A ONE-DIMENSIONAL IN A MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY MAN Zorjan Hrom'jak A HARD LOOK' ... AT CLARK In press interview late in Clark as a Canadian politician It would be appropriate to December of is briefly 1 977 Joe Clark, leader obligated to recognize and ap- review here the position of other of the Progressive Conservative preciate the historic role that Canadian political pames Party of Canada, and of the opposi- Canadians of European descent with respect to multiculturalism. tion in parliament, suffered again (Ukrainian Canadians included) It is clear that the Liberal Party's policy from his recurring ailment of verbal have played in developing the statements (financial and otherwise) diarrhea. In this particular attack country and consequently the con- area far cry from the lip- service Clark said, "... he would take a hard sciousness of Canada as being they actually pay to look at abolishing the departments uniquely multicultural. demands for the horizontal integra- tion of multiculturalism, of Fitness and Amateur Sports, By logically linking his two or„in other words, the restructuring of social Multiculturalism and Urban Af- statements, one is led to the in- and political power fairs." If the Department of Mul- evitable conclusion that Clark so as to reflect the multi-ethnic and ticulturalism is superfluous for would abolish the department of multicultural nature of Canada. Clark then so is the concept of Multiculturalism or deny the mul- It Is evident from Canada as "bilingual and mul- ticultural aspect of Canada, as the studies carried out by analysts ticultural" a view bitterly fought for result of an anti-European and of Canadian society such as J. Porter by the 30% of Canada's population perhaps some sort of an anti- [The Vertical Mosaic) and P. who are neither English nor French. immigrant chauvinism or ultra- Neumann {The Canadian Elite), More recently, Clark added to conservative defense of the purity and in fact from his simpleton-like image when, in of "pure" Canadians. Canadian census statistics that the demographic multicultural one of his denunciations of Pierre The absurdity of Clark's state- Trudeau reality of English-speaking Canada he referred to Trudeau ment is further amplified when one pejoratively in no way reflected in government, as a "European- considers that it was European Canadian." public and private sectors of in- counterposing his own immigrants over the past 2 to 4 "North dustry. American Canadianism" generations who had the "sense of and the ostensible goodness in- what can be done" and developed The conspicuous absence of herent it minority ethnics on in to Trudeau's tradition. Western Canada, as did their boards of "... You with directors or advisory of grow up a different predecessor's in Eastern Canada, boards various sense there — a sense of what can earlier European immigrants. crown corporations and government be done. A western Canadian These grossly irresponsible institutions and es- carries as a part pecially in the structures of of his natural statements are indicatory of one or power baggage the sense the private sector economy, bear that there are two things. Perhaps Clark is in- things to testament to the very do. The European Cana- capable of continuing as leader ol non- multicultural dian has the sense that many of the the Progressive Conservative Party power profile of things that can be done have been and should therefore immediately Canada. The actual state of done ..." Canada's multicultural minorities or are of immediate European this man's incapability of intelligent be given a vote of non-confidence; One can only conclude that descent, as inferior in thought seems to be the direct opposite of their "sense" and may be dismissed as or if his views go unchallenged by Clark also considers and worth any such talk of "horizontal integra- the vast as men and women! such. Clark's political position and the party, then Canadians ought to number bon of Canadian citizens that Although these two absurd and authority demand further investiga- immediately givethe Conservatives are recent "(CLARK continued emigrants from Europe. vacuous statements are typical of - tion. a vote of non-confidence! on page 13) EXECUTIVE PROBES MULTICULTURAL POLICY Dave SUSK MEETS WITH CAFIKLupul The Minister of State for Mul- the federal Progressive Conser- siderations. ticulturalism. the Honourable Nor- vative Party. First, it is consistent with the PC man Cafik, was invited to attend the Disagreement about the value party's opposition to what it con- recent SUSK Western Conference of the multicultural program sidered unnecessary government and consented to meet with the resulted from a recent interview spending on non-essential SUSK National Executive and othei with Joe Clark in which he stated programs. Secondly, it is in keeping interested individuals on Friday, that he was taking "a hard look at with Clark's view that the federal February 17. Recent developments abolishing the departments of government should remove itself on the federal political scene have Fitness and Amateur Sport, Mul- from areas which the provinces brought the multicultural policy ticulturalism, and Urban Affairs." consider to be exclusively under into the limelight for the first time as [Toronto Star, 30 December 1977). provincial jurisdiction, such as an issue of partisan debate, and the Clark's motivation for this retreat sports, cultural affairs and urban meeting was seen as an opportunity from the Progressive Conservative affairs. Thirdly, the Conservatives to assess Party's the depth of the Liberal original support for mul- have been critical of the political government's commitment to the ticulturalism appear to be based on nature of the multicultural depart- policy in the face of opposition from a number of salient political con- ment, which they view as an instru- ment for disseminating government propaganda to ethnic constituen- cies. Naturally, the Liberals have — ' IN THIS counterattacked. Cafik strongly —— ISM ISSUE criticized Clark's position and L to R; I. Broda (special advisor toCafik^Hon. N. Cafik, A. reiterated the government's central theme in the national unity debate Makuch, (SUSK president). SUSK Western Conference — the necessity of entrenching the and assumptions." pages 8 4 9 minority language teaching aid in concept of two official The participants in question The Undemocratic Community page 4 language in a the the Ukrainian-English bilingual multicultural society. Cafik has and answer session with the Potrebenko - Interview program in Edmonton. Cafik in- & Review stated that, "Multiculturalism Minister attempted get the page 4 may to dicated that he favoured a continua- On Ukrainian well be the key to national unity, if it Minister to commit himself concer- Women page 6 tion of funding for the program, The Art ol Olya Lisowy is to mean anything in the deeply ning the government's future inten- page in personal sense, must be founded on tions specific areas of mul- (CAFIK News Irom the USSR & Eastern Europe page 5 confidence in one's own individual ticultural policy. Questions were continued on Club News identity; out of this can grow raised about specific programs page 14) page 73 respect for that of others and a funded by the government, such as willingness to share ideas, attitudes the federal money allocated to

AND MORE! Because STUDENT is produced entirely by volunteer student labour, only one issue will appear in March -April, in order to allow more time for year-end study. Next issue in May. EDITORIAL CULTURE LIBER ALLES (HOW TO PAY FOR YOUR PYSANKA WITH AN UNEMPLOYMENT CHEQUE) ^» all correspond en to: ^ Please «ddreM The SUSK Western Con- issues in Canada and the world ourselves to these matters if our STUDENT ference, held annually with the which directly affect them, perhaps existence as a "Ukrainian com- sense. if 11246-91 St. intention of developing the 'Ukrai- even more than a Ukrainian Cana- munity" is to make any For Edmonton, Alberta nian student movement,' has come dian 'culture'. the community is held together by little a pronounced 'anti- Canada T6B4A2 and gone. Most of the participants But in his roster of problems to more than {some veteran conference-goers, be solved, Balan failed to mention communism' and a vague sense of STUDENT ia a national trilingual and monthly newspaper lor others new to the sport) returned the crucial problem of overpopula- "Ukrainianism" expressed in a Ukrainian Canadian eta dents, published by the Ukrainian Canadian home from Edmonton 'satisfied.' tion and a booming birth rate in the slavish devotion to language and StadenU' Union ISUSKI. Countries, in which 'culture', then is there any basis for The conference was 'nice ' They Third World heard several presentations on over half of thepopulation is only its continued existence? What is the STUDENT » a forum for fact and opinion reflecting tfce Interests of various aspects of the Ukrainian now entering in to the period of "Ukrainian community" and where with its history of does it stand on unemployment, Ukrainian Canadian atodenta on various topics —social, cultural, 'culture' in Canada, partied a bit and fertility. Canada, of immigrant settlement and despite Quebec, the RCMP and political poBUeal and religious. even got in a good dose student erect racial repression in Chile? WSuld answer- 'politicking.' Yet it is doubtful government attempts to whether the conference had barriers, will at some point in the not ing these questions explain why The opinions and thoughts expressed In STUDENT represent the more than a fleeting too distant future be faced with an 'unity' among Ukrainians in Canada Canadian student anything particular situation In which the Ukrainian from is more fiction than fact? impact on its participants. increasing inflow of people finds itself, both witfam the Ukrainian Canadian com- the tragedy of our movement Throughout the conference it these countries, where The community Opinions expressed to individual their is that it has been polarized to munity and within Canadian society. became apparent that its theme, economy cannot sustain even an will more 'antr- signed articles are not necessarily those of the Ukrainian Canadian "Culture in Context: Ukrainian present population (which extreme between the Stndenta* Union or of the STUDENT editorial board. Canadians Today" did not lend than double w/f/j/n our lifetime.) communist' nationalist and alleged- ly 'anti-capitalist' communist itself well to concrete analysis and The Ukrainian Canadian com- related to munity. But people caught in the firm resolution. Instead it left one 'culture' in fact is directly Letters to the editor are wekoss . reserve the right to edit middle to wondering (which is not a bad thing this problem in that one of the tasks have nowhere go. Those materials for publication. to the right of center are in itself) what is Ukrainian Canadian of Ukrainians in Canada should be repulsed by to establish the Ukrainian 'fact' as a both the 'leftist' stance of the STUDENT STAFF 'culture,' it it does indeed exist, and identity Ukrainian 'communists' and the how is it expressed? Does buying a viable part of the Canadian doctrinaire nationalism of the copy of "Veriovka" only if one has (which is still quite nebulous). In EDITOR-IN-CHIEF —Nestor Makuch 'nationalists'. to left of enough money left over after essence this means conclusively Those the ASSISTANT EDITORS - Marlike Hryn, Yurly Stebelsky buying the newest "BTO" album settling the issue of majority- center are repulsed by both the identify one as a participant in this minority relations. Forifwedon'tdo 'rightist' stance of the Ukrainian immigrations will 'nationalists' and the toadyish pro- STAFF THIS cult? Does one become a Ukrainian this now, future ISSUE Soviet by giving a "Ukrainian" gift on inevitably exacerbate present levels position of the Ukrainian birthdays, and at Christmas, instead of racial tension and intolerance in 'communists. Neither of these alienated elements have anywhere Jars Balan Olenka Lupul of a paint-by-numbers kit, a pair of Canada, which will be of benefit to cannot Rocky Barsky Sharon Malchuk slippers or a subscription to nobody. The migration from the to go and function within the already started. organized Ukrainian 'community.' Bohdan Chomiak Andrij Makuch Readers Digest? If one accepts the Third World has the Both are apalled that the communi- Bohdan H. Thomas Nahachewsky premise that a culture is something England is already experiencing 'represents' Zorjan Hrom'jak Kathy Polushin which affects one on a daily basis "legacy of the Empire" as East ty them. should Mykhailo llyniak Irl-. a Scharabun and in all forms of one's existence, Indiansand black Africans settle in SUSK not only address Ivan Jaworsky Toad then could not the Ukrainain Cana- its proud communities. And the itself seriously to issues of general Daria Luciw dian 'culture' be more appropriately British upper lip curls menacingly at concern but should also cooperate termed the Ukrainian Canadian the sight of a mosque on its 'prim fully with other 'aware' elements 'hobby'? and proper' streets — their 'blue amongst Ukrainains in Canada, in A dissenting voice was heard at blood' boils to the point of violence. movements which have already the conference. During his presen- But Balan's point is well taken. started to create organizational tation. Jars Balan appealed to The downfall of the Ukrainian forms which will allow a viable Ukrainian students not to bury their community can be directly at- alternative to existent community LETTERS TO heads in the sand of Ukrainian tributed lo its "ostrich-like" ap- structures, many of which are language and 'culture' but to take an proach to issues of general con- already on their deathbeds. For active position on much weightier cern. We,, as members of the after SUSK, where does one go? THE EDITOR political, social and economic community at large must address N M. "their stuff." Blind adherence to Ukrainian in Grades 10-13. Most of occupied with prestigious "In- 19th century anthropological CONCERN FOR them enjoy reading STUDENT stitutes" and "Chairs" of Ukrainian nationalism has to THE RIGHT TO KNOW done them what especially the Canadian content. studies. However, these will affect

Hornovai warned about. I challenge FUTURE Your editorial on the retention of the only a handful of graduate students. In the December 1977 edition of any of them to produce analysis an was very good In the meantime we are losing your newspaper you published even half as thorough as the short further discussion is STUDENTS but required. hundreds of students in their for- excerpts from the article Young presentation by M. Bojcun in the Unfortunately, not enough atten- mative years. Marxists do their stuff (which 1977 issue Congratulations December of STUDENT. on a well- tion has been paid to the quality of Wishing you success, originally appeared in SVOBODA- thank you written and well-edited newspaper. language instruction in the elemen- George Duravetz ed.). I was infuriated upon reading I. Golota have 130 students We here at tary and secondary school system. Humberside Collegiate such dribble. Paris nberside Collegiate studying The community seems to be pre- Once, Toronto, Ontario OUN-UPA was a prin- =iiliHllllltlllllffllll||||||||||||iuilllllliniimi|||llllHHIIIIHIII! cipled revolutionary organization fighting for a classless society with social ownership of the means of production. Since then, it has = degenerated into a lunatic right- tow a good deal \ wing fringe group infiltrated by the KGB. Once, OUN-UPA did not obligate its members to adhere to SUBSCRIBE! either idealistic or materialistic ideologies. In the words of Osyp —If you are a paid member ol any Ukrainian Hornovai one of the major Students' Club (SUSK) in Canada, then ideologists of the movement in the you will be receiving STUDENT regularly. 1940's, a political movement could —It you are not a member, then you stand to miss several issues ot STUDENT this develop only if it advanced together with learning. According to Hor- year. novai materialism, like idealism, could by definition only be DON'T BE DISAPPOINTEDI applicable to sciences, and by ACT NOWI SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE adhering to neither, it would be ONLY J3JJ0 PER YEAR. MONTHLY PUBLICATION. possible to take advantage of the discoveries of both. It may be added that Hornovai distinguished clearly between the dialectical-materialism of Marx and the "dialectical- materialism" of Stalin. Since then, those who refer to themselves as the hiers of OUN-UPA have forgotten •HMMMMMW••••••• this aspect of their past, and as a Please send me STUDENT. result have become more "anti- Enclosed Is £3.00 (cheque or order). marxist" than Ukrainian. money The ignorant zealot who wrote Foreign rates—$4.00 In Canadian funds. the article in question could be Send to: ignored if not for the fact that the rubbish he writes is propogated amongst an all too great a number STUDENT of Ukrainians. Full of willful mis- 11246-91 Street ADDRESS, representation and subjective Edmonton, Alberta catch-all phrases, it is designed to work on fear and emotion. Ukrai- CANADA TSB 4A2 CITY nian marxists use such articles for il jokes, and fortunately the number :r of people who listen to the right- POSTAL CODE wing diatribes are decreasing. The people who call themselves the hiers of OUN-UPA today cannot do iiMiiiiiimiisiiiiiirsiiiiiiiiiniiiitiitiiniinniitiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiitiiMiitifiiifMHiiMiftiiiiifitfniiiifiifnifii.^

