2015China Charity Federation ANNUAL REPORT 年 报 目 录

04 中华慈善总会概况 Profile of China Charity Federation

08 会长寄语 President Message

10 重要活动 Significant Events

12 参加“慈善的力量”2014 年中国慈善年会 12 Attending Power of Philanthropy - the Annual Conference of Philanthropy China 2014 13 参加中央电视台大型公益颁奖典礼“寻找最美医生”晚会 13 Attending the CCTV Award Ceremony and Gala of Looking For the Most Beautiful Doctors In China 14 参加由中国慈善联合会召开的《中华人民共和国慈善事业法 ( 草案 )》研讨会 14 Participating the Seminar In Terms of the Exposure Draft of the National Charity Law Hosted by China Charity Alliance 14 召开“一张纸献爱心”行动动员部署会 14 Called For Joint Effort For Project One Paper For Love 15 开展援助西藏地震灾区行动 15 Action on Tibet Earthquake 16 参加“鹤童百年梦·公益慈善行”鹤童成立 20 周年纪念活动 16 “ A Dream of One Century For Hetong, A Journey of Philanthropy”- The Ceremony To Celebrate The 20th Anniversary of Hetong 17 召开中华慈善总会第四届理事会第三次监事会 17 Held the 3rd Meeting of Supervisor Board of the 4th Session of the Council 18 参加民政部召开的对部管社会组织开展专项监督检查动员大会 18 Participating the Meeting to Mobilize A Specified Supervision and Inspection Towards Social Organizations Registered by Ministry of Civil Affairs 18 召开第四届理事会第五次会议 18 Held the 5th Meeting of the 4th Session of the Council 19 参加中国慈善联合会第一届理事会第三次会议 19 Attending the 3rd Meeting of the 1st Council of China Charity Alliance 19 举行“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目全国启动仪式 19 The National Launch Ceremony for Project A Better Tomorrow For Children 20 参加《中华人民共和国慈善法 ( 草案 )》意见征求会 20 Participating the Seminar Regarding the Draft of the National Charity Law 20 参加第十一届全国老人院院长论坛 20 Attending the 11th National President Forum of Elderly Homes 21 慈善情暖万家 惠及四方寒士 21 Charity Love Warms Tens of Thousands of Poor Families

28 对外交流与合作 International Exchange and Cooperation

23 全球联合之路总裁莱恩·盖勒格一行来访 23 President & CEO of United Way Worldwide Brian Gallagher Came to A Visit CONTENTS

24 英国阿斯利康公司政府事务及市场准入部副总裁黄彬一行来访 24 Vice President of Government Affairs and Market Access of AstraZeneca Huang Bin Visited CCF 24 参加第三届全球联合之路领导人峰会 24 Participating the 3rd United Way Worldwide Leadership Forum 25 罗氏制药中国总经理周虹女士一行来访 25 Chief-Manager of Roche China Zhou Hong Visited CCF 25 波兰劳动和社会保障部副部长拉多斯罗·勒兹科一行来访 25 President Li Met Poland Guests 26 参加 2015 年全球联合之路慈善圆桌论坛 26 Attending the 2015 UWW Round-Table in Seoul 26 会见韩国 GKL 社会奉献基金会理事长李德周一行 26 President Li Bengong Met Korean Guests 27 与美国微笑列车基金会董事长王嘉廉、副总裁薛榆在北京会面 27 Meeting With President of Smile Train Foundation Wang Jialian and Vice President Xue Yu 28 拜耳公司中国区副总经理何涛、郎志慧一行来访 28 Deputy Chief Manager of Bayer China He Tao and Lang Zhihui Visited CCF

28 慈善项目与基金 Charity Projects and Funds

28 扶贫项目 28 Poverty Alleviation Projects 34 助孤项目 34 Orphan Assistance Projects 34 扶残项目 34 The Disabled Alleviation Projects 35 支教助学项目 35 Volunteer Teaching in Rural Area and Tuition Remission Projects 37 救灾项目 37 Disaster Relief Action 40 助医项目 40 Medical Relief Projects 53 专项基金 53 Specific Funds

64 2014年度财务审计报告 98 2014 Audit Report

140 2014 年大事记 140 2014 Chronicle of Events of CCF

166 鸣谢:公众、合作伙伴 166 Acknowledgements: the Public and Partners

168 联系方式、账号 168 Contact Information and Account Number of CCF 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

中华慈善总会概况 Profile of China Charity Federation (CCF)

中华慈善总会成立于 1994 年,是经中国政府批准依法注册登记的全国性非营利公益社会团体。

China Charity Federation is a national non-profit public organization founded in 1994, which is approved by Chinese government and legally incorporated.

宗旨 Tenet

发扬人道主义精神,弘扬中华民族扶贫济困的传统美德,帮助社会上不幸的个人和困难群体,开展多种形 式的社会救助工作。 To carry forward the humanitarian spirit, develop and expand such Chinese traditional virtues as poverty alleviation, help those miserable individuals and group in trouble and carry out social assistance work in a variety of forms.

基本数据 Master Data

0 行政编制,是独立运作的民间慈善团体 Owing a non-administrative system, CCF is a non-governmental organization with independent 0 operation

内地第 1 家以慈善命名的全国性慈善组织 1 The first national charity organization named with Charity on Chinese Mainland

2008 年、2013 年两次被评为“5A 级社会组织” 5 Being named "5A Level Charity Fund" in 2008 and 2013

开展了救灾、扶贫、安老、助孤、支教、助学、扶残、助医等 8 大系列慈善项目 Carry out 8 series charity projects including disaster-relief, poverty-alleviation, aiding the old, 8 orphans, people with disabilities, aid education, tuition assistance and medical assistance

团体会员及项目覆盖全国 31 个省、自治区、直辖市 Its group members and charity projects cover 31 provinces, municipalities and 31 municipalities directly under the central government

4 中华慈善总会概况 / Profile of China Charity Federation

拥有 367 个会员单位 367 CCF has 367 member units

2015 年度接收社会捐赠款物 128.36 亿元 128 Raising money and materials worth RMB12.836 billion Yuan in 2015 千万 数以千万的困难群众得到不同形式的救助 Ten Million Thousands of million poverty-stricken people have been aided in different forms 组织架构 Organization Chart

理事会成员 Board Members 中华慈善总会终身荣誉会长 Lifetime Honorary Presidents of CCF

崔乃夫先生 阎明复先生 范宝俊先生 Mr. CUI Naifu Mr. Mr. FAN Baojun

民政部原部长 民政部原副部长 民政部原部长 中共第十二、十三届中央委员 中共十三届中央委员 中共第九届、第十届全国政协常委 中华慈善总会第一任会长 中华慈善总会第二任会长 中华慈善总会第三任会长 Former Minister of the Ministry Former deputy minister of the Former Minister of the Ministry of Civil of Civil Affairs, member of the 12th Ministry of Civil Affairs, member Affairs, Standing Committee member and 13th Central Committee of the of the 13th Central Committee of the 9th and 10th National Committee Communist Party of China (CPC), of the Communist Party of of the Chinese People's Political and the First President of CCF. China (CPC), and the Second Consultative Conference, and the Third President of CCF. President of CCF.

5 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

名誉会长 Honorary President

王光英 第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 9th National People's Congress (NPC) 何鲁丽 第九、十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长、中国国民党革命委员会中央委员会主席 Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 9th and 10th National People's Congress, and president of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang 倪志福 第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 NI Zhifu Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 7th National People's Congress 王文元 中国人民政治协商会议第九届全国委员会主席 President of the 9th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 周铁农 中国人民政治协商会议第十届全国委员会副主席、第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 Vice-president of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) 杨汝岱 中国人民政治协商会议第九届全国委员会副主席 Vice-president of the 9th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 蒋正华 第九、十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 JIANG Zhenghua Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 9th and 10th National People's Congress (NPC) 许嘉璐 第九届、十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 XU Jialu Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 9th and 10th National People's Congress (NPC) 阿不来提·阿不都热西提 中国人民政治协商会议第十、十一届全国委员会副主席 Abdul'ahat Abdulrixit Vice-president of the 10th and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 黄孟复 中国人民政治协商会议第十、十一届全国委员会副主席 Vice-president of the 10th and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 司马义·艾买提 第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC) 张怀西 中国人民政治协商会议第十届全国委员会副主席 Vice-president of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

6 张思卿 中国人民政治协商会议第九、十届全国委员会副主席 Vice-president of the 9th and 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 李贵鲜 中国人民政治协商会议第九、十届全国委员会副主席 Vice-president of the 9th and 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中华慈善总会会长、副会长、秘书长 President, Vice-president, and Secretary-general of CCF

会长 President

李本公 第十一届全国人大代表、全国人大财政经济委员会委员,民政部党组成员、全国老龄工作委员会 办公室常务副主任、中国老龄协会会长。 LI Bengong Representative of the 11th National People's Congress, Member of Finance and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress, Party Member of Ministry of Civil Affairs, Standing Deputy Director of the National Working Committee Office on Aging, and Chairman of the China Ageing Association

副会长 Vice-president

王树峰 中国人民解放军总医院原副院长 WANG Shufeng Former Vice-president of Chinese PLA General Hospital 杜学芳 中央国家机关工委原副书记、纪工委原书记 DU Xuefang Former Deputy Secretary of Work Committee of Central Government Departments, and Former Secretary of Discipline Inspection Work Committee for Central Organs 李宏塔 全国政协委员,安徽省政协原副主席 LI Hongta Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and Former Vice-president of Anhui People's Political Consultative Committee 张印忠 水利部原党组成员,中纪委驻水利部纪检组原组长 ZHANG Yinzhong Former Party Member of Ministry of Water Resources, and Former Leader of Discipline Inspection Team of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the CPC in Ministry of Water Resources 郑功成 全国人大常委会委员,中国人民大学教授 ZHENG Gongcheng Member of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Professor of Renmin University of China 崔俊慧 第十一届全国人大代表、财经委员会委员、国家税务总局原副局长 CUI Junhui Representative of the 11th National People's Congress, Member of the Finance Committee, and Former Deputy Director of the State Administration of Taxation

秘书长 Secretary-general

边志伟 民政部机关服务局原局长 BIAN Zhiwei Former Director of the Ministry of Civil Affairs Organs Service

7 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

会长寄语 President Message

2015 年,总会以规范运作为基础,以开拓创新为动力,拓展 思路,广结善缘,各项工作取得明显实效,为帮扶困难群众、促 进社会和谐发挥了积极作用。 重点项目进展顺利。药品援助项目全年执行款物折合人民币 125.66 亿元,圆满完成既定计划。在突发问题频现、其他慈善机 构同类药品援助项目增多的新形势下,总会积极探索新的援助模 式。传统项目不断创新, I DO 基金首次尝试网络众筹,联合京东 众筹为西藏阿里解决饮水问题;贫困母亲救助项目开启医疗救助, 从过去单一的资金援助转变为资金援助和医疗救助并行。现有 44 个专项基金(项目),均运转有序。 注重创新筹募方式。全面推广“一张纸献爱心行动”。目前 已有 43 个部委和单位参与该行动;2015 年项目所募款项共救助 贫困先心病患儿 296 名,初步形成了全国联动的局面。为贯彻落 实习近平总书记“关心留守儿童”重要指示,缓解留守儿童困境 问题,总会与全球联合之路合作启动了“为了明天—关爱儿童” 项目。此外,我们还借助互联网拓宽筹募渠道,目前已基本完成

8 会长寄语 / President Message

官方微信开发工作,申请开通了微信捐赠渠道,为今后进一步开展网 络募捐打下基础。 对外交流积极主动。总会领导赴荷兰、韩国参加国际慈善会议, 并接待了来自波兰、韩国等国家相关领导和机构负责人,就慈善事业 开展了密切的国际交流。国际合作项目成效显著。总会与韩国 GKL 社 会奉献基金会,就“为了明天 关爱儿童”项目签署了合作意向书。微 笑列车项目与全国各地方医保相结合开展共同援助,全年为 23070 名 患者进行了免费手术。慈福行动开展了助医、助学项目。巴迪社区发 展基金投入 100 多万元帮助社区慈善组织开展扶贫教育培训。与世界 宣明会合作续签“河北省平泉县儿童为本、区域发展项目的合作协议”, 将项目延续至 2021 年。与 LDS 慈善协会在改厕与饮水、轮椅捐赠等 项目方面合作顺利。宝马爱心基金投入 582 万元资助 1557 名学生, 增加受助学生感恩教育活动,确定了与当当网合作开展图书更新项目。 救灾工作稳步推进。芦山灾区重建已进入竣工阶段,总会援建的 项目超过半数已竣工;鲁甸灾区重建项目已基本确定,明年将展开实 施。4 月 25 日尼泊尔发生 8.1 级地震后,总会及时公布捐款账号,通 过官网等渠道接收公众捐款,并接收万达集团捐款 500 万元。震后第 三天,总会长期照护专业委员会组织 39 名专业志愿者开展了为期 30 天的专业康复、护理服务,累计照护伤员 8666 人次,赢得各方赞誉。 为解决受此次地震影响严重的西藏日喀则市的安全饮水问题,总会将 万达集团定向捐赠的 500 万元用于在日喀则建立 100 个爱心水站。 2016 年是“十三五”规划的开局之年,慈善事业也面临着新的机遇。 在新的形势下,总会进一步做好传统优势项目,规范运行,提高效率; 推进新设立项目的发展,加大力度,务求实效;着力打造新的慈善品 牌项目,以点带面,示范带动;全面提升总会自身建设,团结进取, 共创佳绩。 总会一年来所取得的成绩,离不开社会各界的支持,离不开每位 爱心人士的无私奉献。在此,我代表总会向大家表示最衷心的感谢。 2016 年,让我们携起手来,统一思想、振奋精神,以饱满的热情和敬 业的精神,为推动慈善事业发展做出更大的贡献!

9 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

In the year of 2015, CCF practiced with the foundation of formulated operations and the drive of innovation and exploration, opened up the insight, built up new relations, achieved remarkable results and played a positive role on helping the disadvantaged group and promoting common good of society. Good performance of major projects. The medicine assistance projects completed the annual work plan and executed donation in cash and in kind totally worth CNY12.566 billion. CCF explored new assistance model positively under the circumstance of frequent emergency and growing competition. Traditional projects kept on innovation, I DO Fund tested fund- raising on the Internet, cooperated with JINGDONG Fund to solve the watering problem in Ali; Mother in Poor Assisting Project launched a medical program, and shifted from single assisting model to paralleled models with cash donation and medical assistance. The ongoing 44 projects and funds all operated in order. Innovation on fund-raising. Comprehensively promote the project One Paper For Love. There are 43 government division and institutions join in the movement; in the year of 2015, the project raised fund forfinancing 296 impoverished children with congenital heart disease, and primarily formed a nationwide alliance. CCF and UWW co-initiated a project A Better Tomorrow For Children, in order to prosecute the instruction of President Xi and improve lives of left-behind children. Besides, CCF expanded the Internet fund-raising, finished the construction of official website, opened the Wechat giving tunnel, which build up the foundation for further cyber fund-raising. Foreign exchange activities. The leaders attended the International Philanthropy Forum in Netherland and South Korea, and met with the minister of Poland and leaders of charitable institution in South Korea to exchange views. The cooperated projects received remarkable achievements. CCF and GKL Foundation (South Korea) signed a cooperation intention on Project A Better Tomorrow For Children. Smile Train Project connected with the local medical insurance and did free surgeries for 23070 patients. Operation Blessing carried on medical aid and educational assistance. Badi Community Development Fund invested more than 1 million on poverty relief training for community non-profits. Renewed the agreement with World Vision China on Children-Oriented Regional-Development project in Pingquan County Hebei

10 会长寄语 / President Message

Province, which will last until 2021. The project cooperated with LDS-C on sanitation, watering and wheelchair donation were operating well. BMW WHF invested CNY 5.8 million to assist 1557 students, and educational project involved in gratitude education activities for benefited students, and the Fund confirmed collaboration relation with Dangdang.com for picture books purchase. Disaster relief proceeded steadily. The reconstruction work for Lushan quake-hit area has come to the finishing phase, among which more than a half projects CCF invested have been finished; the reconstruction projects for Ludian quake-stricken area have been determined and will kick off next year. On April 25th, Nepal jolted by a 8.1 earthquake. CCF took immediate action to raise fund to the public, and received CNY 5 million from . On the 3rd day post-quake, 39 professional volunteers of the Long-term Caring Committee of CCF went to the disaster area to provide nursing care for 8666 person time, and won praise for all respects. Besides, in order to solve the drinking water security issue after the quake in Shigatse Tibet, CCF set up 100 watering machine with Wanda donation.

2016 is the first year of the thirteenth Five-year Plan, and the philanthropy come up with new challenges. CCF proceeded the major projects with standardized operation, efficiency and effectiveness; promoted new projects practically and supportively; built up new charity brand projects to be the leading power; comprehensively worked on lifting capacity building and team work for better performances.

The achievements CCF received cannot live without the support from all sectors in society and every individual donors. Hereby, on be half of CCF, I presents the utmost appreciation to all of you. Let’s hand in hand, keep united and contribute ourselves with passion and devotion to the development of the philanthropy cause!

11 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

重要活动 Significant Events

参加“慈善的力量”2014年中国慈善年会 Attending Power of Philanthropy - the Annual Conference of Philanthropy China 2014

1月15日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰参加由中国慈善联合会主办的“慈善的力量·2014 中国慈善年会”。全国人大常委会副委员长陈昌智,全国政协副主席张梅颖,民政部副部长、中国 慈善联合会副会长兼秘书长窦玉沛,中华全国归国华侨联合会副主席乔卫等出席年会并致辞。年会 首先在序篇中回顾了2014年慈善行业的整体成就,随后分别用四个篇章展示了23名“年度中国慈善 推动者”的风采。当天,共有来自政府部门、慈善组织、爱心企业及其他社会各界的近300名嘉宾 齐聚现场,共襄年会盛举。新闻办副主任孙燕梅陪同参加。

On Jan. 15th, Executive Vice President of China Charity Federation Wang Shufeng attended Power of Philanthropy - the Annual Conference of Philanthropy China 2014 hosted by China Charity Alliance. The senior governors who attended and spoke in the occasion were Chen Changzhi, Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, , Vice Chairman of the National Committee of CPPCC, Dou Yupei, Vice Minister of Civil Affairs Ministry and Vice President & Secretary General of China Charity Alliance, Qiao Wei, Vice Chairman of All- China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, etc. At the beginning, it reviewed the overall achievements of Chinese Philanthropy in the year of 2014. Then, it released 23 annual Chinese Philanthropy Promoter by 4 groups. There were more than 300 participants from governments, NGOs, business and other sectors gathering in the special occasion. Sun Yanmei, Deputy Director of Communication Office accompanied.

12 重要活动 / Significant Events

参加中央电视台大型公益颁奖典礼“寻找最美医生”晚会 Attending the CCTV Award Ceremony and Gala of Looking For the Most Beautiful Doctors In China

3月19日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰参加由中央电视台主办的大型公益颁奖典礼“寻找 最美医生”晚会录制并担任推荐嘉宾。常务副会长王树峰在现场介绍了总会助医项目的成就,并推 荐广州军区总医院心外科主任张卫达作为“最美医生”获奖人。全国人大常委会副委员长陈竺、国 家卫生和计划生育委员会主任李斌、中央电视台台长胡占凡、全国政协常委黄洁夫等参加录制。新 闻办专员于洪悦陪同参加。

On March 19th, Executive Vice President of China Charity Federation Wang Shufeng attended the Award Ceremony and Gala of Program Looking For the Most Beautiful Doctors hosted by CCTV as guest to recommend the prizewinner. Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng gave a speech on the achievements of CCF medical aid projects, and recommended Zhang Weida, director of Cardiac Surgery Department in Guangzhou Capital Hospital, as one prizewinner. The senior governors presented the event were Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee Chen Zhu, Director of National Health and Family Planning Commission , President of China Central Television Hu Zhanfan, and member of the National Standing Committee of CPPCC Huang Jiefu. Mr. Wang accompanied by Yu Hongyue, the Communication Officer.

13 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

参加由中国慈善联合会召开的 《中华人民共和国慈善事业法(草案)》研讨会

Participating the Seminar In Terms of the Exposure Draft of the National Charity Law Hosted by China Charity Alliance

3月25日,中华慈善总会副秘书长张心国参加由中国慈善联合会召开的《中华人民共和国慈善 事业法(草案征求意见稿)》研讨会,就草案内容提出建议。来自公募基金会、非公募基金会等机 构的代表共二十余人出席研讨会。新闻办主任刘芳陪同参加。

On March 25th, Zhang Xinguo, Deputy Secretary General of China Charity Federation participated in the seminar in terms of the exposure draft of the National Charity Law hosted by China Charity Alliance and discussed the terms with more than 20 representatives from public- raising and private foundations. Liu Fang, director of Communication Office accompanied Mr. Zhang.


Called For Joint Effort For Project One Paper For Love

4月16日,中华慈善总会“一张纸献爱心行动动员部署会”在 北京天健宾馆隆重召开。来自全国各省、市、自治区和计划单列 市的33家慈善会的60多位负责人出席。总会会长李本公做了主题 为“凝聚慈善力量,开创联合劝募新局面”的重要讲话。李本公指 出,联合全国各地慈善会,通过联合劝募的形式,共同开展“一张 纸献爱心行动”,开创社会力量参与社会救助制度建设的新局面。 希望会议求共识、共做事,做善事,善做事。

14 重要活动 / Significant Events

On April 16th, CCF hosted a meeting in Beijing Tianjian Hotel, calling for joint effort for Project One Paper For Love. More than 60 project managers from 33 local member organizations participated the meeting. President Li Bengong gave a keynote speech entitled Gathering the Power of Charity, Create a Era of Joint-Raising. He pointed out that the national charity network had to be united to mobilize the local resources to carry out the project, and create a new working model of social resources being involved in social assistance scheme. He wished the meeting would reach a consensus, collaboration, and conduct charity in proper manners.

开展援助西藏地震灾区行动 Action on Tibet Earthquake

4月25日,尼泊尔发生8.1级地震,震源深度20千米。我国西藏地区有明显震感,也造成了很大 的人员和经济损失。地震后积极联系大连万达集团第一时间捐款500万元人民币,定向用于西藏灾 区救灾及灾后重建工作;同时总会接收邮局定向捐款70笔,合计人民币10余万元。

On April 25th, a 8.1-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal, with the epicenter of a depth of 20 km. The Tibet region had strong vibration as well, and caused a large casualty and economic losses. Wanda Group donated RMB 5 million in no time for the emergency relief and reconstruction of the quake-hit areas in Tibet. Meanwhile, CCF received 70 earthquake-relief donation with a total amount of over RMB 100,000.

15 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation


“ A Dream of One Century For Hetong, A Journey of Philanthropy” - The Ceremony To Celebrate The 20th Anniversary of Hetong

5月9日,“鹤童百年梦·公益慈善行”鹤童成立20周年纪念活动在首都人民大会堂宾馆隆重举 行。国家民政部原部长、中华慈善总会终身荣誉会长崔乃夫携夫人李绍熙、中华慈善总会会长李本 公、香港公益金原行政总裁陈达文、中华慈善总会项目部主任邵家严等参加纪念活动。

On May 9th, the ceremony called “A Dream of One Century for Hetong, A Journey of Philanthropy” was held in the Great Hall of People to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Hetong. Lifetime Honorary President of China Charity Federation Cui Naifu and wife Li Shaoxi, President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong, former CEO of Community Chest of Hongkong Chen Dawen, Director of Project Department of China Charity Federation Shao Jiayan have attended the ceremony.

16 重要活动 / Significant Events


Held the 3rd Meeting of Supervisor Board of the 4th Session of the Council

5月13日,中华慈善总会第四届理事会第三次监事会在河南省周口市召开。中华慈善总会会长 李本公、常务副会长王树峰、秘书长边志伟以及监事会成员张心国、陶礼仁、何运杰、刘百里等出 席会议。会上,财务部主任高守华向监事会作《中华慈善总会2014年财务工作报告》;边志伟秘书 长简要介绍总会2014年工作情况及2015年工作要点;监事们根据工作报告及情况介绍对总会的工 作进行评议并提出建议;最后李本公会长和王树峰常务副会长做了总结和讲话。

On May 13th, the 3rd meeting of supervisor board of the 4th session of the Council was held in Zhoukou, Province. The leaders who attended the meeting were President Li Bengong, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, and members of Supervisor Board Zhang Xinguo, Tao Liren, He Yunjie and Liu Baili. Director of Finance Department Gao Shouhua reported the Audit Report of the year 2014, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei briefed the annual report of 2014 and major working points of the year 2015. According to the documents, the supervisors did the assessment and gave suggestions, President Mr. Li and Executive Vice President Mr. Wang wrapped up the meeting.

17 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation


Participating the Meeting to Mobilize A Specified Supervision and Inspection Towards Social Organizations Registered by Ministry of Civil Affairs

5月21日,民政部召开对部管社会组织开展专项监督检查动员大会。民政部党组成员、民间组 织管理局局长詹成付进行动员部署,驻民政部纪检组副组长肖登峰对监督检查具体安排进行了说 明。5月22日,中华慈善总会按照民政部动员部署大会精神及《民政部关于开展部管社会组织专项 监督检查的通知》(民函[2015]166号)要求,召开部署专项监督检查动员会。中华慈善总会秘书 长边志伟主持会议,会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰及全体工作人员参加会议。

On May 21th, Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) held a meeting that mobilizing a specified supervision and inspection towards social organizations registered by MCA. Zhan Chengfu, member of the Party Committee of Civil Affairs Ministry and Director of Administration Bureau of Social Organizations, made the commands, and Xiao Dengfeng, Deputy Chief Disciplinary Inspector at the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced the working schedule and assignment. According to the spirit of the meeting and the requirements of the document released by Ministry of Civil Affairs, CCF held a general meeting to assign the task, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei hosted the meeting, President Li Bengong, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng and all staff attended the meeting.


Held the 5th Meeting of the 4th Session of the Council

6月12日,中华慈善总会在北京召开第四届理事会第五次会议。中华慈善总会会长李本公,常 务副会长王树峰,副会长李宏塔、张印忠,秘书长边志伟以及来自全国各地的理事、代表共75人出 席。会议审议并通过了会长李本公所作的工作报告、常务副会长王树峰所作的财务报告。会议由秘 书长边志伟主持。

On June 12th, the 5th meeting of the 4th session of the Council was held in Beijing. President Li Bengong, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, Vice President Li Hongta and Zhang Yinzhong, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, and around 70 council members and other representatives all over the nation participated in the meeting. The meeting deliberated and approved the work report made by President Li Bengong and financial report gave by Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng. The Secretary General Bian Zhiwei hosted the meeting.

18 重要活动 / Significant Events


Attending the 3rd Meeting of the 1st Council of China Charity Alliance

7月9日,中华慈善总会会长李本公参加中国慈善联合会第一届理事会第三次会议。会议审议通 过了中慈联领导层人员变动的提议,听取了中慈联2014年至今的工作报告、财务情况报告、薪酬制 度的修改方案、中慈联专业委员会设立计划、中慈联第二批会员名单以及《中慈联发展战略(2015- 2020)》等内容。

On July 9th, President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong attended the 3rd meeting of the 1st Council of China Charity Alliance. The meeting approved the proposal of the leadership personnel alternation, work report of the year 2014, financial report, the amendment of salary system, set-up of the Professional Committee, the second list of member organizations and the Development Strategy of China Charity Alliance from the year 2015 to 2020, and other issues.

