Public Notice and Summons to an Ordinary Meeting of

On Tuesday 19th January 2021, 7.00 pm, This will be a ‘virtual’ meeting using Video Conferencing (In accordance with the *Coronavirus Act 2020)

Attendance by Press and public is welcome. Those wishing to attend are asked to contact the Clerk ([email protected] or 01908-566726) who will provide details of how to access the meeting remotely or Click here for the meeting invite

All Members of Town Council are summoned to remotely attend an Ordinary Meeting of the Council, at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 19th January 2021

Signed………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Date: 13th January 2021 Lynne Compton, Clerk to the Council *THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND POLICE AND CRIME PANELS (CORONAVIRUS) (FLEXIBILITY OF LOCAL AUTHORITY AND POLICE AND CRIME PANEL MEETINGS) ( AND WALES) REGULATIONS 2020 Admission of the public and media The Council welcomes members of the public to its meetings in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960. Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of business on the agenda (SSTC Standing Orders 3e). Remote Meeting guidance: please ensure that you make yourself known when entering the meeting and then put your audio to mute. In the event that broadband causes a poor connection, the meeting will close briefly, a single attempt made to re-connect. If this fails, the meeting will be re-scheduled. Mobile Phones Please ensure that your mobile phone is switched to silent or is switched off completely during the meeting. Agenda Agendas and reports for the majority of the Council’s public meetings can be accessed via the Internet at: Recording of Meetings The proceedings at this meeting may be recorded for the purpose of preparing the minutes of the meeting. In accordance with the Openness of Bodies Regulations 2014, you can film, photograph, record or use social media at any Council meetings that are open to the public. If you are reporting the proceedings, please respect other members of the public at the meeting who do not want to be filmed. You should also not conduct the reporting so that it disrupts the good order and conduct of the meeting. While you do not need permission, you can contact the Council’s staff in advance of the meeting to discuss facilities for reporting the proceedings and a contact is included on the front of the agenda, or you can liaise with staff at the meeting. Guidance from the Department for Communities and local government can be viewed at the following link: ess_Guide.pdf There follows a list of the business to be transacted (Agenda) Ordinary Meeting of Stony Stratford Town Council to be held remotely via teleconferencing facilities on Tuesday 19th January 2021, 7.00 pm, Agenda

1. QUESTIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC: In accordance with Standing Order 3f-g, a maximum of 15 minutes is allocated for public participation and no member of the public may speak for more than three minutes. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN RESPECT OF RELEVANT ITEMS OF BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA: in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 Section 29(1). Council to receive and note. 3. REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 S33. Council to receive and consider. 4. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Council to consider and make resolution. 5. MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS HELD ON TUESDAY 17th NOVEMBER 2020: attached Council to consider and make resolution to approve

6. CLERK’S REPORT: Council to NOTE and APPROVE delegated decisions. attached 6.1 Delegated Decisions (also see attached): F077/20 GRANT APPLICATION BUDGET SHORTFALL: To enable payment of the grant to SSTFC, Committee RESOLVED to fund the shortfall of £610.00 in the Grant Budget from the Civic Initiatives budget under Clerk’s delegated powers.

7. COMMITTEE REPORTS: attached Council to NOTE reports, CONSIDER any recommendations and make decisions 7.1 Finance and Human Resources (HR) Committee - Council to note the draft minutes of Tuesday 15th December 2020 and CONSIDER the following recommendations: F096/20 HR COMMITTEE: 2021/22 Staff Structure: Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council retention of the existing staff structure: Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Information Officer, Environment and Planning Officer plus Caretaker. Action: TC to bring forward recommendation to January 2021 meeting of Full Council. F097/20 HR COMMITTEE: Town Clerk (TC) Hours w.e.f. 1st April 2021: Committee RESOLVED unanimously to approve the panel’s recommendation (to go forward to January 2021 Full Council meeting) that the TC should continue to be Full-time (37 hours, currently agreed to 31st March 2021) in the 2021/22 Financial year (starting 1st April 2021) whilst the 5- 7 Church Street project was ongoing, the hours to be reviewed should the project not go ahead. Action: SSTC Chair to inform TC of the outcome for the minutes. 7.2 Planning Committee - to note the minutes of 24th November and draft minutes of Tuesday 8th December 2020

2 of 4 7.3 Projects Committee - to note the minutes of Tuesday 1st December 2021, draft minutes of Tuesday 12th January 2021, and to CONSIDER the following recommendations outlined in Table 1:

Table 1 Minute Recommendation Purchase & Ongoing Annual Installation Cost Emptying costs (Capital Exp) (Revenue Exp) J169/20 and J1021 Installation of 2 new dog bins, £374 £364 Shearmans, Fullers Slade J09/21 Relocation of dog bin from Old £88 0 Stratford Bridge Entrance, righ side of road to left J11/21 In principle agreement for New Dog £187 £182 Bin at the Tudor Gardens Green Space – location TBA Increase to Dog Bin budget £649.00 £546.00 Litter Bin Fund Earmarked Reserve: £1152.85 2020/21 Dog Bin Budget: £5600 Current estimated overspend: £348.80 (Purchase, installation and emptying of two new dog bins on Morfoot) RFO: If approved, Council may wish to CONSIDER utilising the Litter Bin Earmarked Reserve for purchase and installation of the Dog Bins which will reduce the overall estimated overspend on the 2020/21 Dog Bin Budget to £408.67 (if Fullers Slade Dog bins installed by end Jan – excludes Tudor Gardens). Note the 2021/22 Dog Bin budget will need to increase to £6495 (subject to RFO check). 7.4 Property Development Committee – Council to note the draft minutes of Tuesday 8th December 2020. 7.5 Budget Scrutiny Working Group: Council to receive a report and agree any action (See Item 9 Budget 2021 and Precept) 8. BUDGET/PRECEPT 2021/22 attached Council to consider the report from the Budget Scrutiny Working Group and make resolution on: 8.1 Setting the 2021/22 Budget 8.2 Issuing the Precept Demand 8.3 Publicity to explain any changes to the electorate e.g. publication of a leaflet 9. FLOODING IN STONY STRATFORD attached Council is asked to consider the report and agree next steps

10. GOVERNMENT CONSULTATION ON PROPOSED CHANGES TO attached PD RIGHTS AND PRIORITISING PLANNING APPLICATIONS RELATING TO PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDINGS: deadline 28th January 2021: Council to consider its response. 11. FINANCE attached 11.1 Finance report including: Council to note 11.2 Accounts for payment: Council to authorise payments as listed 11.3 List of payments made between in between meetings: Council to approve

3 of 4 Move to exclude press and public in accordance with Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 sect 1.2 to discuss matters of commercial and personal confidentiality (Papers to attached for Members only, Agenda Items 12, 13, 14 & 15):

12. 5-7 CHURCH STREET REFURBISHMENT PROJECT (Members Only): attached Council is asked to consider the report including the Evaluation Team and 5-7 Church St Working group recommendation for the 5-7 Church Street Refurbishment Project.

13. AWARD OF LANDSCAPE CONTRACT 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2023 (Members Only): attached Council to consider the report from the evaluation team and make resolution to award the contract. 14. STONY STRATFORD HIGH STREET IMPROVEMENTS (Members Only): attached Following receipt of one quotation and further investigation, Council to consider the report and agree action. 15. FLORAL FEATURES (Members Only): Council to receive and consider the quotation for the 2021 Scheme attached

Signed………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………. Date: 13th January 2021 Lynne Compton, Clerk to the Council

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 16th March 2021, 7 pm, to be held remotely

4 of 4 Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of

Held as a ‘virtual’ meeting using teleconferencing facilities at 7 pm on Tuesday 17th November 2020,

Present: Cllrs Roy Adams, Paul Bartlett, Cliff Brett, Bianca Bendig-Ceesay, Simon Cherrill, Rob Gifford (Chair), June Payne, Pete Thornburgh, Keith Tilley, Tom Welch (10) members), Lynne Compton, Clerk to the Council (TC) and Ummara Qureshi (EPO) Absent: None. All present In attendance: one member of the public. 20/144 QUESTIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC: There was one member of the public present. Representation was received on: 1. Russell Street School concerns held by the PA with regards to pedestrian safety on Russell Street during the time of school drop off in the morning and collection in the afternoon, approximately between 8.30am - 9.00am and 2.40pm - 3.10pm during term-time. Following a lengthy discussion, Council RESOLVED (i) that a letter should be sent to MKC Highways asking them for a meeting to discuss and explore possible solutions in the short and medium term to these issues (which are happening not just at School pick-up and drop off times) in the centre of Stony Stratford and (ii) (TVP) to be informed of the issues and asked for advice Action: TC to send letter and inform TVP 20/145 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN RESPECT OF RELEVANT ITEMS OF BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA: There were none. 20/146 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 S33. There were none. 20/147 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: There were none. All present. 20/148 MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS HELD ON TUESDAY 15th SEPTEMBER 2020: to approve the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting. The minutes would be subsequently signed by the Chair. Action: TC to organise. 20/149 CLERK’S REPORT: Council NOTED and APPROVED the following delegated decisions: 20/150 Landscape Contract Procurement: TC agreed to purchase MKC Procurement Service – at a cost of £480 from the Landscape Earmarked Reserve. 20/151 Flu Jabs for Staff: total expected cost (as not all staff are taking up the offer): up to £48 from the General Reserve. 20/152 Training: New Councillor (TW - £41.55), SLCC Accessibility of Documents Training events (4 office staff - £235, Note: Bespoke Course cost quotation was £1,000.), Chairman Training (RA - £41.55) - Total from Training budget - £318.10: 20/21 Budget £1500, Expenditure to date: £325.11 (includes payments due for processing). Remainder left in training budget: £856.79. 20/153 SSTC response to Government Consultation on changes to the Planning System 20/154 MKC Formal Borough Wide Consultation on Waste and Recycling Collection – deadline 24th January 2021: Council AGREED that a corporate response would be agreed at the Jan 2021 Full Council meeting 20/155 Estate Renewal Forum (Fullers Slade): Council AGREED that the SSTC representatives should be Cllrs Bendig-Ceesay, Cherrill and Cllr Adams 20/156 COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council NOTED the reports, considered the recommendations and made the following decision: 156.1 Finance and Human Resources (HR) Committee - Council NOTED the draft minutes of Tuesday 13th October 2020 and RESOLVED to the following recommendations:

F050/20 HALF YEARLY BUDGET REPORT 2020/21 incl. review of reserves and year end projections: Committee CONSIDERED the report from the RFO and AGREED the following recommendations to Council. 1. 5-7 Church Street – virement of the £10,000 Discretionary Grant to the 5-7 Church Street Earmarked Reserve 2. 5-7 Church Street ‘overspend’ – using the EMR for this budgeted for overspend (as per PWLB application Council agreed to spend £11,709 of its own resources on the project) 3. Landscape Contract Grant – to review the spend at Year End (31st March 2021). 4. Investigating alternative deposit accounts with a higher rate of interest e.g. Skipton. Decision on account to be delegated to the Town Clerk in liaison with SSTC Chair and Chair of F&HR 5. Investigating alternative bonds/fixed rate accounts. Decision on account to be delegated to the Town Clerk in liaison with SSTC Chair and Chair of F&HR

F060/20 COUNCIL VAT REGISTRATION AND OPT TO TAX 5-7 CHURCH STREET: Committee CONSIDERED the report from Parkinson LLP and AGREED (Cllr Gifford abstained due to declaring a non-pecuniary interest), to RECOMMEND to Full Council (subject to the 5-7 Church Street Refurbishment Project going ahead) that the Council should, with effect from 1st January 2021, register for VAT and ‘Opt to tax’ the 5-7 Church Street Building (in accordance with the advice received). Action: TC to ascertain impact on organisations unable to reclaim VAT e.g StonyWords and report back to Full Council.

