Name Summary of Representation Officers Comments Friends of The closure has fulfilled expectations in terms of car The benefits stated by the Friends of Emberton Park are Emberton Park crime, accidents, rubbish; removal of uncontrolled not disputed but there are serious concerns about the dogs and children from the area and park revenue level of parking in the village of Emberton. has increased. The stopping-up of the public highway of the old A509 The downside is that parking in the village of (including the lay-by) in to the country park will be Emberton has increased to the detriment of investigated further. The statutory procedures to instigate residents, but believe this could be resolved by the such a change is lengthy and there will be an, as yet, un- incorporating the old A509 in to the Emberton Park. quantified substantial cost to undertake this change.

Once again for safety, the prevention of crime and Therefore the lay-by should be re-opened in the short the environment do not re-open the old A509. term, to relieve the parking problems in Emberton, pending a longer term solution, involving the stopping up of the highway and incorporation in to the car park for short term (possibly free of charge) parking. CCTV should be investigated as a crime reduction measure and additional signs and road markings should be installed to reduce the number of accidents. Static Caravan The experiment has been a complete success and The benefits stated by the Static Caravan Owners Owners that the low cost option of leaving the lay-by closed Association (Emberton Park) are not disputed but there Association should be taken by the Council. are serious concerns about the level of parking in the (Emberton Park) village of Emberton. Accidents have reduced due to a reduction in the number of access points. Crime has been reduced The issue of the opening hours of the Park Office as a as a result of the closure. With regard to the concept CCTV monitoring office is noted. However most parking in of CCTV being linked from the lay-by to the park, this the lay-by takes place while the Park Office is open. will not work because of the limited opening hours of CCTV images can be recorded for the detection of crime the park office. The prime reason for objections to and criminals will not necessarily know the cameras are the closure appears to be that parks in not monitored 24 hours a day so the presence of CCTV are free with no lay-by, local people have to pay to cameras can act as a crime deterrent. Alternative CCTV come into the park. monitoring offices could also be utilised using modern communication techniques to ensure 24 hour monitoring if On issues of traffic safety and crime we can see no necessary. justification for re-opening the lay-by. On local peoples concerns of free short term access then we It is therefore proposed that the lay-by should be re- are sure the council can find a way of funding free opened in the short term, to relieve the parking problems local citizen car access as walking in is already free. in Emberton, pending a longer term solution, involving the stopping up of the highway and incorporation in to the car park for short term (possibly free of charge) parking. CCTV should be investigated as a crime reduction measure and additional signs and road markings should be installed to reduce the number of accidents.

Olney In view of the potential accident problems if the lay- The accident concerns are noted and it is proposed to Council by were re-opened, Olney Town Council would like introduce safety measures (signs and road markings) to the lay-by to remain closed. However we are highlight the turning movements to approaching drivers as conscious that people use the park on a short-term part of the re-opening of the lay-by. basis and would like to incorporate in to the Park short-term free parking as In the longer term it is proposed to stop-up the highway a matter of urgency. that forms the old A509 and incorporate this into the Park to provide a short stay (possibly free) parking area. Emberton Council · Very concerned about accidents if the lay-by is re- · The risk of accidents occurring will be reduced through opened. the installation of appropriate warning signs and road · Support short term parking being available within markings. the park · It is proposed in the longer term to stop-up the highway · Concerned that if the lay-by is re-opened that car land forming this old road and incorporate this land into crime will increase again the Park for the purposes of short stay (possibly free) · Traffic signs and road markings will not help car parking. safety on this section of road · It is proposed to investigate CCTV as a crime · Restricting turning movements from the old road prevention and detection measure as part of the re- would increase the danger of slow moving on this opening of the lay-by. fast section of the A509 · Traffic signs and road markings can be a very effective · Making the old road one way would not be way of reducing road traffic accidents and has been satisfactory answer – traffic entering and exiting proved at many locations. could turn across two lanes. · It is accepted that a restriction on turning movements would lead to potentially hazardous slow speed turning movements and this is not being proposed. · It is accepted that a one way system would lead to potentially hazardous slow speed turning movements and this is not being proposed. Chief Inspector supports the continuing The crime reduction and accident reduction following the Geoff Locke, closure of this area solely on the grounds of crime closure of the lay-by is noted. However it is also noted Thames Valley reduction and accident prevention in support of our that the transfer of parking in to Emberton village has also Police core function of preserving life and property. caused problems.

