Notes: 1. Items are listed in alphabetical order of name of author or editor. Many Indonesian/Malay names do not contain a recognizable “surname”, so I have adopted the practice of using the first occurring name (e.g., Tataq Chidmat, Ariffin Omar) as the name for alphabetical purposes, unless the name is so well known that this would be obviously wrong (e.g., ), or where other guidance (e.g., a Batak marga name such as Mochtar Lubis) is available. 2. Works by government departments with no named author are usually in the order of the first letter of the first word of the name. I have tried to avoid the designation “anonymous” except where no other choice seems available.

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Steinberg, D.J., ed. In Search of Southeast Asia: A Modern History. Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1987. Strauss, Paul. “The Washington Post and the Indonesian Crisis”. MA thesis, American University, Michigan, 1968. Subadio, Sastrosatomo. Perjuangan Revolusi [The Revolutionary Struggle]. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 1987. Subadiyah, Purnami. “Penetrasi Politik Kolonial Belanda di Yogyakarta” [Dutch Colonial Penetration in Yogyakarta]. Undergraduate thesis, IKIP Semarang, 1997. Subagio, Reksodipuro et al., eds. Wilopo 70 Tahun [Wilopo at 70]. Gunung Agung, 1979. Sudarmanto, Y.B. Jejak-Jejak Pahlawan, Dari Sultan Agung hingga Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX [The Path of the Heroes, from Sultan Agung to Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX]. Jakarta: Grasindo, 1992. Sudomo, Sunaryo, ed. Buku Petunjuk Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta [Guidebook for the Special Province of Yogyakarta]. Yogyakarta: Hubungan Masyarakat Propinsi Istimewa, nd, 1982? Sugiono, M.P. Sang Demokrat Hamengku Buwono IX, Dokumen Setelah Sri Sultan Mangkat [The Democrat Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX, Documents Published after Sri Sultan’s Death]. Jakarta: Yayasan Budi Luhur, 1988. Sukarno. An Autobiography as Told to Cindy Adams. Hong Kong: Gunung Agung, 1966. Sukarno, . Catatan Kecil bersama Bung Karno, Bagian I [A Few Notes on my Life with Bung Karno, Part 1]. Jakarta: Dela-Rohita, 1978. Sulak, Sivaraksa. “Biography and Buddhism in ”. Biography 17, no. 1 (1994): 2–20. Sulistya, Suryanta Pamuji, and Budi Sanyata, eds. Reformasi dan Pembangunan Bangsa [Reform and National Development]. Yogyakarta: Museum Benteng Yogyakarta, 1999. Contains articles by G. Moedjanto. “Perjuangan Hamengku Buwono IX dan Peranannya dalam Pembangunan Nasional”; and Ki Nayono, referenced elsewhere. Sullivan, J.H. “The United States and the New Order in Indonesia”. PhD thesis, Michigan, 1970. Sundhaussen, Ulf. The Road to Power, Indonesian Military Politics 1945–1967. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982. Suratmin. Amanat Seri Paduka Ingkang Sinuwun Kangdjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX dan Amanat Seri Paduka Kangdjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Ario Paku Alam VIII Tanggal 5 September 1945 dalam Lintasan Sejarah Perjuangan Bangsa Indonesia [The Decree by HH Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and HH Sri Pakualam of 5 September 1945 in the History of the Struggle of the Indonesian People]. 12-page typescript. Yogyakarta: Balai Kajian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Yogyakarta, 1998. Sutherland, Heather. Making of a Bureaucratic Elite: The Colonial Transformation of the

