
Discussion Guide:Palm (Mark 14:32-15:47. Sunday Matthew 28:1-10 Open (10 min) At of the (COR) our mission is “Transforming Lives with the Resurrected Power of Christ”, our COR Group mission is “Following Christ and Making Disciples in Relational Environments”. A is one who is committed to following Jesus (Luke: 9:23), committed to being changed by Jesus (Galatians 5:22) and committed to the mission of Jesus (Luke 19:10), Jesus said it this way “And he said to them, follow me, and I will make you fisher of men.” (Matt. 4:19). Discipleship happens in COR Groups; 6-12 people who meet regularly to walk through life together and study God’s word together. Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here. No matter if you consider yourself a non-Christian or a Christian but have never read the , or have a vast knowledge of the Bible you are welcome here. To keep COR Groups a safe place we put forth a few guidelines: 1. What is said in this group stays in this group. 2. Respect others (even if you don’t agree). 3. Please do not crosstalk or try to fix others. 3. Use “I” statements.

Prayer: You may use the following or pray on your own: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Ice Breaker: : What is one of your favorite movies. Why? Easter: name one person who has had a positive impact on your life and why.


• Tell the Story: Tell the story (in your own words) the best as you can, don’t stop and teach, try not to make points, just tell the story. • Rebuild the Story: Chronologically rebuild the story by asking easy factual questions about the passage. Try to not elaborate but simply go through the questions to reiterate the facts of the story.

• Re-read the scripture in its entirety

Apply (15 minutes)

This is where a group really learns to grow. In order to apply the to daily living, it’s important to ask these four kinds of questions. They help us see God’s character and actions and contrast them to people’s (and our!) character and actions. Once we see that, the Good News begins to come into focus. And, if you can identify the Good News then it’s easy to share it with others.

1. What did you learn about God? (His character, ways, concerns) 2. What did you learn about people? (yourself?) 3. What does God do for us? In what way does this point to what Jesus does for us that we can’t do on our own? How is this passage Good News rather than Good Advice? 4. What do we (I) need to do? Who do I need to share this with?

Pray - Thank you / Sorry / Please (15 min) Invite everyone to pray together as a group. Keep it simple, inviting everyone to pray, out loud, with simplicity. Simply list the thing(s) you’re thankful for in prayer. Then share what you’re sorry for. (Perhaps something in this study reminded you of something about God you need to remember, or something you need to do that you’ve neglected.) Then, going around as a group, individually and list out your requests. (Ask God to please help you with what you need to do… or help you in another area).