As part of the proposal to re-open the lay-by it is proposed to investigate the provision of CCTV cameras for the purposes of the prevention and detection of crime. Traffic signs and road markings will also be improved to warn approaching drivers and reduce the number of accidents. Cllr P Seymour The lay-by should remain closed The collision figures are for the wider area of the A509 as The casualty figures are misleading in that a collision this then shows an indication of the potential migration could no have occurred at the lay-by when it was accidents caused. closed Opening the lay-by could lead to a fatal accident CCTV is not a viable option Emberton Park The lay-by should remain closed There is no evidence to suggest that income to the park Sailing Club Concerned at the has increased as a result of the closure. · Potential increase in acts of vandalism at the clubhouse · Adverse effect on funding for the park · Potential for collisions on the road Alison I support your recommendation to remove the Noted. Stringfellow, experimental order. During the experiment there has Olney been marked reduction in the local patronage of the Park – especially in the winter weekends when it used to be seen as the only “local” place/park to walk for Olney residents that had made up footpaths for short visits. I would like to see the lay by re-opened in the interests of: · Public Health (encouraging walking) · Safety for lorry drivers by providing a rest area · Removing pressure on parking in the town centre etc. Paulene Jay, I would like to see the lay-by re-opened. I used the Noted. Olney lay-by for short walks with my mother and feeding ducks with my grandchildren. In the time it has been closed I have done neither. Ivor Deering The lay by causes no more danger from a traffic Noted. Piddington, accident point of view than the exit from Emberton Village/Park. What the closure of the lay-by has ensured is that vehicles have no requirement to begin slowing down until they are over the river until and in Olney; the speed of vehicles is now much greater between Emberton and Olney. The same applies to vehicles leaving Olney; drivers now appreciate that there is nothing going to hold them up and consequently put their foot down immediately.

No sooner had the closure had been implemented than the Café in the park closed. The fact that visitors who parked for FREE used the café was obviously lost on the people who were unable to see the “Big Picture”. These people were unaware that there are people such as myself who purchase a pass but still enter the park from the lay-by. As a dog owner, it was simply more sensible to access my dog at this point; most dogs relieve themselves immediately they enter a park or field, and as dog bins were adjacent to this gate it inconvenienced no one; too obvious really!!

Following the closure of the lay-by the Park become instantly empty; the difference was astounding, many many people deprived of exercise, enjoyment and social intercourse. Many drivers were able to rest and unwind in this tranquil spot. How many accidents have been caused in other places as a consequence.

The crime conclusions are stunning, no crime in the lay-by since it was fenced and gated, well I never! Why not ban everyone from leaving home then the police can really be seen to achieve crime reduction. Take down the signs, remove the gates and let people enjoy their lives, no great cost. Local National Would like to see lay-by remain open. A low price Noted Childbirth Trust short stay pay and display may well be appropriate, committee although free parking is clearly preferable. Either of these would allow families with young children to travel to the park by car, then spend time playing there in safety. Th walk from parts of Olney to the edge of the park and back takes around an hour and, in places is very hazardous due to the volume of road traffic. This walk itself is enough to tire children out even before they’ve arrived at the park and are able to play in a safe environment. Mrs M Lane I think the best option now is to re-open the lay-by as Noted. it is and improve the signing and road markings. I don’t think that much would be gained by making restricting movements or by making the lay-by one way, other than cause confusion and congestion both at the lay-by and in Olney and Emberton with people trying to turn round and perhaps making and accident more likely. If you do re-open the lay-by with improved signs and road markings, I would suggest that you review the crime figures over a period of time before making a decision about CCTV.

