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J Toxicol Pathol 7: 211•`222, 1994


Jiro Sugimoto, Shigeru Tamura, Mutsumi Tamura, Yoshimi Inoue, and Masumi Tanigami ToxicologyLaboratory, Research Center, Mitsubishi Kasei Corporation. Research Center

Abstract: Treatment with 150mg/kg of spironolactone (SPL) and 100mg/kg of phenobarbital (PB) for 13 weeks increased thyroid weight, numbers of apical vesicles and colloid droplets in thyroid follicular cells, and thyroid follicular hypertrophy. The patterns of elevated serum thyrotropin (TSH) and transiently decreased serum thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) suggest that thyroid follicular hypertrophy is a compensatory reaction to lowered thyroid hormone levels. Treatment with PB or SPL induced increased liver weight, hepatocellular hypertrophy, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum prolifera tion in hepatocytes. PB-treatment increased Uridine diphosphate glucuronosyl transferase (UDP-GT) activity toward p-nitrophenol and P-450 content but SPL-treatment had no such effect on hepatic microsomal enzymes. PB and SPL have been shown not to directly affect thyroid hormone synthesis. It is concluded that the effect of PB on thyroid function in male rats is secondary to increased hepatic UDP - GT and P-450 and that in SPL-treated male rats a distinct spectrum of isozymes of cytochrome P-450 and UDP-GT and/or other enzymes may play an important role for induction of thyroid hypertrophy. (J Toxicol Pathol 7: 211-222, 1994) Key words: Spironolactone, Phenobarbital, Thyroid, Liver, Uridine diphosphate glucuronosyl trans ferase

thyroid gland weight and hypertrophy and hyper Introduction plasia of thyroid follicular cells7. Goldstein and Hepatic microsomal enzymes alter both the Taurog concluded that the increased biliary excre of xenobiotic substances and that of tion of thyroxine (T4) as caused such thyroid gland various endogenous substances such as change in PB-treated rats8. Such changes in thy and endocrine hormones including cortisol1, roid and liver are likely due to activated testosterone2, estrogens3, and thyroxine4,5. Hor thyrotropin (TSH) response that occured in com mones cannot be regulated by synthesis and secre pensation for decreased serum T4 concentration tion alone; they must also be metabolized and caused by an increase in its metabolic eliminated. Thus, the hepatic-endocrine axis clearance9-11. plays an important role in hormone homeostasis. Spironolactone (SPL), an antago Phenobarbital (PB) has been extensively stud nist, is effective against primary aldostenonism12,13, ied as a prototype for a class of microsomal low ascites, renin essential hypertension14-16, and enzyme inducers that induce a similar spectrum of disorders of spontaneous or iatrogenic cytochrome P-450 isozymes6. The goitrogenic hypokalemia17,18. Thyroid follicular hypertrophy effect of PB in rats is characterized by increased and hyperplasia and a dose-related increase in liver weight have been described in 78- and 104 杉本次郎 田村 茂 田村 睦 井上芳巳 谷上真寿美 - week study on the effects of SPL in rats19 By Accepted for publication: April 7, 1994 increasing hepatic clearance of T4, SPL caused a Mailing address: Jiro Sugimoto, Laboratory, Research Center, Mitsubishi Kasei Corporation, Research decrease in the serum concentration of this hor Center, 1000, Kamoshida-cho, Midori-Ku, Yokohama 227, mone and followed by a release of feed back 212 EFFECTS OF SPL AND PB ON HEPATIC-THYROID AXIS inhibition and an increase in TSH resulting in the were orally administrated with 100mg/kg/day of increased in thyroid gland size and activity20. PB, 150mg/kg/day of SPL or 0.5% (w/v) carbox