举行“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目全国启动仪式 The National Launch Ceremony for Project A Better Tomorrow For Children

11月10日,“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目全国启动仪式在山东济南举行。这是中华慈善总会与 各方合作伙伴积极贯彻落实习近平总书记“关心留守儿童”重要指示,开启具有全国性、持续性、 综合性、规范性的社会慈善援助留守儿童项目新篇章的重要举措。总会会长李本公,全球联合之路 总裁布莱恩·加拉格尔,中国关心下一代工作委员会常务副主任武韬,常务副会长王树峰、秘书长 边志伟,山东省副省长季缃绮,山东省慈善总会会长谢玉堂,世界宣明会—中国总干事简祺伟,以 及政府各有关部门、全国省市慈善组织和社会各界代表共200余人出席了启动仪式。

On Nov. 10th, the national launch ceremony of project A Better Tomorrow For Children was held in Jinan, Capital City of Shandong Province. It was a major action which China Charity Federation collaborated its partners to adapt the the instruction of Chinese President Xi Jinping that caring for the left-behind children and open up a new chapter of the sustainable and comprehensive charitable project targeting left-behind children nationwide. The leaders who attended the ceremony were President Li Bengong, President & CEO of United Way Worldwide Brian Gallagher, Executive Director of the National Committee of Caring For the Next Generation Wu Tao, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, Vice Governor of Shandong Provincial Government Ji Xiangqi, President of Shandong Charity Federation Xie Yutang and Chief-Director of World Vision-China Jian Qiwei. There were more than 200 participants coming from the local government, provincial affiliates and corporate attended the ceremony.

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Participating the Seminar Regarding the Draft of the National Charity Law

11月11日,全国人大常委会法制工作委员会召开了《中华人民共和国慈善法(草案)》意见征 求会。会议要求参会单位结合实际针对慈善法(草案)提出具体意见。中华慈善总会副秘书长张心 国、办公厅副主任张欣出席会议。

On Nov. 11th, the Legislation Commission of National People’s Congress Standing Committee hosted a seminar on the draft of the National Charity Law, which required every participant shared the views in conjunction with their own works. Deputy Secretary General Zhang Xinguo and Deputy Director of General Office Zhang Xin attended the meeting.


Attending the 11th National President Forum of Elderly Homes

11月30日至12月1日,以“长期照护 公益先行”为主题的第十一届全国老人院院长论坛在北京 国际会议中心拉开帷幕。民政部原部长、中华慈善总会终身荣誉会长崔乃夫出席论坛开幕式,中华 慈善总会会长李本公、民政部社会福利和慈善事业促进司社福处处长张晓峰、全国老龄办视野发展 部主任庞涛、汇丰银行(中国)有限公司企业可持续发展总监张惠峰,项目部主任邵家严、中华慈 善总会长期照护专业委员会主任委员方嘉珂,以及来自港澳台的公益组织——香港耆康老人福利会 行政总监梁绮眉、服务总监陈国安,台湾弘道老人福利基金会执行长林依莹,澳门街坊会联合总会 副秘书长郑敏敏和爱德基金会社会服务中心主任褚朝禹等出席论坛。会上总会会长李本公就公益养 老事业的发展发表重要讲话。

From Nov. 30th to Dec. 1st, the 11th National President Forum of Elderly Homes themed as Long-term Care, Non-profit First opened up in Beijing International Convention Center. The former Minister of Civil Affairs Ministry and Lifetime Honorary President of China Charity Federation Cui Naifu attended the opening ceremony. President Li Bengong, Director of Social Welfare Department of Social Welfare and Charity Promotion Division of Civil Affairs Ministry Zhang Xiaofeng, Director of Business Department of the National Committee on Aging Pang Tao, Director of Corporate Sustainability of HSBC (China) Zhang Huifeng, Director of Project Department Shao Jiayan, Director of the Long-term Care Committee of CCF Fang Jiake, Director of Administration of the Hong Kong Society For the Aged Liang Qimei, Director of Service Chen Guo’an, CEO of Taiwan Hongdao Foundation For the Aged Lin Yiying, Vice Secretary General of Community Union of Macao Zheng Minmin and Director of Social Service Center of the Amity Foundation Chu Zhaoyu were attending the forum. President Li Bengong delivered a keynote speech in the forum.

20 重要活动 / Significant Events

慈善情暖万家 惠及四方寒士 Charity Love Warms Tens of Thousands of Poor Families

中华慈善总会正式启动2016年度“慈善情暖万家”活动。该活动是由 中华慈善总会牵头,并发动全国各地慈善会共同实施的一个大型慈善助困活 动。活动于每年元旦春节期间举行,旨在动员社会各界为基层困难群众和灾 区受灾群众捐款捐物,使他们能和全国人民共同度过一个欢乐祥和的节日。 中华慈善总会2016年度“慈善情暖万家”活动主题结合十三五规划、 配合政府脱贫攻坚战,响应党和政府关于冬令期间更好地帮助困难群体解决 实际困难的号召,不仅给困难群众送去社会的温暖,而且带给他们脱贫的 信心。活动得到了总会“思利及人基金”“好运来基金”、世界福清侨商 联合总会以及社会各界爱心人士的热情捐赠和大力支持,共筹集慈善款200 万元。这些捐款已拨付内蒙兴安盟、云南景谷地震灾区、湖南湘西、陕西延 川等地。中华慈善总会会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰、秘书长边志伟、副 秘书长张心国和中华慈善总会新闻志愿者促进委员会执行会长徐镱轩分别带 队,深入基层走访慰问。中华慈善总会将联合全国各地慈善会,发挥社会组 织的作用,上下联手,左右联动,结合各地实际情况,大力筹集配套资金, 广泛开展元旦、春节的慈善助困慰问活动。

21 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

The Spring Festival Annual Campaign - Charity Love Warms Tens of Thousands of Poor Families has kicked off. The campaign is a national action led by China Charity Federation, and respond by local Charities. The campaign takes place before the Spring Festival, and mobilizes social resources giving to the poor and the needed, so that they can celebrate the festival like others. The theme of 2016 annual campaign is adapting the 13th Five-Year Plan, assisting the government on the battle of poverty alleviation, and responding the call to helping disadvantaged group in winter time, which not only bringing the tangible items, but the confidence to get rid of poverty. This year the campaign raised RMB 2,000,000, with the contribution of Silijiren Fund, Haoyunlai Fund, World Fuqing Expatriate & Business Association and other individual and institutes. The fund has been allocated to Xing’an Meng in Inner Mongolia, Jinggu quake-hit area in Province, Xiangxi in Hunan Province and Yanchuan in Shaanxi Province, etc. President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, Deputy Secretary General Zhang Xinguo and Executive Officer of CCF Press Volunteers Promotion Committee Xu Yixuan each led a group to visit families of the poor in remote rural areas. China Charity Federation united all local affiliates to play the role of social organizations, connected the local reality and raised fund nationwide to carry out the festival campaign.

22 对外交流与合作 International Exchange and Cooperation

全球联合之路总裁莱恩·盖勒格一行来访 President & CEO of United Way Worldwide Brian Gallagher Came to A Visit

1 月 16 日,中华慈善总会与全球联合之路合作伙伴协议签字仪式在中华慈善总会 举行。全球联合之路总裁布莱恩·盖勒格、副总裁何塞·法诺、亚太区副总裁李启文、 大中华区能力建设总监陈文良等一行四人出席此次签约仪式。总会会长李本公与布莱 恩总裁代表双方机构签署了合作伙伴协议,常务副会长王树峰与何塞副总裁签署了实 质合作备忘录,根据备忘录,双方将正式启动实质合作,共同开发项目、筹集资金, 并在适当时候成立专项基金,在国内开展慈善救助项目。外联部主任杨申申主持仪式, 总会各部门派代表出席。

On Jan. 16th, the signing ceremony of the Partnership Agreement between CCF and UWW was held in Beijing. President and CEO of UWW Brian Gallagher, Vice President Jose Ferrao, Vice President of Asia-Pacific Region Li Qiwen, Director of Capacity Building of Greater China Chen Wenliang came to attend the ceremony. President Li Bengong and Brian Gallagher signed the Partnership Agreement, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng and Jose Ferrao signed the concrete collaboration Memorandum. In terms of the Memo, both parties would jointly develop a charitable product and raise fund in China and establish a fund to carry out relief work throughout the nation. Director of Foreign Affairs Office Yang Shenshen hosted the ceremony, and representatives of each department witnessed the moment together.

23 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

英国阿斯利康公司政府事务及市场准入部副总裁黄彬一行来访 Vice President of Government Affairs and Market Access of AstraZeneca Huang Bin Visited CCF

1 月 21 日,易瑞沙慈善援助项目捐赠方英国阿斯利康公司政府事务及市场准入部副 总裁黄彬一行 3 人拜访中华慈善总会,总会会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰和秘书长边志 伟与之进行友好交流,项目部主任邵家严、副主任刘莹、副主任胡野萍等参加会谈。常务 副会长王树峰感谢阿斯利康公司对中国慈善事业的支持,希望阿斯利康公司要继续做好原 有项目,同时希望有新的项目能继续合作。黄彬副总裁介绍了该公司相关情况,并感谢总 会领导对项目的重视和支持,表示要在以往合作的基础上进一步加强高层沟通,使项目更 好地发展。

On Jan 21st, Huang Bin, Vice President of the corporate partner AstraZeneca of Iressa Medical Assistance Project came to visit CCF. President Li Bengong, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng and Secretary General Bian Zhiwei met the guests, and Director of Project Department Shao Jiayan, Deputy Director Liu Ying and Hu Yeping accompanied. Mr. Wang expressed the appreciation for the contribution AstraZeneca made to Chinese philanthropy, the hope for better outcomes of the ongoing project, and the willingness for further cooperation. Huang Bin shared the latest information of AstraZeneca, and was grateful for the strong leadership of CCF and the support to the project. He added that both parties should strengthen communication in senior level for better development of the project.

参加第三届全球联合之路领导人峰会 Participating the 3rd United Way Worldwide Leadership Forum

5 月 31 日 -6 月 2 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟赴荷兰阿姆斯特丹出席第三届全球联合之路 领导人峰会。除总会外,来自欧洲、亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲四个大区及加拿大、美国、英国、法国、 韩国、巴西、墨西哥、澳大利亚、台湾地区等 12 个主要国家和地区联合之路会员机构的领导人出 席了此次会议。此次会议深入探讨了融合各地区实际情况的可行的全球战略,并通过 5 个策略加强 动员个人与企业资源,共同解决所面临的社会问题。秘书长边志伟在会上介绍了总会主要开展项目

24 对外交流与合作 / International Exchange and Cooperation

的情况,并与各个国家和地区的与会代表深入交换了意见。外联部韩春霞陪同前往 。

On May 31st to June 2nd, Secretary General of China Charity Federation Bian Zhiwei attended the 3rd United Way Worldwide Leadership Forum in Amsterdam Netherlands. The leaders from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America and local United Ways of major countries and regions like Canada, America, China, France, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and Taiwai gathered together for the occasion. The forum focused on several topics on frame shared vision for a worldwide platform, enterprise-wide strategy, individual engagement, regional priorities and so on. Mr. Bian presented the major projects China Charity Federation carried out and exchanged views with other representatives. Han Chunxia, Foreign Affairs Officer accompanied. 罗氏制药中国总经理周虹女士一行来访 Chief-Manager of Roche China Zhou Hong Visited CCF

6 月 10 日,罗氏制药中国总经理周虹女士一行四人到访中华慈善总会,主要就 双方长期合作的药品援助项目进行深入交流。总会常务副会长王树峰会见了来访人 员。项目部主任邵家严、副主任胡野萍、罗氏项目办主任曹曦一同参会 。

On June 10th, chief-manager of Roche China Zhou Hong visited China Charity Federation. Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng received the delegates, and exchanged views on collaboration. Director of Project Department Shao Jiayan, Deputy Director Hu Yeping, Director of the Project Office Cao Xi were present.

波兰劳动和社会保障部副部长拉多斯罗·勒兹科一行来访 President Li Met Poland Guests

6 月 30 日,波兰劳动和社会保障部副部长拉多斯罗·勒兹科一行 5 人拜访中华慈善总会,总 会会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰、副秘书长张心国与对方进行了亲切会谈。会长李本公向波方简 要介绍了总会的基本情况,并将总会所开展的重大灾害救助、医疗援助、教育援助等项目做了详细

25 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

说明。波方表示,总会 20 年所取得的成绩对于波兰慈善事业的发展很有借鉴意义,并表示愿意帮 助总会与波兰的慈善公益组织建立联系。双方还就总会开展药品援助项目的模式、志愿者合作模式、 国际合作等感兴趣的问题进行了深入交流。外联部主任杨申申、副主任陈媛媛陪同接待。

On June 30th, the Vice Minister of Labor and Social Welfare Ministry of Poland led a delegation to CCF. President Li Bengong, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng and Deputy Secretary General Zhang Xinguo met the guests and both had a delighted conversation. President Li shared the general information of CCF and presented the major projects CCF carried out on disaster relief, medical aid, education, etc. The minister stated that CCF could be an example to the development of Poland philanthropy, and would like to build up ties between CCF and NGOs in Poland. Both parties had an intensive discussion on the working model of medical projects, volunteerism and international collaboration. Director of Foreign Affairs Office Yang Shenshen, Deputy Director Chen Yuanyuan were present.

参加 2015 年全球联合之路慈善圆桌论坛 Attending the 2015 UWW Round-Table in Seoul

9 月 9 日至 12 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰率领对外联络部副主任陈媛媛、 项目部格列卫项目办李保玲赴韩国首尔参加全球联合之路、韩国社会福利联合劝募协会 联合主办的 2015 年全球联合之路慈善圆桌论坛。在韩期间,代表团还与韩国社会福利 联合劝募协会秘书长金住炫围绕着建立双方合作交流机制的事项进行了友好会谈。

From Sept. 9th to 12th, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, accompanied by Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office Chen Yuanyuan and officer of Gleevec Project Office Li Bailing, attended the 2015 UWW Round-table Forum in Seoul, co- hosted by United Way Worldwide and Community Chest of Korea (CCK). During the visit, Mr. Wang met the Secretary General of CCK Mr. Kim, and both discussed on building a communication mechanism between the two organizations.

会见韩国 GKL 社会奉献基金会理事长李德周一行 President Li Bengong Met Korean Guests

11 月 11 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公接见了韩国 GKL 社会奉献基金会理事长李德周一行。 会见中,双方领导就 GKL 基金会捐赠支持“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目达成了初步合作意向,并 签署了合作意向书。该基金会计划在未来 3-5 年对项目进行持续资助。总会常务副会长王树峰、 秘书长边志伟及外联部主任杨申申等陪同会见。陪同李德周理事长来访的还有全球联合之路理事、

26 对外交流与合作 / International Exchange and Cooperation

GKL 基金会理事姜哲熙教授、GKL 基金会秘书长郑成大。此次韩国客人一行还受邀参加了 11 月 10 日在济南举行的“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目全国启动仪式。

On Nov. 11th, President Li Bengong met Chairman Lee of GKL Foundation of South Korea. Both sides agreed on the donation intention and signed a Memo that GKL Foundation would make a contribution to the project A Better Tomorrow For Children for 3 to 5 years. Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, Director of Foreign Affairs Yang Shenshen were present. The other guests from South Korea were Board Member of UWW and GKL Foundation Prof. Kang, Secretary General of GKL Foundation Mr. Zeng. All the guests were invited to attend the launch ceremony of Project A Better Tomorrow For Children in Jinan the day before.

与美国微笑列车基金会董事长王嘉廉、副总裁薛榆在北京会面 Meeting With President of Smile Train Foundation Wang Jialian and Vice President Xue Yu

11 月 13 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公、常 务副会长王树峰常务副会长与美国微笑列车基 金会董事长王嘉廉、副总裁薛榆在北京会面,双 方肯定了微笑列车项目的成就,并对今后合作提 出了新的建议。双方一致同意对中国微笑列车项 目进行全方面的调研总结,并进行进一步的研究 探索工作。项目部副主任刘莹参加会议。

On Nov. 13th, President Li Bengong , Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng had a meeting with President of Smile Train Foundation Wang Jialian and Vice President Xue Yu. They both acknowledged the contribution Project Smile Train achieved in China and exchanged views on future collaboration. Both agreed on doing an overall assessment of the project and researching on future working model. Deputy Director of Project Department Liu Ying joined the meeting.

27 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

拜耳公司中国区副总经理何涛、郎志慧一行来访 Deputy Chief Manager of Bayer China He Tao and Lang Zhihui Visited CCF

12 月 10 日,拜耳公司中国区副总经理何涛、郎 志慧一行 4 人到访中华慈善总会,常务副会长王树峰、 项目部主任邵家严、副主任胡野萍与他们进行了座谈 交流。双方对多吉美等药品援助项目的长期合作表示 充分肯定,并对目前项目发展中遇到的一些新情况如 何应对进行了商讨。双方确定了明年对多吉美项目在 援助模式进行适当调整,在项目实施上采用网络技术 更好地满足患者需求。

On Dec. 10th, deputy Chief Manager of Bayer China He Tao and Lang Zhihui visited CCF, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng met the guests, Director of Project Shao Jiaoyan, Deputy Director Hu Yeping joined the meeting. Both gave high recognition to the collaborating medical-aid projects, and discussed the new challenge while working. Both confirmed to adapt the challenges by using hi-tech to meet the demands of patients better.

慈善项目与基金 Charity Projects and Funds

扶贫项目 / Poverty Alleviation Projects

慈善一元捐项目 One-Yuan Charity Project

慈善一元捐行动是中华慈善总会为践行社会捐赠经常化而开展的面向全社会的小额募捐行动, 目的是呼吁全社会每一个人为慈善事业尽自己的微薄之力。慈善一元捐以人民币一元为起点,在不 影响捐赠者生活水准的前提下进行捐赠,多捐不限,其意义在于最大限度地激发每个人的慈善情怀, 弘扬“不以善小而不为”的慈善理念,使每个人的爱心通过慈善一元捐行动得以实现。 1 月 29 日,北京赛诺医疗科学技术有限公司通过总会向天津泰达国际心血管医院捐赠价值 276

28 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

万元的医疗设备和价值 29 万元的办公家具;4 月 15 日,上海志行合力网络技术有限公司向“一 元捐救助项目”捐赠 4 万元人民币,定向用于孤儿救助;5 月 4 日,东方科技有限公司捐赠人民币 10.5 万元,定向用于癌症患者的医疗救助;7 月 29 日,北京赛诺医疗科学技术有限公司通过总会 向天津泰达国际心血管医院捐赠一批中央空调设备,价值人民币 409 万元。

The One-Yuan Charity Project is a nationwide attempt of CCF to adapt the social donation regular practice to call for individual engagement. People can donate one yuan or more for the project and the meaning is to maximally mobilize the kindness of individual, promote the conventional tradition of “Do the good no matter how small it is and fulfill the individual’s charity intention. On Jan. 29th, Sino Medical Sciences Technology Inc. donated medical device worth RMB 2.76 million and office furniture at a price of RMB 290,000 to Tianjin Teda International Cardiovascular Hospital; on April 15th, Shanghai Zhixing Heli Internet Technology Ltd. donated RMB 40,000 to the project and designated to helping orphans; on May 4th, the Oriented Internet Technology Ltd. donated RMB 105,000 to medical aid for the poor who diagnosed with cancer; on July 29th, Sino Medical Sciences Technology Inc. donated central air-conditioning devices worth RMB 4.09 million to Tianjin Teda International Cardiovascular Hospital.

贫困母亲救助项目 Mother in Poor Assisting Project

中华慈善总会于 2010 年 7 月正式启动了“贫困母亲救助项目”。该项目目前 主要扶助贫困地区的贫困母亲、特殊贫困女性,并帮助其子女就学,同时救助部分 由于家庭暴力所致的在押女性犯人的家属。项目救助对象的筛选工作由总会与各省 市地方民政部门和慈善会共同完成,为贫困家庭、贫困母亲发放款物 5000 至 10000 元不等,有特殊困难的家庭最多发放达到 2 万元。为创新慈善项目,扩大救助领域, “贫困母亲救助”项目 2015 年启动了“贫困母亲医疗援助”项目,从过去单一的资 金救助拓展到对贫困母亲家庭进行医疗救助,帮助贫困母亲家庭解决就医难、看病 贵等问题,让更多的贫困母亲家庭受益。“贫困母亲救助”项目全年募集款物折合 人民币共计 860 多万元,其中募集资金 120 多万元,医疗设备捐赠 730 多万元。

China Charity Federation launched the Project in July, 2010. The project focuses on the mothers in poverty in remote area, and assists their children with tuition fees; besides, the project assists families of female prisoners because of domestic violence. CCF and local civil affairs bureaus and Charities select the recipients from applicants, and distribute in cash or in kind totally worth RMB 5000 to 10000 to each person, for the extremely poor the allowance can reach RMB 20000. The project innovatively launched a new medical assist sub-project in 2015, expanding the assisting scope from only cash donation to medical service for all family members. It aimed to find a solution to the difficulties of seeing a doctor and the high payment, etc. The project raised more than RMB 8.6 million in cash and in kind, in which more than 1.2 million in cash and 7.3 million in medical device.

29 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

善聚缘饮水工程 Jushanyuan Watering Project

善聚缘饮水工程是由中华慈善总会发起、社会企业和爱心人士共同参 与的公益慈善项目,旨在充分调动各层面社会群体参与慈善事业,帮助更 多的弱势群体喝上健康放心的饮用水,缓解老少变穷地区和重特大灾害时 期的饮水安全问题。 2015 年善聚源项目先后完成了延安市延川县和缅甸爱心水站项目调研 工作。应日喀则市政府的邀请,改善日喀则“4·25”地震灾区群众的饮 水质量,善聚源饮水工程在吉隆县、定日县、聂拉木县共计援建了 100 个 爱心水站,项目在日喀则市政府的统一规划下,这些爱心水站覆盖区域主 要集中在学校、医院、养老院、灾民集中安置点、武警边防等公共区域, 将为改善受灾地区公共安全饮水发挥积极作用。

The project is initiated by China Charity Federation and engaged with corporation and individual, focusing on mobilizing people in all walks of life to provide healthy drinking water to the disadvantaged groups, and promote the security of drinking water in poor and remote areas and in disaster. The project finished the research on Yanchuan County in Yan’an and Myanmar. On the invitation of Shigatse Municipal Government, and helping improve the quality of the drinking water after the 4.25 Earthquake, the Project set up 100 loving-heart watering stations in Jilong, Dingri and Nielamu County, which covered the region of hospitals, schools, welfare institutes, centralized settle locations, public security sectors and other public regions. The Project played an positive role on improving the safety of drinking water in the quake-hit region.

水滴国际净水项目 The Water-drop International Water Purifying Project

美国“水滴国际”救助项目是总会新增的一个救助项目,主要是面向公办福利院无偿捐赠大、中、 小型饮水净化设备,通过和捐赠方协商最终签订捐赠协议,首批捐赠净水设备 300 台,捐赠金额折 合人民币 1000 多万元。 2015 年,“水滴国际”救助项目通过地方慈善会已在新疆、湖南、福建、内蒙、甘肃等地的 福利院安装维护大型饮水净化设备 171 台,中型饮水净化设备 29 台,小型饮水净化设备 57 台,捐 赠金额折合人民币 709 万元。

The Project launched this year, which donating water purifiers to welfare institutes. CCF sighed a donation agreement with the donor of a giving of 300 purifiers worth more than 10 million yuan. In 2015, the project collaborated with local Charities and installed 171 big-sized purifiers, 29 medium-sized and 57 small-sized ones in welfare institutes in Xinjiang, Hunan, Fujian, Inner Mongolia and Gansu provinces, which in total worth RMB 7.09 million yuan.

30 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

儿童为本、区域发展项目 Children Oriented, Regional Development Project

总会自 1997 年与世界宣明会合作开展“儿童为本、小区扶贫”项目(现更名儿童为本、区域 发展项目)。项目旨在通过为社区儿童提供教育资助、免疫注射以及营养改善的同时,改善当地教 育设施、医疗卫生状况,促进当地经济发展,以建立和谐的、可持续发展的社区。 2015 年项目进展顺利,全年项目执行金额超过 1700 万元人民币,开展各类综合性项目 58 个, 所有项目活动数目 401 个,项目类型涉及儿童教育、卫生、营养、医疗服务、经济发展、水利建设、 生态环保、社区民众能力提升等多方面,以求得整个社区发展保证孩子们健康快乐安全成长。项目 直接受益人数超过 24 万人次。

From the year of 1997, CCF collaborated with World Vision on the project Children Oriented, Community Poverty-alleviation (project name changed to Children Oriented, Regional Development). The project provides educational assistance, free injection and nutrition lifting to the children in the community, improve the local educational facilities and medical and hygiene conditions as well, to facilitate the development of local economy and build a harmonious and sustainable community. In this year, the project allocated more than 17 million, carried out 58 varies comprehensive programs and 401 activities. The program involved in early education, hygiene, nutrition, medical service, economical development, water conservancy construction, Eco-environment protection and capacity building of community residents, etc, in order that the community guarantee the children growing up in happiness and good health. The direct beneficiaries were more than 240,000 person-times.

