
IBL CONFERENCE 2017 - PROCEEDINGS Bali Medical Journal (Bali Med J) 2017, Volume 3, Number 3 (IBL Conference 2017 Special Issue): S90-S92 P-ISSN.2089-1180, E-ISSN.2302-2914 belladonna and associated IBL Conference 2017 - Proceedings toxic syndrome: a case report

CrossMark Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15562/bmj.v3i3.673 Ibrahim Karagoz,1 Murat Bilgi,1 Elif Boduc,2 Murat Pehlivan,2 Kubra Solmaz,1 Deniz Sahin,2 Haluk Savli,2 Gulali Aktas2 Published by DiscoverSys

Volume No.: 3 ABSTRACT causes poisoning by its anticholinergic effects. In this article, we aimed to present a case with Atropa belladonna Excessive ingestion of this may cause peripheral anticholinergic intoxication and to emphasize that Atropa belladonna poisoning Issue: 3 effects, and moreover, a more severe clinical picture can be seen due should be kept in mind in cases with anticholinergic findings. to its central effects which can result in lethargy, coma or even death.

First page No.: S90 Keywords: Atropa belladonna, anticholinergic effects, intoxication Cite This Article: Karagoz, I., Bilgi, M., Boduc, E., Pehlivan, M., Solmaz, K., Sahin, D., Savli, H., Aktas, G. 2017. Atropa belladonna and associated anticholinergic toxic syndrome: a case report. Bali Medical Journal 3(3): S90-S92. DOI:10.15562/bmj.v3i3.673 P-ISSN.2089-1180 1Abant Izzet Baysal University INTRODUCTION CASE REPORT Hospital, Department of E-ISSN.2302-2914 Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Atropa Belladonna (AB), as known as deadly A 71-year-old man presented with after Bolu, nightshade, is a plant of family, grown ingestion of 5-6 AB fruits accidentally. He told 2 Abant Izzet Baysal University in barren and stony land and has oval leaves, the physicians in the emergency department Hospital, Department of Internal , Bolu, Turkey green-purple flowers, and round shaped bright that the fruits looked like blackberries. Despite black fruits, which are highly poisonous. Leaves and and activated charcoal applied, his the fruits of the plant include , consciousness deteriorated, and he was trans- and .1 Intoxication with AB ferred to intensive care unit of Abant Izzet Baysal is mainly due to anticholinergic effects of these University Hospital. He looked sleepy and was alkaloids. AB intoxication has been described both neither cooperated nor oriented on admission. He in pediatric and adult age groups.1,2 While acci- had (122 beats per minute), but his dental exposure to AB is the primary cause of AB blood pressure and respiration rate were normal. intoxication in children, ingestion of the plant by Skin of his trunk and the extremities were hot and suicidal intentions or plant abuse due to its halluci- reddish while the pupils of the eyes were dilated. nogenic effects is the primary cause in ­adulthood.3 A Glasgow coma scale point was 14 on admission. Alkaloids within AB blocks both central and He has been monitored intensively for the vital peripheric muscarinic receptors competitively after signs, a urine catheter applied and oral intake was ingestion of the plant. Symptoms of peripheric and stopped. Anticholinergic signs of the AB intoxica- central anticholinergic effects are seen in intoxica- tion resolved except for tachycardia, and a Glasgow tion with AB.4,5 Confusion, anxiety, , hallu- Coma Scale point reached to 15 and he transferred cination, myoclonus, dysarthria, choreoathetosis, to internal medicine ward after two days of inten- hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, convulsions, and sive care unit follow-up. coma may occur as central anticholinergic effects, On admission onward, his condition was gener- * Corresponding Author: according to the level of intoxication. On the other ally well, conscious, oriented and cooperated. His Gulali Aktas, M.D. Abant Izzet Baysal University Hospital, Department hand, peripheral anticholinergic effects, such as vital signs were normal other than rapid heart rate of Internal Medicine, 14280, Bolu, , peripheral vasodilatation, hyperpyrexia, (110 beats per minute). The ECG revealed a sinus Turkey. tachycardia, , decreased gastroin- tachycardia. His chronic medications (metformin [email protected] testinal motility, and reduced may also 1000mg twice a day for diabetes mellitus, amlodip- be seen.6 ine 5 mg a day for hypertension, ipratropium Received: 2017-07-10 In this case report, we aimed to present an inhaler four times a day and fluticasone twice a Accepted: 2017-07-15 AB intoxication in an elderly and to review the day for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Published: 2017-07-17 literature. ordered as he routinely used. He complains to have

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, but his bowel sounds were normal. looked like blackberries while other ate it because The tachycardia was resolved during follow-up he heard rumors that AB regulates blood glucose and normal defecation initiated after oral intake levels.10 The case presented in this study was also resumed. Although redness of the skin mostly consumed AB plant by chance of it looked like diminished, rashes on his arms resisted. Allergic blackberries. Another report was by Heindl et al., contact dermatitis was the diagnosis of these rashes the case consumed AB plant by suicidal intention, after dermatology consultation. Ophthalmologic who admitted with and excitability consultation revealed no signs of . Initially, which revealed five times 2mg of .11 elevated CRP levels were reduced from 82.9 mg/ Treatment of AB intoxication is mainly conser- dl to normal range. Hemogram and biochemical vative. Gastric lavage and activated charcoal are markers were normal from the beginning of the suggested for decontamination.7 follow-up. His vital signs, including heart rate are recommended for sedation in agitated cases.10 and body temperature, remained in normal range. Physostigmine, a reversible esterase inhibi- He discharged from hospital after the uneventful tor, is indicated in cases of delirium, agitation, and follow-up period. severe anticholinergic effects.11,12 Our case has not required physostigmine. DISCUSSION The intoxication of AB usually caused by acci- CONCLUSION dental or suicidal ingestion of the round shaped, In conclusion, patients in the emergency blackberry looked fruits of the plant.1,2,7 Alkaloids ­department who presented with confusion, and within the plant competitively block the central anticholinergic symptoms of unknown etiology and postganglionic muscarinic receptors and cause may require detailed observation for possible BA anticholinergic toxic syndrome.4,5,7 The level of poisoning. Intoxication with psychotic , such the intoxication depends on the dose of alkaloids as , tricyclic should ingested. The dose of the alkaloids in leafs and fruits be kept in mind for differential diagnosis. of the plant varies according to the subspecies of the plant. 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Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2017; 3(3): S90-S92 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v3i3.673 S91 IBL CONFERENCE 2017 - PROCEEDINGS

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S92 Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2017; 3(3): S90-S92 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v3i3.673