Page 2: STUDENT, March/April, 1978 THE UKRAINIAN COMMUNITY IS UNDEMOCRATIC Andriy Semotiuk Much has been said recently about the necessity 10. It is not democratic because our constitutional make- to they occupy, virtually dominate the entire revitalize the Ukrainian up, and widely community. The community. It is STUDENT'S accepted norms of procedure are either names intention to of Ukrainian leaders today are the very same as they open its pages to discussion on this issue The unknown, or not followed without sanction. following were 30 years ago. For example, consider the following article will 11. It is not serve'to introduce our readers to some democratic because our leadership is of surnames: Kushnir, Yaremovych, Plawiuk, the basic issues and wilt financially irresponsible. Malashchuk, hopefully generate an articulate Solomon, response from Snihorovych, Lesawyer, Bilinsky, Dobriansky concerned groupings in the Ukrainian 12. It is not democratic because it makes no effort to >• community. etc. reassure the community that its good faith trustingly We have said the community is not democratic vested in the leadership is not being abused, or in other because voting is not based on the principle of one-man- Four and a Half Years ol Struggle words, because it makes no effort Against Lies, even to appear one-vote, and is not universal. For example, voting is based Stupidity and Cowardice — this was what Adolf Hitler democratic. on organizations in the national presidium of the Ukrainian originally wanted to call his book until his publisher These factors most certainly have contributed to our Canadian Committee, and even here votes do not suggested the name "Mein Kampf.'lt is tempting to depict decline as an emigre community. The last census showed correspond to organizational size or proportions the impediments that have hamstrung Ukrainian develop- that there are over 650,000 Ukrainians in Canada, but only of dues paid. Voting is virtually meaningless because the so-called ment over the last 30 years in the same way. Butthen Hitler about half of these speak the Ukrainian language. In fact 'big six' organizations in the Ukrainian Canadian Com- vied for the destruction of any democracy that existed in even fewer Ukrainians are in any way linked with the mittee have veto powers. the Weimar Republic whereas we have come here to speak organized part of the Ukrainian-Canadian population. We have said it is not democratic because leaders in favour of democracy in Perhaps the best indication of our strength here are our community. are the not chosen by direct vote. For example, during the last These are hard times for the Ukrainian culture — the circulation figures for the largest Ukrainian newspapers — congress of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians held in Ukrainian song, symbol of the depths of the Ukrainian assuming that an active Ukrainian would be one who keeps Toronto in 1972, while the supposed electorate waited in spirit is slowly waning. The of its lyrics once to himself informed about Ukrainian affairs. Svoboda, (he sound able hall, one the representatives of the 'big'six' organizations in stir our innermost largest Ukrainian daily newspaper in the West has a feelings, today can barely be the so-called circulation nominating committee were appointing the remembered by our distant, sleepy emigre community. In of 20,000. In Canada, if I am not mistaken, the new executive behind closed doors. What essential , after three tumultuous centuries of predatory Canadian Farmer had the largest circulation of 10,000. difference is there Facts between these elections and elections of persecution all that remains is the song's faint echo such as those cited above disclose the grim the communist party m the U.S.S.R.? haunting the Ukrainian steppes and Carpathian mountain reality of Ukrainian organized life. Our community's We have said our community is undemocratic because tops. As our ranks continue to be depleted from day to day undemocratic character serves to isolate us from an the rank and file are essentially democratic dissident seldom consulted on even fundamen- one wonders who will carry the tune tomorrow? If the movement in Ukraine, tal issues concerning them. Forexample, compromises integrity in when was the last colorful Ukrainian melody is not to be lost forever we must our the eyes of our fellow citizens time you were consulted or even-had an opportunity to act today: not one ounce of energy can be misdirected, not in the countries in which we live, and alienates us from our express yourself on an important issue facing the youth. all points of view it com- one cent wasted, nol one moment lost. The time for empty From is a losing proposition. munity? To give an even more specific example, recently phrases lamenting the Ukrainian tragedy has long since But assuming for the moment that our status quo representatives of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee in community framework is in crisis, can we not rest our your name presented your position on the question of Even under ideal conditions we face a herculean task. hopes in our youth or others putting forward other Canadian Unity to a Federal Task Force holding hearings To evolve a consensus on general goals and then to pursue solutions to our problems? Unfortunately no. Essentially across Canada. Do you know what your position is? In them unrelentlessly is a formidable task for any society. the bitter pill we must take is that there is no democratic -other words when our leadership wants to know what our But the undemocratic character of our community harvest to reap, only some authoritarian weeds seem to views are, they'll tell us what they are. structures evokes a feeling of hopelessness in the hearts of have survived our exile in this foreign wilderness. Instead We have said our community is undemocratic because many of our community members. Rather of saving our community these people are digging its than accepting a Ukrainian papers run by our leaders censor and sometimes liberalization in our community's evolution have grave. Instead of carrying the baton on the next lap, they we even fabricate news. For example, there have been allowed ourselves to be paralyzed by a kind of cynical have become lackeys of a Fourth International — an instances of press communiques issued by the Information realism which surrenders our hopes into the hands of organization formed by the very man under whose Service of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians that were mediocrity and incompetence. Dominated by such an leadership the Soviet Red Army smothered Ukrainian completely mutilated by newspaper editors, with -parts attitude, efforts to liberalize and open up our institutions blocked out, yet published as if they were completely are met with scorn and remonstrations against an apparent ingratitude for the long years of dedication on the part of our beleaguered and worn-out leadership. "

Yet it is one thing to say our community should be democratic efforts from 1917-1922. But that is a different untouched. There have been occasions where our com-

democratic and quite another to make it democratic. For story and for now we must return to consider our munity leaders have simply instructed newspapers under one thing the concept of democracy is constantly community as it is. their control not to publish certain materials of importance changing — one could say for example, that the democracy Of course without supporting facts, the accusations to the community in general, in some cases because these of Cossack Sich is certainly crude by today's standards, we have set out are meaningless. Let us therefore now materials implicated the individuals involved in some

though it was far advanced during its day. When consider some of the evidence on which these allegations negative way. have been based. democratic theory is applied to contemporary reality clear We have said our community is undemocratic because key black and white distinctions blur into greys. Nevertheless, We have said that the community is undemocratic decisions are made by elite groups or individuals behind certain general principles of democratic theory serve to because it does not have a leadership 'of the people, by the closed doors without public consultation or discussion. people, for people.' fact is that there guide our way through an analysis of our community. And the The is a lack of For example, at the last World Congress of Free Ukrainians access for individuals even to meetings in our community. that is the purpose of this discussion — to consider how Congress in Toronto, a certain individual from one of the Forexample, in the World Congress ot Free Ukrainians, divergent our community structure is from a democratic for 'Big Six' organizations orchestrated many of the decisions the last three years there been a struggle structure. has waged over that were made at the Congress without leaving his hotel We who took the initiative to spark this discussion, a whether members of national organizations have the right room, through the use of his underlings who reported to to attend meetings of the presidium albeit even though they tew individuals with no particular organizational loyalties him and took part in the Congress as he saw fit. not have the right vote. similar parallel exists with or hidden sinister motivations, publicly allege that the do to A We have said the community is undemocratic because Ukrainian community is undemocratic. More specifically regional organizations and the Ukrainian Canadian decisions of our highest governing bodies are often our charge can be broken down as follows: Committee. Yet these very same organizations and people ignored or sidestepped by those obligated to implement are for their membership dues. 1. The Ukrainian community is not democratic because it chastized not paying them. For example, the highest organ of Ukrainians in does not have a leadership 'of the people, by the people and We have said that the community is undemocratic Canada — the congress of the Ukrainian Canadian ' tor the pedple. because a small minority of individuals, not voted into the Committee appointed a Constitutional Commission to 2. It is not democratic because Ukrainian leaders are not positions they occupy, virtually dominate the entire prepare suggestions for changes of the UCC structure to responsible to the very people they purport to represent. community. In a democratic society the leadership, when be submitted at the recently held congress in Winnipeg. 3. It is not democratic because a small minority of faced with a crucial issue or after a period in office, goes to But when Mr. Peter Savaryn. the chairman of the individuals, not voted into the positions they occupy, the people for a new mandate in the form of free elections. Commission attempted'to present his recommendations, virtually dominate the entire community. But in our community even when there is an obvious they were blocked by the executive of the UCC. 4. It is not democratic because voting is not based on the indication of a lack of confidence in the leadership, it does We have said that the community is not democratic principle ol one-man-one-vote and is not universal. not step down, and there is no way of removing it. For because our constitutional make-up and widely accepted 5. It is not democratic because leaders are not chosen by example, when Prime Minister Trudeau met represen- norms of procedure are either unknown, or not followed

direct vote. tatives of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee alter he drew without sanction. For example, it is virtually impossible to 6. It Is not democratic because the rank and file are an unfortunate analogy between Ukrainian dissidents and obtain a copy of the constitution of the Ukrainian Canadian F.L.Q. of seldonly consulted on even fundamental issues concer- terrorists in 1971, there was an obvious lack Committee because it seems that hardly anyone knows held in ning them. confidence subsequently visible in a meeting which instruments make it up. Honest attempts to make 7. It is not democratic because Ukrainian papers run by our Toronto to review the situation. It would not be difficult to constitutional changes are frustrated by inconspicuous leaders censor and sometimes even fabricate news. show that the sentiments expressed in Toronto were clauses which subsequently are used by the executive to by S. It is not democratic because key decisions are made by shared the rank and file of the Ukrainian community thwart these efforts by pointing out six month notice elite groups or individuals behind closed doors without from coast to coast. Yet individuals like Rev. Dr. Kushnir, public consultation and discussion. Dr. Kalba, and Mr. Yaremovych remained in office virtually decisions without reproach. 9. It is not democratic because of our highest (UNDEMOCRATIC con- or We have said the community is undemocratic because governing bodies are often ignored sidestepped by on those obligated to implement them. a small minority ot individuals, not voted into the positions tinued page 14)

STUDENT, March/April, 1978: page 3 Andrij Makuch STUDENT INTERVIEW POTREBENKO: HOW WIDE THE STREETS? in the Ukraine is Helen Polrebenko. a native Albertan, is an office worker direction. The solution for what happens going to be done by currently residing in Vancouver. Her book, No Streets of going to happen in the Ukraine: it's not consider themselves Gold, (New Star Books 1977) is one of three books a whole lot of exiles or people who where all from and because of published last year on Ukrainians in Canada elicited mixed exiles. Because of we came Ms. think it's necessary all sorts of support reactions from the community. STUDENT here seeks our history, I we do as Ukrainians. Potrebenko's views on her book and the community in actions as brothers and sisters, but not general. We're too far away from the problem. STUDENT: What motivated you to write a history of STUDENT: The mystical ties with the Old Country is a very Ukrainians in Alberta? as sustaining force. What sort of support do you see happened. possible? POTREBENKO: Well, several different things friends called the Corrective One was that a group of my your group bringing Plyushch in is about POTREBENKO: I think Collective were writing several different books a There was a short-lived magazine called bit about Ukrainian good example. women's work in Canada, so I read a Meta that was interesting in terms of discussion. But, apart feed them some information which women in Canada to groups that are in existence really from those groups, most of the During that time I was they ultimately never used. matter what the facts are. things about now have a line and push it no getting interested and finding out all sorts of They're not interested in disseminating information about About the same time my father I had never heard. which interested in finding out for write a long the Ukraine, they're not applying for his pension and I had to was themselves what's happened — what's really happening, letter why he didn't have a birth explanatory about about what Ukrainian evidence of they're not interested in finding out certificate, a marriage certificate, or any other people in the Ukraine think. They simply have a line and told me as a result turned out to identification. The story he have both hang onto it. It seems to me that it's necessary to Streets ot Gold. I applied for a be the first chapter of No the middle road between the two lines and some sort of a Council grant to do research about Ukrainians in Canada actually get information time you couldn't get group through which we can got it for one year. At that Canada and to that about what is happening in the Ukraine. I have say Ukrainian Canadians. I information about how it was for Zhytlia Slovo certainly doesn't do that. It gives you these planning to do a proper academic history told them I wasn't eulogies that everylhing's perfect and fine. It's simply not think those had very much value. anyhow because I didn't perfect and not that fine I'd like to see a bit more hard really shocking, stunning, and that — Everything I learned was than eulogies. — around asking people indignantly and fast fact interesting I would go nobody else did "Did you know this?", and found that our wasgoingtohavetogo STUDENT: Have you noticed a growing interest in either. So. itseemed likesomebody . society in the concept of ethnicity, largely as a realization and research it. oul has been or is ... It seems to me that we have not been allowed to learn by latter generations of the value ol what Gold? being lost with time? STUDENT: How would you describe No Streets of our history ...