慈福行动 Operation Blessing

2001 年,美国视博恩公司北京代表处与总会合作成立了人道 救援项目——慈福行动。其使命是通过提供干净水、教育、 小额创业和医疗救助,努力帮助中国贫困群体减轻疾苦, 实现自身的可持续发展,2015 年慈福行动的主要工 作包括以下几个方面: (1)“人之初”教育助学项目 慈福行动“人之初”助学项目为贫困地区中 小学生提供助学金支持,帮助孩子完成学业,得 到更好的教育,同时还为城市中农民工家庭的子 女提供多渠道的教育支持。 2015 年,“人之初”助学项目为 11 名来自北 京华奥学校的农民工家庭子女提供 5600 元助学金支 持;为 21 名河北省贫困学生提供 28000 助学金支持; 为 20 名新疆地区贫困学生提供 28000 助学金支持;为 17 名甘肃省贫困学生提供 6350 元助学金支持;为 58 名来自四川凉 山州喜德县的贫困彝族学生提供 20300 助学金支持;为 5 名来自

31 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

河北省的贫困高中生和职业高中生提供 12690 元助学金支持;为 2 名来自陕西省的贫困孩子提供 18081 元助学金支持。 (2)城镇社区贫困青少年及残疾青少年关怀服务 为了帮助兰州地区贫困儿童和青少年及身体有缺陷的残疾青少年接受全面的教育,为他们的健 康成长提供有效的指导和训练,慈福行动开展“弱势儿童及青少年帮扶”项目,为这些来自社区贫 困家庭和残疾青少年提供相应的教育服务及援助。 2015 年,慈福行动为兰州市 20 余名脑瘫及残疾青少年提供资助,支持他们接受康复训练和生 存技能培训,为他们提供生活用品及食品资助,组织外出活动,家长座谈会,并开展手工制作项目。 资助款总计为 19608 元;为兰州市 80 余名来自贫困家庭的青少年儿童提供资助,帮助他们接受课 后辅导服务,为他们提供品格生命、品格教育课程,培养他们的学习兴趣和积极性,建立正确的价 值观。资助款总计为 32132.7 元,为 132 名贫困中小学生提供助学金资助 119021 元;为 100 余名 城镇社区弱势及残疾青少年提供教育支持及服务,资助金 51740.7 元。

The Project launched in 2001, whose mission is poverty alleviation in China through providing clean drinking water, education opportunity, micro loan and medical assistance to achieve self sustainable development. The project did the following in 2015: (1)the Origin of Humanity Educational Project The Project provides educational fees for the primary and mid school students in rural area to help them finish the school. Besides, the Project provides a variety of education assistance to migrant students in big cities. In the year of 2015, the Project provided 5600 yuan to 11 migrant students of Beijing Hua’ao School; provided 28,000 yuan to 21 students in poverty in Hebei Province; provided 28,000 yuan to 20 students in poverty in Xinjiang Autonomous Region; provided 6350 yuan to 17 students in poverty in Gansu Province; provided 20,300 yuan to 58 students of Yi minority group in poverty in Xide County Liangshan Prefecture Province; provided 12,690 yuan to 5 students of high school and vocational school in Hebei Province; provided 18,081 yuan to 2 students in poverty in Shaanxi Province. (2)Adolescent in need and in disability caring service in communities OB carried out a Disadvantaged children and adolescent Helping Project in Lanzhou City, focusing on the children and adolescent in need and in disability, helping them receive comprehensive education by providing consultant and training for their development and other educational service and assistance. In the year of 2015, the Project allocated 19,608 yuan to more than 20 teenagers who had cerebral palsy and other disabilities to receive rehabilitation and living skills training, provide groceries and food, organize outings and parents’ meeting, and handcraft making program; financed more than 80 students to receive after-class tutorial class, which apply moral and character education classes, and develop their learning interests and passion and establish the positive value towards life, which total expenses was 32132.7 yuan; provide 119,021 yuan to 132 primary and mid school students living in poverty; allocated 51740.7 yuan to more than 100 vulnerable and disable adolescent for educational support and service.

32 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

LDS 项目 LDS Projects

LDS 慈善协会 (LDS Charities) 是美国一家非营利性的慈善机构,与总会合作十多年,主要领 域涉及到公共卫生环境的改善、饮水工程、轮椅捐赠。此外,双方在救助孤儿和老年人、图书捐赠、 紧急救灾等方面也做了大量工作。 2015 年,双方合作开展旱厕改水厕项目,捐赠 150 余万元,帮助了山东、河南、安徽的 7 所学校完成了 7 个旱厕改造项目,约 3500 余名师生用上了冲水厕所。捐款约 60 万元支持重庆、 河北赞皇县开展饮水项目,缓解饮水难题,1300 多名村民从中受益。向北京、天津、新疆兵团、 济南、淄博、德州、滨州和榆林 8 个地区慈善会捐赠轮椅和助行器各 2500 个,价值约 170 万元 人民币。为了使接收捐赠的各地慈善会项目负责人及福利机构工作人员更好地了解轮椅及助行器 的专业知识及操作规范,为受助者选择合适的轮椅,外联部于 2015 年 4 月至 6 月在北京、天津、 新疆乌鲁木齐、济南和淄博举行了“中华慈善总会 - 美国 LDS 慈善协会轮椅项目”系列培训。

LDS Charities is an America-based NGO, and cooperated with CCF for more than a decade. The projects are ranging from watering, sanitation to wheelchair donation. Besides, both worked together for orphans and old folks, free books and disaster relief, etc. In the year of 2015, LDS donated more than 1.5 million yuan to the sanitation project, helping 7 schools in Shandong, Henan and Anhui Province to build flushing toilets instead of the dry ones, the beneficiaries were more than 3,500 teachers and students; donated more than 600,000 yuan to 2 watering donated 2,500 wheelchairs and 2,500 projects in Zanhuang County Hebei walkers worth more than 1.7 million yuan Province and Chongqing City, more than to Beijing, Tianjin, Xinjiang, Jinan, Zibo, 1,300 villagers benefited. Besides, LDS Dezhou, Binzhou and Yulin. From April to June, to better learning the wheelchair and guideline to properly use the wheelchair, the project held 5 workshops in Beijing, Tianjin, Urumchi, Jinan and Zibo.

33 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

助孤项目 / Orphan Assistance Projects

慈爱孤儿工程 Love to Orphans Initiative

慈爱孤儿工程是中华慈善总会在 2000 年发起,以救助百万孤儿为目标的大型慈善工程。工程宗 旨是:推进社会福利社会化的进程,引导全社会同献爱心,让孤儿也有美好的童年。2015 年 4 月上 海志行合力网络技术有限公司捐赠人民币 4 万元定向用于孤儿救助。中华慈善总会联合贵州省慈善总 会为贵州省百名孤儿定向救助活动正在进行中。

The project was initiated in 2000 with the goal of helping one million orphans. It aims at promoting the socialization process of social welfare, leading the public engagement and providing a happy childhood for the orphans. On April, Shanghai Zhixing Heli Internet Technology Ltd. donated 40,000 yuan and designated to helping orphans. A provincial campaign for 100 orphans has been undertaking in Province cooperated with Guizhou Provincial Charity Association.

扶残项目 / Supporting and Helping the Handicapped Project

“行走·渴望”项目 Mobility Desire Project

“行走·渴望”项目是由总会与世界轮椅基金会于 2004 年共同发起的一个公益项目。其宗旨是 通过动员全社会的力量为每一位生活艰苦的残疾人送去一辆轮椅,以满足他们行走的渴望,给他们带 去希望、自由和自尊。该项目 2015 年为山西运城、安徽合肥、浙江兰溪、辽宁锦州共发放轮椅 2180 台,总价值达到 948300 元。

The Project started in 2004 by CCF and World Wheelchair Foundation. The goal is mobilize the social resources to donate one wheelchair to a disabled person, to fulfill their dreams to walk, and bring them hope, freedom and self-respect. In the year of 2015, the Project distributed 2018 wheelchairs to Yuncheng, Hefei, Lanxi and Jizhou city, which valued 948,300 yuan.

34 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

支教助学项目 / Volunteer Teaching in Rural Area and Tuition Remission Projects

慈善文化进校园 Charity Culture Enters Campus

慈善文化进校园项目由中华慈善总会于 2011 年创立,并联合各地慈善会、教育部门共同实施。 该项目将慈善教育与德育教育、学科教育、特色教 育相结合,寓教于乐,开展形式多样、内容丰富的 活动,在弘扬慈善精神、推动我国青少年学生思想 品德教育方面成果显著,得到了学生、教师及学生 家长的普遍认同。 2015 年 4 月,南海区慈善会联合区教育局、区 邮政局举办“慈善文化进校园”书信征文和明信片 设计活动,以“共筑乐善之城,同做惟善之人”为 主题,优秀明信片由邮政印刷并向社会发行,共有 20 多万中小学生参加。9 月,慈善文化进校园项目 网上捐款专项用于贵州省贵阳市,支持项目的推动 与开展。 2015 年感恩节之际在多地校园内开展了系列活 动。11 月 24 日,慈善文化进校园活动总结推进会 在昆明市度假区第二小学召开,度假区第二小学、 明湖中学、倘甸镇马街小学等 6 所学校开展慈善文 化进校园活动的经验交流。昆明市开展项目两年多 的时间,已有 21 所学校 4 万余名学生和老师参加活 动。11月26日,贵阳市开阳县开阳一中、五中举办“慈 善文化进校园”手抄报评选、演讲比赛及讲故事比 赛决赛。同学们以《慈善读本》上的故事和现实生 活中发生的真人真事为蓝本和背景,讲出一个个激 昂励志、催人泪下的故事。11 月 26 日 2014-2015 年南海慈善表彰大会举办,会上对南海区开展的“慈 善文化进校园”书信征文节获得优秀奖项的师生代 表颁发证书。 中华慈善总会与《慈善》杂志发起的 2015 年 度“慈善文化进校园”征文活动有超过 30 万中小学 生、教师、家长参加并收到推荐征文稿件2000 余篇。 截至 2015 年 12 月,项目已在全国30 个省(直辖市、 自治区)150 多个市(地、州)的 2500 余所中小学 相继推广,惠及人群超过 300 万。各地“慈善文化 进校园”项目各具特色,以丰富多彩的活动吸引学生、 传递感谢与善良,以爱的教育感染学生,让学生学 有所获,提升自我。

35 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

The project launched in 2011, which collaborated with local Charities and Education Committees. The project combines charity education to moral education, academic education and special education with joy, carries on varies activities, which receives great outcome in advocating philanthropic spirits and promoting moral education and gained a reputation among teachers, students and parents. In April of 2015, Nanhai District Charity Association co- organized a campaign with the local Education Committee and Post Office with the theme of Build the Charity City and Do Charity Together, which solicited letters and design for post cards.The excellent design will be pressed and released to the public. More than 200,000 students from primary schools and middle schools participated. In September, the fund raised on the Internet were used to promote the project in Guiyang. Capital City of Guizhou Province. During the Thanksgiving, the project had several activities nationwide. On Nov. 24th, the sum-up meeting in Kunming was held in No.2 Primary School in Dujia District, six primary schools exchanged experiences in the meeting. The project has implemented in Kunming for more than two years, and more than 40,000 students and teachers in 21 schools participated in the project. On Nov. 26th, Kaiyang No.1 and No.5 Middle Schools in Kaiyang County, Guiyang City hosted a contest on speeches and story-telling. The students told moving and inspiring stories based on stories in the Charity Book and true stories around them. On the same day, the prize giving ceremony for the year 2014- 2015 in Nanhai District was held, and issued certificates to the representatives who won the award of the letter solicit festival of the Project. China Charity Federation and Charity Magazine co- initiated a solicit-article contest of the year 2015, which responded by more than 300,000 students, teachers and parents, and received more than 2000 articles. Til the end of 2015, there were more than 2500 schools in 150 cities, 30 provinces participated in the project, the number of beneficiaries was beyond 3 million. The project localized in different ares with their own characteristics, which attracted students with varies activities and passed the spirits of gratitude and goodness, educated students by love, and made them lift up themselves.

36 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

美国妈妈联谊会助学项目 The American-Mother Fraternity Education Assistance Project

2000 年 8 月,美国妈妈联谊会与中华慈善总会合作在中国长期开展资助孤儿的慈善项目,包括 孤儿助养、助学、助医等方面。项目资金由美国妈妈联谊会筹措,在总会开设专项资金账目,并根据 美国妈妈联谊会的要求定向使用捐款。2015 年 2 月应美国妈妈联谊会张春华会长的要求,向云南华 商公益基金会拨款 76.5 万元用于资助 740 名贫困学生,现学生资料均已收集齐全,2015 年度项目助 学全部完成。

On August of the year 2000, the American-Mother Fraternity built up a long-term partnership with CCF on projects assisting the orphans, including adoption, education and medical care, etc. The American-Mother Fraternity raised the fund and donate to CCF to designate to specific projects.On Feb. 2015, at the request of President Zhang Chunhua of the American Mother Fraternity, the Project allocated 765,000 yuan to Yunnan Huashang Foundation to help 740 students. Now all information and documentation has been collected and the project has been finished.

救灾项目 / Disaster Relief Action

援助尼泊尔地震灾区行动 Quake relief Action in Nepal

2015 年 4 月 25 日 14 时 11 分,尼泊尔发生 8.1 级地震,导致大量人员伤亡和重大损失。地震 波及邻近的西藏自治区日喀则市 18 个县区,20 万人不同程度受灾。中华慈善总会向社会公示,接 收社会各界援助尼泊尔和西藏地震灾区的捐赠。 为援助尼泊尔地震灾区,深圳银广厦集团通过广东省慈善总会向中华慈善总会捐赠 140 万元。 经征得捐赠人同意,中华慈善总会长期照护专业委员会组织了“银广厦·中华慈善总会长照联盟尼 泊尔国际震灾志愿照护服务团”前往尼泊尔灾区,开启了长照联盟首次国际性的抗震救灾行动。5 月 1 日至 6 月 1 日,来自全国 12 个省市区、25 家机构的 39 名专业志愿者分为五个梯队,在距尼 首都加德满都 30 公里的“尼泊尔脊髓康复中心”(Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Center)进行了为 期 30 天的志愿照护服务,累计为 8666 人次的伤残人员提供 35 项志愿服务,并向尼脊髓康复中心 免费赠送轮椅、拐杖、充气便器、护腰等价值 85112 人民币的医疗器械和生活护理用品。 此次行动受到尼泊尔社会各界以及广大伤员、家属的高度赞誉,获得来自英国、美国以及澳大 利亚等国际志愿者的充分肯定和赞扬,取得了良好的国际影响。新华社、中国日报、亚太日报、新 华网、中新网、网易、人民网、北方网、天津电视台、今晚报、中老年时报等数十家媒体纷纷给予 了报道。 银广厦集团为这次成功的国际救援行动提供了 50.011 万元资金。整个行动的工作情况、财务 决算等文字、图片资料均向捐赠人做了详细的交待。

37 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

At 14:10, April 25th 2015, a M8.1 earthquake jolted Nepal and caused a large casualties and huge losses. The earthquake also hit 18 counties of Shigatse, Tibetan Autonomous Region, and more than 200,000 residents have been affected in different degrees. CCF received social givings to quake-hit areas both in Nepal and Tibet right after the disaster happened. YGX Group donated 1.4 million yuan from Guangdong Provincial Charity Association to CCF. With the approval of the donor, CCF Long-term Caring Committee organized a Volunteer Nursing Group named after YGX Group to Nepal, and started the first International Earthquake Relief Action. From May 1st to June 1st 39 volunteering care givers of 25 organizations from 12 provinces and cities divided into 5 groups and provided a 30-day caring service in Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Center 30 km away from the capital city Kathmandu. The statistic showed that it provided 35 services for 8666 person-times, and donated medical equipment like wheelchairs, crutches, cushions etc. and daily caring items at a price of 85,112 yuan to the Center. The Action received high praise from Nepal society, the injured and their family members, and acknowledgment of the international volunteers from the Great Britain, America and Australia, etc. and gained great international influence. Several main-stream media reported the news, which were , China Daily, Pacific Daily News, xinhuanet.com, chinanews.com, sina. com, renmin.com, enorth.com.cn, TJTV, jwb.com.cn, etc. Shenzhen Yinguangxia Group sponsored 500,110 yuan to the Action. All final report, financial report, pictures and other related information has been handed to the donor.

援助西藏地震灾区行动 Quake Relief Action in Tibet

2015 年 4 月 25 日 14 时 11 分,尼泊尔发生 8.1 级地震,导致大量人员伤亡和重大损失。地震 波及邻近的西藏自治区日喀则市 18 个县区,20 万人不同程度受灾。中华慈善总会向社会公示,接 收社会各界援助尼泊尔和西藏地震灾区的捐赠。 为援助西藏地震灾区,大连万达集团向中华慈善总会捐赠 500 万元,用于日喀则地震灾区的救 援行动。 地震灾害使日喀则市农牧区的饮水系统遭受严重损坏。2015 年 9 月,日喀则市人民政府来函, 请求中华慈善总会“善聚源饮水工程”为受灾严重的聂拉木、吉隆、定日三县援建 100 个“爱心水 站”,切实解决灾区群众的安全饮水问题。 在日喀则政府的协调下,10 月,中华慈善总会项目人员和日喀则民政局组成调研小组,深入聂 拉木、吉隆、定日三县灾区,对学校、医院、福利院、灾民安置点、边防站等单位的饮水状况进行 调查。调查小组了解到,灾区当地市政自来水大多将抽取的水源直接输送到管网,未经任何消毒处理,

38 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

也没有任何水处理设施,灾后安全饮水的问题愈发突出。 针对灾区饮水问题,中华慈善总会“善聚源饮水工程”采用双膜系统和两套反渗透系统来制造 净水设备,并确保净水系统在有电和没有电的情况下,都能发挥净水的功能。同时,设备配有大功 率的三套加热系统,以满足安置点、学校、医院等公共场所密集人群喝开水的需求。 11 月份,“善聚源饮水工程”项目工作人员和设计安装工程师队伍,长途跋涉几千公里,将 100 套净水设备运抵日喀则市政府指定的吉隆、定日、聂拉木三县的分配点。他们克服高原反应、 气候条件等带来的重重困难,奋战一个月,将“万达爱心水站”安装到每个指定的分配点,极大地 改善了受灾三县公共场所的安全饮水状况。 大连万达集团的无私捐赠,中华慈善总会的善举,深受西藏受灾地区广大群众的欢迎和赞誉。 正如日喀则民政局的感谢信所称:“你们的善举一定能够汇成爱的暖流,融入到灾区人民的心田。 扎西得勒!

At 14:10, April 25th 2015, a M8.1 earthquake jolted Nepal and caused a large casualties and huge losses. The earthquake also hit 18 counties of Shigatse, Tibetan Autonomous Region, and more than 200,000 residents have been affected in different degrees. CCF received social givings to quake-hit areas both in Nepal and Tibet right after the disaster happened. Wanda Group has donated 5 million yuan to the quake-hit area in Shigatse.The earthquake caused great damage for the drinking water system. in September, at the invitation of Shigatse government, CCF Jushanyuan Watering Project has set up 100 water stations in Nielamu, Jilong and Dingri County, solving the problem of drinking safety. In October, in coordinating with the municipal government, CCF project managers and municipal Civil Affairs Bureau went deep to Nielamu, Jilong and Dingri County, visited schools, hospitals. Welfare institutes, centralized settle locations, and public security sectors to evaluate the quality of the water. The research team learned that running water directly flew into the pipes without sterilized or any other disposing devices, so that the security issue turned pressing. The Project adapted purifying devices with double-membrane system and two anti-filtering systems to make sure it could work with and without electricity. Besides, the device had 3 heating systems, which could meet the needs of hot drinking water in schools, hospitals and other public zones. In November, the project officers and engineers took thousands of kilometers to the install sites in the 3 counties. They overcame the altitude sick and severe climate condition, took one month to finish installing the 100 Wanda water stations. The people in Tibetan quake-hit area were so grateful for Wanda Group and CCF for the contribution. And it just as that quoted from the thanks letter from the municipal Civil Affairs Bureau “Your contribution must can collect as a warm stream that flow into the heart of the people. Zha Xi De Le!”

39 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

助医项目 / Medical Aid Projects


Project Smile Train

微笑列车唇腭裂修复慈善项目(以下简称微笑列车项目)是一个由美国微笑列车基金会资助、旨 在为我国贫困唇腭裂患者提供免费手术、对实施手术的医护人员进行技术培训的医疗救治项目。其救 治对象是因家庭经济困难,不能支付唇腭裂修复手术费用的贫困患者。该项目自 1999 年 3 月由中华 慈善总会组织承办以来,通过与各参与方密切合作,项目管理方式不断完善,项目宣传广泛开展,救 治地域不断扩大,救治人员不断增多,得到了社会各界的广泛赞誉和认可。2005 年获得民政部颁发 的首届“中华慈善奖”荣誉。2015 年,微笑列车已经完成21913 例手术,累计拨发手术款为73916458 元。

Sponsored by Smile Train Foundation based in the U.S., Smile Train Cleft Palate Repair Project aims at conducting free surgeries on the patients who are suffering from cleft palate and providing professional training to the related surgeons and nurses in China’s poverty stricken areas. The beneficiaries are those whose families are so poor that could not afford the surgery fees. Since the program launching in March of 1999, CCF has a close relationship with the partners to improve the management, spread the propaganda and enlarge the beneficiaries, thus gaining the acceptance from the society and winning 2005 China Charity Award given by China Ministry of Civil Affairs. In 2015, the project completed 21,913 surgeries and allocated 73,916,458 yuan for the surgeries.

为了我们的孩子——千名少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿童救助行动 For Our Children - 1000 Congenial Heart Disease (CHD) Children of Minority Nationality Relief Mission

中华慈善总会于 2009 年正式设立“先心病援助项目”,“为了我们的孩 子——千名少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿童救助行动”是这一项目的重要组成部分。 2015 年先心病儿童的救助工作按常规进行,共救助先心病儿童 296 人。其中, 总会与外交部合作开展“大爱无国界 - 为贫困山区孩子送去‘心’希望活动”, 组织中国人民解放军 301 医院前往贵州铜仁市、安顺市、六盘水市筛查疑似先心 病儿童 9673 名,确诊 125 名,另外对当地提交疑似患儿的超声资料 35 份进行 甄别,一共确诊 160 名,实际救助贵州先心病儿童 133 名;总会与深圳市首彩 爱心慈善基金合作组织解放军 301 医院、深圳市儿童医院、北大深圳医院、深圳 孙逸仙心血管医院前往贵州的织金县、威宁市,云南的迪庆州、丽江市、大理市 共筛查疑似先心病儿童 632 人,确诊 164 人,已完成手术 84 人;总会与甘肃省

40 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

企业商会组织空军总医院前往甘肃省会宁、东乡县、天祝县开展筛查工作,共筛 查疑似先心病儿童 84 人,确诊 47 人,实际救助 33 人。

The Congenial Heart Disease (CHD) Children Assistance Project was launched in 2009, and For Our Children - 1000 Congenial Heart Disease (CHD) Children of Minority Nationality Relief Mission is a crucial part of the Project. In the year of 2015, the beneficiaries were 296 kids who had CHD. CCF has cooperated with Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled Profound Love Beyond Borders - Giving Hearts Mission to the children in the remote mountainous area. We organized medical team of 301 Hospital to Tongren, Anshun and Liupanshui City of Guizhou Province to screen the CHD suspected patients and confirmed 125, screen the ultrasound materials and confirmed 35, in total 160 children, and helped 133 children among the 160 children. Besides, the Project cooperated with Shenzhen Shoucai Foundation, and organized a medical team including Beijing 301 Hospital, Shenzhen Children’s Hospotal, Peking University Hospital in Shenzhen and Shenzhen Sun Yixian Cardiovascular Hospital went to Zhijin County and Weining City in Guizhou Province, Diqing Prefecture, Lijiang and Dali City in Yunnan Province, and screened 632 suspected CHD patients and confirmed 164. Till now, 84 surgeries have been finished. Further more, the Project cooperated with Gansu Chamber of Commerce, and organized a medical team of Capital Hospital of Air Force to Huining, Dongxiang and Tianzhu County. The team screened 84 children among whom 47 were diagnosed with CHD. 33 children have received medical aid.


One Paper For Love

为积极响应党中央、国务院关于“构建社会主义和谐社会”、“建设节约型社会”的战略号召, 中华慈善总会于 2008 年 3 月启动了大型公益项目:“一张纸献爱心”。以通过捐献废纸积聚善款, 针对我国少数民族地区贫困家庭患先天性心脏病的儿童发起的一项慈善救助行动。现在“一张纸献爱 心”已被中宣部纳入全国“节俭养德 全民节约”行动之列,将更全面、深入和长期地在全国各地展 开。2015 年一张纸献爱心行动取得了显著成效。3 月,全国两会期间,在代表和委员住地放置“爱心 屋”,开展“一张纸献爱心行动”的宣传推广,百余名代表、委员签名支持;4 月 16 日,中华慈善总 会在北京召开一张纸献爱心行动动员部署会议,会后湖南、湖北、陕西、海南、新疆等地陆续启动; 6 月 23 日,正式成立一张纸献爱心行动领导小组及其办公室;6 月 23 日,中央国家机关精神文明建 设协调领导小组办公室发文,要求在中央国家机关各部门、各单位文明办开展一张纸献爱心行动,截 止到目前,已在各大机关部委单位安装爱心屋 40 个,捐纸 18429.5 公斤,捐款 56032 元。

China Charity Federation launched the Project in March, 2008. The Project raises fund by recycling the papers, and focuses on the poor children with Congenial Heart Disease(CHD) in minority inhabited region. The project now has been included in the national saving movement initiated by central government, and will carry on

41 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

nationwide in long term. With great support of China Charity Federation leadership, and promotion of national charity network, the Project received great progress in the year of 2015. In March, during the two sessions of NPS &CPPCC, CCF held a promotion campaign of the project, and set Loving-heart Recycling Box in the hotels the representatives checked in and hundreds of representatives signed for support. On April 16th, CCF held a meeting in Beijing to call for joint action of the Project all over the nation. After the meeting, Hunan, , Shaanxi, Hainan and Xinjiang Provinces launched the project successively. On June 23rd, the leadership team and its office of the Project has been set up. On June 23rd, government proposed related department to carry on the project. Till now, the project set up 40 Loving- heart Recycling Box, and recycled paper of 18429.5 kilogram, and collected 56032 yuan.


Social Service Project with Government Grant

为了调动社会组织参与社会服务的积极性 , 发挥社会组织在承接政府转移职能和构建社会主义和 谐社会中的积极作用,中央财政自 2012 年起,开始支持社会组织参与社会服务项目。2014 年,总 会申报的中央财政项目“失能老人社区健康照护管理站”申请到中央财政 100 万元支持。项目启动 后,便先后在北京市西城区月坛街道、广内街道两个街道开展失能老人长期照护护理及康复服务超过 23800 人次。2015 年,总会申报的中央财政项目“失能老人长期照护指导服务示范项目”申请到中 央财政 100 万元支持。项目启动后,便先后在陕西省西安市碑林区太乙路街道、雁塔区鱼化寨街道、 未央区大明宫街道、高陵县长庆泾渭工业园等四个街道开展失能老人长期照护护理及康复服务超过 17000 人次。

To mobilize the NGOs being involved in social services, and facilitate the positive role in assisting the government shifting its duties and building the harmonious Communist Society, in 2012, the central budget started to finance the social organizations in social service projects. In the year of 2014, CCF “Community Caring Station for incapable elderly people” Project applied the Grant of one million yuan, and carried on the long-term caring services for incapable elderly residents for 23,800 time-people in Yuetan and Guangnei communities of Xicheng District in Beijing. In the year of 2015, a pilot project of “Exemplified Caring Service for incapable elderly people” applied the Grant of one million yuan, and carried on the long-term caring and rehabilitation services for incapable elderly residents for more than 17,000 time- person in 4 sub-districts of Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, which were Taiyi Road of Beilin District, Yuhuazhai of Yanta District, Daminggong of Weiyang District and Changqing Jingwei Industrial Zone of Gaoling County.

42 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds


Exxon Mobile Charitable Project

中华慈善总会自 1995 年与埃克森美孚(中国)投资有限公司开展合作。作为最早与总会合作的 外资企业之一,近年来,在孤残儿童唇腭裂手术矫治、吉林孤儿学校助学、残疾儿童心脏病矫治、农 村小学教学环境保护、制定养老护理标准、购置安装保护老年人设施、社区居家老人配餐项目等方面 共捐赠 1500 余万元。2015 年埃克森美孚关爱打工子弟健康项目正式运行,项目旨在通过针对打工子 弟学校儿童的口腔健康问题给予积极的治疗,并通过口腔卫生知识宣讲,直接及间接地降低打工子弟 学校儿童的龋齿患病率。2015年项目进展顺利,获得地方卫计委的资金支持,项目执行金额17 万余元, 涉及北京 4 所学校 581 名患儿。

Exxon Mobile is one of the first companies cooperated with CCF in 1995. EOM has total donated more than 15 million yuan and carried out projects in various aspects: free surgeries for poor cleft palate kids, educational program on Jilin Orphans’ School, medical aid on kids suffering heart disease, environment protection of primary schools in rural area, nursing criteria for elderly people, install the protect devices for old folks, catering for home-stayed old people, etc. In the year of 2015, we launched a new program on mouth health of the migrant students in Beijing. We focused on the treatment for the students who had the dental problems, had lessons on mouth health to the students, so that reduced the morbidity of dental decay. The project received match grant from local health bureau and in total allocated more than 170,000 yuan, and helped 581 students in 4 schools.

