2018 Duke Certamen Advanced Division Round 1

1. According to the Aeneid, where did Aeneas erect a shrine to Idalian Venus after the Trojan women burnt the ships, leading to Aeneas to settle some of the more tired Trojans there? SICILY(ALSO ACCEPT ILIUM BUT DON’T TELL THEM THIS BECAUSE IT’S BONUS 1) B1: What did Aeneas name this new city in Sicily? ILIUM/ACESTA B2: What goddess, in the guise of Beroë, had convinced the Trojan Women to set fire to the ships? IRIS

2. Listen carefully to the following passage, which you may recognize and which I will read twice, then answer IN ENGLISH the question that follows.

Gallia est omnis divīsa in partēs trēs, quārum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitanī, tertiam quī ipsōrum linguā Celtae, nostrā Gallī appellantur. Hī omnēs linguā, institutīs, legibus inter sē differunt. Gallōs ab Aquitanīs Garumna flumen, ā Belgīs Matrona et Sequana dividit. Hōrum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod ā cultū atque humanitāte provinciae lōngissimē absunt.

In what three ways do the inhabitants of differ? LANGUAGE, CUSTOMS/INSITUTIONS , AND LAWS B1: Respondē Latīnē: quid tribūs Galliae divīdit? FLUMEN (GARUMNA) B2: Respond in English: why are the Belgae the bravest? THEY ARE FARTHEST/VERY FAR FROM THE REFINEMENT/CIVILIZATION OF THE PROVINCE

3. Dēscrībāmus nunc proprietatēs dictiōnum in hāc sententiā: ego vōs hortārī tantum possum, ut amicitiam omnibus rēbus humanīs antepōnātis. Cuius modi est “antepōnātis”? SUBIUNCTĪVĪ B2: Quō casū est “humanīs”? DATĪVŌ B2: “antepōnātis”: dīc imperfectum. ANTEPŌNERĒTIS

4. The word avus denotes what type of familial relative? GRANDFATHER B1: Who in Ancient Rome was an amita? PATERNAL AUNT (PROMPT ON AUNT) B2: Who was a socer? FATHER-IN-LAW

5. What author’s saeva indignatio is a distinguishing feature of his satires, which deplore the degradation of Roman society and include tirades against legacy hunters, homosexuals, and women? (DECIMUS JUNIUS) JUVENAL(IS) B1: In what meter did Juvenal write his satires? DACTYLIC HEXAMETER B2: How many books of satires did Juvenal write? 5

6. What dependent use of the subjunctive can be found in the Latin motto of North Dakota, serit ut alterī saeclō prosit? (ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF) PURPOSE/PURPOSE CLAUSE B1: Make the appropriate changes to North Dakota’s motto, serit ut alterī saeclō prosit, if the verb serit were changed to sēvit. SĒVIT UT ALTERĪ SAECLŌ PRODESSET B2: What are the two tenses of the verbs in the motto of Connecticut? PERFECT (TRANSTULIT) and PRESENT (SUSTINET)

7. Which war of the began in 326 B.C. as a result of a request for help from city of Capua and ended approximately in 304 B.C. with the Battle of Bovianum? SECOND SAMNITE WAR B1: Perhaps the most notable event of that war was the dies ater which occurred at Battle of Caudine Forks in 321 B.C., where the defeated Roman army was forced to pass under the yoke of the Samnites. Name either one of the two commanders who had led the Roman forces in that battle. (TIBERIUS VETURIUS) CALVINUS OR (SPURIUS POSTUMIUS) ALBINUS B2: The disaster at Caudine Forks has perhaps overshadowed the defeat of the Romans under Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus at what other battle in 315 B.C.? LAUTULAE

8. Translate into Latin: “The mother fears that her son has fallen out of a tree.” MĀTER VERĒTUR/TIMET/METUIT NĒ FĪLIUS DĒ/EX ARBORE CECIDERIT. B1: Translate into Latin: “So great was the fear that we could not withstand the wounds.” TANTA/TANTUS ERAT FORMĪDŌ/TIMOR/METUS UT VULNERA SUSTINĒRE NŌN POSSĒMUS. B2: Translate into Latin: “I was afraid that I had not been invited to dinner.” VERĒBAR/TIMĒBAT/METUĒBAT UT AD CĒNAM INVĪTĀTUS ESSEM.

9. Apophthegmata, Carmen de Moribus, and Origines are all works of what early author, who wrote the first extant work of Latin prose? (MARCUS PORCIUS) CATO MAIOR / CATO THE ELDER B1: What was the first extant work of Latin prose? DE AGRI CULTURA / DE RE RUSTICA B2: Which of Cato’s works includes the famous saying, “vir bonus dicendi peritus”? PRAECEPTA AD FILIUM / AD FILIUM 10. What two brothers built ’s bridal chamber, the first shrine of Poseidon, Apollo’s temple at Delphi, and the treasury of Hyrieus? AGAMEDES AND TROPHONIUS B1: When Agamedes was caught in Hyrieus’ trap in the treasury, how did Trophonius solve this problem? HE CUT OFF AGAMEDES’ HEAD (SO IT WOULDN’T BE RECOGNIZED) B2: How did Trophonius die? THE EARTH SUDDENLY OPENED AND SWALLOWED HIM

11. Quid Anglicē significat “lucrum”? PROFIT B1: Quid Anglicē significat “lōrum”? STRAP B2: Quid Anglicē significat “luēs”? PLAGUE

12. Which of the following, if any, is not derived from the same Latin root as the others: “passport”, “expand”, “pacemaker”, “peasant.” PEASANT B1: From what Latin noun with what meaning is “peasant” derived? PĀGUS: VILLAGE, RURAL DISTRICT B2: From what Latin verb with what meaning are the other words in the toss-up derived? PANDŌ: STRETCH, SPREAD OUT

13. Plautia Urgulanilla, Aelia Paetina, Valeria Messalina, and Agrippina the Younger were all wives of what Julio-Claudian emperor? CLAUDIUS B1: Which wife of Claudius conspired against him with a lover of hers named Gaius Silius? (VALERIA) MESSALINA B2: Claudius’s fourth wife, Agrippina the Younger, was the daughter of Agrippina the Elder and what prominent general and member of the gens Claudia? (NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS) GERMANICUS (IULIUS CAESAR)

14. In mythology, Lycurgus, Actaeon, Orpheus, Pentheus, and Apsyrtus were all killed in what brutal way? TORN TO PIECES/DISMEMBERMENT B1: Lycurgus was driven mad because he tried to drive away Dionysus and his followers with what weapon? AN OXGOAD B2: Who gathered the pieces of Orpheus’ body (except the head) and buried them at his home in Pieria? THE MUSES 15. What work, dedicated to Gaius Memmius, is a didactic poem in six books that espouses the Epicurean doctrine? DE RERUM NATURA B1: Who is the author of the De Rerum Natura? (TITUS) LUCRETIUS (CARUS) B2: To what goddess is the hymn in the overture of the De Rerum Natura addressed? VENUS