156.2 Planning Committee – Council NOTED the draft minutes of Tuesday 27th October 2020 156.3 Projects Committee – Council NOTED the minutes of Tuesday 6th October, draft minutes of 3rd November and RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations:

J136/20 8. FARMERS MARKET MANAGER ROLE AND REVIEW OF PITCH FEE/PAYMENT: The Committee NOTED The Committee RECOMMEND: 1) The reinstatement of £50 per month payment to the Market Manager for her service; 2) Full pitch fee exemption for the MM (£10) and the assistant (£10).

J150/20 8. MK PLAY ASSOCIATION: CHRISTMAS STALL AND EASTER PLAY SESSIONS: The Committee NOTED the success of the MKPA take-away craft stall at the Halloween farmers market and RECOMMEND that MKPA are approached to: 1. Hold a stall at the Christmas Farmers Market at a cost of c£500 (£5 per craft bag x 100 bags); 2. Hold two outdoor plays sessions during the February half term at a cost of £726. Funding is available in the 2020/21 play session budget. Action: DTC to approach MKPA. J156/20 15. MILL LANE CAR PARK: REMEDIAL WORK TO FIX POTHOLES: The Committee NOTED the contractor quotes and CONSIDER that more comprehensive works are likely to last longer and reduce the frequency of further required repairs. The Committee RECOMMEND that Contractor One undertake the work at a cost of £525. Action: Subject to Full Council approval, TC organise PO.

156.4 Property Development Committee – Council NOTED the draft minutes of Tuesday 8th September 2020. 156.5 Budget Scrutiny Working Group: Council NOTED the report and agreed that the recommendations should be incorporated in the next iteration of the Budget for consideration at the December Finance meeting. Action: TC to amend the budget accordingly and organise a meeting of the NHP Initiatives group for January 2021. 20/157 GRANT APPLICATIONS: Council NOTED the report. Following consideration and a vote, RESOLVED to approve a grant of £495 to Stony Stratford Business Assoc, to help fund the Annual Christmas lighting scheme for the whole community. Action: TC to send letter and organise payment

2 of 5 20/158 CIVIC INITIATIVES: PROVISION OF HAMPERS FOR OLDER RESIDENTS: Following consideration and a vote, Council RESOLVED to approve a donation of £200 from the Civic Initiatives budget. Action: TC to organise letter and donation. 20/159 NEW POLICY: COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY: Council to RESOLVED to approve the new policy with one amendment (TW/RG) under 3. Objectives ADD to help enhance the sense of community. Action: TC to organise amendment and adding to the website. 20/160 5-7 CHURCH STREET REFURBISHMENT PROJECT: Council NOTED the report and AGREED to receive further updates at its next meeting. 20/161 FINANCE: Finance report including Bank Recs and Income and Expenditure: Council NOTED the report 20/162 Accounts for payment: Council RESOLVED to authorise payments as listed

3 of 5 Item Total Of which VAT Nominal Ledger Amount CHEQUES £1,396.80 192.60 £1,204.20 BACS £20,023.29 £2,049.42 £17,973.87 TOTAL £21,420.09 £2,242.02 £19,178.07

20/163 List of payments made between in between meetings: Council RESOLVED to approve the payments as listed. Date Payee Ref Total Amnt Vat Acct Centre Amnt Details 01/10/2020 D011020 £1,784.00 4350 112 £1,784.00 NDR 5-7 Church Council Street 1020 01/10/2020 HTB Instant FPO11020 £14,000.00 207 £14,000.00 Transfer to HTB Access Dep 09/10/2020 BT Payment DD021020 £105.90 £17.65 4020 104 £88.25 Office Phone & BB Services Ltd 1020 30/10/2020 ENGIE (wasGDF DD031020 £403.70 £67.28 4350 112 £336.42 Electric 5-7 Ch St Suez) Total Direct £16,293.60 £84.93 £16,208.67 Debits & FPO’s 30/10/2020 DCK Account B14571020 £39.54 £6.59 4002 104 £32.95 PAYE Admin 1020 Sol Ltd Total BACS £39.54 £6.59 £32.95

Total payments made in between meetings £16,333.14 £91.52 £16,241.62 October 2020

4 of 5 20/164 Council RESOLVED to exclude press and public in accordance with Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 sect 1.2 to discuss matters of commercial and personal confidentiality (Papers to follow for Members only): 20/165 LANDSCAPE CONTRACT: Council NOTED the update (including changes between the old and new MKC specifications) and RESOLVED 1. that the MKC specification should be used for the Tender. 2. Tenderers should also be asked to provide costs for (i) 12 cuts per annum (public open space and Highways verges) ii) additional cuts for the Play Areas Action: TC to organise 20/166 STONY STRATFORD HIGH STREET IMPROVEMENTS: Council RESOLVED to approve the brief for the design with the following amendment: The Study, Paragraph four, DELETE previous sentence and REPLACE WITH ‘Any proposals to change parking places in the High Street should take into account the possible provision of extra places in the Market Square (referred to below under Parking Issues). Action: TC to amend and submit to companies for quotations.

Meeting Closed at: 20:35

Chair signature………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………. Dated: ……………………

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 19th January 2021, 7 pm, to be held remotely

5 of 5 Clerk Update Report Meeting of Full Council 19th January 2021 AGENDA ITEM: 6. 1. Delegated Decisions: a) F077/20 GRANT APPLICATION BUDGET SHORTFALL: To enable payment of the grant to SSTFC, Committee RESOLVED to fund the shortfall of £610.00 in the Grant Budget from the Civic Initiatives budget under Clerk’s delegated powers. b) Staff Training on Emotional Resilience, provided by BALC: offered to all staff, cost per course £30 per person. Total cost up to £150 (depending on take-up) (Training Budget) c) SLCC Practitioners remote Conference; 23rd, 24th and 25th February – TC and DTC attendance - £75 per person – Total up to £150 (External Conference Budget) d) Urgent Allotment Tree works: £816 paid (Allotments budget), e) Urgent Allotment Fence repairs: £260 (Allotments budget) f) Dog and Litter bin labels – numbered stickers and property of Stony Stratford - £20 (affixed by DNH) – EMR Litter bin fund g) Urgent Tree works in Road Allotments: Coppice remaining leaning tree to avoid any further risk: £120: (Allotment budget)

2. Update from previous meeting(s): updates in bold 20/136 HIGH STREET: FOOTFALL REPORT Completed 17/09/2020: SSBA responded 3/11/2020. TC Meeting FROM : with SSBA representatives (w/c 7 December). Their preference Council NOTED the report and would be for an early evening meeting (perhaps 5.30 or 6pm). following discussion, RESOLVED to Suggested: Three reps from SSTC (Cllrs Gifford, Cherrill & TC) to send the Footfall report to Stony meet with Reps from SSBA. Update Meeting held on 10th Stratford Business Association and December with SSBA - see attached notes. Outcomes: RG facilitate a meeting to discuss High received a copy of the petition. There was no clear indication on Street. Action: TC to organise. the document who had commissioned it. 05/01 Email request sent to Members. No requests to add as a Members Item on the agenda. Outstanding Actions: 2. response from SSBA regarding ideas for Covid-19 (Marshall) funding. 4. Organisation of Meeting to review the Covid-19 High St measures with Emily Darlington, Cabinet Member Public Realm - TC not done yet due to the escalating situation and the necessity to socially distance still

20/149 CLERK’S REPORT: Council NOTED and APPROVED the following delegated decisions: 20/150 Landscape Contract Procurement: TC agreed to purchase Completed MKC Procurement Service – at a cost of £480 from the Landscape Earmarked Reserve. 20/151 Flu Jabs for Staff: total expected cost (as not all staff are Completed: awaiting receipts taking up the offer): up to £48 from the General Reserve. 20/152 Training: New Councillor (TW - £41.55), SLCC Accessibility Training Completed of Documents Training events (4 office staff - £235, Note: Bespoke Course cost quotation was £1,000.), Chairman Training (RA - £41.55) - Total from Training budget - £318.10: 20/21 Budget £1500, Expenditure to date: £325.11 (includes payments due for processing). Remainder left in training budget: £856.79. 20/153 SSTC response to Government Consultation on changes to Completed the Planning System

1 of 4 20/154 MKC Formal Borough Wide Consultation on Waste and Circulated 2/11/20 to Full Council and Recycling Collection – deadline 24th January 2021: Council Projects Committee: No comments AGREED that a corporate response would be agreed at the received: outstanding corporate Jan 2021 Full Council meeting response. See reminder below 20/157 GRANT APPLICATIONS: Council NOTED the report. Completed and payment made Following consideration and a vote, RESOLVED to approve a grant of £495 to Stony Stratford Business Assoc, to help fund the Annual Christmas lighting scheme for the whole community. Action: TC to send letter and organise payment 20/158 CIVIC INITIATIVES: PROVISION OF HAMPERS FOR OLDER Completed and payment made RESIDENTS: Following consideration and a vote, Council RESOLVED to approve a donation of £200 from the Civic Initiatives budget. Action: TC to organise letter and donation. 20/159 NEW POLICY: COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY: Completed Council to RESOLVED to approve the new policy with one amendment (TW/RG) under 3. Objectives ADD to help enhance the sense of community. Action: TC to organise amendment and adding to the website. 20/162 Accounts for payment: Council RESOLVED to authorise Completed and payments made payments as listed 20/165 LANDSCAPE CONTRACT: Council NOTED the update Completed (including changes between the old and new MKC specifications) and RESOLVED 1. that the MKC specification should be used for the Tender. 2. Tenderers should also be asked to provide costs for (i) 12 cuts per annum (public open space and Highways verges) ii) additional cuts for the Play Areas Action: TC to organise 20/166 STONY STRATFORD HIGH STREET IMPROVEMENTS: Completed Council RESOLVED to approve the brief for the design with the following amendment: The Study, Paragraph four, DELETE previous sentence and REPLACE WITH ‘Any proposals to change parking places in the High Street should take into account the possible provision of extra places in the Market Square (referred to below under Parking Issues).

3. Correspondences for consideration:

a) MKC Formal Borough Wide Consultation on Waste and Recycling Collection (as circulated 2/11/20):

A formal borough wide consultation on Waste and Recycling Collection will launch from Monday 2 November 2020 until Sunday 24 January 2021 and will last for 12 weeks. Responses from the consultation will help make the decision on the future of the waste services from 2023. This will be supplemented by data and feedback from the Waste Collection Pilot which started on Monday 26 October.

2 of 4 The impact of Covid19 provided an opportunity to review how we communicate. We need your help to promote the consultation to ensure that everyone has a chance to have their say.

 The consultation will be live on the MK consultation portal from the 2 November; https://www.milton-  This video clip with subtitles explains the consultation:  There is audio clip available.  Attached is a poster to display or share to promote the consultation.  And here is the October media release: on-the-future-of-waste-collections-in-mk  What we will be doing;  Resident and community groups – direct contact by email.  Provide hard copies of the consultation available with Freepost – offer to parish, resident and community groups. Available on request to individuals.  Website, media release and regular social media reminders.  Direct contact with chairs and representative groups.

We are happy to accommodate requests to attend meetings virtually to talk about the consultation.