11 A Prince in a Republic.indd 351 12/19/14 4:01 PM 352 A Prince in a Republic

Javanese Priyayi. Singapore: Heinemann, ASAA Southeast Asia Publications Series, 1980. Sutrisno, Kutoyo. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX, Riwayat Hidup dan Perjuangan [Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX, His Life and Struggle]. Jakarta: Mutiara Sumber Widya, 1996. Suwandi, Rahardjo. A Quest for Justice, the Millenary Aspirations of a Contemporary Javanese Wali. Leiden: KITLV Press, 2000. Suwarno. P.J. Hamengku Buwono IX dan Sistem Birokrasi Pemerintahan Yogyakarta 1942– 1974, Sebuah Tinjauan Historis [Hamengku Buwono IX and the Bureaucratic System of the Yogyakarta Government 1942–1974, A Historical Review]. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius, 1994. Swantoro, P. Dari Buku ke Buku, Sambung Menyambung Menjadi Satu [From Book to Book, Connecting up to Form a Unity]. Jakarta: KPG and Tembi, 2002. Swift, Ann. Road to Madiun: The Indonesian Communist Uprising of 1948. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 1989. Tarling, Nicholas. Southeast Asia: A Modern History. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2000. ———. A Sudden Rampage, the Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia, 1941–45. London: Hurst, 2001. Tataq Chidmad, Sri Endang Sumiyati, and Budi Hartono. Pelurusan Sejarah Serangan Oemoem 1 Maret 1949 [Correcting the History of the General Offensive of 1 March 1949]. Yogyakarta: Media Pressindo, 2001. Taylor, A.J.P. Origins of the Second World War, 2nd ed. New York: Fawcett Premier, 1964. Taylor, Jean Gelman. Indonesia, Peoples and Histories. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 2003. Tempo Team. Sri Sultan, Hari — Hari Hamengku Buwono IX, Sebuah Presentasi Majalah Tempo [Sri Sultan, the Days of Hamengku Buwono IX, A Presentation by Tempo magazine]. Jakarta: Yayasan Karyawan Tempo, 1988. A collection of press articles. Thayer, Carlyle. “Australian Perceptions and Indonesian Reality”. Lecture to New Zealand Institute of International Affairs Dunedin branch, 1988. ‘t Hoen, Pieter. See F.J. Goedhart. Thongchai Winichakul. Siam Mapped, a History of the Geo-Body of a Nation. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1994. Tim Pemburu Fakta (several authors). Siapa Dalang Prabowo?[Who was Prabowo’s Puppeteer?]. Jakarta: Yayasan Karyawan Matra, 2001. Tino, K. Hamengkubuwono IX, dari serangan umum 1 Maret sampai melawan Suharto: benarkah Hamengkubuwono IX anggota CIA? [From the General Offensive of 1 March to opposing Suharto: Was Hamengkubuwono IX really a member of the CIA?]. Yogyakarta: Navila Idea, 2012? Tjokropranolo. General Sudirman, the Leader who Finally Destroyed Colonialism in

11 A Prince in a Republic.indd 352 12/19/14 4:01 PM Bibliography 353

Indonesia, edited by Ian MacFarling, translated by Libby Krahling, Bert Jordan and Steve Dawson. Canberra: Australian Defence Studies Centre, 1995. Townsend, Lucy. “The Biographer as Sleuth: Using the Concentric Circle Method”. Biography 16, no. 1 (1993): 19–25. Tridgell, Susan. “Understanding Selves through Modern Western Biography: Insight, Illusion or Particularity?” PhD thesis, Australian National University, 2002. ———. “Doing Justice to the Generations: Ray Monk’s Bertrand Russell”. Paper delivered at the International Conference on Life-Writing. Melbourne: La Trobe University, 15–19 July 2002. United Nations Security Council Official Records 4th Year, 1949, nos. 26–54. New York: United Nations, 1950. United Nations Security Council Official Records 4th Year, 1949, nos. 420–448, 21 March–27 September. New York: United Nations, 1950. United Nations Security Council Official Records 4th Year, 1949, Supplements. New York: United Nations, 1950. United Nations Security Council Official Records 4th Year nos. 449–458 [October– December 1949]. New York: United Nations, 1950. Vandenbosch, Amry. The Dutch East Indies. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1944. Vanvugt, Ewald. Het Dubbele Gezicht van de Koloniaal [The Two Faces of the Colonial]. Haarlem: In de Knipscheer, 1987. Vatikiotis, Michael. Indonesian Politics Under Suharto: The Rise and Fall of the New Order. London: Routledge, 1998. (Also revised edition of 1994.) Verhoeff, H.G. “De Herziening van de Politieke Verhouding tot de Vorstenlandsche Zelfbesturen” [Review of the Political Relationship with the Autonomous Princely States]. Koloniale Studien 1940 24 (1940): 109–55. Vervoorn, Aat. Re Orient, Change in Asian Societies. 2nd edition. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2002. Vickers, Adrian. “Selling the Experience of Bali”, on (consulted on 10 August 2005). Vitacchi, Tarzie. The Fall of Sukarno. New York: Praeger, 1967. Has some unsourced references to the Sultan not reported elsewhere. Viviani, Nancy. “Australian Attitudes and Policies Towards Indonesia, 1950–1965”. PhD thesis, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1973. Wal S.L. van der, Drooglever, P.J., and Schouten, M.B., eds. Officiele bescheiden betreffende de Nederlands–Indonesische Betrekkingen 1945–50 [Official Documents on Dutch–Indonesian Relations 1945–50], vols. 1 to 28. The Hague: Nijhoff. Cited as “NIB”. Series published during the 1970s and 1980s. ———, ed. Besturen Overzee [Governing Overseas]. Franeker: Wever, 1977. Wallace, Helen. “Social and Cultural Interaction Between the Japanese and the Indonesians in Java 1942–1945”. PhD thesis, Monash University, 2002.