Round 1 Extra Questions


TU: When you are recognized by the spotter, please perform the following command: Surge et simulā tē ānserem esse. STAND AND PRETEND THAT YOU ARE A GOOSE [“HONK,” ETC.] B1: Please perform this command: Duo tuēminī personās sedentēs laevō. TWO STUDENTS SHOULD LOOK / GAZE AT THE PEOPLE SITTING ON THEIR LEFT B2: Please perform this command: Surgite, et clāmāte Anglicē magnīs cum vōcibus: “Utinam vincere possīmus.” MULTIPLE STUDENTS SHOULD STAND AND SHOUT IN ENGLISH LOUDLY: “IF ONLY / I WISH THAT WE WERE ABLE TO WIN”

TU: What two uses of the subjunctive are found in the following sentence: Veniant igitur, dum nē nōs interpellent? JUSSIVE and (DUM-)PROVISO B1: What use of the subjunctive is found in this sentence: Quod utinam nē faciātis? OPTATIVE B2: What use of the subjunctive is found in this sentence: Quid faciendum sit moneō monēbōque. INDIRECT QUESTION


TU: Who flung his father-in-law into a fiery pit when he could not pay the bride-price to marry Dia, thus committing the first murder of kin? IXION B1: What was the name of Ixion’s father-in-law? EIONEUS/DEIONEUS B2: What god pitied Ixion and invited him to Olympus to be purified?



TU: The reforms of what twice-elected tribune of the late Roman Republic included a grain distribution system, alterations to the composition of the quaestio de rebus repetundis, and a proposal to found a new colony on the former site of Carthage? (GAIUS SEMPRONIUS) GRACCHUS B1: Gaius Gracchus’s brother Tiberius had gotten in trouble with the aristocracy for proposing to enforce a limitation on land ownership to 500 iugera. Which earlier law had put that limitation into effect? LEX LICINIA-SEXTIA B2: Which cousin of Tiberius had made the claim that the elder Gracchus was trying to make himself king and subsequently led a revolt of the Senate to assassinate him in 133 B.C.? (PUBLIUS CORNELIUS) SCIPIO NASICA


TU: What speech of Cicero, which included such devastating evidence that the defendant fled into exile, prosecuted a governor of Sicily accused of extortion? (ACTIO PRIMA) IN VERREM B1: Who defended Verres in this trial? (QUINTUS) HORTENSIUS (HORTALUS) B2: In what year was In Verrem delivered? 70 B.C.

TU: What author greatly imitated Sappho and Callimachus in his 116 poems, many of which concern the pseudonymic Lesbia? (GAIUS VALERIUS) CATULLUS B1: Which poem of Catullus is a famous translation of a poem by Callimachus? POEM 66/LOCK OF BERENICE B2: Catullus 3 is a famous ode on the death of what animal, although it is probable that this is in fact a sexual metaphor? SPARROW/PASSER

2018 Duke Certamen Advanced Division Round 2

1. Who was the first man to love another man and was blinded and experienced tragedy after he challenged the Muses to a competition and lost? THAMYRIS B1: What unfortunate youth was the love of Thamyris, Apollo, and Zephyrus? HYACINTH(US) B2: How did the Muses punish Thamyris for losing the competition? THEY TOOK HIS SIGHT AND POETIC GIFT/MUSICAL ABILITY

2. For the verb torqueō, give the 2nd person singular, perfect active subjunctive. TORSERĪS B1: Change that form, torserīs, to the pluperfect. TORSISSĒS B2: Make torsissēs plural and passive. TORTĪ/AE/A ESSĒTIS

3. What play of Plautus is the longest of all of his comedies and tells of the girl Philocomaisium, who is carried off by a wealthy, braggart soldier while her lover is absent? MILES GLORIOSUS B1: What play of Plautus tells of the unsuccessful attempt of the boastful soldier Therapontigonus to buy Planesium from the pimp Cappadox? CURCULIO B2: What play of Plautus is said to have no plot and concerns a man named Antipho who tries to convince his daughters to leave their husbands, who have been traveling on business for a long time? STICHUS

4. From what Latin noun with what meaning are “engorge” and “regurgitate” ultimately derived? GURGES: WHIRLPOOL B1: From what Latin noun with what meaning is “gullet” derived? GULA: THROAT, GLUTTONY B2: From what Latin noun with what meaning is “gout” derived? GUTTA: DROP

5. After the death of the emperor Theodosius I in 395 A.D., which of his sons took over the throne of the Western Roman Empire? HONORIUS B1: Under Honorius’ reign, what chieftain of the Visigoths sacked the city of Rome in 410 A.D.? ALARIC B2: What talented general of Honorius had defeated Alaric at the Battles of Pollentia and Verona but was eventually executed by the emperor in 408 A.D. under suspicion of treason? STILICHO

6. Differentiate in meaning between antrum and arvum. ANTRUM – CAVE. ARVUM – FIELD B1: Differentiate in meaning between ansa and anser. ANSA: HANDLE; ANSER: GOOSE B2: Differentiate in meaning between argilla and anguilla. ARGILLA: CLAY; ANGUILLA: EEL

7. What former Praetorian Prefect and member of the Severan dynasty became the first Roman emperor to come from the Equestrian order after he orchestrated the assassination of his predecessor Caracalla in 217 A.D.? MACRINUS B1: Near what Parthian town, the site of a disastrous Roman defeat 270 years prior, was Caracalla’s assassination carried out? CARRHAE B2: Under which Severan emperor did the distinguished jurist Domitius Ulpianus serve as Praetorian Prefect? ALEXANDER SEVERUS

8. Who laid a child in a bed of parsley in order to show strangers the way to a spring, resulting in the infant Opheltes’s death by snake? HYPSIPYLE B1: What name did Amphiaraus give the dead child and what does it mean ARCHEMORUS and BEGINNER OF DOOM B2: What games did Adrastus found in honor of the dead Opheltes? THE NEMEAN GAMES

9. What work, written at the request of Augustus, is an invocation to Apollo and Diana that was sung by a chorus of 27 girls and boys during the celebration of the Ludi Saeculares? CARMEN SAECULARE B1: Who was the author of the Carmen Saeculare? (QUINTUS) HORATIUS (FLACCUS) / HORACE B2: In what meter is the Carmen Saeculare written? SAPPHIC METER

10. Listen carefully to the following passage adapted from Suetonius’ Life of Claudius about the assassination attempts against Claudius, which I will read twice, then answer IN ENGLISH the questions that follow.