stress the fact that Ukrainians played an more to do with a stage in Canadian STUDENT: You POTREBENKO: I think it has book I wrote is a POTREBENKO: I think the integral part in the formation ol the Canadian left, but never time of real despair for all to people in Canada Canadian history. This is a I has more relevance history book. have affected its deal with what manner they may Canadians and it's hard to tell in which direction we're now the Ukraine. Many Ukrainians seem to think they than in matter of they're not part of a character. heading. Ukrainians seem to mystify it as a exist in an island by themselves, that of direction. Everybody has not been identify, but I think it's a matter It seems to me that we have larger society. role of Ukrainians — POTREBENKO: I don't see the or other be it some sort of mystical affinities for something allowed to learn our history — be it Canadian or specifically as Ukrainians in the Canadian left. They have a especially during dad said, you can't build a some people go find it in the bush — Ukrainian Canadian. It's like my different set of role as Canadians with a somewhat so obviously disintegrating. I don't know your past. Look at union history, troubled timeswhensocietyis future if you point about Ukrainians in experiences. I think the main don't like the romanticization of ethnicity thal's occurring for example, and how much of it has been suppressed. It's Canada is that more of them are farmers and labourers than romantic notion but now — I don't think it should be a to blame unions for inflation if all that you know so easy more likely to most other nationalities and, therefore, the're simply factual and formulative. We've got to know where about them is that they're bad. There's almost no common be left-wingers and more likely to be involved in union- ways to find out where we're knowledge of the history of the working people in trying to we're going and one of the organizing. where we've been. By doing a mystical build these unions. going is to find out search for one's forebearers and one's roots isn't going to STUDENT: How do you view multiculturalism as an official self-indulgent diversion STUDENT: Because ol the left-wing perspective in your help at all. It's just a diversion, a policy? with real life. book, did you have any problems in getting it published? •which has nothinglin common

think it's a rip-oft ot the French POTREBENKO: \ basically STUDENT: You seem to be reverting to a trend of thought I had problems even before this. \ phoned POTREBENKO; straightforward. On the one started writing in 1972 Canadians. But it's not that which places ethnicity as simply a diversion along the path up James MacGregor when f first hand multiculturalism is really good because it recognizes people's ultimate aim-ol complete social liberation. he said that he had written a book about Ukrainians in of a and other than the French or cover publication the contribution made by peoples Alberta and that it hadn't sold enough to other hand, the whole bally-hoo about POTREBENKO: No, that's not true! You don't ignore start. There wasn't that "English. On the It a discouraging place to costs. was romanticize it. The interviews multiculturalism came at a time when it could downplay the ethnicity, but neither do you out now. I thought I had same wave of stuff that's coming romantic trip importance of the French Canadians. So, the government I've seen with Myrna Kostash have this heavy better start approaching publishers really soon. Within a Myrna's head, and I don't believe book seems to be using multiculturalism — which was a good that's happening inside telling him I was writing a year l had contacted Hurtig I think it's happening idea — in a bad fashion. What it's ended up at this point is it's happening inside Myrna's head. about Ukrainians in Alberta and was hoping to send him a out here in our society. It's not just relevant to Myrna and that being a Liberal patronage game. manuscript to see if he was interested. I got a reply — her search for her roots. Hurtig intended to be a national.publisher and that he didn't STUDENT: How do you view various AUUC positions want to publish any more books about Alberta. This was in here I'm thinking vis-a-vis the Soviet Union and Soviet STUDENT: Canadian society is becoming more mystical? a conversation with a woman in his office. I asked her who dissidents such as . was going to publish books about Alberta. She said it was a POTREBENKO: Yes. There are all sorts of things in books about Alberta considerly new policy: no one was interested POTREBENKO: I think that the AUUC has been happening since the sixties when the dominant feeling was

manuscript, I got — or Ukrainians. After I had a readable depoliticized. Here I'm talking as an observer, and not as an that every individual has a right to freedom and every

several places. Uniformly, I got a public statements they hedge form rejection letters from insider. I think that in their country has a right to self-determination. response that the subject was of no interest. I finally got the question of and talk their way around in but it was their the book, I some publishers who were interested it rather than talk about it. So, wouldn't know what STUDENT: it's interesting to tie in the relationship it great book a really weird situation. They thought was a real policy is. In public they defend the Soviet Union but between the concepts ot a Ukrainian identity and the

wrong and the way I I think but it was too long and the subject was ignore a lot of other things. I guess mainly what terment ot the sixties. For the longest time Ukrainian ideas and told me of described it was wrong. UBC Press phoned me about the AUUC is that to a large degree, in terms hadpreceeded the sixties, and when the time came that this accidently — because I must aren't it was greal material, but quite politics, it's irrelevant. The groups are small and they sort of thinking was desireable, much ot it had dissipated as

— I it seem like the it have been an amateur writer had made particularly active politically. That may be a good thing, its roots had disintegrated. of its policies weren't very government Canada and may be a Dad thing — I don't know.

I insofar as lost the desireable. Much to their great revelation I told them had POTREBENKO: Only desireable having the - did.l never have — intended to do that. New Star finally printed book STUDENT: Similar criticisms have been made about other idea of Ukrainianness if anybody ever Star prints books no one else will having nothing to replace it. Then you are going to simply because New Ukrainian organizations. I wonder il you foresee the and in terms of aimless, directionless society. print. Interestingly enough, it's the best book possibility or the desireability of Ukrainian organizations miss it because we live in an have it sales that New Star has had to date. (Ed. Note: about 1200 orienting themselves along completely different lines than If you lose the one thing you consider valuable and

here I valuable, then you never copies ot an initial run of 2,000 have been sold.] Even those now existing. replaced by something equally had to do a certain amount of self-censorship. For notice the loss of the first thing. But, if in losing your example, any words used emotionally in context with the when Ukrainian Ukrainianness, you become part of this aimless, direc- POTREBENKO: I would like to see the day Communist Party had to be taken out. This meant Canadian organizations would spend less time worrying tionless society where everyone's preaching drugs and substituting words like "theory" for "propaganda" and so about Ukraine and worry more about what's happening in booze, then you're bound to say, "Hey, I lost something on. heading in that back along the way" and start looking for it again. Canada. I think the AUUC is one that's REVIEW Bohdan Chomiak "NO STREETS OF GOLD" -A REVIEW What is missing from her conclu- No Streets ol Gold; A Social History the first two waves ol immigrants is problems through ample reference to distinguish between claims she of the of Ukrainians in Alberta by Helen stimulating, although her writing to individual memoirs, but barely makes. At times she claims that the sion is an explanation why defen- Polrebenko (New Star Books. 1977, obscures the value of her evidence, sustains a primitive pathos because C.P.R. bought and controlled the capitalist system provoked a other times sive reaction in the first place. It 311 pp.) draws mechanistic conclusions and of sloppy analysis, banalities and government, while at mutilates logic, sentence, and pecadillos. she claims that the government should also have explained why the community still main- No Streets of Gold will reward structure. Her concluding account Potrebenko's account of the owned and financed the C.P.R. Ukrainian in the face of and/or exasperate the reader For of the last immigration, however, is Ukrainian community's struggle The book's major problem is tains social aspirations environment. This the Ukrainian student and the extremely sparse and appears more with the capitalist economic system the banality of Potrebenko's con- a negative social discuss critically the socially aware the material covered as a concession to the fact that the is a case in point. She begins by clusion concerning the conflict of failure to of Ukrainian social is new and provocative. For others, Ukrainians still exist, rather than as describing the repressive social interests between the immigrants consequences glaring weakness. the book could prove to be irrele- a synthesis and summation. conditions that the immigrants left and the capitalist system, which history is a draw satisfactory vant and contusing. Potrebenko's theme is the behind, in order to illustrate the claims that the defensive social Her failure to concerning the The problem is not that the struggle of the Ukrainian communi- social aspirations and slruclures structures the immigrants es- conclusions and the Ukrainian social history of Ukrainians in ty and people within a hostile that they brought wilh them. She tablished were aggressively capitalist system Alberta is irrelevant or old hat. environment and repressive social then proceeds to contrast the destroyed by the capitalist system Rather, the problem with the book is conditions. Her development of this aspirations of this community with and state. To some this conclusion (POTREBENKO con- its theme maintains skillful balance those of the may come as a surprise, but to tailure to bring this history to life. a federal government and tinued on page 13) Potrebenko's graphic description of between environmental and social its tool the C.P.R. However, she fails others this is hardly a revelation.