If you are concerned about safety then reopen the lay-by or provide some free short term parking in the Park. You are well aware how busy the A509 can be and many local families with children, particularly younger ones, go to the park for a quick walk and/or practice bike riding etc. in a relatively safe car free environment. Believe me it can be really scary taking children, particularly with bikes, along the path from Olney to Emberton Park.

Your figures show that closing the lay-by had very little effect on accident or crime rates and, in fact didn’t really raise any more revenue for the park either. Most local people, who are the main users of the park, go to the park for a short period of time and are unwilling to pay a parking fee. Olney & Clifton Olney and Clifton Fishing Association has no direct Noted Fishing Association interest in the lay-by; we feel unable to contribute to the issue. Mr J.L. Hoddy Whilst the official reasons for the temporary closure Noted have been defined, other side issues have been raised. Although they should be discussed they do not amount to good enough reasons to deny the rest of the community free access to the park via an existing facility, temporarily removed. · The statistics do not prove the case · The park is nearby for Emberton residents · Emberton residents now are requesting permits - when will Olney residents get the same Wishes to see: · Re-open the lay-by for FREE short stay parking either 24/7 or during park opening hours. (Casual users will not pay parking charges and other MK recreational facilities have free access) · Improved warning signs and lines on the approaches and exits Freight Transport FTA are concerned that facilities for HGV drivers rest If the lay by is re-opened in the short term this facility Association stops would be removed would still be available. If the lay by remains closed and is eventually integrated into the park this facility will be lost Mrs C Millman Supports recommendations to Noted Olney · Re-open the layby · Improve signing and · Liaise with TVP

The Lay-by needed as an additional parking facility for events in Olney Mrs P Robinson The experimental closure has made little impact Noted Olney Re-open the lay-by for short stay parking Wendy Haslam Supports re-opening of the lay-by but also suggests Enforcement could be undertaken by existing contractors Charges would not be viable due to policing costs to coincide with visits to Olney. Highways improvements on the main road (right turn The feasibility of further highway improvements needs to lane)and in the lay-by (one way) be fully investigated. Close the lay-by but maintain free parking on the triangular area of land outside the park Mr D Barlow Wishes to see the lay-by opened Noted Harrold Considers the experiment to be a waste of rate payers money Mr B Harley Considers the experiment to be a waste of rate - Reduced speed limits would not meet the current national Olney payers money. and MKC adopted criteria for speed limits. The Olney Requests that consideration be given to reduced bypass is not the councils top priority major scheme but is speed limits and in the long term the construction of on a list of reserve schemes for further development and the Olney By-pass. possible incorporation into future programmes. Mr and Mrs Oakley Supports re-opening of the lay-by If re-opened consideration will be given to the lowest cost Olney Object to pay and display being introduced safest option in order to provide access. Consider the useage figures of the park to have dropped. Why remove the gates - can you no just open them Mrs J Hussey Supports recommendations to The short term and interim term measures to re-open the Walnut Tree · Re-open the layby lay-by would allow access by HGV’s. · Improve signing and Payment for short stay parking would potentially provide a · Liaise with TVP revenue stream for parking improvements Lay-by needs to be retained to provide parking facilities for HGV drivers Object to paying Mrs J Wilde Supports the recommendation to re-open the lay-by Noted Olney Crime and casualty figures are not particularly high compared with other areas of Olney Not willing to pay £3 for a short stay at the park PR Bull Supports recommendations to If re-opened consideration will be given to the lowest cost Newton · Re-open the lay-by safest option in order to provide access. Blossomville · Improve signing and Payment for short stay parking would potentially provide a · Liaise with TVP revenue stream for parking improvements Parking should remain free Do not agree with the provision of CCTV Do not need to pay to remove gates - lift them off Lavendon Parish Lay-by should be re-opened Noted Council Mixed views on the implementation of low cost short stay charges Mrs C Nicholas- Closure of Lay-by excludes access by many people. Noted Letch Lay-by should be re-opened or short stay parking Lavendon provided within the park itself No objection to small charge Crime - not a big issue The facility is needed for HGV drivers Weston More dog walkers now coming to Weston Underwood Comments on dog fouling passed to cleansing Underwood Parish creating a dog fouling problem. department Council Leave the decision to Olney and Emberton Parish Councils Dana Green Does not believe crime or casualty statistics are Noted Olney significant Signing should be improved Should not be made one way CCTV not required Mr K Foxley Recommendations consulted upon seem to be Noted Stoke common sense