Please let me know if you have any queries, or are aware of any additional community groups that I could contact directly.

b) MK Community Foundation: MK Support Fund I am contacting you to let you know about a new partnership fund which has been created with MK Council called The MK Food Support Fund

In partnership with Milton Keynes Council, The MK Food Support Fund will award grants to assist groups who support residents of Milton Keynes who are struggling to afford food and other essentials due to COVID-19. The funding is to support programmes which focus on alleviating food and other household essential poverty issues as a result of the pandemic. Examples include but are not limited to;  The delivery of food supplies to those in need in our community  Programmes tackling food waste  Capital/ revenue costs to enable you to run your programme  Parish Councils who are supporting households with energy and water bills for household purposes (including drinking, washing, cooking, central heating, and sanitary purposes) I am emailing you directly as I have been made aware that many Parish, Community and Town Councils are responding to the COVID specific needs of their community.

4. Correspondences to note: a) Melting Pot - The MK Melting Pot team would like to say a ‘BIG thank you’ for your valuable time, support and hard work for our all our projects in 2020 and towards our mission. b) MKC: Please see details of the draft budget 21/22 draft budget proposals for 2021/22 and consultation details. If you’d like to give feedback, please email [email protected] by 31 January. c) Chris Mills: SSTC copied in to Petition to ‘Please help to save MK11 Live Music Venue’ d) BALC: Post Brexit update from NALC e) BALC: The provisional local government finance settlement announced yesterday confirms the expectation that the Government will continue with no referendum principles for local councils in 2021-22, which as you are aware NALC have continued to lobby for and was in their spending review submission. f) MKC Local and Walking Infrastructure Plan - have your say: Reminder of deadline 30th Jan. TC circulated and will include for consideration at January Planning Committee g) Russell Street School Safety Concerns: MKC Transport planner has made contact with the School h) MKC Traffic Regulation order: 3 additional on-street electric vehicle residential car club permit parking places, Cofferidge Close, Stony Stratford.

3 of 4 i) MK YMCA: Grant Thank you j) Stony Stratford Town Football Club Grant Thank you

5. Compliments: Have been given to the Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk from residents and Milton Keynes Council on a number of non-Covid and Covid-19 related items

6. Newsletters (SSTC) subscription

a) SLCC: The Clerk Magazine b) Clerks and Councillors Direct c) Public Sector Executive d) MKC Councillors news (weekly) e) MKC Outbreak Prevention (weekly)

Committee is asked to NOTE the update report and agree any actions. Lynne Compton, PSLCC Cert HE, Clerk and RFO to the Council 15th January 2021

4 of 4 Minutes of a meeting of the

FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Held on Tuesday, 15th December 2020, 7.30 pm remotely via teleconferencing facilities

Present: Cllrs Roy Adams (Chair), Rob Gifford, Bianca Bendig-Ceesay, and Cliff Brett (4 Committee members) and Lynne Compton, Town Clerk (TC) & Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) Absent: Cllrs Keith Tilley and Cllr Tom Welch (see also Min F070/20) In attendance: two members of the public

F067/20 PUBLIC FORUM (15 minutes): There were two members of public present and representation was received, during, Minutes F73-F76/20 (Agenda Item 7, see below on Grant Applications from 1. Fullers Slade Residents’ Association (FSRA) 2. MK YMCA Application 3. Stony Stratford Town Football Club (SSTFC) F068/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN RESPECT OF RELEVANT ITEMS OF BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA: in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 Section 29(1). Cllr Bendig-Ceesay declared a pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 7 (Minute F074/20) as Chair of FSRA and Cllr Gifford declared a pecuniary interest in Min F093/20(Agenda Item 14) as a member of StonyWords (who will be adversely affected when the Council registers for VAT). F069/20 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 S33: There were none. F070/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Committee RESOLVED to approve apologies received from Cllrs Tilley and Welch. F071/20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING DATED TUESDAY 13th October 2020: Committee RESOLVED to approve the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting. Action: TC to organise Chair signature. F072/20In line with Standing Order 11 vii Council RESOLVED (RA/RG) to change the order of business on the agenda and bring forward for discussion Agenda Item 7. (Min F073/20) Grant Applications F073/20 GRANT APPLICATIONS: Committee NOTED the report and Standing Orders were suspended to hear from the applicants. Cllr Bendig-Ceesay ‘moved’ to be a member of the public to outline the details of the FSRA grant and did not participate in either the discussion or vote. Following consideration, Committee made the following decisions F074/20 GRANT APPLICATION (£250): Fullers Slade Residents Association (FSRA), for 100 food parcels to be given out to the residents of Fullers Slade (as unable to run annual Christmas Party due to the covid-19 restrictions): Following a vote, Committee RESOLVED (RG/CB) to award a grant of £250. Power: Localism Act 2011 s1. Action: TC to organise letter and transfer (upon written confirmation of Bank Details) F075/20 GRANT APPLICATION (£2,500): MK YMCA towards furnishing a room in the new Milton Keynes YMCA building, or contributing to this amount. Committee NOTED the report from the face-to-face meeting with the applicants (held in accordance with current Govt restrictions). It was NOTED that there were currently three Stony Stratford residents’ in the new MK YMCA building. Following a vote, Committee RESOLVED (RG/CB) to award the full grant applied for of £2,500 to enable furnishing an entire room. Power: Localism Act 2011 s1. Action: TC to organise letter and transfer (upon written confirmation of Bank Details) 19:51 Mr J McMahon, Treasurer, SSFTC joined the meeting and Standing Orders were suspended to discuss the grant with Mr McMahon.

F076/20 GRANT APPLICATION from SSFTC (£2,880): Repair roofs of two storage containers. Committee NOTED the report from the face-to-face meeting with the applicants (held in accordance with current Govt restrictions) and that there were insufficient funds to award the full grant applied for of £2,880. Following a 1 of 5 vote, Committee RESOLVED (RA/RG) to award, £1440 (50% of the full grant applied for) and should this leave SSFTC in financial difficulties in the future, due to maintenance costs, they were encouraged to reapply for another grant in the next financial year 2021/22. Power: Localism Act 2011 s1. Action: TC to organise letter and transfer (upon written confirmation of Bank Details). Standing Orders were resumed F077/20 GRANT APPLICATION BUDGET SHORTFALL: To enable payment of the grant to SSTFC, Committee RESOLVED to fund the shortfall of £610.00 in the Grant Budget from the Civic Initiatives budget under Clerk’s delegated powers. F078/20 TOWN CLERK (TC) REPORT: Committee NOTED the report and made the following decisions: F079/20 Silver Street Toilets Refurbishment Project: Committee NOTED that the refurbishment was now complete and AGREED the additional actions necessary: 1. Completion of the Service Level Agreement (following legal and TC review): Action: Healthmatic 2. Formal Opening of the facilities: Action: TC to complete application for the Mayor of MK to open the facility in January/February 2021 and issue invitations in accordance with the Government restrictions in place at the time. F080/20 SSTC Internet Banking with Lloyds: Committee AGREED that an additional Internet Banking authorising ‘signatory’ should be sought to authorise payments (as a second signatory) in the event either Cllrs Gifford or Adams were unable to authorise. Cllr Bendig-Ceesay kindly agreed to fulfil this role. Action: TC to organise relevant paperwork. It was NOTED that the authorising councillors would step down prior to the May 2021 elections and new councillors would be appointed to authorise payments. F081/20 Covid Marshals grant from MKC (£7,500): Committee RESOLVED that the funds should be spent on a range of items e.g. (but not limited to): Provision of leaflet outlining Public Health instructions and encouraging people to shop locally (delivered to the new development of Fairfield as well), Notices on NB’s and website, Local shopping website hub (similar to the Basket scheme but without delivery of goods), masks to given out in shops, Latex gloves for the Library. It was NOTED that Cllrs had been asked to contact the TC if they had any other ideas. Actions agreed: TC to 1. Contact local designer to ascertain costs of designing a leaflet 2. Discuss content for the leaflet with the Information Officer, 3. Ascertain from Stony Stratford Business Association the appetite for a website hub, and if so, organise quotations for provision of a new website 4. Source masks and costs thereof. 5. Ask MK Libraries Service if they would be interested in latex gloves for people to wear before choosing books 6. Review any other ideas in liaison with the SSTC Chair and Chair of Finance F082/20 Stony Radio (SSTC Grant of £2,000): Committee RESOLVED retrospectively to approve the request to make changes to the items to be purchased with the grant (agreed by the TC under delegated powers, following an email consultation with the Committee). Committee NOTED that due to the suspension of the opening of new bank accounts (related to Covid-19), the cheque issued would be returned to the Council. Instead, funds transferred to Stony Radio upon the TC receiving receipts for items purchased. Action: TC to organise and keep a log of the payments. F083/20 Co-op Member Pioneer Scheme: donations for suitable projects: Committee AGREED that the TC should seek further information on the criteria and the matter should then be passed to Projects Committee to agree a project to put forward. Action: TC to respond to Co-op Pioneer and inform DTC to put forward for the January Projects Committee. F084/20 DRAFT BUDGET 2021/22: Committee NOTED the revised draft budget (which incorporated the changes agreed by the Working Group) with precept illustrations and thanked the TC for all her hard work providing a clear picture to enable decisions to be made at the January 2021 Full Council meeting. There were no other recommendations. F085/20 PURCHASE OF LOCAL ARTIST ‘COMMEMORATIVE’ LOCKDOWN PRINTS: Following consideration and a vote, Committee RESOLVED (RG/RA) to purchase the framed prints for display in the Library at a cost of up to £153 from the Civic Initiatives budget. Action: TC to organise with the artist. F086/20 FINANCE Report (including Bank Reconciliations and Income and Expenditure report): Committee NOTED the report

2 of 5 F087/20 Accounts for payment: Committee RESOLVED to authorise the payments as listed:

Date: 10/12/2020 Stony Stratford Town Council Current Year Page 1

Time:14:37 Cashbook 1 User: LAC Current A/C Payments made between 01/12/2020 and 18/12/2020

Nominal Ledger Analysis Date Payee Name Reference £ Total Amnt £ Creditors £ VAT A/c Centre £ Amount Transaction Details 11/12/2020 Stony Stratford Business Assoc B011220 495.00 4450 102 495.00 Grant Christmas Lights - SSBA 11/12/2020 CSF Print and Design B021220 1,299.00 4150 107 1,299.00 Newsletter print 0920 18/12/2020 HM Customs and Revenue B00011220 4,362.07 4001 104 1,417.38 PAYE ER 1220 Q3 4000 104 2,944.69 PAYE EE 1220 Q3 18/12/2020 Staff Salaries 1220 B0001220 5,146.89 4000 104 5,146.89 Staff Salaries 1220 18/12/2020 Bucks County Council LGPS B00021220 1,747.88 4001 104 1,388.05 PENS ERS 1220 4000 104 359.83 PENS EE 1220 18/12/2020 Serco B031220 5,482.97 913.83 4253 103 4,569.14 Grounds Maint Cont Serco 1220 18/12/2020 Serco B031220 -5,482.97 -913.83 4253 103 -4,569.14 cancelled ref 2705 18/12/2020 DNH Contracts B041220 624.36 104.06 4250 101 469.80 Dog bin empty 1120 4251 101 50.50 Litter bin empty 1120 18/12/2020 RTM Landscapes B051220 72.00 12.00 4420 110 60.00 Fencing repair WRA 18/12/2020 Gleamclean B061220 19.20 3.20 4350 112 16.00 Glass Clean Ext 1120 18/12/2020 Wolverton Community Energy Ltd B071220 49.82 8.30 4350 112 41.52 Solar power 1120 18/12/2020 Gifford, RU B081220 531.00 4160 104 531.00 Chair Allowance 2 of 2 18/12/2020 Bartlett, P B091220 265.50 4160 104 265.50 EMA 2 of 2 Bartlett 18/12/2020 Bendig-Ceesay, B B101220 265.50 4160 104 265.50 EMA 2 of 2 Bendig- Ceesay 18/12/2020 Brett, CA B111220 265.50 4160 104 265.50 EMA 2 of 2 Brett 18/12/2020 Cherrill, SA B121220 265.50 4160 104 265.50 EMA 2 of 2 Cherrill 18/12/2020 Payne, J B131220 265.50 4160 104 265.50 EMA 2 of 2 Payne 18/12/2020 Thornburgh, P B141220 265.50 4160 104 265.50 EMA 2 of 2 Thornburgh 18/12/2020 Tillley, K B151220 265.50 4160 104 265.50 EMA 2 of 2 Tilley 18/12/2020 Cottage Farm Nurseries B161220 373.62 62.27 4415 103 311.35 Pansies etc HFG 347 -311.35 Pansies etc HFG 6000 103 311.35 Pansies etc HFG

