2014China Charity Federation ANNUAL REPORT 年 报 目 录

04 中华慈善总会概况 Profile of Charity Federation

08 会长寄语 President Message

10 重要活动 Significant Events

10 参加“慈善的力量”2013 年中国慈善年会 10 Participating in 2013'China Charity Annual Meeting 11 中华慈善总会“一张纸献爱心”工程进两会 11 CCF's "1 Paper Love" Enters NPC and CPPCC 12 参加中宣部“节俭惜福 养德圆梦”全民节约活动协调会 12 Attending the Coordination Meeting with the Theme of "Keep-Thrifty & Fulfill -the-Dream" Held by PDCC 13 李本公会长答新华网记者问:慈善不应成一个什么都往里装的筐 13 Answering to the Journalists from Xinhua Net: Charity Is Not a Basket that Can Hold Everything 15 召开第四届理事会监事会第二次工作会议 15 The Second Meeting of the 4th Session of Board of Directions and Supervisons of CCF 16 参加 2014 灵山公益慈善促进大会 16 Attending 2014'Lingshan Public Welfare & Charity Promotion Conference 17 参加《中国长期照护机构评鉴标准》评审专家会 17 Attending the Joint Assessment on Evaluation Standards for China Long-term Care Institutions 18 召开中华慈善总会 2014 年宣传工作会议 18 CCF'Propaganda Conference in Xi'an, Shanxi Province in 2014 19 参加第二届广州市慈善项目推介会 19 Present at 2nd Guangzhou Philanthropic Program Promotion 20 召开第四届理事会第三次会议 20 The 3rd Meeting of the 4th Session of the Council in 22 中华慈善总会鲁甸地震救援行动 22 CCF's Earthquake Relief for Ludian in Yunnan Province 23 参加中国慈善论坛 23 Joining the China Charity Forum 24 举行中华慈善总会成立 20 周年纪念会 24 The 20th Anniversary Celebration of CCF in Beijing 26 参加大型公益宣传活动“CCTV 慈善之夜” 26 Joining "CCTV Charity Evening" 26 参加中国慈善联合会座谈会 26 Joining the Discussion of CCF 27 中华慈善总会新版官方网站(一期)试运行 27 CCF Official Website (Phase I) Trial Operation CONTENTS

28 对外交流与合作 International Exchange and Cooperation

28 美国微笑列车副总裁一行来访 28 US. Smile Train Led by Yu Xue Came to Visit China 29 全球联合之路副总裁一行来访 29 Vice President from UWW Asian-Pacific Areas Came for a Visit 29 拜耳公司全球特药部高级副总裁来访 29 Lady Alison's Visit from Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals 30 赴澳大利亚参加世界血友病大会 30 Attending World Hemophilia Assembly in Australia 30 赴美国访问并拜访慈善组织 30 Paying a Visit to U.S. and Some Philanthropic Organizations 31 全球联合之路亚太区副总裁一行来访 31 Vice President of UWW Asian-Pacific Areas Came for a Visit 31 全球联合之路总裁一行来访 31 President Brian A. Gallagher of UWW Came for a Visit 32 诺华公司全球项目总监一行来访 32 World Project Inspector Tremblay David from Novartis AG Came for a Visit 32 世界宣明会中国办事处总干事来访 32 Qiwei Jian from World Vision International China Branch Came for a Visit

33 慈善项目与基金 Charity Projects and Funds

33 扶贫项目 33 Poverty Alleviation Projects 38 扶残项目 38 The Disabled Alleviation Projects 38 支教助学项目 38 Volunteer Teaching in Rural Area and Tuition Remission Projects 41 助医项目 41 Medical Relief Projects 49 专项基金 49 Specific Funds

60 2014年度财务审计报告 92 2014 Audit Report

130 2014 年大事记 130 2014 Chronicle of Events of CCF

158 鸣谢:公众、合作伙伴 158 Acknowledgements: the Public and Partners

160 联系方式、账号 160 Contact Information and Account Number of CCF 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

中华慈善总会概况 Profile of China Charity Federation (CCF)

中华慈善总会成立于 1994 年,是经中国政府批准依法注册登记的全国性非营利公益社会团体。

China Charity Federation is a national non-profit public organization founded in 1994, which is approved by Chinese government and legally incorporated.

宗旨 Tenet

发扬人道主义精神,弘扬中华民族扶贫济困的传统美德,帮助社会上不幸的个人和困难群体,开展多种形 式的社会救助工作。 To carry forward the humanitarian spirit, develop and expand such Chinese traditional virtues as poverty alleviation, help those miserable individuals and group in trouble and carry out social assistance work in a variety of forms.

基本数据 Master Data

0 行政编制,是独立运作的民间慈善团体 Owing a non-administrative system, CCF is a non-governmental organization with independent 0 operation

内地第 1 家以慈善命名的全国性慈善组织 1 The first national charity organization named with Charity on Chinese Mainland

2008 年、2013 年两次被评为“5A 级社会组织” 5 Being named "5A Level Charity Fund" in 2008 and 2013

开展了救灾、扶贫、安老、助孤、支教、助学、扶残、助医等 8 大系列慈善项目 Carry out 8 series charity projects including disaster-relief, poverty-alleviation, aiding the old, 8 orphans, people with disabilities, aid education, tuition assistance and medical assistance

团体会员及项目覆盖全国 31 个省、自治区、直辖市 Its group members and charity projects cover 31 provinces, municipalities and 31 municipalities directly under the central government

4 中华慈善总会概况 / Profile of China Charity Federation

拥有 364 个会员单位 364 CCF has 364 member units 2014 年度接收社会捐赠款物 174.82 亿元,比 2013 年同期增长 73.35% Raising money and materials worth RMB17.482 billion Yuan in 2014, a 73.35% jump 174 from the same period last year 千万 使数以千万的困难群众得到不同形式的救助 Ten Million Thousands of million poverty-stricken people have been aided in different forms 组织架构 Organization Chart

理事会成员 Board Members 中华慈善总会终身荣誉会长 Lifetime Honorary Presidents of CCF

崔乃夫先生 阎明复先生 范宝俊先生 Mr. CUI Naifu Mr. Mr. FAN Baojun

民政部原部长 民政部原副部长 民政部原部长 中共第十二、十三届中央委员 中共十三届中央委员 中共第九届、第十届全国政协常委 中华慈善总会第一任会长 中华慈善总会第二任会长 中华慈善总会第三任会长 Former Minister of the Ministry Former deputy minister of the Former Minister of the Ministry of Civil of Civil Affairs, member of the 12th Ministry of Civil Affairs, member Affairs, Standing Committee member and 13th Central Committee of the of the 13th Central Committee of the 9th and 10th National Committee Communist Party of China (CPC), of the Communist Party of of the Chinese People's Political and the First President of CCF. China (CPC), and the Second Consultative Conference, and the Third President of CCF. President of CCF.

5 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

名誉会长 Honorary President

王光英 第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 9th National People's Congress (NPC) 何鲁丽 第九、十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长、中国国民党革命委员会中央委员会主席 Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 9th and 10th National People's Congress, and president of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang 倪志福 第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 7th National People's Congress 王文元 中国人民政治协商会议第九届全国委员会主席 President of the 9th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 周铁农 中国人民政治协商会议第十届全国委员会副主席、第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 Vice-president of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) 杨汝岱 中国人民政治协商会议第九届全国委员会副主席 Vice-president of the 9th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 蒋正华 第九、十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 9th and 10th National People's Congress (NPC) 许嘉璐 第九届、十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 9th and 10th National People's Congress (NPC) 阿不来提·阿不都热西提 中国人民政治协商会议第十、十一届全国委员会副主席 Abdul'ahat Abdulrixit Vice-president of the 10th and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 黄孟复 中国人民政治协商会议第十、十一届全国委员会副主席 Vice-president of the 10th and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 司马义·艾买提 第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 Vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC) 张怀西 中国人民政治协商会议第十届全国委员会副主席 ZHANG Huaixi Vice-president of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

6 张思卿 中国人民政治协商会议第九、十届全国委员会副主席 Vice-president of the 9th and 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 李贵鲜 中国人民政治协商会议第九、十届全国委员会副主席 Vice-president of the 9th and 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中华慈善总会会长、副会长、秘书长 President, Vice-president, and Secretary-general of CCF

会长 President

李本公 第十一届全国人大代表、全国人大财政经济委员会委员,民政部党组成员、全国老龄工作委员会 办公室常务副主任、中国老龄协会会长。 LI Bengong Representative of the 11th National People's Congress, Member of Finance and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress, Party Member of Ministry of Civil Affairs, Standing Deputy Director of the National Working Committee Office on Aging, and Chairman of the China Ageing Association

副会长 Vice-president

王树峰 中国人民解放军总医院原副院长 WANG Shufeng Former Vice-president of Chinese PLA General Hospital 杜学芳 中央国家机关工委原副书记、纪工委原书记 DU Xuefang Former Deputy Secretary of Work Committee of Central Government Departments, and Former Secretary of Discipline Inspection Work Committee for Central Organs 李宏塔 全国政协委员,安徽省政协原副主席 LI Hongta Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and Former Vice-president of Anhui People's Political Consultative Committee 张印忠 水利部原党组成员,中纪委驻水利部纪检组原组长 ZHANG Yinzhong Former Party Member of Ministry of Water Resources, and Former Leader of Discipline Inspection Team of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the CPC in Ministry of Water Resources 郑功成 全国人大常委会委员,中国人民大学教授 ZHENG Gongcheng Member of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Professor of Renmin University of China 崔俊慧 第十一届全国人大代表、财经委员会委员、国家税务总局原副局长 CUI Junhui Representative of the 11th National People's Congress, Member of the Finance Committee, and Former Deputy Director of the State Administration of Taxation

秘书长 Secretary-general

边志伟 民政部机关服务局原局长 BIAN Zhiwei Former Director of the Ministry of Civil Affairs Organs Service

7 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

会长寄语 President Message

2014 年,恰逢中华慈善总会成立 20 周年。 这一年,我们开展了四项涉及全局的重点工作:一是召开了总会成立 20 周年纪念会,全面回顾总会发展 历程,深刻总结宝贵经验,进一步明确未来发展方向;同时开展了第二届“中华慈善突出贡献奖”表彰活动, 对在全国慈善会系统中自 2009 年第一届“中华慈善突出贡献奖”评选以来为慈善事业做出贡献的个人、单位、 组织及项目进行了评选表彰。二是全力推动一张纸献爱心行动,联合各地慈善会,共同创建一个由慈善会系统 共有的经常性、面向社会大众的小额劝募品牌项目。三是成立长期照护专业委员会,致力于通过专业化运作和 培训示范活动、及时的专业护理,让受益的老年人过上有尊严、高质量的晚年生活,为老有所养发挥积极作用。 四是正式开通总会新版官方网站,为加强信息、资金管理,创新筹募方式,树立良好社会形象打下平台基础。 这一年,我们共筹集社会捐赠款物174.82 亿元,同比增长73.35%。在药品援助项目方面,共开展了格列卫、 易瑞沙等 13 个药品援助项目,接受捐赠的治疗绝症、罕见病等大病的顶级药品价值 171 亿元,发放捐赠药品 价值 127 亿元。在专项基金(项目)方面,39 个专项基金(项目)运作顺畅,在落实捐赠人意愿、救助困难 群众方面发挥了积极作用。在国际合作方面,重点与美国微笑列车基金会、世界宣明会、美国 LDS 慈善会等 5 家慈善机构加强合作,接受捐赠款物共计 1 亿多元。在救灾工作方面,圆满完成了玉树灾区重建项目,正式 启动了雅安地震灾区重建项目,并针对云南鲁甸地震做好捐款接收和救援工作。与此同时,我们从制度、程序 等方面不断加强内部管理,通过模拟学校、作风建设等方式提升员工整体素质,按时完成来自主管部门的各项 审计、年检工作,及时回应社会各界关注的重点、热点问题,取得了良好的成效。 总的来说,这一年的成绩来之不易,令人振奋。这与社会各界的关爱密不可分。在此,我代表总会向大家 表示衷心的感谢!弘扬慈善传统,发展慈善事业,是全社会共同的理想和目标。在新的一年里,总会将在创新 慈善理念、创新募捐模式、创新运作管理、开拓慈善资源上继续努力,不断开创慈善事业的新局面。让我们大 家共同关注慈善,团结合作,开拓进取,为推动中国特色慈善事业健康发展做出新的贡献!

8 会长寄语 / President Message

2014 was the 20th anniversary of China Charity Federation(CCF). In this year, our efforts were focused on the following four jobs: 1. The 20th Anniversary Celebration Conference was held, at which we reviewed the development course and status of CCF, summed up the precious experience and lessons we drew and pointed the further course for the CCF’s future. In the meanwhile, we honored those contributing a lot to China CHARITY at "CCF Second Contribution Award" ceremony, praising the individuals, units as well as organizations for their great charitable efforts since 2009 "CCF's 1st Contribution Award" ceremony. 2. In the same year, cooperating with some local charitable associations, we launched a regular but smaller recruitment entitled "1 Paper Love" to all the public, either individuals or units and organizations in the philanthropis system, aiming at establishing a systematic common money raising policy. 3. We organized an "Aged Care Committee", engaging in operating and modeling for the care of the aged so as to let the old beneficiaries live a respected and quality life. 4. We opened up an official website of CCF so as to establish a positive social profile on the basis of management, finance, information and money contributions. In 2014, we recruited donations from the society totally worth RMB 17,482,000,000.00, increased by 73.35%. At for the medical donations, approximately 13 medical projects, for instance, Greevec, launched their medical donations, and received top medicines for the treatment of cancers and diseases difficult to cure. The donated medicine so far they got was totally worth RMB 17,100,000,000.00, and out of it, they distributed the above medicine worth RMB12,700.000,000.00. As for the special funds or programs, 39 special funds and programs went smooth owing to CCF's great important efforts of favoring the wills of donors and rescuing the needs. By conducting the international cooperations with 5 charitable organizations, such as U.S. Smile Train, World Vision, LDS etc. CCF received donations totally worth RMB 1,000,000,000.00. What’s more, CCF also accomplished the relief and reconstruction in some stricken areas. For example, we finished the reconstruction in Yushu stricken area, started Ya'an rebuilding program and carried out the donation and reconstruction for Ludian, Yunnan earthquake stricken areas. At the same time, we took great efforts to strengthen our internal management on the basis of rules and procedures. By simulating school and CPC's style construction, CCF improved its body quality, completed audition of every kind, and yearly examination from all governing departments, and responded timely hot and important social issues, thus amounting to good results. In short, it was exciting but not easy for CCF to gain so much. We owed all of the achievements to the concern and love from all levels of the society. Therefore, on behalf of CCF, I express my gratitude to everybody here for your carrying forward our charitable tradition and engaging in our development cause which is our common ideal and goal. In the coming year, CCF will improve charitable concepts, create donation models, improve the management operation and dig up charitable resources so that we will open up a new charity era. Let us take much concern about philanthropy, uniting together and struggling for the healthy charitable cause with Chinese style.

9 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

重要活动 Significant Events

参加“慈善的力量”2013 年中国慈善年会 Participating in 2013'China Charity Annual Meeting: Reform Path – Tendency Analysis for China Charity

1 月 17 日,由中国慈善联合会主办的“慈善的力量”2013 年中国慈善年会 在北京国家会议中心召开,民政部部长李立国参会并致辞。中华慈善总会会长李 本公参加并主持“改革之道——中国慈善趋势分析会”。秘书长边志伟代表总会 参加“慈善的力量——2013 中国慈善年会专题晚会”。

On January 1, 2013'China Charity Annual Meeting: Reform Path – Tendency Analysis for China Charity hosted by CCF was held in Beijing National Conference Center, at which Liguo Li, minister of China's Ministry of Civil Affairs attended and delivered the speech; President Bengong Li of CCF chaired the meeting. Zhiwei Bian, secretary of CCF attended the 2013'China Charity Annual Meeting: A Special Themed Evening.

10 重要活动 / Significant Events

中华慈善总会“一张纸献爱心”工程进两会 CCF's "1 Paper Love" Enters NPC and CPPCC

3 月 8 日,中华慈善总会“一张纸献爱心”工 俭、环保、爱心”为理念,动员全社会通过捐赠、 程全国统一捐赠网站(www.1paper.org)在人民网 变卖废纸,尤其是用公费订阅的报纸所积聚的善款, 上线开通。总会会长李本公介绍说,“一张纸献爱心” 来救助贫困家庭先心病患儿,近 6 年来已在全国 15 工程由线下到线上,由传统的集中回收到网上操作, 个省(市、自治区)的 59 个城市展开。率先启动 目的是通过这一全国统一的捐赠平台,极大地提高 工程的常州市,全市 3500 多个党政机关、事业单 “一张纸献爱心”工程的透明度和公信力。 位和国有企业共捐赠废纸近 1 万吨,筹得善款 700 3 月 11 日,北京会议中心 9 号楼大厅,红黄 余万元;500 多所各级各类学校和 60% 的社区响应, 相间的“爱心屋”格外抢眼。这是由中华慈善总会 广大市民积极参与,累计捐赠各种废纸 3 万余吨, 推广的大型公益项目——“一张纸献爱心”工程。 筹得善款 2000 余万元。近 2800 余万元善款共救助 100 多名全国政协委员为此联名提案,近 600 名全 贫困家庭先心病、白血病等重病孩子 313 名,其中 国人大代表、政协委员签名或寄语支持,2014 年的 救助西藏少数民族贫困家庭先心病孩子 67 名。同时, 两会住地一共摆放 40 个爱心屋。2008 年 3 月 19 资助 3101 名贫困家庭学生完成学业。 日,总会发起实施的“一张纸献爱心”工程,以“节

"1 Paper Love" project, a CCF’s national donation program, was opened up its website "www.1paper.org" on March 8. President Bengong Li said, "By changing the donation forms from traditional solicit contributions offline into online donations, CCF established a national donation web covering every corner of China. No matter how the program is operated, www.1paper.org aims at making all the donations of CCF transparent and with public trust. " On March 11th , a red and yellow "Love House" caught the eyes of everybody in the hall of Building 9 of Beijing Conference Center. "1 Paper Love", a CCF's public welfare and charitable contribution program was under its preparation. More than 100 members of the national committee of CPPCC joined their hands together to draft the proposal for "1 Paper Love", and the proposal was supported by nearly 600 deputies to National People's Congress and members of the national committee of CPPCC, either signing or noting. 40 "Love Houses" dotted the places where members of two conferences lived. Since March 19, 2008 when "1 Paper Love" program was launched, CCF promoted the public contribution based on the concept of "thrifty, environmental protection and love" by selling waste paper. On the spot, CCF mobilized the public to save the money by selling the waste newspapers, especially those newspapers

11 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

subscribed at public expense, and then contributed the raised money to those poor children suffering from congenital heart disease (CHD). In the recent 6 years, "1 Paper Love" had already spread to 59 cities in 15 provinces, with Changzhou as a leading city. 3500 organizations and units of the CPC and government, institutional organizations and state-owned enterprises in Changzhou contributed 10,000 ton of waste papers, raising solicit money RMB 7,000,000.00. 500 schools of various levels and 60 per cent communities gave their response. Citizens and common people took an active part in the "1 Paper Love" program, totally contributing more than 30,000 ton of newspapers and waste papers and raising solicit money RMB 20,000,000. 00. With the solicit money totally RMB 28,000,000.00 raised through the program, 313 children suffering from CHD and leukemia received the medical relief, of those, 67 children are from Tibet poor families. Some of the solicit money was also used to help 3101 poor children with their schooling.

参加中宣部“节俭惜福 养德圆梦”全民节约活动协调会

Attending the Coordination Meeting with the Theme of "Keep-Thrifty & Fulfill- the-Dream" Held by PDCC

4 月 17 日,中宣部召开“节俭惜福 养德圆梦”全民节约活动协调会。会议由中宣 部副部长王世明主持,发改委、教育部、科技部、财政部、住建部、农业部、税务总局、 质检总局、新闻出版广电部、全总、团中央、妇联以及中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟与 副秘书长张心国参加会议。会后,总会根据工作部署对活动方案涉及的“一张纸 献爱心” 项目进行修改,并于 4 月 18 日将修改意见上报中宣部。

On April 17th, Shiming Wang from the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC chaired a national coordination meeting with the theme of "Keep-Thrifty & Fulfill- the-Dream". Officials from National Development and Reform Commission, Department of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance, Department of Housing Construction, Ministry of Agriculture, State Administration of Taxation, State Quality Inspection Administration, Press and Publication Bureau, All-China Federation of Labor, Central Communist Youth League, The Women’s Federation attended the meeting, General Secretary Zhiwei Bian and vice secretary Xinguo Zhang from CCF were also present. After the meeting, CCF revised the plan concerning "1 Paper Love" and then submitted the revised proposal to the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC on April 18th.

12 重要活动 / Significant Events


Answering to the Journalists from Xinhua Net: Charity Is Not a Basket that Can Hold Everything

2014 年,面对媒体与公众对慈善组织广泛而复 会长李本公认为,慈善组织与政府关系密切是 杂的声音,中华慈善总会领导适时果断、态度鲜明 好事,因为可以借助政府的支持在本区域内弘扬慈 地发声,与媒体频繁互动,正确引导舆论导向。4 月 善理念、推动慈善事业发展。不少领导同志基于对 22 日,总会会长李本公就中华慈善总会未来是否会 基层群众困难状况的了解,把当地慈善会作为发挥 转型为基金会、怎样看待老干部任职慈善组织,如 余热的首选。他们在慈善会的不同岗位上,利用自 何看待发展中的慈善事业等问题,接受新华网公益 己的影响力和多年积累的人脉资源不是去办自己的 频道的采访。 私事,而是去四处奔波劝募,用募来的善款修桥、 会长李本公指出,被称为慈善会系统的中华慈 铺路、建学校、救助困难群众,他们这种高风亮节 善总会和各地方慈善会,尽管各为独立法人在各自 受到当地广大群众的赞扬和党政机关的肯定。“慈 辖地独立开展工作,但宗旨一样,目标一致,在实 善组织成老干部俱乐部”等言论不负责任。 施重大项目上密切配合,并以团体会员的方式构成 会长李本公强调,唯有公开透明才能重塑公众 全覆盖的合作网络,实质上已成为一个共同体。目 对于慈善事业的信任,只要出以公心、规范运作、 前,根据当地实际情况,条件成熟的地方可按照《基 公开透明,总会得到社会的公正评价。他指出,我 金会管理条例》的规定将慈善协会变更登记为公募 国慈善事业发展到今天,迫切需要一部专门法律来 基金会。中华慈善总会本身考虑到经过多年发展, 规范,由人大直接负责制定慈善法更有利于加快立 已经在国内外享有较高声誉形成知名品牌,且已形 法进程;慈善事业的公开化是一个不断发展的过程, 成全国范围的合作伙伴网络。这个优势,一方面有 因此今后工作中仍然是以规范运作为基础,以开拓 利于与国际大的公益组织和大企业的合作,引进境 创新为动力,以公开透明为保障。他指出中国的慈 外慈善资源,另一方面有利于上下联动,将慈善项 善组织要学习国际慈善事业的先进经验,并列举了 目在全国范围顺利实施并落实到受助对象身上,推 总会境外合作伙伴的生动事例,简要介绍了总会 20 动慈善事业的发展,不能轻易放弃。因此目前不考 年来的工作成绩。 虑更名。

13 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

Faced with the loud and sophisticated uproars charitable concepts and the support by the central against charitable organizations from the media government or local governments, we may do our in 2014, CCF decided to claim its attitudes in a jobs better and get more people supported. As positive voice. By expressing their ideas about for the retired cadres, he said quite a lot of local charity to the public media frequently, CCF has but retired leaders know well about the people got itself well known to the public, thus making a who need help or relief in his/her administration correct guidance of public opinions. On April 22, areas and they wish these people to get support President Bengong Li gave an interview to the from the local charity federations, so the local public welfare channel of Xinhua net on the issues charitable organizations are chosen as their first as follows: 1) whether CCF will transform to a choices to devote their remaining years’ efforts to foundation from the current federation, 2) what serve the people. At the post of charity, instead of to think of the retired cadres participating in the doing themselves good, these retired cadres take philanthropic work, 3) how to look at the developing advantage of their accumulated social influence charitable cause etc. and relation resources to recruit for the needs. President Li points that CCF and the other local By their raised money, we build bridges, pave the charitable organizations share the common aim roads, open up schools, and rescue the needs. though we carry out our work respectively. In fact Their exemplary conduct and nobility of character we unite and cooperate in a form of membership have gained applauses from not only the common when carrying on some important relief activities, people but also from the governments and the web of which is now covering everywhere institutional organizations at various levels, which all over China, integrating into a united body. fought strongly against the irresponsible saying Currently, if conditions are mature, the charitable "charitable organizations became clubs for the federations may enroll and change into public retired cadres". foundations in accordance with Regulations on President Li stresses that being financially Foundation Administration. As for CCF, considering open and transparent is a best policy for the that after so many years'struggling, it has charitable organizations. Only regulated charitable developed well and healthily and spread into every organizations can gain the confidence and trust corner all over the country, CCF, enjoying such a of the public, therefore winning fair assessment good reputation, would not like to change its name. from the society. Li points out that far as the With such a philanthropic crown over head and so China Charity goes, it urgently needs a set of many partners accompanied home and abroad, we rules to regulate it. He suggests NPC shoulder believe CCF itself has two advantages: On the one the responsibility for drafting the act of charity so hand , with the well established brand, CCF may as to push the procession of China charity career. reach the international public welfare organizations As the openness of philanthropic organizations and enterprises easily. CCF thus may regard is a slow process while developing, we must introducing the international charitable resources conduct our work on the basis of regulated into China as their main goal; on the other hand, operation. Pioneering and innovative, CCF will with the big cooperating web nationwide, CCF may ensure to be a healthy and regulated philanthropic help with the national and international charitable federation. By exemplifying some international resources or programs carry out through to their philanthropic cases, Li asked Chinese philanthropic beneficiaries smoothly so as to push the charitable organizations to learn from the international career on a healthily developing course. experiences and lessons. At the meeting, he also President Li thinks it is good for charitable gave a brief introduction to the main achievements organizations to have a close relation with its that CCF gained for the 20 years. governments because under the guidance of the

14 重要活动 / Significant Events

召开第四届理事会监事会第二次工作会议 The Second Meeting of the 4th Session of Board of Directions and Supervisions of CCF

5 月 8 日,中华慈善总会第四届理事会监事会第二次工作会议在 上海召开,会议由监事会副主任董克林主持。监事会成员除屈亚凤因 事请假外,马昕、陶礼仁、何运杰、杨运勇、刘百里全部参加会议。 总会会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰和秘书长边志伟到会。上海市原 市委副书记、市纪委书记、上海市慈善基金会监事长罗世谦,上海市 慈善基金会副理事长施德容、谢玲丽、方国平到会祝贺会议召开。 会议听取秘书长边志伟对总会 2013 年工作情况通报和财务部 主任高守华关于 2013 年财务工作汇报,副主任董克林提出监事会 2014 年工作要点和落实措施。各位监事在充分肯定总会工作成绩的 基础上,对总会的工作也提出诚恳的建议。会上,一些监事还就青海 玉树、四川雅安地震灾区款物的使用和灾后重建;加强监事会自身建 设;科学设置财会列支科目和对外宣传项目的描述口径数据统计等问 题提出工作建议。

On May 8, the second session of the fourth board of directors and supervisors of CCF was held by Kelin Dong, vice director of the two boards of CCF. All the members of board of supervisors such as MaXin, Liren Tao, Yunjie He, Yunyong Yang and Baili Liu were present at the meeting except Yafeng Qu who asked for leave. President Bengong Li, vice president Shufeng Wang and Secretary Zhiwei Bian attended the meeting. Shiqian Luo, Deputy Secretary of Municipal Party Committee of ; Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Supervisory board chairman of Shanghai Charity Foundation; vice supervisory board chairmen Derong Shi, Lingli Xie, Guoping Fang from Shanghai Charity Foundation were present at the meeting, expressing their congratulations on the successful session. Secretary Zhiwei Bian delivered 2013'Work Report of CCF, Shouhua Gao, director of Finance Department reported on 2013’Financial Affaire Work; Kelin Dong, vice director of supervisory board chairman, put forward the key points of 2014'work and the specific workable measures. Having praised the CCF's work and its achievements, supervisors put forward sincerely some suggestions. At the meeting, supervisors also gave some constructive suggestions on the use of donations and reconstruction of Yushu stricken areas of Qinghai province and Ya'an stricken areas of Sichuan province. They also put some suggestions on how to establish the board of supervision, on how to set a listed accounting subject, on how to make a propaganda promotion for the relief programs and how to describe the statistic data.

15 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

参加 2014 灵山公益慈善促进大会 Attending 2014’Lingshan Public Welfare & Charity Promotion Conference

5 月 17 日,中华慈善总会会长李 本公参加在无锡灵山召开的 2014 灵 山公益慈善促进大会开幕式并讲话。 第十届全国人大常委会副委员长、中 国灵山公益慈善促进会会长顾秀莲, 国家民政部副部长顾朝曦,来自亚洲、 欧洲、非洲、大洋洲四大洲共 15 个友 好国家政要,以及联合国有关驻华机 构的代表、公益慈善组织代表、企业 代表等各界代表 400 余人出席会议。

On May 17, President Li of CCF delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of 2014'Lingshan Public Welfare & Charity Promotion Conference. Xiulian Gu, deputy chairman of the standing committee of the tenth National People's Congress(NPC); Chaoxi Hu, vice minister of Civil Affairs attended the conference. Representatives and some national political figures from 15 countries from Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and UN agencies in China all attended the conference. All in all, more than 400 people were present, including some representatives from public welfare and charitable organizations and enterprises.

16 重要活动 / Significant Events

参加《中国长期照护机构评鉴标准》评审专家会 Attending the joint assessment on Evaluation Standards for China Long-term Care Institutions

5 月 27 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公出席《中国长期照护机构评 鉴标准》评审专家会并做总结讲话。民政部社会福利和慈善事业促进 司副司长王素英参加会议并讲话。这次评审会 5 月 25 日到 28 日在北 京房山举行。来自全国各地 30 个长期照护联盟骨干养老院的院长,以 及中国老龄科学研究中心、中国社会科学院、中国人民大学、清华大 学等专家参加评审。

On Mary 27, President Li of CCF was present at the joint assessment on Evaluation Standards for China Long-term Care Institutions and delivered a sum-up report. Suying Wang, vice deputy from Social Welfare & Charity Promotion Department of Ministry of Civil Affairs attended the meeting and gave a talk. The assessment on Evaluation standards for China's long-term care institutions was given in Fangshan, Beijing on May 25-28 by 30 directors from Aged Care Institutions all over China, together with some other experts from China's Old-aged Scientific Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Renmin University of China and Tsinghua University.

17 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

召开中华慈善总会 2014 年宣传工作会议 CCF'Propaganda Conference in Xi'an, Shanxi Province in 2014 6 月 18 日至 19 日,中华慈善总会在陕西省西安 树峰对本次会议作总结发言。 市召开中华慈善总会 2014 年宣传工作会议。会议由 此次会议由中华慈善总会主办,陕西省慈善协会、 总会秘书长边志伟主持,陕西省慈善协会常务副会长 《慈善》杂志社承办。总会会长李本公、常务副会长 李荣杰代表陕西省慈善协会致欢迎词,总会会长李本 王树峰、秘书长边志伟、副秘书长张心国,陕西省慈 公作重要讲话。来自陕西省、天津市、河南省、浙江 善协会会长刘维隆、常务副会长李荣杰、副会长张晓 省、大连市、福州市、绥化市、榆林市慈善会的代表 菊等领导出席会议。来自全国各省、自治区、直辖市、 从不同角度介绍当地慈善宣传工作的经验。下午,总 新疆生产建设兵团,各计划单列市、省会城市及部分 会及其自有媒体的代表就本单位宣传工作经验及下一 地市慈善会主管慈善宣传工作的领导、负责人等 200 步即将开展的宣传工作进行介绍。总会常务副会长王 余人参加会议。

Propaganda Conference of CCF was held in Xi'an, Shanxi Province on June 18-19. Chaired by Secretary Zhiwei Bian, Rongjie Li delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Shanxi Charity Association, and then followed an important talk given by Bengong Li, President of CCF. At the conference, representatives from different charitable associations or federations of various levels, such as Shanxi, Tianjin, Henan, , Dalian, Fuzhou, Suihua and Yulin etc. shared their local experiences for philanthropic propaganda from different perspectives. On the following afternoon, CCF and some median representatives gave their reports on propaganda work and their further plans for the future. Shufeng Wang, standing vice-president of CCF delivered a summary report finally at the conference. Sponsored by CCF, organized by Shanxi Charity Association and Charity Magazine, CCF’s propaganda conference was held in Xi’an, Shanxi province, with some leading cadres, such as Bengong Li, Shufeng Wang, Zhiwei Bian and Xinguo Zhang from CCF and Weilong Liu, Rongjie Li, Xiaoju Zhang from Shanxi Charity Association present. Some people responsible for the philanthropic propaganda from different provinces, cities and municipalities directly under the central government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and some local charitable organizations, totally 200 representatives attended the conference.