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Wang Gungwu, ed. Self and Biography, Essays on the Individual and Society in Asia. Sydney: Sydney University Press, 1975. Watson, C.W. Of Self and Nation, Autobiography and the Representation of Modern Indonesia. Hawaii: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2000. Westerkamp, Rudolf Frederik. Yogyase Roddels [Yogya Gossip]. A 14-page personal memoir in typescript, by the former private physician of Hamengku Buwono VIII and Hamengku Buwono IX during 1939–1942. Written for his family around 1983. Westerling, Raymond. Challenge to Terror. London: Kimber, 1952. White, B.N.F. “Towards a Social History of Economic Crises: Yogyakarta in the 1930s, 1960s and 1990s”. In Indonesia in Transition: Rethinking “Civil Society”, ‘Region’ and ‘Crisis’, edited by H. Samuel and H. Schulte Nordholt. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2004, pp. 195–225. Wild, Colin and Peter Carey, eds. Gelora Api Revolusi [The Turbulent Fires of Revolution]. Jakarta: Gramedia, 1986. Contains the text of a unique BBC interview with the Sultan about the Serangan Umum in 1949. ———. Born in Fire. Ohio University Press, 1988. An English-language version of the above book. Willens, Wim and Jaap de Moor, eds. Het Einde van Indie, Indische Nederlanders tijdens de japanse bezetting en de dekolonisatie [The End of the Indies, Eurasians during the Japanese Occupation and the Decolonization Period]. The Hague: Sdu Uitgeverij Koninginnegracht, 1995. Woodman, Dorothy. The Republic of Indonesia. London: Cresset, 1955. Woodward, Mark. Islam in Java, Normative Piety and Mysticism in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1989. Woolcott, Richard. The Hot Seat, Reflections on Diplomacy from Stalin’s Death to the Bali Bombings. Sydney: HarperCollins, 2003. Yamin, Mohammed, ed. Risalah Sidang Badan Penyelidik Usaha2 Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (BPUPKI) dan Panitya Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (PPKI), 28 Mei–22 August 1945 [Proceedings of the Body for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence and of the Committee for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence], 3rd ed. Jakarta: Sekretariat Negara, 1998. Yusril Djalinus, Stanley, Adi Prasetyo and Toriq Hadad, eds. Jenderal Tanpa Pasukan, Politisi Tanpa Partai, Perjalanan Hidup A H Nasution [General without Troops, Politician without a Party, the Life of A.H. Nasution]. Jakarta: Grafitipers, 2002.

Interviewees The late Professor Dr The late Drs Radius Prawiro The late Dr Roeslan Abdulgani The late Drs Professor Dr Emil Salim

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General Ashari Danudirdjo Dr Salim Said Pak Atmakusumah Astraatmadja The late Pak Soedarpo Sastrosatomo The late Pak Rosihan Anwar Dr Adnan Buyung Nasution G.B.P.H. Pakuningrat Princess Nindyokirono Hamengku Buwono IX Pak Mashud Wisnusaputra The late Professor Dr Selosumarjan The late Professor Dr Wijoyo Nitisastro Pak Aristides Katoppo Mrs Ratmini Soedjatmoko

Archives and Official Sources

Australia National Archives of Australia Citations are “NAA”, followed by series number and file number. Department of Foreign Affairs files 1945–1970. Australian Embassy Jakarta files, 1945–1970. National Library of Australia (NLA) Indonesian Acquisitions list, 1971–76. Private papers of Professor Herbert Feith — consulted with kind permission of Mrs Betty Feith. The papers have yet to be fully catalogued. Monash University, Melbourne Papers of Professor Herbert Feith. These are broadly those papers connected with his official life as a lecturer at the University, while the papers in NLA are generally more of a private nature, but there is an overlap. These papers are identified with a series number, MON 78, an accession number 1991/09, and an item number. Other Overzicht van de Inlandsche en Chineese Pers (Summary of Native and Chinese Press, produced weekly) 1919–30 and 1939–40, on microfiche at National Library of Australia and Menzies Library, ANU.