Claudiī imperium nōn erat sine insidiīs, sed saepius ā singulīs hominibus Claudius oppugnatus est. Unus homō mediā nocte iuxta cubiculum eius cum pugiōne apprehensus est; repertī sunt quōque duō equestrēs expectantēs in publicō cultrōs celāntes; alter ut egressum theatrō, alter ut sacrificantem apud Martis aedem aggressus est.

What happened to the man in Claudius’ bedroom at the middle of the night? HE WAS APPREHENDED/TAKEN AWAY B1: Who were also found awaiting Claudius in public, concealing their knives? TWO KNIGHTS B2: Name two other instances listed in the passage when Claudius was assailed. AS HE WAS EXITING THE THEATRE and AS HE WAS SACRIFICING AT THE TEMPLE OF MARS

11. Palaemon, Ardalus, Erichthonius, Periphetes, and Cacus, were all sons of what Olympian deity? HEPHAESTUS/VULCAN B1: What instrument was Hephaestus’ son, Ardaluss, said to have invented? THE FLUTE B2: The half-snake Erichthonius was reared by Athena and put into a chest to be entrusted to what three Athenian princesses? AGRAULOS/AGLAUROS, PANDROSOS, AND HERSE 12. Translate the following sentence into Latin: “Let’s hope we learn many things today.” SPĒRĒMUS (NŌS) MULTA (/MULTĀS RĒS) HŌDIĒ DISCERE. B1: Translate into Latin: “May they never forget everything that they have learned here.” NUMQUAM OBLĪVISCANTUR OMNIA/OMNIUM QUAE HĪC DIDICĒRUNT. B2: Using recordor, translate into Latin: “These things must be remembered forever.” HAEC (/HAE RĒS) SEMPER RECORDANDA (/RECORDANDAE) SUNT

13. What author’s disdain for the glorification of old myths inspired him to write an epic poem based on Roman history that narrates the civil war between Pompey and Caesar? (MARCUS ANNAEUS) LUCAN(US) B1: Bellum Civile is the title given to Lucan’s epic poem by ancient biographies and manuscripts. However, Lucan used another title to refer to his own work. What is this title, which is based on the name of a decisive battle that took place during the the Civil War between Pompey and Caesar? PHARSALIA B2: How many books make up the Bellum Civile? TEN

14. Of the words pistor, mango, caupo, fullo, and publicanus, which is being described here: est vir qui vestes tuas lavet? FULLO (Dry-Cleaner)

B1: …vectigales colligit? PUBLICANUS (tax-collector) B2: …negotium est illi vendere homines MANGO (slave-dealer)

15. Bearing in mind a recent trend that has washed over some teens, perform the following command when recognized by the spotter: stā et exclamā, “illud idoneum lavandō, non edendō, est!” THE PERSON RECOGNIZED SHOULD SHOUT “THAT (THING) IS SUITABLE FOR WASHING, NOT FOR EATING!” B1: Just to be safe, try this command, using siliqua, -ae to mean “pod”: Omnēs, simulāte līberōs attingere siliquās altiōrēs conāntēs. ALL SHOULD PRETEND THEY ARE CHILDREN TRYING TO TOUCH/REACH THE PODS THAT ARE RATHER/TOO HIGH B2: Finally, try this command: dīc reliquōs sociōs stultitiae causā vituperāndōs esse. ONE SHOULD SAY THAT THE REST OF THEIR TEAMMATES MUST BE SCOLDED BECAUSE OF THEIR FOOLISHNESS/STUPIDITY

Round 2 Extra Questions

LANGUAGE TU: Translate into English: “Utinam venīres ad mē saepius videndum.” IF ONLY YOU CAME (WOULD COME) TO SEE ME MORE OFTEN. B1: Translate into English: “Sī plūs temporis et pecūniae haberem, quam saepissimē īrem.” IF I HAD MORE TIME AND MONEY, I WOULD GO AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE. B2: Translate into English: “Volō ut propius ad tē habitāre possim.” I WISH I COULD LIVE CLOSER TO YOU.

TU: From what Latin verb with what meaning are “several” and “imperial” ultimately derived? PARŌ: PREPARE B1&2: What two Latin words lie at the root of “umpire”? NŌN and PAR

TU: Which of the following Latin forms does not contain a diphthong: coepit, ālea, deinde, aurīgae? ĀLEA B1: How would you say “the fiftieth die” in Latin? ĀLEA QUĪNQUĀGĒ(N)SIMA B2: How do you say “ten at a time” in Latin? DĒNĪ


TU: What deity’s name is derived from an Indo-European root meaning “to shine,” and is the masculine form of “Dione,” which makes sense as Dione is thought to be his original consort and the mother of his daughter, Aphrodite? ZEUS B1: What epithet of Zeus means “He of the Storeroom”? KTESIOS B2: What epithet of Zeus means “He who is easily placated”? MEILICHIOS


TU: What prominent Roman of the third century B.C. held the office of tribune in 232 B.C., during which time he expanded Rome’s administrative presence in the Ager Gallicus, was elected consul in 223 B.C., and held the office of censor in 220 B.C., during which time he supervised the construction of his namesake road from Rome to Arminium? (GAIUS) FLAMINIUS (NEPOS) B1: In what year did Flaminius hold his second and final consulship? 217 B.C. B2: What other prominent individual and future general of the Second Punic War became the third Roman to win the honor of the spolia opima in 222 B.C., when he defeated the Gallic king Viridomarus at the Battle of Clastidium? (MARCUS CLAUDIUS) MARCELLUS


TU: A panegyric to the patron Messalla Corvinus and poems from Lygdamus to Naeara make up the third book of what author’s elegies, which also include poems addressed to Delia and Nemesis? (ALBIUS) TIBULLUS B1: According to Apuleius, what is the real name of the woman whom Tibullus calls Delia? PLANIA B2: The poetry of what woman, the niece of Messalla, is attributed to Tibullus? SULPICIA

TU: What author was born in Dalmatia and spent 3 years leading a monastic life in the desert of Chalcis, although today he is known for his Latin translation of the Bible, the Vulgate? JEROME B1: Give Jerome’s full Latin name. SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS HIERONYMUS B2: What work of Jerome’s is a collection of 135 biographies on Christian writers, including himself? DE VIRIS ILLUSTRIBUS