Thus, the effects of thyroid and liver in SPL-treat ymethylcellulose sodium, used as vehecle. Six ed rats resemble those in PB-treated rats. Long animals from each group were sacrificed after 3 term administration of PB in rats has induced no days, 3 weeks, and 13 weeks of the treatment thyroid follicular tumors without the initiation by (Table 1). Two animals each were housed in a nitrosamine or nitrosourea21. On the other hand, polycarbonate cage with hardwood chip bedding long-term administration of SPL in rats has in under an air-conditioned environment at 20-24•Ž, duced the thyroid follicular lasions categorized as 40-70% humidity and a 12h light/dark cycle. All "adenomas" . We have been interested in the the animals were given rodent chow (MF, Oriental difficult results of two long-term administration Yeast Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) and tap water ad tests. The objectives of this investigations were to libitum. At the end of dosing, the animals were characterize and determine the relationship anesthetized by intraperitoneal administration of between thyroid and hepatic effects of SPL pentobarbital and were exsanguinated via the compared with that of PB and to discover the abdominal vein after collection was sam difference in these two drugs. pled. The serum samples were stored at -80•Ž. TSH, triiodothyronine (T3) and T4 were deter

mined by radioimmunoassay. Anti-TSH anti Materials and Methods body was rat-specific and assayed by Dr. Wa

Chemicals Table 1. Experimental Design Spironolactone was obtained from Wako Pure Chem. Co. (Osaka, Japan). Phenobarbital was purchased from Mitubishikasei Co. (Tokyo, Japan).

Animals and treatment

Male Sprague-Dawley-derived CD rats (6 a Number of rats/group. weeks of age), obtained from Labo b Days or weeks are times following start of the test. ratories (Kanagawa, Japan) were assigned to three Values are number of rats killed. groups of 18 animals each by random selection and SPL, spironolactone; PB, phenobarbital.

Table 2. Thyroid Weight and Thyroid-to-body Weight Ratiosa

Data represent the mean•}SD for 6 rats per group. * Days or weeks are times following start of the test. b Means with standard deviation of 3 animals.*

, p<0.05; **, p<0.01 for comparison with control values (Student's t-test) SPL, spironolactone; PB, phenobarbital.

Fig. 1. Thyroids from control (A) and from rats receiving 150mg/kg of SPL (B) and 100mg/kg of PB (C) for 13 weeks. The colloids have diminished and are nonhomogeneous. Follicular epithelial cells in the rats receiving SPL or PB are taller and wider than in control rats and their cytoplasm is finely vacuolated. HE•~180. Sugimoto, Tamura, Tamura, et al. 213 214 EFFECTS OF SPL AND PB ON HEPATIC-THYROID AXIS kabayashi of the University of Gumma of the based on the disappearance of p-nitrophenol using Hormone Assay Center. methods first described by Bock et al.23. After the animals were sacrificed, the thyroids Statistical analysis and livers were removed, weighed, and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. The tissues were embedded in Statistical significant differences in means paraffin, sectioned at 4ƒÊm thick and stained with with standard deviations against the non-treated hematoxylin and eosin (HE). For electron group were assessed by the Student's t-test, with microscopy, thyroid and liver tissues were sampled p<0.05 as minimum significance. from two animals per group at 13 weeks. Small blocks of these organs were fixed in 2.5% glutaral Results dehyde for 2 hours, postfixed in 2% osmium tetrox ide for 2 hours, dehydrated in ethanol, passed Pathologic examination through propylene oxide, and embedded in Quetol 812. Thyroid: Thyroid weights and thyroid mor Ultrathin sections were made with LKB phological lesions in SPL-treated animals resem ultramicrotome, stained with uranyl acetate and bled closely those in PB-treated animals. In lead nitrate, and examined with a Hitachi H-7000 creased thyroid weight was noted in SPL and PB electron microscope (Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) groups at week 3 (Table 2). Thyroid-to-body at 75kV. weight ration significantly increased in the same groups at weeks 3 and 13. These changes were P-450 content and Uridine diphosphate glucur slight at day 3 but quite prominent at weeks 3 and onosyl transferase (UDP-GT) activity 13. In histologic examination, follicules in PB or Microsomal fractions of liver samples from 5 SPL treated animals were smaller in size and lined control, 6 SPL-treated and 3 PB-treated animals by taller and wider epithelial cells with finely sacrificed at week 13 were collected and measured vacuolated cytoplasm when compared with the for P-450 content and UDP-GT activity. P-450 controls (Figs. 1A-1C). Some animals showed content was determined by as described by Omura microfollicular hyperplasia featuring closely and Sato22. UDP-GT activity was determined packed small follicules with little or no colloid

