Janice Pease (315)328-5793
[email protected] 130 Beebe Rd, Potsdam, N.Y. 13676 August 23, 2018 Via Email Honorable Kathleen H. Burgess, Secretary to the PSC Re: Case 16- F-0268, Application of Atlantic Wind LLC for a certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need Pursuant to Article 10 for Construction of the North Ridge Wind Energy Project in the Towns of Parishville and Hopkinton, St. Lawrence County. Dear Secretary Burgess: Industrial wind is devastating to the bat populations, adding to the many factors which play a role in reducing their numbers worldwide. While the wind industry likes to suggest that the advantage turbines provide to help reduce climate change (inadvertently benefitting all creatures) far outweighs their negative impact on the bats, that is yet to be seen. The data is simply not available to calculate the environmental/financial net losses accurately. With industrial wind’s intermittent and unreliable energy, the advantages are not nearly as the wind lobbyists suggest. The fragmentation/depletion of critical habitat due to wind turbines massive land use affects all animal species reliant on that space, ricocheting down the food chain. The loss of habitat as well as loss of carbon-sinks make the industrial turbine a very unlikely savior for any species. The net loss has simply not been calculated. Farmers are easily drawn into the debate by hosting these “farms”, while receiving large financial payouts. These same farmers are seemingly unaware of the immense benefit that bats provide by eating insect pests, saving farmers billions/year. The weakening of the local ecosystems will most certainly result in lower crop yields as well as contribute to financial losses as well.