before the jibe end of the fourth irradc. Mr. As- - vealer. until our people un- Kdiicallonal System of New Mexico," erts the educational council five rtn.vH a week, nine u council yesterday afternoon I I I ivu made a pica for longer ..' ouiiinen ta the edum- - months understand the Knglish language nnd tho last two topics on program yesterday to shake the slate to Its ...... ' . ,, year!" Thnt wns tho significant re- der tho heading of "Klementary the saving holding .., ptun or cer- - Interpreters are no longer yesterday before Hie very foundation, it "Two Mm", thai five months vonsisieni mark M. K. Course of Study," "Text afternoon educa entitled n year tlflcatbin, thnt Is Ideal a fnr as Ihe. of President lliekey, last The speaker advocated Hie com- tlonal association, merged Fundamental Firms In IMuia- - oi school is almost a waste of evening. In presenting Rooks." "The Kllminutlon of Subject i, totally tho arid money. j statute pel mils. He paid a trlbuto to the new high mingling I System time Two months added i of the children ol' the two Mutt r," and "The Neerled Revision Into cacl) other. J. s. Infer of tlotial of New .Mexico." and the present system Which wnn school building to the, city. "This races In public was .lo Ihof-- five will increase the returns he said building the schools and he ad- of the Course of Study." The leader led off wlih nn able out- presented during the disi ossion tho greatest single step In should be the rlvlo center, it Spanlsh-Ainori.-a- n the iiioiu v spcin fully 'Jon percent. advance monished Hie par- In VV. line of laws n,"ded to that opened the on mi ever should bo inT use nil nf time, the discussion were O. Hall, W. perfect the session "The taken by the state in edueat ivtai the in ents especUilly to give M. state's school system; I,. Teaching Spanish In Dean Frank Carooit expressed the their children McKurland and Miss Cracn Oochel, C. Mcrsfeld- of the Public lines. Tie would Issue tin-- I tho day time, for nlKht school, (or Hi Is iii-Mt- on certificates all the advantages in education placed - er of Clovls, and Superintendent Schools." mi first blush It seems In f that li a of a melhod summer school! Its gymnasium Is not with John Milne, C. C, Hill, Miss Is lo dor three conditions; rirst upon ex- boys Hnca of Helen, following In aminations; second, for credits; only for the and girls in school, the discussion. The third. hut for nil the boy of the city: permit ipieMlon for crude and certification frptn this came up again and Superintendent V. ' ' I e Is for use it ' other states. would rn'sn the st auditorium the of nil the It. Tipton designated permit for people; this structure Is dedicated to the ' which certificates are Issiiid, which the county superintendent Is , city!" is Mr, adding psychology ns one f tho the entire That the ideal Ihmiip, ;! very ;.tlioi'!tci ti present ' oiilrcments for ecotid grade certifi- lllckey held up In recounting the! I help In time of trouble." r cates, , i school hMory of Albuquerque nnd W. Hall dwelt on Ihe ccmipul-'sor- y The proposition the contributions of the iiidlvlrliml i. aroused consider-- t school age, saying it should be .hic discussion. v. !:. e. members of the board of education HI Cnrroon liaised to years, although runic elated if rather strange thnt it hl'Rh in the way of time and talent to the j 14 boys at are better out of school school (trarlunt without previous ex- of ; construction the model edifice of J In w than school, and hen such bovs perience In teaching nnd nfter attend-i- n which Albuquerque has mo much rpa- - j iictually have steady work, they perhaps two sessions of A summer son to he proud, If j the exclamations should lie exempted. school can qualify a Rhtjde of delight and praise of the visitors for first T. W. Conway said he found II toucher's i en liciiie. He ronsldcftcd all parts of tho state j Iioiu count for j easy to enforce the l onipulsorv ; It a nnylhinp. The mnsslvo ' school mlsnamer. He would elitnimif outlines, the jl.iw at Raton. The truant officer nl the illlfereni k'nits of certificate hut perfect lighllnfr, tho i modern sanitary Raton had brought fifty hoys would Ishiiv , five-yea- r elegant fnrnishiNgs. and one., three-- tthd equipment, the : girls to school hll-'- i I and where the i ! lite certificates, tlm chaste embellishments, all mal.e en played hookey, he parent W. A. Poorn, of Carlsbad, it npponr not m n house built with I went prosecuted with saiolnrv effect the California nyst-- m ns rt,i handH, kh President Hickey put it.) - i Piinislilnx tin- Piiifittx. Ideal une. It provides for a ceflifi. Imt rather following the. poet's In- - I V. I.. I'ishon explained It Is cstn those , ; that for qutlified to tench junction: not necessary to go to the district I x grade school, one for h'Rh ftchonl "Build Thee more stntcly man- - r 7 ' jourt to punish parents for falling in leuchors nnd n third for special su nions, oh my soul!" j j . send their children to school: that : such as art or mus!c toachej-s- ' e Iliff Croud. prosecution mav be Initiated liefer" He oppos'd-th- Ismlng of every kind On The nudllorium .was well filled. .il.;; justice of the peace and tha. It of permits. t the platform were seated most of Hie is a good scheme to work delinquent Wlilto Makes Explanation, if from outside j educator points who parents on the school grounds, heip-llm- r Superintendent of public inslrni'-lio- n In ercmo- - - I had arrived time for Ihe beautify f A van . While rxpln-n.illn- n, program in them they l.uleil n stated In nlis. The musical included! i pay their line. that nllhough the department n of St. Mary's," bv ' selection, "Polls Snperinleoileiit Alyan N. White of education had Issued 1.74 teiiet-cr- s' the High School :lee club, which i said there are some :S,0lia children certificates this year It had Bimit' was as a irk In the forty-fiv- e encored; "Free in New Mexico who are not In school, ed only permits. , Sky," being rendered very satisfac- although they are Idle and ought to Dr. David" It. Itoyd plesded forin torily In response; n solo by Miss be In school. coll-g- education for tesehers ntid 111 1)K.V MIAVK CAKHOOV Hortenso RwlUcr, "Skies .Are no Inipivnt of Poverty. that some recognition hn given L, J should and Rich the Clover," which was so i:icctcd President of tl.c IM iKntlor-a- l Co unci I Yesterday. Mrs. Wallace (iiunm declared that teachers who have been ambitions well received thnt tho fair singer had the imprint of poverty on our rurnl enough to iret a high school and a rfli-le- to give an encore; and the rendition schools Is very deep, but that never- Hi.i) nc ediientlnn. Then, too, there nre Lammer-noo- at their disposal. pn of the Sextet from I.ucl.i do r He advocated bel Kcklcs, and Mrs. (Irnce Dixon on theless she believes that professional- AssIhIiiiiI Snpcrlnlcnilciit of Public Instruction, ami Due of l lie I mailing some ihliiRs that one learns bst hy by the High School orchestra, increase in the minimum school term the program to carry on the discus- ly trained teachers should be employ- I Igurcs of tin I'rcscnl Coiivciitlon. doing- - them an( teaching la ono of which In response to the applause, from time to time, even though rais- sion. Representatives of text book ed In the rural schools. She wants these, songs ing It to six would require ad- were pres- Spanish-speakin- g gave a medley of patriotic rtiat months publishing concerns who teachers for Spanish-sp- Kiladeifri Mnca L. C. Mcrsfelder, T5. brought tho audience to its feet. Kv-er- y ditional slate aid of $'44,G20 per year ent had a chance to gel some first- eaking districts. propose it most radical innovation, but of teaching English to Spanish-American- s F. Asplund and other took a hand In ono joined in singing: "America" and to seven months, tno.MOt). hand Information as to how the teach- Miss Mannetlo A. Myers said that a more thorough examination proves not so much as teaching Spanish discussing the question of Jssulngr per n ers of books It to In Is bv Dr. at the close, making as fhspirlng Other Probh ms. feel about the kind text this Is no time to build uir castles, be conformance with certain that raised the paper of i mits, wno should ssne them. If Issuer! agents pedagogical sugges- H. II. scene ns could possibly be witnessed The desirability of bringing the ru- the sll to the state. but that funds are already nvuilable principles. The Frank liolierts. at nil, nnd under what circumstances nnvwhere. ral schools to a standard approximat- V. O. Hall deems the teachers and for paying the increased expense of tion is principally "Ihe slate t'hould be W. Hull explained that Demlng they should ho Issued, It.- H. Tipton sim- conser- The program of exercises was ing that which customarily prevails in the text book publishers the extending the mittlmum school year districted Into at least three districts. has recently Installed successfully a denying Indignantly that it Is lack Of ple, yet dignified and Inspiring. The the cities, was next discussed. vative forces who hold back progrcs-sivene- ss from live to seven months and that In one district 1 would place nil those room In which the teacher speaks backbone that causes county super-- I During In He dedication address was by Supreme the past three years, 130 out of 1,000 text book mailers. this should bo done. schools where Knglish Is the only lan- Spanish and Knglish and leaches Intendent tr ask to he relieved rif Court Justido Richard H. llanna of have opposed the New Mexico method of Miss Myrtle Cole, city nf guage of the children. In another dis- .Spanish-speakin- g children the the responsibility nf Issuing permits, districts been assisted by the ev- librarian f'anta Fe, and was along intensely In wholesale selection of text hooks Raton, made n. splendid of trict I would place those children branches in Uir dr mother said he Issued permits wheneveri ho state the building of their school modi- address lines It was several time houses. ' ery three years nnd advocated a how she made the eitv library use- whose only language on entering tongue. lie Invited all other New deemed It to he the advantage of thn uriu'lieal - Let a school house be built system only interrupted by applause. In every fied local selection with ful to the schools and even to the school Is Ihe rputilsli. The third dis- Mexico towns lo do likewise. school district lo do so, while 'Mis ' district of this state where a of hooks selected each Justice llttiinn's AtlilresN. one is needed, nml when is done, number to be youngest pupils, so that the use of trict would eonlaln those schools John Milne astonished the meeting Isabel Kcklcs declared thnt she never R. JIanna, this year for a minimum of three years' Supreme Court Justice H. some way will be found to find the books from the library In the clly of where both Knglish and Spanish arc by announcing that Albuquerque has Issnea a permit, hnvlnR had the back- in hiB splendid dedication address use. He advised the stale hoard of less (ban .l.atio Inhabitants, had Ihe language of the home." bone to refuse twenty-fiv- e applica- discussed thoughtfully anil eloquently education to consult the teachers, the to HI.S77 volumes last year. In other words, those children who tions for permits within a brief some of tho problems confronting the real usts of the text hooks, when se- Ho Wauls AngcN. speak only Hpanish would be taught In New Mexico. lecting text books. elementary brum lies In cause of education fevstem nomultiie.. 1!. 8. Tipton advocated that only the their He did not attack bis topic as an ed- Pnsiint mother longue nnd would be given AIHHTION'AIj CONVENTION NEWS As nnpmuly by ptva t total c hs'.nlncrs from Intoxicants, to- - ucator, but uh an observer. After an caused the instruction In Ktlglish ns Ihey would OX lVIX upon ent system, Superintendent Milne PAtiEi i congratulating: Albuquerque be In a foreign language. ' pointed used In ' ' !., ' In jj so magnificent a building and out that the primer The slnrm which this proposition erect New M'xleo schools Is more difficult SOLDIERS ' Mieaking of the gratitude that the was about to arouse was i nl short by 91,000 IS community owes the men who made than the first reader, lie said other Ihe time llmll which permitted only nrvv ho re- selections are almost as absurd, one to be given topic. I. .( AIM OF NOW possible the structure, I!. hour the , blocked Walter McFarland, of Silver All l J viewed the difficulties that ' on loquonl Appeal. ' ( I idt.v, read a detailed report what - of education In the days of Assistant Huiioritif endoiii nf l'ultilc lav mii.hin jeii.u.i. , the paths 'ft j h ellmjnalion In fi.i. tsasto nl of government. recommends for Instruction I'aea Nov, ihe territorial form j Flladello made an hi','- tillnwn. (int., will the t xt books on American history, I'l.Cntiadu can ho truthfully said, eloquent and cogent appeal for Immediately IM.OiHI,. "Always, it geography, reading, grammar, nr'lh-- 1 the Increse In the have not long If in i Spanish In Ilic public men prmw, Ihe American people metle. Mo would eliminate every iik of number of under Premier develop- upon Hie I un-- neglected the educational thing no practical eonnoe-- I V'licols and dwelt nppoi i Hnrdeii .announced lonighl. Flfly ilci that has up In I ment of their new countries," nv-- j itles that are opening fnreipn thousand are lo be lunMII.-- and gent more tlon with the life and work of an Judge llanna, but "they tame eragc ordinary ciliasen. fields for those who have mustered forward (is reqiiliionei by Hie war nearly to ft failure In this respect In were made by C. Spanish, and Castilian, quotlm; from office. .. possibly Pointed remarks ihe southwestern section than C. Hill, Fraqk H. H. Roberts, Miss expressions of I'nlted Slales Commis- In December a force of 17,001 will ol p. Washington, be (o ever before in aoy other section who said three-fourth- s sioner Clinton of dispatched Knghtml nnd by R Kcklcs, that D. cur country." of the matter In the average toxr C. His address met with giperal subsequent enlistment the totftl hurip-he-r Doplorablo Conditions. book Is o! no use to the pupils. Miss approval and applause. of Canadians under firms will lie) "H Is only In the past three or four Orace (iocbel, who advoeiiled the President K, K Knloe of the Slate brought up to lOS.DOfl before the1 end ogress been Xornial school City, he of year. ; , years that any great pi has elimination of subject matter but not of silver staled the ' had diligent , made in he advancement of education of subjects, and by Mrs. tleorge Dixon. made Inquliy and discov i in New Ivlexleo," said the speaker, ered that Spanish Is not taught at all "For the school year ending1 in June, In the public s hools of the Philip com- - pines 1911, or Immediately before the ico history and civics. Those opposing and Is taught In every grade of nf statehood, investigation dis said a law of kind was a the schools in Porto Itlco, ns II Is In itr that thai I,oh iw ti UiiinEIITIO eighty-nin- e school districts Spanish-America- n the schools of Angeles, Kansas closes v j j reflection upon tho that school i City and many large towns. He In this territory were without i people" of this stale, and these mls-- ! oilier absolutely. About one-thi- rd urged that Kngllsh-Hpoakln- g children advantages It. s. Tl PTOV guided people opposed the law for this CIIAItl.KS of schools ro-- be taught Spanish, at the same time I, HI'HT of the total number reason. Is It not Indeed a greater i - Spanish-America- SiiM rliitcnilcnt of Silusds, Torrance u SuHrlnlcndcnt of 81kmiIs of Otero Spanish-America- n asserting- that the during that year had less than flection upon the County Exhibition of European War term." County people of this stale that any of their who take leadership In New Mexico "At the time In question, there own people should resent a require- - affairs are those who know Knglish, followed this plan for the past two Pictures, were 438 teachers receiving less than - ment that they become students of Dissenting Opinion. teacher, and It may be that compul- c , MF.HKI J'Kl-'.- wears pronounces it good, $200 year." and eivics of this country nnd 1. T. V. Conway took a surprising and In fact, a sory school attendance laws will not (history It Improvement. of this state? The truth of this busl-- j Prominently Mentioned n a stand against bilingual training for In practice has been found that half tireat con- be difficult to enforce, and In a Is prepare All visiting Judge llanna then outlined the then nest! was that the persons opposing date for President m the children and ho spoke from experi- year's work sufficient lo teachers, as well n been many cases may not be necessary to siK'lallon. Ihe SianiMli sicakiiig child to taku Ills residents of the city, improvement that has j the proposed legislation simply seized ence, having had four years' training are Invited' In spicuous enforce. As it is necessary place with view the European coming of statehood. imon matter as a. means of ex- In Herman four in w it li- Ihe other classes. war pictures which made since the lawyers and doctors to prepare this and French will ho While the number of school districts for ploiting themselves in their pose, bncco arid profane language should mit ever having had much practical on exhibition at my store nil their vocation in lile, j of , 10 per cent, "no school themselves for bich was probably assumed, of being be superintendents, but that use for either language. He com- I'rod Anderson (iocs I'ree, this week. has increased a so it should be necessary and d visit- - ." K.'iiiia Fe, Nov. 21, Fred Antler- - These pictures are reproduced district in New Mexico was without uienos or ine rpunfsn-vmericn- n pco- - such Hhould have adequate pay, gle plained that both Spanish, and Ami id front bio for teachers to prepare themselves - son, colored, was discharged today drawings correspon-il'ou- , of 67 i i job al- - ea n actual niadn hy i school term. Instead Tney should j jp pie. in n- nns net n auogciner 100 all their time to the and be homes are too "poorly langiiaged along for their work. 1oU',H Vtlc.-- . I TV fie--mi- custody afLcr a Hctisulhimil heai'4dont8. of tho London being compelled to get niucn or mis in .New Mexico in past ...... ,,-- J ...rll.ll.l In their, mother totjK1, he Illustrated New,' schools reason, il.iHfclttiiif I bur- - s- taught to teach." For that Hpnnlsh-Amerlca- lug. He bud been charged with who are at Ihe e. term, years, hnve- - n...,ii. i,,,y U..I....I..I.....I...,,ll',-- HI i !. . men who get us n front. Nnthlnir that wlth less than ""'Assist- -' and honest people been it, llll tlt, ,ll. IIIHlKi will the is!lii Judge Hanna' advocated state nt gliii the l!,in( saloon out of $0. has appeared. In our we now find otily eighly-flv- o laboring sickened by display of L. Jjlshoo entered Into the discussion trade will not Is pupils of American hhiierfi ance in educating teachers. "An 'in- Tin" hearing took place before Justice win ocgin to give yon na v i under that great disadvantage. this assumed friendship nnd interest ably, the last named, telling of his the elementary grades, but specially t ah in. vestment in the training of our school of the Pence Jose Maria Samor.a and sight Into the -' of a people." I successful night boys "40 college horrors of this utti- "This is largely the result he and will in these school with trained men. a K. pendouH ' to assist teahers will never lost years old" It. crowd of witnesses was heard, struggle, and sensible, effort of profit. Xenotl-im- . attending Another Dissenter. P. and districts in ac- prove a never ending source Davles defendiiur Anderson Store win be open every evening". people of tho rural 1 come Judge Prof. T. C. Mackcy, j A. .VI. for without would like to see the day Hanna then launched his of tho School of Assistant District Attorney JOHN l.KK (XATIKE, Inc., quiring school houses, be against nepotism In public, nf- -' cited experience! tne when 100 of these teachers could shafts Convention Notes. from personal wards prosecuting. Ccntrul Ave., near First . school houses or a place to hold nor- especially In admlniAtra-- . dtfeet. to bring given one year's training in our flee, and the Superintendent school, it is difficult indeed expense of the tlon of school some sec- and Mrs. John school. mal schools at Ihe affairs. "In Milite lust evening- - din- about a proper interest In the before, they are sent out charged tions of the stale a most outrageous entertained at out the negleet with state, ner forty of the visiting educators. After pointing with the responsibility of educating condition has prevailed and the trus- -' which Americans have treated the The banquet room at tho Alvarado the conquered the children of the state." jlees or school directors have appointed matter education in this were unqunl-- was transformed into a bower of of Higher (unlifications. teachers who absolutely i blossoms nnd province and emphasizing the desire If led for their work." rosebuds were the fipanish-Amerlca- people to advocated a strenuous of the it The speaker ltrlgliter Pictures. advantage of all the educational fight on any proposition in the legis- take qualifications for From a denunciation of these evils, The official badge Is thing of Pass-Book- means provided, the orator urged: lature to reduce the the orator of the evening turned to a Our Savings s now time, however, that those a third grade teacher's certificate. "A brighter side, beauty and incidentally boosts the "it is was made at the the the advances which New .Mexico exhibit Han Diego. On Spanish-America- n people who very foolish effort being In- at of our legislature by are mnde in New Mexico In the button Is a picture of New are popular among all classes. We Issue these books for deposits yet cling. to their Ideals derived from last session of our stnto education. Thv safeguarding the to prevent the dustrial Mexico building with sultublo inscrip-tioi- v low money six their ' mother country, and who feel in. informed oersons of the health of the school children. as as a dollar and up to any amount. When remulna n pp requiring oi while the badge proper Is u naut that they should cling to its langpnge nn of a law noiaers was another bright capter In school calendar months we allow Interest thereon.' Interest beglna on the above 'grade certificates to be conver blue ribbon with Bilver lettering. and customs, preferring these third , history. tie la urtert ulthough he following Is V.,ii. Mev. brut of tho month date of deposit; but when a deposit ' atten - . all things, should have, their dtiitwiin qualified this praise by saying: "In of with made during Days begltiH on urn".. respects Mexjco Hecause four days' trouble the First Thrcn of any month interest 'these New still lives water at Sunta Pe, tho exposition mo- In the dark ages." the (Irst of that sume month. We credit and compound interest twice ' tion camera man was unable to fin- year, In conclusion he pleaded for the co-- i ish the Normal university film in time a January' first and July first, if the depositor cannot call on operation of the public, the parents, for exhibition at the convention in these dates, his Interest will be attended to Just tho same flit though Hospitality Iwlth the authoriths. the teachers, the this city. However, such parts as have htt wei'o present. Let Albuquerque schools. "Where there is a lack of' been assembled and lettered will be opportunity means must be found More Than a Name to shown in the "movies" on Tuesday For further particulars you are invited to call, , Be Something correct the condition; where there is n evening. Col. Ilalph E. Twltchell Is lack of desire for the advantages of in town to superintend the Job and education, the people must bo taught will be joined by Chase I'.ell, the cam- M. E. A. ! K to seek the opportunity, nnd, when all era msn, on Tuesday, who will also Purine .IK, convention of tho X. ' Jt things to a call h'm the " else fail. If necessary, the force take a motion picture of the of Albuquerque resiK,ndl generously t of the law must he applied," teachers, M since . n The open lo the Citizens ,o hon.c Bank mittoe throw Ihrtr year, visitor,, Is expected this .n Attack 7,i pim-IIi- i larger number of pUasurc o, our Sheds. Chavez fids Invitation. . ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. our response Is necessary for the comfort and Amsterdam, Nov. 21. Two aero-- ; Santa Fe, Nov. 21, Superintendent planes, thought to be re- French, made of Insurance Jacoba Chave today Open Pay Day Eveningi. Ai. who can an attack on the Zeppelin dock and ceived an Invitation to attend the an- . iIMy. .. t . I. "r sheds on Iike Constance, according nual banquet of Metropolitan l.ifu ..... secn-iur- Cnnmvn i '" the to icicpiionc uie rl"'''' anli a, - to Kriedl'ichshnff paper. aero- . . 1050, (tlvhiff the nrfiTH ol rooms (, The Insurance company of New york to planes dropped six bombs, none of tho stale insurance commissioners. numbers that can lie aivonimodatctl. 'which did any damage, tine aeroplane The banquet will be held on Decem- was shot down; the other escaped. ber 8, in th; Metropolitan tower. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1914.1 FOUR

