The Ukrainian Weekly 1975, No.41

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1975, No.41 Address: The Ukrainian Weekly A PAST ТО REMEMBER - A FUTURE ТО MOLD! Si-53 Grand Street Jersey City, N.J. 07303 BICENTENNIAL OF THE .'el.: (201) 434-0237 AMERICAN REVOLUTION f20l) 434-0807 У212) 227-4125 СВ0Б CENTENNIAL OF UKRA– Ukrainian National лза'п ЩОДЕННИК 0A11Y INIAN SETTLEMENT IN (?Ol) 451-2200 УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ U К R А І N І THE US (212) 227-5251 ШІ? Ukrainian rrklg Triton. РІК LXXXII. SECTlON TWO No. 201 SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 w, ЦЕНТІВ 20 CENTS 201 VOL. Lxxxn. 20,000 WITNESS UNVEILING CF LESIA UKRA!NKA VASYL STUS ACCUSES KGB SAKHAROY HEAR1N6 1N COPENHAGEN UNRAYELS OF CRIMES AGAINST UKRAINIANS 1N TORONTO NEW YORK, N.Y. - Ya– ed and emaciated people," VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN USSR TORONTO, Ont. - Л the efforts alderman Wasyl syl Stus, 37-year-old Ukrain-– charged Stus, - DR. ZWARUN TESTlFlES ON BEHALF OF І?КЕЛІХШГ^ " throng of 20,000, including Boytchuk. ian poet sentenced to five He began his assault on DR. SAKHAROY SENDS LETTER OF SUPPORT ІОК P!.!USHCH, OTHERS years in concentration camp the KGB by arguing that his federal, provincial, and city of–і The official unveiling was COPENHAGEN, Denmark. - t-– -v juJgiuent on the Soviet for "anti-Soviet agitation," arrest was unfounded and ficials, as well as repr'esenta– preceded by religious services — The international Sakha– Union. accused the KGB of perpe– his trial illegal. According to concelebrated by Archbishop rov Hearing, which heard in- tives of Ukrainian national trating crimes against the U– Stus, he was arrested in 1972 Based on the testimonies of Michael, Metropolitan of the dividual testimonies on vio– and local organizations, took krainian nation. on charges of complicity with witnesses such as the wife of " Ukrainian Greek - Orthodox lations of human rights in the in an open letter written tfce "Dobosh case," which re– Andrei Sinyavsky, Andrei part in the unveiling of the Church in Canada, and Bishop Soviet Union, including .an sometime this year and re– fers to the arrest of the U– Hryhorenko, son of Major Lesia Ukrainka monument lsidore Borecky, head of the expose by Dr. Andrew Zwa– cently received by the press krainian Belgian student, Ja– General Petro Hryhorenko, here Sunday, October 19, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy run on the situation . in U– service of the Ukrainian Su– roslaw Dobosh ,– in 1972 on Dr. Zwarun and others, the in Toronto, who were joined kraine, concluded here Sun- erected on a plot in High preme Liberation Council charges of meeting with U– panel' concluded that "the by numerous clergy of both day, October 19 after declar– Park, one of the moat densely (abroad), Stus said that he krainian intellectuals. hearing has given the panel rites. They also blessed the ) ing that there is "strong Ukrainian populated sections s official' aPPeii'e^ on several occasions f Stus claimed that the strong reason .to doubt that monument after reason to doubt'' that the So– to official organs to prosecute charge was fabricated and the Soviet Union is observing of Toronto. unveil:ng. viet government adheres to those invidudals who are res– said that no reference of the thsprinciples laid down in the Federal Minister of Labor in hailing the monument international human rights k ponsible for "perpetrating "Dobosh case" was made international covenant on ci– and citing Lesia Ukrainka as agreements. John Munro was joined by mass crimes against an en– -during the trial. vil and political rights, rati– "a great poetess and cham– lit the course of the four- Lesia Ukrainka'a sister, isy– tire generation of Ukrainian "The 'Dobosh case' was n fied by the Soviet Union is pion of liberty," Mr. Munro lay hearing Dr. Andrei Sa– dora Borysova, in officially intelligentsia." (fabrication from thabeg:n– 1973 and in the Helsinki de– said that the statue was yet kharOM,, the 1973 Nobel' Peace unveiling the monument ho– "However, 1 either did not; tuing to the end, and'proves claration of 1975." another of many contribu– Prize winner, initiator of the noring one of Ukraine's fore- receive a reply from them or і tint the trials in Ukraine in tions of Ukrainian Canadians idea of the international pa– "in the Soviet Union, free– most poetesses and play– they sent a letter replete j 1972-73 bore resemblence tc to the country's cultural ael. and leading Soviet human Dr. Andrew Zwarun lom of thought and expres– wrights. The completion and with irrelevant legal jargon, th fabricated trials of the mosaic. rights advocate, sent a state– sion is restricted. Non-con– unveiling of the monument, raying that 1 was sentenced 1930's, worthy of the Yezhov nent to the hearing's plan– ed by members of the panel, formist b?havior encounters executed by New York sculp– A parade of uniformed justly and there is no need Jjind Beria methods," said ners, stressing the importance in particular Simon Wiesen– harassment in vital conditions tor Mykhay!o Czereszniowsky SUM, Plast and ODUM youths for a review," wrote Stus. 