2018 Duke Certamen Advanced Division Round 1
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2018 Duke Certamen Advanced Division Round 1 1. According to the Aeneid, where did Aeneas erect a shrine to Idalian Venus after the Trojan women burnt the ships, leading to Aeneas to settle some of the more tired Trojans there? SICILY(ALSO ACCEPT ILIUM BUT DON’T TELL THEM THIS BECAUSE IT’S BONUS 1) B1: What did Aeneas name this new city in Sicily? ILIUM/ACESTA B2: What goddess, in the guise of Beroë, had convinced the Trojan Women to set fire to the ships? IRIS 2. Listen carefully to the following passage, which you may recognize and which I will read twice, then answer IN ENGLISH the question that follows. Gallia est omnis divīsa in partēs trēs, quārum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitanī, tertiam quī ipsōrum linguā Celtae, nostrā Gallī appellantur. Hī omnēs linguā, institutīs, legibus inter sē differunt. Gallōs ab Aquitanīs Garumna flumen, ā Belgīs Matrona et Sequana dividit. Hōrum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod ā cultū atque humanitāte provinciae lōngissimē absunt. In what three ways do the inhabitants of Gaul differ? LANGUAGE, CUSTOMS/INSITUTIONS , AND LAWS B1: Respondē Latīnē: quid tribūs Galliae divīdit? FLUMEN (GARUMNA) B2: Respond in English: why are the Belgae the bravest? THEY ARE FARTHEST/VERY FAR FROM THE REFINEMENT/CIVILIZATION OF THE PROVINCE 3. Dēscrībāmus nunc proprietatēs dictiōnum in hāc sententiā: ego vōs hortārī tantum possum, ut amicitiam omnibus rēbus humanīs antepōnātis. Cuius modi est “antepōnātis”? SUBIUNCTĪVĪ B2: Quō casū est “humanīs”? DATĪVŌ B2: “antepōnātis”: dīc imperfectum. ANTEPŌNERĒTIS 4. The Latin word avus denotes what type of familial relative? GRANDFATHER B1: Who in Ancient Rome was an amita? PATERNAL AUNT (PROMPT ON AUNT) B2: Who was a socer? FATHER-IN-LAW 5. What author’s saeva indignatio is a distinguishing feature of his satires, which deplore the degradation of Roman society and include tirades against legacy hunters, homosexuals, and women? (DECIMUS JUNIUS) JUVENAL(IS) B1: In what meter did Juvenal write his satires? DACTYLIC HEXAMETER B2: How many books of satires did Juvenal write? 5 6. What dependent use of the subjunctive can be found in the Latin motto of North Dakota, serit ut alterī saeclō prosit? (ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF) PURPOSE/PURPOSE CLAUSE B1: Make the appropriate changes to North Dakota’s motto, serit ut alterī saeclō prosit, if the verb serit were changed to sēvit. SĒVIT UT ALTERĪ SAECLŌ PRODESSET B2: What are the two tenses of the verbs in the motto of Connecticut? PERFECT (TRANSTULIT) and PRESENT (SUSTINET) 7. Which war of the Roman Republic began in 326 B.C. as a result of a request for help from city of Capua and ended approximately in 304 B.C. with the Battle of Bovianum? SECOND SAMNITE WAR B1: Perhaps the most notable event of that war was the dies ater which occurred at Battle of Caudine Forks in 321 B.C., where the defeated Roman army was forced to pass under the yoke of the Samnites. Name either one of the two commanders who had led the Roman forces in that battle. (TIBERIUS VETURIUS) CALVINUS OR (SPURIUS POSTUMIUS) ALBINUS B2: The disaster at Caudine Forks has perhaps overshadowed the defeat of the Romans under Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus at what other battle in 315 B.C.? LAUTULAE 8. Translate into Latin: “The mother fears that her son has fallen out of a tree.” MĀTER VERĒTUR/TIMET/METUIT NĒ FĪLIUS DĒ/EX ARBORE CECIDERIT. B1: Translate into Latin: “So great was the fear that we could not withstand the wounds.” TANTA/TANTUS ERAT FORMĪDŌ/TIMOR/METUS UT VULNERA SUSTINĒRE NŌN POSSĒMUS. B2: Translate into Latin: “I was afraid that I had not been invited to dinner.” VERĒBAR/TIMĒBAT/METUĒBAT UT AD CĒNAM INVĪTĀTUS ESSEM. 9. Apophthegmata, Carmen de Moribus, and Origines are all works of what early author, who wrote the first extant work of Latin prose? (MARCUS PORCIUS) CATO MAIOR / CATO THE ELDER B1: What was the first extant work of Latin prose? DE AGRI CULTURA / DE RE RUSTICA B2: Which of Cato’s works includes the famous saying, “vir bonus dicendi peritus”? PRAECEPTA AD FILIUM / AD FILIUM 10. What two brothers built Alcmene’s bridal chamber, the first shrine of Poseidon, Apollo’s temple at Delphi, and the treasury of Hyrieus? AGAMEDES AND TROPHONIUS B1: When Agamedes was caught in Hyrieus’ trap in the treasury, how did Trophonius solve this problem? HE CUT OFF AGAMEDES’ HEAD (SO IT WOULDN’T BE RECOGNIZED) B2: How did Trophonius die? THE EARTH SUDDENLY OPENED AND SWALLOWED HIM 11. Quid Anglicē significat “lucrum”? PROFIT B1: Quid Anglicē significat “lōrum”? STRAP B2: Quid Anglicē significat “luēs”? PLAGUE 12. Which of the following, if any, is not derived from the same Latin root as the others: “passport”, “expand”, “pacemaker”, “peasant.” PEASANT B1: From what Latin noun with what meaning is “peasant” derived? PĀGUS: VILLAGE, RURAL DISTRICT B2: From what Latin verb