running Ml o k hail ... been FOOTBALL 'SCORES. .v a fiilr d"fcne ami ii IT- - .h.,i.l. DID OF t l.,.t.lf IS IEITEII p'tl-,- l (if .1 ...... K,..'.i.-.(i- I". m Urn.- 511B Shortly after the opti.ii..mi of iti i f 'orvtillnv. - liilveraiy of "W IE S; I Avkks, lllllil lllllltor, OIIO fif l.fKolell kicks tir.K'in, if.fon ON AT was p.. lily blocked nliil Center Wal- Al Forketey, Vh lif All Aim Ii. Mil, BIG SALE lace re.nvtleil Ihr rolling bull f"r tf. Ail inniKii. n. GASES. SOURNESS, BY HUMILIATING Hnrvnrd on Yule's t on I At l'iff,l.iiixll All Kin ny Colleife, M.ih.m nliil I ran, kc aided hy 11 Y.ib 14. I 'in in ah ,'i' linieal, 7. - - , lin."!t', -- rro! Hip tin II til tin- olir- Al Indianapolis 11. Frank-liii- Exclusive Cloak and Suit Store turd hiie. hi H- - Mahnn swept around H Maharam's nnnnr niniiinn fi . ixl for ii loin liil.iw n from which ,M l:li hmoiid. Ind I"..iiiham. 34; HUD , iriDIGESTION k ll goal I II inl vi i. kli ki Incut r. Last Store on Main Street vMiwiwv-teWliAai!- ) 516-51-8 West Central Avenue, the v-- I - , ;i tn.. nml it ;mk i.ioiiii nun imiw .iii (,..1' I lr 'I,' i " mAvviJv - lll (he Ciiin- I 11 ,,.,., scveiiil timet drove Ai i. ramie, U'yu. I'liivrrnliv of iviixYVf(r:r;rniivri'i:K. I - I'KICKS KKDl'CKI) TfJ A ,u,ll Ii illl huokwalU. ! ItV II Sell- Ixrivir, "ii; I 'diversity of Wyoming, fl. - ifiuiiipipir J i Ho- Imil f --- ( ic n il inn l.v t'iinv With ii n vi i 'oior.-oi- Ani'l'd. n: 'P.'ipe's Diapepsii)'' ends all .. . I.V Id '"till III In r wyuinll, Villi- - opi II. 'd School nf Minis, llu Tlio Now Cnlliirs a i i I C'iiif. .per set II lloMper'llo limi.UIULL Hie lllllil p'll'.d Willi lal Al i 'nlnri hus. -- Hi fill'. in ..'..;.ity il. nil stoinael) distress five ijlt Sillv ( 1vos, triiaraiuci'tl j.lrivc al tlx- ll:iivnri (.'Kill Mic, Which n N'nii h'i i'i 0. . . , . $ .115 jl.toui.-l- Hi' P"W.r of tin' l ' "ill li '"' minutes, I.ati- -t Style Silk Waist liii- - 111." t i iiiiniiii ih f li"f. H'nvil, - . iim-k- i U gamp Yw Tunic- Skirts, all. wo"! 'scrpc lost Ciushiii!.', Defeat Ever inecinii iiiH mil' no' .1? Hi., l Inside Harvard a live. Amotifi the Howlers 12.05 illl ull S.?5.tX .adics' Sui)s for ( Suffered by Cohorts nf Oldi? HHl luie. himself three tiinii Vim' don't wiint a mow rcin' ily j ); now n i Imrt ; C'(ial, worth $25.00, I III niionn IIm'. only lo be hurled tiii:v stm, whi your (ttftmiirh or im nil: New tar Eli Kn .prtiilrt nr your. Sustained When Famous hack Willi Intl.- or mi in. WtonlM 22 11 .fi7, one or n harmful (',.10.1 lleavv Hlack Caracul Coats, latest style, lor ....$5.50 I Hull. In you I i '.rami Willi I'. i' 21 12 Ktoiiuich loo vulimhlf: inimtn "Cowl" Is Dedicated. a for- - injurn An u last resort, Vwlc tried IIiiM. I1 12 .13 it with druntlc iIiiikh. pass, I.IK. HO IO lllut'll lull lihipMiHln Ik ii"t"rt for Its Wll A K A 1'n 111 .HH I'nl'V I. II I IP I Was lllulel' troiililn film rniuli! It funiniiH wnrU f.ii' i 5 th H Colt 17 If, .SI maa l. ( I illlS'ill-lel.-nVc- 0lKIII( lit fpoi'd in givliiu relief; lln hnrmli'M-iipki- .; Prices HELD I'll x M. 17 111 .4 72 Entire Stock at Reduced ENORMOUS CROWD i illtll lliirviinl leg.ilnrd Hif "ii r. lU rertiiin uniiilliiiK m Everything in Our down. IKiint.i K ,12 i'l I'cKiilutinK Hti'k, Hour, khh.v Hiouiaclia SPELLBOUNDTHROUGHOUT ptilit.-- .4 Mahati Immediately out "I IJkIii r .12 II .3m I (m inillioiiM of l In ludlKintlon. n urm .1 ifiK-- r Following u cues l tufh-- lioyalu .13 i'i ,::j4 rIyi'pi'PHia, tfiinlrltlM imil oIIht Htomm h mi. I iunl, M'i linn l'il llii.nin ,13 2 .234! OVft'. Kefp till prrfoot itnrn.ii h doctor In Greatest Gathering Ever XXu. ki-i- p Inrgp ZnJtr (IIM M I '!(( I I. 4 1.111 (.ll S your home It handy K''t a IMO fifty-ren- t en Irom miy druit nore fcmblcd in America Sees KKilMi nnynn MAHARAM'S If E. ZZ ZIXX ll'l Innd then ulunild fit mim ihi-m- ; i hli ; trZ liy o lhinr h docun't with Bulldog by iviniilnit thr. Rtnilxht from tin' imifi' the Humbled for- - 516151K W. WKM'K 1 nt iho if what Jhoy rat lay. liko load, C1.T Z"X ' Hniilii t.iim Krlrlii.v ...uiit mill k. n. iili'iiuil I'll'' ' of foiill iill Crimson Followers. I tu ii n iilloy. tho 'ninini ri uil rnonlH and and furmn fn r i" i n on vn 'ti rn ftnil.Kv rluli unililol wont ll'lo Ki'. iiinl iilnoo I' .iiiKi'n heiulai'lio, Izstl nofn nd niiur:i gridironlr" ,1 In pruiAiilioim . of cld tind KPHlod 1 - tho linndloap lonsin pnln(f tlio Juki iik th'- Uiinm bit'' ll'ililH HP llnlil". food roniomhpr mi poori us I'app'Hl iiian'M totlmL ptriL wimi nroKC from t ho mIiipiiIh ,AAA-...... an4- 44 00000000000000000000000000 tn.flO a unlit Jidl j Tho (unto: Iilapopnln coiiifH In liiniiiol with tho o N'.-- Nov. lliir-inrd- ii imil Urii-klcv- oi'i-nilf- upon I ( llntii, I'.iiiIi.. I'l Ciiiiiiin - 1 2 :i Tut itomach all suoh dmln. vaninhos. 0 In ,i'. .'. 0 frmtlmll Jmiii. nuiil j runhrd lu' for iipprinlK Hi" iiiily. iiitiilior I I puko ( .M A I !l '.ill l'U4 prompt nw, ccrtuinly and hi NT C M i: S I' H Al ltU 4? Buy Your 0 :s (I I AMIItlOV'K 4. Ill TI 4.IIASS. Yulo i l'Vi"n l.y a whip of tn in u ffi-i-i iiinIiIiik miiim hi Hold to ,'. t - 0 , . . ir.r. 220 X" lovpiooiniiiR the wni-B- ntumii h dinor- hli lhl l...... I..L i'l... I I.'Illl' .M.i'ri'ilfii i'K o tin' lml" Iiit. iiftfrno'ii! - i .'. 7 k flora Ih a royolatlon who try It. lo I.- , i I HiirrU .211 to thoso o hi- - T 1,110 MiprliiinrN thv .... l ..I r n I... i k in,. i' O LumberfGlass, Painls nitihfd Mippi-- .. ,144 124 12 0 rtdirnn rmit In niplfl-- niix pr. pni. il Hip;ir. litly to oMiillf M 0 Mllllll.H . . . 76 14 2iii r.i: 0 0 iiiont Hold S"iil i BOXERS AND WRESTLERS Cement o Th rrlinxon liinH n ( llllUlillTMllil. IS and 0 niui Illl.' Total .. .S77 47 !i:i:i 24T.7 imd down Iho f. l, iilni... i.t will ..nd 'I'ho V n ! lit'o uinl y no- TO SHOW AT GYMNASIUM 0 'Hi' lit 11 0 whin Iin' uly in nut.M of I.iiltl.' lul l li f.pii H'1 mil i" Id"' k iho kl' k. IV lo im. . . 1T.3 IKX 4117 At the . j WuKDIT , .118 Grass 10 0 il, had In MilliiiK up I. hit "f t'rlmHoii ' Grow dan lipn Niiiii'..i.'i It who nl iitii'thor ...,,1 ... -- .... 1;.,,. 0 . . . , - ...... i...... Mi . I4S 172 121 44.,.a IK 11 I ..un.iti.nLt 10 Inrtfi-'- ; iioiniH r- - HI ll no l'hli'oll mi rnt muk snimiiiuio a Ilic niiml" r ..I rvr i. orillHllip, niHM'Vi'l, l"l 4 4.', 0 . K. o - - l im ,1.17 149 H imliHnff nt LUMBER MKiini"t tin- CM li'V-n Willi 'hi Imi k, im Imt I Hpei'tl- ii I'l ffiituro lmfr"j 'iX SUPERIOR 0 iliriil iii'IihK ful' 174 .i 4 'it; I( c niniiwium ex.i-iiiin- Al mid .14 New Mexico AthdMir rlnh : IIS 0 llio of ttii lliKi Vul ii lot .1 (hp i.liiy hull "'''I'l'im ! MI.A4.I-- i.,r . .S Im - V(MIH h I'4)U4.I'. t Mailif hi: th Th ir- IUV. Si:i:i. 0 of 4X to II. II thn h hi riudioM, riiriioii hip wf ll!l l4 aftrriiofui. uftfrnoon loll huh r(t or I'nidloo iii tvo r.n .1 & MILL CO. - II11 ml , 24 122 tri'Jim u'ill Blurt tit H reni IIS o on.-Mir- d Iliil- leap i'itwV S MOM V 4HIII.K fl!4)l'S FAIL I'VIT niil'll' in the till ft four turn hall to Vilo'n murk. ".v.:..". MAKI Wllllli: lo 0 plliyiil Hlllli ' 1 K 7 . ovor-- . r a lioiiiin nil wiiik "III ("ll.Klil. KMILI--.- viinl niK uic and 7 7 AT AT KAIX 00O0OOO0O0 .7 0!) UK 44 224 .1,111111 1 n 11 i II)14.IIT 1)000000000000 0000 Th.' one ld.'d Kiiil fn'l. to guv pcmiliy drovo thorn hii.-- fiftfon ToIhIh Kin liii Him ifi i; J.rill.S Jno Klvei'K Mild ? till' II l.' lit out InklillK of Iho (Mono of Tho r.niltiod Ion hox Hehiieier. Vouiin lunlH. i'iiiii"iui Harney Kurt, don Hip gluvc and pUv ..r Iho ri innrkiihlo Ktrul'itv mid jvmilM lth h forward punk, .Muhuti PURSELL GIVES $150 TO will j Will glvo a demmiMtrutinn o; lndi lilmil l.rllli.nMA' with whii h th.-m- i to Cooliilgo, whllo Hrh kloy wnti hod I'hllMim j Krappllng any local tal- - hip l.i wiod. livory noi ond or thlnl tho oihor ton play era oiil'VIt tho Y. M. C. A. CAMPAIGN tho urt with j ent f ' V IiioiikHI (Iip thniifiiliiU to lli'd.' that conun Inrwiird. Yule. meet In Hantii Hudson for Signs t no lull-lin- iho k. Uotnoi ( lluryiird louder went, FUND Torroa and Schaofcr mtro- - f'i wim ARaln thi TluinkHKlying woNDi ni l oitxc.i: 4ir tiik ntnl kii Hi'ooiu.'iiliir tho phiy. Nf, ;ihroiiuh tho rniitionn of preparing to Fe nn: most n Teated fnnio of o..iii mlilur on lantoin fno!-hi- kick a Hold goal, while WiiImoii (nude duced and endorsed hy the V. H. Agricultural Mepartment. in many your lm pruvl.l-- 11 puKH llnrdwli k for tho Future for ' lot ward to Predicts Great WHOLESALE HANGING Will produce more Wall d micli a uportuolo. iliflh and fiiuil touchdown of tho aoverely hy the farmeta In all iarta of Paper , In game, Iheil locod 111 foot- - Albuquerque. any- Iniorti Int.'iiv. Itiickloy IN ARIZONA PRISON hay to acre than any oilier plant known. Crows It at tiniPM uk though II." II.11II l.y kicking an aced and the ciiroer at llarvnrd ' o- - Hold ! ordinary rontonl Waa a carefully in euav goal and tinned .iff tllfl , . ... where aoighnm doea. Severn I cutllnfta each aeason. Fnder HUDSON for Picture nioiiace w herein elun n followed .111- - muld it tumult of clioeia. III Whll h '"" "' """'"" .,n..(,l,.t.(CI.LLI.I.llll III ' " ' " :: t pounda of aeed and 3 to 4 tnna tho apectaloia were hew :i.ered hViihe Vale aa well aa Ihn Harvard !""' '" ""J Ariz.. Xov. 21.-- With the conditions mak.a from 2.o Frames rapid nucopxnioiia runa, ". 1.1m - tho of pii.wa jtu ctloua Jollied - , heart l.ail l,oen an. ntly of t'l.lougo hut now "'omont that choice htty per acre from the aftme Innd one aeaann. Adapted to ami kii ka which worn turned Into ,l'urell , h- - verdict o Iho people In of of All uunernue Mr. I'uihoII eiimo ' Copper H.orea with almoat aa much rn 1.I1IIM , (.( IHII I NI 4DM. .. - . refiiHiiii ''nt ro.-on- 2 to 6 Fourth fit and At. i(s t'M'll lC ' the lonhi.l. 'aolla. UF.SISTS SLVI'.HKST l)or4illT. Takea I .' A Huiiin row woeka ago 10 ,. . all aoila,r hut alwua for Harvard. I'ar Irom 1 1. lmiiuoriu1; Nhinon . I1HMM: iim lll.M u...ah ciiii al nun Coventor hroud-ciiH- t. ini-Ht- . tnaKP ti a emu niiHii.-- , 10 110 pounds hip hi 01 iiiriii'navmg. . ihi-ale- ,i aced to aow an in to In drills and to iit hiiiomoaiioiic . - .. .Hunt liu ;iv- that 'ho wou il pounds of ...... k 111 O IIOlo. Ill Ig I II In 11 IHOII III oiisngca were lh fumhl Yah i Chi. ago, Xov. " I, .M llliumilll'a BlOIlt rillllll. .. ., ol Iho four eon com tiriyonera pre- , enine. kinds of livestock Iiiliulpil In Hip fhailmv ol the liim - .iwanlaloihuvieiiSned fol'theCo, , to the cmp,,:,i rumi. Mr. rurxeu ; Quality of hay eipiala timothy, and all lfn many aon goal puata and which Harvard Uecoml In I'.lg Xlno con-.""- '" "o uiu i" lociiug ua M... 2 $4 per ulaco the 'in..!...' aeed sold for to DRUMMER ALLEYS ...... it, t .... . 1...... li.l lh.,1 h.i wna proud In have taken fer the hay to airalfa. l,ast spring the nun ii.iowiiK, roi, nee root iiii ii waiioing. on i nig nil, , "Ah In inh. r 1 ! has Iteon deainnnt - .. go higher i op aril. 01 i no sumo no .1 nnei holea i. n... ,'uu., no inov cm on., o, ,,.;".,' pound. The aced ia now solllut for ii per pound, and will ron r.xEncisE. I1011I11I Hip grealcct gathering uf fool pnths through which the .MinneHoni inn.. II 111 ioini v 0. .ion i"iiu' , .itn. nr. lifill ever done for " spring, as tho supply la limited. AVe will send prepaid hy oiilhiiHOiHia ever nniomhlid fur hacks oruahod for twn louchduwna lo ilho gre,,loa4,.gMt herl ,l' h'l''s,h:' hefore Try ixamo of ten plna. no eo.ileal lit i'S 7. t,nd n'':n'l,'rv tJlH .Iho Muroona' one, winning, t" lUforemoHt -' t,,'l';m''' 'I do not parcel post choice .Sudan Crass aeed, free from other aeeds, for $1 (05 West (inl.I. imintiy, H' vont ape"-latoi- wl4 hV.., titled ofl'1"'- ."" thouaand A gallant fight hy Chicago and two 'hav p,w.r.toi-..mmut- iiiiiNMi-- In laig--- poulhwcnt aa an evidencp of lh th. M'titow. pound Iho newPHt and t InrnM of nourly put ,.h I per pound in lota fill pounds nnd under, not less than one or three fortune 1.. .1,.- - loeci'iiae put h.1 nation up to tho ol of culler! Htmlliima foriiltd a phi !a oinpli xiiui, gaine, t...i. .1,.. i,....i... ,,ibB different omthe if. people nn ttirf; hy,v .paaaod . 11 11a 1I11I 4 im vellp,,, ,.n.l I.Pi!.liolo the hy freight lle,itcr now and re iilinon aa cm hnilliiig '.hut in Iho final period lifter Iho t iii'liicr'iiio il.r .H..i... considered. Larger lota cheaper. order ooiul.,il of Hie rimnon and hiue city of her hlo I hive ever known, jn. had led III the firm three, iho " Ik- save money nnd lllhlelea I to ill' Miie of rictling the genuine Sudan seed and then llDUKE CITY wvil jCophera hiil Ihelr way for 11 raid Mr. I'linoll, and have The cel. antica crlm-m- ..iii: he ml hy KII I FD IN nf Iho hiiow 11 vlclory. a lhal will all FIGHT 11 cy year. I'veiyone who can should grow this , filial luui aild 1! nuke another iiinli rgiiiiliiulca lncluii-- Hie of my coiiipitli.i within the next i Cleaners-hatte- rs,p ' ilanee, chociiiiR and luitnliu II MI 4H' y ar, TENEMENT HOUSE FIRE Adilfcsa . I .ILLINOIS IIIV d firn .1,1 Hie l.ipa of the pnatii, 41 unal i iti4j 1: (20 W. Gold Phone tt :av 11 111 mni: 4ni i:iti;( i.iii finlidiing touch in . one MENAUL SCHOOL WINS New Viuk. Nov. 22. At least eight of Iho gieatiH giimca of mudern Wla., Nov. 21. 1!y fool hall Mndlann, j persona were killed and more a I'lilvrralty of Wlat'iinaln FROM INDIAN ELEVEN than Albuquerque Foundry and I ho Vul" ciihurta d 1omi the Fcnre Injured in two Urea In tenement remaini to lo.iav, Iho 1'iiherHily of lllinniM tho l.iat, H111I I I'tilldinua (in tho West tind Kant aides althougli (hey rciiliged 1 - IM HQC . Iho iiniliM'Mtod font hull hiim- IIM PI UUIVrflMTPCTI I Machine Works 11 OLUOL Hila uuirning. rapped the hlue hud hut foil for one of Dig conference, tO r.iry Flames the 1. Ions of lite Nine Iho tctiunta in nnd many ELLAGENE FARM Engineers Founders --Maclilnlsta Rieatext of all tune, Ju,il ...,..,, ,.f their roo.i , " " " " ' (?aMiings now Hie Harvard dam of IHU Imh.os ..V. n . ?V , Ily tho narrow margin of olio piint caeaped death hy leaping from roof in iron. Brass. Hrnn, j. .. - . 1. . . . Mil. Ill" IO, oil Aldlnej Harris Co.. Texaa. En- - - ... - ... w I lllllllllll '""'il ' t IH. Itox la, Aluminum. Kleclrle Motors. Oil r"....- ,in- IIIIM. (I o. 11 III. II III K Hearing touchdowiiH and tlm Mcualll Hill mil foolhall team or window of year In three jglnea. Pumps and Irrigation, former tonight a mutter l. gniil one touchdown and tho Indian Hehool yoaterilay afternoon or nt among Held lo Works and Office, Albuquerqua. heated aigum veteran aafety for Wisconsin. at Hopewell field. The a. ore was playera and evpeiia. hut a caiifiil T to 4. 444444444' unnlyala today a ludi- - of play clearly my n,-r,- s The Indiana were held with the Imil Ealing When ateil Hint no team, Mt iiomi: ki:so under the mod IIY IU?M M'KINia il l.l) n few inihea from the ,M"iiiiul goal ern rules, Iiiih reached the height nl vvhn anmher touchdown would .have 1I1 li . offenaivn and Mclm-y- Are Through alrengl'i West I'olnt. Nov. 21. The Armv l'i'H certain Menuul hell Others hoivn hv tile cflliiniui th'a Hfternnon aeanon tmlay hy like n fork wall, holding the Indians Hie Way. cloaod up Its home llanar.i dcl.-iilin- g Mulitgl'.eld I'ralning achoot for downa. In ft'cnmulaltng thirty-poinl- of touchdown on a 111 itxotal l.y a B. ,110 of 13 to 4. The game wan Monoul made its Is Not .1 If 111 v . Hut Stuart's Hai vaiil fu ore l In ev ery , end delayed plaved in mud. under the worst mko run and forward W 011 period hy the - sin Tnhliis ill Liiahlc m and all methods except 'he for Mennil kicked final. Tho In- Holiday Furniture 1. , condltlona ever experienced hole '" '' luf.'tv .lna .1. 1..L' ...ti.. - I lit vt Sucli n I pictltc. nn ii.r.1, v.. .football. Until teaina lllwdn liumoi'nuH "iiina loin noowii ame aiirr i"i- ' piiMa 11 mm on wnn tney ginned mpla at forward Piimhch and open want ion - ' 'alt. jnrda. in ihohp days 'of 'high' pressure . 'lancl'Wuke TuZ?iu " very it 1,6 most men and women cut little Art loin la were: . vVSit JTT" the 'I'he off Chester Val II. ,e for e,.m. ...i,i 'rmia that ZT - and a good old fahhlonvri enter Bits FUccea.f ul. referee; Harnld Sellers, umpire; liar- I lie hhie on- - aid I ne I ll'lo M - at turtle after, MO have. loft It. old Perry, head linesman. I poii.-.-- t - . way get appr- - hni'a short hut forward I' lBBI.,. . . .m I V fcj The heul tn mioh an In I till lltt ;c( lealtlled In Hie first' .',1 1,1, .. 1111' wvivvilivc " llite ia the .Suiaii WKy-.t- he nntnral .0111 lido 11 tnun tthi h llnnlwlii, fall, HIGH SCHOOL TO PLAY way. ; t od to kick gnu I. Xov. 21. p Therf. was no fiinhcr soiling la the l.itf.ivette, Inil., Purdue DEMING THANKSGIVING! it h won from Indlanu, 2:1 to 1.1, here this quarter, although Vale appeared I" - have made two points a safety hy riteiniion. Siipciioiity at line amnsh- fl IT DAVJ'XFORTS to nil gave I Hy iho .l.iuiiiiil'a High School , irom $31.50 S90.00 Malum when the Harvard lel't hulfinl.-- lag and ekiitlng the ends, the. pmm liiil'ii'iakii a the victory. a, ) kicked a rolling hall river h'R own goal Xegotiiiliona were closed yesterday mm Hue uliil fell upon it. : DRESSING from - N V Tit I MX I ItslM'S with the lietiiing hlgli c ii.n! lor a r . TABLES The official- dec di d that It w.1.1 u TF.XM. Thanksgiving day tmichhack, Imwevcr. WITH NTUINC giimo v.i.h ino sllNI high school , I'lio lo- n $11.25 to S 17.50 a k savag-l- in the see-"in- l i'l eiiiu .MHIapolls. M.I., Xov. 21.- With a HIkIis' challeiigcd I'l'i'ilif; iuurter from her own cal soilie 'team largely of Hecon.l-'bUIu- k time' A telem'am, leor ii oil ;'.'.--- forty-yar- d line, Muhan, anil ''"iiil'i'sei! aid. ! llardwlck Xavy 'terduy, announced liem!ng'a .ic. flt- - I LADIES' DESKS from to luadlie carried the hull thh men. the this afternoon S7.00 $35.00 - closed Hie at Annapolis h' do 'unco, ei niidi ling iirrnngei.i ml.. Imps hi eapol H.-'s-a- ft wtHil Frato k aeasiiti wS5rrl 3;i 1 t- r vmb kIvoii pigak'ti routing i'lidims, ti IT The 'im trllt irnvr hrr rr 22" ., llio fur the final i'hu'.'silin' on -- - plunge. II.- lilllllili d hut fnlloivutK o'clock Mtnlij - SEWING CAIUNETS from I I I". H VAItslTV Fe train ,t. Ml?. the I. all like 11 Hush fell on il lis It Ol Ill ll!Ki: Vs&'V mm ( II HY AMI S infoBv Hie goal ilai-- is ill sill. : $12.50 to $25.00 loil'd line for 1 .IllllOS rt e in unit a k initio I uintiaili sliM't" took VHtlls H Old Si'. Hi', Htllilwil'lv lul- - tiI n n u vv m n u wiimo i Xov. 21. The iiiic ia TahlitH I've lost i again at the try for goal. Here ries M.iliics, la., siuaii's ale woke up. heavy Ames (cum pi. night d il way In AT INDOOR BASEBALL' miiucy on I. im," N MORRIS CHAIRS from $6.00 to a to (i victory over lirake uiilveisll.. $37.50 Vale Trie, Inl waul Pics, your digest To King ,. punt nu f':ve. lure litis itftiiiioon, the score heing If stomach Call tint lief twenty. - re- - any 'I'he War school j What the - im... thv htue wav the largest ever made in of the Third nine defeat- vciir fund. will? Where's V k- Jaid lamni'-- her a Dys- ;frmf TAHOURETTES from 75 to games played lietwccn the two til the .Second ward school (cum al lief? The iiiisvt or is In Smart $6.00 thii.iiKh the HaiVHiil line in Ivr sixteen - I atnh-l.oiiil- y indoor h.isehull pepsia Tablets, ns, all slum- i j ill's Iwent.t ivo-yard line. schools. Tlio Hake line pluvial yoioialay mornini:. J vva Tile snore waa 2'i indigestion Know les stun leg. Tin- for-war- nt limes hut gradually to lk ach trouble arl.i from crlmaou one ingredient nf Stuart's MAGAZINE RACKS from to stiff, mil and Vah- losnit'd to wm a out. and because 75? $11.00 I h ail I rum l Pvspepsia Is to llioroligh- - i a forward, pas, K now I. a to A);is-wnrt- h l llilictll o.uhall. Tablets able mm i 21, digest 3. nail grunts for tin yards. Know!'" m hi: sk WINS IOW I'hicngtt. Nov Thirteen deaths ly ami completely Then i mm l I v not food, it reason LIBRARY LAM I'S loauined his hue-hin- ting. A Mud or t II II INCN Kit HIXU of,, iittrll.nlihle lo f hull in the of doesn't stand 'to from $2.50 to $25.00 j timing to digest two ii n time he hainuietiil Ins way I'lllled the seuifoll which that these tablets are g"iug i fund you to llurwirda two yaid hue, hut hif lima City, In., Nov. Captain ended today, according to it record ell the food and whatever .'lullli'gs' kicking gave Xehraska a kept hy a Hlwustiiian hire, only twn put Into your stomarh? j PEDESTALS from .ffolia went for n.itmht for on the cure-- $2.25 to $12.50 ho dtopped vlclniy over Inwa here lotlay, 14 to 7. were cnllcue men. One of these tlietl Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are I linal rush the hall and every element Left Fad Cooiiilg.- n crims.ui lie kicked three goals, which each of heart disease and the other from fullv maile t.t supply the In a system with ft-- mm eleven, hurled himself nt Hie apherold each I tit in matte a tnuchdnvvn and Injuries received timing a class dul- lacking afflicted - SEWING from dv slum-- I rJ MACHINES j lest. 'I'he others were mouthers of spepsin. indigestion, gastritis, iff Kinnpliig li 011 run, kiek'-- il. und the tl.iid .,'..h .,..,,1,1...... e.,1 ,. Hid healthy aturteil lot Hie Vale gnal, nlneiy-elgh- i high sclnad, .preparatory nr freelance to 20 years eystema to' digest fund at $35.00 $60.00 yards aw,tv. Coached tn follow every Mlssoi It I t Nl I IISITV teams. XonC ivns more than difficult i phuot-ftrwim- ed V i l age and tackling was reapnlisihle ttneemlngly hours. move of th" hull, the liitiaon III x is IIIMXIKIC IvIVVLi"! tab- nlonK in Hie ak? of the fly. j for the greatest mimher of fatalities. Just carry one of these little in your purse or pocket. After mg Coolnlgo, ready to ward off tack. I uw I'piice. Kan., Nov. 21 Tht lets and many other and - Pullt-- n Hangs l i every meal, no when eaten, useful suhslantiaC , l.Ta In h:a It waa well they did, j I'niv ei sity of liins,is eleven was de- liisstnl. matter liar. Hd-dl- e assist- I'nl-,erai- V.os Angeles, Calif., Nov. 21. you have always at hand the for l.ecore and Wilaop, two of Vale' tented hv lis liisloiic rival, tho i articles. to-li- t. In he will and thrive f iMeat aprinlora, were soon fvv. i pin ; of Missouri. 10 to 7. here Pillion, the same car which ance that nature relish lerr-fi- drove to victory in the Urand Prix upon. ov.r the turf at epeed. ty it was the Hist time a Missouri may all . !i pt Monica, today In this manner one eat Clever lilocking and net-kin- h oi Kansas eleven has won on the Santa entered the 1 3S aeconds, a of food, late dinners, llardwlck, Muhan and Trumliiill pm- - , gridiron course in mintite and manner attend other' etc., feel no serious results after- t.tlctl the tiriiig runn.-- until ho hi I rate of 100.7 miles an hour. This and 111 . - j a peed was .ittulned preliminary wards. fofyed the line fur the third touch- NATIONALS WIN AT always have down which kicked work for the Corona road race on Thousands of travelers 7 I' ! from llurdwick ''.W.'JII, '.'ii. .'.'.n't, tiv.?rtyAw43$ Thanksgiving day la a box of Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets ,'.yAti" foal. In the history of foolhall whit h and the fastest 111 Ol SAN FRANCISCO WFW in grips and are thus enabled I',. ttV'c.AV.'.Wv." i hack to 1X73, hut four longer ; time ever made on an American their fiwa to eat meals at uny rulia have heen made following a ftiin. TESREAU PITCHING imttlway or speedway course in an unaccustomed were in tin. days when ' American car. and all times. and those Surely Is nothing so well 1 longer pres.-n- l j there ne f eld wm than the food fol- dimensions. Harvard act out j 't- MnttNltOJ iOUBMAt. BfClAt IIAIB MB(! Kangaroo Team Winner. adapted to sufferers from SJ a game 21. t lies na Stuart's. Dyspepsia Tablets, ALBERT j 21. In Alfred TS-- to run up a record hut tho Yale 8an Nov. New York. Nov. V- FABER All- - greatest proof this fact lies - waa in evidence, ul- - marked tiv numerous errors, the of AisMralia'. and Alfred Crendii. nnd the of alii I- fighting spirit pur- tirniturc Carpef s -21- j All-- A ana. in tho assurance that ona can Draperies t hunch the. players were crudely pre- Nationals defeated the merit t.l Tasmania, iho "kangaroo team." any- six-da- y a any store pared for the crimson perfected at- 14 lo 2, here today. The tniirlng teams won the hicycle race which chase box at drust 3-215 W'st Avomie twill leve Tuesday fur Honolulu. ended at Madison Sutiare Cardcn to- where in this country. G!l tack. 17, A sample of Stu- I'uniHl KUk K. ore: It. II. night. Tied with five other teams for small package 4iI. 2 4 2 finish, Dyspepsia Will be mail- Swept hack Meadily, they fnncht Amort, ana iho lend an hour hefore the art's Tablets 4 7 it vlsty-aeve- n points, ed free lo who will nildrow r ground until Mahun Nationals they stored Ih" anvoiie foot of the Tea-r- . 15ti Stuart" HUlg, nt Jit Id goal from I latteries: Colo and Henry: highest number. In lh final "print K..A. Stuart Co, waa e.1 to kick a j Marshall. Mich. the twenty lit lino, wlo-- Har stu and Clarke. of an hour. v v i? vf a ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1914. FIVE DODGE BROTHERS' MOTOR CARS Will Soon Be Here. Price, 5.00, F. 0. B. Albuquerque, N. M. Four-Cylind- gua to Any er Car in the , Selling for $1,500. It Speaks For Itself:

I' .NIT PLANT Tone Clinch. HI'Alt AV.LF r. Itclimvahle cover ilnte l III l i lt Si: 1 10 Indie. Iu' iiii'-nii- lic, niiiliiiir rovi'i ullh tlffj eot-uili- mid Fonr-cylindc- r, 3m-Iim-- Ii accc to dit'rcrcntlul. , ;1 hoot. MOTOIl east eii Mm'.. horo li) J ImiDV Itcul coiiilnMublv upholstered In gen-nin- e It stroke. ::n.3. II. P. Cooled. IHi 1 : l',.ln Water Centrtrncnl Tit WsMlKsiov s,i(V(ivo slldlntr (tear type throe iecd grain Icitilicr deep springs ami iiiiiuriil hair. I I . 'I si I .If I'll-- licml (wild .Iiiiiiihis mill Hiiioinalli' ' I'linip. -- g '! forward ami reverse. Vanadium steel Rears, lnm treated. M'lll Vi.s: All ( drome Vanadium steel, n cu-lit- dclic), lull .nil ilii'li. IttlHATOH Tut.iilnr Tie. 111) pres- TIMKFN HFAItlNt.s throughout, Indiutliijr wIiccIh. and I I Mil Its I'wpllonnlly luiiulsonic mill design, Ml AT Will ( nirle lull eiulpiiiciil of oil STAHTFIt (.l It TOH single lTltt I mill. differential. ; sure gauge, gasoline m .iiiv gunge mill 1 . hi ucry battery. HI AMMi l!()ltIS MI I t M I'P li)ls ,hnI. linoleum gunge, su liilii's mill speedometer, speedometer ilrhcn u. HKHI-TF.XMO- S. It. O. iran-mUslo- i men d nntl aluminum hound. M A f F.TO- - Wat crwof . HALL HKAIMM.M In clutch ami 1 oin IJWCATION - W lll'FI.S-Mllfkn- tlcmotintiihlc a- by l,t splash and force fowl. M'FFlllXti HFMt- wheel. Irreversible mil ami rlni. IP, Indie. Fot II'MI AT I li i Horn, Itohc Ituil, License Itrai Lets, , trie (iAKOI.IM: SYSTFM Procure food. tank hung sector lP. ' I ' . T III I :h straight ldc Im: non.sklil nnr. loot Hall, Tool- -, lie ntouiitiihlc II lut liioiinliil on rrnr. OIUVF U'fl sides control. V IMisllM I II Itnln tlsltin. clear mill ventilating. sllll'I'ISi. Wi n. Ill iiiiiMiiiiiiilv j.Jimi pound. expect a DEMONSTRATING CAR here by express in the next ten days, and a carload of these famous cars by Dec. 10, 1914. WAIT FOR THEM. IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO. N. M. CUDABAC, Agent.