Total Payments: 16,579.34 0.00 189.83 16,389.51

3 of 5 F088/20 Payments made between Committee meetings: Committee RESOLVED to approve as listed:

Date: 10/12/2020 Stony Stratford Town Council Current Year Page 1

Time:14:20 Cashbook 1 User: LAC Current A/C Payments made between 18/11/2020 and 26/11/2020

Nominal Ledger Analysis Date Payee Name Reference £ Total Amnt £ Creditors £ VAT A/c Centre £ Amount Transaction Details 18/11/2020 Petty Cash 2716 227.30 203 227.30 Petty Cash Top up 25/11/2020 PC B011120 200.00 4460 101 200.00 Christmas Hamper donation 25/11/2020 Konica Minolta Business Soluti B021120 110.59 18.43 4015 104 77.49 Rent 1120-0221 4015 104 14.67 Copies 0820-1120 25/11/2020 DCK Account Sol Ltd B031120 39.54 6.59 4002 104 32.95 PAYE 1120 25/11/2020 Rialtas Business Solutions Ltd B041120 148.80 24.80 4420 110 62.00 Allotments Software & Maint 4422 110 62.00 Allotments Software & Maint 25/11/2020 Chiltern Lift Co B051120 577.12 96.19 4350 112 480.93 Replace lift lighting unit

Total Payments: 1,303.35 0.00 146.01 1,157.34

F089/20 Committee RESOLVED to Exclude: press and public in accordance with Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 sect 1.2 to discuss matters of commercial and personal confidentiality (Papers for Members only) for Mins F090/20 to F097/20 (Agenda Items 11,12, 13, 14, 15 & 16) F090/20 SSTC LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 2021-23 (current contract ends 31st March 2021): Committee RESOLVED to approve the extension of the deadline for tenders from 15th December 2020 to 6th January 2021 due to delays to receiving information missing from the MKC specification (for which an apology had been received). A decision on the contract tenders would be made at the January meeting of Full Council. F091/20 STONY STRATFORD HIGH STREET IMPROVEMENTS: DESIGN BRIEF: Committee NOTED that the brief had to be scaled back after specialist advice from the sole contractor to respond. Committee RESOLVED that following further investigation, the decision should be made at the January meeting of Full Council. Committee NOTED that the TC had contacted the two contractors approached for quotations and been informed that due to changes to their criteria for new jobs, they had been unable to quote. Committee AGREED the following action: F092/20 As the quotation received had exceeded the budget and the brief did not include reference to additional parking spaces on Market Square or a street level visual view from above, that (prior to a decision being made at the January Full Council meeting), The TC should contact the contractor to investigate if these items could be included within the price quoted. F093/20 COUNCIL VAT REGISTRATION AND OPT TO TAX 5-7 CHURCH STREET: Cllr Gifford left the meeting briefly due to declaring a pecuniary interest. Following discussion and a vote, Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council reducing the cost of hire for voluntary organisations to £12.50 plus VAT (2.50): Total hourly cost to voluntary organisations: £15 per hour. It was NOTED that this would have a NIL impact on voluntary organisations costs. Action: TC to bring forward to January 2021 Full Council Cllr Gifford rejoined the meeting. F094/20 5-7 CHURCH STREET ELECTRICITY QUOTATIONS: Committee NOTED the range of quotations provided from renewable energy sources provided by Ethical Energy consultants and RESOLVED to accept the quotation from British Gas for a period of two years. This would result in a reduction in electricity bills. Action: TC to organise relevant paperwork prior to the ENGIE contract (to ‘keep’ the price quoted) ending in September 2021. 4 of 5 F095/20 HR COMMITTEE: Committee RESOLVED to approve the Christmas Closure between 23rd December 2020 and 1st January 2021 inclusive (to allow staff to take annual leave) and NOTED that the Council would ‘re-open’ on Monday 4th January 2021. Action: TC to organise email, telephone out of office messages and relevant publicity F096/20 HR COMMITTEE: 2021/22 Staff Structure: Committee RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council retention of the existing staff structure: Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Information Officer, Environment and Planning Officer plus Caretaker. Action: TC to bring forward recommendation to January 2021 meeting of Full Council. 21:10 Town Clerk left the meeting F097/20 HR COMMITTEE: Town Clerk (TC) Hours w.e.f. 1st April 2021: Committee RESOLVED unanimously to approve the panel’s recommendation (to go forward to January 2021 Full Council meeting) that the TC should continue to be Full-time (37 hours, currently agreed to 31st March 2021) in the 2021/22 Financial year (starting 1st April 2021) whilst the 5-7 Church Street project was ongoing, the hours to be reviewed should the project not go ahead. Action: SSTC Chair to inform TC of the outcome for the minutes.

Meeting Closed 21:20

Chairman Signature………………………………………………Dated: …………………….

Current Members: Cllr Adams (Chair), Bendig-Ceesay, Cllr Brett, Cllr Gifford, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Welch (6 members) and Lynne Compton, Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Date of next meeting: 16th February 2021

5 of 5 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE Held remotely via teleconferencing facilities On Tuesday 8th December 2020, 19.00

Present: Cllrs Roy Adams, Bianca Bendig-Ceesay (ex-officio), Simon Cherrill (Chair), June Payne, Cllr Peter Thornburgh, Tom Welch (5 members plus 1 ex-officio) and Lynne Compton (Town Clerk – TC) Absent: Cllr Paul Bartlett

P57/20 PUBLIC FORUM: There were no members of the press or public present. P58/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN RESPECT OF RELEVANT ITEMS OF BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA: in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 Section 29(1). There were none. P59/20 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION: in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 S33. There were none. P60/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: There were none. P61/20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING DATED TUESDAY 24th NOVEMBER 2020. Committee RESOLVED to approve the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting and they would be subsequently signed by the Chair. Action: TC to organise. P62/20 CLERK UPDATE REPORT: Committee NOTED the report and that there had been no comments from the public on the MKC Planning portal. P63/20 PLANNING APPLICATIONS: 1. Committee considered the applications and made the following decisions: YR APP NO TYP HSE NO ROAD DECISION 20/ 02917 TCA Elizabeth St Giles Mews No comment House

20/ 02724 TCA 20 York Road No comment

20/ 03025 FUL 126 High Street No comment

20/ 03034 FUL 8 Bennet Close No comment

20/ 03079 FUL 16 Willow Lane No comment

20/ 03093 FUL 158 High Street No comment

2. Additional applications received and considered in accordance with Planning Committee Terms of Reference: YR/APP NO/TYP HSE ROAD DESC DECISION NO 20/03163/TPO 1 Fegans T1 - 4 groups of 3 semi-mature Birch trees - No comment Court formatively prune/reduce not exceeding 1m 20/02925/LBC 1 St Listed building consent to repair dormer by No comment Pauls replacing current tile 'cheeks' with lead, removing Court tiles from the roof, replacing them with existing where possible or with reclaimed tiles, with fittings to match existing, after replacing the batterns and felt.

1 of 2 P64/20 CONSULTATIONS: The Council of The (Footpath 55 Calverton (Part)) Public Path Diversion Order 2020: Deadline for response 6th January 2021: Committee AGREED no comment. Meeting Closed: 19:18

Chairman signature……………………………………………………………..Dated………………………………

Dates of future meetings: Tuesday 26th January 2021, remote meeting

2 of 2 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE Held remotely via teleconferencing facilities On Tuesday 24th November 2020, 19.30

Present: Cllrs Roy Adams, Paul Bartlett, Bianca Bendig-Ceesay (ex-officio), Simon Cherrill (Chair), June Payne, Cllr Peter Thornburgh, Tom Welch (6 members plus 1 ex-officio), Lynne Compton (Town Clerk – TC) and Ummara Qureshi (Environment and Planning Officer - EPO) In attendance: one member of the public (representative from Stony Stratford Town Football Club)

P45/20 PUBLIC FORUM: There was one member of the public present who made representation for Stony Stratford Town Football Club on: Min 55/20 - S106. Planning Obligations - Application no: 20/00251/PRELAR Proposal: 24 residential dwellings, car and cycle parking and landscaping At: Land Surrounding 164 To 168 High Street Stony Stratford. P46/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN RESPECT OF RELEVANT ITEMS OF BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA: in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 Section 29(1). There were none. P47/20 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION: in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 S33. There were none. P48/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: There were none. All present. P49/20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING DATED TUESDAY 27th OCTOBER 2020. Committee RESOLVED to approve the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting and they would be subsequently signed by the Chair. P50/20 CLERK UPDATE REPORT: Committee NOTED the report and made the following decisions P51/20 Planning Committee Terms of Reference (TOR): Committee AGREED that the TOR should be amended to reflect that Planning Committee considers S106 obligations. Action: TC to amend and submit to the January Full Council for consideration. P52/20 McColl's 51 High Street: Following concerns about the appearance of the new shutters, Committee AGREED that a letter should be sent to McColl’s asking if there was an alternative solution to the shutters or a way to soften their appearance. Action: TC to send letter P53/20 PLANNING APPLICATIONS: Committee considered the applications and made the following decisions:


20/ 02615 TCA York No Comment House Road

20/ 02747 FUL 47 Malvern Noted the five objections. Drive AGREED to Reiterate original objections: Application contrary to: PlanMK 2019 policy D3 (A. 4 & 8) 20/ 02722 TCA 14 York Road No comment

20/ 02708 FUL 48 High Street No comment

20/ 02709 LBC 48 High Street No comment

20/ 02785 FUL 50 High Street Noted the comments but no grounds for objection

20/ 02712 TCA 18 York Road Noted the public comment. No comment

1 of 3 20/ 02865 LBC Elizabeth St Giles No comment House Mews

20/ 02876 FUL 32 Blackdown, No comment FS

20/ 02898 TCA Acorn St Giles No comment Day Mews, Nursery Vicarage Road 20/ 02939 FUL 23 Clailey AGREED: OBJECT: contrary to PlanMK 2019 policy D3 (A. 4 & 8) Court, GH 20/ 02938 FUL 38 Latimer No comment There were some concerns expressed that the proposed development would be out of keeping with the existing development (which was architect designed in the same way as Galley Hill). However, there being no material considerations covering these concerns, Committee AGREED that there were no grounds for an objection. It was NOTED that there had not been any comments from neighbours.