with what meaning are the other words in the toss-up derived? PANDŌ: STRETCH, SPREAD OUT 13. Plautia Urgulanilla, Aelia Paetina, Valeria Messalina, and Agrippina the Younger were all wives of what Julio-Claudian emperor? CLAUDIUS B1: Which wife of Claudius conspired against him with a lover of hers named Gaius Silius? (VALERIA) MESSALINA B2: Claudius’s fourth wife, Agrippina the Younger, was the daughter of Agrippina the Elder and what prominent general and member of the gens Claudia? (NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS) GERMANICUS (IULIUS CAESAR) 14. In mythology, Lycurgus, Actaeon, Orpheus, Pentheus, and Apsyrtus were all killed in what brutal way? TORN TO PIECES/DISMEMBERMENT B1: Lycurgus was driven mad because he tried to drive away Dionysus and his followers with what weapon? AN OXGOAD B2: Who gathered the pieces of Orpheus’ body (except the head) and buried them at his home in Pieria? THE MUSES 15. What work, dedicated to Gaius Memmius, is a didactic poem in six books that espouses the Epicurean doctrine? DE RERUM NATURA B1: Who is the author of the De Rerum Natura? (TITUS) LUCRETIUS (CARUS) B2: To what goddess is the hymn in the overture of the De Rerum Natura addressed? VENUS Round 1 Extra Questions LANGUAGE TU: When you are recognized by the spotter, please perform the following command: Surge et simulā tē ānserem esse. STAND AND PRETEND THAT YOU ARE A GOOSE [“HONK,” ETC.] B1: Please perform this command: Duo tuēminī personās sedentēs laevō. TWO STUDENTS SHOULD LOOK / GAZE AT THE PEOPLE SITTING ON THEIR LEFT B2: Please perform this command: Surgite, et clāmāte Anglicē magnīs cum vōcibus: “Utinam vincere possīmus.” MULTIPLE STUDENTS SHOULD STAND AND SHOUT IN ENGLISH LOUDLY: “IF ONLY / I WISH THAT WE WERE ABLE TO WIN” TU: What two uses of the subjunctive are found in the following sentence: Veniant igitur, dum nē nōs interpellent? JUSSIVE and (DUM-)PROVISO B1: What use of the subjunctive is found in this sentence: Quod utinam nē faciātis? OPTATIVE B2: What use of the subjunctive is found in this sentence: Quid faciendum sit moneō monēbōque. INDIRECT QUESTION MYTHOLOGY TU: Who flung his father-in-law into a fiery pit when he could not pay the bride-price to marry Dia, thus committing the first murder of kin? IXION B1: What was the name of Ixion’s father-in-law? EIONEUS/DEIONEUS B2: What god pitied Ixion and invited him to Olympus to be purified? ZEUS/JUPITER HISTORY TU: The reforms of what twice-elected tribune of the late Roman Republic included a grain distribution system, alterations to the composition of the quaestio de rebus repetundis, and a proposal to found a new colony on the former site of Carthage? (GAIUS SEMPRONIUS) GRACCHUS B1: Gaius Gracchus’s brother Tiberius had gotten in trouble with the aristocracy for proposing to enforce a limitation on land ownership to 500 iugera. Which earlier law had put that limitation into effect? LEX LICINIA-SEXTIA B2: Which cousin of Tiberius had made the claim that the elder Gracchus was trying to make himself king and subsequently led a revolt of the Senate to assassinate him in 133 B.C.? (PUBLIUS CORNELIUS) SCIPIO NASICA LITERATURE TU: What speech of Cicero, which included such devastating evidence that the defendant fled into exile, prosecuted a governor of Sicily accused of extortion? (ACTIO PRIMA) IN VERREM B1: Who defended Verres in this trial? (QUINTUS) HORTENSIUS (HORTALUS) B2: In what year was In Verrem delivered? 70 B.C. TU: What author greatly imitated Sappho and Callimachus in his 116 poems, many of which concern the pseudonymic Lesbia? (GAIUS VALERIUS) CATULLUS B1: Which poem of Catullus is a famous translation of a poem by Callimachus? POEM 66/LOCK OF BERENICE B2: Catullus 3 is a famous ode on the death of what animal, although it is probable that this is in fact a sexual metaphor? SPARROW/PASSER 2018 Duke Certamen Advanced Division Round 2 1. Who was the first man to love another man and was blinded and experienced tragedy after he challenged the Muses to a competition and lost? THAMYRIS B1: What unfortunate youth was the love of Thamyris, Apollo, and Zephyrus? HYACINTH(US) B2: How did the Muses punish Thamyris for losing the competition? THEY TOOK HIS SIGHT AND POETIC GIFT/MUSICAL ABILITY 2. For the verb torqueō, give the 2nd person singular, perfect active subjunctive. TORSERĪS B1: Change that form, torserīs, to the pluperfect. TORSISSĒS B2: Make torsissēs plural and passive. TORTĪ/AE/A ESSĒTIS 3. What play of Plautus is the longest of all of his comedies and tells of the girl Philocomaisium, who is carried off by a wealthy, braggart soldier while her lover is absent? MILES GLORIOSUS B1: What play of Plautus tells of the unsuccessful attempt of the boastful soldier Therapontigonus to buy Planesium from the pimp Cappadox? CURCULIO B2: What play of Plautus is said to have no plot and concerns a man named Antipho who tries to convince his daughters to leave their husbands, who have been traveling on business for a long time? STICHUS 4.