under the direction of the city super Montoya engaged In a fight In whi e Intendent. E- .Montova lecelvoil dozen or more Son From1 SPEAKS - T w ith a knife, ami tiled from I Naturally, our city schools have clous cms ' HIE the effects thereof a few dus loHir. EUROPEAN WAR PICTURES Brown in effectiveness and efficiency William Hell, colored, was Indicted Using Cigarettes and our rural schools when they ore for of the water supply of - EDUCATIONAL ns well provided for in the matter the town of (nllup, and uns tried and j ' of supervision will ns BAD ATTACK 0 found guity nnd given thirty days In FKKK KXIIHUT make marked rasUa Woman llmkr Her Kott of progress. Therefore, I the coiinly J ill. Cell had been taken must urf?c up here nntl was employed on the lli t'lgnrctto llnlilt With a Simple our next legislature shall It make chain gun for n week or two. .Mel Home HiiIm She Snntlv. polhlo lor the county superinten- look this means of g" ttln revenge on FOR N. M. E. A. VISITORS OF of ! NEEDS STATE dent schools upon whom supervi- HEAHT FAILUR E the town. He Was i aught In the art, , sion now depends almost entirely to In jail flit' and bill been held here A simple recipe supervise more closely the schools of 'over three months. mixed at home and: his county. The county superinten- given secretly was used successfully; dent must have an adequate Hilary by a well known Omaha woman to AT THE ItlC CUKIO STOKE and he clven office help CITY CLUB NAME OF break son from smoking cigar-ette- s. In- and travel- hr Superintendent of Public ing expenses. This will enable him to Frank James, Who Has Fol- -I li i ri'i ent statement she said: NEW ORGANIZATION TO "My son has condui t the affairs of his- - otficn nnd smoked cigarettes for, struction Delivers Able Ad- lowed Peaceful Life for years nnd I was sure It was hurting at the same time spend a large part Morej BE FORMED IN GALLUP of his time in Inspecting schools and store the following recipe which Is LEE CLARKE, dress Outlining Expected Than Is Seri- -j him. 1 finally JOHN Inc. lending helpful assistance to school Thirty Years, obtained from a drug directors nnd teachers. The county rarfCiAt. cosscaroNoiNcc to monnins jounnalI perfectly harmless, and has no color, Improvements in System, i otisly Stricken, superintendent should do more M., Nov. it y taste or smell and costs very liillc. CENTRAL AVENUE, NEAR FIRST ST. than r la,l!'ip N, !l, The .1 . To of take a "look-i- n once each year. club Is to be organized In (iallup in o. water mid in tMliis of muriate a box We want n supervision w hich comes the immediate future. The iluli is to of ammonia, small of OPEN EVENIN(JS , from rioter touch with our rural Fxcelslor Springs, Mo.. Nov. 21. In. miuif. en tirinclnii llv of th tinsi- - Varies t'ompotinil and I it of pepsin, gave a schools than the present county r rank Jnmes, famous as a member of ness men of the city, onsMoniblc i tcaspoonf ill to him "look-in- " leg'. f three times a day secretly in his cof- supervision, lnless our the band i ni:i:ii.i i.i;(;isi,ATio. known as "The James gang," work has already been done towards fee or food. Many my Mature does, this, for our county Who a plans. A of friends have terrorized the southwest during perfi cling the temporary Used A seven our present system for period Immediately civil this recipe for the tobacco habit month' minimum followliiK the organization has been formed nnd in Morning Want school term the supervision of tho country school war, was stricken with heart disease temporary officers have been chosen. all foruift with wonderful results." Results From Journal Ads Compulsory nge. 7 to 16 year. will continue unsatisfactory and and wnB in a critical condition today A piece of ground has been selected Hohonl - Inadequate. nn.t IA,iitfl t,.,i-l,,i- l .fjflnnn Hitter ruml nupervl- at the James homestead, nine miles ...... " v. fnr ti I tt i"ion. In I this connection, also advocate from this cltv. j years, and wot k on the club house will .vnpuor trained and bettor paid a state Inspector of schools, including Tonight h!s condition showed Im (probably begin in a few days. The high tnii'hi'ru. the schools of the state. provement, physicians said i nlans and specif Icul ions have all been y I'Yep text book. ' Hcttcr Training. One of the last members of a and the trustees are now wait- - Srhool libraries. Fourth, It is undoubtedly true that torious robber band whoso career js fr contractors to Ret In their bids y y I'onNolldntinn of rural Holioolc. scholarship of In during the unsettled period that fol- - n,P building, whi h will be 7..x!2.". I'hyHlesl the the teachers nl y welfare of child. this state Is higher today than ever lowed the civil war kept tho people )wo otorles high, nnd will contain all ? More rural hlih nihonls. before. It Is true that a higher stand- of a dnaen states In terror. Frank ,r iim timt nro imnulU- em. y y ard of scholarship cannot be secured James nas been living the l.fe of i payed in club rooms. at once, but It Is essential that our quiet farmer for more than thirty y y ' years. How 15 'Improve the Kduratlonnl board of education our legis- state nnd Ron MRS. CLEVENGER IS y y Hystem of New Jtexloo," wua topic lature-should keep always in mind of Minister. the Ttje son of a minister, respected di.eiiioed by Superintendent Puh-- the urgent necessity of providing y y of throughout, . the community, REMOVED TO ASYLUM THE - Frnn'i LEADER'S be'fijre ways arid means for gradually rals- lifrlrni'lion AlvnX.JM'hJte; efficiency James joined Quantrelle's guerillas in y council ilng the of our teachers, the educational yemerdsy" This means a better support of the civil war together with his broth- Fast Liif Vegas, N. M., Nov. 21. er Jesse, took part in sack- A y it nil. ns !t outlines the pro-Krii- in county Institutes, nn Im- and the Mrs. Clevenger, woman who our teachers' ing of Uiwrence, J. It. the of propped ive dfm,'indn from portant part of any progressive Kan. shot and killed two of h r children y y When the war came to an end, tliey ago, the legislature, it Ih piven In fujl: school system: more liberal appropri- were by and wounded herself three weeks nnd support of our high- hunted relatives of those who has been removed from the i.iis Ve- y y Improvcnient Dcmaiiilcd. ations better had met hands. Driven er Institutions of learning; better sal- death at their gas hospital to the slate hospital for y y The prevalence of the quention, my opinion, hern and there they soon became out- Insane, "What can aries for teachers, anil, in Many the .she was taken from the be doiin for our rural broadening opportunities for laws. notorious crimen of the hospital to the asylum In an mnbu y y schools?" indicated the rural the decade following the war have been that tencher-trnlnln- g In the state. There lanco and flood the journey well. n'hools ure what thev ounht or laid tit the door of the James-Voung- y y iiot no good why many Her wound is nearly and j an be. In yenrs, seems to be reason gang, of only surviving healed recent this ouention high schools cannot give a cer- which tho physicians state that she will not diet y Iiiih been the leiuliiiK one to be of our members are Frank Jnmes nnd Colo y tain amount of training for teachers. I mm the effects of It. They say that Younger, now-livin- ut county, Htate and mitional the latter of whom is while is she Is suffering y y Free Tct Hooks. at I.ecf, Summit, Mo. she rational eiliii'ittioiuil meetinH, and the One mania and that it may mom cinphaslxed by mate educational Fifth, at each session of the legis- Hobbcrlcs Committed. from homicidal y FOR THE y the break out at any lime, nhe remem- ol'fii erH in their published reports and lature, I have recommended Among these deeds were: bers nothing of the nnssage text book law, 1 about the death lecommendallons to the varioun state of a free The raid on the Commercial bank two children. f i'Klslntiiren. Today, in New Mexico, an shall again so recommend to ourjttt Liberty, Jln ln ISfill. One bank y In the I'nlted 8tate( It Ih legislature. There ore fender was killed nnd $70,000 was t the one iuention upjiermom in the many educational advantages whicn stolen y y minds of ihinkinK citixenii and school accrue from tho free text book sys- Looting: of the rtussellville, Ky., y y official who are 'striving to better tem. Among them, It lessens the cost, bank In 1R8 of 17.nnn. WHAT DOES 0(1 11 school couditionH. of hooks to the pupils; it Improves Itanlt robbery at (iallatin, Mo., In y y First, 1 would sussost that our the classes of books used: It Increases 1888 in which the cashier, Captain y (siting eachers comlnx legislature Increase the mini- needed appliances; It makes tt possi- John V. Sheets whs murdered. y mum school term from live to Beven ble for all pupils to work advantage-ousl- v Kobbery In 1 872 of a bank at Co- y y months. This can be done without from the first day of school; it lumbia, Ky., in which It. A. C. Mar- MIKROHSAYTOYQU any increase in our present school places the indigent pupil on the same tin, the cashier was killed. y y levy, In as pupil of the well-to-d- o Itatd on a bank at Corydon, In,, In there helnR sufficient funds plane the ' the reserve fund to enable this to be parents. It furnishes the teacher a which $40,000 was stolen lit 1S7.1. j ' rtnne., splendid opportunity to teach lessons The wrecking and robbing of the I,,-- . Is Compulsory School of civic righteousness, and finally, it Chicago. Rook Island Pacific, train lt our Face Not Fair You Are Not Attendance. l I m t 1K7'J. to Your Face, t narmonnsm near niiil'fs. In air StiinrtV Second, I strongly recommend that fits In and completely Council The y Special Cut Glass, y public school i engineer Cnlcliiiu Wafers anil liunish Bargains in the comnultiorv be with the spirit of the was killed; the ffremti'i aee chnneed from passengers In- - I'linp'cs, etc. y y 7 to 14 years 7 to 1G years. Home j system itself. wounded and several to ln state cost too Hefore beauty i nn ever lie realized .:s,nno .school in New Mex- School books this Mured. y y children section after section which llox oWio In the fair grounds at lit must have a complexion that adds , Toys, Gift ico were not enrolled In our public much. In itii Hand Painted 1 have found parents Kansas City, Mo., was robbed of $9,-to- o jtft lustre, that makes a magnificent y schools last year, is proof I have visited. face y which that poor to furnish the necessary 000 In broad daylight in 1873. contour radiate an artistic school j attendance is not enforced children. After most Tlirown Home, color. The charm of all- beauty rcsYs y Y vigorously. In a democracy, Is hooks to their llomb Into for it the Investigation and considera-- T Detectives surrounded the James' chiefly In the clear skin, the pure red Goods. Watch our windows liuty of state to provide for ever.V careful blood, y y the 1 convinced that ; near Kearney, Mo 2r, the soft complexion. child tion, am most fully home January of the stale ecpial educational step for the Im-- jl 875, and threw a lighted bomli Into y advantages has a right no better or wiser y and the state provement of our public school ays-- 1 the house thinking to kill the James Big Specials each day of Sale. to demand thnt every child receives adoption brothers. It exploded, tearing- the y y "'-- tern enn be taken than the training ns Is necessary for in- system. nrm off killing telligent of the free text bonk their mother and Iheir y citizenship. This demand i oroiner Atcnie. cannot bo so long as children are School Libraries. met ' nnys y . Aiinougn mo, James panic sivih: every school should... . , W . . V. l permitted to absent, themselves from That j. .4 .1 . - t. I. . lu nmv potters ii con-- i ...... ,t is school n such large numbers. From nave n nliv...... - now generally believed that there y ni.v of to all sections of the! -- f numerous visits to all sections ceded. Visits were .also hundreds of robberies y 'hp my observation, hue more strongly Big Specials on Hand Painted China and Enameled Ware for y state and careful i""""'"'im i charged up to them of which they I am led to believe the above me than ever that there is .. y that libraries, were innocent. y C recommendation is most vital to the portant need for school may rarry on .In:181l2. niter JesseJumes had been y 3 MONDAYS improvement of our public schools. the school h, y s0 that greatest functions. shot and killed in his home In St. Belter Supervision. tine of its ..Mo., by Charles Ford, also a y y Third, is an urgent demand namely, to form the reading nanit. there which the bandit, for a reward of $00,000, Frank for closer and better supervision 'ofTh usual text books from James surrendered in Jefferson City, y me rural in New Mexico, l'er-linp- s dnih' lessons are given are n.n Mo. schools chil- y t the apparent weakness In In their scope to supply to Imprison- y most read- JIo was sentenced llfo r country schools lack of ef- with a proper amount of n Is the dren with ment ln the penitentiary, but In few y will y ficient and expert supervision. The ing matter or to provide them years he developed symptoms of tu- We deliver to any point in New Mexico any chief upon wliich to spend their y y point of difference between the material berculosis' nnd was pardoned by the It Ih .Toy may not otherwise be oc- - an Fiilslto tit Ixiok In My purchase city school system and our rural time, which governor. Now y made of us that amounts to THREE supervision, Mlrror Nluarf Calcium y schools is the matter of cupled. Wafers iave Me Hack My he city has a superintendent who is One 'of the grentest Improvements y Dollars or more. We carry the largest and most y to our present scnm.i FIVE TRUE BILLS ARE Clear Completion," the offieiat head of the entire system, which can come ' in addition, a princi- 'svstem is provision by .or .Stuart's Calcium Wafers act direct-l- y y ech ward has the libra- FOUND BY GRAND JURY upon glands complete assortment of Toys and Holiday Goods pal who ward school legislature for a state school the sweat of the skin, supervises the system of since Is y jy can establish a their mission to stimulate rian who es- IN M'KINLEY COUNTY in the southwest. 21 traveling librnrlea and assist in the excretory ducts. They do not cre- y. y maintaining Perma- ate perspiration, but cause the skin tablishing and to out vigorously, nent school libraries in the yatlous tl'ICIAL CSSnSONPIHCt TO MDSNIN JOURNAL) breathe thui trans- y !u.rietu of the state. Gallup. N. M., Nov. 21. The dis- - forming' perspiration into a gaseous sufficient to provide trict court officials and attorneys are vapor. The calcium sulphide of which y must bo created amp!e these are composed pupil in the state with j working on the civil cases here In wafers consumes y every the germ poisons in glands reading material, caiei.ii. torn mm juitu tiucuuy uititJFe(l Of the sweat t librarian. a number or minor cases. The grand und pores, hence the blood makes a y Remember the Place, Come Every Day y by the state new, smooth skin in a mirprlslngly Troatmont Other Improvements. Jury completed its work much sooner y should than was expected. They were In ses short time, were available, I Vou will never be to for If time consol-laUo- n sion three days, and during that ashamed look z the matter of time at yourself In a you like to discuss of he they examined twenty-fou- r witnesses mirror, onee use f bchools, the needs y of . and passed on eight cases. Five true Stut.rt's Calcium Wafers. Nor will y ... - p,lucatin, the yc.'ir give you ,taie ..i i"., T , wqre returned and three no hillH. friends that hinting tifv tny tflKiniC nn Ill" ' hills say y P5Do iv i. . look, as much as to for goutiness of the One of the 'most Interesting cases reVeTtln the. Physical welfare sak , get rid of those pimples. y Simple Pyramid Pile - came before grand treatment of ior im- that the Jury this Is ""nieity mailed free for trial gives term the case of Htato vs. There no longer any excuse for quick bleeding or lishmen5and' maintennncof more the W. anyone to have a face z The relief, stops itching, h Morrin, which was started early dlsflgurd ttitli LEADER X Protruding piles, hemorrhoids and all throughout if. skin eruptions, when Is your public high slhnols ln year when V. L Bish- it so easy to z rectal troubles. In the privacy of the get rid of them. Simply g.?t bo a home. Pyramid Pile Remedy is op, superintendent of public schools a T 'or Mo box. wag of Stuart's Calcium Wafers at any y y al a lo- at all druggists. inEir'sch here, assaulted by the slot-an- 'Santa Clatts Headquarters Morris drug take them according cal hanker. was charged with to directions. After a few days you z assault with a deadly weapon and was x oyer. will hardly recognize yourself In the z 309-31- 309-31- enough has bound to the grand Jury. The mirror. The change will you 1 W. 1 W. Central y Mail thib Coupon emaHel"r , gnJrt.f jur.y a no dclieibt Central :: o . ful. returned true bill in immensely. All blemishes will dis- to the PYRAMID DRITO COMPANY. been Kted brjn a this case. appear. X y '15 Pyramid Muljr., Mlcb., of J" Marshall. discussion Cne of the five true billa was an In- y y with your full nimo and address on mo as Jeader. .1 tnK All druggists sell firmirt's Calcium u treat-inn- "nc" for dictment for murder. Juan Sanchez 60 ti "Up of paper, and smple thank the members of the Wafers at cents box. A small y of the great. Pyramid Pile you ftwe given waa indicted charged with the mur- snmnlo nackaco mnilcn free i.v nil. Kenwdy. you at once tho close attention of his stepfather, Montoya, - I will then he sent past support nnd der Ysidro dress ine- l' A. Ktuait Co..' t .-- ,.. you l75'Stiart - "y molt, FttfiK. In plain wrapt" r. me and for several months ago. 8am he and fcidg.. ' ... earnest Marshall. Mtcii. i..-.iVI:I T'M'MT' :'I : : OOO )


AM lVtttSlXST NEWafAPtB vftiiiorm and contraptions. In urffon. Something of What Being Done viher iwenty-iiin- e proiiowtla of Inill-((- ! h Appetite Follows 1i gialalion wr votfd on, that by the Agricultural College for the Bank for t..r prohibition wat thf only on ap- Good Digestion A proval. From evi-r- part of tht atate Development of New Mexico's Prosperity lilornino journal Indulge th-- wa an avaiancha of vott Nearly everyone their People appetite and the ttgellve orkan All the nunlner tin principle of UnU M. L. dlnt (Hy FOX) almaeil, reinmlng In ft congea-tio- n agalna). any piiHIeu-In- r are JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. Uon nither Ihnn polaonoiia woHte that clog wrary Ono of th plrnannt pantlinca ofjmlr, the natural aolonre, alun. the of Included mrHcur. Th Ornonian prona nit wealthy la that of plan-- ,' purely cultural (turtle are not allRht- - the bowel and iauiea much mis- Everybody P, A. UTHKIVI PraaMaat HPpnrciitly will nt tak th troulilo nltig, ahould gnat wealth fall upon ed in thn mna licit degree. ery and diatreaM. , W T. Mm'RKIOHT nulna Mn. nr Ihi-in- hat thi-- wogld do for other TlinroilsliiK-- where. the) p. ran. u voin for now even if lhy rrr The moat effective remedy to One of the chief and most Important ambition nf man n. t. nw ln, ao I)urlng t college. I com- - vi.i.iTitn not fori unale na themwlve. mv to the correct thia condition la the iMVn Muni ..,...,, r'W-wMHa-f- nank it ndablMiiiirnt lias ...... i. .... M'.uM4il-ti(i'- tililHUi- -- f. Inxntive herha Cement of thin since to M. rox "" woIl...,, ii'fiV JUoU'Jfl Jiinfl ' k" i. Waynldn" tell of hia fxperlenrn in the thorough nexa wlih whh-- Hie with pepmn Known n i'r. cam inale ft,' lliiVir'li;' bmilt f the happy day of giving aomeihlng work la done, the enihnainim of the Hymn i'epaln. Thla Is a Hank of Albuquerque endeay. . M l.l.ld IN; OI'ltlUTIMTV. well'a thl reason, the Stale National J. AMiHN, for nothing mid of hia diallliwlnn-- 1 tenrhera ntii) mnnifeatej hy pleoannt-lantln- g remedy, llnlldlni. t IIL Interwt natural, or to eitcnil every possible courtesy anil arcnmniixlallon to HiniwtM !(, mi nt. He had a fine country plaer. the atudrnta. Heeond, the nigrhlne-an- d gentle yet positive. In action, and Whlln Jt wna not axpoctpd thut lliry are large or .mall depositor. Ffeaiitni ltfirMit!lT, more thnn enough. Aa there were iin hut kindly dlwipllno mn!n'"ined quickly relieve Indlgentlnn, all cntgiier, lietlnf M4I.I H M. Ml (.Mil., the I'nitMl Slnl'-- wimM do Ihi many call-r- nt the door for food or! In nil ilepiirtriienti. Third, thpoor-- a alck lieodnohe, tielehlng, find PAOTiTTTn.4? CNStmPASSKn, M t'k Hm, Srm iurk. In On' tnnttrr of ffni lilng on! rliiine to aleep in Ihe hay, he j ncaa of Iho ImilillngH, exeept two, gi etc. I'rug tnrc sell Jir. t'uld-weH'- g I.CT CS IIAVK YOfK PFrOSITS IiIk roni-elvei- of luilld-- . thoroiighneaa of l lii-- lf-nti- ' wife the liW cnnlraMeil with Ihe Hyrup t'epain at fifiy cent """'I mnliar Hi. Inr lh trail" tiiituriilly g.i'e- - Kntr4 n" M , Aoi ing a little hoiit-- down hy thn riiilpment. bottle, In ml auuhmtjii. N. an.Lr mr-prin- e end one dollar a ami p,jn of tin war. t hi-r- In for way for weary paas. r- - Thn Agricultural roll'go la henntl-ti- y. l (vntrrM of Mirr I, lTI. the ue of the ' thoiiannd of home It la the o llltip hn In-ii- i It waa n pet project, find n ilream. fully Incnteil,. atrateglcnlly, when I that and family remeily. Ffir TIIH MOIINMS'I Jol'IINM, Tim op- - They huilt ft littln hnuin viewed In Ha to Klephnnt IvO-I- (llxplnyiMl In rffoiln to grnup Ihn romfortalile relminit the a free trial holile write Nr. W. fKAI'lSH HKITW.P'AW llPNKW containing living room, two tied-- j I'.uttn rearing I N - . dnm, now completion, BANK MKXPA HI I'r'iK t I' ll 1IIH I'll portiinltii-"- thrown at our doora. 11. rnldwell, 45t AVahlncton 81., STATE NATIONAL tc im am. ronina, bathroom and kitchen. The j Thoae who elected Meailln I'nrk were 111. fi.ut or Til hi hi ifv itirr uhlpa to trana-- Montlcello, Till TIMP! ASH TIIH MUTtl'lP fll'lllrt "If wo only had lh place Waa furiilhcd With everything j wider than they knew, hut Hhoiild Albuquerque, N. M. phihi4 am fAiar wur-- niur auk port our rooiIh,' alKha I.rvy Miiyi-r- , needful, even to aonp and towel. A have hulldod latter thnn thry did, good pump waa near and a nnd doiilitleag ao had WUIIT. lawyi-r- 01 vni- - well and would have done Corner Second Street and Central Avenue oU of tlm wim aiifflclent Mia pmpt lii nerona piln of wood. The door legiilutureg appropriated Mrmliimn anf rt-r- i nt nrlli-l- on our trnilo It I hiKh, In a ii ml la N.,rf .nir fifi-- r Na left unloi keil it placard mar linoney. Aa lilamarck auld of war. the CHICHESTER S PILLS Miif. ih In- - j Fe Railway rr f I" ,h yar. i.pporliiiiltliM. Ilo further wiya: "Jf tolil whet the. hoiian wii.h for nnd Tirat. requirement of any edncntinnfil United States Depository Santa Depository Mtio laut lnntl-Car- a H(ati-- a ft t vited who cared to uo It freely. Inalilution particularly If KI'MHt thn rriifd gil all that t TICKMK Or KII'TIIIM. reipieNtod rolleg.-- l;i 111. ll.iTlmaV m nnd decency waa ofitutlon he nn grlciilturol In Hr a4 v.4 ,m.mW IMP, by narrlur r mail. ena iriih. ..lor nuirlim nd ft navy, th comrnirclal lort, Mftk, with IUi nil gueatR. money; the aecond la money and the Tali wfjfmrMil. i thn world will itr. Hit NUTP.'M H Hl'IIHt KIIII'HH. mid flniincliil of Why It railed. ' ' third la money. The atntea of the llrauUL I II I . Ill .TP n a t h , aan riling ho iriinHfciri-- to thn To regret the phllnnthrnplata, northwest became to that fact IMAaioMU nn A Mi 1'ii.i.n.f,. aa uhvrliir the of wle g known Al kl r At .! kt Skftl, k ill QUICK to haa tln-i- fh.iiifil In a f' the plan waa a failure. The hoiiae year ago, nnd the outlay for practi- at. MORNING JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. mux ha ri.raura lo glva On a!4 iMra. mil- SSLO.ymiSTStttRiMLRI rM Jllnlnry waa chaniifully aluiHeil, the furniture cal education have paid them n siri-latlo- a Not Ira tha rnndltlontil "If. car- "tha M'ltnmg Jmirnal haa a hlahar broken, illahea, bi'diling and linen lion fold In dollar and cuts, but raiina lhaa la airriil anr ihr In Hwlnitliig on a Kinuntlo hinge fn ried away uiid the neighborhood waa other state have been negligent or la N Miwi." Th Amarloiui rru rloar-- July 8, lH, and imothrr overrun with tramp demanding food. Indifferent. .Vfw.pap--pr r llrarlnrr. lilvgiifted. philanthropic moved doe not question fact that opi-nn- t AugiiHt , The old rra, the Iowa the 1H. gate nnd n the house back from the work done at Am ha doubled the 1 1 pnM-- July 81, whi-- HINPAV .NOVi:.Ml:Klt tt, 4 tlia one that rented It to a man and hi family corn production of that itate nnd of 1 , Ihn of nd'-d- Jnnr for ft Amall ntn nnd tho work thrvleveral adjoinine if.ntea; .Minnesota I, IS If, on thn llrld of Wulf-rloo-, would do ii bout hi place waa paid bonHta the Invention" Invention 1 Ti:uiu:nn. by From that proper word of wealthy np-pl- e tiii: nd- waa England' rrn. Thn nrw rrn for their landlord. thn the time on the hoiiae and premlae wore ultori to the need of far north- lr- - A If we will Irt It. hci-- groat or a 'run merlin' can-- for. The occupant felt ern cllmnte; North Ihikota hu vast- Tlure fiovrr hna a - Ilrro la anothrr pn-gnn- pnrn- while thn prevlolm tran ly Increased production of when, ,r..t.pi'roiiM piojilp who h.ive not hml get- - . . x graph from Mr, Mayor: sient did not, becnua they were potatoes, garden vegetable and the Jtrriit aynli'in of hoola; no people , g iiest pnylng kind of livestock; Koulh liol we mi.Ht have uhlpa to trana-- ting " " ... ri full- - ..,. (hn for corn, will! cfTlrli'iit grhoola rver huve ware. F.ven before the wnr ,,..;',' ,, Dakota haa dono much iioit our year I being extended il l.o Thiit codling iih 20 per Kovci nioi'iii iiw'b iim'iii ii i'iiih. which each lo propi'roii. knnwili' In I'.ui ope It wan voao-lablc- our cargoe for they look to the Htato or the nation northward, much for wheat nnd "light Sh in por, nifty l ii trite miylnii, tint cent of Ihe viilue of protect (hem Trom want, even when morn th growing nnd feed, shipping. Inauraiice and otlier charge. lo for II ii ', iih nil hlfiiy lum want Im Ihe remit of heir own lug of and Ine dentally, Inic l we nr not aneh that cattle ho. aecm - - would thai fully. tin- govcrnnielit developed nn which can il. iiinii! IHi!' il - from Hi" niu l' iii very good buclnom men, nfli-- nil, to Thn beat that it hna alfalfa iiienlally d t can do for any pcraoii, and bo grown in a si connirv i;i 'k In III" iiiimIi in niii'iJH. j keep' on paying audi i hiu i.'". n , pliVCl'-all- Miinpclcnl, Ik to asnini hiin without Irrigation. Hi il i lia been niain-- hou AlliiHiii npio in kI.hI Ii wi'li'imio ho liiiiin to 'iiuike the iiiokI of It Im own effort Sudan ;rui. nothing him been lioiie beyond the ' lIlO Mllll lltOIK (if N W MfXllO, tH"'(llH' a few intelligently employed. What South Dakota ha done for coiivemallonal ixelclHcji of l Ihcy rnnatltul Die moat ionlilvi' force The Agrk-iilliira- Oilli'KO. alfalfa, New .Mexico is trying to do month lien." j II pleiiaure to pny arid rcglnn of thia slute with jsooil in ilia Thu lim hiT wldenwnke, Iteeently waa mv for the ior nlt". Here we nro, a ahrewd, In ili M kIcii Colleire of Hudan grn. it may bo Impossible, tln-l- r vl'.it io Win t') iniporlaiirn ordl-wli- h quail-titl- e nr dllve Ilia ff l.iiHlling commercial people, preaented j ARr,.,trn ,d .Mechanic Artp. to produce Ihla graas In pnylng ix iillve to ; In dryesl hut ork. Tin' "I'll' ln'ioiiiliift the greiileat i hnncn certainly In narlly apoken of an Inn fiKiieiillural thn acetion. there! ..11-..- .. Bi I t . I n tmclipr, only ns 14I. .il Ui laKlllilltllklt.i.n-.- ...... no qiieation that within few tlm valiifl of thn nut III ' I , (he , CI to become dominant '. - l grown 011 IK IICV'ill'll Hllll-i- III IIHMIHHIIK III'- irn years, vast crop will .ti inn n ci niiiiiiiii' f ir-- ' In ba- hi Him im hnanclal, lndillrlal, cnmmerclal pie of Ihlx M:il" to Ion lie Ihe moat of tho mesa nnd in the valley wber. "'jhi' Miiiiiiioiiwuilih, llon of the world. And we lire not lf. way. While It doe tin- - rainfall I above fifteen Incbei. ilu-r- lia i Agriculture Ik Wp run linnlly lnlI'Vi' will lining lo avail oiirfelvca of 111'' in t hy nnv incnn-- Ihe value of The I'ollege of learn il thine of koII I and pnpnlilon lo p;iv a cataclysmic 11 ' "' "" lig what kind reiiuired nnollnr friooi oppnriiifiity. t far , ,1 I and IIvp piiMC M Ml Hh!-I- I I'liiA' UK luiw much iiiiilHtnre Iroiii twu In llnica lend- 1 ninnly Jiill'ii cv'i nlfi are furring upon im the alale, and Ihe future clt'cns, to make here iH rctiHon In believe thai n new Iho (iiiioiiiiI prnpoKcil lo fit v Kiipiiin-l- i accepting It compla- Intelligi-ntl- and practically era in dry farming Is sure wiihin th" j er hip, we lire their wv - 111 next five bringing undreamed- nilcitlK of cminly wlnmK No county cently enough. Thn flood rise to our uaefill occupation. year, prosperity to this state. j iiffirliil ilnnilil lia pulil nioif Ihunlhi' we Thci FxtriMnH Work. of benefit, but In aid of our benefit t, fhiirgi-- wlih th In nddition to the training of aiipirlnliiiili'itt are dlKRlng no channel, building no under the provinion of the looldng ftfur th col-leg- o of reervolr, ronHtriictlng no dam Hmith-Jj- i vi r bill, Ihe Agrlciilturnl With Scissors and Paste of th rhlldrpn of (he rural whereby to lead or retain the flood. Im now engaged In bringing the illairli't. men, but we clenee and th" experience of the I IKK XFW HAT. We ore good bnalnea men of faculty and the Th riprmlp of A wmit provin trained the (Philadelphia Public Ledger.) ltniiirfni , nro ahowlng nuraolvca to be ngont knowledge of county the the He the tropic or to leull that thoy I n contl Iniilltutlon, In tho her home in climate ce learner '"ejj Trll() mlr province whole fact to on (Ircenliind mount of Ice; mnrn Welcome here, thai of the man now actively than and nent, n large n nil IHirope. inn in Tie she blonde, brunette, or red- web ome la Vol baaed upon how no In tho In farm'ng. ihe thia oge, and even more Agricultural college doe not head, be she short, tall, thin or apend In The much money they while at hand, It will not aufflce to purpoan to dn the work for the fat; are thrt moid Sho will aenrrh tho world, milady, tiie city, The teacher tt nnr own aero. 1 lie nunu in farmer, but it will give him accural" L I granting that she ha the price, umb-ri'iil- of the fol- - knowledge of what his ol bent and overworked til an() pUhf.r lender or Uke her aistcr of thn city, now and from acilted for. how to cure It defect by pecple who draw enlarli Will be linked with s, 0,,r land rotation of crop, the line of fortlllis-cr- then, to buy a hat. Why This is the Fastest Selling public tmi-or- y. Furthermore, "' IU n,'h,.r and. Irrigation, drainage and tho like. Though she ha to pay in coconnuts no employe or the blubber of the seal; love their work na other ijn iH tnp f,na Rfent producing, the college ileal with plant 1 dlm-iiKe- expe- Though she haa to take In washing," It am county nnd city govern-- Cap-tnei'i- finding by of ihe to. mt ,M producing now. and animal (,mln(ry rimentation their online nnd cure. will not. nffeel her Kill; Car at Its Price jl,,,!, will flow 8)10 if properly Invited, Abo, there I careful lnveatlgation of will get that hat lonio evenlnR, from detracted Furopo to our form ration for nnlmnla ao that thn he' when the dying sun descends, feeding. And arrayed In that new bonnet nlie iM'.ri: or nate ahoro. New York nnil incnun reaulla may be ecured In Th" In over 3,000,000 milea of use the And remember, please, if th 1915 I to produce Ihe largcat amount will cut her bosom friends'. si.a. world' flnnnelal a Idea 191 S can becomo the of nienl nt the amalleat coat, or the Chalmers "Light Sh" has prbvtd "Light Six," was not all we claim it would of tlen, Junc Ynex Hala. . The Hrapt inalon of LoniVm nnd FarK moat milk and buit.-- r from a given IT IS NO I'H-NIC- that it contains more actual automobile not today be the most popular car at its 1 our fur from the llernallllo county Jail r Mir fond, our manufacturra, expenae to the dairyman, (J. H. Chamberlain in New York value at $1650 any other car I On. than in its price on the market. pot of advertlalng thia Mate, ran command tho market llnw Fccillng Curried ii.Mull.) the mrt machine In tho department of animal Indu- - price class. navor earth, If we will them to do io, In' hi highly Important speech nt thia rmini.v, ihlx city nerfl, It of the Irv, a certain number of steer nro mayor pnln to Install the on alone, the lord bumiurt Kitchener Now loo much of an nfTiilr of Old Mexico, If we take the fed for alx month alfalfa mudo no prommc to intwidiiiK That is the big Apply the Big Test Take de.tlrod end. while nn eipml number of the aam" rasli reason that this is lather than of ll alato of the Ameri- nienna to bring about tho volunteer. evident. agl aro fed on alfalfa mixed with the fastest selling Chalmers model ever Long Road Ride Thoae moan are perfectly - ho imld to them was virtually can union, food, each mil- i What proved other the ration for thin: nnd It.cannot M built. The whole affair waa planned with Wo hnve only to adopt tho mal being 'carefully measured each "WM ". Don't just skim over the macadam hy which tin' Ttrlllah. the process In carried -- . ritnciimmal!" aklll and tho planner method duv. This feedlnu h" training camp. Make And,whenyou compare and through the parks. Most any kind of nnd thn Japn-liea- e on' for n full year, or It may lie for ,,0", the Chalmers of it wi n- - ly familiar with (leimatia, Iho French mind lo them. V e wll a car will ride well ever paved rutin been two or more year before acient flc M'l' yr "Light Six" with other "light sixes' you streets, l i marine have ,.., , loll, l ondiilon in AlhnincriU nnd iiierchniit h h,i ,l an- - der the burden of inconvenience, just as a lot of men fine I over-valu- e make soldiers in proved mean nro a 11111 1101 j can plainly see this big in the The hciul work,. .waa tint done cHtabllahed. Such ,.,,,,,, of rpii are made. nriyauoo, im iioasiuir, time of peace. govern t .i...,..,..i in uiii'h we iiikc iv away. 11 win in greater beauty smooth-flowin- by not the fantastic projei t of ,,i.i,..i of its , ways he there. You will have to ment-owne- line, are necessarv in New Mexico, d merchant ahlps which - streamline body; in the greater ahoiild not bo permitted to wm-- k, and sometlmea be cold and nun- strength enterprise h.unan ihe done in Temia. rwape from thia alalif. H la by no would dlfnourago private i,.h,.,..n k'nnaa. m foloi-n.l- cnnnotlgry. mil wo are going III win, .Ml- - and solidity of the parts; in the higher War is the only test of a soldier's u war. Them nouy ui-vi-- ho I mora nnd might lend Into hn ed nnnn In mi ni Iho wiiv can inai. i uu inn in quality of the materials ; courage and mean probable that than 1 used in the greater stamina. complete modernization of to the livestock grower and tho dairy fcr you case or glory, but olfi r you three mile from tho county court mnat bo 1 smoothness, power and flexibility proper ln man of New Mexico. The cllmato Is triumph; offer you Uie existence of of the boiiae. in other word, ho la Home-wher- e our shipping hi'" grow n yor nation.' master in different here, fooibinff are motor; in the greater convenience Rough roads are only In lliia vicinity. ilncrnetit to capital to embark or Imnorled under different conill- if tho liritlah volunteer can make the real test 111, and comfort; and in the more cnlerpi nil of which must be considero V ; up mind to nccept this program of whether an automobile is Whatever money can do for him, maritime lion, I soitim-- 11IK1 In. u'lll mukji' Ii co.iil sill. painstakinc attention to detail will be done, for he ha It In abund- The Market Problem. worth owning. Quito a Important to ngi'leiiltur- - dler. and nmsh. ance. There hna been rtu Mexican VUM.ATINtJ M.lTUAMTV 1st, horticulturist and those who It is a bit like tho advice of !en ral - genera! of hi Importance nnd Inde- raise or feed livestock, Is the quea- Shnfter at Tampa to the Michigan Study So take this car on a pendence of operation that haa come Pweden. Penmarlc nnd Nnrw'ftyi tion of how the best markets may volunteer who complained to lilm all the "Light bo secured nnd when, they were encamped alongside stretch of rough out of or remained In that country ln.Mn n.ked the I'ulted Slhtea to Join that Sixes" selling within several road. Watch laying Thl feature of the work nt the Ag- tho mule corral, and that thry did not hundred dollars of how closely the who ha not had an abundance of them In ft protest against tho ricultural roHcue Is receiving the like the proximity. "Tell the Michigan the Chalmers Chalmers cnah. All of them have taken of mine In tho North sen. lioth careful attention of the faculty, nnd regiment." said Shnfter, "that there price. Note their good points "Light Six" clings to the what they could get their hand on, rircii liriintn nnd tlormnny have will Im part of iho duties of Ihe eouh- - I Isn't much difference between a sol-l- y one by one. highest crowned spots. Notice agents. j they waa nothing which their ter Hocrctary of Agriculture dler nnd a government mule, and nnd na there for bei n laying mlnea outside Houston regards thl ns one of the ns well get lined to tho idea now how the fine Vanadium steel thing they have piny tu upend it, taking all Iho ritorlal limit nnd both nation most Important problems of farm i a any other time." Then turn to the CbaJtfues Bpring,? the best made take they It, moat I unsafe for crops have pro- gripping, de Wired by force, have or Issued warning that It life. Alter been Kitchener Is a hard, 191: "Light Six" and tu for up the bumps. Listen intently ol it yet. Therefore, It la quite wte to neutral vessel. While neither ha duced or livestock raised or fed for termined mnn, with no soft side to market, how I the farmer, the less respected yourself if allwesay about its Qualitys Fir for any any Sn hilar lias plenty of money formally closed North sea com- the him at ull. lie is not ft rattling of parts for that the grower, the feeder to pell his product-fo- for that. greater value is not true. any with him. merce, the warning they have given the best prices? knocking or thumping of Aim) he has efficient thug lit hi amount to the same thing, so far ns Fruit ItuWiig. STUANfU: MISSH.KS OF T1IK the motor. There isn't a most Important Indus- Or ! any m nicc, a wu ahown by the effort neutral ship are concerned. One of the I 'll FX I'll. of the thousands of sound save the healthy purr of power. trie of New Mexico is raising frulta (J. F.. Clarke In (.'oilier'.) owners made to kill vicinity rdiiriff lit I apparent that these bel- '.irro have proved tlw Chalmers in the It also nnd mellon for shipment to eastern I was aent on here with a field line- I may fore-Know- n nation- wikJi be under- real eervke. lie jail. Whoever clue have ligerent It la market,. In -- ft half doxen different man unit an operator accompanied by Don't stop with one mile Go by giving warning of tho section of state, apple, peaehe or two. of the raid on the Jail, the stood that the Major Moore of the signal service lo on for 50 or 100 miles. them- - and pairs, the equal in quality and office, j Then you'll realize alieiilf wan Innocent. j danger, they have nbsolvod etablih a field telegraph pro- No "over-value- " a quantity of anywhere ran be tho old gov-- 1 other "lijht six" ta as strikingly what a big be rrom quesiion ns 10 uani-nge- They naturally selected this Chalmers 1915 There ahoiild and doubtlen will nelvea ell duced, but a n rulo the profits from, telegraph telephone of I handsome in "Light may bo sustained by neutral eminent and appearance aa the Chalmers Six" is and you'll be glad you be, a most aearchllig inveallgatlon that tho orchard have been short of what floe because of Its 'equipment, hut It that Fa-eif- le "Light Six." And you went a you made this real made. The United Htatea government nation. la reallacd by the growers of the Is the housn on the atreet and ex- car are test instead of buying on coast lat going be lor not do thing by halve, end it Hcyond doubt, this I an invasion State. posed on the side next to tho bridge, to proud of when there are other pavement performance. Tho Agricultural college has et it- move nceiitM will continue on Ihe track of of the rlghta of neutral nations, nnd and wo were forced to further cars around. self to the task of (caching the farmer into the heart of the twn, for shells rotiapir.-itii- It undeniably if neu- A iho lung utter it ha ia nlso true that on what sort of soil to plant hi tree', or pnrta of nhells are constantly pass- few big feature of the 1915 "Light aplnrcd or Wl hope of recapturing tral nation allow their rltht to ho the kind of tree to plant, tho amount ing through the upper atories. Rid Six": a different of water to use for each particular Inces- in the driver's ceat. Then try kind cf automobile Hil i ir. nnli ps the mvMery ahoiild be violated without a protest, a danger Tho bridge ha been shelled kind of soil, how to combat the dis the toancsu. Conifyrt is beauty; unusually Pullm- . by santly, day and night, for four days a mighty important handsome finish; aaily uiilcvi-lled- The govei nnient ous precedent Will bo established alwnya orchards, i eases which ossall to prevent infantry and artillery pass- feature of an autoaiobile. And we know an-like' comfort; 43 H. iuug ha a long srm and a aure one win n t present conditions. It Is manifestly nnd then how and where to market never P. stroke ing over, but the KiiRlish have that no other 'Ii?,ltt six" on non-stal!ab- le motor is to um It to tit-- 1 wrong belligerent nation not to the crop. the market is which "stays put"; there occasion the for people stopped. right" f neutral ahipplng No finerr cantaloupe mot artillery, and range finders more restful, more cogitable than this graceful molded oval mol. reaped th regard so good -- are German fenders of both do not them timing I bad. 1915 Ch&lmcrv in Otherwise, nil are excellent, but the strength and beauty; tires-No- bby" international water. raised In tho Fan ky Ford country Is 4U2 inch n, uver 60 per cent their fir nation are grown In Tecos, the Me-sill- of AilST HADH'.M.IsM. commerce between neutral than the wasted. tread on rear wheels; un- would come to a hull when war was tho San Juan, the Hlo Orande or Mimbrcg yet largo Not so the shell fire of the t rench Test the different For usually completa equipment naval the valley, parts strength including declared between formidable ran- - Chalmers-mad- e one-ma- n Farther evidence of Wisconsin' profit are made per acre from U"w send and solidity. There isn't a single top ofsilkrrtohair, power. lfiupe (grown In Colorado. Call- - hells ''m to have the part change of henrt In thn mutter of ...i . ..i.i.,i. .t.i I ahrnnnel in many direction'SJwhen about this Chalmers "Light Six" quick acting storm curtains; five demount- ha been aptly IIM urn llllll .11 im'IIH, n UK il, vmna. " i that isn't what termed 'fussy facilities, few New bursting. In a trench of Herman firm able one-motio- n lack of market and strong. For this great car is rims, Chalmers-Ent- 2 radlcnllum," Is fuma-he- by the vote Villa' little joke was that both he Mexico growers have made them pay. dead, men will be found killed from cm left "quality first" trom electric starter which amend- and Carrunia' be executed to aecure af Uie Work. being hit the head on both castings to finish. makes the motor rust on ten t'fliiitltuttoiial Miio e, and right .non-stallabl- Most of these measure were Mexican peace. The people of Mexico Notwithstanding the fact. that, the aide. Klaxon hom, rfectric lights, ments. Agrlciilturnl college lj Is 1 saw on one side of a straw stack - carry might do worse than to tuke tho aug-liet- ln work of tho on cjL And perhaps the greatest intended to out acme pet Iji. primarily for tho purpose of teaching spmo men killed by ahell fire and Stand back again and enjoy feature of un- noxiously. sido men were dead with- the a I, the unusually high Kolletle Idea, but all were buried boys and girl how to earn their but- the other superb, free flowing grace of its quality in a car at majorUii running from D,oo0 to ter nnd bread, and farmers, gardnera, out ft mark on therrt. Thi must be beautiful i Jch a price. der the now explosive the French. It true streamline body. Ohio claim a popula- fruit rowers, poultry raisers, . and of It's a car you'll 107,000, Thn latter emphatic nega- Columbu. is almost unbelievable, this explo- Looking litlio people, engaged in livestock and but tive w;t given to a proposition to le- tion of two million. a dairying how to got the moi out of sive is no terrible that tho nlr cur- galize a tnle insurance system. The further, wo see the words, "within their vocations, the requirements of rent it aeta up shatter tho lung of Initiative and referendum amendment radiua of aeventy miles." are added academic education are not neglected. any living thing within a radius, of by over 6J,ftfio, and all recull for claim. That beat stuffln.; On the contrary, boy nnd girl are 100 jRrd. failed the given the bcrt of training all the way prnciidminla wont to defeat the city directory. from preparatory work to a full lib- Cnuajwtln. Distributors lor toxica eral arts course. Nothing la neglect When troubled with constipation SOUTHVESTERH AUTQ COMPANY hn like Oregon, I tired of The name of the latest Mexican ed or alighted. On the contrary it is take Chamberlain's Tablets. They are PHONE 710 107 FIFTH ST. Wisconsin, every a easy 5. he trying out president forget. If, .hecaiifc Insisted that student liavo to take and produco no griping heliiS ja. MX Wt, t'.irj lhf BoodMifluewttonal vertebrae column or other unpleasant effect. For aale in- - will one no food. - pf all manner uf administrative le another lnchPh, mathematics, hudory, eeoiio- b all dealers, V--' ALCUQUESQUE CCaNftG JOURNAL. SUNDAY, .NOVEMBER 22, ,191.4. .SEVEN


