Seiichi Sugano Shihan 1939 -- 2010 Aiki Kai Australia Founder Seiichi Sugano 8th Dan Shihan President: Tony Smibert 7th Dan Shihan 179 Mole Creek Rd., Deloraine, TAS, 7304 Aikido in Australia Tel: (W) 03 6362 3326 (H) 03 6362 2474 Vice President: Tristan Derham Aiki Kai Australia National Newsletter
[email protected] M: 0420 336 134 volume 3 number 1 Technical Teaching Committee Tony Smibert, 7th Dan Shihan, Hanan Janiv, 6th Dan Shihan, Humbly dedicated to the memory of Robert Botterill, 6th Dan Shihan, John Watson, 6th Dan, Seiichi Sugano Shihan Andrew Dziedzic, 6th Dan. TTC Contact address: c/o National Coordinator for the TTC , Andrew Dziedzic, 5 Bertram St. Eastwood, NSW, 2122. Tel: 02 9858 5241 e-mail:
[email protected] Area Representatives ACT: Hanan Janiv, 6th Dan 23 Crest Rd., Queenbeyan, ACT 2620. Tel/Fax: 02 6297 8258 NSW: Austin James, 5th Dan, 29A Yarran Road, Oatley, NSW 2223. Tel:02 9580 2627. M: 0417 435 949 email:
[email protected] NT: Marie Petery, 6th Dan. PO Box 131 Alice Springs, NT 0871. Tel: 0413 376 299 email:
[email protected] QLD: Chris Seto-Payne 4th Dan. 11 Ortive St. Yeronga, Qld 4104. Tel: H. 07 3892 7551. W. 07 3379 1831. SA: David Scott 6th Dan.. PO Box 81. Norton Summit, SA, 5136 Tel: 08 8390 3322 TAS: Kaye Jenkins, . GPO box110 Hobart Tas, 7001. Ph: 03 6229 7743, 0418 569 314, email:
[email protected] VIC: Linda Godfrey, 4th Dan.. Tel: 03 9802 7211 M: 0418 381 674 email:
[email protected] WA: Satyavan Reymond, 3rd Dan.