格列卫患者援助项目 Greevec International Patient Assistance Project (GIPAP)

格列卫全球患者援助项目于 2003 年 9 月在中国正式启动,援助对象为慢性粒细胞白血病、急性 淋巴性白血病、恶性胃肠道间质肿瘤以及隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤患者。项目旨在让所有获益于格列卫药 品的贫困或因病致贫的中国大陆患者获得免费格列卫药品救助。截至 2015 年底,项目在全国设立发 药点 79 个,在全国拥有项目注册医生 2144 位。2015 年全年,项目接受来自瑞士诺华制药公司捐赠 的格列卫药品近 14.66 万盒,价值人民币约 19.06 亿元;发放援助药品 32.60 万余盒,价值人民币约 42.38 亿元,累计受助人数 45525 人。

Aiming to let Greevec beneficiaries to get free Greevec medicine, Greevec World Relief launched in China in Sept of 2003, which targeted recipients are those who are suffering from CGL,ALL, malignant GIST and DFSP in mainland China. By the end of 2015, the project established 79 medicine distribution stations, registered 2,144 professional doctors. In 2015 the project received nearly 146,600 boxes of Greevec medicine donated by Swiss Novartis worth RMB1,906,000,000, distributed 326,000 boxes of relief medicine worth RMB4,238,000,000, Greevec beneficiaries amounted to 45,525 people.

43 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

多吉美援助项目 Nexavar Medical Aid Project

2007 年 3 月,中华慈善总会与拜耳医药保健有限公司合作设立多吉美患者援助项目。该项目援 助晚期肾癌、肝癌的患者,旨在让更多的患者有机会获得多吉美的治疗。该项目自 2007 年实施以来, 累计援助了 25108 位贫困患者,累计发放援助药品 570923 盒,价值人民币 143.83 亿元。2015 年度, 项目注册医生达到 1158 位,项目发药点 46 个,其中新增发药点为淮安市慈善总会、南通市慈善总会 和重庆市万州区慈善会。新增受助患者 5534 人,发放援助药品 142150 盒,价值人民币 35.81 亿元。

CCF and Bayer Healthcare cooperated together to launch the Nexavar medical project to help those patients suffering from advanced kidney cancer, advanced liver cancer, aiming to provide more opportunities for such patients to get Nexavar treatment. Since the project was launched in 2007, the recipients totaled 25,108, and 570,923 boxes of Nexavar relief medicine were distributed, worth RMB 14,383,000,000. In 2015, the number of the registered medical practitioners for the project amounted to 1,158. Among the 46 medicine distribution stations, Hua’an Charity Association, Nantong Charity Association and Wanzhou District Charity Association in Chongqing are newly established medicine stations. The patients of the project increased 5,408, distributed 142,150 boxes of Nexavar medicine worth RMB 3,581,000,000.


Iresse Means-tested Drug Donation Project

易瑞沙慈善援助项目是救助贫困晚期非小细胞肺癌患者的援 助药品医疗项目。由于易瑞沙药品价格昂贵,且未列入医保目录, 使许多患者失去了易瑞沙治疗机会。为了帮助这些患者,生产企 业英国阿斯利康公司向总会无偿捐赠易瑞沙药品。该项目自 2007 年 1 月实施以来,累计为 34921 位贫困肺癌患者解决了巨大的困 难。2009年 7 月和 2014 年 9 月,分别获得中华慈善总会颁发的“中 华慈善突出贡献项目奖”;2011 年 7 月,获得国家民政部颁发的 第六届中华慈善奖。2015 年度,总会累计接收阿斯利康捐赠易瑞 沙 164772 盒 /30 粒装,价值人民币 27.19 亿元;实际发放援助药 品 144771 盒 /30 粒装药品,价值人民币约 23.89 亿元;新增受助 患者 9000 人;在山西晋城、河南周口、内蒙古包头、内蒙古赤峰、 江苏无锡、江苏淮安、江苏南通、江苏连云港、河北沧州、河北 张家口、山东威海和山东济宁设立了援助药品发放点。

44 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

The Project is an Iresse medical relief project whose goal is to aid those patients suffering from advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Owing to its expensiveness, Iresse medicine could not be on the Directory of Insured Drugs so that many such patients lost their opportunities to be treated with Iresse medicine. In order to help these patients, British AstraZeneca voluntarily donated Iresse medicine to CCF. Since Jan. of 2007, 28,925 poor patients with lung cancer got Iresse medical support so as to release their big burdens. In July of 2009 and Sept of 2014, the project won twice “China Charity Great Contribution Award” issued by CCF, and “China Charity Award” in the 6th Session of China Charity Award given by Ministry of Civil Affairs. In 2015, British AstraZeneca donated 164,772 boxes with 30 tablets per each, worth RMB 2,719,000,000 to CCF and out of them, 144,771 boxes worth RMB 2,389,000,000 were distributed to the patients and 9000 more patients received free Iresse medication. The new medicine distribution stations were located in Jicheng of province, Zhoukou of Henan Province, Baotou and Chifeng of Inner Mongolia, Wuxi, Huai’an, Nantong and Lianyungang of Jiangsu Province, Cangzhou and of Hebei Province, Weihai and Jining of Shandong Province.


Tarceva Medical Aid Project

2008 年 4 月,总会与上海罗氏制药有限公司共同成立“中华慈善总会特罗凯慈善援助 项目”,为贫困的非小细胞肺癌晚期患者提供免费救助药品。2011 年 7 月,获得国家民政 部颁发的“第六届中华慈善奖”;2014 年 9 月,获得中华慈善总会颁发的第二届“中华慈 善突出贡献项目奖”,这是继2009 年获得第一届“中华慈善突出贡献项目奖”后再获此殊荣。 截至 2015 年底,共发放了市场价值超过 60 亿元人民币的援助药品,有 21899 位贫困肺癌 晚期患者得到救助。项目覆盖 185 个城市,全国设有 47 个发药点。2015 年全年发放援助 药品市场价值人民币 16.7 亿元。

CCF joined hands with Shanghai Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd. in April of 2008 to launch Tarceva Project supplying medicine to the needy patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. In July of 2011, the project win “China Charity Award ”in the 6th Session of China Charity Award given by Ministry of Civil Affairs and “China Charity Great Contribution Award” in the 2nd Session issued by CCF which the Project won the second time. By the end of 2015, the project distributed the donated medicine totally worth over RMB 6,000,000,000 so as to aid 21,899 poor patients with advanced lung cancer. Until now the project has covered 185 cities with 47 stations served as medicine distribution. The relief medicine worth RMB 1,670,000,000 was distributed within the year.

45 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

全可利慈善援助项目 Tracleer Medical Aid Project

全可利慈善援助项目于 2009 年成立,该项目是中华慈善总会接受瑞士爱可泰隆制药公司捐赠的全 可利药品而设立的慈善项目,其援助对象为贫困肺动脉高压患者。自 2009 年成立以来,累计援助患者 5923 名,累计发放药品 52197 盒,按市场销售价计算价值人民币约 10.42 亿元。2015 年,全可利慈善 援助项目共接受 1643 位患者申请,获得援助患者 1584 人,发放援助药品 15424 盒,按市场销售价计 算价值人民币约 3.08 亿元,同比增长 10%;新增广东深圳发药点;新增注册医生 132 人。

The Project was launched by CCF in 2009 , whose relief resource came from Tracleer donated by Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd., aiming to benefit those poor patients with pulmonary hypertension. Since 2009 when the project was launched, the number of the beneficiaries totaled 5,923, the medicine distribution reached 52,197 boxes worth RMB 1,042,000,000. In 2015, the project had 1, 643 patients eligible for the relief , gave medical relief to 1,584 patients and distributed 15,424 boxes of relief medicine worth RMB 308,000,000 which increased by 10% than last year. The newly added medicine distribution station is located in Shenzhen of Guangdong Province with 132 newly registered medical practitioners as well.

安维汀慈善援助项目 Avastin Medical Aid Project

2012 年 6 月 15 日,在上海罗氏制药有限公司的大力支持下,“中 华慈善总会安维汀慈善援助项目”正式启动。项目是为贫困的转移 性结直肠癌患者援助特效药物安维汀。截至 2015 年底,共发放了市 场价值人民币超过 10 亿元的援助药品,使 4421 位贫困的转移性结 直肠癌患者得到救助。项目覆盖144 个城市,全国设有38 个发药点。 2015 年全年发放援助药品市场价值人民币 5.5 亿元,较 2014 年增 长 78%。 2015 年 7 月 1 日,在上海罗氏制药有限公司的大力支持下,“中 华慈善总会安维汀肺癌慈善援助项目”正式启动。项目是为贫困的 晚期、转移性或复发性非鳞状细胞非小细胞肺癌患者援助特效药物 安维汀。截至 2015 年底,共发放了市场价值人民币超过 2900 万元 的援助药品,使 376 位贫困的晚期、转移性或复发性非鳞状细胞非 小细胞肺癌患者得到救助。

46 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

With the support of Shanghai Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Avastin project was launched on June 15, 2012 with the aim to aid impoverished patients with metastatic colorectal cancer to reach Avastin. Until the end of 2015, the medicine worth of RMB 1,000,000,000 was contributed to 4,421 poor patients totally. 144 cities got benefited, 38 medicine distribution stations were established. In the year of 2015, medicine worth of RMB 550,000,000 was distributed all over China, which increased by 78% than 2014. On July 1st, the project started to assist patients in need who have advanced, metastatic or recurrent squamous cell non-small cell lung cancer with Avastin. By the end of 2015, the project totally distributed Avastin worth more than 29,000,000, which benefited 376 lung cancer patients.

达希纳慈善援助项目 Tasigna International Patient Assistance Project (TIPAP)

达希纳患者援助项目于 2009 年 12 月在中国 目在全国设立发药点 79 个,在全国拥有项目注册 正式启动,该药品属于格列卫二代产品。援助对 医生 1139 位。2015 年全年,项目接受来自瑞士 象为既往治疗耐药或不耐受的慢性粒细胞白血病 诺华制药公司捐赠的达希纳药品超过 3.43 万盒, 慢性期和加速期成人患者。项目旨在让所有获益 价值人民币超过 12.27 亿元;发放援助药品近2.87 于达希纳药品的贫困或因病致贫的中国大陆患者 万盒,价值人民币超过 10.55 亿元,累计受助人 获得免费达希纳药品救助。截至 2015 年底,项 数 6167 人。

Tasigna project started in Dec. 2009 in China. Tasigna, the second generation of Greevec, is the medicine used for the patients suffering from multidrug resistant or intolerant chronic myeloegnous leukemia. The project is aimed to help those poor patients to benefit from Tasigna without any payment. By the end of 2015, the project established 79 medicine distribution stations all over China and had 1139 registered medical practitioners. In the year of 2015, the project received Tasigna more than 34,300 boxes worth more than RMB 1,227,000,000, and distributed nearly 28,700 boxes worth more than RMB 1,055,000,000, totally benefiting 6167 patients.

47 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

拜科奇患者援助项目 Baikeqi Medical Aid Project

2009 年 6 月,中华慈善总会和拜耳医药保健 血友病患者,累计发放援助药品 107033 盒,价值 有限公司合作设立拜科奇血友病儿童援助项目,通 人民币 1.37 亿元。2015 年度,已经有 179 名项目 过企业捐赠、医疗保险和个人共同承担的模式, 注册医生,新增受助患者 236 人,发放援助药品 解决中国血友病儿童的医疗救治问题。该项目自 20248 盒,价值人民币 0.23 亿元。 2009 年 6 月实施以来,累计援助了 1707 位贫困

In June of 2009, CCF and Bayer Health-Care AG launched the project to support children with hemophilia. By the model co-pay, in which the payment shared by the three parties, entrepreneurs’ contribution, medical insurance and individual payment , the project is aimed to solve the financial problem with the patient medical treatment. Since the project started in June 2009, it assisted 1,707 poor patients with hemophilia, distributed 107,033 bottles of relief medicine worth RMB 137,000,000. By the year of 2015, there were 179 registered medical practitioners, 236 newly accepted patients, 20,248 bottles of medical distribution, totally worth RMB 23,000,000.

拜科奇 Co-pay 援助项目 Baikeqi Co-pay Project

2015 年 1 月中华慈善总会与拜耳医药保健有 治疗,提高血友病患者的生活质量。截止到 2015 限公司共同设立“中华慈善总会拜科奇 Co-pay 慈 年 12 月底,项目已在全国 38 个省(市区)开展, 善援助项目”。项目旨在通过中华慈善总会、地方 累计援助患者 1370 人,向患者发放援助资金超过 慈善机构、医疗保险和患者共同承担血友病治疗费 370 万元。 用的模式,帮助中国甲型血友病患者获得拜科奇的

In Jan. 2015, CCF and Bayer Health-Care AG launched the project to finance the children with hemophilia. By the model co- pay, in which the payment shared by the three parties, company , medical insurance and individual. The project is aimed to solve the financial problem with the patient’s medical treatment. By Dec. 2015, the project carried on in 38 provinces(city/county), financed 1,370 patients, and allocated more than 3.7 million to patients.

48 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds


Ventavis Medical Aid Project

2008 年 5 月,中华慈善总会与拜耳医药保健有限公司合作设立万他维患者援 助项目。项目自 2008 年实施以来,累计援助了 962 位贫困患者,累计发放援助药 品 31912 盒,价值人民币 5.27 亿元。2015 年度,项目已经有 117 名项目注册医生, 新增受助患者 113 人,发放援助药品 5930 盒,价值人民币 0.89 亿元。

In May 2008, CCF and Bayer Health-Care AG launched Ventavis Relief Project. Since then, 962 poor patients got medical relief, 31,912 boxes of medicine were distributed, worth RMB 527,000,000. In 2015, the project had 117 registered medical practitioners, 117 newly accepted patients and medicine distribution of 5,930 boxed worth RMB 89, 000,000.


EXPAP Medical Project

恩瑞格患者援助项目于 2010 年 11 月在中国正式启动,援助对象为 β- 地中海贫血和其他输血依赖性疾病因输血所致的慢性铁过载患者。项 目旨在让所有获益于恩瑞格药品的贫困或因病致贫的中国大陆患者获得 免费恩瑞格药品救助。截至 2015 年底,项目在全国设立发药点 37 个, 在全国拥有项目注册医生 292 位。2015 年全年,项目接受来自瑞士诺华 制药公司捐赠的恩瑞格药品超过 5.50 万盒,价值人民币超过 1.15 亿元; 发放援助药品超过 3.99 万盒,价值人民币近 0.84 亿元,累计受助人数 2020 人。 The Project was launched in Nov. 2010, aiming to help the patients with β-Mediterranean anemia, Blood transfusion dependent disease or patients with blood transfusion caused by iron overload to get medical treatment no matter the patients are poor or poor caused by the diseases. By the end of 2015, 37 medicine distribution stations were established, 292 medical practitioners are registered. In the year of 2015, the project received 55,000 boxes of medicine donated by Swiss Novartis, worth RMB 115,000,000 and distributed 39,900 boxes worth RMB 84,000,000, benefiting 2020 recipients.

49 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation


Betaseron Medical Aid Project 2012 年 4 月,中华慈善总会与拜耳医药保健有限公司合作设立倍 泰龙患者援助项目,旨在帮助经济条件贫困的多发性硬化症患者能够使 用倍泰龙药物维持治疗。项目自 2012 年 4 月实施以来,累计援助患者 933 位,累计发放援助药品35021 盒,价值人民币1.49 亿元。2015年度, 项目已经有 177 名项目注册医生,新增受助患者 147 人,发放援助药 品 11826 盒,价值人民币 0.50 亿元。

CCF and Bayer Health-Care AG launched Betaseron Project in April, 2012 aiming to support those impoverished patients with multiple sclerosis to get continuous medical treatment with Betaseron. Since then, 933 patients got benefited from the project. 35,021 boxes were distributed worth RMB 149,000,000. In 2015, the project owned 177 registered practitioners, newly accepted 147 patients, and distributed 11,826 boxes of medicine worth RMB 50,000,000.

思而赞慈善援助项目 Cerezyme Medical Aid Project

2008 年 12 月,中华慈善总会与健赞公司共同签署了“有关罕见遗传 性疾病在中国的认识和支持项目”及“有关援助思而赞用以中国的戈谢病 患者”的协议。旨在为中国的戈谢氏病患者免费提供思而赞治疗药品。自 项目成立以来,共与全国十二家执行医院,八家省(市)慈善会合作,为 分布在 27 个省、90 多个市县的 140 名患者进行了十八次药品援助。2015 年,思而赞药品的援助工作全年共计发放药品 9373 支,发放人次 324 人, 总价值 215579000 元人民币。 2014 年开始经过多方的努力,宁夏、昆明、福建三明、青岛、沈阳五 个地区将戈谢病纳入了医疗保险和社会保障报销范畴,开展的新项目援助 模式。有 6 名新确诊的戈谢病患者得到了援助。同时也有 1 名项目内的老 患者顺利地转到新援助模式中。

CCF and Crezyme signed contracts regarding the awareness and support of rare genetic diseases in China and donation of Cerezyme used for Chinese Gaucher disease patients in Dec.2008. Since then, joining hands with 12 hospitals, 8 provincial charity foundations, and the project gave 18 times of medicine relief to 140 patients dispersing in 90 cities and counties of 27 provinces. In 2015, Cerezyme project distributed 9373 items to 324 time-persons, totally worth RMB 215,579,000. With joint efforts, Gaucher disease was included in medical insurance and social security expense in the following five districts, such as Ningxia, Kunming, Fujian, Qingdao and Shenyang in this year. 6 patients were given Cerezyme relief donations and one of the patients was changed into the Medicare and social security expenses.

50 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds


Erbitux Medical Assist Project

中华慈善总会爱必妥慈善援助项目于 2015 年 1 月正式启动。捐赠方为德 国默克雪兰诺有限公司。爱必妥 ( 西妥昔单抗 ) 经中国国家食品药品监督管理 局(SFDA)批准,适应症为西妥昔单抗与伊立替康 (Irinotecan) 联合用药治 疗表达表皮生长因子受体 (EGFR),经含伊立替康治疗失败后的转移性结直肠 癌。该药于 2006 年在中国上市,由于爱必妥 ( 西妥昔单抗 ) 不在多数地区医 保范围内,治疗费用相当昂贵,年治疗费用需要 84 ~ 90 万人民币,对经济 条件的要求极大地限制了爱必妥的使用。 截止到 2015 年底,接收爱必妥药品 83173 盒,价值 4.09 亿元人民币; 发放爱必妥药品 82948 盒,价值 3.89 亿元人民币;设立了共 35 个发药点, 覆盖了中国大陆 26 个省市自治区。在全国 30 个省 80 个城市,有 634 位注册 医生义务为项目患者服务;累计批准获得项目援助的患者 1054 人,低保患者 9 人,非低保患者 1028 人。

The project launched in January 2015, and the donor of the medicine is Merck Serono Co. Ltd. of Germany. Erbitux is approved by SFDA, and indications are Cetuximab and irinotecan combination therapy expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), metastatic colorectal cancer failed by treatment containing irinotecan. The medicine debuted in the year of 2006 in China, which did not include in the medical insurance in most regions. The price is so expensive that the annual cost is from 840,000 to 900,000 yuan, and the high requirement of economic incomes limited the widespread use of the medicine. By the end of 2015, the project received 83,173 boxes of medicine, worth RMB 409,000,000 and distributed 82,948 boxes worth RMB 389,000,000; set up 35 medicine distribution stations in 26 provinces. The project has 634 registered doctors in 80 cities of 30 provinces, who served for the patients applied for this project voluntarily. The approved benefiting patients were 1054, among which 9 were living on minimum subsistence allowances, and 1029 were not.

51 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation


Medical Aid for 1000 Impoverished Echinococcosis Patients in Tibetan Region

包虫病是由棘球蚴属绦虫寄生于人体或宿主动物体内而引起的人兽 共患寄生虫病,是全球性的公共卫生问题。在我国,包虫病有囊型和泡 型包虫病两种,其中,泡型包虫病由于病死率较高,被称为“虫癌”。 以新疆、青海、甘肃、宁夏、西藏、内蒙和四川西部最为严重。2012 年全国包虫病流行情况调查显示,全国人群包虫病患病率为 0.24%, 部分地区人群包虫病患病率高达 8-15%。 鉴于此,中华慈善总会于 2015 年 11 月开展了“藏区千名贫困家 庭包虫病患者救助行动”,针对藏区的包虫病患者实施免费手术救治。 同时,在西藏自治区卫生和计划生育委员会、青海省慈善总会的大力支 持和配合下,于 11 月底组织解放军第三零二医院前往西藏筛查疑似包 虫病患者 251 人,确诊 91 人;青海筛查 345 人,确诊 141 人。确诊 的 232 人,分批次前往解放军第三零二医院手术治疗。 “藏区千名贫困家庭包虫病患者救助行动”的开展对于藏区包虫病 防治工作起到积极的作用,同时通过中华慈善总会的率先示范作用,带 动更多的社会慈善组织参与进来,救助更多的包虫病患者。

Echinococcosis is global public health issue, which a thorn ball larva tapeworm parasitic in the human body or the host animals and causes parasitic diseases for both human and animals. In China, there are capsule type and foam type, in which the foam type has been called worm cancer due to a high mortality. It spreads in Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Xizang, Inner Mongolia and Sichuan Provinces. A national research for Echinococcosis epidemic in 2012 shows that the average morbidity is 0.24%, while in certain regions as high as 8-15%. In Nov. 2015, CCF launched “Medical Aid for 1000 Impoverished Echinococcosis Patients in Tibetan Region”, which provides free surgeries to the patients. Meanwhile, with the support and cooperation of Public Health Division in Tibet and Qinghai Charity Association, No. 302 Hospital send a medical team to Tibet and Qinghai screening for suspected patients, which confirmed 91 out of 251 in Tibet and 141 out of 345 in Qinghai. The confirmed 232 patients are going to have surgeries in 302 Hospital in batches. The medical aid action played an positive role on Echinococcosis prevention and treatment in Tibetan region, and a leading role for demonstration and mobilizing more social engagement for Echinococcosis.

52 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

专项基金 / Specified Funds

万达儿童基金 Wanda Children’s Fund

2012 年 8 月万达酒店建设有限公司在中华慈善总会设立万达儿童基金。 该基金致力于儿童公益慈善事业的发展,努力让儿童享受平等的生存权利、 完善的社会福利以及优质的教育资源。2015 年基金在湖南、辽宁、河北、 内蒙、江苏实施 24 间爱心放影室项目,项目于 7 月份正式开始,已全部安 装完成。

In August of 2012, Wanda Hotel Investment and Development Co., LTD. set a Fund in CCF. The fund indicated in children development for equality, better social welfare and educational resources. The fund launched in July, and set up 24 Loving-heart mini theaters in Hubei, , Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Jiangsu Provinces. All have been finished installation.

I DO 基金 I D o Fund

2008 年 5 月,恒信钻石机构董事长李厚森先生捐资 2000 万元,在中华慈善总会设立专 项基金。迄今为止 I DO 基金行程 26000 多公里,先后对近 15000 名儿童实施了助学、医疗、 心理成长等方面的援助。 2015 年,I DO 基金联合总会共同发起了众筹项目“情系阿里 水车行动”,目的地是西 藏措勒完小和霍尔小学,这两所学校位于西藏阿里高寒地带,平均海拔 4500 多米,常年冰 雪封山水贵如油,孩子们需要自己走到河边打水才能喝到水。此次活动通过京东众筹平台发 布,所筹到的款项全部用于为孩子们购买“水车行动”物资,并邀请社会爱心人士、企业员 工志愿者及媒体共赴藏区与 I DO 基金一起践行公益,为藏区贫困儿童送去爱心水车,关爱 他们心灵成长,带给孩子们陪伴和快乐。

The Fund established in May 2008, which Mr. Li Houlin donated RMB 20 million for the fund. Till now, the Fund walked for more than 26,000 km, and benefited nearly 15,000 children in educational assistance, medical care and mental health consulting. In the year of 2015, the Fund handed CCF launching a fund-raising campaign for the project Tied to Ali, Mobile Watering Station for the students in Cuole Primary School and Hou’er Primary School in Tibet. The schools are located in frozen mountainous area of Ali in Tibet, which the average altitude is more than 4,500 meters high, so that the water resources is

53 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

pretty much valuable. The children can only get the drinking water from the river by a long walk. The project released by the Internet fund-raising platform of Jingdong, and all fund would be used to purchase charitable items. The project invited social volunteers, workplace employees and medias to Tibet to distribute the mobile watering station to the kids, and bringing the love and care for them as well.


HSBC Elderly Care Project

1997 年,中华慈善总会携手汇丰银行共同成立汇丰中华慈善基金,并启动汇丰中华慈善老人 关怀项目。 汇丰中华慈善老人关怀项目以发动社会力量关怀老人为宗旨,所捐款项主要用于推动民办养老 院开展失能失智老人的长期照护工作。项目自启动以来,陆续为全国近 60 家养老院捐赠价值超过 人民币 800 万元的生活必需品和设备设施。到 2012 年底,共举办了 9 期全国养老院院长培训班, 培训了 30 个省的近 1000 名院长。到 2015 年底,共举办了 11 届养老论坛,超过 4000 人次参加, 探讨养老业的发展趋势和出路。 2015 年,汇丰中华慈善老人关怀项目执行金额超过 100 万元,并设立 2 个新项目,申请到汇 丰银行超过 600 万元支持。

In 1997, CCF cooperated with HSBC to establish HSBC Charity Fund, and launched the Elderly Care Project. The project aimed at mobilizing social resources giving care to elderly people, and the fund mostly used to promote the private elderly-care institutes to provide long-term care services for incapable old folks. Since the beginning, the project has donated daily necessities and equipment worth more than 8 million to almost 60 elderly institutes. By the end of 2012, the project organized 9 training for the presidents of the elderly-care institutes, and totally trained nearly 1,000 presidents for 30 provinces. By the end of 2015, hosted 11 forums for more than 4,000 time-person, discussing the development trend for the elderly-caring industry and the way out. In 2015, the Project allocated more than 1 million yuan, and set up 2 sub- projects which receiving fund from HSBC for more than 6 million.