in MAKE EXCELLENT fiTonc;n. m i: i s nusT I OH N4.I.K SALE 3 FOE Tim- room hops.- , with poieht. WAN'TKD I'lano. , aouwhnld good, at., un bunga-- five block fioiu Ceiitriil avenue. T'h anfely f'hnn $3,000 pebble dash j lrad at rninnalil ratol. tine iiuw ff in f..r t a p.r month. H. Til Hucurlty Imprny-Bi- nt PRICES ...... In i fiow:' GEO. H. THOMAS Wrliu LOWERS SHOUGTOOATE iia ,;, fur Co., auocaa-r- a. ' the tine. i'ii. HerliiaT Traafr term it desired. Else, if yr'jci ty T5iU. i toft. lit Uuld avanua. . $2,760 brick, modern, largo! REALTY CO. r.'r.tTRdTTER - basement, corner lot, good loca- -- room mcdein frame; fine sin ping linr to l.oa. I'ROl'I'.SSIONAL CARDS In easy term. porches: good linutlun; f2,lU.UU. Heal EMulc, Iniii, Iiimiiuihc unil 1H4W tion Highlands; a Faone 411 nm Fboe liiu-xtnicnl- , .Vl. paratwely-i"4ittr- fl Red is- - $$,500 brick, modern, well) Easy terms. AnuKMOk 'TrTmpliVMnVnt built, hardwood Honrs, fireplace,! OTficd In Connection "lj(lriyvf,-wiit- o-' Is Decline From Dur- H. M. Trade at a counting Takes' Place cemented cellar, corner lot, fln I'M Second Albiiiiieriie. N. At liinnif-l-- I. Ufflco r.:2 Hew. 13 , Rldg. location in Highlands house In l.ovyluti .Is. Omul lo- - Thoue I'hone ftii'nn ln-U- crmnw.ll""'" Previous Day's Trading in ing First Five Days of New good !.md Bear Fes Eeialf .D $2,7001$ acres of cation, l.'asy terms. We wuut an Ra uttw. urrio rhon mi Lumber Mill, near car line. modern npa'tinent Grain; Not Enough Export, System's Work, offer. ItKN TINTS $2,000 frame, modern; High- bouse (furnished.) A real bar- easy lands, close In: terms. gain fur sumo one. UK. J. K. K K A IT $1,600 frame, modem: LoW' Hoalal Snrg. 401 8 Walter, brick. It. FKAK I. T44 III oIN JOURNAL PtCISL LIAtCD Wll tY MONIN JOURNAL IC:M. LIASt (IUI lands, near shops; $400 cash, bal I. Roonil I Parnrtt hula. Fhoae snce, 8 per 7U W. VurriOctte, frame, Phona 11. 611 W. Central. Apii'ilnimiinia Mail by Vail 1'hU'UKo, Nov.. 21. I'hanccg that Washington, Nov. 21. The' first cent. - bath. - harvest in might showing of condition $1, son frame, bath, line UPorterlSelts- KtlKOWS, flu- wheat the of the Ca i o i r Forresier, modern I'HVHKIANS AMI ht turn out lcarinh than had been twelve regional banks, was made shade, good outbuildings, line lo- ' tre REAL ESTATE Flit HI INSURANCE frame. SOI.OMIIX HTOM, M. II. served us u ground today to public today by cation; N. 11th St. ' I, lU expected the federal reserve X, Klghth, 5 room Suite Bmrsiiinaa SurgmiM. o.uotatlona mar- beard. opera- LOANS. t7 modern Fr VbjialvUa nil pull down here. The The statement Includes 417 BMt. steady w brick. Phon Harnftt ket, although at the clime is tions for the live preceding days and A. FJLEESCMEE '; IKHM.S AMI MTS It: look 'ein Size em up and pay- ",3c undrr last night. Corn lout preliminary to the state- Heven rooms, $2,300; easy . U. ktlOHlt.b, M. II, 4c derail IxMiua Insurance, make us a proposition. Vd 4 toe net; oats finished c to ment that will come weekly later. riro ments. Pratitli' l.iniltrd to Tubrenlnla 4'' aml Provisions unchanged Members of board 111 South Fourth Street i Five rooms, $1,(500. oura 1 to II "" tho did not W, 12 ' in down. redlscounting 134 Onlral At. to lac operations to be Alhuquaruu Sanitarium I'hnn 141, Attention or wneat trnuers centered large, or quantities of federal reserve IlfXP W'ANTKD. . IEI. McMullEaoiia largely on conditions In Argentina, notes to be taken out until the bank ait Wmt t.olil eiiue, OH. Till. BAR. Mala. i W. Otld. where the nine of the hurvcst jiow In receipt Were fit inly organized, their ''our- - to nine-roo- cottage, til I'ractli- - Liuillfd la t.y. Kar, Mate Ss4 Slx-rou- Thrimt. 'progress will determine, what the first reserve Installments collected WAN'TKtl Six lifulumiiuuii au'iiH'iiKt'i' flat, close In; steam hfat. I IX)It 8X1.1 House. Ml Bldg. chief export supply outside of the and the way paved for handling com- flllv..ry. irn RAt.r flTiinne..Ti. at Natli.nal Hank will be during dOVKK.SMUNT i N'iMV mIi'I Pnitcd Mutes the next mercial business for member banks. l'OSlTH8 ara miy to f vt. HAI.K-K'Tllll- I' KlUt n ctmi.lil t)K. K H- My t f" l.4;V. atlM I'll (ll'- few months. Karly advices that quo- The statement of condition fol- rw bnokU-- trlt how. Writ 211 "iVet ciine. lilix'k liiina:il,iw H'H.d uolKlil'i'l'lHi'Hi. N,w ArmiJ.i llulldlnf. toduy ilil lOIOT tite iiulilt Hint tako yuur dtniior at i , ...... I Rosarlo and llnenog Aires lows; NOW. Karl Itupkln. Waiblngtun, i'. ll, iti a. ni. Phone 1111. tations at D. C . . Whllcnmli Hiirliora. OffliHi IlKiir: had suffered a. Hharp break on ac- Cash" on hand: 5old coin cer- r'Olt HA -- s. Ii.mui, lai'Kt Ope tiaiiatiirlnin tnr Tulieroulnala. and wi; ;. . a Hwumi ii.tmi jj., i,.,..i ,, il'M'UIIU llti rou ti:xTrjt.!'!l-- r ut i.t; I'"ll till', glaMrd-i- n alei'tdiiK punh, fartnii!, phone , count of better weather led to a de- tificates, I5,0"0; legal VV eer f'J.t tender, kllulM iiiinirN ami tlililri'ititi'a, - Hie i:iNiiKir. 6."J ut !!. . . cline in the market here, but the ef- sliver certifhates, tc, $37,30MOO. Nh I'linium- Mnk. euiiveiiiiinei nid aoar pain. AJilfvn Ihk. Si iiil aiaiiip. Supcilia t ii., MSI, JJulU- - SAI.Ii l'U Ik. I.. M.ii. lllllSC, X. M , ear J.niriial.rl .'T Ml NPIIKV SANAVOKIt'M by dis- $240,7 23,1.(10. ' -- fect wan moderated later Total. ni"ir. Mil. , Full It H.N r- - Muib'ni ri'i.ina, attain BMt,! ,,il ..ll.lltlull. MM W.mI in ml r r ;:. ""i.T.. n i.""iT.r,i. Tutiereulaia ef tii 1'brnat and Lang. patches referred to raiu having llediseounls, $r.,607,00; mi txin' We 31.1 Vi Wait Central that all other J.,HU MllllUillly. ; p Onlral. SAfK-lndrrwo- nd IIkIiIiihi Anua, Willi KOIl lMf filer, wnod tint Miner limning plant, ttannllne 11, In purta iii.-- i)fflc 11 a. m i I l begun again of Argentina, usscts. $5,lMili. Total, $21,4 2.'.,000. tuna ut I1..111C. KvprjtliliiK i ''' i!K. r I lin c fui li I'iiiiiin unit HI' I nt.1,1. n t . I t lioura: is i ia rurutnlieil. order, fiO. Vat I'lum 144; j ,luiil, lni'K "Hii nii'i'lii; 411 a 11 . Plum KIi Saualnrlum l'lion and by the inference that the amount uainiai paid in, f ik, 2,000; n mill t wuvi'y ulmut ( lllillill. II. Ulimn ii.rch. I'nllt N.U'lh S.icimI . ...r-- j - l lMl HAI.iv J.,il t'lutuy l"ie, lll'l". ll 1.III1.I...I,.. W. T. Murphy, M. 1 Medical Dlraotor. mid quality of the yield might yet serve deposits, $227,l3s,OUlk; l"nHha. Nl.r. 'lTiiN 111. . federal r fimllia fiillil.iied fur hi Iwii 1, 1. II M. Mllll. .11, .'II v,. (l,... 1::. prove to Xt'i relatively amall. reserve notes In $l,12,"i,-00- Uii A WiTKCtlVI'. l;.uil ..u hiitiHekm'iilii, U a 404 H elreulallon, l.i fluu uiiuitn. Kurth fuu5Xl.j -- Mil): In cyiliiiii'i- iii.,..icy."liT 3 r'Olt. HAI.I" -I- UI. k M. D. In prices l HiTdtlil. a W, M. SHERIDAN, .Sentiment favor of lower Total, $24,4 w.k,y; iinn-- all over the nrld. Write Inkca It. Tuny Mli lii luach, old All. miner- - r.miiia, liall, tlino dnHn-- elnanla, pitnirv, wheat wan tncroatied by state- Oold reserve against uM liabilities, I'MH. Stiitc llcttiellk H Ail.lllHt-In- n t Minily im.mi.h urn! M. chin clniut, Imlli. two pmclie, Imt wainr J for , int li;.r line rmctlc l.titiltrd . Asciii), Hallway Kxclian.t-i- Ht. liiiri-h- lioii .Oslllll Ih'.it lucutlnn In additions to the domestic s9 per cent; huma. Nnrih Thli aiicct. t.l.L-i'ui- lieallua; l"l feel. ments that cash reserve, against all M.i. ftilt HA ir Imrai'ii. lultnv and liui supply un- 10S I Ittilie I iltv. 7uS Kant Central vim. Gcnito Urinary Diseases and visible could be looked for liabilities, per cent; cash reserve 111 k, fui 111 uiiiiuii, two a.til.l li a. Jit til heavier exuort clearances become aMalnst all liabilities, after getting Mam; iiuMvV Willi t'K. .Vinnuiil ft UNISIIKIJ ltool.'t--'iitr- luvailon, Nnrth Arno. mi.'ii inn Nu ralivamlng team lieat, liaih. Weekly ratea, 12.00, of tho Skin, the rule. An expected liberal en- aside 40 per cent gold reserve against diiteil, 1'i.ill HAI.K m. Iniaio. Diseases Ari.nttti.u local man Aildren ! lit nn. (Inind Onlral Hulel. ,llnl i"iiihk mti'..ii largement of the viHlblo supply named. lion. Hint two ama harneaa. K. A. S. I1I1 k. 411 POM "AUKI Almut I arrea land anil Nnguchl total federal reserve notes In circulation, -, rha Waaaarmann Twtal iranilrr lrii. -- 1) Watt )iat alroiit a bargain, - on Monday will contrast with a de- 105 per ' ftoaih. Wei tVnlfal nvfiui... d Mining Uukhart ranch, at "0e" Adrumllr- cent. New Tnrk phnn ten of 217,000 1..,.,.. t,n.. Kott HAI.IO twill mill nm- mnalc ihir- - Hnry Ixiekhart. I'lllMn Bank Bldg. crease bushels at the l..,llu..,,.,.ln UK NT I .i room fi.r liaht h One lUKAitN aiiioiiiuiiil repairing, ilrivmi on lull t tlotipniK, SAi.'KTTl T K A I I.. I, nil All.iiuuergu. Vaw Malta time a year ngo. been availed of to a considerable ex- - 7117 South Third atreet, loy.Hti'ld'in nii'tintyi'le. P. foil it . up.(.di cr; .leotrical clvtl .nfinr. .1?t Hmitti Heconil Ilallin ialnnit on hay. One Offerings that' were a little more ioui!-i!ng- aurveytna; pra. ll,,t atrc.l. Nemrt ieiu in .ew ioi'K, Liiuago, oi. niethmla nrnxt il.i; PI UNlSIIKli lioiiMS water lieut; lie hum 'a run from 1j Ainteli i on idoetrlo t.M.lNKIHM. plentiful from Iowa, Nebraska and land Kanssis City," said the board, lnjruuin and board wMlo IrarnlnsK pun'tiiMi, elrk. mi chllilirli. 411 W.nt Silver. h'Ai.10 .SlnaiM' exwililt Ma. Ililui. thlrk' Angrlra. anil JCiikIivIi iiupplia; car. Only heavh reenrt neir lw .South Dakota had a depressing Influ- its supplemental Iwcured; sallnfactlon fuarantwd; oalalurua ana. 'ftueka aettir 41. statement. lit JtK.NT Mcely f.ini;lnnl rniimi; all 1 1 arrniiiiiia allll wilier luilhlnK. tlnhlnt and J, WOKTI! ft cheap if taken at unco. Phmu. M..I . t.H ence on the price of corn. The fine "Elsewher he showina is much J- H'l'ani of hnrlnrcrlng. lilt Irtiprovemenm. 414 Weat (4nM avenu. Ihnaltng. I.ota from 4S"0 In l.?ni, nicinl-- ! Mining ITmglitmr, atll Smltll IMuh. Ik.'imi. O. 11. . weather,' regarded as likely to facili- 1' Mi Incminn. Tntnl voluiillnn will I. .1 smaller. Federal reserve notes to foit 11 KN PurniatirU room Henila-me- l tn BIDAN liHAHS lmlepe.-ideti- nf amuln. aell nr trade, me or all. K. J. Strung, Al- - Phuna 1 ISO.T All'iiiinernu. N. at tate the crop movement from first meet local demands hnve been issued Feman. H per munth, Weit Onld ava- lit Oet plalna grown aeed. Our aeed la Nu, 1 N, M hands, counted also against the bulls. New nua. j .llilernlli principally In Chicaao, York and wantkh iirl fur .gviivral bouacwurk. Sol and grown by mnaelvea. Order cnw. Amarli-I- n Active buying oh part export- : the of Minneapolis, nut every oanK lias neen j Houtii Kdith. POK UkNT Two dnairulila hnuaekeeplng Hed Cn., Amnrtllo. Teaiia, rionnu-alile- . ers made the oat8 market firm, supplied of Fi r'i'ima, reaKunablei no alclc 411 Weal win-kin- ; di'irmniiklng, price with an adeiiiate quantity A Klrl f..r K Iiei iuiiiMi'W k. Ai,l muchlnery, ce- flits ASS al in Onld, Poll lilO .Nmill the weakness of other grab:. notes to meet its needs. The relative- - 31atSniilli Ninth atreet. ment block nudda and toola. ruiifing tile, Folt HAI.I' Iteat puylug rr.mii ii in In city, llfnctli.n guaraliteed. Kurnl offers were next to nothing. ly small amount of as POH ICKNT llnuaekev-iiii- rumua and fill'. pn of hnrai', v.agona, ofiic furiilturo, Cenlrlly lueatert. Kin bualnea propnl-tln- jK'lllh. I'li.uie loll.l. Mr. I'ariella ' rediscounts wanted Nur.e girl for in or part of aleeping porchea, (IK 13. Uood, of I plume S3 ; "Heat." rare Jmimal. i "tufa n l a' wear mid Assertions that the" embargo on eompareu wun me resources 01 ine nay. 4111 Koulh Seventh etreet, nliluil cmIIhki'h. eie, J. icu roldcno Adilr wTNTifiTirdei-- for ..t uliinmntitu ffniM, minht I,,, system is due policy or tho Wel Villi. Jfift. la.llm' mull raear. The tlaby Hhnp, So. to the VVAMKD Olil fur liuuHowurk. I. ti'J'l . pro- aiii.l WALK- Teui ilel'K rut y nf Hi (Nnrih Tlilrleenili ftl fhone removed on Monday eased of f federui roserve board In encouraiilw Wra. K. A: Mann, dot Went Ttoma. tuH HUNT Kuruiiid room with leplng Poll ll' al.oul Helling porch, modern, allium heat, to Writ nutIU'M. Aim. I'oninli If kliiili'iaiii'ti'ii j VVAN'I i;ll llli la tlreaaniakiiiK parlor. visions. wiis led by houset the payment of reserve deposits In ' al WA.VI'KIl CitMill ail'l l'l' HnlllMII f, llnUM!' aufricleni for luipila. S.M.r At a on account of nuU ahle-pl- i allim. all that have been conspicuous buyers the money of (I'.ld avenue. cililtiuii.'lit. Ivilu. FOIt We do ai i nnllon actual 'instead redlscounted lll'l KlMllll ll Htl'ITt. ll piece aolil If ihnlriil. At! Mia. liliimlule'a aerlntia ItllliaH, the MIM IVami. S1j N. 7th. Phono 1!4I. , estab-llsm-- wall altiplnil fa. iwlUlll. last few days. . paper, Kates of rcillscoiiift, d I'oii K.;T Thre rminis acliuol, uti HoutU Hotel, Pourih and tVntral. r WANT I'll i.intii'ii nl iiuiec Kill. AiMily pnrcli, furiiKli.-i- for housekeeping ; Mu.h Wllly'i inlviiln tlutn ciiiner Closing prices: a week were' fixiMf with T. M..HI ii 111 II. man full nf mid rnniua all In uko, Mi. W....I.CV. jin inn no ali k, t iiihiri H. r. I i v. i ' oin alrui't. runnier I'lvUSOXAU J1.13; May, Tiiiliug flrat-clii- e A It. Mid elinll.e Tnr Wheat Dec, $1.21. this pulley in mind. Itcports from all NTI-;i- - -I- oak W'A uniuii ur li tu cuuk mi. 'OltHAI.K t" unil gund Dee.., Hlghtalxt. 1,1(1, 5 i- i tlm riMht puny iii m'cutu u paylug ut aolloltcd, Corn IUe; May; rt0c. districts are of the. most cneourugiiiff tlikc rale of hiihy. Kaay work inn) Kmni tilhle ill Koo.l cnllilll Inn, col .,r lit'TiOtTIVnl work all kind : I...1, h tiuninma. tall l i.iiii. H" O" Outs Dee., BOtfr; May, nature. Ii.iiii" for Cull r"OK Hh.N I I'Ul 111 miniirn ixlellHlntl t.ll'lc. e.aeonalila rate X: llulil iHlnun. llllil North ulBhtd ruuiiia tfoutb - 1'nrk lilllnlier tit mid PIH'ch nr llirlll- I T Jan., $lX.bO; May, JI'J.10. "The establishment I lie system I'mirth strm i. Wltn Phnn tal. allium allio WAIIlll IIKATM K.N nod luiien ikh given l,iird tiin.. Pliunu lnit ur mil liortliHcat corner W Jan., $10.15; May, $10.30. already Important effect I hmiie. Mm. HlKhy, 4;u Lead 'has had an A N I'KI i Aliovn the HW'l'uue on ToTt i.l'.NT Moilcrn iioowkucplug louma. Thirteenth mid hmnu nl jour et Itibs May, ll II ! phune ils. Jan., $10.00; $10.27. In increasinu the lendlim pow er of tyiiinriti-r- iircfer lou.-l- aetiiii mid If 0li5 H.'ill li ii nr atret. MANI'I' Al'T'lriuTu wuut alaln manager to I the loeal hanks in uddltion to the fn miliar ulili Sinlllt vlHlhlc, call thli innrii. r'Olt I! K. I' m. Iiii ki luriiii.lieii ronnm for Ix rataniian llllice lino II .1 h. Ilalea hnlal. Anael. miuili r.,,r. BAl.n. 1I1T, to III, lll-l-n !". ...l... " $;n(i you CArlll hlllNS tOK WEKKLY ItAXK STATliSIENT. j loan "lower of tho federal reserve hmwe!(!"'iilmr.' Kotith Ilroiutwiij'. hotel I fireproof, oil of Illiberal pay. lo neceanaryi r.l Tha Hale, 4u(l Th Journal Bow baa a full aaaortment j PIVb: lirlKhl. cupalile Ilea In travel, dem- an mumy, Kiurelary, Plalier Lanks." la. r"ijH KliNI J nicely furnished front room tb newat and bat tn faa Angel, 'linndlo nn of Card Hlgna on hand, "foil ran certainty $;.0 per gill W. Broadway. , I'hlcaa.i. New York, Nov. 21. The state- onstrate and eil deulers. f:' to with nr V'tthont hoard located corner of HUlh and Flguarua bide find what ymi want In Ui following HU neck. Uitllrnail fare paid. Uoodrlch Drug I I nf luveli- - "tinrurnlnh-ltoiiu- ment of the averune condition of MAXY C'll.WtiKS SHOWN' IV ItKNT louiile of eierplUK looms, troeta. Addrea Mnrnln-- ...umal. v A.N ri;il Id. h. Wl lln for llat "Purnlaliud Pimm Per i ''n.. Pi'Pt. f.4l, Omaha, Neb. roll - " , clearing com- U l. I I.V aullutile fol aliopmen. 617 riouth ltrouj- r tion wanted ny inanuraeiiin'r hum Hunt," "for "lent," "Pur house banks and trust k KTI'I I'MI AT four book for rtoonn panies for the week shows that they bull KUarautucd hoaiery v. n y. Sr,l l.lvitts'k ntul loliltr. prlra offered for linentliun. Our Hale," "Honm For llent," "Purulthed . . frknda nelshliora and general wearer; ,m frM. patent aecured or fee returned. f'.ir Light Hounekeeplnr." "Itieim and held $17G, 8.'!O,540 In excess of ...... x. .. ItlONT-ou- i! I.jii n ulry fiiniii.hed r.M.ui - reserve .mj. hi tiiei i u,,, t.01, profit; make 110 dully; experlena I'olt K Al.rJ ilubhlla unil pen. 4Uii Hullt j .1. Kvaii 4k Co., 7U Ninth, Washing- Board," "Tubl Puard " "llnini Por Hal," Is iuik, ii. nit for ur tun. ::us t'outli Amu. Pliunu foil victxr requirements. This duo to reiiuircments of the new federal unneceKaary. International Mill, Writ A nut. ton, r. f. lliiua For lietil." "Plain Bowing." new luw. - j Kit, uld at th lu the federal reserve banking baiiklnK laws, which hncame effect- Phlimli ipMa. Pa. elll'-l-'i- ll Jcl'Hiy OIIV. Tha oarda will ha HK.VT - cn nrtoiiH wltlt aloupliiK foil SAI.K bueln The statement follows:' Ivc beKlniiiiiB of week,! foil mini (touth aireet. MONIvY 1 14 prle of 10 aaut ch. Cat! al lb ut the the pori'lira. Kimt l"llvr, betwtMrii Arnu Ihll lMi n, I.V. Averajre Condi ili bAT.lii-Tw- adUh aoraoa. nfln lion. many cbuiiKes were shown In the Mini Kdllll. ' FOiF gentl la "inTuTlile lineal- - "r i j'.. linn for IllliaeilllU" Loans, etc., $2.1 46,1 811,000. weekly in Onld. bank stateuieiiL istued todai' NT Tun fui iiiiiln-i- rooniH for Unlit nulr fuel In Iniluniriiii, luiiiiiia. .runway lteserve In own $350,462,000. 'lading tlj. poll lit. mi ni Es.wl-Crisox- o vaults, by tho clearing house, . ,. WANTK!) Eipurlinocd mlg ftt hiiuwkei'pliiK; alt.tplnt porcli, 21 Huuth HAI.I' Cluali. wo dullvtry liolaes. Hankur Alliance, ji Mai Lka r lteserve bank, foil AiIiIum ' In federal reserve Hereafter the statenieiit will deal Kcoiiuinlnt. Wllller etrenl. Iliiwkiua' irrorery elorii. Hiiiiihaitipton How. t.miiliiii, VTiianinii. Pslly passonrer srvlca leavln Jtoawall $96,060,000. i lll-- 1:00 a. ro. . more specifically with louns, reserves Poll HKN'r Two lata modern rnnma, ain- - Poll HA l.i; freah iiiin-l- can. W . and Carrlaoao at fn 0. - lltj-IV- 1H IClilM'lM'. nn way lteserve other depositaries, in vaults and In the federal reserve glo, ail la for nuuaekeeplng. It! 113 Atliintln nveiitii- piioiii. lit NAI.K riirotKh far, ' '!! Intermedial point, per mil .14 bnuks and other depositories. It willj Rnlllh ltriaidwny. HAI.I'; Nlneler II nulla Iliui'.iUl'lllii'eil TltAIHO TWO IihIiiiimmI 1 foil HAI.I' Oil b fre Kxce carrled. Net ileiioails 9:!C fl'iji - 3 t Nn.-ll- i "Waller. fl.llt (0 lln. also disclose the amount of net dot WANTIvI) Salesmen. f'Olt lifNT Three room wllli bath, W. I,, liii'lm? Inms. iiiinhes. mile und a Imlf from lliitchts KOMVM.I. All (I t O Ouo. hniiHetti.1 pliur. 14 per 1 niand. What was formerly known as for month. SAI,l,;--Ol- le home, Wnlk brtilao. Imililre 1. McDonald, 41? West Phona 111 fi6S. foil Owner and oiwrator. Xet time deposits, $91,932,000. eKitri-Kul- cash reserve, will hcreeaf-- I ISAI.KHMAN Wlx In cmht hundred ilolliirj Slit Hnlilh Arno. Phnn slnale or double. for lady t" drive (Vm-prr-. 1'lmne (5 7 n. 52.11(10. l.V. ft W. or Imli.v. Circulation, $'J2, ter be refcrreii to as "aggregate re-- 1 a in. mill Willi drawliiK cciunt to or saddle, I'lione Meal aiit'clHlty I'.KXV J)wi-llln-- AKKret?ate reserve, $510,946,000. j jit tent aalcHiiiuu. llux HAi.K Oi oudvurula, While ( ferveg.' IXlt Poll Huff inUKlnU TIMK ('Altnu. IH7. City. Iowa. ilin-ka- Wyi-liof- Ht ! Kxcess reserve, $176,830,040. Today's stalcnu nt Ravo only tho loua m. in n Itiihiit-- ruin to Bfiiscnimcits North. ).. K. 1'oul-tr- y 4 AHI'.SWN, TO CUB., Morning Hiinimary of state banks and trust impossible SA l.l'SMI'N lilK money for youi- aiuire While l.cKhoin hens. Tliniiia" VI If you fall to gi t your Krand totals, since it was (.12 Arno, phono IdiH. 11(11 'companies in Kreater New York not to comparison with any pre- lliotliciita tfelllllK Kl'eiitc t tine of Poll HUNT Hix-r- o om, modern flat, Norlb PUni, Hoiilh MAIL IK. - Journal, call , make (.'awijotl atrto-t- . per watar Won Leave Mondays, WadnesdnTa and Prl- NIOM TKl.KOltAPfl t'O. Included m clearlna; hifuse re- neaa Httiniilal.ira on tho Plfth tau.uu month; TiTEv l.AK, mey win, they pay. WKhl'MlN f statemerit: vious week. The Iiukci nKKrcHatu . a. Paastimol 14U Nove-Il- Co.. l llivllli-- III. paid Plrsi Having Pank Trust ro. four on oond, at aiat fair, 1911V diiv from lleriiBllllo, in. phona 147. Loans, etc., $561,111,700; increase, serves excess cash reserves were flrt, K.und trip. ltd. Ad and four-roo- ; ga two seconds. 19121 flv firsia, four rata ty , lil.r.u; 632,000. WANTIili cigar aaleaiiian to Hell ciitiira. Hilt IlliNT brick, modern all flrt. N. M. occasioned largely by a reduction In 11(111.01) cup. It. C. dresi K HKIJtiMAS, lleraalliiu, -- to Imr ranitn and shu.lrs: strictly sanitary. Prlc secovuln and tlov. McDonald lot. specie, $41,739,200; increase, $249,-80- ", 25 IS iaurctle. t.ilmcc.i dealer. reserve requirements from to month; $;.. per tfiiy t ru velitiir exuciiae. $20 per month. Inipilrn 41 Granite R. I. nda, Motlled Ancnnaa, S. C. While a'". Orpingtons I. It. per cent, us permitted under the new. Arnller TohHi'.! C. itoKlon, Milan. I'Oit IlK.vr lo"oii house, slulilii and Orpingtons, Buff and l,i'al $12,399,000; de- plock eggs and chb-k- for U tenders, jlttw. When Hie new system (ji ts down -- II about olio acre, on fourth street, next Ducks, at. WA NT I'M Hull amen In ai ciKiiiH. I'iaii' Bog 111. 717 ! Salter , AUTO LIVERY. crease, $977,500. I.iimIj- - tieyttfi.l m. TUumaa. P. o. Kaat ltal-- to a more definite working It is ItittcM unil tnhuci-n- to dealer. Kxiierlenee door to s.'llonl init jui't alnuutuiu IVtn.T AOTOMOBll.BCS.!RTAIIB Total deposits, $030,683,500; de- expected thai the llsiures outlined in Weekly auhiry and Ij ii 'ho rnnil. Illijlliri. HHIln-- feed wlore. dlna. Paswiiger Hcrvlea. ive U a Cull. Wo Will Trout crease, $1,1911,900. Totiucco Co., 1; I' ino.l-er- n in, these items will undergo material re- tra vellni: expi'iui'. i:uati'rn Poll KN Iii Noiih Ninlli ainel, J.eiiva Hllvcr City l:tt P. , Vou ItltliU 0. HoHloii. Miimi. porch, hot TYI'lAVHiriJtH. Mogul Ion S OU a. ni. Ilc.wve banks' canh in vault, duction. I brick, Leave first-cla- s baai Al TO CONSTKCC KN wuler bent; all ii reiuilr. d Car meet all trnlna. Largest and MAdllNi: The, summary deitling' with the op- -' ,A 1.1'iSM tu coiiliiicl with in. reliant. KINIH, both new and second-han- 'jiorv I'l l lliion nt Mrs. Tllti.n i!ojh, 414 Houlli Third equipped auto livery In the "ii lh west. t'o. Trust compunles' cash in vaull, of bunks and trust com-- j dully window picture bought, aold, rented and repaired. Albu- (rations statu money. Mcnlloll si reel. 1IIJNNBTT' AUTO HJ N. Mj Ml, 906,900. - panlus not Included in the cluuriiiK tuudtlmi. lllir querque Typewriter Bxchang. Pbuna 144. Mnk'dalcnii, ll.'l, PhatoKraphis NeA Mmvlce, Sll Weat South. aota Kllvor City, N. M. house statement also show's evernl 21, "New York. ' ai wi XKW YOKIC METAIj affecting Pour-ruoi- n gaa ALRKJT. minor changes, without its 8AI.KHMAN by lace and eirlliroidiry Impo- FOR ItilRT brick, modern, essential features. rter, work eatalillalicd trade, New Mex-Itc- o range; clna In. new furnishing; corner oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo New York, Xov. 21. The metal and adjoining territory, excellent tip' house. Inquire SOU South Bevnth. hOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC , - 0 liimkets were generally quiet, but cop- Get of That ZMiM-rabl- 1 cclin-r- Inortunlly rlalil nuin with eatahllshcd trado, Poll ill'INT brick house, moil- Itid Novy y 0 elec-'I'olvt- ' Paid, 447 llinadwuy, rungv,' und per continlicd In firmness with - ..1.1. r.... .!.. amnller towna. tin, gus ami slid well 0 loll may nuin iiiiiir nnn j vx-l- riirnlshed, Sis West Lend. Imiulro tiiioted and 1 . 0 ut.l2!i12!i, experience or JVirs. wiiuutn route, enpfrieiiiwd life Ililll'A West Ceiill-ul- room 211. I'houe 17115. MiiiQIIEMQl eastings 3 2 1,4 . 7 WANTEU Miuian. r and 0 at long A Iron ilion, N. Y., who was sick for a tnmminen atiM'k euleeuten lo "ell alock of rfU 0 unchanged. tom-nc- Na- Illglilaoda. mm AiraABETICALLT time from a badly disordered eoinpany fliinncing firopoged Security Ji "1 felt miserable all of tho tional lilfo Innnranea liompuny; atruiig fHe-r- . eotinsu. 027 Soiilh Com-imn- foil 6 MOXI5Y MAKJvl!T. time." sho writes. "I was tred .and Apply National flniuice Very lourforlublu; rout rea-- Iddg.', Anffi-lca- Calif, CHARLES I KEPWa.l:it A SOX o had no appetite. A friend advised me Waslilimlnn sonnhle. M. John M. Whltm' OITlCIAjr I'-- r John Moor. JEWELED AND Xew York, Nov. -- Mercantile pa- - to take Chamberlain's Tablets. 1 did SAI.IJSMANCiiimlili! aiwliilly mini POIt Two-loo- furnlshud cottage. Pre. Mit. Mnkcrd of awninic", porch curtain, 5 (ft I New Mexico. Uluple Hub on new mid I pucli. paid. Apply HO 114 West Central Avenaa .Hi vvr cent. my uppvtite improved and ei luotilh water ' XnrQtrEKQTJB AIlSTnACT CO. tent and anythlna; in canva. 0 so and feptioiml t Vueuncy Decemlier let, Hold Uar silver, 49c. gained rapidly In health." For sale by term. West nveinte, 1889. Incorp. 