Table 3. Liver Weight and Liver-to-body Weight Ratiosa

Data represent the mean•}SD for 6 rats per group. a Days or weeks are times following start of the test . b Means with standard deviation of 3 animals .*

, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001 for comparison with control values (Student's t-test) SPL, spironolactone; PB, phenobarbital.

Fig. 2. Electron micrographs of thyroids from control and rats treated with 150mg/kg of SPL and 100mg/kg of PB for 13 weeks. A. Control rat, •~10,500. B. Rat treated with SPL, •~10,500. The follicular cells are enlarged with delayed rough endoplasmic reticulum and there are increased numbers of reabsorbed colloids. Apical vesicles are prominent. C. Rat treated with PB, •~7,700. The follicular cells are enlarged and dilated with rough endoplasmic reticulum and there are increased numbers of resorbed colloids and lysosomal bodies. Apical vesicles are prominent. Sugimoto, Tamura, Tamura, et al. 215 216 EFFECTS OF SPL AND PB ON HEPATIC-THYROID AXIS Sugimoto, Tamura, Tamura, et al. 217

Fig. 3. Livers from control (A) and rats treated with 150mg/kg of SPL (B) or 100mg/kg of PB (C, D) for 13 weeks. HE A. A control rat, •~180. B and C. Rats treated with SPL (B) or PB (C), •~180. Centrilobular hepatocytes are swollen and round. D. A rat treated with PB, •~360. Hepatocytes have intracellular eosinophilic inclusion bodies.

content. Electron microscopy revealed some membranous bodies of the endoplasmic reticulum changes in follicular cells in PB or SPL treated were seen only in PB-treated animals (Figs. 4C). animals killed at 13 weeks (Figs. 2A-2C). The These membranous bodies appeared to correspond changes were characterized mainly by increased to intracellular eosinophilic inclusion bodies ob numbers of apical vesicles beneath the apical served by light microscopy.

plasma membrane of follicular epithelial cells, Serum TSH, T4, and T3 concentrations representing secretion into the follicular lumen and increased numbers of colloid droplets located Serum TSH concentrations significantly in basally, representing reabsorbed intracellular col creased in SPL group at weeks 3 and 13 and in PB loid. Also, follicular cells showed dilated cister group at week 3 when compaired with control nae of rough endoplasmic reticulum and increased group (Fig. 5A). An upward trend of serum TSH numbers of lysosomal bodies. concentrations was noted in PB group at week 13. Liver: Animals given 150mg/kg of SPL or Serum T4 concentrations significantly decreased in 100mg/kg of PB showed increased liver weight PB group at 3 days and 3 weeks of treatment (Fig. and liver-to-body weight ratio during the period 5B). Serum T4 concentration was slightly lower of treatment (Table 3). Histologically, in SPL group than in control group at 3 and 13 centrilobular hepatocellular hypertrophy was seen weeks. But there was no statistical difference in animals from SPL and PB groups (Figs. 3A between these two groups. The serum T3 concen -3D). This change was slight at day 3 but well trations were significantly lower in PB group and defined at weeks 3 and 13. Intracellular eosino in SPL group than in control at day 3 (Fig. 5C).

philic inclusion bodies were seen in all animals Hepatic microsomal enzyme levels from PB group at week 13 (Figs. 3D). No SPL treated animals showed intracellular eosinophilic UDP-GT activity, as measured using p-nitro inclusion bodies. Electron microscopy demon phenol as the substrate on the basis of one milli strated increased smooth endoplasmic reticulum in gram of protein and one gram of liver significantly enlarged centrilobular hepatocytes in SPL or PB increased in the liver from animals treated with 100 treated animals (Figs. 4A and 4B). Concentric mg/kg of PB for 13 weeks (Table 4). Moreover, 218 EFFECTS OF SPL AND PB ON HEPATIC-THYROID AXIS Sugimoto, Tamura, Tamura, et al. 219

