! RETURN REQUESTED STUDENT 11246-91 STREET ftvmm EDMONTON, ALBERTA dan dam CANADA TSB 4A2 3831 EDMONTON STUDEIVTMIITUDIAIUTi 2 5 CENTS CANADA'S NEWSPAPER FOR UKRAINIAN STUDENTS A ONE-DIMENSIONAL IN A MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY MAN Zorjan Hrom'jak A HARD LOOK' ... AT CLARK In press interview late in Clark as a Canadian politician It would be appropriate to December of is briefly 1 977 Joe Clark, leader obligated to recognize and ap- review here the position of other of the Progressive Conservative preciate the historic role that Canadian political pames Party of Canada, and of the opposi- Canadians of European descent with respect to multiculturalism. tion in parliament, suffered again (Ukrainian Canadians included) It is clear that the Liberal Party's policy from his recurring ailment of verbal have played in developing the statements (financial and otherwise) diarrhea. In this particular attack country and consequently the con- area far cry from the lip- service Clark said, "... he would take a hard sciousness of Canada as being they actually pay to look at abolishing the departments uniquely multicultural. demands for the horizontal integra- tion of multiculturalism, of Fitness and Amateur Sports, By logically linking his two or„in other words, the restructuring of social Multiculturalism and Urban Af- statements, one is led to the in- and political power fairs." If the Department of Mul- evitable conclusion that Clark so as to reflect the multi-ethnic and ticulturalism is superfluous for would abolish the department of multicultural nature of Canada. Clark then so is the concept of Multiculturalism or deny the mul- It Is evident from Canada as "bilingual and mul- ticultural aspect of Canada, as the studies carried out by analysts ticultural" a view bitterly fought for result of an anti-European and of Canadian society such as J. Porter by the 30% of Canada's population perhaps some sort of an anti- [The Vertical Mosaic) and P. who are neither English nor French. immigrant chauvinism or ultra- Neumann {The Canadian Elite), More recently, Clark added to conservative defense of the purity and in fact from his simpleton-like image when, in of "pure" Canadians. Canadian census statistics that the demographic multicultural one of his denunciations of Pierre The absurdity of Clark's state- Trudeau reality of English-speaking Canada he referred to Trudeau ment is further amplified when one pejoratively in no way reflected in government, as a "European- considers that it was European Canadian." public and private sectors of in- counterposing his own immigrants over the past 2 to 4 "North dustry. American Canadianism" generations who had the "sense of and the ostensible goodness in- what can be done" and developed The conspicuous absence of herent it minority ethnics on in to Trudeau's tradition. Western Canada, as did their boards of "... You with directors or advisory of grow up a different predecessor's in Eastern Canada, boards various sense there — a sense of what can earlier European immigrants. crown corporations and government be done. A western Canadian These grossly irresponsible institutions and es- carries as a part pecially in the structures of of his natural statements are indicatory of one or power baggage the sense the private sector economy, bear that there are two things. Perhaps Clark is in- things to testament to the very do. The European Cana- capable of continuing as leader ol non- multicultural dian has the sense that many of the the Progressive Conservative Party power profile of things that can be done have been and should therefore immediately Canada. The actual state of done ..." Canada's multicultural minorities or are of immediate European this man's incapability of intelligent be given a vote of non-confidence; One can only conclude that descent, as inferior in thought seems to be the direct opposite of their "sense" and may be dismissed as or if his views go unchallenged by Clark also considers and worth any such talk of "horizontal integra- the vast as men and women! such. Clark's political position and the party, then Canadians ought to number bon of Canadian citizens that Although these two absurd and authority demand further investiga- immediately givethe Conservatives are recent "(CLARK continued emigrants from Europe. vacuous statements are typical of - tion. a vote of non-confidence! on page 13) EXECUTIVE PROBES MULTICULTURAL POLICY Dave SUSK MEETS WITH CAFIKLupul The Minister of State for Mul- the federal Progressive Conser- siderations. ticulturalism. the Honourable Nor- vative Party. First, it is consistent with the PC man Cafik, was invited to attend the Disagreement about the value party's opposition to what it con- recent SUSK Western Conference of the multicultural program sidered unnecessary government and consented to meet with the resulted from a recent interview spending on non-essential SUSK National Executive and othei with Joe Clark in which he stated programs. Secondly, it is in