1897. Household Rood bought and (told. 0 rommlaalon contract, balance of flvo-roo- Eetab. 8. T. VANN Attltti'tlve POIt IlKN'rMoill-l-i- cottas", Hloop-ln- g 0 all dealers. 1 Ml 5. $Mr, weekly expense. Certlficateg, !uroWi, Good line nf new furniture. vear and for 1107 Koulli Arno slrict, Albuqucrtiue. P. AbitracU, 0 XIOW YORK COTTON. im-4- 7 bldg., mieclitlty. phona Jeweler. Mile P. Illxlcr Co., Curlln A, Koss. Ahiinotfiiriln. N, M. Conveyancing. porclie our New Mexico' Flneat Art Cleveland. Ohio. " 114 W. Gold Av. PhOIl9 10 67. 401 South 1'lrat'gUeet, , Jewelry and Watch Repairing. s Xcw ' spot, Poll, furiilsiied for York, Xov. 21. Cotton a teaman,' exporlenro'd In any or sleeping. IS per month. Albuquerque, N. It, Diamond Hotting. 0 lui'-t- ; "rVANTKU hnusckreplug o middling, $7.75. No sales. 125 lady' watch to Irade fur good bicycle. line to elt giinerul trnde In Now Mex- IIZI Houih Wnlter. nr phone PJlliiW. a 1 os Snulh Second. Vacancy December Int. Unexcelled ico. 1'Olt HUNT Thiee-roo- coKlly furnished cuw for feed for Kpeclnlty propoeltlon, t'otnmlaslnn contract. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 0 LIVESTOCK MARKETS. WANT15D Oood milch cottaxo. d ilueplng porcli. AXBrQCErtQrR GREI'H0TJ8ES Manufacturing Confectioner USB 00 weekly fur expellee Continental ( winter. C Journnl. , clean, new. ' r, Houlh High. ihnne l'Mf.W, jnwelry Co.. 71.1-4- Continental building. O. BHAW, Prop. Bupply Company. & David Candy Co. rVANTEi--W- e ou.v old ",0,a na llver- - five-roo- Nah Electrlo Soliutt Kansas City Livestock Cleveliind. (ililo. ' POIl HUNT oil SALT" Modern eng Bennett , rnunn ami u""i. housa, furplihed or unfurnished, creened Electrical contractor and Kansas City, 21. adver-tlnlii- Nov. Cattle WANTHI.) Hnleainen, experienced ixonirrrs. nKsinNTcna aud Motors nnd genoratora Wholesale fid retail chocolate, COO. CARPET CLfCANINO, furniture and atova porches, celbir, fruit trees, nera. Market steady. Prime quo. kpeeiuity salesmen tu bandlo Kreat DECOItATOUS bonbons', taffies, pan goods, lo 1 repairing. W. A. port, pnone chicken fncilltle. IlulM for a home. Terma Everythlnrr electrical carried In steers, $ 10.00 (g 10.85; western line of bank supplies. calendar, High. 14t-J- , C08 crearna sherbets. It'ii Weat ell aecond-han- clothes and lUS 514 South Phnn lTtX tract and West Central atoek. West Centrul Avenua and s'oera, $7.00f'9.BO; calves, $6.60 I BUY and leather, metal, wood and cloth speelallles. Central avenue, l'lion 70. 10.50. furniture. 405 South Flrat atreet. Phone every business, liberal Phona 4 Phon No, I. NoveltKi for POIl 11ENT rtootrw With lWnl. Sheep Receipts, ' Market t exclunlvi! territory. Kconomy none. buy, girl bicycle In good 'V, 'City. In. year-'""- WANTED To town hortb. Lambs, $7.50 9.10r be cheap. Addrcaa P. O. condition; mirat W ANT1CD K Kpol'lunved euatonl aliil'l $6.BO7.nO. box 4M. open territory in the run mm iiooiu or cotiagee with board Try cur Rent Column on the ERWOOD KAKEItt NEW MEXICO MAR RET ""Ks - Wo have onio for cnnvalea-eent- Receipts, 3,000.- Marki.'t We call and deliver. and desire to plee at Mr, need aanltarlum Jlgher. '7.8C; heavy, KlioB' ltEPAIKIXO. weat .and northwont Home milk, creara. gga, fruit and Classified rage Prop. and alt Hulk, $7.70 Blectrlc Bhoo Khop, 213 South Becond. men Into these territories by 112 S. Becond atreet French Pla- F. Romero, Fresh ' ' exceptional flowera Lockhart Kanch. Phfle (Janie In eason. We buy '""7.80; pigs, $6.757..C0. .. Ptrnne 1107. Jnnuary 1, 11115. Wo "f'er lf. and iee how quick you rent te ry, cream ptiff and the flneat of meats. o to men who run show sucochs, BoAilD. Willi sloepliiif porcli or cu.tiKu; the highest priced beef, mutton 0 WANTIOD Autoiiiol.ilo apl'lnts repullid mid vig-l- - retcreneo and full particular, Jersey milk, fresh eggs, butlo', vacant room or bouse cakes every day.' Fltfola Bread a oyuters In ea-o- n. 0 Clilcitgo LlvcsttK'k. r arvhed or mado new, Korbcr Co., ddria with rumn. that and pork. Fresh llucklcy Blitrt & I'nderwear fo Ht. Louis, ables. Pre cuiivi.yama. Pu.ti o ' hicago, Receipts Alliuitueniue. apeclulty. phona Phone lib. S. Flrat Bt Nov. 21. Cattle Mo. Phone 1I.WIVV. til. lit o -- WO. .Market Ueeves, $5.75 W'ANTliD Hinoll fanilly to stay on aontNAii o steady. Ap-nl- v South 10.50; calves, ranch. 8 mile from city; free. 0 steers, $5.40 9.00; WAXTIOD Agents. - 21S Koiith siecoiirl; XCKIit.KN'T table board ana nicely fur- o IEWINO MACRINR OPTICIAN o Slieep WANTED A good mining prospect, win liouaehnld line on nlshed room with hot ana coin water in COFFTEXD DRY CLEANING CO. rBKB AdKNCT. Receipts, 1,000. Market an AiiliNTS Snappiest " 0 "U'Htly. buy. or furnlh money to develop for sellers. Kteady, repeater. vry room. de fir, 11 West ooio. Let ua dnmnnstrata th many oo4 119 South Second Btroet. Sheep, $5.50 6.25; lambu, . earth. Red hot 0 Interest. P. O. Box 4X1. Ainuquerque. ir,0 articles, (loods guaran- We hate and plnmei, men'a 5(8)9.30. Over different Highland. clean (nalltlat of th Free Bewlnf Machine, O. U. 0 Kive genie driving aim teed MO per. cent i profit. Write, quick. draper-- e BERBER 0 ilogs Market Wll.l. 501 . 0 por Iconma and and women' clothe, rtiK. rh machine for the discriminating Receipts, 11.000. keep for the winter. Apply Hurry. K. M. Pcllinan, Hah Mgr., 1512 1ABLH HOAUll week. Everything Optical. Lena Grind- 0 "hade iiIk.v,. averago. for If. Ohio. elnepllig jiorehes. 201 Houth Kdlth. dyeing. konaawlfa, ..i,i'a North Kleventh street. Third St.. Cincinnati. and curtains. Alao do ing Don on the Premise. Work 0 rti' 7.60; ' with $7.257.50; heavy', $ 7.00 WANT Misi: UTU Combined iliatlng und Full IlliNT Well vuiitllated rooms, good pur CHARLES . DOI.DT, Every 0 "IBS, $4.50 I'OllTAliUK stnres, per week. 124 South -- dlili Promptnea and work Guaranteed First Class In 0 6.76.. WASHING culled for anu Ufineieu. conking, beats room. offices, boaM 17.60 107 Pbone 44t lll'W. OoU At Respect 1W meals, washing, gtrwit. motto. S. (th fit. Phona 0 tlemen liul. IMlirifl. VMH.n, kook tverythUig. fluick Ill o ' control, pink aloep-l- n Den vcr . 8 cents; underneiir, iii cents uo. ii oiling, inleiwe heat, under Bunny front room and IJ vcstoi k shirts, ii ilsngoruii like. Poll it.Vf 8 conn; pajamas, IS cent; up act aiivwliero, not porch , board; convuloacBiita 723 Denver, Nov. Receipts, shirts. - it 'It 21. Cultl. t cent; over- " wealed can A. ' PIONElOl BAKERY aneka.nht 2 cents; liuudkcrchiera, Kjisollne. Booth I'Mllh. L Market lower. Ueef steers, ruiuiiy Pt, il,:..- - Mr. M. S. King, Ky. GEO. C. SCTIEEIl, FCUXnTItB 8 alls and Jumiiers. t'O ctnits. uii. (.enen COAL AND WOOD Everything In baking cowa and lieifcrs, $5.00 dozen. P;""1 ll,in. "Only mud not gallon of otl last week lor J. the line that dry, 3.i cent 114-1- 1 Fel-lo- w o nniKh ' K. A. 'lelwlK. B. Second Street, "Odd la good, everytL.HK' good that slocktsrs and feeders, $6.00 .looking, baking. Iroiilir:" your woek-um- l Uiu VVIiltuuinb and o '; rcur. H fc. blJi:.M ai coal. calves, "Safe and itcsn n inii. Mr, new Lime, kindling and m'thlng building." Wetter'g Hupcrb Is In the baking line. Prompt de- $7.50 ri 8.50. Out hills, Hnrlna ttmler mntinmnf 0 11 111. "Have fuel time. pleaded our hlieep Receipts, (ock of beat fuel carried at medi- liveries and customer o 8.000. .Market expense, Ul anion. .a. Etove and r.angc. The licit Higher, Yearlings. (a weth-tT- . anxiety, uel no TtiKiiim. Iree slogan. 8. N, Hulling, Prop. o $5.75 6.50; hes. Klmiilc. durable, last for VOK Vil'.ST Offliy Prompt deliveries, Phona um-priced t7 WANTKD-fosit- lon Un t ,,i all times. line. 0 $3.25 fit, $8.00 8.60; ln-- 1, one day sold 11." South Flrat street. 6.00; lambs, cook. Annuls: Was out Apply 1). A. Mao- - Beaven. o mmm. ...r. Mich., aold In two rOR KKNT Officea 4 and, I. J. S. $4.7565.50. .1 ii l. Muestcd. nine o ef.ITno-- Wages t35. care Journal. pharaon .Tnnrnsl offle M.,ibf.t driv-an- d M. C J. 3. Oautlireaux. ov oai-- uu, I"""--- ' want hours.' W. K. licanl. o xnrut'ipis,n..i... W'A Chauffeur HUNT room at J14 West Uuld Ilrm; few sales 7.55. NT HD Iji.. ordered 1 15i since. These men make POH at $7.10i ing car, doing - same clianoe. l'rlee low. avenue. A. Moiitova. a eonrl bouse. In A- shape. Ad- v..n have wages. Keep , .',.. de GENERAL REPAIRING ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT small . ..;; sold la storoa. Write for C o 'liaiHlH-rlttlii'- s Itemedy. office. vl - EM-CntI- ASH SIGNS Cough dress R. f. - till ...,i,.n uweiits Dan, etc. World Manu- K ItKST UaiKhei. IT. Tin and ahcet metal worka. Light TO PRINT 0 Mrs. Levi Booneville, World Bldg., Cincinnati, , o Franklin, of facturlng Co., .'0a KKNT run.-ll- wun jamcn 3. Italy Compuny - Y gays, say ''- POtt alfalfa heavy kin o "i am pleased to that Ohio. -- adoba huuaee, city. J. Q. Al- and repairing of all da In -- .. two OuUloor Advertising the o namberlain'g Cough Remedy ""as rixims. cloe bright'.- - - - 1 " . Batlifuetlon guaranteed. Phone o used by my years ago W an r.u i.iBni. ,r modern; no l!!U West Central Ave. son about two TO EXCHANGE. 4S. T. F, Reed, tlSVk West Cop- MORNING JOURNAL o id it in M proved to be very beneficial nick . Addr-s- a D. 3'Yn" WANTKll I'll olio 198. Bketchca o ralievtng KXCHANtiK Por bust real aatate per avenua, hoarattacss and curing a " cn iwa. 0 cent the monlh 'Old. WANTIC1 Ul or merchandise, two-sto- dnubla brick TO TKADK Id acre level tlmhar land. In Free. t ha8 hy other "Je- J- , i also been used room tu Mci'lc-.- piup-rty- mpmbers mv wp hnve anil located, and Ar cateil lo Aiaaiisau, for Hw of famllv nnd CWvog, N. U. T. O. Crawford, Okla, . , MMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifinnnnnnnnnnrinnnrinnnnnninnnnnnn H "lery Bale rXilfiTT wiiiiaoni "'"' testa. M. B. Artcila. Ilegg. hifth opinion of it." Kor Shop, South) Sccona .trwt l ail dealers, Bill'. i :"',' ' ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1914. EIGHT nnnnrn nrninil ! " TIEPLAPJTAT NOT GUILTY, IS rUbbLb ntlUnfJ ALAM060HD0 IS JURY'S 11 ilY SA1E AGAIN E CS M - . - - - HI 11 ULUL ur unuuhiii --- 1 - 4 r a 4 A A AI Giant County Rancher Party Headed by Under Sheriff! irrirvjja v VI mpoitant Industry Resumes JIUImriw,J I tiiV--r imiI i .v i m m y in h. After Suspending; Quitted of Charge of White Races After Mysterious! Its! on Account of War; Major. Slavery Prcfcncd by Young Automobile but Loses ' Indictment Dismissed, Cousin, Trail. Most of Our Finest Goods Remain to Be Sold. - poHHiH' iiiiloitiiihili-- ;e. ciia...t,, fo k,u.hii Tile Jul III the Kll'lli" ( liw l'i'- The ihih in in' osia - .ul- - .Mm nmeoi tin, V M ,'m, ' I A tiirni'il ,1 wnli, t ill II u In, Ii lap) the alii nipt tn hind off li, in nil M.f ' ni-l- - , ill-- ( menr'it flight liMiorilii h i m 'ildoi'tr). wlnci il in tin- I'liiti il Mni H i. iiiipomd from the iil I M j In ii K m( ill. n t M I t Kiil".ciu wit, oint, in ') In tin' ihf, mliiiil, Kit li utiNiii't'i the lite hunt1 I i Is li i li il.iy tnok on i t of wat Etc., h t x ti tti.'il i. Thin I'i,' mil Trunk Kit tin, n w' uliliv ruin the uhi Watches, Silverware, Jewelry Novelties, In, nml tin. her hi; plrit nf Hi-I'- nf in r of liiiiiil count), 'I lie Jul) Wit." Mil wailinu. Diamonds, v t Hie I' m,, & Kmil i i II . oill null ll Kholt hlinv All avenucH of I'Mlipe fioitl r m- - InHily will, ll n. i tiled ll n y III Kii im' went on the ntniiil liiiiii If of A in c nie i ii Value. irci-nt- ftiim nml ili nii',1 In, Kloiy n liiti'H ciini'ileil. I'ract ally cry city nud of Cost or ctiTil.iv ' Be Sold Regardless - Must Tin- - 1. m mi li iii, oiilv ii ( w hv In, in .1,'iikltiM, ho, coiiiim, im f,tt tow n In New Mi xlt o, nml Koine mil- Li - h vi, ii,ipl lit the ihiil'i:', i'l th, 111!" t'OMiMt jhMtin of llliy I I'l (III li U 11 111 Hi wide Hi'' Ktnle, Ail,- liotiliid wile; war, Iiml In u Unit nii'l'H "Was i lii r l him whk concerni ii. wai hy I tiit'd KlaliM Miitihiil A. II llud-- ; It;!!!'-!!'!!- ,1 if Imr- - w l In ( .IH I lllllpcll' l'i ilow 'I I of I'livlnu till" Kill H tilllw.i) Hpelh. The I'tiiletl Stat, h iiiiiiv'h ll '.n,IMHI I ih r In l l lookout j lite nil)' I'liMMMinirttl "t lure (nun Wucliliiutiui, . ('., In Hllver patlol keepiiiK nil nh Discontinued. ri l Auction (Milium wan kmiKliI t i.i il hi, Citv for iiiiiiini a I iurioHi n. nml ill the city and did Town iifflnl.-'- Auctioneer Cannot Remain Longer; ami tin i ut nf HiIm i ti Tile ih fi'UKc mm I I'Knn yewti'i ihiy t vo t here In only a pomiliilily of , i t liii nt Imve lu ll n i t nl id Oil' In ri iniiinlni; Mini ruin iilitei) elmitlv ,, tj Im cliipllix IIiioiikIi the limH tin., - , "III, 11- 111 I III" J n ll ; Wll-II- . hit;, mill-- Ml,' tlllW dlnlllH" r i, i lock llll tilKlll. JinlMi" have diuvvn. The Mixhuii'ii ill Alanmtjoi do. remit fur In nlim at. mi II. ',,,e nniioiiiii ell t h nil'llt tu ry fiKure innkin him ioimiciioun 2J.',.Uiiil I mill li l 1'iti-il- y no- - lilinut Hi. 'ri osiile tun N winilil he hi III Al Hint time urn) a urn n Hint in ik he Ml f I In keep il- - Ih uv-- I Slaughtered--Se- how nil lent H T Windows. hand all' the lillol in din Hu ll iitKUIIieiiti, tieij In crowd. Halaziir ovi Be e - Will Hit- miIv fur Prices I'IhiiI In kIi dpi union nml the ciiiit't ileliveri il ti in rli,n,i" In erae hclK'it th im cmirmoiiH llllllllllH. I ulmilt fin" . ri'iiilth KhuuldviM. - the Jim of ui-i- i i Major- li ur. il yesterday, j liii I'miell i'UM' 1 . Tht iK'ttrchei retuiio Til ii II .Malm, iiltm- - mold of Hal A li 11 The party, hemic, I l.y In piny I'nllnl (I I'lmll the motion of the llierli 111 V III WJIH .11, Willi I III, llf- - law, ill Ti A Hi(ViiiiJ '"ii. to vacate InliiiH-- f SiiitiH MiiihIiiiI J. II. liiilioha, wlilt h Every Dollar Purchased. hi I n !li t iK f wlihh ml KeepYourGreenTicketsandSecureAnotherfor the iiiti inih ru In Hie i line of Monte j went Into Ihe Snmliu ImiuntaitiH, came KI'll In Kill hi ll.vHiillll wilh Inli hi I G 'i under! , I'owell mi l Minnie A. I'owell, volun-- hut k iiiioul lock nml Hint will-- Mm. Imilii l Major. Thin Indict-m- i wIh, ' Dec. 15. it I v Im nk i ii t m, the conrl ordered Hint IchaiKi' of I'lnlt r Sheriff iMt k I.i Will Be Given Away On or About nt a n Iiiiih d l,y Ni' iim' grand Diamond Kin(Valued $100.00) II. Itiiiie, lliiHlee, dhow cniite ut H .'ln al I u'chick in the iiln i ni.on. whii li fniiiiil tli" Indictment lurv k on llni nun of .NnvrnilioV The deputy in'tirHlm l patty r nf ti Ih (lnuKhler, o'cloi nlnif . Usual. I as tin' inunli 2i whv the liiotlon Khotild not he Keiirchiil HeveiMl li in ll Tit it It towtiH, lint' Souvenirs Will Be Given Away Every Afternoon, MlhH Klldol'll. Ill' wan Ml llllltil Mem-- j x a I i ll . of re-l- i ii found no time the ftiKitlve. (if (he c ti it i'm nf murder, tin' Jury i hern of the I.eW Ih party helicM tl tin y i ii i n out mily ii few minute, after were on u hot Hail when tin y li ntm d Hill' rif till, lllllHl He IIHIltllllllll IHiiIk Unit j on the mixa, uhoul liun ctuued. from wood hauler lilirn roiinty vei JEWELRY AUCTION fortv iiiIIim from here, lliat an iiiito- - Tin- - wan curried otter rum' inn' pnt-H- i il I ll fant lum liiohlltt had hem at clip from Jiiniiiiry nf thin year nml They followed belli lllflnlMKI'll from Hie dm ki t shortly ufler mltlnlKhl. jit! I h n far iin Uei bin of tlll tllHll'Hi Clllll'l. the lire ruck kK MiiuIIhh ill New mini. iohl tin in thtre. TO r. Imioii M ( oiiiiiuiiiil. Ki VlTdl I'UKl f HmnllpnV mi' ! QISdJIUE I)rl( Deimlhiof ported iiniiiiiK (he i famHicc The woodmen had li ft Hn ir wiinoii ut Newman, which In In th" dniithi rn HtuinliiiK In the middle of Alio roinl. - part nt m county, nml I Ik lit on I litter einerill I.ewiH mnv untoin, .nun a CENTRAL - AND III" TV xn k flnti- llni'. Ir. I'.. . Mf Dodd & Denhof Will Close Out Irat'liN ijiimhIhk itrtitind It. The trucks THIRD If h it hy a jVI Mnli , i iintiiy luultli offli i r, h i were deep ut the turim iin Vw lulu to Newman nml tnk-- nii-i- l the Remainder of Their iniichine koIiik 'it hlnh Fpecd. The j N (titH'iiHi'. lie ptiKH,. Ihe place uliout ;;lll: lriiiit tin; nircud of thf reached " to miik'1 anuili'T Ml, tu Stock at Regular Private o'clock. 'Hie wood lit tern were lliiinc whu tiHVi, lufli i'Xmni'il. iiwn kined. They hud wen, the ma- In ki i nil them' KiilIlK nt So truuliln Ih until limli'il ilir' Sales, chine. Jl ol punt Ota,, ,.f T.iK'ilo. L'i'' I'eiintr. It Htn'i' ,f cur ill" "iii'H riiiillniil In Ni'Wtiiiiii. A liKlitninK ttpeed, they rtiid. whh ii Kr.nk J- ( h'lir dull" "iili Iiml I" I" wiik Huriiiion of ttin KI I'iihii Hiuitliwi Hl- - HkIiI cur. The curtalim were down rmtiiir of Ilii- - Ural nf !' J I'liPiify (',,.. JOURNAL (In- - THE - & l.u.iiiwu In t'liy nf Tnlmln. IVuiilr .ml Everybody l Ootid Reads rn iii him v ui lituti-i- tin- dii'tlmi In li!inf hnve heen fori'ed tn they (ould Hot nee Ihe occupant. vli Hlld aruri-Hiil- dlHrontlniie their Hlictlon h.iIch to Htop, Mimi, n4 l'"" "l'l I1"' lurrm. wllliil They culled to the driver tin- uin ,if cNK UI'MHU.Ii InUXAKS tr l)n hnll-du- y hnve proved mii - 1'imnwt tie Ni'M wi-i- will u Runcriil popular. Their nnc- I but the upend wan not checked. An ,Mili nii'l cviTt i'iiim, Ciilnrtli tlmt In till cuiintv, wlu n all of tlolleer could lint li'llllllll loliucr. "udlt'8" In liuin'H voice drifted to iiioil It tbe iii vl lliill'i C.t.rrb t'Ji. I li K i i FRANK CIIESCT. tliw tpurhcrii will ull' iul llir Kliilu i mi tin Mnliihiy, at III a. hi., they I them, J. Kiluiii-tllllli- ll will ti Hiilc I my of lhi New Mixli'ii Hlitrt KKtiliir and hope to At it word from hi; under idierilf SW'T'I ., tiefivre nil mat .nlifriiipi1 In MHMIH IlillHM I II. dlMpiiMe of lil Mill day ut A. II., lets' ut AIIhmiiii 'I'M'. the reiiinlnder of their Hlock Ifliffnid I lyatt, the driver. Hint the ' H, cuiinty rliiti mli nl, i by Meceinher I.Mh. Mowt of Hpeed. ;.'al. K. W. (II.KASON. TUiluii, nuiii their tear iiluiid at Its maximum Nutary Public. Hint fully "ii ivnt of tilt diniiioiid jewelry, anil In fat t Hlo (liutiile lcr They dcHcemleil Into the . ( l Inli nuilly and In1 III uttcli-ilumi- Hu ll' Hull Hturli riiw taken nitlli, tcui'hliiK force will iiiui'h of liii koi'iIh retniiin to Ivnlli-- uliti hiiei-,- iiiiHliickeni-il- the ., v.... . ,i,.. ia.,..a ami iiiii',iih aur- - The (invention limt yiar he mild. They May I hat nil reiiHonahle car threulenlnn tu turn over nil tU' (nr.., u( u,t .t"in. biuil t luiuulala, Special This Week il I for county uwunli h (icnmiiit lu Hero offer will he refund! nml (hut iiiimy t n r n m maile. f.i'ii. . , . lhnrii of the Jiia-tr'- thi- - of Im'h lit If ii I IhltiKH, V. J. IHKM.1 iv, u. for luivlliK lillKi'Ht liirri'lltiiKB Hiilliihle for KlftH are j Iti'Uitnl of HM Offered. I K'.lil "It UniitlUH. OF OUR tcHcher In uttciulitncc. tn he tmei'lflied. j After hiHimf the truck they inntlii- - tr ". Tula H ill'i, t airily Pill, fur eonatlpatkio. ned on tu .Socorro, rem h inn thai pine" , STORY OF JEAN VALJEAN RETAIL MERCHANTS TO In ifiortl lime. The cur they were eluiHlmt had not been wen Hu re, mi; IS SUBJECT OF SERMON; ENTERTAIN TEACHERS llli y Btalled hack over the Hume route. BALDRIDGE They were tumble tu learn iiiiylhinK Fall Sale LUMBER COMPANY Clearance car. ' 111 IN, mure about the A Hpetliil service will he held Tlie i!itm-- I elti-- ,il tin- armory cm Iludcpetli in f I nited Htm Mamlm! 15-ye- ar 1'irwt t'oiiKri'Uiitiiuinl chtinli tuiiiislit, Tuend iy Hrn Mel-- ( PAROID ROOFING with - nlKht by Id lull Hinted )eHlftihiy Hun the department n ni 7;30. Tli paHtor, Hi v. l hen ut hiinlH' ,'iNHot latioii In hiimu-o- the vis- 1 DO Toollinker, will Hie Hlnry of JiiHtiee offered reward "for guarantee. Arthln till iting lent herN promlHCN tn ho one of liifuiiivutioii IctiilliiK to the HiriHt" of VwlJenii I from Victor IIuko'n if JeuU (ho moid enjoyable of all the Kulnnc.i' "I n MlterahlCH" I. Hlld the hl iHM DISHES cventH of llni week, The failure of either of the pimni H WM. COMl'ANY Mtmilclte of Ihe I'nlvemlly of New fi'HllvlllcN The FAUK The will hi'isln lifter the Ihe escape DIXXl-'RWAKlv- , ciKim'sn-titii- i, 'which left hen' noon after Hetnl! llenlori In sUxk consisting nf both liiiixjrU-i- l and Mi'Xii'o, which lx a "crmk" i'oiii liislnn of Iho plum a in of the upon any e of Whnlenlfl and .Ujj''( OI'K uii our entire nf n Mpccliil wiim repiiitetl to hit trin AMI 8X1.1' MKAT8 will render nuniher, Hi') lHIMf 1 ut lu Hie auditorium of t lit, cMcnpetl with excep- )i iincstic We an excellent select inn of patterns and carry an open stock, su a 11 In-- In Kcmral. the k Hicclnlty Ware. have and will ulioi play Hie it hluli Htliool. A hil'Ke eommitlce him the, SmiMiae l tion of the cur followed by IIokm th ut" tiu iitiir hy th" choir, which "Tiunt het'tl iippoiutetl tn look nller the pleu-dtir- e Tor Cuttlo and von can purchase any nnnilcr pieces desired. ! poHHC, f lllllinlleil KfoUlltl for the belief 111 III" Holtl," to Hie inuniti of IuiiiIhI'm of (hn vlHllot'N, Kni'd mimic haH Miirket IJrlceii Ar Pah. (lint Hu lunar probably in ntill hldlim beautiful il, I.i "fnnn.'' heen provlili nml a Komi time ii In city or In did Town. Hy Kpei'lul reitiicHt Kathryn w either the' inr all Hume ho nil' nil tiulctH he-fo- will nlnif "loii I Yon Miiul waltliiK until the excitement uttctiipthiK In net away. Hid Holltiwii," hy r.iilielii' fowled. TWO SECTIONS I'rofewior Heder, of the unlMixlly, t. OF' Mlnht Itlde Awnv. Hit, rigular pipe oiKiililNl ol" llm LIMITED FOUR TIMES A He Will iii'ubiihly try In rule by church, nml linn mnne ciili tid'tl iniiu-ber- d louli'H on linlhi bin ll. ,al-a'd- J l li crack hoiHitnan and would I DECEMBER ,WEEKJN hot hCKilale, ofl'ictl'N believe. In rhle CIIITC Min Kll.iibi'th I'uiiis nriiitd hen u luiia: tllHttince rather than lul.c the l'i Ida) tiiKht from In r home lu l,ns Tin- went hound I 'a lifiil'nia limited rlnh of helnif cnutjil if In- utlcmiil' il i I : Sil'IlM in Hpelul II Week Willi A a M I will arrive here in tuo miHiiiih, four In Kn b)' train. mi il I II M weekly, I ii I nihil W.lli-- lllllct AllolliiV C. liii'i ilui inn i'i nibci', A nIiiiip limluiut ih In' hk maintained i UUI U I'outH, Jr., her hrnthcr, nml Mm. to notice received nt Hie i, , iih of A li it, i tiii'ii ti i'. ntllccrs of tlmt t'otu H. Sanlu 'e offlceg here tcMerdiiy. iiml of Ihe Kliite havini: been warneillT by tlli: I'liiled Sl.ilcM mai.-ha- l nnd I.ewiH. Hecauni' of t'.rm nil AN i'm tiiwurd Hie Wcot Conn. , May '14. VIII. i'iiiiiiIiiI iniiiilv Ilaven, irm iiit r l'i ilt ml coiiimiiniler lin y aru f274 Park uX. doubtful whether he would rcf- -' hkc In lioi'lhci ii Mexico, numnr.i cf j hi. peiii'e-iiutkin- n between the nem ra The reruns Co. , however, canned the mal'Klial lu OVERCOATS the border patrol of bin ucla-- i wn v. Columbus, Ohio. I,nek ravoretl Well-lai- d plans, overlooMttK liu were not the only circuiiiHlunecH SKK TU1S UKAUTJl'VL DINiXG ROOM SET THIS WEEK. Gentlemen: in KaliiXiu'a futu' when lie ?nt uwayi X V .VI friitn tho jail- l'tiriuue wan on Iuh bide. uIho. I'mler Htart-f- d MADE TO MEASURE for the Jail at II n't lock Friday V I fV a few the which lie are' I l.Xaf Illlihl. but W'ilM detained down town by just of many DARC.AIXS may had in FL'RXITL'RE listed a ' en. Had he UlieXpecled circuiilstam follows: ' The doctors Ktme tn the Jail a he intended hlH preHctice there when the rcsf-uei- only ('liaileH Armi.lo to fiiid A $4.1.00 for limbs ache ahlvpainfspec miiiht have dluHUntled them from Rosewood Chiffonier $28.00 mukliiK the iiltcmpl. If they had A S47.0O Dresser for nttcmpt it, in nil probability, Rosewood 31.00 I Tho maile the joints, winters Willi lil have been iinsucces,sfiil with A $47.00 Rosewood Princess Dresser for i idf both I.ewiH and Armijo to rental them. $31.00 A .' 5 hit aneroid. (Peruna helps) $25.00 Mahogany Chiffonier for '...'.$15.35 i BACA DIDN'T HAVE A $'5.00 Mahogany Dresser for ...... , 4 .$15.35 nee, b that I can cat and AUTO LAMPS LIGHTED, A $10.00 C.oldcn Oak Dresser for ..." ....$11.20 J PATROLMAN CHARGES A $17.00 Golden Oak, Chiffonier for ..'..,$ 9.-4- eeras to help the pains night wan cited di;tYp. m n KIIVro linen last I co by I'Mtmlman Martin llyrnes to up- - in VKpts iave been disappointed pear before JiidMe l ralg in police i court tomorrow niorninn to uimwi-- - itti the cluirtie nf riinniuK hU iiutomo-IblH- ) h other remedies, and re- without liyiits. Haca said he was DINING SETS j dm Inn his machine only from his ! A $52.25 Golden '. Muck Oak Colonial Buffet for . . , . i'kV!y home ti tile uaram', a distant. $30.00 lieTU co times with Peruna. that I J. .'. Ho)d, a inotorryellyt. whh cited I A ,S4.00 Gulden Oak China Cabinet v by HyriicN also on the churge of not for $37.50 thlivinii motorcycle liKht. lluliitd his A S2-U- Golden Oak Serving Table have .jyto belicvo that there is no j HyiueN cited Leopold Meyer on the for . . .$17.00 of (ipecdiiiK. Meyer nearly run 45-i- n. ichuiKe A $57.50 Gulden Oak t. Twin Pedestal Dining Table for 'him down with his machine Friday j $37.00 (Jmedy bit? Kiimnion! A .' other for me. I thank you for IniKhl, but he a una to $36.00 9x12 Axniinster Rug for . , 'htm until last niKht. llyrnes Hitld. fIT AND SATISFACTION $23.50 A $ 5.50 Golden Oak Genuine They have Leather Slip Seat Dining Chair for $ 3.50 your kind letters of advice. IRAILWAY OFFICIALS ON GUARANTEED