P54/20 CONSULTATIONS: Draft Milton Keynes Sustainable Construction Supplementary Planning Document: Committee NOTED the consultation. P55/20 CONSULTATIONS: S106. Planning Obligations - Application no: 20/00251/PRELAR Proposal: 24 residential dwellings, car and cycle parking and landscaping At: Land Surrounding 164 To 168 High Street Stony Stratford: Following a detailed discussion and taking into consideration the needs of the adjacent Stony Stratford Football Club, Committee AGREED to respond to the consultation requesting the following items to be included (NOTE: these are additional to the usual contributions sought by MKC): 20:30 PB left the meeting  A sum for Play/Open Space/sports facilities directed towards Stony Stratford Town Football Club (adjacent to the new development) to help with the majority of its aspirations, (omitting the works to trees and utilities). TC to include list of aspirations agreed with costings provided by the SSFTC.  *A sum to help renew the landscaping area at North End and improve the resilience of the existing furniture which has been vandalised. This area is likely to be used more with the proposed new development. *It was suggested that this could be a ‘commuted sum’ which has to be invested and held in perpetuity. This is will need to be checked with MKC  A sum towards Improvements to the High Street (cost as yet unknown): include details of current aspirations for which designs are being drawn up (attach brief).  Contribution towards new Scout facility.  Highlight the issues with School capacity and the recent decision by MKC to reduce capacity at Russell Street School. Request to make reparation towards any impact this new development might have.

Action: Prior to sending, TC to circulate draft submission to Council for comments and pass the Football Club representative’s details to the Developers so they can discuss their landscaping and utilities aspirations directly.

P56/20 PLANNING ENFORCEMENT ISSUES: Following discussion, Committee AGREED that a letter should be sent to the Head of Planning, MKC outlining Council’s concerns over recent Planning Enforcement Officer Decision regarding the signage at 20 High Street (Café Latte). The letter to include the following points:

2 of 3  Originally, there was no application for the Town Council to consider and the subsequent decision (made on a retrospective application) appears to be disassociated from the existing guidelines as it was made under advertising regulations  Please clarify how future applications will be dealt with given that there are existing policies in place e.g. PlanMK, Neighbourhood Plan and Design Guide which are there to guide applicants.  The signage has had an adverse impact on the High Street and Conservation Area.

Action: TC to draft response in liaison with the Chair of Planning.

Meeting Closed: 21:06

Chairman signature……………………………………………………………..Dated………………………………

Dates of future meeting: Tuesday 8th December 2020, 7.00 pm – remote meeting


Held on Tuesday 1st December 2020, 7.30 pm This was a meeting held remotely using video and audio- Conferencing facilities (In accordance with the *Coronavirus Act 2020) Present: Cllrs Paul Bartlett, Bianca Bendig-Ceesay, Cliff Brett, June Payne, Keith Tilley (Chair) and Tom Welch (6 Committee members). Absent: Cllr Pete Thornburgh (see item J160/20). In attendance: Karen Hiser (Deputy Town Clerk). J157/20 PUBLIC FORUM: There were no members of the press or public present. J158/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were none. J159/20 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION: There were none. J160/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Committee RESOLVED to APPROVE apologies received from Cllr Thornburgh. J161/20 5. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 3rd November 2020: Committee RESOLVED to approve as an accurate record of the meeting. The minutes were subsequently submitted to the Chair for signing. J162/20 5.1 OFFICER UPDATE REPORT: Committee NOTED the report, and the following actions were AGREED: J163/20 PROPOSAL OF OUTDOOR GYM EQUIPMENT FOR MILL FIELD, STONY STRATFORD: Advice and costs to be obtained for; 1. Maintenance of outdoor equipment, 2. Suitable surfacing for the conditions on Mill Field. The Committee AGREED that Councils who host existing adult outdoor gym equipment should be approached for this information, in particular, Milton Keynes Council and Walton Community Council. Action: DTC to approach MKC and WCC for advice on costs and surface materials. J164/20 6. GENERAL SERVICES The Committee NOTED the report, and the following actions were AGREED: J165/20 LANDSCAPE ISSUES: The following to be raised with the Town Council landscape contractors: 1. London Road hedge: Hedge north of Hale Avenue requires cutting back as it reduces the ability of pedestrians to social distance whilst passing on the pavement. 2. Grass growth around the base of street signs in Fullers Slade: The grass has not been cut and consequently visibility of the signage is reduced. Action: DTC to instruct the landscape contractors to address both issues. Cllr BB-C to provide photographs of grass at base of street furniture. J166/20 7. PROJECT REGISTER UPDATE: The Committee NOTED the report. J167/20 8. POSSIBLE RELOCATION OF EXISTING DOG BIN AT LONDON ROAD ENTRANCE TO , STONY STRATFORD: The Committee NOTED the report and AGREED that the location of the SSTC parish boundary be clarified in order to ascertain whether the current and proposed locations of the dog bin lay within the parish boundary. The Committee AGREED that the proposal be re-presented to the January 2021 Projects Committee meeting. Action: DTC to ascertain parish boundary and report back to January Projects Committee meeting. J168/20 9. PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF NEW DOG BINS AND LITTER BIN AT SHEARMANS, FULLERS SLADE: The Committee NOTED the report and AGREED the following: J169/20 DOG BINS ON SHEARMANS: The Committee RECOMMEND the installation of two new dog bins: 1. Opposite the parade of shops, 2. Alongside the redway on the approach to the H2 underpass towards Kiln Farm. The cost of installation of both bins into soft ground will be £374. The annual cost of emptying will be £364.This will increase annual cost of emptying SSTC bins from c£5948.80 to c£6312.80. Costs of installation and emptying: Shop area Red way Total costs New dog waste bin £104 £104 New pole £43 £43 Installation of new pole on soft ground £40 £40 Installation cost £187 £187 £374 Emptying: twice weekly £3.50 x 52 £182 £182 £364

Action: DTC to obtain permission from MKC and, pending Full Council approval, instruct contractor to install. J170/20 LITTER BIN ON SHEARMANS: The Committee AGREE that MKC be approached to provide information on the feasibility and costs of installing a litter bin near to the parade of shops. Action: DTC to contact MKC Waste Services Department.

Meeting Closed: 8.26 pm

Chair Signature………………………………………………… Dated: ………………… Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12th January 2021, 7.30 pm, The Library, 5-7 Church Street, or to be held remotely; TO BE ADVISED: Please check the website/noticeboards for details. MINUTES OF THE PROJECTS COMMITTEE

Held on Tuesday 12th January 2021, 7.30 pm This was a meeting held remotely using video and audio- Conferencing facilities (In accordance with the *Coronavirus Act 2020) Present: Cllrs Cliff Brett, June Payne, Keith Tilley (Chair), Pete Thornburgh and Tom Welch (5 Committee members). Absent: Cllrs Paul Bartlett, Bianca Bendig-Ceesay (apologies received) In attendance: Karen Hiser (Deputy Town Clerk). J01/21 PUBLIC FORUM: There were no members of the press or public present. J02/21 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were none. J03/21 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION: There were none. J04/21 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Committee RESOLVED to approve apologies from Bianca Bendig- Ceesay. J05/21 5. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 1st December 2020: Committee RESOLVED to approve as an accurate record of the meeting. The minutes were subsequently submitted to the Chair for signing. J06/21 5.1 OFFICER UPDATE REPORT: Committee NOTED the report. J07/21 6. GENERAL SERVICES The Committee NOTED the report. J08/21 7. PROJECT REGISTER UPDATE: The Committee NOTED the report. J09/21 8. POSSIBLE RELOCATION OF EXISTING DOG BIN AT BRIDGE ENTRANCE TO NATURE RESERVE, STONY STRATFORD: The Committee NOTED that the current and proposed locations lie within the Stony Stratford parish boundary. The Committee AGREED that the current bin location at the bottom of a slope renders access by wheelchair users difficult, and RECOMMEND that the bin be relocated from the right side of the nature reserve gate to the left side at a cost of £88. The Committee NOTE that this land is managed by the Parks Trust who recommended this new location. Action: pending Full Council approval, DTC to instruct contractor to install. J10/21 9. POSSIBLE LOCATION RECONSIDERATION OF A PREVIOUSLY RECOMMENDED NEW DOG BIN IN SHEARMANS, FULLERS SLADE: The Committee AGREE that in the December Projects meeting (item J169/20), installation of two new dog bins on Shearmans was RECOMMENDED at the following locations: 1. Opposite the parade of shops, 2. Alongside the red way on the approach to the H2 underpass towards Kiln Farm. The Committee NOTE that the location of the proposed bin along the redway is on Parks Trust land, and that the Parks Trust have granted permission, with the proviso that removal should be undertaken if the bin overflows. The Committee subsequently RECOMMEND that the proposed location of this bin be moved several metres along the redway onto land managed by Milton Keynes Council. The Committee NOTE that MKC has already granted permission for installation at this location. The cost of installation of both bins into soft ground will be £374. The annual cost of emptying will be £364.This will increase annual cost of emptying SSTC bins from c£5948.80 to c£6312.80. Action: pending Full Council approval, DTC to instruct contractor to install. J11/21 10. INSTALLATION OF A NEW DOG BIN AT THE TUDOR GARDENS GREEN SPACE, STONY STRATFORD: The Committee NOTE that there is no bin in this green space and a need has been raised by dog walkers and the Clerk of Parish Council. The Committee further NOTE the green space is managed by Parks Trust, who require more specific location details in order to consider approval. The Committee RECOMMEND that, in principle, approval for the installation of new dog bin at this site be granted, pending permission from the Parks Trust. The cost of installation of a new bin into soft ground will be £187. The annual cost of emptying will be £182.This will increase annual cost of emptying SSTC bins from c£6312.80 to c£6494.80. Action: DTC to identify more specific locations and present to February Projects Committee. Meeting Closed: 8.19 pm

Chair Signature………………………………………………… Dated: ………………… Date of next meeting: Tuesday 2nd February 2021, 7.30 pm, The Library, 5-7 Church Street, or to be held remotely; TO BE ADVISED: Please check the website/noticeboards for details. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting held on Tuesday 8th December 2020, 19:30 held remotely via teleconferencing facilities

Present: Cllr Cliff Brett, Simon Cherrill, Cllr Rob Gifford (Chair), Helen Bowlt (HB) (MKC Libraries Service), Paul Martin (PM) (FoSSL) (5 Members) and Lynne Compton, (Town Clerk – TC) Absent: Robert de Grey

The Chair welcomed the new FoSSL representative, Paul Martin and thanks were expressed to Philip Sarre for all his work on the committee.

PD036/20 QUESTIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC: There were no members of the press or public present. PD037/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN RESPECT OF RELEVANT ITEMS OF BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA: There were none. PD038/20 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 S33. There were none. PD039/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: There were none received. PD040/20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER 2020: Committee RESOLVED to approve the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting. PD041/20 CLERK UPDATE REPORT: Committee NOTED the report and made the following decisions: PD042/20 Ref: Min PD030/20: Application for further S.106 monies for insulation. Committee RECEIVED the Energy Savings and Cost Benefit Report from specialist consultants, Eco Energy and Environmental Ltd and AGREED this would enable the application to be made to MKC for the Elizabeth House Carbon Offset S.106 monies to contribute to the insulation costs for 5-7 Church Street. Action: TC to complete the application form and submit to MKC in liaison with RdeG. PD043/20 REDEVELOPMENT OF 5-7 CHURCH ST: Committee NOTED the update report and any recommendations from the Working Group meetings PD044/20 FINANCE UPDATE 2020/21: Committee NOTED the report and RESOLVED to recommend the 2021/22 5-7 Church Street estimated income and expenditure budgets to Council as follows (subject to the refurbishment project going ahead): Expenditure PWLB repay 10,000 5-7 Church St 36,000 Refurbishment 150,000 196,000 Income 5-7 Church St 3,500 Refurbishment 150,000 153,500 Net Expenditure 42,500

PD045/20 LIBRARY SERVICE PROVISION (Helen Bowlt): Committee NOTED the verbal report and the excellent news that: 1. As SSTC were using the MKC Procurement Service, MKC would be able to contribute tariff monies directly to SSTC for the shared costs, actual amount to be determined upon receipt of tenders. 2. Stony Stratford Library would be re-opening on limited hours and; 3. providing a Click and Collect Service.