keeping interested individuals on Friday, that he was taking "a hard look at with Clark's view that the federal February 17. Recent developments abolishing the departments of government should remove itself on the federal political scene have Fitness and Amateur Sport, Mul- from areas which the provinces brought the multicultural policy ticulturalism, and Urban Affairs." consider to be exclusively under into the limelight for the first time as [Toronto Star, 30 December 1977). provincial jurisdiction, such as an issue of partisan debate, and the Clark's motivation for this retreat sports, cultural affairs and urban meeting was seen as an opportunity from the Progressive Conservative affairs. Thirdly, the Conservatives to assess Party's the depth of the Liberal original support for mul- have been critical of the political government's commitment to the ticulturalism appear to be based on nature of the multicultural depart- policy in the face of opposition from a number of salient political con- ment, which they view as an instru- ment for disseminating government propaganda to ethnic constituen- cies. Naturally, the Liberals have — ' IN THIS counterattacked. Cafik strongly —— ISM ISSUE criticized Clark's position and L to R; I. Broda (special advisor toCafik^Hon. N. Cafik, A. reiterated the government's central theme in the national unity debate Makuch, (SUSK president). SUSK Western Conference — the necessity of entrenching the and assumptions." pages 8 4 9 minority language teaching aid in concept of two official The participants in question The Undemocratic Community page 4 language in a the the Ukrainian-English bilingual multicultural society. Cafik has and answer session with the Potrebenko - Interview program in Edmonton. Cafik in- & Review stated that, "Multiculturalism Minister attempted get the page 4 may to dicated that he favoured a continua- On Ukrainian well be the key to national unity, if it Minister to commit himself concer- Women page 6 tion of funding for the program, The Art ol Olya Lisowy is to mean anything in the deeply ning the government's future inten- page in personal sense, must be founded on tions specific areas of mul- (CAFIK News Irom the USSR & Eastern Europe page 5 confidence in one's own individual ticultural policy. Questions were continued on Club News identity; out of this can grow raised about specific programs page 14) page 73 respect for that of others and a funded by the government, such as willingness to share ideas, attitudes the federal money allocated to AND MORE! Because STUDENT is produced entirely by volunteer student labour, only one issue will appear in March -April, in order to allow more time for year-end study. Next issue in May. EDITORIAL CULTURE LIBER ALLES (HOW TO PAY FOR YOUR PYSANKA WITH AN UNEMPLOYMENT CHEQUE) ^» all correspond en to: ^ Please «ddreM The SUSK Western Con- issues in Canada and the world ourselves to these matters if our STUDENT ference, held annually with the which directly affect them, perhaps existence as a "Ukrainian com- sense. if 11246-91 St. intention of developing the 'Ukrai- even more than a Ukrainian Cana- munity" is to make any For Edmonton, Alberta nian student movement,' has come dian 'culture'. the community is held together by little a pronounced 'anti- Canada T6B4A2 and gone. Most of the participants But in his roster of problems to more than {some veteran conference-goers, be solved, Balan failed to mention communism' and a vague sense of STUDENT ia a national trilingual and monthly newspaper lor others new to the sport) returned the crucial problem of overpopula- "Ukrainianism" expressed in a Ukrainian Canadian eta dents, published by the Ukrainian Canadian home from Edmonton 'satisfied.' tion and a booming birth rate in the slavish devotion to language and StadenU' Union ISUSKI. Countries, in which 'culture', then is there any basis for The conference was 'nice ' They Third World heard several presentations on over half of thepopulation is only its continued existence? What is the STUDENT » a forum for fact and opinion reflecting tfce Interests of various aspects of the Ukrainian now entering in to the period of "Ukrainian community" and where with its history of does it stand on unemployment, Ukrainian Canadian atodenta on various topics —social, cultural, 'culture' in Canada, partied a bit and fertility. Canada, of immigrant settlement and despite Quebec, the RCMP and political poBUeal and religious. even got in a good dose student erect racial repression in Chile? WSuld answer- 'politicking.' Yet it is doubtful government attempts to whether the conference had barriers, will at some point in the not ing these questions explain why The opinions and thoughts expressed In STUDENT represent the more than a fleeting too distant future be faced with an 'unity' among Ukrainians in Canada Canadian student anything particular situation In which the Ukrainian from is more fiction than fact? impact on its participants.
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