! TRIP OVER SANTA FE cone to trie in times cf great discourage -- A party of O. H. & 1. and U. & n,cnt and always been a consolation. I radWity offiiials oecupieti a pri-iit- e HO TJ,' C cur on SantM VV train No. t 218-22- 6 lust nlKht. They ure on the way to l.o NATIONAL WOOLEU 'IP i i r 1 - f jv iroi"M never forget your kindness and tho Anne leu uild San Franclnco. They w ill East Central J'ISJ u shall return east over another route. East Central In Hie party were: It. M. lieiixen. from Peruna general miperintemietit, H. & O.: Ma- lMILLSll FTJRNITUIIE received M. V, llynes. imperinleiitlent. O. (elp jor i! It. & ll.; K. V. Scheer. superinten- 120 WEST CENTRAL AVE. Very dent. & .: K. H. Mitchell, Hupev-intemien- t. Phone 376 ALBUOEROfl', X'. M. 37" sincerely, C, 11. & I).: nti Col. II. '. Phone White, HUpeiintemleiit. IV H. D. Thet are makinis n inspectioti . a trip. Society Comic ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. ;PoCc Section ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22.19M.

yg Hill), i. milium iiiii.i.i.l.'.iii.! AIL K INI U j ()) 111 ilP largest ) U V (that's the rHo! fOR) ll A I) IMklft ,U Hi'1'' ;,, hi S V ... i.mrl linrvuwnuu Wiflll' lll 'I AMULfc'.J rrz 14 I: i Mil ill 4 W m

November 22, 1914 .... - i Captain Reaches der Limit Dcr0f KateesnfaimnEeff Mids. Kindness With Mules. TSie t"i w' ri'rlV'it. in I ! '" i t " I'.rnt Hriola llihn Her(

ANIMALS ) you DID YOU SAW MAUD KICK Mfc TAKE OFF DER BLINDAGES1. Mm MIT shoulTFT) DER DOCTOR. SAYS If ISS A LONG LANE VOT YESTERDAY? KELP OPE M MRCOUT !55 BETTER UND tu'kUl tOU CONCERTINA UND VUATCHDLR MAjS A LIMIT. MlT MULES DON'T SCRATCH VnilPTYES HAMUT ISSMYSELf AGAIN. t i i i f ri ' DER IT ISS A A l MIND KtVvt ATMiT FIAT rr'L) FLAT IKON! UKl OLD CAPTAIN GET AEXtioty DEN I GET A BED-SLA- T UND UR good .r,...i . ix rirAt It f II r n A TOOTH; Ml rnMrrNTifATF mymiwh for my vvnv.Minic in nil I MtPwKI c, - , MUM1"" J fV i i i i i k j ; v r". ill k i ii I t n i nn ri s v " c h , ' uc 1 wi MW i ii arrt i i i h i V" ii r ii ' ' lit r ri fi s ' ii '"Li. a iriiim



W FOOLING CAN'T YOU J USTflP IT-- Of llV 1 jH 'VlJt rwW Syi;

paw 1 - -- 6E1t MR m (-- 'W- rSAl' 73-rF- ' J; VAMebackTV h bVwsselfTv121! "wt??