18 重要活动 / Significant Events

参加第二届广州市慈善项目推介会 Present at 2nd Guangzhou Philanthropic Program Promotion

6 月 23 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公参加由广州市人民政府主办、广州市民政局承 办的第二届广州市慈善项目推介会开幕式。开幕式上,民政部副部长窦玉沛、广州市市 长陈建华分别致辞,并与邓海光、李本公、刘洪、李贻伟共同为广州市公益慈善联合会 亮灯。开幕式结束后,窦玉沛、邓海光、陈建华、李本公、刘洪、李贻伟等领导参观推 介会展区。

Hosted by Guangzhou municipal government, organized by Guangzhou municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs, the 2nd Guangzhou Philanthropic Program Promotion was held on June 23. President Bengong Li of CCF was present at the opening ceremony, at which Yupei Dou, Vice Minister of Civil Affairs; Jianhua, Chen, Major of Guangzhou, delivered the addresses respectively. Both of them, together with Haiguang Deng, Bengong li, Hong Liu, Yiwei Li lit the lights for Guangzhou Charity Association, after that, they were shown a visit around the philanthropic exhibition.

19 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

召开第四届理事会第三次会议 The 3rd Meeting of the 4th Session of the Council in Beijing

6 月 26 日,中华慈善总会在北京召开第四届理事会第三次会议。总会会长李本 公,常务副会长王树峰,副会长杜学芳、副会长李宏塔、副会长张印忠,秘书长边 志伟以及来自全国各地的理事、代表共 120 余人出席。会议审议并通过会长李本公 所作的工作报告、常务副会长王树峰所作的财务报告。会议由秘书长边志伟主持。 会长李本公在工作报告中全面回顾 2013 年以及 2014 年 1~5 月份总会各项工 作成绩和不足,总结了第四届理事会履职以来的经验和体会,并对 2014 年底前的 工作进行布置。 他强调,自 2013 年 3 月底第四次会员代表大会召开以来,本届理 事会和会领导班子已履行职责一年多。这一年多以来,理事会和会领导班子感受到 了慈善事业所面临的巨大挑战和良好机遇,以及沉甸甸的责任重担,并深刻认识到: 慈善事业发展要靠党的领导和政府支持;慈善会要清醒地认识到面临的挑战和压力, 适应新情况,解决新问题;要看到自身的成绩和不足,以开拓进取的精神开创慈善 工作新局面。在今后的工作中要抓住三个关键因素:一是注重人才建设,建立一支 专业化、职业化、现代化的慈善工作队伍。二是大力创新拓展,积极学习国内外慈 善机构和其他行业的先进经验,拓宽筹资渠道,提升项目管理水平,提高自身知名 度和公信力。三是强化合作,增强与各地慈善会在项目、筹募、宣传等方面合作的 广度和力度,加强与境内外同行和企业之间实质性的合作,增进与行业内外专家学 者的交流,共同为促进慈善组织专业化进程而努力。 常务副会长王树峰介绍总会 2013 年至 2014 年 5 月底前的财务工作情况。他特 别指出,近年来,随着慈善事业的发展,总会财务收支额度逐年增加,财务管理工 作愈显重要。总会财务工作不断完善财务制度体系,确保各项业务健康持续运行。 在管理方面,严格遵守并认真执行中央关于行政经费的各项规定,做好资金增值保 值,依法理财、依规办理会计事务。 会议代表对会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰的报告内容进行讨论,大家在发言 中一致肯定总会的工作成绩,并对今后的工作提出希望和建议。会议最后进行举手 表决,以鼓掌的方式通过工作报告和财务报告。

20 重要活动 / Significant Events

The 3rd meeting of the 4th session of the as well as modernization. 2) Creatively and council was held in Beijing on June 26. President actively learning foreign philanthropic experience, Bengong Li, vice president Shufeng Wang, opening up channels for philanthropic recruitment, Xuefang Du, Hongta Li and Yinzhong Zhang, improving program management so as to raise and Secretary Zhiwei Bian of CCF, together with CCF’s reputation and public trust. 3) Strengthening other 120 members of local councils of charitable cooperation by closely cooperating with the other organizations attended the meeting. Hosted by local charitable associations home and abroad on Secretary Zhiwei Bian, the meeting reviewed and the basis of charitable programs, recruitments as passed the Work Report by president Bengong well as philanthropic propaganda, CCF will take Li and Finance Report by vice president Shufeng great efforts to communicate with experts in the Wang. philanthropic circle so as to push Chinese charity to In the work report, by reviewing on the develop on a professional course. achievements and defects of CCF in 2013 and Vice President Shufeng Wang introduced from Jan. to May in 2014, President Li summarized CCF's financial work from 2013 through to May the experiences and lessons since the execution of 2014. He pointed out that recently with the of the 4th session of the council of CCF and gave development of the philanthropic cause; CCF's instruction about assignments through to the end income had increased year by year, so financial of 2014. He stressed that the council and CCF's management became more and more important leading body carried out their obligations for more at the moment. Thus CCF's financial work needs than a year since the 4th session of Membership to improve its financial system so as to ensure its Representative Conference in March of 2013. In business at all levels operating healthily. Regarding this year, council and leading body of CCF were the management, CCF needs to abide by the faced with both the big challenges and good provisions of administrative expenses by the central opportunities, so we felt great responsibilities we government and observe strictly. CCF is also were shouldering, and we got to know that the responsible for its finance management, preserving development of charity course should rely on the and increasing values of its finance and arranging leadership of CPC and the support of the central its accounts in accordance with financial laws and government. Owing to the awareness of the rules. challenges and pressures clearly, we charitable The conference discussed the CCF's work federations need to adjust to the new situation and report by President Li and Financial Report by solve the new problems. Only by taking correctly Vice President Wang, affirming the achievements attitudes towards our achievements and defects, of CCF in the past and putting forward the hopes can we create a new situation with pioneering and suggestions for the future. By taking a vote of spirit. For the coming work, we should focus on the showing a hand, the conference gave applauses to following three aspects: 1) concerning about the the work report and the financial report of CCF and construction of a talent team of ability, profession passed them both finally.

21 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

中华慈善总会鲁甸地震救援行动 CCF's Earthquake Relief for Ludian in Yunnan Province

8 月 3 日,云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生 6.5 级地震,造成严重的人员和财产损失。当天,中华慈善总 会启动特大自然灾害救助应急预案,成立以会长李本公为组长的领导小组,紧急开展救灾募捐行动。8 月 4 日,中华慈善总会向社会公布救灾捐赠账号,接受社会各界对鲁甸地震灾区的捐赠。8 月 5 日,总 会向全国各团体会员发出通知,号召全体团体会员积极行动,热情接收社会各界对地震灾区的救灾捐赠。 紧急救援阶段,根据灾区急需,中华慈善总会迅速募集到 100 套小型净水设备,总会善聚源项目志 愿者于 8 月 7 日凌晨 5 时将该批净水设备运抵鲁甸灾区,迅速在地震灾区分发安装。 与此同时,总会启动“中华慈善长照联盟紧急救灾应急联合照护模式”预案,自8 月 5 日至 8 月 16 日, 先后有来自京、津、川、滇、桂、渝、鲁、沪等 8 个省、市、自治区 18 家长期照护专业机构的 50 名志 愿者,组成“汇丰中华慈善长期照护全国联盟志愿服务团”,齐集昭通市第一人民医院,在骨一科、骨 二科、胸外科、神经外科、创外科、ICU 等 6 大科室开展志愿照护服务,累计照护近 500 名因灾致伤、 致残的老年人和病人,完成的志愿照护服务共计 29072 人次。 这次鲁甸地震救灾捐赠行动,中华慈善总会共接收捐款 4600 多万元,紧急救援物资购置费支出 312 万多元。其余资金用于鲁甸灾区的恢复重建项目。

On August 3, M6.5 earthquake struck Ludian county, Yunnan province and caused heavy casualties and property losses. CCF, on the same day, launched a plan for the natural disasters to meet the emergency, arranging for a leading group headed by President Bengong Li to take the emergency relief actions. On August 4, CCF opened its relief accountant to the public and began to receive the donations to Ludian stricken area from all levels of the society. On August 5, CCF made an announcement to all the membership, calling on to take an active part in the acceptance of donations from all levels of the society. At the emergency time, CCF recruited rapidly 100 mini sets of water purifying devices to meet the needs of people in the disaster stricken area. On August 7, CCF's volunteers of the specific program sent the devices to Ludian at 5 a.m. making immediately an on-the-spot distribution and installing where they are necessary. In the meanwhile, CCF launched an allied plan for long-term care relief model, arranging 50 volunteers from 18 long-term care agents of Beijing, Tianjin, Sichuan, Yunnan, , Chongqing, Shandong and Shanghai. HSBC-CCF Long-Term Care Volunteers assembled Zhaotong First Hospital, carrying out their medical treatments at Orthopedics Department 1 and 2, Department of Chest Surgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Miniature Injury Surgery and ICU, tolally 6 departments. They gave medical treatments or care to 500 injured or disabled old people or patients, fulfilling medical care services almost 29,072 person-time. In this Ludian earthquake relief donation, CCF accepted RMB 46,000,000.00, expensed RMB 31,200,000.00 on emergency relief goods, and all the expenses left went to reconstruction of the disaster-stricken area.

22 重要活动 / Significant Events

参加中国慈善论坛 Joining the China Charity Forum

8 月 16 日,由中国慈善联合会主办、老牛 基金会协办的中国慈善论坛在北京会议中心举 办。中华慈善总会会长李本公出席论坛开幕式, 秘书长边志伟出席“第三届中国城市公益慈善指 数发布典礼”并为获奖城市颁奖。

On August 16, hosted by CCF, supported by OX Charity Foundation, China Charity Forum drew the curtain at Beijing Conference Center. President Bengong Li of CCF attended the opening ceremony. Secretary Zhiwei Bian was present at the ceremony of the 3rd China City Public Welfare & Charity Index Release and presented the prizes for the honored cities.

23 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

举行中华慈善总会成立 20 周年纪念会 The 20th Anniversary Celebration of CCF in Beijing

9 月 23 日,中华慈善总会成立 20 周年纪念会在 作,引入境外慈善资源,仅 2013 年所筹集到的 100 北京举行。第十一届全国政协副主席张梅颖,民政部 亿多元的慈善款物中,来自境外慈善机构、跨国公司 部长李立国、副部长姜力,中华慈善总会第三任会长、 的捐赠就占到了 90% 以上。中华慈善总会继 2008 年 终身荣誉会长范宝俊,民政部有关部门、全国各地慈 被民政部评为首批“5A 级社会组织”后,2013 年再 善组织和社会各界的代表共 200 余人出席会议。民 次被评为“5A 级社会组织”。 政部副部长姜力发表了热情洋溢的讲话,对总会成立 会长李本公表示,党和政府的领导,是慈善事业 二十年来所取得的成绩予以充分肯定,并对慈善事业 发展的根本保证;社会各界的广泛参与,是慈善事业 的发展提出希望和要求。总会会长李本公作主题报告。 发展的重要基础;良好的管理机制,是慈善组织经受 中华慈善总会成立于 1994 年,是新中国成立后 考验的关键;密切结合国家政策、紧紧围绕民生需求, 第一个旗帜鲜明地以“慈善”命名的全国性慈善机构。 是慈善组织工作的出发点和立足点;开展广泛合作, 经过 20 年的艰苦创业,取得了令人瞩目的光辉业绩。 加强国际联系,是慈善组织做大做强的重要力量。会 20 年来,中华慈善总会筹募社会各界捐赠款物累计 长李本公提出,未来,中华慈善总会要坚定信心,继 428 亿多元人民币。设立了涵盖救灾、扶贫、安老、 往开来,在党和政府的领导下,恪守总会宗旨,发扬 助孤、支教、助学、扶残、助医等 8 大方面的 60 多 优良传统,努力推动慈善事业的发展;要坚持规范管 个慈善项目和专项基金,与团体会员单位及各地慈善 理,公开透明,打造一个高效、专业、公信力强的现 会共同搭建了遍布全国的慈善援助组织体系,惠及困 代慈善组织;要坚持改革创新,开拓进取,探索新形 难群众千万人次,充分发挥了慈善事业对社会保障的 势下的慈善发展之路,为推动慈善事业的发展,为实 补充作用。自 1998 年确立作为社会组织接收救灾捐 现伟大的中国梦做出更大贡献。 赠主体地位以来,历经张北地震、98抗洪、汶川地震、 结合本次 20 周年纪念会,中华慈善总会对 2009 玉树地震、芦山地震、鲁甸地震以及印度洋海啸等十 年以来在全国慈善会系统中做出贡献的个人、单位、 多次救灾捐赠活动,累计筹募的救灾捐赠款物达 50 组织及项目进行了表彰。 多亿元(包括各地慈善会汇缴的 20 多亿元),为紧 急救援和灾后重建做出了贡献。积极开展国际交流合

24 重要活动 / Significant Events

On Sept. 23 China Charity Federation’s 20th 5,000,000,000.00 including RMB 2,000,000,000.00 Anniversary Celebration was held in Beijing, at which turned over by local charitable federations and Meiying Zhao, vice chairman of the 11th session of foundations, contributing a lot to the emergency CPPCC, Liguo Li, Minister of Civil Affairs, Li Jiang, reliefs and reconstructions after various disasters. Vice Minister of Civil Affairs, President Baojun Fan , CCF is also active in international cooperation CCF for the 3rd tenure of office and lifelong honorary and introduction to foreign philanthropic resources. president of CCF, and other representatives totally Out of the philanthropic donations of RMB 200 persons respectively from Ministry of Civil 10,000,000,000.00 raised in 2013, 90 per cent and Affairs, charitable organizations and people from more came from foreign charitable organizations and society of all levels were present. Vice minister Li transnational corporations. After the first "5A Social Jiang of Ministry of Civil Affairs delivered an ebullient Organization" graded by China's Ministry of Civil speech, giving credit for CCF's achievements in the Affairs in 2008, CCF was again graded as "5A Social recent 20 years and putting forward some wishes Organization" in 2013. and demands for the development of philanthropic President Li said that it is the leadership of the cause. President Bengong Li gave a keynote talk. and central government Established in 1994, CCF is a first national that ensures the healthy development of Chinese charitable organization taking a clear-cut stand of philanthropic cause. The extensive participation of CHARITY since the People's Republic of China various social circles laid the important foundations was founded. With the 20 years struggle, CCF for the philanthropic cause. Good management has won outstanding achievements. For the 20 serves as the key for the charitable organizations to years, CCF has recruited philanthropic donations be tested. By centering on the national policies and totally worth RMB 42,800,000,000.00, launched 60 livelihood’s needs, charitable organizations should charitable programs and built special foundations unite together and cooperate. each other. Joining covering disaster relief, the care of the aged, support in hands with foreign charitable organizations may schooling and people with a disability, helping the be a great power to strengthen ours. President Li poor and orphans as well as Medicaid etc. totally said that CCF would gain more confidence and 8 aspects. Together with the other membership keep going in the coming future. CCF would have to and group units, CCF established a relief web inherit and carry forward our Chinese good traditions covering every corner of China, benefiting hundreds based on CCF's goals and under the leadership of thousands of people who need the help, thus of the Chinese communist party and the central serving as a philanthropic complementary to the government. We were determined to make CCF social security. Since 1998 when CCF, as a social an effective, professional, credible and modern organization, was allowed to accept social relief philanthropic federation with creative management donations, it experienced 10 more disaster relief and pilot management so as to contribute our part to activities, such as Zhangbei earthquake,1998’flood the realization of China Dreams. relief, Wenchuan earthquake, Yushu earthquake, At the 20th anniversary celebration, CCF gave Lushan earthquake, Ludian earthquake and Indian reward to some individuals, units, organizations as Ocean tsunami. In this way, CCF accumulated well as programs for their special contributions to its philanthropic recruitments, worth RMB China charity since 2009.

25 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

参加大型公益宣传活动“CCTV慈善之夜” Joining "CCTV Charity Evening"

12 月 5 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰参加由中央电视台举办的大型公益 宣传活动“CCTV 慈善之夜”节目录制,并为获奖嘉宾颁发奖杯。节目现场播出总 会先心病救助项目受助儿童的视频,并由总会新闻志愿者促进会执行会长徐镱轩介 绍总会“为了我们的孩子”“一张纸献爱心”项目的实施情况及 2015 年计划。

On Dec.5, Shufeng Wang, vice president of CCF, joined the recording activity for "CCTV Charity Evening"— a big public philanthropic propaganda program, at which he conducted the distribution of the rewarding cups. CCF broadcasted the video of the beneficiary children of CHD Relief. Yixuan Xu, director of volunteers association of advancement of news, introduced programs of "All for Children" and "1 Paper Love" and their plans for 2015.

参加中国慈善联合会座谈会 Joining the Discussion of CCF

12 月 24 日,中国慈善联合会在北京举办贯彻落实《国务院关于促进慈善事业健康发 展的指导意见》(下称《意见》)座谈会。中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟出席座谈会并就总 会贯彻落实《意见》的计划及对《意见》的认识和解读发表讲话。

On Dec 24, CCF held a discussion in order to push Guidance of the State Council on Promoting the Healthy Development of Charity (Guidance) to be implemented in Beijing. Secretary Zhiwei Bian attended the discussion and gave a talk on how to understand and construe it.

26 中华慈善总会新版官方网站(一期)试运行 CCF Official Website (Phase I) Trial Operation

12 月 25 日,中华慈善总会新版官方网站(一期)(www.chinacharityfederation.org)开通并进 入试运行阶段。这标志着总会在信息化建设道路上迈出坚实的一步,也将成为慈善会系统贯彻落实《国 务院关于促进慈善事业健康发展的指导意见》的重要举措之一。 新网站从总会现实情况和未来慈善事业发展趋势着手设计,拟集资讯发布、项目展示、在线募捐 和信息公开四项主要功能于一身,为进一步发挥慈善会在扶贫济困方面的作用,推进改革创新、确保 公开透明、强化规范管理提供平台支持。 本次开通的新网站(一期)以展示总会自身的相关新闻资讯和慈善项目为主干,以推广全国慈善 会网络和弘扬慈善文化为延伸,设有“总会概况”“新闻资讯”“慈善项目”“会员网络”“信息公 开”等栏目。2015 年新网站(二期)将开通在线捐赠及相关的信息公开等功能板块。

On Dec.25, CCF'official website www.chinacharityfederation.org was on the trial operation. Though it was only on the way open to public, the trial operation represented that CCF was striding a big step on the information construction and it also could be regarded as an important measure to carry out "Guidance of the State Council on Promoting the Healthy Development of Charity". Grounded on current reality and coming tendency of the philanthropy, the new website was designed to perform such four functions as news distribution, project exhibition, online recruitment and information disclosure, playing an important role in helping the difficulties and supporting the poor, on management regulation, on advancement of innovation and creation, and on the openness and transparence. Being aimed to exhibit CCF's philanthropic information and related projects.The newly operated website was to extend CCF's web everywhere home and abroad so as to carry out philanthropic spirit nationwide, even to the world. With the current columns as CCF Brief, News & Information, Charity Projects, Membership and Information Releasing etc, CCF would open "Online Donation" and "Information Releasing" on its second phase in 2015.

27 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

对外交流与合作 International Exchange and Cooperation

美国微笑列车副总裁一行来访 US. Smile Train led by Yu Xue Came to Visit China

2 月 21 日,会长李本公在总会会见美国 微笑列车基金会副总裁薛揄女士及北京代表处 一行三人。薛揄代表美国微笑列车基金会通报 2013 年 11 月 19 日微笑列车基金会(美国) 北京代表处已经获中华人民共和国民政部批准 正式成立。会长李本公指出总会和美国微笑列 车基金会合作 15 年来完成 30 万例唇腭裂手术, 影响力巨大,在新的历史条件下,双方继续按 原有的渠道,在规范化和制度化的前提下加强 合作、开展项目。秘书长边志伟、项目部主任 邵家严、项目部陈东光、季晓惠参加会议。

On Feb.21, President Li of CCF met a 3-person-group from U.S. Smile Train led by Yu Xue, vice preside of U.S. Smile Train. Yu Xue, on behalf of U.S. Smile Train, reported U.S. Smile Train Beijing Branch was approved to be founded on Nov.19,2013. President Li of CCF pointed out that cooperating with U.S. Smile Train, CCF finished 300,000 cleft lip and palate repairing operations in the recent 15 years, leaving great influence on the society. Under the new historic conditions, China-U.S. Smile Train would keep on cooperating on the established channels and ensure its philanthropic projects performed on the basis of regulated system. Secretary Zhiyuan Bian, vice director Jiayan Shao, Dongguang Chen and Xiaohui Ji from Project Department also attended the meeting.

28 对外交流与合作 / International Exchange and Cooperation

全球联合之路副总裁一行来访 Vice President from UWW Asian-pacific Areas Came for a Visit

2 月 25 日,全球联合之路负责亚太事务副总裁李启文、中 国事务主管陈熙与外联部就总会与其合作协议续签;交流 2014 年工作计划以及进一步扩展合作等相关事宜,双方初步达成一致, 并制定工作时间表,以尽快推进各项工作的落实。4 月 2 日,全 球联合之路亚太区副总裁李启文到访总会,外联部与到访客人就 双方合作协议续签以及进一步开展实质性合作等具体事宜进行工 作会谈。

Vice president Li of United Way Worldwide responsible for Asian- Pacific affairs and Xi Chen, responsible for China’s affairs renewed the contract on United Way Worldwide-CCF Cooperation with officials from Liaison Department of China on Feb.25. Having exchanged respectively 2014's working plan and communicated their further cooperation, both parties reached consensuses and built a schedule so as to push every job to be implemented. On April 2, Vice president Li from United Way Worldwide came to CCF for a visit, and officials from Liaison Department had a detailed discussion on some basic affairs of further cooperation with the visiting guests. 拜耳公司全球特药部高级副总裁来访 Lady Alison’s Visit from Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals

2 月 27 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰 在多吉美项目办公室会见拜耳公司全球特药部高级 副总裁 Alison 女士、中央市场部总监徐世安先生、 项目经理于小泳女士。双方就多吉美药品援助项目 进行交流,同时对多吉美项目模式调整等事宜进行 沟通和通报。项目部主任邵家严、副主任刘莹、对 外联络部副主任陈媛媛以及项目办人员参会。

Vice president Shufeng Wang from CCF met Lady Alison from Bayer for Nexavar Project, Mr. Shian Xu of Central Market, Lady Xiaoyong Yu, project manager were also present. Both parties exchanged ideas on Nexavar Relief, especially on Nexavar Model Adjustment. Some people related to Nexavar such as Project Director Jiayan Shao, vice director Ying Liu, vice director Yuanyuan Chen from Liaison Department and some other people from Project Office came to the meeting.

29 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

赴澳大利亚参加世界血友病大会 Attending World Hemophilia Assembly in Australia

5 月 12 日至 15 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟、项目部主任邵家严应德国拜耳公司邀请参加在 澳大利亚墨尔本召开的 2014 年度世界血友病大会。世界血友病大会由世界血友病联盟主办,每年举 行一次。2014 年大会共有来自世界各地的治疗血友病的医生、从事科研的有关专家、患者组织和治疗 血友病药品研制生产企业等共 4000 多人参加。来自中国大陆的 40 多位临床医生参加会议。会议期间, 秘书长边志伟、主任邵家严会同北京、江西慈善会领导与拜耳公司总部有关负责人、拜耳公司中国区 有关负责人对进一步做好拜科奇项目进行研讨交流。 On May 12-15, invited by Bayer, Zhiwei Bian, Secretary of CCF, and Jiayan Shao, Director of Project Department went to Melbourne, Australia attending annually World Hemophilia Assembly hosted by WFH, at which doctors, scientists, patient organizations as well as medicine producers, totally 4000 people came present from all over the world, including 40 clinicians from China. At the course of the conference, Secretary Bian, Director Shao and some other leaders from Beijing Charity Association and Jiang Xi Charity Association paid a visit to the persons in charge from Bayer and officers responsible for China and had a talk about how to conduct the Project of Recombinant Coagulation Factor VIII for Injection in detail.

赴美国访问并拜访慈善组织 Paying a Visit to U.S. and Some Philanthropic Organizations

5 月 13 日至 20 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰率团赴美国访问。在美期间,总 会代表团一行参加了全球联合之路社区领袖大会,拜访了 LDS 慈善协会、洛克菲勒基金会 及旧金山相关政府部门。筹募部主任苏辉、外联部主任杨申申随团出访。

From May 13 through to 20, CCF’s philanthropic delegation led by Shufeng Wang, vice president of CCF went to U.S.A for a visit. CCF delegation joined a community conference of United Way Worldwide, paid a visit to LDS, Rockefeller Foundation and some relating government sections of San Francisco. Hui Su, director of Recruitment Department , Shenshen Yang, director of Public Relations Department accompanied the visit.

30 对外交流与合作 / International Exchange and Cooperation

全球联合之路亚太区副总裁一行来访 Vice President from UWW Asian-Pacific Areas Came for a Visit

6 月 5 日,全球联合之路亚太区副总裁李启文、大中华区总监陈文良和中国区负责人 陈熙到访总会,与外联部就两个机构合作协议续签事宜进行会谈。会谈就双方目前存在分 歧的部分深入交换意见。总会常务副会长王树峰会见三位客人。

On June 5, Qiwen Li, vice president responsible for Asian-Pacific area of UWW, Wenliang Chen, chief inspector for China zone, Xi Chen, responsible for China zone of UWW paid a visit to CCF and had a talk about the renewing contracts of the two agencies’ cooperation with Public Relations Department, exchanging ideas on the differences lay in between the two parties. Shufeng Wang, vice president of CCF met the three guests.

全球联合之路总裁一行来访 President Brian A. Gallagher of UWW Came for a Visit

11 月 3 日,全球联合之路总裁布莱恩·加拉格尔、副总裁何塞·法 诺、首席战略官埃文·霍克伯格等一行 5 人拜访总会,会长李本公、 常务副会长王树峰、秘书长边志伟、外联部主任杨申申接待。双方围 绕着网络合作伙伴关系的确立及今后的发展进行讨论。

On Nov.3, President Brian A. Gallagher of UWW, vice president Jose Ferrao and CEO Evan Hawk Berg and other two officers came to CCF for a visit. Officers from CCF including president Bengong Li, vice president Shufeng Wang, Secretary Zhiwei Bian and Shenshen Yang from Foreign Liaison welcomed them and talked about the further web partnership.

31 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

诺华公司全球项目总监一行来访 World Project Inspector Tremblay•David from Novartis AG Came for a Visit

11 月 20 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰、项目部主任邵家严、副主任胡野萍会 见诺华公司全球项目总监 Tremblay·David 先生,新兴发展市场患者关系和公关传媒负责 人 Wahlberg·Bengtaake 先生及诺华中国肿瘤事业部公关传媒和患者关系部相关负责人一 行。双方就格列卫项目的开展情况及未来发展方向会谈。外联部韩春霞、格列卫项目办公 室李红娟陪同参加会议。 On Nov.20, Vice President Shufeng Wang from CCF, Jiayan Shao, Director of Project Department, Yeping Hu, Vice Director of Project Department met Mr. Tremblay•David, World Project Inspector of Novatis, Mr. Wahlberg•Bengtaake responsible for Patient Relations in Emerging Markets, and persons in charge of Public Media and Patient Relations in China Cancer Department. Both parties had a talk about Glevec Project Implement and the future cooperation. Chunxia Han from Foreign Liaison and Hongjuan Li from Glevec Office accompanied the talk.

世界宣明会中国办事处总干事来访 Qiwei Jian from World Vision International China Branch Came for a Visit

12 月 5 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰与世界宣明会中国办事处总干事简祺玮在 总会会议室进行会谈。双方表明继续紧密合作的决心,并就平泉县“儿童为本、区域发展” 项目的发展方向以及具体事宜进行协商。项目部主任邵家严、副主任刘莹参加会议。

On Dec.5, Vice president Shufeng Wang from CCF had a talk with Qiwei Jian, a secretary from World Vision International China Branch in a meeting room of CCF. They both expressed their determination of the close cooperation. Their talk was focused around the Pingquan County's Project "Children- Orientedness & Area Development" and some specific matters. Director Jiayan Shao, vice director Ying Liu of Project Department also attended the talk.

32 对外交流与合作 / International Exchange and Cooperation

慈善项目与基金 Charity Projects and Funds

扶贫项目 / Poverty Alleviation Projects

慈善一元捐项目 “One Yuan Donation”Program

慈善一元捐行动是中华慈善总会为践行社会捐赠经常化而面向全社会开展的小 额募捐行动,目的是呼吁全社会每一个人为慈善事业尽自己的微薄之力。慈善一元 捐以人民币一元为起点,在不影响捐赠者生活水准的前提下进行捐赠,多捐不限, 其意义在于最大限度地激发每个人的慈善情怀,弘扬“不以善小而不为”的慈善理念, 使每个人的爱心通过慈善一元捐行动得以实现。6 月 12 日,郑求斌向滦平福利院捐 赠 5000 件衣物,折合人民币 20 万元;9 月,该项目与北京收藏家协会在兰州举办 玉石拍卖活动,现场募集 4 万余元。

"One Yuan Donation" is a small sum contribution which CCF is designed to raise philanthropic money from the society regularly. Aiming at encouraging the masses to contribute every slight of effort to charity, CCF appealed to donate one yuan as a starting point. It is greatly significant for CCF to arouse Chinese people’s awareness of CHARITY and implant in their minds the Chinese philanthropic concept of "do-good-rather-than -evil, on-however-humble-a-scale-it-may-be". In this way CCF may push people to conduct contributions as much as possible so long as not to affect their basic life quality. As a result, Qiubin Zheng made his donation of 5,000 clothes to Luanping Welfare House on June 12, worth RMB 200,000.00 on June 12. In Sept. joining hands with Beijing Collector Association, CCF held a Jude Auction in Lanzhou, raising philanthropic contribution RMB40,000.00 on the spot.

33 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

贫困母亲救助项目 Poor Mother Relief Project

中华慈善总会于 2010 年 7 月正式启动贫困母亲救助项目。该项目目前主要扶 助贫困地区的贫困母亲、特殊贫困女性,并帮助其子女就学,同时救助部分由于家 庭暴力所致的在押女性犯人的家属。项目救助对象的筛选工作由总会与各省市地方 民政部门和慈善会共同完成,为贫困家庭、贫困母亲发放款物5000 至 10000 元不等, 有特殊困难的家庭最多发放达到 2 万元。 2014 年贫困母亲救助项目共计接收捐赠款项 180 多万元,接收物资捐赠 300 万元;2014 年 4 月至 11 月,该项目在广西省、山东省、河北省、福建省、山西省、 湖南省举办 11 场救助活动,救助贫困母亲 750 余名,全年共计发放善款和物资共 计 325 万元。

In July 2010, CCF started a project "Poor Mother Relief", which is aimed to support the poor mothers in stricken areas and women in special poverty. Children's education and the families of the female prisoners are also on the helping list. The beneficiary screening will be done by CCF and local civil affairs departments. So far the project has distributed RMB5,000.00-RMB10,000.00 to poor mothers and stricken families, and RMB20,000.00 at most to the special difficult ones. In 2014, "Poor Mother Relief" project received RMB1,800,000.00 and material donation worth RMB 3,000,000.00. From April 2014 to Nov. the project launched 11 relief activities respectively in such provinces as Shanxi, Shandong, , Fujian, Shanxi, Hunan etc., supporting 750 mothers and releasing philanthropic donations totally worth RMB 3,250,000.00.

善聚缘饮水工程 Virtuous Water Project

善聚缘饮水工程是由中华慈善总会发起、社会企业和爱心人士共同参与的公益慈善 项目,旨在充分调动各层面社会群体参与慈善事业,帮助更多的弱势群体合上健康放心 的饮用水,缓解老少边穷地区和重特大灾害时期的饮水安全问题。 2014 年,参与云南鲁甸地震救灾工作,在鲁甸地震灾区紧急安装 100 台小型净水 器,为灾区群众提供了安全饮用水,项目受到当地政府和群众的欢迎并被各大媒体报道; 2014 年 9 月,与新疆生产建设兵团慈善会在一师和三师安装 20 台爱心水站设备,为当 地的学校提供安全饮用水,为改善兵团学生安全饮水发挥了积极作用。

Virtuous Water Project is a public welfare and charitable project sponsored by CCF, aiming at motivating enterprises of different scales and social groups at various levels to participate in philanthropy to help the disadvantaged groups access to healthy and safe water so as to alleviate and solve the problems of water in the poor and disaster stricken areas. In 2014, CCF participated in the Ludian Earthquake Relief work in Yunnan province by fixing 100 mini water purifying devices to provide safe and healthy water for the stricken people to drink, which was welcomed by the local government and masses, and reported by the influential Medias. In 2014 Sept. CCF fixed 20 Love Water Stations for Division 1 and Division 3 of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in order to supply local schools with safe and healthy water, playing an active part in providing virtuous water for the local students.