Dutch Archives and Official Publications Nationaal Archief (National Archives — NA), The Hague, Netherlands Dutch colonial archives, including Verbaal files, official Ministry of Colonies (Ministerie van Kolonien) archives, intelligence files, and many personal archives. Citations from the Nationaal Archief normally start with the letters “NA” followed by an identification number, the name of the archive, and often also by an inventory number, e.g., “NA 2.10.17, Procureur Generaal Archive,

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Part 367”. Personal archives usually have such numbers supplemented by a personal name, e.g., “Collectie Spoor”. – Memories van Overgave, 2.10.39, handover reports by Dutch officials in the regions prepared for their successors. (Bafflingly, the copies in the Menzies Library at ANU on microfilm — apparently supplied to ANU some time in the 1970s or earlier — were censored versions, all of the political sections of the Memories being expunged. NA in The Hague has the uncensored versions.) – Ministerie van Kolonien geheim Archief (Ministry of Colonies Secret Archives),, on microfiche. • including Mailrapporten (mail report series 1901–52, and secret mail report series AA, 1914–52). – Archief Ministerie van Kolonien — Londen (Ministry of Colonies Archives, London) 1940–46, 2.10.45. – Commissariat van Indische Zaken (Commissariat of Indies Affairs), 2.10.49. – Personal archives of Minister Welter (2.21.175), General Spoor (, E.M. Stok (, Buurman van Vreeden (, Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer (, P.J. Idenburg (, Lovink (, F.J. Goedhart (2.21.285), Gesseler Verschuir (2.21.069), van Mook (NA 2.21.123). – Archief Procureur Generaal (Archive of the Prosecutor General), 2.10.17. – Algemeene Secretariaat (General Secretariat), 2.10.14. – Personeelsdossiers (Personal dossiers),

Nationaal Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD — National Institute for War Documentation), Amsterdam Mainly dedicated to the Dutch experience during the Second World War. I consulted the material about the Indies/Indonesia — Indonesie Collectie (NIOD index Volumes 4A, 4B , 4D, 5, and 12 — diaries), which includes vast amounts of material about the internment camps; but also has Japanese-period documents, some material from the late Dutch period, RAPWI documents, and many documents relating to war crimes investigations. Almost all NIOD documents have six-figure identification numbers and are identified by those numbers preceded by “NIOD”, e.g., “NIOD 076323”. Other methods of accessing information include the name card index and the trefwoord (keyword) index. Apart from those mentioned, other useful categories include the Natijd lists, and Collectie K.A. de Weerd.

Foreign Ministry Library Holdings of Netherlands Indies Intelligence Organisation (NEFIS) files, not yet handed over to the Nationaal Archief. These have their own series of five-figure identification numbers, e.g., 06915.

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Centraal Archievendepot (Central Archives Depot [CAD]), Ministry of Defence, Rijswijk Sources derived from this depot are cited as “MvD/CAD” followed by available identification numbers. This vast and valuable resource contains many NEFIS files, but these are poorly indexed. – NEFIS files — normally indexed in bundles with AA numbers e.g., “AA21”. Each bundle contains a series of folders labelled (uninformatively) with vague titles such as “NEFIS 1948–49”. These are the largest holdings of NEFIS files. – Hoofdkwartier Generale Staf (Headquarters General Staff) archive. These have a three-figure inventory number, e.g., “invnr 695”. – Kabinet Legercommandant (Cabinet of the Army Commander) archive. These have two-figure inventory numbers, e.g., “invnr 35”.

Instituut voor Militaire Geschiedenis (IMG) (Institute of Military History), Alexander Barracks, The Hague Cited as “IMG” followed by identification numbers. This contains duplicates of many files photocopied from holdings in the CAD, Nationaal Archief and elsewhere, including NEFIS files.

Archief Kennemerland, Haarlem Records of HBS-B Haarlem, from the 1930s. Residence records.

Leiden University Library Leiden University student enrolment records, 1934–40.

Indonesian Official Sources Indonesian Government Official Archives (Arsip Nasional Indonesia), Jakarta Foreign researchers need a research visa to examine and photocopy documents; but visitors without such a visa may normally be permitted to examine document inventories (only). Vice Presidential Archive of Hamengku Buwono IX (1973–78). Personal Archive of Roeslan Abdulgani.