acted n during the are being told thin time, hut I have annlntant tinher power to earlier pert of the evening. lost all confidence In my Next enm brldemnald. MiP guen en urh inattern, no 1 leave It the you Judge yourself. I have EWEEI Sunan IViwnen end Minn Jennie Cooper to to for never seen nor henrd hr Society Notes in their beautiful gownn of white atln her picture Santa Fe DV PANDORA. Ffl nnd blue und pink chiffon. The mitln name, but here's hoping that she formed the length nklrt while come l.nck with round I good ort. the over rhiffon For an nwfully Mm. 8. IT. Itoitewnhl, Mrn. blue pink I it llm hcaihiunrlcr rn Second street. 0. CornlNh, pointed with cryntnl If There anybody who ha contrib- Ii a. Inspiring see w tnwn Hummer Hurkhait, Mrn. r II. Kent, tunic elgd gplc of life In The Teachers to a hole headn. The bodice wag of pink and uted more lo the real woik",1 up; see men who limp hat-i- 1 Mm, Itoy Meli.inald, Mm. W. ('. K"lm, vanity In thin little old burg thnn Coyote l' blue embroidered Inee over which Van fair Father c.n h nihi-- nil their liven making Min limine t'nntor, Mm. liennle Jaffa, he I don't hnppcn to recnll the nnme ev. ry angle iitmit - Inn-kerl)- ', pink In two poinln I'roin Just about In Interest common Mrn. J. Jl. Ileriidon. Mi-- n Ad'l- chiffon hanging shadow never grow l friends Ihe nf cos- Junt now. May his limbic iron ck the or ml Minn i:iia-bel- li down the hack thene dainty innviiM nl : bending nil their energies Mrn. J. Hoiilhern, .With bnn nnd may he furnish me witH n At twilight lime, when the lamps nre lit, fifty-tw- A i were the for hniierOe. In tho ni hlcvemoni of n civic IdeM. W llley, M inn Kettle W HIey, M n. tume wide girdle of nllver cloth good story In the very near fu- Coyote come to lt W ill nlippern real Ful her The her iif the slate 1 Will Hprlnger, I). A. Weinman. worn. They wore white natln edge, side tei Ac- That's wh it saw Tuesday nluht and Mr. ture. At the chapparal's on the mountain here In considerable unrulier. n days pnvlotisly; Mrn. A. Maloy, (I A. Malnon, with rlnetone buckle, the latter lijtlen deride I 0 1 fur number nf nl Mr. Come to and lo the dope, , f Is t'on-nei- l, being bride to cording to ndlance In regardless of Mrn, (), I'.rorikn, Mrn. Walter the Rift of lb her MlllMW-IHIIAM- ). on. itrri'-- r it mv firm belief that, I. The rancher' hound and the rancher' a con-erv.i- t ive estimate of the ri nnv direct material advantage Mrn. Trunk I'ooler, Mr. Iiohm maid. No ornament wre. worn In New received In Alburiieripie lint passerby and everyone. ttitif will he here for th and arranged In n The of visitor ihnt trmy accrue t" the illy from the Merrill, Mm Clark M. "arr, Mm. their hair which was week of the marriage of Mr. Mar- And we pause at milking tlm o lienr i, num. I (Mn"iliilnn of the New II wa Hubert Diet, Mm. )l. II. Jamlnon, Mm. combination French twin! nnd puff, carolling, uKMieliitioti, sticov nf Ih" enterprise, worth garet I.ohman to linear J. Duraud II, s reckless shrill anil clear t diii'iiDoii fifteen Lovelace, Mm. I'". Iv Hummern, Mrn. making ft very high coiffure. They It io .Mi'inii'rfii miiny time the . wn nn plcanlng nn wa surprising. and swift and valorous troll, l "Mime for it eov Ills terse liuiiilreil crowd" iiiimiiiit of money Involved to have W. f. Hopewell. Mm. J. I.ulhy, Mb' carried oldfnnhloned boiuiuet of pink IW'fylng superstition, the couple Itibald, rollicking, scornful, droll, l inen the of Alhiniieri'i. Mrn. Ihreo hit (iltoru undergo thin experience, Cntelle I.ulhy, Mr. Inln llfeld, r.iKcB lu paper lace holder. chose Friday the Kith a their wed- An one might sing In coyotedom: I ! pi'M'nt It menu thnl a lit ll.slanrn It mean n bigger ihhI In m r Alrei- - I, It, Kdgnr, Mrn. i. A. Maephernon, Following wan Mix Luclle Allard.-- ding day nnd Fl I'n.nn ii the place. ho! and n boitlo of rum!" i. of iik will h:ive to "Vo! ho! every l.lweil lie oii"rfpit, II f.ii iitm nil sort of lhliu Mlh II. I'.rent, Mrn. Ilildegarde ihium. maid of honor, attired very much the The ceremony wa performed at the every tune for .;. hiintle minute of the feld, Mm. . I!, riilney, Mm. name an except to e. Unit can't v I'll Ik' expressed In the maid that tier homo of Mr. nnd Mm. II. A. Carpen- Yet well I Wot there Is little ease the next 'iitee iIiivh in order hihI definite form. Mr. Imiiic Harth, Mm. Arrio bodice was miido of mlvcf Inee, ter, Itev. Mr. F.anler, rector of Hi. turkey roost in the pinon trees, plOle of the l. "1. ohl town In Where the th'lt the Huh putney never doe (mother lluning, Mm. I'.. llfeld. Mm. Hull. of the blue nnd pink chiffon. Clemeiil'n church, officiating. The forebodings, canny nnd grim, Unit If 1 t Itut mute upheld Jt meiiiin our reputation Mm. W. Y. Walton, Mm. Italph nn . Hhe Inti- t Ihlnir lo merit the pint ll uile of his nlno carried pink ronen. Welding wan ipilel, only n few they shift mid shiver along tho limb. i t stake noil thnl not ,VtrH. ('. H. II. Konenwitld, lu.t c fellow elll'.cn the V. M. I'. A. hnllilln:! While, Mrn. Then catnn two dainty little tot A mate friend being present. The brlre And Hi" dog flings back an answer brief single thing he overlooked if Mm. V.. Hldlg, Mm. William It. Wal- cn we and hi memory of the movement th:t flower girln, Mary Alice. Thatcher, wan 'attired in a blue tailored gown (Curse o' Hie honest nun on the thief,) re to maintain the standard that Mrn. Miiimin-- I Medler, Mrn. Ham-m- i him brought it about will he nn enduring ton, couhIii of thn bride, nnd Kntherlne and carried a handsome boiuiuet of And the cat, till now Intent to rove, have lot f'tr ournelveii litl.l thut i;. Mitchell, Mrn. '. Hp. IX, Mm. groom. AM'il- - monniFient to hi in. Mr. putmv rild'nt Morey, daughter (rf Mr. and Mr. John bride rones, the gift of the Hlalkn to her lair by the kitchen stove; tome to he reeoisnfeil nn th ' I.cnter, Mrn. H. W'ool-ne- Invent Hie lilen, and he iliiln't do It I'ellx Theodore Morey of Iienver, In the nheerent of After a brief honeymon they re- SI I K fears the r.igiio on the hUl; pierolle plaiohiril. .Tr K. Alger, Mm. Ivan Not that hy liimniir. Thorn were other Mm. J. w hite embroidered frock with big pink turned to thl city ami are now tit Hut no mho remain, and the night is chill. ThJ tem herH' convention I" '"i " .'nil liriinni'eld, Mrn. A. Uriinnfelld, Mm. . j played it big tiiol Important pin t tulle bow on nnd currying home nt 31 North Fifth street. hlen-oni- f In of Alhn who their firm tiilKe.l the tltv l, Mrn. A. Hlern, Mm, ' I ,l. t'hadhourne, bride, a of Virginia, lias skies, 1) pot nllly bring croW.lim moveineoi, nnn hut- - ion tie larg? white hat tied with pink lull Tho native And now, like a watchman of the liii rune, I'" Hlmon Htern, Mrn. W. 8. Htrlekler, with lived for several year past In Silver to a valleys town, Itllt It btlllg thn right nn j "OKIIIcei. IIIK IIUun ill IIMII.Iin.i"K to form banket which were filled Whose glance thousand file. to MiFn Kalhryn Htrlekler, Mrn. Fidwarl nnap City and odally prominent. Hln moon glare over tho granite ledge Those who rum '"' n"..',i ll"-gin- n ftlnk dragon. The email Hplta!, Mr. Frank Hunlng, Mien di- i 1" ...... r iv. ttf clement,! credit for their litornlily nnl their Following In their fonlslepg nnd a decided ac'iuislon to Albuiiueniuo Tared ft lico on it upper edge. Mm, (l. N. Marroii, Albu-rpieriii- eiiriient. mHloim work. I!ut l,icr' H lionenwnbl, rectly preceding the bride, cmno her society. The groom Is one of And Father Coyot waits no more, wtoi ien lief money ror ttm ikc Mm. Harry Weill, r, Mrn, Jowiiti n en - men en petting nwny from the fuel thnl little nelce, Winifred Wheeler, who best known bnnlius Knowing that down on the valley floor, H. iiHrin it they nre ejirneft Crown, Mm A. Iluhbell, Mm. Huh rmney W!i the one Id if, tower-Ili- I'nink In nonegay pink and has n wide circle of friends, whore in a sandy nook, all cool nnd white, niol women, who eotnn lo re fur their J. W. Klder, Mrn. A. 1. Hliortle, Mm carried the ring of lore, figure of the movement. roneluidn, valley lllle nnd forget-me-nol- congratulations are extended to him The rabbits play and the rabbits fight. i.wn kooiI ml who, while i:. A. I u v In, Mr. Frederick. Hornby, scurrying,. Thi no of M"l-eul- em- Flopping, nimble, Ine.tiiiiihl'. (food to the town. H wm not mm h the mnount Mm. Mm. W. I'. f, Hhe wore a dainty white It Max Nordhaim, now with of spring In i loin of money Hint he gnve, though, the Lord lleti-nel- t, broidered organdie frock with pink ins itismoN. Careless the surje nit money lri tlliition Mm, Noa llfeld, Mm. I.. ". do believe any man can In ,,,l Hint helped n whole Int. Wluit nnd band the, tiny rosebud "I not Furry lover, alack! alas! I, nl thut I'm nniHllent Pr' known. Mr. J. Weinman, Mm. M. I.. nanh of some women nil the urn to tro- rl'y. counted for more thnn everything forget-me-n- over her please of the Hklm your fate o'er the mountain grass! Hilviintitue Ihiit tiny Hlern, Mrn. IiiIm Jluning, Mr. W. IV and shoulders. time," skimpy little Mr. Sterling. im (lolhirn elxe tremendoiin energy Ihnt Jone-phon- e confessed ijeorge They hrlnit hJeuH, nn well wh th Chuldem, Mr. U. fl.'Itl.e, Ml The bride, who entered with her women some t of i llltnre he Into the work; the irmplrn gave away, wan mont Hcnnypfok, "nor all the they Rlve it rtlntitii lone threw I'ornon Mm. II. 11. llennlng, father, who her in i IP riirroiinil-I, f Hon he hln colnhor-er- ; gown or of the time, and If he succeed n ml enllKhlenment to tin thut furnished in Mrn. rield. Mr. It. It. Pollock, Mm. plctiircmpie In a handnome any women any of the Inlellei tniil Hnil never nuy-dl- e npirlt, Hint In plennlng of the Influence, the (1. H. iJindrcnn, Mm. Italph Ininbar. whito gatln over which hung a tunlo lime, a genius." to I In " K" ,0'1 ret nil lendemhlp; I consider him almont r.Mli:Vl:l.I, Tl HM D INTO chairman of the committee make moiiil, In the nei of true tV Mrn. Tohinpnon, Mm. I). II. t'arn', of while chiffon edged with nkeleton arrangements. g will in, pep nnnp, mnke the cxnet . u I.IA Will- - the Thn. the fu iliiiitt for nn i' h'ive 'hem nnd Ihe thut Mm, J. II. Wroth, Mrn. W. rt. liiirke, leaven, forming ft border. The. bodice 6,000 f'" nuecenn fit -- QMI.TINU lil K. (lathered forty strong to bid fare- - to the Helgians, miles away, led timl it In nil l l " '"k" ,hr" difference between nnd Mm. M. Mm. M. Nnnh, Mrn. W. wan cut low nnd wan iilmont entirely whole-nnl- e Nanh, A quilling bee for the benefit of th to a renaissance of charity at w.'iy w reelproeiiM lire, Ihene vere furnhihed In w well to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, C real Hint In notue fn I., llnwkli'.n, Minn Hue Iiobnon, Mrn. of the hito chirfon. A long court train HI. Anthony orphanage t their by Mr. I'ulney, children of Snyder, who packed house- - home. the benefil-- Hint we derive from iiunnllllen and V. II. Hchwenlker, Mrn. ('. A. Htowell, hung from the nhoiilder, while, her event had their they were, nil In mild nnd done, Thursday afternoon proved an hold goods leave for home iireneiiee In the ellv. when Mm. W. II. Krancln, Mm. V. Jarrdt, gracefully draped lace veil hung from to their money Hint of more than passing social Interest. long In the scr-- I womws worth more llum nil the Schaeh, Mrn. A. a. cup, n which wn u after service Indian Tin; nm ci.assix Mr. M. Hchiieh, Mi'n inntle round Liberal donations wore mado by tho Santa Wom- ;M)ii imvi:. he tcive. II. Harney, Mm. Hhe car- vk'f, the Hlcphena class ot the First The art clans of Fe woltk (lododiirch W. wreath of orange blonnom. Max, Hros., I n Mr. Nordhaim, Itosenwald - will on Tuesday with lo-- Well, It'n nil over, nnd we nhould Mr. I'rcshyterlan Sunday school on Tliurs- an's cluh meet The eomnilHe'' of inteit.iln-- r, J. Maniorf, Mm. M. Maiub ll, Mln. ried a magnificent boiuiuet of valley Dry company, nil f Ik Ii I v good nbout It find in;il:e the (lolden Kulo Hoods day evening made a pilgrimage to Mr. J. A. Uolls to resume Its studies nt, lo io It'll 1. Hiipei lnteniletil John '! in Julia Minn I.ou l.e, Mrn. Imvld lillc nnd orchid. liron., the F.conomlst, tho In '.he up nr minds Hint the thing Huelf Ie, T. (irunafeld the I'nlted HtateH Indian Industrial in Itelnni'h' "Apollo." Mm. Wilson's Milne, tuiH done nplemlhl work It. I xi no, Mm. N. T. Armllo, Mm. nervice nt the church Ilfeld-Hpi- 11 Followli.g tho company, Albert Faber In Rm-ln- l c tin lie worth nil the money nnd nl! H. school, a distance of some two miles. lank archaeology nuide a fine nrrnnRemeiil" for the fentnren H. llulibell, Mm. A. II- Hlroiip, Mm. a reception wa held nt "HillcreHt," the C. matcilnl Ii.'im l.eei, the H;rir Hint we hnve cxtiended upon and Ccorge Hcheer. The The Snyder nre pillars of the church beginning on Tuesday afternoon, of the loiiviu'tlon. N'o ileinll K. Newcomer, Mrn. N. K. Steven. Mm. Thatcher home. In the par- was worked Into shape by npure It. The Hung to do now In to get busy Ar- hentitllful donated and held in high esteem In th" com- meeting in the president's room f.f oiitioui nlteiitiun. Kverv lienner, Mm. ('. A. Iludnoii. Mm. lor gucnt were received hy Hoatrlght, Mrs. Collin. in iiw neiiiiil work of tlniwind tniike nine Hint we get our Mm. where the Mr, ll. II. munity. Their going would have the Museum of New Mexico. Tilt' tr., thur lli'vn, Mrn. V.. Diinhnr. Mr. mid Mrn. Thatch- A. Manuel Hprlng. H the bridal parly, Mr. Coleman, Mrs. regrets In many Hut subject of unthropology wa up lui been filled In Willi moiioy'n wor'll Mm. W. . meant circle. taken (lei.rge I. Albright, M" er, Mr. and Mm. Thoman Ilnghen, of er, Mrs. tiarcla, Mrs. James Hoff. was Into! by u study of prehistoric man ami proernm thot nlioiil.f T'.aVe tmhoily nn pomild. Mrn. Hutu Hooilricti, Mrn. H. , the tearful farewell turned were F'ngllnhmnn Wluit have you In the j. Albuiieriie, nnd Mr. and Mr. W. Mrs. l.uke Walsh, Mrs. Matzenhiieik-er- Jolly welcome, for just before th th earliest cultures. Thn next sub- - to y that the vlnllorn A. Keen Mrn. K. II. Hlean. Mm. J. e. ecnnn 111 Ilff, nf Iicuver, American Henutle nnd Mrs. llerkenhoff and Mm. Fd migrations a well ntnt.'.n the wny of n deserted I party arrived nt the cosy home mado Ject will be as thr not well i for, - Hr Mrn. Il.rt inker. Mm. dee-or- ril (h Yrlnnrrl, white ronen were lined in a.rtintic Nearly forty mil ltd were mule doubly attractive wllh choice coller dwellings, r.ilmeiinl and food of the There In ntiil nonie worrv over It. Htnmtii, Mrn. '. H. I." t'laie, Mm. In orphanage, ll'." New -- Well, Kellli In nbont M. Ions. The bridal parly ntood for the youngster at the Hons of Indian blankets nnd bas- prehistoric peoples. nenrclty of roomn In Hi" city for Yorker W. i:dc,ar. Mm. W. H. Hope. Mrn. besides spending u hut wlinl on'r looking for. Mr.', front of ii bank of American Hcaulien and the ladles, ketry, a telegram from Washington, iiecommoclinion of thn lem hern, 10. Ilickey, Mim Klbel Mickey. took uwny itnelf out, Allnf 4 IoVclace, and lit either end of thn receiving line most enjoyable afternoon, ('., announced that Mr. Snyder had IP si in i!(isi:s. thin will ntrultfhten H. Me.;lwaln, Minn lorn upon which wn placed with knowledge that they l. iis. fnih-- ilown on ft Ytd 'iti; IT, Minn wa a pedentnl them the been appointed superintendent of the If she ha tin rose, take her some to- quenine h.m nvcr T; Minn Nabello Uvelaee, llarel had u work of real charity. of nort. If tieeenn.iry, Koiuelmw Ihe movemenl for lug rtiiy Ackerman, Mrs, II. ii banket of white rosea. done school on the only terms under which day, proportion thl Maloy, Mrn. Frank cryntnl . cut h (loiihh il, nlipped ii eng. It wun plmiiied for Kay-mori- d Itlchmond ronen In beautiful he could accept thn position, that of Sweet with thought of sweet hearts little Willie mA the mil 11. lven, Mrn. Krank Wilnon. Mm. vi:z-sr,z- u. t dining nnd pu-- order lo m-- 'hi' next Tuendiiy, with n coniuilltcn In Kemponlch, vanen decorated thn room ni relieving him of the care of the ! through the lovely way: up in the t.nrii In Htamm, Mm. - The marriage of Mis ciemewiim vlHiioin. In i lunge nf MIhh Vlrglulii nm! AtlKn Yrlnnrrl, profiiHlonn of yellow and white chrys- eblos. From grief to rejoicing wan If she ban no roses, xpiire room fendy for llm t'urr Mm .1. f. Klrehor, Mrn. J. Chavez to Hlllio Halazar Thursday wl't liliitly Mnndell, Hint buile to n-Iri- anthemum wero lined In lite reception but n step nnd the class had th them her, nun way or miollier the Mtimtlon fnlr Jr, Mm. J. T. .VlclJiughlln, Mm. U morning was a decided surprise to the I'luek for man. ti ndjuntej, und nobody will to every reluctiilit dlmn from the .nm. hall nnd living room. Jolliest social in It history. The1 In your tender toiling. every J. Ilummeii, Mm. r.ari ininni, Annlntlng were Mr. and Mrs. O. Ii. I many friends of both bride and lunch rcrverl shortly before midnight you walk the nlreet of nle p on the"'roof. rcmotcHt corner of pocket. It fleorge H. Klock, Mm. Kred Hoyii, Dream, and where can! me one bent le t In Onnn. Mr. und Mm. N. H. Wnlpoe, groom. was something out of the ordinary, The different women' nrKiinliuitlone looked lo lilio th" Mm. .1. A. Iteidv. Mrn. K. W. Pob.'ioi, ceremony was performed at rnterliiln-min- t . money-gettin- g proposi- Mrs. Adnmn, The Laughter n rrn n(ted proRmitin of tint wuy of M Imh Wallier, Mrn. I", A J irmef (lovernor nnd Alva and fun marked the. If she has no roses, fill her life with have tlcrtrudo Hacrcd Heart, Kev. j repu- . (Mr. Mrn. A. A. Watklns, Mr. the Church of Ihe homeward trip In the big Indian thut will do credit to the tion. Walker, Mrn. M. Manddl. Mrn. W. V und and. officiating. Jt love honp't.ility, nnt However, noinehody nugge.sted that, R. A. Mm. S, Hrooklng. Mr. nnd M. Father Cordova Hchool hcrdics where the Journey to1 Until she dream roses from tation to thn city for HI rung, Minn Arml.lo, Mn. Mr. only limited number the rain in why everyhoily the teiiehern would ho In town on I). Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. a fjub't afrulr, a the school had been in rather a mino'' there no region el Mann, Mrn. It. U Mutt. Mrn. Mabel Thatcher, Jr.; being In attendance, beside skies above: Tnend iv, Hh W lire, nil expected Deuel, Mrn. V. W. Cooper, Mr. of friends key. Till shouldn't twivo the time of their llvf. and Hleveim lllitioe, Mm. Jerre Haggard, Mr. und of the families of the she dreams the ro, lo piny the howt during their nluy here, Mrn. C. II. Con- and Mrs. Hubert H. Oant and Mr. and the member AAA And with heart mado sweet Mrn, II. O, ('oorn, Jr., bride groom. After the weddln? j It would not be In good tunte to throw H. und MIX 1(1 PAL CHUISTMAS TltF.K. A rose among roses-St- and H.I SU IT. ner Mrn. Frank Toll, Mm. Thoman Mr. Alva Adam. Mr. ami Mrs. Halazar took tho train the In IflIU it do. out A dragnet for money under nuch Mm. Mrn. Hr., was particularly When Santa Fe pitched in to raise greet! There the tininil thut . Wllkemon, Mr. I). A. Hlltner, Thatcher, with lii8 to day for F.l Paso. After the honeymoon 1 1,000 termlned effort will ho mnde to tnk c!rcuiiiHtnncen, nnd no tug went Ward lb AndeiHon, Mm. Flwood A- beautiful In n. gown of an exquisite to for the Helgians there were) until Knturdiiy, rernoiuilly, 1 Mm. they will return to Albuo,ueriue murmur money be the rnventlAu nwiiy from Alliitiiieriie; ovir lbright, Mm. Wallace llcnnelden, Hhndn of purple over which was a tunic. ' that the should If sho ha no rose, take her rose of make permnnent home. I f hroimlit the of iirguiiient. Mrn. their used charily home. When song, tint Mg urn heii(f enn't H'c force the Hlortf. Mm. Fred I'anfleld, of lace thickly Interwoven with thread Is of Den- for at n o nuking to Frank The bride, who a sinter Santa, coptri-- 1 down n, ore for tlie purpose of vntimt It Inn'f k If were them M Mrn, Amado f'hnve, of gold. Fe the week following Joy nnd sun nnd laughter, faith and I' Hlnmin. nis Chavez., la a member of one of - .city for morlaiige mid H ll the grand, Mrn, bitted $1,200 Alhuquer- j for tlilx, thut or the other the farm Mm. I'mke, Mrn. K. A. Vaughey, Mr, lliff wn lovely In white with Albu-iiicri- toward the trusting strong; n, bent known families In linylhliiK clock. It'n JiihI, ii matter of Mcl'ch'l-la- the (Uo Y. M. C. A. fund, were i next yetir'n meellnu thmi for father Nancy llewwlck, Minn Dollle enntly lace trimming. is socially prominent. there Take her all your heart full plot counterplot Jimmying nnywhere from it dime to M. K. and moans now no money would be clue, nnd Ihnt mid Mr. H. H. Itodey, Mrn. Mr. Hughe wore a becoming cos- Mr. Is with the that Of the thoughts that seem view to dollnr everybody hup-pen- n Habi'.ar connected to city. liutj Lovely, a urn helnit worked Willi n out of that Wylder, Mrn, Harry O. Hlrong, Mm. tume of nprleot natln with (fold lnc (lolden Dry (ioods company nnd left help the Poor in this tho roseB - Hlonit; nnd itiile giving m wlnglh the- convention to nonin oilier Ihe fact that there J. K, Haiiit, Mln Irene Haint and Mm. ca pe. of great begets charity. Charity In J her Albiiipicrqun next ynr. will bo morn people In town to give is a young business man practice doe not ulwayB begin nt illy thn Ilert Hkinner. Mr. Hobert ( Wheeler, of Chicago, promise. The congratulations of a. wnm i'X'ir-,erate- d Koemn to m to be rather nn argument home but It once get it There hve heeti rnther who In always dainty nnd pretty, wan will go out to tho alter started If she has no roses, fill her Hfo today ngaliiMt It. host of friends love-swe- et Klatcmentn In eertnin pHpern In favor of lag day than !lndyn Hilly. ' IJ" "w,'"r ynu enpcclally no evening gathers strength as It move nenrot'lWith the roses the ntory effect lant In a pink young couple. that to th effect thut Alhiin,iieriil hn There' n nlno to Ihe love me? chiffon gown trimmer! npanglen, home. Thl has been Santa Fe's ex sweetheart say: trying to "hog", that It ' hiiHii't been exactly decided you What with perience before local been the Illllv You know I love one of tho mont admired matron rMVFUSITY XOTFS. and never have Words that turn to rose, 11 nm proceeds of tag day It 7 people de- nnd unite numher of folk rinve whether the do vou wlnn me to HWear on waif Alva Adams In a University will bo been aroused to such a Words that burn nnd bleed dlKponltlou tu get warmed np I nliiiiil.) go to thn Htnrvlhg llelgianM In Mr. beautiful Sessions of the gree of planning poor played a ir dlndyH n tho bench out Hie contume of pink mennnllne wllli tunlo suspended during the coming week and giving the With the sweet of perfnmo over el I 1 1. .ii . Ihe Hlnrvlng AlhuiileriUennn, A lot at home a during past At the nt moonlli?bt! of luce, trimmed with headn. on account of the meeting of the New the week. And the grace of.deed! All of which Ih Hiiincihlng more ef folks havo the Idea that It Inn't a conseiiuenee, there will be no rcnliy H.iltlmore Sun. l!el-giu- Mm." Cooper' con'ume wa one of Mexico Educational association in the n Iwlce-lol- d tale. Vn heard the to go im far nwny an lt destitute than III l.l-l- tho prettiest noted liml proved very city. home without its Thanks- litMt year, yon know to find n way to npend money jit it"VlflHug giving organiza- win" Muff and a recent on .i the tcacliern becoming. wan the. university dur dinner. The church TIIANKKfilVINfJ WF.KK EVENT. nnffctlng, nnd h It a black luce robe over The exhibit nf the remiltwe ure entertaining the for the relief of human to bo given jointly by the Woman cnargo tion arc seeing to that. For the first The great event of will h h bo or. green chnrmcuno, ing tho convention will lie in tho week teaehtrn again nnd urn tl.ftlcd to there likely to nomo talk J'ureiit-Tenche- imnoclallon. time in its history, the Chamber of tag club, the Mrn. Alva II. Adnm was pelit nnd of Dr, Kirk, I'rof. Weese and Ml:s the art exhibit nt the Palace of the deHtli o do It. We hope thut Hit thin brunch of the subject before Tuenday clnh and the Fortnlghtlv department Commerce, not only resolved, but ac- flovernocs on Thanksgiving day by enterlnln-Iti- g day finally come off, the of attractive In nn embroidered white Clcason. In the science 'time nexi icnr we will be In pretention affair 1 tually gave Its financial support to club Hie mont 1 Sheldon Pifrsons. Me will his fiint-le- r hlffon with touches of pink and lav-- especially the equipment noticeable. display them once more, mid cml aHwure Mv own observation on nuch prcnent week. The will Ihe charity work of the Woman's autumn picture painted In bring In nlways n of the etidnr. and It Is believed that, the exhibit will and about them that the pi ifui tiiunce will that Ihere'g lot he Tuesday afternoon nt "e Masonic attention, Hoard of Trade which for years has name fellelloun motion. Niifferlng In ftlmost every (punter, nnd nn expression of The wedding gift were very hand- attract, most favorable been about the temple und will be A procession Thursday the official charity distributor nil, l In for th It docHn t rniike nuch nn nwfwl differ-inc- o by women some. Mrs. Thatcher' gift wa a football Wo- After a malter welcome ncorded the 2 will he for the city and county. "The nnd It suffering you relieve, the chest of silver and Mr. Thatcher pre- beginning at o'clock, teiichcin ihcniH'lvcH to dcclilii, whont Junl of Albiliiieiiue to thn women of New or t nnnKsgiving, man's Hoard of Trade can make a In declileilly bad t.ielo for no you nre Miire your money gnen by femi- sented his daughter with a check. ono of tho features In would be Moxlcit n repreHenled the Is exp'H'ted a good crowd silver dollar do more real stunts I wheth-i- r In gV Mrs. Hnnlziiiger I youngest and It that "Beauty is th Aloii'i'o fpi" lo poll hem here wher' Intended to We nre nil nine, delegate lo the New Mexico the game between the charity line than wo men can a daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. IJ. will be attracted to the they want to I'otue or not. There big family, all of us ilailghtem of annoclallon. Aggies Hope- make ft hundred do," was tho senti- her-ed- the varsity and the at nre other clib.n In New Mexico benlilen Kve and noun of Adam. Want U wnnl, tei... ..umii u. he or more iiiau i" iThati'her and since finishing ment at the Chamber of Commerce first gift natun Albu.pii in .not tinnnturi.l wherever you find II, nnd the oblla an may be ration at I lohhs Ferry In New Vork, five well field. meeting on Tuesday npic, and it in I inipotiam e socially, will bo no vesper services evening and nbout mu- Hon humanity In name, be Hip ...... i . year ago, ha very prom There Hint tiny dhoiibl feel the of the i. i... ti,.. iu.i I. .en wiieil names in she lieen as all students will forthwith, tho coin began to roll iiii givds fo womm tter JnM we 1m no nco". (ibjnrt of it near or reunite. receiving line inent In society here, a well an hav- Sund'ty afternoon, tin do. There the lint of those In the in' Kocclal services at the high for the work so that no one need hint) for our folk togct excited be I'm In favor nf tag day on general meeting held at ing devoted much of her time to loin the starve or to freeze during Is Those selected at the i r.ool auditorium for the delegates Santa Fe's and thi first' nome other town want He1 principle. 1 like to nee 'em he madu to Woman' club me as f"llown'. Mrs. church work. During the past few educational long winter. .nr clnl the Santa Fe t the years to the convention of the will!" thing we do. come neroH whether Ihev want to Ot W C McDonald, Mrs. C. C. Mill. Mrs. shn has contributed pleasure to Woman's cluh ever before take such it tagdnv. F. AHIun.l. ner hy assc elation. takis away." not and that' what hannenn on Alvaii N. White. Mm. It mend tier reading. Dean C. Worcester of the Interest as it Is doing now In charity. A MTTI.i; VAItV. My e I go V . V Mr. HunUlnger. T:of. JfhT own ndvli to nhead and Mm. A. H. Hti oup, Mm. John who !: now associat- of psychology, left Thurs- Its meeting on Tuesday afternoon I In c. . i nan Ulklng to the flr.inn Widow have tag dny, nnd after thn money son, Mm. J. A. Miller, Mrs. ed with the John Church music, com- he will breathed the very spirit of charily. Of Why shouldn't, wo- by D. A. pany day fot Phoenix, Ari., where about Ihe attempt. oT the other tovnn on hand hold n caueun and decide Clark, Mis. John Milne, Mrs. In New York city, one nf the r sent the university at a Y. M. course, there were also thn Interest-- j men preserve their get ron enlion. a majority vote will be iKmo It. 1 ,r- largest music concern In for- 'jr. lug reports delegates in the Mate to the what Itoatiight, Mrs. David the east, C A. convention, of the to th natural attractiveness The (irnsn Widow ha a way of Hint.- -' with the proceed. j. '. " merly lived In I'ueblo, ho a Federation meeting at Silver City. I, ilradfont, airs. where has Tho if thut be possible. 1 tutting hef point b.v l. lling a ynre, 11. Mc.M'llcn ami us w"1.6 host of friends. At one time he was club voted its contribution to main- 1 - Mr. XOTKS OK SOCIF.TY. 0k tipp.iiciitly npropon of nothing lu par- When trvln Cobb wan rewrite man' connected with tho tain a representative for tho Feder- Silver State Music City Clerk Thomas Hughes returned The Marinello rvs- - ' tieiilar, but which, nome five nr ten for the New Vork Fvening World ho hl'othner matters were decided lit the company here and every ono who knew ation at the legislative session, so that g night from Denver, hav- tern I nhn lui 'd relnt-- 1 left tho office one night hluhly ....,,. meeting, such nn tin. him held In Friday after women given teaches its follow- - ri.nute after flnJnh cluh him the highest esteem. will be a square deal by ' i V 1 Clin-ih- e ing attended the wedding of Hobert crs to ft it, nuddeiily nirlUm 5'Au an flu In c ii.'ie(t after n npat wllh Cliarles of Iter! Cms stamps Mr. and Mrs. the solons In their demand repre- make the most details of Ihe sale n Huntzlnsfer left last U lliintr.inger and Miss Ada Thatcher for of cane in point little bit better pin, the city edllor, lie returned the approaching holiday, night for Colorado Spring and Denver. sentation on state boards and In other themselves. during the . in Mrs. Hughes will 1 will give next nnu'iilng, mill to find a most lnterestlns IT Ill ...... Pueblo. remain than .uiYthlng, else can do. ruffled, regard to which , "'"P 'n Cincinnati en route vis- measures they have up their sleeves, ver-'th- In Denver for two or three weeks Every you the tale nhe told, an henrly chnplii wan nlmeiit. from II. w. viui-- to rscw i ork. There home will be In although under present fashion dic- woman should In- - address day, iting relative. he interested iintlm an I. can rrnicml'r ll: "Where'ii the old nuui?" he Ii Wila domestic science aim iirooklyn. tates there does not seem sufficiently enough, - - - of There wan one a Couple of run- ejii!r. 1. urogram of unusual interest was ren- Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. F. Walter icit or sleeves to nide very much to investigate. 1 n n are at the Alvarado hot.'l. 1. n call t hem llram ml Hal ansi.'Maiit inriirmeii nun mat . , IMits. Santa Fe even In the line of legislation. The! br deed. A - inr iit vins. in Albiuiur-rcut- un- who mw a r.illioad fiiin for the firni t'hapin wan III. Mr. I cllxi:tiHaca was a charming They will remain club voted unanimously to support the In I ve.i. AccompiinylilK Kild Cobh, niuc run- - til after tho educational convention. lime their "Hear me!'' llltll.LI T Vi:ilIN( j hostess Tuesday afternoon, w hen she movement to sell Hod Cross Christ- - tliem to the village lilt thin nioliieiit-- J cernc.l. "I hope It' iiolhing trlvl ll." Descriptions of tho wedding i entertained at auction bridge at her Mr. and Mrs. Louis llfeld have Is- mas stamps for the benefit of the! dost, j Fveryb.idy'n. j evening HARINELLn on occ.mloti wan eld hound Hobcrt I.. HuntnliiKcr to Mis Ada 10mo on West Fruit avenue. Decora- - sued an Invitation for an at campaign. It heard Kpot, : aiiit--whi- t! bridge next Tuesday U who klmi loo.fkrd tipotvil Ir.iln hatcher, In rucmo wcck itoi "". uon oi iinK cnrysantln-,- auction at their with pleasure that Its special com-- i - or i liiMt N pained MltH, 1) horn.; Copper avenue. H si. for th tune, the train MIV'S IWUTIIX i contained 111 the I'ueblo ami loiinin, a coior scheme wnicti wan on West mittoe headed by Miss Conrad had o rut l U wit tt one Putney was Hiram Hal looked cyci record of the prcnent neanon ver puper show It to have been maintained throughout, were especial- Mrs. It. Ii hostess last succeeded In supplying clothing, and in. Hiths wide i.en, hut Hpot, nHeriwim panned on Wedn.'nilav and Thorn- - mont brilliant ocial event of ly effective, an, lent a delightful week to the Tuesday club. An extra shoes and food for the inrti out of the provided Mrs. Mrs. M. Peden the manner of 'a hound dog, took day of last week In the elaborate par recent vent In Colorado. The I'ueblo cheer io the rooms. Mr. Frank Htom table was for Ralph school children of the outlying rural) (liter It nn K his legs Would let by Dniiahy, following de- was Hunt, of Fl Paso, who celebrated hi r districts. haul ties given Mrs. Thomas Star-Journ- al of the dHy the fortunate winner of the first It decided to give Santa Proprietress. I birthday anniversary. h.m. and it Is doubtful If any social event votes more than a column to a des- prise. Fe's poor an Christmas! 116 South. Interest of the aged couple soon In In years guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold P.. Jamison tree Fourth. Street. Th" Albuquerque former has cription of tho wedding, from which Th Included Mm. fleorga S. in the plaza on Christmas day: Phone, 51' wan Iranslepr iJ race hcentw 'en beauty. Mrs. have from a trip east, dur- t. .( the exceeded them In elegance and it appears that Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Klock, Margaret Medler, Mrs, C. returned and appointed Misg Jessie March, tlie dog nd Hie Iniln. Suddenly ti" The parties were In Tuft hall at the city played a conspicu- K. Lowlier, Mm. F. 11. Kent, Mm. ing which they attended the wedding htis-l.- Hughe of this woman te-l- c 1''. .1. of Mr. Mrs. Jtohert K. Diet. tiiiutit ahd sibt to her Ah'arsdo, which was tl perfect bower ous part in the social nctlvltie Jarrett. Mrs. YrlKarrl, Sr., Mrs. and d: lo ynu Spot Blar-Journ- Miss Louise Castor, of Topeka, Kan., "llinon, reckon of Callloriitu greenery and cedar, tiding tho affair. The John W. Wilson, Mm, Thomas N. will l.ete, that train?" studded With yellow and white Mrs. .bnne W. .Chaves, Miss Is visiting her cousin, .Miss Kstclle ' report Is In part an follows; I t iiiin. i, sal," replied Hiram. Mammoth flowers filled Presbyterian church was Armijo, Mm, K. C Idea of San-l- a Luthy. "What's me itt, 'spomii' he potted The First 1,. The dance of the Thirty clnh at .n?iir the windows and corner, while the scene of the brilliant nlfair. The Fe.'Mrs, It. Must, Mm. James iloeu kel. h ll, whit wit) he do W'il'i fern and California pepper branches Homer. Mm. (J. Hire, Mrs. It. L. Woodman's hall on Friday night was ' ' sanctuary was a bower of (greenery it afler he gits it ' were so arranged a produce a Wooti'n, Mrs. Mm one of the pleasant affairs of tlie last to and white chrysantneniums, aim W. Y. Walton, highly nrtlstny effect, the electric were Frank Martin, Mrs. Nancy Heswick, week. St Hull; tlie show (he coiled around the pillars wistaria Tho members of the Lowland ir think nl lighting scheme being one of rarest At either side oil Mrs. K. A. M.inn, Mrs, Kdwin Sowers, iicwls is a little pruning. beauty. The color scheme of yellow vines nntl Hlmtla. Mrs. Stori?., Mrs. Harry Strong, F.rldgp. cluh met yesterday afternoon m: the middle aisle down which the bri Frank n. t'ndi rstodt No! It's full of primes ami whito wn curried throughout the Mrn M.'liton Mrs. C. 11. Conner, at the home of Mrs. Fred Canfieid, e. dal procession passed, were low white ttero, a. now. ' iVtcoration and refreshment,' Mrs. Marry Henjamin, Mrs. Frank at tho corner of Gold avenue and Sev In gnlfl columns upon which rested basket street. The hostess was charming Ackerman, Mrs. M. Chamberlain, enth re- - Wed-neml.i- y pink shaitea eAch,cr "ave the of a A MVV AM) ,MOVI.WI.T. J liWH-ad- On filled with lavender and A Thanksgiving eve dance nt Co- liable andmTn'd? convenience and white chiffon. these columns Mrs. Fred Canfieid, Mrs. Fred llcyn, store. a I rend lind a good She Was assisted by chrysanthemum. From lombo hall given by tho degree team I hive dealMoi afternoon Mrs. Isaac Harth. Mrs. Hert Haker, Ptho1V'!nei0V"al,lnVU."Uon1 ,0 8,1 to j were stretched white satin rmnoiis Ar-no- bids cher visit 'F.VEKITT rny about the Y.i M. A. movement Mrs. llfeld, Mrs. II .K, Puti1", Mrs. Joseph lirown, Mrs. (ieorge t. of the Woodmen's circle fair to and see store in Mac-phem- which were tied at the other ends to the state f In Albun,ner.iie. nd t to! Mrs. B. ti- - I'.dgar, Mrs D, A. Mrs. John Milne. Mm. Frank A. be ona of the most pleasant affairs X ,co,ndUCtin,K th' thing to page Mihs F.stelle l.uihy; on similar column, II..K1..MI I V .1 ' 1,1a IIhi 11 of the coming week. Music will be IncWemalTv" "tore for the benefit of the public overdo the i,r run this and step leading ''and for over thirty nnme a a Y. M. A, oipplenient. Hut Thursday by Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs At the top of the to M George C. Mueller, furnished by the Hooster orchestra. vears and the wa arch, wItBm .'eriu is synonyniues with square aeallnsf. the thing wan so f'ne, splendid. S. i:. McKlwain. Mis Ilane MaWy und the pulpit an exuulslte white Mr Mlli0 M- - William The Indies' Aid Society of the First vines and We offer vou ti.o vai,.M , . that I can't Hud it possible, to tin n 4 Mis l.ora Lovelace. interwoven with wisteria Jenk and Dr. Margaret Cartwrlght. Presbyterian church are planning to hoi a prise, simllax. ltenenth thin the marriage We offer you fie best JOOS" llll lit lllle". Two prixe, an well a cut give a beautiful entertainment. In the e values in Lavallieres I Inhabiting' day, service was read hy the IlcV.CIarence De- offer you t ,e best value., 10 Not since have been wcTe swarded each the winners IM1XT ASK MF auditorium of Ihe high school on We liracelets t been mi proud of! being Mm. HuH. Mrs. O. A. W. Wcyer. by 1. program is offer you Hie best values i thin have Frank Fmest l.iiidoltl. better known cember An elaborate you Hroochcs. AlbU'liicrnue or so mucerrly loi Mntson, Mrs. Ward Anderson ami A few minutes before the ceremony those who Know him as "Ijindy," left helhg prepared, and the admission Ae offer he best values in Watche g.i Do lie one of her folk as I was Toes-- ! Mm. It. II. Ivc. Minn Charlotte Helta sang "How last night for that broad expanse of fee has been fixd at the small sum 1 I Jw- - vcr. Shop day night, when thing beganllto pot., ri'he Invited guests included Mrs. I,ove Thee," and promptly at eight country which wo refer to as "tho of twenty-fiv- e cents. eJ?.' I'rof, Howard Marsh Plngne, o'clock Charles cast." The ladies of St. John's guild will Kindly call ar.l Innir played the wedding march from "Atda" Why give a Thanksgiving bazaar and tea cial sale of Th.,i .r..w ". ."::""": 1 yoV to, Our spo as the bridal party entered the church. me. Tuesday afternoon S to o'clock .. nn mis week. Don't ask from SPKCI.U i The groom, accompanied by William I got I have home ot Mrs. Uenrgo S. e,n .- visiung icacners wil receive n in , rt is- - haven't the answer. at the Klock cmini nnv an 1- ...,-- , ... .i SCHOOL OF MODERN DANCING iloebel, t.f Cincinnati. Who Acted as heard more rumors about Landy Him on North Tenth street.' There-wil-l be ,y ,iurrnase by simply mentioning this M'LCIMJTII lykK.IVl.VG DIMT, Thursday I icnlnc. Nov. SSlli. best mnii. und the Itev. Mr. Weyer. I can l'e.ali having heard about iny-hod- y homo cooking and fancy work sale, eniercd from the rrictory. in a blue moon, put I hitve never and after 6 o'clock supper will be iwui iviinuy -- n first null. iMMistui I'lrci; in.nn. slowly down middle aisle been to satisfactory tin.' served. or Uls iliHlc Then the able ge( The for prliale lensou, ai3. came the livo lmhcm, Lin Ian H. on nnv of them. Something tells im Mm. Il.trry F. Lee. of Santa Fe, Is Diamond Palace ., and Fred llnver, Mahlnn D. that there Is more than the usual gos- at the Alvarado, where she will sperm EVERITT Thatcher, Jr., and Qeorge 1 1. Sweeney sip a a foundation to the stories that the next niunth. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1914. THREE

j j 308-31- j j 308-31- 0 j j 81 j jTHE STO RE JHE ECONOMIST STORE Phonc84 j 0 West Central j j THE ECONOMIST STORE West Central Phone ECONOMIST Silk Stoclkks Fm Delivery Mail Or&rt n A very complete nn.l comprehensive You will nn.l Just tli a Vfil slock of Women's Silk Civrn Out of .storking, 'InctudlnR white, black and 67 varletlne of shade. ytul want here because wo Wo Kunranteo those Towo ty our stockings to Kiva yon nil the service you Prompt linvo lilt) new Mien Coming Ueiiuiiints left from think they should, mid yo will Hn.1 them lionntlful, mnooth IniurrJ every week, il s:ili of last week. 2 "t i.n.l wll matin. Kuyscr, Eiffel and Jtadmoor brands. ITUo in J Cartful Jiini rci'i ivt II up"-ri- pair. Solid two-ton- e Hut new ami yard pieces nt lipr color nrnl cffecta. Outslr.os. 2.V Attention Parcel Toil twin Xtilinir to per more, ' iair It. V prli en to oloo.