2018 Duke Certamen Advanced Division Round 3

1. What descendent of Melampus, fleeing prosecution for manslaughter in Argos, approached Telemachus for passage as he left Pylos to sail to Ithaca? THEOCLYMENUS B1: What two birds did Theoclymenus see and interpret as a favorable sign of the strength of Odysseus’ house and line? A HAWK AND A DOVE B2: In book 2 of the Odyssey, what Ithacan seer interprets an omen of a pair of eagles fighting? HALITHERSES

2. Translate the following sentence from Latin to English: Sī meliōribus librīs ūsī essent, plūra didicissent. IF THEY HAD USED BETTER BOOKS, THEY WOULD HAVE LEARNED MORE THINGS B1: Now translate this sentence from Latin to English: Sī quis vīnō eius generis ūtī audeat, celeriter moriātur. IF ANYONE SHOULD DARE TO ENJOY / USE A WINE OF THIS SORT, HE WOULD QUICKLY DIE B2: Now translate this sentence from Latin to English: Sī hunc ducem novum sequēminī, lībertāte et ōtiō ūtēminī. IF YOU (ALL WILL) FOLLOW THE / A NEW LEADER, YOU (ALL) WILL ENJOY FREEDOM AND LEISURE

3. What early author recounts the victory of Marcus Fulvius Nobilior at Ambracia in the fifteenth book of his Annales? (QUINTUS) ENNIUS B1: Ennius also wrote a play entitled Ambracia to commemorate Nobilior’s victory. What type of fabula is this play? FABULA PRAETEXTA B2: What reward did Ennius receive in exchange for his service to Nobilior in the Aetolian War? CITIZENSHIP

4. “Gin,” “mulberry,” “robust,” and “Albuquerque” are all derived from Latin words that share what general meaning? TREES B1: From what Latin word, with what meaning, is “Albuquerque” derived? QUERCUS, OAK B2: From what Latin word, with what meaning, is the alcoholic “gin” derived? IUNIPERUS, JUNIPER- TREE

5. At what site of the imperial period did two battles between the Romans and the Dacians take place, one in 88 A.D. under the emperor Domitian, and one in 101 A.D. under the emperor Trajan? TAPAE B1: Which king of the Dacians fought against the Romans in both of those battles? DECEBALUS B2: What monument near the Quirinal Hill honors the successful second campaign against the Dacians, which resulted in the incorporation of the territory into the Roman Empire in 106 A.D.? COLUMN OF TRAJAN

6. What Silver Age author’s admiration for Vergil was so great that he restored Vergil’s tomb and wrote an epic poem in seventeen books that presents the Second Punic War as a direct continuation of the Aeneid? (TIBERIUS CATIUS ASCONIUS) SILIUS ITALICUS B1: What is the title of Silius Italicus’s epic poem? PUNICA B2: Before retiring and dedicating himself to his literary work, Silius Italicus held multiple public offices. In what province was Silius Italicus proconsul during the reign of Vespasian? ASIA

7. For the phrase vestra celeris bos, give the genitive plural. VESTRĀRUM CELERIUM BOVUM B1: Give the equivalent form for the phrase ea alacris ala. EĀRUM ALACRIUM ALĀRUM B2: Now, give the dative singular for the phrase amara carō. AMARAE CARNĪ

8. What in Ancient Rome was a contubernium? SLAVE-MARRIAGE B1: What Latin idiom means “To be sold into slavery?” SUB HASTĀ VENIRE/SUB CORONĀ VENIRE B2: What Roman magistrate oversaw slave auctions? AEDILE

9. Listen carefully to the following passage adapted from Nepos’ Atticus about the Roman Atticus’ interactions with the Athenians, which I will read twice, then answer IN LATIN the questions that follow.

Atticus sic sē gerēbat, ut communis infimīs, par principibus vidēbatur. Quam ob rem, Atheniensēs omnēs honorēs, quōs poterant, ei publicē habēbant civemque Atheniensem facere studēbant. Atticus civitāte Atheniensī utī noluit, quod nonnullī aiēbant civitatem Romanam amissuram esse, secundā civitate acceptā.

Question: Quibus Atticus par vīsus est? PRINCIPIBUS

B1: Verum aut falsum? Atticus et honorēs Atheniensēs et civitatem Atheniensem accēpit. FALSUM B2: Answer in English: according to some, on what condition would Roman citizenship be lost? ACCEPTING/RECEIVING A SECOND CITIZENSHIP/STATE

10. According to Book 8 of the Aeneid, who came to Aeneas in a dream and told him to found a city where he discovered a white sow and thirty piglets? TIBERINUS/THE RIVER TIBER/FATHER TIBER B1: What prophet had earlier told Aeneas this same prediction? HELENUS B2: To whom did Aeneas sacrifice the white sow? JUNO

11. During a health scare in 23 B.C., to which of his trusted advisors and generals did the emperor Augustus present his signet ring, naming him his heir? (MARCUS VIPSANIUS) AGRIPPA B1: Shortly thereafter, Agrippa married Augustus’ daughter Julia, with whom he had five children. Which of Augustus’s three wives was the mother of Julia? SCRIBONIA B2: Which two sons of Agrippa and Julia were named heirs to the throne following the death of Agrippa in 12 B.C. but died in 2 A.D. and 4 A.D.? LUCIUS AND GAIUS CAESAR

12. Identify the case and use of the noun hora in the following sentence: utinam nē carērem horīs studiōrum! OF SEPARATION B1: Identify the case and use of the noun futurus in the following sentence: vanum est hesternīs rēbus vexarī, itaque mihī cura futurī est. OBJECTIVE GENITIVE B2: Identify the case and use of the noun dux in the following sentence: Omnibus aliīs silentibus, pauper ducem sē praebuit. PREDICATE ACCUSATIVE

13. What late author dabbled in Manichaeism and Neoplatonism before converting to Christianity and went on to write an autobiographical work reflecting on his search for God that is entitled Confessiones? (AURELIUS) AUGUSTINUS / AUGUSTINE / ST. AUGUSTINE B1: Of what city was St. Augustine bishop? HIPPO B2: What work of St. Augustine in twenty-two books states that the earthly city is destined to die but the heavenly city will live on forever? DE CIVITATE DEI/(ABOUT) THE CITY OF GOD

14. Who disguised herself as a priestess of Artemis in order to kill Perses and avenge her father, Aeëtes? MEDEA B1: What kind of poison does Medea try to give Theseus to kill him? ACONITE B2: In the Elysian Fields, who is Medea’s consort? ACHILLES

15. Of what gender are the nouns sermo, flos, papilio, imber, and amor? MASCULINE B1: Which two of the following nouns are of the same gender: virtus, acer, sol, marmor? ACER and MARMOR B2: Which of the following, if any, does not belong because of gender: Persae, sal, lapis, lacus? ALL BELONG

Round 3 Extra Questions


TU: Quid Anglicē significat “corium”? HIDE, SKIN B1: Quid Anglicē significat “coram”? FACE TO FACE B2: Quid Anglicē significat “coruscus”? FLASHING

TU: What derivative of a Latin word for “bitter” is “a kind of sweet cherry used in desserts or alcoholic drinks?” MARASCHINO B1: What derivative of a Latin word for “eye” means “to entice by flattery?” INVEIGLE B2: What derivative of the Latin verb for “hate” is “the feeling of being bored by something tedious?” ENNUI (Schaeffer 8; Schaeffer 29; Ibid.)