34 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

儿童为本、区域发展项目 Children Orientation & Community Aid Project

中华慈善总会自 1997 年开始与世界宣明会合作开展“儿童为本、小区扶贫”项 目(现更名“儿童为本、区域发展”项目)。项目旨在通过为社区儿童提供教育资助、 免疫注射以及营养改善的同时,改善当地教育设施、医疗卫生状况,促进当地经济 发展,以建立和谐的、可持续发展的社区。 2014 年项目进展顺利,全年项目执行金额超过 2660 万元人民币,开展各类综 合性项目 63 个,所有项目活动数目 494 个,项目类型涉及儿童教育、卫生、营养、 医疗服务、经济发展、水利建设、生态环保、社区民众能力提升等多方面,以求得 整个社区发展,保证孩子们健康快乐安全成长。项目直接受益人数超过 58 万人次。

Cooperating with World Vision, CCF launched a project entitled "Children Orientation & Community Aid", whose title was changed from the original title "Region Development Project" given in 1997. Aiming at kids' education, immune injection and nutrition improvement in community, the project is expected to better the local education, medical care and economic development so as to establish harmonious and sustainable communities. The project went well in 2014, and within the year, RMB26,600,000 was spent on the project , including 63 comprehensive programs, 494 project activities related to the following aspects, such as children education, medical care, nutrition, medical service, economic development, water conservation construction, eco-environment protection and ability raising for the communities, thus the children in the community may grow up in a healthy and safe conditions. So far the number of project beneficiaries amounts to 580,000 persion time.

慈福行动 Operation Blessing

2001 年,美国视博恩公司北京代表处与总会合作成立人道救援项目——慈福行 动。其使命是通过提供干净水、教育、小额创业和医疗救助,努力帮助中国贫困群 体减轻疾苦,实现自身的可持续发展;主要项目有:医疗义诊、挽救生命或改变生 命的手术、净水工程(包括打井和水窖工程)、儿童教育援助、灾难救助和捐赠物 品分发。 2014 年慈福行动的主要工作包括以下几个方面: 医疗项目:帮助 13 名贫困家庭的孩子接受先天性心脏病手术;为 4 名来自河南 省的贫困家庭聋儿捐助全数字助听器,使他们回到有声世界;为 5 名来自河南省、 河北省及内蒙古等贫困家庭聋儿捐助一学年听力语言康复训练,让孩子们学会听和 说。 净水项目:2014 年为甘肃省临洮县南坪镇南坪小学提供儿童水站净水系统,近 百名师生受益;为甘肃省临洮县窑店镇杨家山村捐赠 1 眼水窖,受益人数 5 人,解 决长期饮用受污染水的问题。 教育援助项目:“酬勤”奖学金项目为 30 名来自贫困农村地区的学生提供

35 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

75600 元奖学金资助;“人之初”教育助学项目为 207 名贫困学生提供 129850 元助学金,帮 助他们完成学业;夏令营项目提供 1 万元资金,邀请优秀营会教练为陕西省富平县 70 余名贫 困大学生及高中生举办英语文化夏令营活动;其他项目为四川省凉山州喜德县鲁基乡中心小学 教师发放工资补助 16068 元,帮助学校减轻负担,提升教师的教育教学积极性。 In 2001, U.S CBN Beijing Branch and CCF joined hands together to launch a human relief project—Operation Blessing, whose mission was to help Chinese people in stricken areas to allievate their pains by supplying purified water, education, small sums of self employment, and medical aid so as to help those disadvantaged groups to realize their actualization and sustainable development. The project mainly focuses medical free treatment, surgeries for life, purified water engineering, kids' education aid, and disaster relief and donation distribution. In 2014, "Operation Blessing" centered around the following aspects: Medical items: 13 children from poverty stricken families were given congenital cataract surgeries, 4 deaf children from Henan poor families got their digital hearing-aids therefore they returned to the world of sound. 5 children from poor families in Henan, Hebei and Inner Mogolia were given 1 year hearing and speech impairment rehabilitation in order to let the children learn to listen and speak. Purified Water Project: A purified water system was provided to Nanping Primary School of Lintao County in province, benefiting more than 100 pupils; one cistern was dug for Yangjia Village of Lintao County, benefiting 5 people, thus solving the long-term problem of water pollution. Education Relief Project: "Hardworking Prize" granted (RMB75,600) 30 pupils from impoverished villages to encourage them to study hard. Kid Aid Project provided 207 poor students with a grant totally worth RMB129,850 so as to support them to finish their schooling. Summer Camp Project granted RMB10,000.00 to invite excellent camp coaches for 70 senior middle school students of Fuping County, Shanxi province to encourage them to learn English culture. RMB16,068.00 was set aside to complement the teachers of Lujixiang Center Primary School in Sichuan province, releasing the burdens for the school, and increasing teachers motivation on the other hand.

LDS 项目 LDS Project LDS 慈善协会(LDS Charities)是美国一家非营利性的慈善 机构,与中华慈善总会合作十余年,主要领域涉及公共卫生环境的 改善、饮水工程、轮椅捐赠。此外,双方在救助孤儿和老年人、图 书捐赠、紧急救灾等方面也做了大量工作。 2014 年,双方合作开展的旱厕改水厕项目和饮水项目总投入 约为 170 万元。完成在河北、安徽、四川等地 7 所学校的 7 个旱

36 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

厕改造项目,约 5000 名师生用上冲水厕所。资助延 安和神农架林区开展饮水项目,缓解饮水难题,约 1000 名村民从中受益。向新疆兵团、青海、山西、 合肥、榆林、湖北恩施、天津、烟台、邢台、赞皇 县和滦平县等 12 个地区慈善会捐赠轮椅和助行器各 2500 个,价值约170 万元人民币。为更好地开展项目, 4 月初在北京开展轮椅项目负责人专业培训,来自美 国的康复专家为执行慈善会的近 30 名工作人员培训 轮椅使用方面的专业知识。此外为鲁甸地震灾区捐 款 46 万元,用于采购救灾物资。

As a long-term partner of CCF, LDS Charities is an U.S. non-profit philanthropic agency, whose area mainly covers the improvement for public hygienic environment, water engineering, and wheelchair donation. Apart from that, LDS and CCF cooperated together to help orphans and old people, donate books and make disaster emergency relief. In 2014, CCF and LDS worked together spending RMB1,700,000.00 in drinking water engineering and changing dry toilets into watering ones, finishing dry- watering toilets construction for 7 schools in Hebei, Anhui, Sichuan provinces and 5,000 teachers and students benefited from it. They sponsored people in Yan'an and Shennongjia areas to solve the problems of drinking water, and made 1000 villagers have safe water to drink. Both parties also joined hands together to donate 2500 wheelchairs and walking aids worth RMB1,700,000.00 to 12 charity associations of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Qinghai, Shanxi, Hefei, Yulin, Enshi of , Tianjin, Yantai, Xingtai, ZanHuang County as well as Luanping County. In order to launch better charity projects, 30 people responsible for the wheelchair project are to be trained in Beijing in the early April by American rehabilitation specialists in professional knowledge of wheelchair usage. RMB460,000.00 was donated to Ludian earthquake stricken area to buy relief material goods.

37 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

扶残项目 / Supporting and Helping the Handicapped Project

“行走·渴望”项目 "Walking • Expecting" Project

“行走·渴望”项目是由中华慈善总会与世界轮椅基金会于 2004 年共同发起的一个公益项目。 其宗旨是通过动员全社会的力量来为每一位生活艰苦的残疾人送去一辆轮椅,以满足他们行走的渴望, 给他们带去希望、自由和自尊。2014 年,该项目为新疆生产建设兵团、安徽合肥市、辽宁本溪市、 浙江兰溪市、陕西商洛市和安徽霍邱县发放轮椅共计 2790 台,价值约合人民币 1213650 元。

"Walking • Expecting" Project is a public welfare and charity project sponsored by CCF and the World Wheelchair Foundation in 2004. To fulfill their dreams of walking around freely and maintain their self-respect, CCF launched "Walking • Expecting" Project aiming at giving every handicapped person in poverty a wheelchair with the help of the society. In 2014, the project distributed 2,790 wheelchairs to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Hefei of Anhui province, of province, Lanxi of Zhejiang province, Shangluo of Shanxi province and Huoqiu of Anhui province, totally worth RMB1,213,650.00.

支教助学项目 / Volunteer Teaching in Rural Area and Tuition Remission Projects

慈善文化进校园 The Project of "Charity Access to Campus"

慈善文化进校园项目由中华慈善总会于 2011 年创立,并联合各地慈善会、教育部门共同实施。 该项目将慈善教育与德育教育、学科教育、特色教育相结合,寓教于乐,开展形式多样、内容丰富的 活动,在弘扬慈善精神、推动我国青少年学生思想品德教育方面成果显著,得到了学生、教师及学生 家长的普遍认同。 中华慈善总会于 2014 年 6 月全国慈善宣传工作会议期间,在陕西省渭南市临渭区小学举行慈善 文化进校园项目观摩活动,聆听《慈善读本》观摩课并参观学校,感受浓厚的慈善氛围。同月,以《慈 善读本》读后感为主体形式编写的《爱育蓓蕾》一书由中国社会出版社出版,收录了来自全国 20 多 个地区的《慈善读本》读后感 300 余篇,并向全国各地慈善组织和开展慈善文化进校园项目的学校免 费赠送 10000 余册。2014 年 11 月,中华慈善总会在浙江省台州市黄岩区召开慈善文化进校园项目 考察及座谈会,与陕西省慈善协会、台州市慈善总会、台州市黄岩区慈善总会、福建省福州市慈善总 会、罗源慈善总会和广东省佛山市南海慈善会等项目开展先进单位及媒体记者共同考察了黄岩区实验 小学、实验中学、新前小学和院桥初级中学四所学校并组织座谈,对未来项目发展的设想和目标及项

38 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

目运行模式的改进和建议等多个问题进行讨论,积极探索青少年慈善文化教育的途径和方法。截至 2014 年 12 月,由中华慈善总会与《慈善》杂志发起的 2014 年度慈善文化进校园征文活动有超过 40 万中小学生、教师、家长参加,并收到推荐征文稿件 3000 余篇。 截至 2014 年 12 月 15 日,《慈善读本》年度捐赠数量为 40 余万册,总价值为 500 万元,覆盖 地区包括广东省佛山市南海区、江西南昌、浙江省台州市黄岩区、云南省昆明市、宁夏自治区、浙 江省海宁县、浙江省温岭市、陕西省渭南市、辽宁省阜新市、福建省漳州市、海南省等。截至 2014 年 12 月,《慈善读本》已在全国 20 个省(直辖市、自治区)120 多个市(地、州)的 2500 余所中 小学相继推广,得到了学生、教师及学生家长的普遍认同,惠及人群超过 200 万。

Started by CCF in 2011,the project "Charity Access to Campus" was implemented by joining-hands force with local charitable associations and educational departments. The project integrated philanthropy into morality, school subjects, special educations in the forms of various edutainment, teaching students philanthropy through lively activities. In this way, philanthropic spirit and quality education were spread out among Chinese junior students and philanthropic awareness was aroused and accepted by teachers, students as well as parents. In June of 2014 when National Charity Propaganda Conference was held, CCF organized an on-the-spot live demonstration for "Charity Access to School Campus" in Linwei District Primary School of Weinan City of Shanxi Province by listening to demonstration class for Charity Readings, going around the school so as to feel the dense philanthropic atmosphere. In the same month, the book Love Raises Buds Up was compiled with 300 articles written by students from 20 districts of China in the form of book reviews based on Charity Readings and got published by China Society Publication Press. So far, 10,000 Charity Readings have been handed out free to local charitable organizations and schools where the project "Charity Access to Campus" is implemented. In Nov. 2014, CCF held an on-the-spot inspection for the implementing of the project in Huangyan District, Taizhou City of Zhejiang Province. At the forum, the advanced units from Shanxi Charity Association, Huangyan Charity Association of Taizhou, Fuzhou Charity Association of Fujian, Luoyuan Charity gave an inspection with the media journalists on Huangyan Experimental Primary School, Experimental Primary School, Xinqian Primary School and Yuanqiao Junior School. The officers and representatives looked forward the project's goals and expressed their ideas on the project's implementing models. They also kindly put forward some suggestions on how to improve the project. The forum was also exploring the way how to promote philanthropic education on juniors and teenagers. By Dec. 2014, 400,000 people including pupils, students, teachers and parents participated in the project "Charity Access to Campus" sponsored by CCF and Charity Magazine, and out of them, 3,000 finished their themed essays and submitted their articles in response to the project's calling for papers. Until Dec.15, 2014, 400,000 Charity Readings sponsored by CCF and Charity Magazine were donated to students and pupils in Nanhai District of Guangdong, Nanchang of Jiangxi, Huangyan District, Haining County and Wenling City of Zhejiang province, Kunming City of Yunnan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Weinan City of Shanxi province, Fuxin City of Liaoning province, Zhangzhou City of Fujian province and Hainan province etc., totally worth RMB5,000,000.00. By the end of 2014, Charity Readings had been delivered to more than 2,500 primary and middle schools and benefited 2,000,000 teachers, students and parents in 20 provinces and 120 cities and districts all over China.

39 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

美国妈妈联谊会项目 American Mother Fraternity’s Education Aid Project

2000 年 8 月,美国妈妈联谊会与中华慈善总会合作在中国长期开展资助孤儿的慈善项目,包括 孤儿助养、助学、助医等方面。项目资金由美国妈妈联谊会筹措,在总会开设专项资金账目,并根据 美国妈妈联谊会的要求定向使用捐款。2014 年,美国妈妈联谊会项目接受捐款 61 万余元。项目购买 25 台移动式多媒体教学设备捐赠云南 20 所学校;拨款 56.5 万元定向资助云南省贫困初高中学生。

In August of 2000, CCF joined hands with American Mother Fraternity to launch a long-term orphan relief project in China, which is concerning orphan assistance, education aid as well as medical care. Sponsored by American Mother Fraternity, CCF opened a special project accountant and the expenditure had to be used according to the AMF's requests. In 2014, the project got donation of RMB610,000.00, and from which, the project bought 25 mobile multimedia teaching equipments to give as presents to 20 schools in Yunnan, allocated RMB655,000.00 to poor senior middle school students on Yunnan province. So far, all the items have been done successfully.

天使之子助学项目 “Angel’s Son”Project

2003 年 6 月份,为了表达对在抗击“非典”第一线以身殉职的医护人员的崇敬以及对他们子女的 关怀,根据捐赠者的意愿,中华慈善总会设立天使之子助学项目,以帮助在抗击“非典”第一线以身 殉职的医护人员的子女顺利完成学业。2014~2015年度申请救助学生共 4 人。根据“天使之子助学项目” 实施办法的助学标准,分别拨付 7000 元人民币至北京市慈善协会;拨付 2000 元人民币至广东省慈善 总会;共计 9000 元人民币,定向用于帮助在抗击“非典”中殉职的医护人员的子女顺利完成学业。

In June of 2003, CCF launched a "Angel's Son" project to support the schooling of the children whose parents sacrified their lives for the sake of SARS' medical relief. From 2014 to 2015, 4 students were eligible, and according to the Standards of "Angel's Son" project, RMB7,000.00 was allocated to Beijing Charity Association, RMB2,000 to Guangdong Charity Association to meet the needs so as to help the those four children to finish their schooling.

40 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

助医项目 / Medical Care Project


Smile Train Cleft Palate Repair Project

微笑列车唇腭裂修复慈善项目(以下简称微笑列车项目)是由美国微笑列车基金会资助、旨在为 我国贫困唇腭裂患者提供免费手术、对实施手术的医护人员进行技术培训的医疗救治项目。其救治对 象是因家庭经济困难,不能支付唇腭裂修复手术费用的贫困患者。该项目自 1999 年 3 月由中华慈善 总会组织承办以来,通过与各参与方密切合作,项目管理方式不断完善,项目宣传广泛开展,救治地 域不断扩大,救治人员不断增多,得到了社会各界的广泛赞誉和认可。2005年获得民政部颁发的首届“中 华慈善奖”荣誉。2014 年,微笑列车已经完成 25815 例手术,累计拨发手术款为 94506441 元。

Sponsored by U.S Smile Train, Smile Train Cleft Palate Repair Project aims at conducting operations on the patients who are suffering from cleft palate and providing professional training to the related surgeons in China's poverty stricken areas. The welfare would go to those whose families are so poor that could not afford the operation. Since its birth in March of 1999, CCF has a close cooperation with the partner to improve its management, spread its propaganda and enlarge its beneficiaries, thus gaining the acceptance from the society and winning 2005 China Charity Award given by China Ministry of Civil Affairs. In 2014, the project completed 25,815 surgeries and allocated RMB94,506,441.00 for the surgeries.

为了我们的孩子——千名少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿童救助行动 Congenial Heart Disease Children Relief

中华慈善总会于 2009 年正式设立先心病援助项目,“为了我们的孩子—— 千名少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿童救助行动”是这一项目的重要组成部分。 2014 年,该项目共救助来自西藏、安徽、云南、内蒙、河北、贵州等省市的 先心病儿童 204 名,筹集善款 500 余万元。

Congenial Heart Disease Children Relief was launched by CCF in 2009. Supporting 1000 congenial heart disease children from national minority families is the main focus of the project. In 2014, the relief project raised RMB5,000,000.00 and provided the relief to 204 congenial heart disease children from Xizang, Anhui, Yunnan, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Guizhou provinces.

41 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation


"1 Paper Love" Action

“一张纸献爱心”工程由中华慈善总会发起,以“节俭、环保、爱心”为理念,呼吁人们减少纸 张浪费,提高旧纸回收利用率,通过捐献废旧纸张的形式,易废为财,支持慈善事业。近 6 年来已在 全国 15 个省(市、自治区)的 59 个城市展开,2014 年,中宣部、国家发改委联合下发《关于开展 节俭养德全民节约行动具体实施方案》,“开展一张纸献爱心行动”列入方案,“一张纸献爱心”行 动网站共募集善款 25 万余元,中国农业银行向中华慈善总会“一张纸献爱心”行动捐款 108 万元。

"1 Paper Love" program was launched by CCF. CCF promoted the public contribution by selling waste paper with the concept of thrifty-environmental -protection-and-love. In the form of donating waste papers, CCF appealed the public to reduce the waste and support the Charity. In the recent 6 years, the project was carried forward in 15 provinces and autonomous administrative regions, and 59 cities and municipal cities. In 2014, based on National Implementation Plan for Thrift and Saving issued by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC and National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC). Since "I Paper Love" was on the relief list, RMB250,000.00 was donated to the project website and Agricultural Bank of China contributed RMB1,080,000.

格列卫患者援助项目 Gleevec Relief Project

格列卫全球患者援助项目于 2003 年 9 月在中国正式启动,援助对象为慢性粒细胞白血病、急性 淋巴性白血病、恶性胃肠道间质肿瘤以及隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤患者。项目旨在让中国所有获益于格列 卫药品的贫困或因病致贫的患者获得免费格列卫药品救助。截至 2014 年底,项目在全国设立发药点 61 个,在全国 579 家医院有项目注册医生 1668 位。项目开通了热线中心和短信平台。2014 年全年, 项目接受来自瑞士诺华制药公司捐赠的格列卫药品 62.48 万余盒,价值人民币约 81.23 亿元;发放援 助药品 36 万余盒,价值人民币 46.99 亿元,累计受助人数超过 39000 人。

Aiming to let Gleevec beneficiaries to get free Gleevec medicine, CCF started Gleever World Relief in Sept of 2003 in China, whose relief objects are those who are suffering from CGL, ALL, malignant GIST and DFSP. By the end of 2014, the project established 61 medicine distribution stations, registered 1,668 professional doctors in 579 hospitals, and opened hot lines and texting platforms as well. In 2014 the project received 624,800 boxes of Gleevec medicine donated by Swiss Novartis worth RMB8,123,000,000.00, distributed 360,000 boxes out of uhich RMB4,699,000,000.00, Gleevec beneficiaries amounted to 39,000 people.

42 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

多吉美患者援助项目 Nexavar Relief Project

2007 年 3 月,中华慈善总会与拜耳医药保健有限公司合作设立多吉美患者援助项目。该项目援 助晚期肾癌、肝癌的患者,旨在让更多的患者有机会获得多吉美的治疗。该项目自 2007 年实施以来, 累计援助 19574 位贫困患者,累计发放援助药品 435103 盒,价值人民币 109 亿元。2014 年度,项 目注册医生达到 1039 位,项目发药点 43 个,其中新增发药点为桂林慈善事业会、晋城市慈善总会和 周口市慈善总会。新增受助患者 5408 人,发放援助药品 122040 盒,价值人民币 30 亿元。

CCF and Bayer Healthcare cooperated together to launch the Nexavar Relief project to help those patients suffering from advanced kidney cancer, advanced liver cancer, aiming to provide more opportunities for such patients to get Nexavar treatment. Since the project was launched in 2007, the poor rescued patients totaled 19,574. 435,103 boxes of Nexavar relief medicine were distributed, worth RMB10,900,000,000.00. In 2014, the number of the registered medical practitioners for the project amounted to 1,039. Among the 43 medicine distribution stations, Guilin Charity Association, Jincheng Charity Association and Zhoukou Charity Association are newly established medicine stations. They rescued 5,408 patients, distributed 122,040 boxes of Nexavar medicine worth RMB 300,000,000.00.


Iresse Charity Relief

易瑞沙慈善援助项目是救助贫困的晚期非小细胞肺癌患者的援助 药品医疗项目。由于易瑞沙药品价格昂贵,且未列入医保目录,许多 患者失去了易瑞沙治疗机会。为了帮助这些患者,生产企业英国阿斯 利康公司向总会无偿捐赠易瑞沙药品。该项目自 2007 年 1 月实施以 来,累计为 28925 位贫困肺癌患者解决了巨大的困难。2009 年 7 月 和 2014 年 9 月,分别获得中华慈善总会颁发的“中华慈善突出贡献(项 目)奖”;2011年 7 月,获得国家民政部颁发的第六届“中华慈善奖”。 2014 年度,总会累计接收阿斯利康捐赠易瑞沙 110777 盒 /30 粒装, 价值 18.28 亿元人民币;实际发放援助药品 106477 盒 /30 粒装,价 值约 17.57 亿元人民币;新增受助患者 7649 人;在广东深圳和江苏 盐城设立援助药品发放点。

Iresse Charity Relief is an Iresse medical relief project whose goal is to aid those patients suffering from advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Owing to its expensiveness, Iresse medicine could not be on the Directory of Insured Drugs, so many such patients lost their opportunities to be treated with Iresse medicine. In order to help these patients, British AstraZeneca voluntarily

43 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

donated Iresse medicine to CCF. Since Jan. of 2007, 28,925 poor patients with lung cancer got Iresse medical support so as to release their big burdens. From July of 2009 to Sept of 2014, the project win "China Charity Great Contribution Award" issued by CCF, "China Charity Award" in the sixed session of China Charity Award given by National Ministry of Civil Affairs. In 2014, British AstraZeneca donated 110,777 boxes with 30 peels in each, worth RMB1,828,000,000.00 to CCF and out of them, 106477 boxes worth RMB1,757,000,000.00 were distributed to the patients and 7649 more patients got Iresse medical relief. The medicine distribution stations were located in Shenzhen of Guangdong province and Yancheng of province.


CCF-Tarceva Relief Project

2008 年 4 月,总会与上海罗氏制药有限公司共同成立中华慈善 总会特罗凯慈善援助项目,为贫困的非小细胞肺癌晚期患者提供免费 救助药品。2011年 7 月,获得国家民政部颁发的第六届“中华慈善奖”; 2014 年 9 月,获得中华慈善总会颁发的第二届“中华慈善突出贡献(项 目)奖”,这是继 2009 年获得第一届“中华慈善突出贡献(项目) 奖”后再获此殊荣。截至 2014 年底,共发放市场价值超过 43.4 亿元 人民币的援助药品,16751 位贫困的肺癌晚期患者得到救助。项目覆 盖 165 个城市,全国设有 41 个发药点。2014 年全年发放援助药品价 值 15 亿元人民币。

CCF joined hands with Shanghai Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd in April of 2008 to launch CCF-Tarceva Relief Project supplying relief medicine to those patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. In July of 2011, the project won "China Charity Award" in the sixed session of China Charity Award given by National Ministry of Civil Affairs and "China Charity Great Contribution Award" in the second session of CCF issued by CCF which was the second award the project won. By the end of 2014, the project distributed the donated medicine totally worth RMB4,340,000,000.00 so as to aid 16,751 poor patients with advanced lung cancer. Until now the project has covered 165 cities with 41 stations served as medicine distribution. The relief medicine worth RMB1,500,000,000.00 was distributed within the year.

44 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

全可利慈善援助项目 Tracleer Charity Relief

全可利慈善援助项目于 2009 年成立,该项目是中华慈善总会接受瑞士爱可泰隆制药公司捐赠的全 可利药品而设立的慈善项目,援助对象为贫困的肺动脉高压患者。自 2009 年成立以来,累计援助患者 4339 名患者,累计发放药品 36755 盒,按市场销售价计算价值约 7.3 亿元人民币。2014 年全可利慈善 援助项目共接受 1463 位患者申请,获得援助患者 1328 人,发放援助药品 14096 盒,按市场销售价计 算价值约 2.8 亿元人民币,同比增长 28%;新增辽宁大连、广西南宁两个发药点;新增注册医生 100 人。

Tracleer Charity Relief was launched by CCF in 2009 , whose relief resource came from Tracleer donated by Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd., aiming to benefit those poor patients with pulmonary hypertension. Since 2009 when the project was launched, the number of the beneficiaries totaled 4,339, the medicine distribution reached 36,755 boxes worth RMB730,000,000.00. In 2014, Tracleer Relief project had 1,463 patients eligible for the relief, so they gave medical relief to 1,328 patients and distributed 14,096 boxes of relief medicine worth RMB280,000,000.00 which increased by 28% than last year. The two newly added medicine distribution stations are located in Dalian of Liaoning and Nanning of Guangxi with 100 newly registered medical practitioners as well.

安维汀慈善援助项目 Avastin Charity Relief Project

2012 年 6 月 15 日,在上海罗氏制药有限公司的大力支持下, 中华慈善总会安维汀慈善援助项目正式启动。项目为贫困的转移性 结直肠癌患者援助特效药物安维汀。截至 2014 年底,共发放市场 价值 4.6 亿多元人民币的援助药物,使 2169 位贫困的转移性结直肠 癌患者得到救助。项目覆盖 113 个城市,全国设有 38 个发药点。 2014 年全年发放援助药品市场价值人民币 3.1 亿元,较 2013 年增 长 115%。

With the support of Shanghai Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Avastin Charity Relief project was launched on June 15, 2012 with the aim to aid impoverished patients with metastatic colorectal cancer to reach Avastin. Until the end of 2014, the medicine worth of RMB460,000,000.00 was constributed to 2,169 poor patients. 113 cities got benefited, 38 medicine distribution stations were established and medicine worth of RMB310,000,000.00 was distributed all over China, which increased by 115% than 2013.

45 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

达希纳慈善援助项目 Tasigna Relief Project

达希纳患者援助项目于 2009 年 12 月在中国 目注册医生 915 位。2014 年达希纳药品援助项目 正式启动,该药品属于格列卫二代产品。援助对 在原有 200mg 规格援助药品基础上新增 150mg 象为既往治疗耐药或不耐受的慢性粒细胞白血病 规格援助药品。项目开通热线中心和短信平台。 慢性期和加速期成人患者。项目旨在让中国所有 2014 年,项目接受来自瑞士诺华制药公司捐赠的 获益于达希纳药品的贫困或因病致贫的患者获得 达希纳药品 39776 盒,价值人民币约15.23 亿元; 免费达希纳药品救助。截至 2014 年底,项目在 发放援助药品 21066 盒,价值人民币 8.06 亿元, 全国设立发药点 61 个,在全国 459 家医院有项 累计受助人数超过 3940 人。

Tasigna relief project started in Dec. 2009 in China. Tasigna, the second generation of Gleevec, is the medicine used for the patients suffering from multidrug resistant or intolerant chronic myeloegnous leukemia. The project is aimed to help those poor patients to benefit from Tasigna without any payment. By the end of 2014, the project established 61 medicine distribution stations all over China and had 915 registered medical practitioners dispersing in 459 hospitals of the country. Tasigna relief project in 2014 increased its drug specification from 200mg to 350mg and opened its hotline and texting message platform. In this year, the project received Tasigna 39776 boxes worth RMB1,523,000,000.00 donated by Novartis and distributed 21066 boxes worth RMB806,000,000.00, totally benefiting 3940 persons.

拜科奇患者援助项目 Baikeqi Relief Project

2009 年 6 月,中华慈善总会和拜耳医药保健 病患者,累计发放援助药品 102100 瓶,价值人民 有限公司合作设立拜科奇血友病儿童援助项目,通 币 1.1 亿元。2014 年度,在 121 家医院中有 151 过企业捐赠、医疗保险和个人共同承担的模式, 名项目注册医生,新增受助患者 373 人,发放援助 解决中国血友病儿童的医疗救治问题。该项目自 药品 28593 瓶,价值人民币 3774 万元。 2009 年 6 月实施以来,累计援助 1471 位贫困血友

In June of 2009, CCF and Bayer HealthCare AG launched the project to support children with hemophilia. By the model co-pay, in which the payment shared by the three parties, entrepreneurs' contribution, medical insurance and individual payment, the project is aimed to solve the finance problem with the patient medical

46 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

treatment. Since the project started in June 2009, it assisted 1,471 poor patients with hemophilia, distributed 102,100 bottles of relief medicine worth RMB110,000,000.00. By the year of 2014, there were 151 registered medical practitioners in 121 hospitals, 373 newly accepted patients, 28593 bottles of medical distribution, totally worth RMB37,740,000. 00.


Ventavis Relief Project

2008 年 5 月,中华慈善总会与拜耳医药保健有限公司合作设立万他维患者援 助项目。项目自 2008 年实施以来,累计援助 849 位贫困患者,累计发放援助药品 25982 盒,价值人民币 4.2 亿元。2014 年度,项目在 64 家医院中有 94 名项目注 册医生,新增受助患者 171 人,发放援助药品 4876 盒,价值人民币 8045 万元。

In May , 2008 CCF and Bayer HealthCare AG launched Ventavis Relief Project. Since then, 849 poor patients got medical relief, 25982 boxes of medicine were distributed, worth RMB420,000,000.00. In 2014, the project had 94 registered medical practitioners in 64 hospitals, 171 newly accepted patients and medicine distribution of 4,876 boxed worth RMB80,450,000.00.


EXPAP Relief Project 恩瑞格患者援助项目于 2010 年 11 月在中国正式启动,援助对象 β- 地中海贫血和其他输血依赖性疾病因输血所致的慢性铁过载患者。项目旨 在让中国所有获益于恩瑞格药品的贫困或因病致贫的患者获得免费恩瑞格 药品救助。截至 2014 年底,项目在全国设立发药点 35 个,在全国 123 家医院有项目注册医生 223 位。项目开通热线中心和短信平台。2014 年, 项目接受来自瑞士诺华制药公司捐赠的恩瑞格药品 60908 盒,价值人民 币约 1.27 亿元;发放援助药品 38090 盒,价值人民币 0.79 亿元,累计 受助人数超过 1353 人。

EXPAP Relief Project was launched in Nov. 2010, aiming to help the patients with β-mediterranean anemia, blood transfusion dependent disease or patients with blood transfusion caused by iron overload to get medical treatment no matter the patients are poor or poor caused by the diseases. By the end of 2014, 35 medicine distribution stations were established, 223 medical practitioners are registered in 123 hospitals, hotline and texting platforms are opened. In 2014, the project got 60908 boxes of medicine donated by Swiss Novartis, worth RMB127,000,000.00, and distributed 38090 boxes worth RMB 79,000,000.00, benefiting 1,353 patients.

47 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation


Betaseron Relief Project

2012 年 4 月,中华慈善总会与拜耳医药保健有限公司合作设立倍 泰龙患者援助项目,旨在帮助经济条件贫困的多发性硬化症患者能够使 用倍泰龙药物维持治疗。项目自 2012 年 4 月实施以来,累计援助患者 786 位,累计发放援助药品23195 盒,价值人民币9857 万元。2014年度, 项目在全国 126 家医院中有 173 名项目注册医生,新增受助患者314 人, 发放援助药品 13481 盒,价值人民币 5729 万元。

CCF and Bayer HealthCare AG launched Betaseron Relief Project in April, 2012 aiming to support those impoverished patients with multiple sclerosis to get continuous medical treatment with Betaseron. Since then, 786 patients got benefit from the project. 23,195 boxes were distributed worth RMB98,570,000.00. In 2014, the project owned 173 registered practitioners dispersing in 126 hospitals, newly accepted 314 patients, and distributed 13,481 boxes of medicine worth RMB57,290,000.00.

思而赞慈善援助项目 Cerezyme Relief Project

2008 年 12 月,中华慈善总会与健赞公司共同签署“有关罕见遗传性 疾病在中国的认识和支持项目”及“有关援助思而赞用以中国的戈谢病患者” 的协议。旨在为中国的戈谢病患者免费提供思而赞治疗药品,项目成立以来, 共与全国七家执行医院,四家省(市)慈善会合作,为分布在 27 个省、90 多个市县的 130 余名患者进行 15 次药品援助。2014 年,思而赞药品的援 助工作全年发放药品 4112 支,发放人次202 人,总价值94576000 元人民币。 2014 年,经过多方的努力,宁夏、昆明、福建三明、青岛、沈阳五个 地区将戈谢病纳入医疗保险和社会保障报销范畴,开展新的项目援助模式。 5 名新确诊的戈谢病患者得到援助。同时,项目内的 2 名老患者顺利转到 新援助模式中。

CCF and Crezyme signed contracts regarding the awareness and support of rare genetic illnesses in China Dec. 2008. Since then, joining hands with 7 hospitals, 4 provincial charity foundations , the project gave 15 times of medicine relief to 130 patients dispersing in 90 cities and counties of 27 provinces. In 2014, Cerezyme relief project distributed 4112 items to 202 time-person, totally worth RMB94,576,000.00. With multi-efforts, Gaucher disease was included in medicare and social security expense in the following five districts, such as Ningxia, Kunming, Fujian, Qingdao and in this year. 5 patients were given Cerezyme relief donations and two of the patients were changed into the Medicare and social security expenses.