Table 4. Liver Microsomal Enzyme Levels8 or SPL were probably not due to lowered iodide uptake and organification by thyroid. Because, McClain et al. and Semler et al. reported that each drug treatment results in increased iodide uptake and organification by thyroid20,26. Their data also indicate that PB or SPL do not directly affect thyroid hormone synthesis. a All rats were treated for 13 weeks with SPL or PB. b Cytochrome P-450 contents are expressed as mol/mg In animals treated with PB or SPL, enlarged

protein. hepatocytes accompanied by smooth endoplasmic c One unit of activity is equal to 1 nmol p-nitrophenal reticulum proliferation were observed, and hepatic glucuronide formed per mg protein per minute. Data represent the mean•}SD. microsomal enzyme activity was enhanced. The ***, p<0 .001 for comparison with control values (Stu induction of hepatic microsomal enzymes enhances dent's t-test). the metabolism of the thyroid hormone4,5,11 SPL, spironolactone; PB, phenobarbital Comer et al. demonstrated that thyroid change induced by potassium prorenoate (analogue of SPL) administration, follicular epithelial hypertro significant increase in cytochrome P-450 content phy took place secondary to increased hepatic could be detected in the same group at week 13. microsomal enzyme activity27. On the other hand, male rats treated with SPL had Thyroid hormone can be metabolized via neither changes in UDP-GT activity nor in P-450 glucuronidation (UDP-GT), oxidation (P-450), content. and deiodination (monodeiodinase) etc.10. In rodent, it is well known that UDP-GT is the most common pathway of T4 clearance 28. By studies Discussion with benzpyrene, the induction of UDP-GT activ Thirteen weeks of treatment with 150mg/kg ity toward p-nitrophenol has been shown to be a of SPL and 100mg/kg of PB induced increased good marker for induction of UDP-GT activity thyroid weights and follicular cell hypertrophy in toward T48,29. In this study, treatment with PB male rats. The patterns of elevated serum TSH increased both UDP-GT activity toward p-nitro and transiently decreased serum T4 and T3 suggest phenol and induction of P-450. These data indi that TSH stimulation occurs secondary to declined cate that the induction of hepatic microsomal T4 and T3 levels, giving rise to morphologic enzymes (UDP-GT and P-450) by PB treatment changes in the thyroid gland24. Serum thyroid becomes an important factor for metabolism of the hormone level are regulated by a feed back mecha thyroid hormone. On the other hand, although nism in the pituitary gland ; decreased levels of SPL-treated animals showed hepatic smooth endo thyroid hormone resulted in increased TSH release plasmic reticulum proliferation, induction of from the pituitary. In thyroids of animals treated UDP-GT and P-450 in their livers was not obser with PB or SPL, ultrastructually the follicular ved. Two hundred mg/kg of SPL administered epithelial cells possessed abundant apical vesicles for two weeks has been shown to increase the beneath the apical plasma membrane. These glucuronidation of p-nitrophenol in rats20. In changes appear not to imply degenerative process, our another study, however, SPL administration at but to represent colloid biosynthesis25. Decreases the same dose for two weeks increased thyroid in T4 and T3 observed in animals treated with PB weight but not glucuronidation. Increased thy

Fig. 4. Electron micrographs of livers from rats treated with 150mg/kg of SPL (A) and 100mg/kg of PB (B, C) for 13 weeks.

A. A rat treated with SPL. •~10,500. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum proliferation can be seen in a centrilobular hepatocyte. B. and C. A rat treated with PB. •~10,500. The membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum formed a whorl in the cytoplasm, enclosing lipid droplets (concentric membranous body) that are present in a centrilobular he


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