PD046/20 FRIENDS OF STONY STRATFORD LIBRARY (Paul Martin): Committee NOTED the report and AGREED that a copy of Building Control approval should be sent to PM. The minutes of the Annual General Meeting were not yet available. Action: TC. Committee also NOTED that PM would investigate the ownership of the large glass display cases which had now been removed from the Library to .

PD047/20 REDEVELOPMENT OF 5-7 CHURCH ST CONTRACT REVISED TENDER AND QUANTITY SURVEYOR (QS) ESTIMATES (as previously circulated). Committee NOTED that due to the tender deadline extension to 8th January 2021, there was nothing further to discuss.

Meeting Closed: 20:18

Chairman Signature…………………………………………………………………………………..Dated:……………………………….

Date of next meeting: 9th March 2021, 7.30 pm 8. Budget Report 2021/22 Full Council 19th January 2021 Agenda Item: 8 8.1 Setting the 2021/22 Budget 1. Purpose of Item: To CONSIDER the issues surrounding setting a budget for the financial year 2021/22 and approve the Budget and Precept. The process of budget setting starts in October each year and takes into consideration Council operations, the economic situation, current and future projects, staffing and the end of year forecast reserves. Prior to the January meeting of Full Council, the budget has been discussed at the October and December Finance Committees, the November Full Council meeting and the Budget Scrutiny Working Group meeting. The most recent report to the December Finance Committee meeting is attached for your ease of reference is attached (Appendix 1) for your ease of reference. 2. Balancing the budget in 2021/22: The Council is asked to consider how best to balance the budget. The options are to either increase the precept, look to generate additional income or reduce expenditure or a combination of all three. Historically, the Town Council has justified increases in the precept with specific changes to its activities. In 2021/22, the main new activities are:  Refurbishment of 5-7 Church Street: Budgetary impact: c£10,000 (PWLB loan): Note: In the event that the loan application is not successful, the c£10,000 allocated in the budget will be transferred to the EMR and used to undertake general improvement works e.g. replacement front doors and decorating.  Project to install insulation in the roof of 5-7 Church Street using S106 monies from the Elizabeth House Development: Budgetary impact: possible additional staff resource  Project to utilise the S106 Art monies from the Elizabeth House development: possible additional staff resource However, in 2021/22 there is also the added challenge that MKC has reduced the Stony Stratford Council Tax Base (the number of houses the precept is split between) by 1.6 % and the MKC non- statutory Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme has been reduced further from £8222 (20/21) to £7069 (21/22). 3. DRAFT Budget v4 2021/22: Appendix 2 details the draft budget with the precept income figure retained at the 2020/21 rate. The changes between v3 and v4 of the 2021/22 Expenditure Budget are outlined below: 3.1 Expenditure Nominal Description V3 V4 Variance Reason Code Budget Budget 4250 Dog Bins 6312 6495 +183 Additional dog bins: estimated additional emptying costs (Projects Committee 0121) 4253 Landscape 55998 55246 -752 To match estimated grant. Members only see Contract Agenda Item: 13 4415 Floral Features 5,000 7,000 +2,000 Slightly reduced compared to 2019 scheme (Budget: £8141). Will involve less watering but still require Standpipe hire. Estimate as awaiting revised quotation. Members only see Agenda Item 15 Total Changes +£1431 Increase to estimated expenditure Total 441,230 442,661 Expenditure Budget

1 There have been a number of savings made in the budget e.g. Electricity Costs for 5-7 Church Street (reduced due to installation of solar panels and renegotiation of existing contract (due to end in Sept 2021). Council may wish to CONSIDER any other cost savings that can be made. 3.2 Income: SSTC has limited options for increasing income and due to the current uncertain financial climate, it was agreed that fees should not be increased. The changes between v3 and v4 of the 2021 Income Budget are outlined below: Nominal Description V3 V4 Variance Reason Code Budget Budget 1025 Landscape Grant 55,798 55,246 -£552 MKC has not yet advised of the 21/22 grant. Covid-19 has had a major impact on their finances. I have therefore retained the grant at the level actually received in 20/21 which matches the Landscape contract budget figure, thus having a nil impact on the overall budget. 1060 Sponsorship – Stony in Bloom 0 300 +300 Healthmatic have confirmed (Floral Features plaques) sponsorship for 2021. The other sponsorship (usually up to £1400) comes from businesses who might not be in a position to sponsor in 2021 therefore not included. Total changes -252 Reduction to estimated income Total Income Budget 446,493 446,241

3.3 Summary Income over Expenditure 2021/22 Budget Expenditure £442,661 Income £446,241 Difference +£3,580 Small surplus for a balanced budget. Council may wish to CONSIDER setting the estimated surplus aside to spend on Youth Projects once the Youth Policy has been finalised. c) Five Year Forecast (to follow): Council is asked to NOTE. Summary Maintaining a balanced budget is important, I would not want to see the Council’s reserves reduced below £70,000 in case of unforeseen issues with 5-7 Church Street or the Silver Street toilets building e.g. roof. Council is asked to note that the forecast difference between the recommended GR and the YE estimated GR is +£30,000 (reduced from £40,000 due to virement of the £10,000 Business Grant to the 5-7 Church Street Reserves). Whilst Parish and Town Councils will not be subject to precept capping in the foreseeable future and an increase to the precept income will not be necessary in 2021/22. Due to the reduction in the Council Tax Base, a precept unchanged from 2020/21 will result in a small increase to the Band D for households. Council is also asked to NOTE that future precept rises may be inevitable due to reduction/cessation of the MKC non-statutory payment of the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme payment and increases in the cost of the Landscape Contract not being matched by increases in the MKC Landscape Grant. Council may wish to CONSIDER reducing the precept slightly to retain the same level of Band D as in 2021/22 8.2 Draft Precept Demand (attached Appendix 4): Council is asked to CONSIDER and make resolution 8.3 Publicity to explain any changes to the electorate e.g. publication of a leaflet: Usually the changes to the precept are explained in a letter from the Chair, uploaded to the MKC and SSTC websites then publicised via the Spring edition of Town Crier. Council may wish to CONSIDER changing this practice and funding production of a leaflet through MKC at an additional cost (to be determined).

Council is asked to NOTE the report and make resolution

2 Lynne Compton, PSLCC, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the Council


3 8. Budget Report 2021/22 Finance and HR Committee 15th December 2020 Agenda Item: 8 1. Purpose of Item: Further to the report to November Full Council, this is for the Committee to further consider budgetary items and make any recommendations to the January 2021 Full Council meeting where the Budget and Precept can be considered and approved. 2. DRAFT Budget v3 2021/22- Appendix 1 details the draft budget (v3) (precept retained at 20/21 rate) with the following changes 2.1 Expenditure

Nominal Description V2 V3 Variance Reason Code Budget Budget 4000 Salaries 61,453 70,115 +8662 Further work carried out. Original early estimate based on TC on 30 and no EPO. Revision based on TC on 37 hours (although this may not be necessary for the whole year) and inclusion of EPO 4001 Employers NI & LGPS 22,326 23,814 +1488 Further work carried out. Addition due to increase to Employer contributions to LGPS from 24.7% to 25.2% and inclusion of EPO 4055 Office Equipment 1,545 0 -1,545 Replacement , if necessary, this can come from General Reserve. No indication that this will be needed. 4250 Dog Bins 5712 6312 +600 Additional dog bins: estimated additional emptying costs (Projects Committee 1220) 4350 5-7 Church Street *this includes 50,197 46,000 -4,197 Estimated reduction in electricity bills the PWLB loan repay which will due to Solar Power (based on 20/21 when drawn down have a reduction and indication from brokers separate code. *note excludes that electricity prices will come down) Caretaker Salary which is and reassessment of expected included in Salaries codes expenditure e.g. 3 months NDR ‘holiday’ whilst closed for Project. Property Development Committee 1220 4419 Apple Day 0 1,500 +1,500 Given the good news about the vaccine, RFO reintroduced the usual budgetary figures 4460 Civic Initiatives 2250 4250 +2,000 Addition of Wildflower beds and pothole repairs Mill Lane Car Park (Full Council 1120) Total Changes +8508 Increase to estimated expenditure Total Expenditure Budget 432,722 441,230

2.2 Known ‘unknown’ costs which may impact on the Expenditure budget 4253 Landscape Contract – awaiting quotations 4415 Floral Features – notional figure of £5,000 included (reduced by 3,400, 19/20 8,400): awaiting Preston Bissett Nursery Quotation. Committee may wish to consider increasing this amount

1 2.3 Income Nominal Description V2 V3 Variance Reason Code Budget Budget 1005 LCTS Grant 7,000 7069 +69 MKC confirmation of provisional rates subject to ratification by Cabinet 15th December 2021 and by MK Council Feb 2021. 1067 Apple Day 0 300 +300 Given the good news about the vaccine, RFO reintroduced the usual budgetary figures 1080 5-7 Church Street 6000 3500 -2500 Figure adjusted down due to closure for refurbishment work. 3500 represents approx. half year library tenancy fees. This figure could increase if project completes by June/July 2021 and additional marketing is carried out Total changes -2131 Reduction to estimated income

2.4 Appendix 2 details the revised budget impact on Band D, retaining the precept at 20/21 level for 21/22. This now includes the revised MKC Council Tax Base (CTB) Rate which has been reduced from 2552.56 (20/21) to 2512.53 (21/22). A reduction of 40.03 (1.6%). Also, as agreed the draft budget omits both the replacement fencing and contribution to a parking enforcement officer. The High Street Design Brief has also been omitted as it is likely that this will be agreed to be done in the 20/21 Financial Year. 2.5 Summary Maintaining a balanced budget is important, I would not want to see the Council’s reserves reduced below £70,000 in case of unforeseen issues with 5-7 Church Street or the Silver Street toilets building e.g. roof. Council may wish to use some of its balances, if necessary (notionally the difference between the recommended GR and the YE estimated GR which amounts to just under c40K) to mitigate a precept rise for future projects.

Parish and Town Councils are unlikely to be subject to precept capping for the foreseeable future. However, as agreed by Council, a precept rise should not be necessary for the 21/22 Financial year

Committee are asked to NOTE the report and CONSIDER any recommendations to Council Lynne Compton, PSLCC, CertHE Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the Council

V3 10/12/2020

2 14/01/2021 Stony Stratford Town Council Current Year Page 1 08:06 Annual Budget - By Combined Account Code Note: Budgeted Income & Expenditure 21/22 draft v4

Last Year Current Year Next Year

Budget Actual Brought Net Agreed EMR Total Actual YTD Agreed EMR Carried Forward Virement Forward

Budget Income

1000 Precept 209,360 209,360 0 0 223,374 0 223,374 223,374 223,374 0 0 1005 LCTS Grant 10,277 10,277 0 0 8,222 0 8,222 8,222 7,069 0 0 1010 Bank Interest Received 30 49 0 0 50 0 50 379 100 0 0 1011 Dividend Received 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1015 Floral Features 385 0 0 0 385 0 385 0 385 0 0 1025 Landscaping Grant 53,616 54,177 0 0 53,616 0 53,616 55,246 55,246 0 0 1030 Grants & Donations Received 0 1,740 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1040 Farmers Market Income 1,250 1,050 0 0 1,250 0 1,250 710 1,275 0 0 1045 Allotment Rents - Wolverton Rd 3,000 3,341 0 0 3,000 0 3,000 4,827 3,060 0 0 1046 Allotment Rents - London Rd 700 678 0 0 700 0 700 820 714 0 0 1047 Allotment Rents - Boundary Cre 900 752 0 0 900 0 900 1,620 918 0 0 1050 Newsletter Sales 300 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1060 Sponsorship - Stony in Bloom 1,700 1,700 0 0 1,700 0 1,700 0 300 0 0 1066 Big Lunch Income 550 260 0 0 500 0 500 0 0 0 0 1067 Apple Day Income 850 0 0 0 300 0 300 0 300 0 0 1069 Town Fayre 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1080 5-7 Church St Income 9,000 43,997 0 0 3,000 0 3,000 6,572 3,500 0 0 1090 Miscellaneous Receipts 0 4,895 0 0 0 0 0 450 150,000 0 0