48 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

专项基金 / Specific Funds

衣恋圣秀慈善基金 E-Land Charity Fund

衣恋圣秀慈善基金项目是韩国衣恋集团所属在中国的衣恋时装(上海) 有限公司、衣念(上海)时装贸易有限公司、宇旭时装(上海)有限公司 三家韩国衣恋集团关联公司于 2011 年 5 月与中华慈善总会共同设立的基 金项目。宗旨是资助中国弱势群体,向社会传递衣恋的关爱之心;宣传衣 恋品牌形象并通过参与慈善公益活动传播给广大社会消费者。2014年 4 月, 组织衣恋助学项目的部分参与实施单位到韩国进行考察,参观衣恋集团总 部,并与企业社会责任部同事对衣恋助学基金后续的实施进行研讨。2014 年,衣恋助学基金拨款工作已经全部结束,项目专员陪同衣恋集团相关负 责人逐个省市进行家访后期信息收集的工作。

E-Land Relief Fund is a fund project launched by Korean Eland Group including Eland, Enian and Yuxu Garment companies(Shanghai Branch) and CCF in May 2011. With the aim of financing the Chinese disadvantaged groups and spreading Eland love in China, the project was to promote Eland brand to prospective consumers through participating in public welfare and charity propaganda. In April 2014, the project organized some of the education relief units in the fund project to investigate in Korea and talked about the future implement plan with the social responsibility of the environment. So far, the allocation work for education relief is finished and the specialists of the project are collecting the after-relief donation information.

I DO 基金 I D o Fund

2008 年 5 月,恒信钻石机构董事长李厚森先生捐资 2000 万元,在中华慈善总 会设立专项基金。2014 年 3 月,I DO 基金向总会捐款 77 万余元启动 I DO 幸福公 益林植树项目。此项目将在北京、上海、哈尔滨、武汉、成都 5 个城市开展环保植 树活动,项目正在执行中。

In May 2008, Housen Li, president of HIERSUN, donated RMB20,000,000.00 to establish special fund—I DO Fund for CCF. By March of 2014, the special fund donated RMB770,000.00 to CCF so as to start the project of I DO Welfare Tree Planting. The project is to carry out the tree planting in the 5 cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin, Wuhan and Chengdu and the project is still on the way.

49 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation


BWM Love Fund

2008 年 6 月 5 日,宝马中国和华晨宝马共同捐资1000 万元人民币,设立中华慈善总会宝马爱心基金, 主要在教育支持、社会关爱、文化促进等方面开展项目。基金成立 6 年来,共募集善款 9300 余万元,开 展的主要项目包括“悦助未来”助学项目、玉树物资援助项目、贫困教师培训项目、“童悦之家”学生活 动室建设项目以及紧急救灾等,直接受益的贫困学生已超过 8000 人。除了捐赠善款,基金还发展成为宝 马全方位的企业社会责任平台,为包括企业员工、经销商和爱心车主在内的志愿者建立一个持续汇聚爱心 的平台。基金秉持合力、实效、持续、透明的原则,凝聚和带动整个宝马爱心大家庭的力量,用实际行动 践行对中国社会的长期承诺。 2014 年,基金开展的项目主要包括:为 5 所小学援建“童悦之家”活动室;为 12 省 18 市 845 名贫 困学生发放助学金 328 万元;为玉树地区 3200 余名学生采购价值 188 万元的过冬衣物等慰问品;捐助 200 万元用于云南鲁甸地震救援;举办“童悦之家”乡村教育提升计划项目工作会议及资助 5 所职业技术 学院贫困学生等。

In June 5, 2008, BWM China Branch and HuaChen BWM commonly contributed RMB10000,000.00 to establish BWN Love Fund focusing on education support, social care, culture promotion. For the 6 years since it was launched, RMB93000000.00 was raised. In the following relief donations such as Aid for Future, Yushu Donation, Teacher Training in stricken area, pupil activities in Kid Family and emergency relief, 8000 impoverished pupils got benefit. Apart from the charity donation, the fund has developed into an all-scale social responsible platform for the entrepreneur which acts as a sustained love platform for the employees of the enterprises, dealers, car owners. Based on principles of the joint force, effect, sustainment and transparence, the fund is to take the lead of the BMW in practice its long-term promise to China Society. In 2014, the fund was to work in the following aspects: build kids rooms for 5 primary schools, allocate RMB3280000.00 to 845 impoverished students in 18 cities of 12 provinces, buy clothing worth RMB1,880,000.00 for winter for 3200 students in Yushu stricken area, donate RMB2000000.00 for Yunnan earthquake relief, hold a meeting to improve the project and finance impoverished students in 5 vocational technological institutes.

50 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds


CCF-JML Relief Fund

中华慈善总会大众慈善基金成立于 2009 年 善基金会为河南先心病患儿郭羽彤资助手术费 3 月,由香港金米莱集团捐资设立。大众慈善基 10 万元。联系福建爱心企业家陈惠清先生,资 金主要关注教育、扶贫、助残、医疗及救灾五 助包头市固阳县贫困家庭学生 27 名,资助金额 大领域。深入了解社会弱势群体,并针对性的 5.8 万元人民币。资助秦皇岛青龙满族自治县贫 给予援助以切实改善他们的生活。 困学生 8 名,资助金额 5 万元人民币。向甘肃 2014 年大众慈善基金的主要工作包括以下 省通渭县贫困家庭先心病患儿资助手术费用 2 几个方面: 万元。 慈善医疗救助项目;2014 年 10 月,向沁 关爱军人家庭援助项目:1 月 19 日,中华 水县人民医院捐赠 15 台血液透析机,成立“中 慈善总会大众慈善关爱军人家庭援助项目启动 慈血液透析净化中心”。11 月,联合济宁市慈 仪式在北京中国科技会堂举行。7 月底,该项目 善总会在济宁市任城区喻屯医院举行“中慈国 先后在福州、济南、包头举行捐赠救助仪式。 基两癌筛查中心”捐赠揭牌仪式,向该院捐赠 大众慈善基金向福州市慈善总会捐款 30 万元人 价值 162 万元的先进医疗设备,并联合喻屯医 民币,定向用于该项目。福州市第一批“关爱 院对当地的困难家庭妇女进行免费“两癌”筛查。 军人困难家庭救助金”共发放 128.5 万元,救 关爱青少年健康援助项目:2014 年,向云 助军人特困家庭 257 户。济南市慈善总会本次 南楚雄、黑龙江林口、福建厦门、辽宁阜新、 救助活动共支出善款 90 万元,救助 300 名军人 山西晋城、云南临沧、河北滦平等地捐赠“中 困难家庭。包头市慈善总会首批救助 48 户,每 慈爱心图书室”110 间(每间图书室配置价值 户发放救助金 5000 元。 约 10 万元人民币的图书)。联合中国书画院、 《大众慈善》杂志:通过《大众慈善》杂 北京奥顺达制品有限公司向楚雄州特殊教育学 志对全国各地慈善会每月的新闻动态,以及优 校捐赠“雪精灵”儿童羽绒服 310 套。联系香 秀的慈善活动、慈善项目、爱心事迹免费予以 港修身堂,向太原市社会(儿童)福利院捐款 宣传报道,并免费赠阅,发行面已涉及全国所 55000 元,定向资助该院 11 名唇腭裂患儿接受 有省(市、自治区、直辖市),包括港澳台地区, 手术。联系北京武警总医院专家、香港张玉珊 对于促进各地慈善会之间的经验交流、传播慈 慈善基金会代表到太原市(社会)儿童福利院 善理念、构筑慈善平台,发挥了重要作用。 进行脑瘫初步的诊断筛查。联系香港张玉珊慈

CCF-JML Relief Fund was launched in March 2009 by Hong Kong JML Group Limited's contribution. CCF-JML Fund mainly concerns about the following areas: education, poverty alleviation, disabled support, medical care and disaster relief. The fund is to make a deep understanding of the social disadvantaged groups and conduct corresponding aids to improve their life. 2014’CCF-JML Fund was to cover the following aspects: Charity Medical Relief 15 hemodialysis machines were donated to Qinshui People's Hospital in order to establish China Charity Hemodialysis Center. In Nov., co-funding of CCF-JML and Jining Charity Association, the project held an opening ceremony for China Charity Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Center in

51 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

Yutun Hospital of Renyu district in Jining City, donating advanced medical equipments worth RMB1,620,000.00 and gave a free cancer screening for the local impoverished women. Junior Health Relief Project, In 2014, the project donated 110 "China Charity Love Library" to Chuxiong in Yunnan , Linkou in Heilongjiang, Xiamen in Fujian, Fuxin in Liaoning, Jincheng in Shanxi, Lincang in Yunnan and Luanping in Hebei province. For each library accessorized books worth RMB100,000.00. Joining hands with the Chinese Painting and Calligraph, Beijing Shunda Products Co., LTD, the project made donation of 310 Xuejingling Down Coats to Chuxiongzhou Special School. Joining hands with Hong Kong SPA, the project made donation of RMB55,000.00 to Taiyuan Children Welfare House to finance 11 cleft palate children for operation. Cooperating with Beijing General Hospital of Armed Police and Hong Kong Zhang Yushan Charity Federation, the project financed RMB100,000.00 for Guo Yutong, a Henan child patient with congenial heart disease. Mr. Chen Huiqing, a Fujian entrepreneur, financed RBM58,000.00 for 27 impoverished students in Guyan County of Baotou city, contributed RMB50000.00 for 8 students in Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County of Qinhuangdao, and RMB20,000.00 for the operation on the congenial heart disease patients in Tongwei County of Gansu province. PLA Family Relief Project. The opening ceremony of PLA Family Relief project was held in Beijing National Science and Technology Hall on Jan.19, 2014. By the end of July, the relief project held the donation ceremonies in Fuzhou, Jinan, and Baotou respectively. Public Charity Fund donated RMB300,000.00 to Fuzhou Charity Association, used specially for PLA family support. The first relief donation to Fuzhou PLA families amounts to RMB1,280,000.00, assisting 257 households. Jinan Charity Association financed RMB900,000.00 to support 300 PLA families. Baotou Charity Association contributed relief money to 48 households, RMB5000.00 for each. Public Charity Magazine Relief. The magazine reports the status of charity news, excellent philanthropic activities, love deeds, relief projects and good charitable achievements of every charity association or foundation all over country. The magazine is published and free given to China main continent, Hong Kong and Marco, playing an important role in spreading philanthropic concept, good experiences and construction of philanthropic platform, promoting the exchange among charity associations or foundations as well.

52 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

金六福 99 爱心基金

Jinliufu 99 Love Relief

2008 年 11 月,华泽集团与中华慈善总会合作设立中华慈善总会金 六福 99 爱心基金,主要在助学、扶贫、救灾等领域开展慈善公益活动。 2014 年,该基金为鲁甸地震灾区捐款 50 万元。

In Nov. 2008, Huaze Group LTD. and CCF cooperated to set up Jinliufu 99 Love Fund , aiming to carry out welfare and charity work in such areas as support education, alleviate poverty, disaster relief in Nov. 2008. In 2014 the fund donated RMB500,000.00 to Ludian earthquake stricken area.


Yofoto Love Fund

2012 年 10 月,中华慈善总会与三生(中国)健康产业有限公司共同设立三生爱心基金。 该基金面向全社会募集善款,定向资助贫困青少年的助学助教活动。2014 年重点开展的项目是 在农村留守儿童聚集地区建设“三生爱心教室”,为留守儿童营造一个健康快乐的成长环境, 同时成为志愿者、社会爱心人士为留守儿童提供经常性服务的平台。2014 年初,三生(中国) 健康产业有限公司向三生爱心基金捐赠 115 万元人民币,定向用于在湖北省、贵州省设立 35 间 三生爱心教室;4 月 15~16 日,三生爱心基金在四川省眉山市洪雅县花溪乡中心小学举行“三 生留守儿童关爱行动”暨三生爱心教室验收活动;云南鲁甸地震期间,三生公司第一时间捐赠 价值 100 万元粮油等物资运抵灾区,缓解灾区群众的生活困难。

In Oct. 2012, Yofoto corporation founded a Yofoto Love Fund aiming to contribute love money from the society so as to aid the impoverished juniors for their education. The fund is to focus on the construction of Yofoto love classrooms for the leftover children so that they may stay in a healthy environment, which can be also acted as a service platform for volunteers and social donors to demonstrate their love for the leftover children regularly. In the early 2014, Yofoto corporation donated its Love Fund RMB1,150,000.00 used for the construction of 35 love classrooms in Hubei and Guizhou provinces. Yofoto Love Fund held a receiving ceremony of the love classrooms for "Yofoto Love for Leftover Children" in Huaxi Zhongxin Primary School in Meishan city of Sichuan province on April 15 to 16. As soon as Ludian earthquake occurred, Yofoto the first time donated life necessities such as food and oil worth RMB1,000,000.00 to the disaster stricken area, alleviating the inhabitants' life difficulties there.

53 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation


Spring Rain Love Fund

春雨爱心基金是中华慈善总会为帮助过失犯罪的特困女性服刑人员及其家属改善生活状况、解 决其子女就学、治病困难,开展对过失的服刑人员进行心理辅导和其他帮助而设立的专项基金。春 雨爱心基金 2014 年全年接收捐款 110 多万元,2014 年 1 月 22 日,援助山东省女子监狱 100 名特 困服刑人员,发放善款 10 万元;2014 年 5 月,援助浙江省女子监狱 45 名特困服刑人员,发放善 款 20 万元;2014 年 11 月,同安徽省合肥慈善总会合作救助 100 户贫困家庭,发放善款 10 万元。

Spring Rain Love Fund is a fund sponsored by CCF for the improvement of the female criminal families' life. The fund tried to solve the family's problems such as children's education, medical difficulties and psychological therapy for the female criminals themselves. With the social donation of RMB1,100,000.00, the fund financed RMB100,000.00 for 100 impoverished female prisoners of Shandong provincial prison on Jan.22,2014, contributed RMB200000.00 to 45 female prisoners in Zhejiang provincial female prison in May of 2014, and allocated RMB 100,000.00 to 100 impoverished households in response to Hefei Charity Associaton's request.

明天会更好慈善爱心书画艺术交流基金 Art Exchange Fund

2012 年 12 月,北京新时代经纬文化中心 款 15 万元用于翻新校舍;7月,中酒时代酒业(北 向中华慈善总会申请设立明天会更好慈善爱心书 京)有限公司向该基金捐款9000 元人民币,8月, 画艺术交流基金,定向用于举办明天会更好慈善 李雄风先生在民族文化宫举办个人画展,并向该 爱心书画艺术交流展及在全国范围内选择合适的 基金捐赠 6 幅书画作品,表示对慈善事业的支持; 地区捐建国兰慈善小学或对校舍进行维修改建。 并开始筹备第六届明天会更好慈善爱心书画艺术 2014 年 1 月,该基金向广西宜州市安马小学捐 交流展。

Beijing New Era Weft Cultural Center applied CCF for setting up an Art Exchange Fund so as to raise money from paintings and calligraphy exhibitions and finance the construction of National Charity Primary School in proper place and the maintenance its campus in Dec. 2012. The fund donated RMB150,000.00 for Anma Primary School of Yibin, Guangxi province to innovate the campus in Jan. 2014. In July the fund was donated RMB9,000.00 by China Era Wine & Liquor (Beijing) LTD. and received 6 works of paintings and calligraphy given by Mr. Li Xiongfeng who held a personal art exhibition in the cultural palace of nationalities in August of the same year. In the course of his donation, Mr. Li expressed his support of the China philanthropy and told us his preparation for the sixth session of Art Exchange Exhibition.

54 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds

力量基金 Strength Fund

中华慈善总会力量基金由中国举重协会主席马文广先生于 2011 年与总会合作设立,旨在 繁荣中华体育事业,弘扬中华体育文化,发扬中华体育精神,以服务社会、传承文明、通过相 关体育项目及方式改善人类生活。 2014 年,基金面向山东、安徽、河北、东北等省市捐助体育器材 20 套,用于支持所在地 区学校和社区的体育事业。5 月,资助开展阿拉伯国家的举重培训班,活动面向来自印度、坦 桑尼亚、多哈等国家的 30 多名举重运动员、教练员展开,提升这些贫困地区国家的运动员、 教练的运动训练水平,促进了该地区体育文化的发展。

Strength Fund was founded in 2011 by CCF and Mr. Ma Wenguang, chairman of China Weight Lifting Association with the aim to make China Sports & Athlete flourish, spread Chinese sports spirits and serve the Chinese society. What's more, they would like to improve Chinese people’s life quality through the sport item of weight lifting. In 2014, the fund contributed 20 sets of sports equipments to such provinces as Shandong, Anhui, Hebei and Dongbei provinces with the intent of supporting the local sports in campus and community. In May, the fund financed weight lifting training for Arabian countries, such as India, Tanzania and Doha etc. 30 weight lifting athletes and coaches got the training, thus the level of weight lifting was raised and the sport culture was promoted.

爱心天使医疗救助基金 Love Angel Medical Care Fund

中华慈善爱心天使医疗救助基金是由吉林省华巍脑瘫研究院与总会合作设立的基金,主 要开展的慈善医疗救助项目。2014 年爱心天使医疗救助基金通过肿瘤患者救助项目救助 32 人次,医院减免医疗费 5.1 万元;关爱生命救助项目为 100 名贫困股骨头坏死患者提供给免 费治疗,医院减免医疗费 103 万元;“两癌”患者救助项目为 651 人次的吉林省内贫困乳腺 癌、宫颈癌妇女提供给免费手术和化疗,医院减免医疗费 147 万元;儿童脑瘫康复救助项目 为 273 名贫困脑瘫儿童提供康复救助,医院减免医疗费 109 万元。此外,还为长春市二道区 所有中小学一年级约 8000 名学生免费体检,投入资金 60 万元。院长葛艳华带领专家小分队 深入到社区、村屯和养老机构,为人民群众送医赠药,累计投入资金 21 万元。

The Love Angel Medical Care Fund is a co-fund by Jilin Provincial Huawei Cerebral Palsy Institute and CCF focusing on Charity medical relief projects. In 2014 the fund gave medical relief 32 time-person via Cancer Patients Relief Project, thus RMB51,000.00 was cut off from the fee of medical treatment. Love of Life Relief Project financed medical treatment for 100 patients with femoral head necrosis, so RMB1030000.00 was cut off from the hospitals. 651 patients with

55 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

breast and cervical cancer were supplied free operations and chemotherapy with the decrease of RMB1470000.00 from hospitals. For the children patients with cerebral palsy, the fund made a donation to 273 children patients so that RMB 1090000.00 medical treatment fee was cut down. In addition, the fund paid RMB 600,000.00 for 8,000 Grade One students in Erdaoqu primary and middle schools of Changchun to have physical examination. Ge Yanhua director of the hospital led a medical team to the communities, villages and aged care agencies, totally donating RMB210,000.00 for medicine and medical care.


Badi Community Development Fund

2011 年 1 月,巴迪基金会与中华慈善总会合作建立中华慈善总会巴迪社区发展基金。该基金旨 在构建农村基层和谐社区,推动农村基层扶贫、教育、环境等事业发展。其运作形式主要是通过与基 层社会组织和政府部门的合作,对农村基层社区的妇女和青少年进行能力建设培训,释放个人和机构 的潜能,推动农村基层社区向和谐与繁荣发展。2014 年,中华慈善总会巴迪社区发展基金捐赠额超过 100 万元人民币,支持在云南、河北、宁夏、甘肃等省开展 12 个基层社区项目。

Badi Fund joined hands with CCF to set up Badi Community Development Fund in Jan. 2011 aiming to construct harmonious village communities by alleviating poverty, aiding education, protecting environment. The model of the fund is to train women and junior's ability, release personal and agency's potentials so as to make village communities flourish and harmonious. In 2014, the raised sum of Badi Community Development Fund amounted to more than RMB1,000,000.00 which was used to support 12 village community projects in Yunnan , Hebei, Ningxia and Gansu.


Today’s Hope Fund

2011 年北京桦龙行投资顾问有限公司与中华慈善总会合作设立今天希望基金,该基金主 要用于在全国范围内救助有困难的群体。2014 年 2 月,今天希望基金申请从北京凡时代电子 商贸有限公司购买 3000 个学生书包捐赠给甘肃的中小学生,经过近一个月的调研,确定甘 肃省临夏回族自治州临夏县、和政县、积石山县的 3000 名学生为捐赠对象;7 月,今天希望 基金再次捐赠甘肃省和政县学生 500 个书包,捐赠黑龙江省学生 3000 个书包。

In 2011, Beijing Hualonghang Investment Consultant Co., LTD. and CCF set up Today's Hope Fund conducting relief to the disadvantaged groups nationwide. In Feb., 2014 Today's Hope Fund bought 3,000 school bags from Beijing Fanshidai Electric and Trade Co., LTD. and donated to pupils and students in Gansu province. After a month investigation, 3000 pupils in Linxia, Hezheng and Jishi counties of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu province. In July, the fund donated again 300 school bags to Hezheng county's pupils of Gansu province and 3,000 school bags to pupils in Heilongjiang province.

56 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds


Hong Guiming Education Fund

2014 年 1 月,洪贵明助学基金到期,经双方协商同意后续签协议,并更名为洪贵 明助学教育基金,继续开展助学支教等相关活动。 2014 年 2 月,该基金在云南捐建 3 间洪贵明书馆,从基金中支出人民币 15.9 万元; 4 月,该基金在河南捐建 2 间洪贵明书馆,支出人民币 10.6 万元;11 月,捐建 8 间洪 贵明书馆,其中黑龙江 2 间、云南 6 间,支出人民币 17.2 万元。

In Jan., 2014, Hong Guiming Education Fund expired. After the negotiation, both parties reached an agreement and renewed it, changing the name of fund into Hong Guiming Education Fund and went on with his education relief. In Feb., 2014, the fund contributed RMB 159,000.00 to fill books into 3 Hong Guiming Reading Rooms in Yunnan, donated RMB106,000.00 to fill into 2 Hong Guiming Reading Rooms of Henan in April, RMB172,000.00 to fill into 2 Hong Guiming Reading Rooms of Heilongjiang and 6 Reading Rooms of Yunnan.


Yongyi Love Fund

2014 年 4 月,永益关爱基金在内蒙古赤峰市元宝山矿区小学、山前学 校捐建 2 间永益爱心电脑教室;在四川省眉山市科技学校捐建 2 间永益爱 心电脑教室,实施共计 42 万元人民币。鲁甸地震期间,永益关爱基金通过 总会向地震灾区定向捐款 100 万元,用于灾后重建。

In April 2014, Yongyi Love Fund financed 2 Yongyi Love Computer Classrooms to Yuanbaoshan Mine Primary School and 2 Yongyi Love Computer Classrooms to Meishan Science & Technology School, the 4 classrooms totaled RMB 420,000.00. In the course of Ludian earthquake, the fund made a donation of RMB1,000,000.00 for the reconstruction of Ludian stricken area.

57 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation


Zhongjun Fund

中峻基金是中峻能源科技发展有限公司与中华慈善总会于 2011 年 6 月联合设立的专项基金。2014 年 4 月,中峻基金向北 京启智学校捐款 40.9 万元,资助该校 42 名智障、脑瘫儿童一年 的学费,项目已经执行完毕。中峻基金于 2014 年 6 月底到期, 协议不再续签。

Zhongjun Fund was co-founded by Zhongjun Energy Sources Sci-Tech Development LTD. and CCF in June 2011. In April 2014 the Fund donated RMB 409,000.00 to pay an annual school fees for 42 children with amentia and cerebral palsy. The fund expired in June of 2014 and renewed no more.


EAST Love Fund

2014 年 2 月,由扬州东方集团发起,在总会设立中华慈善总 会·东方易事特关爱基金,首批捐赠 100 万元人民币,捐款定向用 于扶贫、助教、助学等慈善工作,并帮助社会上不幸的个人和困难 群体,实施多种形式的社会救助。自基金设立以来,开展 9 次活动, 对 65 名贫困的家庭及贫困学生进行定向救助。本着慈善捐赠创新 的原则,参与第五届“张培刚发展经济学研究优秀成果奖”,对 5 名获奖人进行奖励。开展对内蒙古宁城县的校舍、宿舍、食堂的新 建维修项目,截至10 月底,已全部建设完成,验收合格并投入使用。

EAST Love Fund was launched originally by EAST Co., LTD that sponsored RMB1,000,000.00 to CCF to carry forward various forms of social relief, such as alleviate poverty, support education and give relief to disadvantaged individuals and groups. Since the fund was set up, 9 relief actions were done and 65 impoverished students were given the money donation. Based on the creative principle of charity donation, the fund financed 5 prize winners for Zhang Peigang Development Economics Research Award.

58 慈善项目与基金 / Charity Projects and Funds


Love Fund

中华慈善总会于 2014 年 10 月与北京银行共同启动大爱基金,旨在 关爱偏远贫困地区的教育事业,用心浇灌农村教育事业的发展。基金成 立后向总会捐赠 150 万元,2014 年底进行项目的前期调研。

CCF joined hands with Beijing Bank to launch the Love Fund in Oct.2014, aiming at the support of education in distant areas so as to flourish the education of stricken areas. As soon as the fund was founded, RMB1,500,000.00 was contributed to CCF as the fee for pilot investigation.

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China Charity Federation 2014

Audit Report



一、Audit Report 1-2

二 、Related Statements of Community 3

Groups Finance

三、Balance Sheet 4

四、Statement of Business Activity 5

五、Cash Flow Statement 6

六、Notes to Financial Statements 7-29

Client: China Charity Federation

Auditor: Zhong Chenxing accounting firm, limited liability


Tel: 64975913

Fax: 64975913

92 审计报告 / Audit Report

China Charity Federation Audit Report in 2014

Audit Report

Zhong Chen Xing Audit [2015] No. sixty-two

China Charity Federation: We have audited the financial statements of the China Charity Federation attached to the back, including the Balance Sheet in December 31, 2014, the Statement of Business Activities, the Cash Flow Statements and Notes to the Financial Statements in 2014. 一、The Responsibility of the Management for the Financial Statements The preparation and fair presentation of financial statements is the responsibility of the management in China Development Research Foundation, which includes: (1) Preparing financial statements in accordance with the “Accounting System in Civil Non-profit Organizations” is to achieve fair reflection. (2) Designing, implementing and maintaining internal controls is to make financial statements free from material misstatement due to fraud or error. 二、Responsibilities of CPA Our responsibility is to offer the audit opinion on the financial statements based on the audit we have made. We have conducted our audit work in accordance with regulations in the Auditing Standards of Chinese Certified Public Accountants, which require that we comply with professional ethics in planning and performing the audit work to assure the financial statements are free from material misstatements. Audit work involves the implementation of audit procedures to obtain the amounts of relevant financial statements and disclosure of audit evidence. The choice of audit procedures depends on the judgment of the certified public accountants, including the assessment of the risk of the major errors in the financial statements due to fraud or error. In a risk assessment, we consider the internal control related to the preparation of the financial statements to design appropriate audit procedures, but its purpose is not to say anything about the effectiveness of the internal control. Audit work also evaluates the management to see if its choice of accounting policies is appropriate, if its accounting estimation reasonable, and assesses overall presentation

1 93 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Audit Report in 2014

of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient, appropriate and is a basis for the publication of our audit opinions. 三、Audit Opinions We believe that China Charity Federation has prepared the annual financial statements of the year 2014 in accordance with Regulations in “Social Organization Registration and Management” and in “Accounting System in Civil Non-profit Organizations”. In all major aspects, the financial statements fairly reflect the financial situation of the Federation in December 31, 2014 and its business activities and cash flow in 2014 as well. 四、Emphasis of Matters We remind users of the financial statements to pay attention to the expenditure of donations listed in the cost of business activities attached to the financial Statements of China Charity Federation. These expenditure items are prepared by the China Charity Federation according to receipts issued in receiving donations or other receivable vouchers with stated purposes from the third party, including charities on provincial and municipal levels, charitable organizations, donatees including units and individuals. In the process of audit, we have spot- checked some receipts and other collections of payments and related protocols attached to related accounting documents. Our audit work does not cover how such donations have been used by the third party. The content of this paragraph does not affect audit opinions that have been published.

Zhong Chen Xing Certified Public Accountants Co. Ltd. China Certified Public Accountants: China • Beijing

China Certified Public Accountants:

Report Date: March 26, 2015


94 审计报告 / Audit Report

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

Basic Statistics of Social Groups

December 31, 2014

Community Names China Charity Federation

Registration Body Code 50001626-0 No,4308 Number

Xinlong Building, Erlong Registration Office Address Road, No. 33 Jia, Xicheng April 1994 Time District, Beijing

Contact Number 010-66064562 Postal code 100032

Main Funding Revenue from Legal Representative Bengong Li Sources Donations

Deposit Bank Beijing Branch Xisi, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Bank Account 0200002809014488815

Financial Institution Name Financial Department Contact Number 010-66064562

Full-time / Accountant’s Name Junyan Gao Full-time Part-time

Agency Bookkeeping No Supervisor's No Agency Names Name Tax Registration Number Beijing Tax Certificate Number 110102500016260

Bank Branch with Account Number, Love Engineering Committee, China Charity Federation

Representative Offices and Their Deposit Bank: Wanshou Road Branch, Bank of Beijing

Bank Account and Account Number Account Number:01090328100120105758072 Beijing “Charity Welfare Newspapers” Co., Ltd., Tianjin Charity Entities Magazine, Limited Liability Company


中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

附送三 Balance Sheet

Prepared by: China Charity Federation Dec. 31, 2014 Unit: RMB Yuan Liabilities & Net Assets No. Beginning Ending assets No. Beginning Ending Current Current Assets: Liabilities:

BankShort and term Cash 1 825,417,166.93 430,587,664.28 Short-term Loan 23 Investment 2 31,000,000.00 91,000,000.00 Accounts Payable 24 64,713.01 89,087.96 Accounts Receivable 3 446,132.13 414,132.13 Salaries Payable 25 232,917.50 396,067.51 Prepayment 4 Taxes Payable 26 11,656.92 34,279.20 Inventory 5 2,608,235,916.00 7,058,934,020.00 Unearned Accounts 27 Deferred Expense 6 Accrued Expense 28 Long-term debt Investment due within one year 7 Provision 29 Long-term Liability Other Current Assets 8 within one year 30 Other Current Total Current Assets 9 3,465,099,215.06 7,580,935,816.41 Liabilities 31 Total Current Long term Liabilities 32 309,287.43 519,434.67 Investments Long-term Equity Long-term Investments 10 728,545.35 728,545.35 Liabilities: Long-term Debt Investments 11 Long-term Loan 33 Total Long-term Long-term Investments 12 728,545.35 728,545.35 Liabilities 34 Other Current Fixed Assets: Liabilities 35 Total Long-term Fixed Assets Cost 13 1,120,792.00 2,010,484.80 Liabilities 36 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 14 837,182.47 1,279,316.76 Entrusted Net Fixed Assets 15 283,609.53 731,168.04 Liability: Construction in Process 16 Entrusted Liability 37 Heritage & Cultural Assets 17 Total Liabilities 38 309,287.43 519,434.67 Fixed Assets to be Disposed of 18 Total Fixed Assets 19 283,609.53 731,168.04 Net Assets: Unrestricted Net Intangible Assets: Assets 39 122,497,165.96 140,184,563.28 Intangible Assets: 20 Restricted Net Assets 40 3,343,304,916.55 7,441,691,531.85 Entrusted Assets: Total Net Assets 41 3,465,802,082.51 7,581,876,095.13 Entrusted Assets 21 Liabilities & Net Total Assets 22 3,466,111,369.94 7,582,395,529.80 assets 42 3,466,111,369.94 7,582,395,529.80 Chief-in charge:Li Preparer:Gao Verifier: Gao Bengong Junyan Shouhua

96 4 审计报告 / Audit Report of net assets) ("minus"means a decrease 四、Changes of Net Assets Net Assets 12 Transfer to Unrestricted 三、Restricted Net Assets 11 (四)Other expense 9 (三)Financing expense (二)G&A expense (一)Cost of Operating 二、Expenses Subsidy Income by Government Sales Service Income 1 Contribution Income Include:Donation Revenues 一、Revenues Prepared by: China Charity Federation For the year of 2014 Unit:RMB Yuan 附送四 Other Income Investment Revenues Chief-in charge:Li Bengong oa eeus13 Total Revenues oa eeus8 Total Revenues Items No. 15 14 10 5 4 3 2 7 6 83501 5999. 383032822.1 0 354999291.9 17481621036 28033530.15 -9690764824 17447789822 9690764824 33831214.15 9702196941 -5709.35 10085229763 17466061798 8916925.88 17446789822 9693285724 10045764116 19271976.18 39465646.68 10064431715 10045764116 284600 18667598.28 21633140.85 -1119692.45 netito Restriction Unrestriction Statement of Operating Activity Accumulated Balance of Last Year Preparer:Gao Junyan 9702196941 -5709.35 8916925.88 9693285724 284600 21633140.85 -1119692.45 5 oa netito etito Total Restriction Unrestriction Total 13365547023 12543816.83 13353003206 281000 78373 088654116074013 4098386615 0 17687397.32 -13349403206 13349403206 10596554.96 3681683.01 Accumulated Balance of This Yea r Shouhua Verifier: Gao 1000000 13365547023 12543816.83 13353003206 281000 1000000 10596554.96 3681683.01

97 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

附送五 Cash Flow Statement Prepared by: China Charity Federation For the year of 2014 Unit:RMB Yuan Items No. Amount Cash Flow from Operating Activities Cash Received from Donation 1 290643866.9 Cash Received from Charge 2 281000 Cash Received from Service 3 Cash Received from Sales of Goods 4 Cash Received from Government Subsidy 5 1000000 Other Cash Received Related to Operating Activities 6 10579415.36 Sub-total of Cash Inflows 7 302504282.2 Cash Paid to Received Donation or Receiving Service 8 627801303.4 Cash Paid to and for Employees 9 5048621.94 Cash Paid for Commodities or Labor 10 Other Cash Paid Related to Operating Activities 11 7082896.76 Sub-total of Cash Outflows 12 639932822.1 Cash Flow Generated from Operating Activities Net Amount 13 -337428539.9 二、Cash Flow from Investing Activities Cash Flow from Investing Activities 14 471000000 Cash Flow from Investment Income 15 3681683.01 Cash from Disposing Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets 16 63000 Other Cash Received Related to Investing Activities 17 Sub-total of Cash Inflow 18 474744683 Cash Paid for Buying Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets 19 1145645.8 Cash Paid for Investment 20 531000000 Other Cash Paid Related to Investing Activities 21 Sub-total of Cash Outflow 22 532145645.8 Cash Flow Generated from Investing Activities Net Amount 23 -57400962.79 三、Cash Flow from Financing Activities Borrowings 24 Other Cash Received Related to Financing Activities 25 Sub-total of Cash Inflows 26 Cash Paid for Debt 27 Cash Paid for Interest 28 Other Cash Paid Related to Financing Activities 29 Sub-total of Cash Outflows 30 Cash Flow from Financing Activities Net Amount 31 四、Foreign Currency Translation Gains(Losses) 32 五、Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 33 -394829502.7 Preparer: Chief-in charge:Li Bengong Gao Junyan Verifier: Gao Shouhua

6 98 审计报告 / Audit Report

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

Attachment Six Notes to Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2014

(Expressed in RMB, Unless Otherwise Stated)

一、A Brief Introduction

China Charity Federation (hereinafter referred to as Federation, for short) was approved and registered on April 12, 1994, by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Registration No: 4308. Organization Code:

50001626-0. Legal Representative: Bengong Li. Address: Xinlong Building,

Erlong Road No.33 Jia, Xicheng District, Beijing. Registered Capital: 10 million yuan.