TU: Translate the following sentence from Latin to English: Animī plūrimōrum hominum tam stultī sunt ut discere nōn cupiant. THE SOULS / MINDS OF MOST / MANY MEN ARE SO IGNORANT / STUPID THAT THEY DO NOT DESIRE TO LEARN B1: Now translate this sentence from Latin to English: Mīlia cīvium ex eā terrā fugiēbant nē ā tyrannō opprimerentur. THOUSANDS OF CITIZENS WERE FLEEING FROM THAT LAND LEST THEY BE OPPRESSED BY THE TYRANT B2: Now translate this sentence from Latin to English: Optimī librī discipulīs legendī sunt ut vēritātem et mōrēs bonōs discant. THE BEST BOOKS MUST BE READ BY STUDENTS SO THAT THEY MAY LEARN TRUTH AND GOOD CHARACTER


TU: What Phrygian satyr challenged Apollo to a music contest and was punished by being flayed alive? MARSYAS B1: Apollo gave Marsyas’s flute to what father of his? OLYMPUS B2: Apollo beat Marsyas by preforming what action with his lyre, which Marsyas could not match with his flute? PLAYING UPSIDE DOWN


TU: According to tradition, what Roman king attempted to make sacrifices to Jupiter Elicius to dispel a plague that had fallen on Rome but did so incorrectly, resulting in his ultimate death when a bolt of lightning struck his house and lit it ablaze? (TULLUS) HOSTILIUS B1: Against what king of Alba Longa is Tullus Hostilius said to have waged a successful war? (METTIUS) FUFETIUS B2: Again, according to tradition, after the destruction of Alba Longa, on what hill of Rome are the Alban exiles said to have settled? CAELIAN


TU: What student of Fronto wrote a work intended for the education of his sons that is comprised of a collection of notes taken on winter nights spent in Athens? AULUS GELLIUS B1: What is the title of Aulus Gellius’s work? NOCTES ATTICAE / ATTIC NIGHTS B2: The fifth book of the Noctes Atticae includes what famous story? ANDROCLUS AND THE LION

TU: What elegist considered himself the Roman Callimachus, had the same patron as Horace and Vergil, and lamented about his lover Cynthia? PROPERTIUS B1: What was Cynthia’s real name? HOSTIA B2: What was the name given to Propertius’ first book of elegies? MONOBIBLOS

2018 Duke Certamen Advanced Division Semifinals

1. To which category of Latin numerals do biduum and trimestris belong? TEMPORAL B1: Using a multiplicative , say in Latin “one and one-half fold”. SESQUIPLEX B2: Using only one-word fractions count to 1 by fourths. QUADRĀNS (1/4), DIMIDIUM / SEMIS (1/2), DODRĀNS (3/4), ĀS (12/12)

2. What author, a native of Gades in Spain, complained that there were no good schools for agriculture in his De Re Rustica? COLUMELLA B1: What is the only section of Columella’s De Re Rustica that is extant? ON TREES/DE ARBORIBUS B2: What author, who lived during the reign of Tiberius, wrote a vast encyclopedia on various artes, of which only the 8 books on medicine survive? (AULUS CORNELIUS) CELSUS

3. What youth, who is remembered as having converted the sport of wrestling from a show of brute force to an art of wit and quickness, later used these skills successfully when he killed the Eleusinian King Cercyon in a wrestling match? THESEUS B1: To what descendant of Cercyon did Theseus later bestow the Eleusinian throne? HIPPOTHOÖN B2: Near Eleusis, whose descendants purified Theseus of the many killings he committed along his journey? PHYTALUS’S

4. abolla, laena, paludamentum, sagum, and lacerna were all Latin terms for what type of clothing? CLOAKS B1: What was the term for the hood that was commonly placed on a lacerna? CUCULLUS B2: What was the term for the purple-and-scarlet-striped cloak worn by augurs? TRABEA

5. Translate this sentence adapted from : Sed debēbatur fatīs, ut opinor, origō tantae urbis. BUT, AS I SUPPOSE, THE ORIGIN OF SUCH A GREAT CITY WAS OWED TO FATE B1: Translate this sentence adapted from Vergil: Ter circum Iliacōs murōs eum raptāverat, exanimumque corpus aurō vendebat Achilles. ACHILLES DRAGGED HIM AROUND THE TROJAN WALLS THREE TIMES AND SOLD THE LIFELESS BODY FOR GOLD B2: Translate this sentence adapted from Lucretius: quam ob rem ubi viderimus nil posse creari de nihilo, tum rectius perspiciēmus quid eveniat. FOR WHICH REASON WHEN WE SEE THAT NOTHING IS ABLE TO BE CREATED FROM NOTHING, THEN WE WILL MORE CORRECTLY SEE WHAT HAPPENS

6. What Neoteric poet wrote a geographical work entitled Chorographia and a work on Caesar’s Gallic campaigns entitled Bellum Sequanicum? VARRO ATACINUS/OF ATAX B1: What poet was considered the founder of the Neoterics and wrote a poem entitled Lydia? VALERIUS CATO B2: What Neoteric’s magnum opus was a poem on Myrrha’s incestuous love for her father Cinyras? CINNA

7. Differentiate in meaning between tūs and tussis. TŪS: FRANKINCENCE / INCENSE; TUSSIS: COUGH B1: Differentiate in meaning between torus and turris. TORUS: CUSHION / COUCH; TURRIS: TOWER B2: Differentiate in meaning between trabs and tābēs. TRABS: BEAM; TĀBĒS: DECAY, WASTING

8. The second secession of the plebs in 451 BC caused the passage of what laws in 449 BC, some of which in particular made tribunes sacrosanct? LEX VALERIA-HORATIA/VALERIO-HORATIAN LAWS B1: These laws also supposedly made plebescita, or resolutions of the plebeians, full force of law, but this contradicts with what law of 287 BC, which also had the same effect? LEX HORTENSIA B2: In another plebeian victory, what law of 445 BC allowed intermarriage between plebeians and patricians? LEX CANULEIA

9. In the Iliad, whose 40 ships of Phylacian soldiers are commanded by Podarces after his early demise? PROTESILAUS’S B1: Over whose troops, which together comprised 7 ships, did Medon take command while still en route to Troy? PHILOCTETES’S B2: What two cousins shared command of the Eleian contingent at Troy, which their fathers had earned after aiding the Eleian king Augieus against ?