Total Income 292,518 332,527 0 0 296,998 0 296,998 302,220 446,241 0 0

Overhead Expenditure

4000 Salaries 64,000 62,377 0 0 81,697 0 81,697 57,054 70,115 0 0 4001 Employers NI etc 16,191 15,631 0 0 17,000 0 17,000 16,865 23,814 0 0

Continued on next page 14/01/2021 Stony Stratford Town Council Current Year Page 2 08:06 Annual Budget - By Combined Account Code Note: Budgeted Income & Expenditure 21/22 draft v4

Last Year Current Year Next Year

Budget Actual Brought Net Agreed EMR Total Actual YTD Agreed EMR Carried Forward Virement Forward 4002 PAYE Admin 410 339 0 0 410 0 410 321 450 0 0 4005 Officer Travel and Subsistence 300 311 0 0 325 0 325 6 332 0 0 4015 Copy Licence 650 424 0 0 500 0 500 298 510 0 0 4020 Telephones 800 1,085 0 0 496 0 496 705 506 0 0 4021 Internet Service 200 0 0 0 468 0 468 0 477 0 0 4025 Room Hire 250 271 0 0 250 0 250 20 255 0 0 4030 Insurance 939 904 0 0 950 0 950 800 810 0 0 4033 Elections Costs 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4035 Domain Licence 75 75 0 0 76 0 76 75 78 0 0 4040 Internal audit 303 305 0 0 320 0 320 0 295 0 0 4041 External Audit 600 600 0 0 800 0 800 800 816 0 0 4045 Training 3,500 2,832 0 0 1,500 0 1,500 446 1,500 0 0 4046 Conferences - Council Run 100 12 0 0 101 0 101 0 103 0 0 4047 Conferences - External 510 581 0 0 630 0 630 0 643 0 0 4050 Publicity 100 0 0 0 500 0 500 0 500 0 0 4055 Office Equipment 1,500 135 0 0 1,515 0 1,515 1,060 0 0 0 4065 Finance Software 376 255 0 0 380 0 380 260 388 0 0 4067 software & licenses 2,000 2,284 0 0 3,000 0 3,000 2,814 3,060 0 0 4070 Stationery & Postage 400 297 0 0 350 0 350 131 357 0 0 4080 Bank Charges 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 4100 Memberships 1,435 1,685 0 0 1,600 0 1,600 1,414 1,632 0 0 4150 Newsletter/Publishing 7,000 7,634 0 0 7,300 0 7,300 2,980 7,446 0 0 4152 Website 120 120 0 0 120 0 120 2,090 122 0 0 4160 Elected Members Allowances 4,779 4,514 0 0 5,841 0 5,841 4,779 5,841 0 0

Continued on next page 14/01/2021 Stony Stratford Town Council Current Year Page 3 08:06 Annual Budget - By Combined Account Code Note: Budgeted Income & Expenditure 21/22 draft v4

Last Year Current Year Next Year

Budget Actual Brought Net Agreed EMR Total Actual YTD Agreed EMR Carried Forward Virement Forward 4170 Civic Budget 30 30 0 0 30 0 30 30 30 0 0 4200 Toilets Maintenance 20,902 20,531 0 0 18,000 0 18,000 6,887 18,400 0 0 4210 Toilets Reserves 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 4250 Dog bins 5,460 5,910 0 0 5,600 0 5,600 3,636 6,495 0 0 4251 Litter Bins 630 573 0 0 700 0 700 558 714 0 0 4253 Landscape Contract 54,550 51,071 0 0 54,900 0 54,900 45,731 55,246 0 0 4255 Litter Picking 2,003 1,534 0 0 1,600 0 1,600 1,554 1,632 0 0 4260 Farmers Market 500 209 0 0 300 0 300 350 800 0 0 4266 Crafting for Change 1,700 1,513 0 0 1,700 0 1,700 0 0 0 0 4300 Annual Community Award 100 103 0 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 0 4350 5-7 Church St 36,000 75,405 0 0 49,212 0 49,212 21,956 46,000 0 0 4351 5-7 Church Street Improvements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,025 150,000 0 0 4400 Youth Activities 6,657 3,686 0 0 0 0 0 417 0 0 0 4401 Junior Youth Club YH 0 2,662 0 0 6,800 0 6,800 0 6,936 0 0 4402 Senior Youth Club 4,328 4,284 0 0 4,400 0 4,400 0 4,488 0 0 4406 Big Lunch 1,500 1,395 0 0 1,500 0 1,500 0 0 0 0 4414 NHP Initiatives 7,000 12,006 0 0 0 0 0 -12,000 0 0 0 4415 Floral Features 8,141 7,971 0 0 8,400 0 8,400 1,498 7,000 0 0 4416 SIB - Sponsorship Costs 0 30 0 0 30 0 30 0 31 0 0 4419 Apple Day 1,000 0 0 0 1,500 0 1,500 0 1,500 0 0 4420 Allotments - Wolverton Rd 1,500 1,501 0 0 1,500 0 1,500 972 1,530 0 0 4422 Allotments - Boundary Crescent 1,000 2,207 0 0 1,200 0 1,200 1,190 1,224 0 0 4425 Capital Borrowing - BC Allots 2,708 2,708 0 0 2,708 0 2,708 2,708 2,708 0 0 4428 Play Sessions 6,427 6,272 0 0 6,427 0 6,427 3,630 6,427 0 0

Continued on next page 14/01/2021 Stony Stratford Town Council Current Year Page 4 08:06 Annual Budget - By Combined Account Code Note: Budgeted Income & Expenditure 21/22 draft v4

Last Year Current Year Next Year

Budget Actual Brought Net Agreed EMR Total Actual YTD Agreed EMR Carried Forward Virement Forward 4430 Mortimer Park 0 5,027 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4432 Wolverton Rec Play Park Proj 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4450 Grants 6,000 8,295 0 0 7,100 0 7,100 3,520 7,100 0 0 4460 Civic Initiatives 6,012 14,739 0 0 10,412 0 10,412 -4,800 4,250 0 0 4461 Town Fayre 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4550 Public Art Project - Hayes Mew 0 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Overhead Expenditure 281,686 337,630 0 0 310,249 0 310,249 184,787 442,661 0 0

Total Budget Income 292,518 332,527 0 0 296,998 0 296,998 302,220 446,241 0 0 Expenditure 281,686 337,630 0 0 310,249 0 310,249 184,787 442,661 0 0

Net Income over Expenditure 10,832 -5,103 0 0 -13,250 0 -13,250 117,433 3,580 0 0

plus Transfer from EMR 0 11,577 0 0 0 0 0 2,011 0 0 0 less Transfer to EMR 0 3,020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Movement to/(from) Gen Reserve 10,832 3,454 (13,250) (13,250) 119,443 3,580 Budget and Precept 8.2.4 Band D illustrations retaining 20_21 precept level for 21_22v2

Impact on Band D including Impact on Band D including Impact on Band D including Committee/panel additions as Committee/panel additions as Committee/panel additions outlined and keeping precept outlined, reduction in precept as outlined, precept income income the same: increase to GR income, smaller increase to GR reduction, zero increase to (as per Budget v4) GR

Projected 2021/22 Expenditure £442,661.00 £442,661.00 £442,661.00 Income (excluding precept & LCTRS) £215,798.00 £215,798.00 £215,798.00 Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme (LCTRS) £7,069.00 £7,069.00 £7,069.00 Total income with LCTRS £222,867.00 £222,867.00 £222,867.00 Addition to General Reserve £3,580.00 £75.00 Net Expenditure (Precept Demand) £223,374.00 £219,869.00 £219,794.00 Less use of GR

Total (precept minus use of GR) less 2020/21 Precept -223,374 -223,374 -223,374 Precept variation £0.00 -£3,505.00 -£3,580.00 %age change 0.00% -1.57% -1.60%

Precept per band D per annum: % % % Tax base*2021/22 2512.53 £88.90 £87.51 £87.48 Tax base 2020/21 2552.56 £87.51 £87.51 £87.51 Precept per band D difference £1.39 £0.00 -£0.03 Parish Name: STONY STRATFORD

On behalf of the above Parish, I am informing Milton Keynes Council that the precept requirement for 2021/22 is as set out below:

Your Parish Example

Parish Budget Requirement £ 230,443.00 170,000.00 less MKC Grant Income (negative figure) £ (7,069.00) (20,000.00) Parish Precept Requirement £ 223,374.00 150,000.00

If the amount of money you require exceeds £140,000 please could you provide an analysis of the precept. Please specify below your gross expenditure, gross income and whether you are planning to use or contribute to reserves.

Gross Expenditure £ 442,661.00 190,000.00 Gross Income £ (222,867.00) (25,000.00) Reserves (use)/contribute to £ 3,580.00 (15,000.00) (This total should equal the amount your parish council requires) £ 223,374.00 150,000.00




Please scan and email the form to [email protected] or return to the address below as soon as possible, and no later than Monday 1st February.

Return to: Milton Keynes Council FAO Nicole Sheanon Corporate Finance Civic Offices 1 Saxon Gate East MK9 3EJ

Check 2020/21 Precept per Band D £87.51

2021/22 Precept Requirement £223,374 2021/22 Provisional Tax Base 2512.53 2021/22 Precept per Band D £88.90 % change 1.59%

Notes cells are input only cells are formulae only 9. Flooding in Stony Stratford Full Council: 19th January 2021 Agenda Item:9

Purpose of Report: to enable the Town Council, to consider next steps in respect of the recent flooding.

Background: The TC contacted MKC and EA to discuss the issues and a way forward. Please see attached recent Press Statement issued Weds 13th January 2021. 6/01/21 – Response received from MKC: ‘MKC are Happy to discuss this and moving forward I believe it will be really beneficial to work together with Stony Stratford Town Council to develop a Local Community Flood Plan for the area. I have attached a blank template with email and included a link to the website which provides a further background on Community Flood Plans. guidance-for-communities-and-groups’

No response has yet been received from the Environment Agency.

A meeting was held with the Flood Department at MKC and the Press Statement drafted by the TC in collaboration with the Chair and MKC. Council may wish to CONSIDER next steps e.g. a Community Flood Plan.


Flooding in Stony Stratford

Following the devastating flooding, just before Christmas, that affected houses in High Street, Prospect Road, Mill Lane, Temperance Terrace, Victoria Road and Willey Court plus the underpasses in Fullers Slade, Stony Stratford Town Council (SSTC) has been in contact with both Milton Keynes Council (MKC) and the Environment Agency to find out how lessons will be learned. SSTC also recognises that this is the third flooding incident in the town since 1985.

We understand that the flooding was mainly due to a deluge of rain falling on already saturated ground.

Milton Keynes Council (MKC) have confirmed that there was no prior warning from the Environment Agency. MKC endeavoured to do as much as they could to help those affected. SSTC Councillors and staff also gave practical help by contacting MKC for vulnerable residents and opening the toilets in the Library for those who needed them.

MKC have a legal duty under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 is to investigate the event and are commissioning this investigation.

We have been in dialogue with the EA and MKC to understand the cause and lessons that can be learned from this almost unprecedented event. The Environment Agency will also be conducting an investigation. The investigations will include homes impacted, Sewers (responsibility of Anglian Water), drainage systems etc. It is unlikely the full reports will be available until the Spring.