54 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds


BMW Warm Heart Fund

2008 年 6 月 5 日,宝马中国和华晨宝马共同捐资 1000 万元人民币,设立中华慈善总会宝马 爱心基金,主要在教育支持、社会关爱、文化促进等方面开展项目。基金成立七年来,共募集善款 9400 万余元,开展的主要项目包括“悦助未来”助学项目、玉树物资援助项目、“童悦之家”学 生活动室建设项目、5 所职业技术学院助学项目、贫困地区教师培训项目以及紧急救灾等,直接受 益的贫困学生已超过 10857 人。 2015 年,基金主要开展的项目包括:为 53 所童悦之家学校补充价值约 87 万元的文体用品、 安全教具、绘画用品等物资;为 14 个省市 22 个地方慈善会 1557 名贫困学生发放助学金 582.4 万 元;为玉树地区 2022 名学生以及 15 户贫困家庭采购价值约 61 万元的过冬衣物、慰问品等物资; 为 4 所职业技术学院 92 名贫困学生发放助学金 46 万元;举办“童悦之家”乡村教育提升计划教师 培训会和助学项目工作会议等。 除了捐赠善款,基金还发展成为宝马全方位的企业社会责任平台,为包括企业员工、经销商和 爱心车主在内的志愿者建立了一个持续汇聚爱心的平台。基金秉持合力、实效、持续、透明的原则, 凝聚和带动整个宝马爱心大家庭的力量,用实际行动践行对中国社会的长期承诺。

In June 5th 2008, BMW China and Brilliance BMW jointly donated RMB 10,000,000 to establish BMW Warm Heart Fund focusing on education support, social inclusion, and culture preservation, etc. The Fund raised more than RMB 94,000,000 and the major projects are education-assist project Joy for Future, Joy Homes and for 5 Vocational Schools, Yushu Theme BMW Volunteers Action, teacher training for remote areas and disaster relief etc. The total number of direct beneficiaries is more than 10,857. In 2015, the fund was to work in the following aspects: updated the arts and sports equipment, security-class items, etc. for 53 Joy Homes and the expense was about RMB 870,000; allocated RMB 5,824,000 to 1557 impoverish students in 22 cities and counties of 14 provinces, purchased winter clothes and living necessities to 2022 students and 15 impoverished families in Yushu area, worth RMB 610,000; and financed RMB 460,000 to 92 impoverish students in 4 vocational technological institutes; held the Joy Home teacher training for rural education promotion and the annual working meeting of Project Joy For Future. Apart from giving in cash, the fund has developed into an all-scale Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) platform for BMW, which acts as a sustained love platform for the employees of the enterprises, dealers and car owners. Based on principles of the joint force, effectiveness, sustainability and transparency, the fund is to take the lead of the whole BMW family and practice its long-term promise to Chinese society.

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Public Charity Fund

中华慈善总会大众慈善基金成立于 2009 年 3 月,由香港金米莱集团捐资设立。基金成立以来, 本着“让大众参与慈善,让慈善惠及大众”的精神理念,持续关注支教助学、安老助残、医疗救助、 扶贫济困、文化宣传等几大领域,深入了解社会弱势群体,并针对性地给予援助以切实改善他们 的生活。 1、大众慈善医疗救助项目 向济南慈善总会、河南省第二慈善医院无偿捐赠总价值 22.36 万元的医疗设备一批。向南靖县 医院援助飞利浦彩色超声诊断仪一台,总价值 130 多万元。 2、关爱青少年项目 主要是图书捐赠,已经为河北滦平、内蒙古包头、霍林郭勒、辽宁本溪等地捐赠爱心图书室, 每间配置价值约 10 万元的图书,已经配备了 10 间图书室。 3、《大众慈善》杂志 继续通过《大众慈善》杂志对全国各地慈善会每月的新闻动态,以及优秀的慈善活动、慈善项 目、爱心事迹免费予以宣传报道,免费赠阅。对于促进各地慈善会之间的经验交流、传播慈善理念、 构筑慈善平台,发挥了重要作用。

The Fund was launched in March 2009 by the contribution of Hong Kong JML Group Ltd. The Fund mainly focuses on the following aspects: education, poverty alleviation, disabled support, medical care and culture awareness. The fund is to make a deep understanding of the social disadvantaged groups and conduct corresponding aids so as to improve their lives. (1) Charity Medical Relief: donated medical equipment worth RMB 223,600 to Jinan Charity Association and the 2nd Charity Hospital of Henan Province; donated a Philip Colored Ultrasound Screening Machine to the Nanjing County Hospital, which worth more than RMB 1.3 million. (2) Adolescent Caring Initiate: the project mainly focuses on donating books, and this year helped build up 10 Loving-heart Libraries in Luanping County of Hebei Province, Baotou City and Huolinguole of Inner Mongolia, and Benxi City of Liaoning Province, and purchased book for each library for about RMB 100,000. (3) Public Charity Magazine: The magazine reports monthly charity news of national charity network, excellent philanthropic activities, projects, touching stories, and is subscribed for free. The magazine plays an important role in advocating philanthropic ideas, building up charitable platform, and promoting the exchanges among charity organizations as well.

56 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

金六福 99 爱心基金

Jinliufu 99 Love Fund

2008 年 11 月,华泽集团与中华慈善总会合作设立中华慈善总会金 六福 99 爱心基金,主要在助学、扶贫、救灾等领域开展慈善公益活动。 2015 年在遵义会议胜利召开 80 周年之际,华泽集团旗下的贵州珍 酒酿酒有限公司捐赠 50 万元在遵义开展了关爱抗战老兵的活动,对 50 名遵义地区参加过抗日战争、解放战争、抗美援朝战争的老兵和复员退 伍军人进行捐助,每人捐赠8000 元现金和价值 2000 元的物资。8月 25 日, 在遵义举行了捐赠仪式。王树峰副会长应邀参加。

In Nov. 2008, Huaze Group Ltd. and CCF cooperated to set up Jinliufu 99 Love Fund, aiming to carry on charitable projects and activities on education assistance, poverty alleviation, disaster relief and so on. The year of 2015 is the 80th anniversary of the Zunyi Conference. Guizhou Zhenjiu Brewing Company, which is subsidiary of Huaze Group, donated RMB 500,000 to a campaign which contributed to 50 veteran soldiers who participated in either Anti-Japanese War, Civil War or Korean War with RMB 8000 in cash and 2000 in kind. In Aug. 25th, the donation ceremony was held in Zunyi, and Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng attended.


Yofoto Love Fund

三生(中国)健康产业有限公司于 2012 年与总会签订协议设立三生爱心基金,基金以关注 留守儿童为主要方向,在留守儿童聚居地学校设立“三生爱心教室”,教室配备图书及体育音 乐器材,丰富他们的课余生活。2015 年 1 月,三生(中国)健康产业有限公司再次向总会捐款 100 万元,定向用于 2015 年“三生爱心教室”建设。三生爱心基金 2015 年在湖南、广西、江西、 甘肃、河北、河南共建设 30 间“三生爱心教室”,现全部教室已经完成安装工作。

In Oct. 2012, Yofoto (China) Health Industry corporate Ltd. founded a Yofoto Love Fund with CCF, focusing on left-behind children. The fund helps establish Yofoto love classrooms for the left-behind children with books, sports and music supplies to enrich their after-class time. On Jan. 2015, Yofoto donated RMB 1million to CCF, and the fund used to set up 30 Love Homes in the province of Hunan, Guangxi, , Gansu, Hebei and Henan.

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Spring Rain Love Fund

春雨爱心基金是中华慈善总会为帮助过失犯罪的特困女性服刑人员及其家属改善生活状况、解 决其子女就学、治病困难,开展对过失的服刑人员进行心理辅导和其他帮助而设立的专项基金。 2015 年募集资金 130 多万元人民币,根据捐赠方要求,在山东、云南、青海、河北等地举行了救助 金发放仪式,发放救助金 75 万元人民币。

The fund is assisting criminal-negligent poor female prisoners and their families on living condition improvement, offspring education and medical issue, mental health consultation for the prisoners and other projects. The Fund raised more than RMB 1.3 million in the year of 2015, and following the donor’s requirement, held Subsidy Distribution Ceremony in Shandong, Yunnan, Qinghai and Hebei Provinces, totally distributed 750,000 yuan.

爱心天使医疗救助基金 Love Angel Medical Care Fund

中华慈善“爱心天使医疗救助”基金,是由吉林省华巍脑瘫研究院与总会合作设立的基金, 主要开展慈善医疗救助项目。 2015 年,捐赠资金 60 万元用于支持吉林省慈善总会开展的“关爱生命”股骨头坏死患 者救助项目,共帮助 120 名贫困患者获得手术治疗。

The Fund is founded by Jilin Provincial Huawei Cerebral Palsy Institute and CCF, focusing on charity medical relief projects. In 2015, the fund donated RMB 600,000 to Love For Life Project of Jilin Provincial Charity Association, which provides medical assistance to femoral head necrosis patients. The fund help 120 patients for their surgeries’ fees.


Badi Community Development Fund

2011 年 1 月,巴迪基金会与中华慈善总会合作建立中华慈善总会巴迪社区发展基金。该基金 旨在构建农村基层和谐社区,推动农村基层扶贫、教育、环境等事业发展。其运作形式主要是通 过与基层社会组织和政府部门的合作,对农村基层社区的妇女和青少年进行能力建设培训,释放 个人和机构的潜能来推动农村基层社区向和谐与繁荣发展。2015 年,中华慈善总会巴迪社区发展

58 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

基金收到捐款共计 826,610.75 元人民币,上年结余881,820.71 元,2015年投入捐款 1,240,997.06 元,资助9 家基层社会组织开展的和谐环境建设、青少年技能扶贫教育等2 个培训项目,涉及云南、 宁夏、广东、河北、甘肃等省多个基层社区,受益人群超过 2 万人。通过项目增添了困难群体脱 贫的技能和途径,增加居民经济收入。

In Jan, 2011, Badi Foundation established a partnership with CCF and launched the Fund, aiming to build up harmonious communities in villages by alleviating poverty, assisting education and protecting environment. The operation model is institutions on the ground working with the local government to organize workshop for local women and juvenile, and promote harmony and prosperity by releasing individual and institutional potential. In 2015, the revenue of the fund is CNY826,610.75, the balance for last year is CNY881,820.71, and the expenditure is CNY1,240,997.06. The fund financed 9 local institutions for two training program on construction for harmonious environment and workshop for juvenile, which carried out in local communities of Yunan, Ningxia, Hebei and Gansu Provinces. The beneficiaries are over 20000. The project helped impoverished people master additional living skills to increase their income.


Hong Guiming Education Assistance Fund

洪贵明先生于 2012 年在总会设立了“洪贵明助学教育金”该基金旨在贫困地区助 教支教,帮助家庭贫困的孩子完成学业。2015 年 5 月,洪贵明先生与总会续签了洪贵 明助学教育基金,双方约定继续帮助孤儿和贫困家庭的孩子完成学业,另外洪贵明先生 个人捐款人民币 10 万元,在经济欠发达地区建立“洪贵明书馆”,以解决这些地区学 校图书馆装备用书严重不足的困境,使这些学校的学生不仅有学上,而且有书读。

Mr. Hong Guiming set up the fund in 2012, which aims at educational assisting project in rural areas, and helping the children finished their schools who cannot afford the tuition fee. In May, Mr. Hong Guiming renewed the agreement of the Fund, and remains focusing on orphans and children living in poverty. Besides, Mr. Hong donated 100,000 yuan to set up Hong Guiming Library in less developed region, to filling the gap of the shortage of books for children, so that the children have ample books to read.

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Yongyi Love Fund

2015 年 1 月,永益慈善爱心基金向总会提出申请,要求拨款 30 万元至中山大学孙逸仙纪念 医院,定向用于救助重症肺炎儿童张林宣。根据医院提供的费用预算,张林宣小朋友住院治疗费 用还需要 40 ~ 50 万元,永益基金及时应对,帮助张林宣小朋友解决部分医疗费用,渡过难关, 现在张林宣小朋友已经康复出院。

In January, the Fund applied to allocate RMB 300,000 to Zhongshan University Sun Yixian Honorary Hospital, and designated to pay treatment fee of Zhang Linxuan, who is a kid diagnosed with severe pneumonia. According to the treatment budget the hospital provided, the gap of the fee is still RMB 400,000 to 500,000. The fund reacted quickly and help raised a portion of the gap, and helped the child overcome the financial obstacle and discharged.


Love Fund

2015 年“北京银行大爱慈善基金”共募集 (2)2015 年 9 月 20 日,中华慈善总会 - 资金 82 万元,该项目主要针对贫困地区中小 北京银行大爱慈善基金与北京银行信用卡中心 学的困难师生进行资金救助,帮助学校建设图 的员工在河北省滦平县马营子乡明德小学举行 书室、音乐教室或购买体育器材等,旨为贫困 了以 “放飞梦想”为主题救助活动。北京银行 地区的学校改善教学设施为学生们营造一个好 信用卡中心的员工和同学们一起放风筝和交流 的学习环境,今年共资助三个贫困学校,发放 互动,为学校购置了电脑和音乐器材等,共计 救助金 60 万元人民币,实施救助情况如下: 发放救助金 20 万元。 (1)2015 年 8 月 1 日,中华慈善总会 - (3)2015 年 12 月 7 日,中华慈善总会 - 北京银行大爱慈善基金与北京银行信用卡中心 北京银行大爱慈善基金通过山东省慈善总会向 的员工在河北省滦平县第四小学进行了“一日 山东省菏泽市定陶一中捐赠人民币 20 万元, 园丁”捐赠救助活动,现场救助了 30 个贫困 为该中学援建了“中华慈善总会 - 北京银行大 师生,发放救助金二十万元人民币。北京银行 爱图书馆”,山东省慈善总会,菏泽市市委、 信用卡中心的员工精心准备,为同学们讲解了 市政府、市慈善总会和北京银行山东分行的员 电脑知识、音乐课和科普知识,深受师生们的 工共同举行了捐赠仪式,一千多名师生受益。 欢迎。

In 2015, the Bank of Beijing Love Fund totally raised RMB 820,000, focusing on teachers and students in primary schools and mid schools in remote undeveloped areas, which assist the schools to set up library, music lab and purchase sports items, in order to build a comfortable studying atmosphere. This year, the fund financed 3 schools, and distributed subsidy of 600,000 yuan, the details were as below: (1) On Aug. 1st , the fund organized employee volunteers of the Credit-card Center of the Bank of Beijing , and visited No. 4 primary school in Luanping County,

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Hebei Province, and hosted a theme activity One Day Teacher. The volunteers prepared carefully and taught the lessons on computer knowledge, music and science, who received warm welcome by the teachers and students. Besides, they distributed 200,000 yuan to 30 impoverished teachers and students on site. (2) On Sept. 20th, the fund organized employee volunteers of the Credit-card Center of the Bank of Beijing , and visited Mingde primary school of Mayingzi Town in Luanping County, Hebei Province, and hosted a theme activity Let Dreams Fly. The volunteers flied the kites with the students and played varies games. The fund purchased computers and music instruments to the school, which worth RMB 200,000. (3) On Dec. 7th, the donation ceremony was held in Dingtao No. 1 Middle School of Heze City, Shandong Province. The guests attending the ceremony were from Shandong Provincial Charity Association, Heze Municipal Government, municipal charity association and representatives of Bank of Beijing Shandong Branch, etc. The fund allocated 200,000 yuan to Shandong Provincial Charity Association and used to build CCF - Bank of Beijing Love Library in this school, and more than 1000 teachers and students benefited from the project.


Yuanmeng Fund

圆梦基金于 2014 年 4 月 25 日启动,由海南旺龙投资有限公司捐资,经中华慈善总会批准设 立并由中华慈善总会管理的专项基金。基金将用于我国扶危、济贫、助学、安老慈善事业,推动 中国社会和谐进步。项目实施的主要范围是扶持贫困弱势群体实现脱贫梦想,帮助贫困学生实现 就学愿望,参与紧急救灾、灾难救助,针对特殊弱势群体扶危济困等。2015 年 10 月,圆梦基金 在石家庄平山县蛟潭庄踏马村为留守空巢老人修建饮水池、水泥路、厕所等基础设施,实施金额 90.7 万元。同月 31 日针对新疆兵团南北疆地区贫困先心病儿童筛查确诊、救治困难的情况,圆 梦基金与“一张纸献爱心行动”联合,为新疆兵团 23 名先心病患儿在京实施手术治疗,帮助他 们健康返疆。

The Fund set up in April 25th 2014, giving by Hainan Wanglong Investment Ltd. Co. The fund is used for emergency relief, poverty alleviation, education assistance and elderly care industry, aiming to promote social development. The fund carry on projects like help the impoverished out of poverty, enable for school, engagement in disaster relief, etc. In Oct. 2015, the fund allocated fund RMB 907,000 to help the left-behind elderly people on infrastructure construction like drinking-water storage tanks, concrete road, flushing toilet.

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On Oct. 31st, screened children with CHD in Xinjiang, and worked with One Paper Action to finance 23 children have surgeries in Beijing and got back to home healthy.


Meiya Dream Fund

美亚圆梦基金于 2014 年 5 月 29 日正式启动。由北大紫光投资有限公司捐资启,经中华慈善 总会批准设立并由中华慈善总会管理的专项基金。根据该基金项目管理规定,该基金将用于我国 扶危、济贫、助学、安老慈善事业,推动中国社会和谐进步。项目实施的主要范围是扶持贫困弱 势群体实现脱贫梦想,帮助贫困学生实现就学愿望,参与紧急救灾、灾难救助,针对特殊弱体扶 危济困等。2015 年 12 月,在甘肃陇南地区 100 个村子,同国家扶贫办合作实施了 100 个电脑图 书室,以方便当地农民实现信息联网。实施金额 90 万元。另还有东方易事特基金、“为了我们 的孩子”项目、雨水积蓄工程等项目的实施。

The Fund launched in May 29th 2014 with the giving of Peking University Purple Light investment co. LTD. The fund is used for emergency relief, poverty alleviation, education assistance and elderly care industry, aiming to promote social development. The fund carry on projects like help the impoverished out of poverty, enable for school, engagement in disaster relief, etc. In Dec., the fund cooperated with the national poverty-alleviation office to help set up 100 computer library in 100 villages of Longnan Region, Gansu Province, to help the peasants have an access to the Internet. The expense was RMB 900,000. Besides, the fund financed Orientation Yishi Fund, For Our Children Project, Watering Project, etc.


The Spring of Chinese Medical Care Fund

2015 年 8 月,北京依萌匠心医疗有限公司向我会捐赠人民币 100 万元,设立了“华医之春 救助基金”,旨在帮助贫困地区的特困家庭解决诊断、治疗等医疗问题,该项目已经在山东省新 泰市和河北省文安县进行对救助人员大病筛查和申请材料收集等工作。

In August, Beijing Yimeng Jiangxin Medical Corporate Ltd. donated RMB one million to CCF and established the Fund, aiming to find a solution for the medical issues the poor families of remote areas facing. The fund has already carrying on serious disease screening and application collecting in Xintai City, Shandong Province and Wen’an County, Hebei Province.

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Ever Green Fund

总会同北京长青老年产业发展研究院共同启动长青基金,定向用于改善老年人生活环境,提 高老年人生活质量等老年产业项目,捐款 191 万元已于 10 月份到位,项目正式启动。

In October, Beijing Evergreen Elderly-care Industry Development & Research Institute donated RMB 1,910,000 to CCF, and jointly establish the fund. The fund is focusing on improving the living environment of old folks, and lifting their quality of life, and other issues on aging.


Weimin Serious-Diseases Fund

总会同中鹏嘉业(北京)资产管理有限公司于 2015 年 9 月共同启动为民大病救助基金,该 基金定向用于困难家庭的大病救助。捐款200 万元已于 10 月份到位,项目正式启动。现已救助8 人。

In September, CCF and Zhongteng Jianye (Beijing) Property Management Corporate Ltd. co-founded the fund. The fund uses for poor families in which has member(s) with serious diseases. The RMB 2,000,000 has been wired to CCF in October. In this year, 8 people have benefited.

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中华慈善总会2015年大事记 China Charity Federation Chronicle of Events in 2015

2015 年 1 月 1 月 5 日 -7 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公带队赴辽宁省本溪市桓仁满族自治县开展“慈善情 暖万家”活动。慰问组为当地困难群众发放 20 万元慰问金和 1000 条毛毯,走访了桓仁县贫困家 January 庭和雅河中心敬老院。新闻办主任刘芳、办公厅副主任种淑兰、项目部副主任胡野萍陪同。 1 月 5 日 -7 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰带队赴四川雅安开展“慈善情暖万家”活动。 慰问组向雅安捐赠毛毯 500 条、现金 10 万元;向康定捐赠毛毯 1500 条、现金 10 万元,并到芦 山县黎明村和火炬村的困难群众家庭中走访慰问。外联部主任杨申申、办公厅副主任田伯东、新 闻办副主任孙燕梅陪同。 1 月 13 日 -16 日,中华慈善总会副秘书长张心国与办公厅副主任张欣赴云南鲁甸灾区考察 灾后重建项目。 1 月 15 日,由中国慈善联合会主办的“慈善的力量·2014 中国慈善年会”在北京举办。年 会由腾讯公益慈善基金会、新奥公益慈善基金会担任轮值主席单位,由中民慈善捐助信息中心承办。 全国人大常委会副委员长陈昌智,全国政协副主席张梅颖,民政部副部长、中国慈善联合会副会 长兼秘书长窦玉沛,中华全国归国华侨联合会副主席乔卫等出席年会并致辞。年会首先在序篇中 回顾了 2014 年慈善行业的整体成就,随后分别用四个篇章展示了 23 名“年度中国慈善推动者” 的风采。当天,共有来自政府部门、慈善组织、爱心企业及其他社会各界的近300 名嘉宾齐聚现场, 共襄年会盛举。中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰出席会议,新闻办副主任孙燕梅陪同参加。 1 月 15 日 -16 日,中华慈善总会对外联络部刘晓嘉陪同美国 LDS 慈善协会志愿者麦德华夫 妇前往山东烟台参加轮椅项目发放仪式及受助者评估,仪式在开发区恒达老人公寓举行。仪式后, 外宾拜访了老年公寓的部分入住老人并与他们亲切交谈。2014 年,LDS 通过总会向烟台捐赠轮 椅 250 台和助行器 250 个,物资全部发放至贫困及残疾个人。 1 月 16 日,中华慈善总会与全球联合之路合作伙伴协议签字仪式在中华慈善总会举行。全球 联合之路总裁布莱恩·盖勒格、副总裁何塞·法诺、亚太区副总裁李启文、大中华区能力建设总 监陈文良等一行四人出席此次签约仪式。 中华慈善总会会长李本公与布莱恩总裁代表双方机构签署了合作伙伴协议,常务副会长王树

140 峰与全球联合之路副总裁何塞签署了实质合作备忘录,根据备忘录,双方将正式启动实质合作, 共同开发项目、筹集资金,并在适当时候成立专项基金,在国内开展慈善救助项目。总会外联部 主任杨申申主持仪式,总会各部门派代表出席。 1 月 20 日 -21 日,中华慈善总会对外联络部韩春霞陪同美国 LDS 慈善协会志愿者麦德华夫 妇前往安徽合肥参加轮椅项目发放仪式及受助者评估,活动在瑶海区九久夕阳红养老院进行。总 会副会长李宏塔、合肥市慈善协会会长周富如、瑶海区政府主要领导出席仪式。今年 LDS 通过总 会向合肥捐赠轮椅 250 台和助行器 250 个,物资通过慈善会捐赠至合肥市养老院及社区,用于重 病老人及贫困残疾个人等。 1 月 21 日,易瑞沙慈善援助项目捐赠方英国阿斯利康公司政府事务及市场准入部副总裁黄彬 一行 3 人到总会拜访会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰和秘书长边志伟,并进行友好交流,项目部 主任邵家严、副主任刘莹、副主任胡野萍等参会。常务副会长王树峰感谢阿斯利康公司对中国慈 善事业的支持,希望阿斯利康公司要继续做好原有项目,同时希望有新的项目能继续合作。黄彬 副总裁介绍了该公司相关情况,并感谢总会领导对项目的重视和支持,表示要在以往合作的基础 上进一步加强高层沟通,使项目更好地发展。 1 月 27 日,中华慈善总会新闻办主任刘芳参加由中国慈善联合会组织的贯彻《国务院关于促 进慈善事业健康发展的指导意见》(简称《意见》)培训班。培训班邀请到民政部、税务总局相 关司局领导以及腾讯、阿里巴巴、华宝信托、招商银行、中国社会福利基金会等机构代表,就《意 见》的出台背景以及《意见》重点提到的规范组织管理、慈善救助与社会救助衔接、网络慈善、 金融工具使用、信息公开等问题进行了专题讲解。会后,新闻办通过邮件、QQ 群等方式将会议 资料分享至总会全体人员和各团体会员。 1 月 28 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰出席在民革中央机关礼堂召开的《何鲁丽文集》 出版座谈会,会上民革中央主席、人民出版社社长致辞,来自全国人大、中央社会主义学院等单 位的嘉宾纷纷发言,肯定了何鲁丽同志在不同时期、不同领导岗位上做出的卓著成绩。此文集的 出版反映了我国各民主党派同中国共产党长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共的现状。对 外联络部主任杨申申陪同出席。

From Jan.5th to 7th, President Li Bengong led a delegation to Huanren Man Nationality Autonomous Prefecture in Benxi City, Liaoning Province for the spring festival campaign Charity Love warms Tens of Thousands of Poor Families, which gives love and care to the poor. The delegation brought RMB 200,000 allowance and 1000 covers of blankets, and visited poor families in the county and Yahe Central Elderly Institute. Director of Communication Office Liu Fang, Deputy Director of General Office Chong Shulan and Deputy Director of Project Department Hu Yeping accompanied. From Jan. 5th to 7th, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng led a delegation to Ya’an City, Sichuan Province for the spring festival campaign Charity Love warms Tens of Thousands of Poor Families, which gives love and care to the poor. The delegation brought RMB 100,000 allowance and 500 covers of blankets to Ya’an; 100,000 allowance and 1500 covers of blankets to Kangding, and visited poor families in the Liming Village and Huoju Village of Lushan county. Director of Foreign Affairs Office Yang Shenshen, Deputy Director of General Office Tian Bodong and Deputy Director of Communication Office Sun Yanmei accompanied. From Jan. 13th to 16th, Deputy Secretary General Zhang Xinguo and Deputy

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Director of General Office Zhang Xin went to Ludian quake-hit areas in Yunnan Province to inspect the progress of reconstruction projects. On Jan. 15th, Power of Philanthropy - the Annual Conference of Philanthropy China 2014 has been held in Beijing, hosted by China Charity Alliance. Tecent Foundation and Xin’ao Foundation were on duty, and the event has been undertaken by China Charity Information Center. The senior governors who attended and spoke in the occasion were Chen Changzhi, Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, Zhang Meiying, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of CPPCC, Dou Yupei, Vice Minister of Civil Affairs Ministry and Vice President & Secretary General of China Charity Alliance, Qiao Wei, Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, etc. At the beginning, it reviewed the overall achievement of Chinese Philanthropy in the year of 2014. Then, it released 23 annual Chinese Philanthropy Promoter by 4 groups. There were more than 300 participants from governments, NGOs, business and other sectors gathering for the special occasion. Wang Shufeng, Executive Vice President of China Charity Federation attended the meeting, accompany by Sun Yanmei, Deputy Director of Communication Office. From Jan. 15th to 16th, Foreign Affairs Officer of China Charity Federation Liu Xiaojia, accompanied LDS Charities volunteers Mr. & Mrs. Miners traveled to Yantai City Shangdong Province to attend the Wheelchair Donation Ceremony and did the receipts’ assessment form. The ceremony was held in Hengda Elderly Care Home in the Economic Development Zone. After the ceremony, the Miners talked closely to the old folks who lived in the institute. LDSC donated 250 wheelchairs and 250 walkers to Yantai Charity Association through China Charity Federation, and all articles were going to poor and disabled individuals. On Jan. 16th, the Signing Ceremony of the Partnership Agreement between China Charity Federation and United Way Worldwide was held in Beijing. President and CEO of UWW Brian Gallagher, Vice President Jose Ferrao, Vice President of Asia-Pacific Region Li Qiwen, and Director of Capacity Building of Greater China Chen Wenliang came to attend the ceremony. President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong and President & CEO of UWW Brian Gallagher signed the partnership agreement, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng and Vice President of UWW Jose Ferrao signed the concrete collaboration memorandum. In terms of the memo, both parties will jointly develop a product and raise fund in China and establish a fund to carry out relief work throughout the nation. Director of Foreign Affairs Office Yang Shenshen hosted the ceremony, and representatives of each department victim the moment together. From Jan. 20th to 21st, Foreign Affairs Officer of China Charity Federation Han Chunxia, accompanied LDS Charities volunteers Mr. & Mrs. Miners traveled to Hefei, Capital City of Anhui Province to attend the Wheelchair Donation Ceremony and did the receipts’ assessment form. The ceremony was held in Jiujiu Xiyanghong Elderly Care Home in Yaohai District. The major leaders who attended the ceremony were Vice President of CCF Li Hongta, President of Hefei Charity

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Association Zhou Furu, and main governors of Yaohai District. LDSC donated 250 wheelchairs and 250 walkers to Yantai Charity Association through CCF, and all articles would distributed to welfare institutes and communities, poor and disabled individuals, and used for the sick and the disabled. On Jan 21st, Huang Bin, Vice President of AstraZeneca, which is the corporate partner of Iressa Medical Aid project led to visit CCF. President Li Bengong, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng and Secretary General Bian Zhiwei met the guests, and Director of Project Department Shao Jiayan, Deputy Director Liu Ying and Hu Yeping accompanied. Mr. Wang expressed the appreciation for the contribution AstraZeneca made to Chinese philanthropy, the hope for better outcomes of the ongoing project, and the willingness for further cooperation. Huang Bin shared the latest information of AstraZeneca, and was grateful for the strong leadership of CCF and the support to the project. He added that both parties should strengthen communication in senior level for better development of the project. On Jan. 27th, Liu Fang, Director of Communication Office of China Charity Federation, attended the workshop hosted by China Charity Alliance (CCA). The speakers were from Civil Affairs Ministry, State Administration of Taxation, Tecent, Alibaba, Huabao Trust, and China Social Welfare Foundation, who shared their views on varies topics - the publishing background, management regulations of charity organizations, how charity assisting social relief, online philanthropy, usage of financial tools and information disclosure. The Communication Office shared the materials with CCF staff and member organizations via e-mail and QQ. On Jan. 28th, Executive Vice President of China Charity Federation Wang Shufeng attended the seminar on the publication of He Luli Essays in the Conference Hall of the Revolutionary Committee of Guomintang. Chairman of RCG and President of the People’s Publishing House gave remarks, and representatives from CPPCC, National Communist Academy gave acknowledgment on the remarkable contribution she made in different periods and positions. The press of the Essay reflects the current situation that all Parties are getting along with the Communist Party in a long run and supervising each other and having great friendship. Director of Foreign Affairs Office Yang Shenshen accompanied.