Business in Charge: Ministry of Civil Affairs

Business Scopes: accepting donations, making international contacts, setting up charity organizations, offering social assistance.

二、Basis of Preparation for Financial Statements

After making the capacity assessment concerning about the continuing operations by the management of the Federation, it is considered that there is no such a thing that could cause significant concerns in continuing operations. The financial statements are prepared under assumptions of continuing operations.

三、The Financial Statements Comply with the Statement of “Accounting

System in Civil Non-profit Organizations”

The preparation of the financial statements comply with the requirement of “Accounting System in Civil Non-profit Organizations”, truly and

99 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

completely reflect the financial position, operating activities and cash flows

of the Federation.

四、Significant Accounting Policies

1、 Accounting System

The Federation has executed “Accounting System in Civil Non-profit

Organizations” issued by the Ministry of Finance, the People's Republic of

China and its supplementary regulations.

2、 Accounting Period

A fiscal year starts from January 1 and ends in December 31 in the


3、 Standard currency

The Federation takes renminbi as the standard currency.

4、 Accounting Basis and Valuation Principles

The accrual basis is the accounting basis in the Federation, while

historical cost of assets is its valuation principle.

5、Accounting Methods of Foreign Currency

The Federation keeps accounts of actual amount after Converting foreign

currency into RMB according to the market exchange rate (middle rate) on the

day of involving in foreign currency business affairs in this fiscal year.

Monetary items will be adjusted according to the market exchange rate at the

end of the year. And exchange gains and losses resulted will be booked in

current financial expenses or be capitalized in accordance with its use and



审计报告 / Audit Report

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

6、Accounting Methods of Short-term Investment.

Short-term investment refers to investments including stocks, bonds, etc, that can be realized at any time, held by the Federation for no more than one year (including one year).

Measurement of short-term investment is made in accordance with the investment cost at the time of acquisition.

At the time of disposal of short-term investments, the difference between the actual price obtained and the book value of short-term investment should be confirmed as current gains and losses in investment

7、Inventory Accounting Methods

The stock held by the Federation refers to these accepted donations to be disbursed to those needed. The price can be decided by the price management department that provides donations, assessed by relevant departments or standard pricing can be fair value.

The Federation will make periodic inventory to its stock at the end of each quarter. They will not calculate mention inventory impairment at end of the term.

8、Accounting Methods of Long-term Investment

(1)Long Term equity Investment

The Federation fixes prices of long-term equity investment at the initial investment cost in its acquisition. Cost accounting method is applied to those investee they have no control, joint control or have significant influence.

Equity method accounting is adopted to those investee they have control, joint

101 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

control or have significant influence.

(2)Long-term Debt Investment

The Federation takes the actual cost in its acquisition as the initial

investment cost in long-term debt investment. We calculate and extract

interests by straight-line method and amortize bond premium or discount in

long-term debt investment.

(3)Preparation for Long-term Investment Impairment

The Federation checks long-term investments item by item at end of the

term. We calculate and extract preparation for Long-term investment impairment

according to the difference that the recoverable amount of individual

investment is below the book value of long-term investment.

9、Fixed Asset Valuation and Its Depreciation Methods

The fixed assets refers to those held by the Federation that can be used

in administration, provision of services, production of goods or for the

purpose of lease, that the expected life expectancy will last more than one

year and unit value of the assets is more than 2,000 yuan.

(1) The price of fixed assets is measured in accordance with the actual

cost at the time of acquisition

(2) Depreciation of fixed assets is calculated by using life average


Life average method (straight-line method) is applied to decide the

depreciation rate after deduction of residual rate (less than 5% of the

original value) according to the original value and the expected life of fixed


审计报告 / Audit Report

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014 assets. The annual classified depreciation rates are as follows:

Asset Classes Expected Life Residual Annual

(Year) Rate Depreciation


Transportation 8 2% 12.25% Equipment

Transportation 10 5% 9.50% Equipment

Office 4 2% 24.50% Equipment

(3)There is no calculation and extraction for depreciation of fixed assets

Historical relics for the purpose of exhibition, research, and education etc., works of art and other long-term or permanent preservation of the collection with cultural or historical value, as fixed assets in accounting, are exempt from calculation and extraction for depreciation of fixed assets.

10、Recognition Principles of Limited Net Assets, of Non-limiting Net


The use of assets or economic interests originated from assets (such as the investment interests and interests etc.), are limited by asset providers, time limit or application limit installed in relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state. The net assets mentioned above are called limited net assets while others called non-limiting net assets.

11、Revenue Recognition Principles

Revenue refers to economic benefits gained by nongovernmental, non-profit organizations in their business activities, resulted in the increase of the


中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

net assets of the current period, or inflow of potential service. The income

shall be divided into donations, government subsidy, service supply,

investment, commodity sales and others.

The Federation makes sure that revenue has been realized in accordance

with the following regulations and the account bas been kept according to the

income realized, and has been recorded in the book of current profit and loss.

In recognition of the income, the Federation should distinguish the income

between interchange exchange and non-interchange exchange.

Significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been conversed

to the buyer when goods sold out. Sellers neither retain continual management

usually associated with ownership, nor implement any control of the goods sold.

Economic benefits related to trade will inflow and revenue will be recognized

when related income and cost can be measured reliably.

If services begin and accomplish in the same accounting year, income shall

be recognized at the time of completion of services; if services start and

finish in different accounting year, income can be confirmed in accordance

with the workload of completion of the work scheduled.

Income can come in by transferring the right to use assets and the amount

of income can be measured reliably.

Revenue is recognized in acceptance of unconditional donation or

government subsidies. As for conditional donation or government subsidies,

revenue is confirmed in obtaining control rights of such assets donated or

subsidies from government. But, when there is a need to repay all or part of

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China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

the assets donated or the corresponding amount of current obligations, a

liability and expense shall be affirmed according to the amount of repayment


Non monetary assets donated shall be calculated at fair value. The donor

shall provide the proof of the fair value of the non- monetary assets in the

donation. If the donor fails to provide the document, he will not get the

receipt of any public welfare donation note or a “General Payment Book of

Non-tax Income”, and such donation shall not be recognized as the donation


五、Main item Notes to Financial Statements

1、Monetary Fund

Types Currency Opening balance Ending balance

Cash RMB 197,221.17 107,307.97

Bank deposits RMB 825,219,945.76 430,480,356.31

Total 825,417,166.93 430,587,664.28

2、Short-term Investment

Opening balance Ending balance Provision Book Provision Book Book value Types for Balance for Book value Balance decline in decline in

value value

Bank 91,000,000.0 31,000,000.00 0 31,000,000.00 91,000,000.00 0 financing 0

91,000,000.0 Total 31,000,000.00 0 31,000,000.00 91,000,000.00 0 0

3、Other Receivables

105 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

Beijing No Annual Wenjin Branch, 40,000,000.00 Fixed Yield of 701,589.04 30,701,589.04 Zhao Tianjin Bank Term 3.75%

Total 562,000,000.00 3,681,683.01 474,681,683.01

7、Fixed assets and Accumulated Depreciation

(1)Classes of fixed assets are as follows:

Opening Current Current Items Ending Balance Balance Increase Decrease

1、Total Original Price 1,120,792.00 1,145,645.80 255,953.00 2,010,484.80 of Fixed Assets

Including: Transport 667,996.00 445,245.80 255,953.00 857,288.80 Equipment

Office Equipment 452,796.00 700,400.00 0 1,153,196.00

2 、 Total Accumulated 837,182.47 664,226.89 222,092.60 1,279,316.76 Depreciation

Including :

Transportation 498,767.44 85,267.00 222,092.60 361,941.84


Office equipment 338,415.03 578,959.89 0 917,374.92

3、Total Book Value of 283,609.53 1,145,645.80 698,087.29 731,168.04 Fixed Assets

Including :

Transportation 169,228.56 445,245.80 119,127.40 495,346.96


Office Equipment 114,380.97 700,400.00 578,959.89 235,821.08

(2)Applications of fixed assets are as follows:

Opening Balance Ending Balance

Applications Original Accumulated Original Accumulated

Price Depreciation Book Value Price Depreciation Book Value

Used the Fed 1,120,792.00 837,182.47 283,609.53 2,010,484.80 1,279,316.76 731,168.04

106 审计报告 / Audit Report

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

Rent 0 0 0 0 0 0

Public 0 0 0 0 0 0



Total 1,120,792.00 837,182.47 283,609.53 2,010,484.80 1,279,316.76 731,168.04

8、Other Payables

Opening Current Current Ending Items Balance Increase Decrease Balance

Beijing Baihuaxing 65,031.00 375,064.50 425,815.50 14,280.00 Aviation Service Center

Social Insurance Premium 2,929.01 248,997.94 222,798.99 29,127.96

Housing Fund -4,247.00 309,029.00 309,578.00 -4,796.00

Kuehne & Nagel Business 0 72,963.00 22,487.00 50,476.00 Management Ltd.

Huisheng Hou 1,000.00 20,000.00 21,000.00 0

Total 64,713.01 1,026,054.44 1,001,679.49 89,087.96

9、Staff Cost Breakdown

Opening Current Payout This Ending Items Balance Increase Year Balance

一 、 Wages, Bonuses, 0 3,022,354.15 3,022,354.15 0

Allowances and Subsidies

二 、 Employee Services and 0 979,121.40 979,121.40 0


三、Social Insurance 0 785,840.62 785,840.62 0

Including: Health Coverage 0 292,685.23 292,685.23 0

Basic Pension Coverage 0 446,451.73 446,451.73 0

Unemployment Insurance 0 22,239.84 22,239.84 0


Injury Insurance 0 6,671.95 6,671.95 0

107 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014


Maternity Insurance 0 17,791.87 17,791.87 0


四、Housing Fund 0 309,578.00 309,578.00 0

五 、 Labor Union Funds, 232,917.50 241,015.41 77,865.40 396,067.51 Employee Education Funds

六、Non Monetary Benefits 0 0 0 0

七、Others 0 0 0 0

Total 232,917.50 5,337,909.58 5,174,759.57 396,067.51

10、Accrued Tax

Tax Items Opening Balance Ending Balance Applicable Tax


Personal Income Tax 11,656.92 34,279.20 ——

Total 11,656.92 34,279.20 ——

11、Net Assets

Items Opening Balance Current Increase Current Decrease Ending Balance

Non Restricted 122,497,165.96 33,831,214.15 16,143,816.83 140,184,563.28 Net Assets

Restricted Net 3,343,304,916.55 17,447,789,821.67 13,349,403,206.37 7,441,691,531.85 Assets

Total 3,465,802,082.51 17,481,621,035.82 13,365,547,023.20 7,581,876,095.13

The main reason for the increase in the total amount of net assets over the previous

year is: the annual income is greater than the expenditure this year, so that the total

amount of net assets has increased by 4,116,074,012.62Yuan.

12、Membership Dues

The Amount of This The Amount of Last Items Year Year

Membership Dues 281,000.00 284,600.00

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China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

Total 281,000.00 284,600.00

13、Revenue from Donations

The Amount of This The Amount of Items Year Last Year

Contribute Money Income 290,643,866.85 397,293,754.69

Donations income — — Recipient 17,175,417,931.00 9,667,137,960.00 of Drugs

Total 17,466,061,797.85 10,064,431,714.69

14、Large Donation Income (Units and Individuals Account for Over 5% of the Year's

Donation Income in Cumulative Donations)

Donations This Year Donors Application Cash Non-cash

1.Swiss Novartis Funding for Patients with 11,185,958.99 9,774,127,899.00 Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Rescuing Patients with Inoperable Advanced Renal 2.Bayer Healthcare Co. Ltd. 13,270,000.00 3,618,000,232.00 Cell Carcinoma and Hepato- Cellular Carcinoma

3.AstraZeneca Subsidizing Patients with 6,200,000.00 1,879,680,000.00 Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

Funding for Lung Cancer 4.Shanghai Roche Patients Who Can Not be 17,692,873.06 1,727,586,000.00 Pharmaceutical Ltd Treated Because of Economic Reasons

5.Swiss Aike Tyrone Relief of Pulmonary 1,100,000.00 176,023,800.00 pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Hypertension

6.American Smile Train Cleft Lip and Palate 89,955,364.47 0 Foundation Project

7. World Vision 24,232,114.90 0 ADP Project

Total 163,636,311.42 17,175,417,931.00

109 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

15、Investment Income

Sources of Investment Income The Amount of This Year The Amount of Last Year

Adjusting the Equity 0 -2,467,174.65 Investment by the Equity Method

Bank Financing 3,681,683.01 1,347,482.20

Total 3,681,683.01 -1,119,692.45

16、Other Income

Items The Amount of This Year The Amount of Last Year

Interest Income on Bank 10,567,415.36 21,633,140.85 Deposits

Disposal Income of Fixed Asset 29,139.60 0

Total 10,596,554.96 21,633,140.85

17、Business Activity Costs

Items The Amount of This The Amount of Last Year


Cost of Donation Project 13,353,003,206.37 9,693,285,724.47

1. Donation Expenses 628,283,379.37 675,608,390.47

(1)General Donations 3,600,000.00 2,520,900.00

(2)Special Fund Expenses 57,400.00 40,000.00

Including: Orphan Fund for Talent 35,400.00 0

Development Fund for Children with 22,000.00 40,000.00 Intellectual Disabilities

(3)Earmarked expenditures of Donate 624,625,979.37 673,047,490.47 Money

Including: Charity Project of Medical 99,114.00 0 Technology Development

(All Currie) Project, Aike 1,417,878.24 1,226,987.26 Tyrone Co. Ltd.


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China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

Cleft Lip and Palate Project 96,549,719.05 101,656,959.41

Rainwater Saving Project 206,000.00 0

Wanda Children's Fund 0 962,310.00

Hongkong HSBC 2,521,660.01 3,318,700.11

American Mother Project 1,065,000.00 957,524.64

Dream Fund 179,299.72 0

Welfare - Help Elderly 1,675,263.00 2,804,671.87

Charity Reader 1,215,750.00 381,660.00

Charities -One Yuan Donation 740,270.00 1,020,366.00 (Masses Donations)

Love Action (Love World Column, 41,579.53 0 TV Station)

Candlelight Project 22,900.00 0

Exxon Company USA 495,000.00 20,000.00

Disaster Relief 21,802,626.35 5,590,159.05

Earthquake in Yaan 67,698,996.00 0

Blessing Action 942,254.94 1,848,141.20

Universal Concentric 3,062.40 0

Rescue Fund 1,773,367.40 2,272,449.58

Student Projects 2,190,013.00 13,198,364.00

SARS - Angel's Son Education Fund 9,000.00 9,000.00

Bayer Project 11,391,265.75 5,033,646.56

AstraZeneca Project 5,595,331.32 3,275,879.94

Novartis Project 10,632,111.05 8,349,093.25

Donations Costs 0 29,990.00

CHD Project 4,566,545.23 7,764,468.09

Oriental Yishite Care Fund 523,000.00 0

Charity Medical Sunshine Aid Engineering - 2,032,000.00 1,158,500.00 Zhongke Tianli


中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

World Vision - China 27,221,170.78 31,393,531.76

Phoenix Charity Care Fund 1,499.00 0

International United Way 4,884.00 133,575.05 Association

Science and Education against Poverty 13,619.00 0 - Tujin

“Walking, Desire” (Foreign Affair 581,025.00 485,550.00 Wheelchairs)

Assistance Program for College 10,000.00 0 Students Accidental Injury

Charity Media Fund 500,000.00 1,300,000.00

Red Ribbon Project 3,004.00 63,841.50

Ten champion Fund Project 0 1,053,338.66

Zhou Dafu Charitable Foundation 0 14,799,520.00

Fundraising by Project Department -83,523.00 3,054,349.46

American Association of Latter-day 1,070,044.00 761,202.00 Saints (LDS)

Yifu Compassion 10,000.00 0

Yellow Ribbon Project 1,071,300.00 1,850,000.00

Qingai Project 0 1,763,151.41

Yongyi Care of Special Funds 420,000.00 0

Spring-rain Love Fund 720,000.00 958,000.00

IDO Children's Relief Fund 750,000.00 804,607.30

Charity Conference 802,968.00 1,120,337.20

Love Financing 25,742,385.74 44,787,615.17

Other Special Expenses 329,801,492.00 407,840,000.00

2. Special Donation expenditures 12,724,719,827.00 9,017,677,334.00

Including:Drug Donation expenditures 12,724,719,827.00 9,017,677,334.00

Total 13,353,003,206.37 9,693,285,724.47


审计报告 / Audit Report

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

18、Administrative Costs

The Amount of This Items The Amount of Last Year Year

1. Wages and Benefits Expenses for 5,096,894.17 4,357,361.99 Staff

2. Spending of Goods Consumption and 7,237,245.77 4,427,542.42 Services in Administrative Affairs 3.Costs of Assets Depreciation (Amortization) and Operation 209,666.89 132,001.47 Maintenance in Administrative Management

4. Asset Impairments and Loss on 0 0 Disposal

5. Tax Expenses Booked in Management 10.00 20.00 Fees

Including: Stamp Duty 10.00 20.00

Total 12,543,816.83 8,916,925.88

六、Description of Changes in the Number of Members and Employees of the

Council, As Well As Changes in Salary and Others.

1、There are 94 members, eight of them who receive remuneration in the Federation

Council. Their names, work unit, and the amount of remuneration are as follows: Director Paid /Unpaid the Amount Work Unit Names Paid

Bengong Li China Charity Federation Yes 50,625.00

Shufeng Wang China Charity Federation Yes 48,685.00

Xuefang Du China Charity Federation Yes 20,000.00


Zhang China Charity Federation Yes 20,000.00

Hongta Li China Charity Federation Yes 20,000.00


中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014


Zheng China Charity Federation Yes 20,000.00

Junhui Cui China Charity Federation Yes 20,000.00

Zhifeng Bian China Charity Federation Yes 48,685.00

Qianyu Zhang Hongkong Jin Milai Group No 0

Jichuan Yang Xicheng District, Beijing CPPCC No 0

Beijing Green Valley Xiao

Xiao Xiangyu Xiangyu School of Art No 0

Bo Jin Second Artillery Backstage No 0

Decheng Yang Beijing Charity Association No 0

Fengqi Zhao China Social Work Association No 0

Mucun Guan Tianjin Song and Dance Theater No 0

The General Political Song and Xiaona Liu Dance Troupe No 0

China Oriental Song and Dance Yan Hu Troupe No 0

Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute of Three San Zhou Gorges No 0

Wenchen Li Charity Newspaper No 0

China National Trade Promotion Zhongbao Li Association No 0

Mingyue Tan CPPCC Newspaper Charity Weekly No 0

Chaoyang District, Beijing Tao Sun Charity Association No 0 No Houlin Li China Charity Federation 0 No Shuntiantong Real Estate Zaiwei Tian Development Group 0 No Press Charities Promotion 0 Yixuan Xu Committee No Zhongjin Yuntong Investment Co. Chunlai Guo Ltd. 0


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China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

No Jinhui Zhou Macao Lijun Creation Limited 0 No Hexian Teng Beijing Runfa Investment Group 0 No Chinese Literature and Art

Kun Jiang Foundation 0 No Beijing International Trust and

Jianhua Liu Investment Co. Ltd. 0 No Yulin Li “Charity”Magazine 0 No Hetong Elderly Welfare

Jiake Fang Association 0 No Xuefu Wang Tianjin Charity Association 0 No Shuping Wang Tianjin Artists Association 0 No Shuhai Tong Tianjin Charity Association 0 No Second Charity Hospital in Henan Jiebing Hao Province 0 No Jiangtao Ma Xingyang Charity Federation 0 No Charity Federation of Henan Degong Yang Province 0 No Charity Federation of Hebei Yuxiang Xia Province 0 No Ze Zhang Jinan Charity Federation 0 No Charity Federation of Shandong Yuliang Li Province 0 No Junjian

Jiang Qingdao Charity Federation 0 No Charity Federation of Shanxi Youqin Guo Province 0 No Gaosuo Yuan Taiyuan Charity Federation 0 No Charity Federation of Inner Teqi Bo Mongolia Autonomous Region 0 No Huiming Liu Baotou Charity Federation 0 No Chengbao

Diao Dalian Charity Federation 0


中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

No Charity Federation of Liaoning

Shibing Zhao Province 0 No Xiang Liu Shenyang Charity Federation 0 No Charity Federation of

Zhi Zhang Henlongjiang Province 0 No Charity Federation of Jilin

Baodong Chen Province 0 No Yulin Zhu Baishan Yulin Orphanage 0 No Min Liu Changchun Charity Federation 0 No Yanhua Ge Yan'an Hospital of Jilin 0 No Charity Federation of Jiangsu Xingde Yu Province 0 No Xingsheng Li Nanjing Charity Federation 0 No Wuxi Lingshan Cultural Tourism Guoping Wu Group 0 No Charity Federation of Jiangxi Xin Wang Province 0 No Charity Federation of Zhejiang Gang Li Province 0 No Guoping Fang Shanghai Charity Foundation 0 No Cheng Zhao Shanghai Longhua Temple 0 No Charity Federation of Yunnan Yong Li Province 0 No Furu Zhou Hefei Charity Foundation 0 No Anhui provincial Civil Affairs Xujun Wu Department 0 No Charity Federation of Hunan Jinfu Li 0 Province No Charity Federation of Hubei Youqing Wan Province 0 No Maowen Zhou Yichang Charity Federation 0


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China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

No Guangsheng Hubei Mingri, Engineering Co.

Li Ltd. 0 No Mingquan Charity Federation of Sichuan

Huang Province 0 No Yiju Cheng Chongqing Charity Federation 0 No Mingzhe She Chongqing Charity Federation 0 No Charity Federation of Fujian

Zhihe Lan Province 0 No Qingyun Fang Fuzhou Charity Federation 0 No Jingxiang Cai Xiamen Charity Federation 0 No Zimeng Gong Jinjiang Charity Federation 0 No Beila Lu Guangzhou Charity Federation 0 No Tao Fang Shenzhen Charity Federation 0 No President (CEO)of Hong Kong Yunyi Yu Yongyi Group 0 No Charity Federation of Hainan Ruohong Zhao Province 0 No Kefu Chen Charity Federation of Guangxi 0 No Yingxiang Charity Federation of Guizhou

Tang Province 0 No Charity Federation of Shanxi Rongjie Li Province 0 No Charity Federation of Gansu Ying Du Province 0 No Jinbao Wang Charity Federation of Ningxia 0 No Charity Federation of Qinghai Yubin Zheng Province 0 No Department of Civil Affairs of Juan Mo Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous 0

Region No Honghua Zhao Kelamayi Charity Federation 0


中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

No Charity Federation of Xinjiang Production and Construction

Zhuangli Hu Corps 0 No Charity Federation of Guangdong Minqian Xu Province 0 No Yunjin Chen Ningbo Charity Federation 0 No Derong Shi Shanghai Charity Foundation 0 No Lilin Wang Chengdu Charity Federation 0 No Peixing Deng Guangdong Risheng Group Co. Ltd. 0 No Department of Civil Affairs of Jianning Li 0 Tibet Autonomous Region

2、The total number of workers, the number of employees of various departments, total

wages and wages per capita in the Federation are as follows:

Annual Per Capita

Departments Number of Workers Total Wages Wages

Leaders 8 247,995.00 30,999.38

Project Department 11 661,028.23 60,093.48

Foreign Affairs 6 345,250.55 57,541.76 Department

Disaster Relief 5 257,033.23 51,406.65 Department

Fundraising Department 5 264,112.63 52,822.53

Financial Department 7 382,558.70 54,651.24

Office 9 502,708.22 55,856.47

Board of Supervisors 1 32,567.00 32,567.00

Press Office 6 316,600.59 52,766.77

Total 58 3,009,854.15 51,894.04

七、Some explanation is needed in the calculation of the proportion of


审计报告 / Audit Report

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

public welfare undertakings, staff wages and benefits and administrative

office expenses.

1 、 Something needs to be explained when the proportion of public

expenditure is calculated:

The operational activity in 2014 cost 13,353,003,206.37 yuan, which

expended all on public welfares by the Federation. The total income was

10,085,229,763.09 yuan last year. The limited income in the income of last

year that could not be used last year by time Limitation was 0 yuan and net

assets that time Limitation was released in last year were 0 yuan. The total

annual income adjusted was 10,085,229,763.09 yuan. The proportion of welfare

expenditure accounted for 132.40% in total income last year.

2、The following should be clear when calculating the proportion of staff

wages and benefits and administrative office expenses:

Staff salary and welfare spending was 5096894.17 yuan and administrative

expenses was 7446922.66 yuan, all together was $12543816.83 yuan in 2014. The

total expenditure this year was $13365547023.20 yuan, among which staff wages

and benefits and administrative expenses accounted for 0.09%.

八、Major Public Projects

1、Balance Sheet of Major Public Projects Unit: million yuan


Direct Operating Cost of Projects

Donations Establis House Items Revenues Used hment, Rent,Costs publi Staff Total Implemen of city Other Directly by Remuner Subtotal tation, Purchasing Expen Expenses Recipients ation Monitori and ses

ng and Maintaining

119 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

Evaluati Fixed assets on Fees

Medicines Donated by Novartis, 978,531.39 558,545.28 729.37 241.12 51.43 275.59 1,297.51 559,842.79 Swiss Medicines Donated by

Bayer 363,127.02 322,017.50 745.07 206.87 109.50 423.66 1,485.11 323,502.61 pharmaceutica l Company Medicines

Donated by 188,588.00 181,592.40 339.75 162.81 31.27 434.91 968.73 182,561.13 AstraZeneca Medicines Donated by Shanghai Roche 174,527.89 180,973.27 1,034.70 166.50 106.92 267.35 1,575.49 182,548.76 Pharmaceutica ls Medicines Donated by The Swiss Tyrone 17,712.38 28,159.81 50.46 58.29 23.00 18.02 149.78 28,309.59 Company Cleft Lip and Palate Project 8,995.54 9,647.08 -10.32 2.52 15.00 0.69 7.89 9,654.97 (Smile Train) Disaster

Relief 5,859.69 8,900.31 49.77 0.08 49.85 8,950.16

World Vision 2,423.21 2,722.12 2,722.12 Ruins Park Construction

Project in 30,000.00 30,000.00 Nanjing Dabao en Temple Patriotic Support of the

Military 710.00 935.90 935.90 Project

Total 1,740,475.11 1,323,493.67 2,938.81 838.20 322.12 15.00 1,420.23 5,534.36 1,329,028.03

2、Large Payment Objects for Major Public Projects

Proportion of Items Large Payment Objects Amount of Payment Application

120 审计报告 / Audit Report

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

Total Annual


Expenditures Beijing Foreign Enterprise Human 2,326,199.91 0.02% Staff Wages Resources Service Co. Ltd. Medicines Donated Kandel (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co. 2,493,634.31 0.02% Customs Service Fees, etc. by Novartis Swiss Ltd. Shanghai Yiduo Information Consulting 1,700,000.00 0.01% Hotline Service Charge Co. Ltd. Conference of Project Mode Beijing Huayuan International Travel Co. Adjustment, Project Physician 3,487,510.00 0.03% Ltd. Training, Drug Delivery Training, and Project Training Medicines Donated Beijing Foreign Enterprise Human 2,003,540.41 0.02% Staff Wages by Bayer Resources Service Co. Ltd. pharmaceutical Beijing Zhongruan International Project Software, Database 1,322,000.00 0.01% company Technology Services Ltd. Systems Maintenance Fees Rent for Project Office, Beijing Guorui Xingye Real Estate Co. 961,747.61 0.01% Property Costs Beijing Juxiang Decoration Engineering 办公室装修费 Cost of Office 654,196.50 0.005% Design Co. Ltd. Decoration Beijing Foreign Enterprise Human 1,572,807.98 0.01% Staff Wages Resources Service Co., Ltd. Beijing Golden Road Tiancheng 865,000.00 0.01% Call Center Service Fees Medicines Donated Information Systems Services Ltd. by AstraZeneca China Travel Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 599,800.00 0.004% Project Training

Kandel (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co. 415,343.47 0.003% Customs Service Fees and So on Ltd. Shanghai Yiduo Information Consulting 7,595,564.00 0.06% Hotline Service Charge Co. Ltd. Beijing Newwei Ningda Human Resources Medicines Donated 1,665,049.66 0.01% Wages Service Co. Ltd. by Shanghai Roche Beijing Huaxin Garden View Property Pharmaceuticals 996,549.86 0.01% Rent Management Center Langsai International Advertising 709,081.00 0.01% Project Training Fees (Beijing) Co. Ltd. Beijing Foreign Enterprise Human Medicines Donated 509,682.27 0.004% Staff Wages by The Swiss Resources Service Co. Ltd. Tyrone Company Junbiao Zhang 222,000.00 0.002% Rent Lushan Earthquake Charity Federation of Sichuan Disaster Relief 67,570,000.00 0.51% Restoration and Province Reconstruction

Department of Finance of Heilongjiang 10,000,000.00 0.07% Money for Heilongjiang

121 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

China Charity Federation Annotations to Financial Statements in 2014

Province Flood Reconstruction

Money for Heilongjiang Tongjiang Civil Affairs Bureau 6,400,000.00 0.05% Flood Reconstruction Reconstruction and Poverty Alleviation Development World Vision World Vision Hiraizumi Project Office 27,221,170.78 0.20% Projects, School Projects, Educational Assistance Ruins Park Construction Nanjing Jinling Cultural Preservation Construction Project in 300,000,000.00 2.25% Project in Nanjing Development Foundation Nanjing Dabaoen Temple Dabao en Temple Patriotic Support on Supporting National of the Military China Patriotic Yongjun Association 9,359,000.00 0.07% Defense and Military Project Modernization

Total 450,649,877.66 3.37%

九、Description of related party relationships and transactions Goods Funded and Goods and Services Services Provided to Purchased from Related Relationship Related Parties Parties Related Parties with the The The Amount Federation Remaining Remaining Amount of of This Sum Sum This Year Year

Swiss Novartis Pharmaceutical Major Donors 0 0 0 0 Co. Ltd.

Bayer Healthcare Co. Ltd. Major Donors 0 0 0 0

AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Co. Major Donors 0 0 0 0 Ltd.

Shanghai Roche Pharmaceutical Major Donors 0 0 0 0 Ltd.

Swiss Aike Tyrone Pharmaceutical Co. Major Donors 0 0 0 0 Ltd.