Moscow, Turchin is currently in the sale, use, maintenance, and INDEPENDENT TRADE West with his two sons and wife. Of registration of printing presses, CHARTER 77 OPPOSES IN USSR UNIONISTS ARRESTED OPPOSITION the original ten founders of reproduction equipment, type and WIDENS Amnesty's Moscow branch, at least matrices. This decree allows the BAN five are in prison and three have authorities to impound any printing Vladimir Klebanov, a Donbass Kronid Lubarsky, a Soviet been exiled. equipment. Charter 77 spokespersons sent miner, and several other Soviet human rights activist who has an open letter to a Conference recently arrived in the West, stated held in protest of the GDR workers were arrested on February DOCUMENT IN 7th in Moscow. Their crime? To that the democratic opposition NUP government's decree banning "in- movement in the USSR has widen- 'radicals' from employment in the have attempted to form an ORLOV TO BE TRIED WEST dependent trade union" to defend ed its scope of activity to include public services. The Chartrists' the elementary rights of workers in broad layers of Soviet society, An eleven-page document letter supported the objectives of marking the the conference and drew a parallel the USSR. The "Trade Union tor the beyond the small circles of intellec- On February 6th, Soviet prepared in 1976 and of the Armenian with similar practices in Defense of the Rights of Workers," tuals in the main cities. In an authorities disclosed that they will 10th anniversary Party has reached Czechoslovakia, The Chartrists as the group was called, was formed interview with Labour Focus on press serious criminal charges National United presents shared the conference's view tlqat on January 26th. 1977. Eventually, Eastern Europe (to be published in against Dr. , the detained the West. The document and program of the exclusion of certain categories over 200 workers signed their their forthcoming issue) Lubarsky human rights activist. Orlov now Ihe history, statutes of persons from political founding document, pledging discusses the history of the faces charges of "anti-soviet agita- this group, which calls for an jobs on From 1967 to grounds endangered the develop- adherence to the new trade union. democratic opposition since the tion and propaganda" which carries independent Armenia. involving ment of democratic liberties. (See Bulletin No. 3 for an account of mid-1 960's. a maximum penalty of seven years 1975, there were 18 trials organization. Over the formation of the trade union. imprisonment. Orlov has been held members of this On February 7th, Klebanov was incommunicado since his arrest 50 Armenians were sentenced to periods ranging arrested at the Tekstilshchiki metro one year ago. imprisonment for under FREE SPEECH from six months to 10 years of exit in Moscow, and brought POLISH DISSIDENT guard to Hospital Number 7 in IN ACTION imprisonment. Moscow, and then flown to his The Armenian National United BEATEN official native republic. Ukraine. He is now Party has attempted lo gain GINZBURG legal organization held in a psychiatric hospital Vladimir Rozhestvov, 40, civil recognition as a being Michnik, Polish dissident in late 1973. The group standstor a Adam in the city of Donets'k in complete engineer was sentenced since family of the imprisoned solution to the problems in and historian, was beaten and isolation and under strict sur- November, to an indefinite term in a The political Ginzburg, rejects the use of detained by the Polish police on veillance. psychiatric hospital because he dissident, Alexander has Armenia, and 11th. The Polish Public goals. It calls for a February For Klebanov, this will be his "voiced dissatisfaction with the been informed that Ginzburg's force to attain its Self-Defence Committee stated that Donest'k Soviet Union and approval of the period of detention for investigation United Nations-supervised referen- second 'visit' to the police 3rd. decide the fate of Armenia. on the previous evening, the He was incarcerated for a Western way of lite." He was found has heen extended until May dum to asylum. gas in an attempt to "anti- Ginzburg faces charges of anti- These demands have been publish- used tear four year period in the past for guilty by court in Kaluga of leaflets and prevent Michnik from giving a conditions soviet slander." The list of ac- Soviet agitation and propaganda. ed in a number of protesting poor working of com- included journals which the group produces lecture on 'Thirty years and lack of proper safety measures cusations against him in up to munist rule in Poland.'- Ap- where he worked. listening to foreign radio broad- and distributes editions of in the coal mines proximately one hundred students member of the casts and talking about shortages in 10.000 copies. Another gathered to hear Michnik's lecture workers' group, Varvara stores, and workers' wages. LITHUANIA in a private apartment. Police were was also arrested in Kucherenko, ROMANIAN unable lo arrest the historian when Moscow, and since February 1 1th At most, only 3 members re- the students formed a protective has been held in Moscow Hospital him main active in the Lithuanian ASSIMILATION circle around him and escorted No. 13. to another apartment. Helsinki Group, since the arrest of a former member Soviet dissident sources have GEORGIAN ARRESTS Karoly Kiraly, Victoras Petkus and Antanas Central Com- reported that other workers who of the Romanian Terleckas, last August. expressed grave con- belonged to the independent trade mittee, has two more intensifying campaign unions have been interned in psy- The KGB arrested cern over an Georgian Helsinki enforce the assimilation of the YUGOSLAVS chiatric hospitals in various parts of members of the to in January. ethnic minority in the USSR. nMonitoring. GroupJate Hungarian RELEASED They are Viktor Rtskhiladze, an art Romania. In a letter addressed to historian and Grigory Goldshtetn. SUICIDE the party leaders, Kiraly called on the The charges against Rtskhiladze them to carry out the promises Mihajlo Mihajlov, 42. dissident writer, was are unknown. Goldshtein was made ten years ago whereby all Yugoslav prison last charged with "parasitism." Josef Kazik, a 22-year old nationalities would be guaranteed released from YUGOSLAVS PROTEST with 722 other worker from Chomutov, committed the exercise of their ethnic rights. November, along after refusing to do his 2 estimates, men and women. Mihajlov was A former minister in the suicide According to official years' military service. Kazik's million ethnic sentenced in February. 1975 to of the largest protest Georgian Ministry of Culture, Viktor there are two One imprisonment for funeral was interrupted by the Hungarians living in Romania, most seven years of demonstrations, since the student Rtskhiladze, has recently been police who confiscated the inscrip- in Tran- publishing articles in the Western 1968-72. took place last arrested in Tbilissi. Rtskhiladze, a of whom are concentrated strikes of those released was tion bands on his wreaths and sylvania. Kiraly has represented press. Among October, in response to police member of the Georgian group to refused to allow friends to carry his National Assembly also the Croate. Marko Veselica, worker in Zagreb. Promote the Observance of the them in the brutality of a tram for coffin to the grave. states that children who was sentenced in 1971 Transport workers of the Zagreb Helsinki Agreement, was dismissed since 1969. He studying in their allegedly trying to change a Croa- (ZET) went on from his post after protesting the are prevented from Electric Tramways organization into a cave native language, and that the tian cultural strike in protest of the police destruction of an ancient promise of providing vocational socialist party. brutality towards one of their fellow monastery in southeastern schools with tuition in workers after a police cruiser had Georgia. Two other members of the CRACKDOWN ON secondary — the Hungarian language, has not collided with a tram on the morning group have also been arrested PRINTING been kept. In 1976, the government of October 28th. Several hundred and Merab passed a decree which in effect workers struck, demanding that Kostava. CZECHS TRIED meant the liquidation of the those responsible for the brutality A decree further restricting the Hungarian language colleges, in be punished. The bureaucracy Six youths were tried on printing presses in the Soviet Transylvania. Recently, cities with a immediately responded by meeting use of southern July been forc- December 12th, in com- Union was passed last in Hungarian majority have the workers' demands. The NEW AMNESTY HEAD Bohemia, in connection with the Moscow. The decree lays down ed to accept Romanian mayors. manding officer and his second-in- August 1977 clash between 1200 clear and highly restrictive Furthermore, the use of the of the police station were the police in the command at party, trade demonstrators and writer, has guidelines for setting up and run- Hungarian language brought to trial on December 11th. George Vladimov, This is the second engrav- meetings has been village of Kdyne. as head ning printing, stamping and union and other and were charged with abusing replaced trial of persons arrested last August, in ing works, and for the acquisition, severely restricted. their powers of Amnesty International & MATUSEVYCH ON TRIAL MARYNOVYCH am PPFAI TO ALL According to the Soviet academician , AN APPEAL TO ALL Mykola Matusevych, a member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Monitoring Group, has been expelled from the court in which INDIVIDUALS small CONCERNED he was being tried. The trial is taking place in Vasylkiv, a and Marynovych has been the south of Kiev, capital of Ukraine, and began on A campaign for the defence of Matusevych town to Canadian Students Union underway for several months now. The Ukrainian March 23. Joseph B. Pomerant, (SUSK) has retained a renowned human rights attorney, Matusevych, a 28 year old history student, is being Matusevych, arrested Mykola Q C to represent and Mykola a 30 year old to Promote the tried together with Myroslav Marynovych, members of the Kiev-based Ukrainian Public Group Director of the Civil electrical engineer who is also a member of the Ukrainian Implementation of the Helsinki Accords. Pomerant is the wide repute. Other oppositionists Group. Matusevych was led out of the Liberties Union of Canada and a lawyer of Helsinki Monitoring - Lukianenko by Geoffry respect" the court. are also being represented by Western lawyers courtroom after showing a "lack of for by Ramsay Weiner, Ginzburg by Edward Bennet Williams, Rudenko and Tykhy Sakharov that Matusevychs lawyer had not been added Clark. Orlov by J. McDonald. _ not present during the trial. plight of Soviet notified in advance and that he was We are appealing to all those concerned with the forward your donation The parents of the two accused, who have been called in to dissidents to aid us with financial support. Please Marynovych! to the it the defense of Matusevych and testify as "witnesses," have still not been allowed to enter the (indicating that is for following address: courtroom. Ukrainian Canadian Students' Union been detained for Matusevych and Marynovych have Eastern Office their group, eleven months. Last July, two other members of 191 Lippincott St. sentenced to ten Toronto, Ontario Oleksiy Tykhy and , were of M5S 2P3 and seven years of imprisonment respectively. A total Monitoring seventeen members of various Soviet Helsinki ! Groups are now under detention. STUDENT, March/April, 1978: page 5 Christine Lukomsky GROWING UP FEMALE AND UKRAINIAN with. ultimately stultify- rather by whom they are The meaning but it is remember of her intelligence, has to master rne ladder anything to wear, I also the higher up pn the professional This article originally appeared in ing. From early years, socializing when entire Morse code; learn semaphore catch he will of New being cajoled into churn to the man is, the better a the Spring, 1973, issue possible; pitch a educational wheels neither the inclination nor the from all positions are pampered in Directions. Although written live I had girl for 'pan- be. Ukrainian men dig a ditch in record time; prepare the young it. During my teens, my tent and society. For every lor an American audience aptitude for there are the our closed little years ago thoroughly familiar with nahood.' First father would escort me to the local become well-heeled Ukrainian bachelor there many ol its points are ol relevance expensive music lessons, resent- every sailor's knot ever used and countless church dance where I would charm are at least three overzealous Ukrai-. to the Ukrainian Canadian even than the then the piano lessons, then stay lined up with more Indian signs wait for him the article on the fully and begrudgingly of all the nian mothers that lie in today. We print well as be a school, etc. When I think wall tor several hours. Indians knew of; as order of occasion ol International Women's against for frustrating and with their daughters. The papier-mache artist, a great girls who go through forbid that anyone should have facile status in Ukrainian circles is a finely Day. March 8, 1978. God tormenting hours of piano and told that speaker with a tremendous facility asked me to dance. I was mind refined art with the following pecking memorizing long Ukrai- ballet lessons with no goal in 'pannas' do not say 'no' when tor quickly order: doctor — four star rating, Ukrainian save that of being prepared for dance, even nian poems, and a good — rating; someone asks them to amazed the veterinarian three star always traveled with a 'pannahood' I am „ were dancer. She if the recipient of the 'no' a lawyer — three star rating; all other costume money and time wasted in these When originally asked to do liquor Kobzar and a Ukrainian stars. fiftyish, leering old man with becomes professions — one to two wholeheartedly tolerated by the other Plast efforts. Finally, college this article. I agreed on his breath. You could easily spot and was Family origins in Ukraine also carry a 'tochky' the ultimate sellout. Parents are enthusiasm. It is not pannas for the sake of in a fit of me on the dance floor — the parody spend great deal of weight. If you're a guy problem at Plast jamborees and more than willing to enough to say that the of social grades — bending and (ratings) who hasn't got any college education dollars on a college — I was thousands of clinically, because contests. I should know interested me bumping ungracefully while the — forget it friend. The marriage movement and even graduate education — but even before the women's man held me a little too close for one. market isn't interested in you. be not with the proper goals in mind. If believed and I was ready to had caught on I had winked at my father When then, the purpose of a comfort and more than Basically And yet. to into the ranks of 'starshe- a 'panna' evinces a supported its theses. who looked on approvingly at my accepted young 'panna's' education is for her the hard passing interest in her studies and paper in some I remember voice these ideas on acceptance into the cult of the plastunstvo,' be able to make the right type of it as to the issue trying to decide which expresses a desire for pursuing coherent fashion, when 'pannas.' time I had with the man she is young put on the conservation practical join. It was a hard a career, parents then was largely emotional and sorority 1 should more education to want to be interested in. The difficult task. none of the Plast clampers. It is all right for me, became a very task because she has received, the better the man seemed to a teacher or a nurse or something of plethora of informa- sororities I knew of ever For one thing, a will be. The stream of girls who are that ilk. It is another story to the subject. doing anything. One group. I quite tion is now available on be willing to go through this buy and sell prefer medicine or art and wish to now has a special- remember, was immersed in the Every bookstore endless and I goal. First of at Soyuzivka seems called of making identical yarn- pursue it as a lifetime ly designated section task never cease to be amazed by the fact Problems." embroidered jackets for its all, Ukrainian girls are not trained to "Women" or "Women's that the cycle never seems to stop. was in- think of themselves as potential MS, a monthly magazine devoted to members. Another group accept their or Most girls complacently at heated discussions con- doctors, artists, actresses these issues, can be purchased volved in teachings on this score. A engineers. They are trained rather parents' every newsstand. The mass media cerning the possibility of admitting score card for all pannas: they do not jokes married non- to go to college, acquire one of is saturated with talk shows, those girls who they do not swear, arts' smoke in public, this very real men. One group, at its those generalized 'liberal and articles on Ukrainian and never do they become meeting at Soyuzivka, educations, and get married. If all problem. yearly promiscuous. They also dare not be read one else fails, teaching is a nice female I It became to Where do begin? assigned its members be promiscuous with a is aggressive. To apparent to me the easiest way Ukrainian book (the same one for career. Teaching piano or cello Ukrainian male is akin to laying your would be to outline my own feelings everybody), which they would then better than trying to become a first- life on the line. The word will get Painting is all right and so childhood- And since I next year's meeting. rate artist. from early discuss at will not be safe realm around and the panna as any good Ukrai- patriotism seemed ram- is sculpting if they are in the was brought up Although from leering looks and heavily tar- and not pursued as full girl is brought up in America, it activity was nil The young of hobbies nian pant, nished reputation. Consequently, the busy time careers. The only full time would be easy for the readers and Plast matrons seemed to be produces many parents cult of the panna myself to trace patterns inherent in organizing kindergartens for their career that most Ukrainian Witness hypocritical qualities in young girls. upbringing and question exactly progeny whom they dressed in little acknowledge is marriage. my are in the company of folks and When they at what point they began to conflict Ukrainian getups The unmarrieds my going home to see my work Americans they are more or less beliefs. busy deciding whom trying to tell them what type of with my own seemed to be may curse, they City. They are themselves; they I in York Unfortunately, every Ukrainian to marry And on and on it went. 1 do New THE CULTIVATION OF definitely smoke, and occasionally insofar as I am female brought up in American didn't join. mildly interested around. But they do stray. Put them in Ukrainian society today is faced with two THE PLAST PANNAS working and not loafing society and you are looking at the patriarchal ex- their ears perk up only after I tell male-chauvinist In terms of personal ^" 1 THE OBSESSIVE UKRAI- 'opposite end of the kaleidescope. that I met traditions: the Ukrainian tradition perience, Plast camps fared no them of the Ukralrtfen-man nice panna is PARENT married is Pannahood prevails. A which our parents brought with better. Contrary to what most Plast NIAN recently. Mv_geUing In just that and she befriends others like left European 'pannahood' really uppermost in their minds them when they leaders assumes the nature of such After puberty get waiting for herself. And then when she does shores and the American tradition camps, Ihey are actually hotbeds of becomes the paramount obsession other words, they are my married, her parents breathe a sigh of life to begin. Until now, I have been which we have inherited simply by sexual frustration. At fifteeen, I was inevery Ukrainian home. How many relief, writing her off as now taken I going growing upin American and society no raving willowy beauty, to say the Ukrainian girls have heard their fooling around.' "When am care of. its schools and get serious about life and settle and attending But I would have been more parents exclaim on occasion: "Ale, to least. tothe nice pannas are ask A career and What happens institutions. Both, I believe than happy to collect frogs and go to ne vypadaye" (But, you can't do down?" they me. buy the line and end up single by development of a of fighting for one are who harmful to the on hikes. Instead, there were only that, it just isn't seemly). In the the strain age thirty? You can recognize them at I wearily female. The European, I think, more one or two hikes during the whole course of rubbing against American totally irrelevant. And any Ukrainian cultural activity — they so than the American because it is camp period. Most of the time the society. Ukrainians have, unfor- wonder how they can negate look a little lost and confused. They more overtly patriarchal. The boys sat opposite the girls — both tunately, picked up several more segments of my life as if they were have failed. By age thirty, a panna is American less so because it seems groups hotly aware of oncoming notorious materialistic American unlived and unfulfilled. washed up in Ukrainian circles. There to pay at least lip service to trends puberty urges. The boys usually strains. One Ukrainian nouveau are no outlets for her to tap. After all, in country occurring presently the stared and followed the prettiest girl riche habit is the establishment of there is always a new and seemingly (i.e. feminism). in camp. (Boys are that way in the Ball. Each Ball includes the ited supply of nice young adolescence.) The prettiest girl in presentation of debutantes (now, pannas who are willing to go through camp, of course, was not there to however, any dance which has a the same routine all over again. THE CULT OF THE PANNA learn to hike the mountain, how up queen is a Ball). I remember many but spent a great deal of time attempts by my parents to blackmail sure her skirt was as short THE PANNA AND UKRAINE I making into going to any one of these From the time I was small me as possible and that all of her Plast ball all balls remember being reared in what I balls. Or the of — the The cult of the panna and Ukrai- accoutrements, including the Kalyna. Having no escort would term the cult of the 'panna.' Chervona nian politics, I believe, are closely were medals pinned on her chest, that 1 would care to take at the age of At age five I remember staring into nterwoven in an insidious plot to just in the right positions of entice- feeling a little ridiculous in a neighbors' faces as I was holding 18 and produce more Ukrainian children for their my mother's hand tightly and being ment. Plast camps also had long white gown, I marveled that freeing Ukraine. Endless streams of patted on the head with ex- dances, termed vechnky, where we this should be so important. After akademiyas, processions, balls and again learned the clamations such as: "My, what a girls once all, why should I be presented to other 'cultural' events have the dual It seems 'pannahood'. I panna she is getting to be!" or "My, rudiments of society? had neither name, money purpose of keeping young ladies whatever fun there was to she will grow into a fine panna some to me that or position — nor any particular mindful of their origins as well as of the guys had it all. day!" For some reason, my mother be had in camp, desire to be paraded like some kind training them to perpetuate certain spent most ol our time had a predilection for dressing me We girls of chicken in front of total strangers. nuisance characteristics of Ukrainian setting our hair, washing our un- resentment in very frilly clothes and for sticking My first feelings of emigre life. Witness the unceasing derwear, getting sun tans and gigantic, impractical ribbons into began to crop up at this age. Being a streams of "vyshyvani vechernytsi" singing a lot of Plast songs. All five, I my hair. There I was at age 'panna', was expected to go where it is the purpose of all pannas, about melancholy love. And collec- dressed in the very best of Euro- through such rituals: going to balls but especially of their mothers, to set frilly dress, ting boyfriends. The Plast courtship pean tradition: a short with boys I didn't know, wearing hideous embroidered garments. was a highly romantic one After all, half of my hair in ringworm curls ornate, expensive clothes and hav- Firstly, for the purpose of propagan- are lor if not to sing of and the other half braided on top of what vafras ing people spend money on me dizing the beauty of Ukrainian culture unrequited love and the highly my head to support a gigantic unnecessarily. To this day I can't among themselves (who else goes to romantic ideals of Ukraine, learn ribbon. I was told to be good and not see a picture of a ball with rows and THE SOYUZIVKA SALE these affairs) and secondly, for our male Ukrainian leaders, I about grasping mess up when I play. was also told rows of young girls all showing the panna off on the social and kiss a lot under the romantic At eighteen or thereabouls most not be be quarrelsome when I roses in their hands without scene as a true patriot and moon? If you closed your eyes you relatives and friends of the family belted some kid in the mouth in wondering if they realize that they collaborator in Ukrainian culture. could almost see yourself in witness the growth of your 'pan- American school after he made fun are paying lip-service to customs Both purposes are so beautifully Ukraine. Almost — but not quite. nahood' with remarks such as, "Well, I un- of my ribbon. At that age, tried to that are totally ridiculous and merged that it is difficult to see male It is at Some of the lousiest marriages I she certainly is very pretty." 1 that some adapt as well as I could but do necessary. I also marvel chauvinist patriarchal values in these know of started in just this fashion. to this point that most Ukrainian girls remember putting up a tremendous of these girls exhibit such desire activities until one looks more close- 1 recall the fact that there were of are trussed into the ready made I what? row about the hairdo after had be selected queen. Queen ly. First of all, all bake sales, em- some girls in Plast camp that Ukrainian marriage market which started going to American school. always broidery shows and easter egg did not fit in. Either they were revolves around centers like Shortly thereafter my tantrums paid THE EDUCATIONAL demonstrations are surefire in- took me to the overweight, had acne, or were just Soyuzivka, Parents are willing to off. My mother FACADE dicators that the woman's place is in tomboys out to have fun These girls spend'great amounts of money on barberand I got a Prince Valiant cut. the home. Political overtones are is expected to go I of usually became the butts of many Every 'panna' this pursuit. For example. know of When I hit the age puberty, given only to indicate that these jokes — not just from other Plast to college. The idea is hot that she several parents who bring their the forces of 'pannahood' attacked feminine qualities are only as good as p-.ucipants but from the leaders as will get a good education which she daughters to Soyuzivka during a big me from all sides. I remember the fuel patriotism that serves into interesting of having a terrible desire to wear one well. Since the Plast leaders were will then parlay dance and then sit back and watch not married either, they went to work and self development, butthat approvingly as she dances with this skirt over and over again because I for reasons that she will become a saleable com- It is at this found it comfortable. My mother camp the same or that Ukrainian man. most girls did. There was also modity on the Ukrainian marriage point that we begin to see the true (FEMALE continued on told me that I should wear many girl at camp. She market. The duplicity involved in Ukrainian women. They are different clothes every day because another type of status of page 12) Plast victim who. because this type of education may be well- judged by whom they are but people would think I didn't have was the never