10. Listen to the following description of the Britons, which I will read twice, and answer in ENGLISH the questions that follow.

Plerīque frumenta nōn serunt, sed lacte et carne vivunt pellibusque sunt vestitī. Omnēs verō sē vitrō pingunt, quod caeruleum efficit colorem, atque hōc horridiorēs sunt in pugnā aspectū; Uxores habent denī duodenīque inter sē communēs sed natī habentur liberī eōrum, ā quō prīmum virgō quaeque dēducta est.

Question: Instead of grain, on what two things do the Britons survive? MILK & MEAT B1: Why do they dye themselves blue? TO APPEAR FIERCER IN BATTLE B2: What is it common for the Britons to share? THEIR WIVES

11. Because the Cyclopes were harassing his people, what son of Periboea and Poseidon led them to Drepane, where he became the father of Rhexenor and the famous Phaeacian king Alcinous? NAUSITHOÜS B1: Periboea was the dauaghter of what leader of the Giants? EURYMEDON B2: The island of Drepane was sacred to what nurse of Dionysus? MACRIS

12. After Tigranes remarked that the Romans were “too few for an army, too many for an embassy,” where was decisively defeated in 69 BC by Lucullus? TIGRANOCERTA B1: The Lex Manilia ultimately transferred command from Lucullus to Pompey, but to whom did it actually give power to at first? (ACILIUS) GLABRIO B2: Lucullus’s lieutenant, C. Triarius, was defeated by Mithridates at what battle in 67 BC? ZELA

13. From what Latin word with what meaning are “dine” and “dinner” derived? IĒIŪNUS: FASTING/HUNGRY or IĒIŪNIUM: FAST B1: From what Latin noun with what meaning is “icteric” derived? ICTUS: BLOW, STRIKE B2: From what Latin noun with what meaning are “jade” and “jaded” derived? ĪLIA: GROINS

14. Using opus est, say in Latin “I need water”. AQUĀ MIHI OPUS EST B1: Using obviam, say in Latin “I came here to meet you”. (AD)HŪC OBVIAM TIBI VĒNĪ B2: Using magnī, say in Latin “it greatly concerns me.” MEĀ MAGNĪ INTEREST / REFERT

15. What pupil of Arnobius was a teacher of rhetoric at Nicomedia until Diocletian’s persecutions forced him out of his position, later became a tutor for Constantine’s son Crispus, and was hailed as the Christian Cicero? LACTANTIUS B1: What work of Lactantius, his most famous and arguably most important, was a treatise on philosophy and Christian theology? DIVINAE INSTITUTIONES/DIVINE INSTITUTIONS B2: Into how many books was the Divine Institutions divided? 7 16. What author hailed from , had a grandfather who served under Pompey the Great from whom he received his praenomen, and wrote a 44-book general history of the world entitled Historiae Phillipicae? POMPEIUS TROGUS B1: What author wrote a 10-book work on Alexander the Great? CURTIUS RUFUS B2: What author, the first pure geographer, wrote a Chorographia in 3 books? POMPONIUS MELA

17. What name in mythology is shared by a Phthian king who purified Peleus, a herdsman killed by Heracles, and the centaur who instigated a legendary battle against the Lapiths? EURYTION B1&2: For five points each, name the two gifts Eurytion bestowed upon Peleus in addition to purifying him of murder? HIS DAUGHTER (ANTIGONE) & PART (1/3) OF HIS KINDOM

18. A contranym is a word with two opposite meanings. What Latin adjective is a contranym which means “host” and “guest”? HOSPES B1: What contranymous adjective means both “holy” and “accursed”? SACER B2: What contranymous noun means both “next” and “last?” PROXIMUS

19. Complete this verb analogy. capiō : capientem :: capiam : ______. CAPTŪRUM / CAPTŪRAM B1: Complete this analogy. es : estō :: sequere : ______. SEQUĪTOR B2: Give either archaic form of the verb form sim. SIEM / FUAM

20. In 43 AD, what general landed at Kent and defeated Caratacus on the Medway River, helping the Romans finally subdue Britain? AULUS PLAUTIUS B1: What successor to Plautius helped protect the new province by fighting against tribes like the Brigantes and the Silures, and also received Caratacus as prisoner from Cartimandua? OSTORIUS SCAPULA B2: Who was Caratacus’s father, whose great power caused lesser British chiefs to appeal to Rome for help? CUNOBELINUS

Semifinals Extra Questions


TU: What is the meaning of the Latin verb at the ultimate root of “vow” and “devote”? PROMISE, PRAY, SWEAR B1: What is the meaning of the Latin noun at the ultimate root of “avow” and “vowel”? VOICE B2: What is the meaning of the Latin noun at the ultimate root of “divulge”? CROWD, MOB, COMMON PEOPLE

TU: Quid Anglicē significat bucca? CHEEK, JAW, MOUTH B1: Quid Anglicē significat burra? WOOL, SMALL COW B2: Quid Anglicē significat brūma? WINTER, WINTERTIME, WINTER SOLSTICE

TU: In his De Amicitia Cicero writes “virtute enim ipsa nōn tam multī praeditī esse quam vidērī volunt”. Which state borrowed an excerpt from this line for its Latin motto? NORTH CAROLINA B1: The state of Missouri draws its motto from Cicero’s De Legibus. Give the Latin and English of this motto. SALUS POPULĪ SUPREMA LEX ESTŌ / LET THE WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE BE SUPREME LAW B2: Of the states North Carolina, Wyoming, Arizona, and South Carolina, which does not have a motto which is a direct or adapted quotation from Cicero directly adapted from Cicero? ARIZONA

TU: Translate the following sentence into English: Faber insignis clipeum tantum finxit ut modo caelestēs sē eō ornāre possint. THE DISTINGUISHED CRAFTSMAN FASHIONED/CREATED SO GREAT A SHIELD THAT ONLY THE GODS/CELESTIALS CAN ADORN/EQUIP THEMSELVES WITH IT B1: Now translate: Clipeum gerere unius ex caelestibus nōn interfuit. WEARING THE SHIELD DID NOT INTEREST / CONCERN ONE OF THE GODS B2: Finally translate: Postrēmo rēx caelestium decrēvit clipeum deō qui fortissime pugnet sumendum esse. FINALLY THE KING OF THE GODS DECREED/DECIDED THAT THE GOD WHO FIGHTS MOST BRAVELY/STRONGLY MUST/SHOULD TAKE UP/ASSUME THE SHIELD