'Stus. :jf "speaking up in defense of thal, director of the Jewish of life. Freedom of movement who was on hand for the oc– to the tunes of Plast's and Stus bases his accusations During the pre-trial invest; ivoiitical prisoners in the So– Documentation Center in inside the country, foreign casion, coincided with the ln– SUM's marching bands fol– against the" KGB on personal .gation,. all of his written .'iet Union." vienna, Austria. rayel sis well as emigration ternational Women's Year. lowsd the unveiling. A pro- experiences of harassment works of the past 15-1" Among .the prisoners of Dr. Zwarun was the sole re severely restricted. Reli– The Ukrainian community in gram of choral music and re- during the investigation and years were confiscated by the conscience ,cited by Dr. Sa– Ukrainian witness at the hear– pous freedom is substantial– the free world observed the citations from the works of trial, the persecution of other KGB, along with works by dmrov w"^re Leonid Piiushch, ing. Mrs. Slava Stetzko was ly restricted," said the final 100th anniversary of Lesia the poetess concluded the Ukrainian intellectuals, and Ukrainian, Russian and othci K 'whose mind is being destro– on the original list of wit– statement. Ukrainka's birth in 1971. day. arlier repression of the U– writers. yed in thi, Dninropetrovske nese"s, but was subsequently Lesia Ukrainka Monument The unveiling of the monu– krainian people. "For that 1 demand their The hearing also stated Joining Mr. Munro and psychiatric hospital;" and barred from the hearing due ', m?nt-was preceded by a ban– "1 consider the KGB a pn– prosecution as enemies of U– that the interests of national Mrs. Borysova in the unveil– Rev. vaayl Romaniuk whe -to alleged protests by the Ug was Mrs. Yaroalawa who contributed" funds andj ?tuet Saturday, October 18, at rasitic, exploitative and harm– krainian culture, enemies of minorities in the'Soviet Union was sentencad to І0 years in Other witnesses and inter– ч efforts towards the realiza–(– the Four Seasons Sheraton ful organization, on whose the Ukrainian nation, enemies "are suppressed," and that l-vanchuk, head of the Ukra– prison for religious activity. preters. tion of .the project. The com– Hotel here, attended by Ukra– conscience are millions upon of humanism and world cul– there are people to the Soviet i'nian Women's Association of Dr. Zwarun, vice-president The hearings were held in mittee had secured the plot :inian and Canadian lumina– millions of executed, murder– (Continued on p. 2) prisons, concentration camps Canada, which spearheaded of the "Smolbskyp" Organiza– the old upperhouse chambers of land from the city through ries. the project A special Lesia tion in Defense of Human of the Danish parliament and psychiatric hospitals Ukrainka Monument Com– Rights in Ukraine, and a re– here, and the 12-member "who are deprived of their li– mittae was formed several Lawyers Conference in ІКС - preeehtatiyq of that group at panel emphasized that it was berty, often under inhuman years ago under the leader- JOHN SCHMORHUN NAMED Scores Persecatgoift tie hearing, testified on the not meeting as a court and conditions, people ,who must ship of Mrs. Leonida Werty– Ї n, nrm?ICENTENNIA L POST rspeoemena and -persecutions thus was notJ passing any (Confining on p. 4) poroch, who was also present By A. SBMOT1UK n Ukraine on the final day of f–1 ---.,. .і.м,і.їл,'.'„'Г tft-s during the unveiling and WASHINGTON, D.C. Traffic Control Radar of the ік hearings. thanked all persons involved John G. Schmorhun, a Ukra– Defense and Electronic Sys– WASHINGTON. D.a-nr-– from international nuclear sa– His address, entitled "Per– EUROPEAN PARUAMENT ASKED in the project as well as those inian community activist 1 - tems Center in Baltimore. He After a week of deliberations feguards to establishing an sccutipn of Nationalities in ?УЙПГ has been named to the Ameri– is. secretary of the National here, a Lawyers Conference, international whaling com' TO DEFEND UKRA1N1AN PR1SONERS can Revolution Bicentennial sponsored by the World Cen– mission. uhc USSR: The Status in UT --ii–.--^-^– Republican Heritage Groups STRASBOURG, France. - it cited tha recently signed Advisory Committee on Ra– ter on Peace Through Law, A small Ukrainian group kraine,", was divided into four and president of the Republic' A group of Belgian Ukrain– Helsinki document which' ACADEMY STAGES cial, Ethnic and Native Ame– closed Saturday, October 18, consisting of representatives major.,areas of parsepttlion State Nationalities Council of ians presented a petition to binds the signatory govern– CONFERENCE TODAY rican Participation itt the Bi– almost unnoticed by the of the World Congress of Free and repression , in Ulgraine: Maryland.
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