Widyo Budoyo (Yogyakarta Palace Archives), Yogyakarta Holdings are documented in two main index books: Lindsay, Jennifer; Sutanto R.M.; Feinstein, Alan, eds., Kraton Yogyakarta: Katalog Induk Naskah2 Nusantara no 2 [Yogyakarta Kraton: Main National Catalogue of Documents no 2], q.v.; Ismuwanto, R. Hery; and Pitoyo, Moh Ali, Katalog Arsip2 Penting Keraton Ngayogyokarto [Catalogue of Important Archives in the Yogyakarta Kraton], q.v. Holdings of documents of political and historical interest are, however, relatively scanty.

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– Permission to view files and other holdings as catalogued in these books is sought individually; permission is usually granted. – Other holdings consulted include Kan Po 1942–45, Pelopor Yogyakarta 1973–78. – Two large scrapbooks of press clippings from the period 1938 to 1944. These include clippings about Yogyakarta events from print media such as Surabaiasch Handelsblad (Surabaya) and Mataram (Yogyakarta). Citations from the scrapbooks give details of the newspaper articles cited but add the abbreviation KPC (“Kraton Press Clippings”), because many of these seem to be unobtainable in Australia.

Arsip Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) (Yogyakarta Regional Archives) Documents in this archive carry their own three-figure identification number, e.g., 157, sometimes with an additional letter e.g., 115R. Holdings are indexed in Pemerintah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Daftar Pertelaan Arsip2 Penting (list of Important Archives) Kantor Arsip Daerah DIY, nd (q.v.). Entry to the archive is possible for foreign researchers, but photocopying of documents is normally not permitted.

United States LBJ (President Lyndon Baines Johnson) National Security Files, 1962–69, on microfilm at Cornell University.

Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series (q.v.), available in ANU library and NLA. Some volumes available on the Internet.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Washington — home page on Internet.

Newspapers, Magazines and Journals Almanak Leidsch Studentencorps (Leiden Student Corps Almanac) 1932/33–1939/39, Leiden University, Leiden. Aneta Bulletin, Jakarta, 1945–50. Api Merdeka (Yogyakarta monthly, ), March 1946–December 1946. Asia Raya (Japanese-era Jakarta daily, Indonesian language, Jakarta), April 1942– September 1945. Almanak Asia Raya 1943 and 1944. Asian Survey, University of California, Berkeley, 1961–67. Berita Republik Indonesia 1945–50 (Indonesian language, Jakarta — official publication of Indonesian government during Revolution).

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Biography magazine, East–West Center, Honolulu, from 1993 to 2005. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (BIES), 1965–78. From special CD-ROM issued by Indonesia Project, ANU. Dagblad, Het (Jakarta daily), 1946–49. Djawa magazine, Yogyakarta 1940 (Dutch language). Djawa Baroe, 1942–45 (Japanese era Jakarta daily, Indonesian language). Gids der Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (Leiden University Guide) for the years 1932/33– 1938/39. Harian Rakyat (PKI (Communist Party) daily, Indonesian language), Jakarta, 1951–52. Indische Gids (Indies Guide, Batavia, Dutch- language monthly) — 1912, 1914, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1938, 1940, and 1941. Indologenblad, 1932/33–1939/39, Indology faculty, Leiden University, Leiden. Indonesia (magazine, four issues per year), Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, Ithaca, NY, 1966–2000. Indonesian Observer, Jakarta (English-language daily), 1966. Javasche Courant, October–December 1939 (1940 et seq not available at ANU). Kan Po, Official Japanese Military Government publication, Indonesian-language bi-weekly, Jakarta, 1942–45. Kedaulatan Rakjat (Yogyakarta daily, Indonesian language) — 1945–48. Also Jakarta research assistants examined KR 1950–56 and 1962–63, 1978–80. Koloniaal Tijdschrift (Colonial Magazine, Batavia, Dutch-language magazine), 1939–41. Koloniale Studien (Colonial Studies, Batavia, Dutch-language magazine), 1939– 41. Kompas (Jakarta daily, Indonesian language), 1965–69. Also examined by Jakarta research assistants: 1970, 1971, 1972, and 1988. Leidsch Universiteitsblad (Leiden University Journal), 1932/33–1939/39, Leiden University, Leiden. Locomotief, De (Semarang daily, Dutch language), 1912, 1939–41 and September 1947 to June 1950. Merdeka (Jakarta daily, Indonesian language), 1945–52 and 1971–72. Merdeka Mingguan weekly magazine, 1948–61, examined by Jakarta research assistants. Moesson magazine (Dutch-language monthly), Amsterdam, 1980–2003. Nieuwsgier (Dutch language Jakarta daily), 1949. Patriot weekly, Yogyakarta (?) (Indonesian language), 1945–49, examined by Jakarta research assistants. Pelopor Jogja (Yogyakarta daily, Indonesian language), November 1973–December 1974. Sedya Tama (Yogyakarta daily, Indonesian/Javanese), 1939–42.