Page 6: STUDENT, March/April, 1978 — ^ — , —

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the im- His discussion included how these SUSK treasurer, stressed This year the Western SUSK Britain's Ukrainians and resources are presently utilized and which have not done so s! Conference was held in Edmonton plications of this pattern for the trends of gave suggestions for their improve- in their membership from February 17th to 19th, with present organizational Ukrainians. ment. Myron Pyzyk presented a mailing lists as soon as delegates in attendance from all the dealt with thorough overview of national and Compliments were exten Western clubs, as well as from The second session provincial sources of funding lor many Western locals Toronto and Ottawa. Interesting thetopic of Ukrainian-Canadiana, student oriented summer projects. prompt action regard and informative sessions were and was presented by Roman information which he compiled earlier inthe year while tr supplemented with a Friday night Onufrijchuk. It was a wide ranging The the present state of in the form of handouts will be been much slower in their zabava, and the "Cheremosh" discussion on Canada, our indispensible for clubs requesting Further discussion centr Ukrainian Dance group concert on Ukrainian Folklore in thereof) of for summer projects (see possibility of staging a Saturday evening, but the focus of utilization (or lack funds media techniques and your conference delegates f

advocated greater . SUSK tivities to date as a liaso SUSK president, Andnj Makuch, Canadian 'culture.' which in more global issues Nattonal SUSK and Saturday's sessions began with a The third session focused on involvement such as pollution and ticulturalism department presentation by Dave Lupul on the Avenues Towards an Understan- ot concern, of Culture. Andrij Makuch police states. He recommended lhat He presented the idea state of mulliculturalism in Canada. ding explained Ukrainians are re- view our present problems in Tank" with a cross-sect One of his main suggestions was how we their ethnic history at a this wider context. Ukrainian community to that we should take advantage of examining business sessions concrete position regar the pre-election fever to lobby our time when institutional funding and SUSK on Sunday. In his ticulturalism to preser views and push for a more viable the general trend of Canadian followed writing are favourably President's report, Andrij Makuch policy. Professor Andrij Horn- historical government. it. national goals VP for Hum jatkevyc gave a historical overview disposed towards He feels that reiterated that SUSK SUSK's Andrusiak was nc of Ukrainian settlements in the Ukrainians must expand the scope are to re-establish financial solven- Roma — she sent a lett- U.S.A. and discussed how the of their activities in this field cy, regular STUDENT publication dance but position in status of these settlements has especially at this critical point in and to strive for a successful ing SUSK's of Marynov changed The final speaker of the time. Radomyr Bilash presented a National Congress which should be defense Matusevych, and the upc first panel sessions, Ihor Kruk, run - down of institutional and geared to re-establishing the Clark in I discussed the settlement of museum resources across Canada. relevancy of SUSK. Ivan Jaworsky, of Ramsay

PHOTOS: (Clockwise from top left corner) Jars Balan conducts "Nominal Group Technique" [see -

ot student consciousness; SUSK president Andrij Makuch points the way torward; Informal discussion

president Andrij Makuch, STUDENT editor Nestor Makuch and U of M president Ihor Hluszok ponder the <

level; of stud Group Technique ' — the top 15 problems facing Ukrainian student cubs at the local an indication

Page 8: STUDENT, March/April, 1978 SUSK IN CONFERENCE FEBRUARY, 1978 sion included how these SUSK treasurer, stressed that clubs Winnipeg, and Toronto, Taras regarding the position of SUSK are presently utilized and which have not done so should mail Pawlyszyn, VP for External Liason, Alumni and what the relationships BStions for their improve- in their membership dues and commented upon the success of the between them and SUSK should be. ron Pyzyk presented a mailing lists as soon as possible- Plyusch tour, SUSK's current Several resolutions were then put overview of national and Compliments were extended to the relationship with KYK (as the SUSK forth. sources of funding for many Western locals for their representative, he is no longer Business sessions ended with a iented summer projects, prompt action regarding dues attending National KYK Meetings) discussion of possible summer clarify lation which he compiled earlier in the year while the East has and the need to SUSK's projects and a discussion ol local m of handouts will be been much slower in their response. position within CESUS STUDENT club problems. Jars Balan in- briefly ble for clubs requesting Further discussion centred on the editor Nestor Makuch troduced participants to a "nominal summer projects (see possibility of staging a financial reviewed the position of STUDENT. group technique" (see article iference delegates for conference in Ottawa in May. Dave Five issues have been published to elsewhere in this issue} which date another five are planned Jars 8alan, the final, Lupul. VP responsible for Mul- and focussed the discussion on the gave an eloquent plea liculturalism, described his ac- for the remainder of the year, delineation of local club problems, including a special anniversary knowledge about vocated greater . SUSK tivities to date as a liason between eg. lack of local aspirations nt in more global issues National SUSK and the Mul- issue: these can be SUSK National, lack of clearly realized only if the paper receives programs, and the n< such as pollution and ticulturalism department in Ottawa. defined aims and continued support local clubs. es. He recommended thai He presented the idea of a "Think from need tor education regarding present problems in Tank" with a cross-section of the In particular, support from Eastern politics, culture, and mul- context. Ukrainian community lo establish a clubs was encouraged. The 19th ticulturalism. held in faithful then plodded their C business sessions concrete position regarding mul- SUSK Congress, to be The on Sunday. In his ticulturalism to present to the Winnipeg, was tentatively weary way home, where visions of s report. Andrij Makuch government. scheduled for August 24-27, 1978. the National Congress this summer that SUSK national goals SUSK's VP for Human Rights, These plans will be confirmed at a would begin to keep them awake at the planning com- night. ;stablish financial solverv Roma Andrusiak was not in atten- later date by letter discuss- mittee. Iris Achtemichuk ir STUDENT publication dance but she sent a in the legal Club reports then followed Vera Yeleniuk strive for a successful ing SUSK's position * Calgary, Edmon- Sharon Malchuk Congress which should be defense of Marynovych and from Vancouver, upcoming tour ton, Saskatoon and Winnipeg. to re-establishing the Matusevych, and the Edmonton, Calgary submitted a position paper Photos by Danylo Myhal of SUSK. Ivan Jaworsky, of Ramsay Clark in cts 'Nominal Group Technique' [see page 13 for story]; Conference delegates at the sessions; an indication

on Sunday; (left to right) SUSK its the way forward; Informal discussion during SUSK business sessions

to for supper?; The results of "Nominal j of M president Ihor Hluszok ponder the eternal question — where cubs at the local level; an indication of student unconsciousness.

STUDENT, March/April, 1978: page 9 Jars Balan SURFACING' - WITH OLYA LISOWY

accessible Olya Lisowy graduated two years shadowy depth that isn't viewed from a distance. Its ago with an Honours FA from the when reflections on glass. In University of Manitoba, where she sort of like several pictures, objects in the also won the Molly Hyman Award in foreground are entangled in a plant- 1976. Born in 1953 and raised in that emerges from Winnipeg, she now lives in Edmon- like undergrowth paper; in others, vague forms ton where she teaches art and odd- the to lurk in the background, jobs as a freelance graphic artist, seem themselves only to caretul and where her first solo exhibit. revealing "Surfacing," was recently held. scrutiny. much 1 had I am struck by how missed in my first viewing. A The pictures were exhibited in a number of the drawings, which I couldn't make out, begin to plain but comfortable lobby adja- initially sense. "Christ," on the cent to a large meeting room in the jell and make portrayed from an oblique basement ot the flagship branch of cross, mind. Edmonton's Public Library system. angle, finally 'clicks' in my His crucified to see them a Once I recognize The first time I came it figure, I wonder how I failed to see throng of people — numbering, scene entitled "May perhaps, 100 teachers — had just sooner. A large — sketchy figures in front of a been let out on a recess from their Day" beaming conference and were standing, wall with giant posters of a combines oblivious to the display, drinking Lenin — successfully pencil with the liquid play of water- coffee and talking loudly. I had to effect that look over shoulders and around colours, creating an Slowly, a bodies to even glimpse the implies more than it says. concerns drawings. Cupping my hands over number of themes and back on them become apparent in her work, as my ears, I turned my subjects and symbols begin to and fled ... Returning a week later, the connect. It is not unlike the process individual gallery is virtually deserted — a by which many of the shadow janitor leaves as Yaroslaw and I drawings work: images then meaning, enter, Danylo appears, as if out of forth, take shapeand May day nowhere, several cops mysteriously within the context of particular wander through — and the almost settings and situations. My ap- uninterrupted quiet is perfect for preciation deepens ... chair, Talking with Lisowy several But several of the drawings can viewing. I drop my coat onto a of lake a pamphlet from a table, and weeks later, I learn that she never be grouped together in terms draw or "say" imagery. "Back- begin my tour. really sets out to their theme and — There are thirty-one pieces in anything in particular. The pictures lane minisfer," "the Cardinal" the exhibit (one was stolen), which evolve over varying lengths of time Slipyj — "Christ" and "Death Bed," consists mostly of drawings done in — some just "happen," while others clearly suggest a religious concern. Essentially, a light, metallic-toned pencil, and develop more slowly. Another composition has abortion two ceramic works. A few of the she creates first and understands as its theme. Inevitably, I enquire of drawings blend in watercolours later; her work is an articulation about the religiousdimensioain her elusive thoughts and leelings. This art, get a non-committal answer with the lead. Surveying the room. I and note that none of the drawings sheds some light on the works that proves to be somewhat typical commands my immediate attention, represented in "mainly drawings of the way Lisowy explains her saying "begin here," or "see me and surfacing," the title of her first work. She tells me that she doesn't star- solo exhibit. Basically, they can consider herself to be especially first." I proceed methodically, ting trom the entrance to the lobby, only be vaguely understood, and devout, and that the religious somewhat peeved \hatthe drawings defy explicit comprehension. Even aspect in some ot her drawings realistic drawing like the most probably can be traced 'to her aren f hung in the order that they're a more listed in and that several are missing looming face of "Mr. Edward," hints upbringing and experience, rather the number that identifies them. At at something inexpressible. The than to any convictions. She is "more than art is the completion of my circuit, I sit for cliche that there elaborates: her a way of a few moments on a bench to let my meets the eye'' seems to apply to understanding herself, and not a first impressions settle. Some of the much of Lisowy's work. way of making social statements.

