Welcome! The Stuttgart Region Welcome Service is an offering by Stuttgart Region Skilled Specialists Alliance (Fachkräfte- Information and initial advice for allianz Region Stuttgart) under the sponsorship of Stuttgart international skilled specialists on Region Economic Development Corporation (Wirtschafts- arriving, living and working and förderung Region Stuttgart GmbH). for companies seeking to employ Baden-Württemberg‘s Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing co-funds the Stuttgart Region international skilled professionals. Welcome Service. Since October 2015, the Stuttgart Region Welcome Service Region Stuttgart Welcome Service provides a regional advisory service in the districts Böblingen, Esslingen, Göppingen, Ludwigsburg and Rems-Murr. We give information in German, English and Russian. Other languages by arrangement. Welcome to the Böblingen district Target groups Information and initial advice for international skilled specialists, International skilled specialists, students Contact and their family members who wish to students and companies of the live and work in the Stuttgart Region. Olga Bugrowski Stuttgart Region
[email protected] Small and medium-sized companies seeking to employ international skilled professionals. Wirtschaftsförderung Topics Region Stuttgart GmbH Welcome Service Region Stuttgart Arriving, studying, working, learning German, Friedrichstraße 10 obtaining professional skills, recognition of 70174 Stuttgart foreign qualifications, residency law, school, living, clubs, culture