3 月 5 日,中华慈善总会春雨爱心基金在山东省女子监狱举行了向特困服刑人员发放救助金 2015 年 3 月 仪式。此次活动共计发放救助金 15 万元人民币,帮扶了 106 个特困服刑人员家庭,对教育服刑 人员和向全社会倡导慈善意识起到了良好的作用。此次活动得到了山东省监狱局、山东省妇联的 March 大力支持。总会秘书长边志伟、筹募部主任苏辉、春雨爱心基金负责人李风亚和该项目执行主任 冰华女士共同参加了此次救助活动。 3 月 11 日,中华慈善总会新闻办副高级专员白京轩参加由中国慈善联合会主办的“企业战略 慈善培训”。瑞银慈善基金会亚太区董事魏巍先生就企业战略慈善、如何打造企业的慈善战略等 问题,与众学员进行了讲解与沟通。来自知名企业与公益组织的 20 余位学员参加。

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3 月 19 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰参加由中央电视台主办的大型公益颁奖典礼“寻 找最美医生”晚会录制并担任推荐嘉宾。常务副会长王树峰在现场介绍了总会助医项目的成就, 并推荐广州军区总医院心外科主任张卫达作为“最美医生”获奖人。全国人大常委会副委员长陈竺、 国家卫生和计划生育委员会主任李斌、中央电视台台长胡占凡、全国政协常委黄洁夫等参加录制。 新闻办专员于洪悦陪同参加。 3 月 19 日,中华慈善总会对外联络部副主任陈媛媛与 LDS 慈善会代表彼得森夫妇赴海南省 东方市大田中学验收旱厕改水厕项目。项目资助 20 万元帮助该校修建水冲厕所,配套洗手池, 为学生们创造良好的卫生环境,培养学生养成良好的卫生习惯,1500 余名师生从中受益。 3 月 25 日,中华慈善总会召开了档案工作培训会,培训由办公厅牵头、各部室参与。会议由 办公厅副主任种淑兰主讲,先后从档案工作的重要性、总会档案工作的发展和现状、规范档案工 作的流程等几方面进行了讲解。培训结合实际,让专兼职档案员更深入直接地了解档案工作的流 程和注意事项,从而有力地推动总会档案工作规范化进程。 培训结束后,办公厅主任牛玉民做了简短总结,希望各部室大力支持配合档案工作,专兼职 档案员都要充分重视,不断提高档案处理能力。 3 月 25 日,中华慈善总会副秘书长张心国参加由中国慈善联合会召开的《中华人民共和国慈 善事业法(草案征求意见稿)》研讨会,就草案内容提出建议。来自公募基金会、非公募基金会 等机构的代表共二十余人出席研讨会。新闻办主任刘芳陪同参加。 3 月 27 日 -28 日,微笑列车唇腭裂修复慈善项目医学专家指导委员会在北京召开,讨论并 确定了微笑列车资助与国家医疗保险资金结合计划,推动微笑列车项目与新农合有机结合,中华 慈善总会常务副会长王树峰出席会议,项目部陈东光、季晓惠列席此次会议。 3 月 28 日,新京报 A13 版刊出记者林斐然采写的题为“公司‘捐’学校三百万钱没付反拿 走三十万”的文章,内容涉及到我会工作人员以及总会中峻基金,该文章经人民网、光明网、中 国网,环球网、新浪、网易、凤凰等多家门户及社交网站转载。中华慈善总会官方网站于 3 月 28 日当晚刊发“中华慈善总会关于李青峻涉嫌诈骗北京启智教育培训中心30 万元一事的说明”。随后, 与转发新京报文章的多家媒体联络,将总会网站链接和情况说明发有关媒体。当晚,人民网中华 慈善新闻网第一时间刊发总会说明全文和总会网站截屏,随后,中国网、光明网、新华网相继刊 发总会说明。 3 月 29 日,京华时报第 002 版刊出题为“官方背景慈善组织站台须谨慎”的文章,新华网 青海频道、新浪网新闻中心转载。3 月 29 日人民网观点频道每日最新评论栏目发表题为“警惕那 些傍上:‘慈善’的诈骗”评论文章;3 月 30 日,长江网发表题为“IEI‘捐款馅饼’是如何砸 中启智的?”署名文章。 3 月 30 日,中华慈善总会新闻办与民间组织管理局宣传处联系,将总会情况说明发宣传处。 该事件报道未在《全国社会组织舆情摘报》刊登。3 月 30 日,总会新闻办发《新京报》总编室“关 于《新京报》报道李青峻等人涉嫌诈骗事件的函”及“中华慈善总会关于李青峻涉嫌诈骗事件始 末的情况说明”,该情况说明同时发《新京报》记者林斐然。 3 月 31 日,“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目论证会在北京举行,该项目是中华慈善总会和全球 联合之路探索务实合作、整合资源更好地服务中国社会的一个重要创意。总会常务副会长王树峰 参加会议,秘书长边志伟主持会议,全球联合之路亚太区总监李启文、大中华区能力建设总监陈 文良出席会议。 来自山东、济南、四川、重庆、合肥、贵州、福州等七省市慈善会主要领导及项目负责人参 加了此次论证会。常务副会长王树峰代表总会向与会代表介绍了总会与全球联合之路合作背景, 李启文就全球联合之路发展情况做了简要介绍,外联部主任杨申申介绍了项目初步方案,七省市 慈善会主要领导分别对各地区的儿童问题情况及项目开展情况进行了汇报并对这个项目的初步方

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案加以论证并提出意见和建议,然后由全球联合之路陈文良就大家介绍的内容,从项目方案规划、 逻辑模式方面进行了专题演讲。本次会议为完善项目设计,推动立项进程起到了重要作用。

On March 5th, the Spring Rain Love Fund was held a Donation Ceremony in Shandong Provincial Female Prison. In the ceremony, the fund distributed subsidy 150,000 yuan to 106 prisoners’ families living in poverty, which played a positive role in educating the prisoners and advocating the charity notion. The event received great support from the provincial Administration Bureau of Provincial All Woman’s Federation. Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, Director of Fund-raising Department , the Project Manager of the Fund Li Fengya and Executive Director Bing Hua attended the ceremony. On Mar. 11th, Senior Officer of Communication Office of China Charity Federation Bai Jingxuan joined the workshop entitled Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy hosted by China Charity Alliance. UBS Optimus Foundation Asia-Pacific regional board member Mr. Wei Wei delivered a speech on the conception of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and how to propose for the strategy and other related issues, and exchanged views with the audience. More than 20 participants came from renown enterprises and NGOs. On March 19th, Executive Vice President of China Charity Federation Wang Shufeng, attended the Award Ceremony and Gala of national campaign Looking For the Most Beautiful Doctors as distinguished guest to recommend the prizewinner. The campaign was proposed by CCTV He gave a speech on the achievements of CCF medical aid projects, and recommended Zhang Weida, director of cardiac surgery department in Guangzhou Capital Hospital, as one prizewinner. The senior governors presented the event were Chen Zhu, Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, Li Bin, Director of National Health and Family Planning Commission, Hu Zhanfan, President of China Central Television, and Huang Jiefu, member of the national standing committee of CPPCC. Mr. Wang accompanied by Yu Hongyue, the Communication Officer. On Mar. 19th, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of China Charity Federation Chen Yuanyuan accompanied volunteer couple Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of LDS Charities visited Datian Mid School in Dongfang City Hainan Province for completion inspection of the sanitation project. The fund of RMB 200,000 was used to build one flushing toilet with hand washing sinks. The project aimed to create a clean hygiene environment and cultivate good hygiene habits of students. More than 1500 teachers and students were benefited. On Mar. 25th, China Charity Federation held a workshop on archival arrangement. General Office organized and all departments involved in. Deputy Director of General Office Chong Shulan presented the importance of the archive arrangement, the history and current situation of CCF archives, the working procedures of archive arrangement and other related contents. Besides, the workshop had a practical session, which let the part-time archive arrangers had a direct and clear observation on the procedures and tips, in order that pushing forward the standardized process. Finally, director of the General Office Niu Yumin summed up that the archive arranging work could not do well without joint efforts of all departments, so that the part-time arrangers were supposed to be committed to the work and improve the capacity on it. On March 25th, Zhang Xinguo, Deputy Secretary General of China Charity Federation

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participated in the seminar in terms of the exposure draft of the National Charity Law hosted by China Charity Alliance and discussed the terms with more than 20 representatives from public-raising and private foundations. Liu Fang, director of Communication Office accompanied Mr. Zhang. On Mar. 27th to 28th, Medical Experts Steering Committee of Smile Train Project held a meeting in Beijing, discussed and approved the proposal of the combination of the Smile Train Fund and the Medical Insurance fund, to promote the Project joining in the new rural cooperative medical system. Executive Vice President of China Charity Federation Wang Shufeng presented the meeting, project officer Chen Dongguang, Ji Xiaohui accompanied. On Mar. 28th, the Beijing News edition A3 reported an article headlined Take 300,000 yuan without paying donation of 3 million written by correspondent Lin Feiran, which content related staff of CCF and CCF Zhongjun Fund. Renmin News, Guangming News, the China News, Global News, Sina, NetEase, the Phoenix News, and other web portals forwarded the article. On the evening of Mr. 28th, China Charity Federation official website released a declaration on the issue that Li Junqing suspected fraud RMB 300,000 from Beijing Qizhi Training Center. And then, CCF contacted Beijing News and the other forwarded media and send them the link and the official declaration. And Renmin News and China Charity News forwarded the complete declaration and screen shot of CCF official website at the first time, then, China News, Guangming News and Xinhua Agency released the declaration successively. On March 29th, Beijing Times Edition Two reported an article which headline was GONGO Should Be Cautious, and Xinhua Agency Qinghai Channel and News Center of Sina forwarded. On March 29th, the Daily Lasted comment section of Renmin News Views Channel released a review article headlined WATCH OUT: the Fraud With A Charity Cover. On Mar. 30th, Yangtze News released a signed papers which headline was IEI how the Pie of Giving Hit Qizhi? On Mar. 30th, the Communication Office of China Charity Federation got in touch with the Publication Office of the Administration Bureau of Social Organizations, and handed over the declaration. The entire incident did not release on the Newsletter of China Social Organizations. On Mar. 30th, the Communication Office send an official letter regarding Beijing News reported Li Qingjun suspected on fraud and a official declaration regarding the entire process of Li Junqing suspected fraud event to the chief-editor office of Beijing News and the writer Lin Feiran as well. On Mar. 31st, the Seminar of Project A Better Tomorrow For Children was held in Beijing. The project was an innovative testing of China Charity Federation and United Way Worldwide (UWW) on exploring concrete and tangible collaboration and the resources integration so that serve the Chinese society better. Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, Vice President of Asia-Pacific Region, UWW Li Qiwen and Director of Capacity Building Greater China Chen Wenliang attended the seminar. Secretary General Bian Zhiwei hosted the meeting. The leaders in charge and project managers from Shandong, Sichuan, Guizhou Provincial Charities and Jinan, Chongqing, Hefei and Fuzhou Municipal Charities presented. Mr. Wang gave a speech on the background of the partnership between CCF and UWW and the collaborative project Li Qingwen presented the history and current status of UWW, and Director Yang made a presentation of the draft proposal. Then, the leaders of the 7 charity

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associations introduced in successive the key children’s issues and the ongoing projects they implemented locally, and their suggestions on the proposal and other ideas. Chen Wenliang gave a lecture on the planning of project proposal, logic model, etc. The seminar played an important role on replenishing the proposal and promoting the progress of project approval .

4 月 3 日,中华慈善总会新闻办主任刘芳参加由中国慈善联合会举办的中慈联发展战略研 2015 年 4 月 究座谈会。会上,来自民政部、高校、慈善组织、咨询机构的代表,就中慈联未来发展方向以 April 及《中慈联发展战略规划》的具体形式、内容提出了建议。 4 月 15 日至 29 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛与 LDS 慈善会代表彼得森夫妇赴 焦作、鲁山、青岛、金寨、威海考察旱厕改造项目,计划援助约 140 余万元,帮助 7 所学校完 成冲水厕所的修建,培养学生良好的卫生习惯,3600 余名师生将从中受益。 4 月 16 日,中华慈善总会“一张纸献爱心行动动员部署会”在北京天健宾馆隆重召开。 来自全国各省、市、自治区和计划单列市的 33 家慈善会的 60 多位负责人出席。中华慈善总会 会长李本公做了主题为“凝聚慈善力量,开创联合劝募新局面”的重要讲话。李本公指出,联 合全国各地慈善会,通过联合劝募的形式,共同开展“一张纸献爱心行动”,开创社会力量参 与社会救助制度建设的新局面。希望会议求共识、共做事,做善事,善做事。 4 月 23 日,“中华慈善总会爱必妥慈善援助项目启动会”在北京市召开,中华慈善总会 常务副会长王树峰、默克雪兰诺总经理安高博出席启动仪式并讲话。项目部主任邵家严、项目 办全体工作人员及 20 个发药点、慈善会等代表参会,双方领导正式揭幕启动该项目,并对爱 必妥慈善援助项目进行了介绍及相关培训。 4 月 25 日,尼泊尔发生 8.1 级地震,震源深度 20 千米。我国西藏地区有明显震感,也造 成了很大的人员和经济损失。地震后积极联系大连万达集团第一时间捐款 500 万元人民币,定 向用于西藏灾区救灾及灾后重建工作;同时总会接收邮局定向捐款70笔,合计人民币10余万元。 4 月 28 日,宝马爱心基金助学项目 2015 年工作会议在安徽省滁州市举行,来自 21 个执 行地区慈善会的领导及项目负责人参加了此次会议。滁州市副市长陆峰代表滁州市政府出席会 议并首先致欢迎辞,中华慈善总会外联部主任杨申申代表总会总结了 2014 年项目执行情况及 今年项目新调整,宝马(中国)汽车贸易有限公司高级经理李英君代表捐赠方介绍了宝马公司 近年来履行企业社会责任方面取得的成绩并向所有慈善会对项目的支持表示了感谢,外联部韩 春霞介绍了助学项目发展历程、整体规划和 2015 年调整方案,项目办执行主任文菊对项目具 体实施方案的变化做了简要介绍。此外,来自天津武清、锦州北镇及滁州慈善会的代表分别作 了工作汇报和经验分享。项目今年执行地区包括云南金平县、麻栗坡县、广西柳州市、北海市、 四川成都市、雅安市、陕西汉中市、宝鸡市、新疆兵团、吕梁市、滁州市、甘肃甘谷县、登封市、 锦州市、湖北恩施州、天津武清区。

On April 3rd, Director of Communication Office of China Charity Federation Liu Fang participated a discussion hosted by China Charity Alliance, which topic was the developing strategy of CCA. The representatives from Ministry of Civil Affairs, universities, NGOs and advisory bodies joined the discussion and shared their suggestions to the audience on the development direction and the concrete form and content of the CCA Development Strategy Programming. From Apr. 15th to 29th, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of China Charity

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Federation Chen Yuanyuan accompanied volunteer couple Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of LDS Charities visited Jiaozuo City, Lushan County, Qingdao City, Jinzhai County and Weihai City for site-inspection of the sanitation project. The budget of RMB 1,400,000 would be used to build 7 flushing toilets with hand washing sinks. The project aimed to create a clean hygiene environment and cultivate good hygiene habits of students. More than 3600 teachers and students would be benefited. On April 16th, CCF hosted a meeting in Tianjian Hotel, Beijing calling for joint effort of Project One paper for Love. More than 60 project managers from 33 local member organizations participated the meeting. Li Bengong, President of CCF, gave a keynote speech named Gathering the Power of Charity, Create a Era of Joint-raising. He pointed out that the national charity network has to be united to mobilize the local resources to carry out the project, and create a new working model of social resources being involved in social assistance scheme. He wished the meeting would reach a consensus, collaboration, and conduct charity in proper manners. On Apr. 23rd, the Launch Ceremony of CCF Erbitux Medical Assist Project was held in Beijing. Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, and CEO of Merck Serono Co. Ltd. An Gaobo both attended the meeting and gave remarks. Director of Project Department Shao Jiangyan, all staff members of the project office and representatives from 20 medicine distribution stations and local charity associations participated the ceremony. Both leaders started the project, in the ceremony the project was introduced and a training section was involved as well. On April 25th, a 8.1-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal, and the epicenter with a depth of 20 km. The Tibet region had strong vibration as well, and caused a large casualty and economic damage. Wanda Group donated 5 million RMB in no time for the emergency relief and reconstruction of the quake-hit area in Tibet. Meanwhile, CCF received 70 earthquake relief donation, which the total amount was over RMB 100,000. On Apr. 28th, BMW WHF Education Assistance Project held the annual Working Conference of the year 2015 in Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, leaders in-charge and project managers of 21 local Charities participated the meeting. The deputy mayor of the City Lu Feng attended the opening ceremony and made remarks. Director of Foreign Affairs Office of China Charity Federation Yang Shenshen reviewed the work of last year and announced the new adjustment for this year; on behalf of the donor, Senior Manager of BMW China Li Yingjun shared the achievements of BMW Corporate Social Responsibility and expressed the appreciation to all local Chairties for their commitment to the implementation of the project. Foreign Affairs Officer Han Chunxia reviewed the development process of the project, its entire strategy and the adjustment proposal. Director of the project Wen Ju explained the details of the proposal. Besides, representatives of three Charity Associations exchanged their working experience to the audience, which were Tianjin Wuqing County, Jinzhou Beizhen and Chuzhou. The project would be carried on in Jinping and Malipo County of Yunnan Province, Beihai and Liuzhou City of Guangxi Province, Ya’an and Chengdu City of Sichuan Province, Baoji and Hanzhong City of Shaanxi Province, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Luliang City, Chuzhou City, Gangu County of Gansu Province, Dengfeng City, Jianzhou City, Enshi Prefecture of Hubei Province and Wuqing District of Tianjin Province.

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2015 年 5 月 5 月 9 日,“鹤童百年梦·公益慈善行”鹤童成立 20 周年纪念活动在首都人民大会堂宾馆隆 重举行。国家民政部原部长、中华慈善总会终身荣誉会长崔乃夫携夫人李绍熙、中华慈善总会李 May 本公、香港公益金原行政总裁陈达文、项目部主任邵家严等参加纪念活动。 5 月 12 日,民政部赴《慈善公益报》社调研,进一步了解部管新闻出版单位工作情况,理顺 主管、主办单位与新闻出版单位的职责关系,为制定相关政策文件提供基础和依据。民政部办公 厅副主任陈日发、新闻处处长卫敏丽、新闻处工作人员宫兆轩听取了《慈善公益报》社长李文臣 的情况汇报,对报社的工作表示肯定,也对未来发展提出调研意见。新闻办公室副主任孙燕梅、 新闻办专员于洪悦及报社部分工作人员参加调研会议。 5 月 13 日,中华慈善总会第四届理事会第三次监事会在河南省周口市召开。中华慈善总会会 长李本公、常务副会长王树峰、秘书长边志伟以及监事会成员张心国、陶礼仁、何运杰、刘百里 等出席会议。 会上,财务部主任高守华向监事会作《中华慈善总会 2014 年财务工作报告》;秘书长边志 伟简要介绍总会 2014 年工作情况及 2015 年工作要点;监事们根据工作报告及情况介绍对总会的 工作进行评议并提出建议;最后会长李本公和常务副会长王树峰做了总结和讲话。 5 月 15 日,北京师范大学公益研究院举办讲座,主题为“7 种技术做好公益传播”。以国外 最近出现的 “技术营销官”这一岗位为背景,探讨如何能够让数据成为真正有效的策划参考,用 于更精准、更高效地传播,有理有据地衡量传播效果。结合案例,分享数据统计、社交媒体传播、 公益领域客户关系维护的应用等技术。现场有来自多家公益机构的 40 余位代表,总会新闻办副 高级专员白京轩、专员于洪悦参加培训。 5 月 21 日,民政部召开对部管社会组织开展专项监督检查动员大会。民政部党组成员、民间 组织管理局局长詹成付进行动员部署,驻民政部纪检组副组长肖登峰对监督检查具体安排进行了 说明。5 月 22 日,中华慈善总会按照民政部动员部署大会精神及《民政部关于开展部管社会组织 专项监督检查的通知》(民函 [2015]166 号)要求,召开部署专项监督检查动员会。中华慈善总 会秘书长边志伟主持会议,会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰及全体工作人员参加会议。 动员会上,秘书长边志伟首先传达了民政部专项监督检查通知、动员大会精神以及民政部党 组实施部署,要求总会结合自身工作,落实贯彻民政部精神。他同时指出,要认真领会部党组精神, 按照总体要求开展检查;要充分认识开展专项监督检查对严明政治纪律,以及对下一步加强自身 建设,营造风清气正、良好工作环境的重要意义,并以此为动力,推动总会工作全面进步。 会长李本公做了动员讲话,并着重强调:要高度重视,充分认识本次专项监督检查的重要性, 这是落实全面从严治党的基本要求,要深刻认识组织纪律的重要性。这关系到总会的发展和每一 位工作人员的成长进步。要积极配合,扎实做好本次专项监督检查各项准备工作,在自纠自查阶 段各部室要认真对照通知逐项自查,对存在的问题抓紧整改。要实事求是,在监督检查阶段各部 室和相关人员要积极配合检查组的工作,按照检查要求提供完整资料。作为慈善人,我们要将此 次专项监督检查作为规范自身工作的重要举措,也以此为机遇形成层层抓落实的工作格局,严格 要求,按章办事,不断完善做好配合督查的各项准备工作。 常务副会长王树峰强调,全体工作人员应认真学习领会部党组精神,充分认识专项监督检查 的重要意义,态度积极地配合检查组的工作。动员大会取得了传达精神、总体部署、提高认识、 明确要求的预期目的。 5 月 31 日 -6 月 2 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟赴荷兰阿姆斯特丹出席第三届全球联合之 路领导人峰会。除总会外,来自欧洲、亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲四个大区及加拿大、美国、英国、法国、 韩国、巴西、墨西哥、澳大利亚、台湾地区等 12 个主要国家和地区联合之路会员机构的领导人

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出席了此次会议。此次会议深入探讨了融合各地区实际情况的可行的全球战略,并通过 5 个策略 加强动员个人与企业资源,共同解决所面临的社会问题。边秘书长在会上介绍了总会主要开展项 目的情况,并与各个国家和地区的与会代表深入交换了意见。外联部韩春霞陪同前往。

On May 9th, the ceremony named “A century dream of Hetong, A Journey of Philanthropy” was held in the Great Hall of People to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Hetong. the former Minister of Civil Affairs Ministry and the lifetime Honorary President Cui Naifu and his wife Li Shaoxi, Li Bengong, President of China Charity Federation, Chen Dawen, former CEO of Community Chest of Hongkong, Shao Jiayan, director of Project Department have attended the ceremony. On May 12th, MCA led a team investigated and surveyed the Charity News, learning the current working status of ministry-administrated press and publication units, and raveling out the duties and responsibilities of competent ministry, host organization and the publication units, in order to provide the foundation and basis to formulate relevant policy. Deputy director of General Office Chen Rifa, director of Communication Bureau Wei Minli, communication officer Gong Zhaoxuan listened the working report of the president Li Wenchen. The investigation team recognized the working achievements and gave suggestions for future development. Deputy Director of Communication Office Sun Yanmei, communication officer Yu Hongyue and a portion of staff joined the meeting. On May 13th, the 3rd meeting of supervisor board of the 4th session of the Council was held in Zhoukou, Henan Province. The leader who attended the meeting were President Li Bengong, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, and members of Supervisor Board Zhang Xinguo, Tao Liren, He Yunjie and Liu Baili. Gao Shouhua. Director of Finance Department, reported the Audit Report of the year 2014, the Secretary General Bian Zhiwei briefed the annual report of 2014 and main working points of the year 2015. According to the documents, the supervisors did the assessment and made suggestions, President Li Bengong and Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng wrapped up the meeting. On May 15th, China Philanthropy Research Institute of Beijing Normal University held a workshop, which topic was 7 Skills to Master Charity Communication. With the background of the emerging of the occupation called Technical Marketing Officer, the workshop discussed how to make the data to be the practically effective planning reference, used in more accurate and efficient communication, so that evaluate the effect of communication with a standard. By case study, it shared data statistics, social media communication, and public relations of Charity field, and other skills. More than 40 participants coming from several NGOs joined the workshop. Senior officer of Communication Office Bai Jingxuan and officer Yu Hongyue participated the workshop. On May 21th, Civil Affairs Ministry held a meeting that mobilizing a specified supervision and inspection towards social organizations registered by MCA. Zhan Chengfu, member of the Party Committee of Civil Affairs Ministry and the director of Administration Bureau of Social Organizations, made the command, and Xiao Dengfeng, deputy chief disciplinary inspector at the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced the working schedule and assignment. According to the spirit of the meeting and the requirements of the document released by the MCA, CCF

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held a ll-staff meeting to assign the task, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei hosted the meeting, and President Li Bengong and Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng both gave important speeches. First of all, Mr. Bian conveyed the document, the spirit of the meeting and the requirements, and pointed out that CCF has to stick to the principles and connected with the charity work. Besides, he added that we have to learn the core spirit and carry out self-inspection, and have to realize the significant meaning to set up discipline, facilitate capacity building and create uncorrupted and positive working atmosphere which can be the driving force for the organizational development. Mr. Li made the assignment, he emphasized that everyone has to realize the significance of the inspection task and the importance of the Party’s discipline, which is the fundamental requirement to adapt the strict internal governance of the Party. It would play an important role on the development of CCF itself and every individual. We had to cooperate positively and make preparation diligently. On top of that, every department had to do the self-check carefully and correct immediately. Our attitude towards the check should be practical and realistic, and applied the information and documentation following the requirement. As charitymen, we should take it as a key measure to self-regulation and a challenge to set up a practical working frame from top to bottom with high standards, strict principles and fulfillment. Mr. Wang emphasized that everyone has to study the document diligently, learn the significance and cooperate with the supervision team positively. The meeting achieved the aim of delivering the massage, making the overall assignment, learning the significance and clarifying the requirement. On May 31st to June 2nd, Secretary General of China Charity Federation Bian Zhiwei attended the 3rd United Way Worldwide Leadership Forum in Amsterdam Netherlands. The leaders from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America and local United Ways of major countries and regions like Canada, America, China, France, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and Taiwai gathered together for the occasion. The forum focused on several topics on frame shared vision for a worldwide platform, enterprise-wide strategy, individual engagement, regional priorities and so on. Mr. Bian presented the major projects CCF carried out and exchanged views with other representatives. Foreign Affairs Officer Han Chunxia accompanied.