drawings linger in my mind; a few Many of the drawings have a Undaunted. I pursue this line of leave me puzzled. dreamy, other-wordly quality about questioning. A striking number of The second time around, my them, which some of the titles the drawings in "surfacing" are response develops, as the subtle clearly reflect: "Forgotten Worlds," populated by foetal shapes — details in many of the pictures begin "Mystery Space," and "Inner interestingly enough, most are from to work on my imagination. With Worlds," to name but a tew. Others the animal world — and much of her

reflection I realize that the drawings are enigmatic: "Flying Bone work suggests that she has a womb- are really compilations, collages ot Valley," "Gone ..." and "Whenever like conception of space. She images that are built up in a he comes..." Some are un- seems to have a preference for technical process that layers fine mistakably surreal: "Death Bed" curved and gently shadowed lines on top of each other in places a dying man beneath the shapes, over hard-edged lines and

densities that work up into softly cupola of a vast church, while angular forms. I ask what role her

flickering tones. In words it sounds "Goodbye William" offers us a sex plays in her art, and again get a rather complicated, but when view- wing-tip walker seemingly on the vague response: although she ed it is a technique that is easily verge of infinity and beneath some admits that the fact she is a woman understood. The overall effect is provocatively shaped clouds. Ob- probably influences the way she one that suggests a scintillating viously, the unconscious element is sees things, she qualifies this by

surface "floating" ethereally over a very strong in her work. saying it is not something she is Mr. Edward

aware of in a conscious way. Her she creates. As to her mood when

work is not a feminine statement, it she is working, she describes it as is an expression of self. That "self" being "meditative" — explaining just happens to be female. Which how she often loses track of time brings this part of my discussion when immersed in the process of with her to an end. creation. Thisseems to satisfactori- quality that . It is obvious that Lisowy is more ly explain the soothing interested in having her drawings characterizes the drawings brought speak for themselves than she is in together in "Surfacing." They simp-

explaining them in words, it isn't a ly cannot be appreciated in a matter of her being deliberately crowded or noisy room, as they evasive or even inarticulate — it's demand the quiet contemplation just a reflection ot her aesthetic and consideration ot the viewer. personality. This is a curiously Presently working as a graphic refreshing change from the tenden- artist for the Alberta government, cy of many contemporary artists — Lisowy's work reflects a consisten- especially those of the abstract cy and professionalism that is school — to write or speak volumes sometimes lacking in first exhibits about their work. and bespeaks her experience as a Talking to Lisowy about the freelance commercial artist. She way she works proves to be far more also teaches several courses at the revealing. First, she explains that Edmonton Art Gallery and Museum. she must draw every day, rather Only twenty-tour, she exudes a than waiting for inspiration to quiet sort of confidence and maturi-

motivate her. If she gets out of the ty that is evident in the drawings

"habit" it becomes difficult to get represented in "Surfacing." With going again. And drawing, she her successful debut as an artist, confesses, is her preference and and her up-coming marriage, her passion. Although she works with future can only look bright After and is interested in exploring other such a promising beginning, one media — sculpture, painting, glass can only look forward to seeing and ceramics — she feels drawing more of her work in the years to Goodbye William will always be her strength as an come. artist, and elemental to whatever

Page 10: STUDENT, March/April, 1978 UKRAINIAN HISTORICAL UKRAINIAN CULTURAL CENTRE CONFERENCE PLANNED FOR VANCOUVER ISLAND After several months of plan- also those of the rest of Vancouver For further information regar- Rus' Ukraine's the Centre A Ukrainian Historical Con- legacy of Kievan and ning by a small committee, a Island. When completed, ding the Society in any of its aspects revolution), facilities for ference will take place at the Univer- part in the Russian but Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Socie- is envisioned to provide please contact any of the following: frontiers of the listening room, sity ot Western Ontario in London, it also moves the ty has been organized for Van- a library and record discipline forward by treating some Island. for instruction in Ukrai- Peter Shostak, President Ontario, on May 29-31 , 1978, within couver a classroom dance the framework of the annual important topics, hitherto largely The objectives of the Society nian language and culture, a Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Socie- meeting of the Canadian Associa- neglected in Ukrainian historical are as follows: and physical exercise studio, a ty of Vancouver Island The session on the role of large tion of Slavists. The conference is literature. 1. To promote and propagate the games and social room and a 971 Carolwood Drive being organized jointly by the the city in Ukrainian history reflects development of Ukrainian Cana- hall for social events (accom- Victoria B.C. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian the new interest in urban social dian culture. modating 400-500 people). Home phone number (604) 658- Studies, the Harvard Ukrainian history throughout the Western 2. To facilitate a better understan- During Phase One of the 8785 Research Institute, and the Ukrai- world. The session on Ukraine and ding of Ukrainian Canadian culture building project, a goal of $85,000 nian Historical Association. The the Moslem world presents a amongst other ethno-cultural has been set to be raised through Ernie Meheriuk, sales. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian perspective on Ukrainian history groups. donations and debenture Chairman Debenture Sales Com- to light, is purchase price of mittee Studies is sponsoring the con- that has only recently come 3. To promote communications This figure the ference. thanks mainly to research by the among other Ukrainian groups. the property. As the Society is 3927 Braefoot all donations are tax- Victoria, B.C. The Ukrainian Historical Con- Harvard school of Ukrainian 4. To obtain and maintain a Ukrai- registered, historians. question of the AH donations, Office phone number (604) 386- ference will be the first major The nian Canadian Cultural Centre. deductible. amount, will be great- 3396 conference on the North American Ukrainian elites, to which another 5. To do everything incidental and regardless of appreciated. Debentures in mul- Home phone number (604) 477- continent to treat the whole spec- session is devoted, is pivotal to an necessary to promote and obtain ly $100.00 are being sold and 0213 trum of Ukrainian history, from the understanding of the problem of the foregoing objectives. tiples ot the chief method of tenth through the twentieth cen- political discontinuity in Ukrainian The Society feels that the best will be used as These debentures will John Kopan, turies. The conference will history, and this session is the first way to realize the above-slated fund-raising. years from the purchase Chairman Membership Committee therefore indicate that Ukrainian to exami ne it n the wide perspective objectives would be through the mature 5 date and will interest 2950 Donald St. history has matured as an indepen- of both Polish and Russian history. building of a Cultural Centre, which pay up to 6% Victoria, B.C. dent and developed discipline in A round table discussion will con- would be the basis for an expanding annually. Rate of interest will be that agreed Home phone no. (604) 385-7836 North America. The conference, clude the program. program serving not only the needs upon by the purchaser on Canadian Institute of date of purchase. too, should provide an excellent The of the people of Greater Victoria but Ukrainian Studies will publish the forum for the exchange of ideas proceedings of the Ukrainian among Ukrainian historians, from RESEARCH GRANTS Historical Conference. various parts of the United States CONFERENCE ON For further information as well and Canada, interested in a variety AVAILABLE as registration materials, please of periods and topics. 'SOCIAL TRENDS AMONG The conference program contact: Applications are invited for Canadian Instituteof Ukrainian begins with a session devoted to The grants for research on Ukrainian- UKRAINIAN CANADIANS" historiography — a survey of the Studies Canadian and Ukrainian subjects in Hall state of the discipline and a guide to 335 Athabasca the disciplines of education, University of Alberta statistics; marital and family status; work that remains to be done. The The history, the humanities, law, the Proposals are invited for papers Alberta, ethnic press; and, crime. conference tackles some Edmonton, Canada library sciences, and the social to the second of the Canadian Proposals lor papers are invited traditionally thorny problems (e.g., T6G 2E8 sciences. Research grants are in- Institute of Ukrainian Studies an- from researchers and scholars in in the sessions on the historical tended to support independent nual conference in the series on demography, sociology, history, research on publishable projects Ukrainams in Canada, with special economy, political science, and conceived and carried out by a emphasis on developments since September geography Topics of particular THE UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE scholar or a group of scholars. An World War I, to be held interest may include: economic applicant for a research grant must 15-16, 1978 at the University of mobility of Ukrainians in Canada, be either a Canadian citizen or a Ottawa. Entitled, "Social Trends RESOURCE CENTRE ethnic, linguistic, and religious landed immigrant. Among Ukrainian Canadians," the assimilation; socialization and the Ukrainian Language America, will keep students, The Institute welcomes conference will provide an inter- The Ukrainian-Canadian family, and, located at the teachers, and administrators in proposals whose primary focus is disciplinary forum for inter- Resource Centre demographic trends among Ukrai- latest ideas, of the statistical informa- Canadian Institute of Ukrainian close touch with the the development or preparation of pretations in recently nian Canadians University of Alberta, is methodologies, and research specialized material for teaching tion compiled in the Studies, Oral presentations will be collecting a variety of bilingual education. Films, slides, purposes at the post-secondary completed four-volume presently limited to twenty minutes, con- types of tapes, records, and videotapes on level of education. The Institute manuscrupt: William Darcovich materials essential to all published Statistical ference papers will be education at all Ukrainian themes or with dubbed supports the preparation of text- and Paul Yuzyk, "A Ukrainian language and may include the details of any especially impor- Ukrainian sound tracks will also be books, anthologies, readers, Compendium on the Ukrainians in levels. Materials statistical analyses. The Institute Ukrainian- available to student teachers and to manuals of instruction, Canada. 1891-1977," Ottawa, 1977 tant to Edmonton's will consider covering research naturally receive teachers in the classrooms. bibliographies, collections of (Mimeographed) English program costs tor scholars presenting the The Centre will be unique in the documentary or primary source The "Compendium" is a basic priority. Besides housing papers who require entry onto It work textbooks, and Ukrainian community in Canada. materials, and inventories of and comprehensive reference curriculum guides, original data tapes. Contributors to Ukrainian as will assess the areas in which archival materials which are intend- of statistics on Ukrainians in materials produced for will provided with needed, Slatustics from decennial the conference be in the three publications are most ed primarily for use at the post- Canada. a second language advance of the "Compen- efforts of censuses of an copy Centre will thereby channelling the secondary level of education. and quinquennial Prairie provinces, the dium" for research purposes. language Ukrainian-Canadian authors and Grants are not given to sub- Canada are compiled into eighteen contain Ukrainian Interested contributors are ask- areas which most which the In- topical areas: ethnicity and ethnic children's books and magazines artists to those sidize publications subprovin- ed to submit a title and brief North require immediate attention. stitute has not commissioned or origins, population by developed in other parts of of the proposed paper unfortunate rural-urban population description elsewhere. Files and Hopefully also, the approved, or for work com- cial areas, America and to: subject duplication of materials for missioned by a commercial and age distribution; religious stacks will encompass all Mr. W.R. Petryshyn teaching Ukrainian will become publisher. Nor are they awarded for denominations; language matter: literature, health, history, The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian minimal. Donations to the Centre work intended primarily for use in knowledge and use; education and geography, songs, games, Studies would be greatly appreciated and public schools. training: political participation, holidays, grammar, folk arts, the 335 Athabasca Hall forwarded to the Cana- applications please write to labour force by occupation and science, mathematics, etc. here should be For of Alberta farm operators; The University dian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Canadian Institute ot Ukrainian industry; farms and will also be a section for learning the Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E8 Hall. University of The income levels and distributions, materials suitable at the sadochok 335 Athabasca Studies, 335 Athabasca Hall, Telephone enquiries: (403) 432- Edmonton, Alberta, T6G Edmonton, immigration to Canada; period of or pre-school level. Journals and Alberta, University of Alberta. 2674 immigration; citizenship and newsletters of language 2E8. Alberta T6G 2E8 or phone (403) birthplace; vital and morbidity organizations, especially in North 432-2972.