American Smile Train Foundation Major Donors 0 0 0 0

World Vision Major Donors 0 0 0 0

Beijing "Charity Welfare Newspaper" Investee 0 0 0 0 Co. Ltd. Tianjin Charity Magazine Co. Ltd. Investee 0 0 0 0

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129 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

中华慈善总会2014年大事记 China Charity Federation Chronicle of Events in 2014

2014 年 1 月 1 月 1 日,中华慈善总会恩瑞格桂林发药点变更至桂林市慈善会发药点,全可利项目广西 南宁发药点正式启动。 January 1 月 2 日,中华慈善总会易瑞沙慈善援助项目呼叫中心正式启用,项目办热线变更为 400- 628-8080。 1 月 6 日至 8 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛陪同 LDS 慈善会志愿者 Miner 夫妇赴 湖北恩施验收旱厕改水厕项目。石桥湾小学、白果中心小学、黄金洞小学三所学校,约 2300 余人从中受益。 1 月 9 日,中华慈善总会全体人员在 701 会议室召开“2013 年工作总结会议”。各部门 主任分别就一年来的工作进行述职。会后根据“2013 年度工作职工考核工作方案”对全体员 工进行了考核测评。 1 月 12 日,中华慈善总会多吉美项目办在西安召开模式调整注册医生会,项目部副主任 刘莹出席会议并致辞,项目办公室主任李媛参加会议。 1 月 14 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟、外联部主任杨申申及美国 LDS 慈善协会志愿者 麦德华夫妇前往河南平顶山出席轮椅捐赠仪式。仪式后,秘书长边志伟一行到受助者家中进行 走访。平顶山市慈善总会会长赵玉亭、老促会裴建中会长等领导参加此次活动。2013 年 LDS 慈善协会通过总会向平顶山市捐赠轮椅 250 台和助行器 250 个,发放至当地贫困残疾人以及 福利院、敬老院等福利机构。 1 月 15 日,海南旺龙投资有限公司向总会捐款 200 万元人民币设立中华慈善总会·圆梦 基金,致力于帮助贫困青少年完成学业,帮助困难弱势群体改善生活状况,并设立项目办公室 负责项目的具体操作和实施。 1 月 15 日,北京北软融智数码技术有限公司与总会合作设立中华慈善总会·美亚圆梦基金。 基金将以设立奖学金、项目合作等形式资助在校的贫困学生及生活困难的弱势群体。双方派员 组成基金管理办公室,负责日常事务管理、项目策划、项目执行等具体工作。 1 月 16 日,河南省林州市慈善会会长翟建周、副会长元太江拜访总会。会谈中会长翟建 周介绍 2013 年林州市慈善会工作情况。总会秘书长边志伟、副秘书长张心国,筹募部主任苏辉、

130 办公厅副主任田伯东参加会见。 1 月 17 日,由中国慈善联合会主办的“慈善的力量”2013 年中国慈善年会在北京国家会 议中心召开,民政部部长李立国参会并致辞。中华慈善总会会长李本公参加并主持“改革之 道——中国慈善趋势分析会”。秘书长边志伟参加“慈善的力量———2013 中国慈善年会专 题晚会”。新闻办副主任孙燕梅全程陪同参加。 1 月 18 日,贫困母亲救助项目参与总会“慈善情暖万家”活动,在内蒙古赤峰市元宝山区、 内蒙古宁城县、河北省平泉县、河北省隆化县、河北省秦皇岛市共计援助 720 位贫困母亲,发 放善款 51.6 万元,帮助她们缓解生活上的困难,鼓励她们重树信心,创造新生活。 1 月 19 日,中华慈善总会大众慈善基金关爱军人家庭援助项目启动仪式在北京中国科技 会堂举行,常务副会长王树峰、外联部主任杨申申出席。常务副会长王树峰在致辞中表示,关 爱军人家庭援助项目是一个有深远意义的项目,军人家庭的特殊困难千差万别,政府难以解决 方方面面的问题;社会援助,作为政府优抚的一种补充,是十分必要的。希望通过开展相关救 助活动,为解决军人家庭的特殊困难尽一份力。 1 月 20 日,春雨爱心基金拨款 10 万元至山东淄博慈善总会,用于救助 100 名贫困母亲, 帮助她们改善生活状况,重树生活信心。 1 月 22 日,中华慈善总会春雨爱心基金在山东省女子监狱开展扶贫行动,帮助特殊贫困 家庭过上一个充满温馨和关爱的新年,共援助 100 位特困服刑人员及贫困家庭,每户贫困家庭 发放善款 1000 元到 3000 元不等,发放善款 10 万元。另外,爱心企业青岛金盛世纪投资有限 公司捐赠慈善超市 10 万元,为特困服刑人员解决部分生活用品。春雨爱心基金执行主任冰华、 贫困母亲救助项目执行主任陈富刚、中华慈善总会专员李风亚等爱心人士参加此次公益活动。

Jan. 1 EXPAP Guilin distribution station was changed into Guilin Charity Association Station by which Tracleer Nanning Medicine Distribution Station was opened to public. Jan. 2 Contact Center for Iressa Charity Relief project was opened to public and the project hotline was 400-628-8080. Jan. 6-8 Chen Yuanyuan, vice director of Foreign Liaison Department of CCF accompanied Mr. Miner and his wife, volunteers from LDS, to check and accept the dry-watering toilets project in Enshi of Hupei province, from which 2,300 persons in Shiqiaowan Primary School, Baiguo Center Primary School and Huangjindong Primary School got benefit. Jan. 9 2013'Job Summery Meeting was held in Meeting Room 701 with the whole staff of CCF present. Director from every department gave their presentation for the annual work and then everyone got evaluation according to "2013's Employee Evaluation Plan". Jan. 12 CCF held Nexavar Registered Practitioners meeting under the adjusted model in Xi’an. Liu Ying, vice director of project department was present and delivered the speech. Li Yuan, director of the project department was also present at the meeting. Jan. 14 Zhiwei Bian, secretary of CCF, Shenshen Yang, director of foreign liaison, and Mr. Miner and his wife from LDS went to Pingdingshan of Henan province to attend wheelchair donation ceremony. After the donation ceremony, the secretary and his group paid visits to the beneficiary homes. Yuting Zhao, president of Pingding Charity Association and Jianzhong Pei, director of Aged Advanced

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Association joined the visit. In 2013, LDS donated 250 wheelchairs and 250 walking aids to Pingdingshan city via CCF distributing to impoverished disabled persons, local Welfare Houses and the Elderly Nursing Home. Jan. 15 Hannan Dragon Investment LTD. donated RMB2000000.00 to CCF to found CCF Dream Fund, aiming to help impoverished juniors finishing their school and improve the life of disadvantaged groups. The fund established a special office responsible for the project's special operation and implementation. Jan. 15 Beijing North Software RongZhi Digital Technology co., LTD and CCF set up CCF & Meiya Dream Fund to support school disadvantaged groups by scholarship and project cooperation. The persons from both parties are co-responsible for the routine work, job management, project plans and the implementation of the project. Jan. 16 President Jianzhou Zhai from Linzhou Charity Association and vice president Taijiang Yuan paid a visit to CCF. While talking, president Zhai gave a brief introduction to the work of Linzhou Charity Association in 2013. Secretary Zhiwei Bian, Xinguo Zhang, Hui Su director of recruitment department and director Bodong Tian of general office were present while meeting. Jan. 17 2013'CCF annual conference "Strength of Charity" was held at Beijing National Conference Center. Minister Liguo Li from Ministry of Civil Affairs attended the conference and delivered speech. President Bengong Li from CCF chaired the meeting of "Way of Reform: China Charity Tendency Analysis". Secretary Zhiwei Bian joined the 2013 CCF Special Evening escorted by vice director Yanmei Sun from News Office. Jan. 18 Poor Mother Relief project participated in "Philanthropy Action" in Yuanbaoshan district and Ningcheng County of Inner Mongolia, Pingquan County and Longhua County and Qinhuangdao of Hebei province, gave relief donation to 720 impoverished mothers, totally RMB 516,000.00 , thus alleviating their life difficulties and regaining their confidence in life. Jan. 19 CCF's Public Charity Fund started its project concerning PLA's families. Such opening ceremony was held in Beijing China Sci-Tech Hall, at which vice president Shufeng Wang of CCF, Director Shenshen Yang from Foreign Liaison were present. In his speech, Shufeng Wang of CCF said that the concern about PLA's families is a far significant project. With various kinds of troubles of PLA's families, Chinese government is difficult to deal with, so it is necessary for the social relief to give some supplements. He also hoped the social relief can help with the problems solution to PLA's families. Jan. 20 Spring Rain Love Fund allocated RMB100000.00 to Zibo Charity Association of Shandong. The donated money was to be used for 100 impoverished mothers to improve their life and regain their confidence in life. Jan. 22 To assist the impoverished families to pass a happy and warm new year, CCF's Spring Rain Love Fund carried forward the relief act for Shandong Female Prisoners. 100 impoverished prisoners and their families got RMB1000.00 to RMB 3000 respectively, totally contributing RMB100000.00. In addition, Qingdao Jinsheng Century Investment donated RMB100000.00 to Charity Supermarket to provide part of life necessities for the impoverished prisoners. Ren Binghua, the

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executive director of Spring Rain Love Fund, Chen Fugang, the executive director of Poor Mother Relief project and Li Fengya, special officer from CCF and some other persons of love attended joined the welfare activities.

2014 年 2 月 2 月 8 日,由扬州东方集团发起设立的中华慈善总会·东方易事特关爱基金首批捐赠 100 万元人民币,捐款定向用于扶贫、助教、助学等慈善工作,并帮助社会上不幸的个人和困难群体, February 实施多种形式的社会救助。 2 月 18 日,总会“今天希望基金”申请从北京凡时代电子商贸有限公司购买 3000 个学生 书包,捐赠给甘肃的中小学生,经过近一个月的调研,确定甘肃省临夏回族自治州临夏县、和 政县、积石山县的 3000 名受助学生,名单报总会备案审核后,当月完成发放。 2 月 21 日,会长李本公在总会会见美国微笑列车基金会副总裁薛揄女士及北京代表处一 行 3 人。薛揄代表美国微笑列车基金会通报 2013 年 11 月 19 日微笑列车基金会(美国)北京 代表处获中华人民共和国民政部批准正式成立。会长李本公指出,总会和美国微笑列车基金会 合作 15 年来完成 30 万例唇腭裂手术,影响力巨大,在新的历史条件下,双方继续按原有的渠 道,在规范化和制度化的前提下加强合作、开展项目。秘书长边志伟、项目部主任邵家严、项 目部陈东光、季晓惠参加会议。 2 月 25 日,总会自有媒体工作交流会议在 708 会议室召开。总会常务副会长王树峰、《慈 善》杂志社主编李玉林、《人民政协报·慈善周刊》编辑部主任舒迪、《慈善公益报》编辑部 副主任耿欣、中华慈善新闻网主编王凯、《大众慈善》杂志主编孙晓霞以及总会新闻办全体人 员参加会议。会议围绕如何加强总会与自有媒体、合作媒体的交流合作,共同促进总会和团体 会员新闻宣传工作进行探讨。 2 月 25 日,全球联合之路亚太区副总裁李启文、中国事务主管陈熙与总会外联部就双方 合作协议续签、2014 年工作计划以及进一步扩展合作等相关事宜进行深入会谈,双方初步达 成一致,并制定工作时间表,以尽快推进各项工作的落实。会谈后,副会长王树峰会见到访客人。 2 月 25 日至 28 日,中华慈善总会罕见病救助办公室在北京来福士广场、北京汇商界及爱 琴海购物中心三地举办一年一度罕见病月宣传活动。 2 月 26 日,内蒙古巴彦淖尔设立的格列卫 / 达希纳项目发药点正式启动。 2 月 26 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰在光明日报社录制《光明网——光明讲坛》节目, 就当前慈善领域的热点问题接受记者专访。新闻办副主任孙燕梅陪同参加。 2 月 27 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰在多吉美项目办公室会见拜耳公司全球特药 部高级副总裁 Alison、中央市场部总监徐世安、项目经理于小泳。双方就多吉美药品援助项目 进行交流,同时对项目模式调整等事宜进行具体沟通和通报。项目部主任邵家严、副主任刘莹、 对外联络部副主任陈媛媛以及项目办人员参会。 2 月 28 日,中华慈善总会万他维患者援助项目专家研讨会在北京召开。项目部主任邵家 严出席会议并讲话。 2 月 28 日至 3 月 3 日,中辰兴会计师事务所对诺华药品援助项目进行延伸审计。

Feb. 8 EAST Love Fund sponsored by EAST co., LTD and CCF donated RMB 1,000,000.00 used for alleviating poverty, assisting education and support unlucky individuals and

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disadvantaged groups. Feb. 18 Today's Hope Fund bought 3,000 school bags from Beijing Fanshidai Electric and Trade Limited and donated to pupils and students in Gansu province. After a month investigation, 3000 pupils in Linxia, Hezheng and Jishi counties of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu province. The relief list was registered in CCF and the school bags were distributed within the month. Feb. 21. President Bengong Li met vice president Xue Yu from U.S. Smile Train and 3 other persons from Beijing Branch at CCF. Xue Yu announced on behalf of U.S. Smile Train that on Nov.19, 2013 U.S. Smile Train Beijing Office was approved to set up. President Li pointed out that it was great significant for the cooperation of CCF and U.S. Smile Train for 15 years. The 300,000 operations done on cleft palate patients affected much on our charity relief. In the new historical situation, CCF and U.S. Smile Train would go on with cooperation according to the existed channel and carry forward the project on the premise of standardization and institutionalization. Secretary Zhiwei Bian, Director Jiayan Shao, Chen Dongguang and Ji Xiaohui of project department attended the meeting. Feb. 25 The exchange meeting for work experience of CCF self owned media was held at Meeting Room 708. Vice president Shufeng Wang, chief editor Li Yulin of China Charity magazine, director Shu Di of editing department of Ren Min Zheng Xie Bao (Charity Weekly), vice director Geng Xin from editing department of Charity Welfare Paper, Editor Sun Xiaoxia from Public Charity and the staff from News Office of CCF attended the meeting. Centering around the close cooperation and communication among CCF and other self owned media, the meeting went on detailed investigation in dissemination of news among CCF and its membership. On the same day, vice president Li Qiwen from Asian Pacific of UWW, Chief officer Chen Xi of China Affairs signed the contract renewing their cooperation of both sides. They also talked about their work plan and further cooperation in 2014 and reached consensus on work schedule and implement details. After the talk, vice president Shufeng Wang met the visiting quests. Feb 25-28 Rare disease office of CCF took the annual propaganda activity for rare diseases in Beijing Laifushi Square, Beijing Huishangjie and Aiqinhai Mall Feb. 26 Greevec Medicine Distribution Station of Bayanzhuoer of Inner Mongolia was set up and opened to the public. On the same day, vice president Shufeng Wang of CCF recorded the program of Guangming net: Guangming Pulpit at Guangming Daily, being reviewed on the hot issues in the charity area. Vice director Yanmei Sun of News Office of CCF escorted the review. Feb. 27 Vice president Shufeng Wang of CCF met vice president Ms Alison from World Special Medicine Department of Bayer AG, Chief inspector Xu Shi'an of Central Market Department and Project manager Ms. Yu Xiaoyong at Nexavar Project Office. They had a talk about Nexavar Relief, and communicated the issues on the project model adjustment. Director Jiayan Shao of Project Department , vice director Liu Ying and Chen Yuanyuan from Foreign Liaison joined the meeting.

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Feb. 28 Ventavis Specialist Forum was held in Beijing, at which director Jiayan Shao was present and delivered the speech. Feb. 28-March 3 Zhongchenxing Accounting Firm gave an extending audit to Novartis Medicine Relief Project.

3 月 1 日,中华慈善总会安维汀项目 2014 年第一季度医生研讨会暨培训会分别在福州、 2014 年 3 月 成都、北京等地陆续召开。总会项目部副主任胡野萍和安维汀项目副主任曹曦分别出席并全程 参与区域培训会。 March 3 月 2 日,梁金安先生出资设立中华慈善总会学习项目,主要向全国范围内的学校、养老院、 福利机构及其他有需要的单位捐赠自己所著的图书。 3 月 3 日,中华慈善总会诺华药品援助项目短信平台二期和三期功能正式上线。 3 月 3 日至 7 日,中国衣恋集团在陕西省西安市组织召开2013 年衣恋助学项目研讨会。会上, 韩国衣恋集团福利财团总裁郑永一到会听取各地衣恋助学项目总结。衣恋集团企业社会责任部 高宽卓总经理做项目工作总结,对各地 2013 年度衣恋助学项目做点评。同时向各省、市代表 就进一步做好 2014 年度的走访和助学项目提出具体工作要求;对衣恋集团设计的助学项目管 理软件进行培训。会后,全体代表到铜川市耀州区中学参加主题班会,观看阳光班同学的才艺 表演,并与阳光班同学共进午餐。此次研讨会由中国衣恋集团主办,陕西省慈善协会协办。山西、 周口、辽宁、吉林、延边自治州、陕西、重庆、江西、湖南、贵州、云南的 30 多位代表参加 研讨会。 3 月 4 日,中华慈善总会财务部主任高守华陪同中辰兴会计师事务所审计人员廉小爱等到 易瑞沙项目办公室进行 2013 年度项目审计。 3 月 7 日,中华慈善总会模拟学校正式成立,全体员工在 701 会议室参加开学典礼。会上, 会长李本公做动员讲话,阐述学习培训的重要性。随后,常务副会长王树峰给大家上第一课, 内容是“合理把握学习范围,科学运用学习方法”。 3 月 7 日,考虑到总会妇女同志占全体员工半数以上,在工作中发挥着重要作用,第四届 理事会第十九次会长办公会决定成立中华慈善总会妇女组织,进一步调动女同志积极性,维护 其合法权益。工会主席芦红焰任组织负责人,委员由工会成员兼任。 3 月 8 日,安徽省委书记张宝顺、省长王学军、省委常委秘书长唐承沛、中华慈善总会常 务副会长王树峰、副会长李宏塔等领导在中国人民解放军空军总医院看望在京接受“为了我们 的孩子——千名少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿童救助行动”治疗的安徽籍先心病患儿。 3 月 8 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公,副会长李宏塔,秘书长边志伟,十二届全国政协委员、 全国记协党组书记翟惠生,十二届全国政协委员、人民网总裁、总编辑廖玒等领导出席在人民 网举行的“一张纸·献爱心”工程全国统一捐赠网站上线仪式。 3 月 9 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公、河北省委省政府领导、海军后勤部政委康非、海军 总医院院长殷明、海军总医院政委杨明建等领导到海军总医院,看望正在接受“为了我们的孩 子——千名少数民族贫困家庭先心病儿童救助行动”免费治疗的河北省先天性心脏病患儿。 3 月 10 日,中华慈善总会召开讨论会,就总会网站首页设计稿征求意见。会长李本公、 常务副会长王树峰、秘书长边志伟与各部门负责人参加。 3 月 10 日,中华慈善总会震灾区一线康复技术人员培训班项目进行地震灾区康复情况回访, 再次去雅安、成都、德阳等灾区医院、社区、小学校、孤残老人院评估考察。 3 月 14 日,中华慈善总会多吉美患者援助项目模式调整工作会议在福州召开。全国 41 家 慈善会多吉美项目负责人和发药员参会培训。常务副会长王树峰出席并讲话,项目部主任邵家 严、副主任刘莹、项目办公室主任李媛及部分员工参会。

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3 月 15 日,中华慈善总会项目部副主任胡野萍、项目办副主任曹曦出席在上海召开的“2014 CSCO·罗氏肿瘤论坛”,并参加肺癌及结直肠癌的专场研讨会。 3 月 15 日,2014 年思而赞慈善援助项目医学专家咨询会在渔阳饭店召开,中华慈善总会 项目部主任邵家严参会。 3 月 20 日,I DO 基金向中华慈善总会捐款 77 万余元启动 I DO 幸福公益林植树项目。此 项目将在北京、上海、哈尔滨、武汉、成都五个城市开展环保植树活动。 3 月 24 日,多吉美肝癌项目新模式正式启动。 3 月 24 日,由《中国企业社会责任指南》主办的 CRO(首席责任官)论坛在清华大学经 管学院舜德楼举行。中华慈善总会副秘书长张心国出席并担任主讲嘉宾。强生、NEC、北京现 代 、日产、香格里拉等近 20 家外企企业社会责任经理人参加论坛。副秘书长张心国向与会的 企业代表简述了新中国成立以后的救灾发展历史,分享总会参与大型救灾活动的经验;就企业 代表提出的如何参与救灾的相关问题进行解答。中国青少年基金会处长严石与大家分享青基会 教育救灾项目,清华大学经管学院院长助理钱小军教授参与讨论。外联部韩春霞、新闻办孙燕 梅陪同前往。 3 月 25 日,应洪贵明先生的要求,在云南省丽江市宁蒗彝族自治县烂泥箐大二地中关村 希望小学、宁蒗彝族自治县珠洛河完小、永胜县卜甲小学设立三间“洪贵明书馆”,共需资金 309000 元,其中 150000 元从洪贵明助学教育基金支出,剩余 159000 元由洪贵明个人承担, 该项目当月执行完毕。

March 1 The First Season Practitioner Forum & Training of CCF Avastin Project was held in Fuzhou, Chengdu and Beijing. Vice director Yeping Hu of project department of CCF and vice director Cao Xi of Avastin Project attended respectively the forums and trainings. March 2 Mr. Liang Jinan sponsored CCF Study Project aiming at donation of his own books toschools, old aged nursing homes, welfare houses and other units that need the books. March 3 The second and third phase of texting platform for CCF Norvatis Medicine Relief project performed its function. March 3-7 Eland Group held "2013 Assisting Education Forum" in Shanxi Xi'an. At the meeting, Mr. Yongyi Zheng, president from Korean Eland Welfare Consortium listened to the district summeries on assisting education. Manager Kuanzhuo Gao from social responsible department delivered the Eland project summery. The representatives conducted evaluation on different area's work and they also put forward some requests on the further work and visit in 2014. After the forum, every representative attended the theme class meeting of Yaozhou middle school, watched students' performances and had lunch with the students together. The forum was sponsored by Eland Group co., LTD and co-organized by Shanxi Charity Association with 30 representatives from Shanxi, Zhoukou, Liaoning, Jilin, Yanbian, Shanxi, Chongqing, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou and Yunnan. March 4 Shouhua Gao, director of Finance Department of CCF, escorted Xiaoai Lian from Zhongchenxing Accounting Firm to Iressa Project office giving 2013 project audit. March 7 Manipulating school of CCF was founded, all the staff of CCF attended the opening ceremony at Meeting Room 701. At the ceremony, President Bengong Li delivered a mobilization speech stating the importance of study and training. After that, vice president Shufeng Wang gave the class a lesson about the study's scale and methods.

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March 7 The 4th session of the 19th board of directors of CCF made a decision on the founding of a women organization for the sake of safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests, in view that half of the staff were women and they, at the moment, play an important part in CCF. Yan Hongyan, chairman of Labor Union, was assigned to be responsible and committee members were from members of labor union. March 8 Baoshun Zhang, secretary of Anhui provincial central party committee, Xuejin Wang, provincial governor, Chengpei Zhang, secretary-general of provincial central party committee, vice president Shufeng Wang and Hongta Li of CCF went to PLA Air Force General Hospital seeing Anhui children patients with congenial heart disease, who were treated there under the relief project of "For the sake of the children a thousand impoverished children of ethnic minorities with CHD got medical relief". March 8 President Bengong Li, vice president Hongta Li and Zhiwei Bian of CCF, Huisheng Zhai, member of twelfth session of the CPPCC national committee, Liao Hong, member of twelfth session of the CPPCC national committee, president and general chief of People Net attended the ceremony for national online donation access to "1 paper love". March 9 President Bengong Li of CCF, Provincial leader and governor Qingwei Zhang, Fei Kang, political commissar of Logistics Department of the PLA Navy, director Ming Yin and political commissar Mingjian Yang of Navy Hospital went to PLA Navy Hospital seeing Hebei children patients with congenial heart disease, who were treated there under the relief project of "For the sake of the children a thousand impoverished children of ethnic minorities with CHD got medical relief". March 10 CCF held a meeting talking about the design for CCF's first webpage. President Bengong Li, vice president Shufeng Wang and secretary Zhiwei Bian from CCF and some other persons responsible for the matter were present at the meeting. March 10 The front line rehabilitation technicians training class in CCF's earthquake stricken areas gave their revisit for the rehabilitation in hospitals, communities, primary schools and disabled elderly houses in the stricken areas such as Ya'an, Chengdu, Deyang doing inspection and evaluation. March 14 CCF Naxavar Relief Project held a meeting to adjust its project model in Fuzhou and 41 charity associations and responsible persons for the local Naxavar project joined the training. Vice president Shufeng Wang delivered a speech, director Jiayan Shao, Ying Liu and Yuan Li and some other persons of the project department attended the meeting. March 15 Yeping Hu , vice director of project department of CCF, vice director of department office of CCF attended "2014 CSCO RAOF", lung and rectal cancer special discussion. March 15 "Cerezyme Medical Relief 2014 Experts Consultant Conference" was held in Yuyang Hotel at which Jiayan Shao, director of CCF project department attended. March 20 By donating RMB770000.00 to CCF, I DO Fund started its "I Do Welfare Trees Planting" project. The project was to plant trees in Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin, Wuhan, Chengdu to protect the environments. March 24 Naxavar Relief started its new model for patients with liver cancer. On the same day, CRO Forum sponsored by Social Responsibility Guidance for China Entrepreneurs was held at Shunde Building of Tsinghua University Economy and Management College. Vice

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president Xinguo Zhang of CCF served as the main speaker. 20 managers and responsible persons of foreign entrepreneurs such as JNJ, NEC, Hyundai, Nissan and Shangri-la attended the forum. Xinguo Zhang told the relief history since People Republic of China was founded, shared the disaster relief experiences that CCF participated and answered the questions concerning how to conduct disaster relief. Division head Yan Shi from China Junior Fund informed China Junior Education Fund and Prof. Qian Xiaojun, dean assistant of Tsinghua Economy and Management College, joined the discussion. Han Chunxia from Foreign Liaison and Yanmei Sun from Press Office accompanied the jouney. March 25 According to the request of Mr. Hong Guiming, CCF built 3 Hong Guiming Reading Rooms respectively in Zhongguancun Hope Primary School, Zhuluohe Primary- Middle School and Pujia Primary School of Yi autonomous regions in Yunnan province. The three schools required totally RMB309,000.00, Hong Guiming Education Fund financed RMB150,000.00, and the rest money donated by Mr Hong Guiming himself. So far the project was done.

2014 年 4 月 4 月 2 日,全球联合之路亚太区副总裁李启文到访总会,常务副会长王树峰接见来访客人。 会见后,外联部与到访客人就双方合作协议续签、以及进一步开展实质性合作等具体事宜进行 April 工作会谈。 4 月 8 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟会见央视 7 频道《乡村大世界》栏目组,双方就公 益合作等内容进行沟通和探讨。筹募部主任苏辉、新闻办白京轩陪同参加。 4 月 8 日至 10 日,微笑列车唇腭裂修复慈善项目医学专家指导委员会在遵义召开,中华 慈善总会项目部主任邵家严出席。 4 月 9 日至 10 日,由美国 LDS 慈善协会资助的轮椅项目培训在北京举行。培训为期 2 天, 第一天由来自美国的 3 位护理专家 Kim & Gaye Brown、David Butler 为中华慈善总会外联部 刘晓嘉、韩春霞以及来自全国妇联的轮椅项目负责人顾宇进行了为期一天的专业培训,培训包 括轮椅使用常识及实操、对受助者的评估、测量以及专业指导等。第二天,由三位中方培训师 对今年接受捐赠的 12 个地方慈善会项目负责人及宁夏、江苏两省妇联代表进行培训,美国专 家对培训进行指导。总会外联部主任杨申申、副主任陈媛媛出席培训,并为所有参加培训的学 员颁发合格证书。 4 月 10 日,总会中峻基金向北京启智学校捐款 409000 元,资助该校 42 名智障、脑瘫儿 童一年的学费,项目当月完成。 4 月 11 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟赴广西桂林参加贫困母亲项目救助金发放仪式。 此次发放的对象主要是身患重病的、残疾的贫困母亲及低保户、下岗、单亲的贫困母亲。共计 发放善款 20 万元,援助 100 位贫困母亲,以帮助她们改善生活状况。陪同前往的还有筹募部 主任苏辉、筹募部专员李风亚、项目办公室主任陈富刚,广西慈善总会及当地民政部门相关领导。 社会爱心人士也参加此次活动。 4 月 14 日,合肥市慈善协会会长周富如一行到总会拜访,总会领导及各部室负责人参加 会见。 4 月 15 日,海南省慈善总会会长蔡长松一行到总会拜访,总会领导及各部室负责人参加 会见。 4 月 15 日,中华慈善总会宝马爱心基金2014 年助学项目工作会议在成都蜀兰大酒店举行, 此次会议由中华慈善总会主办、成都市慈善总会承办。总会常务副会长王树峰,监事会副主任

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董克林,宝马集团大中华区副总裁吴燕彦,四川省民政厅副巡视员兼四川省慈善总会秘书长苟 兴元、成都市民政局局长、市慈善总会第一副会长詹庆,成都市民政局副局长、市慈善总会常 务副会长刘永昌,总会外联部负责人及相关部室负责人等出席会议。来自全国12 个省 20 个市、 县慈善会及项目执行单位的领导和项目负责人参加此次会议。 4 月 15 日,中华慈善总会贫困母亲救助金发放仪式在广西桂林隆重举行。 4 月 15 日至 16 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟赶赴四川眉山,参加三生爱心基金在眉山 市洪雅县花溪乡中心小学举行的“三生留守儿童关爱行动”。该校是雅安地震中的受灾地区, 地震发生后,三生爱心基金第一时间紧急捐款 100 万元支持学校重建,并在该校设立一间三生 爱心教室,帮助留守儿童丰富学习内容,充实课余生活。筹募部副主任陈希全程陪同参加。 4 月 15 日,中华慈善总会贫困母亲救助项目在广西桂林市举行贫困母亲救助金发放仪式。 此次援助的对象有身患重病、残疾的贫困母亲,还有低保户等有特殊困难的贫困母亲。此次活 动共发放善款 20 万元人民币,援助 100 位贫困母亲,使其家庭受益并帮助她们在生活中重新 树立自信,早日过上幸福生活。 4 月 16 日,永益关爱基金在内蒙古赤峰市元宝山矿区小学、山前学校捐建 2 间“永益爱 心电脑教室”;在四川省眉山市科技学校捐建 2 间“永益爱心电脑教室”,项目实施共支出 42 万元人民币,当月执行完毕。 4 月 17 日,中宣部召开“节俭惜福 养德圆梦”全民节约活动协调会。会议由中宣部副部 长王世明主持,发改委、教育部、科技部、财政部、住建部、农业部、税务总局、质检总局、 新闻出版广电部、全总、团中央、妇联、中华慈善总会等部委及单位参加会议。总会秘书长边 志伟及副秘书长张心国代表总会出席。会后,总会根据工作部署对活动方案涉及的“一张纸·献 爱心”项目进行修改,并于 4 月 18 日将修改意见上报中宣部。 4 月 19 日,2014 年中华慈善总会拜耳药品援助项目新增注册医生交流会在西安召开。项 目部主任邵家严出席会议并讲话。 4 月 25 日,特罗凯上市七周年暨中华慈善总会特罗凯慈善援助项目六周年江西专家研讨 会在南昌召开。特罗凯项目办副主任曹曦参加。 4 月 25 日,中华慈善总会圆梦基金项目启动。 4 月 26 日,易瑞沙慈善援助项目 2014 年度注册医生交流会在北京召开。中华慈善总会项 目部主任邵家严参加会议并作重要讲话,捐赠方阿斯利康公司医学和药政事务部副总裁康志清 参会。 4 月 28 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公在河北省平泉县与世界宣明会中国办事处总干事简 祺伟会面,共同对平泉县特殊教育中心进行考察。总会常务副会长王树峰、世界宣明会华北区 域高级项目经理梁卓然以及总会员工等参加。 4 月 28 日至 29 日,总会全体人员赴河北省平泉县、滦平县进行学习实践活动。活动期间 参观平泉县特教学校并分别与平泉县、滦平县当地政府及慈善会举行工作会谈,听取当地慈善 工作介绍及总会与宣明会在当地开展的相关项目情况汇报。 4 月 29 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公与世界宣明会总干事简祺伟以及河北省滦平县政府 在滦平召开座谈会,对三方共同开展的“儿童为本 小区扶贫”项目进行讨论。总会常务副会长 王树峰、世界宣明会华北区域高级项目经理梁卓然及总会相关工作人员参加。

April 2 President Li Qiwen from UWW Asia-Pacific Area paid a visit to CCF and vice president Shufeng Wang of CCF received the guests. After the meeting, both sides renewed their cooperation agreement further discussing on some detailed work.