2015 年 6 月 6 月 1 日,王毅外长夫人钱韦女士、外交部国外工作局局长邓波清、外交部妇工委主任刘霞、 中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰等一行来到中国人民解放军总医院,在政委袁安升、副院长高长 June 青陪同下探望通过“大爱无国界”义卖活动得以来京接受手术治疗的贵州省先心病儿童,并为他 们送来节日的祝福。 6 月 2 日,中华慈善总会——美国 LDS 慈善协会轮椅项目兵团培训班在乌鲁木齐开班,来自 兵团及各师民政局、养老院和相关机构负责人共 30 余人参加培训。中华慈善总会和美国 LDS 慈 善协会此次赴兵团,向兵团捐赠 600 辆轮椅和 600 个助行器。 6 月 6 日,中华慈善总会新疆妇女两癌筛查中心在乌鲁木齐慈善医院(原新疆邮电医院)举 行揭牌仪式。中华慈善总会第三届荣誉副会长、香港大众慈善总会执行会长张倩玉,新疆建设兵 团慈善总会领导出席揭牌仪式。乌鲁木齐慈善医院院长李晓吉在揭牌仪式上介绍,中国爱心企业 联合会及企业捐赠了 92 万元的“两癌”筛查所需的医疗设备和试剂,首批新疆建设兵团 300 名

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贫困妇女将免费进行检查。 6 月 10 日,罗氏制药中国总经理周虹女士一行四人到访总会,主要就双方长期合作的药品援 助项目进行深入交流。中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰会见了来访人员。中华慈善总会项目部主 任邵家严、副主任胡野萍、罗氏项目办主任曹曦一同参会。 6 月 12 日,中华慈善总会在北京召开第四届理事会第五次会议。中华慈善总会会长李本公, 常务副会长王树峰,副会长李宏塔、张印忠,秘书长边志伟以及来自全国各地的理事、代表共 75 人出席。会议审议并通过了李本公会长所作的工作报告、王树峰常务副会长所作的财务报告。会 议由边志伟秘书长主持。 6 月 22 日,青海省慈善总会第四次代表大会暨青海省贫困学生助学慈善基金会第三届理事会 换届会议召开。会议选举省政协原副主席李忠保为省慈善总会第四届理事会会长,省民政厅厅长 罗松达哇为常务副会长;选举著名表演艺术家游本昌为省贫困学生助学慈善基金会第三届理事会 名誉理事长,李忠保为理事长。中华慈善总会筹募部主任苏辉代表总会出席并祝贺。 6 月 23 日,“血友病慈善援助项目经验交流会”在温州召开,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树 峰出席会议并为大会致辞。总会项目部主任邵家严、拜耳医药保健有限公司中央市场部高级项目 经理于小泳以及 13 个地方慈善会的代表参加了本次会议。会上对拜科奇 Co-pay 项目进展情况 进行了汇报,各地区代表对 Co-pay 项目在当地实施的情况以及遇到的问题进行了讨论和交流。 6 月 28 日 -30 日,微笑列车唇腭裂修复慈善项目 2015 年总结会在北京召开。全国 26 个省、 市慈善会参会,会上美国微笑列车基金会副总裁薛揄宣布从 2015 年 7 月 1 日起,对微笑列车项 目模式进行调整,微笑列车资助的初次手术费用将与新农合和医保资金相结合,为合作的项目定 点医院提供一院一价的手术资金。微笑列车资助的再次手术,将继续按现有模式执行。中华慈善 总会项目部主任邵家严以及陈东光、季晓惠出席。 6 月 30 日,波兰劳动和社会保障部副部长拉多斯罗·勒兹科一行 5 人来访总会,中华慈善总 会会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰、副秘书长张心国与对方进行了亲切会谈。 会长李本公向波方简要介绍了总会的基本情况,并将总会所开展的重大灾害救助、医疗援助、 教育援助等项目做了详细说明。波方表示,总会 20 年所取得的成绩对于波兰慈善事业的发展很 有借鉴意义,并表示愿意帮助总会与波兰的慈善公益组织建立联系。双方还就总会开展药品援助 项目的模式、志愿者合作模式、国际合作等感兴趣的问题进行了深入交流。外联部主任杨申申、 副主任陈媛媛陪同接待。 6 月 30 日,中华慈善总会新闻办白京轩、于洪悦参加中国公益研究院中国基金会理事会能力 建设项目成果发布暨工作交流会。会上发布了在亚洲基金会支持下完成的课题成果,即《走向卓越》 和《治理宝典》。交流会邀请来自亚洲基金会、中国扶贫基金会、中国青少年发展基金会、上海 慈善基金会、上海宋庆龄基金会、上海真爱梦想公益基金会等多家公益慈善机构与项目的负责人, 从世界通行的理事会标准到中国本土的理事会工作经验,共同分享善治之道,共有百余人参加此 次交流会。

On June 1st, the wife of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Madam Qian Wei, director of Working Overseas of MFA Deng Boqing, director of Women’s Work Committee of MFA Liu Xia and Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng came to Chinese PLA General Hospital. Accompanied by chairman Hong Ansheng, vice president Gao Changqing, the group visited the children with CHD from Guizhou Province and delivered great blessings of International Children’s Day. The children received assistance of Project Profound Love Beyond Borders. On June 2nd, the workshop for CCF-LDS Wheelchairs Project was held in Urumqi, more than 30 participants from Civil Affairs Bureaus, welfare institutes and other related organizations

152 大事记 / Chronicle of Events joined the training. This year, the project donated 600 wheelchairs and 600 walkers to Xinjiang Corps. On June 6th, the opening ceremony of CCF Women’s Two Major Cancers Screening Centre in Xinjiang was held in Urumqi. Former honorary vice president of CCF, CEO of Hong Kong Public Charity Federation Zhang Qianyu, and leaders from Xiangjiang Corp Charity Association attended the ceremony. President of Urumqi Charity Hospital Li Xiaoji announced loving heart corporate union and companies donated medical devices and reagent worth RMB 920,000, and the first 300 needy women received free check. On June 10th, the general manager of Roche China Zhou Hong led to visit CCF,, and exchanged views deeply on the long-term collaborating project with CCF. Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng met the guests. Director of Project Department Shao Jiayan, deputy director Hu Yeping, director of project office Cao Xi joined the conversation. On June 12th, the 5th meeting of the 4th session of the Council was held in Beijing. President Li Bengong, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, Vice President Li Hongta and Zhang Yinzhong, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, and around 70 council members and other representatives all over the nation participated in the meeting. The meeting deliberated and passed the work report made by President Mr. Li and financial report made by Executive Vice President Mr. Wang. The Secretary General Mr. Bian hosted the meeting. On June 22nd, the 4th Representative Conference of Qinghai Provincial Charity Association and the general meeting of the 3rd Session of the Council of Qinghai Provincial Education Assistance Foundation was held. The meeting elected former deputy chairman of the provincial CPPCC Li Zhongbao as the Chairman of the 4th Session of the Council of the Provincial Charity Association, director of Provincial Bureau of Civil Affairs Luo Song Da Wa as Executive Vice President; elected the renown performing artist You Benchang as the Honorary Chairman of the 3rd Session of the Council of Provincial Education Assistance Foundation, Li Zhongbao as the chairman. Director of Fund-raising Department of China Charity Federation Su Hui attended the ceremony and congratulated on behalf of the organization. On June 23rd, Baikeqi Medical Assistance Project Experience Exchange was held in Wenzhou, Executive Vice President of China Charity Federation Wang Shufeng attended and gave remarks. Direcitor of Project Department Shao Jiayan, Senior Manager of Central Marketing of Bayer Healthcare Co. Ltd Yu Xiaoyong and representatives from 13 local Charities joined the meeting. In the meeting, the progress of the Baikeqi Co-pay project was presented, and the participants discussed and shared local implementing status and the issues they faced. From June 28thto 30th, the 2015’ Sum-up Meeting of Project Smile Train was held in Beijing. Representatives from 26 provincial and municipal charities joined the meeting. The Vice President of Smile Train Foundation Xue Yu declared that from July 1st the assisting model would be adjusted, the primary surgery fees would be connected with the New Rural Cooperative Medical System and the Medical Insurance, and provided a certain amount of the surgery fees to each cooperative hospital. The secondary surgery fee would follow the existing model. Director of Project Department of China Charity Federation Shao Jiayan, Project Officer Chen Dongguan and Ji Xiaohui presented. On June 30th, the vice minister of Labor and Social Welfare Ministry of Poland led a delegation to China Charity Federation. President Li Bengong, Executive Vice President Wang

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Shufeng and Deputy Secretary General Zhang Xinguo met the guests and had a delighted conversation. President Li Bengong shared the general information of CCF and presented the major projects CCF carried out on disaster relief, medical aid, education, etc. The minister stated that CCF could be an example to the development of Poland philanthropy, and would like to build up ties between CCF and NGOs in Poland. Both parties had an deep discussion on the working model of medical projects, volunteerism and international collaboration. Director of Foreign Affairs Office Yang Shenshen, deputy director Chen Yuanyuan were present. On June 30th, Communication Officer of China Charity Federation Bai Jingxuan and Yu Hongyue participated the Result Release of Capacity Building Program of the Council of China Foundation of China Philanthropy Research Institute and Exchange. It released the research achievements sponsored by the Asia Foundation, which were Toward Excellence and Governance Bible. The guests were from the Asia Foundation, China Foundation For Poverty Alleviation, China Youth Development Foundation, Shanghai Charity Foundation, Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation, and Adream.org. They shared views from the council standard worldwide to Chinese local working experience of the council. More than 100 participants joined the meeting.

2015 年 7 月 7 月 2 日,中华慈善总会“模拟学校”全员教学课程继续开展。新闻办主任刘芳做了题为《新 形势下我国慈善行业分析》的专题讲座。会领导出席并对专题讲座的形式和内容予以高度肯定; July 常务副会长王树峰对模拟学校下一步的教学计划及具体内容进行了调整和部署。 7 月 6 日 -16 日,中华慈善总会对外联络部副主任陈媛媛与 LDS 慈善会代表彼得森夫妇赴贵 州省从江县高武小学和加努小学验收旱厕改水厕项目,该项目资助 20 万元修建水冲厕所,配套 洗手池,为学生们创造良好的卫生环境,近 1000 名师生从中受益。赴湖北神农架林区和河北赞 皇县验收援助的饮水项目,共援助资金 60 万元,缓解当地 1000 多名村民的饮水难题。赴重庆铜 梁县考察饮水项目,计划援助 20 余万元,通过打深水井的方式帮助当地 500 余名村民缓解饮水 难题。 7 月 9 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公参加中国慈善联合会第一届理事会第三次会议。会议审 议通过了中慈联领导层人员变动的提议,听取了中慈联 2014 年至今的工作报告、财务情况报告、 薪酬制度的修改方案、中慈联专业委员会设立计划、中慈联第二批会员名单以及《中慈联发展战 略 (2015-2020)》等内容。新闻办主任刘芳陪同参加。 7 月 9 日,中华慈善总会新闻办副主任孙燕梅、专员于洪悦参加在天津市红桥区雷锋小学举 行的 2015 年“慈善文化进百校”暨我讲身边慈善故事活动启动仪式。由天津市精神文明建设委 员会办公室、天津市教育委员会、天津市慈善协会共同开展的“慈善文化进校园”活动自 2012 年 3 月份启动以来,试点学校达37 所,活动取得一定成效。为将“慈善文化进校园”活动引向深入, 天津市决定开展 2015 年“慈善文化进百校”暨我讲身边慈善故事活动,全市 16 个区县的 200 所 学校将参加活动。 市级老同志、市慈善协会会长曹秀荣出席并讲话。市文明办、市教委、红桥区 委区政府、市慈善协会有关负责人出席,16 个区县教育局、慈善协会,部分试点学校负责人代表, 雷锋小学师生和捐赠单位代表等参加活动。

On July 2nd, China Charity Federation Simulating School held a lecture. Director of Communication Office Liu Fang gave a lecture on the Analysis of China Philanthropy Industry

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under new circumstances. The leaders all attended and gave high praise to the form and content. Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng adjusted and assigned the future studying schedule and concrete content. From July 6th to 16th, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of China Charity Federation Chen Yuanyuan accompanied volunteer couple Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of LDS Charities visited Gaowu Primary School and Jianu Primary School in Congjiang County, Guizhou Province for completion inspection of the sanitation project. The fund of RMB 200,000 were used to build one flushing toilet with hand washing sinks. The project aimed to create a clean hygiene environment and cultivate good hygiene habits of students. Nearly 1000 teachers and students were benefited. Then, they went to Shennongjia Forest Zone in Hubei Province and Zanhuang County in Hebei Province to inspect the watering project. The total fund was RMB 600,000, helped solve the drinking water issue for more than 1000 local residents. Finally, they inspected Tongliang County in Chongqing, in which the watering project planned a budget of RMB 200,000, and used to dig well for drinking water. The benefited population would reach 500. On July 9th, President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong attended the 3rd meeting of the 1st Council of China Charity Alliance. The meeting approved the proposal of the leadership personnel alternation, work report of the year 2014, financial report, the amendment of salary system, set-up of the Professional Committee, the second list of member organizations and the Development Strategy of China Charity Alliance from the year 2015 to 2020, and other issues. Liu Fang, director of Communication Office accompanied. On July 9th, deputy director of Communication Office Sun Yanmei, communication officer Yu Hongyue went to Tianjin, and attended the Launch Ceremony of 2015’ Project of Culture of Charity Entering A Hundred Schools and Contest of Tell the Charity Story Around Me in Lei Feng Primary School in Hongqiao District. In March 2012, the project Culture of Charity Entering Schools was co-initiated by the Tianjin Municipal Civilization Building Committee, municipal Education Committee and Charity Association, the pilot schools were 37, and received good social impact. In order to lead the project to a new depth, the co-founders decided to carry on 2015’ Project of Culture of Charity Entering A Hundred Schools and Contest of Tell the Charity Story Around Me, 200 schools in all 16 districts and counties would join in. Former municipal governor, president of Tianjin Charity Association Cao Xiurong attended and gave remarks. Representatives were leaders of the co-initiators, government of Hongqiao District, Education Bureau and Charity Association of the 16 districts and counties, principles of pilot schools, teachers and students of Leifeng Primary School and donors.

8 月 17 日 -21 日,中华慈善总会对外联络部主任杨申申、项目专员韩春霞、全球联合之路 2015 年 8 月 儿童早教专家 Samantha Wigand,大中华区能力建设总监陈文良一行赴安徽合肥、山东沂南县考 察项目点,了解当地留守儿童现状及需求,并与当地慈善会、关工委等相关负责单位进行座谈。 August 徽合肥、山东沂南县考察项目点,了解当地留守儿童现状及需求,并与当地慈善会、关工委等相 关负责单位进行座谈。 8 月 25 日,由中华慈善总会和贵州珍酒酿酒有限公司联合主办、贵州省慈善总会和遵义市慈善总 会协办的“心系老兵 珍情致敬”暨珍酒关爱复原退伍军人活动在遵义宾馆举行。贵州珍酒酿酒有 限公司通过中华慈善总会捐赠 50 万元,定向救助 50 名遵义地区的贫困抗战老兵 , 每位老兵将陆 续收到 8000 元慰问金和价值 2000 元的生活物资。中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰、贵州省慈善

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总会副会长覃祖祥、遵义市人大常委副主任黎代琼、贵州珍酒酿酒有限公司总经理朱国军以及八 名抗战老兵代表出席了捐赠活动。 8 月 28 日,易瑞沙慈善援助项目 2015 年度发药点培训班在山西太原召开。中华慈善总会秘书长 边志伟、项目部主任邵家严、办公厅主任牛玉民、项目部副主任刘莹、捐赠方阿斯利康公司政府 事务和市场准入部黄彬副总裁、市场部刘菁总监以及各地发药点相关工作人员等 120 人参加。会 上项目办公室员工对项目的进展情况做了总结和汇报,对发药点的工作进行了培训。

From Aug. 17th to 21st, Director of Foreign Affairs Office of China Charity Federation Yang Shenshen, foreign affairs officer Han Chunxia, director of Childhood Success of United Way Worldwide Samantha Wigand, director of Capacity Building Greater China, UWW Chen Wenliang went to Hefei in Anhui Province and Yinan County in Shandong Province to visit the potential project sites, learning current living conditions of local left-behind children and their pressing needs and talked to local Charities, Caring For the Next Generation Committee and other related entities. On Aug. 25th, the donation ceremony of Project “Heart with Veteran, Love and Respect” was held in Zunyi Hotel, the project was co-initiated by CCF and Guizhou Zhenjiu Brewing Co. Ltd., and assisted by Guizhou Provincial Charity Association and Zuiyi Municipal Charity Association. Guizhou Zhenjiu Brewing Company donated RMB 500,000 and designated to distribute to 50 veteran soldiers lived in Zunyi Region who participated in Anti-Japanese War, each one would soon receive RMB 8000 in cash and groceries worth 2000 yuan. Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, Vice President of the Provincial Charity Association Tan Zuxiang, Deputy Director of the Municipal Standing Committee of People's Congress Li Daiqiong, General Manager of Guizhou Zhenjiu Brewing Co. Ltd. Zhu Guojun and 8 veterans attended the ceremony. On Aug. 28th, the 2015’ workshop for drug distribution stations of Iresse Means-tested Drug Donation Project was held in Taiyuan, the Capital City of Shanxi Province. Secretary General of China Charity Federation Bian Zhiwei, Director of Project Department Shao Jiayan, director of General Office Niu Yumin, deputy director of project department Liu Ying, Vice President in Corporate Affairs and Market Access of AstraZeneca Huang Bin, director of Marketing Liu Jing and staff from local drug distribution stations attended the meeting, which participants were over 120. Project officer reviewed the overall working progress, and then the workshop.

9 月 9 日至 12 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰率领对外联络部副主任陈媛媛、项目部格 2015 年 9 月 列卫项目办李保玲赴韩国首尔参加全球联合之路、韩国社会福利联合劝募协会联合主办的 2015 年全球联合之路慈善圆桌论坛。在韩期间,代表团还与韩国社会福利联合劝募协会金秘书长围绕 September 着建立双方合作交流机制的事项进行了友好会谈。 9 月 18 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰接待了山东省慈善总会副会长兼秘书长李玉亮、 副秘书长王晓等一行。双方就总会与全球联合之路合作的“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目在山东济 南的启动筹备工作召开了合署办公会。会议就启动仪式方案、联合筹款、项目实施方案及项目点 布置等工作进行了充分商议,并达成共识。目前,各项准备工作正在有条不紊地进行中。外联部 全员、新闻办主任刘芳、山东省慈善总会相关部门负责人等一同参会。 9 月 20 日,中华慈善总会与中国一川(澳门)国际有限公司(旗下)珠海传眉心秀文化投资 有限公司,开展“一张纸献爱心行动”暨珠海市美镜宣传平台项目合作签字仪式在北京举办。珠 海传眉心秀文化投资有限公司向中华慈善总会捐赠 100 万元人民币,定向用于“一张纸献爱心行

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动网站”建设和制作“爱心屋”等;捐赠80 万元人民币定向用于救助少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿童, 又投资近千万元铺设 2000 台美镜互联网宣传平台。 9 月 24 日,中华慈善总会格列卫、达希纳、恩瑞格项目2015 年度工作会议在广西南宁市召开。 中华慈善总会、瑞士诺华制药公司及全国各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市慈善会项目负责人 与发药员参加了会议。会议上,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰在致辞时指出,药品援助项目已 经成为全国各地医保体系的一个重要补充,在医疗救助中发挥了重要作用。各地慈善组织要充分 认识到药品援助项目的重要意义,规范运作,避免疏漏,使药品援助项目能长期安全地发展下去。 会议期间,项目办公室进行了项目进展情况通报和药品管理及发放流程培训,并进行了工作经验 交流与分享。 9 月 25 日,中华慈善总会第二次组织为“一张纸献爱心行动”献赠废旧报纸、书刊活动,此 次捐赠活动得到总会各部室及中国社会出版社、社工分社、地名研究所的大力支持,本次共捐赠 废旧报纸 508 公斤,折合人民币 355.6 元。

From Sept. 9th to 12th, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, accompanied by Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office Chen Yuanyuan and officer of Gleevec Project Li Bailing, attended the 2015 UWW Round-table Forum in Seoul, co-hosted by United Way Worldwide and Community Chest of Korea. During the visit, Mr. Wang met the Secretary General of CCK Mr. Kim to discuss on building a communication mechanism between the two organizations. On Sept. 18th, Executive Vice President of China Charity Federation Wang Shufeng received the delegation of Shandong Provincial Charity Association led by Vice President and Secretary General Li Yuliang and Deputy Secretary Wang Xiao. Both assigned the preparation work of the Launch Ceremony of CCF-UWW collaborated Project A Better Tomorrow For Children, which would be held in Jinan, Capital City of Shandong Province. Both discussed the proposal of the launch ceremony, joint fund-raising, implement and project site refurnishing and other tasks, and agreed on a consensus. Till now, all the tasks have been undertaken in order. All members of Foreign Affairs Office, director of Communication Office Liu Fang and directors of related departments of Shandong Provincial Charity Association were presented. On Sept. 20th, the Signing Ceremony of CCF and Zhuhai Chuanmei Xinxiu Cultural Investment Co. Ltd. Collaboration for Project One Papaer for Love and Zhuhai Meijing Promotion Platform Project was held in Beijing. The company donated RMB 1,000,000, designated to construction for the website of Project One Paper For Love and produce Loving-heart Recycling Boxes; and donated RMB 800,000 to assist the poor kids with CHD of minority groups. Besides, the company invested nearly 10 million yuan to set up 2000 Meijing Internet communicating platform. On Sept. 24th, the 2015’ Annual Working Conference of Project GIPAP, TIPAP and EXPAP was held in Nanning, Capital City of Guangxi. Representatives from CCF, Novartis and local Charities attended the meeting. Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng gave remarks, and he pointed that the medical Assist Projects were significant supplement to the medical insurance system, and played an important role in medical assistance. The local Charities should fully realized the great importance of the medical assistance projects, regulated the operation, avoided careless omission, keeping the projects’ sustainable development. The project office reported the progress of the implement, made a presentation on the drug management and distribution procedures, and interaction session.

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On Sept. 25th, CCF mobilized the staff to recycle the newspapers and books for the second time for Project One Paper For Love. The other working units in the building, like China Social Publishing Society, Research Institute of Place Names joined as well. The campaign recycled newspapers 508 kg, worth CNY 355.6.