TU: While the Dorians were invading Attica, what king of Athens fulfilled a prophecy saying that the invaders would fail if he were injured by disguising himself, picking a fight with Dorians, and getting himself killed? CODRUS B1: To what son of his did Codrus leave the throne? This man became the last king of Athens. MEDON B2: Codrus’s father, Melanthus, had driven what descendant of Theseus from the Athenian throne? THYMOETES


TU: What emperor co-ruled with his 4-year old half brother, and made such religious changes as renouncing the title of Pontifex Maximus and removing the Altar of Victory from the Senate house, although his neglect of the troops led to his execution at the hands of Magnus Maximus? GRATIAN

B1: What future emperor did Gratian recall from exile, and who later fought and defeated Magnus Maximus? THEODOSIUS THE GREAT (I) B2: Who was Gratian’s 4-year-old half brother? VALENTINIAN II LITERATURE

TU: What author, the maternal great uncle of Pompey the Great, was the first pure satirist in Roman history and served as the basis for Horace’s satires? LUCILIUS B1: How many books of satires did Lucilius write? 30 B2: What author, the first writer of satire in Roman history, served as a loose model for Lucilius? ENNIUS

2018 Duke Certamen Advanced Division Finals

1. What poem of unknown origin describes the festivities of Venus to celebrate spring in Sicily and contains the famous refrain “cras amet qui numquam amavit, quique amavit cras amet”? PERVIGILIUM VENERIS B1: Translate that refrain. LET HIM WHO HAS NEVER LOVED LOVE TOMORROW AND LET HIM WHO HAS LOVED LOVE TOMORROW. B2: In what meter is the Pervigilium Veneris written? TROCHAIC TETRAMETER

2. What man became the first king of Salamis after he liberated the island of a snake that was ravaging it? CYCHREUS B1: According to another version of the myth, the snake was eventually driven from the island and became an attendant of what deity? DEMETER B2: Knowing he would die childless, to what foreigner did Cychreus leave the kingdom of Salamis? TELAMON

3. Translate the following sentence adapted from Caesar: Cum prīmī ordinēs concidissent, acerrimē tamen reliquī resistēbant. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST RANKS / LINES / ROWS HAD FALLEN, NEVERTHELESS THE REMAINING ONES RESISTED MOST/VERY FIERCLEY B1: Now translate this sentence: Priusquam tēlum iacī inter nostrōs posset, omnis aciēs tergum vertit. BEFORE A WEAPON COULD BE THROWN AMONG OUR (MEN), THE WHOLE BATTLE LINE TURNED ITS BACK / RETREATED B2: Finally translate: Dum reliquae nāvēs convenīrent, ad hōram nōnam exspectāvit.


4. Stories were told that in 121 BC the Romans defeated what Arvernian king at a battle in which 120,000 died to a loss of just 15 Romans? BITUITUS B1: What general who shares the same name with a prominent 2nd Punic War general led the Romans to victory at this battle? Q. FABIUS MAXIMUS B2: What proconsul, after crushing the , violated safe-conduct to Bituitus and sent him as a prisoner to Rome? CN. DOMITIUS AHENOBARBUS

5. Everyone wants to be the G.O.A.T., or Greatest of All Time, but few realize the countless hours and constant commitment it takes to become the epitome of their craft. What three- word Latin phrase, synonymous with “epitome”, refers to perfection in a particular field and literally means “no more beyond”? NĒ PLŪS ULTRĀ B1: What 3-word Latin phrase, usually used in a legal context, refers to the act of proving the falsity of a proposition or conclusion by making it seem absurdly ridiculous. REDUCTIŌ AD ABSURDUM B2: What 5-word Latin phrase describes a logical fallacy such as concluding that big foot stole your sandwich because your sandwich is missing, and bigfoot was reportedly seen in the woods recently? POST HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC

6. What group of three prophetesses, who were originally patroned by Apollo, are often depicted pursuing their art with the use of pebbles? THRIAE B1: To whom did Apollo hand over the patronage of these female diviners? HERMES B2: Atop what mountain did the Thriae reside and offer their prophecies? PARNASSUS

7. After a successful attack against the Rhodian fleet at Samos, Polyxenidas tried to surprise the combined fleet of Rhodes and Rome at what battle in 190 BC? MYONESSUS B1: Eudamus had earlier defeated what infamous enemy of Rome at Side? HANNIBAL B2: What Roman admiral helped win the battle of Myonessus by breaking through the enemy center while Eudamus prevented Polyxenidas’s encircling line? (AEMILIUS) REGILLUS

8. Listen to the following passage about a triumph over the Samnites, which I shall read twice, and answer in ENGLISH, the questions that follow.

Dictator ex senatūs consulto triumphāvit, cuius triumphō longe maximam speciem captiva arma praebuēre. Et Romanī quidem ad honorem deōrum insignibus armis hostium usī sunt: Campanīad superbiam et odiō Samnitium, quod spectāculum erat inter epulās, gladiatorēs eō ornatū armārunt Samnitiumque nōmine appellārant.

Question: What did the Romans use the enemy’s weapons for? FOR THE HONOR OF THE GODS B1: What did the Campanians do with the enemy’s weapons out of arrogance and hatred? EQUIPPED GLADIATORS (AND CALLED THEM SAMNITES) B2: When did these gladiatorial games occur? DURING FEASTS

9. Quid Anglicē significat iuba? MANE, CREST B1: Quid Anglicē significat iūbilō? REJOICE B2: Quid Anglicē significat iuncus? REED, RUSH

10. For the verb caleō, give the inceptive third person singular, present active subjunctive form. CALESCAT B1: Give the corresponding desiderative form of the verb edō. ESŪRIAT B2: Give the 3rd person singular, perfect passive subjunctive of the meditative verb arcessō. ARCESSĪTUS SIT

11. Previously Marcus Aurelius’s right-hand man, what 66-year old emperor was accepted by the soldiers and built a friendship with the Senate, but nonetheless was killed by the Praetorian Guard after a reign of three-months? PERTINAX B1: You know about Didius Julianus, the man who bought the imperial throne, but what was the name of his rival auctioneer for the succession, who was also Pertinax’s father- in-law? (CLAUDIUS) SULPICIANUS B2: What later emperor arranged the funeral and deification of Pertinax, and claimed to be his avenger? SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS

