EUROPEAN COMMISSION GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 101004887 — Rurallure Agreement Between

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EUROPEAN COMMISSION GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 101004887 — Rurallure Agreement Between Grant Agreement number: 101004887 — rurALLURE — H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2018-2019-2020 / H2020- SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2020 Associated with document Ref. Ares(2020)5825534 - 23/10/2020 H2020 General MGA — Multi: v5 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Research Executive Agency Director !"#"$%"&'( ! ! "# $ % & ' ( ) ! '& '& & $ & ) ! *'+, ) -. *+,*---+*.' +*.( (,! */#)( ,0 )* $!0) +1 2',0/0+ 2 1$ 343-5)2 )67485559: 2 * ;: <$ = %3 84 9.+ *,*/*+,,'+ ( ! (( )6#'( !" 9-1 * 1$'197553)2 ):74>?8>3? 3. *+,*-- .. - -*- ' ( ! (( '+) '+ 3 !'#1 1 #+'2 ! +0:( +!0 $ !0$ 10 * 1$'1 975@? ) 2 )697-75-3 @.0 -/*. 1*..+.2'0 ( ! (( / $ 1 10!0#$ (- =0(,0)010!0#$ (A(#,09>398)2 ),9>@5>937 8. *+,*---/. ' -/( ! 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Ares(2020)5825534 - 23/10/2020 H2020 General MGA — Multi: v5 ,-/.-**., .0/., /73 89999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 $'!( -H)#:C !0=" ,$ * +.......................................................................................-- /73:8/*.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 $'!( 9H !'0+0: '*/( * + 1......................................................................................-- $'!( 3H1#$ '0+ +1) $'+,1 0=" !'0+....................................................-- $'!( @H )'* 1:#1, +1:#1, $ +)= $).......................................................-- @.-G ................................................................................................................................ -- @.9G: ..................................................................................................................................-- /73;8999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 $'!( 8H,$ + *0#+=0$*0=,$ +$ '*:#$) * +$ ) +1=0$*)0= !0))............................................................................................................................................-- 8.-G*% .....................................................................................................................-- 8.9G= ....................................................................-- 8.3G= H! .....................................................................................................-9 8.@G$ & H! ....................................................................................... -@ $'!( 4H (',':( +1'+ (',':( !0))................................................................................-@ 4.-G, ........................................................................................ -@ 4.9G) ........................................................................................-8 4.3G! 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