2015 年 10 月 10 月 13 日,中华慈善总会对外联络部副主任陈媛媛与 LDS 慈善会代表彼得森夫妇赴四川平 武县验收旱厕改水厕项目。LDS慈善会资助 20 万元帮助平武中学和汇口小学修建、改建水冲厕所, October 配套洗手池,为学生们创造良好的卫生环境,培养学生养成良好的卫生习惯,约 2000 名师生从 中受益。 10 月 16 日,由中华慈善总会主办的“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目媒体通气会在北京召开, 正式倡导全社会爱心企业和各界人士参与项目的发起。在国家各级政府的领导、支持下,在关心 下一代工作委员会的支持指导下,中华慈善总会与国际知名公益机构全球联合之路(UWW)将 在全国范围内合作开展“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目。 10 月 17 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公出席北京市慈善基金会、北京市慈善协会“爱心汇聚 京城”慈善暨微信筹款活动启动仪式。活动现场,主办方介绍了五个扶贫救助项目,为荣获“爱 心捐赠企业”和“爱心捐赠个人”的代表颁发荣誉证书,并发放 2015 年“爱心成就未来”暨圆 梦行动——大学生慈善助学款。全国人大常委会原副委员长、北京市慈善协会第一任会长何鲁丽, 北京市人大常委会副主任李昭玲,北京市政协副主席闫仲秋,北京市慈善协会会长、慈善基金会 理事长王长连等出席活动。新闻办公室刘芳主任陪同参加。 10 月 22 日 , 中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟出席圆梦基金在河北省平山县蛟潭庄镇的踏马村举 行的扶助革命老区启动仪式。此次圆梦基金为踏马村捐赠善款907000 元,用于村水泥路、蓄水池、 公厕等基础设施建设。办公厅主任牛玉民,工会主席兼圆梦基金主任芦红焰,财务部主任高守华, 圆梦基金会办公室主任陈玉汝、副主任张峰、司进辉等参加了扶助启动仪式。 10 月 22 日,“拜耳药品援助项目发药工作培训班”在昆明市召开,中华慈善总会常务副会 长王树峰出席会议并发表重要讲话。项目部主任邵家严、拜耳医药保健有限公司特药中央市场部 总监庞成林以及 45 个地方慈善会的代表参加了本次会议。会上对拜耳各药品援助项目进展情况 进行了汇报、对各地区代表进行了发药工作及系统使用培训,项目部邵家严主任还同与会代表分 享了项目部对于发药工作的研究成果。 10 月 28 日,中华慈善总会副秘书长张心国赴云南鲁甸检查灾后重建项目,并走访了项目点, 就项目的进展和要求与当地慈善会进行了深入沟通,要求保质保量地完成灾后重建工作。财务部 主任高守华、办公厅副主任张欣随行。 10 月 31 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟出席了圆梦基金与北京安贞医院共同实施的“一张 纸献爱心”少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿童救助活动并讲话。民政部社会救助司副司长夏建新、新 疆生产建设兵团慈善总会秘书长胡壮丽出席。工会主席兼圆梦基金主任芦红焰,新闻办副主任孙 燕梅,一张纸献爱心行动领导小组成员兼办公室执行主任徐镱轩,圆梦基金会办公室主任陈玉汝、 副主任张峰陪同参加。

On Oct. 13th, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of China Charity Federation Chen Yuanyuan accompanied volunteer couple Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of LDS Charities visited Pingwu County, in Sichuan Province for completion inspection of the sanitation project. The fund of RMB 200,000 were used to Pingwu Mid School and Hukou Primary School to build each school one flushing toilet with hand washing sinks. The project aimed to create a clean hygiene

158 大事记 / Chronicle of Events environment and cultivate good hygiene habits of students. Nearly 2000 teachers and students were benefited. On Oct. 16th, the Press Conference for Project A Better Tomorrow For Children was held in Beijing, and officially called for support of corporate and individuals nationwide. With the leadership and support of the government and guide from the National Caring For the Next Generation Committee, CCF cooperated with the well-know world-brand United Way Worldwide for a national project A Better Tomorrow For Children. On Oct. 17th, President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong attended the Launch Ceremony of Love Gathering In Beijing and Wechat Social-media Fund-raising Campaign hosted by Beijing Charity Association and Beijing Charity Foundation. The host organizations presented 5 poverty-alleviation projects, issued certificates to Loving-heart Enterprises and Individuals, and distributed subsidy of Project Love Achieve Future. Former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and the first President of Beijing Charity Association He Luli, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress Li Shaoling, Vice Chairman of the Beijing Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference Yan Zhongqiu, President of Beijing Charity Association and President of the Council of Beijing Charity Foundation Wang Changlian attended the ceremony. Director of Communication Office Liu Fang accompanied. On Oct. 22nd, Secretary General of China Charity Federation Bian Zhiwei attended the Launch Ceremony of Yuanmeng Fund Assisting Old Revolutionary Base Areas Project in Tama Village, Jiaotanzhuang Township, Pingshan County in Hebei Province. The fund donated RMB 907000 for the infrastructure building, including concrete road, watering tanks and public toilets,etc. Director of General Office Niu Yumin, Chairman of the Labor Union and Director of Yuanmeng Fund Lu Hongyan, director of Finance Department Gao Shouhua, director of project office Chen Yuru, deputy director Zhang Feng, Si Jinhui attended the ceremony. On Oct. 22nd, the training for Drug Distribution of the medical assistance projects sponsored by Bayer was held in Kunming, Executive Vice President of China Charity Federation Wang Shufeng attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Director of Project Department Shao Jiayan, Director of Central Marketing of Bayer Health-care Co.Ltd Pang Chenglin, and participants from 45 local Charities attended the training. The project office reported the current implement progress of the projects and a training on drug distribution and computer operating system. Director Shao Jiaoyan shared the research achievement on drug distribution. On Oct. 28th, Deputy Secretary General of China Charity Federation Zhang Xinguo went to supervise the earthquake reconstruction projects in Ludian, Yunnan Province. He visited the project sites and had a conversation with the local charity on the construction progress and requests, he required the project must the undertaken with high qualification. Director of Finance Office Gao Shouhua and deputy director of General Office Zhang Xin accompanied. On Oct. 30th, Secretary General of China Charity Federation Bian Zhiwei attended and gave remarks on the Campaign of One Paper For Love - Assistance Action For Poor CHD Children of Minority Groups co-hosted by Yuanmeng Fund and Beijing Anzhen Hospital. Deputy Director of Social Assistance of Ministry of Civil Affairs Xia Jianxin and Secretary General of Xinjiang Corps Charity Association Hu Zhuangli attended. The accompanied were Chairman of the Labor

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Union and Director of Yuanmeng Fund Lu Hongyan, Deputy Director of Communication Office Sun Yanmei, Director of One Paper For Love Preoject Xu Yixuan, Director of Yuanmeng Project Office Chen Yuru, Deputy Director Zhang Feng.

11 月 6 日,爱必妥项目 2015 年度培训班在广东省珠海市召开,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟、 2015 年 11 月 项目部主任邵家严、默克公司患者援助项目总经理白瑾女士及全国 32 个地区慈善会代表及发药 November 工作人员参加会议。对全年的工作情况进行了回顾和总结,就各地发药点的发放药品过程中的问 题进行了答疑及交流、学习。 11 月 10 日,中华慈善总会“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目全国启动仪式在山东济南举行。这 是总会与各方合作伙伴积极贯彻落实习近平总书记“关心留守儿童”重要指示,开启具有全国性、 持续性、综合性、规范性的社会慈善援助留守儿童项目新篇章的重要举措。 中华慈善总会会长李本公,全球联合之路总裁布莱恩·加拉格尔,中国关心下一代工作委员会常 务副主任武韬,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰,秘书长边志伟,山东省副省长季缃绮,山东省 慈善总会会长谢玉堂,世界宣明会—中国总干事简祺伟,以及政府各有关部门、全国省市慈善组 织和社会各界的代表共 200 余人出席了启动仪式。 11 月 11 日,全国人大常委会法制工作委员会召开了《中华人民共和国慈善法(草案)》意 见征求会。会议要求参会单位结合实际针对慈善法(草案)提出具体意见。中华慈善总会副秘书 长张心国、办公厅副主任张欣出席会议。 11 月 11 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公接见了韩国 GKL 社会奉献基金会理事长李德周一行。 会见中,双方领导就 GKL 基金会捐赠支持“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目达成了初步合作意向,并 签署了合作意向书。该基金会计划在未来 3 ~ 5 年对项目进行持续资助。总会常务副会长王树峰、 秘书长边志伟及外联部主任杨申申等陪同会见。陪同李德周理事长来访的还有全球联合之路理事、 GKL 基金会理事姜哲熙教授、GKL 基金会秘书长郑成大。此次韩国客人一行还受邀参加了 11 月 10 日在济南举行的“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目全国启动仪式。 11 月 13 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰与美国微笑列车基金会董事长王 嘉廉、副总裁薛榆在北京会面,双方肯定了微笑列车项目的成就,并对今后合作提出了新的建议。 双方一致同意对中国微笑列车项目进行全方面的调研总结,并进行进一步的研究探索工作。项目 部副主任刘莹参加会议。 11 月 17 日,中华慈善总会贫困母亲救助项目在云南玉溪市易门县举行了贫困母亲救助金发 放仪式。此次活动共救助 150 个特困家庭,每个家庭发放救助金 1000 元,共计发放救助金 15 万 元。筹募部主任苏辉、筹募专员李风亚、贫困母亲项目执行主任冰华,贫困母亲医疗援助项目主 任杨海东、贫困母亲救助项目专员廖静秋参加了发放仪式;云南省慈善总会秘书长李勇,玉溪市 慈善总会秘书长杨丽萍,玉溪市慈善总会秘书长马正祥以及易门县政府、县慈善总会有关领导共 同参加了救助金发放仪式。仪式结束后,一行人走访了三个特困单身母亲家庭,深入了解了她们 的生活状况。 11 月 18 日,中华慈善总会春雨爱心基金项目联合丽江市慈善总会在玉龙县鸣音镇举行了贫 困母亲救助金发放仪式,此次活动救助了 100 多个贫困母亲家庭和 20 多个孤儿或留守儿童,共 计发放救助金 20 万元人民币。筹募部主任苏辉、筹募部专员李风亚、春雨爱心基金执行主任冰华、 贫困母亲医疗援助项目主任杨海东、丽江市慈善总会副秘书长周天胜以及玉龙县政府、慈善总会 等有关领导共同参加了捐赠仪式。活动结束后,一行人走访了贫困母亲家庭。 11 月 23 日 -24 日 , 为促进肿瘤治疗领域的发展,美国哈佛大学健康中心和新加坡大学医学 院在新加坡举行“多方促进癌症治疗可及性研讨会”,来自美国、澳大利亚、新加坡等亚太地区 的 14 个国家和地区的代表参会。中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟、项目部主任邵家严在会议上以药 品援助项目为重点介绍了我国慈善助医项目对肿瘤患者治疗的救助情况。 11 月 26 日,中华慈善总会慈善文化进校园项目考察组到贵州省贵阳市考察项目实施进展情

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况,并现场观摩贵阳市开阳县开阳一中、五中“慈善文化进校园”手抄报评选、演讲比赛及讲故 事比赛决赛。同学们以《慈善读本》上的故事和现实生活中发生的真人真事为蓝本和背景,讲出 一个个激昂励志、催人泪下的故事,感人至深,与会众人沉浸在孩子们营造的慈善感恩氛围中, 感到孩子们从“阅读”到“悦读”的进步,深深体会到同学们的慈善友爱之心。同时,考察组与 贵州省慈善总会和贵阳市慈善总会就“慈善文化进校园”项目筹款方式的途径、项目实施的多样化、 项目宣传角度和方式等问题进行了切实可行的交流研讨并达成共识。 11 月 27 日,“中华慈善总会·长青基金”在中华慈善总会正式启动,北京长青老年产业发 展研究院首期捐赠 190 万余元人民币。长青基金是一支专门针对养老服务而设立的专项基金, 其 宗旨是定向用于改善老年人的生活环境,提高老年人的生活质量,研究探讨复合性养老模式,努 力做到老年服务社会化。几年来,在政府主导下,充分发掘社会资源,注重发挥社会组织的作用, 致力于推广集养生、养老、休闲、旅游、度假、康复为一体的颐养结合的复合型养老创新模式, 为我国老年社会事业的发展和和谐社会的建设做出了积极贡献。中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟、民 政部政策法规司原副司长吴明、北京老年产业发展研究院院长黄赢、北京老年产业发展研究院书 记王春学及长期以来关注老年事业的爱心人士等参加启动仪式。 11 月 27 日,“2015 特罗凯、安维汀项目工作会议”在福州隆重召开。中华慈善总会会长李 本公、项目部主任邵家严、副主任胡野萍出席会议。参加会议的还有各地慈善会领导、项目负责 人以及罗氏公司代表共计 120 余人。 11 月 30 日 -12 月 1 日,以“长期照护 公益先行”为主题的第十一届全国老人院院长论坛在 北京国际会议中心拉开帷幕。民政部原部长、中华慈善总会终身荣誉会长崔乃夫出席论坛开幕式, 中华慈善总会会长李本公、民政部社会福利和慈善事业促进司社福处处长张晓峰、全国老龄办视 野发展部主任庞涛、汇丰银行(中国)有限公司企业可持续发展总监张惠峰,项目部主任邵家严、 中华慈善总会长期照护专业委员会主任委员方嘉珂,以及来自港澳台的公益组织——香港耆康老 人福利会行政总监梁绮眉、服务总监陈国安,台湾弘道老人福利基金会执行长林依莹,澳门街坊 会联合总会副秘书长郑敏敏和爱德基金会社会服务中心主任褚朝禹等出席论坛。会上李本公会长 就公益养老事业的发展发表重要讲话。

On Nov. 6th, the 2015’ Annual Working Conference of Erbitux Medical Aid Project was held in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province. Secretary General of China Charity Federation Bian Zhiwei, Director of Project Department Shao Jiayan, General Manager of Patient-assistance Project of Merck Serono Co. Ltd. Bai Jin and representatives from 32 local Charities and drug distribution employees attended the meeting. The conference reviewed and summed up the achievements and problems, answering questions of the issues met during distribution process, and exchanged experiences. On Nov. 10th, the China Charity Federation National Launch Ceremony of project A Better Tomorrow For Children was held in Jinan, Shandong Province. It was a major action to adapt the the instruction of Chinese President Xi Jinping to care for the left-behind children and open up a new chapter of the sustainable and comprehensive charitable project targeting left-behind children nationwide. The leaders who attended the ceremony were President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong, President & CEO of United Way Worldwide Brian Gallagher, Executive Director of the National Committee of Caring For the Next Generation Wu Tao, Executive Vice President of China Charity Federation Wang Shufeng, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, Vice Governor of Shandong Provincial Government, President of Shandong Charity Federation and Chief-Director of World Vision-China Jian Qiwei. There were more than 200 participants coming from the local government, provincial affiliates and corporate. On Nov. 11th, the Legislation Commission of NPC Standing Committee hosted a seminar on the draft of the National Charity Law, which required every participant share their views in

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conjunction with own work. Vice Secretary General of China Charity Federation Zhang Xinguo attended and accompanied by Zhang Xin, Deputy Director of General Office. On Nov. 11th, President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong met Chairman Lee of GKL Foundation of South Korea. Both sides agreed on the donation intention and signed a Memo that GKL Foundation will make contribution to the project A Better Tomorrow For Children for 3-5 years. Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng, Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, director of Foreign Affairs Yang Shenshen were present. The other guests from South Korea were Board member of UWW and GKL Foundation Prof. Kang, Secretary General of GKL Foundation Mr. Zeng. All the guests were invited to attend the Launch Ceremony of Project A Better Tomorrow For Children in Jinan the day before. On Nov. 13th, President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong , Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng had a meeting President of Smile Train Foundation Wang Jialian and Vice President Xue Yu. They both acknowledged the contribution Project Smile Train achieved in China and exchanged views on future collaboration. Both agreed on doing an assessment of the project to research future working model. Deputy director of Project Department Liu Ying joined the meeting. On Nov. 17th, the Mother In Poor Assisting Project of China Charity Federation held a distribution ceremony in Yinmen County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province. The project totally financed 150 families in poverty, which distributing 1000 yuan to each family, and RMB 150,000 in total. Director of Fund-raising Department Su Hui, Project Officer Li Fengya, director of Spring Rain Love Fund Office Bing Hua, director of medical division of Mother In Poor Assisting Project Office Yang Haidong, project officer of project office Liao Jingqiu attended the ceremony. Secretary General of Yunnan Provincial Charity Association Li Yong, Secretary General of Yuxi Municipal Charity Association Yang Liping, Secretary General Ma Yuxiang and related leaders of the county government and charity attended as well. After the ceremony, they visited 3 single- mother families who lived in poverty and learned their difficulties and needs. On Nov. 18th, the Spring Rain Love Fund of China Charity Federation co-held a distribution ceremony with Lijiang Municapal Charity Association in Mingyin Town, Yulong County. The project totally financed more than 100 families in poverty and twenties orphans and left-behind children with RMB 200,000 in total. Director of Fund-raising Department Su Hui, Project Officer Li Fengya, director of Spring Rain Love Fund Office Bing Hua, director of medical division of Mother In Poor Assisting Project Office Yang Haidong, Deputy Secretary General of Lijiang Municipal Charity Association Zhou Tiansheng and related leaders of the county government and charity attended the ceremony. After the ceremony, the group visited recipients’ families . From Nov. 23rd to 24th, the Seminar on Multi-promotion for Cancer Treatment Accessibility co-hosted by The Health Center of Harvard University and Medical School of Singapore University was held in Singapore, which aimed to facilitate the development of cancer treatment. Attendees were coming from more than 14 countries and territories of the Asia Pacific Region, such as America, Canada and Singapore. Secretary General of China Charity Federation Bian Zhiwei and Director of Project Office Shao Jiayan attended the meeting and presented the medical assistance projects CCF carried on and its role on cancer treatment for the patients. On Nov. 26th, CCF send a study group of Project Charity Culture Entering Campus to Guiyang, the Capital City of Guizhou Province to investigate the progress of the project. The Group went to Kaiyang No.1 and No.5 Middle Schools to watch the contest on speeches and story-telling. The students told moving and inspiring stories based on stories in the Charity Book and true stories around them. The group was surrounded by a philanthropic and grateful atmosphere created by the children, and felt their joy of reading and their friendly and lovely hearts. Meanwhile, the group had a discussion on the feasibility of the ways of fund raising, the diversity of the implementation and the perspective and methods of publicity with Guizhou Provincial Charity Association and Guiyang Municipal Charity Association. All parties reached on

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a consensus. On Nov. 27th, Ever Green Fund was launched, with a gift giving of more than RMB 1,900,000 donated by Beijing Evergreen Elderly-care Industry Development & Research Institute. The fund would be focusing on improving the living environment of old folks, and lifting their quality of life, and exploring compound elderly-care mode, and socializing the elderly-care services. Leading by the government, mobilizing social resources and stimulating the role of social organizations, promote the compound elderly-care mode with health-care, elderly-care, entertainment, tourist, vocation and rehabilitation, which have positive influence on the elderly-care Industry and construction of harmonious society. Secretary General Bian Zhiwei, former director of Department of Policies and Laws of Ministry of Civil Affairs Wu Ming, president of Beijing Elderly Industry Development and Research Institute Huang Ying, Chairman Wang Xuechun, and other guests attended the ceremony. On Nov. 27th, the Annual Working Conference of Tarceva and Avastin Medical Aid Project has been held in Fu Zhou. President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong, director of Project Department Shao Jiayan, deputy director Hu Yeping attended the meeting. There were more than 120 participants from local charities and Roche. From Nov. 30th to Dec. 1st, the 11th National President Forum of Elderly Homes themed as Long-term Care, Non-profit First opened up in Beijing International Convention Center. The former Minister of Civil Affairs Ministry and Lifetime Honorary President of China Charity Federation Cui Naifu attended the opening ceremony. President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong, Director of Social Welfare Department of Social Welfare and Charity Promotion Division of Civil Affairs Ministry Zhang Xiaofeng, director of Business Department of the National Committee on Aging Pang Tao, director of corporate sustainability of HSBC(China) Zhang Huifeng, director of Project Department Shao Jiayan, director of the Long-term Care Committee of CCF Fang Jiake, director of Administration of the Hong Kong Society For the Aged Liang Qimei, director of Service Chen Guo’an, CEO of Taiwan Hongdao Foundation For the Aged Lin Yiying, Vice Secretary General of Community Union of Macao Zheng Minmin and director of Social Service Center of the Amity Foundation Chu Zhaoyu were attending the forum. President Li delivered a keynote speech in the forum.

12 月 10 日,中华慈善总会贫困母亲救助项目在辽宁省本溪市举行贫困母亲救助金发放仪式, 2015 年 12 月 共计发放救助金人民币 10 万元,救助 100 个贫困母亲家庭。筹募部主任苏辉、筹募专员李风亚、 December 贫困母亲项目办主任杨海东出席此次活动。 12 月 10 日,拜耳公司中国区副总经理何涛、郎志慧一行 4 人到访中华慈善总会,总会常务 副会长王树峰、项目部主任邵家严、副主任胡野萍与他们进行了座谈交流。双方对多吉美等药品 援助项目的长期合作表示充分肯定,并对目前项目发展中遇到的一些新情况如何应对进行了商讨。 双方确定了明年对多吉美项目在援助模式进行适当调整,在项目实施上采用网络技术更好的满足 患者需求。 12 月 11 日,中华慈善总会与世界宣明会中国合作中,双方续签了河北省平泉县儿童为本、 区域发展项目的合作协议,项目将延续至2021 年。另外双方还在关爱留守儿童方面进行合作探讨, 世界宣明会中国将投入 500 万元用于“为了明天—关爱儿童”项目。 12 月 15 日 -19 日,中华慈善总会“慈善情暖万家”活动陆续展开。总会会长李本公赴内蒙 古自治区兴安盟乌兰浩特市进行走访慰问、常务副会长王树峰赴云南省景谷县威远镇灾后重建新 村进行走访慰问、秘书长边志伟赴湖南省湘西吉信镇万荣江村进行走访慰问、副秘书长张心国赴

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陕西省延川县进行走访慰问。此次“慈善情暖万家”活动共计发放慰问款物 200 万,惠及贫困群 众 2000 余人。 12 月 28 日,武警总医院在“扶贫救心”工作十周年总结与展望大会上正式启动“一张纸献 爱心行动”。中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟,中华慈善总会新闻界慈善促进会执行会长徐镱轩,武 警部队后勤部副部长、武警总医院院长郑静晨出席启动仪式,仪式由武警总医院政委占有明主持。 总会秘书长边志伟在仪式上说,开展“一张纸献爱心行动”意义重大,是国家开展社会紧急救助 工作和培养国民节约习惯的重要抓手,更是践行社会主义核心价值观的具体体现。他表示,该项 行动被中宣部、国家发改委列为“节俭养德 全民节约行动”九大行动以来,各地政府和企事业单 位积极配合,成效显著。武警总医院作为第一家参与该项行动的部队医院,起到了很好的带头作用, 也将带来良好的社会影响。

On Dec. 10th, the Mother In Poor Assisting Project of China Charity Federation held a distribution ceremony in Benxi, Liaoning Province, totally allocated 100,000 yuan to Benxi Municipal Charity Association, and distributed to 100 Poor Mother families, 1,000 yuan for each family. Director of Fund-raising Department Su Hui, Project Officer Li Fengya, dierctor of Project Office Yang Haidong attended the ceremony. On Dec. 10th, Deputy General Manager of Bayer China He Tao and Lang Zhihui visited CCF, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng met the guests, director of Project Shao Jiaoyan, deputy director Hu Yeping joined the meeting. Both gave high recognition to the collaborating medical-aid projects, and discussed the new challenge while working. Both confirmed to adapt the challenges by using hi-tech to meet the demands of patients better. On Dec. 11th, China Charity Federation and World Vision-China renewed the agreement on Project Children-Oriented Regional Development in Pingquan County, Hebei Province, which would last to the year 2021. Besides, both agreed on cooperation on the project A Better Tomorrow For Children, and World Vision-China would invest RMB 5 million to the project. From Jan. 5th to 7th, President of China Charity Federation Li Bengong led a delegation to Huanren Man Nationality Autonomous Prefecture in Benxi City, Liaoning Province for , which gives love and care to the poor. The delegation brought RMB 200,000 allowance and 1000 covers of blankets, and visited poor families in the county and Yahe Central Elderly Institute. Director of Communication Office Liu Fang, deputy director of General Office Chong Shulan and deputy director of Project Department Hu Yeping accompanied. From Dec. 15th to 19th, the Spring Festival Campaign Charity Love Warms Tens of Thousands of Poor Families carried on successively. President Li Bengong visited Wulanhaote city, Xing’an Meng in Inner Mongolia, Executive Vice President Wang Shufeng led a team to reconstruction village of Weiyuan Township, Jinggu County in Yunnan Province; Secretary General Bian Zhiwei visited Wanrongjiang Village, Jixin Town in Xiangxi Region of Hunan Province; Deputy Secretary General Zhang Xinguo went to Yanchuan County in Shaanxi Province. The campaign totally distributed RMB 2 million in cash and in kind, benefiting more

164 大事记 / Chronicle of Events than 2000 disadvantaged people in rural areas. On Dec. 28th, the One Paper For Love Project was launched in the 10th Anniversary of Poverty-alleviation and Rescue Mission of the Armed Police General Hospital. Secertary General Bian Zhiwei, Executive President of CCF Charity Promotion Council of the Press Xu Yixuan, president of the Armed Police General Hospital Zheng Jingchen attended the ceremony. Chairman of the hospital Zhan Youming hosted the meeting. Mr. Bian stated on the occasion that the Project had significant meanings, which was an important supplement of the social emergency rescue and cultivate the good tradition of saving, further more, it reflected the core value of Socialism. He said the Project has already been included in the Nine Movements of Keep the Good Tradition of Frugal, All Nation Involved by the government; all sectors have responded positively, and achieved remarkable outcomes. The Armed Police General Hospital was the first armed hospital joined the project, played a leading role and made positive social impact.

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鸣谢 Acknowledgements

在 2015 年,中华慈善总会已成为一家内部治理规范、救助范围广泛、在国际国内 具有较大影响力的全国性慈善组织。聚沙成塔,集腋成裘,社会各界的踊跃捐献,托起 了无数困难群众生命的希望。政府部门的有力支持、新闻媒体的积极推动、合作伙伴的 紧密协作、社会知名人士的热情参与也是我们再创佳绩的重要保证。在此我们谨以千万 受助者的名义向各方致敬! 慈善事业依然任重道远,我们期待着有更多的爱心人士与我们同行,共同为人类的 生命与健康、为了美好和谐的明天而奋斗!

On the 2015 anniversary of its founding, China Charity Federation has become a national charity organization with regular internal, wide deliverance scope and great influence at home and abroad. Every little makes a mickle. Active contributions from all sectors of community make numerous people in difficulties regain the hope for life. In addition, government's strong support, positive promotion from medium, close collaboration of partners as well as celebrities' enthusiastic participation is also important guarantee of re-creating the new achievements. Hereby, we express our most sincere respect to units and individuals on behalf of millions of recipients. Philanthropy is still a long way to go, and we are looking forward to having much more caring people with us to strive together for human life and well-being and better, harmonious tomorrow.

166 鸣谢:公众、合作伙伴 / Acknowledgement: the Public and Partners

167 中华慈善总会 / 2015 年报 China Charity Federation

总会联系方式、账号 Contact Way and Account Number of China Charity Federation

人民币捐款账户 开户单位:中华慈善总会 帐号:1102 0101 04000 8379 开户行:中国农业银行北京金融大街支行

外币捐款账户 开户单位:中华慈善总会 账号:778350015925 开户行:中国银行总行营业部(北京市复兴门内大街1号)

邮局汇款账户 中华慈善总会地址:北京市西城区二龙甲路33号新龙大厦七层 邮编:100032

RMB Bank Account Account Name: China Charity Federation Bank Address: Agricultural Bank of China, Beijing Financial Street Branch Account Number: 1102 0101 04000 8379

Foreign Currency Bank Accounts Account Name: China Charity Federation Bank Address: Bank of China, Head Office (No.1 Fu Xing Men Nei Street, Beijing, China) Account Number: 778350015925 Swift Code:BKCHCNBJ

Mail Payment Remittance To: China Charity Federation Address: 7th Floor Xinlong Building, 33A Erlong Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China, 100032

中华慈善总会 CHINA CHARITY FEDERATION 地址:中国北京西城区二龙路甲33号新龙大厦七层 Address: F7, Xinlong Bldg, 33A Erlong Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 邮政编码(Post Code): 100032 电话(Tel):+86 10 66083260 传真(Fax):+86 10 66020903 邮箱(E-mail):[email protected] 网址(Homepage):http://www.cszh.mca.gov.cn http://www.chinacharityfederation.org