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Siasat magazine (Indonesian language), 1950, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1957, examined by Jakarta research assistants. Sinar Harapan (Jakarta afternoon daily, Indonesian language), 1966, 1971–72. Sinar Matahari (Japanese-era Yogyakarta daily, Indonesian language), April 1942–September 1945. Soeara Asia (Japanese-era daily, Indonesian language), Surabaya, 1942–September 45. Tapol Bulletin, London, August 1973 (vol. 1, no. 1), to February 1978. Tropisch Nederland [Tropical Netherlands], vol. 11 (1938–39).

Abbreviations of Names of Important Sources In some cases, reports are so commonly cited that their names are abbreviated in the footnotes. The following is a list. Full descriptions of these are provided above.

AE Australian Embassy, Jakarta — relates to reports from the Embassy cited in documents at the National Archives of Australia (NAA — q.v.) AR Asia Raya, the Japanese-era Jakarta daily CMI Reports by Centrale Militaire Inlichtingsdienst (Central Military Intelligence Service), the former NEFIS East Steijlen, Fridus, ed., Memories of “The East”, KITLV Press, Leiden, 2002 East CD-ROM A CD-ROM in the Dutch language containing more extensive versions of the interviews contained in Memories of the East. Copies of the CD-ROM are available at KITLV and NIOD, and elsewhere. FPL The “Four Princes Letter” (my coinage), an interesting 15-page local account of the Sultan’s illegal government during the Dutch occupation in 1948–49. IMG Instituut voor Militaire Geschiedenis (Military History Institute), Ministry of Defence, The Hague IPO Overzicht van de Inlandsche en Chineese Pers (Summary of the Native and Chinese Press), produced from 1918 to 1942, microfiche, ANU KPC Kraton Press Clippings 1937–44 (my coinage) — see above KR Kedaulatan Rakyat, Yogyakarta daily newspaper, Indonesian language, 1945–49 KRI Kronik Revolusi Indonesia, Indonesian language, a multi-volume chronology of events during the Revolution (see above) MR Mailrapport — the series of “mail reports”, official colonial

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documents. These are always marked by a number followed by the year, e.g., MR 83/40. The ones quoted here are from the holdings at the Menzies Library, ANU. MR geh/ Secret mail reports. “Geh” is short for geheim i.e., secret, followed by a similar serial number. MvD/CAD Centraal Archievendepot, Dutch Ministry of Defence, Rijswijk NA Nationaal Archief (National Archives), The Hague. Most of this material carries an identification number given by the Archief, e.g., NA 2.10.178, sometimes with a further identification e.g., “Collectie Stok”. NAA National Archives of Australia, Canberra. Citations are NAA, followed by series number and file number. NEFIS Reports by Netherlands Forces Intelligence Services — later CMI q.v. NIB The valuable series of published Dutch official documents from the Revolution period, Officiele Bescheiden Betreffende de Nederlands — Indonesische Betrekkingen 1945–50. See above. (I examined vols. 1 to 19.) NIGIS Netherlands Indies Government Information Service, English- language radio monitoring reports prepared in Melbourne during the Japanese occupation. Most of the reports used here were obtained from the CAD and also carry the CAD bundle identification numbers. NIOD Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (Netherlands Institute for War Documentation), Amsterdam. Formerly called RIOD. Risalah Risalah BPUPKI, edited by Mohammed Yamin (see above) SA Suara Asia, the Japanese-era Surabaya daily, Indonesian language SM Sinar Matahari, the Japanese-era Yogyakarta daily, Indonesian language SO Pelurusan Sejarah Serangan Oemoem, book published in 2000 to contest the Suharto version of events in March 1949 — see above TUR Tahta untuk Rakyat

Known Sources Which Were Unavailable Sudarisman Purwokusumo, Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX. Yogyakarta, 1986? Tashadi, ed. Sejarah Revolusi Fisik di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Jakarta, Depdikbud, 1995.

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