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April 8 Secretary Bian from CCF met CCTV 7 Channel Village World. Both sides communicated about the issues on welfare cooperation, director from recruitment department and Bai Jingxuan from press office was present at the meeting. April 8-10 Expert Guidance Committee from Smile Train Cleft lip and palate repair charitable projects had a meeting at Zunyi with director Jiayan Shao from CCF Project Department present at the meeting. April 9-10 Two-day wheelchair training sponsored by U.S LDS was held in Beijing. For the two days' training, 3 nursing specialists from U.S. such as Kim , Gaye Brown and David Butler made a one-day professional training for Liu Xiaojia and Han Chunxia from CCF Foreign Liaison and Gu Yu responsible for the wheelchair project of ACWF. The training included the general knowledge, operation, evaluation for the beneficiaries, measurement as well as professional guidance. On the second day, the three Chinese trainers gave trainings to 12 persons responsible for local charity associations such as Ningxia and Jiangsu Women Unions with the guidance of U.S. specialists. Shenshen Yang and Chen Yuanyuan from CCF Foreign Liaison were present at the training and issued the class certificates. April 10 CCF's Zhongjun Fund donated RMB4,009,000.00 to Beijing Qizhi School which was served as academy year's school tuition for the 42 children with cerebral palsy and amentia. The project was completed. April 11 Secretary Zhiwei Bian from CCF went to Guilin of Guangxi to attend the distribution ceremony for the relief donation of "Poor Mother Relief Project". The beneficiaries were mainly the impoverished, handicapped mothers with serious diseases. Some of them are laid-off workers, single or from low income families. The relief money was totally RMB200, 000.00 used for 100 impoverished mothers expecting to improve their life. Director Su Hui, Li Fengya from recruitment department, Director Chen Fugang from project office, some leaders and philanthropists from Guangxi Charity Association and local section of civil affairs attended the donation. April 14 Led by Zhou Furu, president of Hefei Charity Association, Hefei Charity Association group came to CCF for a visit and responsible persons for every department were present at the meeting. April 15 Led by Cai Changsong, president of Hainan Charity Association , Hainan Charity Association group came to CCF for a visit, and responsible persons for CCF every department were present at the meeting. April 15 CCF BMW Love Fund held 2014 education assistance meeting at Shulan Hotel. The meeting was sponsored by CCF and organized by Chengdu Charity Association. Vice president Shufeng Wang of CCF, vice director of board of supervisors, vice president of BMW China area, Gou Xing from Sichuan Charity Association, Zhan Qing and Liu Yongchang, heads of Chengdu Civil Affairs Bureau and Chengdu Charity Association, responsible persons for foreign liaison and related offices attended the meeting. In addition, the project leaders and heads from its implementing units in 12 provinces and 20 cities were also present at the meeting. April 15 The ceremony of CCF Relief donation to poor mothers was held in Guilin , Guangxi province. April 15-16 Secretary Zhiwei Bian of CCF went to Sichuan Meishan participating in Yofoto

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Leftover Kids Relief Care. The relief donation of RMB1,000,000.00 was given to Huaxixiang Center Primary School, located in Ya'an, an earthquake stricken area, for reconstruction of the school buildings. Among them a Yofoto Love classroom was established to enrich left-over kids' study content and afterclass life. Vice director Chen Xiquan from recruitment department escorted the journey. April 15 CCF donation ceremony to poor mothers was held in Guilin Guangxi province, whose relief objects went to impoverished mothers struck down by serious diseases, disabled mothers or mothers living under Minimum Living Standard. By the relief distribution of RMB200,000.00 to 100 mothers, the fund's relief gained them hope and confidence in life. April 16 Yongyi Love Fund built two Yongyi Love Computer Classrooms in Yuanbaoshan Mine Primary School and Shanqian Primary School of Chifeng in Inner Mongolia. Relief money amounted to RMB420,000.00 and the money transferring was done within the month. April 17 The national thrift coordination conference was organized by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC. Vice minister Shiming Wang chaired the conference and present were those responsible persons from Development and Reform Department, Education Ministry, Science & Technology Department, Ministry of Finance, Department of Housing Construction, the Ministry of Agriculture, State Taxation Administration, AQSIQ of China, Press and publication bureau, ACTU. Central Communist Youth League, the Women's Federation and CCF. After the meeting, CCF revised the project plan for 1 Paper Love according to CCF's work schedule and submitted the revised report on April 18. April 19 Newly registered practitioners communication for Bayer Relief Project,was held in Xi'an, at which Jiayan Shao of project department delivered the speech. April 25 Experts Forum was held in Nanchang, in response to the 7th anniversary of Tarceva going to the market and the 6th anniversary of Tarceva Relief Project, Xi Cao from Tarceva project was present the communication. April 25 CCF Dream Fund was launched. April 26 Iressa Relief Project held 2014'registered practitioners communication in Beijing. Jiayan Shao was present and gave an important talk. Vice president Zhiqing Kang of Medicine and Administration Affairs, donor from AstraZeneca Plc, was president. April 28 CCF president Bengong Li met Qiwei Jian from World Vision China Office in Pingquan County, Hebei Province, making a common investigation on Pingquan Special Education Center. Shufeng Wang of CCF, project manager Zhuoran Liang from WV North China area and some other CCF staff joined the meeting. April 28-29 CCF staff went to practice in Pingquan County and Luanping County in Hebei province. In the course of the practice, they visited Special Education School and had a work talk with the local government and charity association, listening to their WV project implementing report. April 29 CCF president Bengong Li, Qiwei Jian from WV and officers from Luanping government had a talk in Luanping County, Hebei province. The three sides discussed how to donate relief to alleviate poverty in communities based on the principles of kid centered. Shufeng Wang from CCF, Zhuoran Liang from WV and some other related persons joined the talk.

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2014 年 5 月 5 月 4 日,中华慈善总会领导在 708 会议室召开审议总会办公环境改造方案及部长李立国 关于“一张纸献爱心行动”讲话代拟稿专门会议,部室相关负责人参会。办公厅主任牛玉民对 May 办公环境改造方案进行介绍和说明,会议听取并原则同意该方案。会议要求按照总体设计,分 步实施的原则,在做好财务预算等相关手续的前提下开始着手实施。副秘书长张心国就部长李 立国关于“一张纸献爱心行动”讲话代拟稿内容进行讲解。与会领导对文稿提出具体修改意见。 修改完善后的讲话稿按照要求于 5 月 4 日上报民政部相关司局。 5 月 6 日,恩瑞格药品援助项目安徽合肥发药点正式启动。 5 月 7 日,恩瑞格药品援助项目辽宁大连发药点正式启动。 5 月 7 日至 9 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛陪同 LDS 慈善会 Miner 夫妇赴重庆 验收旱厕改水厕项目。该项目捐助 20 万元帮助铜梁县关溅中学完成旱厕改造,900 多师生从 中受益。 5 月 8 日,中华慈善总会第四届理事会监事会第二次工作会议在上海召开,会议由监事会 副主任董克林主持。会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰和秘书长边志伟到会。上海市原市委副书 记、市纪委书记、上海市慈善基金会监事长罗世谦,上海市慈善基金会副理事长施德容、谢玲丽、 方国平到会祝贺会议圆满成功。会议听取秘书长边志伟对总会 2013 年工作情况通报和财务部 主任高守华关于 2013 年财务工作汇报,副主任董克林提出监事会 2014 年工作要点和落实措施。 各位监事在充分肯定总会工作成绩的基础上,对总会的工作也提出诚恳的建议。常务副会长王 树峰分析总会当前的形势,对监事会的地位和作用予以肯定。会长李本公在回顾总会近年经历 的一个特殊复杂而艰难的阶段后,对总会整体工作部署和监事会的工作提出新的要求。 5 月 9 日,格列卫 / 达希纳药品援助项目广西柳州发药点正式启动。 5 月 11 日,中华慈善总会拜耳药品项目培训班在昆明召开。总会会长李本公出席会议并 作重要讲话。 5 月 12 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公出席上海市慈善基金会成立 20 周年座谈会。 5 月 12 日,中华慈善总会新闻办主任刘芳和于洪悦参加由民政部民间组织管理局主办的 社会组织与媒体互动研讨暨 2013 社会组织改革发展舆情回顾会议。会议旨在推进社会组织信 息宣传工作,促进社会组织与媒体的良性互动,凝聚社会组织正能量。民政部民间组织管理局 以及地方社会组织管理工作有关负责人、社会组织代表、媒体代表、专家学者等 40 余人参加 会议并交流讨论。 5 月 12 日至 15 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟、项目部主任邵家严应德国拜耳公司邀请 参加在澳大利亚墨尔本召开的 2014 年度世界血友病大会。世界血友病大会由世界血友病联盟 主办,每年举行一次。2014 年大会共有来自世界各地的治疗血友病的医生、从事科研的有关 专家、患者组织和治疗血友病药品研制生产企业等共 4000 多人参加。来自中国大陆的 40 多 位临床医生参加会议。会议期间,秘书长边志伟、主任邵家严会同北京、江西慈善会领导与拜 耳公司总部有关负责人、拜耳公司中国区有关负责人对进一步做好拜科奇项目进行研讨交流。 5 月 13 日至 20 日,总会常务副会长王树峰率团赴美国。在美期间,总会代表团一行参加 全球联合之路社区领袖大会、拜访 LDS 慈善协会、洛克菲勒基金会及旧金山相关政府部门。 筹募部主任苏辉、外联部主任杨申申随团出访。 5 月 14 日至 16 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛陪同 LDS 慈善会 Miner 夫妇前往 海南省东方市考察旱厕改水厕项目。该项目计划捐助 20 万元,帮助大田中学完成旱厕改造, 该项目将使 1600 多师生受益。 5 月 15 日,中华慈善总会第四届理事会监事会第二次工作会议在上海召开。 5 月 17 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公参加在无锡灵山召开的 2014 灵山公益慈善促进大会 开幕式并讲话。第十届全国人大常委会副委员长、中国灵山公益慈善促进会会长顾秀莲,国家

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民政部副部长顾朝曦,来自亚洲、欧洲、非洲、大洋洲四大洲共 15 个友好国家政要,以及联 合国有关驻华机构的代表、公益慈善组织代表、企业代表等各界代表 400 余人出席会议。新闻 办主任刘芳陪同参加。 5 月 27 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公出席《中国长期照护机构评鉴标准》评审专家会并 做总结讲话。民政部社会福利和慈善事业促进司副司长王素英参加会议并讲话。此次评审会于 5 月 25 日到 28 日在北京房山举行。来自全国各地 30 个长期照护联盟骨干养老院的院长,以 及中国老龄科学研究中心、中国社会科学院、中国人民大学、清华大学等专家参加评审。总会 项目部主任邵家严参加会议。 5 月 29 日,易瑞沙项目江苏盐城、广东深圳发药点正式启动。

May 4 Heads from CCF had a meeting at Meeting Room 708 checking CCF plan for working condition improvement and president Liguo Li's speech draft on 1 Paper Love, at which related heads from different departments attended. Director Yumin Niu from General Office gave a brief introduction to CCF working condition improvement and innovation and the innovation plan was approved. The meeting required to carry forward the innovation work soon on the premises of good finance budget and based on the principles of general design and step-by-step implement. Secretary Xinguo Zhang gave some explanation about Liguo's speech draft on "1 Paper Love". The revised draft submitted to Ministry of Civil Affairs on May 4 according to the request. May 6 EXPAP medicine relief distribution station in Hefei of Anhui Province started. May 7 EXPAP medicine relief distribution station in Dalian of Liaoning Province started. May 7-9 Yuanyan Chen from Foreign Liaison escorted Mrs. Miner from LDS to check and accept dry-water toilets improvement in Chongqing, for which the project donated RMB200,000.00 to Guanjian Middle School and 900 teachers and students benefited from it. May 8 CCF the 2nd session of 4th board of supervisors and council meeting was held in Shanghai, chaired by vice director Kelin Dong. Bengong Li, Shufeng Wang and Zhiwei Bian of CCF were present at the meeting. Shiqian Luo, ex vice CPC Secretary of Shanghai, general secretary of Discipline Committee and supervisor chief of Shanghai Charity association, Derong She, Lingli Xie, Guoping Fang from Shanghai Charity Federation were present at the meeting congratulating on the success of the meeting. The meeting listened to the 2013 CCF work report by Zhiwei Bian, finance report by Shouhua Gao. Kelin Dong put forward the key points for CCF'2014 work and measures to carry them out. Members of the board and council agreed on CCF's achievements and also put forward their suggestions to improve. Shufeng Wang analyzed the current situation and the positive role of CCF, Bengong Li reviewed the hard and tough course in the recent years and gave out new requests for the board of supervisors and council. May 9 Gleevec Medicine Relief distribution station started in Liuzhou Guangxi province. May 11 CCF Bayer medicine training class was opened in Kunming, at which Bengong Li gave an important talk. May 12 President Bengong Li of CCF attended the discussion to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Shanghai Charity Federation. May 12 Fang Liu and Hongyue Yu from Press Office of CCF joined the interaction between social organizations and media organized by Ministry of Civil Affairs. The meeting also reviewed the interaction between folk organizations and media, and gave active remarks

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on the positive energy of social organizations. The responsible persons from ministry of civil affairs, from social organization management , representatives and experts, totally 40 persons joined the meeting and communication. May 12-15 Invited by Germany Bayer, Zhiwei Bian and Jiayan Shao of CCF attended annually 2014'WFH Conference sponsored by World Federation of Hemophilia. Practitioners to treat hemophilia, researchers, patient organizations, medicine producers, totally 4000 people attended the conference, among them 40 clinicians were from China. In the course of the conference, Zhiwei Bian and Jiayan Shao of CCF had a talk with responsible persons for Bayer exchanging the ideas on Bayer project in China. May 13-20 Shufeng Wang led CCF group including Hui Su and Shenshen Yang to visit U.S.A. They attended UWW conference, visited LDS, Rockefeller Foundation, related government department in San Francisco. May 14-16 Yuanyuan Chen from CCF escorted Mr. and Mrs. Miners to Dongfang city of Hainan province to check dry-water toilets innovation project, for which the fund financed RMB200000.00 to Datian Middle School and benefit 1600 teachers and students. May 15 CCF' the 2nd session of 4th board of supervisors and council was held in Shanghai. May 17 CCF president Bengong Li attended opening ceremony for 2014 Lingshan Welfare and Charity Promotion Conference and delivered the speech. Gu Xiulian, deputy chairman of the standing committee of the tenth National People's Congress and China council for Lingshan charity promotion, Gu Chaoxi, vice minister of civil affairs, and political leaders from 15 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, Atlantic, representatives from UN, welfare organizations, entrepreneurs, almost 400 were present at the meeting. May 27 CCF president Bengong Li attended the expert evaluation on China's long-term care institutions evaluation standards and gave a talk in Fangshan of Beijing. Suying Wang from Ministry of Civil Affairs delivered the speech at the evaluation meeting. In the course of the evaluation from May 25 to 28, 30 directors and representatives from elderly care houses, China's old-age scientific research center, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Chinese People University and Tsinghua University were present. May 29 Iressa Yancheng and Shenzhen medicine distribution stations started.

2014 年 6 月 6 月 1 日至 3 日,中华慈善总会在爱琴海购物中心举办“关爱,我们在一起”2014 年 六一国际儿童节关爱罕见病患儿活动。 June 6 月 3 日,格列卫 / 达希纳药品援助项目河北沧州发药点正式启动。 6 月 4 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰会见青海省慈善总会秘书长郑玉斌一行。秘书 长郑玉斌就玉树重建情况和青海省慈善总会换届事宜进行汇报。副秘书长张心国、办公厅副主 任张欣参与会谈。 6 月 5 日,全球联合之路亚太区副总裁李启文、大中华区总监陈文良和中国区负责人陈熙 到访总会,与外联部就两个机构合作协议续签事宜进行会谈。会谈就双方存在分歧的部分深入 交换意见。总会常务副会长王树峰接见三位客人。 6 月 6 日,“关爱贫困母亲,让爱绽放”——中华慈善总会贫困母亲救助绿之韵爱心行动 第四站走进山东潍坊,现场为 51 名特困母亲家庭捐赠 10 多万元爱心善款。该项目每年都会开

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展关爱贫困母亲的爱心活动,旨在帮助全国各地需要帮助的贫困母亲。截至 2014 年底,已为 全国近二十个省市区县的贫困母亲送去温暖。 6 月 9 日到 12 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛陪同 LDS 慈善协会 Miners 夫妇赴 昭通验收旱厕改水厕项目,援助 3 所学校修建水冲厕所已竣工,2500 余名师生受益。此外, 三人还出席轮椅捐赠仪式,2013 年,LDS 慈善协会通过总会向昭通捐赠轮椅 100 台和助行器 100 个。 6 月 12 日,特罗凯慈善援助项目新增徐州发药点。 6 月 13 日,中华慈善总会微笑列车项目百名患者集中免费手术大型慈善活动在连云港第 一人民医院和第二人民医院启动。原卫生部部长张文康、中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰、美 国微笑列车基金会高级副总裁薛揄、江苏省慈善总会执行副会长赵顺盘、连云港市慈善会执行 副会长刘娟和出席该活动。 6 月 15 日,中华慈善总会宝马爱心基金北京首个“童悦之家”落成仪式在海淀行知实验 小学举行。总会常务副会长王树峰出席仪式并讲话。宝马集团大中华区企业及政府事务副总裁 吴燕彦也出席仪式。该校是一所专门接收外地来京儿童就读的民办学校,新落成的“童悦之家” 配备了 5000 册图书、体育器材和乐器,使全校 863 名同学和 42 位老师受益。 6 月 17 日至 19 日,中华慈善总会 2014 年宣传工作会议在陕西省西安市召开。来自全国 各省、自治区、直辖市、新疆生产建设兵团,各计划单列市、省会城市及部分地市慈善会主管 慈善宣传工作的领导、负责人等 200 余人参加会议。6 月 18 日,会长李本公在宣传工作会上 作重要讲话,各地代表从不同角度介绍当地慈善宣传工作的经验。总会新闻办及自有媒体,对 当前和下一步将开展的工作进行介绍。常务副会长王树峰对大会进行总结。会议由秘书长边志 伟主持。此次会议由中华慈善总会主办,陕西省慈善协会、《慈善》杂志社承办。副秘书长张 心国、新闻办全体人员出席会议。 中华慈善总会于 2014 年 6 月全国慈善宣传工作会议期间,在陕西省渭南市临渭区小学举 行“慈善文化进校园”项目观摩活动,聆听《慈善读本》观摩课并参观学校,感受浓厚的慈善 氛围。同月,以《慈善读本》读后感为主体形式编写的《爱育蓓蕾》一书由中国社会出版社出版, 收录了来自全国 20 多个地区的《慈善读本》读后感300 余篇,并向全国各地慈善组织和开展“慈 善文化进校园”项目的学校免费赠送 10000 余册。 6 月 19 日,拜耳公司委托毕马威审计公司开始对多吉美、万他维、拜科奇、倍泰龙项目 2013 年的工作进行审计。 6 月 23 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公参加由广州市人民政府主办、广州市民政局承办的 第二届广州市慈善项目推介会开幕式。开幕式上,民政部副部长窦玉沛、广州市市长陈建华分 别致辞,并与邓海光、李本公、刘洪、李贻伟共同为广州市公益慈善联合会亮灯。开幕式结束后, 窦玉沛、邓海光、陈建华、李本公、刘洪、李贻伟等领导参观推介会展区。办公厅副主任田伯 东陪同参加。 6 月 26 日,中华慈善总会第四届理事会第三次会议在北京天泰宾馆召开。会上,会长李 本公向理事会作《中华慈善总会第四届理事会第三次会议工作报告》、常务副会长王树峰向理 事会作《中华慈善总会第四届理事会第三次会议财务工作报告》,与会理事听取并全票通过上 述两个报告。 6 月 26 日,格列卫 / 达希纳药品援助项目福建漳州发药点正式启动。 6 月 26 日,格列卫项目北京鹤童发药点搬迁至北京市百济新特药房有限公司,正式变更 为北京市慈善协会发药点。

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June 1-3 CCF took the activity of "Love: we are with you" in Aiqinhai Mall on Children's Day to care for the children with rare diseases. June 3 Gleevec medicine relief distribution station started in Cangzhou, Hebei province. June 4 Shufeng Wang of CCF met Yubin Zheng and his group from Qinghai Charity Association. Secretary Zheng reported the reconstruction and the change of the term of office of Qinghai Charity Association to Shufeng Wang of CCF. June 5 Vice president Qiwen Li of Asia-Pacific area and chief inspector Wenliang Chen of China area and Xi Chen, responsible person for China area of UWW came to CCF for a visit and had a talk with Xi Chen from foreign liaison about renewing the agreement of both sides' cooperation and they also exchanged their opinions about the disagreeing part. Shufeng Wang met the three guests. June 6 CCF Poor Mother Relief Action went to Weifang of Shandong province. The relief action made an on-the-spot donation of RMB100,000.00 to 51 poor households. The project conducted the poor mother relief action every year so as to help those mothers who need. So far, the fund sent CCF's love to mothers in nearly 20 cities and provinces. June 9-12 Vice director Yuanyuan Chen of CCF escorted Mr. & Mrs. Miners to check and accept dry-water toilets innovation in Zhaotong where toilets of three schools were finished innovation financed by LDS benefiting 2,500 teachers and students. In addition, they were also present at the wheelchair donation ceremony, for in 2013 LDS donated 100 wheelchairs and 100 walking aids to Zhaotong via CCF. June 12 Tacevar Relief set up its medicine distribution station in Xuzhou. June 13 CCF Smile Train started its philanthropic operations on 100 patients with cleft palate in The First People Hospital and The Second People Hospital in Lianyungang of Jiangsu province. Ex-Minister Wenkang Zhang of Ministry of Health, vice president Shufeng Wang of CCF , vice president Yu Xue of U.S. Smile Train, vice president Shunpan Zhao of Jiangsu Charity Association, vice president Juan Liu of Lianyungang Charity Association were president at the ceremony. June 15 The first Happy Children's Home sponsored by CCF BMW Love Fund was set up in Xingzhi Experimental Primary School in Haidian of Beijing. Yanyan Wu of BMW and vice president Shufeng Wang of CCF attended the ceremony and Wang gave a talk. The school was a private owned school special for children from outside Beijing. The newly built Happy Children Home was furnished with 5000 books, sports equipment and musical instruments benefiting 863 students and 42 teachers. June 17-19 2014 CCF Propaganda Work Conference was held in Xi'an , Shanxi province. Chaired by Secretary Zhiwei Bian, Rongjie Li delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Shanxi Charity Association, and then followed by an important talk given by Bengong Li, President of CCF. At the conference, representatives from different charitable associations or federations of various levels, such as Shanxi, Tianjin, Henan, Zhejiang, Dalian, Fuzhou, Suihua and Yulin etc. shared their local experiences for philanthropic propaganda from different perspectives. On the following afternoon, CCF and some median representatives gave their reports on propaganda work and their further plans in the future. Shufeng Wang, standing vice-president of CCF delivered a summary report finally at the conference.

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Some people responsible for the philanthropic propaganda from different provinces, cities and municipalities directly under the central government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and some local charitable organizations, totally 200 representatives attended the conference. June 19 KPMG auditors entrusted by Bayer HealthCare AG did auditing to their 2013's medical projects such as Nexavar, Ventavis, Bai Keqi (Recombinant Coagulation FactorVIII for Injection) and Betaseron. June 23 Hosted by Guangzhou municipal government, organized by Guangzhou municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs, the 2nd Guangzhou Philanthropic Program Promotion was held on June 23rd. President Bengong Li of CCF was present at the opening ceremony, at which Yupei Dou, Vice Minister of Civil Affairs; Jianhua, Chen, Major of Guangzhou, delivered the addresses respectively. Both of them , together with Haiguang Deng, Bengong li, Hong Liu, Yiwei Li lit the lights for Guangzhou Charity Association, after that, they were shown a visit around the philanthropic exhibition. June 26 The 3rd meeting of the 4th session of the council was held in Beijing on June 26. President Bengong Li, vice president Shufeng Wang, Xuefang Du, Hongta Li and Yinzhong Zhang, and Secretary Zhiwei Bian of CCF, together with other 120 members of local councils of charitable organizations attended the meeting. The conference discussed the CCF'work report by President Li and Financial Report by Vice President Wang, affirming the achievements of CCF in the past and putting forward the hopes and suggestions for the future. By taking a vote of showing a hand, the conference gave applauses to the work report and the financial report of CCF and passed them both finally. June 26 Gleevec Relief project set up its Zhangzhou medicine distribution station in Fujian province. June 26 Gleevec Hetong medicine distribution station changed its address to Beijing Baiji New and Special Medicine LDT which became a formal medicine distribution station of Beijing Charity Association.

2014 年 7 月 7 月 2 日至 3 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛陪同 LDS 志愿者前往安徽滁州,考 察 2014 年计划在当地开展的学校旱厕改水厕项目。 July 7 月 3 日,北京清大百奥奇生物科技有限公司向中华慈善总会捐赠价值 300 万元的脑健康 仪,并举行捐赠仪式。根据捐赠企业意向,捐赠物资定向用于四川省雅安市,河北省张北县、 滦平县,帮助改善当地的医疗条件,并由总会贫困母亲救助项目办公室具体负责实施。 7 月 10 日至 11 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟、项目部主任邵家严,到山西晋城市检查 格列卫项目设立发药点的情况,晋城市慈善会会长赵学梅接待总会一行。晋城市地处山西东南, 许多格列卫患者到太原领取援助药品路途远不方便。为了更好的帮助这些患者,晋城市慈善会 主动提出设立发药点。该发药点设立后将使近百位格列卫患者受益。 7 月 16 日,“感恩母亲 让爱绽放”中华慈善总会“贫困母亲救助金发放仪式”在河北省 平泉县举行,援助对象主要为残疾、身患重病、下岗职工及失去家庭主要劳动力的贫困母亲及 其家庭。这次活动由总会贫困母亲救助项目管理办公室和平泉县慈善总会负责组织实施,共援 助 200 位贫困母亲,发放善款 20 万元。总会筹募部专员李风亚,贫困母亲救助项目执行主任 陈富刚,平泉县常委、常务副县长董海峰,副县长孙立良等爱心人士参加此次救助金发放仪式。 7 月 18 日,中华慈善总会格列卫、达希纳、恩瑞格患者援助项目工作会议在山东青岛市召开。

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总会项目部主任邵家严、青岛市慈善总会会长张旭升、各地慈善会的领导和发药员以及捐赠方 代表、项目办工作人员出席此次会议。

July 2-3 Yuanyuan Chen of foreign liaison of CCF escorted volunteers of LDS to Chuzhou of Anhui, investigating 2014 plan for dry-water toilets in local schools. July 3 TsingDa Baiaoqi Biotechnology Co. Ltd. donated brain health meters worth RMB3,000,000.00 to CCF and held the donation ceremony at the same time. According to the intention of the donating entrepreneur, the donated materials were given to Ya'an of Sichuan, Zhangbei city and Luanpong County of Hebei province to improve the local medical conditions. The project was implemented by CCF Poor Mother Relief fund. July 10-11 Zhiwei Bian and Jiayan Shao from CCF went to Jincheng City of Shanxi province inspecting Gleevec medicine distribution station. Xuemei Zhao from Jincheng Charity Association welcomed them. Jincheng was located in the distant area west-east to Taiyuan, so it is a long way for many Gleevec patients to fetch the Gleevec medicine. To make it convenient, the Jincheng Charity Association suggested setting up medicine distribution station in Jincheng. With the medicine station established, more than 100 patients got benefit from it. July 16 CCF Poor Mother Relief Money was distributed in Pingquan County of Hebei province. With the disabled mothers, mothers with serious diseases, lay-off workers and no labor families as main beneficiaries, the relief donated philanthropic money RMB200,000.00 to 200 impoverished mothers. Fengya Li, Fugang Chen from CCF and deputy county chiefs Haifeng Dong and Liliang Sun of Pingquan County and some other philanthropists attended the relief money distribution ceremony. July 18 CCF Gleevec, Tasigna and EXPAP Relief Work conference was held in Qingdao of Shandong province. Jiayan Shao of CCF, Xusheng Zhang of Qingdao Charity Association, some heads of charity associations and persons responsible for distribution of medicine, representatives for donors as well as project workers were present at the ceremony.

8 月 2 日,中华慈善总会格列卫、达希纳患者援助项目注册医生北区会议在上海召开。项 2014 年 8 月 目部主任邵家严、各地注册医生以及捐赠方代表、项目办工作人员共计 133 人出席此次会议。 8 月 3 日 16 时 30 分,云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生 6.5 级地震,造成严重的人员和财产损失。 August 当天,中华慈善总会启动特大自然灾害救助应急预案,成立以会长李本公为组长的领导小组, 紧急开展救灾募捐行动。 8 月 4 日,为凝聚社会力量,与灾区人民共渡难关,中华慈善总会向社会公布救灾捐赠账号, 接受社会各界对鲁甸地震灾区的捐赠。 8 月 4 日,万达集团向中华慈善总会确认捐赠 1000 万元资金,支持云南鲁甸地震灾区抗 震救灾活动。华泽集团通过中华慈善总会金六福 99 爱心基金向灾区捐款 50 万元,支援灾区抗 震救灾工作。 8 月 5 日,中华慈善总会向团体会员发出号召,开展救灾募捐,接收各界救灾捐赠。在会 长李本公的紧急部署下,由项目部主任邵家严负责,立即启动中华慈善长照联盟紧急救灾应急 联合照护模式预案,并获得汇丰银行启动资金资助。组成汇丰中华慈善长期照护全国联盟志愿 服务团,由设在鹤童公益养老集团的长照联盟秘书处紧急部署,先遣团于 8 月 5 日凌晨 4 点即 地震发生 36 小时奔赴灾害现场,联盟各省区志愿团陆续出发。三生(中国)健康产业有限公 司通过中华慈善总会向云南鲁甸县民政局捐赠价值人民币 100 万元的物资,主要包括食品及灾

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后需要的清洁护理用品等,帮助云南鲁甸地震灾区受灾人民群众。 8 月 6 日,中华慈善总会宝马爱心基金迅速响应,从基金中划拨 200 万元人民币,用于采 购紧急救灾的物资,帮助云南鲁甸灾区人民渡过难关。“汇丰中华慈善长期照护全国联盟志愿 服务团”将昭通市人民医院作为志愿服务的主战场,发布《长期照护全国联盟志愿服务团 8.3 云南鲁甸救援行动规则》,长期照护志愿服务团第一梯队 5 省市 38 名专业志愿者立即出发。 8 月 7 日,中华慈善总会募集到 100 套小型净水设备,通过深圳市家乐士净水科技有限公 司在凌晨 5 时运抵鲁甸灾区,中华慈善总会的志愿者在地震灾区分发指导安装。用于鲁甸救灾 的小型净水设备,只需要有一定的工作压力不需用电也能净化出干净的饮用水,特别适合应用 于灾民集中安置点、乡镇、学校、村委社区安置点的饮水安全工作,可以长期改善饮水质量, 将为地震灾区缓解饮水安全问题起到积极作用。泰然资产管理有限公司通过中华慈善总会捐款 50 万元人民币,主要用于购置灾区人民生活急需用品。 8 月 9 日,中华慈善总会格列卫、达希纳患者援助项目注册医生北区会议在辽宁省大连市 召开。总会格列卫项目办公室副主任李薇、各地注册医生以及捐赠方代表、项目办工作人员出 席此次会议。 8 月 13 日至 14 日,中华慈善总会对外联络部专员刘晓嘉陪同 LDS 慈善协会志愿者麦德 华夫妇赴吉林市,对舒兰白旗中心校、龙潭区缸窑镇社会福利中心等五地进行公共卫生环境改 善项目回访工作。 8 月 15 日,常务副会长王树峰赴锦州北镇市出席中华慈善总会宝马爱心基金助学金发放 仪式。宝马公司代表、锦州市慈善总会主要领导、北镇市市委书记等当地领导也出席此次活动。 2014 年宝马爱心基金共资助 20 万元,发放给 40 名考取大学的贫困应届毕业生。对外联络部 主任杨申申、专员韩春霞陪同前往。 8 月 15 日,中华慈善总会副秘书长张心国赴民政部社会福利与慈善事业促进司参加“中 华慈善博物馆布展大纲座谈会”。 8 月 16 日,由中国慈善联合会主办、老牛基金会协办的中国慈善论坛在北京会议中心举办。 中华慈善总会会长李本公出席论坛开幕式,秘书长边志伟出席“第三届中国城市公益慈善指数 发布典礼”并为获奖城市颁奖。新闻办副主任孙燕梅、专员于洪悦全程陪同参加。次日,新闻 办副主任专员白京轩赴内蒙古自治区参加由该论坛组织的考察活动。 8 月 16 日,中华慈善总会格列卫、达希纳患者援助项目注册医生南区会议在云南省昆明 市召开。格列卫项目办公室主任李红娟、捐赠方代表、项目办工作人员出席此次会议。 8 月 16 日,汇丰中华慈善长照联盟 8·03 云南鲁甸救援志愿照护服务团志愿服务历时 13 天,先后有来自京、津、川、滇、桂、渝、鲁、沪等全国 8 个省、市、自治区 18 家长期照护 专业机构的 50 名志愿者,齐集昭通市第一人民医院,在骨一科、骨二科、胸外科、神经外科、 创外科、ICU 等 6 大科室开展志愿照护服务,累计照护因灾致伤、致残的老年人和病人 487 名, 累计完成的志愿照护服务共计 29072 人次。在医院医务工作者的精心治疗下,在长照联盟志愿 者的专业照护下,至 8 月 16 日,昭通市第一人民医院中因灾致伤人员已日趋康复和陆续出院, 急需紧急救助和照护人员的局面已大为改观。鉴于此,8·03 云南鲁甸震灾救援志愿照护服务 行动宣告结束。汇丰中华慈善长照联盟 8·03 云南鲁甸抗震救援志愿服务团表彰会在昭通市第 一人民医院 1 号住院楼前举行。 8 月 21 日至 24 日,易瑞沙 2014 年度培训班在广西桂林召开。中华慈善总会项目部主任 邵家严,副主任刘莹参加并在会议上做重要讲话。 8 月 26 日至 28 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公带领监事会及部分捐赠方代表一行 28 人赴 青海省玉树州对灾后部分重建项目进行考察。考察团一行先后对玉树市结古镇甘达村、果青村、 禅古村、玉树市第二完全小学、玉树州人民医院、玉树市殡仪馆等项目点进行实地考察。同时, 考察团听取青海省慈善总会、玉树州、市人民政府、玉树州社会捐赠资金管理中心就玉树地震 后社会捐赠资金监管使用情况的汇报。

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Aug 2 Registered practitioners conference in northern district for Gleevec and Tasigna Relief was held in Shanghai. Jiayan Shao of project department, registered practitioners from different areas, representatives from donors as well as project officers, totally 133 were present at the meeting. Aug 3 M6.5 earthquake occurred at 4:30pm in Ludian District of Zhaotong City in Yunnan province, causing many casualties and wealth loss. In response to the disaster, CCF started its emergency relief plan by setting up a leading group led by Bengong Li to carry forward the disaster relief immediately. Aug 4 CCF opened its donating account to the public and got ready to raise relief donation for Ludian, the earthquake stricken area. Wanda Group LTD. donated RMB10,000,000.00 to support the reconstruction of the stricken area. VATS Group Limited donated RMB 500,000.00 to the stricken area via CCF Jinliufu 99 Love Fund. Aug 5 CCF called out its group membership to recruit relief money and materials and carry forward the earthquake relief work. Under the leadership of president Bengong Li of CCF, China charity long-term emergency disaster relief care model was started and HSBC began to contribute the first sum of money. With the sum of money, HSBC-CCF long-term care volunteer union sent an advance group going to disaster stricken area at 4:00 a.m. on August 5, namely, 36 hours after the earthquake occurred. Yofoto Health Industry (China) co., LTD conducted material relief including food and life cleaning necessities after the disaster, totally worth RMB1,000,000.00 to Ludian Bureau of Civil Affairs via CCF. August 6 In response to CCF's appealing, BMW Love Fund allocated RMB2,000,000.00 for emergency relief materials so as to help out the people in stricken area. The volunteer union group took Zhaotong People Hospital as the main battle field and issued relief rules for HSBC-CCF long-term care volunteer union. And then a 38 professional-volunteer relief group was organized from 5 provinces as the first echelon. August 7 100 sets of mini purified water device recruited by CCF arrived at Ludian at 5a.m. by Shenzhen Kellogg's water purification technology co., LTD. and distributed and fixed by CCF's volunteers to meet the needs of drinking water of the schools, residents' camps and village committees. Tairan Asset management co., LTD donated RMB500,000.00 for the victims in the stricken area. August 9 CCF Gleevec and Taxavar relief project held a meeting for registered practitioners in northern district in Dalian of Liaoning province. Wei Li responsible for Gleevec project office, representatives of registered practitioners, donors as well as Gleevec group staff were present at the meeting. August 13-14 Xiaojia Liu of foreign liaison of CCF escorted Mr. and Mrs. Edmards, LDS volunteers, to Jilin city, paying a visit to 5 places such as Shulanbaiqi Center School, Guangyaozhen social welfare center etc. inspecting public environment improvement project. August 15 Vice president Shufeng Wang attended the distribution ceremony of CCF- BMW Love Fund. Representatives from BMW and Jinzhou Charity Association and leaders from Beizhen city were also present at the ceremony. In this relief, BMW donated RMB200000.00 to 40 impoverished students who were admitted to universities and colleges in 2014. Shenshen Yang and Chunxia Han accompanied the visit. August 15 Vice president Xinguo Zhang of CCF went to Social Welfare and Charity Promotion Department of MCA and was present at China Charity Exhibition Outline Discussion.

