Ettien Koffi's Note for Students of African Orthographies in Latin Script, This Is a Very Important Document. the Decisions C
1 Ettien Koffi’s Note For students of African orthographies in Latin script, this is a very important document. The decisions contained in this document have influenced the orthography of African languages. I have seen this document quoted in several documents. However, this is the first time I have seen the document in its entirety. I’m happy to post it on my website. However, the entire document can also be found at: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AFRICAN LANGUAGES AND CULTURES MEMORANDUM I Revised Edition PRACTICAL ORTHOGRAPHY OF AFRICAN LANGUAGES Published by the OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS for the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AFRICAN LANGUAGES AND CULTURES 22 CRAVEN STREET LONDON, W.C. 2 1930 PRACTICAL ORTHOGRAPHY OF AFRICAN LANGUAGES INTRODUCTION THE first edition of the Practical Orthography of African Languages, consisting of 3,500 copies (3,000 in English and 500 in German) has been sold out within two years. This fact proves that the problem of finding a practical and uniform method of writing African languages has aroused widespread interest, and that the efforts of the Institute towards the solution of the problem have met with considerable response. The second edition is being printed in English, French, and German. 2 Up to the present, the principles of orthography recommended by the Institute have been accepted for the following languages: Fante, Twi, Ga, Ewe on the Gold Coast; Efik, lbo, Yoruba, and partially for Hausa in Nigeria; for Mende, Temne, Soso, Konno, Limba in Sierra Leone; Shilluk, Nuer, Dinka, Bari, Latuko, Madi, and Zande in the Sudan; in Mashonaland it is proposed for a written language to be called Shona, based on the closely related dialects of Karanga, Zezuru, Ndau, Korekore, and Manyika.
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