12. What man, considered the last classical poet of Rome, wrote many works on the general Stilicho, his patron, in addition to a poem on the war between the Olympians and the giants entitled Gigantomachy? (CLAUDIUS) CLAUDIAN(US) B1: What poem of Claudian depicts in detail the descent to the Underworld? DE RAPTU PROSERPINAE B2: In what city was Claudian born? ALEXANDRIA

13. Translate into completely alliterative Latin: don’t harm the wicked messenger. NOLĪ NOCĒRE NUNTIŌ NEFARIŌ B1: Translate into completely alliterative Latin: let peaceful herd obtain fodder. PLACIDUS/UM PECUS/PECU PABULŌ POTIĀTUR B2: Translate into completely alliterative Latin: he might hesitate to defend the shrine of the gods. DUBITĀRET DEFENDERE DELUBRUM DEŌRUM

14. When a band of Taphians invaded Tiryns to raid the palace’s cattle, what bastard son of King was too young to fight alongside his brothers and was therefore the only son of Electryon to survive the attack? LICYMNIUS B1: With what couple did Licymnius flee to Thebes after Electryon’s untimely death? & ALCMENE B2: Who ultimately killed Licymnius during a failed Heraclid invasion of Argos?

15. From what Latin noun with what meaning are “joual” (zhoo-AHL) and “chivalrous” derived? CABALLUS: HORSE B1: What derivative of caballus means “a procession, especially one of persons riding on horses”? CAVALCADE B2: What derivative of caballus means “a horseman, especially a mounted soldier or knight” or “one having the spirit or bearing of a knight; a courtly gentleman or gallant.” CAVALIER / CABALLERO

16. Called “an improver of everyday speech,” by Cicero, what author wrote Fabulae Milesiae and practiced the use of tragic history, or history with dramatized elements, in his Historiae? (CORNELIUS) SISENNA B1: What earlier author attempted to not only record the events of history but also examine their causes in his Rerum Gestarum Libri, although his work was dismissed by Cicero and as such did not enjoy much literary success in antiquity? SEMPRONIUS ASELLIO B2: What veteran of the Second Punic War was one of the first annalists, although he wrote his in Greek? CINCIUS ALIMENTUS

17. Of the Greek nouns lampas, herōs, Dēlos, and tigris, which does not belong because of declension? DĒLOS B1: Using lacessō, say in Latin “don’t provoke the tiger.” NOLĪ LACESSERE TIGRĪN / TIGRIM / TIGRIDA B2: Say in Latin “Orpheus, go home”. ORPHEŪ, Ī DOMUM

18. What type of Roman atrium had a roof formed by two pairs of beams crossing each other at right angles to form a compluvium, but had no columns? TUSCANICUM B1: Which type of Roman atrium had no impluvium or compluvium? TESTUDINATUM B2: Which type of Roman atrium had four columns? TETRASTYLON

19. What deity, afflicted with a propensity for mortals, bore sons including Phaethon, Emathion, and Memnon to mortal men? EOS B1: By what man was Eos the mother of Phaethon? CEPHALUS B2: What youth, of whom little more is known, did Eos carry off to live with the gods on Olympus? CLEITUS

20. Quartilla, Agamemnon, Ascyltos, and Trimalchio are all characters that appear in what work written by the arbiter elegentiae of Nero, Petronius? SATYRICON B1: What character is the protagonist of the Satyricon, and is only one of two characters to appear in every scene? ENCOLPIUS B2: What character was the homosexual love interest of Encolpius, Ascyltos, and later the old bard Eumolpus, and also appears in every scene of the work? GITON Finals Extra Questions


TU: Give the principle parts and meaning of neō NEŌ, NĒRE, NĒVĪ, (NĒTUM): WEAVE, SPIN B1: Give a defective synonym of neō. VIEŌ B2: Give any other synonym of neō. NECTŌ / PLECTŌ / TEXŌ (and compounds)

TU: Identify the use of the subjunctive in this sentence: quae fratrem inveniat filiam mīsit. (RELATIVE CLAUSE OF) PURPOSE B1: Identify the use of the subjunctive in this sentence: quā mare aggrediatur ignōtum est. INDIRECT QUESTION B2: Identify the use of the subjunctive in this sentence: quīn haec verba intellegat nemō est. RELATIVE CLAUSE OF CHARACTERISTIC

TU: In the Eclogues when Menalcas, echoing the trees praising him from the forest, remarks “en quattuor arās”, which use of the accusative is exemplified? ACCUSATIVE OF EXCLAMATION B1: When Horace, in first Ode, describes Maecenas as “ēdite regibus”, which use of the ablative is exemplified? ABLATIVE OF SOURCE / ORIGIN B2: Which use of the genitive does Caesar use when he refers to certain exiles as those “capitis damnātī”? GENITIVE OF CHAGE / PENALTY

TU: Translate this sentence into English: credō eum esse celeriorem quam quī capiātur. I BELIEVE THAT HE IS TOO FAST TO BE CAUGHT B1: Translate this sentence into English: quantō turpius scelus, tantō difficilius est ignoscere. THE UGLIER THE CRIME, THE MORE DIFFICULT IT IS TO FORGIVE B2: Translate this sentence into English: propter scelera ille petītūrus salutem in urbe nōn vidētur. BECAUSE OF (HIS) CRIMES, THAT MAN DOES NOT SEEM (TO BE) ABOUT TO SEEK SAFETY IN THE CITY


TU: What king of Laconia and son of Lelex is credited with inventing the mill? MYLES B1: Myles’s brother, Polycaon moved away and married what woman, who may bear the distinction of being the only woman to be honored with hero’s rites? MESSENE B2: A figure named Caucon showed Messene the rites of what two deities, whom Messene became the first to worship in Messenia? DEMETER AND KORE/PERSEPHONE


TU: A supporter and general for Mark Antony, what governor of Syria captured Jerusalem in 37 BC and placed Herod the Great on the throne of Judaea? GAIUS SOSIUS B1: What general and victor at the battle of Mt. Gindarus did Sosius supplant as governor of Syria? VENTIDIUS BASSUS B2: What notable Parthian, son of king Orodes, perished at this battle? PACORUS

TU: 7000 mint workers were killed fighting on the Caelian as a result of their revolt during what emperor’s reign? AURELIAN B1: Who was the leader of the revolt? FELICISSIMUS B2: In what year did this revolt occur? 270 AD


TU: What author, considered the greatest grammarian of the Augustan age, was consequently chosen as tutor for Lucius and Gaius Caesar and wrote a glossary of difficult and obsolete Latin terms, the De Verborum Significatu? VERRIUS FLACCUS B1: In what work did Ovid imitate Verrius Flaccus? FASTI B2: What other grammarian wrote a Factorum et Dictorum Memorabilium in 29 books? VALERIUS MAXIMUS