CoiavaimfiSoiB Wed Spedtak fa Oisar Far CoaiveiElfcwsii Wcdk Wl CW a 1:1

COMIC AXD SKU WHAT $15.00 WIIX BUY li Thai means intuit indeed to. the women of this city who CO ATS-WY- our choice of SO coals for women and misses, consisting; of wish to avail themselves of extraordinary millinery values. liiixtuie cloth, ziliclines, tmcle, plaids and fur fabric materials. "made n Early shopping is advised, as mhiic of the lots are small. in the very latest and most te styles. n W e hae divided our entire slock into four lots as follows; DRESSES Choice of over 50 silk or wool dresses, many just received to $ 5.00 to $ 7.50 Trimmed Hats at $ 3.00 supplement our large stock, in all te colors and models. Come and see these special values. $ tS.(H) to $12.01) Trimmed Hats at $ 5.00 $12.50 to $18.00 Trimmed Hats at .$ 7.50 SUITS Take your pick of over 50 new, stylish.tip-to-the-minut- e suits, made of gabardine, poplins, serges, mixtures, etc., in Redingole and $18.00 to $25.1)0 Trimmed Hats at...... $10.00 other late models and in the prevailing colors. All rntiimmed Hat Slopes reduced from 25 to AXD EUR choice 1TRS SETS Your of over 50 beautiful fur sets, con- from regtilar prices. sisting of the new style muff and neck piece, in all the most fashionable furs of the season. These must he seen to be appreciated. Regular w rON'VEN'TIOX WEEK SPECIAL P.ny your uiUrimmed values to $25.00; Convention Week Special $15.00 3 mm shapes and vour trimmings from us ami we will trim them FREE. M Ezlhrai Sptsdal Valine fa SMrfs valuable ami constant patronage extended. M by 'ew Mexico's .school teachers wakes it particular' 100 handsome Dress Skirts rllll for women and misses, made of serges, gaber- pleasurable to welcome you to Albuquerque and ta dines, poplins, plaids, checks, etc.. made in tunic and the new plainer styles. 'Albuquerque's only exclusive Women's Store, 'where the tnany Es(hrar&airy Sjpcdbfls m This is a special Convention Week value, as regular prices are generally up to $7.50. conveniences provided for its patrons and the public .0 Trice, Choice, Social $3.98 will be found a desirable help toward comfortable enjoyment of a) life) convention, Permit us dlbtsr Cornwall! WecSs SpsdMs the hours between the sessions of your to take care of your parcels and extra wraps. Make this your 1'or Teachers' Convention Week. Mercerized Saline Petticoats, all colors, value 75c; special downttKcn home, ft is not necessary that yon have even WAISTS Made of llabutai, Pongee, Cotton Mcssaline Petticoats, fitted band, value $2.00; specitl $1.65 thought of making purchases. Mcssaline and Crec de Cihne; Good quality Crepe Kimonos, value $1.50; special .98 colors brown, champagne, greens, Gingham and Percale House Dresses, value $1.50; special 98' navy, Copenhagen, maize, black' Cliambray and Gingham House and Street Dresses, value $2.00 $1.65 and white. Regular values to $6.50; Ladies' Vool Street and Calling Dress, value $8.50; special $5.00 Sic Special $3.95 Ladies' Wool Street Dresses, values to $17.50; special $9.98 WAISTS-M.- ide of Wool Challie. Ladies' Silk Dresses in Mcssaline, value $17.50; special $9.9S Silk Chiffon, Jap Silk, also I,ace iOO Ladies' and Misses' Coats, plain and fancy mixtures, value $17.50 ferafts! Mia Waists, all colors. Special, $15.95 a $9.98 tt la each yenr When tlolla an. place,! on display lo nlftr 50 Ladies' Suits, in plains and mixtures, to close It our custom I yf-a- . ; WAISTS-Ma- Linen, Sliipcd Madras $9.98 lt.ll al a special pricf. Thin is no .lit.n It in tlm IiIkkchI WASH do of While 'i(uc, White linn only value wo have, ever liml. lailli In Ml.o anil ipialily. Tliero urn and Flannels, with long sleeve, high or low necks; special this week, $1 tlll linn-tlrctl- 240 in Ilia lot and will liniilly lost Hie week. Theia will nlno bo of other iIoIIh lo claim your aii. niion, mnh a llm Kewpio, lh a lino of character USldI Kalry Halm, Hahy tiriiinpy, Cainphell iil and Omr Stock of SSfe feTooIeavjr! haliiea. Wfelli o So You Get Them at Phenomenal Reduction Prices. Co These Silks on sale for this week : ; ! Every day is Ribbon Day with us, but this is going to be Ribbon Week one 2,500 yds. Fancy Taffetas and Mes- - 40-inc- h Brocaded Charmeuse and week of special selling of Christmas Ribbons. We are going to sell more salines, worth from 75c to $1.25, Crepe, $3.(K) grade, special at Ribbons than we ever sold before in one week, and the values are really It 22 to 27 in. wide. 59(. $1.65. t wonderful. o 36-inc- 40-inc- kIv-In- K n h Printed Silk Ratine, $1.50. h Moire Toplin, regular $3.50 We are poHltlvoly 14 the ribbons wanted for the Christ- - a A full Jointed doll, you tin) bcHt null All bright, new crisp fancies very ST grade, special, grade, $1.9S. V- 79. inches In height, with valuta ever offered In j mas fancy things. The patterns are all new and different from the ordinary - ntocklnp;.i, thin city. tthopB and I ,a!c goods. StyM 'Wooki Mskrials Wih ILuMcb Prices . .. Mo not blame tm If movable eyes and n i I ., ' you do not (tecuro a Conic and see ribbons, whether you w ish to purchase, or not and A whole counter full of Dress Goods, all new .1914 fabrics, selling usually BPvved wIk. .. . couplo of tlietit) beau- ' if yon are not 'prepared to buy, you can make your selections, pay a small up to the yard; special for this week Special tiful iIoIIm at $3.00 $1.79 deixjsit, and call for 'same when convenient. Solid Colors, Mixtures, Plaids and Checks. j The entire stock is idvided into lot numbers for easy choosing: Cloranac, -- CbaMffls IMi&sJ hr Qmk m Fdhws: Lot Xo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12

56-inc- a h Cloakings, plaids, checks and stripes, selling usually up to $3.00 ; Per yard 10c 15c P'c 25c 2'h: 35c 45c 55c 65c Sc $1.35 $1.8 yard; on sale at, $1.98 ' Many of these sell regularly for 25 to 50'. more and must be seen to be 56-in- spe- Novelty Cloakings, selling usually to $4.00 and $4.50 the yard; ' j appreciated. 4 cial price this week .$2.48

ECONOMIST 308-- 3 1 0 West Central Ave. Phone 84 THE ECONOMIST 308-31- 0 West Central Ave. Phone 84 THE ECONOMY 308-31- 0 West Central Ave. Phone 84 THE

PEACE-PAC- T1IK WEEK'S MCARINd EVENTS. Santa Fc. Santa Fe never had a love- WREN SOME ONE CARES. THE bridge parties given Wednes- g In that The lier autumn and never had with It It is so much better when gome one They were foes they fell day and Thurstbiy afternoons by Mr. most brilliant writers an the cares, frontier fight, Kate F. Hall and her daughter, Mrs. THE artist so well able to catch Thc-- they lay with -t- Is so much brighter when some one were friends as so-ci- al America artists aiilumn skies. It W. O. Sargent, were the leading he tints, the southwestern shares their wountla unbound, events the week. At ea di hnt atmosphere which morn-ing-lig- of whose cartoons and "comics" Indefinable The dally burden and and strife. Waiting the dawn of their last were seven Tho (i ts Santa Ko and New Mexico apart stiess party, there tables. So much sweeter to go through life . color scheme of yellow and white was make the nation laugh are from all other portions of the United caring a husband and It was silence all, save a shudder- score of can- Helping and artistically curried out in chrysanthe- .Suites. More than a wife ing sound mums and other blossoms. Tho prize working exclusively for , vasses will be displayed. glory of each In their From tho souls of the dying that g Bound in the winner the first afternoon was Airs. The musical affair this week prom-ise- way rose around; W. and on Thursday af- la to John March to be an artistic triumph. It Lifting the shadows and gloom of the And the heart of the one the other ternoon, Mrs. K. C. Wade. a violin recital by I. L. Tello, the Bra- da;'. cried, ' ( aril Chihrf. ' zilian virtuoso, who now makes his As closer they drew, and their arms The Friday club met with Mrs. home In Albuquerque. He will be as- Is so much better when things you enwound, on Friday Tho It on French afternoon. sisted by Mrs. I. IT. napp and Sirs. have done "There will be no war the other Monday Auction Bridge club IW't-- O. V.. America's Cleverest Weekly Doll on tho piano and Mrs. Have called forth a whisper of love Side." with Mrs. J. Wight tiiddings this BOTTLEIBEER William J. Fauth as vocalist. The (i i' enn week. Last Monday, It was tho guest! program Is one will ap- As of the dying mounted a classical but O- - tender aftectlon and trust and the souls of Mrs. 11. C. Yontz. Tho Kveniugj Everybody Loves Puck-J- ust peal to music lovers o all degrees. l n , high Bridge was guest on Tues- the long club the ; Danclmr. And you take up the day with a heart It seemed they could hear day evening of Mrs. Frank W. Par-- 1 for Fun tho fight, farewell! Dancing and cards will be the rule, for spake, and thej ker. For years this paper almost every af- And you take up the years with a Then together they Wallace Club. 40 evening and several questioned why retained Its position ft ;) ternoons of the week. The Elks' will spirit to go The Wallace club will be the guest has Since they hated not why this evil d Rlvc a dance at their club house on Wherever the bugles of. circumstance this week of Mrs. F. E. Mora at. as the best Thursday evening. The Knights of blow, befell? Sunmouiit. Last Saturday evening it humorous periodical In the th-- ) the Frank nor the Columbus have sent out Invitations Of love gleaming up 'through And neither wag tho guest at dinner of Mrs. C A country. It is better now evening. mists of the night. Oerman could tell Whecloit on JCust Palace avenue, than at any time In its l:fl for a dance on Wednesday Wherefore themselves and their X.V A C'luirch Supper. career. To help you to help her, to bury your countrymen died. Tuesday evening, at Library hal But they said that Hereafter in 10 cents a copy the Society lies, Lad lea' Aid of the First To cast off your evil and stand forth peace they should dwell' Preshyterian church will have its an- "There will be no war on the Other ' supper, a man; Ask Vour Newsdealer nual Thanksgiving sale and It is so much the wiser and happier Side." m3 e plan on field PERSONALS. To do with contentment the things As they languished there that you accurst, Mrs. William II. Pope left on Thurs- that can, unbound, in day Georgia that is mutual and faith that With their wounds for her former home in In trust their mortal pain, and will spend Christmas holi- life shares the an 3 Spake one to the other, "I faint from CI: days understands you In Athens and Atlanta. Jude When love thirst!" Rheumatism V. H. Pope expects to join her fo." somebody cares. Baltimore Sun. And the other made answer, "What TIWtTFir.KS two weeks. drops remain Duffy BTOMACn mi KIDNUX AILMICNTU -- Mrs. Maine O'Bryan, of Paris, water-flus- k surely s J. advertised In my thou shalt . I ho has been visiting In New York The Grouchy One You , as good as the day you drain!" Whiskey and 'Raton, is expected to arrive in that car to ba As he lifted the flask the other re- LiSPuretlalt t X Santa Fo in a few days to visit her bought it! plied, Otero, The Complacent One raywood brothers, M. A. yesterday, "I pledge thee In this till we meet kefo sure I lie nirt former Game Warden Page B. bought it day before again , X Otero. There will be no war on the other road to tx 1 . Side!" health not Springs l came to pass as the night And It cured, l- -.t ' wore deep It cures, and you remain Krciuriasters hi., v HAIR IX you try GIRLS! LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL through (i their velris we know, and you will That fever " m ( ' ' t' was fanned. It So that visions were theirs (yet not Considered the vreatest Kldaey from sleep), Water on earth. to 1. 25 DAPJDERINE And each was flown his own Why not visit FAYWOOD HOT i tu NQ DANDRUFF-- CENT loved land.' . . . 6P1UNGS firet, aince you Will But, rousing again, one murmured, eventually go there, anyway f "Thv hand! Large, modern hotel. Perfect THE MEYERS CO.. Inc., Distributors Thou m i my brother naught shall divide; - climate. Booklet AliltUQVKHQUK NICW MEXICO dull, faded, brittle and MtrviGinm- C. McDEKMOTT, Hair difference how Something went wrong . , . but T. Write for WlioltaIe Trice coming out? If dry, thin aeraijev. Just moisten a cloth with understand, The Fnywoml." carefully araw . Danderine and There will be no war on the Other wisofmsn FAYWOOD, NEW MEXICO. faded, bring back its col- through your nair, iuivh.h CONKEY'S is amaz-ng-yo- Side." strand at a The effect r Envoi, or and lustre. h, "will he light, fluffy POULTRY TONIC m appearance of Comrades of peace, we can give but filHtlitt rv.V. bala't. the fi.wls h.v. tears lu'tiltliy and ssr.n'ir. fiturt now, and net Jncompnrable lustre, j". H,H0; H.OIJand Within ten an appli- abundance; an As we look on the waste of the hu- the .'k; minute after rtance . cation of you cannot find softness and lux man tide Use Roup fUmtdy for Danderine juiuo ... " ... Cttkyt s'nglp trace or falling Get a 25 cent or forever one cry so haunts my Hnttp, . .Noihing hkc ii. 2.'c; of dandruff r onv t rue store Tot rtfeaiitt "!lr itch, but JU. . and your scalp will not prove your ears TKtrttr.le of filln- in any af-t- T counter, ar.d that Tiiwaistiin hat will please you will be toilet any "There will be no war on the. Olhe' or 'Ionic, most nretryand soft an Conkfv R. a few weeks' use, when you see hir Neglected or Injured . Side!" f'.et Ctmkey K.o.i from your local now been Har.lwafo Drug Sloro hair, yes that it has B By Suclhttiati, or -- fine and downy at first ment tnai an Edith M. Thomas. "hut really new growing all liv careless fre; fir wrtlf us. JfT I , piCH.IN CURATIVE aUAUTIES-N- O I1ACIT FORMING DttUCS I V hair yon surely can hW ,ir"J nuir E. CONKF.Y CO. XrfT Willi,, ,IVT the scalp. try a Wntfd ' rati! at th Jtair-- THE G. A of It If .vou will Cle. 20iid JJltltf., O little Danderine Immediately and lots l utile. t'oiikiy tit tlaud, Poublea the beauty ot your hair. No little Danderine. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL," SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1914. FOUR

mm" P" Co. Out-doo- r men use Crescent Hardware ji flnmla, T.m.I, Iron Valfr ftbit, tii Kf.n.M.I,. liiilerf, 'i, Mark maws .,,,1 rinii.. Ilmnl'ing. ' a.l iVt Work. m tv,.iMiiaur. mi riK.Nk in. $15


EVERY CAN GUARANTEED 1 chauffeur, the deliv- m the ery man, out-doo- r the Strong Hrotlicrs 0 spoilsman, IimVh or. M h. V i w l;lovt llndcrlakcrM best roar. 'Iliin' "''. "'. ""' ""' !: Hir? H.ul Shaffnr--r 111 ! IUIWIi l:k si VII It. MlllOMJ HM AMI HI M. Marx markinaw at MM I'M h I SM f mmiUS h all-wo- rt iv if $15, made of ol fabrics in rich plaids Sin. i II (urn I linn K nn. LOCAL ITEMS siiiiiiui-l- i t nit .ii i.' I iiiui OF IJfTBHEST and plain colors; a good I' -. ' Martini h, pamtlurf, paperin-- . 145J stands I.rii ii Mini r.r;iiip.. durable coat that Dr. Brhwtilkr. unfupnth. Ph. 717. Ti hphone hiiuiir l'ca. That M.i l N Ic Crenm at r'ee'a rough wear and weather. Hil riilldy More t'xliiy. Ittiii Ih riio. Mr. .'in, I Aim A. A. Tilinl'l'' hive returned from California, hrc II .v 4 I'llinl lied lii'irlc. linn' petit l hf laid .war. Frank A. ,' IhIiIh'II, ulm mm lit hia Simon Stern, Inc. 1 hlii nun-- t I I HI II HO 111 11 It, i'ii ranch In wciitern encorro ml w Mil" In! three kc. ri'liirriD'l - s ikk.i., SchaffWr fr I ( i i nii: m av mi'.mki m vti; (i:mi- The home of Hart i tv or In lh' llv yeaicrdnv. . .1 I -- yl . . . -. K.iiliM'. Mill Ollw-r- . hii in Winnie I'. I onlil-pa- ...... I.- Mr l.imlliihl. i:. I.. K Marx pood dallies I 1',,11'H, of Ho r ft i i I M. M liiil'iiiiikii. I.lllinii . Kli Ui'. i n A. Mnimlai, i: IfJivHhl lUrt 1 Man will leave tomorrow iiiorniiii( liliil. Iilii A. Miniili'. Mini l.lalil. l:" " J lllii for Adeline, whet hi- - w'll !" limi t I' 'I I Hiil l. I'li.'ll. on WpiI'H'p'Iiiv to Ml M .Marque. I i of achool STORE Kin' 'iiil venper aprvlce w'll I" liH rnurily, hoiih' colli-n,- ' k iloiic, 'for the admlnistriilion the WARD'S Hie opinion aotiml mlndn are HI thi Prcpbylerlan naiiatorluin thi t ii 11 pro.xpcri iv 1,'iichiip Is of thai of the in 2S-- 2 4 V. II. I'llnni-- I hi'Hl for work whin honned J 1 5 Marble Ave. riimie afternoon at o'llook, Juilue NORMAL SCHOOL lien, jnif llii'll' lii lii f hi hiKhcr filled mlilii'p" mot ti yrnr 'HO!ini boilil'H. .Mgr. l'oif will deliver nn lluitu Hon by rontlniiimc tln ii work , WINCH If. WAItO, w The Hihool h:ia been widely recoB-- l'. Meyer III ultiK h nolo. j HftiT tlio halo liofmiil ' nurw in mole well-t- effi- 1 I - nlJM"1 a poiiree i allied, Triple Link Pebeknh Undue No. (', In roinpli nil. IhoiiKh hi- rniirw mirn in of To Teachers in work the I (i. y will iiH'i'l In ri'MiiUr mn-Blo- ri Uip iiiKtltiillon in ni hiii-- i cient Inntructora. earneat their o. ill aerlnuhly reaiiinilhlll In Odd hull Turmliiy SETS ft RECORD ,o preparation for tenchln nn a 'and tnkinif the H rol-- P'lHition. They are much' lit 7. .in. All oi lln lk. The i In bolh I jtiea of their nn'iii'r by Heboid dlrcetolH all ili'Ki.'f li'iini iirp iirMi'l (o " prison' h lie Htol irnlnliiK w hool hc, tlonx mi' IhoiikIH after Of THE - over tile HlilUh weal. UN II I I.ISH Of fiftl'l n Will 'I' IllltlillPlI j liixina '.lln- ciipiu'lty of f.n uliy nl Iti fri'HliniPlila w ill hi M'l Vl'd ufliT III niorii.", unit ore iUiiiik ciich work i The ni.inaicemeiii of the InHllllition liidili' lo'KHlon. VIhIIIiik Iti Im'UiiIid ATTENDANCE ; II tiplM'iii'n ii ti' " ricord will he lis direith In the hanila of l'rci.iienl (crystal! t it i ll In lOnloe bill general ndininlHl rill ion I fi t In pi loi'iiiiitii i' wi h at 'he dciirir Kim h, proprietor Allnniii'r-ii- n lillil:ilu'l'. KM'iy loom in either ' ia in tlie lnnida of n board of resent Vl rci tuiiti'iil, rc'thi'il ti'lciirnrii ' iiifii'a or nvoiiii'h'h iloi iiil'.orles In filleil, appointed by the governor nnd inn-Ifiiiii- TODAY M'clciiliiy from lli'li'iin. Ark., '(iiitl ihere me inimy xiii'linls ctjiyirm by Ih.- - aeiiate. The priHcnt A. d tin' di'.itii of IiIh boaid lOnaialH the governor ii nil the In loun. if ll: MIST MIMIMV mk lhi President E, L, Enloe Able to nl of public inhtruc-jtii- R-ll- (Inuuhtrr, Di'iith mnm Hinte Hiipei Inleiii'i 1 Ciill. ft The Normal I'lii'iill). iiimiii rum n followiiiK "P- - r'nili of tin rcii'Hcd fllti'in Ih the II I ' J The fiietilty of the liihlililtion , - STYIJ', "siii-prit- i whi'n, pliiyliijf with con) Increase Enrollment Above bile HiU SIiik-1Store la known ns the More of sum prof-HHoi- pointrcH. inn rompoHcil of fifteen nnd SIkm-- s oil .m l mtiti hen, lie i hllil pi't flro o V. Marriott, president; Jackson one can Ret (hc bc--t for MoH'ni;i:" iiiHlrii, h ialist In dome store of (tiallt' and comrort, where Highest . Figure of Former tola, fio Hii i rer; II. II. Ibtta, k. a ,. hff rlolhlnif. Imporhiiiee to icui hers. All Ace", elm the Iciial money, quality considered, (ilunee over tlwi variety of line of Van T. Manvllle and lohn Corhclt. I in: itiwni: or nn: Years; Filled. ii re craduiileH of I'ecnnae of slylea, nml price In our window, anil yon will nrcc with us 1,1, " Dormitories rnlhea. Mr. Coibett Ih a reahleit of Iteminu. lata ;llll I MIIHI Where to Worship Today ;he lint lire of th aehnol emphiiniH Is n I be others, livlnif ill Si.ver City. Hint they arc woi cli rfiil values. A the nveriiKO .small town do Two-re-d iViuiirc Willi Alice upon me ini i piihhcp oi laid pe,iao curry tAuw, It will lie to your nilvaiKnac to pny na .loe l.MMAM'MTK ON( TITIOV the work hut found training la Kivcn not your kind of Thnt the New Mexico .N'orinal pchool ll-- (III mil. In other linen an well. New Mexican (DONATIONS ARE NEEDED ii ll nml IniMH't our stock. l New Mex- rtodiillty nmiip, 7:00 a. m. , nppreeliileil not alone in londilionH are met in the Institution I 11:20 Ik hy ia Ita arailualep MONMW AM TI MY Hiroiid tniiHH, a. in. j ico hut In other stnten evidenced nml training ifiven FOR ALBUQUERQUE'S SICK NOMMIU K i. AMI 21. KlKh inn and nrrmon, 10:00 a. m. the fin t thai this yeiir It hn reire-pi'iit- which eiialilen them to meet the pe- i hih'Ih, Inntnii lion anti lipncillrllnn : Iva In Hh enrolliiient from nine culiar Nltiiiitliina iiiIhIiik in the hIhIo FISKE at 7.30 p. in. other (iniinonweii ItliM. The Institu- nl present or likely to urine In the Mi a. K. K. Coona and a number GEO. D. STATESON MRS. a IS tion thin yeiir In under the diiei tlon of next few yearH. Thin uivea them jof the old members of the benevolent nimsTiAN st'ii'.xt'K wxiirrv. ii new priHlilent, K. I,. lOnloe hy mi me, Hpecial iidvanlaKe in tenchintf in New association are anxious to secure do- - Helenee aprvlera are held Ih Hide plyle provided with Alhu-(iiei'(i- "TESS OF THE I'hrlntlun who innylim on in nn Mexico, for they lire natioiiH for lifly families In MII, OHDKHS ATTDXnrO TO I'KOMITI.V. lll Hip Womiili'a rluh lnulilliiK. l th mnny .Mexico point of view and the work rommein id ynirn iiko the New who are sick and almost D'URBERVILLE" ji'iirner (if Heventh "lri'Pt mill Onlil hy Or. ('. M. J.Uht, who nulKiieil the with n prepanition for the work it of clothliiH; und avpniiP, every r'undny niornlnR at 11 lrenldeni'y only hint yeiir. Which enable them to effectively I'eslltiite. Iionations I'lve-rce- l lamon Planer Fea will be received at the home of id'clocli. The Infill nl Ion I hi your him the any difficult lr likely to urine food I ! Hi Wptliipuliiy evening pprvlecg at (iold avenue, ture Paramount are liiruexl enrollment In Its hiHtnry. e, in t hia Hi lite. ..Sophie (iHterhaus. on I'rintrmii 1 o'clock. on IIh rohier lire ptiidenlH lluildlimM Arc lliimlioiiic, 'near Third street. Monday and Tuea-jda- y. J::UI 3:110 Htimlay ichool nt 9:45 o'clock, x hiind-taini- p Mmltioe ni mill from fourteen of the Mute'a twenty-l- The normal m hool Ii.ik aix Thoae who desire to contribute KphcIiiik room In the N. T. ArmlJO t HW-fi- eoiinlli'H. MI'iidiKiti-- are to he i y with The Murphey Sanatorium for O IM VKiCES 1H, buildini!", loc.iie.l iii nn effective nioio should communicate Tuberculosis liuilillriK, No. open fueh week m found ii liixlnietot'N in the IiooIh of eminences of Walnut street, from 'I ti S p. m. urniip upon one of the jMrs. Coons, 2i0 North jilny every rlty In the Hi. He nml in a hnihl-In- lnrse (he city. These Include main j phone i:i:'HV, AMti gii'iiyri ni:v mdviio pi IiooIh of pr,K'llcnly every ii. the riirnl a nml much naed st. .loiivs rm itt enmity, a A thoroughly equipped wlenlllic of Corner Konrlh wtreet and Went Silver ai lenee Iml h mtr, dorinilorii for men Insiltnllnn for the trcnimenl Colli ae oi I. Hone, INpcclal feature 1.4 the) home-lik- e care and IuiIIa liltial HVi'ntie. anil women ntndenla and a K.vinnasiuni - h'Ht paniiliernaliii trcaiiiienl. Two hospital buildings. Itooin with sleeplni; porchea. William 10. TIpniKh ii norioiil iiiMllliition pil- (.tocked with the (Ine-roo- AEOLIAN ltev. Warren, I. !.. ni oolliiirea. (.railnaie nursed. lOtecllci.t final. reelor; riHliletiee, 13(l!) Wcat Tljerii It A'I'I'.H: l.Mm per week. No HVemiH. esirna. V. InI, k1le.a. Holy iii hui i a. in. youi- photopinidia made at W. T. MI'IU'III'V, M. Ii., Wmultiy aehonl, 11:45 a. m. Have . j I mrmt Cltj Office: (liarft-o- prayer unit ncrmon, 11 be bent studio anil by the Physician in alnrnlnic Mex- - 8l:l West Centrul Ave. PLAYER PIANO o'clock. I efficient workman In New Kvcnlnir prayer atiil pennon, 7:30 ICO. o'i'lock. The Itt. Itev. V. 11. Ilouilcn, IV1V, l on ii i: si.r. hlHhop of the illHlrlct. will he nt Ht. IhiH III MX EimkI M new. Ciwl Christmas Slock Walton fiaii.p i.un.p M.Mi.imi, Will wll for .,1I1,IHI j.lohn'a Hnnihiy nnil preitch nt either HAH1M COAL HO no, - aery lee. Crrlllia, i h. Hie imiiik or the- eveniliK is offeriiiff Kie.'illy reduced lp to. BIT MUTII l.niTH STUMT Books prices. The same hlnh atnndard """'j!,"1".! m. r.. t in urn. soitii. of Gift and material will he maintained. ANTimACITF, ALL SIZES, STEAM COAL T, l Jjilliinee, :1I3'3 VV. Central Ave., Cpstalra Pii.tor. lUnd'mgs; Coke, Mill Wood, Factory Wood, Cord Wood, Native Kindling, Lima K. Central and Arnn. hi I land Toohul Leather Phone 9i". Puilday aehnol lit 11:45 it. ni. -- Till': UIT.AIYAT OK OMAR KHAYYAM" 7 30 p. rrenchliiH nt II a. in. and "TIIK I.OUVKh;" Miikr It till, year hy flvinf I'pHiirlh l.eamie at fi:3n p, rn. 1'ifiv Hales in Color. lihutiia of yourHplf. "TELMO" PI'Ksi:i.I, STI DIO ill) West Central. SI. Killld will I Kid Wildings: A xms cnANnof The ladlea of John' in Suede photo in rrim iib It tlie peraonnilty nf nrr cannfd lile their annual ThankuBlvliiR ten j IS COMING the aiver. It aavpa you iiionrv, (no. I'lirnpll MAS Nlinlio. HID nl nil Avpnup. Com ee OtKJDII AMI TOU IIAVKTHB on Tnesilav, November '.'4th, at the "MARCUS ai;ri'.lu'S" f and un. we have anniptlilng appplul you. home of Mrs, (lenrne Klock. There "I'OKMS W1C LOVhV to offer will be n sale of home conklnn and fumy work: also a supper from to' TOKMS OK THE IIKAKT" jX o'clock for S.'i ceiila to which the, AC..MN'" nu ll are Invileil. ! 'i.UT.II IX" l'KICK FROM LET US SEND A MAN Men liant. Atteiitlnii. CIKT HOOKS IvAXC.IN'Ci II. lti)iiiit'a aland will make yon T lleplw Hint llroUeii Window sp",lal delivery tales oil application, (.laaa I'boii., 7HH. to ALlirQrFIC(U'3 TifMnKK 35c $15.00 nmi'ANY I bin t full to see I he .l.iiiaiiese a nnd per volume Plin 4SI OS N. f'lrtt ion sub' nl tin. V. V. ( A. 315 Mouth! ' many i ' HiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiti Third street. You will find usi I, el 111 5i'rc( You. fill t'lirlsliiiiia Kifls. mi- tiivi; ricTi iti:si roit l''or nuick delivery set vice phone I ."HU i. i , , I Stein-Bloc- ClllllSTMAS !;5n. ! The h Lsibel on a fpeclnl price on photo for the If you want a real harnln in rtinj ; company holiday at Ml ricron"M Studio, en al the Kapide FiirnltuiP una w.en. Suit or Overcoat Stands as 115 South Second street. a It. Ttryiint, Die old reliable delivery service. Phone 7!', Warranty... If ttullpr (linn tlie mltprlUpit lirainU Picture Frames. rntil iniiHi hpHitpr Al III (JI I.HI r. K ... . , 1, ... J (IH I mil 1111 r i ii i Warranty of what that e nave a lien in ii one oi ,,ii.i" j fabrics are the best, dollar for dollar, framea In all alien to offer at it price - - to be had that .style is right liecause is Stkin-Bloc- h GRIMSHAW'S that will urplo you. Come and e - " it stvle? and n(rttl. them. 1 21 V. !' All now-a-day- ri'ltSKI.L 8TCP10, Central of that and then this other thing- so rare in clothes ' For Christmas. $3,000 AUCTION Jivcry stitch is there, and errry stitch is right. Semi Your ; A full line of allitmis for Hmaleuri l That's In-- why the clothes and the label Til VKM.HI; il,l Jt(.S" photo and other pretty thing to ! stand up together through terest the kodaker. of months and months of wear. j Sale Furniture ITItSKLl. KTfPIO, 219 W. Centrul. '" GRIMMER'S CLEANERY Daily, at 2 p. m.and 7:30 p. m.. at 111 W. Gold Ave.v ' B. M. WTTXIAMS i That's why the Srr.ix-Bi.oc- ii label means distinction Mil IIA V. Cop r Vie, without reserve, S6 coia rinmc I will sell at PUBLIC Al'CTIOX. ' Ieni!t - j that sticks, Hoom 1 nd 3, Whiting Pulldlnf. stock of THIS NKW STATl'l I'URXMTURE Corner Heeond and Gold. the entire Blool No. 84. line of new and WALLACE HESSELDEN mum CO.. consisting of a conniletc Ready for this season, $ 1 8.00 to $32.50 tleneml C'onlmilor. c. n. con n th, m. n.. n, o. furniture. Klifiire and workmanship count. W OMleopNIIilc NM'llst .;' STOYKS. RAXCH?. 11FATK.RS. DRKSSERS . OVERCOATS $1J to $35 iriiHratitPe m'TP for juiip money thao trent all curable disease. Office Stern Albu-(juerq- 655 MATTRICSSF.S, any other contracting f.rm In Bulldmif. Phone and S3. CH1FKOXIKRS. P.l'DS. SPRINGS. ,1 - It's a Pleasure' ta Show Goods. i fiffle at u ape. ROCKK.RS. LIBRARY TAP.Ij:, CF.XTF.R fcii-ntio- ri.AMo mux Auto and enrrlaRc lap rohca on CHAIRS. Plm til rial aale. Ijtrse stock. J. Korherj TAP.LK, DIXIXC, TABLKS. KITCIIKX TABLES, ('n., S0M North Peeond lre"t. i nnd in fart everything carried in a furniture store, will E. L. Washbuyn MaMakBWai . Uani-u'- c nAiiunm nnrl Utm w. Company IICIH J O Mvnin J hum nu. it. ii.wxv iositivclv 1k sold at this sale to the highest bidder for n,i (.1 adiiale ami Pot ;radiin American scngers. Phone 939. j SchiHil of (lMiiaihy. cash. HhIic W.O. W. Itulldiiis. I. Tliis is your opjiortuiiity to furnish your home at your Maddla horna. Trlmhl a Red Bar. own price this stock must he closed nut at once. Siem-Bloc-K i r Siem-Bloc- SPRINGER TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY K - TRANSFER 1 WA.VII.Ii A mull Willi K.lx.lille ell- J. L. GOBER, Auctioneer VUtmf la When Yon Have Ircfshl gme to saw wood preahylerian Smart1 CloiKes Smari'Cloikes .mitiiif We I R'- - tauitarlum.