Mr B G Chatfield Agrees with all the main recommendations consulted Noted Harrold upon Theft is a risk but not significant CCTV costs likely to be prohibitive Currently parking in the village and walking to the park as parking costs are prohibitive Rev K Arnold Agrees with recommendations consulted upon Reduced speed limits would not meet the current national Olney Could fence be retained and MKC adopted criteria for speed limits. Short stay (2 hour) parking should be provided Fence can be retained The on the A509 should be reduced CCTV not justified Mrs S Hargreaves Closure of the lay-bay has created problems visiting Payment for short stay parking would potentially provide a Olney the park. revenue stream for parking improvements The lay–by should be re-opened as a free parking facility Mr B Lintern Suspect that the closure was undertaken for financial Parking restrictions could be enforced by the councils Olney reasons existing contractor during visits to Olney. Improvements to entry/exit are needed Charging for parking would not be economic Comments on publicity passed to park management Re Theft – it is the individuals responsibility to exercise care and vigilance Publicity for the park should be improved. and Fully support the re-opening of the lay-by The feasibility of further highway improvements needs to Newton Suggest highway improvements in the form of a one be fully investigated. Blossomville Joint way system and traffic islands on the main road Parish Council Mrs M Wright Lay-by should be re-opened The A509 (south of Emberton) is a TVP mobile camera Olney Should not have to pay to park enforcement site. Facility should be available for HGV rest stops Payment for short stay parking would potentially provide a All cars should be removed from the park revenue stream for parking improvements Speed Cameras should be located J M Middleton Lay-by should be re-opened Noted Olney If it is not then visitors should have the same options Payment for short stay parking would potentially provide a as those using Lake Park where parking is revenue stream for parking improvements free Mr C Bridgeman Supports re-opening of the lay-by Payment for short stay parking would potentially provide a Olney Object to parking charges – no charges elsewhere revenue stream for parking improvements. Highway improvements to warn and slow down traffic The feasibility of further highway improvements needs to on the approaches. be fully investigated. The lay-by should be a public amenity for short stay A Park User group does exist - the comment regarding a parking voluntary group has been passed to the park management Suggest a small voluntary committee be set up to discuss the matter Mr and Mrs Aggett Supports recommendations to Comments about the parking tariff in the park itself have Olney · Re-open the layby been passed to the park management. · Improve signing and · Implement short stay free parking.

Car crime appears to have been reducing before the lay-by was closed Collisions are likely to occur at any side road/entry Provision is needed for HGV drivers Suggest a graduated parking tariff be introduced in the park itself CCTV is probably not viable Mr and Mrs Buckle Supports recommendations to Noted Olney · Re-open the lay-by · Improve signing

Initiatives to reduce car crime and the levying of a charge for parking is not supported. Filgrave and Fence is unsightly the gates and fences should be Additional signing lining etc has featured as a common Parish removed request throughout the consultation process. This is Meeting The lay-by should be re-opened generally requested in order to assist in raising drivers Further signing is not required as it will be unsightly awareness of the location of the lay-by Mr and Mrs P The recommendations consulted upon seem a fair Noted Burgiss assessment. Most people wish to have a short stay Olney parking facility either free or at a reasonable charge