Jars Balan ED EVANKO REMEMBERS the title next, and it because he will be playing of may without a hitch. Ed sang Readers STUDENT Stratford the began. At role in this summer's incident at the 1968 KYK was then that booing recall an Leonard Bernstein's first he mistook the jeers forcheers, production of CONGRESS in Winnipeg, when a the auditorium was very large Candide. small group of hecklers — mostly since to But in Evanko's opinion, the from Toronto — booed and it is sometimes difficult students unfortunate in a big hall. real casualty of that songs sung in English by distinguish sounds several who, because she Evanko When he realized he was being day, was Juliette, two of the entertainers, Ed the Evanko couldn't believe his appeared last, bore the brunt of and Juliette. As Ed Evanko was booed. away from booing. As she was the senior in Edmonton (appearing as ears — he'd been recently three — her for several years, and didn't entertainer of the the guest artist at this year's Canada reputation across Canada was well it know what to expect from the Cheremosh concert), I thought established — the snub was es- be interesting to remember Ukrainian community here. As the might humiliating. Evanko wore off, angertook its place: pecially that experience with him, and to try shock observes: "I don't think she's per- first reaction was 'I don't think to guage its ultimate impact. The "My group formed for Ukrainians since then." are based on my I'll ever sing for a Ukrainian following remarks that the bad he qualified his Although it is clear conversation with him in his dress- again'." Later, experience did not have a long-term final response — it wasn't so much the ing room after his Cheremosh relationship with hurt, but the manner in effect on Evanko's performance. protest that — his fellow Ukrainian-Canadians which it was made: "I just think it In the first place, I was sur- more denies that it has made him the three singers was unfortunate that they couldn't he prised to learn that conservative when have written us — very strongly cautious and who performed that day (Joan Ukrainain point — or come appearing before a Karasewich was the third) had been making their the rebuff audience —the lesson to be learned organizers to do backstage." Eventually, asked by the be obvious. Crude- was forgotten. Evanko has since from this should several numbersin English because are to Ukrainian func- ly put, it is this: If we wanted to showcase appeared at various they and encourage a living Ukrainian- who had "made-it" in the tions in Canada and the U.S.A.. Ukrainians culture, we must allow for Although has been gathering material for an Canadian 'Anglo" world ot showbiz. innovations of album of Ukrainian songs he is the experiments and he was willing to perform entirely in end of our artists. The boos of patriotic Evanko, along with hoping to record before the Ukrainian, — self-styled saviours of agreed. this year. He had to postpone an purists Karasewich and Juliette, — can only serve invitation perform at the 197 Ukrainian culture Evanko recalls, appeared to Joan. as negative feedback, and not performance went off Vegreville Ukrainian Festival first, and her constructive criticism. STUDENT, March/April, 1978: page 11 FEMALE Paul Cipywnyk (continued from page 6) UKRAINIAN STUDIES VESNA FESTIVAL themselves to find you a suitable them. Instead of training the panna BOOKS PUBLISHED suitor. They give you advice; point for more important work in the see displays organized by Ukrai- out what you may be doing wrong; Hey! All of you exhausted, business of being Ukrainian in nian museums, slide and film tell you that you had better hurry up depressed university bums! Get out American society (such as develop- presentations, and art exhibits — your years are catching up with The Canadian Institute of of your exam doldrums. Come to ing clear political values and the where you can purchase the work of Unfortunately, Ukrainian socie- wishes to an- VESNA FESTIVAL (Saskatoon, May toexpound them), the panna is you. Ukrainian Studies ability provides largest contemporary Ukrainian artists. A while men ty is not flexible and no nounce the publication of the first 11. 12, 13), the World's trained to do 'little" thir.gs souvenir shop will sell modern outlets for unattached, self-thinking series "Canadian Ukrainian Cabaret! Vesna of expected to run the organizations two books in the are for "pop" artifacts as well as genuine Ukrainian females. Consequently, Library in Ukrainain Studies," Lec- course, is the Ukrainian world and do the thinking. Easter egg Ukrainian embroidery, woodwork, point in of embroidering millions most pannas join in at some tures on the History of Ukrainian spring, and this celebration painting and etc. are viciously cut Ukrainian-style is an event useless garments has their twenties or else Literature (1798-1870) by Mykola spring of yards of If all of this doesn't turn on your their thirties as unnecessary Collection, will never forget. thinking. It is off in Zerov and The Vaplite you nothing to do with cynical university-drained minds, appendages. Parents also tend to edited by Professor George S.N. What is Vesna Festival? Its hard merely purposeless activity. I have with two "Korchmas" and two Ukrainian innuendoesfrom men make nuisances of themselves Luckyj, and the appearance of the to describe, even though I've often heard sly food kitchens offer the necessities "After all, il you stay all- that the Soyuz remarks such as: third issue of the Journal of Ukrai- attended it every year. An about the good work come on out! You will be what are people going to encompassing, overpowering event of life. So does in the social sphere single, nian Graduate Studies. Ukrainok greeted by a squad of hairy- think?" or "Our friends, what are we Mykola Zerov's Lectures on the for anyone who is between 8 with its cookie sales etc.; wistful Kozaks (no when they ask?" chested, mustachiod how well organized going to tell them History of was months and 88 years old and loves remarks about kidding), armed with lances, "Isn't anybody good enough for It is first have a good time, it has the is and much money it Or, published in May, 1977. the to the Soyuz how pistols, who will show — what's the matter with you of a European Cabaret. swords, and rake in. And yet women, you publication of the renowned atmosphere seems to pose for pictures and In this way they make the Centennial. Room of you around, the only patriarchally imposed anyway?" scholar's lectures which he The huge using even take you on in an arm- if rudimentarily Auditorium maybe valves that are allowed them panna feel as she has delivered at Kiev University in 1928. Saskatoon's Centennial soceital But, don't worry, them in some way, let transformed with elaborate wrestling match. have very little iniluence disappointed Zerov's works were subsequently is by men, can too terribly strong. down. The insidious pushes perished decorations, colorful murals, they're not with cookie sales and dances. When it them banned and Zerov himself Festival is a fantastic pulls in this direction can of Ukrainian village Vesna down to reality, these groups and in a Soviet concentration camp. His replicas comes made its mark in unbearable that many live flowers into a show which has have not been programmed to think. become so lectures deal with the crucial period houses, and Saskatchewan. Now in its fourth pannas are faced with three alter- literary history veritable orgy of Ukrainian enter- It is only in male run organizations of modern Ukrainian can break down and year, the Festival has expanded such as UCCA and UNA where the natives: they and are a model of scholarly objec- tainment. due to its popularity. It whatever is looming on the For three nights in a row, from enormously power, if there is any at all, lies. marry tivity. They appear in Ukrainian and true not commercialized money- horizon: they can leave home gritting as a 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., nationally is a Ultimately, Soyuz influences very are intended ' not only making venture. It is an impressive their teeth; or they can stay having textbook but also as recognized performers — dancers, little Ukrainian-American policy university-level time the fact that — event which combines a good resigned themselves to a highly informative book lor the singers, and musicians provide a making. with a varied spectrum of Ukrainian they are social flops. 271 $3.95 paper, kaleidoscope of marvelous enter- I trying to say here is general reader. pp. What am will take 1200 during regular floor culture. The Cabaret that although many claim Ukrainian $9.95 cloth. tainment WHY DO MEN MARRY people a night and, in the past, has Collection, edited shows. Two live bands alternate all society is matriarchal, I see no basis The Vaplite STUPID WOMEN? time been sold out 90% of the time! So I for this claim. Although Ukrainian by Professor George S.N. Luckyj. is night long to give you plenty of urge you to get your tickets now. in polka, a their is something I myself don't edition of previously to get on the act with a women may be vociterous in This an expanded and rock. The show runs May 11,12, activities, a closer look points to the understand. Especially it the man is published materials from the kolomeyka, or even modern Prices are: 11 - $5.50; May this are 13. May fact that their activities are tied to very intelligent. The only rationale I archives of the literary group Performing artists year - 13 - $7.50, which of inter- 12 $6.50; May have no real can. see for this phenomenon (and I It unique insight the Ted Komar Band, hearth and home and VAPLITE. offers a Goblet. of includes a souvenir Vesna effect. The panna gets so imbued have seen much of it in Ukrainian life and work of a group of national fame; Dumka Band into the Children 14 and under are $2.00 any with these pseudo-patriotic values circles) is that stupid women pose writers who spearheaded the Ukrai- Edmonton, the West's finest; evening, if accompanied by that she never stops to look beyond less of a threat to the male ego than nian national and cultural revival in Lubomyra of Montreal, whose heard; parents. Tickets at the door will be the 'yalynkas,' dances and bake sales. do intelligent ones. Here's a thought the 1920's. Their attempt to develop enchanting records you have well-known $10.00 if they are available. She has been trained to be a non- — how many intelligent women a high Ukrainian culture, based on and Saskatoon's own To order, send a money order thinking member of Ukrainian socie- marry stupid men????? western European models, was cut groups — the beautiful Ensem- to: ty. Her role is a passive rather than short by the onset of Stalinism. The Pavlychenko Folklorique Vesna Festival Tickets active one and she will eventually MATERIALISM AS. THE ES- collection contains letters, diaries, ble, the exciting Yevshan Ukrainian 842 East Centre drag her kids around from one excerpts from both prose and Folk Ballet Ensemble, and the CAPIST WAY OUT Saskatoon, Sask, S7J 2Z7 Ukrainian activity to another without poetry, and many illustrations. In spirited Vesna Ukrainian Youth In the development of the panna the OR stopping to think what all this activity Ukrainian. 260 pp. $4.95 paper, Chorus. Hospodar/M.C. will be there is no emphasis placed on self- At the Sear Ticket Wicket starting is supposed to mean. And the pannas be magnetic and multitalented Roman $10.95 cloth. These books may than reliance or self-judgment (my May 1 , in Saskatoon. No more of today, however well educated they ordered from Mosaic Press, P.O. Onufrijchuk. parents, for instance, have now come more! 10 tickets per order- may be, keep falling into the same old Box 1032. Oakville, Ontario, Don't stop now, there's to the conclusion that the only reason You will See you there! trap. Witness all the new 'youth' Canada L6J 5E9. Cultural displays abound. \ not married is because I am chapters of Soyuz Uktainok opening why am too bossy — a side effect of my being up and doing all the same useless on my own — i.e. it was an inherent activities their mothers did before wrong to leave the house and search them. I was recently quite shocked to for my identity). What Ukrainian find out that some of my friends from society is intent on doing, in my my home town, friends with whom I opinion, is creating a vicious circle of grew up and went to college and with mindless, faceless women who recite whom I talked about these very same the opinions ot their husbands and issues, are now, safely ensconced in whose sole purpose is the bearing of the bosom of matrimony, picking up This type of mentality these time-tattered pieces ot useless children. the recent outcropping, a values and are hellishly intent upon produces American mentality, of the furthering them. product of new materialistic marriage. It is a SOCIETAL ROLES AND phenomenon that can be viewed in any major city in the states as well as TRAINING in Canada. How else can a past-panna Ukrainian women, like all women flaunt her social success if not by everywhere, learn to be supportive showing the world her excellent from an early age. I remember when 1 matrimonial choice? There is a was just a kid and my father would definitive 'keeping-up-with-the-

1 come home from work hungry. I was Jones syndrome' prevalent among expected to feed him. Now my young Ukrainian married couples SASKATOON father still brother is seventeen. My today. In many ways, the Ukrainian comes home from' work but my male becomes the victim of an ever- brother is not expected to cook conscious attempt to flaunt material 'CENTENNIAL anything for him. Furthermore, my success before the eyes of Ukrai- parents are evidencing a great deal of nian society. The young Ukrainian, concern about what my brother's of today ! college-educated matron career will be. I don't recall anyone has become the epitome of the eve having been too concerned with culture vulture. She often chooses

I going to do with my life. It what was the right means for the wrong ends. May 11, 12, 13 6 p.m. - 2 a.m. was rather taken tor granted that I Success in American life today WORLDS LARGEST would go to college and then get consists of marrying the right married. How can women be self- Ukrainian money-making machine UKRAINIAN CABARET reliant and independent when they in who will guarantee her an income . opposite are trained to be just the today's Ukrainian society as well as trained to be from birth? They are a lavish ranch house with in- frilly little decorations without much numerable paintings of the Ukrai- FEATURING personality of their own. A child is nian masters, entry to all the balls, TICKETS dependent on her parents' love. professional activities and social - rewards TED KOMAR BAND (WINNIPEG) May 11 - 5.50. May 12 - 6.50, May 13 When she learns that come events with the right sort of expen- the (EDMONTON) Children with parents 2.00 only when she is cute and coy, sive clothes. Dealing on a DUMKA BAND stop with childhood. It Door $10.00 if available habit does not materialistic level as a way of LUBOMYRA (MONTREAL) cry is so much easier tor a girl to or competing realistically with PAVLYCHENKO DANCERS Send money order to: than take stand with manipulate to a American society, we Ukrainians VESNA YOUTH CHORUS Vesna Festival Tickets any man. Women are trained to buy ignore the better aspects of life in YEVSHAN DANCERS 842 East Centre love and security at a very high price. America. As American society is HOSPODAR - ROMAN ONUFRIJCHUK Saskatoon, Sask S7H 2Z7 it is love security that they And and trying to cope with the issue of such are trained to covet. With a women's liberation and straighten limited it is wonder that scope, no out some of the wrongs done to they will fight viciously to get what women throughout the ages, Ukrai- they want, or will manipulate to get it nian society persists in going its again after they lose it. merry way in producing mindless, females who are intent only ENJOY PANNA PUBLICITY useless on social position and the cultiva- Art Shows, Cultural Displays, Films, Slides, Being a panna in your twenties is tion of pseudo-Ukrainian values. Boutiques, Craft Demonstrations, Delicious a public event. Everyone problems of self-identify, in- becomes The Ukrainian Food and Refreshments, Echanting Ukrainian Decor. very intimately involved in your dependence and social awareness

private lite. People take it upon are never broached.


PRESS FUND The Ukrainian Students' and dancers from the local group the future of the club during the Federation of Ottawa recently "Dnipro" performed. Following this upcoming spring and summer organized an afternoon sleigh ride evening of music and revelry, the break, when plans for further ac- (contributions this month) excursion followed by a club has organized a seminarseries tivities during the next school year "Kolomeyka Cabaret" in the even- which will occur weekly until the will be made. ing at which musicians, folksingers, end of March. Things look good for