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August 16 China Charity Forum sponsored by CCF and co-organized by Laoniu Fund was held in Beijing Conference Center. Bengong Li was present at the opening ceremony. Zhiwei Bian was present at the third China city public welfare charity index celebration and issued the awards. The next day Jingxuan Bai from Press Office went to Inner Mongolia with the forum to conduct the examination. August 16 CCF Gleevec and Taxavar Relief Conference for Registered Practitioners Southern District was held in Kunming, Yunnan province. Hongjuan Li of Gleevec project office, donor's representitives and project officers were present at the meeting. August 16 HSBC-CCF long-term care volunteer union—Ludian relief group with 50 volunteers from 18 long-term care agents of Beijing, Tianjin, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Chongqing, Shandong and Shanghai. HSBC-CCF Long-Term Care Volunteers assembled Zhaotong First Hospital, carrying out their medical assistance at Orthopedics Department 1 and 2, Department of Chest Surgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Miniature Injury Surgery and ICU 6 departments. Totally they gave medical assistance or care to 487 injured or disabled old people or patients, fulfilling medical care services almost 29,072 person- time. Until August 16 many of the injured persons were recovered and went home out of the hospital and the disaster situation improved a lot. So the advanced relief action was announced "stop" and HSBC-CCF Long-Term Care Volunteer Union Ludian Relief Award was held before Building One of the Zhaotong First People Hospital. August 21-24 Iressa 2014 Training Class was opened in Guilin of Guangxi province. Jiayan Shao, Ying Liu of CCF project department attended the ceremony and gave a talk. August 26-28 Bengong Li of CCF led a 28-person group including representatives from board of supervisors and council and donors to Yushu of Qinghai province inspecting the reconstruction of the disaster stricken area. The group gave the inspection to the reconstruction of Ganda village, Guoqing village, Changu village, Yushu the second complete school, Yushu People Hospital and Yushu Funeral Parlour and listened to the recruited finance expenditures reports from Qinghai Charity Association, Yuzhou county and city government, Yuzhou Social Finance Management Center.

9 月 2 日至 5 日,中华慈善总会微笑列车项目 2014 年年终总结会在贵阳召开,全国 32 个 2014 年 9 月 省、市慈善会参加,会上对 2014 年工作进行总结,总会常务副会长王树峰出席并讲话,项目 部主任邵家严,陈东光、季晓惠出席。 September 9 月 3 日至 4 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛、专员刘晓嘉赴中华慈善(焦作)医 院参加慈善医院项目座谈会,更全面地了解慈善医院的项目执行、运营等情况,以便更好地管理、 规范慈善医院的工作,推动慈善医院的发展。 9 月 11 日,中华慈善总会外联部主任杨申申、专员韩春霞陪同 LDS 慈善会代表 Miner 夫 妇到北京市第一社会福利院参加轮椅发放仪式并对轮椅的使用和培训进行检验。此次通过北京 市慈善会发放 100 辆轮椅和 100 个助行器。 9 月 17 日,中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟、外联部副主任陈媛媛、大众慈善基金张倩玉、 孙晓霞赴新疆慈善总会洽谈妇女两癌(乳腺癌、宫颈癌)筛查项目。该项目意在为新疆地区的 贫困女性免费进行两癌筛查,以降低妇女两癌的发病率和死亡率。 9 月 22 日,总会在天泰宾馆召开“中华慈善总会成立 20 周年纪念会”新闻发布会,向媒 体通报总会 20 周年纪念会的相关活动。发布会由秘书长边志伟主持,常务副会长王树峰讲话 并回答记者提问,总会各部门代表以及近 70 家媒体记者参加。 9 月 23 日,中华慈善总会成立 20 周年纪念会在北京举行。第十一届全国政协副主席张梅 颖,民政部部长李立国、副部长姜力,总会第三任会长、终身荣誉会长范宝俊,民政部有关部门、

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全国各地慈善组织和社会各界的代表共 200 余人出席会议。民政部副部长姜力发表了热情洋溢 的讲话,对总会成立二十年来所取得的成绩予以充分肯定,并对慈善事业的发展提出希望和要 求。会长李本公作主题报告。结合本次 20 周年纪念会,总会对 2009 年以来在全国慈善会系 统中做出贡献的个人、单位、组织及项目进行表彰。 9 月 26 日,中华慈善总会新闻办主任刘芳和于洪悦参加由对外经济贸易大学商学院国际 经济伦理研究中心与瑞士驻华大使馆、中华慈善总会、商道纵横联合主办的“公益事业与包容 性发展”圆桌会议。主任刘芳介绍中国慈善事业的基本情况,并分享总会在对外慈善合作方面 的探索。 9 月 29 日,中华慈善总会外联部专员韩春霞陪同 LDS 慈善会代表 Miner 夫妇到天津参加 轮椅发放仪式并对轮椅的使用和培训进行检验。此次通过天津市慈善会发放 250 辆轮椅和 250 个助行器。

Sept 2-5 CCF Smile Train 2014 Summery Meeting was held in Guiyang. 32 provinces and cities sent their representatives to the meeting. Shufeng Wang attended the meeting and gave a talk. Jiayan Shao, Gongguang Chen and Xiaohui Ji from project department were present. Sept 3-4 Yuanyuan Chen and Xiaojia Liu of CCF foreign liaison went to China Charity Hospital (in Jiao Zuo) to participate the hospital project conversation in order to get a general idea about the implement and operation of the project so as to regulate the charity hospital. Sept 11 Shenshen Yang and Chunxia Han of CCF escorted LDS Mr. and Mrs. Miners to Beijing Social Welfare Institute distributing 100 wheelchairs and 100 walking aids and giving some using training check. Sept 17 Zhiwei Bian and Yuanyuan Chen of CCF, Qianyu Zhang and Xiaoxia Sun of Public Charity Fund went to Xinjiang talking about Screen Project of breast and cervical cancers with Xinjiang Charity Association. The project intended to give the two cancers inspection free for the impoverished women in Xinjiang so as to decrease the incident of the two diseases and their mortality rate. Sept 22 CCF celebrated its 20th anniversary foundation in Tiantai Hotel and held the press conference reporting to the media their related achievements for the 20 years. Zhiwei Bian hosted the press conference and Shufeng Wang answered the journalists' questions. Representatives of different departments and journalists from various media, totally 70 people joined the press conference. Sept 23 CCF held its 20th anniversary celebration in Beijing. Vice chairman Meiying Zhang of The 11th CPPCC national committee, Liguo Li and Li Jiang, ministers of MCF, Baojun Fan, the third term and honorary president of CCF and some other representatives from MCF and local charity organizations, totally 200 persons were present at the celebration. In Li Jiang's speech, the minister of civil affairs gave applauses to CCF's achievements in the 20 years, but he also put forward some suggestions and requests for China charity. Bengong Li delivered a theme report. The celebration conference also praised those individuals and units who contributed a lot to China charity since 2009. Sept 26 Fang Liu and Hongyue Yu of CCF press office joined the round table conference of Public Welfare and Inclusivity Development co-organized by Foreign economic and trade university graduate school of business, Swiss embassy, CCF and Syntao. Fang Liu introduced the basic information of CCF and shared CCF's experience with foreign philanthropic cooperation. Sept 29 Chunxia Han of CCF foreign liaison escorted LDS Mr. and Mrs. Miners to Tianjin

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attending the ceremony of wheelchairs distribution. At the distribution ceremony CCF-LDS Fund donated 250 wheelchairs and 250 walking aids via Tianjin Charity Association and gave some using training check as well.

2014 年 10 月 10 月 13 日,中华慈善总会监事会副主任董克林、外联部专员韩春霞与 LDS 慈善会 Miner 夫妇先后赴新疆兵团和青海参加轮椅发放仪式并对轮椅的使用和培训进行检验。通过新疆兵团 October 慈善会和青海省慈善会各发放 250 辆轮椅和 250 个助行器。 10 月 17 日,2014 年度特罗凯、安维汀慈善援助项目培训会在成都召开。中华慈善总会 秘书长边志伟出席会议并讲话。项目部主任邵家严、副主任胡野萍以及各省市慈善会领导、项 目负责人和有关工作人员共计 100 人参加会议。 10 月 21 日至 29 日,中华慈善总会外联部专员韩春霞陪同 LDS 慈善会代表 Miner 夫妇分 别赴恩施、邢台和赞皇参加轮椅发放仪式并对轮椅的使用和培训进行检验。通过恩施州慈善会、 邢台慈善会和赞皇慈善会共计发放 550 辆轮椅和 550 个助行器。 10 月 23 日,北京银行大爱基金启动仪式在北京银行大厦举行。北京银行与中华慈善总会 签署爱心捐赠协议,正式成立北京银行大爱基金。北京银监局调研员李晓洹,北京银行行长张 东宁,中华慈善总会会长李本公、秘书长边志伟等领导出席启动仪式。

October 13 Kelin Dong and Chunxia Han of CCF escorted LDS Mr. and Mrs. Miners to Xinjiang Production and Construction Camps and Qinghai distributing wheelchairs and giving some check on how to use them. The distribution donated 250 wheelchairs and 250 walking aids via Xinjiang Production and Construction Camps Charity Association and Qinghai Charity Association. Oct. 17 2014 Tarceva, Avastin Relief Project Training was held in Chengdu. Zhiwei Bian attended the training and gave a talk. Jiayan Shao,Yeping Hu and some leaders and responsible persons , totally 100 people were present at the training. Oct. 21-29 Chunxia Han of CCF escorted LDS Mr. and Mrs. Miners to Enshi, Xingtai and Zanhuang distributing wheelchairs and giving some check on how to use them. The distribution donated 550 wheelchairs and 550 walking aids via Enshi, Xingtai and Zanhuang Charity Associations. Oct. 23 The starting ceremony of Benevolence Fund sponsored by Beijing Bank was held in Beijing Bank Mansion. Beijing Bank and CCF signed the contract of philanthropic donation, thus setting up Benevolence Fund. Xiaohuan Li from Beijing Banking Bureau,Director Dongming Zhang from Beijing Bank, President Bengong Li and Zhiwei Zhangof CCF were present at the ceremony.

11 月 3 日,全球联合之路总裁布莱恩·加拉格尔、副总裁何塞·法诺、首席战略官埃文·霍 2014 年 11 月 克伯格等一行 5 人拜访总会,会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰、秘书长边志伟、外联部主任杨 November 申申接待。双方围绕着网络合作伙伴关系的确立及今后的发展进行讨论。 11 月 3 日,中华慈善总会筹募部主任苏辉赴河北省滦平县出席贫困母亲项目捐赠活动, 此次活动由贫困母亲救助项目联合爱心企业北京清大百奥奇生物科技有限公司共同开展,在河 北省滦平县捐赠了价值 100 万元的医疗器械设备,该设备适用于治疗缺血性脑血病管、颅脑损 伤、失眠症、神经衰弱和脑疲劳等病症。 11 月 4 日,中华慈善总会外联部主任杨申申、副主任陈媛媛参加全球联合之路和基金会 中心网联合主办的联合劝募公益发展论坛。该论坛从全球联合之路五大战略的概要介绍开始,

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延伸至对影响力投资、互联网众筹及机构治理等具体问题的深入探讨,以期探索利用社区资源 解决当地问题的有效策略。 11 月 6 日至 8 日,全可利项目 2014 年度工作会议在深圳市召开。中华慈善总会常务副会 长王树峰、项目部主任邵家严等出席会议,各省、市慈善会领导、发药员及全可利项目办全体 工作人员共计 65 人参加会议。 11 月 13 日,中华慈善总会会长李本公赴浙江省嘉兴市参加浙江现代慈善 20 年纪念(表彰) 会并讲话。纪念(表彰)会对浙江省第四届“十大慈善之星”以及第二届浙江慈善工作先进集 体和个人予以颁奖。浙江省慈善总会会长陈加元作浙江现代慈善 20 年主题报告。总会新闻办 公室主任刘芳陪同参加。 11 月 20 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰、项目部主任邵家严、副主任胡野萍会见 诺华公司全球项目总监 Tremblay·David 先生,新兴发展市场患者关系和公关传媒负责人 Wahlberg·Bengtaake 先生及诺华中国肿瘤事业部公关传媒和患者关系部相关负责人一行。双 方就格列卫项目的开展情况及未来发展方向做会谈。外联部专员韩春霞、格列卫项目办公室李 红娟陪同参加。 11 月 25 日至 26 日,中华慈善总会“慈善文化进校园项目”考察及座谈会在浙江省台州 市黄岩区举行。总会监事会副主任董克林、新闻办主任刘芳、专员于洪悦以及陕西省慈善协会、 台州市慈善总会、台州市黄岩区慈善总会、福建省福州市慈善总会、罗源县慈善总会和广东省 佛山市南海区慈善会等项目开展先进单位及媒体记者 20 余人参加。共同考察黄岩区实验小学、 实验中学、新前小学和院桥初级中学四所学校并组织座谈,对未来项目发展的设想和目标及项 目运行模式的改进和建议等多个问题进行讨论,积极探索青少年慈善文化教育的途径和方法。 11 月 25 日,中华慈善总会启动 2015 年度“慈善情暖万家”活动。“慈善情暖万家”活 动是由中华慈善总会牵头,并发动全国各地慈善会共同实施的一个大型慈善助困项目。该活动 于每年元旦、春节期间举行,旨在动员社会各界为基层困难群众和灾区受灾群众捐款捐物,使 他们能和全国人民共同度过一个欢乐祥和的节日。活动得到社会各界爱心人士以及中华慈善总 会“宝马爱心基金”“思利及人基金”等各方面的大力支持,并和全国各地慈善会在元旦、春 节期间上下联动、左右联手,将由中华慈善总会会长李本公、常务副会长王树峰、秘书长边志 伟分别带队,深入四川、贵州、辽宁等受灾和贫困地区走访慰问。

Nov. 3 UWW President Brian Gallagher, vice president Jose Ferrao and CEO Evan G. Greenberg etc. 5 persons paid a visit to CCF and welcomed by presidents Bengong Li, Shufeng Wang and secretary Shufeng Wang of CCF. The talk was centered round web cooperation partners and development afterwards. Nov. 3 Hui Su of CCF recruitment department went to Luanping County of Hebei province attending Impoverished Mother Relief Donation.The relief action co-organized by Beijing Tsingda Biological Technology co., LTD. and the Poor Mother Relief Fund. donated medical equipment worth RMB1000000.00 using for the treatment of such diseases as ICVC, craniocerebral injury, Insomnia, neurasthenia and brainfag. Nov. 4 Shenshen Yang, Yuanyuan Chen of CCF foreign liaison participated in United Recruitment Welfare Development Forum co-organized by UWW and Center Network. Starting with the UWW's Five Strategies, the Forum went on with influential investment, internet funding and institute management with the intention of solving the problems by the community resources. Nov. 6-8 2014 annual work meeting for Tracleer Project was held in Shenzhen. Shufeng Wang and Jiayan Shao and 65 other persons from provincial and municipal charity associations were present at the meeting. Nov. 13 Bengong Li of CCF went to Jiaxing of Zhejiang province attending Zhejiang 20th Anniversary Contemporary Charity Celebration and gave a talk. Ten advanced individuals

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and units were awarded the honor of "Ten Philanthropists". Jiayuan Chen of Zhejiang Charity Association gave the theme report and Fang Liu of CCF Press office was present. Nov. 20 Shufeng Wang, Jiayan Shao and Yeping Hu of CCF met Mr. Tremblay David, world project chief inspector of Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Wahlberg Bengtaake, chief of Patient & Public Relation of Emerging Market and responsible persons of Public Media and Patients of Cancer Department in China. Both sides had a talk about Gleevec project and its future. Chunxia Han of foreign liaison and Hongjuan Li of Gleevec project office were present at the talk. Nov. 25-26 Charity on Campus Seminar was held in Huangyan District of Taizhou, Zhejiang province. Kelin Dong from board of supervisors, Fang Liu and Hongyue Yu from Press Office and some charity association representatives from Shanxi, Taizhou, Huangyan, Fuzhou, Luoyuan County and Nanhai district of Feshan City as well as journalists, totally 20 persons were present at the seminar. Nov. 25 CCF 2015'Campaign-Charity Love Goes to Hundreds of Thousands of Households started in Beijing. The campaign led by CCF is a national anti-poverty program implemented by local charity associations. Every New Year and Spring Festival, the CCF would mobilize the society of all levels to conduct donations for the poverty-stricken areas and impoverished people so as to let them spend a happy new year and spring festival as the other Chinese people. CCF 2015'Campaign-Charity Love Goes to Hundreds of Thousands of Households was supported by many social philanthropists and entrepreneurs such as BMW Love Fund, SiLiJiRen Fund, Yuyin Fund, Tibet Culture Fund etc. In the course of the campaign, President Bengong Li, Vice president Shufeng Wang, General Secretary Zhiwei Bian of CCF respectively led the team to visit the disaster stricken areas, such as Guizhou, Liaoning and Sichuan.

12 月 1 日,中华慈善总会和中国农业银行在京举行“节俭养德全民节约行动——‘一张 2014 年 12 月 纸献爱心联名卡’启动仪式”,正式发行中国农业银行——中华慈善总会“一张纸献爱心”爱 心联名卡。中国农业银行行长张云、中华慈善总会会长李本公出席启动仪式并讲话。民政部社 December 会福利与慈善事业促进司副司长郭玉强、中华慈善总会新闻界慈善促进会执行会长兼秘书长徐 镱轩等出席启动仪式。 12 月 3 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛陪同 LDS 慈善会代表 Miner 夫妇、工程师 Henrie 夫妇前往延安验收饮水项目,该项目捐资 20 万元,通过引山泉水、修建水塔的方式为 当地的一所学校和社区约 1300 余人解决饮水难题。 12 月 5 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰参加由中央电视台举办的大型公益宣传活动 “CCTV 慈善之夜”节目录制,并为获奖嘉宾颁发奖杯。节目现场播出总会先心病救助项目受 助儿童的视频,并由总会新促会执行会长徐镱轩介绍总会“为了我们的孩子”“一张纸献爱心” 项目的实施情况及 2015 年计划。新闻办公室主任刘芳陪同参加。 12 月 5 日,中华慈善总会常务副会长王树峰与世界宣明会中国办事处总干事简祺玮在总 会会议室进行会谈。双方表明继续紧密合作的决心,并就平泉县“儿童为本、区域发展”项目 的发展方向以及具体事宜进行协商。项目部主任邵家严、副主任刘莹参加会议。 12 月 5 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛陪同 LDS 慈善会代表 Miner 夫妇和工程师 Henrie 夫妇赴河北赞皇考察饮水项目。该项目预计投入 30 万元,解决当地 800 名村民的饮水 难题。 12 月 8 日至 12 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛陪同 LDS 慈善会代表 Miner 夫妇 和工程师 Henrie 夫妇赴云南昭通验收 3 所学校的旱厕改水厕项目,并对鲁甸灾区援助的净水 设施进行实地考察。在昆明对2009 年开展的旱厕改水厕项目进行回访。此次项目验收及回访,

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发现项目使用效果非常好,后期维护到位,捐赠方非常满意。 12 月 9 日,春雨爱心基金联合安徽省合肥市慈善协会在合肥市举行贫困家庭救助发放仪式, 此次活动救助 100 位贫困母亲,发放救助金 10 万元人民币。中华慈善总会副会长李宏塔、筹 募部主任苏辉、春雨爱心基金执行主任冰华女士以及合肥市委市政府相关领导、合肥市慈善协 会领导共同参加救助发放仪式。 12 月 16 日,拜科奇项目模式调整培训班在北京召开,中华慈善总会会长李本公出席会议 并就拜科奇项目模式调整做专题讲话。总会项目部主任邵家严、拜耳医药保健公司中国总裁康 洛克以及 17 个地方慈善会的代表和项目办工作人员参加此次会议。会上对拜科奇新模式的调 整做介绍,各地区代表对新模式实施计划进行讨论和交流。 12 月 16 日,中华慈善总会外联部副主任陈媛媛陪同 LDS 慈善协会志愿者麦德华夫妇前 往太原参加轮椅项目发放仪式及受助者评估,并在当地慈善会领导陪同下到一位受助者家进行 探访。2014 年 LDS 通过总会向山西省捐赠轮椅 250 台和助行器 250 个。 12 月 18 日,中华慈善总会外联部专员刘晓嘉陪同 LDS 慈善协会志愿者麦德华夫妇前往 榆林参加轮椅项目发放仪式及受助者评估,并在当地慈善会领导陪同下到一位受助者家进行探 访。2014 年 LDS 通过总会向榆林捐赠轮椅 250 台和助行器 250 个。 12 月 19 日,民政部召开全国民政系统视频会议,贯彻落实《国务院关于促进慈善事业健 康发展的指导意见》,部署推动慈善事业健康发展的各项举措。秘书长边志伟代表总会出席会议。 12 月 23 日,中华慈善总会外联部专员韩春霞陪同 LDS 慈善协会志愿者麦德华夫妇前往 河北滦平参加轮椅项目发放仪式及受助者评估,并在当地慈善会领导陪同下到一位受助者家进 行探访。2014 年 LDS 通过总会向滦平捐赠轮椅 100 台和助行器 100 个,物资全部发放至贫困 及残疾个人。 12 月 24 日,中国慈善联合会在北京举办贯彻落实《国务院关于促进慈善事业健康发展的 指导意见》(下称《意见》)座谈会。中华慈善总会秘书长边志伟出席座谈会并就总会贯彻落 实《意见》的计划及对《意见》的认识和解读发表讲话。 12 月 25 日,中华慈善总会新版官方网站(一期试运行)(www.chinacharityfederation. org)正式开通并启动运行。这标志着总会在信息化建设道路上迈出坚实的一步。现开通的新 网站(一期),以展示总会相关新闻资讯和慈善项目为主干,以推广全国慈善会网络和弘扬慈 善文化为延伸,设有“总会概况”、“新闻资讯”、“慈善项目”、“会员网络”、“信息公开” 等栏目。2015 年新网站(二期)将开通在线捐赠及相关的信息公开等功能板块。

Dec. 1 Co-sponsored by CCF and Agricultural Bank of China, 1 Paper Love: the national thrift virtual act was started, issuing ABC-CCF 1 Paper Love Card. President Yun Zhang from ABC and president Bengong Li from CCF attended the opening ceremony and delivered important speeches. Yuqiang Guo from MCF and Yixuan Xu from CCF attended the ceremony. Dec. 3 Yuanyuan Chen from CCF Foreign Liaison escorted Mr. and Mrs. Miners and engineers Mr. and Mrs. Henrie from LDS to Yanan inspecting and accepting drinking water project. The project financed RMB200,000.00 to solve the problem of drinking water for a school and its community, totally benefiting 1,300 persons by leading mountain spring and building water tower. Dec. 5 Vice president Shufeng Wang from CCF participated in the program recording of CCTV Charity Evening and awarded those advanced philanthropists. The video of CCF's CHD Relief for Children was played on the spot of the Charity Evening. After that, Yixuan Xu briefly informed the attendance with "1 Paper Love" project and its 2015 implementing plan. Fang Liu from CCF press office was present as well. On the same day, Shufeng Wang from CCF had a talk with Qiwei Jian from World Vision China Branch in CCF meeting room. At the meeting, both sides expressed their determination of continuous cooperation and talked over

156 大事记 / Chronicle of Events some details of Pingquan regional development and the project's future. Jiayan Shao and Ying Liu of CCF joined the talk. Still on Dec. 5, Yuanyuan Chen from CCF Foreign Liaison escorted Mr. and Mrs. Miners and engineers Mr. and Mrs. Henrie from LDS to Zanhuang of Hebei province inspecting and accepting drinking water project. The project financed RMB300,000.00 to solve the problem of drinking water, totally benefiting 800 villagers. Dec. 8-12 Yuanyuan Chen from CCF Foreign Liaison escorted Mr. and Mrs. Miners and engineers Mr. and Mrs. Henrie from LDS to Zhaotong of Yunnan province inspecting and accepting dry-water toilets innovation project for 3 schools and the relief purified water device for Ludian stricken area. They also paid a revisit to dry-watering toilets innovation that was done in 2012 in Kunming. The inspecting-accepting visit and revisit found that the watering toilets worked effectively and maintained properly, thus won satisfactory from donors. Dec. 9 Cooperated with Hefei charity association, Spring Rain Love Fund distributed relief money to impoverished families. The relief ceremony this time released RMB100000.00 to 100 impoverished mothers. Hongta Li, Hui Su from CCF, Binghua Ren from Spring Rain Love Relief and leaders related to Hefei government and Hefei charity association joined the relief ceremony. Dec. 16 "Baike Qi Model Training Class" was opened in Beijing. Bengong Li from CCF attended the ceremony and gave a talk concerning the model adjusting. After the introduction of the Baike Qi model, representatives gave a heated discussion and communication. Jiayan Shao from CCF, Alok Kanti, president of Bayer AG and 17 representatives from local charity associations and project workers. Dec. 16 Yuanyuan Chen of CCF foreign liaison escorted LDS Mr. and Mrs. Miners to Taiyuan joining wheelchairs distributing and beneficiary evaluation. Accompanied by the local charity association officers, they called on a beneficiary. In 2014 LDS donated 250 wheelchairs and 250 walking aids to Shanxi Provincial Charity Association via CCF. Dce. 18 Xiaojia Liu of CCF foreign liaison escorted LDS Mr. and Mrs. Miners to Yulin joining wheelchairs distributing and beneficiary evaluation. Accompanied by the local charity association officers, they called on a beneficiary. In 2014 LDS donated 250 wheelchairs and 250 walking aids to Yulin via CCF. Dce. 19 Ministry of Civil Affairs held a video session in national civil affair system to carry out the State council Guidance on Health Development of philanthropy and promote China charity developing well. Zhiwei Bian on behalf of CCF attended the video session. Dec. 23 Chunxia Han of CCF foreign liaison escorted LDS Mr. and Mrs. Miners to Luanping of Hebei province joining wheelchairs distributing and beneficiary evaluation. Accompanied by the local charity association officers, they called on a beneficiary. In 2014 LDS donated 100 wheelchairs and 100 walking aids to Luanping via CCF. So far the wheelcharis and walking aids were given to impoverished and disabled individuals. Dec. 24 CCF had a talk about State Council Guidance on Healthy Development of China Charity. Zhiwei Bian gave a construe to the Guidance and explained the implementing details. Dec. 25 CCF official website (www.chinacharityfederation.org) was online, which is the only official website of China Charity and stands for a big stride for CCF's information construction. The newly online website takes CCF News and Projects as base and promotion of charity culture as extending business. The online website has such columns as Introduction to CC, membership, public information etc. In 2015 some newly online columns such as the online donation would be accessed to.

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鸣谢 Acknowledgements

在中华慈善总会成立二十周年之际,她已成为一家内部治理规范、救助范围广泛、 在国际国内具有较大影响力的全国性慈善组织。聚沙成塔,集腋成裘,社会各界的踊跃 捐献,托起了无数困难群众生命的希望。政府部门的有力支持、新闻媒体的积极推动、 合作伙伴的紧密协作、社会知名人士的热情参与也是我们再创佳绩的重要保证。在此我 们谨以千万受助者的名义向各方致敬! 慈善事业依然任重道远,我们期待着有更多的爱心人士与我们同行,共同为人类的 生命与健康、为了美好和谐的明天而奋斗!

On the 20th anniversary of its founding, China Charity Federation has become a national charity organization with regular internal, wide deliverance scope and great influence at home and abroad. Every little makes a mickle. Active contributions from all sectors of community make numerous people in difficulties regain the hope for life. In addition, government's strong support, positive promotion from medium, close collaboration of partners as well as celebrities' enthusiastic participation is also important guarantee of re-creating the new achievements. Hereby, we express our most sincere respect to units and individuals on behalf of millions of recipients. Philanthropy is still a long way to go, and we are looking forward to having much more caring people with us to strive together for human life and well-being and better, harmonious tomorrow.

158 鸣谢:公众、合作伙伴 / Acknowledgement: the Public and Partners

159 中华慈善总会 / 2014 年报 China Charity Federation

总会联系方式、账号 Contact Way and Account Number of China Charity Federation

人民币捐款账户 开户单位:中华慈善总会 帐号:1102 0101 04000 8379 开户行:中国农业银行北京金融大街支行

外币捐款账户 开户单位:中华慈善总会 账号:778350015925 开户行:中国银行总行营业部(北京市复兴门内大街1号)

邮局汇款账户 中华慈善总会地址:北京市西城区二龙甲路33号新龙大厦七层 邮编:100032

RMB Bank Account Account Name: China Charity Federation Bank Address: Agricultural Bank of China, Beijing Financial Street Branch Account Number: 1102 0101 04000 8379

Foreign Currency Bank Accounts Account Name: China Charity Federation Bank Address: Bank of China, Head Office (No.1 Fu Xing Men Nei Street, Beijing, China) Account Number: 778350015925 Swift Code:BKCHCNBJ

Mail Payment Remittance To: China Charity Federation Address: 7th Floor Xinlong Building, 33A Erlong Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China, 100032

中华慈善总会 CHINA CHARITY FEDERATION 地址:中国北京西城区二龙路甲33号新龙大厦七层 Address: F7, Xinlong Bldg, 33A Erlong Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 邮政编码(Post Code): 100032 电话(Tel):+86 10 66083260 传真(Fax):+86 10 66020903 邮箱(E-mail):[email protected] 网址(Homepage):http://www.cszh.mca.gov.cn http://www.chinacharityfederation.org