MKC have informed that they will continue to work with SSTC and the EA to arrange a follow up public event for affected residents of SSTC to share lessons learnt and what actions will taken.

In the meantime, SSTC has requested a full list of emergency contact numbers from MKC and will be working with MKC to help ensure that the community is equipped in the future.

There will be a report presented to the next Full Council meeting on Tuesday 19th January 2021.

Thank you once again to all those who helped with this community effort. Parishes and communities working together

Community Address or group

Floodline Quickdial Which Environment Agency Number flood warnings are you registered to receive?

Local flood warning trigger i.e. when water reaches bottom of the bridge


Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan Contents

1. Actions to be taken before a flood A - Locations at risk of flooding: flood warnings B - Locations at risk of flooding: locations at risk of flooding / sources of flooding C - Locations at risk of flooding: map showing direction of flooding

2. Actions to be taken during a flood A - Local flood actions B - Local volunteers / flood wardens C - Important telephone numbers D - Available resources E - Arrangements between authorities F - Vulnerable residents, properties and locations

3. After a flood A - Reputable contractors

Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 1A – Locations at risk of flooding: Flood warnings

From the information you have available, make a list of areas liable to flood and the level of warning which would affect them.

Area number Location of risk Trigger level Actions Area 1

Area 2

Area 3

Area 4

Area 5

Area 6

Area 7

Area 8

Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 1B – Actions to be taken before a flood: Locations at risk of flooding / source of flooding

Insert details of areas at risk from flooding and the direction of flooding. Include maps and if possible, details of existing defences.

Area number Location at risk Source of flooding Direction of flooding Area 1

Area 2

Area 3

Area 4

Area 5

Area 6

Area 7

Area 8

Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 1C – Actions to be taken before a flood: Map showing direction of flooding

Include a map in the flood plan showing the flood risk area and direction of flooding.

Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 2A – Actions to be taken during a flood: local flood actions

Identify local flood actions.

Area number Location at risk Action / trigger Local action Equipment required Time required Area 1

Area 2

Area 3

Area 4

Area 5

Area 6

Area 7

Area 8

Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 2B – Actions to be taken during a flood: local volunteers / flood wardens

List local volunteers/flood wardens that could be contacted in an incident. They may be required to lift heavy sandbags so should be reasonably active or fit. Consider using other volunteers such as communicators, administrators or minders of vulnerable people during an incident. These volunteers could be registered on the Environment Agency’s Floodline Warnings Direct service so they receive the flood warnings. Volunteers must not put their own life at risk.

Name Address Telephone Day Telephone Evening Mobile

Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 2C – Actions to be taken during a flood: Important telephone numbers

Make a list of important telephone numbers so all the information you require during an incident is readily available.

Organisation Telephone (office hours) Telephone (out of hours) Fax Floodline

Environment Agency

District Council

County Council

County Contracting

Fire & Rescue Service


Ambulance Service

Housing Unit

Environment Unit

Water Company

Electricity Company

Gas Company

Telecommunications Company

Adjacent Town/Parish Councils

Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 2D – Actions to be taken during a flood: Available resources

Identify available resources.

Organisation Resource Number Location Notes

Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 2E – Actions to be taken during a flood: Arrangements between authorities

Details of specific arrangements between the various authorities to be included here.

Organisation(s) Agreed arrangement

Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 2F – Actions to be taken during a flood: Vulnerable residents, properties and locations

List vulnerable people, properties and locations where early assistance may be required.

Name Address Daytime telephone Evening telephone Assistance required

Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 3A – After a flood: Reputable contractors

List companies/reputable contractors whose help you may need after a flood. Get contracts in place, or know who to call for assistance. If help is not needed, you can leave this section blank. If you plan to do the work yourself, leave this section blank.

Company name Business (e.g. builder) Telephone Fax

LIT 7488 Environment Agency – Community Flood Plan 10. CONSULTATION Full Council 19th January 2021 Agenda item: 10


The following was received on 18/12/20 and circulated to Council: ‘Attached is a briefing note regarding a new MHCLG consultation on further changes to the PD rights and prioritising planning applications relating to public service buildings. This is circulated to all Ward Councillors as well as Parish and Town Councils. Whilst a response will be co-ordinated on behalf of MKC; Parish and Town Councils, as well as other interested stakeholders, should provide their own response directly to MHCLG so to better represent the views of your area. The submission deadline is 28th January and the consultation can be accessed at housing-delivery-and-public-service-infrastructure/supporting-housing-delivery-and-public- service-infrastructure. In the meantime, I hope you have a pleasant Christmas and New Year. Kind regards

Chris Nash MRTPI

Development Management Manager’

TC comment: Whilst not scrutinised in detail, at first glance the new PD rights proposed appear at odds with the National Planning Policy Framework and could be a further threat to the viability of Stony Stratford High Street.

The Council may wish to CONSIDER its response

Lynne Compton, PSLCC, CertHE Clerk to the Council 15th January 2021

1 of 1

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) Consultation: ‘Supporting housing delivery and public service infrastructure’

Chris Nash – Development Management Manager 07775 110809 [email protected]


This note is intended to alert interested parties to a fresh government consultation on proposed changes to the permitted development rights regime.


The current permitted development (PD) regime grants immediate rights to change use without referral to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) as well as sets out a prior approval process under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order, as amended (‘the GPDO’). This latter ‘light touch’ approach restricts the LPA to considering only certain specified effects of the development, and not the principle of the development taking place.

Notably, a permitted right to change office buildings to dwellings was introduced in 2015, and it is this particular right against which the Council has recently created an Article 4 Direction for CMK. This requires office conversions to residential uses to be secured under a conventional planning application.

However, in September 2020 changes to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes Order) 1987, as amended (‘the UCO’), placed premises such as offices, restaurants, shops, gyms, professional services such as banks and estate agents, health centres, day nurseries and light industrial premises in a newly created ‘class E’, allowing for automatic changes between those uses. Changes between these uses would not require planning permission and cannot be controlled through an Article 4 Direction.

Consultation Proposals

The new consultation now proposes a new PD right which would allow all premises within Class E to be converted to residential use (class C3) under a prior approval process.

Unlike existing provisions allowing for the change of shops and selected other high street uses to dwellings, there would be no limit on the size of buildings that can benefit from the right. It is also proposed that candidate buildings would not need to have been in use on 20 March 2013 – one of the current requirements.

The ability of LPAs to manage such development under the prior approval process would be restricted to factors including flooding, noise, contaminated land, and adequate levels of natural light. The new homes would also have to meet national internal space standards, with any application for prior approval accompanied by detailed floor plans showing dimensions and proposed use of each room. The LPA would receive a proposed fee of £96 per dwelling proposed, up to 50 dwellings, although more than 50 dwellings could be proposed.

The new right would not extend to certain buildings including , theatres and live music venues. However, conservation areas would not be exempt, although LPAs would be able to ensure retail frontages are retained in such areas.

Elsewhere in the proposals is a new 'fast track' route to build public service buildings, such as schools, colleges, universities, prisons and . Such applications would have to be decided within ten weeks instead of the current 13 weeks. The statutory publicity and consultation period would also be cut from 21 to 14 days, although it is recognised this prioritisation could have resource implications for key consultees.

Existing PD rights allowing public service buildings to expand would also be changed to allow greater enlargement. The limit on permitted changes would be set at 25 per cent of the footprint of the existing building, or 250 square metres, whichever is greater. The height limit for such work would be raised from five to six metres. The consultation emphasises that playing fields will remain protected from development under PD rights.

Finally, the government intends to simplify and rationalise the PD rights as a whole, as part of a review of such rights following recent changes to the Use Classes Order. The government proposes to review and update references to use classes throughout the GPDO, with amendments to legislation to be made before 31 July 2021.

Issues, implications and key considerations

These will vary from stakeholder to stakeholder, and from place to place. For this reason, it is anticipated that individual Town/Parish Councils and other stakeholders may wish to prepare their own responses, as these will more appropriately reflect the priorities most relevant to them. It is anticipated that the loss of retail space and active frontages, and subsequent effect on the vibrancy and vitality of district and local centres could be a key concern. Out of centre retail parks would also fall under these new provisions and could result in residential uses in places previously resisted or remaining unfavourable. Furthermore, consideration is needed as to how these proposals fit or conflict with the government’s other agenda to maintain and enhance the vitality of town and city centres.

Of relevance is the potential effect of the changes on the recently made Article 4 Direction for CMK. This removes existing rights to convert offices to dwellinghouses, but the recent changes to the UCO mean that an office could first change to a retail or another Class E use without the need for planning permission, before then being able to immediately benefit from the proposed new rights. This is a matter which will need further consideration by the Council as the proposed changes could threaten any usefulness of the Direction.

The effect of prioritising applications for public service buildings over others should also be considered, both in terms of resourcing but also the transparency and robustness of the process given the impression of ‘preferential’ treatment which would be brought about.

Next steps

The consultation is split into three sections covering the three topic areas set out above. Within each section are several questions – some of which are broken down into further ‘sub’ questions.

It can be accessed at and-public-service-infrastructure/supporting-housing-delivery-and-public-service- infrastructure with responses to be submitted to MHCLG by 28 January 2021.

11. Finance Full Council 19th January 2021 Agenda Item: 11 11.1 Finance Report: Committee to note a) Bank Reconciliations to 31st December 2020 with supporting bank statements (under separate cover)

CB1 Current Account £44,695.69 CB2 Deposit Account £96,194.18 Int1220: 0.79 CB4 Petty Cash £250 CB7 Swan Credit Union Dep £5,300.75 CB8 HTB NEW Instant Access Dep £84,355.81 TOTAL: £230,796.43 11.2 Accounts for payment: Committee to authorise payments as listed – attached 11.3 Payments made between Committee meetings to make resolution to approve as listed – to follow

Committee is asked to CONSIDER the report and make resolutions.

Lynne Compton PSLCC Cert HE

Clerk and RFO

12/01/2021 Date: 14/01/2021 Stony Stratford Town Council Current Year Page 1 Time: 11:55 Cashbook 1 User: LAC Current A/C Payments made between 14/01/2021 and 29/01/2021

Nominal Ledger Analysis

Date Payee Name Reference £ Total Amnt £ Creditors £ VAT A/c Centre £ Amount Transaction Details 14/01/2021 Digital River (Mel Hyde) B110121 39.88 6.65 4067 104 33.23 Reimbursement for PDF editor 14/01/2021 Stony Radio B120121 449.51 4450 102 449.51 SSTC Grant Radio equip 29/01/2021 Interdirect B1200121 144.00 24.00 4152 107 120.00 Web hosting 1 yr 0221 to 0122 29/01/2021 Staff Salaries 0121 B130121 5,147.29 4000 104 5,147.29 Staff Salaries 0121 29/01/2021 Bucks County Council LGPS B1400121 1,747.88 4000 104 359.83 PENS EE Conts 4001 104 1,388.05 PENS ER Conts 29/01/2021 DCK Account Sol Ltd B150121 39.54 6.59 4002 104 32.95 PAYE Admin 0121 29/01/2021 Serco B160121 5,482.97 913.83 4253 103 4,569.14 Landscape Maint 0121 29/01/2021 DNH Contracts B170121 585.84 97.64 4250 101 434.60 Dog bin emptying 1220 4251 101 53.60 Litter bin emptying 1220 29/01/2021 Wolverton Community Energy Ltd B180121 43.92 7.32 4350 112 36.60 Solar Power 1220 29/01/2021 Anglian Water Bus Ltd (Nat) B190121 34.29 4420 110 34.29 Water WRA 1020 to 0121

Total Payments: 13,715.12 0.00 1,056.03 12,659.09