
06/00277/FUL FIRST FLOOR SIDE EXTENSION AT 54 Foxhill, Olney, FOR Mr And Mrs M Gould


The application property is 54 Foxhill, a modern two-storey dwelling with a garage to the front. The property has a single storey side extension.


This application seeks permission for a first floor side extension to provide two additional bedrooms, measuring some 8.9 metres in depth, 3.7 metres in width and 5.2 metres in height to the eaves and 7.1 metres to the ridge. The extension proposed has a hipped roof.


05/00772/FUL: First floor side extension, refused for the following reason;

'The proposed extension by reason of its size, siting and design would result in unacceptable visual intrusion and loss of sunlight and daylight for the adjoining dwellings to the north of the application site and would detract from the appearance of the area contrary to Policies DC1, DC2 and DC3 of the Adopted Local Plan and Policies D1 and D2 of the Second Deposit Version of the Milton Keynes Local Plan'.

97/00019/MK: Single-storey side extension, permitted.


Three letters of objection have been received from the residents of 46, 48 and 50 Foxhill raising the following concerns;

- Reduction of light entering their properties - Overlooking - Impact on privacy - Extension not in-keeping with the existing property. - Visual intrusion


The original planning application, 05/00772/FUL, proposed a two-storey gable end side extension to match the existing roof, which was considered unacceptable by reason of visual intrusion and loss of sunlight and daylight for the adjoining dwellings to the north. The current application proposes a hipped roof extension. Whilst a hipped roof would help reduce the loss of sunlight and daylight from adjoining properties, the design is considered unacceptable and does not reflect the character and appearance of the

existing property and is therefore considered contrary to Policy D2 of the local plan.

Although the application property is set between about 0.5 metres and 1.0 metres lower than the gardens of the neighbouring properties to the north, the Council's normal side to rear requirement of 13.7 metres can not be met to the detriment of the residential amenities of the adjoining properties. Whilst some account needs to be taken of the lower ground level and hip roofed design, it is considered that the proposed extension at a distance of about 12.5 metres from the main south-facing rear elevation of No. 50 would result in unacceptable visual intrusion and loss of sunlight and daylight contrary to Policy D1 of the local plan.


It is recommended that permission be refused on the grounds of adverse effect upon the amenities of nearby dwellings and the character and appearance of the area, contrary to Policies D1 and D2 of the local plan.