$50: J.W.R. Osmak $17: UNF (Thunder Bay) VANCOUVER: SUCCESSFUL BANQUET $10: Z. Zwarych, O. Matchuk $7: G. Duravetz The highlight of the SUSK- crop of graduates (10) was larger the grads as was Adrian Vancouver social season occured than in past years because it includ- Kopystynski in his reply. $5: B. Olijnyk on the evening of February 4th at ed those who had .been neglected All In all, it was a good team $2: Dr. C. Suchowersky the Ukrainian Catholic Centre, last year. effort with all club members helping where the 28th annual Aipha- Our head table included SUSK and selling tickets. In other ac- Omega banquet was held. Actually, National President. Andrij Makuch, tivities, a few of our members "almost annual" would be a better who, on the occasion of the 25th attended the SUSK Western Con- term since this banquet, honouring Anniversary of SUSK. was our guest ference in Edmonton during our speaker. Adam contributions should be forwarded to: those club members graduating Kozak. a former mid-term break. The club is plan- All from post-secondary institutions, president of Alpha-Omega, was ning for a meeting in the near future was not held last year. This year's more than eloquent in his toast to for a summary of what happened at the Conference. UKRAINIAN CANADIAN STUDENTS' UNION 11246-91 STREET THE PROBLEM WITH EDMONTON, ALBERTA CANADA T5B 4A2 SUSK IS ... were On the last evening of the SUSK nian students at the local level continuity for many clubs. Apathy is Western Conference, Jars Balan seen as being most significant (the a general societal malaise in North introduced approximately twenty number following the problem is the America today which affects the life CLARK point value assigned collectively by of the Ukrainian studentcommunity conference participants to the the group): it community at (continued from page 1) "nominal group" technique, which just as does the - lack of knowledge about Ukrainian large. rapid pace of change is widely used among groups of The A political party such as the Students' Union — its severe "genera- Canadian working class. various sizes and backgrounds to Canadian today has led to a NDP, originally built on working structure, and objec- Ukrainian Canada's history shows that it generate ideas and to maximize history, aims tion gap," with many class and grassroot support — tives — 460; students questioning the values of was built by all its citizens, im- input from all members of a group classes in which the majority of - of clearly defined aims and parents and the basis of their migrants of European descent in- on a given question. lack their Canada's "multi-cultural" citizens programs — 350; involvement with traditional youth cluded. Thus multiculturalism on Once a question is posed (in are to be found — has been totally - apathy — 335; organizations, which are often this basis, today demands cultural, this case, the question was "What silent on and neglectful of the - need for education in terms of heavily sectarian and fear innova- social, political and economic pari- are the main problems facing Ukrai- movement to implement mul- communicating ideas about tion. Local clubs are often ty for those people. Canada, nian students at the local level?"), ticulturalism. This lack of political politics, culture, multiculturalism, dominated by one or two strong- especially English-speaking all group members are given several perception and maturity on the part Ukrainian survival —320; minded individuals who impose Canada, is increasingly exhibiting minutes to jot down several of the NDP leadershipdisqualifiesit - alienation of the membership from their views on the membership and the undeniable class domination by responses which they feel are the from being a valid alternative for the executive level — 295; healthy balance of ac- the Anglo-Celtic ethnic group, most appropriate. These written the prevent a future of Canada. - too many value clashes over tivities — the list cangoon and on ... rendering socio-economic mobility replies are then exchanged among Party of alcohol, drugs, sex — 290; the extent to which The Communist as something exclusively theirs. To group members (the sheets, of Although Canada, a self proclaimed "cham- - intimidation by more articulate Ukrainian student clubs can deal offset this it is necessary to express course, are not signed) who in turn "dragon-- and experienced club members — with any of these problems is pion of the needy" and ethnic demands of multiculturalism then read the replies aloud. Each slayer of the evil," reveals its intellectual snobbery — 285, obviously very limited, one cannot through socio-economic and reply is briefly discussed and then nature - lack of balance of activities within assume that Ukrainian student degenerate and revisionist political demands within the Cana- posted on a wall. The discussion is — social, cultural — it muliiculturalism club political, will continue to "carry on" as when rejects as, dian system. Canada becomes one not meant to eliminate ideas but to clubs "... something seized upon by the 285; before despite the growing with multiculturalism when its weed out duplicate and unclear bourgois and petty-bourgeois - student-parent clash t>f values — challenges facing them. What can social relations of production, the ideas. In this way no-one is denied active in difficulty overcoming biases of be done? It may be that seminars or nationalists politically real fabric of society, becomes an opportunity to present his ideas, other ethnic communities ..." and socialization — 275; workshops dealing with leadership multicultural. since in many group situations one "... door to - fear of taking the risks that come and organizational problems would which opens the Canada will be multicultural or several strong personalities often for the establishment of with involvement — 230; be useful. At the very least, annual demands and democratic only when its end up dominating a discussion, for other groups - gossip — 215; meetings of local club presidents cultural autonomy citizens collectively initiate the inhibiting the free expression of ancestors - lack of local leadership — 180; and other interested present and of Canadians whose changes required for a system viewpoints by less aggressive in- countries other than - money — 140; prospective executive members came from based on respect of the individual, dividuals. - level) order to allow lot France or Britain..." and "... if this parochialism (on sectarian would be useful in regardless of his race, ethnic origin Posting all the proposed concept [multiculturalismj is work- of prior involvement in other Ukrai- an exchange of information ex- or lifestyle. responses to the question posed organizations — 140; perience. If necessary, separate ed into the legal structure of the policy survey a nian It is clear that the allowed participants to — then well might see a - shortsightedness in planning sessions of this kind could be held country, we statements of Clark and the other whole range of alternatives and to cultural fragmentation of Canada, 100; in the East and in the West (but they political parties, and the record of place their own responses in divisions into dozen - amateurism - 90 should be held apart from the and its a (non)achievement by the current perspective. They are then asked to groupings Although some of the above annual Congress) which could culturally autonomous government, indicate the futility of points 'according to a assign dealing heighten all tenden- may seem to be superficial, include discussions on club which would one's trust in these in- framework) to the placing specified program. towards disunity in ourcountry with the symptoms of problems development as part of its cies stitutions in the hope that they will responses which they feel are most student com- also consider prepar- ..." that the price paid for within the Ukrainian SUSK should It is evident facilitate the development of appropriate, and the responses are with the similar to the one is the malicious dis- munity rather than ing a booklet collaboration Canada in accordance with its then collated. This can be repeated problems themselves, the published in 1970. outlining the tortion of the concepts and aims of multi-cultural reality. Perhaps we several times, with "low-scoring" responses represent concerns history and aims of SUSK. The multiculturalism and the total nega- should demand more efficacious alternatives being dropped from the directly affect many National Executive and the tion of the Communist party's which often SUSK channels of activity. list at each successive stage. Being a student organizers of the forthcoming con- ostentatious claim to represent the Over forty different local club. organization with a large turnover gress in Winnipeg should carefully problems were identified by the every year, lack of knowledge about examine the results of this "nominal SUSK group, and lew of them can objectives group" session and should try to be dismissed as being totally irrele- SUSK — its history, aims, least some of the - is definitely serious problem deal with at vant. In the long run, however, the a this time. „" which leads to a serious lack of problem identified at ,,?, following problems facing Ukrai- , , ? POTREBENKO — ,. (continued from page 4) sciousness of the Ukrainian com- community stems primarily from a capitalism provokes only one form thereby dismissing munity in Canada, which she . loose analysis. For instance, the of reaction, the of attempts to accomplish by reveal- fact that the Ukrainian and other social consequences . . . immigrant groups. ing the problems posed by the ethnic groups experienced a similar homogeneous , For some this is not a critical Soviet Union and the Canadian . form of discrimination leads problem. But for the Ukainian capitalism. That she fails to go Potrebenko to wrongly conclude student and for Potrebenko with her substantially beyond WW II in her that the Ukrainian community was . this politics reveals , committment to social justice account of her not distinct, whereas the only should be of crucial concern. Her actual isolation from the contem- conclusion her evidence suggests is evident porary community For i( she had , does not dis- recognition of this issue ! capitalism is that throughout her book and in her taken notice of political issues in the . it tinguish amongst those whom current activity as a union activist. Ukrainian community today, then exploits. Rather than contrasting The major achievement of her book she would see why her book is . different ethnic communities to see is the, attempt to provide a rewarding yet exasperating. The if they reacted distinctly, framework for the political con- struggle is tar from finished. 8 , 1977 . Potrebenko blithely assumes that STUDENT, March/April, 1978: page 13 — CAFIK— (continued from page 1) UNDEMOCRATIC

possible date in order to prevent the preferably at an increased rate. treated in an equal manner under a being played down in However, he would not commit single policy with national scope. policy from (continued from page 3) the face of Conservative attacks. A himself to a specific amount which For example, the national policy of resolution to this effect was un- his department would seek. bilingualism results in ready access animously passed by delegates to In response toa question which to French-language stations across the SUSK Western Conference, raised the issue ol why French- the country, even in areas where the requirements of any constitutional changes. There are no now indications are that a Canadians outside of Quebec were French language is rarely used. In although generally accepted rules of procedure, and no agency election will likely intervene being funded to the tune of $75 contrast, areas with high densities federal exists to determine disagreements on interpretations of the before any such act will be in- million over a five-year period, of non-Anglo-Celtic, non-French constitution. Whatever is unagreeable is tabled un- (which gives them an annual budget population are currently having troduced. constitutional by those who occupy leading posts in the The session reflected some which is 50% greater than the trouble getting multilingual televi- UCC today. SUSK's current multicultural budget), Cafik sion as part of their basic cable sharp differences between We have said the community is undemocratic because understanding of multiculturalism refused to accept the premise that service. The recent situation in our leadership is financially irresponsible. For example, non-Francophone groups outside Toronto, where the Ontario govern- and that of the Minister. The financial commitments made by leaders of our suspicions that mul- of Quebec should be receiving a ment opposed the substitution of a among some organizations sometimes are simply reneged without as a corresponding proportion of funds U.S. network channel by a mul- ticulturalism is being used rational explanation. A system of taxation without slogan to unite ethnocultural in relation to their needs. He simply tilingual channel is a case in point. representation prevails in our community, and our scarce unity reiterated the already trite answer Cafik admitted that there was a groups behind a national funds are spent from time to time on projects of a highly ethnics are cast that one cannot determine the value problem but that the CRTC would campaign in which dubious nature. the charter of multiculturalism in terms of the support the establishment of the to play second fiddle to Finally we have said our community is undemocratic French, has dollars spent on the program — one channel as part of basic cable groups, English and because it makes no effort to reassure the rank and file that of government must take into account its impact in service. made them skeptical its good faith trustingly vested in the leadership is not being statements rhetoric about the other depratmenls. If this were The Minister reacted strongly and abused. For example many Ukrainian pioneers have been clear done, "ethnic" groups would not against suggestions that mul- value of cultural diversity. It is induced to devise their hard earned estates to the the have reason to feel that they were ticulturalism had a low priority in that important elements in Ukrainian Canadian Committee on their death, yet these mul- being slighted by the government in the government's programs, as Liberal Party still feel that legacies are inadequately valued. foster comparison lo French-Canadians. reflected by the tack of a single ticulturalism will simply Have we established that our community is un- add to ex- A question relating to the individual in either the Prime cultural solitudes and democratic? Perhaps the best way to determine the answer society. multicultural policy's .aim of Minister's Office or the Privy Coun- isting tensions in Canadian to this question would be to imagine ourselves introducing Conservative promoting inter-ethnic "relations cil Office who is responsible for But the Progressive an average man off the street to our community, explaining less receptive to and understanding was addressed helping to co-ordinate policy Party appears even to him how it is structured and how it works. Surely such a consists of to the Minister, who was obliged to development at the highest levels of the idea that Canada man would conclude that our community is far from quite different cultural admit that very little was being done government. Cafik asserted that people from democratic if he heard the arguments we have considered of want specifically in this area at the multiculturalism was considered backgrounds, some whom here. help them moment. Catik stated that he did not important by the Cabinet, and that it the government to It may very well be that a more democratic community their ethnic want to see Canada broken into devoted a special half-hour to this preserve aspects of will not solve the chronic lack of people to undertake Democratic cultural solitudes. In his view, we topic every month. heritage. The New projects or help with the work. It may be that none of the active on cannot have a cultural policy for In view of the shortage of time Party has not been very problems we lace will be solved by this move. Democracy Canadians of. English origin, available, many important the issue of multiculturalism in the in and of itself will not necessarily guarantee our another for Canadians of French questions were left unasked. The past, but recent indicationssuggest community the best leadership. But these are surely more background, and yet another for the SUSK executive emphasized its that they may be becoming hollow, transparent arguments against a more open election "other" groups. All must be treated concern about the status of the receptive. The upcoming community structure. That our system of criminal justice should give all parties a as Canadians, within the framework program and it was suggested that campaign does not catch every criminal is no argument for its demise; policy of a uniform policy. the federal government fulfill its chance to develop their own that democracy will not solve every problem of the to Another questioner challenged promise to introduce an Act concer- positions and to sell them the Ukrainian community is no argument against its im- the idea that all groups can be ning Multiculturalism at the earliest public. Caveat Emptor! plementation — in either case we must do the best we can. Democracy may not guarantee the best leadership for our community, but by enabling us to change our leadership

from time to time and when necessary, it most certainly will rt-MOntOtl MOBIL ..4 -- BARA DRUGS LTD. protect us from mediocrity and incompetence. For all these reasons we have decided to form an organization which we have temporarily designated as the PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Ukrainian Democratic Union. Its purpose is to propagate market real estate ltd democratic ideas in the Ukrainian community, and to work towards the reorganization of the over-all community on the basis of individual equality and democracy. This group 10049 JASPER AVENUE proposes to make these changes through the existing - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL HOMES FARMS EDMONTON, ALBERTA structure of the community if possible, but if this turns out to be impossible, then to establish a democratic communi- 428-0775 Ph. T5J 1Tz ty despite existing structures. It is our hope that we will be able to develop a democratic movement in the Ukrainian MARVIN J BUS 429-23f)>l PROKUP community which propagates and implements these ideas. E. BARABASH. B.Sc. Pharin

Subscribe to the JOURNAL of Ukrainian Graduate Studies

The Journal of Ukrainian Graduate Studies is the official biannual publication of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. The journal includes articles on a wide range of- topical subjects, including literature, history, sociology and art in Ukrainian, English and French. Three issues of the Journal have appeared. Contents of the third issue (Fall, 1977) include:

Virlana Tkacz: The Golden Dissonance: Pavlo Tychyna's 62 Poetic Imagery in My kola Kulish's Narodnii Malakhii :' - 72 : The Journey Jaroslav Petryshyn::Ukrainian Canadians, Multiculturalism, (translated by Marta D. Olynyk) 8 and Separatism: Some Observations 81 Bohdan P. Nahaylo: Dziuba's Internationalism or Russiftcation? Revisited: A Reappraisal of Dziuba's John-Paul Himka; Ukrainian Art in the Soviet Union: Treatment of Leninist Nationalities Policy 31 Makarenko and Humeniuk 89 Mykhajlo Savaryn: Why Capitulate?: 's Edward Kasinec: Documentation for Ukrainian Studies: Trauma 54 Reflections on the Background, Problems, and Perspectives of the Harvard Experience 91

For a complimentary copy of the Journal of Ukrainian Studies, please fill out and return

the attached form. If you wish to subscribe, the annual subscription rate is $4.00. All personal cheques and money orders should be made out in Canadian or American funds.


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